The recent drug bust made by a Joint Services operation led by CANU.
President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday at the launch of the National Defence Institute.
Commending the joint servicesoperationsledbythe CustomsAnti-NarcoticsUnit (CANU) in the recent drug bustinRegionOne,President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday madeitclearthatGuyanawill continue to work with its partners to destabilise and breakthebackofallcriminal networks operating in the country
The Head of State made thesestatementsatthelaunch ofthecountry’sfirstNational Defence Institute, which was held at the Arthur Chung ConferenceCentre.
During his address he said,“Thebustisnottheend of the matter, we have every intentioninworkingwithour partners to destabilise and
breakthebackofallcriminal networks especially in drug trafficking operating within our territorial space and airspace. We have already asked and we are ready to work with our partners once we are given the assets, and oncewecansecuretheassets to deal with all the over flights that are passing over our airspace, we are ready to workwithyouindismantling the global empire that drug tradehascreatedbutweneed thatsupport.”
The President noted that thepartnershipisnotonlyfor Guyana but for every nation, stakeholders due to the fact thathowthetradeischanging becauseofpricesand
Amid growing concerns over the management of Guyana’soilsector,themain Opposition, People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) said if more robust effortsaretakentostampout c o r r u p t i o n a n d incompetence, every citizen would be able to enjoy a better standard of living from the country’s natural resources.
Speaking to Kaieteur News recently, Economist andoilandgasadvisortothe p a r t y E l s o n L o w acknowledged that Guyana washeadingdownaslippery slope with the general management of the oil sector, making specific reference to the many allegations that have surfaced recently including the award of a contract to monetise the country’s gas resources to a one-year-old company Fulcrum with no proven track record in the business. Stakeholders have also raised concerns about
the lack of a Petroleum Commission, which has virtuallyleftthesectorinthe hands of Vice President, BharratJagdeowhohasbeen bogged down by allegations of corruption. Low said the government is not doing enough to build a post-oil economyasthereisnofocus on productivity and technologicaladaptation.
However,Jagdeotoldthe medialastThursdaythatthe investment the government is currently making in infrastructure will prepare the country to sustain its economy after oil has been exhausted.
The Minister of Natural Resources recently disclosed that the projects currently producing may very well be exhausted before 20 years given the ramped-up production by operator of the Stabroek Block ExxonMobil. Following the disclosure, it was a concern voiced by citizens;whatwillhappento
Guyana after oil is finished. This publication asked the VPif when oil is exhausted, will Guyana continue to borrow loans to finance the country’s development like theyaredoingtoday?
Saying that the question should be posed to the Opposition, Jagdeo questioned, “So you are saying,don’tbuildthepower
plant now, don’t build the other infrastructure now?...
Cause a lot of this infrastructure that we’re putting in is not just a social nature (but of an) economic nature.” He explained that the power plant will facilitate lower rates for electricityandwilltherefore create the atmosphere to move further into the
Frompage2 demand. “And Europe is being severely impacted so all of us have a joint responsibilityandassmallas we are with the limited resources, we have you can beassuredthatwearetaking our responsibility seriously and any information, any information sent that is available to us we will go after it to the best of our ability, every single operation has to be dismantled,”Alisaid.
Further, he said that the r e c e n t d r u g b u s t , demonstrates Guyana’s resolve to combat narcotics trafficking and protecting thenationfrombeingusedas atransshipmentpointforthe movement of illicit substances Speaking to those directly involved in thisillegalactivity,President Ali warned, “To those who mayhaveanambitiontouse Guyana as a transnational point for the movement of illegal substances let me be clearwewillcomeafteryou withthefullforceofthelaw, wewillnotallowourcountry to be used for criminal activityandwewillproceed thosewhoseektodoso.”
“We are committed to dismantling any cells which mayexistlocally,headded.
Kaieteur News had reported that a JointServices team led by the CANU on Saturday
unearthedapproximately4.4 tons (4,400 kilos) of suspected cocaine, which has a current street value of US$188 million at a nearby illegal airstrip at Matthews Ridge. Neatly stashed, the cocaine was found buried in four hand-dug pits which averaged five to six feet deep, covered with tarpaulins,woodsthensome bushes. Speaking of the successful seizure, Director of CANU, James Singh told media operatives at the site thatthiscouldnothavebeen d o n e w i t h o u t t h e collaboration of the Guyana Defence Force’s (GDF) Special Forces Unit, the United States Drug EnforcementAgency(DEA) and the government through the Ministry of Home Affairs.
He said the operation is oneofmanythattheywould haveconductedoverthelast fivemonthswiththeGuyana Defence Force playing their part in helping to identify illegal airstrips within the country and monitoring them. “In this case, we were lucky in the sense that we wereabletostrikeattheright time, whereby we were able toseizethedrugsbeforethey weretransshippedtoanother further location,” Singh said noting this is an ongoing investigation.
Singh explained that the airstrip which was found,
was not one that has been gazetted by the government andsoitwasbuiltwithplans to accommodate small aircraft bringing several kilos of cocaine outside of Guyana here. Noting that severalcampswerefoundin close proximity of the airstrip, the CANU Head mentioned, “The fact that this amount of drugs were found in several locations means it was waiting for the transshipment,soit’snotlike it came here to go, they are waiting for the opportune momentthatiswhyIsaidwe were very successful in not justinseizingbutdetectinga new concealment method and idea as to how big the networkis.”
It was highlighted that the seizure of the drugs was the second phase of the operations, with the first phasebeingthediscoveryof a quantity of fuel just a few days ago at the location. In hisbriefcomments,Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn yesterday said this operation is perhaps the largest ever seizure on land to occur in Guyana “It exemplifies and identifies thatwehavebeenworkingat this problem continuously, that we are aware of certain flights to certain places illegally The government andofcourse,theenergyand interest of President Irfaan Ali, we are putting in much
manufacturing sector
Building more farm to marketroadsandprocessing facilities like tissue culture labs will allow for further progression of the agriculture sector “So you havetoplanforthedaywhen oil is no longer available or does not generate the same sort of income that it will generate say about three years from now because we arenotatpeakrevenuefrom oilasyet,”headded.
Low however told this publication that, “The government is definitely not doing enough to build an economy that provides the kinds of high paying jobs Guyanesewoulddesireafter the oil economy has waned. Therehasnotbeenafocuson improving productivity, the adaption of technology and increasing human capital. Withoutthisapproach,there will not be high-paying jobs regularlygenerated.”
reserves are far larger than the PPP’s declared reserve, so there should be every expectationthatGuyanawill be able to produce oil for an even longer period than currently projected The government is hiding these reserves to justify its narrativethathighersalaries areimpossibleandtogiveit a n e x c u s e t o overwhelmingly focus on infrastructure This only serves to f
itate corruption via procurement fraud in large infrastructure projects.”
Theeconomistexplained that Equatorial Guinea whichisperhapstheworld’s mostcorruptedcountryhasa
whopping 75% is being spentofcapitalprojects.
resources and many persons into getting onto this situation, we will continue this fight, we are happy of course that we have the United States Drug and EnforcementAgencywithus sharing information and intelligence and backing us up on issues which have occurred from time to time but that this fight will be a long one,” the minister related.
Questioned whether this operationmightbeexecuted by foreigners, the Minister told the media that an operation of this kind could not have been done without localhelp,“butofcourse,we think this is a major operation being done by persons in neighbouring countries and investigations are underway.” Following the recovery of the 4,400 blocks of cocaine from the pits on Sunday, samples were taken by CANU ranks for testing and then later destroyedatthesite.
Low also believe that thereshouldbegreaterfocus on strengthening the education sector to ensure students receive the highest qualityeducationratherthan failing key subject areas in droves. He said this should be combined with skills training and support for smallbusinessestodrivejob growth.
On the issue of the possibility of the oil be exhausted in 20 years, Low said, “It is totally inappropriate for the government to talk about exhaustingoilreservesin20 years when it is clearly actively hiding them from the Guyanese people
Repeated disclosures from Stabroek block partners demonstrate that Guyana’s
Looking at the situation in Guyana with the huge focus on infrastructure he believes the government is headedinthesamedirection. Though it may be the concern of many that Guyanamayenduplikeour CARICOM sister Trinidad Low stated that, “there is no comparison b
Guyana and Trinidad Trinidad only produced 3 billion barrels of oil in a century long legacy of oil production and Guyana will be producing far more than that in a shorter space of time.
The idea that Guyana couldenduplikeTrinidadis a myth that must be discarded Rather, our country is wealthy enough that if we avoid corruption and incompetence, we can give every Guyanese the standard of living they deserve.”
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Foryearsthisnewspaperhassoughtanswersregarding howmuchoilExxonMobilisdeductingforitsoperationsas per the lopsided Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) GuyanasignedwiththatAmericancompany
It was refreshing to see International Lawyer, and activistsMelindaJankiraisingthisissueatarecentwebinar, whereshementionedthatshehadsoughttheanswertothis very question from President IrfaanAli several years ago, butreceivednoanswer Article11.9ofthePSAstates:“The Contractor shall have the right to use in any Petroleum Operationsasmuchoftheproductionasmayreasonablybe required by it therefore and the quantities so used or lost shallbeexcludedfromanycalculationsofCostOiland/or CostGasandProfitOiland/orProfitGasentitlement.”
However, the country does not know how much oil is beingtakenoutbyExxontorunitsoperations.Jankiduring a webinar on Sunday pointed out, “The Petroleum AgreementsaysthatExxon,HessandCNOOCcantakeas much oil as they need for the operations. So when they produce the oil, they can take, each one of them, Exxon, HessandCNOOC,eachoneofthemcantakeasmuchoilas theysaytheyneedfortheiroperations.”In2021,Jankisaid shewrotetoPresidentIrfaanAlirequestinginformationon how much oil was being deducted by the companies; however,sheneverreceivedaresponse. Shesaid,“Either hedoesn’tknoworhedoesn’twanttosay,butthisoildoes not get counted, it’s just gone and the rest of the oil is dividedintocostoilandprofitoil,soifyouthinkoftheoil, you have got three things- one, the free oil that’s taken off thetop,wedon’tknowhowmuchthatisanditdoesn’tcount andthentherestoftheoilwhichisdividedintosomething calledcostoilandprofitoil.”
Itmustbenotedthatallotheroilproductionrelateddata have been made public by the government including how much gas was flared, used for fuel and re-injected, along with the quantity of produced water, however when it comes to how much ExxonMobil is deducting for its operationshasbeenastatesecret.
It is the same carefree approach that has been taken regarding putting our own meters at the oil pumps being operated by ExxonMobil in order to monitor offshore oil production.Soweasktodaywhichleaderwouldbeableto looktheGuyanesepeopleintheface,andsaythatthereisno movetogetmeterstokeepExxonMobilhonestwithactual oilproductionnumbers,butthebestisbeingdone? Whatis itthatweatthispaperdonotknowthatcanjustifyhavingno meters of our own to monitor what ExxonMobil is doing offshore?
Inthebestofcircumstances,whenthereisapartnerthat hasproventobeonethatiscredible,achancemaybetaken in Guyana not having its own meters looking out for us, barrelbybarrel.ItisironicthatthePPP/CGovernmenthas suchdiscomfort,somanyanxieties,withcitizensclamoring for better from the nation’s oil patrimony, but it does not manifestasingleconcernaboutwhatExxonMobilcouldbe doing in the oil fields 120 miles from shore, and those in controldon’tknowthewholestory. Whatcouldbemadeof thisstandard? CoulditbethattheGovernmentofGuyana, oftheGuyanesepeople,isinbedwithExxonMobil,andthe tricksthatitispullingonthiscountrywiththeamountofoil produced? Whoareleaderslisteningto,beingcoachedby, inslowingdowngettingvitalmeters?
Whatthegovernmentanditsleadershipteamaredoing doesnotmakesense,norgivemuchcomfort,whenthereis clearawarenessofthekindofoperatorthatExxonMobilis. The history of this American supergiant is one that is checkered,anditsown recordshaveoftenputittoshame, beforeregulatorsandthecourts. Righthere,ExxonMobil has been a prime exhibit of the partner from hell. ExxonMobil has been about anything and everything that richlybenefitsitself,andwhatsuffocatesthepromiseofthis country Startingwithanoilcontractthatisunspeakable,so reprehensible it is, ExxonMobil has been about pulling
, Peaceful Guyanese are convinced that the relevant authorities are only lip servicing the noise nuisance issueinthiscountryandthat this problem will not die a slow death, nor eradicate completely, nor even experience a noticeable reduction.Onthecontrary,it seems as if the music was “pumped”uptodeliberately aggravate the public, challenge the monitoring authoritiesandalsocompete withproviderstooutdoeach other and “show off” their musical supremacy with mode
As the agitators of the irritating perfectionists climbahighercrescendo,the cyclic effects of those responsible for creating this environmental catastrophe, have taken a toll for the worse,andnow,thepublicis beingattackedandtheirlives endangered by these despicable perpetrators
Take for instance the once peaceful village of Leonora on the West Coast of Demerara in the shriving Region 3. While Region 3, thanks to an ever-assiduous President Irfaan Ali, has been earmarked to ably assist in engineering the infrastructural growth of the country and augment the modern landscape of the beauty of this land with an economicthrustinthegasto shore viability, there has beenadownsidewithlegally challenged activities
Accompanying this enthusiasm is the affluence ofwelcomingvisitorsandat the said time, unfortunately, theinfluenceofunwarranted demerits.
Over the weekend, as noise revelers continue to party in the streets of Leonora during the haunted timeofafter3o’clockinthe weehoursMondaymorning, students who have to wake up and go to first day at school from the summer holidays and workers who
have to go to work early in the morning, were unable to grasp a good night’s rest because of the holistic noise nuisance. When the bars and night clubsdidfinallycloseafter4 AMinthemorning,someof the party merry makers did not venture directly home butconveneinthestreetata nearby food stall which is conveniently located to accommodatethespillovers and indulge the party mood. With the loud music, lewd conversationandthunderous laughter in their drunken state,theirlawlessbehaviors left nothing for a naked imagination A disturbed, distraught and devastated residentdaredtowitnessthis obscene scene from the safety of his yard and was immediately subject to a barrageofcurses,insultsand threats to his life and property When the menacing aggravators realized that a picture was taken to capture the rowdy incident, they immediately
, Dr. Deokinanan Sharma, a Trinidadian, passed away last week. Sharma-ji was former head of NCIC (National Center for Indian Culture or Diwali Nagar) of Trinidadthatheledformany years; his name and Presidency was linked with the organization. He was a remarkable individual, passionate about promoting Indian culture. His sense of self-discipline and personal sacrifices for promoting Indian culture has always been his guiding principles.
