Kaieteur News

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ExxonMobil extends contract for four drill rigs costing Guyana around US$2M daily

ExxonMobil Guyana extending each rig’s contract

Limited (EMGL) has duration from June 2027 to extended its contract with August2028.

American offshore drilling In May 2023, Noble company Noble Corporation announced that ExxonMobil for four of its drill ships to Guyana had extended their workintheStabroekBlock. contract for the rental of the According to Noble, four ultra-deep-water drill ExxonMobil has awarded shipstoworkinGuyanauntil 4.8 additional rig years of secondquarterof2027.

b a c k l o g

t h e Notably, Noble had Commercial Enabling explained that market-based Agreement(CEA)whichhas day rates are reset twice per been assigned evenly across

the four drill ships: Noble S

One of the Noble Drill Ships working for Exxon offshore Guyana

Tom Madden, Noble Sam projected market rate at that Croft, Noble DonTaylor and time. N

This publication had

previously reported that by Wood Mackenzie, a Exxon is utilising six drill g

d ships for its Stabroek Block consultancy group, had project – four vessels fromA shown that rig utilisation Noble and two from Stena returned to pre-COVID Drilling. levels, driving rates up

Earlier this year, Liam Wood Mackenzie had Mallon, ExxonMobil reported that by the end of Upstream President 2023 rates were expected to disclosed that EMGL is be at US$500,000/day or operating six drill rigs in the above for highly-prized, StabroekBlockdailycosting advantaged ultra-deep-water an average of US$420,000 rigs. (GYD$84 million) to EMGL is producing a US$500,000 (GYD$100M) daily average of 645,000 per day for each ship, based barrels of oil per day (bpd) oncurrentmarket-rate. and have plans to hit a target It was during his address of 1.2 million bdp by 2027. at the opening of the 2024 Since 2015 the company has Guyana Energy Conference made over 30 discoveries and Supply Chain Expo from its drilling campaign in when Mallon made the the Stabroek Block which is disclosure. “Meanwhile, we estimatedtohold11.6billion talked a lot about the source barrelsrecoverableoil. of the revenue, six drilling Itshouldbenotedthatfor rigs and their crews are at every day that the drill ships work every single day 24/7 work, Guyana will have to throughout the block, foot the bill. Owing to the drilling and exploring, 2016 Production Sharing preparing yellowtail and Agreement (PSA), Guyana Uaru for startup tirelessly signed with Exxon – all of developing the existing the company’s expense will resource base and seeking to berecovered.Underthedeal, find even new discoveries,” Exxon receives profits after Mallontoldtheconference. 75 percent is withdrawn to Moreover, a 2023 report coveroperationalexpenses.

Man, 65, survives vicious bee attack

A 65-year-old man on Thursday morning survived a vicious attack by a swarm of bees after he was reportedly cleaning a drain in the vicinity of Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara(WCD).

Theman,whorequestedanonymity,told Kaieteur News during an interview that the incident occurred at about 09:00hrswhilehewascleaningdrainsinthearea.

“Me was working …cleaning drain, so me go to a place wheremecleanthedrainandthebeescomeoutjustlikethat, andstormonme,”the65-year-oldmanrecalled.

He said that for about 20 minutes, he endured the stings by the swarm of bees, as he pulled his black jersey to cover hisears,andnose.

Fortunately, a public-spirited citizen placed a cloth and wavedastickoverthe65-year-oldmantogettoremovethe bees.

After the bees departed, the man was taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital where he was treated and sent away

Themantold Kaieteur News thatheisstillinlotsofpain andfeels“veryweak”.

One-year-old company got contract to monetize Guyana’s gas not only on experience but proposal - Jagdeo

The one-year-old

accelerate upstream gas hasonlyhiredoneemployee. Stabroek Block, operated by company headed developmentsinthecountry Kaieteur News discovered Exxon. by former Vice Research conducted by that Ivor Ellul has been hired A deeper dive into the

this publication revealedthat as Technical Director at company’s records also led

Bronchalo is not only CEO FulcrumLNG. Kaieteur News to the

Bronchalo was awarded a of Fulcrum LNG, but he also The limited experience business address of Fulcrum

of the company has raised LNG. Guyana’s gas but evaluators professional caps at the serious questions about its The energy company not only considered the business. capacity to fulfill its operates from what appears company’s experience, but

According to company contracted obligations tobeatwo-storyguesthouse thenatureofitsproposal. records, seen by this Bronchalo’s company was located at 937 TAHOE

This was explained by publication, Bronchalo is selected as “the most Boulevard, Incline Village, Vice President, Bharrat also Secretary, Treasurer,

Nevada, USA Fulcrum Jagdeo onThursday during a “They were aware of this operate the required gas Director,andPresidentofthe bidder” among 16 others LNG, according to company press conference at Freedom but they evaluated not just infrastructure to provide gas company who tendered to develop the records, operates from Suite H

, it’s the monetization solutions and From all indications, he non-associated gas in the 130B. Georgetown. proposal you evaluate a

The Chief Policymaker proposal, you ask for a for the oil and gas sector was proposal, what are the asked by this newspaper elements of this proposal? whether he still stands by the You don’t know, you just company since new latch on to one thinginformation has come to experience,”heargued. light regarding the expertise TheformerHeadofState oftheotherbidders. also reasoned that the

To this end, Jagdeo said experience of a company is that following the invitation not only defined by its age for bids, a technical but “it’s the experience that evaluation team was set up. theybringintheproposal.” Subsequently, the VP noted Jagdeo said global that the bids were evaluated energy companies such as and ranked accordingly; this Solaris,ERM,Schlumberger document was shared with and others were associated Cabinet by the Minister of with the bid which brings Natural Resources, Vickram collective experience to the Bharrat. proposal.

Jagdeo was keen to note He therefore noted, “Do that evaluators did not they have the requisite consider individuals, but the experience to develop a proposals submitted. In fact, project of this nature and the he was adamant that answer in this case is yes, politicians were unaware of because of these companies, the affiliation between not because of the Jesus guy F u l c r u m L N G a n d but the proposal. Two, can Bronchalo, the former Vice they raise the financing for a President of ExxonMobil project of this nature and Guyana. thirdly, what is the nature of

“I asked him (Bharrat) theircompliancewiththebid did you know that Jesus was document? Have you part of the bid and he said no checked any of these things and personally I did not with the evaluators or the know too until after the Ministry?” award was made and I saw It was reported that five him at one of the meetings,” months after tendering his Jagdeoasserted.Ontheother resignation at ExxonMobil hand, he informed that the as Vice President and Chief evaluators were aware of Commercial Officer for the Bronchalo’sconnectionwith Guyana operations, thecompany Bronchalo launched Bethatasitmay,hemade FulcrumLNGinJuly2023. it clear that the evaluation In June 2024 it was team not only assessed the announced that the company bids on experience of the w a s c o n t r a c t e d b y companies but the specifics government to design, oftheproposal. finance, construct, and

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo


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Labour gap

Being a labour market specialist, a senior political leader,oranastuteobserverwouldhelp. Butnotbeingone of those doesn’t prevent anyone from appreciating that Guyana’slabourneedsversusitslabourpoolhasayawning gap. The arrival of oil and its many vital supporting servicesdemandanarmyofworkerstokeepbothrunningat thespeedsthattheyhavebeengoing. Thehospitalitysector standsasacaseinpoint. Withtheconstructionofeachnew hotel,thecallfordrovesofnewworkersatdifferentlevels possessingvariousskillsexpands. Guyanahasitsshareof willingworkers,butwhatthelocallabourpoolmaynotlack innumbers,itisshortrelativetoneededskills.

Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton said that the government has expanded its training programmes in several sectors. These include construction, healthcare, and the racing oil and gas sector We at this publication recognize the government’s efforts, that a start has been madeinthesefields,andthatmoreworkisunderway Still, itseemsadaydelayedtoolong,whenmorethanfouryears after being in office, and at the helm of a barreling ahead economy The PPP/C Government shouldn’t be talking now about manpower studies that have been initiated to address sector-specific needs. Commonsense would inform from leaders to citizens that such studies had to be launched very early, as in the first year(s) of this government. The result would guide about how much couldbeplannedfor,andhowtospreadthingsout,sothat the labour lag does not widen and drag down the pace of economicgrowth. Bynow,suchmanpowerstudieswould have long been completed, giving the government a clear picture of how much labour is required where, and how much Guyana has to offer If quality contributions are to become the standard of the Guyana labour force, then it cannot be executed in a slipshod manner, and on the run. Consideringtherateatwhichgovernmenthasbeengoing,it isarecipeforfallingbackintermsofthelabourgap.

Forsure,therewillusuallybefoundworkerstoloadand unload trucks, to operate them, and to perform the lowerlevel duties that spring up all over this country But with oneprojectafteranotherbeingapproved,asifinsomemad rush,wherearetheskilledpeopleinthelocalworkforceto oversee them, to pronounce comprehensively on them. That is, to ensure that Guyana gets value for its money Whentheprojectsmultiplyatsuchablindingspeed,there arenotenoughGuyanesewiththeskillstomovethemalong atthehands-onlevel,andthereisnotasufficiencyoflocals tosupervisewhatisgoingon. Thosethatareavailableare spreadtoo thinandarerun raggedin theirefforts to cover whathasbeenassignedtothem. Or,understandingcomes sooner than later, that to keep the project assembly line going,somesacrificesmustbemade. Somemaydescribe that as judgment calls, while we call that the cutting of cornersthatbecomeallbutinevitabletokeepabreastofthe gruelingworkpace.

Churningoutadozentraineesinonesectorandanother dozeninaseparateareacallingfordifferentskillsdoesnot do much to make a dent in labour needs. Matching is crucial and in sufficient quantities The local manufacturing sector is a crucial contributor to the many developments and projects but suffers from a massive labour shortage. The local manufacturing association has reached beyond Guyana’s shores to the University of the West Indies to identify what is needed, and how to tailor training programmes to address those needs aggressively

As Manufacturing Association President, Ramsay Ali noted, this would benefit other sectors that are also struggling to find skilled workers. We agree, even as we think that Guyana is going too fast, considering local limitations. Politicians have recognized the severe capacity deficit, but have not slowed the pace, so that Guyanacangetthebestoutofitspeople,andthemostfrom its expenditures. Rush ahead without planning carefully, andtheriskgrowsoftrippingoverourownfeet.

Building a Better Guyana through Infrastructure

DEAREDITOR, Guyana is poised for c

growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), promising measurable benefits for all Guyanese The nation’s infrastructure investments aimtoimprovethefacilities and systems that support its economy and society These investments will enhance access to clean water, affordable electricity, highp

education, and improved healthcare.

Guyana’s infrastructure includes the essential structures for providing services, transportation, communication, and overall quality of life President Irfaan Ali has repeatedly

government’s commitment to enhancing infrastructure

development and economic


, “Infrastructure is the backboneofoureconomy It is essential for facilitating trade, attracting investment, andimprovingthequalityof life for our citizens.” This

entrepreneurship and small businessdevelopment.Most importantly, it demonstrates t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’s commitment to improving the lives of all Guyanese while fulfilling its electoral promise of a fairer, more inclusiveGuyana.

The total value of infrastructure projects reflectsPresidentAli’sfocus on economic growth, attracting foreign investment, and enhancing the quality of life for Guyanese Infrastructure spending is viewed as an e

nomic investment aiming to improve every citizen’s lives The Government of Guyana projects that these investments could reach severalbillionUSDoverthe next decade, with estimates suggesting spending could exceed $10 billion as the country modernizes its facilities.

