Kaieteur News

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and children among 14 killed in Israeli strike on Gaza school

rush to approve

...concernedoverExxon'shighcostrecovery andGuyana’slowshareofprofitoil - PNCR

Cops burn ganja farms in Berbice

Govt. says $25.5 billion was spent on road

No bail for serial robber

...wasshotinchestduringattacks onmoneychanger,securityguard development in six months

Massive fraud uncovered at GMC after general manager ordered audit, probe

...accountant and special projects manager fingered

Massive fraud uncovered at GMC after general manager ordered audit, probe

...accountant and special projects manager fingered

At least two staff members of the G u y a n a Marketing Corporation ( G M C ) a r e u n d e r investigation after senior management uncovered a massive fraud at the entity which falls under the MinistryofAgriculture.

The racket among other things involved the purchase and sale of chicken and eggs and General Manager of the GMC, Teshawna Lall in a statement said contrary to a press release issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, she initiated the audit and investigation.

“The internal audit was commenced by Ms. Lall and her team, after repeated requests for documentation and reports yielded no results, ” the General M a n a g e r s a i d

Additionally, Ms. Lall said during the internal audit, she

discrepancies involving the accountant and the Special

she requested an external audit through the Minister of Agriculture's office All relevant issues and concerns have been previously discussed with the Minister of Agriculture,” Ms. Lall detailedinherstatement.She s


Marketing Corporation (GMC) has proactively addressed the concerns of financial irregularities by startingwithaninternalaudit and investigation. Persistent unresolved issues, despite numerous requests for clarification, necessitated a thorough review GMC is essentialinstabilizingprices and supporting the national economy Its commitment to maintaining stable pricing for vital commodities is aimed at mitigating the economic impact on consumers,” Ms. Lall said.

According to Ms. Lall, the i

l meticulously review the reported irregularities and evaluate the corporation's financial practices. “GMC


y Additionally, the Guyana Marketing Corporation wishestoremindthegeneral public that GMC is the only authorized body to import chicken into Guyana Furthermore, the updates on the investigation will be provided as they become a

GMC appreciates the public's p

and understanding during this process,” the statement concluded.


Earlier in the day, the Ministry of Agriculture sought to distance senior officialswithintheminister's secretariat from the racket saying that reports online

regarding the issue have unsubstantiated information.

“We categorically state that the Ministry and its Head Officearenotinvolvedinthe purchaseorsaleofchickenor eggs,asimpliedbythepost,” theministrysaid.

According to the ministry, responsibility for these matters fall under the jurisdiction of the GMC, which is managed by Ms. Lall.

The ministry then falsely claimedthatinrecentweeks, “the Honourable Minister initiated an audit and investigation into certain i r r e g u l a r i t i e s a n d discrepancies within the GMC,” noting that it is importanttonotethatthisisa transparentprocesstoensure accountability and rectify any administrative lapses

“The ministry believes that thetimingofthismisleading post is unfortunate, as it seems intended to distract f r o m t h e o n g o i n g investigationattheGMC.We

urge members of the public nottobeswayedbybaseless accusations and to await the outcome of the official investigations, which are being conducted with the highestlevelofintegrity The Ministry of Agriculture remains committed to its mandate of serving the people of Guyana and ensuringthatallaspectsofits operations are transparent andaccountable.

Wewillcontinuetowork diligently for the benefit of theagriculturalsectorandthe citizens of our country,” the statementconcluded.


In recent months, there have been numerous allegations of corruption at various agencies that fall under the Ministry of Agriculture

Earlier this week the main oppositionPeople's National Congress Reform (PNCR) said in a statement that reliable sources from the ministry have revealed to them that there is an impending coverupofwhatisdeemedtobea massive corruption scheme perpetrated by several staff members at the MMA/ADA in Region #5 Sources revealed,thePNCRsaidthat this corruption scheme has been active for a few years and that records of the misappropriation of millions of dollars could be found in thefinancedepartment.

“What is said to be the misappropriation of funds took place between inside staff and several contractors linked to the agency who requisitioned for work that was never done and in many cases, works that were significantlyovervalued.

Itwasjustaboutamonth ago that the said agency returned to the National Assembly for additional funding under the Ministry o f A g r i c u l t u r e , Development and Support Services – Subsidies and Contributions to Local Organisations where it

Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha

received a further 60 million dollarsinadditiontothe250 million dollars it had received from the 2024 budget under Capital Expenditure,” Vinceroy Jordan, Shadow Agriculture Minister said in the PNCR statement.

Jordanaddedthatsources at the ministry also revealed that the possible cover-up is likelysincenothinghasbeen done since the revelation of the misappropriations and fear that the same measure would be extended to the seniorofficersandotherstaff involvedaswasextendedtoa knownsupervisorjustovera y e a r b a c k w h o misappropriated millions of dollarsinpaymentstoaghost security guard (machine watchman) and remained on the job with no investigation todate.

“The PNCR/APNU Coalition calls on the Minister of Agriculture to immediatelycallinthepolice a n d t o l a u n c h a n investigationintothealleged conspiracy and theft of monies at the MMA/ADA. The Coalition also reminds the Minister of the investigation into the destruction of thousands of duckeggswhichwasdeemed assabotagetotheMinistryof Agriculture Livestock Development Authority that has either not yet been completed or he has refused tomakeitpublic.

The Minister of Agriculture should also investigate the alleged landgrabbing and misuse of the machinery, fuel, staff, and other malpractices leveled againstaseniorofficialofthe MMA/ADA.

The PNCR/APNU Coalition promises all Guyanese especially the p e o p l e o f t h e Mahaica/Berbice Region #5 that upon return to Office, it w i l l m a k e t h e s e investigations a priority and that all will be made public knowledge,”Jordansaid.

‘Don't rush to approve new oil projects’

Amid growing concerns that ExxonMobil and the StabroekBlockCo-Venturers are currently recovering more money from Guyana's oil than they are investing in the operations, the People's National Congress Reform said that the government should not rush to approve newprojects,statingthatthis willcontinuetodriveupcostoil while denying Guyana the chance to acquire a greater shareofrevenues.

Kaieteur News reported on Wednesday that with the increase in oil production activities, the 75% cost

recovery figure has ballooned to an eye-popping US$7.5B in the first half of 2024 alone Meanwhile, Exxon has committed to spendjustaboutUS$500Min theblockthisyear,according to its 2023 Annual Report.

ExxonMobil affiliate

ExxonMobil Guyana

Limited is the operator and holds 45% interest in the Stabroekblock.HessGuyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest, and CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited holds25%interest.

CNOOC and Hess also committed to invest in the Stabroek Block this year, taking total equity contributions between the partners to just over US$1B. Thisconcerningtrendofcost

recovery outweighing investments by the Stabroek Block partners is likely to continue as Guyanese politicians refuse to ringfence the projects in the Stabroek Block A ringfencing provision would require each offshore

development to pay its own cost and after the investment is repaid, would allow the country to enjoy a greater share of profits from the sector

Weighingontheissueata news conference earlier this week,thePNCRrecalledthat both Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and President of Exxon Guyana Alistair Routledge had indicated earlierthisyearthatGuyana's share of revenues will increase in the very near future as the company recoversmoreandmoreofits investment.

“Accordingly, in our March press conference, we hadcalledonthegovernment to release the company's combined cash flow statement of its first five developments (from Liza to Uaru).Wehadcautionedthen that “The PPP government, in its remaining time in office during this tenure, must ensure this projection materializes to the fullest extent possible It must therefore not rush to approve new oil projects in the Stabroek Block, which would drive up cost-oil and thereby deny Guyana the chance to acquire a greater share of revenues," the PNCR said. The party noted that the government must explain how the Guyanese people willobtainmoreoilrevenues in the next few years from a reduction in the company's cost of oil even as the company spends more on additional exploration, appraisalanddevelopment.

As at the end of D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 3 ,

ExxonMobil reported that a totalofUS$30Bwasinvested into the Stabroek Block operations President of ExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge also told reporters at a media conference earlier this year that US$19B of those expenses has so far been cleared through the cost recoverymechanism.

Itshouldbenotedthatthe three oil projects currently producing oil, the Liza One, Liza Two, and Payara projects collectively carry a price tag of about US$19B. This means that the country could have been receiving higher profits this year from the three projects; however, in the absence of ringfencing, Exxon will use the revenue to invest in other developments and even fund

its exploration programme.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo was asked to comment on this state of affairs during his weekly press conference last week. He was specifically asked to say whether it would be fair toconcludethatExxon'scost recovery was exceeding its investments.

To this end, the Vice President explained, “Everythingisdeterminedby theformula,whichis75%for costrecovery(and)whatisin the cost bank, so these are

(the) two things. So every year, every new project that hasbeenapprovedgetsadded tothecostbankandthe75% appliestoit.”

Jagdeo therefore pointed outthatthesumdeductedfor cost recovery is impacted by thepriceoftheoilandtherate of production. “If the price of oil goes up slightly, you can then recover faster...if it comesdownslightlyitslows d o w n t h e p a c e o f amortizationofthecostbank. Secondly, if you increase production it could speed up

the amortization of the cost bank so it keeps moving all thetimebecausepricesmove allthetimeandsometimesby shipment,”hesaid.

Further to that, the VP noted that the approval of new projects by the government also delays the full amortization of the cost recovery He made it clear however that this does not alter the fact that Guyana's revenue stream in the future will grow significantly as a result of the accelerated rate ofcostrecovery

Amanwasrobbedofhis motorcycle, cash and other valuable items worth $226,000 on Tuesday, while hewasonhiswaytovisithis brother

A c c o r d i n g t o information received by this publication, the victim, JermaineHaynes,a48-yearoldhandymanwasridinghis burgundymotorcycle.

As he approached the junction at Brickdam and Austin Place, he was approached and blocked off bytwomenonamotorcycle

who braced him off of his bike.

The pillion rider was armed with a handgun and shot Haynes in his right leg.

Subsequently, he fell to the ground giving the men the perfectopportunitytosearch his bag relieving him of his cash, other valuables and then rode away with his motorcycle.

Hayneswasrushedtothe Georgetown Public Hospital where he was admitted as a patient and is said to be in a stablecondition.


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Oil and development

Close to five years as an oil-producing nation, what Guyanahastoshowforit?Weoftenhearabouthowmuch money this country gets from its oil wealth and while the little being received is more than what we were getting beforefirstoil,theleadersofthiscountrycontinuetorobits citizensofagoodlifeowingtotheirineptpolicies.

WereportedearlierthisweekthatExxonMobilGuyana Limited (EMGL) did not have to pay over $197 Billion in taxestotheGuyanaRevenueAuthority(GRA)forthepast two years, as the taxes were paid by the Government of Guyana (GoG) in keeping with the lopsided Production SharingAgreement(PSA)theCoalitionGovernmentsigned withtheUSoilmajorbackin2016.Yet,despitenumerous callsforachangeofthecontracttoallowtheoilcompanies topaytheirrightfulshareoftaxes,boththegovernmentand oppositionhavebeensteadfastlyholdingontothesanctity ofcontractnonsense.