When NCIC faced challenges on funding, Dr. Sharma did so with resilience, pride, and determination without kowtowingtopoliticians.He was an endless source of inspiration for many He inspired his organization to stand up to state marginalization and discrimination (under both African PNM and Indian UNC administrations) with dignity when seeking funds for its many cultural programs, including Diwali Nagar and an Indian
everytrickinthebooktogetoneoverGuyana. Agenuine partnerdoesnotoperateinthisgreedymanner,notevenin the cutthroat world that is about skimming secretly, and profitingperverselyattheexpenseofthosewhoarecalled partners. ExxonMobil has gone to great lengths to gouge Guyaneseoftheiroildollars,astheUS$7.3billionauditof Liza 1 and 2 projects has revealed. The US millions in expensesclaimedarenotaboutwhatisfrivolous,theyreek ofwhatiscovetous. Fromcontracttoexpenseshiddenand audits,thereportsareofapartner,ExxonMobil,thatseeks everyopportunitytoswindleGuyaneseoutoftheiralready lowoilrevenues.
In a context such as this, it is unimaginable, therefore, that the Guyana Government (any government), and Guyana’s leaders (any leaders anywhere) could be so casual, so irresponsible, in getting our own meters to monitor the flow of oil from the seabed through the company’ssystems,andtothestoragetanks. Whateverthe cost of getting our own meters, it would be money well spent,andtheearlierthattheyareboughtandinstalledthe better for Guyana. There would be our own metering system,andourownpeopleoverseeingfirsthandhowmuch oil is passing through the pipes and lines, not some secondhand, probably trumped up, numbers from ExxonMobil.
closedupshopanddroveoff. A minute after, the very resident’s home was stoned with beer bottles as the culprit (s) attacked the residentfromthesidestreet.
The shocked resident frantically summoned the police for help. The female policeofficerwhoanswered the frightened caller, promised to dispatch the patrol. Credit must be given to the operator because the patrol car came within 10 minutes, surprisingly But then, readers wouldn’t believe what happened afterwards. The patrol car arrived,stopbythefoodbar for less than 15 seconds and drove off Not a single officer came out to investigate the scenery, approach the caller who made the complaint, visited the house for damages, find outiftherewasanyinjuryor to search the area for the vandals!
IsthistheGuyanawhere lawabidingcitizensandtax
museum. And he as well as NCIC cooperated with and provided solidarity with Guyaneseonahostofissues as well as providing a platform for Guyanese to espouse their views. Ravi Dev, Baytoram Ramharack, this writer, and other Guyanese spoke at NCIC at variousconferences.
Therearefondmemories of remembering Dr Sharma at countless interactions at NCIC headquarter, occasionallyathisresidence, and at many public events. I was fortunate to meet and interview Dr Sharma multiple times in Trinidad overtwodecades.Heinvited me countless times for the annual Diwali Nagar I attended the marquee event almost every year over the last couple decades, as did manyotherIndo-Caribbeans from the diaspora. Diwali Nagar was always a sight to behold with its brilliant, spectacular lighting and attractive cultural programmes, singing dancing,acting,drama,other forms of entertainment, rituals, pomp, ceremony, delicious cuisine, and prizewinningfunactivities.
Dr Sharma worked closely with several G u y a n e s e t o p l a n conferencesandseminarson Hinduism and social issues a n d a t t e n d e d o u r presentations He also
attended lectures of Jagan when the latter visited Trinidad to solicit support forrestorationofdemocracy in our homeland He sympathized with the strugglefortherestorationof democracy in our homeland and provided empathy during the period of the ban on imports of food and religiousitems.
Dr Sharma was also known as a promoter of Indo-Caribbean cultural unity He brought Indians from around the region and from around Trinidad to NCIC headquarters for the annual Nagar in October Keynote speakers of the annual Diwali Nagar came from around Guyana (like Dr.Vindya Persaud) and the regionandotherspartsofthe diaspora And he had encouraged Guyanese and otherIndo-Caribbeanpeople to transplant the Nagar with their own version in their territories.
The Indo-Guyanese and Indian diaspora honor and celebratetheremarkablelife and legacy of this outstanding cultural leader Dr Sharma was a true, cultural leader who had a profound impact on the Indian community He was not just a leader of NCIC (National Center for Indian Culture) but a source of inspirationtootherIndians
, With reparations in the U S beginning to gain traction, CARICOM needs topaycloseattentionandact with a sense of urgency
Many U S reparations
initiatives call for compensatory justice to the
descendants of the aggrieved. I would argue
that the CARICOM Reparations Commissions (CRC) current ten-point plan for reparatory justice (caricomreparations org) does not explicitly and unequivocallycallfordirect monetary compensation to
the descendants of Caribbean slavery and colonisation. For context, the CRC’s ten-point plan includes 1) Full formal apology, 2) Indigenous peoples development programmes,3)Fundingfor repatriation to Africa , 4) The establishment of cultural institutions and the returnofculturalheritage,5) Assistanceinremedyingthe public health crisis, 6) Education programmes, 7)
The enhancement of historical and cultural knowledge exchanges, 8) Psychological rehabilitation
as a results of the transmission of trauma, 9) The right to development through the use of technology, and 10) Debt cancellation and monetary compensation. Practically everything in this ten-point plan is an indirect benefit that would not make a significant or lasting impact on the everyday life of descendants of Caribbean slavery and colonisation. I implore you to read the tenpointplaninitsentirety Whatwasthepurposeof slavery and colonisation?
Simplyput,thepurposewas for the intentional maldistribution of land, wealth, and resources from the slave/colonised to the slave owner/coloniser
When we look at the CRC’s ten-point plan, it does not a d e q u a t e l y a n d unquestionably address this maldistribution Our ancestorswereenslavedand colonisedtogeneratewealth for Europe through their forced labour That wealth continuestobepasseddown generation after generation, while the descendants of Caribbean slavery and colonisation are mostly passed down poverty generation after generation. Look at the economic disparity between countries in Western Europe (victimizers) and countries of the Caribbean (victims). Virtually all economic deprivationintheCaribbean can be directly linked to European slavery and colonialism.
The root word of reparations is repair To repair is to fix, amend, or makegood.Howdoyoufix, amend, or make good to the descendants of Caribbean slavery and colonisation? You either give back what wastakenorcompensatefor it.Whatwastakenfromus? Ignoring the psychological, emotional, and spiritual aspects, we were robbed of land, wealth, and resources.
The descendants of Caribbean slavery and colonisation need to be financially compensated for whatwastakencenturyafter century, in addition for the atrocitiescommittedagainst ourancestors.Anythingelse is just “putting lipstick on a pig”.
I want you to imagine that you weren’t paid any wages from your employer for an entire year despite working. Similarly, imagine that you dropped dead tomorrow Would a full formal apology (point #1) from your employer to your kidsbesuitableforyou?I’m positive you would want your kids to be financially compensated for your year of working. Likewise, how does education programmes (step #6) benefit our elders, like my 98-year-old grandmother, or those who decide to opt-out of traditional education? In point #10, debt cancellation a n d m o n e t a r y compensation, the CRC further states “…and direct monetary payments where appropriate ” This is vague and not distinct enough. Furthermore, every point, excluding #1 (full formal apology) requires CASH MONEY It makes more sense to just give descendants of Caribbean slaveryandcolonisationdirect cash payments Though I understand the spirit of the CRC’sten-pointplan,itwould be nonsensical and irresponsibletonotclearlycall for financial compensation to every descendant of Caribbean slavery and colonisation Weneedtohold theCRCaccountabletopush for compensatory justice. We may only have one opportunity for reparations andweneedtomakesurewe get it right. We owe it to our ancestors and our progeny to be uncompromising in this demand.
Treasure Beach, Jamaica
The decision by the EPA to not do an environmental impactassessment(EIA)for the establishment of a waste treatment / processing facility at Coverden is a serious misstep. There is nothingtolosebyhavingthe assessment completed, but
much to gain by doing so. CRGcallsupontheBoardof the EPA, the Ministry of Health and both sides of the aisle of the House of Parliament to insist on having the EIA completed for this oil and gas sector waste processing project Thehealthofourpeopleand their environment is of utmost importance. Health before wealth! Without health, wealth is of little to novalue.
Sincerely, Mr.JamilChanglee Chairman
T h e C o
Frompage04 in the diaspora. Dr. Vindya Persaud, President of Guyana Dharmic Sabha, praised Dr. Sharma’s leadership of NCIC when shewasthefeaturedspeaker delivering the keynote addressattheNagarin2016. She thanked him for unwavering dedication to the Indian community and thetirelesseffortsofhimself and the organization in o r g a n i z i n g a n d institutionalizing cultural events
As she noted, his organization brought people togetherandtreatedleadersof organizations with utmost respect Thisorganizationhas helped Indians and others to understand and appreciate Indian history, civilization, andculture
His vision and dedication liveonthroughouractionsand continued commitment to the causeshehelddear
Dr Sharmadidnotdabble in politics, but he supported Winston Dookeran who remainedwithANRRobinson inthesplitwithPanday’sULF in 1988 But Dr Sharma supportedBasdeoPandayand theUNCincludinghisandthe party’s rise to government in November 1995 However, Dr Sharma was disappointed withallegationsofcorruption andthesplitbetweenPanday
and Ramesh Maharaj in 2001thatledtothedefeatof theUNCinsnapelectionsin Decemberthatyear.
Sharma supported and praised Kamla’s leadership in 2010, including her challenge of Panday for leader of the party, but became disappointed in aspectsofgovernanceandthe stench of corruption In private,Sharmawascriticalof Kamla for holding on to leadershipofthepartyafterher
defeatin2015andforstaying on as leader in spite of recurring defeats in elections. Sharmaexpressedconfidence that under new, credible leadership,anUNCledunited opposition will comfortably winthe2025elections
Dr Deokinanan Sharma’s legacy will stand as an example to all of us to persist in our immersion in Indianculture.
For over a decade Ravi Dev has been the foremost intellectual author of Federalism in Guyana. Just recently,heagain,amidstthe debate on democracy and autocracy, wrote another letter entitled “Integrating One Guyana” (Kaieteur News September 3, 2024).
Raviseemstobelievethatby having “federalism” in Guyana, all of our problems willbesolved.
He wrote “Locked in conflict for six decades, Guyana is a country like a bearcaughtinatrapandcan only eat away its trapped footinadesperateattemptto free itself. Even though at last our leaders concede possible incommensurable clashing values in our culturally plural society, theyrefusetoconsiderforms of governance such as federalism to head off conflictwhileyetintegrating our society “Federalism” seemstoinvokepartitioning Guyana while it is simply anotherwayofintegratinga country with “deep divisions”–firstexploredby theUS.”.
Here,Raviseemstowant to give credibility and authenticity to “federalism” by indicating it was the United States which first exploredthisidea.
Ravi then offers his “coupdegrāce”bystatingin the final paragraph of his letter “While there will be many expressions of
diversity, from a political perspective, we have seen thatinthepostmodernworld ethnicity has become the most widespread one, leadingtoseverestrainsand this seemingly inevitable and intractable conflict b e t w e e n nationalism/ethnicity and democracy It combines kinship (the basis of ethnicity) and consent (the basis of democratic government) into politically viable entities through constitutionally protected arrangements, involving territorialandnon-territorial politics. This is the central need of politics in Guyana. In the modern world where groups, especially ethnic g r o u p s , h a v e n o t disappeared into some sort ofmélange,andtherearefar more groups in the world than countries, federalism performs a sociological function by simultaneously facilitating the integrity of various groups and their input into the political system.
Thus, federalism combines the seeming contradictory impulses present in all societies, but accentuated in plural societiessuchasGuyana,the need to be united (the principle of solidarity – and sharedrule)andtheneedfor groupstoliveauthentically–(theprincipleofautonomy–self-rule).
Ravi Dev is not only a lawyer but he founded a
politicalpartyRiseOrganise and Rebuild Guyana (ROAR) For younger Guyanese who do not know Ravi Dev, ROAR was established as a political party in 1999, and was the first party in the country to describe itself as being ethnicallybased.RaviDevis an Indian nationalist whose true colors are again shown in his recent article in the Guyana Tomes (14 July 2024) entitled “Of Slave CatchersandArkatis”. Ravi believes in Indian supremacy and that Nigel Hughes is here to split the IndianvotesothePPPwould lose.
But let me address the twofundamentalissuesRavi Devisaddressing.Indirectly and subliminally, Ravi Dev is addressing the issue of “democracy versus autocracy” raised by Dr Ramcharran (“Shades of Autocracy”).
Additionally, Ravi Dev is arguing for “federalism” when he knows it would be the most racist form of governance Gyana could even implement given our history of slavery, indentureship and winnertake-alldivisivepolitics.
Ravi Dev knows the voting history of Guyana as well as the fact thatAfrican Guyanese are mainly in Region 4 and Region 10. Regions 1, 7, 8 and 9 are dominated by Amerindians. Indo-Guyanese dominate Regions 6 and 5 and to a
larger extent Regions 2 and 3. The table below shows theareasofeachofGuyana’s 10Regions.
In essence, according to Ravi Dev, Amerindians, wouldbeinpoliticalcontrol of 31, 872 5 sq miles coveringRegions1,7,8,and 9), while African would control 7,008.3 sq. miles (Regions 4 and 10) and Indians would control 19, 494.6 sq. miles (Regions 2, 3,5and6).
Beyond this, Region 4 has the largest population in Guyana (40%) and the least resources.
The 473,000 Africans who died to build Guyana would control the least resources and the most densely populated area while Amerindians who supported the Dutch and English in their “crimes against humanity” would control 67.5% of Guyana although they are less than 12% of the population and areaswiththemostminerals.