The economic benefits of infrastructure investment include increased public goods, which are nonexcludable and nonrivalrous—available for all to use without depriving others. Additionally, such investments have a multiplier effect; every

dollar spent generates increasedeconomicactivity. Beyond job creation, they can lower transportation costs and enhance access to quality education and healthcare, thus improving the workforce’s skills and health. This contributes to increased productivity and economic growth, a key governmentpriority

As of 2024, Guyana is undertaking several significant infrastructure projects: Demerara River Bridge: Estimated cost is around $150 million; Berbice River Bridge: Approximate cost of $161 million; Linden to Lethem Road: Expected investment of $200 million; Airport Expansion: Costing about $150 million; Deep-Water Port: Estimated at $300 million or more; Amaila Falls Project: Estimated to cost $840 million, aimed at reducing energy costs, and WaterSupplyandSanitation

Improvements: Costs between $50 million and $100million.

A notable benefit of the new bridges, which is in Guyanese’s interest, is that they will eventually allow Guyanese to traverse differentpartsofthecountry

without paying a toll. President Ali recently announcedthattherewillbe no tolls on these crossings, benefiting both households and businesses while significantly reducing transportation costs. This is preciselywhatinfrastructure investment is intended to achieve: making travel and businessmoreaccessiblefor Guyanese Lowering transportation costs will lessen the burden on households and small businesses. When speaking about the Berbice River Bridge, Vice President Jagdeo noted, “We had to build that bridge because peoplewerespendinghours, sometimes days, at the ferry Most people, especiallyyoungones,don’t know about the hardships there.Itusedtobelonglines, and the price was similar to whatischargedasbridgetoll now.” This decision by the Government should be celebrated as, ultimately, Guyaneseconsumersarethe principledbeneficiaries.

O v e r a l l , t h e s e infrastructure projects illustrate Guyana’s commitment to leveraging itsnaturalresourcesfor


Exxon’s production vessels have meters and they meet or exceed international industry standards

DEAREDITOR, It’s unfortunate this publication continues to spreadmisinformationabout ExxonMobil Guyana’s operations Its readers deservebetter

Contrary to assertions repeatedlymadebythepaper this week, Government representativesarepresentto witnesseveryoffshoreoillift

–boththeirown,andthoseof the Stabroek block consortium Simply put, none of the consortium memberscanliftoilwithout a government witness present The Government has described how it exercisesitsrightsandduties to closely monitor our operations.

The Government’s oil

lifts also aren’t a mystery –theyareavailableforanyone to read on the Ministry of NaturalResources’website.

Furthermore, despite repeated claims to the contrary, our offshore production vessels have meters, and those meters meetorexceedinternational industrystandards.Thatdata is also monitored by the Government. Thoselookingforfactual information about Guyana’s oil-and-gas industry would be better served seeking out news outlets that are committed to factual and unbiasedreporting.

Sincerely, AlistairRoutledge President, ExxonMobil Guyana

The launch of the National Defence Institute deserves commendation

DEAREDITOR, The announcement by young President Ali at the launch of the National Defence Institute (NDI) deserves commendation and congratulations However, thefewofuswhohavebeen around long enough, may regardthis,commendableas

it is, no more than forms of Plagiarism, Propaganda and Pomposity

Almostfiftyyearsago,a confidential state paper was prepared, titled ‘Defence in Depth.’ In addition to the announcement by President Ali,thedocumentaddressed the basic outline of the

proposals contained in his a n n o u n c e m e n t Additionally, it included providing the physical infrastructure and logistical support for cadres from National Service, security forces and educational institutions to provide them the opportunity to settle on

tracks of land in areas along ourborders.

T h e u n d e r l y i n g philosophy was that if you are a Guyanese, trained in military,agricultural,mining and other skills, this will be the best means to secure our bordersfromtheambitionof (Continuedonpage17)




, IfoneweretofollowMr Tacuma Ogunseye’s ramblings in his letter of 30thAugust2024intheKN titled “Ogunseye replies to Sultan Mohamed” one would certainly become moreconfused.

Let’s start from the bottom of his letter (1) Mr Ogunseye retorts that my assertion that Dr Rodney waswithagreementwithDr Jagan to merge the WPA withthePPPisafabrication. How would he know otherwise?Dr Rodneymust have been aware that the WPA was infiltrated by the PNC state apparatus. He trusted few in the WPA. In fact,hedidnoteventrustMr Kwayana as the latter was against the use of violence while Dr Rodney was so inclined Mr Ogunseye providesnoevidenceforhis rebuttal. Yet I am on record

that it was Mr Hubert Rodney, younger brother of Dr Rodneywhoenlightened me about the merger agreement!

S e e https://wwwkaieteurnewso nline com/2021/06/13/rodn ey-would-have-mergedwpa-into-the-ppp-in-thelong-term/ (2) Mr Ogunseye wrote he was in the audience at Queen’s College when Trinidad born US Black PoweradvocateMr.Stokely Carmichael defined Black Power as being for black people separately - to the objectionsofIndianstudents whoheckledhimandwalked out of the meeting. It is true that Mr Carmichael did say that Indians too should go and organize themselves separately I too was at Queen’s College as was the ROAR’s Mr Ravi Dev and the DLM’s Mr Paul

Tennassee. So what is Dr Roopnarine, Mr Moses Bhagwan and Mr Rohit Kanhai doing in the WPA when they have absolutely no grounding whatsoever am

community? Shouldn’t they

tely organizing Indians for political power just as Mr Kwayana has been a historical and unapologetic champion of exclusive African people’s rights? Mr Ogunseye positively fails to acknowledge by omission that Dr Rodney defined Black Power to include Indians! Nonecandenythat the charismatic Dr Rodney had immense multi-racial appeal especially among Indians.

(3) Mr Ogunseye is still on record as championing armed means to achieve political power in Guyana. In fact, he as well as Dr

Rodney and Dr Roopnarine wereontheWPAcommittee to amass weapons to overthrow the PNC government. Double agent Mr Robert Allan Gates driver and bodyguard of Dr Roopnarineconfirmedtothe Rodney Commission of Inquiry (RCOI) that he witnessed the collection of armsbytheWPAleader! In anyviolentmeanstoachieve political power, Indians would be at a disadvantage as Mr Burnham seized all Indiangunsinthe1960s. M r O g u n s y e ’ s contradiction is that unlike him, Mr Kwayana was against the use of armed meansofremovingthePNC government As the preeminent Afrocentric leader Mr Kwayana could not fathom the thought of Africans shooting Africans

Africanized armed forces of

Guyana Why is Mr Ogunseye,asaseasonedand proclaimed WPA co leader again, so openly and consistently championing the use of violence in a fragile multi-racial society likeGuyana?

See WPA’s Ogunseye failstorejectviolencebyhis own words, Ogunseye’s position on violence is unchanged. In fact, why is the PNC so desperately courting the WPAto be in a coalition considering the latter’s proclivity for violence?

(4) Mr Ogunseye admits that “Mr Kwayana called for ‘partition’, – end ofstory.”Farfromtheendof this long divisive story by the merchant of partition –Mr Kwayana is its truth. What Mr Ogunseye should acknowledgeisthattherace problem is not solvable by violence. The choices are

clear; we can continue to embrace merchant Mr Kwayana’s partition advocacy or go with Mr Ravi Dev’s alternatively suggested Federalism. Both Africans and Indians would be free to m



n d e r Federalism without the humbuggery of the other What do you say about FederalismMr Ogunseye?



Building a Better Guyana through Infrastructure...

Frompage04 sustainable development andenhancingthequalityof life for its citizens. These investments are crucial for economic growth, attracting foreign investment, and improving regional

connectivity, with millions also invested in agriculture, education,andpublicsafety The economics of

infrastructure spending is straightforward: it impacts allGuyanese. It facilitates commerce for households and businesses, creates jobs, a n d o p e n s n e w

opportunities for young entrepreneurs Most importantly, infrastructure i n v e s t m e n t s a r e foundational elements that support various aspects of economic development, driving growth, efficiency, and the overall well-being oftheGuyanesepeople

Sincerely, Dr. Tilokie Arnold Depoo Economist

Govt.to roll out digital techniques to address low Maths passes at CSEC

The Government of Guyana while adding that “…There are

scenario, in a learning primary schools must have more (GoG)intendstoimplementtheuse some important tools that we can environment, getting the best periods allotted for the subject of technology in the education utilize instantaneously and that is resource that we have nationally, whichwillnowbetaughtduringthe sector to address the country’s why we are investing, we are putting those resources in a digital morninghours. decliningMathematicspassratesat investing in digitization of format and delivering online According to a circular sent out Caribbean Secondary Education education, the digitization of our education,”Alisaid. by the Chief Education Officer, Certificate (CSEC) level, President textbooks, the digitization of our

The President noted that Saddam Hussain, the schools were IrfaanAliannouncedonThursday teaching material, the digitization technologywillbeusedtoclosethe required to implement 16

The President was at the time of our learning material, the learning gap emphasizing that the guidelines before September 6, speaking at the commissioning digitizationofourdelivery.” Ministry of Education will 2024 in order to improve the ceremony for the Yarrowkabra Kaieteur News reported that “ Infuse it into a national mathematics performances among SecondarySchool.Attheevent,the this year’s CSEC results saw a 3 programme and disseminate it students. Head-of-State spoke of percent dip, moving from 34

acrossthelearningplatform…” The CEO in the document government’s plan to invest in percent in 2023 to 31 percent this

Hesaid,“Wewanttobridgethis stated that the “Ministry of digitilisation techniques in the year learninggap.” Education has observed several education sector aimed at targeting President Ali said that

Mathematics requires more thenewschooltermthismonth,the teaching of mathematics across

Meanwhile, at the beginning of undesirable practices in the improvedresults.

“…We also have to look at how analytical thinking, and a problem-

The Government is currently MinistryofEducationinaneffortto secondary schools Specifically, opportunities, how we use new solving approach which may cause examiningthreeproposalsthatdeal tackle the decline in the country’s our monitoring mechanisms technology, environment and the students to shy away from the withonlineeducation.

Mathematics performance at the revealed that CSEC mathematics bestmethodsthroughwhichwecan subject. He said that an important “… 24 hours every day we can regional examination announced performance has been affected h a v e i m p r o v e m e n t i n platform in digitization is e- place our schools, our students in a that all secondary schools and negativelybythesepractices.” Mathematics,” the President said learningandonlineeducation. classroom scenario in an education secondary departments in the (Continued on page 17)

President Irfaan Ali

Defence in Depth

Wehavebeenadvisedby Guyana’s politicalelderthat fifty years ago, the doctrine of defence in depth was developed for Guyana. This cameasashockerespecially whenitwasreportedthatthe adoption of the idea was the brainchild of Forbes Burnham.

The idea of defence in depth evokes images of trenchwarfareandmedieval ramparts a romantic notion of military defence that belongs more to history booksthantotherealitiesof modern warfare. It is a shocking indictment of the PNC government to learn that it was once presented withapaperaboutdefencein depth and had flirted with this antiquated military strategy

Why anyone would propose this approach for a country like Guyana, a nation of modest resources

and limited military capability,isperplexing.Itis a case of fighting tomorrow’s wars with yesterday’s playbook, and the results would likely be disastrous.