According to Exxon’s Annual Report, in 2023, the GovernmentpaidG$138.182billionintaxesonitsbehalfto GRA This figure represents a significant increase compared to the G$59.381 billion Government had to pay for Exxon in 2022.Thecompanyexplainedinitsreport,that while it is subject to Guyana’s income tax laws, the taxes assessed on the company’s operation are paid by the government,ratherthanthecompanyitself “UnderArticle152 ofthePetroleumAgreement,theBranchissubjecttotheIncome TaxLawsofGuyanawithrespecttofilingreturns,assessmentof tax,andkeepingofrecords UnderArticle154ofthePetroleum Agreement,thesumequivalenttothetaxassessedontheBranch will be paid by the Minister responsible for Petroleum to the Commissioner General, Guyana Revenue Authority and is reportedasnon-customerrevenue,”Exxonstated Themoney thiscountryisgivingupbywaivingtaxestoExxoncanfund manyoftheprojectsgovernmentisundertakingthroughloans Andinsteadofthe$25,000cashhandoutsandthesmallschool childrengrant,citizenscouldhavebeenbetteroff

On top of this massive money numbers are thrown aroundbypoliticalleaders,butthereisanoticeableabsence of meaning for citizens in the kind of quality of living experienced.Theforeigncompanieskeepcoming,andthey are making a financial killing from the inception Reportedly, hundreds of them are interested in doing businesshere.Theyonlystirtodoso,whentheyareassured of rich profits; otherwise, there is merely lukewarm reaction,ifanyatall.TheyaremostlyAmericans,whofirst skim the cream (all of it) and then carry away the milk, which is their just reward for the democratic inspirations that they laboured so intensively to deliver here. Second, while theAmericans and Europeans, the new waves of the 21st century model of voracious colonisers, reap the rich crops,manyGuyanesearestillstraddlingthelinesofstifling poverty, chronic crime insecurity, acute political venality, andindividual,familyandcommunaldependency

Itwouldbeinterestinginthethousandsofjobspromised by the government, how much of such represents a net change on the upside with employment, given all these commercial arrivals, and the related flurry of investments, projects, and activities. Our local blue chips are careful to positionthemselvessensibly,andoperatequietlyunderthe radar,soastoevadeunwantedattention;buttheyareinthe hunt, and they are picking up lucrative partnerships and businessopportunities.Itislocalcontentharvestingforthe top notch, old-line firms and names, and seemingly automatically The ordinary Guyanese man and woman, eternally expectant, are left on the margins, as usual; and with disappointments and yearnings the norm Moreover,wehaveheardaboutseveralbillion-dollar(U.S.) projects and borrowings, for factories and plants and housingandmuchmore.Yetwearestilltohearanythingof onesquattingarearegularised,onedepressedarea(orslum) that has been rehabilitated. Or one place earmarked for prioritisation as a model of where some of the fruits of all thisborrowingandactivityandvisionsarematerialising.

Where are the ethical leaders in Guyana?


You would have

observed how the Hon Vice President, Jagdeo has focused on the real conflict of interest situation with respect to the leader of the AFC He must be commendedforhighlighting this fact But he must understand he has stated his case and we have listened. What the reading public doesnotappreciatefromthe Hon.VPisthis–hestatedhis case, Nigel Hughes responded but he just continues to drill the same thing over and over into the Guyanese head in a rather jarring manner, like we are dummies. The very act of “gotee dhall” from the Vice President, every week againstNigelHughessaysa fewthingsabouthispolitical intelligence and also about thefactthathedoesnottrust the intelligence of the Guyanese people Only someone who has a low self esteem and lacks confidence in himself and hisstatementswillbehavein this manner Chill out Mr VP, we know what wrongs were done by all the players in connection with this oil businessincludingyourvery

own PPP members “Chillax”brother!

Unitedwestand,divided we fall. So, working people use your power and understand the key to freedom from this cost of livingcrisisinGuyanaisthat weallmustrefusetosupport eitheroftherichmeninthis game – Jagdeo and Hughes, since for everything they give us, we must give back ten times more from our sweat to support their style ofluxury

Fortherecord,Guyanese know very well what is conflictofinterestanddonot needanyonetogrindintheir ears every week this nonsense about who is practicingconflictofinterest and who is not. We know who is on the payroll of the oilbosses,whohavesoldout Guyanaandwhogotushere. TheyknowtheroleRaphael Trotman played, David Granger played, Nigel Hughes is playing and yes the role Bharat Jagdeo is playing.

Move on now Mr Vice President, your behaviour is borderline infantile and comes across as a nagging partner Just chill out brother Jagdeo. We know

what was done by the PNC onthisoilcontract. WhatJagdeomustfocus on is to tell us about the current corruption in his governmentandwhathehas doneaboutitasthebossman. Hashedisciplinedanyofhis political underlings for their abuse of their positions to enrich themselves and their sons? Inmanyofthecases, some of these “Jagabats” havemovedfromasituation where some of them could not pay their light bill in 2019 to a situation where today, they are all billionaires with several propertiesinNewYorkCity on a public servant’s salary This is what we the public want to hear from Mr Jagdeo, how he is curbing the runaway corruption in Guyanatoday

Nowifyougoacrossthe road and listen to Mr Mohabir Anil Nandalal, on his “Issues in the News” commentary on conflict of interest, Mr Nandlall was measured and he made sense.Whycan’tMr Jagdeo makesomesense?

Those who did not hear the Attorney General’s programme, this is what the Hon.Mr Nandlallsaidwhen

he quoted an Oxford University interpretation of conflict of interest Mr Nandlall shared a perspectivebyamannamed RichardPainterfromabook l

Deserves”. In that article according to Mr Nandlall, “regulating conflicts of interestingovernmentisone of the aims of political ethics”. Mr Nandlallfurther quoted that “public officials areexpectedtoputserviceto t

r constituency ahead of their personalinterest”. Wheninpower,thePPP, AFCandPNCareextremely guilty of not meeting these simple benchmarks, so who calling“thepotblack”? All of them from Ramjattan, to Nagamootoo, to Jagdeo to Granger to Trotman to Hughes cut from the same cloth. Behind closed doors, these men knocking glass anddoingdealsandtreating the Guyanese people like fools. Where are the ethical leadersinGuyana? Take a Chill Pill VEEPs.

Regards JohnLondon

Candlelight vigil at Leonora

DEAREDITOR, Guyana, at one stage, was chastised for being one of the leading nations globally for high suicide rate. In a 2014 report by the World Health Organization, Guyana was cited as a country with 44.2 suicides per 100,000 deaths, four times the global average. Some of the reasons mentioned associated with a domino effect, were

identified with ‘poverty, pervasive stigma about mental illness, access to lethal chemicals, alcohol misuse, interpersonal v i o l e n c e , f a m i l y dysfunction,domesticabuse and insufficient mental health resources as key factors.’

7 0 % o f t h e circumstances were located pervasivelyintheruralareas as a repercussion, primarily

Insteadofsuchpoliticalandleadershipidealismtaking hold,thereisanewandunprecedentedsetofcircumstances nowatworkinGuyana.

First, there have been the discoveries of billions of barrels of oil and oil equivalents, and the fevered excitements they trigger Next, there is this sudden and unfamiliar availability of billions of U.S. dollars in freeflowingfunding,whichpromptsborrowingofthosemany easy billions. The combination of the two (billions of barrelsandbillionsinavailableloans)hasservedtounleash marketforcesofakindandvarietyneverencounteredhere before.There is the traditional corruption by agents of the state,electedandselected,butnowadays,intheheydayof oil,thereisthiscostlynewstraininvolvingmuchsiphoning off in pre-market and other underhanded contractual dealings. The fingerprints and modus operandi of known politicalplayersarethereforthosewhocaretodigdeep.It iswhytheyhideandbreakdanceunsuccessfully Moreover, we have been hearing that hundreds of foreign companies areinterestedincomingheretodobusiness,whichistobe expected. But from our perspective, this is not so much about exploration and production, as much as it is about a full-fledged occupation, an upstream and downstream oil grab.Intheconvulsionsofdealmaking,whatwehaveisan army of capitalist mercenaries, whose only loyalty is to money

from, frustration leading to alcoholic consumption and the availability of too many rum shops, thus providing a relationshipbetweenalcohol and suicide. A 2010 Pan

A m e r i c a n H e a l t h Organization hinted that, “nearly 80 percent of Guyanese adolescents had their first drink before the ageof14,andsomechildren try alcohol for the first time inelementaryschool.”

Fortheperiod,Januaryto August 2023, Guyana recorded 100 deaths aligned tosuicideacrossthecountry

Forthesameperiodin2024, there has been a major decline, showing a significant 60 % reduction.

Minister of Health, the Honorable Dr Frank Anthony, did make a distinctioninobservingthat, “the absolute number to many other countries is relatively low, even so we believe that, that is high.”

While this is heartening news, it is still sad to note that 40 loved ones are no longer with members of the bereaved families. Hanging and the use of pesticide are still attributes of this dilemma.

Duringthedaysofwhen “SugarwasKing,”therewas a Welfare Center on each

sugar plantation. The center facilitated many sports activitiesinparticularforthe young generation to indulge in. Cricket was the major highlight, along with football, table tennis, volleyball,dartsandweightlifting There was the showingoffreefilmsonthe weekends also Sadly, society affording these entertaining and sports activities to attract the residents from the rural communities, disintegrated slowly with the prowess of the might of Burnham as he nationalized the industry to be followed by Granger closing many sugar factories.

The call for Welfare Centers to be reestablished in rural societies fitted with sports programs, libraries andothersocialproliferation to absorb free time and relaxation, is not a call in vanity nor a voice in a vacuum. Too many youths, both male and female, are engaged in visiting bars and night clubs which are easily accessible in the middle of residential areas as a hideout! At the said time, inadequate sports grounds also contribute to this stigma.Ofnotealso,isthe (Continuedonpage06)

An opposition of negatives Dr Bisram’s writings are enlightening


The Opposition and all its operatives are dogmatically naysayers, theyaresostuckintimethat they have me painstakingly looking for an area or project, in which they have supported the PPP/C Government.Ihavegivenup the search and have settled on the conclusion that we have an opposition that will put down everything The Governmenthasputforward as a plan of action; it also tells me that they are prepared to put the country downalso.

Itiswishfulthinkingthat anypositiveswillcomefrom Opposition Quarters, as one opposition member made thebellicosestatement,”The Opposition is there to vote down everything,” they are there to ensure that nothing government does succeeds. In his political blindness, he further said “The only time democracy was at work was when Ramotar was president, when everything he put forward, even his budget,wasvoteddown.

So, I responded by

asking him the question, weren’t those programs voted down by The

Opposition beneficial to the nation? He was bereft of an answer when I posited that question, but the blinding rage in that supporter propelled him on, he could not see any way forward only negatives and a firm gridlock. That control freak nature of theirs is present with us today, even if it means that our country be the sacrificial victim. And so, it has been ever since an u n c o m p r o m i s i n g , incorrigible opposition who would rather sacrifice countryfortheirownnarrow political gains, is this the way a country should be governed? I think not, because it meant that we would have been stuck in timenevertoseeprogressor development, and for this selfsame reason the people of Guyana voted on the side ofdevelopmentandforward thinking in The 2020 Election.

What the opposition needs to know is they are part of government, that is

why we have a parliament where educated and fruitful discussionsareheldtobring forth valuable progressive ideas for the future.As such the opposition should take ample opportunity to support the government rather than being obstructionists, mired in backwardness.

The Opposition can also beviewedasthegovernment in waiting, therefore every opportunity that presents itself in the national interest should be supported, in normal language opposition shouldembarkonavigorous path of patriotism. But that support is woefully lacking, hence, the mistrust the people of this country have for them; simply put, we cannot trust them! They can go full speed ahead and destroy themselves, we could care less, but do not bringourcountrydownwith yourfoolishness.

Lest I forget, the only areathatTheOppositioncan claimthattheysupportedthe government was on the borderissue,andthatis (Continuedonpage06)



A response is warranted to letter captioned, “Dr Bisram Seems Unfulfilled”. It is nice to know that someone is following Dr. Bisram’s happiness and his life fulfillment and monitoring his academic achievements. Do I sense a feelingofjealousy?

The letter is penned by one Sham

familiar with Indian culture would know that such a nameisalmostimpossibleto have in Guyana. So anyone usingafakenamemustcome better Government tropes and writers with fake names ought to do better for the kind of money being paid. Just to be clear Sham Rahman Mohammed is not ShamshunMohamedwhois apersonofdecency

Canthewritercitewhere Dr Bisram stated he has six PhDs and six MAs He indeedhasmultipledegrees, accreditedones,notthefake onesorhonoraryonestouted and used by several people. Dr Bisram is very modest and not the kind to boast of academicachievements.

