Kaieteur News

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Kaieteur News

Friday September 11, 2015

Letters... Where your views make the news

Kaieteur News I am forced to take matters into my own hands Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


ENFORCING COMPLIANCE OF THE TOLL Every student of government knows that governing a nation is serious business. It is a process of thinking, influencing and making actions on behalf of an entire society. Therefore, reasonableness, commonsense and insights are indispensable to the process of policy development and implementation. Inherent in this process is the view that government is not only involved in the formulation and implementation of policies that identify and benefit the people, but is also focused on the appropriate mechanisms to make sure those policies are implemented as planned. This is precisely what governments are supposed to do; make decisions for the good of all in society. Consequently, the decisions ought to be sound and logical. Most governments have used the process to accomplish those things that are fundamental to the development of a nation and that can ultimately contribute to the greater good of society. There is no conceivable reason, besides sheer weakness or timidity for any government, be it the APNU+AFC or PPP not to know that governments are the final decision maker and should not back down or shy away from its responsibilities. The issue of lowering the tolls on the Berbice Bridge has become a major controversy. It seems that the Granger/Nagamootoo APNU+AFC government is unable to enforce its decision to lower the tolls as planned. This was one of the promises made by the APNU+AFC coalition during the election. Many thought that the promise was fulfilled during the budget presentation on August 10, 2015 when the Minister of Finance stated that the tolls will be reduced on September 1, 2015. They were wrong. Soon after the passage of the budget, the Berbice Bridge Company Inc. (BBCI) that manages the bridge defied the government. It has refused to lower the tolls on the bridge. Instead, BBCI wanted a 55 percent increase or an extension of 19 years to recuperate $1.5 billion in losses it claimed to have incurred over the last three years. No one, not even the government could have imagined that the BBCI would be so callous to disregard its decision. Lowering the tolls on the bridge would reduce the cost of travelling for thousands of commuters. The action by the BBCI has attracted much controversy. While the arguments advanced, especially by the opposition PPP, have failed to address the real issue, the government and the general public have denounced BCCI as being greedy and selfish. The government and the Berbice community claimed that the toll is too high and should be reduced. Their disappointment was profound as they watch the wealthy and privileged ripping the shirt off the backs of the less fortunate. By snubbing the decision of the government, BCCI has also defied the will of the people. It is contemptuous, to say the least. This is the first real test to the three-month old coalition government which has to exert its influence over BBCI. Failing this, the government is likely to face similar challenges. The APNU+AFC government has to climb down from the thrilling highs of victory and reinforce its decision to lower the tolls for the greater good of society. BCCI cannot and should not be allowed to dictate public policy. It has to rein in BBCI. After all, the seat of political power lies with the government and not with BBCI and political power trumps economic power. It is intuitive that those elected to public office, with responsibilities for governance are expected to function adequately and perform satisfactory without prejudice and in the interest of the people. This is, however, the candid reality. Therefore, it is not enough for the government to

due to poor response by ranks at Vigilance DEAR EDITOR, I wish to speak on matter of urgent national attention to emphasize to our new leaders why the restructuring of the Guyana Police Force is of vital national importance for the health and well being of our beloved country. While many of us are alarmed by the daily banditry, murders and abuse of Guyanese citizens by the criminal intent, I wish to note and in my firm opinion that an equal and just as dangerous injustice is being perpetrated on Guyanese citizens by the continued dismal, inept, and corrupt policing force that exists for a considerable large part of the country. While I recognize that some effort has been made by our excellent Minister of Public Security to improve the efficiency and negative stigma of the force, much more needs to be accomplished and I suspect it will be a long time coming

before we can undo decades of mismanagement and bad hiring practices to bring about the change we so desire. Editor, it is my opinion that when the victims of criminal and abusive behavior are unable to receive adequate representation from the State through the policing force then what we have is a conundrum in our society that then manifests into more moral and societal breakdown seen today. Survival instincts for citizens kick in and many are forced to take matters into their own hand or act out in sometimes violent and consequential ways. Take for example my own frustration in trying to obtain the assistance of the Vigilance Police Force to tackle the crime of extreme noise nuisance in the area of Lusigan, E.C.D. Due to non-responsiveness of this station to assist residents in the area when complaints are made, I am now forced to

take matters into my own hand and confront perpetrators who are often times neighbors, which can result into confrontational and dangerous episodes with personalities who believe it is their right to play their music at any volume and who demonstrate absolute disregard for others and the law with threats and verbal cuss-downs. This example is only a minor one compared to other much more serious grievances citizens of this country face and like myself many will typically end up with nothing but frustration and despair in getting the police to take action. My experience with the policing force in Guyana has led me to conclude that it is an organization plagued with “some” of the most uncaring and unsympathetic people in uniform in all of the public s e c t o r. Wi t h t h e s e experiences it is not hard to become disenchanted and

despondent to what is going on around you. Many Guyanese I suspect prefer to give up their fight and turn a blind eye to the incessant lawlessness which then leads to more tuning out of every day matters affecting their country. If there is now no hope, then what does the average citizen hope for? Well for many Guyanese the last hope left is the opportunity to leave these shores in search of a better society where they can be represented and that reality is never good for a country with limited human and intellectual resources. With the few and best of our society choosing to leave, how do we curb the vicious and destructive cycle that manifest itself into more desperation, more corruption, more people prepared to take unnecessary risks to escape the abyss of hopelessness. One does not have to be a (Continued on page 5)

Time for a reassessment of the working of the Commercial Court DEAR EDITOR, May I first say that the establishment of a Commercial Court in Guyana is a step in the right direction. However, over the years since the Court has been established, the issues that the Court has to deal with have increased tremendously. Credit must be given to Justice Rishi Persaud, the Commercial Court Judge, who is very approachable and handles matters quite efficiently. There are, however some matters which need urgent attention. First,

the work load is so heavy that there is need to have an additional Judge. In addition, the supporting staff of the Commercial Court must be properly trained so that they would appreciate and understand how important it is for decisions given to be implemented. At present, when the Commercial Judge makes an Order the processing of that Order falls into the stream of the normal administrative system and as a result there are always delays. This in itself creates

problems because of unusual delays in the Administrative process. To have an efficient Commercial Court the Staff must be specially trained. Commercial issues need to be resolved speedily, and that is one of the reasons that a Commercial Court was established in the first place, but because of the problems I have pointed out, the system is not efficient. There are many occasions where matters are efficiently dealt with at the Court Level, but the procedure thereafter to have the matter completed

sometimes gets very complicated and result in very long delays. I have knowledge of Members of the Public who bitterly complain that, having obtained an Order, how difficult it is to get the result from that Order due to the problems in the Registry. My suggestion is that the time has come for a reassessment of the working of the Commercial Court in an effort to determine what steps ought to be taken to make it more efficient. Jonas Coddette

Cops doing good job in controlling the East and West Banks traffic, but more can be done DEAR EDITOR, It gives me great pleasure to write congratulating from a holistic view the Guyana P o l i c e F o r c e Tr a ff i c Department for what I would consider a fantastic job in controlling the heavy traffic coming from the west bank crossing the antique

Demerara Harbour Bridge heading east into Georgetown. I salute our officers who would normally brave the morning sun and attentively direct the flow of traffic. It is not easy to stand and witness some of the unscrupulous behaviour of

introduce ferry taxis to ply the Berbice River and for the President to say that the high tariffs at the Berbice Bridge are a hindrance to development. The government must act to protect the interest of the people who are the majority investors in the Berbice Bridge. The government must enforce compliance of its decision. It has the power to abridge the contract.

primarily mini bus drivers and just use your hands to correct them. Against this backdrop I would like to gently suggest to the Traffic Chief that officers, rather than using their hands to signal mini bus drivers when they are ‘boring’ the line going over the Harbour Bridge or pompously pushing themselves in front of careful, courteous, cautious, considerate and common sense drivers, they should use their hands to write a charge against these bus

drivers for dangerous driving. Editor, it is most disgusting at times when you are a driver heading to work in the line and a bus driver just sways in front of you coming from God knows where, and a police officer is right there standing with his hands doing the talking. In closing, I hope my recommendation will be considered and hopefully implemented as early as tomorrow. It will surely help to bring discipline on the road way. Ganesh Mahipaul

Friday September 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

Problems with the registration process and dormitory accommodation at CPCE DEAR EDITOR, I am writing in the hope of highlighting several significant and glaring problems with the registration process and dormitory accommodation at the Cyril Potter College of Education. Firstly, I would like to make it clear that I am writing from the perspective of an ordinary observer. A young relative of mine who resides in Region 10 was recently accepted into the college and will be living in the dorms. On Thursday, September 3, she went to the college to submit her application and to be interviewed. This process took all day; from 8 am to about 7:30 pm. There were over a hundred people being processed according to their administrative regions. One wonders how the administration expected to efficiently process so many people within a few days. It would have been easier to deal with one or maybe two regions per day.

After learning that she was accepted, on Sunday 6th of September, she proceeded to the college to be assigned to her dorm room and was greeted with another chaotic process that lasted several hours. From what I observed as I accompanied her, it seemed that the matron alone had the grueling task of assigning rooms to over a hundred persons. There should have been several other officials helping her to deal with the multitudes, thereby enabling the process to be completed quickly. My next issue is with the standard of accommodation in the dorms. I knew enough not to expect rooms of the standard of the Pegasus Hotel. However, I was hoping that the accommodation would be, at the very least, comfortable and conducive to learning. After accompanying her to her shared room on Sunday, I now realize how naive I had been. To say that

the dorm room is comfortable would be a gross overstatement bordering on untruth. The beds look uncomfortably narrow. The stained mattress looks like it was recycled from a hospital or jail cell 10 years ago. The light in her dorm room does not work and neither do the electrical points. How is a student supposed to read and study without light? There is no internet access in the dorm rooms. This severely hampers students’ ability to engage in research. I was horrified to learn that my young relative had to carry a bucket of water all the way to the bathroom on the third floor because the water had run out. I am completely baffled as to how a government-run institution, located just a few miles outside of Georgetown, does not have an adequate supply of running water. Both past and present governments have constantly emphasized the importance of our teachers to

I am forced to take matters into... From page 4 trained social scientist to see the writing on the wall and each day that passes will become worse than before if we do buck this trend. With citizens feeling more hopeless with no sense of law and order, opportunity for more anarchy and chaos manifests itself further each day. Editor, I suggest the best way to reverse this trend is by implementing swift policy changes to the culture of policing in this country and that may have to start by dramatically boosting the training, equipping and salaries of police officers with a weeding out of all bad and renegade officers. Residents must now feel that the police

force is one their side and not a hindrance to justice and equality, the bureaucratic red tape must be eliminated and expedient systems must be looked at when dealing with police matters. Now more than ever, a police force that is competent and capable, well trained with a much needed and functional 911 emergency telephone system to counteract the surge in crime and despondency felt by many decent and law abiding Guyanese. I pray that our leaders take this issue with utmost importance and may God continue to bless our dear land and give our policy makers the will, fortitude and wisdom to bring about real and genuine change. D. Persaud

the education system. However, the condition of the CPCE shows that their words are like dust in the wind. One wonders, does our government really care about our teachers? If so, why subject them to subpar living conditions while they are in training? The condition of the dormitories serves as one of numerous instances of neglect for the education system demonstrated by the PPP during their 23 years of rule. Pradovilles 1 and 2 which are not very far from the institution, serve as a stark contrast with luxurious pools and ostentatious, electricityconsuming chandeliers and also as a reminder that the previous government was more interested in fattening their pockets than helping the people of this country.

I would implore the current government not to make the same mistakes, but it seems that they are already a government prone to blunders. In particular, I take issue with the spending of $65 million dollars on an 80member contingent to Haiti for CARIFESTA which was touted as an educational and cultural pursuit. I am in no way trying to belittle the importance of culture or CARIFESTA but I do believe that the government needs to prioritize. $65 million dollars could have been spent on making improvements to the administrative system and physical infrastructure of the CPCE. I am sure this would have represented a more significant contribution to the education system than CARIFESTA. Could the

government not have been more modest in its contribution to CARIFESTA? I strongly believe that it is never too late to do the right thing. Our teachers in training should be provided with a clean, comfortable, enabling and motivating learning environment. They should be provided with the basic necessities of an efficiently functioning educational institution: adequate water supply, electricity and internet access. I encourage the government to make our teachers a priority, not for their sake alone, but for the sake of the nation’s youth and the general improvement of the education system. Let us do every possible thing to make our society an educated one. Concerned Observer

Friday September 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Clashes as verdict nears in case of Venezuela politician CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Supporters of a jailed Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez clashed with government loyalists outside a Caracas courthouse yesterday in anticipation of an impending verdict. Members of Lopez’s party arrived early in the morning to wave banners and pray, as they have dozens of times since Lopez’s imprisonment 19 months ago. Lopez is charged with inciting violence in his role as the leader of a sometimes bloody 2014 street protest movement, and could face more than 10 years in prison. At midday, red-shirted government supporters showed up and began chanting that Lopez was a murderer and a terrorist. Some burned the orange flag of Lopez’s Popular Will party and threw bottles at Lopez’s wife as she passed a barricade to enter the court. Lines of police in riot gear separated the two sides, but were unable to prevent direct confrontations and shoving matches. At least two women were hurt during the clashes and one man, 66 year-old Popular Will member Horacio Blanco, died shortly after.

Lopez supporters hailed Blanco as a as a martyr at a rally in an upscale Caracas neighborhood as the hearing got under way. Popular Will issued a statement saying it held President Nicolas Maduro personally responsible Blanco’s death, which it described as the result of a heart attack brought on by the morning’s violence. The doctor who received Blanco’s body said the cause of death was not immediately clear. Lopez denies calling for flaming street barricades and the destruction of government property during last year’s protests, and says he only called for peaceful demonstrations. His supporters say pro-government forces were to blame for most of the clashes that broke out during the protests and left dozens dead. U.S. officials have made Lopez’s release a key demand for normalizing diplomatic relations. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Lopez’s wife in Washington last week and called Venezuela’s foreign minister Tuesday to speak about the case. Pix – Supporters

Major Irregularities Uncovered At PC Banks The Gleaner - There could be a major shake-up at the National People’s Cooperative Bank of Jamaica Limited (NPCB) next week, as an audit done by its oversight body - the Agricultural Credit Board (ACB) - has uncovered serious irregularities at the institution which offers loans to micro, small and medium-scale enterprises, including farmers. Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture Donovan Stanberry Wednesday told members of the Public Administration and Appropriations Committee (PAAC) of Parliament that the audit unearthed information that senior managers were awarding loans to themselves. “Part of the findings of the audit was that management was approving loans for themselves and members of the (PC) board. There are findings of money unaccounted for,” Stanberry told the committee. Members of the ACB are to meet next Wednesday with Agriculture Minister Derrick Kellier to review the findings of the audit as well as a response from the NPCB. The

oversight body is expected to advise the minister on what action should be taken in light of the disturbing findings. Committee member and opposition spokesman on finance Audley Shaw wanted to know whether the irregularities involved $600 million, which, he said, could not be accounted for. “I am not confirming any $600 million,” Stanberry replied. Stanberry said a senior manager has been sent on leave in the wake of the findings of the audit. He said that an acting manager has been asked to prepare a response to the audit. “As soon as we get the response from the manager, then the AC Board along with the registrar of cooperatives will advise the ministry in terms of what action they will take.” The permanent secretary said the NPCB needs major overhaul and restructuring. When pressed by Shaw for more details, Stanberry said he could not disclose further information about the audit until the ministry receives a response from management.

Secretary of State Kerry in talks with Venezuela counterpart CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Secretary of State John Kerry spoke with Venezuela’s foreign minister as the two countries work to repair their relationship. Kerry called Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez by phone Tuesday in an attempt to keep the lines of communication open between the countries, according to Roberta Jacobson, the top U.S. diplomat for Latin America. Relations reached a low point this year when President Nicolas Maduro accused the U.S. of working to overthrow him, and the U.S. said his government engages in undemocratic practices. Kerry expressed concern about

individuals jailed for political reasons in Venezuela, including prominent opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, according to Jacobson. Lopez has been jailed for 19 months and a verdict in his case is expected Thursday. Last week, Kerry met with Lopez’s wife, Lilian Tintori, in Washington. Kerry also discussed the need to find a quick resolution to Venezuela’s two week-old border dispute with Colombia in light of the humanitarian situation. On her Twitter account, Rodriguez said Kerry had been interested in normalizing diplomatic relations between the two countries, which have not exchanged ambassadors since 2010.