The basic concept of defence in depth is deceptively simple: instead of concentrating resources on a strong, impregnable front line, defences are spread across multiple layers, each intended to absorb an enemy’s advance. Theideaisnottopreventan attackoutrightbuttoslowit

down, causing attrition along the way and buying time for reinforcements to arrive. On paper, this might sound reasonable—if you happen to command a vast army, and possess limitless funding to maintain such a complex web of defences. And if the major attack was across land rather through airpower, as one expects wouldhappenshouldanyof Guyana’s neighbour’s attack. Butwhathappensfor example such airpower and seapowerbeusedtocripple the country’s military infrastructure? What happensindefenceindepth, then? For Guyana, a small nation with its limited financial and military resources, defence in depth isnothingshortofsuicidal.It is the kind of strategy that could only have emerged from the fever dreams of bureaucratsenamouredwith military jargon, completely detached from the reality of Guyana’s defence needs That the PNC government,

50 years ago, even contemplatedsuchastrategy should alarm any rational observer It is precisely this kind of thinking that could invitecatastrophe.

One of the main issues withdefenceindepthisthat it demands an enormous l o g i s t i c a l investment something Guyana can ill afford Multiple layers of defence mean multiple lines to

fortify, supply, and staff. This isn’t just about placing a few soldiers at each outpost;itrequiresextensive training, advanced equipment, constant surveillance, and a reliable supply chain to keep the system operational Each lineofdefenceneedstobeas strongastheonebeforeit,or else the entire structure crumbles. In essence, it’s a house of cards, where weakness in one layer jeopardizes the entire strategy.The idea of funnelling billions into a militarized version of Russian nesting dolls is laughable. The government would find itself spending obscene amounts of money onastrategydesignedtofail. And fail it would—because the very premise of defence in depth is that you’re willing to trade control of territory for time In Guyana’s case, this means that in the event of an invasion, we’re essentially inviting the enemy to come deeper into our land, sow chaos, and force us into a protracteddefenceonterrain webarelyhavethemeansto defend.Howdoesthismake senseforasmallcountry?

Thearchitectsofdefence indepthoftentoutitsability to buy time. But time for what?Ifaninvasionwereto occur, what exactly are we stallingfor?Reinforcements from where? Certainly not from the small, ill-equipped


Superstition runs things in Guyana!

Guyanese people believe in science, sure but not too much science. After all, who needs evidence when you’ve got a whole bag of superstitions passed down through generations?

Forgetaboutthestockmarketorsalary increases, the real money forecast comes when the palm of your hand starts itching. Theysayifit’stherighthand,yourwallet’s abouttogetheavy Butifit’sthelefthand, get ready to lose money faster than a politician loses promises. Some folks even giveitagoodrub,justtospeedthingsalong. Now,don’tgetmestartedonbrooms.In any other country, a broom is just for cleaning, but in Guyana, it’s a tool for ruining your love life.Accidentally sweep someone’s foot? Congrats, you just condemned them to a lifetime of bachelorhood. No wedding bells, no cake, nothing!Ifyourfamilywantsyoumarried, they better keep the broom far away from

Guyanese military that has historically relied on international solidarity for evenbasicupgrades.

In fact, defence in depth assumes that some external power will rush to our aid while we fight a slow, grinding battle on our own soil It’s the geopolitical equivalentofcallingforhelp while your house is already burning down The fire department might show up, but by then your home is a smoulderingruin.

Thisbringsustothecore ofwhydefenceindepthisa non-starter for Guyana. The geography of the country, with its vast rainforests, savannahs,andrivers,makes it impassable for any invadingforcebyland.

Theenemywouldsimply bypass the various layers of defence in depth and neutralize us through aerial a n d n a v a l bombardment Modern warfare is not about trench linesandstaticfrontiers;it’s about speed, precision, and overwhelmingforce.Awellequipped military, using air and naval power could tear through Guyana’s defences inamatterofminutes.Bythe timereinforcements—assum ing

mobilized, the battle is alreadylost.

The entire notion of defence in depth smacks of nostalgia for a time when wars were fought by marching armies, when territory was won inch by bloodyinch.

But today’s battles are fought with drones and precision-guided missiles

To suggest that Guyana could effectively wage a defensive war using these old tactics is to betray a f u n d a m e n t a l misunderstanding of how modern conflicts unfold Defenceindepthisnotonly outdated;it’saninvitationto defeat. We might as well be defending ourselves with bowsandarrows.

Ratherthaninvestingina defence system that is more suitedtothe19thcentury,we should be looking to the future. Cybersecurity, aerial surveillance, rapid-response units—these are the tools of defence in the 21st century Guyana’s defence strategy should focus on agility, technology, and alliances, not on the construction of multiple Maginot Lines acrossitsterritory

What is most troubling about the contemplation of defenceindepthisthatitwas likely kept from the public. Had the average Guyanese citizen known that their leaders,fiftyyearsago,were toyingwithsuchanoutdated and impractical strategy, there would have been publicoutcry

Or would there? In a country where government actionsareoftenshroudedin secrecy and policy is dictated by a small circle of elites, the public remains largely in the dark about criticaldefencematters.

Defence in depth is a relic of a bygone era. It has no place in the modern world, let alone in the defenceofasmall,resourcestrappednationlikeGuyana. The proposal of such a strategy today would be nothingshortofmadness.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)


Andheavenhelpyouifanyonedaresto jump over your feet. Do you enjoy your current height? Well, not for long if someone decides to leapfrog over you—you’ll stop growing! Apparently, gravity just gives up after that. Makes you wonderhowtallGuyanesemightbeifthey weren’tdodgingbroomsticksandjumpers.

Oh, and here’s a tip: don’t sweep your houseafter6:00p.m.unlessyou’reactively tryingtosweepawayyourriches.Justwait until the morning; your broom will understand.

Butperhapsthebestadviceisforwhen you pass a cemetery—don’t point! If you do, your fingers are doomed to rot unless youbitethemlikeahungryvampire.

Sciencemayhaveitsplace,butlet’sbe real—superstitionrunstheshowinGuyana. Do you know of any others that actually work? Talkhalf.Leffhalf!


The English Language is timely to give a sneak award or an ambassadorial Guyana to work-out the mattertheoutcome. a rich treasury of words. preview of a new Guyana- posting). bugs; an experiment to test G u

s e Fascinating words. Words English Dictionary that I am Political leader - the hospitality of its independent/centrist: a withmorethanonemeaning, working on. It should be someone who has been a receptioninGuyana. feared daytime nightmare, a andthatfunctionlikeaturtle, mandatory reading in the confirmed blight relative to

American oil company: Creole Peking Man, a platform that is a gathering as contexts change. With so Office of the President, the anything that he or she an Elizabethan hustler of the

place for hooligans, political many A

ns and HouseofParliament,andthe touches; a Guyanese who caliber of Drake, Raleigh, Guyanesedinosaur d

Europeans now present in Offices of the Prime makes other Guyanese and Hawkins now reborn as No confidence motion: governmentskullduggeries. Guyana, the Guyanese Minister, Vice President, worse;aperpetuallosereven an investor; archaic: a the calculated maneuvers of Press conference: an dictionary of today is a Opposition Leader, and when a winner; slang: a plunderer or pillager some old con who has lost international convention unfamiliar animal to old- every media editor It may conman pretending to be operating under the banner favour, but gets a new lease converted to a domestic timers like me and my peers, not qualify as tongue-in- converted. ofred,white,andblue. onlife.

who cut our eyeteeth on the cheek material, but it meets Legal eagle: a Guyanese

Contractor: a Guyanese P

performing in animal roles; tongue of the now departed any finger in the eye lawyer who is encumbered who previously made a nationaldumpsiteformainly the circus master is the Elizabeth Regina The requirements. by some handicap that livingasahustleroraharlot, lowlifes, assorted lunatics, masterjuggler mischievous ones from my Be cautioned that no prohibits he or she from butfailedatboth. and feeders at the public Presidential press time used to have loads of word is absolute, all rising to his full potential; an C o n t r a c t : a n trough, with an occasional conferences: jesters in fun mimicking the public- definitionsenjoythegreatest air traffic controller’s worst arrangement between a saintthrownintokeepthings a

school accents of the top flexibility, and every word nightmare; a courtyard political operator and a civilized (and the lions trampolines;theintoxicating British public servants, as has its own generalities. But grasshopper or ambulance bidder about how to execute happy). union of arrogance and well as those who serve her meanings are unique to chaser pretending to be a a certain piece of work; it is Union leader; a part- insipidity now tranquilized son in Guyana. highflier thetermsoutliningwhodoes time negotiator, a full-time Attorney general: a Guyana. Politician - someone Sanctity of contract: an what for how much and how salesman,self-promoter,and lawman who thinks he is a

Considering all this, plus who has been a miserable International Court of thepotistobeshared. s

per (it’s

he military man but is really a the local outrages with the failureateveryjob,butgiven Justice concept now in its State media worker: American Way taking man weakened by political language of the world, one last chance to continue market testing and focus someone who is good at Guyanabystorm). circumstances; an attorney notwithstanding Chinese the trend, and retire with a group stages; an idea that oil listening, open to offers, and Political opposition: a restrained, like a nun, by objections, I thought it is perfect score (and a national companies give a test run in knows how to package a group of citizens working silenceandobedience product to suit the masters’ hard at self-resurrection, Constitution:anysitting expectations; a peddler only to collapse into self- president’s or former usually not constrained by destructionbyitsownhand. president’s autobiography; a Fourth Estate standards; R u l i n g p a r t y : a bestselling work of local someone who cuts side synonym for a national political-historicalfiction. deals,speaksfrombothsides criminal conspiracy or a Burnhamism: the best of the mouth; in sum, a nationallunaticasylum. of times, the worst of times politician’sdreamcometrue. Richest people in the forGuyanese.

Te n d e r a w a r d : world: a construction by Jaganism: the time Guyana’s equivalent of a psychopaths for the naïve when America came to Red Alert terrorist threat; a withdelusionsofgrandeur;a Guyanaandrecreateditinits national viral contagion; a lowdown, dirty trick put own image; America has synonym for political together by Yankee oil never left, now taking over hijinks. companies. totally.

Trusted Guyanese: an Financial analyst: Corruption:thenational endangered species; a local someone who specializes in religionjointlysponsored by UFO. chartsandtables,dealsunder the PPP-PNC axis of evil;

Reliable Guyanese: thetable,whiledealingselfa PPP, now the monopoly another enigma; refer to secret pile on his or her own holder; national God definition of trusted table. wor

Guyanese. Public commentator: a Guyanese

Chinese oil company: soup drinker with record to Elections: a time of ant Ghost Shadow member match, a gifted brownnoser; national rumormongering, operating locally; part of a somecombinationofhatchet s c a r e m o n g e r i n g , secretsocietytriad. man-double dealer-self- scandalmongering, race Indian supremacist: a enricher; a Guyanese baiting, spre

visionary (depending on regular innovating, ballot box whoisasked) Guyanese voter

African supremacist; a citizen who hopes for the American cleaning up hooligan or a thug (per best, expects the worst, and operations. Indiansupremacist). ends up in the gutter with the This is a sneak preview Guyana supremacist worstgangsters.

