
and justice …thefinalfarewellto SirShridath‘Sonny’Ramphal

and justice …thefinalfarewellto SirShridath‘Sonny’Ramphal
uyana’s hope of projects, because only some Stabroek Block partners can
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
lastweek,thePNCRrecalled benefitting from a greater elements of the cost of the deduct up to 75% of the that both Vice President share of profits from the oil approved projects would monthly production to BharratJagdeoandPresident and gas sector has been have been in the cost bank recover the investments of Exxon Guyana Alistair
d a s already.Swhatifyouwereto made. This condition will
Routledge had indicated
Mobil Guyana include the full cost or the continuetoapplyuntiltheoil earlier this year that Limited (EMGL) has added estimated cost of all the companies’ costs have been Guyana’s share of revenues
er US$19B in approved projects. How fully compensated. In the will increase in the very near development costs for the much more would you have meantime, Guyana will future as the company countrytorepay. to add to the cost bank and continue to receive 12.5% recovers more and more of
This was revealed by they gave me a figure of profit and a meager 2% itsinvestment. Vice President, Bharrat aboutUS$19Btobeadded.” royalty
“Accordingly, in our Jagdeo on Thursday, during The Vice President said
During the first half of March press conference, we his weekly press conference the additional US$19B this year alone, Exxon and
at Freedom House, Robb relates to costs associated partners took US$8.5B from government to release the Street,Georgetown. with Yellowtail, Uaru and the Stabroek Block A company’s combined cash The Chief Policymaker Whiptail- Exxon’s fourth, whopping US$7.5B alone flowstatementofitsfirstfive for the petroleum sector told fifth and sixth projects, was deducted for cost developments (from Liza to reportersthatpresentlysome respectively Additionally, recovery while the partners Uaru). We had cautioned US$7B is in the cost bank to he noted that a “small gained approximately
P P P be repaid by Guyana. While balance” is also remaining U S $ 1 B i n p r o f i t s government, in its remaining those costs are likely to be on the Gas-to-Energy Meanwhile, Guyana
filed an application seeking To date, the country time in office during this recouped by the Stabroek project. receivedUS$1.2Bduringthe government’s approval in could have been receiving tenure, must ensure this Block partners by the end of While the combined same period, according to June this year Once the 50%oftherevenuesfromthe projection materializes to this year, the country will US$26Bwillcompensatethe the government’s Mid-Year company receives the green three projects currently the fullest extent possible… still continue to receive a Stabroek Block partners for Report. light, those expenses will be producing oil, Liza One, It must therefore not rush to meagershareoftherevenues the investments made to Approval of more projects addedtothecostbank,further Liza Two and Payara since approve new oil projects in generated in the Stabroek date, the government of It should be noted that
d e l a y i n g G u y a n a ’s the costs recovered amount the Stabroek Block, which Block. Guyana has been approving whileUS$19Bisexpectedto probability of receiving more to more than the combined would drive up cost-oil and
Jagdeo explained, moreprojectswhichnotonly cover the cost of the recently profitsthroughthePSA. p r i c e o f t h e t h r e e thereby deny Guyana the “Seven odd billion (US- inflates the cost bank but a p p r o v e d p r o j e c t s , This is particularly so as developments. chance to acquire a greater dollars) remains in the cost delays the country from government is likely to issue the government refuses to Opposition concerned share of revenues, ” the bank at this time. So I said to receivingmoreprofits. its approval for the seventh implement a ring-fencing The main political PNCR said. them (the technical staff), U n d e r t h e 2 0 1 6 development, Hammerhead, provision. This condition, if opposition, the People’s The party noted that the what about the approved Petroleum Agreement, the soon. ExxonMobil Guyana applied to new projects, National Congress Reform government must explain would require Exxon to use (PNCR), recently voiced its how the Guyanese people the revenue from a specific c o n c e r n o v e r t h e willobtainmoreoilrevenues development to cover those government’s rush to in the next few years from a expenses. When the costs approve more oil projects, reduction in the company’s have been recovered, further delayed Guyana’s cost of oil even as the Guyana would then receive chance to acquire a greater company spends more on 50% of all the revenue shareofrevenues. additional exploration, generatedatthatproject. At a news conference appraisalanddevelopment.
- UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy
F o r t y G u y a n e s e companies attended the BritCham, Guyana’s United Kingdom(UK)launchevent saw over 300 ticketed biggesttradingpartnerinthe on Wednesday The event persons, celebrate with Caribbean. was held at the historic B r i t C h a m M e m b e r
Those who attended the Lords cricket ground, St executives and special historic event were, UK John’s Wood, London, invitees,”thestatementsaid. Government officials, UnitedKingdom(UK). Additionally, BritCham Guyanese officials, In a press statement GuyanastatedthatPresident celebrities from the world of issued by BritCham Irfaan Ali sent a personal TV, Film and Music Guyana, the event, which message for the event, and including Guyanese, British had over 300 attendees, spoke of his support for the Academy Film Awards marked a historic milestone chamber (BAFTA) award winning for bilateral trade between Also, the UK’s Foreign and former BBC Eastenders GuyanaandtheUK. Secretary David Lammy, a producer, Barbara Emile, Over 50 new UK member of the Guyana Guyanese Choice FM Cocompanies were in diaspora, congratulated F o u n d e r , Y v o n n e attendance and a number are BritCham Guyana on their Thompson, Award winning working with BritCham to launch, through a video film director, Sally El plan visits to Guyana this message, highlighting that Hosaini,Roc-A-fella year “The sold-outevent Guyana is now the UK’s (Continued on page 7)
Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana.
Publisher: DR. GLENN LALL - TEL: 624-6456
Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210
racewithitselftooutdowhatithasdonebefore, sinktostilllowerdepths.
It is taken for granted these days that the GPF is suffering from a pathological sickness. The sum of individual corruption is dragging down an institution that can now struggle to carry its weight. This should be worryingforeverycitizen,forasdiseasedandasweakened astheGPFis,almostinthethroesoflifesupport,theplug cannot be pulled. As in any society that has some inclinationtolawandorder,alimpingpoliceforceisbetter than having none to maintain the line between law and chaos.
This is the unhappy dilemma that Guyanese face: in quick succession, several developments, none on the comforting and lawful side, has wounded the GPF and reduced it to a shadow of itself. The irony is that the government maintains the façade that all is well, and that whathascometolightisnothingoverwhichtolosesleep. President Ali himself has been part of this unconvincing charade, which only makes matters worse, as events are showingtheGPFinapoorerlight.
We zero in on one issue that has stirred a mini storm inside the GPF It involves the handling of millions of dollars and has touched a senior officer in a less than healthy manner To put this bluntly, the odor is of rank uncleanliness and unprofessionalism, if not much worse. The usual high-level bureaucratic maneuvers have followed with the officer being allowed to proceed on leave. Whywasthatsoandhowcouldthatbepossibleare thefirstquestions,giventheseverityofthecircumstances, theappearanceofthematter.
It is one that has no resemblance to any routine, so outlandish it was, and so unacceptable it would be to any law enforcement group with any self-respect about it. Anotherquestioniswhodidnotdrawthelineandstoodby while that leave decision or arrangement took wing. Though it is sure to fall on stony ground, there is the suggestionofinvisibleandpowerfulpoliticalhandsbehind the decision. Whatever it is worth, politics is too closely intertwined with the operations of the GPF, and it has not beenforthebetter TheGPFhasenoughissuesofitsown making,andthelastthingthatitneedsisthesinistershadow of Guyana’s politics intruding into its management, its workings.
Now the latest twist in this matter of alleged wrongdoinginvolvingoverahundredmilliondollarsinthe GPFisthat$50Mwasalreadywithdrawnfromanaccount when a move was made by the Special Organized Crime Unittofreezeitatalocalbank.
Thesefunds were already declared to be “suspicious” several weeks ago, with a key player fingered as being an aiderandabettortoahigherupintheGPF Hewasthefoot soldierandbagman. Toroundoffthecircleofcorruption inside this nest, this now suspected tainted rank usually found himself the delighted recipient of another police promotion. From all appearances, he had to be doing somethingwell,onlyfordevelopmentstopointoutthathis involvement was in matters that are allegedly beyond the paleofwhatislawful.
WhatisitthatGuyanesehaveintheirpoliceforce,what aretheylefttoexpect?
WhatnewbombshellislikelytoexplodeoutoftheGPF quarters? Todescribethisasanestofcorruptionorawebof police deception does not begin to come close to what is happeninginsidethismostvitalofnationalinstitutions. It wouldbetheheightofunderstatement.
Wesaythisforthesolidreasonthatthesumofwhathas been coming out of the GPF indicates that it has its own institutionalepidemicthatdrainsitofvitalityandexposes everycitizentodanger Itwouldbeofenormoushelpifthe governmentwouldtellastraightstoryandthewholeofitto the public relative to the true state of the GPF At least. Guyanese could be forewarned, brace themselves and securethemselves.
DEAREDITOR, Over the past decade, roadaccidentshaveemerged as one of the most pressing public health challenges in Guyana. Despite efforts to improve road safety, the frequency and severity of road traffic collisions have continued to rise, making this issue a critical point of concern for public health officials, policymakers, and the general public. The alarming trend not only affects individuals and families but has broader social
nomic repercussions, which, if left unchecked, could severely u
The Rising Toll of Road Accidents
Road accidents in Guyana have consistently rankedamongthetopcauses of death in recent years. According to the Guyana PoliceForce,thecountryhas seen an increase in both the number of accidents and
fatalities over the past decade. Between 2010 and 2020, Guyana recorded an average of 120 to 130 road fatalities per year, with spikes in accident rates during festive seasons and holiday periods. Moreover, studies indicate that the actual number of injuries relatedtoroadaccidentsmay be underreported, with nonfatal injuries, including disabilities, affecting thousandsmoreannually.
The rate of road traffic deaths in Guyana remains significantly higher than the regional average for Latin America and the Caribbean.
A 2021 report by the World HealthOrganization(WHO) showedthatGuyanahadone of the highest road traffic death rates per capita in the Americas, at approximately 18 deaths per 100,000 people This figure far exceeds the global average of17.4deathsper100,000.
P u b l i c H e a l t h
From a public health perspective, road traffic a c c i d e n t s p o s e a multifaceted threat The direct health consequences are evident in the high number of fatalities, permanent disabilities, and trauma-related injuries, which place significant strain on the country’s h
Hospitals,particularlyinthe capital, Georgetown, often faceanoverwhelminginflux ofaccidentvictimsrequiring immediate and long-term medical care This has compounded the existing challenges in an already stretched healthcare system that struggles with limited resources, a shortage of
Beyond the immediate medical care, road traffic accidents have long-term implicationsforfamiliesand communities. Many victims are often breadwinners, and
their deaths or disabilities leave families economically vulnerable, perpetuating cycles of poverty and dependence. Rehabilitation costs, loss of productivity, and psychological impacts from trauma also add to the growing burden on both individual households and thestate.
Underlying Causes: Speeding, Drunk Driving, andPoorInfrastructure
S e v e r a l f a c t o r s contribute to the high incidence of road accidents in Guyana The most significant among them is reckless driving behaviour Speeding and drunk driving remaintheleadingcausesof fatalroadaccidents.Despite publicawarenesscampaigns and enforcement measures, these dangerous behaviours continue unabated, particularly among younger driversandduringlate-night hours. According to police reports,over40%ofroad
Thereisurgentneedfora total reorganization of the way traffic and its related issues are handled in our country I am speaking from the standpoint of the use of our roads, how traffic offencesaredealtwith,tothe major establishment of a trafficdepartment.
We discuss these issues
under the following headings:
There should be the setting up of a traffic department solely for the purpose of the issuing of licensesanddrivingpermits. I am talking about the removal of this aspect of licensing from the Guyana Police Force. Many are of the opinion that most of the problems we experience today,thepresentstructureis porous and needs a total restructuring.Thereisurgent needfortheestablishmentof a Department of motor vehicles, one that has strict rulesandregulationsdealing with vehicular training and licensing. This reduces the
soledependenceontheGPF, who are oftentimes accused of corrupt transactions. In theaforementionedstructure framework,therewouldbea pool of trained and certified instructors who will carry out theoretical as well as practical tests. This reduces the incidence of bribery where; the student driver is unable to pinpoint who wouldcarryouthispractical test thus reducing his punch linetobribe.
Many operators of vehicles on our roads just cannot drive, I am talking about persons having a license who did not merit it, simply put, they got their driver’s license through fraudulentmeans;thecreole version of that is “They bought their books.” The GPF is seen in a negative light when it comes to the certificationofdrivers.Inthe circumstances they have come in for heavy criticism byusersofourroads,thatis, by pedestrians and other motortrafficusersalike.The general consensus is that
many persons driving in Guyana are not certified as competent to be behind the wheel of a vehicle, as such, there should be an entire restructuring of the department.
Secondly, the penalties for drunk driving and unlicensed drivers in my humble view should be the instant revocation of their licenses. No one has any rightbeingbehindthewheel of a potentially dangerous machine while inebriated, period,endofdiscussion!
This age-old endemic situation has plagued us for toolonganditishightimeto
get rid of the offenders. At this point I call upon our judicial system to impose heavy penalties for those breaking the law; too many lives are being lost to such wanton lawlessness on our roads. The slogan if you drink don’t drive and if you aredrivingdon’tdrink,these lawsmustbeadheredtoatall times.
The setting up of a data baseontrafficoffenders,that is, information stored in an electronic or computer system, this comes in as a h a n d y t o o l w h e n administering penalties to errantdrivers.Withoutadata
base those drivers who are irresponsibleandrecklessgo scotch free, however, with carefultrackingofoffenders a thorough assessment can be made of who should be permittedtobeonourroads and those who should not. Makenomistakemost,andI repeat most of the vehicular homicidescommittedonour roads are by repeat offenders,personswho (Continuedonpage48)
Frompage04 fatalities between 2015 and 2020 were linked to alcohol consumption.
Another factor is the poor state of Guyana’s road
ucture While significant investment has beenmadetoimproveroads, particularly in rural areas, many highways and streets remain in a deteriorated condition, with inadequate lighting, poorly marked lanes, and a lack of pedestrian crossings The
e ownership over the last decade, coupled with inadequate road safety features, has created a hazardous environment for bothdriversandpedestrians.
of motorcycles and minibuses, known for flouting traffic regulations, has further exacerbatedthesituation.
A Call to Action: A National Road Safety Strategy Addressing this publichealthcrisisrequiresa multifaceted approach that involves not only the enforcementofexistinglaws butalsoaconcertedeffortto change driving behaviour
government must prioritize the development of a comprehensive National Road Safety Strategy, one thatalignswithinternational best practices, such as the WHO’s Global Plan for the
Decade of Action for Road Safety(2021-2030).
Key recommendations include: 1. Enhanced Law Enforcement: Stricter enforcementoftrafficlawsis essential This includes
tolerance policies for drunk driving, mandatory use of seat belts and helmets, and penalizing speeding and reckless driving The introduction of more frequent roadside checks,
breathalyzer tests would deterviolations.
2 Public Education Campaigns: Sustainable behaviour change requires targeted public education campaigns, particularly
aimed at young drivers and high-risk groups These campaigns should focus on thedangersofdrunkdriving, speeding, and distractions suchasmobilephoneuse.
government must prioritize infrastructure development, focusing on road safety features like pedestrian crossings,speedbumps,and improved street lighting Rural and suburban areas, where accident rates are highest, should receive specialattention.
4 Data-Driven Policy Making: There is a need for m
comprehensivedatacollection on road accidents This
includes not only fatality statistics but also detailed recordsonthetypesofinjuries, locations of accidents, and demographic information Better data will enable policymakers to tailor interventionstospecificrisk factorsandregions.