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Kaieteur News

Friday September 11, 2015

Friday September 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Kamla won the popular vote but lost the elections Kamla Bissessar is no longer the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. She lost the elections which were held in the twin-island republic last Monday. She lost by a bigger margin of seats than the PNM did five years ago. There is an explanation for this-, the marginal seats did not go her way this time. The irony of course is that if the elections

were based on proportional representation she would have won by a landslide because she won a majority of the votes cast but only obtained a minority of the seats. No one is however claiming that in Trinidad and Tobago the will of the majority of the people should be respected. The system is based on the majority of seats

in parliament and in this regard, Kamla got fewer seats than the PNM which has secured the right to govern the country for the next five years. Kamla won the popular vote but lost the government. This column explores why she lost the elections. There is no single factor but there is a major factor. That factor had to do with the

numerous scandals which had plagued members of her administration as against the government itself. Too many of her Cabinet ministers and top members of her administration were embroiled in controversies. Too many of them had to be fired. While she did enjoy popularity because of the action she took in letting them go, many people questioned

Jagdeo claims Ramroop is losing money with Berbice Bridge deal At a Tuesday afternoon press conference, Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, essentially highlighted the Berbice River Bridge as a brilliant investment but refused to face reality in admission. Jagdeo told the media that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) following a feasibility study did not want to support the project when it was proposed. He said that this caused the then government to take the route of entering into a Public Private Partnership (PPP).

- But insists the Company is a “brilliant investment” Jagdeo admitted that Financial Analysts, Christopher Ram and Ramon Gaskin had advised, in the early stages, that the investment would not yield much benefit. Those experts advised the government against going ahead with the investment at that time. Jagdeo sought to debunk articles published by Kaieteur News to the effect that the Berbice River Bridge is a cash cow for friends and supporters of the People’s

Progressive Party. He said that the bridge is a burden to the State. He said that his best friend, Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop is yet to receive a single cent on his investment. Kaieteur News noted that the structure of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc. (BBCI) allows equity shareholders whose investment is less than five percent ($400 million) of the total funds of the company to exercise controlling interest over the

company. Of the $400 million, the NEW GPC owned by Ramroop has 40 percent and Hand-in-Hand owns 10 percent. Kaieteur News lamented the fact that the bridge toll is so high that Berbicians complain. The National Insurance Scheme (NIS), the largest investor, is yet to receive a single cent of dividend, the newspaper reported. The newspaper added (Continued on page 10)

how in fact she would have allowed those persons to be part of her governing administration. In the end it was just too many persons who had to be let go and because of this people felt that a new government was needed. This was the major reason. Another reason why she lost the elections was because there was not the same degree of passion and cohesion within the People’s Partnership as there was five years ago. Divisions had stepped in. There was only a partnership in name, not in spirit. As such, Kamla could not win over the undecided voters as she had done five years earlier. They had long decided that with the coalition weakening, it was time for a change. The third reason for the defeat of the first female Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago was that there was disunity within the United National Congress, the main partner in the People’s Partnership and the party that Kamla wrested from Basdeo Panday. This disunity was confirmed one day after the loss of power when a grouping calling itself the UNC Patriots called for her to

step down. Kamla was undermined from within and this led to a poorly coordinated campaign and the loss of political power. The fourth reason why Kamla lost was because the elections coincided with a decline in economic growth. The economy actually contracted and with oil revenues falling, Kamla could not do more than she did. The benefits of the earlier spike in petrol dollars did not filter down to the small man because the government invested in major infrastructural projects which did not increase the incomes of the average man. This led people to want a change and they voted against the change. It is sad indictment against the people of Trinidad and Tobago that the first female Prime Minister was voted out after a mere one term when there was no major economic or social implosion within the country.

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Kaieteur News

Friday September 11, 2015


Zeitgeist: Colour, race and telephones at Roraima Airways In his 2015 Independence Day speech, President David Granger observed that during colonial times, the faces you saw in a commercial depended on the type of advertisement. Mr. Granger went on to observe that darkskinned people were put in certain commercials that didn’t bring out the essence of aesthetics (my choice of words). That was a long time ago. The reign of the PNC under Forbes Burnham and the PPP under Cheddi Jagan was supposed to put an end to that. In fact it did. This of course did not remove the bias AfricanGuyanese middle class had for light complexion and Guyanese Indians’ obsession with whiteness no doubt perpetuated by the racism in Hindu movies. From around 1970 until 1994, dark-skinned African and Indian Guyanese could be found in all types of

commercials and were employed in all types of occupations in the private sector. Around 1998 things began to change. Neo-liberal capitalism with all its cultural attendants had now arrived. With it came the atavistic return to ethnically based advertisements that President Granger alluded to. They say zeitgeists come and go and life will always be like that. In Guyana today, the zeitgeist of the immediate post-colonial period is gone. The aesthetics of that era are gone. Those were the days when people shouted out, “Say it loud; I’m Black and I’m proud.” In 2015 is Black still beautiful? Chances of getting into a commercial on television or snatching a flight attendant job if you are black-skinned are almost non-existent. The evidence of the death of the zeitgeist when people in Guyana proudly proclaimed

that “Black is beautiful” is everywhere. Just look up at the van with the faces on it advertising anything from pen-torch to bath soap to perfume to pen-torch battery, and the faces are all-white. Yesterday on Vlissengen Road this van was in front of me. On the back door facing me directly was the smile of a very light-complexion couple showcasing the beauty of Lux soap. That is one of the soaps I use. In my car, I keep a file. When you see me on the road, stop me and ask to see the stuff and I will show it to you. Almost every product and service in this country has light-complexioned actors and models in the advertisements. And I am talking from a screw-driver to highly expensive medical treatment at private hospitals. Call my bluff – ask to see the file in my car. You know there is a GT&T

placement in the media that goes like this, “Hey, call me.” Well call me and you will see the new zeitgeist in my file. For my research on the exclusion of Black people and dark-skinned Indians in advertisements, I faced some rude situations. One establishment on Sheriff Street was totally unapologetic. Another on Wellington Street said it saw nothing wrong with using white people in the placements in the newspapers. I found that there is a particular occupation that excludes dark-skinned Guyanese – flight attendants. At 4 pm last Wednesday, I called Roraima Group of Companies to see the photographs of the twelve flight attendants it has employed recently to work with Dynamic Airways. Mr. Gerry Gouveia’s secretary told me that Mr Gouveia wasn’t there. She

directed me to Mr. Michael of Dynamic Airways. There was no answer. Back to Gouveia. She said Michael does not have a secretary. That is strange. I mean, I could understand and support the feminist argument against female secretaries. But he could have had a male one or a trans-gender secretary or a pan-gender one, but given that position he holds he needs a secretary. Mr. Gouveia’s secretary informed me that Mr. Gouveia does not have a direct land line. You can only get him through the switchboard. Ask me if I believe that. About five minutes after. My cell rang and Mr. Gouveia’s secretary directed me to a website where I can see the faces of the flight attendants. I only saw five. One was Portuguese, and the other four were light

Frederick Kissoon complexioned attendants. None was African-Guyanese. Since I didn’t see the other seven, I guess included among them would be those black like me and my editor, Adam Harris. It was on the 2015 election campaign trail, I saw the percentage of dark and brown Guyanese. They make up about ninety percent of our population. Then I looked at the re-plays of the CPL cricket matches at the Providence Stadium. Do we really have about ten percent lightcomplexioned citizens here? So why do they constitute ninety nine percent of the faces in newspaper and television advertisements? Changing zeitgeist, I guess.

Dem boys seh...

PPP Civic encounters problems on Jagdeo trainee Regional Democratic Council robbing pensioners The now beleaguered People’s Progressive Party has now found itself in a quandary as it struggles to find persons to represent it on the Region Six Democratic Council.

Persons who were named to serve are refusing to be aligned with the party and are refusing to represent the party as RDC councilors. So far three persons have refused to take up their seats

on the body. Among those refusing to take up their seats although their names were mentioned are former Regional Vice Chairman Bhoopaul Jagroop; retired

Regional E d u c ational Officer Shafiran Bajhan and Pastor Qwesi Henry. Some stated that they were never consulted and would not like to be a part of the party machinery.

Jagdeo claims Ramroop is... (From page 9) that from all indications, Jagdeo’s friends were the only ones reaping real benefits from the bridge. However, on Tuesday, Jagdeo said that even Ramroop is not benefitting from the Bridge. He said that Ramroop is in the same boat with NIS. Jagdeo even admitted that the toll is too high. “I would want the tolls everywhere to come down, even at the Berbice Bridge.” But even after making such admissions, Jagdeo said that he thinks the Bridge is a “brilliant investment.” Generally, an investment is judged by its profitability. Good investments are expected to yield huge profits

for its investors. But when Jagdeo was asked if he now feels that he should have listened to Ram and Gaskin when they advised against investing in the Berbice Bridge, he responded in the negative. Jagdeo said, “You hear things like bring the bridge to profitability and then you hear things like a cash cow for friends and family of the PPP so let’s look at the reality.” The politician said that after IDB refused to invest, “we then wondered how we were going to put together the money for this because it all could not have come from the treasury. The IMF was already saying the fiscal deficit was high and

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo said that there could not be more chunky projects because of the implications of the high fiscal deficit; so we decided to have Public Private Partnership.” He said that Ram and Gaskin had advised New Building Society against investing, “So we struggled to put together the project’s financing but finally we did…So now the investors are here and we think it is a good investment; until now.” Jagdeo said that the private investors and NIS are

essentially effectively subsidizing the bridge. “NIS has not received a single dollar of return from its investment in the bridge which led Finance Minister Winston Jordan to say that it was a bad investment for NIS. So on one hand we hear it is a cash cow for PPP friends who invested but the reality is that they have not received a single cent in dividend. “This does not come over to people…If it is bad investment for NIS wasn’t it a bad investment also for Ramroop who did not get a cent in return. Wasn’t it a bad investment for him? So he should not have put his money there?” Jagdeo claimed that BBCI has retained earnings to pay the dividends “but it is just that the board never paid out the dividends.” Jagdeo told the media that if the same rate structure is retained and there is a growth in traffic, the BBCI can give its investors a good return on the capital as well as provide the service needed. “We have to grow the traffic, the use of the bridge.”

Conning old people and li’l children is one of de worse thing you can do pun de face of de earth. Dem is two set of people that you mustn’t promise nutten and never tek way anything from dem. Dem never forget; dem hold you in dem mind, heart body and soul till you buy sweetie and chocolate fuh dem. In de same breath everybody know scampishness and cockishness can never done. One set of govt scamps gone out and de whole country was happy. Dem think that this set wha come in nah got hair in dem palm and that dem is Sunday school people like Soulja Bai. Danny Bai, de man who hold de purse string, tun out to be wuss than de Shaat scamp who use to sit down in he chair. He con dem pensioners. And is Jagdeo, who resemble de devil, train him. He use to wuk wid Jagdeo in de Finance Ministry until he get kick. When he present de budget de other day he announce that dem would get an increase from $13,000 to $17,000. Some of dem old people laugh till dem teeth fall out. De old people dem use to get a water bill and a light bill both total li’l more than $5,000. Now that de pension increase to $17,000 Danny Bai, de con artist, tell dem old people that dem got to pay dem full light bill and water bill like everybody else. De old people dem seh this would add up to more than de $17,000 wha dem getting. De Waterfalls paper wasn’t so busy fuh a lang time. Nuff of dem old people come in to complain how this new govt wuss than de old one. Dem give li’l bit wid one hand and mek we smile, and grab back more than wha dem give wid de other hand. One old lady seh that is then she realize is another set of thieves she dealing wid. She know bout dem pastor who does rob de congregation blind. Dem does rob de young and de old whether you hot or you cold. Danny Bai is de same thing. Soulja Bai and de first lady are pensioners. Dem does go to church and pray but that didn’t stop Danny Bai from robbing dem. He con nuff of he own colleagues—Scott, Roopnaraine, Moses, Noel, Greenidge and some others. Dem boys want him to know that con men does end up in jail and dem hope he don’t end up wheh Jagdeo and Brassington gun end up fuh doing what dem did to dem poor people in Guyana. Talk half and remember wha goes round does come around.

Friday September 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Ex-GuySuCo CEO’s Private housing developers behaviour constitutes given February 2016 deadline malfeasance in office - BK Group slammed for disrespectful absence Guyana’s State Assets Recovery Unit is currently investigating some of the infractions committed by Dr. Rajendra Singh when he served as Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo). According to the Head of the Unit, economist Dr. Clive Thomas, a request was made for more details for some of the transactions and decisions by Dr. Singh as they involved the misappropriation of State assets. The Assets Recovery Unit will be looking into the sale of 2.6792 acres of land at Plantation Good Hope, East Coast Demerara to one Kelvin Gobin which was authorized by Dr. Singh. Dr. Singh also entered into management agreements with Global Casetech and Global Cane Sugar services out of India for the management services on a number of estates at unreasonably high cost, and without approval of the Board of Directors. Documents also show that the former GuySuCo CEO persisted with a commercial bio fertilizer despite advice to the contrary from the corporation’s research and technical personnel. Single sourced procurements were done for the supply of bio fertilizers from Kay Bovet Engineering Ltd. of India in the sum of US$76,680 in June 2014 and Global Cane Sugar Services Pvt. Ltd of India in the sum of US$68,580 in February 2015. Despite being cautioned numerous times regarding the adaptation of a practice that

- Professor Clive Thomas

Ex-GuySuCo CEO, Dr. Rajendra Singh

Head of the State Assets Recovery Unit, Dr. Clive Thomas

has not been used outside of India, the former CEO persisted with commercial application rather than a trial as advised. Dr. Singh also made decisions that resulted in millions of dollars being lost by GuySuCo. The said documents reveal that Singh had responsibility for finance and marketing for the company and entered into a one year agreement with Tate and Lyle in 2013 when the company could have entered into one for three years while locking in at a higher sugar price for 2014 and 2015. This was the first time in the history of the Long Term Agreement (LTA) with Tate and Lyle that a one-year agreement was entered into. The failure to enter into a three-year agreement resulted in a conservatively estimated loss of US$60M in revenue for the corporation for the years 2014 and 2015.

During his time as CEO, he also committed 38,000 tonnes of sugar to Futures Market without locking in a price it was US$0.16 cents per pound. The current price is now US$0.11 cents per pound and this decline resulted in a loss of revenue in the sum of US$4.2M for GuySuCo. Dr. Thomas said that the Assets Recovery Unit will aggressively pursue the aforementioned matters as he is of the belief that “such lawless actions constitute malfeasance in office.” He added, “It is obviously the abuse of power and such behaviour should not be condoned. We are also investigating other matters regarding the former CEO.” While the Assets Recovery Unit is investigating Dr. Singh, he has threatened to take the government to court for wrongful dismissal from GuySuCo.

Kaieteur National Park re-opens While the female tourist remains missing, tours to the Kaieteur National Park have resumed; the GDF has completed its search and has withdrawn the Special Forces Team from the location. However, the Park Rangers will continue to be vigilant for any signs of the woman who went missing more than a week ago during a tour to the Kaieteur National Park. A press statement from the Ministry of the Presidency yesterday confirmed that the Kaieteur National Park (KNP) has been re-opened, even as Park Rangers continue to be vigilant for any signs of the tourist, Gyaneshwarie Sivinand who went missing more than a week ago during a visit to the site. Members of communities surrounding the Park are also

- Rangers to be on the lookout for missing tourist asked to keep a lookout. Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman; and Minister of Tourism, Catherine Hughes; met on Tuesday with representatives of The Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG), Air Services Limited (ASL), the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), the Protected Areas Commission (PAC) and the Guyana Police Force (GPF) with regard to the closure of the KNP, following a more than week long search for the missing tourist. The decision to re-open the Park was made following the meeting where discussions were held on

enhancing safety for visitors of the site. Among the agreed measures is the development of improved protocols, provision of additional tour guides, further training for KNP Tour Guides and enhanced signage. The Department of Natural Resources and the Environment in a release expressed gratitude to the agencies and individuals who played a supportive role in the search and rescue operation over the last week. Special thanks were extended to members of the GPF, the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and the tour operators for their diligence and cooperation.

