CHPA issues warning to squatters in Linden ...father arrested, as police launch probe ...seekinghigher allowancetomarkSBAs
ECD teachers decry 10% pay hike
Edghill drives away sand truck operators from Ruimveldt Guyana received $336B in 2023 from oil, and had
Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill was on the ground to enforce the ban on the truck operators
Exxon’s new billboards misleading... Takes credit for investment but recovering cost from Guyana’s oil
Over the past few weeks, ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) started a new campaign, taking credit for training and preparing Guyanese for employment in the sector; however,thefineprintinthe2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA)paintsadifferentpicture.
In an advertisement that appeared as recently asAugust 25 in Kaieteur News, Exxon claimed that it was training Guyanese for jobs in the industry The advertisement states, “A growing industry means more job opportunities. Last year alone, Guyana's-oil-and-gas employees benefittedfromover45,000hours of leadership, professional, and technical training.” It goes on to claim, “We're investing in new training programs and facilities right here in Guyana to help even more workers get the skills they needtosucceed.”
Whilethecompanyboastedof its investment in skills training of Guyanese, the company failed to mention that it is recovering those costs in accordance with the provisions of the 2016 oil deal it signed with the Government of Guyana.
Under Annex 'C', Section Three of the Petroleum Agreement, training cost is explicitly listed as a recoverable expense that does not require the minister'spriorapproval.
Thecontractstates:“Allcosts and expenses incurred by the ContractorintrainingofGuyanese personnel and such other amounts as may be expended on training
under Article 19 of the Agreement,” can be recovered withoutMinisterialpermission.
It should be noted that Exxon has moved to erect a number of billboards across the country with misleading information. Kaieteur News understands that the information is publicly on display at key locations in Region Three, RegionFour,andRegionFive.
This is the second time that Exxon has attempted to mislead the Guyanese population about its operations in the country Previously, the company erected billboards claiming Guyana was benefittingfrom50%ofallprofits in the Stabroek Block What Exxon however failed to outline, as was pointed out by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, is that theoilcompanyfirstdeducts75% of all the earnings towards cost, then shares the remaining balance withGuyanaasprofits.
He said, “I don't agree with those billboards they create the impression that they are financing everything in our country when they are not. So it conveys the impression that they take care of everything, schools, and hospitals everything that they are financingeverything.
That is the misleading (thing)…so…whattheysaidisnot inaccurate but it creates a misleading impression ” The company was called out by a number of organizations and individuals for its misinformation campaign. This eventually led to the structures being pulled down bythegovernment.
On Thursday the International Energy Agency cut its global oil demand growth estimate for 2024 to 910,000 b/d, citing China's rapid slowdownandshiftintransportmodes, reiterating that demand is on track to plateaubytheendofthedecade.
The IEA's latest global demand growthestimatefor2024isdownfrom 970,000b/dinitspreviousmonthlyoil market report. It maintained its 2025 growthestimateat950,000b/d.
The IEA estimated China's oil demand would grow by just 180,000 b/din2024,comparedwithaprevious estimateof300,000b/d,sayingChina's oil consumption had dropped year on year for a fourth consecutive month in July,contrastingwithanannualgrowth rate of 1.5 million b/d in 2023. For China, a "broad-based economic slowdown and an accelerating substitution away from oil in favor of alternative fuels weigh on consumption. Surging EV sales are
The misleading advertisement published in the newspaper was also used on the company's billboards that are erected across the country
reducing road fuel demand while the development of a vast national highspeedrailnetworkisrestrictinggrowth indomesticairtravel,"theIEAsaid.
In the OECD meanwhile, "structural headwinds and anemic economic growth mean deliveries continue to contract," the IEA said. "Current trends reinforce our expectation that global demand will plateaubytheendofthisdecade."
"While recent falls in prices and central bank interest rate cuts may support higher H2 2024 oil use, weakening global economic sentiment and worsening conditions in China argueagainstareturntotheexceptional rates of growth seen during the postpandemicrebound,"itadded.
The IEA hedged its bearish message by
consumption slowdown is not being replicated in other emerging economies. Brazilian oil consumption keeps"goingfromstrengthtostrength,
propelled by the country's juggernaut agricultural exports, while India's growthof200,000b/dthisyearissetto take over first place from China," it said Earlier in the week, OPEC trimmed its own estimate of global oil demandgrowthin2024to2millionb/d –stillwellaheadoftheIEA.Analystsat S&P Global Commodity Insights forecast oil demand growth of 1.5 millionb/din2024and1.2millionb/d in2025.
On the supply side, the IEA estimated spare production capacity in the OPEC+ group, excluding Iran and Russia,tobe5.7millionb/dinAugust. ItestimatedIraqhadexceededOPEC+ production quotas by 470,000 b/d in August, with the UAE exceeding its quotaby390,000b/d.ThePlattsDated Brent North Sea oil benchmark was assessed at $71.08/b Sept. 11, up 52 cents on the session, Commodity Insightsdatashowed.
A woman identified only asDesireewasfounddeadon Thursdaymorning,inaguard hut at Merriman's Mall, located between North Road and Church Road on Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown.
Desiree's body was discovered around 09:00 hours lying on a mattress insidethehut.
Police in a statement said that investigations revealed thatshehadbeenlivinginthe hut with another individual, Troy Williams, for the past threeyears.Williamsreported that around 08:30 hours, he
noticed Desiree lying motionlessandnotbreathing.
According to the police, anambulancewassummoned and arrived at the scene, and Desireewastransportedtothe Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), where she was pronounced dead on arrival.
An initial examination revealed no signs of violence on her body The body has been taken to Memorial Gardens Funeral Home for further identification and a post-mortemexamination.
It seems that American oil supergiant, ExxonMobil, is extremely clever with certain sensitive information surrounding its Guyana operations, or it has succeeded in influencing the PPP/C Government to sacrifice national interests to the advantage of the company One early example of this is the secrecy surrounding billions of American dollars in ExxonMobil’s oil operations expenses thatarewithheldfromthenation.
Whowouldbetheforemostbeneficiariesofsuchadecision, ifnotExxonMobilanditspartnerthePPP/CGovernment? Why istheresuchdeceptivenesswiththereleaseofkeyinformation that is routine? Why is the hiding of such expense details necessary in the first place, and what does it say about the credibility of both the foreign oil operator and its local collaborator? TheformerisExxonMobil,thelatteristhePPP/C Government slavishly fulfilling its role as dutiful aider and abettor Secrecywithmassiveexpensesfordifferentoilprojects was the introduction Now there is this succeeding chapter involving how much oil is being used by ExxonMobil in its operations
Activist and attorney of international recognition, Ms MelindaJanki,raisedthatspecificquestion Howmanybarrels ofoilisthecompanyusingforitsvariousproductionprocesses? Itisanimportantquestion,andshouldnotbedifficultoneforany honest government to provide an answer that is straight and accurate BecauseGuyanaiswhereitiswiththisoil,andthe PPP/CGovernmenthastakenprideintricksandsleightsofhand with this generational wealth of the people, there is little optimismthattheissueofhowmanybarrelsofoilExxonMobil isusinginitsoperationswillberespondedtoandputtobed The standard is already in place, with the Ministry of Natural Resources serving evidence of how careful and clever the governmentcanbewhencertainpiecesofvitalinformationare required Guyanese are told of how much oil the company produces daily. They are informed of the amount of gas reinjectedintothewellsaspartoftheproductionprocess,andhow muchisflaredintotheatmosphere. Butthenthereisthishuge gapintheinformationprovided. HowmuchoilExxonMobilis creamingstraightfromthetopoftheoilpumpeddailytousein its offshore operations? The concern is whether this is an innocent oversight by the Natural Resources Ministry, or it formspartofoilmanagementploysemployedbythePPP/C Government to pull the wool over the eyes of Guyanese Whenthatnumberisdisclosed,whateveritis,assessmentscan be made that, given the scope of ExxonMobil’s Guyana operations,astothereasonablenessofit,howitcomparesto similar situations elsewhere On the other hand, when that numberisshadedinsecrecy,thedoorisflungopenforplaying withwhatcouldinvolvethousandsofbarrelsofoildaily To put this matter more bluntly, is ExxonMobil using that information blackout about how much oil it uses in its operations to skim and scam this country, without citizens having a clue about what is happening? To make matters moreunpalatable,thereisaStateagencyofGuyana,itsoil ministry no less, being selective with what is shared with citizens.
When issues like this one, cloaked in darkness, part of strange mysteries, occur, the keen in Guyana grow firmer in thebeliefthatthesethingsarehappeningtoofrequentlytobe taken at face value When a host country’s government, operatingalongsideaforeignoilcompany,practicessecrecy and delivers information only when pressured, then the outlookisnothealthyforthepeopleandtheirwealth There could be some discretion when some component in the oversight of the oil patrimony is concealed once Thesame leeway,thoughtoalesserdegree,couldbeextendedwhenthereisa secondsuchdevelopment Afterthat,patienceandtrustdwindle tozero Therehasbeensecrecyorselectivesharingofdetails withbillionsofExxonMobil’sGuyanaexpenses Thesameis truewithauditreportsandstudies Now,thereistheissueofhow muchofGuyana’soilExxonMobilisusinginitsoperations,and whytheGuyanaGovernmentissotrickyinsharingit
“No more
Cooperation in the Cooperative Republic”
On the eve of May 25th, 1966, the lowering of the Union Jack, a symbol of the colonial past, welcomed the hoist of the Golden Arrowhead,theemblemofa newnation.Historyrecords, thetwofathersofthenation, Hons. Dr Cheddi Bharat Jagan and Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham shared an embrace at the Golden Arrow hoist to the tune of Dear Land of Guyana, putting aside bitter and at times tumultuous political differences to welcome the birth of our beloved a cooperativenation.
Cooperativismgoesback to the 1830s when ex-slaves pooled their resources via wheelbarrows and bought plantations of Victoria and BuxtonalongtheEastCoast Demerara. On February 23rd, 1970, in remembrance of the 1763 Berbice Slavery rebellion, that if succeeded would have birthed our nation over one hundred years earlier, Guyana, b e c a m e t h e o n l y Cooperative Republic Succeeding this historic moment, hundreds of cooperative societies were
born in the 1970s under the ethos “that spirit of community, the pooling of capital,laborandskills,joint ownership of the enterprise and sharing in the profits.”
( Te n - P o w, 2 0 1 9 ) Cooperatives had support institutionsdevelopedforits sustainability The Guyana National Cooperative Bank (GNCB)providedcapitalfor cooperatives while the Kuru Kuru Cooperative College provided business capacity training. (Ten-Pow, 2019). Cooperatives were not immune to the economic decline in the 1980s with 1,440 cooperate societies in 1989 reduced to 1,268 in 2016 GNCB ran into operational difficulties and was sold in 2002 Our redeeming quality is the CooperativeCollegethathas continued along with funding initiatives from the Caribbean Development Bank(Ten-Pow,2019).