Africans, according to Ravi devshouldhavesufferedthe most, been excluded the most and now should be given the least under his apaan jaat promotion of “federalism”. Never mind thattheIPCChasconcluded Georgetown will be under water by 2030 because of rising oceans due to climate change.
Secondly,letmeaddress the issue of “democracy versusautocracy”thatseems tohavegottensomefolksto react indignantly and ferociously
In 1763 when Cuffy rebelled in Berbice, Guyana was an autocratic state In 1823 when Quamina rebelled in demerara, Guyana was an autocratic state In 1838 when Damon rebelled and ledapeacefulmarchagainst colonialism, Guyana was an autocraticstate.
Guyana’s winnertakes-all system makes it a de facto autocracy since an Opposition Party with 49% of the votes cannot change a single dot in the budget or participate in the social and economic development plans of the countryoreveninfluenceits foreignaffairs.
Autocracy is in Guyana’s DNA, and we have not found a constitutional and governance architecture
still looking for its Lew Quan Yew
It is interesting that Ravi Dev’s article is again pushing the “One Guyana”theme
One Guyana for whom? We all know the answer as GHK Lall’s articles daily destroy this racismagendaoftheBritish Guiana Coloni
Scheme of 1919 where GuyanawasofferedtoIndia asacolony
divided nation he has ever visited and that the Leaders do not want to change
The US, European Nation and most countries that have looked at Guyana know that the winner-takeall system is about racial subjugation and division Divideandrule.
Ravi Dev and his team of racial entrepreneurs need to stop promoting this vision of a more divided Guyana under “federalism” using the oxymoronic theme of ‘OneGuyana’ OurIndependencemotto is One people, One Nation, One Destiny Apolitical sloganof“OneGuyana”,for that is what it is, is about further division under the magnificent masquerade of unityandintegration.
payers have to accept mediocrity in absence of professionalism? Certainly, thisisnotthetypeofservice advocatedbytheMinistryof Home Affairs who has recentlyhighlightedcurbing crime and corruption
Should we be questioning the effectiveness of trained investigation?
Region3iscrownedwithan efficientandqualifiedPolice Commander Should there beanyinsinuationtoamplify a n y a s p e r s i o n i n retrospective reflection in the work and duty of subordinates?
The frustrated villager called the station again and was promised the return of the patrol car At the time of writing, he and his wife are inLaLaland.
They went to the police stationat5:30amonlytobe
greeted by an office without light to cushion the lone sleeping policeman at his desk! Annoyed by being disturbed from his beauty sleep, the poor guy took the complaint’s report, h a p h a z a r d l y a n d halfheartedly in a less than compassionatemanner
So much for empathy You can safely not even thinkaboutapology
There was no printer availablesothereportcould not be printed to be signed. Does this spell out the oppositeofbeingorganized? How about being prepared likeascout?Thisiscertainly a d e f l e c t i o n o f misappropriated positive attitude.
A second visit in the latter part of the day to sign the report was an intrusion, notexcursion,infutility The adamant clerk partially
shouldered to execute this simple exercise, decided to makethecallthatshehadto leaveandcouldnotfacilitate the“cumbersome’request.Is the police station definitely one of those Government agencies who wish the publicwouldmindtheirown businessanddonotencroach on the privacy of such a privilegedpremise?
That’s the nightmare not only of frustrated citizens in Leonora, but also other outposts and stations. Don’t let’s discuss unanswered callsfromthepolice.
Theprideanddignityof many proud police officers bear, in performing their exceptional duties, is overshadowed by the shady accomplishments of the remainingfew
Isorisn’tthereroomfor importing important i m
impeccable improvisation?
How belittling is this to the CommissionerofPolicewho hasanoutstandingrecordfor disciplineandduediligence?
Wi l l t h e n o i s e nuisance be resolved with immediate remedial application? Why are bars allowed to be licensed in the middle of a residential area as is the caseinLeonora?
Why are bars allowed in close proximity to schools and churches as in Leonora? Why are bars and night clubs allowed to open whole night as in Leonora?
Why are food stalls allowed to do business whole night contributing to noise nuisance, health insanity, environmental problems and rowdy gathering, as in Leonora? Why are drunk drivers
allowed to operate their vehicles after drinking in bars, as is in Leonora?
Why are the streets dominated by customers of barsallowedtoparktheir cars whole night, creating traffic hazards while blocking side street entrances and residents’ entrances,asinLeonora?
Why are patrons from bars allowed to advertise their privates and add to public obscenity as in Leonora?
Why are customers from bars allowed to urinate in the streets and onpeople’spremisesasin Leonora?
Why do all the relevant agencies allow a monster to develop right under their eyes and nosesasinLeonora?
Why do hapless residents have to feel helpless as in Leonora? Why do Guyanese feel that some are above the lawasinLeonora?
Why don’t all the relevant authorities take the bull by its horn as is not the case in Leonora Who is really protecting who and against what and why, as in Leonora? It’s time Guyanese wake up and smell the coffee and unite to fight this o p p r e s s i o n a n d depression Leonora needs help, badly Any volunteers?
Why are peaceful citizens not allowed to enjoy a good night’s rest as in the case of Leonora? Why are people left unprotected and exposed to danger from criminals, asisthecaseofLeonora?
Yoursrespectively, JaiLall
A 20-year-old
Accounts Clerk on Wednesday appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court after shewaschargedwith24 counts of larceny in connection with the alleged theft from Beepat’s,aretailstoreat 100-101 Regent Street, L a c y t o w n , Georgetown.
Jimmacie Jacobs who resides at Lot 17 UnityStreet,LaGrange, West Bank Demerara (WBD) is accused of stealing a total of $16,765,
27 from Beepat’s between September 2023 and August 2024. She appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty who read the charges to her in which she pleaded notguiltytoall.
According to police statements presented in court, Jacobs was hired by Beepat’s as an accounts clerk on February 8, 2023 Her duties included managing onlinepayments to suppliers andserviceproviders.
Accounts Clerk at
On August 23, 2024, it was discovered that Jacobs allegedly had used her personal login credentials to access the store’s accounting system and transferred funds fromBeepat’sbankaccounts to her own personal account on 24 separate occasions between September 21, 2023,andAugust8,2024.
Following the discovery, a report was filed, leading to an investigation Jacobs was arrested, informed of the
allegations, and admitted to transferringandwithdrawing the stolen funds. She was subsequently charged with theoffenses.
During the court proceedings, Jacobs’ attorney, Latchmie Rahamat, requested bail, emphasising her client’s young age and lackofpriorconvictions
The prosecutor did not oppose the bail request Consequently, bail was granted at $800,000 per charge Jacobsisscheduledto return to court on September 25,2024
The decomposed body of 57-year-old Anthony Kissoon was found in his Hadfield Street apartment on Tuesday afternoon,policehaveconfirmed.
The discovery was made by the man’s cousin Frederick Kissoon.Policesaidthatthemanlivedalone.“Accordingto the cousin, the deceased complained of feeling unwell on severaloccasions,andonthedayinquestion,hewenttovisit him, and as he entered the deceased’s yard, he detected an unpleasantodour,”policesaidinapressrelease.
Hemadehiswayintotheapartmentandthedeceasedwas observed lying on the northern side of his bedroom floor unresponsive. As standard procedure, the police and the emergencymedicalserviceswerecontactedandthemanwas pronounced dead by a doctor attached to the Georgetown PublicHospitalCorporation.
The scene was processed by a team from the Criminal Investigations Department Headquarters Crime laboratory and an examination of the body revealed that there were no signs of injury Kissoon’s body is currently at the Memorial GardensFuneralHome,awaitingapost-mortemexamination whileinvestigationsareongoing.
In Guyana, one finds a curious paradox that might amuse, bemuse, or even confound the casual observer: the bourgeois class, the very group whose fortunes have been pulverized by successive governments led by the People’s National Congress (PNC), the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), and the A Partnership for National Unity+AllianceForChange (APNU+AFC) coalition, continues to be one of the staunchest supporters of these very parties. It’s a paradox wrapped in the finestsilkofself-interest,yet embroidered with the threadsofpoliticalinsurance that often unravel at the worstpossiblemoment.
The bourgeoisie class seems to have mastered the art of playing both sides of the political divide. Their wealth affords them the privilege of straddling the fence, financing the ruling
People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPPC) while simultaneously sliding thick envelopesintothepocketsof the main opposition parties. This strategy is steeped in the pragmatic logic of ensuring one’s survival regardless of which party emerges victorious. But it speaks to a deeper, more cynical understanding: elections are not about principles but about preservation.
Thisdancewithpolitical duality, however, comes with a cost—a cost that the bourgeoisie appears all too willing to pay For all their cunningandcalculation,this c l a s s s u f f e r s disp
y whenever the opposition partiestheysupportrefuseto acceptthedemocraticwillof the people, plunging the countryintouncertaintyand economic turmoil Yet, despite the bruises and battering they endure under such regimes, this class
s e e m s u n a b l e o r unwilling to break free fromthiscycle.
It’s a tale as old as time, or at least as old as modern democracy Thebourgeoisie, the very engine of the economy, finds itself in the peculiar position of being both the puppet and the puppeteer They pull the strings by funding political
campaigns, securing favours,andcurryingfavour with whoever sits on the throne But when the opposition those same parties whose coffers they have filled chooses to disregardtheresultsofafree and fair election, it is this class that suffers the most.
Businesses falter, investments dry up, and the economy teeters on the brink. Yet, like the moth to theflame,theyreturntotheir destructive dalliance come the next election cycle, envelopesattheready
Onemightarguethatthis behaviour is not unique to Guyana.Inmanypartsofthe world, the wealthy and the powerful hedge their bets, ensuring that they maintain influence regardless of whichpoliticalfactiongains power But in Guyana, the situation is especially stark. The country’s history is replete with examples of how political instability, often stoked by opposition
partiesunwillingtoconcede defeat, has led to economic hardship And it is the bourgeoisie those who have the most to lose—that endsuppayingtheprice.
Yet, this class seems almost oblivious to the lessons of history Or perhaps they are simply too entrenchedintheirways,too accustomed to their strategy of playing both sides, to changecourse.Theyseemto believe that by spreading their wealth across the political spectrum, they can insulatethemselvesfromthe consequences of political upheaval.Butthisbeliefisas fragile as it is misguided. The reality is that when the political system is thrown into disarray, when the legitimacy of the government is called into question, it is the bourgeoisie’s investments, businesses, and properties that are the first to feel the impact.
Thereisacertainironyin thissituation.Thebourgeois class, which prides itself on its shrewdness and business acumen,continuallyactsina mannerthatisdetrimentalto its own interests They support parties that have historically undermined the very stability and economic growththattheyrelyon.And when these parties, once again, disrupt the political order, the bourgeoisie finds itself scrambling to protect its assets, to mitigate the damage that it helped to cause.
Yet, despite this, there is little doubt that when the next election rolls around, the same envelopes will be prepared, the same
Beggars, Begging, and the Beggaring of Guyana
Dem boys seh beggars multiplying like rabbits in thiscountry Yuhcyahwalk down de road without somebady stretching out a hand But here’s the kicker dem beggars might just be showing us a sneak peek into our future. Yuhsee,wetinkwesitting on a goldmine with all this oilbusiness,butlemmetell yuh,ifwedon’tfixthatoil contract, we might all be beggarstoo.
donations made, and the samestrategyemployed.For in the minds of the bourgeoisie, political insurance trumps all else. It is a hedge against uncertainty, a safeguard against the vagaries of electoral politics. But it is also a trap, one that keeps thisclasslockedinacycleof self-inflictedharm.
This paradox is not lost onthekeenobserver
The bourgeoisie’s actions, while seemingly rationalintheshortterm,are ultimately self-defeating Theyaretrappedinaloopof theirownmaking,onewhere the pursuit of political insurance leads to greater instability, which in turn necessitates even more
insurance. It is a cycle that can only end when the bourgeois class realizes that its true interests lie not in playing both sides, but in supporting the principles of democracy and the rule of law
Until that realization dawns, however, one can expecttheenvelopestokeep circulating, the donations to keep flowing, and the cycle tocontinue.Thebourgeoisie will continue to straddle the political divide, financing both the PPPC and the opposition in the hope of securing their place in the sun But as history has shown, this strategy is fraughtwithperil.Forinthe end, it is not just the economy or the political
systemthatsuffers—itisthe bourgeoisie itself, caught in aparadoxofitsownmaking, that bears the brunt of the fallout. And yet, come the next election, the envelopes willbeready,astheyalways are, a testament to the enduring, if ultimately selfdestructive,logicofpolitical insurance.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Dem boys seh we heading down a slippery slope, borrowing money likeitgrowingontrees,just to patch up de mess we making. We paving roads today,andbytomorrowwe begging China, IDB and anybody who listening fuh loanstofixwhatwebroke.
Dem oil dollars ain’t enoughtocoverdebill,and soonwegonfindweselfin a deep hole, begging just like dem on de street corner
Degovernmentrunning fast, putting up buildings, bridges and paving roads fuh de oilmen. Butt who gonpayfuhalldedamage? Dem fellas drilling here, diggingthere,andwhatwe getting outta all this? A couple dollars that can’t even fix de damage fuh servicingdeeoilindustry
But yuh know how it go—who ain’t hear gon feel Right now, dem leadersturningablindeye, smiling like all is well, while we digging we own grave. When de oil done anddebillscomedue,dem samebeggarsweseetoday gon be looking like de lucky ones. Dem boys seh, we better wake up before we all end up on de street, hat in hand, begging fuh a lilchange. Or worse yet, begging fuh forgiveness from de generations who gotta deal with de mess we leave behind. Talkhalf.Leffhalf
The Latins gave us the immortaldemortuisnilnisibonum (of the dead nothing but good is to besaid). Icompletelyagree. Why tarnish those who have moved on, even when they may have left less than the best in their wake. In the instanceofGuyana’smostrecently departed attorney general and minister of justice,, it will be extremelydifficult,atestforme.
I congratulate PresidentAli for his extraordinarily effusive tribute toaGuyanesenownomore. Ialso congratulate the Hon Attorney General, Mr Anil Nandlall, for his ringing eulogy of the fallen According to both Dr Ali and Mr Nandlall, he was an illustrious son of this terrible soil that sows such grand substances into the DNA of itschildren,livinganddead.