5. Improved Emergency Response: Strengthening the country’s emergency medical response system is critical Ensuringthataccidentvictims receivetimelyandappropriate care can significantly reduce fatalities and long-term disabilities
Conclusion Road
s in Guyana are a public health emergency that requires immediate and sustained
attention. The rising death toll and the burden on the healthcare system reflect an urgent need for stronger enforcement of traffic laws, i n f r a s t r u c t u r e improvements, and public education. By treating road safety as a priority, Guyana can protect its citizens from preventableharm,reducethe strain on public health resources, and create safer communities for all. Failure to act now will not only result in more lives lost but also slow the progress of nationaldevelopment. The time for action is now—Guyanacannotafford to continue down this dangerousroad.
In case you haven’t heard, please be informed that as part of our continued effort to channel positive changes in our country, our publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, has dedicated our Page Seven to be “BLUNT” about on-going indecencies in our land that should matter, not only to us at this publication, but the entire nation.
Minister of Health, Dr Frank
A n t h o n y o n S a t u r d a y commissioned a new health centre at Chesney Housing Scheme, Region Six.The new health centre costsapproximately$39million.
According to information provided on the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) website, the contract to build the healthcentrewasawardedinApril 2023 to Mario Noimatalli Constructionfor$39,381,434. ItwasreportedbytheRegional
Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Six on Saturday that the new facility marks an important step in improving healthcare services for residents of Chesney andneighbouringcommunities.
“This facility is set to bring much-needed relief to residents who previously had to travel long distances to receive medical services. The new health center is fully equipped with a pharmacy, vaccination room, doctors’ consultation room, nurses’station, kitchen, and washroom facilities,
among other amenities, ensuring that comprehensive healthcare is deliveredefficiently,”theRegional Administrationstatedinarelease.
Minister Anthony at the ceremony highlighted the importance of the health facility noting that it forms part of the ministry’s efforts to enhance healthcare delivery across the country It was reported in the media that the ministry has embarked on establishing health centresinanumberofcommunities acrossthecountryandthisisaimed
atdecentralizingandexpandingthe rangeofpublichealthcareservices providedtocitizens.
Statingthatthishealthcentreis thethirdtobecommissionedinthe region for the year so far the min
investments in modern healthcare facilitiesacrossRegionSix.
The investment includes the newregionalhospitalatNumber75 Village and another in New Amsterdam. Meanwhile, Regional Chairman, DavidArmogan during
his remarks on Saturday said that theopeningofthishealthcentreisa testament of the commitment to improvinghealthcareaccess. This publication understands thatthefacilitywillbestaffedbya medic and several nurses, who are settoprovidecareforpatientswith arangeofmedicalneeds,including chronic illnesses. The new facility is expected to significantly reduce the burden on larger regional hospitals by offering essential services close to home for many residents.
In Guyana, politics and economics have always danced an ill-fated tango. It is difficult to say which has failed us more: politics or economics. They are both intertwined.
The failures of successive administrations, both the People’s National Congress (PNC) and the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), have left Guyanese teetering between frustration and outright despair. Here is the most resource-rich country in the English-speaking Caribbeanthathassomehow managed to become the poorest in the Western Hemisphere under the PNC, only to remain shackled to the bottom rungs of development under the PPP/C.
But then, oil was discovered.Thatblackgold, long dreamt of by nations caught in the whirlpool of stagnation, finally gushed forth. With it, came and opportunity for true transformation This was Guyana’s moment a chance to rise above the wreckage of its divisive politics and economic failures. The country was presented with a gold-mine opportunity to chart a new course, to break free of the cycle of dependency and poverty The old, tired excuses about international commodity prices, weatherrelated tragedies and loss of keymarketsnolongercanbe used as excuses. Oil can provide the resources to reverse,andreversequickly, decadesofdecadence.
December 2019, when
oilproductionbegan,should have marked the dawn of a neweraforGuyana.Instead, it has only confirmed the worst fears: the politicians, drunk on their own incompetence, are squandering the greatest opportunity this country has everhad.
There is little doubt that the management of the oil and gas resources should be the highest priority of any government that claims to act in the national interest. Oil represents the one resource that could, if managed properly, lift our people out of poverty, provide a secure economic future, and finally pull the country from the depths of i t s h i s t o r i c underachievement. But the failings of Guyana’s political elite have cast a long shadow over this potentialwindfall.
Thecontractsignedwith ExxonMobil—infamous for its pitiful returns to the nation—resemblesmoreofa charitable donation than a sovereign agreement negotiatedintheinterestsof thepeople.Onewouldthink that a government, claiming to represent the will of the people, would be keen to renegotiate such a sordid deal But the PPP/C administration has not done so. What happened to their promise to secure a better deal for Guyana? Why has there been no move to establish the much-touted Petroleum Commission, an entity that was meant to o verseethesector?
Thegovernment’sfailure is compounded by its
refusaltotackleothercritical issues surrounding in the management of the sector
One of the most glaring concerns is the absence of “ring-fencing” provisions The current arrangement allows oil companies to deduct costs from one oil field against future profits from others, ensuring that the country may never see the true benefits of individual oil wells. The potential financial fallout from this is staggering. Yet, the government has chosen toremainstubborn,allowing Exxon and its partners to rakeintheir“massiverateof return” while the Guyanese public gets crumbs from the table.
Thenthereistheissueof decommissioning costs, a tickingfinancialtimebomb. The oil companies will eventuallyneedtodismantle their rigs and clean up their mess, but there is little clarity as to how these astronomical costs are determined. What is now obvious is that these expenses will be dumped onto Guyana.Then we have themostamazingdebacleof the government’s failure to install its own independent metersattheproductionand exportation pumps. Instead, the government is monitoring oil production and exports with the same meters installed by the oil companies a glaring derelictionofduty
One of the most egregious provisions of the oilcontractistheclausethat mandatesthegovernmentto pay the taxes owed by oil companies. This effectively
Demboyssehifyouwanttocleanupa house, you don’t start with sweeping the corners. You start with scrubbing the ceiling,especiallyiftheroofleaking.Same thingwithcorruption!
But somehow, in this beautiful land of ours, we always find time to go after the low-levelclerkwhotakealilhustleonthe side.Meanwhile,thebigmansittinginhis high chair, smiling, because he know nobodyain’tgoingafterhim.
Dem boys seh corruption in Guyana doesstartatthetoplikehowafishdoesstart rotting from the head. But tell me, when last—or better yet, whenever—has a big shotministerfacethecourtfordippinghis handinthepublicpurse?Youthinkisthelil officeboywhodoesgiveoutmillion-dollar contractsorwhodoesmakedecisionsabout where the oil money going? Nah, the real
robs the country’s Treasury of much-needed revenue
Insteadofcollectingbillions in taxes that could fund critical infrastructure, education, and healthcare, andpayteachers,nurses,the disciplined services and public servants better, the government is paying, at least on paper, what should be the oil companies’ responsibility.
One might think that withthediscoveryofoil,the nation’s political leaders would be fully absorbed in securing the future of the country But no, the country’s two main political partiesseemmoreinterested in staging weekly press conferences that amount to little more than theater The Opposition, PNCR focuses on issues that, while important, fail to recognize t h e s i g n i f i c a n t transformative moment that the nation is experiencing. Its political harangues are focusedmoreonotherissues rather than the oil sector And even when they segue intoaddressingoilandgas,it is done in piecemeal
fashion including
adopting ambivalent positions on renegotiation andring-fencing.
The ruling party, meanwhile, has reduced its publicengagementstoaoneman show in the form of Bharrat Jagdeo, the PPP/C General Secretary He hosts weekly press conferences thatdevolveintoatit-for-tat exchange with the main
Opposition If the
Opposition coughs, he is readywithabottleofcoughsyrup. Questions about oil are treated as secondary and are dealt with mainly in response to questions from the media which has to sit there and endure his weekly tantrums. His soliloquies on corruption, governance, and development do little to mask the reality: the PPP/C, forallitstalk,isunwillingto challenge the interests of Exxon and other oil giants, preferringinsteadtotinkerat the margins of the sector while the real profits flow offshore.
Rather than engage with the enormity of the oil sector’s potential and the risks it poses, both parties are locked in a battle for political capital. The PPP/C wants to convince the electoratethattheyinherited a rotten deal and the Opposition is not fit to rule.
The Opposition is content with throwing barbs about c o r r u p t i o n a n d discrimination. Meanwhile, thepeopleofGuyanaareleft to wonder whether their leaders are truly capable of handlingthecomplexitiesof anoileconomy
Thequestionthatshould preoccupy every serious politician, economist, and public servant in Guyana today is this: how can the country secure the best possible deal for its oil and gas resources, and how can those resources be managed
, sustainable development? Without clear answers to thesequestions,theoilboom will become just another chapter in Guyana’s long history of missed opportunities.
The politicians in Georgetown,however,seem to believe they have all the time in the world to play theirgames.Theydon’t.The window of opportunity is closing, and with each passing week, the nation loses more of its leverage. Oil reserves are finite, and once they’re gone, they’re gone. If Guyana’s leaders continue to prioritize political finger-pointing overseriousgovernance,the oil wealth will slip through thecountry’sfingers. It is a sad indictment of thepoliticalclassthat,inthe face of such historic opportunity, they have chosen the path of least resistance Guyana’s oil wealth has the potential to transform the country, but onlyifitsleaderswakeupto the reality that scoring political points means nothing if there’s no future lefttowin.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
culprits does sit in air-conditioned offices, sippingfancycoffee,andmakingsuretheir pocketsfullwhilethepoormangettingjail timeforstealingaboxofmatches.
Demboysseheverytimeabigpolitical fishgetcatch,thewholepoliticalaquarium does close ranks. Like magic, documents doesgomissing,witnessesdoesforget,and beforeyouknowit,thematterdead.Butwe quicktothrowthesmallfryunderthebus. Charge one or two lower-level public servants and claim we fighting corruption. But that like trying to catch a shark with a mosquitonet.
If we really want to tackle corruption, start at the top. Clean up the big boys who settingthebadexample.Untilthen,allthe talk about anti-corruption is just blowing hotair Talkhalf.Leffhalf
E x x o n G u y a n a ’s weaksufferwhattheymust.” First, sir, what about
Surely, whatever number those paid Exxon’s president, Mr Alistair TheExxonGuyanapresident those misleading billboards? of millions Exxon has agents selling the Routledge cares about putallthattobed;atleastfor Why were those necessary, crunched in its actuarial
Guyanese. He does and he the time being. Because he anddidn’tGuyanesedeserve tables and supercomputers,
dirt-cheap oil, 2% does not saidsoinblackandwhite. In has shown that the attributes better from Exxon? Second, greatcarewastakentoweigh
it; 2% is an insult; 2% is his letter to KN published on that make for a real man, one I read about the extensive and measure and think of Guyanese be withdrawn and an abomination; 2% is unSeptember 8, 2024, he wrote that is more than a bloodless and extended process colored Guyanese like white put out of commission. I American. Me and Exxon that “its readers deserve corporate man, one that is involved in appraisals people (Americans and hate to put people out of Guyana’s president, Mr better.” In the context of his greater than a human surrounding new oil Europeans)toensurecoming
AlistairRoutledgeareasone anxieties and allegations of calculator, is present in discoveries here, as up with a number for that “deservebetter.” when he wrote, advocated “misinformation the paper’s spades deep inside of him. announcedbyExxonitself. guarantee that treats them Fifth, and this is going to and insisted that Guyanese “readers deserve better.” I Remember, “readers deserve I hear that appraisals equivalently Meaning, that putMr Routledgetothetest, “deserve better Now prove never would have thought better.” Hold that close, as I taketime(dependsonwhois it is unlimited. Taking care because I back him up it by delivering it on that that Mr Routledge’s care conduct an experiment with doing the telling), but of 800,000 citizens (and against a wall. He must richness,sir and compassion extended to the new Alistair Routledge, CNOOC does seem to have intimate partners) in a prove the authenticity of his (The views expressed in the “readers” of KN this refreshing and itsownappraisalscienceand reasonable and responsible and his company’s position this article are those of the Whoever they are, wherever remarkable man from expertise to document mannerwouldnotbankrupta that there are those who a u
theyare. Exxon. estimatesnotforone,buttwo corporate superpower like “deservebetter”. necessarily reflect the Personally, I am Since KN’s “readers of the Exxon-announced Exxon. Fourth,sincepeople It involves money. In opinions and beliefs of this delighted that this finds a deserve better”, there is discoveries thus far. Don’t in this country “deserve view of how Exxon prospers
place in Mr. Routledge’s something that Mr. tell me that CNOOC doesn’t better” I recommend that from Guyana’s high-quality, affiliates.) priorities, bless his heart. I Routledge can do; more than know what it is doing, and is am forced to rethink those one, as a matter of fact. The spreading “misinformation” harsh assessments of him. KN’s readers of which he inthemannerofKN?
That he is, deep down and wrote must include some I would say that through and through, a subset of the population of Guyanese (if nobody else, heartless,ruthlessoilman. Guyana. Not a small one by then at least KN readers) Thatheis,bodyandsoul, any chance, but one as big as deserve better Isn’t that so, a scorched earth, take-no- itgets. Mr Routledge, taking the prisoners capitalist man of He can manifest how liberty to leverage the words the most sanguinary truly genuine he and his (his own) now imprinted in construction. company are by doing what infamy?
Now that I am corrected is better not just for KN’s Third, there have been (as I have concluded) that readership, but for all these challenges, these bitter Mr Routledge does have a Guyana. fights, over oil spill heart, since he is so Mr Routledge, being the coverage, a full parent concerned about KN’s manoftheworldthatheis,as company no less, for all readers,andthequalityofthe well as a super corporate Guyanese. information that they commander, should have Surely, this nation and its receive, then I reassess him, latched onto the first whiffs people “deserve better” than and arrive at inspiring ofmydrift. what Exxon has put on the places. I invite Mr Routledge to table Given the KN Mr Routledge is not a put his money where his contributor Alistair soulless man, nor an officer mouth (pen) is. Guyanese Routledge, I am positive of Exxon limited to being a “deserve better.” Pardon the beyond contradiction that glistening rhetorical license to broaden what the there is nothing that would caricature. And further, that Exxon man put on paper to be a better expression of that Exxon does not fit the mold register his scowls of than a full parent company of what Thucydides said of disapproval. Now, I rain guarantee, so that Guyanese the Athenians during the some specifics on him, not could sleep better, be in a occupation of Melos: the all, but just a randomly better state of mind, should strongdowhattheywant,the selectedhandful. anoilspillerupt.
Injured: Cassell Nurse moments after he was struck by a bullet.
A police operation early Saturday reportedly opened fire on the policemen. morning left bystander Cassell Nurse, son of While on Robb Street, in the exchange of Senior Magistrate Clive Nurse, injured gunfire, Nurse was struck by a bullet in the during a gunfire exchange between law leftthigh. enforcementofficersandsuspectedgunmen. The gunmen managed to escape, and According to reports from the Guyana Nurse was taken to the Georgetown Public Police Force (GPF), around 01:57 hours, Hospital, where he was admitted in stable ranks from the Brickdam Police Station were condition. responding to information about two armed The police reported that one bullet was men on a motorcycle when they spotted the recovered from the scene, and police are suspectsatRobbandAlexanderStreets. reviewingCCTVfootageintheareaaspartof Police gave chase, and the gunmen theinvestigation.
Police are investigating a fatal hitand-run accident that claimed the life of a pedestrian, 62-year-old
Adree Slowe, a resident of Lot 8 Vigilance South, East Coast Demerara (E.C.D).