Today, in Guyana, they are hardly signs of
cooperation in the Cooperative Republic with no support from the current administration for cooperatives. It has become a way of life for Guyanese
citizenstoforgetthespiritof cooperation,whichhasbeen replaced with greed, corruption,anddeception As an observer of this radical transition in our society, primarily in the early 2000s the ties that bound us as a people has now been replace withtheforcesofprofiteering on the backs of poor people and providing little to no relief for the disenfranchised ofsociety Itisheartbreaking to observe the erosion of moralityinoursociety
I f t h e c u r r e n t administration is serious about the future of the country, Cooperative societies should be developed further with funding and technical assistance.Studentsfromthe College can use the opportunity to visit the cooperativesocietiestolearn about its challenges and opportunities to partner to providetechnicalassistance. It is time to reinstate a funding mechanism like GNCBwiththeassistanceof Developmentagencies.
Guyanese collectively needtoseeeachotherasour brother’s keepers. We must be kind, caring and work
together regardless of race, religion, or geographic challenges to forge the path of self-reliance and sustenance for the future dependence on each of us, man, women, and youth to ensure that this Cooperative Republic succeeds. In the wordsofW.R.APilgrim:
“Let us co-operate for G u y a n a Let us co-operate for our l a n d , Let us resolve to fight t o g e t h e r See we do it right together Canwedoit?Yeswecan.”
Ten-Pow, R. M. (2019, March 19).Presentation on the Cooperative Movement i n G u y a n a a t t h e Commission for Social Development Side Event | Guyana. guyana/fr/statements speec h e s / p r e s e n t a t i o ncooperative-movementguyana-commission-sociald e v e l o p m e n tside#: :text=It%20was%20 that%20spirit%20of,while% 20remaining%20viable%20 business%20enterprises
Collin Haynes MPH MBA
Illiteracy in Guyana
OnMay5,2008,some15 years ago, I wrote an article which was carried by the StabroekNews,entitled“We needanationalconversation onliteracy”inGuyana.This letter was followed up by severalletterssupportingmy call, including from Clarence O Perry who taught me at Queen’s C o l l e g e (https://wwwkaieteurnewso ds-a-national-conversationon-illiteracy/).
Today,asweobservethe r e c e n t r e s u l t s i n Mathematics and English, I wish that my call was heeded, as now we are far worse off than 15 years ago, when the situation was already critical. We seem to celebrate our high performerswhotake20plus subjectsbutignorethelarger national disgrace of an education system that is out of touch with global trends and one that leaves so many ofouryoungpeoplebehind. Today, I make the same call for a “national conversation on literacy” as now it has become both a
national security / economic sovereigntyissueaswellasa sustainable development issue.
In my 2008 letter, my opening paragraph was “We needanationalconversation on the state of literacy in Guyana. We are an illiterate nation.Indeed,illiteracyisa national disgrace. A visible secret that everyone hears and knows about. We seem to nurture, promote, encourage and reward illiteracy Guyana was once themostliteratenationinthe BritishCommonwealth”. Seemsasifthechickens havecomehometoroost.To me, high failure rates in the two most essential subjects, Mathematics and English, reveal we have a national crisis of monumental proportionsonourhands.
In 2008, I wrote “Culturally, illiteracy has become an integral part of national life. Our DJs abuse the English language with relentlessfervor Mostofour advertisements highlight a degree of illiterate thinking and poor English that are surpassed only by their make-believe and vile
content. It is a hype to be illiterate in Guyana. Travelling in a minibus is a surreal experience in nonEnglish” Imagine Mike TysonataNationalSpelling Beecompetition.
Guyana is a society that hasbeenundermoral,social, political, cultural and religious siege over the last few decades Poverty, illiteracy, drugs, violence, genderabuse,corruptionand the loss of civility, collectively create the environment of cascading illiteracyinoursociety With Spanish speaking migrants now in Guyana in large numbers, the complexity of theproblemwillgrowandso willthefailurerates. Failure rates in MathematicsandEnglishare the tip of the iceberg. The traditional influencers in the society – the family, the school,thechurch,themedia and the community are unable to comprehensively address key issues because of the overarching political climate, the lack of a strong civil society and the breakdown of key values. Poverty is a key reason why
illiteracy, hopelessness and other social ills undermine education. When our teachers themselves speak poorEnglishorareafraidof mathematics, what would one expect We need to invest in our teachers. We need to change our teaching p h i l o s o p h i e s a n d methodologies. We need to re-mission and re-purpose our education system. We need to remove cell phones fromourclasses.Weneedto supportfamiliessothatthere is an enabling environment for learning at home. We need to invest in 6 national TV channels in which our bestmathteacherscanteach our school children during specified hours of the week. We need to involve more technology in the classrooms We need to make mathematics fun and Englishapriority I grew up in Mahaicony where many of the elders were uneducated, but they played draughts with young kidstonurtureourlogicand mathematical prowess Mathematics was therefore funandnotadisease.Inthe (Continuedonpage06)
S. S. RAMPHAL WPAon the mid-year report and the economy
DEAREDITOR, Those who know something of Greek history and about the Trojan war mightnothavecomeacross the name Glaucus. This is because his role was only a smallpartinthedramaofthe Trojan war As a military leader of the Lycian army, Glaucus was valiant enough, but failed in his attempts to win a place on the A-list of heroic celebrities Yet in these modern times his name would pop up from time to time.That was the prize for whichhefoughtandwon.
Unlike Glaucus of ancienttimes,S.S.Ramphal (1928-2024) won a place in the pantheon of fighters for national and social liberation of Southern Africa; Zimbabwe and SouthAfricainparticular It was by dint of the many challenges he faced and successes achieved in his role as Commonwealth SG that he joined the A-list of international celebrities; a prizehejustifiablywon.
The idea that fame is a kind of immortality is an ancientonethat,uptotoday, shows no sign of losing its attraction. The question is why? What good does it do the dead to be in the pantheon of famous men andtobeontheposthumous celebritylist?
Frombooksweread,we discernthatmenandwomen in almost every field of human endeavour possess theimpulsetomakeaname forthemselvesandtoleavea legacy Fame seems a very flimsy thing to live and to diefor Butashistorywould have it, when Sridath Ramphal at an early age pickeduphispenandturned
to the microphone, heading for what eventually became diplomatic and negotiating fame, he began a journey that cemented a place for himself in the global hall of fame.
With his passing, most commonwealth nations wouldhavepaidhomage,in one way or another, to Ramphal recalling his role as Commonwealth Secretary General, other international bodies and academicinstitutionswhere he would have served in support of the global quest for peace, equality and justice Local newspaper editorials and letters to the editorsofmainstreammedia have been published at home and abroad about Ramphal’soratoryskillsand diplomatic exploits as well as his personal style, experiences, attitudes and feelings be brought into his lifework.
Ramphal’snameandhis photographs accompanied with messages of condolences have appeared on the front pages of mainstream media and onlinemediaoutlets.
B u t w h a t h i s photographs and what has beenwrittenabouthimdoes is to literally peel off layers ofhispersonaandtrapiton paper
I recall how as the then Minister of Foreign Trade and International Cooperation, and he as CARICOM’S Chief Negotiator on External Negotiations, along with other CARICOM ministers helped shape international trade negotiations ahead of us. Later, when CARICOM Heads decided to break up the negotiations into four
separate; but coordinated theatres of negotiations, they assigned Rohee CARICOM’s Lead Negotiator at the WTO along with four other CARICOM ministers as Lead Negotiators for the US/FTAA, ACP/EU, CARICOM/Canada and W T O t h e a t r e s o f negotiations with Richard Bernal as coordinator We all benefited from the foundation laid, and guidance provided by P.J. Patterson and Ramphal allowing us to confidently proceed with those negotiations.
Thus far, what has been written and said about Ramphal’s contributions, convincesmethatwelivein acelebrityculture,meaning from the writing and speeches of celebrities such as poets, musicians, diplomats, actors, legal practitioners, politicians, sportsmen, academics and scientists, thoughts of posterity must have crossed their minds from time to timeknowingthattherewill be others who will follow theirexample.
Thentherearethecritics and cynics who will cherry pick the negatives and dig upwhattheyconsiderasthe (Continuedonpage06)
The government has just released its mid-year report on the Guyanese economy WPA believes that by any metricthispublicationbythe Ministry of Finance has dominated the news cycle. Understandably, the scope, wealth and breadth of the information contained thereinhaveprovidedalotto engenderanongoingintense and robust national
Regrettably, it appears to WPA that the broad mass of Guyanese is being distracted and dis-informed by those whourgeustotakeadoomed, grim, hellish and dystopian view of where Guyana is at Instead of articulating the obvious, which is, that new challenges are fast emerging in Guyana, they want us to believethatallislost Further, that our ancestral geologic formations offer no hope, only greater despair WPA thinks that this is an absurdity!
WPA takes its political responsibility to contribute to the ongoing discussion seriously We posit that, the post-colonial criminalized enterprise State of naked
thievery and plunder, which ruled Guyana for the decade preceding the 2015 discovery of oil, is being morphed over thedecadesincethepetroleum finds into a rentier State appropriating significant externalrentsfromwindfalloil earnings,inthebillionsofUS dollars Thislargesseisshared withthefamilies,friends,and favoritesoftherulingpolitical elites as well as key functionaries of the State and related agencies It defies the factsontheground,therefore, to tell Guyanese, naively or otherwise,thatthereisnolink betweenchosenGuyaneseand increasingGDPandwealth
Themassiveinequitiesin the country grow and the case for the Buxton Proposal, the WPA’s cash transfer plan, gets stronger In all WPA’s interactions with the media on recent published Mid-year Reports of the Ministry of Finance, we have always singled out formention,thesheerwealth of details and data on the economy, its policies and
performance provided for theperiodwhichisreported. This recent report is no different. Paradoxically, this strength underscores crippling weaknesses in theseofficialdata.
Tobeginwiththedataand details in these reports are needed in a far more timely, real-timemanner,sothatthey can be acted upon when it most matters Under current regulations, the report is required to be published within60daysafterthemidyear
The late publication incentivizes the lack of interest in timeliness It also incentivizes wordiness to fill thetimeallottedforthereport, whichis111pageslong Last, andbynomeansleast,WPAis convincedthatmoreanalysis and less descriptive detail along with greater timeliness in publishing most of the detailsanddataintheReport wouldservethenationbetter
Sincerely Working People’s Alliance
Illiteracy in Guyana...
USA, there are many u n d e r p r i v i l e g e d communities where chess champions are being nurtured.
Over the years, I have been very impressed with theideasandconcernsofDr Jerry Jailall. His insightful ideas about revamping our educationsystem,especially howweapproachGradeSix exams, should be discussed. Perhaps a Commission of “experts” (not politicians) led by Dr Jailall, should be put together to address this national security and development issue. Without a strong foundation in mathematics and English, our citizens will be ill preparedtofunctioninanoil related high-tech economy where artificial intelligence and other technologies will be prominent We must remember that more than half the population of Guyana only has primary school education and less than 3% has tertiary school education(degrees).