(Guyana Firster): an Cost-o


ving: a dictionary More coming up undesirable, a parasite, a concoction of the people’s soon. dissenteroftheworstsort. imagination; a statistical (The views expressed in Indigenous Guyanese: apparition (all spirit, no this article are those of the anyone who can be taken for substance); an opposition a

a n d d o n o t a political leadership ride, guerillawarfaretactic. necessarily reflect the and applauds the result no Street protest: that rare opinions of this newspaper.)


A fossil whose time has come

Vice President Bharrat can be considered a fossil.

You watch him every week at his news conference and you get the clear impression that this is a man whose time has come to leave the political scene.

He convinces himself that he is best thing that has ever happened to Guyana, but the poor fella has not realised that he is the most divisive and controversial politician in these parts.

After selling out Guyana during his tenure as president, he is back as VP to sell out our patrimony to Exxon and other foreigners as well as his friends, families and cronies.

OMAI aims for higher annual production, extending mine life at Guyana gold project

CSambach pleased with these first ouncesofpayablegold. results from our 2024 drill Notably, Ellingham said anadian mining program and have doubled in the recent statement that company, Omai the size of the program to the current PEA only

G o l d M i n e s 10,000 meters. Following incorporates 45% of the Corporation,isadvancingits c o m p l e t i o n o f o u r property’s MRE, leaving expansion plans for its gold Preliminary Economic substantial room for growth. project in Guyana, with Assessment (PEA) for the “Much of our planned newly released drill results Wenot open pit deposit in program is also targeting an showingpotentialtoincrease April, and a C$13m expansion to our already gold production and extend financing in June we substantial gold resources,” the life of the Wenot mining prepared plans to drill sheadded. pit. several high potential areas Omai’s planned drill Earlier this year, Omai ontheOmaipropertythatwe program for 2024-25 will unveiled an enhanced believewillmoveustowards test several areas, including Mineral Resource Estimate our goal of significantly extensions to Wenot to the the1.9millionounceswithin Wenot resource of 834,000

(MRE) for its gold project expanding the mine plan, for eastandwest.

located in Region Seven Omai beyond our baseline

the PEA pit lying above a indicated ounces of gold

Additional targets on the 330mdepth. grading 1.48 g/t Au and announcedthatithasgranted (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) Guyana. PEA, with higher annual Omai property will also be “

d 1,614,000 inferred ounces of Omai, a new Prospecting

The company holds a 100% production, a longer mine drilled as some are near drilling below the 350m goldgrading1.99g/tAu.For Licence providing the interest in the gold project, l i f e a n d e n h a n c e d surface and high grade that level presents significant the adjacent Gilt Creek exclusiverightofoccupation whichencompassestwogold economics.” could bolster the grade potential to expand the deposit, the NI 43-101 MRE and exploration for gold, deposits: the shear-hosted The results from the profile in the early years of a Wenotdeposittodepthalong is 1,151,000 indicated base metals, precious metals Wenot Deposit and the company’s first PEA for the productionscenario. thefull2.5kmstrikelength,” ounces of gold grading 3.22 and precious stones adjacent intrusive-hosted Wenot Project revealed that Moreover, the company itwasstated. g/t Au and 665,000 inferred Notably, the licence has an GiltCreekDeposit. the project is slated to yield disclosed that relative to the Notably, drilling at Omai ounces of gold grading 3.35 initial three-year term until In an update on Friday, over 142,000 ounces of gold otherdepositsinGuyana,the is expected to continue until g/tAu. April 29, 2027 that can be Elaine Ellingham, President annuallyovera13-yearmine Wenot MRE of 834,000 early December at which In 2020,Omaire-entered extendedto2029. and Chief Executive Officer life.Atitspeak,productionis indicated ounces of gold time the company expects to Guyana’s mining industry This licence gives Omai (CEO) of Omai expressed anticipated to soar to grading 1.48 g/t Au and commence work towards an The company had said that the exclusive rights to apply

optimism about the 184,000 ounces in a single 1,614,000 inferred ounces of updatedMRE. their work completed thus for a Mining License and the company’sfutureinGuyana. year, with a total estimated gold grading 1.99 g/t Au is

Moreover, the most far, has put them on track to company has commenced She said, “We are very production of 1,840,000 quite shallow, with 81% of recent NI 43-101 MRE for become the next large-scale meetings with government the Omai property, dated goldminetoopeninGuyana. officials that have provided May 21, 2024, includes the Recently, the Guyana guidanceontheprocess.

Ex-boyfriend found in woman’s trunk after breaching Protection Order, jailed

A 29-year-old man on Friday was sentenced to two months in jail for breaching a Protection Order by hiding in his exgirlfriend’s car trunk, threatening her with a knife,andchasingher

Rawl Simon of Red Road, Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD) appeared before MagistrateAnnette Singh at the Georgetown Magistrates’Courtwherethechargewasread tohim.

The charge against Simon stated that on September 5, 2024, at Lot 21 Regent and Oronoque Streets, he violated a Protection OrdermadeinfavourofDonessaMcCalmont and was issued on June 14 at the Diamond Magistrates’Court.


Sentenced to 2 months in jail; Rawl Simon

According to police statements presented in court, Simon went to his ex-girlfriends’ workplace where he hid himself in the woman’s’ car trunk Moments later, McCalmont went to her car and opened her trunkwhereshesawSimonwithaknifeinhis hand. He threatened her with the said knife. At that moment McCalmont became fearful During the court proceedings, Simon, and fled from her car but Simon chased after who was unrepresented by a lawyer, her She told the court that she ran into a requested leniency, claiming, “She’s nearby house for refuge The woman [McCalmont] trying to victimize me… I saw subsequentlyreportedtheincident,leadingto hercheatingonmelastweek.” Simon’sarrestandcharge. McCalmontclarifiedthattheywerenotin

The prosecutor noted that Simon was arelationshipatthetime. given an order to keep 500ft away from Magistrate Singh considered the McCalmont However, Simon’s action seriousnessoftheoffencedecidedtosentence clearlybreachedtheorder himtotwomonthsinprison.

Omai’s operation in Guyana (Omai Gold Mines photo)


The $60 million St. Gabriel’s Nursery School which was officially commissioned by Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand on Friday.

T h e M i n i s t r y o f development for young others all form part of the country has the highest Secondary has. But from Noting the importance of Education on Friday children. government’s aim at enrollment rate of nursery 2020 to now, we have built nursery education, the

c o m m i s s i o n e d t h e Construction of the $60 enhancing educational aged children in the 42 Nursery schools across Education Minister stated $60,100,000 St Gabriel’s millionnurseryschoolbegan access and quality for all CommonwealthCaribbean. this country I so often speak that if nursery teachers put

N u r s e r y S c h o o l i n in March 2022 and was Guyanese. “That is Guyana’s of the secondary schools outchildrenwhocannotread Georgetown,afacilitywhich executed by contractor Minister of Education, interest in education, and we’re building, that I don’t at their grade level, then the is designed to provide high- Trevon David Construction. Priya Manickchand at the becauseNurseryeducationis think people realize it’s entire system feels that quality early childhood The new school is said to be commissioning ceremony not compulsory, it has never across the sector that we’re “TheygointoGradeOneand education. accommodating 161 pupils revealed that although received the same kind of developing our physical struggle, to Grade Two and

A c c o r d i n g t o and 13 staff members across nursery education is not infrastructure, the same kind infrastructure for children,” struggle,reachGradeSix information released by the 10 classrooms which are mandated in Guyana, the of attention that Primary and theministerexplained. (Continued on page 17) ministry, the school is divided equally into 5 firstequipped with modern year and 5 second-year classrooms, interactive classrooms. learning environments, and Not the first school outdoor play areas that are project to be commissioned designed to foster both for the year, it was reported academic growth and social that this project among

Govt. to spend $350M to enhance fishing activity in Mon Repos

Fisherfolk at Mon Repos North, East smoothershoppingexperienceandfisherfolk CoastDemerara(ECD),willsoonexperience cansellatbetterprices. enhanced working conditions, as the “What we experienced is that the government plans to allocate over $350 fishing boats are selling to the trucks, and milliontowardsenhancingtheirfacilities. when they go to the markets, people are This announcement was made by payingdoubletheprice.Goingforward,at Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, these landing sites, we will be building on Friday during a land title distribution stalls and we are encouraging people to exerciseforresidentsthere.Thisintervention come to the landing sites to purchase fish stems from a previous visit to the area by so that the fisherfolk can get a betterprice President,Dr MohamedIrfaanAli. for the fish and the consumer can enjoy a “Over$350 million will be expended to better price as well,” Minister Mustapha enhance your landing site. We will build a explained. Fishing is one of the main ramp for the boats and fix the entire economic activities in the North Mon Repos revetment there.Ashed will also be put in area,supportingapproximately500persons. place to provide sufficient shade,” the During the president’s visit, he also minister stated. The measures are expected pledged that an access road would be to impact approximately 100 boats operating constructed.Additionally,thedredgingofthe at the location. The minister also mentioned waterway in the area is also in the pipeline to that stalls would be constructed near the address the challenges currently faced by landing site, ensuring consumers have a boatsduetoshallowwaters. (DPI)

GTT Rebrands as ONE Communications

In a move to expand and unify its didn’t want to bring a new brand to Guyana communication services, the Guyana forthecompanyuntilIwassurethatwecould TelephoneandTelegraph(GTT)onThursday deliverourpromises,”Blackburnadded.

E The new brand aims to symbolize the Communications’. company’s dedication to providing world-

The announcement was made during a classservicesandbridgingthedigitaldivide. cocktail reception at the Guyana Marriott Blackburn stated, “This brand ensures Hotel,Georgetown. that every individual, business, and

Thenewbrandintegratesallofthe community we serve—not just here company’s services under Guyana but everywhere else name. At the launch choose to operate—can Chief Executive Officer ahead and stay ahead ( C E O ) D a m i a inthisdigitalage.” Blackburn explained Chief Commercial that the transition to Officer, Kerchelle O N E Charles emphasized Communications is that the rebranding the culmination of a is focused on journey that began in “reinforcing the 2021 when he was u n w a v e r i n g appointed CEO. He

n o t e d t h a t t h e being customer-first company has achieved in everything that we several significa o Every decision, milestones since th y innovation, and which have set the stage interactionisaboutenhancing thisrebranding. thecustomerexperience.”

“We are taking a significant step Additionally, the company has forward in placing a big chip of the casino to expanded its fiber internet service, now become the premium telecommunications reaching two out of every three homes in challenger in every market we choose to Guyana, with service available in over operatein,”Blackburnsaid. 150,000 homes and businesses. Furthermore,

He also highlighted that the rebranding through a partnership with satellite internet project was long anticipated, reflecting the service provider WANSAT, residents in company’s commitment to delivering remote areas also have access to high-speed superiorservicetoitsGuyanesecustomers.“I internet. (Shania Williams)

President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali was accompanied by Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha during his previous visit to Mon Repos.


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

Canter Driver, age 30 year or older, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 6130855 9:00 am- 4:30 pm.

Excavator Operator, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 613-0855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.

Bob cat Operator, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 613-0855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein.

$4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).

One House Maid to work in Providence area. Call: 624-8591.

One Handyman needed to work in the Interior. Call: 6770869 or WhatsApp: 664-0844.

Urgently wanted Truck / Lorry driver. Must be safe & reliable. Call: 609-9203 / 6031768.

One general housekeeper to work on weekend. $4,500 per day. Age 30-40 years old. Call: 693-2600.

Sand truck drivers wanted, $5,000 per trip. Sand pit to Eccles, Call : 621-5282.