A key meeting yesterday between Government and private housing developers over delays along the East Bank Demerara Public Road, yesterday, saw a February 2016 deadline being issued for infrastructural works to be completed. The ultimatum was issued by Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Keith Scott, who is charged with the housing sector. The meeting at the Brickdam offices of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) also saw harsh words coming from the Minister over the absence of the BK Group from the meeting. BK’s principal, Brian Tiwarie, and Chinese-owned, Baishanlin, were both summoned to yesterday’s meeting to explain delays in works on a 100-acre plot of land behind the National Stadium in Providence. The land was sold by CH&PA in 2011 to Sunset Lakes Inc., owned by Tiwarie, to build homes. All the homes and infrastructural works were

supposed to be in place within 24 months. However, an inspection on Tuesday found little work being done there. CH&PA also found that BK also may have breached his agreement when he sold the entire 100acres to Baishanlin. Officials from Baishanlin, a logging company, turned up Tuesday while Minister Scott was moving through the area but they were unable to answer questions. They were instructed to attend a meeting, along with an interpreter and their boss, Chu Hongbo. Chu Hongbo indeed turned up for the meeting but there was no representative from BK Group. According to a Government statement yesterday, Minister Scott has set a deadline of February 2016 for developers to complete infrastructural works on their East Bank Demerara plots. Those engaged included representatives from Baishanlin, Courtney Benn Construction, Bradford Enterprises, Dax Construction, Sun Set Lakes

and Odinga Lumumba. Scott reportedly expressed his disappointment at the failure of representatives from the BK Group of Companies attending the meeting saying that it showed “great disrespect to the Government. It is the Government of Guyana that speaks on behalf of the people of Guyana and I shall not countenance that from Tiwarie or anybody.” According to Minister Scott, “amicable agreements” were reached with several of the housing developers who explained the reasons for delays in their construction of homes or preliminary infrastructure works. “Commitments were given to ensure that new deadlines to begin works would be met, as were apologies by delinquent representatives,” the Minister revealed. He explained that Government was “not about putting people out of business but to help them along the way, ultimately to the benefit of all Guyanese”. All of those engaged, (Continued on page 31)

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Kaieteur News

Friday September 11, 2015

GPL deputy still to return $27.8M back pay Weeks after Government announced that the deputy head of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) gave himself $27.8M in back pay without it being authorised, it appears that not much progress has been made in recovering the monies. On Wednesday, Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman, disclosed that the matter may be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for advice. However, police officials have said that they are still to get an official complaint and

the file has not been forwarded to the investigators as yet. Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Administration, Ash Deonarine, was sent on leave more than six weeks ago after auditors found that he signed off on payments to himself. He reportedly flew out of the country and has promised to repay the monies said to have been transferred to US accounts. Trotman made it clear Wednesday that a person being out of the jurisdiction

does not prevent an investigation from continuing. Deonarine reportedly claimed that the payments were authorized by board member, Carvil Duncan, who also is facing investigations for taking a $900,000-plus back pay for himself. The suspended deputy head also claimed that he has the documents to prove it. “If the man says that it was not intended to commit an act of theft and he intends to return it, we will have to see how that goes and call on him to make good on his

undertakings to repay,” said Trotman on Wednesday, noting that it is only an allegation. The Minister said that Government is not in the business of going after people, as that is the job of the police. The irregular payments to Deonarine and Director, Carvil Duncan, were reportedly picked up during a forensic audit ordered by Government into the PetroCaribe Fund. Auditors found the two payments and raised the matter. Deonarine was sent on leave. Government then said that the matter was to be handed to the police. Deonarine reportedly wanted to receive the same level of pay as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Technical), Colin Welch, but his approaches to the Board of Directors were rebuffed.

The payments to himself, representing back pay for the period January 2013 to June 2015, were reportedly made between May and June, shortly after the new Government took office. The payments were allegedly countersigned by Duncan, the Director. With regard to Duncan, the Board of Directors of GPL had approached Government to raise the Directors’ fees from $5,000 to $20,000 monthly but no decision was made. His back pay represented the 48 months he would have been a Director. Again, both Duncan and Deonarine signed off on the payments. Duncan had defended the payment saying that he was properly authorized. GPL is a state-owned entity that has been under fire for its spending and high tariffs. It is handling billions

Still to return $27M: Ash Deonarine of dollars. Its CEO, Bharat Dindyal, was sent off recently after serving in that post since December without a contract. The Board of Directors, headed by Winston Brassington, had accused Dindyal of mismanagement and refusing to cooperate with it.

Man waves to neighbour after... From page 3 the killer picked the right time to commit the brutal act. “He come when all them men gone to work because when we hear the screams was only woman peep out and we were all scared to go over,” she said. She explained that there is a mechanic shop located nearby and workers would usually be around the area but at the time of the murder, the men were all out on some other work. Kaieteur News was told that while Persaud was screaming for his life, neighbours called the Providence Police Station but the lines were engaged. “We called so many times but the lines were engaged. When the screaming stopped, I went back inside my house and then about 10 minutes later another neighbour called me and said someone see a man walking out of his (Persaud's) yard,” the neighbour stated. She explained that as the news of the stranger walking out of Persaud's yard spread, other neighbours gathered in front of the man's property. “We call for him but no one answered and when we peeped through the front door, we see he (Persaud) lying on the floor so we send another neighbour to go and bring the police,” the woman

said. Another resident said that the suspect, whom he described as red skin, about six feet tall with afro-hair style, was wearing blue pants and had a blue haversack on his back. Neighbours reported that the stranger was enquiring about Persaud's address earlier. “Like he didn't know where he was going because someone see him in another street earlier, walking. He (suspect) also asked someone through our street to direct him to Lot 66 (Persaud's address),” the resident said. He explained that when he heard Persaud screaming, a few neighbours went out to investigate but eventually went back inside when the screaming stopped. “I heard that two neighbours stayed outside and about 10 minutes later, they see this guy walking out of the yard and he (killer) waved and smiled at one of them neighbours,” the resident stressed. Another neighbour told this newspaper that he heard the screaming and then the sounds of objects falling to the ground but paid no attention to it since loud noise is a regular occurrence from Persaud's when he and his sons have disagreements. “At one time I thought

that the father and sons were fighting and I wanted to go over and help but then I remember a few years back when I tried to help a woman who was getting beat…the husband run me out the yard,” an elderly woman stated. The dead man's son, Samuel Persaud, said that he and his two brothers got up yesterday morning and his father packed their lunch bags as usual. He said that he and another brother left for work while the younger sibling went to school. “When I reach to work, my grandmother called me (from overseas) and she said she trying to call my father and he not answering. So I called his phone and he didn't answer,” the younger Persaud explained. He added that after a few unanswered calls, he decided to call a relative who lives nearby. “When I called, they tell me to come home now. Then my brother called too and tell me to come home now,” he stated. He was greeted with the most disturbing news when he arrived home. Relatives of the dead man said that they have no idea why anyone would want to kill Persaud since he goes about and do his work without troubling anyone. With Persaud's death, residents of the Herstelling New Housing Scheme are now fearful that the peace of their once tranquil community has been shattered. “We used to leave our doors open and go out, but not anymore,” one pioneering resident of the area told this newspaper. Investigations into Persaud's death are ongoing.

Friday September 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Nat’l Suicide Strategy launched …must be more than a plan, says Health Minister

Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton, brandishes the new national suicide plan

A section of the audience during the launch By Desilon Daniels The Ministry of Public Health yesterday launched its 2015-2020 National Suicide Prevention Strategy. With its launch, Minister George Norton has expressed hope that the document will become more than just another plan with no action. Minister of Public Health, Dr Norton expressed pleasure and motivation at being a part of the launch of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy. “We provide a national overview of suicide behaviour in Guyana and endeavour to implement a national strategy to catalyze preventative action across the country,” he said. However, he said, launching a plan is not enough. “Hardcopies of plans are

nothing else but hardcopies; we have a suicide prevention plan for 2015 to 2020 and I can assure you that – with the meetings I had with all those who are integrally involved in the actual planning and the execution of this plan – I am confident to say that this plan will become a reality.” He added that according to the World Health Organization, more than 800,000 people die annually from suicide. However, he added, the estimate is expected to be much higher due to underreporting. “In Guyana over the years we have experienced alarming high figures in suicide and suicide attempt cases, taking our beautiful country to the top of the list of countries with the highest suicide rates.” He said that this not only affected persons directly

connected to the situation but the country at large. “Suicide prevention is everybody’s business. It’s very important that leaders and members of all organizations, ministries, institutions, non governmental organizations, communities and the entire population are involved in awareness action and develop activities leading to improve the present situation about suicidal behavior,” he said. He said, too, that support from friends and family is a necessity. Norton said that the plan is ready to be launched. It includes plans for multisectoral approach and includes the encouragement of community participation with an interest in suicide prevention to mobilize resources in an effort to save

lives. “Today, the Ministry of Public Health is grateful that the National Suicide Prevention Plan will provide the necessary tools and guidance to develop not only prevention strategies but create opportunities for collaboration with other agencies to assist persons affected by this problem and to facilitate their complete recovery,” Norton said.

“Let’s work together to reduce the incidence of suicide mortality and attempted suicide by 20 percent,” he urged. And the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) pledged its support to the Ministry. PAHO representative, William Adu-Krow, noted that it was only in 2012 that Suriname was ranked as the

country with the highest rate of suicide in the world. However, he said, in just two years that title was given to Guyana. “We need to do better,” he emphasised. He said that while Guyana’s situation is bad, there is still hope for the country. After sharing trends and statistics related to Guyana and other countries (Continued on page 31)

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BV man gets 50 months jail for causing death

Kaieteur News

Friday September 11, 2015

Prime Minister meets GINA staffers

Delroy Beresford, of Lot 77 Cummings Lane, Beterverwagting, East Bank Demerara, was yesterday found guilty of causing the death of Carol Overton by dangerous driving. On November 7, 2014, Beresford drove motor car, PPP 9521, in a manner dangerous to the public causing the death of Overton, 45, of Barnwell North Mocha, East Bank Demerara. He was sentenced to 50 months imprisonment by City Magistrate Judy Latchman after his trial concluded in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. During the trial Police Prosecutor, Inspector Vishnu Hunt, called a number of police and civilian witnesses to testify. Hunt contended that on the fatal day the defendant was proceeding north along the Mocha access road, while Overton was walking along the said road. Beresford told police that a vehicle was approaching from the opposite direction with bright lights on and claimed that he swerved to avoid hitting the vehicle, when he collided with the woman. The convict made his first court appearance before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry last November and was placed on $250,000 bail after pleading not guilty to the charge. According to reports, Overton was struck down and killed instantly by a speeding motorcar, whilst walking along the Mocha access road around 20:30hrs.

PM Moses Nagamootoo meeting with GINA staffers yesterday. Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, who is charged with public information, yesterday met with staff of the Government Information Agency (GINA). Their visit would come amidst debate over the running of state media outfits like GINA, the National Communications Network and the Guyana Chronicle.

The new administration says it wants political interference to be kept out of the operations. But the Opposition has been criticizing the appointment of persons and the sacking of others as being political. According to a GINA statement yesterday, Nagamootoo thanked the

staff for the work they have been doing and urged that they continue to provide the public with information on what the Government is doing. “The Prime Minister called on staff to be cognizant of their role as agents who provide the public with information on the policies and programmes of the Government. He noted that members of the public “have a right and an expectation, to know what their elected officials are doing, and GINA must be the source of that information.” The Prime Minister, who

was instrumental in setting up the Government Information Service, the precursor to the Government Information Agency, recalled the days when the agency was used to promote the ruling political party. He urged staff to be mindful not to fall into such practices. “He assured staff that their political affiliations would not be used against them and it would not be a cause for them to be ‘fired.’ He further urged all staff to conduct themselves and execute their work in a professional manner at all times.”

Friday September 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

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RPA-AC calls on Govt. to arrest rice crisis, clarify manifesto promises The Rice Producers AssociationAction Committee (RPA-AC) has called for the urgent intervention of the government. The current composition of the Guyana Rice Devopment Board (GRDB) will only sabotage the industry, the RPA said. The RPA also sought to remind the government of the pledges to the rice industry. These pledges were contained in the manifesto-the re-establishment of the Guyana Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank (GAIBANK), the establishment of a stabilization fund to maintain a stable price for paddy and democratizing the Guyana Rice Producers’ Association (GRPA). During a press conference at the Georgetown Club hosted by Jinnah Rahman, a member of the GRDB Board of Directors and Dr.Thurhane Doerga, both Co-Chairmen of the RPA-AC, strident calls were made for the GRDB to be cleansed of ‘political appointees’ and for professionals to be appointed to the board. GRDB Chairman, Claude Housty, and Acting General Manager of the GRDB, Nizam Hassan, along with GRDB Executive Peter De Groot recently appeared on Government Information Agency (GINA) for an in depth examination of the local rice sector. During that broadcast, assurances were given that all millers were paid what was owed to them.

Dr. Thurhane Doerga and Jinnah Rahman - co chairs of the RPA-AC According to the CoChairmen, however, all was not well. There are many unresolved issues that needed to be addressed by the Government. Included are those manifesto promises that are still unimplemented. “I have a message in this day and age that the Government cannot do what it wants. When they present a manifesto, they have to do what is said in the manifesto,” Doerga said. Pointing to the coalition’s promise of an RPA elections supervised by GECOM, Doerga noted that this was not done but that Minister of Agriculture, Noel Holder, appointed persons with affiliations to the previous administration out of the RPA onto the board. Questioning whether

there was simply an exchange of policies from the previous administration, Doerga was critical of the news session on GINA. He noted that GINA was once used by the previous administration to imbue rice farmers with a false sense of security and this practice was seemingly continuing. “We don’t want to be misled anymore. We did not solve the rice crisis; on the contrary, it is going deeper because when they said that there were enough markets, and that there is nothing to worry about, today I hear the new board saying the same thing.” “Do these people have the slightest idea what is happening in the rural areas? People are killing themselves because they do not know

which direction to turn to? Then, I see the same rhetoric of the PPP/C, blaming the millers.” Doerga said, commenting on the case of a Windsor Castle rice farmer who took his life last month, that the man had reportedly been owed by millers for paddy and in turn he had owed the bank. “We did not fight for a

change for the (GRDB) to tell farmers that paddy prices are between them and the millers. That is wrong. GRDB was created as a platform to protect all parties. Even the marketing is a GRDB activity,” Doerga stated, a reference to the GRDB Act of 1994. Doerga noted that the farmers, who are in the majority and integral to the industry, are now being told that the millers lost money in the last crop. However, he said, that is because GRDB told these millers to buy paddy at $3200 a bag, which they did. According to him, millers are now liquidating these stocks because of its perishable nature for any price they can get because “there is no structure”. There has been much debate over the rice imbroglio, with millers being asked by GRDB to take back nearly 300 containers of rice originally packaged for Venezuela. The result has been that millers have been forced to sell their perishable stocks at lower prices, coupled with the daily US$30 per container wharf charges.

According to Guyana Rice Producers Association (GRPA) General Secretary Dharamkumar Seeraj in a recent interview, the losses millers have had to incur are in the vicinity of $400M. Rahman meanwhile called for the Government to make a definite pronouncement on the role of former General Manager of the GRDB Jagnarine Singh with the GRDB, in view of the fact that he has been cited for campaigning for the PPP/C while being the GM of GRDB. Rahman made it clear that the credibility of the Government was at stake. Ahead of an audit into the state entity, Singh tendered his resignation which was accepted by Government. However, he again surfaced when it was revealed that he played an integral part in negotiating a multi-million dollar contract with Panama’s rice purchasing agent. The agreement was signed by Singh as General Manager of the GRDB on behalf of the Government of Guyana, after his resignation was accepted.

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Kaieteur News

Cook remanded for allegedly thieving female underwear, other items As a charge of break and enter/simple larceny was being read to Mark Peters in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts, many persons seated in the courtroom began laughing when they heard that the man had stolen a female underwear. Peters, 40, who told the court that he resides at Lot 40 DaSilva, Street, Newtown,

Georgetown, pleaded not guilty to the charge after it was read to him by Magistrate Ann McLennan. The charge alleged that on September 7, at Carmichael Street, he broke into the dwelling house of Susan Haley and stole a quantity of items. The court heard that the defendant carted off a blow

dryer, curling iron, female underwear, six pieces of cloth among other items. When asked by the Magistrate if he had any objections to bail, Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones replied in the affirmative. Jones argued that Peters has no fixed place of abode. The prosecutor informed that all the items were recovered after an alarm was raised. He added that the police responded immediately and apprehended the defendant. Further, Jones requested a short adjournment date to have the police file complete. He told the court that statements in the matter are still outstanding. The Magistrate upheld the prosecutor’s request and remanded the defendant to prison. Peters, who was unrepresented by an attorney was ordered to be present in court on September 16, for continuation.

Friday September 11, 2015

Staged Crabwood Creek robbery…

Businessman, two others for court today Already embarrassed by the exposure of his fake robbery scheme, businessman Krishendatt Jettoo is heading to court today. He is being slapped with two charges; he is charged with conspiracy to commit robbery, and robbery under arms. Two other men who were a part of Jettoo’s scheme, will also be charged with robbery under arms. According to a police source, even though the robbery was staged, items were removed from the house, hence the robbery under arms charge. On Tuesday last, police, employing all their intelligence methods, found out that Jettoo hired bandits to beat him and his wife in a fake attack to influence his wife to stay in their unraveling relationship. It was the latest in a series of fake robberies to be used by critics to lambaste the Guyana Police Force and by extension, the ruling administration for spiraling serious crimes. Jettoo had told police that five armed men invaded his house and carted off an undisclosed sum of money and jewelry. He had given carefully concocted details of how the men entered his home around 2:30 hours on Sunday and threatened to kill him, while beating him and his wife about their bodies. The businessman had claimed that they were tied up by the bandits who escaped

The businessman’s wife was badly beaten during the staged robbery. in a white Toyota Carina 212 motor car. But when police managed to locate the driver of the getaway car, the whole scheme unraveled. The driver told investigators that Jettoo contacted him on Friday last with the smart idea; the businessman wanted him to break into his house and terrorise his wife. But the driver declined the offer and instead offered to get “real bad men” to carry out the act. He made contact with one of the “bad men”, “Duttie” from Rose Hall, who in turn contacted his associates. Together they met with Jettoo on Saturday. Jettoo told them what he wanted and

gave them a plan of his house, detailing where the surveillance cameras were so that they could avoid them. Kaieteur News understands that when the men entered the house, they first confronted Jettoo and inflicted a sound thrashing on him. The plan appeared to be working well as Jettoo’s wife heard the commotion and went to investigate. The ‘bandits’ immediately set upon her and dealt her a beating also, resulting in her receiving severe injury to her foot. The men did not forget to ransack the house to make it look like a real robbery. They got an undisclosed amount of cash and jewelry.