Underpinning our descent into “illiteracy
heaven” is the poor treatment of teachers. This
crisis of education Guyana has developed over several decades and it will take a very concerted evidencebased set of solutions to rectifytheproblem.Muchof this has to do with a fundamental lack of understanding of the problem or as usual, a simplisticpoliticalapproach to a complex, moral, social, e t h i c a l , c u l t u r a l , psychologicalandeconomic problem.
O u r n a t i o n a l conversation on “illiteracy” must have three ground rules First, we should analyze the problem coldbloodedly Second, we must not blame, as we all are to blame. Third, we must seek honest workable solutions devoid of political, racial, emotional or financial motives Setting up monitoring committees is the last stage of a multitiered continuous process of re-inventing our education system. Monitoring poverty orilliteracywillnotsolvethe problem. The system is part oftheproblem.Visionispart oftheproblem.Atonetime, the Asian Tigers spent 12% of GDP on education for an
Thisisnotbrainsurgery The Commission should have experienced educators and individuals who understanddevelopment.As Mike Tyson should not be invited to participate in a Spelling Bee contest, so shall the usual political surrogates not be invited to theCommission.
This is about national security
Illiteracy cannot be solvedjustbytheMinistryof Education. As Clarence O. Perry indicated, illiteracy hastobetackedinacoherent andholisticmanneras“This condition demands a collaborative approach involving several ministries (Education,Finance,Health, Housing, Human Services and Labour, Youth, Sports andCulture),andthePrivate Sector”.
TheFamilyisalsoavery importantstakeholder
The problem at hand is one that will determine our children’s future and our legacy to them. We cannot fail.
Thefullforceofthelawmustbe broughttobearon
Athreatening phone call toaninternationalhotelwas later determined to be a prank. No one has been arrested (News Source September 4). It is an offencetomakeaprankcall. Now threatening calls were made against the national Airport and a r e g i o n a l c a r r i e r. Investigations are ongoing both locally and in the twin islandRepublic. Inatwist, ithasnowbeenrevealedthe
Frompage05 shadysideoftheirlives.
prankster was a taxi driver forafifteenthousanddollars pay day, allegedly at the behest of two Venezuelans (NewsroomSeptember12).
The report indicates that the prankster, after working a while, went home, but felt uneasy, so he returned to work. Was this uneasy feeling a prelude of the dastardly,treasonousactshe was about to set upon?
Imagine going to the hotel, where, not long before the
Werethesepranksaimed withacertainoutcome?
A supposedly mature individual engaging in acts of highly threatening and critical nature. The full force of the law must be brought to bear on this individual who has created unnecessary panic and turmoil.
The arrest of the two Venezuelansisawaited.
It appears that since Ramphalchosetopursuethe diplomatic world’s path, he carriedwithhimtwosortsof destinies That is, if he stayed in Guyana and continued his association with local politics and the sordidelectoralrecordofthe PNC he would continue to be bruised professionally
But in a democracy where freedomofspeechisupheld andwheretherecordsspeak for themselves, we know such bruises will not go away
This phenomenon is reflected in some letters to the editor about Ramphal that speak implicitly to the age-oldadage;‘Nomanisa prophetinhisownland.’
Ramphal’s association withtheCARICOMmission
to Guyana following the 1997 election that cut two years off the PPP’s term in office for the sake of peace and stability in the country raised eye-brows amongst partysupportersathomeand abroad as well as in the leadershipoftheparty
Byoptingtolabourinthe vineyards of international relationsanddiplomacyand to dedicate his energies on foreignbattlefieldsofglobal politics,Ramphalcarvedout forhimselfalegacyforyears tocome.
The view that celebrity transcends mortality seems to be more than a mere metaphor In this regard, good examples are Coffey, H N Critchlow, LFS Burnham, Cheddi and Janet Jagan,MartinCarter,Walter RodneyandDaveMartinsto mentionafew Apartfromus
being their heirs, through life, we preserve their memory and assign immortality to them by way ofourreferencesinspeeches andwritingsaboutthem. So in a larger sense, whenever passing by the statues of Coffie or CritchlowinGeorgetown,or themonumentstoDamonat Anna Regina or the Rose Hall Martyrs’ Memorial at Canje, or the 1823 Slave Rebellion Monument at the Kitty sea wall, know that what they stood for is everlasting because they reproduce themselves in us as part of our history and because their names and contributions are mentioned in various fora and publications from time to time.
Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee
11-yr-old gives birth at GPHC
...father arrested, as police launch probe
The Guyana Police ForceandtheChildcare and Protection Agency (CPA)havelaunchedan investigation after an 11-year-old girl gave birth via C-section at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)onWednesday
“A few social organisations heard about the case since May and tried to get in contact with the family andmakethenecessary interventions but we were unable to locate her, we heard she was brought to the
Georgetown and
s t a y i n g a t t h e Amerindian Hostel but whenwecheckedthere, she was not there…Her story was kept under wraps until now,” the sourceexplained. The source noted t h a t i n i t i a l
Asourceclosetothe case revealed that the girl who hails from Region Nine was brought to Georgetown months ago. She has since been discharged from the hospital. She was allegedly raped by amalerelative.Asource close to the case said thatthechild'scasewas being tracked for months.
investigations into the c a s e w e r e n o t successfulsincethegirl was tight-lipped about who had impregnated her “All we know is that her father was not responsible and the perpetrator is likely a closemalerelativewho livesinproximitytothe family,” the source added. Kaieteur News understands that at the initial stage of interventions by the socialorganisations,the family refused to divulgeanyinformation and therefore no one was arrested The source added, “It is
unfortunate that these cases are quite prevalent in the hinterland and many times they are not reported because of howtheyarehandledby the village councils, village leaders, and the police ” “There are many instances where young girls are taken advantage of by their teachers, village leader
nal government officials, and those in authority but these things are not reported because there is no justice for the victims. What happens is that if reported the victims would end up beingfurthervictimised by these people who have more influence thanthem.”
In a statement, the Ministry of Human Services and Social Protection though the CPA became involved in the matter after information about the child giving birth made its rounds on social media. The Ministry said that as a result the
CPA immediately carried out a thorough investigation and informedthepoliceand the alleged perpetrator has been arrested. The Ministry said that the case is currently before the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) for advice.
In the interim, the Ministry said that the child will continue to receive psychosocial andmedicalsupport.
US citizens living in Guyana can vote at November elections
United States citizens livingorworkinginGuyana can vote in the upcoming U.S. Presidential Elections scheduledforNovemberthis year
Inapressrelease,theUS Embassy in Guyana said its Consular Team on Friday, September 20, at 2:00 pm at the Cara Lodge Hotel will host a Town Hall on how to register and request an absentee ballot so that persons can cast their vote fromGuyana.“Registeryour interest in attending the Town Hall by emailing us at VoteGeorgetown@state gov orbyusingtheGoogleForm a t ikx4i9T6.You may also call us on 225-4900 Ext:4332 or 4222. Come out to learn about your voting rights, howtoregisterandrequesta ballot,andtipstoensureyour votecounts-nomatterwhere you are in the world,” the releaseadded. The US Presidential election is set to be held on Tuesday,November5,2024. Voters in each state and the District of Columbia will choose electors to the Electoral College, who will then elect a president and
vice president for a term of fouryears.
T h e i n c u m b e n t president, Joe Biden, a member of the Democratic Party, initially ran for reelection and became the party's presumptive nominee, facing little opposition However, Biden's performance in the June 2024 presidential debate intensified concerns abouthisageandhealth,and led to calls within his party for him to leave the race. Although initially adamant that he'd remain in the race, Biden ultimately withdrew onJuly21andendorsedVice President Kamala Harris, who became the party's nomineeonAugust5.Harris selected Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, as her running mate. Biden's withdrawal makes him the first eligible incumbent president since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968 not to run for re-election, and the first to withdraw after securing enough delegates to win the nomination.
Harris is the first nominee who did not participate in the primaries sinceHubertHumphrey,also in1968.
Shades of autocracy
Fareed Zakaria had distinguished between liberal and illiberal
d e m o c r a c i e s b y emphasizing that not all democracies guarantee individual freedoms and the rule of law. A liberal democracyisonewherefree and fair elections are held alongside a strong respect for constitutional limits on government power, individual rights, and the rule of law It balances
majority rule with protections for minority rights and ensures checks and balances through independent institutions, such as a judiciary and free press, that uphold civil liberties.
In contrast, an illiberal democracy may hold elections but lacks these critical protections. In such systems,electedleadersmay concentrate power, erode checks and balances, suppress dissent, and undermine the rule of law, often using populism to justifytheiractions.Zakaria
warns that illiberal democracies can lead to authoritarianism, as democratic processes are subverted without safeguarding personal freedoms or respecting the independence of institutions critical to democratic governance.
The notion that democracy can be perverted into illiberalism reveals the fragile nature of popular rule democracy’s most seductive promise becomes
its most dangerous flaw
Elections alone are no guarantee of freedom or justice. They are merely a mechanism, not an end in themselves FareedZakaria’s observation of the rise of illiberal democracies warns usofadeeplyunsettlingtruth: a government elected freely and fairly can drift into autocracy without ever shedding the democratic veneer The ballot box offers legitimacy, but what comes after the concentration of power, the erosion of civil liberties, the dismantling of i n d e p e n d e n t institutions determines whether democracy survives inmorethanname
Under Vladimir Putin, Russia holds elections, but political opposition is suppressed, media is controlled,andcivilliberties are restricted, making it a primeexampleofanilliberal democracy Consider also, HungaryunderViktorOrbán or Turkey under Recep TayyipErdoan.Bothleaders rose to power through free elections, their mandates unquestioned.
Yet, once in office, each systematically dismantled the very institutions designed to protect the people from governmental overreach. Courts became toolsoftheregime,thepress was muzzled, opposition voices were stifled. These governments never abandoned elections, and that is their greatest sleight of hand. By adhering to the ritual of democratic
processes,theymaintaineda façade of legitimacy, all the while consolidating autocratic control The people, lulled into complacency by the spectacleofvoting,watched theirfreedomsquietlyerode.
It therefore is entirely possibleforagovernmentto be elected through democratic means and still exhibit tendencies that lean towards autocracy without crossing the threshold into full authoritarianism. This occurs when elected leaders begin to erode the very principles that uphold d e m o c r a t i c governance such as the rule of law, separation of powers, and protection of civil liberties while maintaining the outward appearance of democratic legitimacy These“shadesof autocracy” manifest in subtle but significant ways: consolidating executive power, undermining independent institutions, restricting press freedoms, attacking media houses, criticisms of judges, attacks on NGO’s, intolerance to dissent and and stifling political opposition However, because elections continue to be held and a semblance of democratic processes is preserved, such governments avoid being formally classified as autocratic,evenastheydrift further from the ideals of liberaldemocracy
Theideathatdemocracy can exist with shades of autocracy is not just
Ah boy, it’s Fridaythe13th
again, and everybody running scared like is a ghost town. The onlythingmissingisacow walking across the road in Bourda Market to seal the
bad luck You see, Guyanese don’t need an excuse to fear bad luck, we’ve been dodging
potholes, crooked politicians, and broken promises since 1966. But when Friday the 13th roll
around, suddenly everybody extra cautious. It’s like the bad luck playing double-dutch, waitingtotripyouup.