One general domestic & one handyman to work in Campbellville. Tele: 621-5140.

Male & Female clerk to work in a printery in Campbellville.Tele: 621-5140.

1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Unregistered, 2 ton Hiab Canter, 4D 35 Engine. Manual fuel pump . Call: 628-6870.


Mature man, loving and generous seeks female for friendship, ages 25-40 Years, WhatsApp: 1-246-835-6908.

One (1) electrician for Eccles Call 615-9132 or 645-8443.

One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Female Cleaner for office. Call 645-8443.

Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132/ 645-8443.

Litigation/companies Clerk. Experience essential, Applications with CV & References to Cameron & Shepherd/ csmain@cameronandshepherd.com

Vacancy Exist For two experienced Dispatcher at Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.

Experienced Cook & kitchen Assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.

One (1) painter. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Room Attendant, Desk Clerk, Supervisor and Receptionist 23-45 Years old. 233 South Road. Call: 225-0198.

Vacancy exist for one general domestic 40 years or older. Call : 619-9317.


Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.


Need a bus or planning an outing. Call Matthew bus services and tours, Surniname/ Braz. Whatsapp : 639-2663/ 673-2348.

Mining equipment, Maroc nozzles starting from $3,500 & chinese engine bed starting from $21,000. Call: 698-1267/ 657-9121.

House for rent in Eccles. $100K monthly. For more information Call: 685-5294.




Petition No. FD-176


HARRYRespondent/ Applicant -and(1) LATOYA DENISA ROBERTS nee PRESCOD -and- Applicant/Respondent (2) SCVEN AUGUSTUS


TAKE NOTICE that on the 8th day of July, 2024 a Application was filed against you by LATOYA DENISA ROBERTS nee PRESCOD, the Applicant/Respondent in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara.


NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 30th day of July, 2024, the Applicant/ Respondent was directed to effect service of her Application on you by publication of the Notice in two (2)consecutive Saturday issue of the Kaieteur News, a daily Newspaper printed, published and circulated on the Worldwide web. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Application, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Application, you must file an Reply to Application Relating to Children, and/or an Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 10th day of October 2024 at 9:00 am before the Honourable Madam Debroah Kumar-Chetty Meeting ID: 703 085 9517 and Password: DKCfanct1.

IN DEFAULT of your filing an Reply to Application Relating to Children, and/or an Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry) the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any

Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce.

The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.

Dated the 8th day of August, 2024.


2024-HC-DEM-CIV-FD-212 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISION Petition No. FD-212 BETWEEN:(JOHN) RAYMOND -and- Petitioner/ Applicant (JOHN) ROCKY nee ROWE Respondent TO: ROCKY JOHN nee ROWE Lot 590 Eccles New Housing Scheme, Industrial Site, East Bank Demerara, Guyana.TAKE NOTICE that on the 9th day of February 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by RAYMOND JOHN the Petitioner/Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 20th day of August, 2024 the Petitioner/Applicant was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of this Notice in two (2)consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur Newspaper, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the world wide web (online).AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the

Petition together with related documents.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file COL an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of The Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 24th day of October, 2024 at 2:10 pm before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin-Lincoln via Zoom Meeting: ID: 882 1097 6231 and Password: court12. IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed. Dated the 29th day of August 2024.



BETWEEN:WILMA ANGELINA WRIGHT also known as WILMA ANGELINA JACKSON, the duly constituted attorney of RAY ANTHONY JACKMAN and SHONDELL ALEXIS JACKMAN, agreeable with Power of Attorney executed

on the 22nd August, 2001, deposited in the Deeds Registry on the 22nd August, 2001 and numbered 5021 of 2001Applicant -and- JEAN CORDELIA HINDS also known as CORNELIA JEAN HINDS also known as CORNELIA JEAN HARVEY Respondent NOTICE: TO: JEAN CORDELIA HINDS also known as CORNELIA JEAN HINDS also known as CORNELIA JEAN HARVEY Lot 250 Melanie Damishana, East Coast Demerara Guyana.TAKE NOTICE that a Fixed Date Application was filed on the 22nd August, 2024 in the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Guyana at Georgetown, Demerara by WILMA ANGELINA WRIGHT also known as WILMA ANGELINA JACKSON the duly constituted attorney of RAYANTHONY JACKMAN and SHONDELLALEXIS JACKMAN, agreeable with Power of Attorney executed on the 22nd August, 2001, deposited in the Deeds Registry on the 22 August, 2001 and numbered 5021 of 2001, in which the Applicant claims for: a) An order for Specific Performance of the Agreement of Sale and Purchase dated the 3rd August, 2001 for the property located at Lot numbered 18 (eighteen), containing an area of 5839.87 (five thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine decimal eight seven) square feet being portion of area ‘E’, Plantation Elizabeth Hall, in the Foulis/Buxton Local Government District, situate on the east sea coast of the County of Demerara, more fully described in Deed of Transport No. 598 of 1997.b) An order that the sum of $100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars) reflecting the remaining purchase price of the property set out in paragraph 1(b) be lodged with the Deeds Registry for the benefit of the Respondent.c) An order that directing the Registrar of Deeds or anyone acting in that capacity to convey the property mentioned in paragraph 1 (a) above to Shondell Alexis Jackman, solely once there is compliance with paragraph 1(b).d) Or in the alternative, an order directing the Registrar of Deeds or anyone acting in that capacity to convey the property mentioned in paragraph 1(a) above to Ray Anthony Jackman and Shondell Alexis Jackman, jointly once there is compliancewith paragraph 1(b) above.


f) Any other relief that the court deems fit in the circumstances. UPON APPLICATION in person or by letter to Mr. Donavon A. Rangiah Attorney-at- Law for the Applicant whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, copies of the Fixed Date Application, filed herein, will be delivered or sent to you. AND TAKE NOTICE if you desire to defend this action you must forthwith within 28 days after the final publication of this notice, prepare an Affidavit in Defence in Form 10C prescribed in the Civil Procedure Rules 2016, serve it on the applicant’s attorney-at-law, to Mr. Donavon A. Rangiah whose address for service and place of business is at Lot 156 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, and file it with proof of service at the Registry at Georgetown, Demerara, not later than 4 days before the date fixed for hearing of the application, and you or your attorney-at-law must appear at the hearing.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you fail to file such affidavit and or if you fail to appear at the hearing, final judgment may be given against you notwithstanding your absence.AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this matter stands adjourned before the Honourable Madam Justice Joy PersaudSingh on 7th October, 2024 at 9:00 am for hearing. Dated this 30th day of August, 2024



Dear Sir/Madam, This letter serves as a request to advertise our trade name in your daily newspaper in occurrence with the requisite criteria and law in obtaining a Money Lender Certificate. Pursuant to section 4, Money Lenders Act) Osafa Bess of Lot 111 Miles Mahdia, Pataro

Siparuni, Region 8 and Athoya Ramsarran of Lot 15 Rahaman’s Park East Bank Demerara, hereby give notice that WE have applied to the Magistrate of Essequibo District to be held in Mahdia, Pataro

Siparuni, Region 8 for a Certificate under the Money Lenders Act authoring to grant us a Money Lender’s Licence to Carry on the Business of Money Lender under the Title of BESS’S JEWELLERY & PAWNSHOP located at Lot 111 Miles Mahdia, Pataro

Siparuni, Region 8. NOTICE of any objections to this application should be sent forthwith to the CLERK OF COURT OF THE ESSEQUIBO MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, and a copy of any such Notice should be sent to the Subscriber Osafa Bess and Athoya Ramsarran.




MANSFIELD formerly of 9 Cite Eaulisetta Cayenne Guiana Francais 97300 FranceTAKE NOTICE that on the 3rd day of December, 2023 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by PELLON MAXINE MANSFIELD nee Mc CURCHIN the Petitioner/ Applicant in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE

NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 18th day of July, 2024 the Petitioner/ Applicant was directed to effect service of his Petition on you by publication of this in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the KAIETEUR NEWS, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the worldwide web (Online) and

access is free instead of a newspaper in French Guiana. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-atLaw at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE

NOTICE that if you desire to Defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition, you must file an Acknowledgement of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice.

TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions on Wednesday the 27th day of November, 2024 at 10:15 am before the Honourable Madam Justice Damone Younge via Zoom Meeting ID: 845 1426 6584 and Passcode: 786 445.

IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service/ Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara). The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed

Dated the 19th day of August, 2024


2024-HC-DEM-CIV-FD-250 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FAMILY, DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION FAMILY DIVISION Petition No. FD250 Between:JOSEPH (INGRID SAMANTHA) nee TRIM -and- Petitioner/Applicant JOSEPH (LEON ANTHONY) Respondent TO: LEON ANTHONY JOSEPH Last known Address Lot 117 No. 8 Village, West Coast, Berbice. TAKE NOTICE that on the 16th day of February 2024 a Petition for Divorce was filed against you by INGRID SAMANTHA JOSEPH nee TRIM, the Petitioner in the Family Division of the High Court in Georgetown, Demerara. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that as part of an Order made on the 20th day of August, 2024, the Petitioner was directed to effect service of her Petition on you by publication of the Notice in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Kaieteur News, a Newspaper printed, published and circulated in and around Guyana and on the world wide web. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire you may appear or attend in person or by your duly authorized agent or Attorney-at-Law at the Registry of Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara where you will be issued with a certified copy of the Petition together with Related documents. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this Divorce, then upon receipt of the certified copy of the Petition and Application, you must file an Acknowledgment of Service, Notice of Intention to Defend (Forms are available at the Registry), Answer and/or Cross Petition in the Registry of the Family Division of the High Court at Georgetown, Demerara within 35 (thirtyfive) days from the date of the final publication of this Notice. TAKE NOTICE that the divorce is fixed for Directions Hearing on Thursday the 24th day of October, 2024 at 1:20 pm before the Honourable Madam Justice Fidela Corbin- Lincoln Meeting ID: 817 2463 7445 and password: Court12.IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your

PNCR Executive Member Alan Munroe passes away

The People’s Na tional Congress Reform (PNCR) has announced the passing of one of its long-serving members, Mr. Alan Munroe, JP, AA.

The party stated that Mr. Munroe passed away on Friday, September 6, 2024, at the Davis Memorial Hospital.

In a statement, the PNCR expressed deep sadness over the loss of Mr. Munroe, describing him as a stalwart of the party. He was also an Elder within the PNCR and

played a significant role in the organization throughout his lifetime.

Mr. Munroe served in various capacities, including as Chairman of the Regional Democratic Council of Region Four, Co-chairman of the Joint Task Force on Local Government Reform, and Chairman of the Teaching Service Commission.

The PNCR extended heartfelt condolences to Mr. Munroe’s family, relatives, and friends during their time of mourning.

The launch of the National Defence....

From page 04 our neighbours. It was an elaborate, well-thought-out project, but due to the oil crisis and other factors, we did not have the enormous sums of money to activate Defence in Depth.

It is no secret that we have a government that will do nothing that appears and could be regarded as the brainchild of Burnham.

Defence in depth assumed free education from Kindergarten to University. With gold and other precious materials being found in many areas and the government


absence and may make any Order it

IN DEFAULT of your filing an Acknowledgement of Service. Notice of Intention to Defend, Answer and/or Cross Petition the Court may proceed in your absence and may make any Order it considers appropriate, including granting the Divorce. The Registry of the Family Division of the High Court is located at the Law Courts [Georgetown, Demerara]. The office is open to the public between 8:00am and 3:30pm Mondays to Thursdays and 8:00am to 2:30pm on Fridays except on public holidays and on such other days as the Registry is closed.