True, we must herald to the heavensourheroes. Buttheymust be heroes through and through, no matter how flawed, especially when the going is at its most perilous. For what is a hero, if whenthedayisgrimandthehouris tragic,that,likeAchillesofGrecian lore, he sulks in his tent, takes himself out of the reckoningin the hourofgreatestchallenge.
The PPP has made a living, madeakilling,andafinelypurring global machinery of elections rigging for the 28 long years that they lasted in the first long, uninterruptedseason. Andifthere is one area of governance and democracy in this country about which the PPP is 150% or 1000% right, it is rigging. Memory is fadednowadays,butifIremember well,therewasaman,astalwart,an effervescent and irrepressibly luminous presence, around those riggingproceedings. Itwouldhave taken an infant or the infantile in adultsnottohaveknownwhatwas at work, and what were the results of that harrowing era in Guyana’s history
Before proceeding, I would be the poorest example of inconsistency, maybe even stifled honesty,ifIdidnotextendahandof recognition to PPP General Secretaryandformerheadofstate, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo for wisely and majestically holding his peace in this instance of cascading and coruscating applause for the departedone. Sometimes,themost scintillating eloquence is silence, andIbelievethatMr Jagdeooutdid himself by not saying a single word.
Wecannotcontinuetocondemn Burnhamandsparetheothers. Any other Why, even former president David Granger came in for his blows about his role around ballot boxeswhenhewasayoungsoldier So, if LFS Burnham, Hammie Green, and David Granger are hauled barefoot over the incandescent coals and scalded with an inch of their respective departed and ongoing existences, then the least that there can be is some consistency in this time of hushed tones and solemn syntacticalsweetness.
Iwillrecognizeanymanforhis achievements, and the fallen former Attorney General and Minister of Justice had many achievements laced with dazzling splendor Insteadofcomingdown heavily on him for sharing and participating in, and then condoning, a great fraud and tragedy on Guyana, I simply say that if the run of the PNC was cut short, and in which he ranked so highly and powerfully, then where wouldhehavebeen.
What would he have been able toleverage,useashiscallingcard, to reach the heights that he did, since there would have been
nothing? CheddiJagan’sdispatch into the political wilderness certainly paved the way for the ascendancy of many a man and womanofGuyana.
On the back of rigging, some ended up riding a stairway to a heaven of their own making, the product of their ambitions, and of neither hearing nor seeing nor knowing. I am trying to be kind here because it is the dearly departedinvolved. Iacknowledge itisastruggle. Butthereisaweat the distinctive genius it takes to represent two sides in a subsidiary deal,whichstillresultsinthehome side coming up short. How’s that for extraordinary skill and craftsmanship?
It’swhythereisaspecialregard for President Ali and Attorney General Nandlall and their easy conscience with what they have made a custom to condemn 24/7.
To denounce the outcome is one thing, but I suppose that death spares those who were once in the middle of its celebrations, while their countrymen and women languished wherever they could findsuccor
Almosthalfthepopulationlost to emigration. Almost all the best
and brightest lost in the flight of precious human capital. It is why Guyanaisthecountryitistoday It providesevidenceofthequalityof whatisleft,withwhichthereisthis great, endless, seemingly futile grappling that leads nowhere but shoutingineachother’sfaces.
Thus, as surprising as it is, and stilted, if not overdone, as the tributes appear to be, it is still a positivetoheartheliltingcadences ofthosepracticedinthefineartsof filtering circumstances for their own purposes, and saying what suitsthemoment.
No matter how much such clashes with was raged about uninterruptedly If it were not for death, then what would be left for us to discover the better angels inside. Toamangone,aGuyanese of standing, perhaps some peace and profoundness will be his whereverhelands. Heusuallydid. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
The government will continue working to ensure that mining at Marudi Mountain, Region Nine continues safely and sustainably
This is according to the Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat who was engaging the RupununiMinersAssociation (RMA) at the mining site in the Rupununi District on Friday
During the meeting, minerssharedtheirconcerns, queries and comments, centred around creating an enabling environment for business operations The minister’s visit was also prompted by concerns, regarding the impact of the operations at Marudi on nearby Amerindian communities However, he e m p h a s i s e d t h e government’s commitment to responsible mining practices that benefit all stakeholders.
Before 2020, the Marudi mining site experienced a period of closure due to environmental concerns and financial constraints Upon assuming office, the government facilitated the restart of small-scale mining in the area, providing necessary permits and approvals, and addressing issues related to illegal miningthere.
“There is no issue with mininginMarudi Theonly issue we have in Marudi is that our miners need to work together, and to start cooperatingwitheachother andtostartsupportingeach other,” the minister asserted He continued, “We always saidthatifminingisgoingto happen in Marudi, it must benefiteveryone,including the indigenous people, including the villages in Deep South. We agreed thatoncewerestartmining
in Marudi, it will be done
To this end, he urged the minerstotakegreatercareto prevent waterway pollution and continue engaging with the local communities to better incorporate their feedback Approximately 40 minersarecurrentlyinvolved intheoperationsatMarudi In response to several other persons,theministersaidthat thegovernmentwillexamine the possibilities, keeping in mind the importance of ensuring that the activities areconductedsafely
“What I can promise you is…if more women want to go and mine, then we will support it. The womenwhoarehere,ifyou wanttoformalittlegroup,a little association, call yourself the Rupununi W o m e n M i n e r s
Association… we may be able to assist you with land tominebutIcan’tpromise youthatitwillbeMarudi,” the natural resources minister stated Minister Bharrat emphasised the importance of mining to Guyana, noting that it is the second-highest contributor toGuyana’sGrossDomestic
Product (GDP). The sector employs approximately 30,000 Guyanese, and the natural resources minister explained that its lucrative nature prompted the government to restart these operationsinMarudi.
“Region nine needs some kind of economic activities, especially in the Deep South, but it must be doneproperly,”hesaid
He added that Region Nine is one of the fastestgrowing regions in the country, and the mining operations at Marudi contributesignificantlytothe region’s economic activity, fuelling its growth The minister also disclosed that elections for the next leadership cohort of the R u p u n u n i M i n e r s Association (RMA) will be heldnextmonth.
Meanwhile, Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, said that the government will also examine ways to improve gold recovery in the area Several community leaders, including the Toshao of Aishalton Village, Timothy Williams,andToshaoCharles Simon from Awarewaunau, were also present at the meeting
The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) said on July 10, 2024, its Vascular Department successfully performed an emergency repair of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) – a historic achievementfortheVascular Surgery team and the hospital.
This is only the third successfulsurgeryofitskind in the history of Guyana, underscoring both the rarity andtheexpertiseinvolvedin such high-risk procedures, theGPHCsaid.
An aneurysm is a localised enlargement or bulging of a blood vessel, most commonly an artery, due to a weakness in the vessel wall When this occurs in the aorta – the largest artery in the body, responsible for carrying blood from the heart to the restofthebody–itbecomes particularly concerning. A ruptured AAA has a 65% mortality rate before the patient even reaches the hospital, and for those who survive the journey, the survivalratedropsby1%per minute. Even among those whomakeittotheoperating
The patient surrounded by doctors following the successful surgery
room, only 50% typically survive.
These daunting statistics highlight the extraordinary nature of the recent achievements at GPHC, where the Vascular Surgery team,undertheleadershipof ConsultantVascularSurgeon Dr. Carlos Martin, has successfully performed lifesaving surgeries on three patientswithrupturedAAAs over the past three years.
This accomplishment is a testament not only to the team’s exceptional surgical skills but also to the hospital’s efficient emergency response system and the dedication of its clinicalstaff.
Dr Martin emphasized that before 2021, patients in Guyana suffering from ruptured aortic aneurysms were only offered palliative care, as this complex intervention was not available locally A major investment in specialized suppliesfortheseprocedures was made by the hospital’s administration, enabling theselife-savingsurgeriesto beperformed.
The most recent case involved a 56-year-old man who was transported from
theinteriorregionofGuyana to GPHC’s Accident & Emergency Department, where he was resuscitated and stabilized. The patient p r e s e n t e d w i t h a haemoglobin level of 7g/dl andhadlost5litresofblood. During the emergency surgery, a large infra-renal aortic and common iliac artery aneurysm with free rupture was encountered The surgery, which lasted 8 hours, was a success, thanks to the coordinated efforts of the surgical and clinical teams.
Dr Martin expressed his gratitude to the hospital’s administration and the clinical teams for their critical roles in the management of this patient, emphasizingthatthesuccess of such a challenging case required seamless teamwork. The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation remains committed to advancing healthcare in Guyana and providing lifesavingmedicalinterventions toallinneed.Thislandmark achievementbytheVascular Surgery team is a reflection of GPHC’s ongoing efforts to elevate the standards of careintheregion.
Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall SC has warned that the Government is looking into the illegal sale of State lands by councillors of Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) and otherlocalauthorities.
During a segment of his weekly ‘Issues in the News’programme on Tuesday night, Nandlall, said the government is aware of some NDCs councillors selling public lands illegally Nandlall explained that NDCs are not allowed to rent or sell
public lands without express permission from the Minister of LocalGovernment.
AccordingtotheAG,theselands includeanystateorreservelandsthat fall within the area under the management of the NDC. And any councillor renting or selling land is doingsoillegally
“Information received is that NDCs are selling lands, and councillors themselves are buying the lands ...So, it intends to take serious action in the coming days,” Nandlall said. The AG emphasised
thatanyunsanctionedrentalorsaleis illegalandboththebuyersandsellers areengaginginfraudulentactivities. Nandlallissuedapublicwarning todefaultingcouncillorsandbuyers. Ifthewarningisnotheeded,hesaid: “Actionswillstarttounfoldinafew days. So, the government will refer such arrangements to the Police so that the buyers and sellers can be prosecuted The AG emphasized that any unsanctioned rental or sale is illegal and both the buyers and sellers are engaging in fraudulent activities ”
The Amerindian community of Phillipai in RegionSevenwillsoongeta secondary school building which will be constructed through the government to thetuneof$275,230,000.
M a r k i n g t h e commencement for the constructionoftheschoolon Tuesday was Minister of E d u c a t i o n , P r i y a Manickchand and her team.
During her visit to the community, the minister engagedresidentswhereshe addressedtheirconcernsand discussedthepositiveimpact the new school will have there.
This publication understands that the new school is set to be a modern educationalfacilityfeaturing three key blocks housing HomeEconomicsandVisual Arts (VA) classrooms, designedtoprovidestudents with practical and creative learning experiences. It will have also a well-equipped library, offering a vital resource for research and study, eight classrooms with essentialsanitaryfacilitiesto ensure a comfortable and hygienic environment for students, among an administrative space and sickbay
It was reported by the ministry that already an initial mobilization amount of $82,569,000 has been allocated to commence the construction of the school. The project which will be undertaken by contractors Prored Resources and it is anticipated to be completed withineightmonths.
Approximately 240 students are set to benefit from Phillipai and surrounding areas which include villages like Amokokopai, Klaimalu, Wayalayeng, Chimanapai, Emoikeng,Chinoweing,and WaxCreek.
During her meeting with the resident, the minister e m p h a s i z e d t h e
government’s commitment to accessible and quality education through various initiatives, including the SchoolFeedingProgramme, which ensures that students receive nutritious meals to supporttheirlearning.
“We introduced the School Feeding Programme because we want to make sureyourchildrenlearn.And we researched, and our researchsaysthatyoucannot learn on an empty stomach. Sometimes parents find it hard and we know that. We started it in the mid-2000s when we were a heavily indebted poor country, and eventhen,wegavehotmeals to Amerindian villages. Not Georgetown, but the Amerindianvillages,andwe became a model for the world.TheWorldBankused usasacountrytoshowother countries how they can do that successfully,” the Ministerexplained.
Kaieteur News reported that the Phillipai Secondary is one of several secondary schools the Ministry intends tobuildinthehinterland.
It was reported that currentlytheDCCaesarFox Secondary School in Waramadong is the only secondary school in the UpperMazaruniDistrict.
InadditiontoPhillipai,a new secondary school will be built at Jawalla Village andwhencompleted,thetwo schools will help to ease the overcrowding at the DC Caesar Fox Secondary School.
It was also reported that this year the Ministry of Education was allocated some $74.4B, a portion of which will be used for the construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenance ofeducationalfacilities.
This newspaper reported that the Ministry has embarked on an aggressive programmetoensurethatthe nation’schildrenhaveaccess tosecondaryeducation.
Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand on Tuesday turning the sod for the construction of the Phillipai Secondary School in Region Seven.
Minister Manickchand engaging resident of Phillipai Village.
Although Guyana is faced with the decline of gold declaration, with this year decreasing by 10 3 percent when compared with the previous year, the Government ofGuyanahasreportedthatthe sector is projected to grow by 2.1percentin2024.
AsattheendofJune2024, gold declarations stood at 188,160 ounces with the 35.3 percentincreaseindeclarations from the lone large producer, undermined by lower declarations from small- and medium-scale producers, according to the Ministry of Finance Mid-Year Report “Declarations from the latter fellfrom159,084ouncesinthe first half last year, to 119,603 ounces at the end of June this year,” the Mid-Year Report stated.
To this end, within the first threemonthsof2024,theBank of Guyana (BoG) reported that gold declaration fell to 89,845.8 troy ounces, when compared to the same period last year It was stated that the dip in the gold declaration was mainly due to lower declarations from small- and medium-scale miners by 24.2 %. It was explained that the lower declaration is as a result of prolonged dry weather which made access to water limitedinmanyminingareas.
d by approximately 209,000 troy
Notably, it was stated that the sole large-scale operator, Aurora Gold Mine Inc. (AGM), Zijin Mining’s, recorded an increase in declarations by 5 2%, which resultedfromcontinuedfavourable performance in their underground miningoperations. InGuyana’sgoldindustry,there has been a noticeable decline in declarations over the past several years. Kaieteur News hadreported that from 2019 to 2023, gold d
ounces, according to the BOG annualreports.WithGuyana’sgold declar
y approximately209,000troyounces over the past five years, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo had expressed the Government of Guyana’sconcernaboutthistrend.