Y’all better hold on tighttoyuhsalttoday—salt overdeshoulder,saltinyuh shoes, and if things really
bad, salt yuhself down like youseasoningforastew Is notthatFridaythe13thgot special powers, but in this country where we afraid fuh everything from snake in the garden to jumbie in yuh neighbour yard, nobodytakingchances. Don’t leave yuh house before saying yuh prayers Marys, or better yet, make sure yuh tie yuh shoelace. Imagine tripping on this day Peoplegonblameiton theFridaycursefasterthan they blame politicians fuh de cost-of-living And forget ‘bout making big decisions today You thinking ‘bout buying a lotto ticket? That jackpot been dodging you since 1995, but today? Not a chance,boss.
plausible; it is a reality that many nations have experienced Therefore, the recent thesis proposed by Professor Bertrand RamcharanthatGuyanafinds itself precariously balanced between democracy and autocracy speaks to the subtleties with which authoritarianism can infiltratedemocraticsystems
Ramcharan need not remind us that autocracy rarely arrives with the fanfareoftanksrollingdown Main Street or overt declarations of dictatorship. More often, it seeps in through legal measures that appear justified, public campaigns that stir distrust against perceived enemies, and the gradual erosion of institutionalindependence.
Ramcharan points to Guyana’s recent official inquisitions into the tax status of NGOs, alongside calls for laws to regulate these civil organizations, as suggestingonesuchshadeof
autocracy What he meant was that while the language of regulation is benign, perhaps even necessary in some cases, but when it is used to harass, intimidate, and vilify NGOs, it can becomeaweaponofcontrol.
Shades of autocracy usuallyinvolvedashiftfrom supporting civil society to suppressing it, from encouraging dissenting voices to silencing them. Cracks in the democratic facade that, left unchecked, can become gaping breaches.
Equallytellingcanbethe practice of overreach in the admonitionofjudges.Inany healthy democracy, the judici
a counterweight to executive power,ensuringthattherule oflawprevails.Andwhileit is not undemocratic to criticize judgements, when judges face stern public rebuke from the highest levels of government, there is a danger of overreach.
transformed into a shade of autocracy
While Ramcharan was not suggesting that Guyana had leaped off the precipice
certainlywaswarningabout such dangers. While we can dispute whether the actions c
constitute a descent into shades of autocracy, we should not summarily dismiss such a possibility After all, was a previous government not once labelled by its critics as an ‘electeddictatorship’?
(The views expressed in this article are those of the au
hor and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Guyanese more superstitious than a cricket commentator who swear theteamgonwinifhedon’t watch. So be careful. You mightstepinsomething,or worse, you might meet a politician telling you this new oil contract is the best thing since sliced bread. That’s when you really knowbadluckcoming.So, my fellow Guyanese, walk soft, avoid crossing the pathofamongoose,andfor heaven’ssake,don’tlookat yuhself in the mirror too longtoday—youmightjust seethefuture,andtrustme, it’s scarier than any Friday the 13th movie. Stay safe, stay smart, and remember: luckonlybadifyoubelieve it. Talkhalf.Leffhalf!a
Taking Jagdeo at his word, but dissecting first
There has never been a time that I have taken the majestic Bharrat Jagdeo at hiswordandnotregrettedthe recklessness of my adventurousnessnature.
The pain over foolish confidence vested in the former president, current Vice President, standing chief policymaker, cunning political operator, and brother (not necessarily in thatorder)hastroubled. Yet, here I am, about to do the sameagain.
In this instance, it has to do with amendments to the CybercrimeAct.Notargeting o f s o c i a l m e d i a commentators. Dr Jagdeo said so, so it should be so. Thatis,untilonegetstoknow the real Bharrat Jagdeo. He i s a p s y c h i a t r i s t , criminologist, neurologist, and pathologist dream. Of what has the potential for good;ofwhathassomeother potential that prompts donningasuitofarmour
For clarity, I am not a social media commentator, and have no social media account None; unless
WhatsApp counts or sharing inpubliconlineprogrammes are. The reality is of what I write in mainstream media.
Hence,Jagdeoshouldclarify whyPPPGovernmentagents targetme,ifthatispartofthis strange belief system. If I wereashonestasDr.Jagdeo or Dr Ali (and both put together), there could be some understanding. But mine is not that kind of honesty
The problem for Dr Jagdeoisthatheknowsthis; so, his bosom comrades do what is required to keep government and party and leadership honour (such as all three are) to attack those who speak freely, frankly, andfearlessly Getusedtoit, Comrade Jagdeo. In a real democracy, people like me shouldn't need protection fromanyforspeakingfreely
Therecordsstand:mine,his. and what PPP Government agentshavedelivered.
“Now we believe in free media, we believe in people freely expressing their views on the internet.” If nothing else,Jagdeohasgrownintoa
good storyteller “We believe.” Sincewhenhashe believed in anything, other thanwhatthrivesinthedark, amid what is decayed and disastrousforthiscountry?
ItenderthatwhatJagdeo “believes” is the belief of an atheist, a poltergeist, a contortionist.
Thatis,nothing,butwhat serves his own interests Sinceheissomuchabeliever in people freely expressing theirviewsonthewideopen, unpoliced internet, then it followsthathebelievesinthe same for contributors in the independentmedia. So,why aresometargetedandvilified by the worst of PPP Government detritus, Mr Jagdeoforutilizingthatsame freedom?
I am raising my hand againandstaringathiminthe face. Ishouldspit,butthose days have long departed. Why, Mr National Protector Jagdeo, are those covert
operators conducting surveillance on me, a citizen as law-abiding, if not more, than he himself, His Excellency, and the AG
together? If there is this socalledbeliefin“freemedia”, SirJagdeo,pleaseexplainthe agitations, the acrimonies, andrevulsionscomingoutof intimate PPP Government quarters against those who participate honesty and openly in his “free media?” it would be helpful if he explains why so many Guyanese are so fearful of speaking their mind, of expressingadissentingview, inthepublicmedia.
For Dr Jagdeo's edification, I remind him of that truism: those who practicedeceivingeventually lose sight, lose touch, with what represents the whole truth. In time, they are unable to recognize truth itself, even a kernel, so immersed they have become in a culture of deviousness. The Germans and Russians madeanartformofthatway of life, standard of leadership.
I will gift him a mirror for Christmas, which should be of inestimable value to a m a n o f h i s g r e a t resourcefulness To make
comforting speeches has become the easiest thing in the world for Jagdeo, with President Ali a step ahead ofhim. Iurgefellowcitizens to study the verbal terrain, where the artificial and what is rhetorically pleasingly, have assumed the trappings ofthescriptural.
As real believers in the variousfaithsknow,thereare different kinds of scripture, including those dismissed as apocryphal.
It doesn't call for any special insight to determine whatkindJagdeoandAliare about. Bothsayanythingfor the public record. On the surface, it usually has a ring oftheimpressive,oftenwhat isabouttheinspiring.
The naïve and gullible fall for slick leadership salesmanship. The sensible stand disgusted, even contemptuous Because freedom of expression, as represented honestly and daringly, has always been a tormenting consideration for thePPP,aspoliticalentity,as national government
Whatever form either takes, itsrecord(theonehiddenjust below the surface) is so riddled with dishonesty and skullduggery, roguery and lack of integrity, that few in the party are untouched by the stench of malfeasance. Because there is so much to hide, and so many living skeletons to protect, the dominant belief in the different rooms of government and party is that constitutionalfreedomsmust be suppressed in nuanced ways. Block from state media.
Attack through government functionaries operating anonymously on socialmedia.
So, when Jagdeo digs up thisdrivelabout“webelieve in free media” it is reflective ofhiscuriousbeliefs,andhis curiouser relationship with truth. Theresultisthatthose disagreeingwithwhatpasses for governments truths and standards (and with him) know what it is to be on the receiving end of PPP rage and efforts at intimidating intosilence.
(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
When a leader is two-faced and cannot stand scrutiny, he becomes nervous around those who seek after the truth.
Such display was on show for the world to see yesterday when the Vice President faced questions from a young reporter from Kaieteur News.
The former Head-of-State, in usual fashion, attempted to disrespect the journalist when he realised that he could not skirt around the question of taxes being paid by Guyana for Exxon. Mr. VP , it is time you take the side of Guyanese for a change to avoid your disgraceful composure in the future.
Guyana received $336B in 2023 from oil, and had to pay $306B in taxes for ExxonM and partners
For 2023, the Government of Guyana (GoG) hadtopaythecombinedsum of $306 billion in income taxes for ExxonMobil Guyana Limited and its Stabroek Block partners, HessandCNOOCaccording to the companies' audited financial statements, while for the same period Guyana earned $336 billion from its oil.
This arrangement which saw the Government paying almost the same amount it earned from oil, in taxes for theoilcompanieslastyearis as a result of the 2016
Agreement (PSA) the
n Governmentsignedwiththe U.S oil major. Exxon is the operator of the Stabroek Block, with 45% interest, Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest and ChinaNationalOffshoreOil Corporation (CNOOC) Petroleum Guyana Limited holds 25% interest Last year, the three companies earned$1.3trillioninprofits – entirely tax-free in Guyana.
However, while Exxon, Hess, and CNOOC are not required to pay taxes, the
2016 oil contract provides forthetaxestobepaidtothe Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) by the Government outofitsshareofprofitoil.
According to the PSA, the Stabroek Block partners are allowed to recover 75% oftheoilproducedtorecover their investment costs, the remaining25%isconsidered profit,whichissplitbetween Guyana and the Stabroek Block consortium, giving each 12.5%. However, the consortium pays a 2% royalty from its share to Guyana. From its 14.5% Guyanathenhastopaytaxes fortheoilcompanies.
Notably,theprovisionof the Stabroek Block contract which gives Exxon and its affiliates a tax-free ride in Guyana has attracted criticisms locally and internationally The contract statesinArticle15.1thatthe Contractor (ExxonMobil Guyana Limited) as well as its affiliates shall not be subjectedtotax,value-added tax, excise tax, duty, fee, charge, or impost in respect of income derived from petroleum operations, propertyheldortransactions exceptasspecifiedunderthe agreement.
It goes on to state in Article 15.4 that the sum equivalenttothetaxesowed bythecompanywillbepaid by the Minister responsible for Petroleum to the Commissioner General of theGRA.
Itshouldbenotedthatthe contract also allows for the issuing of a receipt to ExxonMobil, indicating that it has met the local tax requirements to avoid the burden of double taxation.
Article 15.5 of the contract states, “Within one hundred
and eighty (180) days following the end of each year of assessment, the Minister shall furnish to Contractor proper tax certificates in Contractor's n a m e f r o m t h e Commissioner General, Guyana Revenue Authority evidencing the payment of the Contractor's income tax under the Income Tax Act and corporation tax under the Corporation Tax Act. Such certificates shall state the amount of tax paid individually on behalf of Contractor or parties comprising the Contractor and other particulars customary for such certificates.”