DaAted the 30th day of August, 2024.

having access to an abundance of cash, it will be a gift to this and succeeding generations, if Defence in Depth was activated in totality.

We now have the money; we are now discovering natural resources in large quantities; some being harvested by foreigners.

Defence in Depth would have ensured that more Guyanese benefit from the Creators’ bounty. Nevertheless, we all wish the project success.

Hamilton Green Elder

$60M St. Gabriel’s Nursery...

From page 13 and can’t write a single word on the NGSA paper, and so, this is the level where we’re investing significantly to ensure they’re getting the foundation they need,” she said. Further, the Minister said that in addition to the creation and printing of new books to cater to the needs of children, the Ministry will continue to support parents across all educational levels.

Meanwhile, Assistant Chief Education Officer with Responsibility for Nursery Schools, Devendra Persaud at the ceremony emphasized the critical role of educational infrastructure and its positive impact in the learning environments. “There is strong evidence that high-quality infrastructure facilitates better instruction, improves student outcomes, and reduces dropout rates, among other benefits,” he mentioned. The Education Ministry further highlighted that the nursery school is founded on a progressive educational philosophy that emphasizes the importance of early learning experiences.

The curriculum is designed to engage children through hands-on activities, creative exploration, and individualized attention, ensuring that each child’s unique needs and interests are addressed.

Israeli forces appear to withdraw from Jenin. But the operation may not be over


Israeli forces appeared to have withdrawn from three refugee camps in the occupied West Bank by Fridaymorning,afteramore than weeklong military operation that left dozens dead and a trail of destruction. Israeli soldiers shot and killed anAmerican woman participating in an anti-settlement protest elsewhereintheWestBank, a witness said, The White House said it was “deeply distrubed” by the killing of the woman, identified as Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a 26year-old who also held Turkish citizenship, and it calledonIsraeltoinvestigate whathappened.

The military’s raids in the three refugee camps, involving hundreds of troops, have been the deadliest operation in the territory since the IsraelHamaswarbegan.

Overnight, Israeli armored personnel carriers were seen leaving the Jenin refugee camp from a checkpoint set up on one of the main roads An Associated Press reporter inside the camp saw no evidence of any remaining troops inside as dawn broke Friday

After days largely

Mourners watch the funeral of Palestinian men who were killed during an Israeli military operation, from a building damaged with bullet holes, in Jenin, West Bank, Friday, Sept. 6, 2024. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)

trapped in their homes, residents of the Jenin camp emergedtotakestockofthe damage from what officials saidwasthemostdestructive assaultinyears. Twisted rebar protruded from the concrete of collapsed buildings. Walls still standing were pockmarked by bullets and shrapnel.

During the operation, Israeli military officials said theyweretargetingmilitants in Jenin, Tulkarem and the Al-Faraa refugee camps in an attempt to curb recent attacks against Israeli civilians They say such attacks have become more sophisticated and deadly since Israel launched its

campaign in Gaza in responsetoHamas’attackon Israelnearly11monthsago.

Troops were pulled out of the Tulkarem camp by Friday morning and had left Al-Faraa earlier, but in a statementtheIsraelimilitary suggested that the operation wasn’t yet over “Israeli security forces are continuing to act in order to

achievetheobjectivesofthe counterterrorismoperation,” the military said in a statement.

Theoperationwaspartof amajorescalationofviolence in the West Bank since the startoftheIsrael-Hamaswar on Oct 7, including Israeli raidsandPalestinianmilitant attacks as well as increased Israeli settler attacks on

Palestinians and heavier crackdowns on Palestinian protests More than 690

Palestinians have been killed, according to


Eygiwaskilledataprotest outside the northern West Bank town of Beita, on a hill overlooking a nearby settlement

A fellow protester, Johnathan Pollak, an Israeli, said clashes had broken out with Israeli troops firing tear gas and live ammunition at Palestinian protesters throwingstones.

After the protesters retreated from the hill, he said he saw soldiers on a nearbyrooftopopenfireand Eygi fell bleeding to the ground.Doctorssaidshehad beenshotinthehead.

TheIsraelimilitarysaidit was looking into reports that troops had killed a foreign national while firing at an “instigatorofviolentactivity” intheareaoftheprotest

The main focus of the

military’s raids over the past 10 days has been the Jenin refugeecamp,adenselybuilt district home to around 20,000 Palestinians where armed groups – including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, but also other factions advocating “resistance” to Israel’s occupation – have a powerfulpresence.

FightinginJeninaccounts for21of39Palestinianswho localhealthofficialssayhave been killed during the Israeli pushintheWestBank

The military says most have been militants. The fightinghashadadevastating effect on Palestinian civilians livinginJenin

Water and electric services have been cut, families have been confined to their homes and ambulances evacuating the woundedhavebeenstopped on their way to nearby hospitals, as Israeli soldiers search for militants. Israeli military bulldozers ripped uproads.

Govt. to roll out digital techniques to address low...


Accordingtothecircular,(1) Mathematicsmustbetaught inallclassesofallgrades,for aminimumof240minutesper week Schools can choose to havemoreperiodsallocatedto mathematics and the school’s curriculum schedule must be immediately adjusted to reflectthischange (2) Schools which have recorded an exceptionally high CSEC pass rate for mathematics in the last two (2) years (2023 and 2024) can apply to the Assistant Chief Education Officer (Secondary), through the established channel, for a reduction or exemption to guideline #1. Importantly, (3) all mathematics periods must be timetabled in the AM sessions (morning sessions), and (4) all mathematics periods must be timetabled in double periods, except if an exemption request is made by the school’s Head of Departmentformathematics to the school’s Senior Leadershipforapproval.

The ministry further implementedthat(5)Grades 10 and 11 mathematics teachers must meet weekly to plan lessons, identify resources,designevaluation

instruments, evaluate past lessons, plan remediation strategies and all other related curriculum activities. Also(6)problemsolving practice must be allocatedaminimumoftwo (2) periods per week for all classes “The solving of CSEC past-paper questions must commence at Grade 7.

In using CSEC-type questions, consideration must be given to the topic andlevelofdifficulty

It is recommended that problem-solving questions completed during these periods should be recorded in a separate exercise book to facilitate marking,” the ministryimplemented.

Additionally, the mathematicsjargon must be explicitly taught as used in pastCSECpapersandfound in the CSEC syllabus (A glossary of terms). (8) As far as possible, schools should aim to finish the CSECsyllabusbytheendof theChristmasterminGrade 11.

The CEO listed in the document also that the Easter Term in Grade 11 should be used for the solution of CSEC-type questions (papers 1 and 2) andgeneralreview

It was stated that (9)

Regional Mathematics SubjectCommitteesmustbe resuscitated to facilitate monthly meetings, whether virtuallyorin-personandthe main purpose of these meetingsmustbetoexplore different methodologies in teaching mathematical content External help should be sought from NCERD,CPCE,UG,among other agencies (10) In conducting their designated supervisory activities, head teachers and deputy head teachers must prioritize mathematics classes across grades.

The document stated (11) the mathematics SBA must begin no later than the second week of the August term of Grade 10 and it can commenceearlierifaschool so chooses. (12) Schools must establish a committee to review a sample of mathematics SBAs, while (13) evaluation strategies, similar to the mathematics SBA, must be used in differentgrades for students to develop an appreciation for the application of mathematics.Further,(14)a remediation strategy must b e i m m e d i a t e l y implemented for Grade 11

mathematics and Education Officers are instructed to observe and report on the implementation of the remediation strategy in all schools under their supervision, the ministry outlined.“(15) Schools are aware that certain ‘nonmathematical’factors affect students’ performance in mathematics such as attendance and punctuality The school’s senior leadership team is required to identify these factors and implement systems to mitigatetheirinfluence.

(16)Arecommendation willbemadefordisciplinary actiontobetakenagainstall supervisors (at the levels of the school and Department ofEducation)ifstudentsare not taught, though timetabled,orifthesyllabus is deliberately not completed,” the CEO informed. It was reported

(CXC) this year recorded an overall decline in the mathematics past rate acrosstheCaribbean,with it dropping significantly from 43% in 2023 to 36%,


Amendments to CybercrimeAct will not target social media commentators - Jagdeo

Vice President peopleusingyouknowcyber publication or transmission Magistrate’s Court level, (VP) Bharrat means or cyberspace to of image of private area of a where the matter is tried

J a g d e o o n exploit people. Or people person, multiple electronic summarily,willbeliabletoa



s d a y whoareexploitingwomen.”

fine of $10M and five years’ r

t h e Jagdeo reminded that fraudulent website, offences imprisonment. a

o t h e while he served as President against the State, using a If the matter is tried Cybercrime Act are not of Guyana, his government computer system to coerce, indictably and the person is aimed at targeting social had passed a law aimed at harass,intimidate,humiliate, found guilty of child media commentators or tackling persons taking etc., a person, infringement pornography in the High ordinary citizens who air photographs of others with of copyright, patents and Court,he/shewillbeliableto theirviews. the intent of blackmailing designs and trademarks, a fine of $15M and 10 years

The Vice President was them. corporate liability, attempt, imprisonment. at the time speaking at his It also looked at “people aiding or abetting, use of PUBLISHING EXPLICIT weekly press conference. He who exploit our children, computer system to commit PHOTOS/VIDEOS OR said, “Anil Nandlall made it like child pornography and offence under any other law, REMARKS clear yesterday what the all these things, these are criminalactivitiesandIthink Cybercrime Bill with an offences pr

The CybercrimeAct also

he importantthingsforus.” thatwasmadeclearlastnight amendment expunging the investigation. states that, “Using a Cybercrime Act that was He assured that the too by Anil Nandlall,” he controversial sedition

CHILD computer to publish or passed under APNU would government will not added. clause.

PORNOGRAPHY transmit computer data that entail. Now we believe in condone such behaviour

Cybercrime is the use of

Since the passage of the According to Section is obscene, vulgar, profane, free media, we believe in while noting that the a computer to carry out Bill, numerous persons were 2:14, “A person commits an lewd, lascivious or indecent people freely expressing amendments to the law are illegal acts. Cybercrimes are charged, put before the court offence if the person with intent to humiliate, theirviewsontheinternet.” not to regulate what persons usually done with the use of andevenconvicted. intentionally produces child harass or cause substantial TheVPexplainedthathis say The VP emphasised that the internet and the different

CYBERCRIME pornography for the purpose emotional distress to another government is against his government believes instruments.