I s t h e w r i t e r a psychologist who can determine the extent of someone’s life fulfillment based on academic achievements, intellect, and writings? What are Sham Rahman’s credentials? It seems that Sham Rahman himself has an unfulfilled life spending precious time to focus on Bisram’s academic qualifications and writings.

The writer describes Dr Bisram’slettersassilly Iand o t h e r s f i n d t h e m educationally profound

Readers I spoke with say they are well written, focused, informative, and very enlightening He is among a few writers whose writings or arguments one can understand. He writes with clarity and objectivity

Readers and activists also express admiration for his courage to write on subjects others don’t wish to touch. When he writes, people pay attention. His writings carry respect.

On courage, I know of Dr Bisram’s involvement in revolutionary struggles or activities to restore

democracy in Guyana and for equality and justice in other countries as well. I knowofhisactivismforfree and fair elections participating in and or organizing protests, picketing exercises, rallies, and the like going back to 1968. His 55 years activism asachampionofdemocracy benefited the PPP and all of Guyana His behind the scene role in 2020 saved democracy, resulting in the PPP being propelled into office akin to Anil Nandlall savingthePPPincourt.Yet, fake name tropes and paid writers, like the one in the statemedia,areunleashedon him.

S h a m R a h m a n Mohammed was never involvedinanystruggle.The toneofhisremarksseemsto suggest he is merely a beneficiaryofthestruggleof activists like Dr Bisram whoseprolificwritingshave been favorable towards all religious and ethnic groups, all of who have been beneficiaries Individuals like Sham Rahman MohammedandthePPP (Continuedonpage06)

Countrywide literacy programme to be launched next year - Manickchand

Minister of

Education, P r i y a Manickchand on Tuesday revealed that come January next year, her ministry will rollout a massive National Literacy Programme aimed at ensuring every child knowshowtoread.

The Minister made the announcement during the launch of the Education Ministry’ Mathematics Intervention Programme which was held at the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE)complex.

During her remarks, the minister told those gathered thattheworldhasaproblem with mathematics and English and Guyana has to deal with both. “As we speak, being literate is the foundationofallthenations’ problems, literate means read, understand, and comprehend And so, in January of next year only because we were unable to finish the resources for September of this year, we will launch out a National Literacy Programme that willbemassive,”sherelated.

According to the minister, this programme will launch with the aim of

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand

making sure every single child could read by Grade 3 withagraceperiodtoGrade 4. “It is expensive, it is resource heavy, it is very thoughtoutanditisnational. It will take into account the children who are entering nursery as well as the children who are already in secondary who cannot read.

Soyoucanimaginethatthat isgoingtoberesourceheavy in terms of persons managing it,” Manickchand explained.

Itwasreportedthatwhile the country recorded a decline in pass rate in mathematics at the Caribbean Se

Education Certificate (CSEC) examination this year,EnglishAalsorecorded a decline from 72% in 2023 to69%in2024.

Part of encouraging children to read, the Education Ministry on Monday launched the Primary School Libraries programme. Inarelease,the ministry reported that this programmeispartofamajor initiative which is aimed to inspirealifelongpassionfor reading while developing c

nd creativity in students from a youngage.Thehopeisthatit will help learners also with being proficient in the area ofliteracy.

In her remarks at that launch,theministersaidthat these efforts are to promote literacy as a key foundation ofeducation.“Werecognise that the ability to read fluently and think critically isessentialforsuccess,both in school and in life. By making these books availabletoourchildren,we arenotonlyinvestingintheir academic future but also in the development of their imagination and selfconfidence,” the minister stated.



oughttoexpressgratitudefortheworkofDr Bisram and other activists instead of ridiculingthem.

Dr Bisram wrote favorably on all religious activities and on ethnic groups and hascondemnedracismandprejudice.Noone has written more on community activities thanhim.

No onehaswrittenmoreonthediaspora than him Sham Rahman Mohammed

appears unappreciative of the 55 years contributionofDr BisramtoGuyanabutthe rest of the nation is grateful. He has made significant and important contributions to Guyana and the diaspora inAmerica.Thank you Dr Bisram for all you have done for GuyanaandtheGuyanesepeople.Therewill always be detractors like sham Rahman Mohammedwhomustbeignored.

Yourstruly, VassanRamracha

An opposition of negatives...


becausetheyhadnochoice.Forthemtohave opposed the government’s stand on the bordermatter,thatwouldbeareprehensible act.ButGuyanahasmovedforwardleaving them behind, The Opposition’s negatives



steady decline in attendance at religious institutions

There is an alarming correlation among these elements factored in the declension of society and deterioration in morality! Nottonoticeablyescapethe observing eyes, is the less rigidenforcementofthelaw, a deterrent in police proactiveness and lack of initiative from resourceful agencies.

Guyana participated in the observation of World Suicide Prevention Day on September10th.TheRegion 3 organization, “Youths on the Rise,” was not to be left outastheyheldasimplebut significant ceremony last Sunday at Leonora.Agroup of over 30 participants, dressedinyellowandblack,

will not, I repeat, I will not hinder the futuristicgoalsforourcountry,wewillmove this country forward irrespective of the negatives.


vigil at Leonora...

gatheredbytheMarketTurn and marched towards the popular Kowsilla’s Park, under police escort. They w

vociferous as they shouted “YestoLife,NotoSuicide.”

The program organized by young volunteers, lasted from 17:30 to 19:30 in the evening and included a display of banners, prayers fromallthereligiousbodies, a minute of silence for the lost ones, relevant songs depicting life and a seminar with powerful speeches by Dr Ravindra Seepersaud, Dr VishalSarjoo,Dr Omesh Balmacon and Ms. Budhoo.

The message was clear, ‘the country’s wealth is the human capital,’ and, all efforts should be embarked uponbyallagenciesinorder to sustain its preservation to


Suggestions emanating fr

senters included: Guyanese should be our Brother’s Keeper, make the difference by extending kindness, show empathyandsympathy,lend support by listening more and talking less and being there for a person when the needarises.

As the event ended, candles were lit and placed in the ground in memory of those who gave up in life. Sasha, chairperson for the group, thanked all for showing solidarity by comingout,especiallyasthe organization celebrated its 6th year in existence and servicetohumanity Yoursrespectfully, JaiLall.

Govt. says $25.5 billion was spent on road development in six months

The Ministry of

Finance's Mid-Year Report for 2024 has disclosed that thesumof$28.9billionwas expendedonroadandbridge developmentduringthefirst halfoftheyear

Of this amount, $25.5 billion was spent for road development, while $3 5 billion was spent on bridge projects.

The report stated that ongoing efforts are focused onthedevelopmentofroads



including areas such as

m, Mabaruma, Matthew's Ridge, and South Pakaraimas. Projects in these areas are expected to be completed by the end of theyear

Additionally, the sum of $9.5 billion was expended acrossthetenregionsforthe construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance of access

and interconnecting community roads. The Government of Guyana (GoG) has been investing

infrastructuresector Infact, in this year's budget Government allocated $221 4 billion to the Ministry of Public Works, w

allocated to roads and bridges.

However,concernswere raisedaboutthegovernment expendingtaxpayers'dollars and contractors doing s

Recently, President Irfaan

Schoonord to Crane fourlane highway, which cost $15 1 billion, to help alleviate traffic congestion inRegionThree.

This project falls under theMinistryofHousingand Water The Department of Public Information (DPI) hadreportedthatthesumof $76 5

specifically earmarked for housing development, with $69.317billionallocatedfor

ng projects such as Eccles to Diamond, Great Diamond,

Schoonord, Schoonord to Crane, and Great Diamond toCraig.

Kaieteur News visited the Schoonord to Crane Highway just a few days after it opened and found sections of the walkway to thenewlybuiltroadalready crumbling.

The issue was first highlighted by social media commentator Francis Michael Bailey Bailey shared a video in which he pointed out a number of issueswiththeroad. Bailey pointedoutthatthoughnew, theroadwasalreadypatched at some parts. In addition, the area that was left as a walkwayforcommutershad a number of defects including cracks, and the exposed rebars made from steel which is a tripping hazard for pedestrians Foreign objects such as plastic and pieces of wood appeared to be mixed into the blocks that made the walkway giving it a rough finish.

Man remanded for one hour after refusing to testify against suspect who allegedly tried to murder him

HighCourtJustice,Peter Hugh on Wednesday issued anordertoremandCompton C h a r l e s , t h e complainant/victim in an attempted murder trial to prison after he declined to testify against his alleged perpetrator

JusticeHughhadordered that Charles, the victim in a 2013incidentwhichlefthim unconscious for days, be remandedtoLusignanPrison until today. The judge subsequently recalled his order.

Before this, Charles had spent an hour in the prison


cell at the GeorgetownHighCourt. He was subsequently released. The man was scheduled to give evidence in the attempted murder trial of S h a w n E m b e l t o n Embelton is accused of attempting to run Charles over with a car for attacking and beating Charles with a piece of wood over an old grievance.

The incident which occurred on November 1, 2023 at Graham's Hall, East CoastDemerara,leftCharles

HighCourtJustice, Peter Hugh

unconscious for several days. He woke up at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation nursing broken limbs some eight days after hewasbeaten.

Thetrialintheattempted murder case is being presented by State Counsel, Dellon Fraser and Mikhail Puran at the High Court. At the commencement of the trialonWednesday,theState had already called three witnesses to the stand but whenitwastimeforCharles to testify, he took the stand and informed the court that he would not be proceeding

with the matter against Embelton.

A source attached to the High Court told this publication that the judge warnedCharlesthathecould be placed in custody for refusingtogiveevidence. However, despite this warning from the judge, the complainant remained adamant that he would not proceed with his testimony Assuch,thejudgeissuedthe orderforhimtoberemanded to the Lusignan Prison until today.Consequently,Charles wasplacedinthelockupsat the High Court, but approximately an hour after the judge recalled his decision Kaieteur News understands that the judge had taken a decision to remand the victim in accordance with provisions of the Criminal Procedure Act However, when contacted,forfurtherclarity, those close to the case declinedtomakeanyfurther commentonthematter They noted that “the matter which is still active before the court” is scheduled to continuethismorning.

Norway should be shown the door

Guyana should do no business ever with Norway

The mere possibility of reenteringadealwithNorway concerning our forests or carbon credits would be an affront to the dignity of Guyana. We ought to recall with precision and clarity the bitter experience of the last such arrangement an exercise in the infantilization ofasovereignstate,dressedup in the polite language of partnership TheLowCarbon Development Strategy (LCDS),initiallyheraldedasa groundbreaking model of cooperation between a developing nation and an environmentally-conscious donor, has proven to be a Trojanhorse,wheeledintoour halls by none other than the former President Bharrat Jagdeo

For those who have forgotten, the arrangement was simple: Guyana, rich in forests but poor in cash, wouldkeepitstreesstanding andNorway,richincashbut poorintropicaltrees,would pay us for the carbon we didn’t emit. It was a bargain that seemed to combine e n l i g h t e n e d environmentalism with the promise of economic development.Amatchmade in heaven, we were told. Except, the actual experience was nothing short of humiliating, a classic case of a colonial subject supplicating before its overlord, hat in hand, asking permission to use its ownresources.

Theindignityreachedits nadir in June of 2011 when Jagdeohimself,thearchitect of this grand scheme, was forcedtoadmitthattheflow of funds from Norway, which Guyana had ostensibly “earned,” had become a bureaucratic nightmare.Notonlywasthe m o n e y s l o w t o arrive—when it arrived at all it was subject to a byzantine system of oversight, primarily at the hands of the World Bank. The funds managed by the World Bank and the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB), effectively stripped Guyana of its rightfulcontroloverfundsit had supposedly earned Jagdeo,normallypoisedand diplomatic, could barely containhisfrustration.“This is our money,” he declared emphatically, “It’s not the World Bank’s money, it is nottheIDB’smoney.”