Rice farmers picket Ministry of... From page 21 the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority Act states that among the Board of Directors there must be two nominees from the Guyana Rice Producers Association and again no one from the RPA. “The minister recognized this and spoke to me on June 24 about this matter and advised me to submit names

which I did on June 25 and still no response.” While he does not totally blame the Minister of Agriculture, he said that he believes that it is an Act following orders from higher authorities in Government not to recognize the RPA. He said the RPA has been in existence long before any political party and should not be viewed as an arm of

any party. “Not to recognize the Rice Producers association which is the oldest rice producers since 1946 is a blow to the industry and already we are seeing the industry starting to go down.” The issues highlighted include the access roads not being repaired, farmers don't know when they harvest the paddy where it's going to go, millers are saying they don't know what price they will pay and rice farmers are saying that it doesn't make sense planting rice if they don't get $3000-$3500 per bag. He said rice production records have been broken on the high side in 2009 but the new fears are that another record will be broken on lower side. The argument is that many farmers will not be able to go back to the land to begin new crops while others will not be able to harvest their current crop.

Friday September 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Black Bush Polder stages massive ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’ rally The Mibicuri Community Developers together with the Region Six Education Department, yesterday, hosted a Suicide Prevention March and Rally in recognizing World Suicide Prevention Day. The march began from the Mibicuri Secondary School with students holding placards to march for the Awareness of Suicide in Guyana. The event which attracted Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence; and Minister within the Ministry of Public Health, Dr Karen Cummings, sought to bring awareness to the rise in suicide in Guyana and worldwide. Minister Lawrence said, “if I was to get on the floor and interact with students, I am quite certain that 90% of those students will say to us, the adults in this forum here today, that they do not trust us with their personal issues”. “Unless we are willing to stop putting ourselves as adults on that pedestal of ‘we know it all’, there will be a generation gap”. She said that there is

currently a generation gap ,in today’s world parents are too busy and find very little time to interact with their children. This, she stated, contributes to the generation gap that currently exists. She noted that many times parents would take the matter to neighbours and friends rather than find the time to discuss it with their own children. Minister Lawrence reiterated that the most important thing that is not given to a child or relative who might be going through a rough phase is “time”. “Since when Guyanese have become so selfish? Since when?”. The Minister charged teachers to “stop discussing the children in the general public; stop talking about the child in front the entire class; stop speaking about the children as though they are not there, respect must be given, not only to elders but to each and everyone”. Minister Lawrence pointed out that according to the World Health Organization (WHO) Guyana holds the position of the highest suicide rate in the

world. The Minister said that Guyana is losing its most valuable resource, the human resource, which is crucial to the sustainability of the nation. She said that the loss of lives within the community particularly Black Bush Polder which has the highest rate of suicide in the country, has impacted significantly on the social fabric of the community. The Minister took the time to empathize with the families who have lost loved ones to suicide. She charged that it is imperative to “keep the awareness of the act of suicide, that we collaborate to devise strategies and implement methods to prevent the scourge from spreading its menacing tentacles throughout society.” She noted that there must be an atmosphere of confidentiality for persons suffering from abuse, depression, low self esteem etc. which can lead to suicide. Minister Lawrence noted that any legislation or security measures that need to be established to support

Stop Suicide: On the march in Black Bush Polder, East Berbice. the prevention of the Suicide Act will be endorsed by Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan. Minister within the Ministry of Public Health, Dr Karen Cummings, saw the alarming rate of suicide as a cause for concern. She said that it is a concern for the Public Health Ministry since it affects everyone, pointing out that economic burdens amongst other issues are some of the effects of the scourge. A

PAHO representative recently stated that “the suicide rate in Guyana reflects a chronic state of unhappiness and poor mental health that requires urgent action”. The Minister said that the government is committed to joining the fight against suicide. Ms. Verma Jagnauth, a teacher, and representative of Black Bush Polder pleaded with members of the Religious community, Health and Education sectors to play a more active role in doing what

is necessary to put an end to suicide. The Suicide Awareness March and Rally drew sponsorship from Republic Bank Ltd, Olendorff, Ansa McAl, Food for the Poor Inc, Poonai’s Pharmacy and Health Care, Black Bush Secondary School, GBI, Rose Hall Town Youth and Sport Club and the Region Six Educational Office. It was held under the theme ‘Reach out and save lives.’

Page 30

SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. – CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Guyana Passport application. Graphics design, Advertisement. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. PARTY DECORATING: balloon creation, back drops etc. for weddings, birthdays, anniversary etc. Make your event extra special! Tel Maya: 642-6664 REPAIRS AT LOW COST: FRIDGES,AIR-CONDITIONERS, WASHINGMACHINES,TVS, MICROWAVES,FREEZERSCALL: 629-4946 OR 225-4822 REPAIRS & SPARE, FRIDGE, FREEZER, A/C, WASHERS, STOVES CONTACT NICK: 6831312, 627-3206 Floor sanding & Lacquering House plans, Estimate & painting, boat for Santa Mission - Call: 650-4362 Repairs at affordable prices: fridge, air conditioner, washing machines, dryers, TV, microwaves & freezerCall: 610-5846 or 661-8158 Eagle’s fridge re-gas @ 99100 New Market Street - $8,000 & washing machine repairs. Phone: 697-2969, 223-5818 Permanent & Visitors Visa Applications, Professional Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building. visadocumentsgy@yahoo.comCall : 225-6496, 662-6045 Construction and maintenance of Terrazzo – Call Bacchus: 642-2289 INNOVATIVEMARKETING & PUBLISHING INC –TEL: 600-4212: We create A/ works, logos, business cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included. We repair fridge, freezer, AC, washer, dryer-Call: 231-0655; 683-8734. Omar Desmond Repair Services Fridge, AC, gas stove, microwave, washer, etc on the spot repairs –Call: (592)678-8683; 687-9709 ACCOMODATION Harmony Inn apartments, furnishing (Kitchenette, bath tubs, hot & cold, TV, Wi-Fi, AC) –Tel: 668-0306; 6947817; 218-1400 $5,000-$8,000 FOR SALE/RENT American pool tables –Call: 277-0578

Kaieteur News

WANTED Canter Truck to sell 5 gal bottle water- Call: 623-2728; 618-1967 Driver with conductor for RZ minibus, fully serviced, route 42, preferably from Grove/ Diamond area. Tel: 662-3073; 216-1866 Diamond, 2nd Ave, 3 bedrooms house -$100,000, Sophia 2 bedrooms apartment -$45,000, Vryheid’s Lust Furnished -$50,000 – Contact Raul: 655-8361 Two receptionist/ housekeepers to work shift system- Call: 665-7474 One live in domestic must know to cook Indian dishes $70,000 monthly. 25yrs40yrs-Call: 610-3974 Experienced Dental Technician to work part time –Call: 695-0007 Straight stitch/Over edge machine operators. Call: 2222541 (8:00am-4:00pm MonFri) Experienced Cook @ Hibiscus Restaurant –Call: 231- 5857 Hire Car Drivers and contract cars from ECDCall: 220-1000 Office clerk: senior/junior. With CXC Maths/English, Computer Knowledge is an asset. Call: 219-5354 1 Part time domestic, must be able to wash, clean and cook. Contact Sarah: 225-8066 New company hiring; security officers needed: $3,000 per day-Contact: 2316052 between 8am and 4:30pm




Make Up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, Black Opal and Sacha cosmetics. Call: 647-1773/660-5257


1 Mazda Axela, PTT series, low mileage, e x c e l l e n t condition -owner migrating Tel: 649-0956


1 FURNISHED 2 BEDROOMSAPARTMENT WITH WI-FI, SHORT TERM /LONG TERM – CALL: 2227891; 609-9202 GT TOOL RENTALS: COMPACTOR; CHIPPING HAMMER RANSOM & FLOOR SANDER, JACK HAMMER, CONCRETE SAW & MORE- CALL: 6750767, 627-5098 Fully furnished Apartment, luxury 2 and 3 bedrooms selfcontained, long and short term- Contact:603-9671 1-3 Bedrooms house @ Oleander Ave, Bel-Air Park, all modern conveniences, unfurnished -$1600US, monthly-Call:231-7839 working hours House and land at Canal #2 Polder -$35,000 monthlyContact: 613-1860; 685-9721 2 Self Contained rooms; water (hot & cold) A/C & phone$US1500 @ Vlissingen RoadContact: 660-9478; 672-0865 One four storey building at Lot 14 Croal and Longden Street to rent- Contact 6631876

Live in waitress to work in a bar –Call: 604-6606

A senior accounts clerk, with level 1 ACCA 3yrs experienced required. Attractive salary. Email resume to humresdes@gmail.com EDUCATION

Aidan’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up, cheapest rate, low security- Call: 698-7807 Wing’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up- Call: 690-6494

One bedroom apartment well secured preferably working couple or single person- Call: 638-8858

Contract Cars with driversContact Triple ‘S’ Taxi – Tel: 220-0060; 622-7772

Office Clerk, must be computer literate, 25-30yrs –Call: 231-8344 or 231-8529

Friday September 11, 2015

VACANCY Work from home; earn $5,000$20,000 daily Call MondayFriday 9am-5pm #233-6517, 6 3 8 - 0 5 9 5 www.jobfairworldwide.com One Junior Accountant; qualification: certified accountant technician, 2 years experienced. Contact: 673-5475 or email: Kevin@expresstrukingcorp.com Babysitter/housekeeper live in Trinidad with family, hiring on excellent recommendations onlyCall:868-688-5908 Sales clerk/cashier with experienced. Call: 227-1846 or apply to Kards Plus, City Mall, Camp Street. Experienced bartender & Cleaners- Call: 225-8572 Salesman needed. Job Description: Sell food in the Street, salary $100,000 monthly –Contact: 225-9808, 660-9000 or 677-7395 Male sales representative wanted to work in New Amsterdam on Commission, Valid Driver ’s Licence, between age 25-40.Call: 6093650 One Driver; apply @ Technical Services Inc, 18-23 Industrial Site, Eccles E.B.D

TO LET Kitty 2 Self Contained Bedrooms apartment, cable TV, Internet, parking security cameras-$100,000 monthly –Call: 645-0247 One bedroom apartment Grove New Housing Scheme, EBD -$36,000 –Tel: 642-1956

I.A.E currently registering students for full time secondary school, lessons & evening CXC classes for adults- Call: 683-5742

Flat house, two bedroom with toilet and bath -$35,000 a month –Call: 684-8877

Register now! 6 weeks course, pedicure & manicureCall: 618-8536; 696-2295

1- (One bedroom) tiled semifurnished bottom apartment C/ Ville –Call: 667-1896; 223-1051

Accounts clerk: experienced in QuickBooks, accounting software, managing VAT NIS & PAYE, apply @ Technical Services Inc, 1823 Industrial Site, Eccles E.B.D Bond Supervisors, Delivery Clerk, Office Assistant, apply with written application and passport size picture call: 227-5286/9 EDUCATION Makeup Classes @ La Vie Est Belle. Come register and be apart, its life changing! Call: 682-9699; 218-2092

Year 2003, Toyota Spacio, HC5070, first registration 29-012015. Price $1.6M negotiableContact:226-2558 or 29 Sandy Bobb Street Kitty . In Stock @ First Class Auto: 08 Premio, Allion, Runx, Axio, Bluebird, Sienta, Fielder, Rush –Tel: 609-8188, 638-3045 AT192, 212, Allion, unregistered Premio, Hilux Surf, BNN, RZ & Pit-bull, 7 seater super custom. Cash / terms- Call:680-3154 SALE! SALE! SALE! 2008 TOYOTA PREMIO-$3.3M, 2006 TOYOTA ALLION$2.3M, ALL VEHICLES FULLY LOADED & UNREGISTERED- CALL: 642-7295 2000 Freightliner hauler, C12 Engine –Tel: 609-7257; 689-9041 One Honda CRV Immaculate Condition 17" mags, CD, AC, price -$1,850,000 negotiable – Call: 626-2884 White NZE PNN 6837, excellent condition -$1.65M – Call: 667-3101; 672-5347 One Toyota Corolla Wagon, PFF 5462 back wheel Drive in good condition- Call: 6241372 after 5PM Kaw a s a k i N i n ja 650R, excellent condition, lime green $650,000 asking price Tel: 655-2561 1 Pit Bull Minibus, 19 seats, recently sprayed & service also brand new rims & tires. Contact: +592-695-3813 One Leyland Daf LF with 6 ton Hiab 2002 GTT series (New) price $5 million Call: 622-6746

FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITIES OF HIGH PURITY MERCURY (QUICK SILVER) 99.99995% PURITY$19,000 PER POUND CALL: 592-227-4754. One 318 BMW never registered for $ 3M down payment $500,000 contact # 650-0402 or 616-0429 Land at Schoonord (Next To Demerara Harbour Bridge), 45' X 100' $ 6 M, 60' X 100' $ 7.5M- Contact 650-0402 / 260-4988 One never used Hydromatic sewage pump, model 5k50M2 -$86,000 –Call: 625-9281 Automatic Gate opener, garage door opener, chainsaw 51 HP, Dell Projector, Toyota Fielder, year 2003 –Call: 644-4582, 6628665 50LBS BAGS DOG FOOD, W/SALE & RETAIL- CALL: 222-7891; 609-9202 One 928F Caterpillar Wheel Loader $8M contact # 6500402/ 260-4988. Great Deals on video games & all gaming consoles. PC, phone games & applications. Delivery also – Call: 672-2566; 265-3232 One Massey Ferguson Tractor 175 – Call: 255-0343; 694-7154 Section 1, Stall 71/72, La Penitence Market, Albouystown – Contact: 6631597; 218-4837 33.6 Acres Farm land, one 2" water pump, 1 STHL M.Blower, 1 Tiller-garden purpose-Call: 225-7794; 679-1151 Reduced Prices: Dell/HP laptop & desktop computers complete, from $55,000, free games and educational software @ Future – Call: 231-2206

One Fuso canter truck with 3 ton crane GTT series, price $4 Million Call: 622-6746 Star Cars Auto Sale: Just Arrived: Rush, Allion, Pitbul, Bluebird, Alteeza, Benz, 06 Premio. Tel: 679-3140, 2683509 Star Cars Auto Sale: 04 Premio, Allion,06 Runx, 03 Runx, Axela, New Raum, IST, Vitz. Tel: 679-3140, 268-3509 Venus Auto Sale: September Specials: 2004 Premio $2.350M, Pre-Order specials on IST -$1.9M –Call: 624-5617 We buy & sell vehicles for cash, also parts available & 30 seater buses; Extra Cab pickups; 2006 TacomaCall:680-3154 1 Ford 2005 F350 Pickup, extended cab, 4X4 Diesel, 35 inch tyre auto, 1 Chevy Van 2007 –Call: 610-5370 Toyota Premio- 2003, Spacio2004- Call: 227-5950 or 681-7117

VEHICLE FOR SALE Timber Jack 450 B, skidder, excellent condition, scrap Nissan 720 Pick-up- Call: Richard: 609-7675; 674-1705; 233-2614 Mazda Axela Grey (PNN Series) 2004, 1500cc, fully loaded- $1.75M –Call: 6151611; 664-4000 BMW 320I –AT212, Raum, Tundra, Hilux 4-Runner & Pick-up, L-Touring Wagon, Nissan March & 4-Door Pick-up- Call: 644-5096; 697 1453 Toyota Rush- Unregistered $3M negotiable; Honda CRV 2003 model PSS 2018- $3.1M negotiable, pre-order any vehicle. Call: 655-3400 Continued on page 31

Friday September 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 31

Labourer remanded... Private housing... From page 7 Thomas represented the accused. Thomas told the court that at the time of the shooting his client was eating chicken at a Royal Castle outlet, in South Ruimveldt. Further, the attorney added when the trial starts, he intends to produce video footage to support his client’s whereabouts. Thomas said that his client has found himself in an unfortunate predicament. Thomas informed the court

that relatives of the deceased are alleging that his client killed Hinds. In addition, the attorney explained that Hinds’s relatives continue to make false accusations against his client. The attorney told the Magistrate that Barrow is not a flight risk; he has been fully co-operating with the police investigation. He revealed that Barrow has a pending matter before the court. Barrow was arrested on Monday as a suspect in the

killing while he was appearing in court for the offence of discharging a loaded firearm. He was subsequently charged with Hinds’s murder. Barrow is also on trial for allegedly shooting at David Pyle on June 23, last, with intent to maim, disfigure, disable or cause him actual bodily harm. He was granted $150,000 bail. News reports indicate that Barrow was charged in March, 2014 for allegedly discharging a loaded firearm.