The Irfaan Ali-led administrationhasexplicitly statedthatduetothesanctity ofthecontract,the2016PSA will remain in place, despite the deal being labeled as 'lopsided'. In fact, last year, President Ali, during an interview with British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Senior Journalist Gideon Long, reiterated his administration's position to notrenegotiatethe'lopsided' Exxondeal.
PresidentAlisaid,“Well, I would say definitely, we didnothavethebestofdeals, Exxon had a good deal signed by the last government ” Ali then highlighted that the sanctity of contract is “very important” to his government, adding, “and wecan'tgobackonthat.”
It should be noted that a legal suit brought against these abusive tax giveaways by the Publisher of this newspaper, Mr Glenn Lall was unsuccessful as the Court dismissed the case in February2023.
President of ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), Alistair Routledge
President Irfaan Ali
Edghill drives away sand truck operators from Ruimveldt
MinisterofPublicWorks, Juan Edghill, on Thursday officially imposed a ban on truck drivers parking and sellingsandontheRuimveldt reserves near DSL Cash and Carry,EastBankDemerara.
During his visit to the area, Minister Edghill ordered the removal of 11 sandtrucksthatwereillegally parked at the Industrial Estate. The minister cited concerns that the sand was contaminating the paint at TorginolPaintsIncorporated, disrupting the company's business operations. “The sand is finding its way into the factory and it is contaminatingthepaint.
This matter has reached thecourts.Wehavecomeand wehaveremovedthesetruck driversbefore.Justundertwo weeks the police have come andremovedthem,theyhave returned From today, whether it's these 11 that we met here or any other sand
truck coming here, we are preventing and prohibiting theparkingofsandtrucksfor sale from now,” Minister Edghillstated.
The government plans to address the issue by developing a commercial land area where articulated vehicles can be parked and rented. "We can't allow the lawlessness to continue," Edghillemphasised.
Minister Edghill also noted that truck drivers had previously attempted to negotiate for alternative locations to conduct their business.Ameetinghasbeen scheduled for 15:00 hours at the Minister's office for furtherdiscussions.
Last week, several truck drivers had made a report to this publication concerning the matter, expressing their frustrationontheissue.
One driver, who identified himself only as Terry, claimed that former
Minister of Public Works
Robeson Benn had authorisedthemtooperatein the area back in 2013. “The minister put we here to sell sand from the past couple of
years Robeson Benn in the year 2013. This place was given to us legally from the minister tell we to go park there and sell sand.” Terry said.
The truck drivers are concerned about where they will be relocated and have requested that the government provide an alternative location. "I deh here50yearsandthat'showI does make a living, if we have somewhere else, we willmovebutdon'tjustchase we like a dawg,” one of the driverscommented.
The 11 sand trucks parked illegally at the Industrial Estate have been removed
Govt. to spend $16M more to install cubicles at $400M Essequibo Registry
Having spent over $400 million to build the new Deeds and Commercial Registries Authority (DCRA) building at Suddie, RegionTwo,thegovernment issetspend$16millionmore, to install office cubicles in thebuilding.
Accordingtoinformation provided by the National Procurement and Tender
Administration Board (NPTAB), it was revealed that the Ministry of Legal Affairs tendered for the 'Supply, Delivery and Installation of Office
Cubicles and Partition' for Essequibo Sub-Registry building.
Following the national bidding process for this project, NPTAB revealed on its website that the contract was awarded earlier this month to Kojac for $16,878,700.
Kaieteur News reported in July this year that an additional$67millionwould be spent to execute several external works at the subregistry office. According to information provided on the NPTAB website also, the
$67,726,995 contract was
Construction&SuppliesInc. It was reported that the $67 million contract entails the castingofthecompoundand construction of drain, fence, concreteculvertandconcrete revetment at the new EssequiboSub-Registry
This publication understandsthatwiththetwo additional projects and the initial contract sum to construct the building, the Essequibo Sub-Registry Buildingisnowcostingover half a billion dollars to establish.
It was previously reported that in October 2022, the DCRA signed the contract with Jaikam Construction to the tune of $447,862,666, for the construction of a new fourstorey building next door to the Supreme Court building atSuddie.
The contract duration mentionedatthetimewas12 months.Currently,theDCRA is currently housed at the Supreme Court Building in Suddie.
Upon completion, the
four-storey building is set to house the operations of the Deeds and Commercial Registries, and living quartersforstaff.
It was disclosed by the DCRAthat the building will beequippedwithanelevator, parking facilities and a storagevaultfordocuments.
In January 2021, the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, AnilNandlall,SCannounced that the Deeds and Commercial Registry in the RegionTwowouldsoonhave itsownbuilding.
T h e D e e d s a n d Commercial Registry was established to efficiently and expeditiously administer the laws enacted by Parliament affecting land, whether by way of transport, leases, mortgages or any other alienationthereof. It also deals with laws relating to trademarks, patents and designs, geographical indications, copyrights, trade unions, companies, partnership, business names, powers of attorney, bills of sale contracts,andotherdeeds.
Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA), Sherwyn Greaves has again urged persons to desist from illegally occupying lands at Amelia's Ward/Fitz Hope or purchasing lands already allocated bythegovernment.
CHPAin a press release said it has received several reports about individualsillegallyauctioningand constructing buildings on lands reserved for Phase Four of the CHPA'shousingproject.
During a community visit on Thursday, Greaves explained that the CHPA has been actively moni
dismantling any unauthorised houses, fences or structures
denounced the obligation to
conductedillegallyandoutsidethe formalprocess.
Between 2020 and 2023, the
regularised 13 squatting areas in RegionsTwo,Three,FourandTen. However, the lands in Amelia's Ward have already been allocated, thus making them illegible for regularisation.
Greaves assured squatters that their actions were unnecessary as the CHPA is willing to process formal applications for land ownership.
“We are disappointed that personsthinkthattheyhavetogoto thesemeasurestogetanallocation whenwehavebeendoinghundreds of allocations in Region Ten since 2020 and we continue to do more”
CEO of Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) Sherwyn Greaves and team during the visit to Amelia's Ward on Thursday
Hefurthernotedthatcontinued illegal occupation of the lands would result in persons being registered as squatters, hindering their chances of being formally allocatedahouselot.
There will be enough lands for everybody and once you have a legitimateapplicationinthesystem you will be served” he stated. As
landowners, Greaves pledged the agency's unwavering commitment to securing their lands and preventing further cases of squatting. Healsoencouragedresidentsto look forward to upcoming developments in their community Recently, the CHPA board approved $80 million to improve roadnetworksinAmelia'sWard.
The Deeds and Commercial Registries Authority building at Suddie, Region Two. (Photos, Regional Democratic Council of Region 2 (January 2024)
Illegally erected fences on allocated lands
ECD teachers decry 10% pay hike
Teachers on the East Coast Demerara on Tuesday decried the lowly 10% pay hike offered by the government as well as some oftheincentives,whichthey said would benefit mostly theverysenioreducators.
Despite objections from a section of its General Councilaswellasrank-andfile members, President of the Guyana Teacher's Union (GTU) Dr Mark Lyte on August 22, 2024 signed a multi-year agreement with the government accepting the ten percent pay hike for teachers and a slew of other benefits, none of which accorded with the demands of the union. Among other things, the agreement stipulates that teachers will receive a salary increase of 10% for 2024, 8% for 2025 and 9% for 2026. These are thesameincreasesthatwere initially rejected by the union.
Atabranchmeetingheld at the Golden Secondary School onTuesday, teachers criticized the August 21, 2024agreementbetweenthe Ministry of Education and the GTU. In addition to the 10%salaryhike,theteachers also rallied against the $500 beingpaidperSchoolBased Assessment (SBA), stating that the allowance is not enough given the amount of work that needs to be done foranSBA.
Furthermore, during the meeting, one teacher stressed that $500 is not enough given the amount of work that is needed to be done when marking SBAs for subjects in the science field He explained that within the science field, he marksSBAsforthesubjects: Chemistry, Biology among others.Hesaidheisrequired to mark multiple reports within those SBAs. “What happenlastyear,mybiology students had two lab reports that I had to mark and my chemistryhad19labreports thatIhadtomark,andIdon't understand how you are
paying $500 to mark one SBA which comprises of so manyreports,”hestated.
Regardingthemulti-year agreement, the teacher said he was still trying to understand “where these benefits are and how they actuallyapplytome,because the only thing, I can see myself benefitting from is thelittle10percent,Ididmy calculations, I factored out the...NISandeverythingand itcameupto$7700.”
Vice President of the GTU with responsibility for Demerara, Collis Nicholson in response to the teacher issue said, “now that you goingdeeperintoit,Ihavea better understanding, because I didn't know all of that you were doing.” He also said, “… I understand where you are in terms of your subject area and I take my hats off to you, but we will sure have to revisit that sortofstuffwhenitcomesto theSBAmarkers.”
Importantly, given that each subject has different categories within the field, the teachers requested that instead of paying per a student($500foranSBA),it would be more efficient if they are paid for a subject. TheRegionalVicePresident stated, “So if you are a Scienceteacher….Andyou are teaching chemistry, physics and biology, you should be paid for Physics SBA, Chemistry SBA and BiologySBAandnotachild whoisdoingallofthem,you are paying for that one child.”
Under the agreement, teachers will receive salary increasesoverthenextthree years: a 10% increase in 2024, followed by an 8% increase in 2025, and a 9% increasein2026.
Additionally, teachers in remote areas will benefit from the increased Remote Area Incentive (RAI). In November 2023, this allowance stood at $9,000. The Ministry noted that it was subsequently increased
in December 2023 to $20,000 With the new agreement, teachers will now receive $23,000 monthly Teachers with doctoral degrees will see theirmonthlyallowancerise from $30,000 to $32,000, a 7%increase.
Those with master's degrees, who received $10,000 monthly in November 2023, saw their allowance doubled to $20,000 in December 2023. With the new agreement, they will now receive $22,000. Educatorsholding postgraduate diplomas, advanced graduate diplomas, and certificates in education will also see their monthly allowances increased to $7,000 and $5,000 Additi
ave completed the Certificate in Education Management Course will now receive a monthly allowance of $5,000.”
The station allowance, which compensates teachers for working in particular locations,hasbeenincreased to $5,000 for all eligible categories The increase variesbasedonthecategory Similarly, the hardlying allowance has been standardizedat$5,000.
Withthenewagreement, t e a c h e r s w i l l b e compensated for marking and supervising SBAs and the National Grades 5 & 6 Mock Exams. Non-graduate teachers (TS 1A to TS 5B) will also receive two additional increments after three years of continuous service, benefiting over 9,000 teachers (more than 60% of the teaching workforce). In some cases, this will result in salary increases of up to 15%. The Ministry of Education had said that this agreement represents a comprehensive packagedesignedtoenhance the welfare of our teachers andtorecognisetheirpivotal role in shaping the future of ourcountry
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Canter Driver, age 30 year or older, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 6130855 9:00 am- 4:30 pm.