It was reported that the accident occurred around 23:00 hours on Friday, September 13, 2024, near Church of God Road, Buxton, ECD. The police reported that Slowe was struck by minibus bearing registration number:BAC4129.Thedriverandownerare yettobeidentified.
Preliminary investigations reveal that Slowe was crossing the road from the southern to the northern side when the speeding minibus, traveling east, collided withhim. pronouncedSlowedead.
Slowe was reportedly dragged about 100 His body was taken to Memorial Gardens feetfromthepointofimpact. Mortuary, where it awaits a post-mortem
While the driver fled the scene, examination.
Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) Investigations are continuing as police were called to the site, where they searchforthedriverinvolved.
Twenty-three-year-old Troy Rodrigues, known as “Kelly” of Leopold Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown was gunned down on Friday evening.
According to a statement fromtheGuyanaPoliceForce (GPF), the incident unfolded around 19:15 hours at Vlissengen Square, between West Ruimveldt Front Road and Mandela Avenue, Georgetown.
Thepolicereportedthata 25-year-old construction worker of West Ruimveldt stated that he was in his backyard when he heard two loud explosions, which were believedtobegunshots.
Upon looking over his fence, the construction worker noticed a man lying motionlessontheroad.
When he arrived at the scene, he said a small crowd had already gathered, around Rodrigues who was unresponsive and lying in a poolofblood.
Dead: Troy Rodrigues known as “Kelly”
Saturday Booker was the driver of motorcar PJJ 2006 with Dowden, Ro
Thebodywastransported to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)mortuary,forapostmortemexamination.
Notably, no spent shell casings were recovered from thescene.Thepolicesaidthat severalindividualsinthearea were questioned as investigationscontinue.
Rodrigues was wearing a green jersey, blue shorts, black slippers, and a black surgical mask at the time of the fatal shooting. His body was examined and a small circularwoundonRodrigues' foreheadwasdiscovered.
An early morning accident on the Cottage Public Road, Mahaicony, East CoastDemerara,hasclaimedthelifeof a28-year-oldmanandleftthreeothers injured The dead man has been identified by the police as Collin Dowden,aresidentofBelleVue,West Coast Berbice (WCB). Those injured arethedriverofthemotorcar,23-yearoldShakeemBookerofSeafield,WCB. The other two passengers: 36-year-old RonRobertsonofNo.42Village,WCB and 17-year-old Tyreece McDonald of Seafield.
According to the police, the fatal crash occurred around 03:00 hours on
as passengers.Initial report by the police states that Booker was driving east along Cottage Public Road at a high speed when he lost control of the vehicle.Thecarreportedlyveeredonto the southern grass parapet, slamming into a concrete and mesh fence before crashingintoautilitypole.
Booker, along with his three passengers sustained injuries in the collision. They were rushed to the Mahaicony Public Hospital, where doctors pronounced Dowden dead on
arrival. The driver and the two other passengers were treated for their injuries and later transferred to the GeorgetownPublicHospitalforfurther medicalattention.
Dowden's body has been taken to Bailey's Funeral Home, for a postmortem examination as investigations continue.
Sir Shridath Surendranath Ramphal, popularly known as 'Sonny', a towering figure in Caribbean and global diplomacy, was honoured with a national funeral on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at the Promenade GardensinGeorgetown,Guyana.
His passing on August 30, 2024,attheageof95,markedthe close of an era. Sir Shridath was notonlyakeyplayerinGuyanese politics but also a global statesman, whose influence spanned continents, shaping the courseofinternationaldiplomacy
Earlier this week, Sir Shirdath
Sir Shridath Ramphal's remains being interred at the 'Place of Heroes' at the Botanical Gardens (Jose Cheddie photos)
wascrematedinBarbadosandhis ashes have come home to be interred at 'the Place of Heroes', Seven Ponds in the Botanical Gardens where he will rest alongside Former Governor General Sir David Rose, former Presidents Authur Chung and Hugh Desmond Hoyte and NationalPoetMartinCarter
Having all of Sir Shirthdath's children, grandchildren and other familymembersattheservice,the
distinguishedgatheringofforeign diplomats, heads of state, and governmentofficials.
Amongthosepresentwerethe PrimeMinistersofSt.Vincentand the Grenadines and Grenada, Dr RalphGonsalves,DickonMitchell respectively Sir Ronald Sanders, A
Ambassador to the United States andtheOASandson-in-lawofSir Shridath also attended the NationalFuneralofHonour Their presence underscored Sir Shridath's global stature and theimpacthemadethroughouthis legacy Secretary General of CARICOM Carla Burnett and other leaders from the Caribbean (Continuedonpage47)
A proud descendant of the Arawak nation from St. Cuthbert's Mission /Pakuri, the stunning O'statia Simon is Region Four's representative at this year's Miss Amerindian Heritage Pageant. O'statia, is the holder of a Bachelor's degree in Public Management at the University of Guyana and founder of a non- profit organization with focus on her village and her passion for cultural heritage and community representation. Through her work, this belle hopes to make a positive impact on other Indigenous communities especially when it comes to promoting cultural awareness.
Tylahasamessage forhercriticswho found it weird that she can’t carry her own awards.
It all began with MTV Video Music Awards where theSouthAfricansingerand songwriter,22,wasawarded a moon man for best afrobeat.
Tyla was presented the awardbyLittleMermaidstar Halle Berry and Montero hitmakerLilNasX.
As the Water songstress began her acceptance speech, she made a small request to Lil Nas because thetrophyfelttooheavy
“Oh my gosh,” the Johannesburg native said
during the viral moment as Lil Nas X handed her the moonman.“Youguysknow meandholdingawards.Yo,I cannot — I’m not strong enough.
“Please, please,” she added, holding her moon manouttothem,towhichLil Nas X hesitantly offered to temporarily take the award so Tyla could give her acceptance speech while Bailey chose not to accommodate.
Social media responses went wild as fans poked fun atthegesture.
OnefanwarnedtheTruth OrDaresinger,saying, “DONTEVERRRTRY HALLELIKETHAT
Another wrote, “This irritatedmeforsomereason, notherwinning,buthowshe kindaignoredHalleandthen askingLilNasXtoholdthe award, like what in the…. is goingon?!”
Tyla has now taken notice of the frenzy and addressed it timely, saying in an X post that she never asked themoviestartohold heraward.
“Y’all make everything weird , ” Tyla wrote that evening following the event “Iwasnotaskingmy girl Halle We just girls, S T F U I W O N A VMAAAA.”
However, the speech
was more than just that as other fans lauded her for correcting MTV on confusing her genre with afrobeat.
“She made a point here, she’s not an afrobeat musician she’s amapiano and as long as they keep miscategorizing her, the
actual deserving people in theafrobeatcategorywillbe robbed,” a third user wrote undertheacceptancespeech video.
Insevenyears,oilin LizaOneandLiza Twowillbedrained …20-yearprojectlife shortenedas40%of oilalreadypumped
The 20-year project life oftheLizaOneandLizaTwo
projects have been significantly reduced with almosthalfofthereservesat thefieldsalreadydepleted.
This information was
recently shared with Kaieteur News by the Ministry of Natural Resources. This newspaper had requested data on the amount of oil produced to date from the projects currentlyinoperation.
Liza One, which commenced oil production in December 2019, has already produced close to 200 million barrels of oil (MBO) The Field Development Plan for that project however indicates that the project, operated by the Liza Destiny Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, has a reserve of 452 MBO. This means that 44% of the reservesarealreadydrained.
Similarly, at the Liza Two project, the Ministry reported that almost 200 MBO have been produced
by Exxon since the
c o m m e n c e m e n t o f production activities in February 2022. That field, according to the FDP holds a b o u t 5 7 0 M B O . Consequently, 35% of the reserves have already been producedbythecompany.
It could also be deduced that about 40% of the collectivereservesatthetwo projectshavebeendepleted.
Meanwhile, at the current rate of production, ExxonMobil could drain the remaining resources in just over seven years. Liza One, according to the Ministry of NaturalResourceswebsiteis producing about 150,000 barrels per day while the LizaTwoprojectisoperating
at a daily rate of approximately 250,000 barrelsperday
It should be noted that Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat previously admitted that oil from the three projects currently in operation could be depleted ahead of the 20year lifespan due to the optimizationofproduction.
The Minister during a news conference assured that the ramped up oil
production is being done safely by the operator of the Stabroek Block He was however asked by this newspaper to explain how the optimization works could affect the 20-year estimated project life for eachofthedevelopments.
Tothisend,hesaid,“Yes it can finish before the 20 years or it can even go beyond because as a reservoir matures, you can getmoreoutofitandthenas we have more discoveries, wecanaddthosewellstothe existingdevelopmenttoo.”
Bharrat pointed out that ramping up oil production has now become a trend in oil-producing states since this could prove more financially viable for a country- in this case, Guyana.
According to him, “Rampingupproductionand producing the oil in a reservoiratafastertimethan youcanisactuallygoodfora country because it comes back to the window that is available for fossil fuel to survive and the price that willbeavailable.”
Meanwhile, Chief Policymaker for the petroleum sector, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’s position is that Guyana’s oil shouldbeproducedasfastas possible.
He said, “My own view is that we have a period in whichoilwouldstillbevery
relevantintheglobalmixof energyandwehaveaperiod but it is a window that is closing because of climate change.”
Govt.secretlyinserts provisioninLiza1,2 andPayaraPermitsto shieldExxonMobil fromalloilspillcosts
The Government of Guyana (GoG) through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has modified the Liza One, Liza Two and Payara Permits, granted to ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), reversing the legal requirement for an unlimited parent company guaranteetocover oilspills.
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that a provision wasinitiallyinsertedintothe Yellowtail Permit for the f o u r t h d e e p w a t e r development, dated March 2022. That Permit outlined new conditions with regard to oil spill protection for the country
While Condition 14 of thePermitrequiresExxonto p r o v i d e a P a r e n t Company/Affiliate (of Operator and Co-Venturers (CoVs))guarantee,itisclear thatthecoverageforoilspill protection is not unlimited. In fact, citizens who suffer ongoing loss from such an event will have to take Exxon to Court for compensation.
Condition 14.3 of the Yellowtail Permit states, “Theaboveindividuallyora combinationshallatleastbe guided by an estimate of the sum of the reasonably crediblecosts,expenses,and liabilities that may arise from any breaches of this permit Liabilities are considered to include costs associated with responding to an incident, clean-up and remediationandmonitoring. The estimation is not expected to address unidentifiableorinestimable
costs which may be a s s o c i a t e d w i t h
compensation for loss and ongoing damage to other parties,andwhichareableto be pursued through civil action.”
n the meantime, governmenthasmodifiedall of the previously issued Permits granted to Exxon, protecting the multinational corporationfromalloilspill costs. The Liza One, Liza Two and Payara Permits have been modified to feature this new provision introduced by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) regime.
Thefirst two Permitsfor the Liza One and Liza Two oil projects were approved by the previous Coalition government while the third project, Payara was approved by the PPP government. These Permits did not previously feature thisprovision.
Two citizens, Frederick Collins and Godfrey Whyte hadtakentheEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Court for failing to enforce compliance with the Liza One Permit, requiring an unlimited guarantee for oil spills Though the Court ruled in favour of the litigants, the ruling was appealedandisstillongoing in the Court of Appeal Exxon, EPA and the government are fighting against the provision of an unlimitedoilspillguarantee.
High Court Judge, JusticeSandilKissooninhis ruling underscored the importance of an unlimited parent company guarantee. “If the unthinkable occurs, and there is an event in the Stabroek Block resulting in the release of hydrocarbons then Esso, and to the extent thatitisunabletodosoasit is largely an assetless subsidiary without financial resources,thenEXXON,the Parent Company comes into play.”
The court noted that EXXONcontinuestoderive abenefitfromtheoperations of its subsidiary and will
cover the liabilities and obligations of Esso as stipulated at Condition 14:01. As such, Justice Kissoon reasoned that “If, however, that event occurs and there is no uncapped Parent Company Guarantee in place to indemnify the State,thentheStateisliable for all that occurs. It is simplynotopentothepermit holdertosayitisengagedin afrolicofitsown,aidedand abetted by the EPA, to unilaterally, arbitrarily and unlawfully cap its unlimited liability and financial assurance.”
Govt.paidover$197 billionintaxesfor Exxoninpasttwoyears –AnnualReportshows companydidnothaveto pay$138Bin2023,$59B in2022
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) did not have to pay over $197 Billion in taxes to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) for the past two years,asthetaxeswerepaid by the Government of Guyana (GoG) in keeping withthelopsidedProduction Sharing Agreement (PSA) the Coalition Government signedwiththeUSoilmajor backin2016.
Exxon is the operator of the Stabroek Block, with a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30% interest and ChinaNationalOffshoreOil Corporation (CNOOC) Petroleum Guyana Limited holds25%interest.Allofthe block-partners enjoy a taxfreerideinGuyana.
According to Exxon’s Annual Report, in 2023, the G o v e r n m e n t p a i d G$138.182 billion in taxes on its behalf to GRA. This
compared to the G$59.381 billion Government had to payforExxonin2022. The
company explained in its report,thatwhileitissubject to Guyana’s income tax laws, the taxes assessed on the company’s operation are paid by the government, rather than the company itself.“UnderArticle15.2of the Petroleum Agreement, the Branch is subject to the IncomeTaxLawsofGuyana withrespecttofilingreturns, assessment of tax, and keepingofrecords.
UnderArticle15.4ofthe Petroleum Agreement, the sum equivalent to the tax assessed on the Branch will be paid by the Minister responsibleforPetroleumto the Commissioner General, Guyana Revenue Authority and is reported as noncustomer revenue,” Exxon stated.
WhileAmericanoilgiant ExxonMobil Corporation (XOM) operation is subject to taxation in other parts of the world, its subsidiary EMGL will continue to enjoy a tax-free earnings in Guyana as a result of the StabroekBlockPSA.EMGL disclosedbackinJunethatit earned approximately US$2.9 billion (GYD$614 billion) in profits last year—entirelytax-free. The Irfaan Ali-led administrationhasexplicitly statedthatduetothesanctity of contract, the 2016 PSA will remain in place, despite the deal being labelled as ‘lopsided’. In fact, last year, President Ali, during an interview with British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Senior Journalist Gideon Long, reiterated his administration’s position to notrenegotiatethe‘lopsided’ Exxon deal. President Ali said, “Well, I would say definitely, we did not have thebestofdeals,Exxonhave agooddealsignedbythelast government ” Ali then highlighted that sanctity of contract is “very important” to his government, adding, “and we can’t go back on that.”Itshouldbenotedthat
From page 16 alegalsuitbroughtagainst theseabusivetaxgiveaways bythePublisherofthis newspaper,Mr.GlennLall wasunsuccessfulasthe Courtdismissedthecasein February2023.
Moreover, the provision of the Stabroek Block contract which gives Exxon and its affiliates a tax-free ride in Guyana has attracted criticisms locally and internationally The contract statesatArticle15.1thatthe Contractor (ExxonMobil Guyana Limited) as well as its affiliates shall not be subjectedtotax,value-added tax, excise tax, duty, fee, charge or impost in respect of income derived from petroleum operations, propertyheldortransactions exceptasspecifiedunderthe agreement.
It goes on to state at Article 15.4 that the sum equivalenttothetaxesowed bythecompanywillbepaid by the Minister responsible for Petroleum to the Commissioner General of theGRA. Itshouldbenoted that the contract also allows fortheissuingofareceiptto ExxonMobil, indicating that it has met the local tax requirements to avoid the burden of double taxation.