He had warned that strict penalties would be imposed on those found guilty of under-reporting gold declarations to evade taxes and royalties. Jagdeo said at one of his previous press conferences, “We arestillveryconcernedaboutwhat is happening in the market,” adding, “We believe that there are people that are not selling to the Gold Board to avoid taxes and we believe at that time that it was organisedandthatitwashavingan impact.”
Furthermore, gold smuggling results in a loss of royalties and
taxestothecountry Forthepast20 years, Guyana has been receiving either 5-8% royalties from gold operations.
Meanwhile, recently six Brazilians were arrested by the joint services and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) for illegal mining in Guyana.
In a press release, the Guyana Police Force had said that the six Braziliannationals(fourmalesand two females) were arrested for illegalminingintheAmatukPotaro River,Region8.
DAYS LIKE DESE - a local Guyanese sitcom returnstoTVfromSaturday for 13 half-hour episodes.
GEMSTheatre Productions, saidinapressrelease
GEMS Theatre in collaborationwithNCNTV, will be presenting the popular TV sitcom ‘Days like Dese’, on NCN TV 11 from Saturday, September 7 at 17:00hrs with a repeat broadcast on Monday, September 9 at 09:30hrs for Season4.
Each Saturday for 13 weeks, there will be a new episode and repeated on Monday of Season 4 Seasons 1 to 3 were previously aired from 20182020. There was an absence of the sitcom over the COVID years. Thirty-nine (39) episodes of the sitcom previously aired are availableonYouTube.
Actors in Season 4 are RonRobinson,MarkKazim, Nathaya Whaul, Shenadia Ferrier, Linden Whaul, Safira Abrahim-Williams, Makaya Smith, Aletha Grant, Simone Dowding, Mark Luke-Edwards, Rajan Tiwari,TieannaJordan,Kirk Jardine,MelissaMorganand BrandonSingh.
In Season 4, we see the Rupaulfamilyenjoysomeof the recreational sights of Guyana and visit to our Ancient County. Grandpa Rue takes his adopted grandson on a tour of Georgetown to see the last sites of our garden city before it is overtaken by development. DavidRupaul is promoted and he and family moved to their own home and gets a new housekeeper David meets up with his longtime police friend, Jack, who returns from the interior and wants togetbackwithhislongtime girlfriend, Maybelle, who was David’s family housekeeperandwhoisnow GrandpaRue’shousekeeper JackandMaybellelosttouch witheachother
David and Susan hire a newmaid.UncleSunnygets a new ‘girlfriend’ and is seriously together into big
time farming Episode 4 e x a m i n e s f a m i l y togetherness and good relationships between all members of a household.
The growing tension between Venezuela and Guyana and the Rupauls reaction to this situation and its effect on them and their patriotic commitment to their country are discussed throughout the sitcom. In dealing with the Venezuelan situation in the sitcom, the Rupauls aim to educate its
audience and give them a clearer understanding of the situation.
The sitcom is written by Kirk Jardine and Gem Madhoo and directed by Gem Madhoo-Nascimento. It has been made possible with assistance from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Health, German’s Restaurant, Readymix Concrete Ltd, Sterling Products Ltd, EPA, GRA, GPL, IPED and Sankar’sAutoWorks.
The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)hasrevampeditsProfessionalLearning Institute (PLI) to provide capacity developmentandtrainingforeducatorsacross the region CXC traditionally offers teacher orientationandtrainingworkshopstoacquaint educators with its diverse qualifications, particularly the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) syllabuses.
In a press release CXC said the training offered via the PLI is intended to be collaborative in nature where CXC will work strategically with development partners, teachertraininginstitutionsandvocationaland professionaldevelopmententities.Amidstthe suite of training and professional development offerings, are demand driven courses. On 3 September, CXC launched a special course, Digital Education Practitioner (Level1)whichwillbeavailableviatheCXC Professional Learning Institute online platform, pli cxc org This course was developed in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Learning with whom CXChasaMemorandumofUnderstanding.
“We are expanding confidently into new territory with the Digital Education Practitioner(Level1)course,givenourover50 years of experience in assessment”, affirmed
Dr EduardoAli,thePro-RegistrarandDeputy CEOofCXC “With this credential, more of our Caribbean teachers can gain the competencies and confidence to deliver digital content to our students of today, in moreengagingways”,addedDr Ali.
TheDigitalEducationPractitioner-Level 1 is an introductory asynchronous online course designed to equip educators and educationalpractitionerswithessentialdigital skillsandcompetenciesnecessaryforeffective teaching, learning and assessment in digital educationalenvironments.
The course further focuses on developing digital identities and mobilising digital resourcestoenhanceeducationalpracticeand learning This course will allow educators acrosstheregiontostudyatanaffordableprice, at their own pace, for the six to eight hours requiredtocompletethecourserequirements.
Itisthefirstinaseriesofupcomingcourses thattheCouncilwilldelivertoaideducatorsin the development of their skills to enhance teachingandlearninginboththephysicaland onlinespace
Thiscourseisbeingmadeavailabletothe regional Education and Training system through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth of Learning Interested participants can register online at https://bitly/pli-digital-ed-1
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
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Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).
One House Maid to work in Providence area. Call: 6248591.
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2 Storey house, 3 bedroom upstairs & Downstairs business area at 41 Howes St, Charlestown. Call : 223-4099 / 731-0202.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
House for rent in Eccles.
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One (1) electrician for Eccles Call 615-9132 or 645-8443.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
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Room Attendant, Desk Clerk, Supervisor and Receptionist 23-45 Years old. 233 South Road. Call: 225-0198.
Vacancy for the night handyman and a Domestic/ Maid. Call: 638-6816.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
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Guyana has reached a significant milestone with the launch of the National Defence Institute (NDI), a brainchild of President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces said the aim is to make the NDI a ‘centre of excellence’ in defence, security, and development studies in Guyana and the Americas.
This important institution will play a key role in building capacity and expertise within the nation’s security architecture, offering world-class training to stakeholders locally and regionally. The defence institute was launched on Wednesday, at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC).
In his keynote address, the head of state said the initiative is part of a holistic approach aimed at protecting Guyana’s interest and safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
“From the moment we gained independence, we were subject to threats to our territorial integrity. These challenges have demanded a continuous focus on the defence of our nation. Defence is no longer an option. It is an essential requirement for all those who will play a role in
Launch of the National Defence Institute.
Need a bus or planning an outing. Call Matthew bus services & tours, Surniname/ Braz. WhatsApp: 639-2663/ 673-2348.
shaping our national defence and security architecture,” he said. The president stated that the institute will not only focus on academic research, but it will produce action plans and analyses on an array of threats and challenges facing the region. Additionally, the defence institute will conduct quarterly reviews on regional issues such as migration patterns and organised gangs that seek to destabilise societies. “We want this to be the premier intelligence, defence, and security agency in the region. We want this institute to be the institute that will be training all our strategic thinkers in defence and security,” the president asserted. Moreover, significant focus will also be placed on
disaster preparedness and response, as well as the impact of climate change on the lives of the citizens of Guyana and the Caribbean. Key focus will also be placed on cyber-security, security risk profiling and gang profiling within Guyana and the Caribbean region. A diverse range of individuals will benefit from training, including Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of various agencies and those involved in management and decision-making positions.
“Defence is everyone’s responsibility, security is everyone’s responsibility, and that is why there will be some strategic forces and strategic certificates that are designed to help CEOs, to help the private sector…Guard against various threats that we will
confront,” the head of state further underlined.
Meanwhile, Chief of Defence Staff, Brigadier Omar Khan, said the institute will serve as a beacon for strategic thought and action and will support Guyana’s national development. NDI’s Director, Dr Randolph Persaud and Assistant Director, Dr Seon Levius also delivered remarks, outlining the key focus and importance of the institute.
The institute will be linked to the Regional Security System (RSS), the National Defence University in Washington D.C. and the William J. Perry Centre for Defense and Atmospheric Studies. The NDI will be housed at the University of Guyana (UG). (DPI)
Police on the East Coast Demerara are investigating the death of 54-year-old Deryck Sattan-Persaud, also known as “Chowmein Man,” who was found unresponsive at Fourth Street, Cummings Lodge, East Coast Demerara, on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. According to the police, a 64-year-old brush cutter op-
erator was working in the area around noon on Tuesday, when he was approached by a man known only as “Leo.”
Leo reportedly asked for assistance in removing Sattan-Persaud, whose upper body was embedded in the grillwork of a fence.
Upon arriving at the scene, police and emergency
services found SattanPersaud unresponsive. A doctor from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation later pronounced him dead at the scene. The Crime Laboratory team from CID Headquarters processed the area as investigations continue.
The body of SattanPersaud, who resided at Lot
102 Second Street, Industry, East Coast Demerara, was taken to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, where a postmortem examination will be conducted. Police are currently searching for the man known as “Leo,” who may hold vital information regarding the incident. The investigation remains ongoing.
The Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) has announced its sponsorship and endorsement of the inaugural Caribbean Content Creators and Influencers Summit, produced by Anna Media & Entertainment Network.
Mature man, loving and generous seeks female for friendship, ages 25-40 Years, WhatsApp: 1-246-835-6908.
This event will take place from October 3-5, 2024, at the Ramada Princess Hotel in Georgetown, Guyana, the GTA said in a press release. The summit aims to bring together leading content creators, influencers, industry professionals, and policymakers from across the Caribbean to foster collaboration, share knowledge, and promote the region’s digital economy.
By aligning with this event, the GTA seeks to leverage the power of social media and digital content to
increase tourism to Guyana. The Caribbean Content Creators and Influencers Summit will feature renowned keynote speakers, including influencers and content creators who will share their insights and experiences.
These speakers include Stacey DosSantos Rahaman, Co-founder of Visit Guyana; Daniel Loveless, Executive Producer of What Yuh Know; and Tenille Clarke, Managing Director and publicist of Chambers Media Solutions in Trinidad and Tobago, among many others.
The summit will also feature interactive sessions, cultural showcases, and an influencer incubator, providing attendees with valuable insights, networking opportunities, and professional development.
By attracting visitors from across the Caribbean and beyond, the summit will directly contribute to increased tourism revenue for Guyana. This influx of tourists will stimulate local businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, and transportation services, leading to (Continued on page 18)
A tragic incident occurred on Tuesday, September3,2024,resulting in the death of a Kwakwani resident, Dave Causway, along the Unamico Trail in the Upper Berbice River area.
Theincident,whichtook place around 10:00 a.m., involved a motor car with registration number PAB 1457 driven by Causway
According to initial investigations, the vehicle was traveling north on the western side of the trail at a reportedly high speed while descending a hill As
Dead, Dave Causway
Causway attempted to negotiatearightturn,helost control of the vehicle, causing it to overturn multipletimes. Thecareventuallycame
to a stop, pinning Causway underneath Passersby quickly came to his aid and transported him to the Kwakwani District Hospital.
However, despite their efforts, Causway was pronounced dead upon arrival by the attending doctor
Causway’s body has been taken to the Senior PensionerMortuary,wherea post-mortem examination will be conducted. Police visited the scene, and an investigation into the fatal accidentisongoing.
P e r m a n e n t
RepresentativeofGuyanato theUnitedNationsOfficeat
Geneva, Dr Leslie Ramsammy on Wednesday presented his letter of Credence to Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, DirectorGeneral of the World Trade Organization(WTO).
Prior to the brief presentation of his letter of Credence, Ambassador
Ramsammy conveyed Guyana’s gratitude to Dr Ngozi and the secretariat staff for the technical
c a p a c i t y - b u i l d i n g opportunities afforded to us as a small economy and the attendant challenges of h u m a n r e s o u r c e s constraints, a press release said. He also shared that Guyana will be benefiting from training workshops on
specific WTO issues scheduledforlaterthisyear, and early in 2025 in Georgetown.
A m b a s s a d o r Ramsammy highlighted Guyana’s regional and global leadership roles in Food and Nutrition Security, Climate and Environment Security andEnergySecurity
He also spoke of Guyana’s efforts to diversify its economy, and highlighted the
careful efforts the country is undertaking to avoid the mistakes some countries have made in pursing an “oil” economy at the expense of a diversifiedeconomy
Dr Ngozi lauded Guyana for the work the Government is doing in
food and nutrition
security, particularly helping in the reduction of CARICOM’s food import bill by 11 per cent
Permanent Representative of Guyana to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy presenting his letter of Credence to Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the World Trade Organization
to date, which forms part of the initiative to reduce CARICOM’s food import bill by 25 per cent by 2 0 2 5 ( 2 5 b y 2 5 initiative)
B o t h s i d e s reiterated the importance of digit
nd further development of the services sector, as digitally delivered service isthefutureoftrade.Guyana has been a WTO member since 1 January 1995 and a member of GATT since 5 July1966.
Guyana remains
supportive of the work of
system, believing in an equitable and transparent system.
Thus, we take our role a s
e C A R I C O M Ministerial Spokesperson on WTO matters very seriously
Permanent Mission to the WTO
TheGuyanaPolice Force (GPF) through the
Special Organised Crime Unity(SOCU)hasarresteda man who a wanted bulletin was issued for in relation to his alleged involvement in money laundering and other financialcrimes.
Raheshwar Persaud also known as ‘Raj Persaud’ or ‘Dave Persaud’ allegedly committed these financial crimesinFebruary2019.
Arrested: Raheshwar Persaud also known as ‘Raj Persaud’or ‘Dave Persaud’
police officer allegedly collected large sums from persons claiming that he could assist them with police-relatedmatters.
To this end, SOCU is requesting of persons who wereallegedlydefraudedby Persaud, or anyone associated with him to contact them through telephonenumber,592-2253079.
Police reported that Persaud during that time targeted several persons in his alleged fraudulent schemes which involved selling properties and vehicles he did not own.
Further, it is alleged that Persaud pretending to be a
“Comeforwardtomake reports and give statements so the lawful course of actioncanbetaken,”police reported while noting that all information will be treated with strict confidentiality
The two Guyana
Defence Force (GDF) ranks who were nabbed in July with 316 lbs of ganja, made their third court appearance yesterday where one was jailed and the other was grantedbail.