Jagdeo’s outburst, while understandable, was years toolate.Bythen,thedefects of the arrangement had alreadybeenexposed. The hypocrisy was staggering.Norway,withits booming oil industry, was paying Guyana to keep its forests standing, all the while contributing to global emissions at home. And the funds that were supposed to boost Guyana’s low-carbon trajectory? Tied up in endless red tape, delayed, and ultimately reduced to a trickle. What was sold as a new model of international

cooperation quickly devolved into a humiliating reminder of the global pecking order The sovereign state of Guyana founditselfatthemercyofa handful of technocrats and faceless international institutions, while Norway sat on the sidelines, posturing as a benevolent benefactor

succeeded Jagdeo’s administration, fared no better. The funds remained elusive, and Norway’s position was clear: disbursements were not automatic.Asiftoremindus of our place in the world, Norway indicated that their generosity was contingent upon our compliance with a host of conditions. It was a relationship that had long ceasedtobeoneofequals,if indeed it ever was. By the time the Coalition government took stock of the situation, it became abundantly clear that Norway’s promises were as hollow as the tropical trees they claimed to be protecting.

It’s time we called this arrangement what it truly was:athinlyveiledexercise in neocolonialism For years, Guyana has been treatedasalaboratoryforthe whims of well-meaning environmentalists in the Global North—Norwegian officials who, despite their environmental credentials, have little understanding of


Speak no ill of the dead

Wh e n somebody dead, people does talk nice tings. But sometimes, soon as de man closeheeyes,alldemhaters start to chat. Mouth open, story jump out. Is like dem been waiting fuh de man to dead before dem find dem voice. When he been alive, dem couldn’t say a word Tongue tie up like shoelace But now, dem loud, loud, talkingallkindatings‘boutde dead Demboyssehisfunny howbraverydoescomeafter defact Dedeadcan’tanswer back,soeverybodyturnhero

Dem does say, “Don’t speak ill of de dead.” But some people tek dat as invitationtospillalldetea. Every wrong de man ever do, every mistake, come to light.Islikedemanfuneral turn gossip fest. Dem boys seh is a shame. Why dem didn’t talk when de man

coulda defend heself?

Maybe dem been fraid Maybe dem didn’t have de courage.Ormaybedemjust lovededrama.Now,deman family gotta hear all kinda tings‘bouthe.Depoorsoul can’trestinpeace. Demboysseh,ifyougot someting to say, say it to de man face Don’t wait till he gonetobad-talkhe Datain’t right Is easy to kick a man whenhedown,butiscoward thing to do when he can’t standupback

Somepeopleliketowash dirtylineninpublic,butonly when de washerman ain’t around Demforgetdatkarma does come back ‘round. Todayishe,tomorrowcould be you So better to watch wha you say Dem boys seh de world full of hypocrites Smiling in your face when you alive, then tearing you down when you gone But dat’s how some people stay

the complexities of development in a country like ours. They offer grand promises of money in exchange for conservation, yetwithholdthefunds,tying them up in labyrinthine conditionsthatserveonlyto reinforce their control over ourresources.

The humiliation must end. Guyana is no longer a nation that needs to beg for scraps in exchange for keeping our forests intact. The global market for carbon credits is evolving, slowly but still evolving.

Guyana now has more options than ever before for leveraging our natural resources,anditishightime weactedlikeit.Thedaysof cedingcontrolofourforests to foreign interests, whether they come dressed as colonial masters or wellmeaning environmentalists,


Norway should be politely, but firmly, shown thedoor Theyarenolonger needed in Guyana. In fact, they never were. We must resist the temptation to see them as our environmental saviours; they are merely another actor in a long history of exploiters Guyana’s future lies not in bowing to the whims of external powers, but in assertingitssovereigntyand making deals that are in the best interests of its people.

T h e L o w C a r b o n Development Strategy, for all its noble intentions, has failed to deliver on its promises precisely because itwaspremisedonthenotion thatGuyananeededNorway more than Norway needed Guyana. Nothing could be furtherfromthetruth.

If we are serious about

charting a low-carbon development path, let us do soonourownterms,without thepaternalisticoversightof foreign donors. Let us manage our forests, our carbon credits, and our future in a way that benefits our people—not in a way thatenrichesconsultantsand satisfies the egos of bureaucrats in distant capitals The time for begging is over Guyana deservesbetter,andit’stime weactedlikeit.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Dem can’t help demselves. Miserylovecompany

Atdeendofdeday,weall gotta go someday Better we livegoodandtalkstraight If youain’tgotnothinggoodto say, hold your peace And if you must talk, do it with respect Dead man tell no tales, but de living does remember Demboysseh,let de dead rest Leave de judgment to higher powers Lifetooshortfuhgrudgesand backbiting Instead, cherish degoodmemoriesandletgo ofdebad Datway,whenyour time come, people gon rememberyoukindly

So next time somebody pass on, think before you speak Ask yourself if wha you ‘bout to say gon help or hurt ‘Causeoncewordsleave your mouth, you can’t tek dem back Dem boys seh, speak well of de dead—or don’tspeakatall. Talkhalf.Leffhalf


Narcotics raises its head again, politicians mist keep their heads

An enormous drug bust in Region One has rippled through the news, and President Ali has rippled with fiery intensity His government will do everything that it can to“break the back” and “dismantle” criminal networks. On paper, it has resounding appeal. Governments around the world that are far cleaner than President Ali's PPP Government have said less anddeliveredmore.

This is the challenge for President Ali, the PPP Government, and all politiciansinGuyana. They have all had much to say in the past, and again today, about the narcotics plague. The results have not been what I would call inspiring. As narcotics registers its pervasive and powerful presence in the fabric of Guyanese society some more, its frightening head must be recognized. At the same time, Guyanese politicians-the entire cohort of them-would do well to manage their minds and keepstheirheadsintheright place.

A decade or more ago, the PPP Government rolled

out its Drug Master Plans I andII.

The cobwebs overtook them soon enough on the shelves and cabinets in which those plans were consigned, lost to memory, andsuccumbedtotheeffects of atrophy As we all know toowell,whenamuscleora body does not move for a longtime,thenstoppageand wreckage take over. Very few masterminds, if any, were apprehended, almost nobody prosecuted during thatperiod.

The occasional mules, yes,tokeepupappearances; but masterminds, not a chance.The coalition came inforclosetohalfadecade, and the alarmed cries of its own were heard. Too much squeezing, too much policing, too much locking down of lucrative drug action. Despitethesquawks ofpain,therewerestillsome cracks through which the wilyslipped. Backcamethe PPPonawaveofeuphoriain 2020 and drugs made a parallel comeback, but on the quiet and distant side. Far away in Hamburg, Germany and Antwerp, Belgium,tonsofcocainehad madetheirwaypastanarray

ofscannersandsystemsand sentinelsinGuyana.

These works of art are always breathtaking in scope,inaudacity,andinthe comprehensive nature of people controlled and the flows that are allowed to happen uninhibited. Under the radar, for sure; but uninhibited. Closer to home, there is Matthews Ridge, and over four tons of neatly packaged powered stuff.

I just gave the sketchiest ofoutlinesofwhereGuyana iswithitsdrugtrafficking,it being an increasingly notorious transshipment point for product bound for elsewhere. Itshouldsuffice, evenwhenIleftoutwhogot held up in the US, whose property was searched, and which officers of the law werequestioned. Through all this, from way back and again today, my advice to governments and leaders has been unchanging. Becarefulwith the company kept In Guyanesepatois,besensible withwhombundlesaretied, i.e., with whom business is done. More pointedly, and going for the jugular, the ongoing counsel has been

constant: be vigilant with whosemoneyisaccepted. Thelatteriswherethere is open-ended exposure, where political leadership rhetoric runs into some raw sewage. For when political parties take money from those with dubious records, or those with known reputations, then they risk compromising themselves. In a nutshell, political donations and campaign financing are not a one-way street. It is not free money, because there comes a time when payback is expected, demandedbycircumstances.

I attempt to put matters gently In a country with porous campaign financing and political donor laws, anybody can give, and any political figure or group is freetotake.

Thebigdealersgiveabig hand, probably the biggest. Not saying no then means that there had better be preparationtolooktheother way later National governments are in a p r e c a r i o u s p l a c e Depending on what they tookbeforeandfromwhom, they limit their freedom of action. The more tens of millions that are taken, the

more political indebtednessthereis.

National governments are also usually privy to somehigh-levelintelligence from authoritative foreign sources. Who is a big-time trafficker, who is on the radar. LikeIsaid,thosewho favoredwiththeirgenerosity before,expectfavorsintheir time of need. Street executionscangrowcold.

E x t r a d i t i o n s developments stonewalled, as was the case up until recently Itistheoldpractice of who has got whose back. Thosewhodeliveredwellin that role during elections anticipate reciprocation from the top when their namesarecalled. Recallthat the bigger the contribution, thehigherthereach.

Politicians find themselves in a bind, none more than governing ones. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place. ThereistheUSonthe one hand (a helpful friend); and there are local friends (the generous ones) that must be protected. The regular course of action settled for by ruling politicians is to make big, fat, sweet, speeches. There

are those who are all about respect for the rule of law and order Then there are those who are all sound and fury about knocking down, tearing apart, and rolling over drug networks and similar such enterprises. A barren wilderness is what has followed relative to enforcement actions taken. In sum, when politicians extend their hands, they already lose part of their heads. Thus:theyarestuckwith rhetoric that fools none, delivers nothing. We shall see what is different this time. One last thing: the foreign owners of those drugs in Matthews Ridge don't usually take developments like those sittingdown. No!Thatcost of doing business is not factored into their formulas. Pricesareextracted. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)



The much-touted Norway Deal that came into being when Bharrat Jagdeo was President is a thinly veiled exercise in neocolonialism.

Despite Norway has agreed to pay this country for preserving its forest, the money is managed by the World Bank and the IDB - an arrangement the government has remained wedded for over a decade. Much like the lopsided ExxonMobil contract, which some of our politicians have praised the Norway Deal has seen our government hailing it as a savior when in fact, we are receiving scraps in exchange for keeping our forests intact.

The global market for carbon credits is evolving, slowly but still evolving. Guyana now has more options than ever before for leveraging our natural resources and it is high time, we acted like it.

For years, Guyana has been treated as a laboratory for the whims of well-meaning environmentalists in the Global North—Norwegian officials who, despite their environmental credentials, have little understanding of the complexities of development in a country like ours.

They offer grand promises of money in exchange for conservation, yet withhold the funds, tying them up in labyrinthine conditions that serve only to reinforce their control over our resources.

Suriname launches seep survey to detect energy sources below seabed

Staatsolie, the Stateowned Surinamese oilcompanywhich was established to execute the oil exploration, drilling, and processing in the neighbouring country has commenced a survey to detect natural oil and gas leaksfrombelowtheseabed.

This is even as Guyana takes its first steps towards conducting a survey to uncover the information on itsoilresources.

Accordingtoinformation releasedfromtheStaatsolie's website, the extensive research started on July 22 last and is collaboration

between Staatsolie, GeoPartnersLimited(United Kingdom) and TROIS

G e o C o n s u l t i n g (Netherlands).

According to the company, the exploration of the seabed began on September2,2024.

Staatsolieannouncedthat since then, 23,800 km² has already been explored in the ongoing exploration off the coastofSuriname.

The information posted on the website outlined

“Staatsoliehasenteredintoa Multiclient agreement with the two companies, which means that they can sell the collected data to third parties.”

Further,Staatsolie,added that it “receives part of that revenue, but remains owner of the data. The total area of the research area covers 44,970km².