Nat’l Suicide Strategy... (From page 13) in relation to suicide, he said that a turnaround could best be achieved by analyzing the current data. “We have to find what is happening; it’s a complex issue and it’s not something we can look at lightly.” He added that suicide is complex and needs to be tackled from all issues, including the law, and with expediency. “Don’t let us wait ten years from now and another group asks where we are getting to in Guyana with suicide,” he said. The United States Embassy threw its support behind the Ministry of Public Health and, through its representative, emphasized that suicide was an issue that needed to be tackled immediately. The representative further said that the plan should have considerations of marginal groups such as members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community. The National Suicide Prevention Strategy is one that activists believe is long

overdue. It is no secret that Guyana has the highest rate of suicide in the world; while the global average rate is 16.0 per 100,000 persons, Guyana’s rate as of 2014 is 44.2 of 100,000. Activists had opined that not enough efforts were being made by

the Government of Guyana in tackling this epidemic. The plan was launched as Guyana joined the rest of the world in observing World Suicide Prevention Day 2015 under the theme “Preventing Suicide: Reaching Out and Saving Lives”.

Aspiring lawyer appeals for support to complete... From page 7 give birth again until after completing her studies. “I can’t make any more children now because I can’t maintain them, so I am saying if Government doesn’t contribute to my education it would be suppressing my fertility because during the time I have to struggle to get an education where I want to develop myself you are

actually decreasing your population growth.” She therefore has intentions of using the legal knowledge she gains to press the Government to show that “we have a right to free education so that we can elevate ourselves in a reasonable time, and also contribute to economic, social and other growths in society.”

(From page 11) have given commitments to complete long overdue works. These will include the building of drains, electricity supplies and roads. “Minister Scott said that it is important that revised construction schedules be set and progress maintained, in keeping with the new agreements. “I can safely say that movement has now begun. I will not be satisfied until I can see deliverables.” A reported 16 developers were allocated large plots of lands between Providence and Little Diamond by the

previous administration under unclear circumstances. Many of them have found difficulties in developing the plots. There was little activity at Courtney Benn’s land along Mocha Road. Some developers have been selling the lands and not building homes, prompting Scott to wonder whether the allocations were done to allow a few businesses to “speculate”. Under agreements, the developers could be fined 25 percent of the market value of the land if they fail to meet deadlines.

From page 30

PROPERTY FOR SALE Property for sale, Grove $20M / Rent: $50,000 per month. Tel: 625-5461. Republic Park Phase 1- $48M, Prashad Nagar -$49M, 4 bedrooms -Call:609-2302, 645-2580, 609-6516, Property for sale, business place at Kuru kururu, New Town on High Way- Call: 261-6282 or 676-4787 Pearl: Well built 1,995 SF concrete building on 58X165 lot, formerly used at meeting halls-$13.5M-Tel: 649-1670 Brand new 2 storey concrete building in 5th Avenue, Diamond, E.B.D, all modern amenities - $45M –Call: 6629335; 612-3244 Property @ West Minister W.B.D, 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom & 2 Verandahs Property Vacant possession- Call: 660-9478; 672-0865, see T&T Realty on FaceBook. House & Land located @ Lot 17 Pike Street Kitty, location perfect for business & residence for more info call Anwar Rahaman on Tel: 6388513 or 600-8513 House for sale Versailles W.B.D five minutes from Harbour Bridge, price neg. Call:616-0111

EDUCATION Princeton College Forms 1-5 (5000) CXC adult classes $1,500 a subject, Phonics/ Grade 2,4,6,9 lessons Call: 231-1209, 690-5008,657-7398

LAND FOR SALE $1.5M Parfaite Harmonie, main road, corner lot, $2.8M Parfaite Harmonie (130ftX46ft), Diary -$2.8M – Call: 611-7223; 604-2207 Parfaite Harmonie 80X45 $1,250,000. Call: 683-0009 Concrete fenced land in residential high income area at Republic Park, Water, light, etc-Call: 233-0570 5 Acres, Enmore Public Road E.C.D, Ideally suitable for large investment-Call: Richard: 609-7675; 674-1705; 233-2614

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Kaieteur News

Friday September 11, 2015

Trinidadian family sentenced Russia raises stakes on Syria ahead of U.N. meeting in New York to 418 years in US prison NEW YORK (CMC) – A Trinidadian couple and their daughter, accused of conning 19 Caribbean immigrants in the United States of more than US$1.8 million, have been sentenced to a total of 418 years in prison. In the sentence handed down on Wednesday, Shane Ramsundar, 52, his 48year-old wife Gomatee Ramsundar and daughter Shantal, 23, were described by the judge as “the most despicable gang of criminals to ever sit in front of me.” Shane Ramsundar received the maximum 235-year sentence. His wife was sentenced to 153 years and daughter 30 years. The three were found guilty last November of grand larceny. Prosecutors said Shane Ramsundar told

immigrants that he could get their names on terror watch lists, or prevent their deportation by getting them green cards. Assistant District Attorney Catherine Kane said: “They stole from their own people afraid of reporting to the police, terrified of being deported back to a place where they had no one to go home to”. One of the victims was an immigrant suffering with multiple sclerosis who gave the family of con artists US$43,000 after being told that at he was about to be deported. Ramsundar also fooled immigrants into believing that he could get them cheap housing. Prosecutors said that the family used some of the money to buy cars, expensive hand bags, and go on shopping sprees.

Defeated Kamla challenges general election results in Trinidad and Tobago PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is challenging the results of Monday’s general election, contending that the decision by the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) to extend voting by one hour was unconstitutional and contributed to the People’s Partnership (PP) defeat. But the EBC has responded, saying it has power under the Constitution to make the decision it did. In a statement issued yesterday, Persad-Bissessar who leads the United National Congress (UNC) – the main party in the PP coalition – charged that the

PP would have won the election had the EBC not given residents more time to vote. The EBC moved the close of the polls from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in Trinidad only, because of heavy rains which caused flooding in some areas. At the end of the count, the People’s National Movement won 23 seats to the PP’s 18, but the former prime minister has insisted that the results be declared null and void. “The challenge is based on the sudden decision of the EBC to extend the time for voting from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. throughout the country without any official notification to the People’s Partnership and its constituent parties,” PersadBissessar said in the UNC statement. “Information and data received by the party strongly suggested that the People’s Partnership was comfortably

ahead in the polls at 6 p.m. “The march to victory was adversely affected by the sudden unilateral decision by the EBC to extend hours of the poll from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.” She further charged that many voters were unable to cast their vote after 6 p.m. because EBC officials were themselves unaware or uncertain about the time extension; and there were other citizens who did not know about the extension and therefore did not go to vote past the original 6 p.m. deadline. Persad-Bissessar insisted that if there needed to be a change, it should have been made with adequate prior notice, and suggested that the EBC could have allowed for continued voting the following day. She said the legal advice that her party received was that the EBC’s decision undermined the legal framework which governs the conduct of the general election and was tantamount to a “shifting of the political goal post at the end of the game”. That, she said, might have affected the integrity of the process and the results in critical constituencies. (Caribbean 360)

MOSCOW (Reuters) By refusing to clarify the scale of its military presence in Syria, Russia keeps the West fearing a considerable buildup to win a stronger bargaining position when world powers sit down to talks on the conflict, Western diplomats in Moscow said. Those discussions could take place as soon as this month, when Russian President Vladimir Putin comes to the United States for the first time in some eight years, to speak at the annual United Nations General Assembly. Russia’s central demand now is that its long-time ally, Syrian President Bashar alAssad, should be included in international efforts to contain the militants who have called themselves Islamic State and control large tracts of Syria. U.S. officials said on Wednesday Russia had sent two tank landing ships and additional aircraft to Syria and deployed a small number of forces there. In Lebanon, sources said Russian forces are taking part in combat in Syria, where Assad has come under increasing pressure. “It’s all about the General Assembly,” said one of the

diplomats, who like other sources spoke on condition of anonymity. “If there is a real new start in dialogue between Russia and the United States - we have a whole new situation, new quality.” Moscow has signaled several times in recent weeks it is interested in a meeting between Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama in New York. The White House says it is not aware of any meeting planned at the moment. Moscow would play up any such meeting for its domestic audiences to cast Putin as a peacemaker and an indispensable partner for Washington in tackling international crises, even at a time of high tensions over Ukraine. “Russia is piling pressure, playing a blackmail game,” said defense analyst Pavel Felgenhauer, noting how a Moscow proposal for an antiIS coalition involving Assad has lost impetus. “They want to push others to consider it more seriously,” said the expert, who is often critical of the Kremlin. “Or else fear that Moscow could use its forces there for other purposes.” Washington expressed

concern over the Russian military build-up in Syria and put pressure on countries nearby to deny their air space to Russian flights to the country. Russia has decried the U.S. pressure over the flights as “international boorishness” and dismissed reports of a build-up in Syria in general terms. But Russian officials have repeatedly dodged questions over whether there has been a recent increase in military assistance to Assad and Moscow has not unequivocally denied any build-up of its forces in Syria. “First we were accused of providing arms to the socalled ‘bloody regime that was persecuting democratic activists’,” said Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian foreign ministry. “Now it’s a new edition we are supposedly harming the fight against terrorism. That is complete rubbish.” The Russian Emergencies Ministry has been sending flights to Syria several times a month throughout the conflict, saying they deliver humanitarian aid and help evacuate people. The West fears Russia is using the flights to bring arms to Syria.

Migrants undeterred by Balkan storms and Hungarian clampdown IDOMENI, Greece (Reuters) - Thousands of refugees trudged through mud and torrential rain to Greece’s border with Macedonia yesterday, swelling a human tide across Europe that authorities appear powerless to control. Hungary, a key transit country for migrants trying to reach richer and more welcoming countries such as Germany and Sweden, said it expected to finish building a fence along its border with Serbia by early October to

help stem the flow. Denmark, the latest front line in the continent’s migrant crisis, allowed refugees to move freely through its territory to Sweden, a day after it shut a motorway link with Germany in a bid to halt the flow of people. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s deputy said the record-breaking influx of refugees could help ease a chronic skills shortage and provide a boost to Europe’s biggest economy. Berlin’s critics, notably in excommunist eastern Europe, say that message will only encourage more people to move.

On Greece’s northern border, migrants including children and elderly women most of them fleeing Syria’s four-year-old civil war slithered across muddy fields towards lines of Macedonian policemen who issued orders in broken English in an attempt to maintain some order. “I am sick, (I spent) four hours in the rain,” said Ayman Sayed Ali, an engineer from the Syrian city of Aleppo. “We are humans, not animals,” said a man from the capital Damascus, who said he had lost his clothes on the boat that brought him to Greece.

Friday September 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

East Ruimveldt ‘vendetta killing’…

Labourer remanded on murder charge Shawn Barrow, who is said to have been eating chicken at a Royal Castle outlet when Kellon Hinds, 23, of Phase Two, East Ruimveldt, was killed, appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts slapped with a murder charge yesterday. On August 31, last, at East Ruimveldt, Barrow, 23, of Lot 8 East LaPenitence, Georgetown allegedly murdered Hinds. Barrow, a labourer, who is currently before the court on a charge of discharging a loaded firearm, was remanded to prison after he was not required to plead to the indictable charge. According to reports, Hinds was shot dead two Mondays ago, after gunmen walked up to him in a yard at East Ruimveldt and riddled him with bullets. Hinds, who had survived a previous attempt on his life, was shot in the throat, chest, abdomen, right shoulder and left hand. He died at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation

MURDERED: Kellon Hinds (GPHC). Magistrate Ann McLennan adjourned the matter to October 2, after Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones requested a short date to have the police file completed. During his brief address, Jones informed the court that statements in the matter are still outstanding. He added that the file has to be sent to the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) for advice. Attorney, George (Continued on page 31)

Murder accused: Shawn Barrow

Government commended for holding contractors accountable Representatives of the Berbice Chambers of Commerce and Industry have lauded the firm stand taken by the Minister of Public Infrastructure to hold contracting firm H. Nauth & Sons accountable for the defects found on a 12kilometer stretch of road on the East Bank Berbice. The stretch of road, from Everton to Lighttown, was to be constructed at a cost of $393 million. That agreement with the previous government was for the road to be built to a specification of 1 ½ inches thick. The company did 478,000 square feet of road. Representatives from the Chambers which included the Upper Corentyne Chambers of Commerce & Industry (UCCCI); West Berbice Chamber of Industry & Commerce (WBCIC); Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce (CCCC) and Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Development Association (BCC&DA) indicated that should all Ministers do likewise, a

higher standard of work would be realised. “If we don’t draw a line we will keep getting substandard work. If contracts were administered correctly things would go better. Work should not be awarded based on low tenders; this had led to substandard and delayed works,” one of the representatives said. The representatives suggested that when engineers are preparing estimates for projects in Berbice, they should factor in the cost of transporting materials to the area as this would have an impact on the overall cost of the project. Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson noted that sometimes things were not being done in accordance with the Procurement Act. He said the Act empowers the procuring agency to object to a contractor’s estimates and his ministry will now have to make objections if they find the need to so do. H. Nauth & Sons

Construction Company has been given seven days by the Ministry to complete corrective works to the East Bank Berbice road. This no-nonsense approach taken by the Ministry will apply to all projects. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) will be providing funds to have the entire East Bank Berbice Road completed to its new standard which means that sidewalks and road signage will be included. The East Bank Berbice road stretches for 25 miles from New Amsterdam to Mara and has been in a deplorable state for close to two decades.

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Aspiring lawyer appeals for support to complete legal education Thirty-two-year old Marsha Archer of 23 ‘A’ Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara, has long been driven by a passion to help others. She hopes to accomplish this by becoming a lawyer. The former Richard Ishmael and subsequently Bishops’ High School student at first had her eyes set on becoming a scientist. But since she wasn’t able to do science her next option was law. “I want to make a difference in society and help people. I know that people might think that lawyers might not be able to help…We can help. “I want to do constitutional, public and human rights law because there are so many areas…You can interpret the law to assist people,” said Archer as she pointed out that people’s rights can so easily be trampled upon. She has hopes of delving into public prosecution and therefore is not opposed to gaining a place at the office of the Director of Public Prosecution. Archer also envisions being able to sit on the bench as a Magistrate and eventually becoming a Judge. “I just want to be an asset to society; that is why I chose law.” She is already on course to realizing this goal having completed the first year of the Legal Education Certificate programme at the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad. When she wrote her finals earlier this year she aced all subject areas (at one sitting) and is therefore eligible to register for the second year of the programme. Early registration was scheduled for September 8 9, 2015 but Archer was not able to do so. She is currently faced with an unfortunate snag – limited finances. She literally has no family support. Her single parent mother, who once operated as a vendor, hasn’t the capacity to do so, since she has already exhausted all of her

Aspiring lawyer, Marsha Archer

funds helping Archer to reach her academic goal. Archer said that a weeklong orientation is slated to commence on Monday, September 14, and she is hoping that with support she will be able to benefit from late registration. In order to continue the law programme she needs financial support amounting to US$24,000 which will include her tuition fee, airfare, food and rent during her stay in Trinidad. Thus far, she has gained support to host two fundraising bar-be-cues and she has benefited from some financial support from some individuals including $100,000 that has been committed by publisher of this publication, Mr Glenn Lall. She is appealing for financial support at the soonest possible time. But Archer is hopeful that other students will in future not have to deal with the predicament that she now faces. “I am going to give this Government about three years to see if they can make some changes because we have some constitutional rights such as the right to

work, to an education and the right to life; how else are you going to have a life if you are not able to have an education to work and acquire and maintain yourself.” According to an emotional Archer, she is of the view that if Government is not able to contribute to people’s education, even in the long run, it could in essence stifle the development of the nation. Although she has already mothered one child, Archer said that she has no plans to (Continued on page 31)

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Friday September 11, 2015

Palestinians allowed to raise flag at UN headquarters

A boy waves a Palestinian flag during a rally in Beit Hanun in the northern Gaza Strip. (AFP Photo/Mohammed Abed)

United Nations (United States) (AFP) - The UN General Assembly voted yesterday to allow the Palestinians to raise their flag at its headquarters in a diplomatic victory in their campaign for statehood. A resolution was adopted by member states with 119 in favor, eight voting against including Israel and the United States - and 45 abstentions. The text allows the flags of Palestine and the Holy See - both of which have non-member observer status - to be hoisted alongside those of the member states. The world body now has 20 days to implement the move, which would be in time for a visit by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on September 30. Palestinians had been lobbying intensively to round up the needed votes for the initiative - which both Israel and the United States have firmly opposed.

“Raising the Palestinian flag outside the UN headquarters is not an alternative to negotiations (between Palestinians and Israel), and will not bring the parties closer to peace,” US ambassador Samantha Power said after the vote. Israel ambassador Ron Prosor maintained that “no vote can turn an empty symbolic gesture into a state.” European nations were divided on the move with France and Sweden voting in favor while others such as Germany, Austria, Finland, the Netherlands and Cyprus abstained. French ambassador Francois Delattre stated that “this flag is a powerful symbol, a glimmer of hope,” for the Palestinians amid broken-down peace talks. Israeli-Palestinian peace talks have been comatose since a failed US diplomatic effort in April last year, and a war in the Gaza Strip last summer left 2,200 Palestinians dead.