Excavator Operator, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 613-0855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Bob cat Operator, Must have at least 5 years experience. Call: 613-0855 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm.
One Handyman needed to work in the Interior. Call: 6770869 or WhatsApp: 664-0844.
One general Housekeeper to work on weekend. $4,500 per day. Age 30-40 years old. Call: 693-2600.
Sand truck Drivers wanted, $5000 per trip. Sand pit to Eccles, Call: 621-5282.
One general Domestic & one Handyman to work in Campbellville. Call: 621-5140.
Male & Female Clerk to work in a printery in Campbellville. Call: 621-5140.
Urgently need a female Bartender& Cook for the Interior. For more info Call/ WhatsApp: 662-6254/ 6330410.
River side land & property for sale in Timehri & Parika. Call: 653-2477.
Mining equipment, Maroc nozzles starting from $3,500 & chinese engine bed starting from $21,000. Call: 6981267/657-9121.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Female Cleaner for office. Call 645-8443.
Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132/ 645-8443.
Vacancy Exist For two experienced Dispatcher at Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.
Experienced Cook & kitchen Assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.
Room Attendant, Desk Clerk, Supervisor and Receptionist 23-45 Years old. 233 South Road. Call: 225-0198.
Vacancy for Elderly care Worker. Please Call or WhatsApp Karen: 656-1875/ 233-5160.
Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Vacancy for one Porter to work on hauler truck. Contact: 611-7088 for more info.
Vacancy at P.S.G.C.S for General Cleaner, Mason, Carpenter, Fabricator/ Welder, Maintenance Workers & Handyman/ woman. Call: 621-6969/ 615-7784.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
House for rent in Sarwan Street, Eccles. Call: 666-8404.
Guyanese need Electronic Travel Authorisation to travel to the UK from 2025
Guyanese will from 2025 need an electronic travel authorisation (ETA) to travel to the United Kingdom (UK), a statement issued by the UK’s Home Office, UK Visas, and Immigration said on September 10.
According to the statement by April 2025, all visitors who do not need a visa will need an ETA to travel to the UK.
“The government is taking major steps towards delivering its ambitious aim to digitise the UK border and immigration system and has today set out new implementation dates for the electronic travel authorisation (ETA) scheme.
Everyone wishing to travel to the UK – except British and Irish citizens – will need permission to travel in
advance of coming here. This can be either through an ETA or an eVisa,” the statement said.
Guyanese were granted visa-free travel status to the UK in 2022.
Guyanese along with approximately 80 others can apply for an ETA from November 27, 2024. The identified nationalities can travel to the UK with an ETA from January 8, 2025.
“Today we are confirming that from 27 November 2024, eligible non-Europeans can apply for an ETA and will need an ETA to travel from 8 January 2025.
ETAs will then extend to eligible Europeans from 5 March 2025, who will need an ETA to travel from 2 April 2025,” the UK Govt. said.
The ETAs will be digitally linked to a traveller’s
passport and “ensure more robust security checks are carried out before people begin their journey to the UK, helping to prevent abuse of our immigration system.”
An ETA costs £10 and permits multiple journeys to the UK for stays of up to 6 months at a time over 2 years or until the holder’s passport expires – whichever is sooner./
Persons who need to apply for an ETA will be able to do so through a quick and simple process using the UK ETA app. which can be downloaded from the Apple Store or Google Play.
Minister for Migration and Citizenship, Seema Malhotra, said:
“Digitisation enables a smooth experience for the millions of people who pass through the border every year,
including the visitors we warmly welcome to the UK who are predicted to contribute over £32 billion to our tourism economy this year.
The worldwide expansion of the ETA demonstrates our commitment to enhancing security through new technology and embedding a modern immigration system.”
Further, Malhotra said that people who need a UK visa to live, work or study in the UK are now issued with an eVisa, providing digital proof of immigration status, instead of physical immigration documents which can be lost, stolen, or tampered with.
“eVisas mean people no longer have to wait for or travel to collect a physical document, streamlining their experience,” she said.
Over 4,000 acres of Soya beans harvested at Tacama Gold
Over 4,000 acres of soya beans, with an average yield of 1.2 tonnes per acre, are currently being harvested at Tacama Gold Inc. in the Berbice River for the first crop this year.
President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali posted the update to his Facebook page on Monday, where he shared footage of the ongoing harvest. In this year’s budget, the government allocated $967.8 million to further boost the capacity of the Tacama facility, which will include the installation of a conveyor system.
This system is expected to be installed by the end of the year to transport produce from the silos to the wharf. According to the mid-year report, in the first half of 2024, $408.2 million was spent to improve this facility to efficiently produce corn and soya beans. An additional three silos with a total capac-
ity of 18,000 tonnes will be procured, bringing the total storage capacity to 27,000 tonnes. This aligns with Guyana’s unwavering support for the production and expansion of corn and soya beans. In the past three years, the government has invested over $1.4 billion in infrastructure development within the Tacama area to support the region’s agricultural production and cultivation targets.
As a result, Guyana is on track to achieve self-sufficiency in
livestock feed production by 2025, reducing its reliance on imports. This progress is evidenced by the approximately 10,000 acres of corn and soya beans cultivated in 2023.
Key investments have also been made in technology, such as field maps, GPS locators, drones, and multi-spectral cameras, aimed at advancing climate-smart agricultural practices to enhance productivity in the Tacama area. At the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Regional
Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean Ministerial Session earlier this year, President Ali said these investments will go hand in hand to reduce the region’s large food import bill by 25 per cent by 2025. “By the end of 2026, the region will be fully self-sufficient in corn, soya, black-eye peas and red beans. That’s hundreds of millions of US dollars that we will save from import in these areas by the end of 2026,” the president said. (DPI)
Israeli strike on Gaza school killed six UN staff
(BBC NEWS) The UN agency for Palestinian refugees(Unrwa)sayssixof its employees have been killed in an Israeli air strike onaschoolitrunsincentral Gaza.
Gaza’s Hamas-run Civil Defence agency said a total of 18 people were killed in Wednesday’s strike on alJaouni school in Nuseirat refugee camp, which is being used as a shelter by thousands of displaced Palestinians.
Israel’s military said it carried out a “precise strike on terrorists” planning attacks from the school, and thatithadtakenmeasuresto avoid harm to civilians. UN
Secretary General António Guterres condemned the strike, saying: “What’s happening in Gaza is totally unacceptable.”
“These dramatic violations of international humanitarian law need to stop now,” he wrote on X, formerlyTwitter Unrwasaid the attack marked “the highestdeathtollamongour staff in a single incident” since the start of the war betweenIsraelandHamasin October It also noted that it wasthefifthtimetheschool hadbeenhitoverthepast11 months. In July, 16 people were reportedly killed in a strike which the Israeli military said had targeted several structures at the school used by Hamas fighters.Israel’sambassador
UN school Unrwa said this was the fifth time al-Jaouni school had been hit since the start of the war
totheUN,DannyDanon,hit outatGuterres’criticism.“It is unconscionable that the UN continues to condemn Israel in its just war against terrorists, while Hamas continuestousewomenand children as human shields,” he said. Hamas - which is proscribed as a terrorist group by Israel, the UK and other countries - has denied using schools and other civilian sites for military purposes. Israeli forces launched a campaign to destroy Hamas in response tothegroup’sunprecedented attackonsouthernIsraelon7 October, in which about 1,200peoplewerekilledand 251 others were taken back toGazaashostages.
Morethan41,080people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory’sHamas-runhealth
ministry. Video of the aftermath of Wednesday’s strike showed hundreds of people inspecting the heavily damaged ground floor of one wing of alJaounischool,aswellasthe remains of an adjoining structure that appeared to havebeendestroyed.
Other footage showed ambulances bringing wounded men, women and children said to have been wounded in the strike to alAqsahospitalinthetownof Deir al-Balah Survivors said they had to step over “shredded limbs” as they scrambledovertherubble.“I can hardly stand up,” one man toldAFP news agency “We’ve been going through hellfor340daysnow What we’ve seen over these days, we haven’t even seen it in Hollywood movies, now
C i v i l D e f e n c e spokesman Mahmoud Bassal said on Wednesday night that 18 people were killed,includingUnrwastaff members, children and women, and that 18 others were injured. A Telegram post from the agency identifiedoneofthosekilled as the daughter of one of its rescue workers, Momin Salmi.Itsaidhehadnotseen Shadia for 10 months because he had stayed in northernGazawhilehiswife and their eight children had fledsouthwards.
TheBBCwasnotableto independently verify the death toll, but a medical sourceatal-Awdahospitalin NuseiratcamptoldAFPthat atotalof15peoplekilledin the strike had been brought there and to al-Aqsa
hospital. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said aircraft had “conducted a precise strikeonterroristswhowere operating inside a Hamas command and control centre” embedded inside alJaounischool.
“Numerous steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, including theuseofprecisemunitions, aerial surveillance and additional intelligence,” it added. “This is a further example of the Hamas terrorist organisation’s systematic abuse of civilian infrastructure in violation of international law.” Gaza’s Hamas-run government media office accused Israel ofa“brutalmassacre”.Later, Unrwa said in a statement thattwoairstrikeshadhitthe school and its surroundings, which were home to around 12,000 displaced people, mainlywomenandchildren.
“Amongthosekilledwasthe manager of the Unrwa shelter and other team members providing assistance to displaced people,” it said. The agency insisted that “schools and other civilian infrastructure must be protected at all times”, adding: “They are notatarget.”
“Wecallonallpartiesto the conflict to never use schools or the areas around themformilitaryorfighting purposes.” Hours before the incident, Unrwa said in a situation report that almost
70% of its schools in Gaza had been hit during the war Italsoreportedthat214ofits staff members had been killed,alongwithatleast563 displaced people who had been sheltering inside its schools and other installations Israel has previously accused Unrwa of supporting Hamas. The agency has denied this, but theUNsaidinAugustthatit had fired nine of Unrwa’s 13,000 staff in Gaza after investigatorsfoundevidence that they might have been involved in the 7 October attack.Another10staffwere cleared because of insufficient evidence. Israel alsoallegedthathundredsof Unrwa staff were members ofterroristgroups,butaUN review published in April found Israel had not provided evidence for its claims.
I n a s e p a r a t e developmentonWednesday, the IDF announced that two Israeli soldiers had been killed and eight others injured in a helicopter crash overnight in southern Gaza. The helicopter was on a mission to evacuate a criticallyinjuredsoldiertoa hospital for medical treatment and crashed while landing in the Rafah area, a statement said. “An initial inquiry conducted indicates thatthecrashwasnotcaused by enemy fire. The cause of the crash is still under investigation,”itadded.
Ohio leaders dismiss claims of migrants eating pets
(BBC NEWS) Leaders in the US state of Ohio are trying to douse baseless rumours that Haitian immigrants in a town there have been eating residents’ petsasfood. The allegations have percolated up through rightwing media and were amplified by Donald Trump at his presidential debate with Kamala Harris on Tuesday “Thisissomething thatcameupontheinternet, andtheinternetcanbequite crazy sometimes,” Ohio Governor Mike DeWine said.OnTuesday,aparentin the town of Springfield accused Republicans of politically exploiting his son’sdeathinacrashcaused byaHaitianmigrant.