The aim is to detect naturaloilandgasleaksfrom the seabed. These leaks may indicate potential energy sources.”

State-owned exploration firm explained too that the researchisveryimportantfor the Surinamese energy sector

The company explained that finding and analyzing these leaks can help identify new energy sources, which areofgreatimportancetothe nation'sfuture.

Explaining how the survey is done, Staatsolie noted that TDI Brooks, the contractor hired to conduct theresearch,usesMultibeam SONAR technology to map theseabed.


“sends and receives sound waves to create detailed mapsoftheseabed.Theyalso use other data, such as seismic and sa

llite information, to determine locations where samples can betaken.”

According to Staatsolie, the seabed sampling is

November The company explainedthatfullresultsare expectedinearly2025.

Staatsolie, the State-owned Surinamese oil company has commenced a survey to detect natural oil and gas leaks from the seabed.

Cops burn ganja farms in Berbice

The Guyana Police Force (GPF), on Monday, duringanarcoticeradication exercise found nine live 12gauge cartridges and destroyed about $41 million worth of cannabis at Friendship Savannah in the UpperBerbiceRiver Police reported that during the exercise between 10:00h and 19:10h cannabis was found on three camps/farms Police also discovered one drying area, with about 100 pounds of dried cannabis and a farm measuring about two acres with about four hundred plantsrangingfromoneinch tosixinchesinheight.

It is stated that the first camp,onefarmwaslocated,

measuring about one acre, with about 200 cannabis p l a n t s m e a s u r i n g approximately three feet in height Police said that withinthesecondcamp,one farm was seen measuring two acres with about four hundredplantsrangingfrom six inches to eight inches in height.“Thecannabisplants were extracted from the soil andsetonfire,alongwiththe camps,”policereported.

The marijuana being destroyed

One of the marijuana farms found in Berbice River

Women and children among 14 killed in Israeli strike on Gaza school

A t least 14 people includIng women and children havebeenkilledin an Israeli air attack on a school-turned-shelter in Nuseirat camp in central Gaza Strip, AlJazeera reported.

The news agency also reportedthatIsraeliforcesin the occupied West Bank arrested 30 Palestinians in Hebron,Jenin,Ramallahand Bethlehem, according to the Palestinian Prisoner's Society.Regarding the strike the Israeli military said it was targeting Hamas militants planning attacks from inside the school, located in the Nuseirat refugee camp. The claim could not be independently confirmed. Officials from Awda Hospital in Nuseirat said they had received 10 dead from the strike, and another four dead were brought to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the nearby town ofDeiral-Balah.Atleastone woman and two children wereamongthosekilled,and at least 18 people were wounded, hospital officials said.Oneofthechildrenwas

the daughter of Momin Selmi, a member of Gaza's civil defence agency, which doesemergencyrescuework after Israeli strikes, the agency said in a statement.

Selmi hadn't seen his daughter for 10 months, since he remained in north Gaza to keep working while his family fled south, the agencysaid.

Tens of thousands of Palestinians driven from their homes by Israeli offensives and evacuation orders are living in Gaza's schools The school hit Thursday – called the alJaouni Boys Preparatory School, one of the many in Gaza run by the UN agency for Palestinians UNWRA –has been hit by multiple strikesoverthecourseofthe war Israelfrequentlybombs schools, saying they are being used by Hamas militants. It blames Hamas for civilian casualties from itsstrikes,sayingitsfighters basethemselvesandoperate among civilians. Hamas has deniedtheclaims.

A CNN report states Israeliraidscontinuedinthe

The damaged courtyard of a UN-operated school after a deadly Israeli strike in Nuseirat, central Gaza [Eyad Baba/AFP]

occupied West Bank on Wednesday with the IDF saying its “aircraf

conducted an aerial strike during the counterterrorism operation inTulkarm.” The CNNsaidatleastfivepeople were killed in an overnight

Israeliairstrike,accordingto the Palestinian Ministry of HealthinRamallah,afterthe Israe


itary said Wednesday it carried out operations in the areas of TammonandTubas.


operation with the Israeli Security Agency (ISA)

“against terrorist infrastructures,” and an air strikewascarriedouton“an armedterroristsquad”inthe Tubas area, the IDF said.

The IDF added in a later

statement that an Israeli “aircraft struck and eliminated a terrorist cell consisting of five terrorists armed with explosives who posed a threat to the forces” during its overnight operations in Tubas and Tammon.

The governor of Tubas, AhmadAs'ad, told CNN the strike hit a group of “young unarmed Palestinians” around3a.m.localtime.The group, who were in their teens and twenties, were sitting near a mosque at the time,hesaid.As'adalsosaid five people were killed, as did the Palestine Red Crescent Society Video obtainedbyCNNshowedat least one motionless body near a mosque in Tubas. As'ad said “we were informed by the Palestinian Coordination Office of an Israel militaryoperationon


No bail for serial robber

...was shot in chest during attacks on moneychanger, security guard

Twenty-three-year-old Elijah Martin, known as "Swine," of 'C' Field Sophia, on Wednesday appeared before the Georgetown Magistrates' Court, facing seven new charges, including attempting to rob moneychanger Terrence Deane at the corner of America Street andAvenue of the Republic Georgetown.

Martin,whoisnostrangertothe law, was previously in court just three days ago before Senior MagistrateFabayoAzore,wherehe answeredtotwochargesofrobbery under arms and was granted bail. However,thecourtwasinformedof seven additional charges against him related to incidents that allegedly occurred on August 16, 2024, at various locations in Georgetown.

The new charges allege that on August 16, Martin, accompanied by another individual and armed withafirearm,committedmultiple robberies. At America Street and Avenue of the Republic, Martin is

The area where martin shot at the moneychanger

accused of attempting to rob Terrence Deane and robbing security guard, Kamalchand Jolhulallofa9mmGlock17semiautomaticpistol.

Police reported that on the mentioned date, Martin and an accomplice had attacked 51-yearoldDeaneatthecornerofAmerica StreetandAvenueoftheRepublic. One of them fired shots behind Deaneasheranforcoverinsideof J'sOutletstore.

Police said that a 33-year-old security guard on duty at the time

drewhisweapon–aGlock17semiautomatic pistol-to fend off the shooter but the suspect ended up takingawayhisweapon.

Policecontinuedthatthestore's 29-year-old manager saw the security guard being held at gunpoint and drew his licensed weapon to protect the individual. Hereportedlydischargedoneround that struck the suspect in his stomach.Thesuspect,accordingto police, ended up dropping his weaponandrunningoutofthestore with the security guard's weapon

beforemakinggoodhisescapewith the accomplice along Charlotte Street.

Additionally,atLot47D'Urban Street,Wortmanville,Georgetown, onthesameday,Martinisaccused of robbing ImraanAlli of $60,000, Angalika Adams of $75,000, and Jason Glasgow of $44,000 along with personal documents. Martin was also charged with illegal possession of a firearm—a .32 Taurus Pistol—and two matching live rounds of ammunition. In court, Martin pleaded not guilty to allcharges.

It was verified to the court that Martin had sustained a gun shoot wound to his abdomen during the attempt robbery He was treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporationandwasdischargedon August 22, 2024. Martin was charged with the offence to which he confessed to. The prosecutor objected to bail, citing the seriousness and prevalence of the offences,andnotedthatMartinhas

Pres. Ali says developing countries can spearhead climate solutions

Acknowledging the devastating effects of climate change and the urgent need for coordinated meaningfulaction,President Dr Mohamed IrfaanAli has stated that developing nations can play a crucial

role in crafting and implementing sustainable solutionstotackletheglobal climatecrisis.

The president was at the time addressing a high-level discussion on 'Restoring Ambition for International Climate and Development: Learning from Guyana's Low Carbon Development Strategy, and Its Global ModelforForestFinance'at

the Arthur Chung Conference Centre on Tuesday President Ali said that developing countries in the Global South are

increasingly showing leadership in climate action,

r e n e w a b l e e n e rg y investment, and setting ambitious targets, despite facing obstacles from climate skeptics and those who engage in empty rhetoricratherthandetailed, analyticalwork.

Hepointedoutthatthese nations are proving their capacity to drive innovative climate solutions, citing examples such as Costa

R i c a ' s s u c c e s s i n conservation and renewable energy.


President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali

that we must analyse. We also have to look at what small countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America are doing, because there is a lot that they are doinginsteppingupaswell. Rwanda, a leader in forest restoration [these countries] are showing that size does not limit leadership,” the president underlined. He further underscored, “Theglobalsouthisproving that innovative solutions to theclimatecrisiscanandare beingdrivenfromallcorners oftheworld.”

PresidentAliemphasised thatdevelopingcountriesare no longer content to be seen as just 'problems' for the worldtosolve.Hesaidthese countries are instead positioning themselves as leaders in finding solutions and driving global policy

G u y a n a h a s a l s o demonstrated leadership in developing innovative policiesliketheLowCarbon Development Strategy 2030 (LCDS2030), which has become a model for global climateaction.

The LCDS focuses on preservingthecountry'svast rainforest, a significant carbon sink It outlines strategic investments in renewable energy, coastal defen

es, sustain

le agriculture and communitybased adaptation, among other key measures, in Guyana'sendeavourtobuild amoreresilientfutureinthe face of climate change. He added that partnerships and internationalcooperationare crucial,pointingtoGuyana's strong relationships with allies like Norway and the United Kingdom's Kings Foundation to support its

other pending matters before the court. As a result, Martin was remanded to prison and is scheduled to return to court on October 23, 2024, for further proceedingsandreports.

Attendees at the high-level discussion on Tuesday


Moreover, the Guyanese

leader lamented that financing and fair policies are still major challenges, emphasisinganeedformore concessional climate financing and equitable approaches that do not disadvantage developing countries.

“ D e s p i t e t h e i r flourishing leadership, the global south's efforts are being stymied, and this is also a fact. If you look, for example, at the pledges that were made, and look at the implementation of those pledges…if you look at the translation from pledges to actual financing, it is shocking,” the president highlighted.

In this regard, he reiterated Guyana's strong support for the Bridgetown Initiative, piloted by the

PrimeMinisterofBarbados, MiaMottley,whichcallsfor a reform of the international financial architecture (IFA) thatgovernsthewayfinance is disbursed for climate adaptation and mitigation.

“This is why we have long advocatedforcarbonpricing andeliminationoffossilfuel subsidies, starting with the richest countries. We have also called for massive investments in clean and renewable energy globally Thesearemeasuresthatwill drivemeaningfulprogressin decarbonising the global economy,”hesaid.

Guyana has made

concrete, measurable progressinareaslikecarbon credit sales, sustainable forestry, and mineral mapping to support the globalenergytransition.

The president said that this demonstrates that

developing countries can deliver real solutions through hard work and partnership. The high-level discussion also saw key input from an International Environmental Advisor, Former Minister of Climate and the Environment and Former Minister of International Affairs of Norway,ErikSolheim. Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh, Attorney General and Minister of LegalAffairs,AnilNandlall, other cabinet ministers, members of the diplomatic corps, regional officials, representatives from the G u y a n a F o r e s t r y Commission, the Guyana Energy Agency and other key stakeholders were also inattendance.(DPI)

Remanded: Elijah Martin

Govt. committed to prioritising mental health, allocating 5% of health budget to services

The government is committed to prioritising, promoting, and protecting mental health, with a focus on preventing mental disorders and ensuring that mental health services are accessibletoall.

Addressingtheprevalent stigma surrounding mental health, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony emphasised the importance of mental well-being “Mental health is integral to ourwell-being,yetitisoften overlooked or stigmatised. In Guyana, like in many other countries, mental health issues affect individuals, families, and communities, impacting every aspect of life, the minister said in a recent statement.In response, the government has partnered with the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO) to develop the National Mental Health ActionPlan2024-2030.