Labour’s Corbyn says voted ‘No’ to Britain’s EU membership in 1975 vote Reuters - The man expected to win control of Britain’s opposition Labour Party said yesterday that he voted ‘No’ to Britain’s membership of the forerunner to the European Union in a 1975 referendum. Labour supporters are selecting a leader whose first major test will be to steer the 115year-old party through a referendum on Britain’s EU membership by the end of 2017 ahead of a national election in 2020. In 1975, Britons were asked “Do you think

the United Kingdom should stay in the European Community (Common Market)?” They voted 67 to 33 to stay in. When asked by a Reuters reporter at a campaign rally in North London how he voted in the 1975 referendum, Jeremy Corbyn said: “I did vote and I voted ‘No’.” Corbyn, who wants to return Labour to its socialist roots, is the frontrunner for the leadership of the party after its electoral defeat in the May election. The new leader is due to be announced tomorrow.

Friday September 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

British, French, German leaders DEFEND IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL Reuters - The leaders of Britain, France and Germany yesterday defended the Iran nuclear deal agreed in July between Iran and major powers as the debate in U.S. Congress heated up due to fierce opposition to the agreement among Republican lawmakers. Under the July 14 agreement, sanctions on Iran will be lifted in exchange for at least a decade of curbs on Tehran’s nuclear programme, which Western powers and their allies fear has been a cover for Tehran to acquire the capability to produce atomic weapons. Iran denies that allegation. British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel vigorously defended the agreement in an article published in the Washington Post. “The U.S. Congress is voting this week on whether to support the agreement,” the European leaders said. “This is an important moment. It is a crucial opportunity at a time of heightened global uncertainty to show what diplomacy can achieve.” “Two years of tough, detailed negotiation have produced an agreement that closes off all possible routes to an Iranian nuclear weapon in return for phased relief from nuclear-related sanctions,” they said. Republican critics of the deal say U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration gave

Iran too much in exchange for too little in the negotiations. They also say that it will enable Iran to become a nuclear weapon state once the restrictions on its uranium enrichment programme lapse. Despite the fact that Republicans control both houses of the U.S. legislature, Obama has enough support to sustain a veto over any attempts to block the deal. Under a law Obama signed in May, Congress has until Sept. 17 to try to pass a resolution disapproving of the deal. Republicans have vowed to continue fighting the deal, even though they appear to have virtually no ability to block its implementation. “This is not an agreement based on trust or on any assumption about how Iran may look in 10 or 15 years,” the leaders wrote. “Iran will have strong incentives not to cheat: The near certainty of getting caught and the consequences that would follow would make this a losing option.” Sanctions on Iran are to be reimposed if it violates the agreement. “We are confident that the agreement provides the foundation for resolving the conflict on Iran’s nuclear programme permanently,” the three said. “This is why we now want to embark on the full implementation of the (deal) once all national procedures are complete.”

Not returning PNP to government would be ‘madness’- Golding KINGSTON, Jamaica — Justice Minister Senator Mark Golding says the ruling People’s National Party (PNP) is working with a clear plan to grow the country’s economy. Speaking to constituents of St Andrew Western over the weekend, Golding said the approach was not a “guess and spell” one. He told those gathered that when he speaks with leaders in the Jamaican business community, they indicate that ‘it would be crazy for Jamaica not to return the PNP to Government for another term’. He insisted that the Portia Simpson Millerled Government has “made strides, laid a solid foundation and has rebuilt the trust of the international community in Jamaica” while implementing hard decisions but in a “caring manner”. “It would be absolute madness to move away just when we are now starting to

see the fruits of that sacrifice,” he said while insisting that the PNP has stabilised the Jamaican economy. “When I listen to Audley Shaw it worries me, because I don’t think he understands the situation that Jamaica is in,” said Golding. “When I hear Audley Shaw talking about an aggressive Fiscal Policy, he doesn’t understand what he is talking about.” The PNP senator expressed confidence in his government’s economic reform programme, which he assured the audience was working, and said that he believes the next five years for Jamaica are going to be very good years. “I am very optimistic about the future of this country comrades, but we just need to continue to be sensible,” he said. (Jamaica Observer)

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Friday September 11, 2015

Strong earthquake U.S. TO ACCEPT 10,000 SYRIAN ROCKS TRINIDAD REFUGEES : White House

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – A 4.8 magnitude earthquake rocked Trinidad and Tobago early yesterday morning, but there have been no reports of injuries or damage. The tremor occurred around 3:49 a.m. to the northwest of Trinidad, at a depth of 136 km, and was felt widely across the country. Earthquake at 03:49am located at north-west of Trinidad 11.17N 61.97W Depth 136 km Mag. 4.8. Felt reports so far Residents flooded the UWI Seismic Research Centre (SRC) Facebook page with posts indicating they felt the tremor, with some indicating it was so strong that it woke them from sleep. While the SRC put the magnitude at 4.8 in its report on the event, it indicated the results were preliminary and may vary when additional data is processed. Other seismic monitoring agencies put the strength of the quake at between 5.0 and 5.1.

WA S H I N G T O N (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has directed his administration to prepare to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, the White House said yesterday. It is the first specific commitment the United States has made toward increasing its acceptance of refugees from the war-torn country. Since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, the United States has taken in 1,500 refugees, with 300 more expected to be cleared by October. But refugee advocates and some members of Congress said taking in an additional 10,000 refugees does not go far enough toward addressing the humanitarian crisis triggered by the war, which has prompted a massive refugee influx into Europe. In a letter distributed to House members and seen by Reuters, Democratic Representative David Cicilline asked Obama to accommodate 65,000 Syrian

refugees by the end of 2016. Religious groups have called for the United States to accept 100,000 Syrian refugees. European countries have taken in waves of migrants fleeing violence. Germany allowed 20,000 in over the weekend and is preparing for 800,000 this year. Melanie Nezer, vice president of HIAS, a global refugee advocacy group, said allowing 10,000 more refugees from Syria is not an adequate response to the crisis at hand. “This is totally within the realm of what the current system on autopilot could do. This is not time for autopilot. This is time to really ramp things up,” said Nezer. The United States is conducting air strikes in Syria as part of its effort to fight against Islamic State. It currently admits annually a total of 70,000 refugees from around the world, and is due to increase that total by 5,000 for the fiscal year starting in October. White House spokesman Josh Earnest would not say

whether the 10,000 Syrians would be a part of or in addition to that total. Earnest said national security was a top concern for admitting Syrians, a country rife with anti-American militants, noting that intensive security screening for refugees could take up to 18 months. “I do feel confident in telling you that the president will not sign off on a process that cuts corners when it comes to the basic safety and security of the American people and the U.S. homeland,” Earnest told reporters. The additional background checks and processing will require a “significant financial commitment” from Congress, Earnest said. Congress cannot block the administration from setting limits on the number of refugees it admits from each region. But it can block funding needed for staffing agencies like the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and

Barack Obama Human Services that handle the screening and resettlement procedures. House Appropriations Committee aides said they had yet to receive a request for more money to accommodate an increase in Syrian refugees and declined to comment on the likelihood of approving such an increase unless it is formally submitted. Senior Republican Senators Bob Corker and Lindsey Graham have said they are open to the idea of allowing more refugees, as long as they are subjected to security screenings.

Friday September 11, 2015

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Friday September 11, 2015

FFA confirms Australia/U.S... Tahir, Dane Piedt return to SA... From page 45 training camp ahead of the tour as part of the protracted dispute over a new Collective Bargaining Agreement. The last CBA expired in June and the players union and governing body have been at loggerheads since. “The players are currently uncontracted and are under

no obligation to participate in any Matildas related activities,” PFA chief executive Ben Vivian said in a statement on Wednesday. Some 60,000 tickets had been sold for the two U.S. fixtures. Gallop told reporters on Wednesday the governing body faced a “significant” financial hit if the matches were

scuttled. The two authorities have been feuding over pay and terms for players on both the men’s and women’s national teams and in the ALeague. The men’s team boycotted commercial appearances in Perth last week in the lead-up to their World Cup qualifier against Bangladesh.

Princess Hotel thump Brickery... From page 44 took 3-29. Savage Masters replied with 136-9 in 20 overs. Randolph Perreira made 32; Raymond Harper picked up 321 and Peter Persaud 2-27. The competition continues on Sunday. At Carifesta

Sports Complex: Pitch one at 9:30am Young Guns will play Princess Hotel and at 12:30hrs Parika Defenders will take on Fishermen Masters. On pitch two at 9:30hrsFarm will face United Brothers and at 12:30hrs Park Rang-

ers will play Enterprise Legends. On Pitch three at 09:30 hrs, Wellwoman will match skills with 4R Lioness, at 11:30hrs Trophy Stall Angels and Blue Divas will face off and at 13:30hrs Young Guns will challenge Brickery Super Stars.

Friday September 11, 2015 ARIES (MAR. 21APRIL 20) Don't go hog wild when it comes to entertainment or you could find yourself short of funds at the end of the month. TAURUS (APR. 21MAY 21) You will gain new friends if you get involved in environmental issues. An older loved one may be having problems. You'll be tempted to spend extravagantly today. GEMINI (MAY 22JUNE 21) Opportunities to expand your circle of friends will result in possible new romantic encounters. Problems with ear, nose, or the throat are likely. CANCER (JUNE 22JULY 22) Keep important information to yourself. Insincere gestures of friendliness are likely to occur. You can win if you're open and up front with your boss. LEO (JULY 23-AUG 22) Depression may result if you don't get to do things your own way. Someone you live with may cause drastic alterations in your usual routine. VIRGO (AUG. 23 SEPT. 23) Your fight for those less fortunate is not likely to end in sweet victory. You can make progress professionally. Your partner will blow situations out of proportion.

LIBRA (SEPT. 24 OCT. 23) Coworkers may not be completely honest with you; try not to rely on help from others. Travel if it's needed to start the ball rolling. SCORPIO (OCT. 24 NOV. 22) Feeling under the weather may be a result of overindulgence. You can be sure that any dealing with large institutions should go well. Investments may be misrepresented today. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 23 -DEC. 21) You need to sit back and enjoy. You might get behind if you spend too much time debating senseless issues. CAPRICORN (DEC 22.- JAN. 20) Secret affairs will only lead to heartache. Don't overextend yourself in the process. You will communicate easily and should be able to accomplish all that you set out to do. AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 -FEB. 19) Proceed with caution if operating equipment or vehicles. Control your emotions and everything will fall into place. PISCES (FEB. 20MAR. 20) Work diligently and you will get ahead today. Physical limitations are possible if you aren't careful. You must use discretion when talking to others. Gambling should not be an option.

From page 42 selectors to have slotted de Kock, who scored 354 runs in four matches at an average of 70.80 including three centuries on South Africa A’s visit to India, straight back into the Test side too but they stopped short of doing that in order to give Vilas a sustained run. Vilas played just one Test in Bangladesh and did not get the chance to bat after four days were washed out and Zondi wants to see what he can offer at the highest level. “It’s important for us as a new selection panel to make sure we are consistent in our selection and that’s the reason for Vilas being included. He did not have much game time in Bangladesh and we want to make sure that we back players,” Zondi said, before reassuring de Kock the door is still open for him. “With Quinton, we weren’t worried about his keeping that much, we were worried about his runs and he has done the job there. We are optimistic that going forward he will come back in the Test side. That’s why we brought him in the T20s and ODIs.” De Kock will return to opening the batting in the shorter formats but may not be behind the stumps in T20s, where South Africa will continue to trial the idea of de Villiers keeping ahead of the World T20. “AB keeping in T20s hasn’t changed but it’s vital for us to give the coach more options. We decided that was one of the plans - to make sure AB continued to keep because he is going to give us balance so that the option is still there,” Zondi said. “The thinking behind it is that if AB plays then AB can play a keeping role and open the batting but if Quinny (de Kock) plays, it will be up to Russell to see where Quinny can fit in.” It may be difficult to find a spot for de Kock in the T20s, especially with the inclusion of Zondo, who will take up a middle-order position. Zondo, who bats at No. 5 for his franchise, was South Africa’s second-highest run-scorer in the A team triangular series in India, behind de Kock. His domestic record may not immediately explain his selection - Zondo has a List A average of 27.84 and although he has a T20 hundred to his name, he scored just 131 runs from 10 matches in last season’s domestic T20 competition but Zondi explained that his performances with A side were convincing enough. “With the whole pipeline, it’s important that the guys that are playing for SA A are in our minds. It’s important to reward guys who have done

well for SA A. For now, it’s an entry level for Khaya to get into the T20 set-up. He has done well in the fifty-over matches for SA A and it’s important for us to look at the players who have done well in the conditions we are going to play in,” Zondi said. That was also not enough to save Aaron Phangiso, who did well in the T20s in Bangladesh but has not been included in the T20 squad for India with Eddie Leie preferred to partner Tahir. However, Phangiso is in the ODI squad, where David Wiese misses out after an indifferent showing against New Zealand. Morris has been tasked with the allrounder role alongside Farhaan Behardien while Wayne Parnell has been left out of all the squads. South Africa will also continue with their policy of resting key members of the pace pack in limited-overs matches with Vernon Philander not included in the ODI squad and Dale Steyn and Morne Morkel both left out of the T20s. That should mean more

game time for Kyle Abbott and, in the T20s, Marchant de Lange, who was recalled after an impressive Caribbean Premier League campaign. South Africa Test squad: Hashim Amla (capt), AB de Villiers, Temba Bavuma, JP Duminy, Faf du Plessis, Dean Elgar, Simon Harmer, Imran Tahir, Morne Morkel, Vernon Philander, Dane Piedt, Kagiso Rabada, Dale Steyn, Stiaan van Zyl, Dane Vilas. ODI squad: AB de Villiers (capt), Kyle Abbott, Hashim Amla, Farhaan Behardien, Quinton de Kock, JP Duminy, Faf du Plessis, Imran Tahir, David Miller, Morne Morkel, Chris Morris, Aaron Phangiso, Kagiso Rabada, Rilee Rossouw, Dale Steyn. T20 squad: Faf du Plessis (capt), Kyle Abbott, Hashim Amla, Farhaan Behardien, Quinton de Kock, Marchant de Lange, AB de Villiers, JP Duminy, Imran Tahir, Eddie Leie, David Miller, Chris Morris, Kagiso Rabada, David Wiese, Khaya Zondo

Friday September 11, 2015

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UDFA clubs unanimously N.Y. police commissioner criticizes adopts new constitution use of force in tennis star’s arrest …Elections set for October 1 GFF - The clubs affiliated to the Upper Demerara Football Association (UDFA) met on Wednesday in Linden at the Linden Enterprise Network (LEN) building with the Guyana Football Federation (GFF), and adopted a new constitution. Chairman of the GFF’s Normalisation Committee Clinton Urling, General Secretary Richard Groden and his Assistant Deidre Davis, along with Marketing and

Communication Director Rawle Toney, met with the clubs and after discussing the draft document in its entirety, the Clubs present unanimously voted to adopt the new Constitution. Present at the meeting were Blue Berry Hill, Botofago FC, Winners United, Kwakwani Strikers, Retrieve Lions, Top XX FC, Hi-Stars, Winners Connection, Amelia’s Ward FC, Milerock FC, Eagles United, Silver

Shattas FC and Vasco FC. The adoption of the new constitution now paves the way for the UDFA to hold its Extraordinary Meeting to e l e c t a N e w Executive Committee on Thursday October 1. The Bartica and Essequibo football associations will go through a similar exercise during next week, with the GFF Congress schedule for November 14.

Scala reveals FIFA reforms but... From page 40 an executive committee to back a proposal which would effectively divide it into two, Scala acknowledged that in some ways he is simply setting the benchmark for reforms. “There is a political reality and there is what is right. My

role is to say what is right… I have no decision-making power. I am here to advise and to recommend to the organisation,” he said. Scala said that he considered the term limit to be the most important of his proposals. “A number of issues have

their root cause in the fact that people have stayed for far too long in a number of key positions,” he said. “(A term limit) has a significant impact over time because it cuts these relationships and dependencies which come with too much time in office.”

PAULA RADCLIFFE: Pressure... From page 40 London Marathon winners and medallists and “potentially British athletes” were under suspicion. Norman did not mention Radcliffe by name but she responded: “Maybe he didn’t understand that to all intents and purposes he may as well have mentioned my name. “My bigger concern is not with that committee. I don’t really care what a committee of MPs thinks about a situation that they don’t fully understand. “I do believe they should have had representatives from the IAAF there if they were going to attack and besmirch the good work they have carried out and have done in being at the forefront of the

anti-doping movement. “If they were going to launch accusations against athletes, they should have invited them.” Meanwhile, five-time Olympic champion Sir Steve Redgrave has criticised the treatment of Radcliffe. Redgrave told BBC Sport: “The way Paula is being looked at is wrong. Rumours going around for days and weeks is not the way to handle it.” ANTI-DOPING NEEDS MORE FUNDING - CRAM Former 1500m world champion Steve Cram called for parliament to provide funds to aid the fight against cheating in sport. He told BBC Two’s Newsnight: “MPs are questioning it and rightly

so. But the anti-doping organisations need more funding. “If they are that concerned it would be wonderful if the government in this country set an example and made money available to catch cheats instead of chasing Paula Radcliffe. “It is very hard for her to prove her innocence. We are almost left with trial by public opinion. She hasn’t done anything wrong.” Cram also told BBC Radio 5 live: “Paula’s come out on the front foot and done what any of us would do. “If we spend too much of our time focussing on a sensational story like this, it only benefits one group of people and that’s the people who are still cheating.”