OFFENCES of its distribution through a person.” censorship on the internet strongly in the freedom of

Guyana’s Cybercrime

Cybercrimeoffencesare: computer system; offers or Anyone who is found and promotes the people’s speechandexpression. Bill 2016 was presented by illegal access to a computer makes available, distributes guilty of ‘using a computer right to freedom of speech. “People have a right to the then Attorney General system, illegal interception, o r t r a n s m i t s c h i l d system to coerce, harass, However, he said that “the freely express themselves, and Minister of Legal illegal data interference, pornography through a intimidate, humiliate, etc., a United Nations now has they don’t have the right to Affairs, Basil Williams. It illegal acquisition of data, computer system; procures person,’ at the Magistrate’s come up with model breakthelawbuttosaywhat was published on August 4, illegal system interference, orobtainschildpornography Courtlevel,willbeliabletoa legislation about crime, they wanna say; what’s on 2016. After the Bill was illegal devices, unauthorised through a computer system fine of $5M and three years’ crime that is perpetuated in their mind. So don’t buy into presented to the National granting of access to or for himself or another imprisonment. cyberspace So the this hysteria that we are Assembly, the proposed giving of electronic data, person; or possesses child If the matter is tried regulations will fit into the coming after anyone, Section 18, ‘Sedition,’ had computer-related forgery, pornography in a computer indictably and the person is United Nations framework influencers, social media causedapublicoutcry computer-related fraud, systemoronacomputerdata found guilty of child of what they had defined, commentators or ordinary However, on July 20, offences affecting critical storagemedium.” pornography in the High w o u l d b e c r i m e i n citizens. It’s nonsense, it’s 2

infrastructure, identity- According to the law, Court,he/shewillbeliableto cyberspace, it’s only people coming from the shrill G

related offences, child anyone who is found guilty a fine of $10M and five who do that like to extort people who are using this for

Berbice Teacher caught with 56lbs of ganja

The marijuana found by police.

On Thursday, a 43-year-old teacher was theCabbageFactoryKokerarea. caught with 56 pounds of marijuana, while The tanks stopped the vehicle and ranksoftheGuyanaPoliceForce(GPF)were conducted a search. During the search they conducting a mobile patrol in the Blairmont found two (2) bulky brown bags containing area. five (5) parcels wrapped with transparent According to a ststement from the police, plastic containing what was suspected to be the man who hails from No.5 Village, West cannabis. Coast Berbice (WCB) was apprehended, Police cautioned the driver of the vehicle “with 25,401 kilograms (56 lbs) of suspected at the time, and subsequently arrested and cannabisinhispossession.” escortedhimtotheBlairmontPoliceStation. At the time the ranks were in the vicinity The parcels were then weighed, marked, oftheRosignolStellingwhentheyobserveda sealed,andlodgedalongwiththemotorcarat silver grey fielder wagon with registration thesaidpolicestation. numberPAB7365. The teacher remains in custody as The vehicle was at the time headed out of investigationscontinue.

pornography, child luring, of child pornography at the years’imprisonment.

Essequibo man charged with rape of a child

A 26-year-old man identified as Munesh Singh was charged with the offense of ‘Rape of a child under 16 years’ when he appeared on Thursday before Her Worship Tamieka Clarke at t h e A n n a R e g i n a Magistrates’Court.

Singhwasnotrequiredto plea.

The case was adjourned toSeptember24,2024.


Prisoner escapes while attending clinic at GPHC

An inmate of the Lusignan Prison escaped on Friday morning while attending clinic at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

The escapee, Isiah Daniels also known as IsiahGreavesescapedatapproximately11:30h.

The Guyana Prison Service (GPS) in a notice said that Greaves last known address is 485‘A’FieldSophia,Georgetown.

Persons with information about Greaves’ whereabouts are being asked to contact the nearest police station or the Officer-in-Charge oftheAlisia’sPrisonontelephonenumber6047305. Isiah Greaves

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo

CWI thanks High Performance Manager Graeme West for his contribution to West Indies cricket

ST JOHN’S, Antigua –Cricket West Indies (CWI) yesterday thanked Graeme West for his 12 years of service to the organisation andtoWestIndiesTeams.

West joined CWI on 1 June2012astheHeadCoach of the High Performance Centre at Cave Hill, Barbados and departs in his current role of High PerformanceManageron30

September2024. CWIDirectorofCricket, Miles Bascombe said, “I sincerely thank Graeme for his 12 years of service to West Indies cricket. He has contributed significantly to thedevelopmentofourHigh Performancesystemandhas overseen many initiatives thatwewillcontinuetogrow after he departs. We are grateful for his years of

commitment and wish him the best as he turns the page to a new chapter in his career.”

On his departure, GraemeWest said, “I would like to thank CWI for the opportunitiesprovidedtome and my family over the last twelve years. I leave the organisation as a more experienced coach, a more rounded leader and a World

Cup winner Equally important to me are the relationships I have developed with players, coaches and the staff that have supported me throughout my time at CWI and I am sure will continue to do so in the future. My time spent in the Caribbean will forever hold a special place in my heart. My wife and I have raised our children on the beaches of Barbados and Antigua and wehavethoroughlyenjoyed and embraced the many culturesanddiversityacross theregion.”

Saturday September 07, 2024

ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)

A challenging day is in store foryou,Aries.Ifyou'repartof a group or team or simply among friends, you may feel somewhatillatease.Couldit be that you instill jealousy in others? There's only one way tofindout.

TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)

Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've beentryingto accomplishfor sometimenow


You'll go one of two ways today, Gemini. Either you'll turn inward and meditate in a corner or you'll find a good friend and confide your dissatisfaction.


Today is going to be an excellent day for meeting interesting people, Cancer And there will be nothing superficial about these encounters. On the contrary, the people you are going to meet will touch you profoundly


You can expect today to be kind of intense, Leo. Even if you've made a conscious decision not to let anything get you down, you may still harbor some negative emotions from the last few days.


The little fighter that you are makesitverydifficultforyou to join us in the great communal river that we're all tryingtonavigate,Virgo.You prefertotravelsolo.


Be disciplined about all areas ofyourbody,Libra.Takeextra care to eat healthful, balanced meals. Make sure you get enough sleep And even thoughyougripeabouthaving no time, get out there and exercise.


If you've been feeling deep anger,todayisn'tthedaytolet it out but rather the day to consider its source. Any large gatheringsoffamilyorfriends shouldbeavoidedatallcosts.


If by chance you still harbor some resentment toward someone, Sagittarius, it will probably come out today.You might be uncompromising or evenvengeful.


You don't suffer fools gladly, and superficial fools even less so. You have a mind to teach those around you a lesson. You'reuncompromisingtoday, and you can't understand why others don't have your same highstandards.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Hereisadayofchallenges, Aquarius You're a pro at questioning yourself, as you'll prove today when you take a h a r d l o o k a t y o u r accomplishments What have youcreatedofapersonalnature inthelasttenyears.


Ifyougivetheimpressionthat you're in a reserved and introspective mood (even if you aren't), you'll succeed in avoiding confrontation Today there is no such thing as a simpleexchangewithsomeone

During West’s 12 years ofserviceforCWI,hespent five years based at the High Performance Centre, Cave Hill, Barbados and seven years based at the CWI Headquarters, Coolidge Cricket Ground (CCG), Antigua.As the West Indies Under19Men’sHeadCoach (2016-2020) his key achievementwasleadingthe team to World Cup success in 2016 and as West Indies ‘A’TeamHeadCoach(20162018) he won series against Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. As the High Performance Manager, Graeme was instrumental in establishing thenewMen’sandWomen’s Academy programs at CCG and the new 12-month U19 PathwayProgrammes.

Allen gets Falcons off the mark

CPL - Antigua & Barbuda Falcons claimed a dramatic final ball victory overTrinbagoKnightRiders to claim their debut victory in the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL).Anundulatingeighth match of the competition at the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium, North Sound saw the Falcons finally take flight at the fifth time of

asking claiming a win and two points that keeps their tournamenthopesalive.

Havingbeenputintobat, theFalconsmanagedtopost acompetitivetotalof176/6, Fakhar Zaman and Justin Greavesputtingon65forthe firstwicketandImadWasim (46 off 29 balls) and Fabian Allen (25* off 11 balls) giving the innings some momentum in the second


After impressing with theballinhand,SunilNarine struggled with the bat –fallingforafourballduckat the beginning of the Knight Riders’ chase. Player of the Match Fabian Allen added vital wickets to go with his handy hitting A match turning 10th over saw him prise out Shaqkere Parris lbwfor31andthenpulloffa

lighting-reflex return catch to dismiss Nicholas Pooran withhisverynextball.

The Knight Riders managed to take the game into the final over and had the chance to make it two wins in two games, with an attainable14runsneededoff the final six deliveries Roshon Primus held his nerve for the Falcons after getting flicked for four throughmidwicketbyAkeal Hoseinoffthefirstballofthe final over Terrance Hinds chopped Primus onto his stumps and Hosein was run out off the penultimate deliveryofthematchdespite Sam Billings’ fumble with thegloveswhenbreakingthe stumps.

A nail-biting match thus game down to the last ball, Waqar Salamkheil needing tostrikeasixtotiethegame andsendittoaSuperOver It wasn’t to be. Salamkheil failed to make contact with anattemptedlap,theFalcons players swooping around Primus to celebrate an

Player of the Match Fabian Allen added vital wickets to go with his handy hitting.


“We were searching for that win and grateful we got ittonight,”saidFabianAllen in the moments after the Falconssixrunvictory “We were searching for 180 but 170-odd was good on this wicket, we defended well. We’regratefulforthecrowd, they supported us right through.”

Falcons captain Chris Green was mightily pleased

with his side’s ability to show character and defend theirtotal.

“We have had a tough time here at home, we were not at our best in the last couple of games. I’m really happyforthefansandformy team. We still have to carry on playing this positive, aggressivebrandofcricket.I think we showed ourselves what we can do. Nothing needstochange.”

Clarke pleased with first Diamond League win; hoping for personal best at Diamond League final in Brussels

SportsMax - Jamaican World under-20 400m record holder Roshawn Clarke is pleased after securing his first win on the Diamond League circuit in Zurich on Thursday The former Camperdown High starproducedafast47.49to takethewinaheadofQatar’s Abderrahman Samba (47 58) and Estonia’s RasmusMagi(48.02).

Thursday was Clarke’s fourth Diamond League appearance. He made his debut on the circuit at last year’s edition of the Zurich Diamond League onAugust 31,2023.

“ItmeansalotbecauseI came out here trying to get myself into the Diamond League final so I was trying torackupasmuchpointsas possibleandIcameoutwith the win,” he said in a postrace interview with Citius

Mag.“I’mverypleasedwith my first Diamond League win and it came in Zurich. Whatbetterplace?”

The 20-year-old was a finalist at the Olympic

Games in Paris but unfortunatelyfailedtofinish afterclippingtheeighththen smashing into the ninth hurdlewhileinabattlewith Brazil’s Alison Dos Santos forthebronzemedal.

Clarkespokeaboutusing that disappointment as motivation to finish out the seasononastrongnote.

“Strong-minded. I had disappointment in Paris and that has kept me pushing to makemyselfevenbetter,”he said.“I want to come back stronger I did not finish in thefinalattheOlympicssoI use that as motivation to keep my season going,” he added.


the season strong, Clarke’s winningtimeonThursdayis thesecondfastesttimeofhis young career, bettered only by his national record and world junior record 47.34 which he ran in the semifinals at the World Championships in Budapest lastyear

Running a time that fast atthisstageoftheseasonon t h e b a c k o f t h a t disappointment in Paris is a sign of Clarke’s mental fortitudethatshouldseehim being a medal threat in the eventforalongtime.

Clarke’s mind will now shifttotheDiamondLeague final in Brussels from September13to14.

“My goal is to go out there, run my race, run as best as possible and try to come out with a personal best in my last race for the season,”hesaid.

2024 Caribbean Premier League…GAW vs. SLK P Fired up Warriors seeking third straight win against home team Kings


A m a z o n Warriors team will be looking to extend their mini unbeaten streak, astheywillbegunningwhat could be their third straight win tonight when they lock horns with the home team, St.LuciaKings.