The plan outlines a comprehensive framework for addressing the country's mental health needs, focusing on ensuring access to quality services and safeguarding the rights of

thosewithmentaldisorders. A key component of the action plan is the implementation of the Mental Health Protection and Promotion Act which mandates the establishment of all necessary authorities, and bodies required to enforce mental health laws. Thisisincludingthetraining of mental health teams across the country's health regions.These teams will be trained under the WHO Quality Rights programme, which promotes a whole-ofsociety approach to improvingmentalhealth.

Recognisingtheneedfor adequate funding, the government has committed toallocatingaminimumof5 per cent of the national health budget to mental healthservices.

This increased funding will target strategic areas outlinedintheactionplan.

A significant aspect of this investment is the expansion of the National Mental Health and Substance Use Unit, which wasestablished,in2016. The unit has primarily focused on service delivery but under the new plan, its role will be expanded to

include the development of policies, management of resources, and coordination of mental health services nationwide.Additionally,the plan addresses the growing issue of substance misuse in Guyana by restructuring the ministry's Demand ReductionUnit.

This will involve capacity building, the development of monitoring fra

establishment of standards andpoliciesforcommunityb

treatment for substance use disorders(SUDs).

Beyondmedicalcare,the government is enhancing soci

y collaborating with the MinistryofHumanServices andSocialSecuritytoensure individuals with mental health conditions receive comprehensivecare.

T h i s i n c l u d e s establishing community residentialfacilitiesforthose with chronic and severe mental disorders and providing community treatment teams to support residents.

A caregiver support programme will also be developed to provide

financial allowance to those caring for persons with mentalhealthconditions.

Preventive measures are also being implemented, particularly among the youngerpopulation.

The Ministries of Health and Education will work together to integrate mental

health education into life skills programs for children and adolescents to equip them with the skills needed to manage mental health challenges, ultimately reducing the incidence of mentalillnessinadolescence andadulthood.

Meanwhile, a national

mental health information campaign is planned to reduce stig

discrimination against those

encourage timely helpseeking and raise public


Women and children among 14 killed...


the city and surrounding areas” before the strike.

Israeliforcesraidedthecityandblocked access to the government hospital, he said, adding that there is an Israeli military imposed curfew “The situation is dangerous,”hesaid.


TheIsraelimilitaryhascarriedoutmajor raids and airstrikes in multiple parts of the WestBankinrecentweeks. OnAugust28,it launched a large counter-terror operation withtheISAintheareasofJenin,Tulkarem andTubasinthenorthoftheWestBank,inan offensive Israel said was its most expansive inyears. IsraeliForeignMinisterIsraelKatz saidthatoperationhadbeenstagedto“thwart Islamic-Iranian terrorist infrastructure,” claiming that Iran was working to establish an “eastern front” against Israel. Israel has steppedupitsmilitaryoperationsintheWest Bank, where clashes have become more frequentsinceIsraelbeganitswarinGazain responsetoHamas'attackonsouthernIsrael onOctober7.Around700Palestinianshave

been killed in the West Bank since October, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah and the UN, whose figures do not distinguish between militants and civilians. Meanwhile, at the Jordan Valley,PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu saysthereareattemptstosmuggle“terrorists andweapons”fromJordanintotheoccupied WestBank.“Thereisanattempttosmuggle both terrorists and weapons We are working here in cooperation with all parties tostopthis,”hesaid,referringtoJordan.

Netanyahu said Israel will build a stronger border barrier after three Israelis were killed on Sunday when a Jordanian truck driver opened fire after he entered the West Bank through a major crossing. “We will do it in coordination with the neighbours,”hesaid.“Itisimportantforusto ensure that this border remains a border of peace–peaceandsecurity.”IsraelandJordan signed a peace agreement 30 years ago.The countries maintain ties though diplomatic relations have been strained by Israel's ongoingwaronGazaandattacksontheWest Bank.


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

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Bob cat Operator, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 613-0855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein.

$4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).

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Urgently wanted Truck/ Lorry Driver. Must be safe & reliable. Call: 609-9203 / 603-1768.

One general Housekeeper to work on weekend. $4,500 per day. Age 30-40 years old. Call: 693-2600.

Sand truck Drivers wanted, $5000 per trip. Sand pit to Eccles, Call: 621-5282.

One general Domestic & one Handyman to work in Campbellville. Call: 621-5140.

Male & Female Clerk to work in a printery in Campbellville. Call: 621-5140.

Diamond Investments Guyana Inc has vacancy for Supervisors, Site Managers, Cook, etc. Call: 6415897.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

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Unregistered, 2 ton Hiab Canter, 4D 35 Engine. Manual fuel pump. Call: 628-6870.

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Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Female Cleaner for office. Call 645-8443.

Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132/ 645-8443.

Vacancy Exist For two experienced Dispatcher at Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.

Experienced Cook & kitchen Assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.

Room Attendant, Desk Clerk, Supervisor and Receptionist 23-45 Years old. 233 South Road. Call: 225-0198.

Vacancy for Elderly care Worker. Please Call or WhatsApp Karen: 656-1875/ 233-5160.

Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Vacancy for one Porter to work on hauler truck. Contact: 611-7088 for more info.

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Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

Man, wIfe, teen son killed execution-style


IAN) Three people–a man, his wife and teenage son–were executed on Monday night in Petit Valley after they allegedly refused to disclose the whereabouts of their second son, who was believed to be the target.

Marlon Lee, 41; his common-law wife, Salina Rodriguez, 34; and his son Maleek Lee, 17, were all shot multiple times by armed assailants around 9.36 pm at their home at Sita Trace, off Upper Pioneer Drive.

Approximately 30, 9 mm spent shell casings along with two live rounds of 9 mm ammunition and one deformed projectile were recovered at the scene. Police confirmed “it was an execution-style killing,” and attributed the murders to gang violence. However senior police officials were unable to verify a theory that the killings were meant to send a message to Lee’s remaining offspring, a teenage boy, who allegedly issued threats to a reported gang leader in the area.

The three victims were reportedly asleep inside the modest board house, located off the main track, when Maleek came out to use the toilet. It was believed he was ambushed and killed first, and that the gunshots alerted the adults inside.

The gunmen, it was claimed, had come from the bushes behind the house and entered the home using the back door. People living close by initially thought the gunfire was fireworks. But they soon realised that something was wrong, and upon checking, they found Maleek lying on the ground outside, bleeding from multiple gunshot wounds. He was wearing a pair of boxers and black threequarter pants when he was gunned down.

Residents alerted police, and officers arrived to find Marloon dead inside and a badly injured Rodriguez lying on the bed, alive and begging for help. She was taken to the St James Medical Complex, where she was treated but succumbed to her injuries around 10.35 pm. Marloon and Maleek were declared dead at the scene. Guardian Media understands it was Marloon’s other son who returned home around 11 pm and found the bodies and alerted relatives and


House for rent in Sarwan Street, Eccles. Call: 666-8404. Land for rent at Heroes Highway. Call: 653-2477.


Marloon and Rodriguez had both been employed with the Community-Based Environmental Protection and Enhancement Programme (CEPEP) as labourers for over ten years. Police, meanwhile, are continuing investigations into the theory that Marloon’s other son was the person the gunmen were looking for.

They were unable to confirm that the teen and a friend were responsible for circulating a series of social media posts within recent weeks, threatening an individual believed to be the leader of a gang in the area. Guardian Media was told the friend had been beaten last week and also threatened by members of the gang, who had sent a message to Marloon’s son that he would be next. It is believed that, as a result, Marloon had sent his son to stay with friends and family in a bid to keep him safe. Following the shooting, police patrols have been increased in the area. One senior official assured, “The community’s comfort is our main concern at this time. We want to reassure them that it is safe for them to move around, and we are hoping our increased presence will bring a renewed sense of security and comfort to the area.”

Relative: This horror is unimaginable

A female relative of the murdered couple spoke with reporters at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, yesterday. She mourned the sudden deaths as she said, “Marloon was a typical person. Anything you ask of him, it didn’t matter. He would go to the ends of the earth for yuh.” She said while he was not perfect and had “little squabbles” like all adults, “it was nothing to cause this form of senseless killings.”

Maleek was described as “slow and not academically inclined,” but despite this, she added, “He was good with his hands.” Maleek had attended the Diego Martin North Secondary School and later Servol, where he dropped out of classes. She claimed Maleek had “now been trying to figure himself out.” She added, “He was learning a trade; he was doing masonry. Is not like he was sitting down home and playing games the whole day. The father got him a job so he could have money coming in, not to be out on the streets. He was a typical teenager, making mistakes; he wasn’t perfect.”

Struggling to find the words as she last saw the trio around 9 pm on Sunday and they were good. The grieving woman accused officers from the Homicide Bureau and district CID of acting in an unprofessional manner at the murder scene as they dismissed the family’s pain and anguish. She said the area was not known for these types of killings, which had left them scared, anxious and confused. “People keep saying gang, gang, gang, but they were not in any gang. The killing was execution style, and what’s hurtful enough is that even if is one they going to kill, one person, they literally eradicated a whole family, a whole generation.”

Reeling from shock that three members of the family had been wiped out in the attack, she added, “We are so scared, we don’t know if the remaining son will be safe now. I don’t know if they will make a tack back. I do not know if we decide to bring him home to stay by us if they will come for us.” She lamented the hardships Marloon’s mother had endured to raise her children, adding the horror “is unimaginable.” She said killings such as these had

now become the norm, as “nothing does ever come out of it even if they investigate. No information is always gang.”

When Guardian Media visited yesterday, the area appeared to be quiet as some elders sipped alcohol and remembered the victims as good people who did not interfere with anyone.

MP: Crime is a concern to me

Diego Martin Central MP Symon de Nobriga—in whose constituency the murders occurred—said while the area has largely been spared by outbreaks of gun violence, Monday’s killings had understandably left the community shaken. In a brief interview, he told Guardian Media, “Any sort of crime is of real concern to me.”

De Nobriga, the Communications Minister, said he had spoken to Minister in the Ministry of National Security Keith Scotland, whose portfolio includes special responsibility for the T&T Police Service (TTPS), and they would be moving to meet with residents in the area soon.

While the date and time were yet to be decided, de Nobriga explained the purpose of the meeting was to “reassure the community about what the response is going to be in terms of the police presence and also address other issues such as infrastructure.” Admitting he was still trying to come to terms with the incident, the minister said the feedback from residents will determine the need for further measures. As was done in Powder Magazine, Cocorite, following a mass shooting back in May in which four people were killed, de Nobriga said there would be an increased presence of law enforcement officers.

Clico policyholders in T&T want

their residual balances now


IAN) The Clico Policyholders Group (CPG) on Tuesday called on the Minister of Finance and Corporation Sole, Colm Imbert to honour the residual balances owed to policyholders of the insurance company, following his admission in the Senate on Monday that Clico completed repaying its debt to the Government last year.

In the Senate on Monday, Opposition Senator Wade Mark posed the question, “Can the minister provide the details and status of the sale of Clico’s 56.53 per cent shareholding in MHIL to the Proman Group in late December, 2023?”

In response the Finance Minister said, “The informa-

tion and answer to this question has been in the public domain for almost one year, and the matter has already been extensively addressed inside and outside of the Parliament.

It is therefore curious that Senator Mark continues to beat this dead horse. The facts already in the public domain are as follows—as of April 2023, Clico’s remaining liability to the government for the Clico bailout was $1 billion.

“In addition, Clico had a statutory obligation under the Insurance Act 2018 to reduce its interest in MHIL to less than 20 per cent.

“In July of 2023 the other shareholder in MHIL, Consolidated Energy, approached

Clico to acquire the full 56.53 per cent of Clico’s interest in MHIL.

A sale price of US$337 million for the shares was agreed based on a valuation done by an independent and reputable global valuation consultant, Charles Rivers Associates, plus an additional US$10 million as Clico’s share of dividends for 2023.