Reuters - New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton said on Thursday he was concerned over the level of force used in the arrest of retired U.S. tennis star James Blake, who was mistakenly identified as a suspect in a fraud ring. Blake told local media plainclothes officers surrounded him outside hotel in a Midtown Manhattan on Wednesday and slammed him to the ground before handcuffing him for 15 minutes. Blake, at one time ranked fourth in the world, said he had been waiting for a car to take him to the U.S. Tennis Open when he was detained by the officers, who were white. Police said Blake, who is black, had been mistakenly identified by a cooperating witness as a suspect in a fraud ring. The officer who tackled Blake has been put on desk duty, Bratton said, adding he had reviewed video of the incident. “Concerns I have about what I witnessed on the video .... (include) the inappropriateness about the amount of force that was used during the arrest,” Bratton told reporters. Bratton said he was also concerned that no report had been made of Blake’s arrest and detention, which became public after the former player reported it to the New York Daily News. He said police wanted to talk to Blake to hear his version of events. The incident involving a well-known former U.S. player at a time when many in the city have their attention on the U.S. Open being played at Flushing Meadows, revived questions over excessive police force that

James Blake of the U.S. reacts after losing to Ivo Karlovic of Croatia at the U.S. Open tennis championships in New York in this August 28, 2013 file photo. (Reuters/Shannon Stapleton) reverberated around the country after a series of police killings of unarmed black men. “I’d like an apology. I’d like an explanation for how they conducted themselves because I think we all need to be held accountable for our actions, and police as well,” Blake told ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Thursday. He added that he had cooperated throughout the incident with the officers, who did not immediately identify themselves as law enforcement. “The first words out of my mouth were, ‘I’m going to 100 percent cooperate. I don’t want any incident or whatever,’ just out of reaction from what I’ve seen in the media,’” he said. The NYPD last year promised to revamp how it trained officers after 43-yearold Eric Garner died after being placed in a chokehold by officers who were trying to arrest him for suspected illegal cigarette sales on

Staten Island in July 2014. The Garner case was one of a string of cases in the past year involving the deaths of black men in confrontations with police - including in Baltimore, Cleveland and Ferguson, Missouri - that sparked a debate over race and justice. Some 57 percent of black respondents to a Pew Research Center poll last year said police do a poor job of using the right amount of force when they respond to situations, more than double the 22 percent of white respondents who reported that view. That poll, of 1,501 U.S. adults, including 1,082 white adults and 153 black adults, was conducted in August 2014, days after the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The margin of error for white respondents was 3.4 percent and for black respondents 9.1 percent.

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PAULA RADCLIFFE: Pressure to release blood data ‘almost abuse’

Great Britain’s Paula Radcliffe.

BBC Sport - Paula Radcliffe feels like she has been “almost abused” by calls for her to release her blood data. The former British athlete, 41, says she has been implicated by a parliamentary hearing on blood doping, following a Sunday Times investigation. Radcliffe has now released the three ‘abnormal scores’ after earlier telling the BBC she would not be “forced” into a “knee-jerk reaction”. She claims the results are “not even suspicious”. The marathon world record holder scored 114.86, 109.86 and 109.3 in three blood test results, which were followed up and cleared by the IAAF at the time they were given. Any score above 103 recorded by a female athlete can trigger further action, but Radcliffe, who set her world best time in 2003, said those

three tests analysed by experts employed by the Sunday Times lacked context. Guidelines from world athletics governing body IAAF say readings should not be taken within two hours of exercising. Radcliffe added: “Two of those are invalid because they were taken immediately post-race and they would not be looked at for that reason. “But if they are looked at by qualified experts with the full context, they would say that is totally explainable, that’s not even suspicious.” Radcliffe says all three samples were taken after periods of altitude training. Earlier on Thursday, when asked by the BBC whether freeing blood data would clear her, Radcliffe said: “I don’t need to. I’m clean.” Her stance was in accordance with the advice of the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada), which maintains that released data

for athletes can be misinterpreted. But fellow British athletes Mo Farah and Jo Pavey are among those to have published their personal information to prove they are clean. Radcliffe had said she would not release her data because she wanted to “protect a lot of other innocent athletes”. She told the BBC: “I do not want to see another innocent athlete put through what I’ve been through in the last few months.” ‘I DON’T REALLY CARE WHAT COMMITTEE THINKS’ After believing she was linked with the Sunday Times investigation during a Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee hearing on Tuesday, Radcliffe said she did not want to “enter into a huge battle” with Jesse Norman MP, who suggested (Continued on page 33)

Friday September 11, 2015

Scala reveals FIFA reforms but chances of change uncertain Domenico Scala, Chairman of the FIFA’s Audit and Compliance Committee addresses a news conference at the FIFA headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, June 2, 2015. (Reuters/Ruben Sprich)

(Reuters) A comprehensive and radical set of reforms for world football’s corruption-plagued governing body FIFA were unveiled on Thursday but it remains far from clear whether they will even be voted upon. Domenico Scala, the independent head of FIFA’s Audit and Compliance Committee made public his eight-point plan to change the way FIFA is governed in the wake of the May arrests of seven soccer officials and marketing executives in Zurich. The plan includes 12-year term limits for elected FIFA officials from the president down, full disclosure of the financial compensation of the president, general secretary and executive committee members and more detailed and effective integrity checks on members of committees. Scala’s proposal also includes replacing the allpowerful executive committee with a governing council, elected by congress, and a management committee to handle the day-to-day affairs of the organisation. “The reform process at

FIFA is essential to the future of the organisation and it must be guided by broad public discussion of all reform ideas,” said Scala. “I am pleased to contribute my detailed plan to this process, which must be as comprehensive and transparent as possible to ensure its credibility.” However the plan faces several obstacles to becoming realised — the recent creation of a FIFA Reform Committee, headed by former IOC director general Francois Carrard and dominated by the six regional confederations, complicates matters and they could choose to water-down or even ignore Scala’s recommendations. Last week Scala presented his plan to Carrard’s committee but it remains to be seen whether they are included in that body’s final recommendations. Scala however said he will not keep quiet if that reform committee’s plans do not meet his standards. “I will make a judgment and I will make the judgment public. I am from time to time

very clear in my assessment and I will make my judgment on the outcome of the process,” he told reporters on a conference call. Swiss businessman Scala presented his plan to FIFA’s executive committee in July but it remains to be seen whether they will include the proposals in the agenda for February’s congress — the body which ultimately has the final say on any changes. Scala confirmed he does not have the power to put his plans on the congress agenda but that option is available to any national association. Scala said he would not, however, be actively looking for a supportive FA to provide such a way to get his proposals voted upon. “No, I don’t do politics. I do my role which is establishing the diagnosis and the facts,” he said. “The document is public, the member associations have access to it, they are free to do what they want with it.” Given the tricky political task of asking confederations to vote on plans which may weaken their role in FIFA and (Continued on page 39)

Friday September 11, 2015

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Bent Street, Sparta Boss show no mercy on respective opponents - Festival City, West Front Road in third place playoff

Now that the highly anticipated semi-finals showdown are completed with lop-sided wins for Bent Street and Sparta Boss, two teams that emphatically registered their proclivity for scoring plenty goals, the stage is now set for a goalspree on Sunday when they contest the inaugural GT Beer / Petra Organisation Futsal final, at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall. Played before what can easily be described as a near packed arena, making it the biggest turnout to date, Bent Street annihilated a starstudded Festival City 13-5 in what many felt was the most impressive showing by any team to date, while Sparta Boss, though the final scoreline did not match that of the earlier semi-final, was equally imposing in relegating West Front Road ‘Gold is Money’ to a third place playoff. Earlier, a national cricket team selection squeezed past a Media outfit 4-3 through an inspiring performance from Christopher Barnwell, while former Santos standout Seon McKenzie, who appeared for the Media led a spirited fight back with a brace. In the first semi-final, Bent Street stunned Festival City with two early goals within the opening four minutes through the skilful Stellon David, he fired in a double in the third and fourth minutes of play, before Festival City’s Solomon Austin responded from long range in the fifth minute. However, the quick O’Kenie Fraser slid in from close range one minute later to restore some comfort, before Amos Ramsey’s goal made it 4-1. Daniel Favourite then pulled one back for Festival

sealed the deal and a final spot against Bent Street. West Front Road and Festival City will square off for third place. In the night’s full results: Game-1 Festival City-5 vs Bent Street-13 Bent Street Scorers Stellon David-3rd, 4th and 23rd Daniel Wilson-17th, 21st and 27th O’kenie Fraser-6th and 26 . Colin Nelson-11th and 24th Amos Ramsay-8th Sheldon Profit-28th Jermaine Scott-30th Festival City Scorers Solomon Austin-5th and 22nd Eon Alleyne-10th and 18th Daniel Favourite-9th Game-2 Sparta Boss-5 vs West Front Road-Gold is Money-1 Sparta Boss Scorers Deon Alfred-6th Travis Grant-24th Cleon Forrester-26th Sheldon Shepherd-27th Eusi Phillips-28 West Front Road Scorers Randolph Wagner-5th th

West Front Road and Sparta Boss battle in one of the semi finals Wednesday evening at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall.

City in the ninth minute, before he played a part in their next goal one minute later, delivering a pinpoint pass to Eon Alleyne, who finished with aplomb as they trailed 3-4. National player Colin Nelson then got into the act with a thunderous strike in the 11th minute as Bent Street showed no intent to yield to the sudden outburst of the opposition. Daniel Wilson then proceeded to score the first of his treble in the 17 minute, but Festival City responded through Alleyne one minute later as the fans braced for a final period showdown rally. Once again, Bent Street displayed the heart of champions as they countered swiftly through Wilson, before Solomon netted what turned out to be the final goal for a deflated and outgunned Festival City one minute later. Bent Street went on a rampage after that with David, Nelson, Fraser, Sheldon Profitt and Jermaine th

Scott taking full advantage of the resigned posture of Festival City to complete their tally of goals and secure a place in the championship round. The semi-final that followed lived up to all expectations at the start with the prolific Randolph Wagner putting West Front Road ahead with a fierce right-footer that beat the goalkeeper all ends up in the 5 minute to silence the Sparta Boss band of supporters. However, that was not for long as the slimly built Deon Alfred pounced on an accurate feed from Travis Grant to slide in at the back post. The two teams wasted good chances of taking the lead, but errant finishing kept the contest on a knife’s edge at the break. The final period was a battle of attrition as the pace of the game begun to test the weary legs and it was West Front Road that suffered more due to their shorthanded bench and Grant sensing that, pushed th

the pace and was rewarded when he collected a ball sent across the goal to tuck it past a disappointed goalkeeper in the 24 minute of play. Quick to detect the disarray, Sparta Boss pushed the ball up court with much urgency as West Front Road scrambled to get back and that confusion resulted in Sparta’s next goal which was th

scored by Cleon Forrester who was left unmarked and squeezed a shot just inside the upright two minutes later. The situation got even worse when Sheldon Shepherd entered the scoresheet three minutes from full time and that was followed almost immediately with a Eusi Phillips strike that



bowls on this weekend The Georgetown Cricket Association (GCA) first and second division competitions are set to continue this weekend. In the Noble House Sea Foods second division two-day, Police and Guyana Defense Force (GDF) will square off at Eve Leary (Javed Persaud and Daniel Richmond) while University of Guyana (UG) will journey to Georgetown Cricket Club (Joseph Jeffery and Abena Parker). Both matches start at 11:00 hrs on Saturday. In the New Building Society (NBS) second division 40-over on Saturday at 11:00 hrs, Malteenoes SC (MSC) will host Gandhi Youth Organisation (GYO) (Ryan Banwarie

and Linden Matthews) and Ace Warriors will travel to Everest (Cyril Garnath and Deon Feassal). On Sunday in the said competition at 11:00 hrs, Sophia will take on St. Stanislaus (Garnath and Heuvel Cunha) and Muslim Youth Organisation will face Diplomats at MSC (Banwarie and Matthews). In the Carib Beer first division T20 at 09:30 hrs on Saturday, Transport SC will play GDF (Edward Bowen and Matthew Kissoon) and Demerara Cricket Club (DCC) will tackle GCC at 13:30 hrs (Shannon Crawford and Andrew Allen). Both games are slated for DCC.

Local football to hit ‘Cable TV’ as E-Networks joins the Stag Elite League The Stag Elite League yesterday, received another corporate boost when E-Networks Inc. came on board in what could be one of the most important facets of the country’s most lucrative football league. E-Networks Inc; Guyana’s premier Cable TV, Internet, VOIP and 4G Broadband

Service Providers, presented the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) with a cheque for an undisclosed amount. According to E-Networks, the support for the league is seen as them playing their part in helping the sport’s development in Guyana and more so, giving exposure to the game’s brightest

stars. Subscribers to E-Networks services will be able to watch ‘the game of the month’ as the GFF’s Marketing and Communication Director Rawle Toney explained, “It’s the intention of the GFF to ensure that the players, more than anything else, benefit from the league. Therefore, we must have

these games broadcast somehow. It’s a costly factor but luckily for us, E-Networks is excited about this venture and they will be undertaking the broadcast of the games.” “We’re starting with a ‘Game of the Month’ which will be shown on E-Networks Ch.1 and then on another local channel which is to be determined. I think over time, this deal will be one of the Biggest,” Toney said. The company explained that

one of the biggest sellers for their service of Cable Television is sports, since they (E-networks) are the distributors of ESPN in Guyana. Meanwhile, with E-Networks set to embark on another ground breaking initiative, the Stag Elite League will be used as a tool by the company to help market their new product, with fans and players alike set to benefit extensively from the give-a-ways.

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Kaieteur News

Friday September 11, 2015

Federer, Wawrinka storm to Swiss showdown in NYC

Roger Federer (Reuters/Carlo Allegri)

NEW YORK (Reuters) Roger Federer and Stan Wawrinka shrugged off the threat of rain to storm into the U.S. Open semi-finals on Wednesday, while Simona Halep stood up for the younger generation to complete a women’s final four that will feature three thirty-somethings. Moved from the Arthur Ashe Stadium court to Louis Armstrong to bring Federer’s match forward, Wa w r i n k a a p p e a r e d untroubled by the change of venue, needing just an hour and 47 minutes to repel bighitting South African Kevin Anderson 6-4 6-4 6-0. Second seed Federer turned in an equally

economical effort, brushing aside Frenchman Richard Gasquet 6-3 6-3 6-1 in a tidy 87 minutes to set up an allSwiss semi-final today. The other side of the draw features a battle of the big men, with top seed Novak Djokovic taking on defending champion Marin Cilic. “Emotionally it’s not so hard for me,” said Federer, who holds a commanding 16-3 advantage over his Davis Cup team mate and reigning French Open champion. “But subconsciously, you know he knows what your preferences are, where you like to go and where you’re probably going to go,” he added

“That’s the weird part. I feel we meet each other somewhere in our minds before the point is being played out.” Federer and Gasquet are both armed with elegant onehanded backhands but apart from that aesthetically pleasing stroke, there were very few similarities in their lopsided contest. The 17-time grand slam winner could hardly miss and Gasquet all too often played the role of innocent bystander as the Swiss maestro uncorked 50 winners to a mere eight from the 12th seeded Frenchman. ‘I’M READY’ Anderson, meanwhile, l a c k e d t h e e n e rg y h e displayed in a fourth round upset of third seed Andy Murray, allowing Wawrinka to dictate play for large stretches of the match. The South African, who leans heavily on his serve, could manage just nine aces and one break point the entire match, which he was unable to convert. “I’ve improved a lot over the past three years and feel much closer to his level now,” Wawrinka said of his compatriot. “He is playing really well here so I will need to be at my

best. He’s had some amazing matches and I know it will be a big challenge but I think I’m ready.” Halep moved closer to a first grand slam singles title a f t e r e d g i n g Vi c t o r i a Azarenka 6-3 4-6 6-4 to set up a meeting with Flavia Pennetta, who toppled Czech fifth seed Petra Kvitova 4-6 6-4 6-2 to join compatriot Roberta Vinci in the last four. Defying the odds, rankings and age, 33-yearold Pennetta and 32-year-old Vinci etched their names in history by becoming the first two Italian women to reach the semi-finals of the same grand slam in the Open Era. With 33-year-old Serena Williams also in the last four, 23-year-old Halep will be conceding almost a decade of experience to her remaining challengers. “Of course we are a little bit old for the age of tennis r i g h t n o w, ” P e n n e t t a admitted. “But we are here and still fighting.” However, the dream of an All-Italian final will require some special magic, particularly from Vinci, who has the daunting task of facing three-times defending U.S. Open champion and world number one Williams.