Article 15.5 of the contract states, “Within one hundred and eighty (180) days following the end of each year of assessment, the Minister shall furnish to Contractor proper tax certificates in Contractor’s n a m e f r o m t h e Commissioner General, Guyana Revenue Authority evidencing the payment of the Contractor’s income tax under the Income Tax Act andcorporationtaxunderthe Corporation Tax Act. Such certificates shall state the amount of tax paid individually on behalf of Contractor or parties comprising the Contractor and other particulars customary for such certificates.”
NigelHugheschallenges Jagdeotoexplain giveawayofKaieteur andCanjeoilblocksdays before2015elections
Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes has challenged Vice President and General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Bharrat Jagdeotocleartheaironthe questionable giveaway of two of Guyana’s largest offshore oil blocks, the Kaieteur and Canje, days
TheprominentAttorneyat-Law, during the AFC’s weekly press conference, was responding to Jagdeo’s invitation to address corruption during the APNU/AFC’s tenure in government between 2015 and 2020. Perhaps, Hughes, said, it would be of greater significance if the past President could explain the suspicious giveaway of the oilblocks.
“As Mr Jagdeo has invited us to address the issue of corruption, he perhaps would like to tell us why within the last month before the 2015 elections two oil blocks, during an election campaign period, where the government activity is supposed to be reduced to running the basics, why two oil blocksthe Canje and Kaieteur Blocks were actually allocated,”Hughesurged.
The lawyer was keen to point out that there was no public advertisement, no
invitation to purchase, and no criteria provided upon which the two prime blocks wereallocated.
Nevertheless, he reminded, “Those blocks havesincechangedhands at millions of US dollars and thesewereallocatedwithina month of the 2015 election so if we want to have a serious discussion as a country about corruption, whichweshould,wemustbe willingtodiscusscorruption (underthePPP).”
The Canje Block was awarded by the Donald Ramotar administration on March 4, 2015, days before that year’s General and RegionalElections,toalocal company, Mid-Atlantic Oil and Gas Similarly, the KaieteurBlockwasawarded on April 28, 2015, just two weeks before the elections, and like the Canje Block, it wasdonebasedontheadvice offormerMinisterofNatural Resources, Robert Persaud, Ramotar had said. Two companies received the
blocks with 50-50 stakes –Ratio Energy Limited (now Cataleya Energy Limited) and Ratio Guyana Limited. The award of the oil blocks to the companies was especially concerning since the ultra-deep drilling is required for those blocks, a technique which only a handful of companies in the world have the technology, track record, and capability to execute. The red flags which have manifested in both situations include that the awards were given to unqualified companies, that the initial owners quickly flipped the blocks without doinganywork,thattheyare incorporated in ‘secrecy’ jurisdictions, and that Guyana likely lost revenue due to the avoidance of an open, competitive bidding process.
To this end, Hughes suggested that the administration should commence by publicizing dataon allassets transferred by the state to private individualsduringthePPP’s 27 years in office for the nation to see the beneficiaries of those actions.
The Leader of the Alliance For Change was adamantthatleadersmustbe willing to engage on such issues lest the country emerges as a ‘banana republic’or a politically and economically unstable country with an economy dependentupontheexportof natural resources. “We must be willing to discuss corruption because the track
record that we have got as a country suggests that with the wealth that we have, all that we are going to do is become a rich banana republic.Wearenotgoingto achieve anything other than that. We will become a rich banana republic with lots of roads, lots of hotels (and) most of the citizens can’t even afford to survive because of the cost of living and we have these vacuous discussionsaboutcorruption thatarenotbasedonanysort ofdata,”Hughesargued.
Furthermore, the
attorneyalsonotedthatover US$1B from the Natural ResourceFund(NRF)orthe oil account, was spent by government last year; however, there is no evidence of a significant project developed. On the other hand, he said the countryislefttomarvelatan incomplete Demerara River Bridge and a promise that future projects will not be subjected to feasibility studies. Still on the issue of corruption, the aspiring President questioned the awardofcontractsunderthe incumbent administration He said, “How many companies which have been receiving major contracts in road construction have a track record of being more than 20 or 10 years old?”
Hughes pointed to the Schoonord to Crane, West Coast Demerara Road projectasanexample,citing that the contract was awarded to a contractor whose estimate was $600M abov
nistry’s Engineer’s Estimate, while other experienced contractors were reportedly sidelined.
NewCanadiancompany targetsuntappedgold potentialinRegionSeven
Newly-formed Canadian m i n i n g c o m p a n y, G r e e n h e a r t G o l d Corporation is pushing forward with exploration activities at the early-stage Abuya Project, located in northwest Guyana near the Cuyuni River, Region Seven.
In a statement on Monday, the company provided an update on exploration efforts at its two original gold properties, MajorodaminSurinameand AbuyainGuyana. GreenheartGoldsaiditis an exploration company aiming to build on a successful track record of discovery and mine development in the Guiana Shield. It was stated that the company was formed as a spin-off from the merger between Canadian firms-G M i n i n g Ve n t u r e s Corporation (GMIN) and Reunion Gold Corporation. Earlier this year, Reunion announced that GMIN will be taking over its Guyana’s Oko West project located in Region Seven, as a result of an all-share deal valued at C$875 million (US$638 million).
AccordingtoGreenheart Gold, theAbuya project sits just 15 kilometers west of Zijin’s Aurora Gold Mine (AGM)andcovers90square kilometers of highly prospective land, held under 20 medium-scale mining permits.
“GreenheartGoldhasthe option to acquire a 100 % stake in the project Currently,alocalprospector is successfully mining alluvial deposits on a small scale Greenheart Gold collaborates with the prospector by sharing the costs of running the camp and equipment, enabling the company to use its exploration funds efficiently,” the company stated.
The Abuya Project exhibits several geological indicators that suggest the p o t e n t i a l f o r Paleoproterozoic gold mineralization, commonly found in the Guiana Shield. Notably,itwasstatedthat (Continuedonpage18)
From page 17 to conclude that Exxon’s despite its promising cost recovery was exceeding location, theAbuya area has itsinvestments. not been previously
To this end, the Vice explored for primary gold President explained, deposits. Historical data is “Everything is determined limited, with the most bytheformula,whichis75% recent record of alluvial for cost recovery (and) what mining in the area dating is in the cost bank, so these back to 1968. are(the)twothings.Soevery
In just three weeks of year, every new project that fieldwork, Greenheart Gold has been approved gets said it completed its first added to the cost bank and phase of reconnaissance the75%appliestoit.” mapping and soil sampling Jagdeo therefore pointed at Abuya, with results outthatthesumdeductedfor pending The company cost recovery is impacted by disclosed that the recent the price of the oil and the phase one reconnaissance rate of production. “If the mapping conducted by price of oil goes up slightly, Greenheart has confirmed you can then recover geological similarities faster…if it comes down between Abuya, the Aurora slightly it slows down the
Inferred Resources grading own data repository in said at the time that this data holds 30% interest, and Gold Mine, and the Oko pace of amortization of the 2.59 g/t. The February 2024 country “Presently we have management system is CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Westproject. cost bank. Secondly, if you M R E i n c l u d e s a n our data in Houston (USA) particularly important even Limitedholds25%interest. It is said that the area increase production it could underground Resource being held by other as the country continues to CNOOC and Hess also c o n t a i n s v o l c a n o - speed up the amortization of containing 1.1 M oz. of gold companies, this is like our develop its oil and gas sector committed to invest in the sedimentary rock units that the cost bank so it keeps at a grade of 3.12 g/t Au in seismic data and everything as there will be more data Stabroek Block this year, arefoldedandsheared,along moving all the time because theInferredcategory that is being held by other required not only from the taking total equity with the intrusion of the prices move all the time and companies,”hesaid. Stabroek Block but all other contributions between the Ammamuri granite. These sometimes by shipment,” he US firm could land According to the blocks offshore, onshore, partnerstojustoverUS$1B. characteristics, combined said. US$1.8M contract to set minister,manycountriesthat andnear-shore. This concerning trend of with the reactive nature of Further to that, the VP up Guyana’s oil & gas havebeenproducingforfour A c c o r d i n g t o cost recovery outweighing the host rocks, create a noted that the approval of data bank or five years do not have a information provided in this investments by the Stabroek favourable environment for new projects by the data repository in their own year’s budget estimates – Block partners is likely to goldmineralization. government also delays the The contract to help country so setting up one in Volume 3, approximately continue as Guyanese “The company is led by full amortization of the cost Guyana establish its own Guyana is “ambitious” and $700 million has been politicians refuse to ringformer executives of recovery He made it clear petroleum data repository- a also not for the country’s allocated to set up this data fence the projects in the Reunion Gold, known for however that this does not project being executed datatobeelsewhere. management system and Stabroek Block A ringtheir recent discovery and alter the fact that Guyana’s through the Ministry of “After four years (of others projects under the fencing provision would delineation of the Oko West revenue stream in the future Natural Resources is producing oil) we are Ministry’s ‘Oil and Gas require each offshore deposit, the largest gold find will grow significantly as a e s t i m a t e d t o c o s t a l r e a d y m
nt development to pay its own intheGuianaShield.Despite result of the accelerated rate US$1,887,189.09. establishing our own data Programme’. Notably, it is cost and after the investment being home to several gold ofcostrecovery This is according to repository in the country, being funded through a loan is repaid, would allow the deposits and highly information provided by the that we can have our own by th
l country to enjoy a greater promising geological Canadian firm to produce National Procurement and people manage it, analyze it
Development Association share of profits from the terrain, the Guiana Shield 353,000 ounces of gold Tender Administration and its money making. It’s a (IDA), which is an sector remains underexplored, annually from Reg. 7 Board (NPTAB) office very lucrative investment international financial As at the end of which is where Greenheart project over 13 years – which revealed on its thatwearetakingonbecause institution which offers D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 3 , Gold is focusing its efforts,” PEAreveals website recently that the not only spending money to concessional loans and ExxonMobil reported that a itwasstated. onlybidderforthecontractis set up the data repository, it grants to the world’s poorest total of US$30B was Notably, Greenheart On Monday, the new Halliburton out of the USA, isaboutgettingourpeopleto developingcountries. invested into the Stabroek Goldsaiditsgoalistobuilda owner of the Oko West whobidtheUS$1.8million. work there and to sell that Block operations. President robust portfolio of the early- project located in Region This publication had data to companies that will Wednesday of ExxonMobil Guyana, stage exploration projects Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) G reported that the ministry come and seek to do Alistair Routledge also told thattargetthekeygeological Mining Ventures (GMIN), a hadissuedatenderseekinga exploration in Guyana, it’s Exxon recovering more reporters at a media factorsbelievedtohavebeen Canadian firm, announced firm to apply for the worth a lot of money, so it’s money from Guyana’s oil conference earlier this year crucial to the discovery of theresultsofthePreliminary ‘Procurement of Data like an investment,” he said yearly than investments that US$19B of those OkoWest. Economic Assessment Management Services for athispressconference. expenses has so far been The company noted too, (PEA)fortheproject. Guyana’s Exploration and Noting that this is an ExxonMobil and the cleared through the cost “Greenheart Gold is The assessment projects Production Data’ project. At investment for Guyana, the Stabroek Block Co- recoverymechanism. primarily focused on gold an average annual gold an opening of bids in July at minister added that from the Venturers are currently Itshouldbenotedthatthe prospects in Suriname and production of 353,000 the NPTAB office, it was previously held bid round recovering more money three oil projects currently Guyana,offeringafavorable ounces of gold over a 12.7- revealed that Halliburton alone “companies had to pay from Guyana’s oil than they producing oil, the Liza One, combination of promising year mine life, with a total and Schlumberger Guyana US$2 million just to access are investing in the Liza Two, and Payara geology and supportive gold output pegged at 4.5 Inc were the only two the data on those ministry operations.
projects collectively carry a governments. The company million ounces. The report companies that submitted sitesofwhichwegetapartof With the increase in oil price tag of about US$19B. is actively pursuing also highlights an average their proposals for the it but if we can have it in production activities, the This means that the country discussions to expand its gold grade of 2.00 grams per contract. countryitmeansthatwewill 75%costrecoveryfigurehas could have been receiving pipeline of exploration tonne (g/t) and a high Halliburton would have make that kind of money ballooned to an eye-popping higher profits this year from projects.” metallurgical recovery rate met the necessary criteria by when we sell our data, US$7.5B in the first half of the three projects; however,
Moreover, the Oko West of92.8%. NPTAB to move forward because our data is in 2024 alone Meanwhile, in the absence of ringproject is expected to reach The company stated that with the financial opening of demand, everybody wants Exxon has committed to fencing, Exxon will use the gold production by 2027. the PEA confirms strong the project. It should be datafromtheGuyanabasin.” spend just about US$500M revenue to invest in other Thatprojecthasanestimated economics for a low-cost, noted that a contract is yet to Speaking of the data system in the block this year, developments and even fund 4.2 million ounces of gold. large-scale mining operation be awarded by the NPTAB last year February in according to its 2023Annual itsexplorationprogramme. In February 2024, Reunion using both conventional for this project. This Parliament, the minister Report. Vice President Bharrat had announced an updated o
publicationhadreportedthat related that the country is ExxonMobil affiliate Jagdeo was asked to Mineral Resource Estimate underground(UG)methods. Minister of Natural receiving 50 percent and not Exx
na comment on this state of (MRE) containing a total of According to GMIN, Resources, Vickram Bharrat 100percentoftherevenueor Limited is the operator and affairs during his weekly 4.3Moz.ofgoldinIndicated with operating costs well at a press conference last servicechargebecauseofthe holds 45% interest in the press conference last week. Resources grading 2.05 g/t belowindustryaveragesand month, said that this project absence of the data Stabroek block Hess He was specifically asked to and 1.6 M oz. of gold in (Continued on page 36) it is to establish Guyana’s repository in country He Guyana Exploration Ltd say whether it would be fair
By Rennie P
In the world of over the budget period. Be theygrowsales,buttheyalso without drastically affecting dairy production, and and adapt to challenges as entrepreneurship, con
their bottom line. This kind transport facilities This they arise. As demonstrated there’s one tool that projections to avoid effectively
c o n s i s t e n t l y overspending.