“All issues were thus satisfactorily addressed: Clico’s satisfaction of its obligation under the Insurance Act 2018, with respect to its shareholding in MHIL being reduced to less than 20 per cent; and Clico’s obligation to repay the government the $1 billion that was still owed in 2023.”

River side land & property for sale in Timehri & Parika. Call: 653-2477.

Int’l firms dominate bid to oversee construction of new Lethem Hospital

Three international consultancy companies are among five bidders who haveappliedforthecontract to supervise the design and construction of the new Lethem Hospital in Region Nine. At a recent opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) it was revealed that the five bidders who partneredwithotherfirmsto bid are from Guyana, Colombia, Bulgaria, Brazil andTrinidad.

p o


d t h a t t h e construction of the Lethem HospitalfallsunderaUS$97 million – Health Care Network Strengthen – Inter-

AmericaDevelopmentBank (IDB) loan Part of the proceedswillbeallocatedto the construction and supervision services of the Lethem Hospital, which is envisioned to operate at a levelfivestandard.

T h e G u y a n a Governmenthadsecuredthe IDBloaninDecember2022 anditformspartofabroader effort to strengthen the nation’s healthcare network undertheConditionalCredit LineforInvestmentProjects ( C C L I P ) T h e comprehensive program aims to bolster the capacity of seven hospitals across various regions, including key hinterland areas and urbancenters.

It was reported that the


MinistryofHealth Supervisionservicesforthedesignand constructionofLethemHospital,RegionNine.

MinistryofPublicWorks ProcurementofStreetLightingMaterialsLots1-5.

loanwillbeusedtoimprove the health of the Guyanese p

increased access to quality and efficient health services

outcomes associated with low and high-complexity procedures.

This will be done by expanding the capacity of

extending coverage of d

dical consultation, and patient management services, inclusive of the country’s hinterlands, through digital health;andbyincreasingthe efficiency of the public health system, by strengthening key logistic, management, and support processesandinputs.

ARegionalDemocraticCouncilofRegionFive ConstructionofRegionalResource CentreatFortWellington–Phase1.

DeedsandCommercialRegistry Designandsupervisionservicesforconstruction ofBerbiceSub-RegistryBuilding,NewAmsterdam.

New Canadian envoy to Guyana accredited

President Dr Irfaan Ali on Wednesday

accepted the Letters of Credence from the new High Commissioner of CanadatoGuyana,Sébastien Sigouin at the Office of the President.

Duringbriefremarks,the Head-of-State lauded the "exceptional relationship" between the two countries, which he said has been built on shared culture, value systems and the respect for law and democracy He und

ed tha

the relationship between the two countries is not only defined by trade, investment and project planning, but is also definedbyadeepconnection between people and states. G

established diplomatic ties onMay26,1966.

Late last month Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly has announced the appointment of Sigouin astheHighCommissionerto Guyana and Plenipotentiary Representative to the Caribbean Community. Mr. Sigouin succeeds Mr Mark Berman.

Sébastien Sigouin (LLB, University of Sherbrooke, 1993; PhD and LLM [International Relations], G

d Development Studies, Geneva, 2002) joined the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in 1997 as a human rights and humanitarian

President Dr. Irfaan Ali on Wednesday accepted the Letters of Credence from the new High Commissioner of Canada to Guyana, Sébastien Sigouin


At headquarters, he has alsoservedasmanagerofthe InternationalProgrammeand director of policy for the Canadian Human Rights Commission (2002 to 2010).

A29-year-old residentofLance Gibbs Street, Queenstown, Georgetown, on Wednesday appeared before the Georgetown Magistrates' Court to face charges of illegal possession ofafirearmandammunition.

Azariah Alli appeared before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore who read the chargestohim.

It is alleged that on September8,2024,atNorton Street, Georgetown, he was foundinpossessionofa9mm pistol and five live 9mm ammunition without holding a valid firearm licence. Alli has pleaded not guilty to thesecharges.

According to police statementspresentedincourt, the arrest occurred around 09:30hrs,whenofficersfrom the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) conducted a narcoticsoperationatthesaid location.

During the operation, officers observed Alli throughanalleywaycarrying a multi-coloured bag. Upon confronting him and searching the bag, they discovered the camouflage 9mm pistol and the live ammunition.

When asked if he has a firearm licence, Alli reportedly responded, “No.” Hewassubsequentlyarrested and taken to the Alberttown Police Station, where he was informed of the allegations and cautioned. He was later chargedwiththeoffence.

Remanded; Azariah Alli

During the court proceedings, Alli's attorney, Bernard DaSilva, requested bail,arguingthatAlliisnota flight-risk and is willing to comply with any bail conditions.

DaSilva contended that Alli was on the pavement withanotherindividualwhen thepolicearrived.

AccordingtoDaSilva,the otherpersondroppedthebag near Alli and fled, leaving Allitobearrested,despitehis claim that the bag did not belongtohim.

The prosecutor opposed bail, citing the seriousness and prevalence of the offence.As a result,Alli was remanded to prison and is scheduled to return to court on October 23, 2024, for further proceedings and reports.

He was also director of strategic planning and operations for Canada's development assistance programming (2010 to 2015), deputy head of the Permanent Mission of Canada to the Organization of American States (2015 to 2018) and executive director responsibleforrelationswith Central American countries, Cuba and the Dominican Republic (2018 to 2022). Most recently, he was executive director of the Haiti Division Sébastien Sigouin is expected to present his Letters of Credence to the Government ofGuyanasoon.

Future Warriors ‘Champion of Champions’ Tape-ball bowls off September 14

-WinnertoplayGuyanaAmazonWarriors innoveltymatchonSeptember22

Po w e r e d b y


(Demerara), Cropper Primary (Berbice), and HuisT’ Dieren (Essequibo) will be the three participatingschools.

Theteamswillplayeach other in a double round-

Guyana, the Future Warriors Tape-ball tournament for Primary Schools will meet a new climax as the winners of the three previous tournaments will match prowess in the Champion of Champions edition set for Saturday, September 14, 2024, at the iconic Georgetown Cricket Club,Bourda. Stella Maris Primary

robin format, followed by a final in the eight-over-persidecontest.

John Ramsingh, speaking on behalf of the tournament’s organisers, FL

Sport, expr

d his overwhelming appreciation forthecontinuedandfruitful p

h ExxonMobil Guyana as the

tournament aims to expose grassrootstalentstocricket.

Ramsingh is confident that,basedonthesuccessof the other three tournaments, teams will give their all and have fun while competing and hopes the players can transition into clubs or a morestructuredprogramme.

Community Relations Advisor at ExxonMobil Guyana,LashawnaPrescott, expressed the company’s commitment to fostering initiativesthatofferyouthsa

Thursday September 12, 2024


Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely


Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.


You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday


Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.


Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.


You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently


Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some intellectua

s Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

It'sgoingtobealittledifficult talking to you today, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay


Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.


Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.

matches will be scored live, and the organisers have committed to ensuring that all the teams are dressed appropriately in uniforms and that all their gear, catering, and transportation needsaremet.

Apart from another gear bag with numerous pieces of equipment for tape-ball cricket, trophies,

equipment/stationery for theschools,thetournament winner will face the Guyana Amazon Warriors in a novelty match at the Guyana Marriott Hotel, Kingston on Sunday, September 22 The other two teams will also attend


camaraderieinacompetitive environment.

“This initiative perfectly aligns with our objective of nurturing and empowering the younger generation throughsports.”

Like in the previous editions, schools can field both boys and girls on their teams at their discretion.All

Ministry of Education, GTU at loggerheads...

Frompage24 Certificate (CSEC). The timing of the proposed March championship could posechallengesforstudents juggling both academic and athletic commitments during a critical study period,theGTUargued.

When approached for comment, a GTU official confirmedthattalkswiththe MinistryandtheAlliedArts Departmentareongoingbut stated that the Union will release an official position to the media once a resolutionisreached.

The National Schools Cycling, Swimming, and AthleticsChampionshiphas long been a symbol of athletic excellence in Guyanaforstudent-athletes, dating back to its inception in1959.

Over the decades, the eventhasnurturedcountless young talents, with District 10(Linden)emergingasthe dominantforce.

Linden’s athletes have captured an astounding 20 titles, maintaining a remarkable winning streak since2015,withvictoriesin 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, and 2023 Their legacy stretches even further, with wins in 1986, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005,2006,2008,and2011.

Canadian-based Guyanese Fabian Naiken donates


in gear to Albion Cricket Club, players

Th e A l b i o n

C o m m u n i t y Centre Cricket Clubandseveralofitsyouth cricketers recently received over G$3 million worth in cricket gear from Canadianbased Guyanese Fabian Naiken.

Naiken, who played a key role in the development ofAlbion’scricketinthe90s before migrating to Canada, madethepresentationduring the closing ceremony of the club’s 2024 Cricket Academy,ofwhichhewasa member of the coaching staff. In presenting the gear

to the youngsters, Naiken emphasised on the importance of the three D’s and encouraged the young cricketers to continue to work hard on their game to besuccessful.

Healsodisclosedthatthe Albion Community Centre CricketClubisalwaysclose to his heart and that he will continuetoassisttheClubin whateverwayhecan.

“Iwanttourgeallofyou youngcricketerstocontinue to be disciplined, dedicated and determined; without the three D’s you cannot be successful. This Club has

always been and will continue to be close to my heart and I will continue to assist in whatever way I can.”

Heexpressedgratitudeto the several former Albion cricketers who have also madefinancialcontributions towards the procurement of thegear

“This gesture could not have been possible without the contributions of several formerAlbioncricketersand members. I want to say a special thank you to Safraz Samad, Adrian Permaul, Tariq Aziz, Hemnarine Chattergoon, Doonauth Lalbeharry, Zulfikar Rozan, Abid Ishmael, Dheeraj Arjune, Marvin Naiken, Kerwin Naiken, Gavin Nandu and Tony Hashram fortheircontributions.These are fellas who always have Albion’scricketatheart.

One of the Albion youngsters receiving their cricket bag from Fabian Naiken.

Vice-President of the Albion Community Centre Cricket Club, Karamchand Harripersaud thanked Naiken (who personally contributed over G$1.8M) and all others who contributed to making the gear available. He urged the youngcricketerstotakecare and make full use of the equipmentreceived.

Harripersaud also assured that the gear received by the Club will undoubtedly enhance its cricket development programmes.

Sahid Gajnabi, Daniel Johnson, Rovin Lalbehari and Damion Cecil each received a complete cricket kit, while Jeremy Gobin collected a wicket-keeping pad,apairofwicket-keeping glovesandahelmet.

NamitMannacollecteda batandapairofgloves;Shiv Harripersaud, Naeem Khan, Liam Budhram, Nicholas Madramotoo and Kunal Bhopaul received one bat each;AfrazBudhooandAriAfrizalKadirwerepresented withacricketbagandapair of batting pad each; while

and Kawal Aeaken was given a pair of batting gloves.

Young Sumit Samaroo and Dinesh Samaroo of the Port Mourant Cricket Club and the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club respectively,eachreceiveda completecricketkit.

Former Guyana/West Indies Test player

Sewnarine Chattergoon (right) and Canadian-based Guyanese Fabian Naiken share a photo following the multi-million dollar donation made to the Albion Cricket Club.

Brazil and Argentina lose in World Cup qualifying

BBC Sport - Brazil sufferedtheirfourthdefeatin fivequalifyinggameswitha 1-0 loss to Paraguay as Argentina were beaten 2-1 by Colombia in the latest qualifying matches for the 2026WorldCup.

Inter Miami’s Diego Gomezscoredthewinnerfor Paraguay in Asuncion after 20minutesasBrazilfailedto registerashotontargetinthe firsthalf.