GDF ranks Edward Mc Calmont,a40-year-oldfrom Kaneville, East Bank Demerara (EBD), and John Johnson,a24-year-oldfrom Timehri Docks, EBD appeared before Principal MagistrateFaithMcGustyat t h e G e o r g e t o w n Magistrates’Court.
During the court proceedings Mc Calmont changed his plea from not guilty to guilty and was sentenced to three years in prison. He was represented by attorney Felicia
GDF ranks Edward Mc Calmont (right) sentenced three years in jail and John Johnson (left) granted $350,000 bail
Williams McCalmont admitted to possessing and traffickingthedrugs.Healso expressed ignorance about thelegalstatusofmarijuana, stating, “No, I didn’t know marijuana was illegal” McCalmonttoldthecourt.
Meanwhile, Johnson’s lawyer Bernard Da Silva made an application for bail citing that his client was neither the driver nor owner ofthevehiclecontainingthe drugs. As such bail was granted to Johnson in the sum of $350,000 with conditions requiring him to report to the East La Penitence Police Station
The matter has been adjourned to September 25, 2024, for further report and disclosure.
Mc Calmont and
Johnson were nabbed on July27,2024with316lbsof ganjaduringanintelligenceled Police operation At around 21:20 hrs, acting on information received, officers from the Special Branch and other units interceptedaRoute42motor bus (#BTT 27) on Mandela Avenue.
McCalmont was driving, and Johnson was in thefrontpassengerseat,both men were in uniform. A search of the vehicle revealed 49 large parcels wrapped in transparent plastic on the bus seats, containingleaves,seeds,and stems suspected to be cannabis. The drugs were lodged and calculated. The soldiers were told of the offenceandwerecharged.
(BBCNEWS)Afuneral has been held for a 16-yearold Palestinian girl reportedly killed by Israeli forces in the north of the occupied West Bank on the seventh day of a wide-scale Israelioperation.
Lujain Musleh’s father saidshewasshotinthehead as she looked out of a windowofherhomeinKafr Dan,justoutsideJenin,after soldiers surrounded a neighbouring house on Tuesday
The Israeli military said armed fighters fired at the soldiers and that they “fired back at a suspect who observed” them The Palestinian health ministry says 30 Palestinians have been killed since Israel launched what it called an operation to dismantle “terroristcells”.
Most of the dead have been claimed by armed groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad as members, but several children are also among them, according to the
ministry TheIsraelimilitary has said that one Israeli soldier has been killed There has been a spike in violence in the West Bank sinceHamas’sdeadlyattack on Israel on 7 October and the ensuing war in Gaza.
Defence for Children Palestine (DCIP), a rights group, said Israeli soldiers entered Kafr Dan around 11:30 (09:30 BST) on Tuesday, prompting clashes witharmedPalestinians.
“Israeli soldiers surroundedandbesiegedthe home of a wanted Palestinian man, firing live ammunitionandshellsatthe house,”itsaid.
“Around 14:10, 16year-old Loujain was inside her family’s home when an Israeli sniper shot her in theheadthroughawindow.”
During a funeral procession for Loujain on Wednesday, her father, Osama, told reporters: “She didn’t go to the roof, she didn’t hurl a stone, and she wasn’t carryingaweapon.”
“The only thing she did
islookfromthewindowand the soldier saw her and shot her.”
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said soldiers surrounded two civilian structuresinKafrDanwhere theybelievedarmedfighters were sheltering, and that they “called for civilians to evacuate from both structures prior to the exchange of fire that took place”.
“During the encircling
The Pan American
Health Organization (PAHO) and Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI)
l a u n c h e d t h e #TimeToActOnDementia campaign, a joint initiative to raise awareness about dementia and address the stigma that surrounds the conditionintheregionofthe Americas.
Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders affect an estimated 10 3 million people in the Americas and are among the leading causes of death in individuals aged 60 and older Regrettably, persons living with these conditions are often subject to stigma anddiscrimination,andwith the number of people living with dementia set to almost triple by 2050, now is the time to promote a better understanding of this condition.
In a press release PAHO said this joint campaign aims to raise awareness by opening discussions about dementia on television, social media, newspapers and radio, and to address current perceptions and attitudes about this condition. “We must
recognize dementia as a public health priority and invest accordingly in risk reduction, the continuum of health and social care, and dementia-friendly initiatives that promote participation, safety, and inclusion for people with dementia and their carers,” PAHO Director, Dr. Jarbas Barbosasaid.
A recent Lancet publication showed that up to 45% of all dementias couldbedelayed,slowed,or even prevented “New treatments represent a beaconofhope,butwemust also change perceptions aboutdementia”,ADICEO, PaolaBarbarinosaid.
“This is equally true for healthcarepractitioners,and the public Many still wrongly believe that dementiaisanormalpartof aging, denying people accesstoatimelydiagnosis, treatment,care,andsupport. By raising awareness and tackling stigma, we can unlockmuchmoreeffective, combined treatment and caresolutionsforthosemost inneed,”sheadded.
To address the global burden of dementia, the World Health Organization
(WHO) developed the Global Action Plan on the public health response to dementia 2017-2025, which was formally adopted by all Member States in 2017 at the 70th World Health Assembly ThePlanoutlines seven areas of action to reduce the burden of dementia, including increasing support for those caring for people with dementia, and addressing the risk factors related to dementia, including physical inactivity, obesity, and unhealthy diets, among others.
The Time to Act on Dementia campaign begins onSeptember4andwillrun throughout September and October, with Alzheimer’s Day being celebrated on September 21st. PAHO and A D I e n c o u r a g e governments, ministries of health,associationsworking on dementia, and civil society to participate in this campaign and share its messages.
Dementiaisnotapartof normal aging, and there are ways to reduce the risk of developing dementia. Visit the campaign website and downloadthetoolkit.
of the structures, the terrorists opened fire at IDF soldiers in the area, and in response the soldiers fired back at a suspect who observed the forces in the area, in order to remove a threat,”itadded.
“The IDF is aware of the report regarding a 16year-old Palestinian girl who was killed during the exchangeoffire
The details of the incident are under review ”
Pictures from the funeral showed mourners carrying a body wrapped in a Hamas flag The bodies of those killed by Israel are often wrapped in the flags of movements supported by friends or family members - even when the deceased are not supportersthemselves
DCIP also cited documentation it had collected which said a 14year-old boy, Mohammed Kanaan, was shot dead by an Israeli sniper on Tuesday morning at an entrance to the Tulkarm refugee camp, in Tulkarm city The IDF said it was lookingintothatreport
When asked by the BBC on Tuesday to comment on the reports of civilian deaths, the IDF said its forces operated in strict accordance with international law. “The IDF has never, and will never, deliberately target civilians, ” it added “Given the ongoing
exchanges of fire, remaining in an active combat zone has inherent risks
The IDF will continue to counter threats while persisting to mitigate harmtocivilians ”
The IDF said its soldiers had killed two armed fighters during an exchange of fire inTulkarm onTuesday, and also located
Israeli bulldozers have destroyed many shops in the city centre, although those on the periphery were still open
The local municipality
said the IDF had bulldozed more than 70% of streets, cut off water to 80% of the city, and damaged 20km (12 miles) o
The IDF said: “The terrorists in [the West Bank] exploit the civilian population and use them as human shields for
whatanexplosivedeviceina babystroller
On Monday evening, it
announced that 14
“terrorists”hadbeenkilledin Jenin since the start of the operation and that 25 suspectshadbeendetained
“Every terrorist must be eliminated, and if they surrender, they must be arrested
There is no other option, use all the forces, everyone who is needed, with full strength,” Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant told IDF officers o n W e d n e s d a y
Palestinian Authority
P r i m e M i n i s t e r Mohammed Mustafa said on Tuesday that the losses caused by the raids, e s p e c i a l l y o f infrastructure, might be the most extensive in two decades The head of the U N a g
concern about Jenin,
saying it had been “ravaged by violence and destruction”
Jenin’s streets have been so damaged that cars cannotpasssomeroads
infrastructures and planting explosivesunderneathtraffic routestoharmtheIDFtroops in their attempts to thwart threats to the lives of Israeli citizens”
It also said it would work quickly to enable local authorities to repair damaged infrastructure a n
u r e t h e functionality of essential services
throughout the operation Hospital director Dr Wisam Baker told the BBC on Monday that noonecouldcomeinandout includingdoctorslikehim travelling home, except in ambulances
Troops searched the vehicles and checked the IDs of those inside, he added Ambulance drivers are “afraid” to bring wounded to the hospital or are delayed from entering because of searches, he said, adding the delay could put lives atrisk
Frompage16 economicgrowthinvarious sectors Moreover, the summit’s focus on content creation and influencer marketing will help enhance Guyana’s brand exposure on a regional and international scale, positioningthecountryasa d e s i r a b l e t o u r i s t destination Additionally, the event’s emphasis on talent development will foster the growth of local content creators and influencers This will strengthen Guyana’s digital economy and create new opportunities for e m p l o y m e n t a n d entrepreneurship By nurturing homegrown talent, Guyana can develop its unique digital content ecosystem, enhancing its appeal as a vibrant and dynamicdestination. To purchase tickets o n l i n e , v i s i t wwweventbrite com, and search for Caribbean Content Creators & Influencer Summit For more information about the CaribbeanContentCreators and Influencers Summit, p l e a s e c o n t a c t cccisummit@gmail.com,or call+592-664-8171.
Inasignificantcommitment to community development, SBM Offshore has joined forces with Food For the Poor (Guyana) to construct a new communitycenterinLittleRed VillageontheEssequiboCoast.
During a ceremony on August 29, SBM Offshore Guyana’s General Manager, Mr Martin Cheong, officially pledgedthecompany’ssupport for the project, reaffirming its dedicationtomakingapositive impactonthelocalcommunity
Food For The Poor (Guyana)Inc.inapressrelease said it will act as the implementing agency for the project The organization, known for its successful execution of community-based initiatives, will oversee the construction process and collaborate with local stakeholders to ensure the new center meets the needs of the residents.
Mr KevinLowe,Chairman
o f t h e C o m m u n i t y Development Committee, expressedprofoundgratitudeto both SBM Offshore Guyana and Food For The Poor (Guyana)duringtheceremony “This community center is morethanjustabuilding—itis a gift that will help build our lives and those of future generations,” Mr Lowe is quoted in the press release as saying He also urged communitymemberstocherish andmaintainthenewfacility
The new community center isenvisionedtoserveasavital hub for various activities, including educational programs, vocational training, healthandwellnessworkshops, and social gatherings The center will provide a space where residents, especially youth, can come together to learn, share, and develop skills that will enhance their quality oflifeandpromoteunitywithin thevillage.
Speaking at the event, Mr MartinCheongemphasizedthe importance of corporate social responsibility and SBM Offshore’s commitment to supporting local communities.
“Asanoilandgascompany,our focus is not just on producing oil offshore.We are committed to supporting communities in Guyana, working with local organizations to effect change
and positively impact communities We are firm supporters of the United
Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, which guide our social programs and projects in-country,” Mr Cheongremarked.
Andrea Benjamin, CEO of Food For The Poor (Guyana), highlighted the critical role of community infrastructure investment in fostering development, particularly in Lil’RedVillage.Sheprovideda brief history of the village, established 15 years ago by Food For the Poor Inc. in partnership with the Region 2 DemocraticCouncilandtheLil Red Foundation. This project aimed to provide vulnerable familieswithaccesstoadequate housing, sanitation, and water, resulting in the construction of 100homesforfamiliesfromthe Essequibo Coast and the PomeroonRiver
Reflectingontheearlydays of the village, Ms. Benjamin noted the need for additional community infrastructure, including a community center, school, and store. “Given the blending of families, we knew the community center would play a vital role in enhancing social cohesion by bringing people together, addressing isolation, and strengthening communitybonds,”shesaid.
In her brief remarks
Regional Chairwoman Region 2, Mrs Vilma De Silva implored the women to take advantage of the opportunities being afforded to them via the centertoensuretheybuildtheir capacities not just to be home maker but to also become independentandself-sufficient.
Regional Chairwoman to the womenatthegatheringto“take a page from my book it was because of going out to community training sessions and workshops it was able to start my own small business that has since grown to the extent where I am even exporting coconut water to Trinidad & Tobago”. She also left the community members with a charge of keeping the centercleanandfunctionalasit isanassettothecommunitynot just for today but for future generations.
The new 1,200-square-foot community center will be equipped with sanitary facilities, electrical wiring, and a water trestle, making it a cornerstone for the village Construction is slated to begin between October and November 2024, with completionexpectedwithinsix months This partnership between SBM Offshore GuyanaandFoodForThePoor (Guyana) underscores the power of collaboration in driving sustainable community developmentandimprovingthe livesofvulnerablepopulations.
NEWYORK,(Reuters)American Frances Tiafoe reachedtheU.S.Opensemifinal for the second time in threeyearsonTuesdayafter Bulgarian Grigor Dimitrov from their match with a leg injury while trailing 6-3 67(5)6-34-1.
Tiafoe with next meet 12th seed Taylor Fritz in an all-American clash with bothplayersaimingtobreak
a 21-year U.S. men’s major drought in a tournament where many of the top contenders were eliminated earlyon.
Ninth seed Dimitrov, whohadtoretirewithagroin injury during his fourth round tie against Daniil Medvedev at Wimbledon this year, left after the third setformedicaltreatmentand sloggedthroughafewgames
inpainashisteamurgedhim toretire.
Tiafoe had a muted celebration and offered his opponent an embrace at the net, with the crowd already starting to shuffle out of ArthurAsheStadium.
“It was a really, really high-level match,” said Tiafoe. “Obviously I didn’t wanttoenditlikethat.”
Tiafoe was in superb
form as he broke his opponent with a perfectly placed backhand winner in the fifth game and got another break on the fourth set point when Dimitrov whackedaforehandintothe net.
It looked as though Tiafoe might run away with it as he went up 4-1 in the second set but Dimitrov broke back in the seventh game as the American’s unforcederrorsbegantopile up.
Some unexpected but very welcomevisitorscouldarrive today, Aries They might bring some people you don't knowbutshouldconnectwith rightaway Expectinteresting n e w s , f a s c i n a t i n g information,.
Taurus, who's that intriguing new person in your neighborhood? What is it about this new neighbor that makesitimpossibleforyouto stop wondering about them? Quitobsessing.