of flexibility comes from demonstrateshow budgeting by Banks DIH, successful
Banks DIH relies on the smart budgeting setting can help an organization budgeting involves constant separatesthrivingbusinesses Fixed Costs: These are budgeting processes to aside reserves or building in allocatefundstoprojectsthat e
g g l i n g your consistent expenses, ensure that every aspect of buffersthatallowacompany willgeneratefuturegrowth. adjustment something ones budgeting Whether such as rent, utilities, and t
iness from toabsorbfinancialshocks. Final Thoughts on every entrepreneur should you are just starting out or insurance They don’t m a r k e t i n g t o
Setting Priorities and Budgeting embrace. managing a growing change much month to production—runs smoothly Growth Strategies For entrepreneurs, a Budgetingmayseemlike company, budgeting helps month, so they’re easier to The company’s capital A good budget helps budget is more than a a daunting task, but the guide decisions, plan for forecast. expenditure of $8.8 billion business owners set clear financial exercise it’s a rewards it offers are growth, and avoid potential Variable Costs: These f o r 2 0 2 3 i n c l u d e d priorities for growth. For critical tool for steering your invaluable. pitfalls.Inthiscolumn,we’ll fluctuate depending on your investments in new instance, if the company businesstowardssuccess. Whether you’re looking discuss the importance of level of business activity for brewhouse equipment, wants to expand into new It forces you to look at to grow your business, budgetingforbusinessesand example, raw materials for packaging machinery, and markets or increase your resources, set realistic navigate through uncertain entrepreneurs, while using production or shipping costs temperaturecontrolsystems. production capacity, the goals, and ensure that every times, or simply ensure that Banks DIH Limited’s 2023 forane-commercecompany. These investments are budget ensures that there’s dollar is being used your business stays on track, Annual Report as an Capital Expenditures: If critical for long-term enough financial backing to effectively. a solid budget is the example to bring these you plan to make large growth, and their budgeting supportthesemoves. Remember, the goal of a foundationthatwillhelpyou conceptstolife. investments in equipment or processensuredthattheyhad Banks DIH, for instance, budget is not to limit you but achieveyourgoals. Why Budgeting Matters technology, these need to be thenecessaryfundsallocated has a capital commitment of to empower you. By laying Until next time, stay A budget is more than factored into your budget. to continue expanding their $11.2billionfor2024,witha outaclearfinancialplan,you disciplined, stay focused, just a plan—it’s a roadmap Capital expenses are long- operations. large portion allocated to give yourself the flexibility and keep making every that directs your financial terminvestmentsthatimpact The Importance of upgrading soft drink plants, to pursue new opportunities dollarworkforyou. resources to where they will cashflow Tracking Performance have the most impact Cash Flow Projections: Onceabudgetisinplace, Without a clear budget, even Tracking cash flow ensures t
e successful businesses can that you have enough against that budget is key to find themselves scrambling liquidity to cover day-to-day maintaining financial when expenses rise or expenses. A healthy cash discipline.Ifabusinessfinds revenue dips unexpectedly flow keeps your business that it is overspending in Entrepreneursneedtolookat flexible and responsive to certain areas or that revenue budgetingnotjustasawayto marketchanges. projections aren’t being met, control costs but as a critical How Budgeting Supports the budget provides the tool for achieving strategic Decision-Making framework for adjusting goals. Budgeting doesn’t just quickly Budgetingallowsyouto: k e e p y o u o n t r a c k For example, Banks Allocate Resources financially; it’s also a DIH’snetprofitfor2023was Efficiently: Ensure that powerful decision-making $9.9 billion, an increase of every dollar is working tool.Withaclearbudget,you 7% from the previous year towards your company’s can easily see how your Monitoring and adjusting success, from marketing to business is performing, budgets allowed them to production. whether you’re on target to grow profit even as the Track Performance: meet your goals, and where global economy faced Comparing your actual youneedtoadjust. significant disruptions. By performance with the budget Consider the case of constantly
acking helps identify areas where Banks DIH Limited, one of performance and comparing you need to improve or Guyana’s largest beverage ittotheirbudget,BanksDIH adjuststrategies. and food companies, to see was able to make timely Prepare for Uncertainty: how budgeting a plays decisions that safeguarded A budget helps you plan for crucial role in business profitability unexpected costs or revenue strategy: Planning for the fluctuations, acting as a Banks DIH’s Revenue and Unexpected financialcushionwhentimes Profitability in 2023 One of th
gettough. According to Banks challenges for any business Set Strategic Priorities: DIH’s 2023 Annual Report,
Determine which areas of the company generated a unexpected—whether it’s an your business to focus on in total revenue of $49 7 economic downturn, supply the coming year based on billion,upfrom$44.5billion chain disruptions, or rising financial constraints and in2022. costs A well-designed opportunities. This represents an 11.7%
Key Components increase in revenue, which is contingency plans and of a Budget significant for any business. reserves to manage these There are several critical Thisgrowthcanbeattributed uncertainties. components that every to strategic investments and In 2023, Banks DIH business budget should operational improvements faced rising costs for raw include: guided by a well-structured materials and energy Yet, Revenue Projections: budget. Their profit before their careful financial Estimate how much money tax also increased by 8.3%, planning allowed them to your business will bring in showing that not only did weather these increases
(National Geographic)
Turritopsis is part of a
A potentially “immortal” “ g r o w i n g f l e e t ” o f jellyfish species that can age unrecognized, invasive backward the Benjamin invertebrates. Button of the deep is
T h e d i s c o v e r y silently invading the world’s underscores“ourremarkable oceans, swarm by swarm, a underestimationoftheextent recentstudysays. to which the ocean has been
Like the Brad Pitt movie reorganized,” said Carlton, character, the immortal whoalsowasnotinvolvedin jellyfish transforms from an theresearch. adult back into a baby, but Cancer Fighter? with an added bonus: Unlike Whatimpactthejellyfish Benjamin Button, the are having on their new jellyfish can do it over and ecosystems is still unknown
over again though and requires further study, apparently only as an Migliettasaid.
“Nobody is looking into cells of this jellyfish that emergencymeasure. Another mystery is how that,” she said, “and I don’t weresupposedto[die] are
About as wide as a the jellyfish achieve their of the Smithsonian Tropical they’re inconspicuous or we think you’re going to find abletoswitchoffsomegenes human pinky nail when fully remarkable age reversal ResearchInstituteinPanama don’t have the expertise to any secrets in these and to switch on some other g
Miglietta speculates that the
compared the DNA of recognizethemassomething creatures.” genes, reactivating genetic jellyfish (scientific name: creatures have very effective immortal jellyfish from new Maria’s work, along
But while they won’t programs that were used in Turritopsis dohrnii) was cellular repair mechanisms waters off Spain, Italy, with others’, show how yield the next Botox, the earlier stages of the life d i s c o v e r e d i n t h e that allow them to age Japan, Florida, Panama, and genetic studies can help to jellyfishjustmighthelpfight cycle,”Pirainosaid. Mediterranean Sea in 1883. without incurring the usual elsewhere for their study, resolve this problem,” said one of human health’s By studying how exactly Butitsuniqueabilitywasnot ravagesoftime. published in the June 2008 Darling, who was not g r e a t e s t the immortal jellyfish’s cells discovereduntilthe1990s.
Miglietta dismissed issue of the journal involved in the recent threats cancer according do that, he said, scientists
How the Jellyfish Becomes news reports from this week Biological Invasions. research. to biologist Stefano Piraino may find clues for the “Immortal” that implied the jellyfish The pair was surprised to James Carlton, a marine of the University of Salento struggle against that other Turritopsis typically could hold a key to anti- discover that, even though scientist at Williams College inItaly silent, rapidly expanding reproduces the old- agingdrugsforhumans. the specimens came from all in Massachusetts, said Like cancer cells, “some invader fashioned way, by the over the globe, all the genes meeting of free-floating the scientists looked at were spermandeggs.Andmostof identical. the time, they die the old- T h e r e ’s n o w a y fashionedwaytoo. genetically, identical
But when starvation, jellyfish swarms could have physical damage, or other ended up in so many farcrises arise, “instead of sure flungplacessimplybyriding death, [ T u r r i t o p s i s ] oceancurrents,Miliettasaid. transforms all of its existing Miglietta suspects the cells into a younger state,” jellyfish are hitching rides said study author Maria Pia inside long-distance cargo Miglietta, a researcher at ships The creatures are P e n n s y l v a n i a S t a t e likely traveling in the ship’s University ballast water—water sucked
The jellyfish turns itself into and pumped out of ships into a bloblike cyst, which to provide stability then develops into a polyp Meanwhile, polyps could be colony, essentially the first attachingtothehulls. stageinjellyfishlife. For reasons still
The jellyfish’s cells are mysterious, the immortal o f t e n c o m p l e t e l y jellyfish takes on slightly transformed in the process. different forms as it spreads. Muscle cells can become Swarms living in tropical nerve cells or even sperm or waters typically have only 8 eggs. tentacles, while those in T h r o u g h a s e x u a l temperate regions can have reproduction, the resulting 24ormoretentacles. polyp colony can spawn AGrowingFleet hundreds of genetically “One of the most identical jellyfish near interesting things about the perfect copies of the original study is the fact that this adult. widespread invasion was
This unique approach to previously unnoticed,” said hardship may be helping biologist John Darling of the Turritopsis swarms spread U S Environmental throughout the world’s ProtectionAgency oceans,sheadded. “Often we simply don’t Miglietta and her recognize when things have colleague Harilaos Lessios been introduced because
Prepare to be inspired
and transformed as Sister Shivani, when the world-renowned spiritual guide and practitioner of Raja yoga Meditation, comes to
Guyana on Wednesday, September 18th for a truly special evening at the National CulturalCentrefrom6:00pmto 8:00pm.Thisevent,centeredon the power of love and forgiveness, is more than just a
talk it's an invitation to transformyourlife.
For over two decades, Sister Shivani has touched hearts across the globe, helping people rise above stress, anxiety, and emotionalstruggles.Herjourney from being an Electronics Engineertobecomingaspiritual icon is nothing short of extraordinary Through her widely popular TV show Awakening With Brahma
Kumaris, which has aired over 2,000 episodes since 2007, she has reached millions across India,theUSA,Canada,theUK, Africa, Australia, and beyond. Peoplefromallwalksoflifehave found relief from mental stress, depression, and fractured relationships through her profoundwisdom.
Heraccoladesareatestament to her global influence. In 2019, she was honored with the
Puraskaar, India's highest civilianhonorforwomen,forher role in transforming lives. She has also been appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador by the World Psychiatric Association and was recognized as a Happiness Ambassador at the British Parliament Most recently, in 2023, she received the Sustainable Goals Award (Continuedonpage35) World-renowned spiritual guide and practitioner BK sister Shivani
Sisters at the heart of the dance Indigenous group helpingtokeeptheirtraditions alive
As the nation celebrates Amerindian Heritage Month this September, recognition shines brightly on a group of remarkable sisters from Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara The Riverside Angels dance group, composedofElizabethDavis, Reahna Baird, Leahna
d Inezi Emm
nuel, is gaining national attention for their dedication to preserving and promoting Amerindian culture through their performances.
The Riverside Angels, who began their dancing journeyatagessixandseven, wereofficiallyformedin2010 by Sir Kelton Jennings and Miss Shonell Manifold
Initially comprising 12 to 14 dancers, the group quickly established itself as a fixture in cultural events including Emancipation, Mashramani andgraduations.
Over the years, the Riverside Angels have evolved, maintaining their involvement in traditional activities while expanding theirrepertoiretoincludeboth c o n t e m p o r a r y a n d Amerindian traditional dances.
The four sisters have becometheheartofthegroup. Davis,now22,alongwithher 21-year-old twin sisters Reahna and Leahna, and 17year-old little sister Inezi, havecontinuedtoupholdtheir family'sculturallegacy
Their mother, Pearla Larson,whoalsoservesasthe manager of the dance group, (Continuedonpage39)
Th e G u y a n a
National Bureau
of Standards (GNBS) is committed to e n h a n c i n g t h e competitiveness of local businesses by offering
essential training programmes With an emphasis on building capacity and ensuring businesses meet national, regional and international standards,theGNBSplaysa vital role in improving the quality, efficiency and overallsuccessofbusinesses acrossvarioussectors.
For almost two decades, training has been one of GNBS’ core services where businesses and regulators throughout the country are educated on the benefits, r e q u i r e m e n t s , documentation and the implementation of standards.
InGuyanatoday,thereis a growing demand by companiestoconformtothe requirements of various standards including ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Systems, ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational
Safety and Health Management Systems and ISO 22000:2018 – Food Safety Management Systems, among others. As such, the GNBS provides training and guidance to thesecompaniessothatthey can establish and maintain these management systems withintheiroperations.
Further, through the p
ng programmes, the GNBS provides information and guidance to companies of various sizes, from all
sectors In fact, training courseshavebeenofferedto c o m p a n i e s i n t h e construction, healthcare, manufacturing, consulting, tourism, agriculture, and services sectors to name a few These training courses are conducted year-round with class sizes generally ranging from 10 to 20 on average Sessions are conducted in person, virtually, or in hybrid to ensure that individuals and organisations can conveniently capitalize on them.
The GNBS prides itself on its cadre of experienced and qualified trainers. Each ofwhomholdscertifications ininternationallyrecognized standardssuchasISO9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO/IEC17025.Ourtrainers can meticulously clarify the various concepts to help individuals understand the requirements of these standards, as well as how to implementthemwithintheir operations. Other trainings which are provided, include Food Prerequisite Programmes,DataAnalysis, Process Mapping, Risk Management, and Risk-
With training, business personnel can improve their competency to establish, implement, and maintain key management system standards and requirements, especiallyiftheiroperations are internationally certified. The useful tools provided to participants help them to better streamline their operationsandenhancetheir ability to meet and exceed requirements of interested parties Additionally, participants benefit from real-world insights and case studies,thankstotheGNBS’ collaboration with overseas training providers such as DelphiConsultantsLtd.
Usually, GNBS training courses are short, lasting between one to four days, anddespitetheirhighvalue, these courses remain affordable, ensuring that a wider pool of individuals and businesses of all sizes participate.The Bureau also offers tailored packages, allowing organizations from startups to well-established enterprises to select the training best suited to their needs.Thosewhohavetaken part in these courses have
expressed satisfaction with course content, classroom environments, and meals provided.Sofarfortheyear, the GNBS has conducted a total of 57 training courses and trained a whopping 700 persons. Currently, there is an ongoing collaboration withDelphiConsultantsLtd. to conduct four intensive courses for b
siness personnelon‘Understanding the Requirements of the ISO 45001:2018 Standard’, ‘Implementing and Documenting the ISO 45001:2018 Standard’, ‘IRCALeadAuditor for ISO 45001’ and ‘Implementing and Documenting the ISO 9001:2015Standard’.
TheGNBSwillcontinue to provide standards education to businesses through its schedule of trainingprogrammes.Thisis
resilience of our local businesses, and overall economic growth of our country
For more information, contact the GNBS on Tel: 219-0064-66 or visit our
high-level on a Thursday on Global
best use of Special and Differential Treatment, and “The Big BlueAgenda: Can SIDS thrive in a ReglobalizedWorld?”
During the first panel discussion,MinisterWalrond addressed critical questions regardingGuyana’sapproach to trade liberalisation and market access, and how it benefited its agricultural sector
She also highlighted strategies and policies that havebeenmosteffective,and shared Guyana’s view of the WTO’s approach to export restrictions on food, and the existence of reforms in Special and Differential Treatment (SDT) that could help ensure better access to staple foods from major producers
On the second panel, speakersexploredhowSmall Island Developing States (SIDS),manyofthemSmall
supply chains
They also focused on how SIDS can strategically pivot and specialisemoretowardsblue and green sectors and services, leveraging and c
comparative blue (and green) advantages in international trade cannot only enhance economic gains but also contribute significantlytoglobalefforts inclimatechangemitigation and produce higher value productsandservices. M
nd highlighted that Guyana’s development agenda gives priority to the preservation
biodiversity, and the general
environment.Shealsonoted that Guyana’s low-carbon development strategy 2030
drives the country’s Green Economy and sustainability priorities. In keeping with the theme, “Better Trade for a Better World,” and as the WTO celebrates its 30th anniversary,the2024Public Forum looks to the future, explo
globalization can help make trade more inclusive and
ensurethatitsbenefitsreach more people The Public Forum is the WTO’s most significant outreach event, providing a unique platform for interested stakeholders from around the world to d
st developments in global trade and propose ways of enhancing the multilateral trading system The event
representativeseachyearfrom civil society, academia, business, government, international organisations andthemedia.
In all countries of the WesternWorld,especiallyin the cities,thereare always a number of homeless people but the causes differ from countrytocountryanderato era. In Guyana, the first appearance of the homeless came after emancipation of theplantationslaves. Many of the freedmen were too weak or sick to continue working and some found
themselves in Georgetown andNewAmsterdambutthe vast majority of such homeless people remained in the villages where the villagers,thoughthemselves poor,extendedhelptothem.
With the effluxion of time, these,asagroup,diedoff.