Liverpool goalkeeper

Alisson, Newcastle midfielderBrunoGuimaraes and West Ham playmaker Lucas Paqueta all started all started for Brazil with the RealMadridtrioofRodrygo, Endrick and Vinicius Jr in attack.

“I want to apologize to the fans, I know it’s a difficult time, but we just want to improve,” Vinicius told Brazilian TV channel Globo.

The 24-year-old winger has scored over 20 goals for Realineachofthelastthree seasons but has only five goalsfrom35capsforBrazil and failed to score at the 2022WorldCup.

“I know my potential, whatIcandoforthenational team,”headded.

“Of course, it’s been a

very complicated process because when you don’t have confidence, you don’t getgoals.”

The result leaves fivetimeworldchampionsBrazil fifth in the qualifying table with only three wins from eightgames.

Manager Dorival Jr was appointedinJanuaryandhis sidelostintheCopaAmerica quarter-finalsinthesummer

“The coach is still figuringoutthebestwayfor ustoplayandthat’sreflected in the result,” defender Marquinhossaidspeakingto Globo. “There are a lot of new players, we are lacking confidence.

“Qualifying isn’t easy, it’s a difficult time and we havetoknowhowtomanage it. It’s a time of transition, we’re not feeling confident. We’re going to work hard, gettingresultsonthepitchis thebestanswer.”

Messi-less Argentina beatenbyColombiainCopa Americarematch

FormerRealMadridand Everton midfielder James Rodriguez was the hero for Colombiaasthe33-year-old scored the winner from the penalty spot to down the reigning world champions, who were without Lionel

Brazil have picked up four points from a possible 18 in their last six 2026 Fifa World Cup qualifiers. (EPA)

Messi. It was revenge for Colombia who lost to Argentina in the Copa America final two months ago.

Rodriguez, now at La Liga side Rayo Vallecano, crossed for Wolves’ Yerson Mosquera to score the

levelled for Argentina three minutes after the break but Nicolas Otamendi then fouled Crystal Palace’s DanielMunozandapenalty was given after a video assistantrefereereview

Captain Rodriguez sent Aston Villa goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez the wrong way from the spot to score the 60th-minute winner

“I don’t think I’ve ever scored against themthere’s a first time for e v e r y t h i n g , ” s a i d Rodriguez.

“We want to get used to playingfinals

Today was just another game, but against a team that has won everythingthis victory tastes even better.”

the 10-team table by two points from second-placed Colombia.The top six teams automatically qualify after 18 rounds of fixtures, which carry on until September 2025. The seventh-placed s i d e g o i n t o a n intercontinental play-off against a team from another confederation.

In Asia’s World Cup qualifiers, Australia were held to a 0-0 draw at Indonesia on Tuesday, having lost 1-0 at home to Bahrain in their opening matchlastThursday.

opener with a header in the 25thminuteinBarranquilla.

Nicolas Gonzalez

Elsewhere, midfielder Manuel Ugarte, who joined Manchester United last month from Paris StGermain, started for Uruguayintheir0-0drawat Venezuela.

Argentina remain top of

Japan,alsoinAustralia’s group, were 5-0 winners away to Bahrain as Premier League trio Wataru Endo (Liverpool), Kaoru Mitoma (Brighton) and Daichi Kamada (Crystal Palace) all startedforJapan.

South Korea recorded their first win in World Cup 2026 qualifying, beating Oman 3-1 with Tottenham captain Son Heung-min and Wolves forward Hwang Hee-chanontarget.

Jamaica tops Group B after victory over Honduras in CONCACAF Nations League

Action in the game between Trinidad and Tobago and French Guiana.

However, Honduras quickly responded with an equalizerinthe50thminute, asDavidRuizfinishedfrom close range Despite the quick turnaround, Jamaica continued to apply pressure, and in the 76th minute, Michael Antonio scored the match-winning goal from thepenaltyspot.

ThevictoryputsJamaica infirstplacewithfourpoints from two matches, giving

SportsMax - Jamaica claimed a hard-fought 2-1 victory over Honduras on Tuesday night, propelling themtothetopofGroupBin League A of the 2024/25 CONCACAF Nations League as the September match window concluded. The win secured Jamaica’s position as the group leader, while Nicaragua now sits in secondplaceaftertheirdraw against Cuba. In a tightly contested match at Estadio Nacional Chelato Uclés in Tegucigalpa, the Reggae Boyz opened the scoring earlyinthesecondhalfwhen Honduras’DenilMaldonado inadvertently scored an own goalinthe49thminuteafter NormanCampbelldelivered adangerousballintothebox.

them the edge in the group standings. Honduras, with one point, drops to third in the group, just one point off the top. Elsewhere in the group, Cuba and Nicaragua played to a dramatic 1-1 draw at Estadio Antonio Maceo in Santiago de Cuba. After dominating much of the first half, Cuba took the lead in the 42nd minute through a penalty converted by Karel Espino. The hosts cameclosetoextendingtheir lead in stoppage time, but K

e narrowlymissedthefarpost. Nicaragua, however,

found a late equalizer in the 90th+7 minute, with Widman Talavera salvaging a point for his team. The result keeps Nicaragua level with Jamaica on four points but in second place due to tiebreakers. Cuba, with two points from consecutive draws,sitsinthirdplace.

In the final Group B matchup of the evening, Trinidad and Tobago and French Guiana played to a scoreless draw at Dwight Yorke Stadium in Scarborough, Trinidad and Tobago. Bothteamscreated chances throughout the game,withLoïcBallforcing a save from Trinidad and Tobago goalkeeper Denzil Smith in the 27th minute, while Daniel Phillips hit the


woodworkwithalong-range strike in the 39th minute for the hosts Despite the opportunities, neither team managed to score, with both goalkeepers recording clean sheets The result gave French Guiana their second pointofthecampaign,while TrinidadandTobagosecured theirfirstpoint.

As the September match window concluded, Jamaica leads Group B, with Nicaragua close behind in second place Honduras, Cuba, French Guiana, and Trinidad and Tobago round out the group, as all teams look to improve their standings in the next round ofmatches.

of Education, GTU at loggerheads over reshaping ‘Nationals’ -Nowordon2024National School’sChampionships

A cloud of uncertainty looms over the 2024 National Schools Cycling, Swimming, and Athletics Championship as the Ministry of Education and theGuyanaTeachers’Union (GTU) engage in intense discussions over a proposal torevampthehistoricevent.

Sources suggest that the Ministry, through its Allied Arts Department, is proposing to restructure the championship’s traditional format, with plans to hold theeventinMarchinsteadof the usual NovemberDecemberperiod.

Thechange,sourcestold Kaieteur News, is aimed at

aligning the competition with several regional and international sports events, particularly in swimming, athletics,andcycling.

One significant element of the proposal is the possibility of hosting the athletics segment of the championship in a style similar to that of other countriesparticipatinginthe CARIFTAGames.

Guyana is the only C A R I F TA G a m e s participant that holds its national schools’ track and field competition nearly six months before the prestigious regional event, w h i l e m o s t o t h e r countries—such as Antigua

and Barbuda, Jamaica, Bermuda, St Lucia, Grenada,St.KittsandNevis, Cayman Islands, Trinidad a n d To b a g o , a n d Dominica schedule their championshipsinMarch.

In fact, Guyana’s 2023 N a t i o n a l S c h o o l s Championship was held from November 26 to December1.

Despite the Ministry’s push for change, the GTU has expressed concerns aboutthepotentialimpacton students, particularly those preparing for major exams like the Common Entrance and the Caribbean SecondaryEducation (Continuedonpage21)

U19 Women’s champ Williams eyeing West Indies Women’s team

- Wants to be role model for other young Amerindian Women

National U19 star and reigning

West Indies Regional Blaze T20 Champ Latoya Williams, is eying a spotintheWindiesWomen’s team in the near future with theaimof onedayinspiring other young Amerindian womentoachievetheirown goals.

Arguably one of the more multi-talented U19 athletesinGuyana,Williams was instrumental in Guyana’s win during this year’s T20 Blaze Cup after excellent showings with the batandinthefield.

The all-rounder who is also a national junior footballplayerforthePotaro Strikers, said she’s passing the time currently by maintaining her training

while working as a teacher, adding that cricket has helped her to upkeep a healthylifestyle.

“Currently I’m a teacher at the moment. I already graduated from high school but Cricket has helped me become more disciplined in terms of training and health related aspects.” Williams explainedwhilespeakingon the positives which she has managedtoextractfromher time as a professional cricketer

Thedynamicathletewho hails from Kartabo Point, a small village located on the Cayuni-Mazaruni River, saidshe’scurrentlyinagreat placeasitrelatestotraining, fitness and bettering her trade.


near the Bartica area and here it doesn’t have a hardballcricketpitch,soit’svery difficultsoI’vebeentraining bymyself.

Crickethasbeenshaping me to become a better individual I’ve been working on some batting skills,inallIjusttrainmore and work on my skills consistently to ensure that happens. I’m also a national footballersothathelpsmein my fitness areas as well,” Williamspointedout.

Following her Women’s T20 title win, bigger plans areinworkstofurtherboost Women’scricketinGuyana, especially in rural areas, accordingtoHisExcellency President Dr Irfaan Ali and by extension the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB), who

Dom Rep, Bermuda victorious in Group D of League B; Belize, Barbados, St Kitts and Nevis remain perfect in League C

was recently challenged by the Head of State; to continue developing players from more untouched regionsofGuyana.

Speaking on what plans for the future could entail, Williams said she plans to continueputtinginthework as a Cricketer with the supportoftheGCB,whohas been on a mission to grow women’s cricket in Guyana, citing the West Indies Women’s team as her ultimateendgoal.

“My plans and goals are to make the West Indies team, while playing cricket at the highest level and hopefully inspire other young female players especially my fellow Amerindians to do the same,”sheended.(C.Ross)

SportsMax-Dominican Republic maintained their positivestarttotheConcacaf Nations League campaign, whileBermudaisnowonthe board as both registered victories in the League B, Group D double-header at the ABFA Technical Center in Piggotts, Antigua and BarbudaonTuesday

T h e D o m i n i c a n

Republic defeated Dominica 2-0 in a top-ofthe-table clash, and Bermuda clipped hosts AntiguaandBarbuda1-0to end the September window onapositivenote.

W i t h t h

Dominican Republic maintained their positive start ‘to the Concacaf Nations League campaign.

minute Dorny Romero doubled the lead with 25th-minute strike that secured the points for Dominican Republic to boosttheirpromotionhopes.

Dominican Republic vs. Dominica

Having won their opening encounters, this contest was expected to be a closely contested affair, but it was the Dominican Republic who provedthebetterteamonthe day

Ronaldo Vasquez broke the deadlock with a cheeky finish in the 11th

w i n , Dominican Republic moved up to six points, threeaheadofBermudaand Dominica, while Antigua and Barbuda will head into the next window without a point

Antigua and Barbuda vs Bermuda

B e r m u d a ’s 1 - 0

scoreline marked their first victory Antigua and Barbuda in an official match for the first time since1992.

KaneCrichlowfoundthe all-important goal in the 56th minute as he dazzled defenders with nippy footwork on his way to slottinghome.

National U19/’West Indies Regional Blaze T20 Champ Latoya Williams wants to play cricket at the highest level while being a role-model for other young Amerindian women.

FLASHBACK! District 10 celebrating their 20th overall title and seventh consecutive victory at the conclusion of the 2023 National Schools Championship. (Photo:

Ministry of Education, GTU at loggerheads over reshaping ‘Nationals’

- No word on 2024 National School’s Championships



of Champions’


bowls offSeptember14

- Winner to play Guyana Amazon Warriors in novelty match on September 22

FLSport’s John Ramsingh (left) collects the ceremonial sponsorship funds from Community RelationsAdvisor for ExxonMobil Guyana, Lasawhna Prescott.

Rawle Toney)

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