After shattering records in the last match against the St Kitts and NevisPatriots,whereover 400 runs were scored; the champs will be looking to apply similar pressure when they square off againstastar-studdedKings teamintheirbackyard.

Warriors batting have been on point from jump,

with Rahmanullah

G u r b a z , S h i m r o n Hetmyer, Keemo Paul and makeshift opener Kevin

Sinclair, all looking dangerous following last matchheroics

The champs racked up 266 in the last game after Gurbaz and Hetmyer cut loose with fifties, with

additional impetus coming from their seam bowling all-rounders in Dwaine Pretorius and RaymonReifer

With their spin lot of Gudakesh Motie, Junior Sinclair and skipper Imran Wasim all being solid batsmen down the order, theWarriorswillwanttheir big two in Shai Hope and Azam Khan to make up for their misfires in the last game.

One slight worry for the Warriors will be their bowling options, especially with Sinclair struggling in the last game and their frontline lot all conceding over 30 runs despite picking up wickets Paul, Pretorius, Tahir and Motie will more than l

Reifer and both Sinclairs will rotate duties in betweenspells

The Kings, having won their last game will be entering tonight’s game full of confidence, especially with veteran opener and skipper Faf du Plessis already hitting form


opening partner Johnson Charles, and a dangerous

Seifert all finding form, St Lucia will fancy their chanceswiththebat

The Kings also have a slightly better bowling attack than the Warriors, with fast-bowlers Alzarri Joseph and South African David Wiese alongside spinners Khary Pierre, RostonChaseinthemix

One equalizer will be the Afghanistan wristspinner Noor Ahmad, who will be a massive threat to the Warriors batsmen

With South Africans Wiese and Pretorius are both familiar to each other, the West Indies players will be involved in their own battle; with

timeline battle of the two leg-spinners in 45 yearold Tahir and 19 year-old Ahmad

Match bowls off from 19:00h at the Darren Sammy National Cricket Stadium, St Lucia © ROSS)

2024 Caribbean Premier League...

Moeen Ali joins Guyana Amazon Warriors

Guyana Amazon Warriors have announcedEnglandinternationalMoeenAli as a replacement player for their 2024 Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL)season.

Former England captain Moeen will be joining the defending champions, replacing Pakistan batsman Saim Ayub who is unavailable.

The batting all-rounder’s availability is dependent on his team’s progression in T20 BlastintheUK.

In the interim, New Zealand’s Tim Robinson has been selected as a temporary replacement for Moeen When Moeen arrives, the 22-year-old Robinson will remain with the Warriors to act as a temporary replacement for Rahmaullah Gurbaz.

Afghanistan powerhouse Gurbaz will leave the squad for international duties after the Barbados leg of the competition

Moeen Ali

Josh Kerr and

Jakob Ingebrigtsen suffer

Olympic deja vu in 1500m rematch

The Telegraph - For the second time in less than a month, the athletics world was reminded that there is rather more to the men’s 1500m just now than the alpha rivalry between Josh Kerr and Jakob Ingebrigtsen.

AfterColeHockerupstaged them both at the Olympic GamesinParisfourweeksago, it was the turn in Zurich of his American compatriot Yared Nuguse to demonstrate that Ingebrigtsen and Kerr are not always the best runners as well asthemostentertainingtalkers.

H a v i n g t r a c k e d Ingebrigtsen for every step of the race, Nuguse timed his finishperfectlytocomepastthe Norwegian in the finishing straight, while Kerr, who had briefly also put himself in position to challenge, faded disappointinglytofifth.Itwasat least confirmation of the rare compliment that Ingebrigtsen had paid Kerr and his coach Danny Mackey before the race in noting that the Scot was particularly adept at peaking each season for the most importantrace.

Kerrhadrun3min27.79sec when it mattered most, inside the Stade de France, but, even withanintensetrainingblockat altitude in Albuquerque since, lookedjadedfollowingthehuge emotionalhighofParis.Hewill surelynowfinishhisseasonand sethissightsonthebiglooming showdown in Tokyo next year when Ingebrigtsen will be determined to take the world 1500m crown from his shoulders.

Ingebrigtsen has himself won Olympic 5,000m gold and seta3,000mworldrecordsince the Paris defeat but, having complained before this race of an infection, was clearly also belowhisbest.

He sat just off the pacemakers during the race and, while still strong enough to shake off Olympic champion Hocker as well as Kerr, his closing 300m lacked its usual punch and allowed the popular Nuguse to seal a rare victory at this rarefied level in 3min 29.21sec.

With Ingebrigtsen, Kerr, Nuguse and Hocker now all having had their moments over recent months, the wider story

thissummerhasbeentwo-fold. Firstly, the 1500m has again been confirmed as one of the absolute blue riband events but we have also seen the reemergence over middle and

generationtochallengethebest AfricansandEuropeans.

Inwhatwasthepenultimate DiamondLeaguemeetingofthe year, there was earlier also another fast 800m for Georgia Bell, Team GB’s Olympic 1500m bronze medallist, in finishing second behind only the world champion Mary Moraa.

Kenya’s Moraa was beaten in Paris by Keely Hodgkinson but, with the British Olympic champion pulling out of the Zurich race due to injury, she confirmedherstatusasthenext bestthisseasonwithadominant victory

Jemma Reekie had earlier almost followed Moraa’s pace but just faded in the finishing straight where she was passed bythefastfinishingBell.

There was also another hugely encouraging late season performance by Dina Asher-

Mary Moraa took the 800m in the absence of the injured Keely Hodgkinson. (Reuters/Denis Balibouse)

Smithwho,havingbeenunable to peak in Paris, showed signs that she is returning to her very best.

After a fast start and excellent drive phase, AsherSmith led both Olympic champion Julien Alfred and silver medallist Sha’Carri

Richardsontoaround80metres but their superior closing speed justsawthempasstheBritonin theclosingstrides.

Asher-Smith’s time of 10.89sec, however, was only just outside her 10 83sec personal best that was set in 2019; the year she became

world champion over 200m.

Fresh from winning an invitational 100m in 10.37sec the previous night, Mondo Duplantisalsofurtherdelighted theZurichcrowdwitharoutine victory in his preferred pole vaultdisciplineatwhichhehas set10outdoorworldrecords.

Sha’Carri Richardson got her Olympic Rematch and defeated Julien Alfred

Sha’Carri Richardson wins ahead of Julien Alfred and Asher-Smith. (REUTERS)

Huffpost - Sha’Carri Richardsongotameasureof revengeonThursday

TheAmericansprintstar defeated Olympic gold medalist Julien Alfred of SaintLuciainthe100-meter dash at a Zurich meet, reversing the order of their 1-2finishattheParisGames lastmonth.

Richardson again fell behind Alfred early at the D i a m o n d L e a g u e

competition, but this time she did not stay there. She passedAlfredattheveryend to win in a time of 10.84 secondstoAlfred’s10.88.

Richardson,whodidwin goldinthe4x100relayatthe Summer Games, had hoped for an individual storybook triumph at the Olympics because she missed out on Tokyo in 2021 over a positive marijuana test. But shesettledforsilveragainst


In her first 100-meter race since the Paris Games, Richardson found plenty to celebrate.

“This is probably the funnest race I’ve had all season,” Richardson said, per NBC. “I took that time after the Games to come back,regroupandbeableto show you guys the Sha’Carri Richardson y’all know.”

Pres Ali intervention: Camptown Football facility rehabilitation work to move up to speed

Earlier this year, concerns were

r a i s e d t o

President Irfaan Ali regarding the deteriorating state of the Camptown Football Ground, a oncepopularvenueforgrassroots and club football in Georgetown.

In response, President Ali made an unofficial visit to the Campbellville-based facilityonTuesdaytoassess the ongoing work as part of the nationwide sports facilityupgradeinitiative.

Having initiated the project back in April followingappealsfromlocal residents, President Ali returned to the site to accelerate efforts to make thevenuefunctionalassoon aspossible.

RamsonJr toensurespecific amenities were added to the renovationplans.

The President also set a six-week deadline for completing the upgrades at the ground, stating, “We’re close to completion, but there’s still a lot of work to do to get the ground fully ready We want everything finished within this timeframe.”

Outlining the tasks to be completed, President Ali said,“We’llfinishthefence, address the drainage, and completetheplayingfield. Iwantallofthisdonein the next six weeks. We’ll break it down and get it done.”

During the visit

announced additional improvements, saying, “We’ll add two more pavilions like the one alreadyhere.

His visit was initially intendedforthecommunity, buthispassionforsportsled him to address the concerns of those who frequently use the facility, particularly for football.

After hearing their feedback, he instructed Minister of Sport Charles

Ross leads Guyana Jockey’s earnings after Guyana Cup


jockey Colin Rossreturnedto the top of the table after GuyanaCup2024.

Ross,whowasjockeyof the year for 2023, is now Guyana’s leading jockey in terms of earnings for 2024, butyoungRonaldeoAppadu has 85 points, a slim threepoint lead over Ross’ 82 points.

In terms of the earnings, Ross earned G$1,149,575 while Appadu has G$981,875.

Ross had a total of 40 starts this year and recorded 10 wins while Appadu had 36 starts where he recorded ninewins.

Yovin Kissoonchand with40startshadsevenwins and earnings of G$611,300.

Jockey Kevin Paul is in fourthwithsevenwinsfrom 30startswhileKiranRazack hadthreewinsinhis21starts


Other jockeys to round out the top ten in respective orderare;QuintonKellman, Nicholas Patrick, Dillion Khelawan Yap Drepaul and RandyRichmond.

The jockeys will renew their rivalry for supremacy on Sunday September 22 at the President’s Cup which willbehostedatRisingSun Turf Club, West Coast Berbice.

While the top horses are gearing up for the President’s Cup, so are the top jockeys from Guyana, Trinidad, and Brazil among othercountries.

Nine races are on the provisional President’s Cup program and more than G$15 million will be up for grabs.

The feature race of the President’s Cup, which will be opened to all horses, will haveatotalpurseofcloseto

One will be elevated, allowing space for washroom and changing room facilities underneath. We’ll install lighting and nets behind the goalposts. All of this will be done withinsixweekstomakethe groundfullyoperational.”

Jockey Colin Ross is primed to win jockey of the year 2024 after clinching the award in 2023.

G$6,000,000 (six million) dollars and the race will be run at approximately eight furlongs.

Entry will open on September 11, and entry forms for the President’s Cup will be at the Port Mourant Racecourse, the Rising Sun Turf Club, the

Bush Lot United Turf Club & 106 Smyth Street, WerkEn-RustGeorgetown.

Champion jockeys are primarily judged by the numberofwins,meaningthe total number of races they have won during a specific period, such as a racing season.

However, some racing organizations may also use a points system that assigns points based on various factors, such as the race’s grade or prestige, to determineoverallstandings.

In summary, with wins; the most common method where the jockey

with the most victories is recognized as the champion and with Points System which is also used by some organisationstorewardwins in higher-stakes races more heavily.

The specific method can vary by jurisdiction andorganisation

Current state of the ground at the Camptown Football Facility.

Fired up Warriors seeking third straight win against home team Kings

Pres Ali intervention: Camptown Football facility rehabilitation work to move up to speed

GuyanaAmazon Warriors are in peak form heading into tonight’s battle.
President IfraanAli (center) engages with residents and stakeholders at the Camptown Football ground.

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