Trump,hisrunningmate JDVance,theworld’srichest man Elon Musk and other conservatives have amplified the reports. Local officials have cast doubt on theviralstories.
Springfield Mayor Rob Rue said on Tuesday that “we have not been able to
Authorities say some 15,000 migrants of Haitian originhaveresettledoverthe past couple of years in Springfield,asouth-western Ohiotownwithapopulation of less than 60,000 people. Some local residents have expressed frustration over the influx, saying the new residents are straining city resources, from housing to healthcare But the criticisms have taken a turn in recent weeks amid unsubstantiated claims on social media that the new migrants are abducting and eatinganimals,frompetcats anddogstoparkducks.
verifyanycrediblereportsor specificclaimsofpetsbeing harmed,injuredorabusedby individuals within the immigrant community”
“Thenewsstoryregardinga catbeingkilledorconsumed did not originate in Springfield,” he added. “It actually involved a Canton womanwhowasarrestedfor animalcrueltylastmonth.”
Canton is an Ohio city north-east of Springfield. “I think we go with what the mayor says,” Governor DeWine told CBS on Wednesday “He knows his city ” A moderate Republican who has endorsed Trump’s reelection bid, DeWine has pledged to invest in Springfield’s healthcare and educationsystemstoaddress its “unprecedented” population increase, but he
also defended the newcomers.“TheseHaitians came in here to work becausetherewerejobs,and they filled a lot of jobs.And if you talk to employers, they’ve done a very, very goodjobandtheyworkvery, veryhard,”hesaid.
Tensions in Springfield are rising, and on Thursday officials closed city hall following reports of a bomb threat. It is not yet known whether the threat was c o n n e c t e d t o t h e immigration controversy “As a precautionary measure, the building has been evacuated, and authorities are currently conducting a thorough investigation,” the mayor’s office said on Facebook. Concerns over public safety rose last August after a Haitian immigrant driving
without a valid US licence crashed his minivan into a schoolbus.
One student - Aiden Clark, 11 - died after being thrown from the bus as it flipped,while20otherswere sent to the hospital. The driver, Hermanio Joseph, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and felony vehicular homicide, and sentenced to nine to 13-and-a-half years in prison. On Monday, the Trump campaign’s X account posted side-by-side photos of Clark and Joseph, and attacked Vice-President Harris’immigrationpolicies before the presidential debate. “REMEMBER: 11year-old Aiden Clark was killed on his way to school by a Haitian migrant that Kamala Harris let into the country in Springfield,
Ohio,”thecaptionread.Ata citycommissionmeetingthe next day, Aiden’s father, Nathan, said he wished his childhadbeenkilled“bya60year-old white man” so “the incessant group of hatespewing people would leave us alone” The Trump campaigntoldtheBBCitwas “deeply sorry to the Clark family for the loss of their son” “Wehopethemediawill continuetocoverthestoriesof the very real suffering and tragedies experienced by the people of Springfield, Ohio, due to the influx of illegal Haitian immigrants in their community,” the campaign said JustafewhoursafterMr Clark spoke, Trump repeated the claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets in a primetime TV debate watched by more than 67 millionviewers.
Nadal withdraws from Laver Cup
BBC Sport - Rafael Nadal has pulled out of this month’s Laver Cup, saying he believes there are “other players who can help the team deliver the win” for TeamEurope.
The 38-year-old Spaniard has not played since his defeat alongside compatriotCarlosAlcarazin the quarter-finals of the men’s doubles at the Paris OlympicsinAugust.
A 22-time Grand Slam
singleschampion,Nadaldid not confirm any specific injuryorhealthconcernsbut he has previously indicated 2024 would be his last season
“I’m really disappointed to share that I won’t be able tocompeteattheLaverCup in Berlin next week,” Nadal said.
“This is a team
competition and to really supportTeamEurope,Ineed to do what’s best for them
andatthismomentthereare other players who can help theteamdeliverthewin.”
The Laver Cup, contested between Team Europe and Team World, starts in Berlin on 20 September
Having hoped to play a fullschedulein2024,Nadal only competed at one of the four majors - the French Open, where he lost in the first round to Alexander Zverev
A f t e r m i s s i n g Wimbledon to focus on the Olympics, Nadal was hampered by a thigh problem in Paris and sufferedasecond-roundloss in the men’s singles to eventual gold medallist NovakDjokovic.
“I have so many great, emotional memories from playingLaverCupandIwas really looking forward to being with my teammates and with Bjorn in his final year as captain,” added Nadal, who has previously made three Laver Cup appearances.
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t
y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
Rafael Nadal
SportsMax - President of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) Kieron Edwards, is optimistic that they will attract some high-quality candidates for the senior Soca Warriors head coach post, with hopes of securing qualification to the 2026 FIFAWorldCup.
Edwards, who along withhisadministrationwere heavily criticised for cutting former head coach Angus Eve without a suitable replacement, shared his optimismasherevealedthat invitations to select the new coachwillgooutthisweek.
The Soca Warriors, currentlybeingledbyDerek King on an interim basis, closed the recent Concacaf Nations League window with a 0-4 loss to Honduras andagoallessstalematewith French Guiana, which left them at the foot of Group B in League A and facing relegationtoLeagueB.They now face a must-win scenario in their next two fixtures in October to survive.
However, Trinidad and Tobago remain alive in the WorldCupqualifiers,which resumenextyear,astheysit second in Group B on four points, two points behind
processofselectingthenew coach has been delayed a bit, but they remain firm that the suitable candidate must meet the requirements outlined to secure the necessary results and, by
CWI begins the search for a new Chief Executive Officer
ST JOHN’S, Antigua –Cricket West Indies (CWI) yesterday announced the commencement of the recruitment process for a newChiefExecutiveOfficer (CEO).
The post will become
vacant on Friday 1 November 2024, with the departure of outgoing CEO Johnny Grave who has led the organisation since February 2017 An executive manager is confirmed to lead the organisationfortheinterim.
CWI President Dr Kishore Shallow said of the search, “This is an exciting and transformative time for Cricket West Indies. With theongoingenhancementof our human capital, we are extremely excited to complement this with the recruitmentofanewCEO.”
Shallow further stated, “Inadditiontoexecutingour 2024 -2027 Strategic Plan, weareenthusiasticaboutthe prospect of a fresh perspectiveandideasforthe
organisation The opportunities for West Indies Cricket are immense inasportingindustrythatis growing and evolving rapidly We expect the new CEO to lead a highperformance environment, driveinnovation,andreflect bothCWI’sandtheregion’s values.”
Interested applicants shouldsendtheircurriculum vitae with a cover letter via e m a i l t o recruitment@cricketwestin, addressed to the HumanResourcesManager, Cricket West Indies, Coolidge Cricket Ground, St. George, Antigua, West Indies The deadline for submission is 5pm AST on 30 September 2024. The successful applicant will be expected to commence duties in the first quarter of 2025.
For a detailed job description, please visit https://www.windiescricket.
extension, World Cup qualification
“We recognise the importanceofhavingaclear pathway for qualification, which requires the full support of the government, privatesector,andcitizens,” TTFA said in a recent
When asked if the decision to send out the invitation was due to the Soca Warriors loss to Honduras,Edwardssaidthat resultwasexpected.
“I know we hardly have time, but we cannot
President of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) Kieron Edwards, is optimistic that they will attract some high-quality candidates for the senior Soca Warriors head coach post.
rushtheprocess Weknow that the toughest game in thegroupwouldhavebeen against Honduras, and what they told me is that they would have planned for that result,” Edwards explained Still, Edwards is
applications from quality coaches to change things
It is reported that former Soca Warriors striker turn coach Dwight Yorke and former United States coach Gregg Berhalter wereinterestedinthejob
BMC O50s Tournament Round 4 on this weekend
- Sponsored by Permaul Trading & Distribution and Peter Lewis Construction &Asphalt services
tournament continuesthisweekendwith 2 fixtures in Demerara and Berbice.
Jai Hind Jaguars and Everest O50s Masters will be engaged in a key match this weekend with Everest looking to bounce back aftertheirlosslastSunday and Jai Hind would be tryingtheirbesttogetinto the top 4 with only 2 remaining matches in the leaguegames North Soesdyke will be looking to extendtheir lead at the top of the table, but the Ex Berbice-Police team would be keen to record their first victory of the tournament. Several half centuries have been recorded in these early rounds but no centurions as yet.
Guyana’s horseracing boasts of significant boost in competition - says veteran jockey
Change to start time to Trinbago Knight Riders vs Barbados Royals
Traditionally, two horseracing stables were at thetipofthetonguesoffans: Jumbo Jet Racing Stables and Jagdeo Racing Stables. Fast forward to 2024, more owners are in the country and the competition is intense.
According to veteran jockey and trainer Winston Appadu, the quality of horses that are currently in Guyana are arguably the best.
Slingerz Racing Stables are the current Guyana Cup
and President’s Cup champion, Js Racing Stables, are arguably the hottest newcomer in Guyana’s horseracing with topqualitybuys,andSimply Royal Racing Stables have also made a name for themselvesinfeatureraces.
There are still a number of high-quality horses at Jumbo Jet Racing Stables and Jagdeo Racing Stables, but with more owners coming into the sport, the competition level continues to rise and this has aided in the growth of Guyana’s horseracing.
When asked about the caliberofhorsesinGuyana, Appadu said; “The competitionishardupthere.
Javed (Slingerz Racing
Veteran jockey/trainer Winston Appadu.
Stables) bring three good horses, Junior (Jumbo Jet Racing Stables) bring some horses in, and Js Racing stables. Competition is hard so you must keep focusing and prepare your horses properly.”
“Things changed, there is a lot of different horses withdifferentspeed.So,it’s good for Guyana horse racing. It’s improving a lot. You can come see stakes horse running in Guyana. Back in the days you would get a $10,000 claimer coming to run,” Appadu said.
While quality of horses imported to Guyana continues to rise, so is the cash payout, as the Guyana Cup 2024 saw a G$16 million increase for 2023, withG$40millionbeingthe totalpurse.
The horses and horsemen will have a grand showdown on Sunday September 22 at Rising Sun when the President’s Cup takescentrestage.
Nine races are on the provisional programme and morethanG$15millionwill be up for grabs. The top horses that featured at the Guyana Cup and more new horses willignitetheRising SunTurfClubinlessthan10 days’time.
The start time of the Trinbago Knight Riders and Barbados Royals CPL game on Friday 27 September has been changed to 8pm.
CPL - The start time for the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) match between Trinbago Knight Riders and Barbados Royals on Friday 27 September has been changedto8pm.
The full list of CPL fixturesinTrinidadfor2024
is below with the game with the amended start time highlighted.