Theslaveswerereplaced byindenturedlabourerswith smallnumberscomingfrom Madeira and China but with the vast and overwhelming majoritycomingfromIndia.
These labourers were contracted to work for five years with a return passage which was very often not honoured but they were offered a renewal of their contracts for another five years which they were forced to take since there werenoalternatives.
At the end of their indentureswhentheirhealth had deteriorated and they could not work and had no moneyorrelativesandcould
notfacetheharassmentsofa three-month sea voyage to India, numbers of these Indian workers who had become useless on the plantations drifted to Georgetown and New Amsterdam where they formed a homeless group trying to eke out a living as “jobbers”fetchinggoodsfor shopsorindividuals. Atthis time and up to the 1960s, there were few cars and transport of goods was done by animal drawn carts or by “jobbers”.
These homeless people slept on the pavements of downtown Georgetown, America Street and around the General Post Office, beingpopularlocations. For decades before and after the ending of Indentureship in 1917, the stereotype of homelesspersonswerethese weakanddecrepitIndianexsugar estate workers. The emphatic term “homeless persons”isofcomparatively recent usage and these p e r s o n s w e r e contemptuously termed “villains”or“jobbers”.
The colonial state was aware of the problems of aged and decrepit homeless personsandtheAlmsHouse, later known as the Palms, was provided in the last quarter of the 19th century The Catholic Church also p r o v i d e d s o m e accommodation and there were a few other such “homes”, such as the Uncle Eddy’s largely financed by theFreemasons.
These various homes catered for the aged, the decrepit and those who may have lost a limb, all being personsofmiddleandlower middle-class backgrounds
The lower-class jobbers and other homeless Indian sugar
estate workers were never considered for admission to these“homes”.
The first time any effort wasmadetohelpthelowest classofpeopleofeveryrace and religion who were always hungry and without shelter was made by Pandit Ramsaroop Maraj. Pandit Ramsaroop was born in Wakenaam and from his earliest years empathized with human pain and suffering and used his small resources to help the poor
He conceived the idea of buildingahomeforthepoor andsincehehadnopersonal wealth and no wealthy donors and even the State wasnotwillingtomakeany contributions to his philanthropic dream, he became a wandering mendicant collecting tiny donationsashewalkedover thecountry
He was mocked and insultedandononerecorded occasion, when he was pelted with small stones, he picked them up and thanked his tormentors, telling them hewouldusethesestonesto help build the home for the poor
In time, just over a hundred years ago, the Dharamshala was opened with the Governor and the other dignitaries paying homage to Pandit Ramsaroop’s self- sacrifice and vision. At present, the home is being administered by Pandit Ramsaroop’s survivingdaughterswiththe premises kept spotlessly clean, the inmates having three meals per day with regular medical checkups. Primarilyasatherapy,some able-bodied inmates are permittedtowork.
Despite the existence of these homes and charitable
donations and the widespread personal help given to individuals, there are still hundreds who sleep rough on the pavements of downtown. The State has been establishing shelters to offer the homeless temporaryrelief. These shelters need to evolve into permanent homes equipped with modernfacilitiesandstaffed byprofessionals.
In this era, the reasons why persons become homeless are different from thepastwhenabjectpoverty was the main reason Today,itcouldbeinabilityto meet rental obligations for their homes or losing one’s job and being left penniless or it could be the result of spousal or other domestic discord or it could be teenagers and even smaller childrenbeingsounhappyat home that they are driven to leave their home or there is Alzheimer’s Disease where the victim loses his memory and there is a plethora of otherreasons.
These modern shelters, several of which would be established in Georgetown, New Amsterdam and elsewhere,mustbeprepared and equipped to play a rehabilitatoryrole.
In certain “local government jurisdictions “in North America, homeless persons are regarded as nuisances defilingthecity’slandscape and should be removed to remote areas and homeless personsarecriminalized.
In Guyana, homeless persons should always be treated humanely and shouldneverbeignoredand shouldbehelpedtoreturnto being useful members of society
Frompage29 from UNESCO for her tireless commitment to globalwell-being.
Sister Shivani’s teachings resonate deeply due to their simplicity and profoundtruth.Hermessage isclear:loveandforgiveness
have the power to heal even the deepest wounds. In her upcoming event, she will guide us in understanding how these two forces can bring peace and harmony to bothourinnerworldandour relationships.Atatimewhen stress and negativity seem
overwhelming, Sister Shivani offers a beacon of lightandhope.
The event is free of charge and open to children aged 12 years and above. Whether you’re seeking personalhealing,wantingto strengthen relationships, or
simply wishing to connect more deeply with yourself and others, this event p r o m i s e s t o b e transformative.
Joinusforaneveningof reflection, insight, and empowerment Let Sister Shivani guide you toward a
life filled with love, forgiveness, and boundless inner peace. This is more than just an event—it’s a moment to begin anew We look forward to seeing you on September 18th at the NationalCulturalCentre.
reserveyourspot,pleasecall 628-9949,623-0522,or2272538.You can also email us a t office georgetown@gybrah makumaris org Let your heart open to the limitless possibilities that love and forgivenesscanbring!
From page 18 c r e a t i o n f o r o u r in a statement said contrary a high rate of return, the stakeholders, including the to a press release issued by project is ideally positioned country of Guyana,” Gignac the Ministry of Agriculture to benefit from favourable added. under the guidance of the macro-economic conditions, Moreover, a few months Minister of Agriculture, including strong gold prices, ago, GMIN acquired Zulfikar Mustapha the low inflation, and Guyana’s Reunion Gold Corporation, initiation of the audit and r a p i d l y d e v e l o p i n g taking over the Oko West investigation was led by her economy project, as a result of an all-
“The internal audit was The open pit mine is share deal valued at C$875 commenced by Ms. Lall and projected to have a life of 15 million(US$638million). her team, after repeated years,whichincludes2years According to the PEA requests for documentation ofpre-strippingandinvolves document, on September 23, and reports yielded no four pit phases. In contrast, 2022, a Prospecting Licence results,” the General the underground mine is (PL) was granted to Reunion Managersaid. expected to operate for 13 Gold, a 100%-owned
Additionally, Ms. Lall years, including 2 years of subsidiary of GMIN. This saidduringtheinternalaudit, development, across three license, which covers she identified significant zones. approximately 10,890 acres
release the company’s recovery was exceeding its plannedtorunfor13years.It three years and can be accountant and the Special cost-oil while denying combine
The milling operation is (4,407 hectares), is valid for discrepancies involving the will continue to drive up
w investments. wasexplainedthatduringthe renewed for an additional
Guyana the chance to statement of its first five To this end, the Vice
of twoyears. “
acquire a greater share of developments (from Liza to P
commercial production, the “In March 2024, an requested an external audit revenues. Uaru). We had cautioned “Everything is determined processing feed will be option agreement was through the Minister of Kaieteur News reported then that “The PPP bytheformula,whichis75% providedentirelybytheopen entered into for the Agriculture’s office All on Wednesday that with the government,initsremaining for cost recovery (and) what pit. From the fourth year Northwest extension mining relevant issues and concerns increase in oil production time in office during this is in the cost bank, so these onward, underground permits, consisting of three have been previously activities, the 75% cost tenure, must ensure this are(the)twothings.Soevery mining will begin supplying medium-scale mining discussed with the Minister recovery figure has projectionmaterializestothe year, every new project that a significant portion of the permits (MPMS) adjacent to of Agriculture,” Ms. Lall ballooned to an eye-popping fullest extent possible… It has been approved gets mineralizedmaterial. the PL. That agreement is detailed in her statement. US$7.5B in the first half of must therefore not rush to added to the cost bank and Notably, the Oko West valid for five years with a She said: “The Guyana 2024 alone Meanwhile, approve new oil projects in the75%appliestoit.” project payback period is possible two-year extension. Marketing Corporation Exxon has committed to the Stabroek Block, which Jagdeo therefore pointed estimated at 3.8 years, based In August 2024, another (GMC) has proactively spend just about US$500M would drive up cost-oil and outthatthesumdeductedfor on a gold price of US$1,950 agreement was concluded to addressed the concerns of in the block this year, thereby deny Guyana the cost recovery is impacted by perounce. purchase additional MPMS financial irregularities by according to its 2023Annual chance to acquire a greater the price of the oil and the Louis-Pierre Gignac, from a private group of startingwithaninternalaudit Report ExxonMobil share of revenues,” the rate of production. “If the President & Chief Executive individuals for the Eastern and investigation. Persistent affiliate ExxonMobil PNCR said. The party noted price of oil goes up slightly, Officer (CEO) of GMIN, and Southern extensions to unresolved issues, despite Guyana Limited is the that the government must you can then recover commented on the PEA thePL,”itwasdisclosed. numerous requests for operator and holds 45% explain how the Guyanese faster…if it comes down results stating, “The Oko Back in April 2024, the clarification, necessitated a interest in the Stabroek people will obtain more oil slightly it slows down the PEA, based on the long-term Government of Guyana thorough review. GMC is block Hess Guyana revenues in the next few pace of amortization of the consensus gold price of (GoG) through the Guyana essential in stabilizing prices Exploration Ltd. holds 30% years from a reduction in the cost bank. Secondly, if you US$1,950 per ounce, Geology and Mines and supporting the national interest, and CNOOC company’scostofoilevenas increase production it could outlines a high-production, Commission (GGMC) inked economy. Its commitment to Petroleum Guyana Limited thecompanyspendsmoreon speed up the amortization of long-life, high-margin a mineral agreement with maintaining stable pricing holds25%interest. additional exploration, the cost bank so it keeps operation with an after-tax Reunion Gold. The intention for vital commodities is CNOOC and Hess also appraisalanddevelopment. moving all the time because NPV5% (net present value) of the agreement is to aimed at mitigating the committed to invest in the As at the end of prices move all the time and of US$1.4 billion and IRR establish stable fiscal and e
n Stabroek Block this year, D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 3 , sometimes by shipment,” he (internal rate of return) of operating conditions for the consumers,”Ms.Lallsaid. taking total equity ExxonMobil reported that a said. 21%.” OkoWestgoldproject. According to Ms. Lall contributions between the total of US$30B was Further to that, the VP Gignac stated that the While Guyana’s gold the internal audit will partners to just over US$1B. invested into the Stabroek noted that the approval of Oko West project is ideally declaration has been on the meticulously review the Thisconcerningtrendofcost Block operations. President new projects by the positioned to leverage decline since 2016 reported irregularities and recovery outweighing of ExxonMobil Guyana, government also delays the GMIN’s regional footprint, Currently, there is only one evaluate the corporation’s investments by the Stabroek Alistair Routledge also told full amortization of the cost development expertise, and large-scaleminingcompany, financial practices. “GMC Block partners is likely to reporters at a media recovery He made it clear anticipated free cash flow China’s Aurora Gold Mine remains dedicated to continue as Guyanese conference earlier this year however that this does not from their in-production (AGM). GMIN is one of t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d politicians refuse to ring- that US$19B of those alter the fact that Guyana’s Tocantinzinho Gold Mine in several Canadian mining accountability and is fence the projects in the expenses has so far been revenue stream in the future B r a z i l , a l o n g w i t h companies that are expected committedtoresolvingthese Stabroek Block A ring- cleared through the cost will grow significantly as a historically high gold prices. tostartgoldproductioninthe i s s u e s p r o m p t l y fencing provision would recoverymechanism. result of the accelerated rate He noted that GMIN had comingyears. Additionally, the Guyana require each offshore Itshouldbenotedthatthe ofcostrecovery recently announced the start Marketing Corporation development to pay its own three oil projects currently of commercial production at Thursday wishes to remind the general cost and after the investment producing oil, the Liza One, Massive fraud Tocantinzinho, which was public that GMC is the only is repaid, would allow the Liza Two, and Payara uncovered at GMC delivered on time and ‘Don’t rush to approve authorized body to import country to enjoy a greater projects collectively carry a after general manager budget. He noted that the new oil projects’– PNCR Chicken into Guyana share of profits from the price tag of about US$19B. ordered audit, probe company aims to replicate …concerned about Furthermore, the updates on sector
This means that the country –Accountant, special this success with the Oko Exxon’s high-cost the investigation will be
Weighing on the issue at could have been receiving projects manager fingered project, using essentially the recovery and Guyana’s provided as they become a news conference earlier higher profits this year from sameteam. low share of profit oil
GMC this week, the PNCR the three projects; however, At least two staff
“I am excited that this appreciates the public’s recalled that both Vice in the absence of ring- members of the Guyana exceptionally positive PEA Amid growing concerns pa
PresidentBharratJagdeoand fencing, Exxon will use the Marketing Corporation only captures a snapshot of that ExxonMobil and the understanding during this President of Exxon Guyana revenue to invest in other ( G M C ) a r e u n d e r thepotentialvalueofOko,as Stabroek Block Co- process,” the statement Alistair Routledge had developments and even fund investigation after senior we continue to explore the Venturers are currently concluded. indicated earlier this year its exploration programme. management uncovered a prospective land package recovering more money False claims that Guyana’s share of Vice President Bharrat massive fraud at the entity and evaluate value- from Guyana’s oil than they
Earlier in the day the revenues will increase in the Jagdeo was asked to which falls under the enhancement opportunities are investing in the Ministry of Agriculture very near future as the comment on this state of MinistryofAgriculture. for improved economics in a operations, the People’s sought to distance senior company recovers more and affairs during his weekly The racket among other feasibility study planned for National Congress Reform officials w
n the more of its investment press conference last week. things involved the the first quarter of 2025. I said that the government minister’s secretariat from “Accordingly, in our March He was specifically asked to smuggling of chicken and look forward to the should not rush to approve theracketsayingthatreports press conference, we had say whether it would be fair eggs and General Manager tremendous shared-value newprojects,statingthatthis
(Continued on page 37) called on the government to toconcludethatExxon’scost of the GMC, Teshawna Lall
From page 36 t h e i n d u s t r y T h e online regarding the issue advertisement states, “A have unsubstantiated growing industry means i n f o r m a t i o n “ We more job opportunities. Last categorically state that the year alone, Guyana’s-oilMinistry and its Head Office
are not involved in the benefitted from over 45,000 purchase or sale of chicken h
The ministry then falsely
rship, or eggs, as implied by the professional, and technical post,” the ministry said training.”Itgoesontoclaim, According to the ministry “We’re investing in new responsibility for these training programs and matters fall under the facilities right here in jurisdiction of the GMC, Guyana to help even more which is managed by Ms. workers get the skills they Lall. needtosucceed.”