An unexpected letter could arrive today, Gemini, with a check enclosed, perhaps a gift, bonus, or offer to make more money.This might be a welcomebreak.
If you're in the arts or sciences, Cancer, sudden inspirationcouldcauseyouto startorcontinueaprojectthat meansalottoyou.
Meditation, dreams, or visions could bring amazing insights your way, Leo. You mightfindthemtoobizarreto believe, at least at first, but follow-up research could reveal that what you've come upwithisquitecredible.
You're an adventurous soul, Virgo.Areyouthinkingabout a little mischief today? Are yougoingtoproposethatyou and a friend or perhaps your partner skip town for a day andforgetaboutwork,
A n u n e x p e c t e d communication may come today from someone connected with your career, Libra.Thisisgoodnews,butit maybesooffthewallthatyou couldwalkaroundinadazefor awhiletryingtomakesenseof itall.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Anunexpectedchancetoflyto a faraway place, perhaps at someoneelse'sexpense,could cometoyoutoday,Scorpio.A group might be involved, perhaps one connected with education.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Some bizarre and rather silly dreams might come to you tonight,Sagittarius.Theymay bethesortthatissocrazythat youactuallywakeuplaughing. Don't dismiss them. Silly or not,thesedreamsaretryingto tellyousomething.
Ifyou'resingle,youcouldfeel a very powerful attraction to someone unusual and perhaps alittlewacky Ifyou'realready inarelationship.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Have you been looking for anewjob,Aquarius?Ifso,you might hear of an opportunity from an unexpected source, perhapsatasocialgathering,if possible.
If you're single, Pisces, love may come to you completely out of the blue today The person could be standing behind you in line at the store or sitting nearby you in the park.
Frances Tiafoe of the U.S. in action during his quarter final match against Bulgaria’s Grigor Dimitrov (REUTERS/Andrew Kelly)
Dimitrov won four pointsinarowtogoup6-3in the tiebreak but nearly let it slipthroughhisfingerswith apairofdoublefaultsbefore Tiafoe handed it to him on set point with a double fault ofhisown.
Shabazz urges fans to roar with the Golden...
Frompage27 theMiddlesbroughFC,who previously stated “It’s a privilege to play for your country,especiallyathome, and to get three points…” He added that he is looking forward to facing his
Omari Glasgow, whose seven goals in five matches earnedhimtheLeagueBtop scorer and Best Young Player titles, told Kaieteur News that individual accoladesarebehindhimas hefocusesonreplicatingor bettering his performances, which played a significant role in guiding the Golden JaguarstoLeagueA.
“I enjoy going out there and performing for the team; it’s about the team, scoringgoals,andIhopeto continue scoring and helping the team,” the 20year-oldforwardnoted.
With 16 goals in 24 appearances for the Golden Jaguars, the Chicago Fire FCforwardisjusttwogoals shy of Nigel Codrington’s all-timerecordof18goals.
However, Glasgow’s onlyfocusisonstartingthe country’s Nations League campaign with a win, adding“theguysareexcited for this journey, and we’re looking forward to victory on Thursday and then moving on to the next match.”
set, Dimitrov winced after stepping awkwardly along thebaselineinthefinalgame and a double fault gifted Tiafoethesetfora2-1lead.
Dimitrov limped off court to receive treatment from the physio before the fourth set and was shaking his head as he moved awkwardly around the court in the first game of the final frame.
Tiafoe, the 20th seed, faces the biggest match of his life career against Fritz and will look to get the better of another American aftertakingoutBenShelton in a five-set, third-round thriller “I can’t be more excited,” said Tiafoe “I knowwe’retwoAmericans but I hope you’re with me comeFriday.
AFP - Karolina Muchova of the Czech Republic reached the US Open semi-finals for a second successive year yesterday, Wednesday, with a straight sets win over Beatriz Haddad Maia of Brazil.
World number 52
Muchova triumphed 6-1, 64 and will face either world number one and 2022 champion Iga Swiatek or JessicaPegulaoftheUnited States for a place in Saturday’sfinal.
Her win came despite having to sprint to the bathroomafteredgingahead 2-1inthesecondset,adash which caught everyone on thehop.
“It was weird. I had a problemthatIwouldn’tlike tocommenton,”saidthe28year-old.
“Sorry if I disturbed anybody but I really didn’t haveanyotherchoice.”
Muchovahasyettodrop a set at the tournament, having knocked out twotime champion Naomi OsakaandFrenchOpenand Wimbledon runner-up Jasmine Paolini on the way to her fourth Grand Slam semi-final.
Muchova suffered a serious wrist injury
SportsMax - Jamaican athletes Shashalee Forbes, Stephenie-Ann McPherson, and Orlando Bennett
in semi-final: Czech
Karolina Muchova (TIMOTHYA. CLARY)
following her run to the semi-finalsinNewYorklast year which kept her off the touruntilJune.
On Wednesday, she savedtwobreakpointsinthe opening game against 22nd seed Haddad Maia before s w e e p i n g i n t o a comprehensive5-0lead.
Despite handing back a break in the sixth game of the second set, she immediately recovered to lead4-3.
Haddad Maia, the first Brazilian woman to make the quarter-finals in New York since Maria Buenoin1968,calledforthe trainerafterfeelingillat3-5 down.
She won one more game before Muchova served out for victory
Muchovahaswononeof her three matches against Swiatek and lost to the Pole in the 2023 French Open final.
She was defeated by Pegula on the eve of this year’s US Open in Cincinnati.
“I’m happy to be in the semi-finals because I wouldn’t have thought that beforethetournament,”said theCzech.
“It will be tough and exciting.”
delivered standout performances, claiming victories in their respective events at the LX Palio Citta Della Quercia Meeting in Rovereto,Italy,onTuesday Forbes,whowasasemifinalist in the 100m at the Paris Olympics, showcased her speed once again by winning the women’s 100m dash in 11.17 seconds. She edged out fellow Jamaican Natasha Morrison, who was a close second in 11.22 seconds.Morrisonnarrowly beat the USA’s Celera Barnes, who clocked 11.23 totakethirdplace. McPherson, a seasoned competitor nearing the end ofherillustriouscareer,rana season’s best of 50 65 seconds to triumph in the women’s400m.Inathrilling race, McPherson held off a strong challenge from Barbados’ Olympic finalist SadaWilliams,whofinished just behind in 50 67 Another Caribbean athlete, Shafiqua Maloney, took third with a time of 50.75, completinganall-Caribbean podium. Jamaica’s StaceyAnn Williams finished fifth in 51.12. Orlando Bennett emerged victorious in a
Jamaican athletes Shashalee Forbes, Stephenie-Ann McPherson, and Orlando Bennett delivered standout performances in Rovereto, Italy
closely contested men’s 110m hurdles, clocking 13.45 to narrowly beat the USA’s Cordell Tinch, who finished in 13.46. Roger Iribarne of Cuba rounded out the podium with a time of13.54.
In other notable performances, Zandrian Barnes of Jamaica finished second in the men’s 400m, running a season’s best of 45 30 Brazil’s Mathesus Limawontheraceinatime of 44.99, while Belgium’s
JohnathanSacoortookthird in 45 33 Rusheen McDonald of Jamaica finished fourth in 45.62, while Wendell Miller of the Bahamaswassixthin45.74.
In the field events, Jamaica’s Romaine Beckford continued his strong post-Olympic form, finishing second in the high jump with a clearance of 2.26m. Italy’s Gianmarco Tamberi took the win, clearing 2.29m. In the long jump,Jamaica’s2019world
champion Tajay Gayle also secured a second-place finish with a leap of 7.96m, just behind winner Anvar Anvarov, who jumped 7.99m. Gayle’s compatriot Shawn-D Thompson also jumped 7.96m but finished thirdoncountback. Theperformancesofthe Jamaican athletes in Rovereto underscored their strengthontheinternational stage, as they continue to make their mark late in the season.
CPL-SaintLuciaKings continued their impressive start to the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) with a dominant seven-wicket victory over Antigua&BarbudaFalcons.
Chasing 143 in Antigua, captain Faf du Plessis got the Kingsofftoaflierbeforethey romped to the target with 18 ballstospare Itwasafarless eventful chase for Kings than their remarkable season opening win over St Kitts & NevisPatriots
Butitwasmoreheartache fortheFalcons,whosuffereda fourth straight defeat in their debut season The home side were unable to capitalise on a promising start from new opening partners Fakhar Zaman and Justin Greaves as theirinningsfellawayafterthe PowerPlay Left-arm spinner NoorAhmadstarredwith3/18
torestrictFalconstoamodest 142/7–thelowesttotalinthe CPL this season. Assistant coach Curtly Ambrose provided a passionate rallyingcryforhisteam,but
the Falcons attack struggled againsttheKings’firepower as opener Johnson Charles anchoredtheinningswithan unbeaten 47 off 46 balls. A desperate Falcons had been
sent in to bat in windy conditions. Greaves, in his season debut, tried to provideatonicandsmashed a second ball boundary whileZamansoonfoundhis rhythm with a stunning straight six off seamer MatthewForde. Buttheirblossoming35run partnership was broken when Zaman was well caught by a running Khary
Pierre, who shortly afterwards clean bowled KofiJames.
Pierre continued to be part of the action when he caughtaskierfromGreaves, who fell on 36 after he gamely tried to hit into the breeze.
The Falcons were shackled by disciplined bowlinginthemiddleovers, unable to hit boundaries as theirinningsflamedout.
Opener Ravid Fredericks and allrounderUsain Fredericks, two unrelated outstanding young under13 batsmenfromtheCinderella County of Essequibo, were thelatesttobenefitfromthis joint initiative between Kishan Das of the USAand AnilBeharryofGuyana.
Project partner Beharry was fortunate to witness their innings in the final matchoftheGuyanaCricket BoardInterCountyunder13 tournament played at LBI facility where both batsmen scoredahalfcenturyeachto leadtheirteamtovictoryand championship honors. Their innings was full of maturity beyond their age. Usain is from Moruca, Region 1 and attends Waramuri Primary School, while Ravid is from Pomona and attends Abram Zuil Secondary School.
They received cash incentives to assist in purchasingcricketgearthey need.
At a simple presentation just after the game, the young stars thanked this project for the token and promised to continue workinghardontheirgame. Thisinitiativeishappytobe
part of their development and will continue to assist young people and develop cricket.
Total cricket related items received/purchasedso far: $460,000 in cash, thirteen colored cricket uniforms, one set of stumps and bails, two trophies, twentysevenpairsofcricket shoes, thirty three pairs of batting pads, thirty five cricket bats, one floppy hat, thirty two pairs of batting gloves, twenty five thigh pads, three pairs of wicket keeping pads, six arm guards, two chest pads, two boxes, twelve cricket bags, six bat rubbers, six helmets, one fiber glass bat, thirteen boxes of white cricket balls, three boxes of red balls and twenty eight footballs. In addition to the above, gear worth more than $600,000 was donated by Sheik Mohamed, former National wicket keeper/batsman. All cash collected is being used to purchase cricket gear requested and not available atthetime.
Todate,eightysixyoung players, male and female, from all three counties of Guyana have benefited directly from cash, seven
gearbags,twotrophies,four armguards,thirtythreebats, three boxes, six helmets, thirty one pairs of cricket shoes, twenty pairs of batting pads, twenty four thigh pads, one bat grip, thirty four pairs of batting
wicketkeeping pads and threepairsofwicketkeeping
benefited indirectly In addition, two clubs in the Pomeroon area benefited
Pomeroon, Leguan and W
CommitteesandCottonTree Die Hard also received one boxofredcricketballseach, Cold Fusion Cricket Club thirteen color uniforms whileRHCCCCreceivedsix boxes of balls, fifteen white cricket shirts, one pair of junior batting pads, one pair of wicket keeping gloves, twosetsofstumpsandbails. Other beneficiaries are The Essequibo Cricket Board, the Town of Lethem, youth coach Travis Persaud (one box of red cricket balls), male and female teams playing the traditional hardball and softball in the Upper Corentyne area, No.65YoungTitanswith30
P&PInsuranceBrokers’ has officially reaffirmed its commitment to sponsor the country’s most anticipated cycling event, the Cycling Classic 2024, scheduled tentativelyforSeptember14 at the Inner Circuit of the NationalPark.
This premier event marksasignificantreturnto the National Park Circuit afterafive-yearhiatus,with some of the nation’s top cyclistsproudlycarryingthe P&PInsurancebanner
Thesponsorshipcontinues P & P Insurance’s legacy of significantcontributionstothe local sporting landscape, further cementing its role as a key supporter of athletic developmentinGuyana
The brief handover ceremony,heldlastweekatthe company’s Lamaha Street headquarters, was attended by prominent figures from both theinsurancecompanyandthe Guyana Cycling Federation (GCF) Among the attendees were; GCF Vice President in charge of the Racing
T-Shirts, youths of Just Try Cricket Club, Wakenaam Cricket Academy (one box of white balls), Shamar
Joseph, Nehemiah Hohenkirk, Shamar Apple, Leguan Cricket Committee, Tucber Park Cricket Club andMalteenoesSportsClub (ninecricketballseach).
Cricket related items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana. Skills, discipline and education are important characteristics of the recipients.Talent spotting is being done across the countryandclubleadersalso
assist to identify same Progressive and well managedcricketclubswitha youth programme will also benefit.
Anyone interested to contribute can contact Anil Beharry on 623
6875 or Kishan Das on 1 718 664 0896.
SponsoredbyPermaulTradingand PeterLewisConstructionandAsphaltServices
P & P Insurance, Director Vikash Panday (left) hands over sponsorship to GCF VP Linden Dowridgeduring last week’s sponsorship presentation.
Committee, L
nden Dowridge, and P & P Insurance Director, Vikash Panday.During the ceremony, Panday expressed his excitement about the company’s continued support for an event that not only promoteshealthandfitnessbut also serves as a platform for showcasing the country’s top cyclingtalent.“Wearethrilled to support an event that embodies the spirit of competition, health, and national pride. This year’s Cycling Classic is set to be biggerandbetter,andweare
proud to be a part of it,” Pandaystated.