Gatlin says he’s closing in on Bolt ahead of Rio BRUSSELS (Reuters) U.S. sprinter Justin Gatlin believes he is steadily catching up with Olympic and world champion Usain Bolt as the two head towards a likely showdown at the Rio de Janeiro Summer Games next year. Gatlin, who has twice served bans for doping, was unbeaten at 100 and 200 meters in 2015 until he faced an out-of-form Bolt going into the World Championships in Beijing last month. However, Bolt won the 100 meter final in 9.79 seconds, just 0.01 of a second ahead of Gatlin, before securing gold in the 200 meters in more convincing fashion. “It’s all about growth and getting better and better,” Gatlin told a news conference in Brussels when asked about how he could

beat Bolt. “The margin of the race is getting smaller and smaller. I just have to make sure I step my game up.” Gatlin was running 100 meters consistently in about 9.8 seconds last year and has pulled closer to 9.7 seconds in many races this year. “So next year I hope to do even better,” he said, ahead of Friday’s final Diamond League event of the season in the Belgian capital. Gatlin has agreed to run the 200 meters as well as the shorter sprint after Bolt pulled out of the former citing a need to recharge before preparing for Rio. The 33-year-old American said he did not believe that age was against him in his search for even faster times. “I don’t think I’m going to hit a limit, like I’m 34 and I

Justin Gatlin of the U.S. presents his silver medal as he poses on the podium after the men’s 200 metres event during the 15th IAAF World Championships at the National Stadium in Beijing, China, August 28, 2015. (Reuters/Damir Sagolj) can’t learn anything anymore,” he said. “I think a lot of athletes when they get in their mid and late 30s, they focus more on kids, on family... In the last three years, I just focus on being a better athlete and trying to improve my flaws.” Gatlin said he had no thoughts of retirement and

expressed a desire to keep going while he continues to be his country’s top sprinter. “The goal is with these young athletes, I’m going to give them the opportunity to knock me off the podium. If they do and all I can be is the alternate in the relay, then I’ll know it’s time to go, but until then I’m having fun with it.”

Stan Wawrinka (Reuters/Eduardo Munoz)

Tahir, Dane Piedt return to SA Test squad ESPNcricinfo - Imran Tahir and Dane Piedt were recalled to South Africa’s Test squad to form part of a trio of spinners to take on India in October and November. South Africa’s 72-day tour starts with three T20s, where the only new cap across all three squads, is Dolphins’ batsman Khaya Zondo, who replaced the injured Rilee Rossouw in the T20 squad. Rossouw, however, was expected to be fit in time for the ODIs that follow. The rest of the T20, ODI and Test outfits include the regulars with AB de Villiers back in whites after paternity leave, Quinton de Kock included for the limited-overs’ matches but not the Tests where Dane Vilas will keep the gloves, and Chris Morris who has also been included for the white-ball formats. The spin section, particularly for the Tests, was the most debated aspect of the squads because South Africa have struggled to settle on a specialist in the role. Over the last year, all of Tahir, Piedt and Simon Harmer have played, with varying degrees of success and will now compete for a spot in the starting XI. South

Africa are still likely to only field one spinner with JP Duminy also providing a spinning option in Tests. Harmer is the incumbent after playing in the last series against Bangladesh, while Piedt could come into contention after performing well on South Africa A’s recent trip to India and Tahir provides an attacking option, making sure South Africa have all bases covered. “When we look back five years ago with South Africa, we struggled with spinners and now we’ve got a volume of spinners coming through,” Linda Zondi, South Africa’s convener of selectors said. “To go with three spinners is vital for the captain and the coach to have enough options. Dane Piedt and Simon Harmer are perceived as holding spinners and then we’ve got Imran who is an attacking spinner. We are very confident in them all; having three spinners is something we haven’t done in a long time and its a positive message from the selection panel that we are trying to pick players based on the conditions.” That justification could be seen as a reason for the (Continued on page 38)

Friday September 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Mayweather’s 49th bout could end with a whimper LAS VEGAS (Reuters) Should Floyd Mayweather Jr. end his boxing career tomorrow as promised with his welterweight title defence against fellow American Andre Berto, he could well sign off with a whimper rather than a bang. In stark contrast to his previous fight, the much hyped megabout with Manny Pacquiao four months ago, the build-up to Mayweather’s 49th appearance in the ring as a professional has lacked buzz and plenty of tickets are still available. In May, Mayweather earned more than $200 million from his so-called “Fight of the Century” with Pacquiao that became b o x i n g ’s r i c h e s t e v e r showdown. Against Berto tomorrow, Mayweather has

settled for a reported $32 million. The appeal of tomorrow’s bout at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, which will be televised on pay-per-view for a suggested price of $74.95, has clearly not been helped by Mayweather’s choice of opponent, Berto having lost three of his last six fights. “I just try to stay positive, keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best,” undefeated five-division world champion Mayweather said of the slow ticket sales while preparing for what he has repeatedly claimed will be his swansong in the ring. “Nobody’s forced to watch. Watch if you want to watch. If you don’t want to watch, don’t watch.” Asked how many payper-view buys would make

tomorrow’s fight a success in his eyes, Mayweather replied: “The numbers will be what they are. Only thing I can do. I can’t say any particular number, but we’ll just have to see.” Should the numbers from the end up being anywhere near mediocre, it would be out of character with what Mayweather, the world’s highest paid athlete, has so far achieved during his remarkable career in the ring. His last five bouts in a lucrative six-fight deal with cable giant Showtime Sports that concludes on Saturday have produced staggering figures. “The first five fights yielded nearly 10 million PPV buys, $750 million in PPV receipts,” Stephen

WIPA, UWIOC sign MOU to help prepare the total cricketer Wavell Hinds... we can help prepare our membership for a better life during and after cricket.

Jamaica Observer - The West Indies Players Association and the University of the West Indies Open Campus (UWIOC) Wednesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This MOU is reflective of both parties’ commitment to the development of WIPA, its members and Caribbean civilisation on a whole. Members of the WIPA will now have at their fingertips the tools to further their training and development with the assistance of the UWIOC. This training and development will come at a discounted cost to WIPA members once they fulfill UWIOC’s entry requirements. WIPA’s President and CEO Wavell Hinds said the move is “a step in the right direction for the development of our players”.

“WIPA is extremely pleased that through this partnership with UWIOC, we can help prepare our membership for a better life during and after cricket,” he said. Pro-Vice Chancellor and Principal of the UWIOC, Dr Luz M Longsworth, saluted the partnership. “The University of the West Indies Open Campus is certainly pleased to embark on this venture with the West Indies Players’ Association. This partnership allows for the flexibility of the members of the association to continue their studies without putting their lives or careers on hold,” he said. The MOU was signed by Hinds and Dr Longsworth and witnessed by Anneshia Welsh, Business Development Manager at the UWI Open Campus and Wayne Lewis, WIPA secretary.

Undefeated WBC/WBA welterweight champion Floyd Mayweather Jr. (L) and challenger Andre Berto pose during a news conference at MGM Grand Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas September 9, 2015. (Reuters/Las VegasSun/Steve Marcus) Espinoza, executive vice pres ident and general manager of Showtime Sports, told a news conference at the MGM Grand on Wednesday. “I don’t know what will happen on Saturday night. I do know that Berto is more athletic than any fighter Floyd has fought recently. It’s not going to be boring.

When you have fighters like our entire PPV card has, it’s a night not to be missed.” Mayweather (48-0 with 26 knockouts) bristles whenever criticism is raised over his choice of Berto as his opponent for his ‘final’ fight. “I chose Berto because h e ’s v e r y e x c i t i n g , ” Mayweather said of the twice former welterweight

world champion, who has a record of 30-3 including 23 knockouts. “Andre Berto is going to push Floyd Mayweather to the limit. That’s one thing I do know. Berto always gives an exciting fight. If he gets knocked down he gets back up. He always give 100 percent. Fast hands, good boxer.”

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Kaieteur News

Friday September 11, 2015

GABF lifts Roberts’ ban after one year Embattled local basketball player, Dwayne Roberts got a new lease on his career yesterday when the Guyana Amateur Basketball Federation (GABF) decided to lift a ban imposed last year, after an infraction over returning national uniforms. Roberts was one of the players, who refused to return the national uniform handed to him ahead of the Caribbean Championships last year, as the team’s management had mandated. Roberts has been no stranger to disciplinary issues in the sport. The Linden Amateur Basketball Association (LABA) had issued the former national basketball player with a six-year ban following his throwing of a basketball that injured a referee and verbal accosting of LABA General Secretary, Joe Chapman. Roberts also had his fare share of run-ins with former GABF President, late, Godwin McPherson following his return from a youth camp in Australia. However, after deliberations, the GABF has granted Roberts amnesty. The full document is below: “Mr. Joe Chapman Secretary Linden Amateur Basketball Association Linden, Guyana Dear Mr. Chapman,

- Player paid $60,000 fine The Guyana Amateur Basketball Federation (GABF) after several meetings; including meeting with Linden Amateur Basketball Association (LABA) and Retrieve Raiders Basketball Club has unanimously decided to reinstate Mr. Dwayne Roberts to play basketball; after the following occurred: 1. Mr. Roberts served a ban for at least one year. The ban was in effect from August 1, 2014 and was fixed for a period of one year. 2. Mr. Roberts paid a fine of $60,000 in September 2015. 3. GABF uniforms were returned to the Federation by Mr. Roberts in March of 2015. Other additional disciplinary fines instituted in July 2014 against Mr. Roberts were waived by the Federation. The GABF welcomes Mr. Roberts’s eligibility to represent his Club, LABA and Guyana - with immediate effect. The GABF looks forward to Mr. Robert’s conducting himself in a manner that uplifts the image and development of basketball in Guyana. Yours Sincerely, Nigel Hinds GABF President”

Nigel Hinds

Dwayne Roberts

Petama Enterprise/Motor Trend Softball...

Princess Hotel thump Brickery Super Stars by four wkts Princess Hotel defeated Brickery Super Stars by four wickets when the Petama Enterprise/Motor Trend softball competition continued last weekend. Batting first at Carifesta Sports Complex, Brickery Super Stars managed 203-5 in 20 overs. Kelvin Kanhai scored 48; Shafeek Ishmeal claimed 2-38. Princess Hotel replied with 206-5 in 20 overs. Ishmeal struck 72 and Mahase Manbahal 26. Wo l f ’s Wa r r i o r s overcame Farm by 76 runs. Wolf Warriors posted 184-9 in 20 overs, taking first strike. Safraz Karim cracked 36; A. Khan snared 4-16. Farm were bowled out for 108 all out in 17.1 overs in response. R. Reddy made 28, Lennox Marks 20; Mark Harold took 2-13. Parika Defenders beat Enterprise Legends by three wickets. Enterprise scored 155 all out from 19.4 overs, taking first knock. Jitlall got 31; K. Beharry snared 3-31

Richard Latif (left) and Khalid Haslim a n d F. B a k s h 2 - 1 2 . Defenders responded with 158-8 in 19.2 overs. Oswald Black made 35 not out and D. Kannon an unbeaten 29; R. Ally captured 3-20 and N. Roopdeo 2-12. At GNIC Ground, Regal trounced Herstelling Raiders by 160 runs. Regal rattled up 214-7 in 20 overs. Safraz Esau stroked 71; Richard Latif 46 and Chien Gittens

37, Richie (only name given) claimed 3-20. Herstelling were skittled for 54 in 9.3 overs in reply. Khalid Haslim grabbed 4-15, Latif 3-20 and Delroy Perreira 2-4. Regal Masters got the better of Savage Masters by five runs. Regal took first strike and scored 141-7 in 20 overs. Falim Mohamed slammed 46; Bhim Singh (Continued on page 38)

Maryville, Falcons record victories Maryville and Falcons registered victories when the latest round of matches in the Phyllis Carter T20 competition concluded on Sunday in Leguan. At Enterprise, Maryville beat Falcons by 10 runs. Maryville batted first and scored 167 for 8 off their allotted overs. Tatteshwar Chetram led with 40 while Paul Williams made 28, Doodnauth Dhanraj 27 and Sunil Persaud 26. Aquesi Arthur captured 3 for 34 and Vicky Pariag 2 for 35. Falcons replied with 157 for 7. Rick Stephen smashed eight towering sixes in a top score of 73; Randy Singh cracked 24 and Gangaram Munialall 18. Bowling for

Maryville, Aseeb Khan captured 2-30 and Chetram Rabindra 2-39. Satro overcame Blenheim by five wickets in their encounter. Blenheim took first strike and posted 159 for 6 in 20 overs. Satesh Latchana struck 52, Fizul Mohamed 24 and Hemraj Sharma 13. Arjune Ajmal snared 223, Hukumchand Savitir 2-21 and Trevor Whyte 2- 28 . Satro replied with 160 for 5. Zahir Razack smashed 44, Mustapha Zaman 37 and Whyte 22. Maryville are leading group A with 3 points from two games, while Satro and Rebels are tied atop of group B on two points. Action continues on Sunday.

Friday September 11, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Former WBA champ, Vivian Harris seeks redemption against undefeated Puerto Rican


en months after losing out to Ramon Alvarez for the vacant IBF North American super/ welterweight title, former WBA Super/ lightweight champion, Vivian Harris, returns to the ring in an effort to ignite a dying career when he faces rising undefeated star, Prichard ‘Digget’ Colon in the undercard action tonight at Ricoh Coliseum, Toronto Ontario Canada. The two will clash over 8 rounds in a super/ welterweight fight. The fight, one of many on ‘Premier Boxing

FFA confirms Australia/U.S. matches scrapped MELBOURNE (Reuters) Football Federation Australia (FFA) have confirmed the women’s team will not tour the United States for matches against the world champions next week after failing to break an impasse with the players’ union over pay and c o n d i t i o n s . F FA c h i e f executive David Gallop said Australia’s Matildas team were a casualty of a separate labor dispute with men’s players in the country’s topflight A-League. “Sadly I’m here to say that the Matildas tour of the USA will not be going ahead,” he told reporters in Sydney on Thursday. “The short point is this, the reason it won’t be going ahead is because the FFA and the PFA (Professional Footballers Australia) have been unable to reach agreement regarding the ALeague salary cap. “The extraordinary demands that the PFA have made in relation to the ALeague salary cap has found the Matildas caught up in something they shouldn’t be caught up in.” Australia’s national players’ association said the Matildas had called off their American tour late on Wednesday. They were due to play the United States in Detroit on Sept. 17 and in Birmingham, Alabama on Sept. 20. The Matildas had already boycotted a (Continued on page 38)

Champions’ card, features light heavyweight world champion Adonis ‘Superman’ Stevenson who defends against Tommy ‘Kryptonite’ Karpency. Harris shot to prominence when he defeated Cuban/American, Diosbelys Hurtado, in October 2002 for the WBA Super/lightweight title. He successfully defended against Souleymane M’baye and twice against Oklay Urkal before his humiliating 7th round knockout to the unlikely Carlos Maussa in June 2005. Harris then rebounded with three consecutive victories before losing to Junior Witter in the United Kingdom. He then defeated Octavio Narvaez but suffered another setback in his next fight against Noe Bolanos which was declared a no contest after a clash of heads in the 2nd of a scheduled 10 rounds fight. Harris then lost 6 fights, punctuated with a drawn decision over David Barnes before returning to his

Vivian Harris

Prichard Colon

winning ways with a victories over Shakha Moore in Massachusetts, USA, D a n n y O ’ C o n n e r, i n Philadelphia, Pensylvania

and Jorge Paez (Jnr) in Mexico before losing to Alvarez in November last year. The former world champion has not fought

since. He has compiled a record of 45 bouts and won 32 of them, 19 by knockout while 2 of his bouts ended in stalemates. He has a 42%

knockout ratio. His opponent, Colon fights out of Puerto Rico and has compiled an impeccable 15-0-0 record with an 80% knockout ratio; twelve of his opponents failed to make it to the final bell. Colon commenced his professional career in February 2013 with a first round stoppage over Xavier Lasalle and fought quite frequently with his last fight occurring early last month when he stopped Michael Finney in the second of their six rounds affair. Harris is by far the more experienced and would fancy his chances against an opponent who has fought most of his bouts in the USA. Colon did procure international experience when he travelled twice to the Dominican Republic in January last year to defeat Jose Vidal Soto (TKO 1) and Victor Moya (TKO 1) within the space of one month. In his last fight, last month, he stopped Michael Finney in the 2nd of a scheduled 6 rounder.

t r o Sp GT Beer/Petra Organisation Futsal final

Bent Street, Sparta Boss show no mercy on respective opponents - Festival City, West Front Road in third place playoff

Bent Street and Festival City in action during Wednesday’s GT Beer / Petra Organisation Futsal tournament.

Local football to hit ‘Cable GABF lifts TV’ as E-Networks joins the Roberts’ ban Stag Elite League after one year - Player paid $60,000 fine

E-Networks Inc. Business Development Coordinator Nadia Bulkhan (right) makes the presentation to GFF Normalisation Committee Member Tariq Williams.

Former WBA champ, Vivian Harris seeks redemption against undefeated Puerto Rican

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