Kings Brian Lara Cricket Academy,Trinidad Fri 27 September 8pm T r i n b a g o K n i g h t
Riders B a r b a d o s
Royals Brian Lara Cricket Academy,Trinidad
Wrong choice on selection policy
Trinidad NewsDay – On thefrontfootbyBrianDavis - The new policy for selecting cricket teams to represent the West Indies is fraughtwithdangerfromthe outset.
It is totally impractical andunnecessary
The selection committee will no longer consist of the lead selector, his assistant, thecoachoftheteam,northe captain in an advisory capacity without an actual vote on the selection. Miles Bascombe, director of cricket on the present board of Cricket West Indies, has changedallthat.
It didn’t seem to be working well anyway, and one never knew where the selectors were at any given time. While the public was aware, of course, that the coach was with the team, knowing, or being informed of, the location of the lead selector and his assistant, wasaguessinggame.
However,Bascombeand his fellow administrative colleagues have come up with a thoughtless new plan tochooseteams.
Acricket selector is one of the toughest jobs in all sports. This is because so many elements come into play
For instance, how does
one balance the bowling teamtodismisstheopposing batsmen twice in a twoinnings game? Fast bowlers or spinners? How many of each? On what type of pitch will they be playing: fast plusseamoraslowturner? Whoarethebestbowlers to restrict batsmen in a limited-oversgame,whether 50-overs or 20? Some are slow, others fast, yet there arethosewhobowlback-ofthe-hand,bothleftandrighthand.
Leg-spinners and off-
spinners – many choices indeed!
Weak wicket-keepers who are powerful strokemakers or the reverse? Which benefits the team more?
Nevertheless, Bascombe believes the more people involved in selecting, the merrier.
Hisidea:“Soeveninthe system before, the real engineroomofourselection was the territories, because the (West Indies) selectors would only see the players
that the territorial selection panel (regional teams) put on display for them at regionaltournaments.”
So Bascombe is saying that the selectors representing the territories are selecting teams just to putplayersondisplayforWI selection?Nonsense!
IwaschairmanoftheTT selectionpanelforanumber ofyears,anditneverentered the mind of selectors to choose players with a view oftheirbeingchosentoplay for the WI. If they played
well and merited a place, they’d be chosen. However, the objective was always to w i n t h e r e g i o n a l championship.
If what Bascombe is sayingistocometofruition, then the purpose of the regionalserieswillnotbeto recognise the best team in theWIthatyear,butasatrial forWIselection.
Thus the competition wouldbedilutedandloseits flavour Ifthathappens,then cricketers would not be fighting for their territory to winmatches–theessenceof thetournament–butsimply to make the WI team. A cricketer then, would not be abletobejudgedproperlyin a game situation, as playing for one’s team proves the worth of the cricketer, who has to continually adjust his dynamictosuittheswingof thegame.
More from Bascombe: “We will work with them to create player profiles and depth charts and develop player assessment tools, so thatwecancompareplayers acrosstheregion,withpretty m u c h a s t a n d a r d instrument.”
Exactlywhatdataareall these people going to produce to ensure the best teamischosen?Wheredoes the temperament of the
individual come into play? There are the big-occasion players who perform better the bigger the match; and those who play beautifully when there’s hardly anyone watching.
Onecannotjudgeagood cricketerfromdata,butfrom how he performs in challenging situations, and/or in predictable circumstances. Cricket is an art,notascience.
That is only noticeable from a selector’s actually observing closely the player at his game and his attitude to circumstances that may develop.
The wise selectors look forandnoticethesethingsso as to build on them and ensure his team is the strongest one for the task at hand.
It is too much of a daunting task for the coach of an international team to ensure his players’comfort, motivate and encourage them as a team, plus determining the appropriate selections.
All that is needed are three individuals with cricket intelligence, one beingthechairman,toobtain the best results The chairman then delegates his men to the matches they view
Archery Guyana yesterday received a generous support from El Dorado Security Service, whichhascontributedtothe development of archery in Guyana by contributing towards two high-quality archerybuttresses.
T h i s v a l u a b l e contribution will greatly enhance the training capabilities, national competition standards and overall experience for archersacrossthecountry
Ms Rosannah Ali, PersonalAssistant,formally handed over the funds to Mrs Vidushi PersaudMcKinnon, President of Archery Guyana The donationmarksasignificant step between El Dorado Security Service and A r c h e r y G u y a n a , showcasing a shared commitment to the growth and development of the sport.
President PersaudMcKinnon expressed her gratitude for the support:
“We are incredibly thankful toElDoradoSecurityService for this timely donation The provision of these highqualityarcherybuttresseswill notonlyaidinthetrainingof our athletes and raising the level of our national competitions but also in the promotion of archery as a sportinGuyana”El Dorado
Security Service’s involvementunderscoresits commitment to community engagement and the promotionofhealthy,active lifestylesthroughsports. Archery Guyana looks forward to the continued support of El Dorado SecurityServiceandinvites other corporate entities to join in supporting the growth of Archery in Guyana.
SportsMax - The thirteenth match of the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) proved unlucky for Antigua & Barbuda Falcons as BarbadosRoyalschalkedup their third victory in a row witha10-runwinbyDLSon a rain-affected evening in Bridgetown.
After being inserted the Falconspostedacompetitive totalof176-5largelythanks to a composed stand of 92 runs between Sam Billings andJustinGreaves,thatwas also a record for any wicket fortheFalcons.
In response the Royals got off to a shaky start, Mohammad Amir stitched togetheramaideninthefirst over of the Falcons bowling effort, a frustrated Rahkeem Cornwall then plinked his seventh delivery, his first fromChrisGreen,straightto Roshon Primus at mid-off. Primus celebrated the catch
keenly but his fortunes would take a dramatic turn shortlyafterwards.
With the Royals on 81-2 offelevenovers,needing96 runs off the remaining 54 balls Primus served up an over that went for 23 runs and seemed to last an eternity
The over saw Primus lose his radar with four wides and three chest high full toss no balls accompanyingatwofours,a six and the wicket of Quinton de Kock caught behindfor48off30balls.
Bytheendoftheoverthe Royalshadmotoredto104-3 with a crucial run rate injection.
The players came and wentfromthefieldacouple of times as the rain clouds built over Bridgetown, a decisive and heavy downpour seeing the match eventually called and curtailedwithsevenoversto
go. The Royals comfortably ahead on DLS to run out winnersby10runs.
De Kock was named
Player of the Match for another confident knock with the bat, the South Africansouthpawhasracked up
154 runs in three innings at an average of 77 in this year’s competition so far –powering the Royals to second in the table on six pointswithGuyanaAmazon Warriorsaheadofthemonly byrunrate.
West Indies fast bowler Alzarri Joseph, right, celebrates the wicket of England’s Ben Duckett with his team-mates during day a Test match at Edgbaston, Birmingham, in England on July 26. (AP PHOTO)
McClaren basks in first win as Reggae Boyz edge Honduras to keep quarterfinal hopes alive
SportsMax - Steve McClaren is savouring his first victory since taking the reins as Jamaica’s senior Reggae Boyz head coach after they secured a 2-1 win over Honduras in hostile territory,ascorelinethatkept their Concacaf Nations League quarterfinal hopes alive.
Tegucigalpa on Tuesday
saw McClaren’s men step
following their opening draw against Cuba, which meant they had to rebound to improve their chances offinishinginthetoptwo
A 49th-minute own goal by Denil Maldonado and Michail Antonio’s 76th-minute penalty got the job done for the Boyz, who moved to the top of the Group B standings on four points, the same as Nicaragua, who were held to a 1-1 stalemate by Cuba Honduras, who had their goal from David Ruiz in the 50th minute, were relegated to third on three points, with Cuba (two points), French Guiana (one point), and Trinidad and Tobago (one point) rounding out the group McClaren, who took charge of the team ahead of the tournament, credited the victorytotheteam’sblendof youthandexperience.
players out there, Ethan Pinnock, Antonio, and others,butwealsohadsome new players coming on. We gave an opportunity to Norman Campbell, and yeah,hepersistedandgotus the first goal, then introduced Kaheim Dixon. So we had on the field a really nice b
personalities of the older guys, looking after the younger guys,” McClaren said in a post-match press conference.
“At the end of the day, footballisaboutwhatyoudo in one box and what you do intheother A lot goes on in the middle, where we can have an influence, but we in our box defended for our lives, and we were very clinicalin
Priyanna Ramdhani is currently competing in the Costa Rica Future Series Tournament 2024 taking place from the 1114thSeptember,2024.
Wednesday she played women singles in theroundof32andwonagainstaplayerfrom CostaRica,21-9,21-7wheresheadvancedto theroundof16.
ShethenlostagainstthePortugalplayerin thewomensinglesroundof16,21-13,21-10. For the women doubles, she partnered with Chequeda de Boulet of Trinidad. They won against El Salvador, 21-12, 21-13 and advancedtotheQuarter-Finals.
Yesterday in the QF they defeated Jenny Ng & Emma Rodriguez of Costa Rica 21-9, 21-4toreachthesemi-finals(bronze).
Todayisthesemi-finalsandtheywillplay the second seed Fernanda Munar & Rafaela MunarofPeru.
opportunities, and that was good,”headded.
The atmosphere in Honduras was fierce, with the home crowd making theirpresencefelt
Yet, the Reggae Boyz
displayed resilience, o v e r c o m i n g t h e intimidating environment, as they applied pressure in patches and unlocked Honduras’ defence on a numberofoccasions.
McClaren highlighted the significance of the win, as he again stressed that the draw against Cuba only intensified the pressure goingintothematch
“I think after the Cuba result,inwhichweplayedso wellandplayedformore,but couldn’t score goals, added
imperativewecamehereand put in a good performance, which we did,” McClaren stated.
“I thought we were controlling; we were very braveinpossession;webuilt from the back, and I was so impressedwiththat.
It’s difficult to come away and play football like that.
We were always
dangerous on transition, and we did well to survive, so credit to my playersforthework
They were hard to beat, they boast an unbelievable team spirit, and we had good players coming off the bench and
the pressure for us coming here.
Ithinkwehadtowin.We definitelydidn’twanttolose the game; otherwise, it would have left us in a bad situation So it was
McClaren and his Reggae Boyz will now shift their focus to their next fixture
away to Nicaragua on October 10, before they face Honduras again in a rematch on October 14 at theNationalStadium McClaren expressed confidence that the team will continue to grow from strength to strength as they aim for a spot in the quarterfinals and, by exte
“In another three, four weeks, we’re still to play two difficult games, one about a mile away to Nicaragua, and then we host Honduras, so we have to take what we’ve done the last ten days and buildonit
Like I said to the players, I can’t fault their attitudes, but together, we can play better football,” McClaren declared as his eyes are firmly set on the 2026WorldCup
Priyanna Ramdhani
Jamaica and Honduras battle for possession during the match. (Concacaf)
de Kock spurs Royals to 10-run win (DLS) over Falcons in rain-affected match
More new horses were imported ahead of the President’s Cup.
President ofArchery Guyana, Vidushi Persaud-McKinnon (right) receiving donation from El Dorado Security Service representative, RosannahAli.