The sponsorship is expectedtoelevatetheCycling Classic’s profile, attracting more participants and spectators than ever before Organisers are confident that withP&PInsurance’sbacking, thisyear’smeetwillsetanew benchmark in terms of c o m p e t i t i o n a n d organization.
Cycling enthusiasts and the general public alike are eagerly anticipating what is set to the historic return of theCyclingClassicevent.
BMC-GY cricket continuesthisweekendwith 3 more matches across Guyana- Berbice, Demerara &Essequibo.
On Saturday, the #2 & 3 teams, East Coast Aash Décor and North Soesdyke clash at the Enmore Cricket Clubgroundtoimprovetheir standings.
OnSunday,therewillbe a bottom of the table clash betweenthe2Berbiceteams at the Jai Hind ground between Jai Hind Jaguars and Ex Berbice Police Masters.
Both teams will be looking to get off the mark and win all their remaining matches for a chance in the semifinals.
Table toppers Everest Masters take on the Essequibo Invaders who are now placed in the #4 spot at the Parika/Salem ground Allmatchescommenceat12 noon.
The GCC Hockey Club concluded its 2024 Igloosponsored Hockey Festival at the GCC Hockey Turf on Sunday, where YMCA OFHC Young Boyz and Saints Girls secured the Under-21 titles. The Saints also swept the Men’s and Women’sdivisions,winning both championships in front of an enthusiastic GCC crowd.
The three-day Igloosponsored tournament showcased an impressive display of talent and sportsmanship as players of all ages and skill levels competed for glory across variouscategories,including the U14 Boys, Girls, and Mixed divisions, as well as the U17, U21, and Senior’s divisions.
Teams from across the region participated in this highly competitive event, making the festival a celebrationofhockey
Among the winners, SHC Scorchers took first place in the U14 Mixed division, defeating SHC Slayers4-0inthefinal.Jaron Isadore of SHC Slayers and KeitannaPercivalofYMCA
OFHCGladiatorsearnedthe MVP awards in their respectivecategories.
In the U17 Boys division, SHC Legends emerged victorious, defeatingSHCSigmas3-2in a penalty shootout after a goalless match Aaron Abrahams of SHC Sigmas wasnamedthetournament’s MVP, while Matthew Smith ofYMCAOFHCBobSquad was awarded Best Goalkeeper On the girls’ side, GCC Her-Ricanes claimedfirstplacebyedging
GCC-Igloo Hockey Festival concluded with some thrilling action in the Women’s Open Division.
out SHC Sensations 2-1 in a penalty shootout after a 1-1 draw in regulation time. Makaylah Poole of SHC SensationswasnamedMVP, while Shania Denhert of Her-Ricanes received the BestGoalkeeperaward.
YMCA OFHC Young Boyz and Saints Women won the respective U21 titles. In the Men’s division, Old Forts finished undefeatedwithninepoints, defeating SHC Conquerors 3-1inthefinaltoclaimfirst place Saints Women
dominatedGCCSpartans50 in the final game, with Clayza Bobb leading the chargeandearningtheMVP award, while her teammate SarahHarrywasnamedBest Goalkeeper The Saints’ Senior teams were the standout performers of the festival, securing both the Men’s and Women’s Open titles. In the Women’s final, SaintsdefeatedTeamRebels 4-3 in a penalty shootout after a thrilling 4-4 draw, withClayzaBobbandSarah Harryonceagainearningthe
Some of the action between YMCAOFHC Young Boyz and Saints during the Men’s Final on Sunday
MVP and Best Goalkeeper awards, respectively In the Men’s final, Saints overcame Pepsi Hikers 6-3, with Shakeem Fausette and Raoul Whittaker receiving the MVP and Best Goalkeeperhonors. The GCC Hockey Club remarked that the festival was more than just a tournament; it was a celebration of hockey and community Families, friends,andfansgatheredto enjoy the matches, participate in fun activities,
Hetmyer, Gurbaz, Motie, Tahir fire
and indulge in the delicious treats provided by Igloo Ice Cream.
Each club at the festival had its moment of triumph, w i t h o u t s t a n d i n g performances from both seasoned players and emerging talents. These victories underscored the depth of talent among the participating clubs and the high level of competition at thisyear’sfestival.
Coach Philip Fernandes of the GCC Hockey Club expressedhisgratitudetothe festival’s sponsor, stating, “A heartfelt thank you goes outtoourtitlesponsor,Igloo Ice Cream, whose support made this event possible. Their commitment to fostering community and sportsmanship has been invaluable, and their presence at the festival added a delightful treat for all attendees. The festival would not have been the samewithouttheirgenerous support.” The GCC Hockey Club remains dedicated to promoting hockey in the region, with events like this festivalplayingavitalrolein buildingastrongandvibrant hockeycommunity
40-run win over Patriots in high-scoring war - Warriors quietly extending unbeaten run
Marauding fifties from Shimron Hetmyer and Rahmanullah Gurbaz, coupled with 6 wickets between spinners Gudakesh
Motie and Imran Tahir, piloted defending champs Guyana Amazon Warriors, to an emphatic 40-run victory over St. Kitts &
Nevis Patriots during last night’s high-scor
ng, boundary-filled war at WarnerPark. It was an explosive
innings from the Warriors, who racked up their highest total to date and the highest in this year’s competition, a daunting 266-7 in 20 overs; thesecondlargesttotalinthe tournament’s decade long history
Afghanistan and Warriors openerGurbazsetthetonefor Guyana,smashinghiswaytoa 37-ball 69 with six sixes and fourfours,addingtotherecord 22 sixes hit by the champs alone,themostbyany,setting anewrecordinCPL
Useful knocks from his makeshift opening partner Kevin Sinclair, who hit four foursinhis17andShaiHope (12) helped keep things flowing
While all-rounders Raymon Reifer (15) with twosixesandPretorius(13*) never took their foot off the gasupuntilthefinalballwas delivered The innings however belonged to Hetmyer, who dealt strictly in sixes, hammering 11 in total as he narrowly missed
outonwhatwouldhavebeen oneofthemoreentertaining hundredsinCPLhistory
TheGuyaneseracedto91 off a mere 39 balls, sharing a 19-ballpartnershipoff44with all-rounder Keemo Paul, further reinforcing his 3rd wicketstandof116off47balls withGurbaz Paul,strikingthe ball at 27142, smacked a quick38off14balls(4x33x6), asthetwoformerWestIndies
Under-19WorldCupwinning teammates,helpedpropeltheir franchise into an almost certain winning position
The Patriots, who had a brilliant approach to the chase, managed to scare the Warriors briefly as they finished bravely on 226 all out in 18 overs. Ageless Warriors captain, legspinner Imran Tahir pulled thingsbackforhisteamwith 3-48, getting the job done along with young left-arm spinner Gudakesh Motie (334) and South African fastbowlerDwainePretorius(246); who also reached 200
Patriots Captain and unsung hero, Andre Fletcher led with a scorching 81 from 33, reaching his fifty off 18 ballstosecurehisfastesttime tothelandmark
Reinforcementcamefrom Kyle Mayers who slapped 3 sixesinhis28,whilesharinga partnershipof69alongsidehis captain; before Guyanese Sherfane Rutherford dished out some punishment to his countrymen The left-hander hita12-ball34withtwofours and three maximums adding 65 with opener Fletcher, who batted with majority of his teammates
Patriots had an amazing starttothechase,bringingup their150in10overs,priorto Tahir’s double-wicket maiden Coupled with Motie’s removal of Fletcher inthe13thover;thingswere set back tremendously for the home team, as their tailenders resisted before MotieandPretoriusfinished thejob.©.Ross)
With less than o n e d a y before the culmination of the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’
season, tournament coordinator Travis Bess has revealed that all systems are in place for an exciting evening in the national
championship at the Pouderoyen Tarmac, West Demerara.
Bess disclosed, “Preparation heading into tomorrow’s National Championship is moving along nicely with the exceptionoftheutilityposts that are lying north to south on the tarmac. Other than that, all other systems are in place for an exciting evening.”
According to Bess, the anticipation is palpable as fans and players alike are eager for the event’s commencement, noting, “Well, my expectations for the national championship are to witness an injury-free tournament both on and off thefield,inadditiontothatto
watch some of the best football. I expect a large turnout since this is the first year the National Championship will be played in its entirety on the WestsideonthePouderoyen tarmac.”
He further stated, “This y e a r ’ s N a t i o n a l Championship is the most open tournament in recent memory, and to add to that, several sides have the capacity to win it given that most of the traditional favourites and powerhouse sides from Georgetown are not participating, such as Sparta Boss and Gold is Money.”
“Thereareseveralteams to watch in this year’s tournament, for example, North Ruimveldt, the Georgetown runner-up, who played a whole tournament and didn’t concede a single goal with their airtight defence.
That can cause trouble for teams Westside champion Ballerz Empire with their powerhouse
offencecanalsocauseissues for other teams; Laing Avenue can create big problems for teams with their attack as well; Linden Champions Silver Bullets, who have a balanced team, can also cause problems for the rest of the teams in the tournament, just to mention afew,”Bessfurthersaid.
Nine teams, including
Previous action in the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’West Demerara edition.
thesevendivisionalwinners, will feature at the event. They are Georgetown championLaingAvenueand second place finisher North Ruimveldt, West Demerara champ Ballerz Empire and second place finisher Showstoppers, Essequibo winner All-Stars, Berbice champion East Bank Gunners, Linden winner
Silver Bullets, East Coast Demerara victor Hustlers, and Bartica titleholder MightyRuler
F o l l o w i n g t h e conclusion of the official draw on August 28th at the Colours Boutique on Robb Street, the East Bank Gunners of Berbice will oppose Linden’s Silver
quarterfinal, while the BallerzEmpireofEastBank Demerara will lock horns with North Ruimveldt of Georgetown in the second fixture.
Mighty Ruler of Bartica will face off against Showstoppers of West D e m e r a r a , w i t h Georgetown’sLaingAvenue engaging the winner of the playoff fixture between Essequibo’s All-Stars and Hustlers of East Coast Demerara.
The winners will advance to the semifinal round. The winner of the eventwillpocket$1,000,000 and the championship trophy, while the second,
third, and fourth-placed teamswillreceive$500,000, $350,000, and $200,000 apieceandatrophy Compete FixturesSeptember6th
P l a y o f f 18:30hrs: Hustlers (East
Coast) vs All-Stars (Essequibo) Quarterfinals Fixtures (1) 19:00hrs: East Bank Gunners(Berbice)vs.Silver
B u l l e t s ( L
n d e n ) (2)19:30hrs:BallersEmpire (East Bank Demerara vs. N o r t h R u i m
(3) 20:00hrs: Might Ruler (Bartica) vs. Showstoppers ( We s
a r a ) (4) 20:30hrs: Laing Avenue (Georgetown) vs Playoff Winner Semifinal Fixtures (5)21:00hrs:Winnerof1vs. W
o f 3 (6)21:30hrs:Winnerof2vs. Winnerof4 Third place playoff (7) 22:00hrs: Loser of 5 v
(8) 22:30hrs: Winner of 5 v Winnerof6
Dubbedthebeginningof an important journey in Guyana’s football history, Golden Jaguars head coach JamaalShabazziscallingon fanstorallybehindtheteam today as they face Suriname at the National Track and FieldCentre,startingat4:00 PM.
Guyanawilltakeontheir Dutch-speaking rivals in their opening match of L e a g u e A o f t h e CONCACAF Nations League an achievement thatCoachShabazzbelieves fans should take pride in, urging them to be the 12th manonthefield.
“The proudest moment of my life is representing Guyana. It’s always a huge honour for me, and I take it very seriously, always putting my best foot forward,” Shabazz told Kaieteur News ahead of the match against what he
considers “a formidable opponent.”
This will be the first meeting between the two sides since Suriname’s 2-1 victoryattheFranklinEssed Stadium in Paramaribo on February1,2022.
It will also mark the Golden Jaguars’ first home game since their 3-2 win overTheBahamasinLeague B of the Nations League in September2023.
“As a staff, we put the most pressure on ourselves; we don’t feel any pressure from the outside. We push ourselves because we want to deliver for the country,” Shabazzsaid,addressingthe challenge of performing on CONCACAF’s biggest Nations League stage, especially while playing at home for the first time in a year
“But we can’t do it alone…this is why we need the fans to come out and
supporttheteam.Thisisnot a time to be silent. We need thefanstocomeoutandgive us that push, and in return, we will give our best,”
Shabazz urged Golden Jaguarssupporters.
Thecoachalsoaddressed concerns about the 4:00 PM kick-off time, which has
raised questions among somededicatedfans.
“We’ve put any issues about the start time behind us. We’ve accepted it, and we’re ready. We’re born in the Caribbean, and even those born overseas have Caribbeanroots,sothesunis nothing new to us. We’re prepared,”Shabazzassured.
Meanwhile, with
Middlesbrough FC star Isaiah Jones joining the squad, becoming Shabazz’s highest-profile player, the Trinidadiancoachnotedthat the team’s playing style will not be disrupted but rather enhanced by the attacker’s abilities.
“We’re not rigid about systems.Asastaff,wedon’t believe systems win matches; it’s the tactics, effort, and attitude that players bring on game day andhowweselecttheteam,” Shabazzexplained.
won their last five home matches across all competitions. Heading into the Nations League with an unbeaten record in League B, Shabazz added, “We’re veryfluid;overthelastyear, it may have seemed like we played with one system, but we’ve been adapting from gametogame.”
“Over the years, Suriname has been a formidableopponent,andin recent years, they’ve gotten even stronger,” Shabazz said, touching the team’s top-calibre players, including Sheraldo Becker whoplayswithLaLigaside, RealBetis.
Shabazz added, “Now we’ve earned the right to be here,andwewanttostay To do that, we need good results, and playing at home is the perfect start. We’re readytogiveourbest.”
AlleyeswillbeonJones, (Continuedonpage23)
Flashback to Guyana’s celebration after clinching a spot in LeagueAof the
ShabazzurgesfanstoroarwiththeGoldenJaguars todayagainstSuriname
2024 Caribbean Premier League…GAW vs. STKNP
Hetmyer,Gurbaz,Motie,TahirfireAmazonWarriorsto40-run winoverPatriotsinhigh-scoringwar