While the company claimedthatinrecentweeks, boasted of its investment in “the Honorable Minister skills training of Guyanese, initiated an audit and the company failed to investigation into certain requisitioned for work that malpractices leveled against According to the PSA, certificates shall state the mention that it is recovering i r r e g u
a r i t i e s a n d was never done and in many a senior official of the the Stabroek Block partners amount of tax paid those costs in accordance discrepancies within the cases, works that were M M A / A D A T h e are allowed to recover 75% individually on behalf of with the provisions of the GMC,” noting that it is significantly overvalued. It PNCR/APNU Coalition oftheoilproducedtorecover Contractor or parties 2016 oil deal it signed with importanttonotethatthisisa was just about a month ago promises all Guyanese their investment costs, the comprising the Contractor theGovernmentofGuyana. transparentprocesstoensure that the said agency returned especially the people of the remaining25%isconsidered and other particulars Under Annex ‘C’ , accountability and rectify to the NationalAssembly for Mahaica/Berbice Region #5 profit,whichissplitbetween customary for such Section Three of the any administrative lapses. additional funding under the that upon return to Office, it Guyana and the Stabroek certificates.” Petroleum Agreement, “The ministry believes that Ministry of Agriculture, w i l l m a k e t h e s e Block consortium, giving The Irfaan Ali-led training cost is explicitly the timing of this misleading Development and Support investigations a priority and each 12.5%. However, the administration has explicitly listed as a recoverable post is unfortunate, as it Services – Subsidies and that all will be made public consortium pays a 2% stated that due to the sanctity expensethatdoesnotrequire seems intended to distract Contributions to Local knowledge,”Jordansaid. royalty from its share to ofthecontract,the2016PSA theminister’spriorapproval. f r o m t h e o n g o i n g Organisations where it Guyana. From its 14.5% will remain in place, despite The contract states: “All investigation at the GMC. received a further 60 million Friday Guyanathenhastopaytaxes the deal being labeled as costs and expenses incurred We urge members of the dollars in addition to the 250 fortheoilcompanies. ‘lopsided’. In fact, last year, by the Contractor in training public not to be swayed by million dollars it had Guyana received $336B in Notably, the provision of President Ali, during an of Guyanese personnel and baseless accusations and to received from the 2024 2023 from oil, and had to the Stabroek Block contract interview with British such other amounts as may await the outcome of the budget under Capital pay $306B in taxes for which gives Exxon and its Broadcasting Corporation be expended on training official investigations, Expenditure,” Vinceroy ExxonM and partners affiliates a tax-free ride in (BBC) Senior Journalist under Article 19 of the which are being conducted Jordan, Shadow Agriculture Guyana has attracted Gideon Long, reiterated his A
with the highest level of Minister said in the PNCR F o r 2 0 2 3 , t h e criticisms locally and administration’s position to
integrity. The Ministry of statement. Government of Guyana internationally. The contract notrenegotiatethe‘lopsided’ Ministerialpermission. Agriculture remains Jordan added that (GoG) had to pay the states inArticle 15.1 that the Exxon deal. President Ali It should be noted that committed to its mandate of sources at the ministry also combined sum of $306 Contractor (ExxonMobil said, “Well, I would say Exxon has moved to erect a servingthepeopleofGuyana revealed that the possible billion in income taxes for Guyana Limited) as well as definitely, we did not have number of billboards across and ensuring that all aspects cover-up is likely since ExxonMobil Guyana its affiliates shall not be thebestofdeals,Exxonhada the country with misleading of its operations are nothing has been done since Limited and its Stabroek subjectedtotax,value-added good deal signed by the last information. Kaieteur News transparent and accountable. the revelation of the Block partners, Hess and tax, excise tax, duty, fee, government ” Ali then understands that the We will continue to work misappropriations and fear CNOOC according to the charge, or impost in respect highlighted that the sanctity information is publicly on diligently for the benefit of thatthesamemeasurewould companies’audited financial of income derived from of contract is “very display at key locations in the agricultural sector and be extended to the senior statements, while for the petroleum operations, i m p o r t a n t ” t o h i s Region Three, Region Four, the citizens of our country,” officers and other staff same period Guyana earned property held or transactions government, adding, “and andRegionFive. thestatementconcluded. involved as was extended to $336billionfromitsoil. except as specified under the wecan’tgobackonthat.” This is the second time Allegationsofcorruption a known supervisor just over This arrangement which agreement. It should be noted that a that Exxon has attempted to In recent months, there a y e a r b a c k w h o saw the Government paying It goes on to state in legal suit brought against mislead the Guyanese have been numerous misappropriated millions of almost the same amount it Article 15.4 that the sum these abusive tax giveaways population about its allegations of corruption at dollars in payments to a earned from oil, in taxes for equivalent to the taxes owed by the Publisher of this operations in the country various agencies that fall ghost security guard the oil companies last year is by the company will be paid newspaper, Mr Glenn Lall Previously, the company under the Ministry of (machine watchman) and as a result of the 2016 by the Minister responsible was unsuccessful as the erected billboards claiming Agriculture Earlier this remained on the job with no Production Sharing for Petroleum to the Court dismissed the case in Guyana was benefitting from week the main opposition- investigation to date. “The Agreement (PSA) the Commissioner General of February2023. 50% of all profits in the Peoples National Congress PNCR/APNU Coalition p r e v i o u s C o a l i t i o n the GRA. It should be noted Stabroek Block What Exxon Reform (PNCR) said in a calls on the Minister of Government signed with the that the contract also allows Takes credit for however failed to outline, as statement that reliable Agriculture to immediately U.S oil major Exxon is the for the issuing of a receipt to investments but was pointed out by Vice sources from the ministry call in the Police and to operator of the Stabroek ExxonMobil, indicating that recovering cost from President Bharrat Jagdeo, is have revealed to them that launch an investigation into Block, with 45% interest, it has met the local tax Guyana’s oil that the oil company first there is an impending cover- the alleged conspiracy and Hess Guyana Exploration requirements to avoid the Exxon’s new billboards deducts 75% of all the up of what is deemed to be a theft of monies at the Ltd. holds 30% interest and burden of double taxation. misleading… earnings towards cost, then massive corruption scheme MMA/ADA. The Coalition China National Offshore Oil Article 15.5 of the contract shares the remaining balance perpetrated by several staff also reminds the Minister of Corporation (CNOOC) states, “Within one hundred Over the past few weeks, withGuyanaasprofits members at the MMA/ADA the investigation into the Petroleum Guyana Limited and eighty (180) days ExxonMobil Guyana He said, “I don’t agree in Region #5 Sources destruction of thousands of holds 25% interest Last following the end of each Limited (EMGL) started a with those billboards they revealed, the PNCR said that duck eggs which was year, the three companies year of assessment, the new campaign, taking credit create the impression that this corruption scheme has deemed as sabotage to the earned $1.3 trillion in profits Minister shall furnish to for training and preparing t h e y a r e f i n a n c i n g been active for a few years Ministry of Agriculture – entirely tax-free in Contractor proper tax Guyaneseforemploymentin everything in our country and that records of the Livestock Development Guyana However, while certificates in Contractor’s the sector; however, the fine when they are not. So it misappropriation of millions Authority that has either not Exxon, Hess, and CNOOC n a m e f r o m t h e print in the 2016 Production conveys the impression that of dollars could be found in yet been completedor he has are not required to pay taxes, Commissioner General, Sharing Agreement (PSA) they take care of everything, thefinancedepartment. refused to make it public. the 2016 oil contract Guyana Revenue Authority paintsadifferentpicture. schools, and hospitals “What is said to be the The Minister of Agriculture provides for the taxes to be evidencing the payment of In an advertisement that everything that they are misappropriation of funds should also investigate the paid to the Guyana Revenue the Contractor’s income tax appeared as recently as financing everything.That is took place between inside alleged land-grabbing and Authority (GRA) by the under the Income Tax Act August25inKaieteurNews, t h e m i s l e a d i n g staff and several contractors misuse of the machinery, Government out of its share andcorporationtaxunderthe Exxon claimed that it was (thing)…so…whattheysaid linked to the agency who fuel, staff, and other ofprofitoil. Corporation Tax Act. Such trainingGuyaneseforjobsin (Continued on page 38)
From page 37 dramatic shift from
cargos has no basis in editorialstated. is not inaccurate but it promising to “review and reality.” Itshouldbenotedthatthe creates a misleading renegotiate” the deal to now
The company did not Petroleum Agreement impression.” The company parroting the legal term indicatewhereitsfuelforthe between the Government of was called out by a number “sanctity of contract” is operations was being Guyana (GoG) and United of organizations and equivalent to a stab in the sourced or the cost. Up to S t a t e s o i l m a j o r , i n d i v i d u a l s f o r i t s back for the country “This
press time, Exxon did not ExxonMobilprovidesforthe misinformation campaign phrase has become their respond to queries in that operator of the Stabroek This eventually led to the shield, a convenient excuse regard. Blocktouseasmuchoilasit structuresbeingpulleddown for inaction, a dereliction of Exxon’s statement was needs during the offshore bythegovernment. duty and a betrayal of the issued to the media in operations. nationalinterest,”Ramsaid. response to Kaieteur News’ Article 11 9 of the Saturday The Attorney-at-Law Friday, September 13, 2024 Agreement states: “The however made it clear that Editorial The column Contractor shall have the Ram blasts political there is no sanctity in an questioned the secrecy right to use in any parties for silence and agreement that fails to surrounding the use of Petroleum Operations as inaction on injustices of protect the interests of the Guyana’s crude oil for the much of the production as ExxonMobil oil deal Guyanesepeople Infact,he company’s activities and its may reasonably be pointed out that the only importance in determining required by it therefor and Chartered Accountant thing sacred should be a whether this was yet another the quantities so used or lost and prominent Attorney-at- nation’s right to benefit avenue for the country to be shall be excluded from any
Such willful ignorance is not
ExxonMobil affiliate, Law, Christopher Ram has fully from its natural shortchanged
calculations of Cost Oil just embarrassing; it’s a
blastedthepoliticalpartiesin resources resources. and/or Cost Gas and Profit dangerousabdicationoftheir Limitedisoperatorandholds Guyana for failing to protect To this end, Ram “When that number is Oil and/or Profit Gas roleastheopposition,failing 45% interest in the Stabroek the country’s resources and explained, “This misplaced disclosed, whatever it is, entitlement.” to provide the necessary block. advance the interests of reverence for a flawed assessments can be made During a webinar earlier checks and balances our
citizens through their contractisnotjustmisguided that, given the scope of this month, International democracy requires,” he Exploration Ltd. holds 30% deafening silence and – it’s a dangerous ceding of ExxonMobil’s Guyana Award-winning Lawyer, said. interest, and CNOOC inaction on the lopsided oil our national sovereignty By operations, as to the Melinda Janki pointed out
Meanwhile, Ram opined Petroleum Guyana Limited deal with American super treating the 2016Agreement reasonableness of it, how it that the country was in the that theWPA’s myopic focus holds25%interest. major,ExxonMobil. as untouchable, our leaders compares to similar dark on how much of its oil on cash transfers without Anumber of government Ram in his weekly haveeffectivelyhandedover situationselsewhere. Onthe wasbeingusedbyExxon. addressing the fundamental agencies, onshore and column, ‘Every Man, control of our resources to other hand, when that She told participants of inequitiesoftheagreementis offshore, monitor all crude WomanandChildinGuyana foreign corporations. They number is shaded in secrecy, the online event that in 2021 a betrayal of their
cargo lifts, including those Must Become Oil-Minded’ have prioritised the interests the door is flung open for she wrote to President Irfaan revolutionary heritage and a assigned to the co-venturers, published in Friday’s edition of ExxonMobil and its playing with what could Alirequestingthis;however, sad spectacle of a party that Exxon added The oil of the Stabroek News, partners over the wellbeing involve thousands of barrels she never received a once fought for true company therefore noted, explored the role of the oftheGuyanesepeople.” of oil daily,” a section of the response. independence. “The idea of secret crude existing political groups in He continued, “The His view on the AFC is thecountry stability clause represents a that the party seems The Lawyer informed surrender of our right to hamstrung by the election of readers in his 136th adapt our laws and Nigel Hughes as its Leader, publication, “From all of regulations to changing who is in another role, the them – the (People’s circumstances and national Attorney-at-Lawforallthree National Congress Reform) needs. This seems more like of the contractors – Exxon, PNC-R, the (Alliance For subjugation rather than Hess and CNOOC. “Hughes Change) AFC, ANUG (A sanctity. It ignores the has made it clear that he has New and United Guyana) fundamental principle of no intention to give up his and the (Working Peoples’ fairness in international professional relationship, Alliance) WPA – there is a law.” adding that he would not silence that is not only Ram explained that the seek to influence the Party’s disappointing and deafening petroleum world is replete position While barely but amounts to a collective withcasesinwhichcountries acceptable, it is surely surrender of our sovereignty h a v e s u c c e s s f u l l y unfortunatethattheLeaderis by the entire political renegotiated oil contracts unable to lead in such in establishment.” when circumstances have critical sector of the Ram told readers that the changed, or when the economy,”Ramstated.
collective failure to original terms were found to Most silent amongst the challenge the 2016 be against their national political parties is ANUG, Agreement is a de facto interest.Assuch,theLawyer Ram pointed out, whose endorsementofthesurrender argued that the failure of Leader is also an AttorneyofGuyana’ssovereignty leaders in Guyana to even at-Law
“By their silence and consider this option is a inaction, every major dereliction of their duty to Guyana’s oil not being political party in Guyana has protect the country’s used for Stabroek Block become complicit in this interests. operations – ExxonMobil grand ceding of our national Turning his readers’ rights and resources. They attention to the main ExxonMobil Guyana have collectively failed to political opposition party, Limited (EMGL) on Friday uphold the fundamental the PNC/R, Ram noted that said Guyana’s crude oil was principlethatagovernment’s the leader,Aubrey Norton is not being used for its primary duty is to protect the yet to announce a sound offshore operations in the country’s resources and to position StabroekBlock. advance the interests of its “The Party seems The company in a citizens,”hesaid. bankrupt of ideas, bankrupt statement explained,
More troubling however, of expertise and bankrupt of “ E M G L’s o f f s h o r e the groups show no interest courageinwhatisclearlythe operations use none of the in Article 31 2 of the most important issue facing crude produced in the PetroleumAgreement which the country now and for the Stabroek block. All of the allowsGuyanatoaskforany next thirty years Their crude oil recovered is lifted amendment or modification, current leader’s apparent forsaleinone-million-barrel theAttorney-at-Law pointed ignoranceoftheagreement’s cargosbytheGovernmentof out. detailsisanindictmentofthe Guyana and the coHe argued that the PPP’s Party’s fitness to govern. venturers.”
Frompage30 shared her inspiration for fostering their passion “Seeingmydaughtersdance from such a young age and grow within the dancing arenainspiredmetosupport themfully,”LarsontoldThe Waterfalls. “I wanted them to stay active and engaged, especially in a time when youngpeoplefacenumerous challenges.”
The name Riverside Angels’ holds a special meaning According to Davis,thegroup’snamewas chosen by Kelton Jennings o f U n i q u e A r t s Entertainment.
“We never got the opportunity to ask him what is actually means but I can recallthathementionedthat weliveontheWestsideand weareclosetotheDemerara Riversohedecidedtocallus Riverside Angels, because wewereonlyfemalesandwe werereallysmallatthattime so he saw us as beautiful angels and that is why he cameupwiththatname,”the
sister said While the RiversideAngelsaretrained incontemporaryandmodern dance,theyarenowfocusing on integrating Amerindian cultural dances into their performances. Davis elaborated, “Our traditional performances currently include the bird dance, the farm dance, and the matapee dance. We’re committed to learning and incorporating more traditional dances as we progress.”
However, the sisters and their mother face challenges in performing Amerindian dances due to the limited availability of traditional songs.
Larson expressed frustration with the scarcity ofvariedAmerindianmusic, noting,“Forinstancelikethe matapee song that is trending,ithasbeentherefor years so I have been attending some functions and sit down between the audience sometimes, so when it’s time for other
dancegroupstoperformand the dancers would sometimes perform the matapee song, they would say‘ohgawdthatsongagain like they only have one song,’ I have been hearing thatfromtimetotime.”
L a r s o n a d d e d , ”
Therefore,Idoresearchesof traditional Amerindian songs, not just from Guyana but from around to world to be authentic and unique. I decided to go with flute music and most of the audiences would enjoy that song.
We are the first dance group to start with flute music and I’m so proud that otherdancegroupsareusing thatmethodaswell.”
Despite the mixed reactions from audiences, she remains steadfast “Negative feedback can be discouraging, but I encourage my daughters to useitasasourceofstrength andresilience.”
Looking forward, The Riverside Angels aim to
further immerse themselves in Amerindian culture and expand their group. Larson has reached out on social media for new members, hoping to bring more young people into the fold. “We want to continue preserving our culture and give opportunities to others who share our passion,” she explained.
Balancingherrolesasa mother and manager, Larson admitted the job is challenging
“Being a leader means
sometimes leaving my
regular job to fulfill requestsforperformances,” shesaid
The eldest daughter shared, “Our biggest support would be our mom who is our manager for the dance group who have been working really hard and have been pushing the group
Our biggest source of support would be the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport and the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs These agencies believed in us in different stages and we are g
working with them and grateful for having the opportunity that they have given us for allowing our dreams to become a reality at this pointinourlives ” Reflecting on their journey, Larson expressed immense pride in her daughters
“Despite the hardships we faced, seeing my daughters grow into such accomplished young w o m e n m a k e s m e incredibly proud I’ve always tried to be both a mother and a guiding forceforthem,”shesaid
He felt his hair, recently buzzed, by barber not by choice, due to a lice infestation that had just spread through his home Although never confirmed, Theodore “Jackson” Fickle, would always blame his youngest sister for the infestation (and the humiliation).Ashesatinhis memory, listening to Mr Langdon, Jackson recalled that the short, jolly teacher was his second favourite of all time. His first favourite teacher was his third grade teacher, Ms. Polly, and his third favourite teacher was his second grade teacher Mrs. Julba. incidentally, his least favourite teacher had his first favourite name, Mr Prestidigitalio He had taught kindergarten, and refused to call Jackson, “Jackson”.
Jackson felt his hand raise, excited to answer a question that had just been asked.Somethingabouttuna fish No his brain was confused now The question wasabouttheocean,butthe answerwasnottunafish,but rather salt water Mr Langdon scanned the room then settled on the hand of youngJackson.Withabroad smile,hecalledonhim.
“Ah, Theodore Fickle hastheanswer!”
Jackson felt his smile lessen. He did not like havingtocorrectpeople.He shuffled in his seat and clearedhisthroat.
“Um, my real name is Theodore Fickle, but everyonecalls me Jackson,” he said in an uneven and high-pitchedvoice.
The colours of the room began to blend together Inexplicably, the room itself started to stretch and warp, and then slide out of view, until Jackson saw nothing but black He couldn't rememberwherehehadjust been. He couldn't remember whathehadjustheard.
“Don't take too much, nowDusty Remembertoput most of it back,” Tarza's voicecutthrough.
Suddenly the colours camestreamingbackintohis mind. The lines were still a bit smudged, but it was his classroom once again. Mr Langdon was there, with a smile that was, for just a moment, larger than any Jackson had ever seen. As the scene settled,everything wasrightagain.
He felt the suction cup leavehisforeheadwithasoft “POP” and he was back in the ship, looking at two robots Dusty's tiny metal windowclosedagain.
Jackson was wobbly So wobbly, in fact, that he realizedthefoamhadlostits griponhim.
“Name confirmed Not PresidentRacha.”
Dusty and Plod turned towardseachother
“ N e w d i r e c t i v e required,”saidPlod. Jacksonhadhadenough.
Breaking through the thin layer of foam around his arms, Jackson tried out a second method, for the first time:heroicaction.
“Jackson, how did you…”
Withoutaword,Jackson kicked through the remainingfoamandstepped out onto the cold, not-at-allgood-tasting floor He stood tall, feeling strong and courageous.
Dusty and Plod hastily wheeledtooppositesidesof theroomandstayedthere.
Jackson tried to break Tarzafree,butherfoamwas too thick. He tried to pull it away from her, even lifting hislegagainstitforleverage, butcouldnotgetittobudge. He found himself feeling less strong and courageous bythesecond.
“How do I get you out?” heasked.
“There!” said Tarza “The green levers on the controlpanel.”
Jackson pulled down on the closest of two green leversandamistcoveredhis formerpodanddissolvedall theremainingfoam.Without hesitation, he pulled the second and Tarza was soon sprayed herself With nothingleftbutafewshreds of foam on her clothes, she steppeddownontothefloor, lickingherlips.
“Mmmm, butterscotch flavored spray You missed out.”
Tarza stomped around, searching every inch of the room.
“Quick,we'vegottofind theWarp-Ports!”
Jackson brushed himself off and started kicking the lastremainingbitsoffoam.
“Maybe they got frozen inthefoamwithus!”hesaid.
“No, ” said Tarza, shakingherhead.“Thefoam only freezes living beings and their clothing. It's very smart In fact, it was a Byzong inventor who realized that you can isolate not just carbon beings but their…waitasecond…”
“What?” asked Jackson, glad that she had been cut short before going even furtheroverhishead.
“Theymuststillbethere! The foam would've let them droptothefloor!Comeon!”
Tarza grabbed Jackson's hand and he felt an electric buzz shoot all the way up to his shoulder Although new, and startling to him, it was notanunpleasantsensation.
They raced through the corridorsasfastastheirlegs would take them. When a Byzong intern passed by, Jackson tucked behind Tarza, making himself as inconspicuous as possible, and the intern passed by without noticing Before reaching the blue lit room again, Jackson noticed a vending machine that read “GalaxySweets”Havingnot eaten since the few bites of tuna fish sandwich that sent him through a black hole, and having just been frozen in foam for three hours, Jackson was understandable stavrving.
“Wait,” he said, pulling Tarzatoastop.“Ineedtoeat something. Can you get me oneofthese?”
Tarza whispered hastily “You've got to be kidding me!there'llbeplentyoftime for snacks once we've been picked up by the Pocket Watches!”
Jackson grabbed at his b e l l y “ Yo u d o n ' t understand!It'sbeensolong sinceI'veeaten.I'mstarving! PlusI'mnotusedtobreaking outofthingslikethat.Ittook itoutofme.”
“How did you do that, anyway?”sheasked.
“I sweat when I'm nervous,” he answered sheepishly “Human sweat mustdissolvethefoam.”
“You're full of surprises, aren't you,” she replied. She looked at him with sympathy “Well, it's a good sign that you're hungry I suppose Black holes can sometimes reverse your intestines.Fine.Butbequick aboutit.”
Making a firm and immediatedecisiontoignore her comment on his intestines, Jackson thanked her Placing her hand on the side of the machine, the display shifted to ask which of three kinds of bars they would like. The first was a small bucket of rock-shaped (Continuedonpage41)
How to make a Kids Lantern Craft from Recycled Supplies – DIY
Instructions: Paint a plastic bowl and peanutbutterjarlid.
Toprep,youcanpaintyour plastic bowl and peanut butter jar lid a fun colour, as we did. Let dry thoroughly and set to theside.
I used spray paint to coat theplasticbowlandlidsimply becauseitwasFAST,easy,and waterproof, but your kids can use paints and a paintbrush to decoratetheirown.
Cut a hole through the
bottom of a clear plastic peanutbutterjarandthread it with cotton roping or ribbon.
Cut a small (1/4″) hole in the center of the bottom of the peanut butter jar This is actually going to turn into the top of your lantern. Tie a knot at each end of your cotton
Starting from the inside of yourjar,pushthecenterofyour rope through the hole. From the outside, pull the center out andpulluptocreateahandle.
Cut a hole in the bottom oftheplasticbowlandthread the roping through to create a cover for the top of the lantern.
Cut a small hole in the center of the bottom of your plastic bowl. With your bowl bottom-side up, push the handleupthroughtheholeand pull the bull down so it covers your peanut butter jar – now yourlanternhasacover!
Add a small square of velcro to the inside of the peanut butter jar lid to keep your flameless tea light in place. Grabthelidofyourjarand a flameless tea light. Put one side of a velcro dot on the bottom of your flameless light and the other in the middle of your jar lid. Now when you want to light up your lantern, you can turn your lea light on, stick it to velcro, screw the lid onto the bottom of your lantern, and you're ready to roll!
At this point, your lantern is ready to use, but we wanted the inside to light up with brightandcolorfulpatterns,so wewentaheadwithafewextra steps…
Fold a large square of parchment paper in half to line the inside of your lantern.
Tocreatethecolorfulliner, Istartedbydoublingupapiece of parchment paper (2 layers make it a little stiffer so it will hold its shape in the jar and standupstraight).Measurethe heightandliddiameterofyour
peanut butter jar and cut your parchment paper so it will fit inside.
Cut or tear pieces of colorful tissue paper to decorateyourliner.
Once your parchment paperhasbeencuttosize,start cutting tissue paper into fun shapes – they can be geometric, organic – anything youprefer!Youcouldalsouse stamps,drawwithcrayons,and decorate with stickers. or glue on leaves to decorate your liner
Isometimeswonderwhy Ihavetogotoschool–Youhavetodosomuchwork, Andfollowsomanyrules.
ButthenIlookatpeople, Withnoeducationyoucansee, Theyoftenseemtobesopoor Thattheynevercouldbehappy
Andthentherearethose, Whoyouknowareeducated–Theymosttimeshavethebestjobs, Andbyallothersarerespected.
SonowIhavemadeupmymind Toworkhardformyeducation; Iknowitsometimescanbetough, ButintheendIwillgainsatisfaction.
Glue the tissue pieces to theparchmenttocreateafun composition. Useagluesticktogluethe pieces of tissue paper onto the liner Youcancreateacolorful liner using abstract shapes as we did, or keep reading below for more liner decoration ideas!
Rollthelinerupandslide itintoyourpeanutbutterjar
Rolltheparchmentlinerup and slide it into your peanut butter jar when you've finished.Screwthelidon,and you'reallset!
For more artistic interest, you could use a hot glue gun to add other decorative craft suppliestotheoutsideofyour DIY lantern I'm a less-ismore kind of person, so I stoppedattheliner
Etascheduletostudyat regulartimes.Onceapattern is set, you will find it easier to get started and use your timeefficiently
On days that you don't have homework or tests to prepare for, keep the routine by practicing a skill or reading about a topic that interests you beyond class assignments.Your schedule will likely vary somewhat fromdaytoday,especiallyif you are involved in sports, clubs, or work. Even if you
cannotstudyonthesameday every week, try to develop consistent hours or weekly patterns,forexample,ifyour workschedulechangeseach week, try to reserve one night early in the week and onenightlateintheweekto completeyourassignments.
Tofunctionatyourbest, you will need to be well restedandalertatthestartof the school day If you have keptlatehoursduringschool vacation, you may find it difficult to adjust to the
earlier schedule. Since the amount and quality of your sleep impact your academic success, it is important to start this adjustment before classes begin Regular sleeping patterns lead to higher quality sleep, so you will need to establish a routine of preparation for sleep and a consistent schedule.
3. Time your morning preparations.
Morning routines are often hurried as you rush to make it to class on time.
EachrowandcolumncontainsfouruniqueYshapes(four differentorientations)andtwoOs.Ysshouldnotformstraight linesbytouchingotherYs.Thereisauniquesolution.
Frompage40 candies called Grubble. The second was a long, green cylinder called Ozzback Ooze And the last was a Saturn Cocoa Bar, the only onethatJacksonrecognized. Jackson Fickle had long said that Saturn Cocoa Bar was his favorite sweet treat of all However, in his lifetime until this point, he had consumed 457 Saturn CocoaBars.Thismeantthat he had consumed Ruby Razziesatleastonehundred timesmore.
Italsomeantthathehad chosen Chunkies Smooth and Creamies 62% of the time, when given an option between the two. By no commonly accepted metric and only by his self declaration, were Saturn CocoaBarshisfavorite.Yet, when he saw this option at the “Galaxy Sweets” vending machine, it was an easyandinstantchoice.
Hetouchedthepictureof the Saturn Cocoa Bar on the screen and smiled to Tarza. “Saturn Cocoa Bars are my favorite.”And as they raced downthehallway,hewasted no time in opening and takingabiteofthedelectable candy bar, because while I may have said that Saturn
Cocoa Bars fall in stature to Ruby Razzies and Chunkies Smooth and Creamies in Jackson Fickle's personal lifearchives,theyarestillthe barwiththemostchocolatey, crunchy, and out-of-thisworldtastearound.
Thedoortotheroomwas still lit yellow “That's lucky,” said Tarza softly “Lookslikenoone'sgonein since.”
“Great!” said Jackson Hewasreadytobeoffofthe chaoticByzongwarshipthat had brought him confusion, interrogation, and foam confinement. So it was a letdown, if not a downright disappointment, when he took his first step in the control room and saw a group of three Byzong accountantsstandingaround a high top table mumbling numbers out loud as they worked.
T h e p a i r f r o z e , unblinking, as the accountants stopped and turned to meet their eyes Tarza immediately spotted the two Warp Ports, still lying on the floor up against thefarwall.
The accountants stared forabreathbeforeonespoke up.
“What impressive
Beforetheyearbegins,make sure you know how much timeyouwillneedtoprepare inthemorningandprepareto wake up early enough to do so properly Plan what you willwearthenightbefore.If your mornings are hectic or stressful, choose the next day's clothes in advance. This will simplify the hurried morning routine and reducestress.
4. Prepare yourself to make the most of the new school yearAfter several months away, in which you enjoyed yourself with activities so different from thoseatschool,preparations for a new school year will need some special effort.To get back on stream for c l a s s w o r k , s o m e adjustmentstoyourpersonal habits, mental preparation, and simple organisation of yoursuppliescanboostyour confidence as you start the yearahead.
Wesuggestthatyouget readyforthisbyconsidering 4 areas to work with –Preparingyourselfmentally, organising your school supplies, preparing your studyspace,andestablishing aroutinetofollow
(Thispoemisthefirstinthebook “ShapeupyourPersonality”byRoyPaul(UncleRoy) whichwillsoonbepublishedinGuyana)
Thathasnostatedportofcall, Withoutameansofstayingoncourse, Wherewindandtidedictateandchancebefall?
Nay,eachiscountedandservesitsaim, IntheGoodLord'sreckoning.
Whythenshouldamanliveonthisearth Withnosetgoalstomeet, Topitchandtossintheseaoffate, Andthusendhislifeindefeat?
ThananyofGod'sdumbcreations, Ifmanshouldclaimahigherdestiny, Hemustseekhisgivenmission.
Soeachofusneedtakethetime Toformthegoalswecherish, Togivetruemeaningtoourlives, Andthusgainfulfillmentandhappiness.
confidenceyoubothhaveto openareddoor!We'regoing over the numbers for the month Are you here to help?” asked the Byzong accountant with the largest, loudestlookingshoes.
“You have wonderful taste in rooms,” said Tarza through a forced smile “We're not accountants, this isjust…ourfavoriteplaceto workaswell…”
“Do you outrank us?” asked the accountant, matter-of-factly
“Well, no I don't think so…wejust…”
“We need the room,” explained the accountant, turning back towards the work in front of him. “With so much ruckus going on aroundhereit'sawonderwe foundaplaceatall.”
The accountants resumed mumbling and searching through numbers on the computers in front of them, sending the most pertinent to a holographic pillar in the center of the tableatarapidpace.“Twelve thousand, four hundred and ninety three. Four-thousand, nine hundred and ninetynine,”saidanother “Eightyone.Threehundredandtwo. Four ” muttered another The third was rattling off numbersatsuchaspeedthat neither Tarza nor Jackson couldunderstand.
Tarzaleanedover “What are we going to do? The Warp Ports are right over there.”
Jackson cocked his head in thought. “Did you notice, Tarza, that they didn't say anything about me being human…?”hewhispered.
“ Yo u ' r e r i g h t , ” whispered Tarza “Maybe theydidn'tnotice?”
“Maybe, ” he said, regaining full volume “Maybetheydon'tcare…”
Jackson began walking forward, but Tarza reached outtostophim.
“Wait!”sheyelled.They both looked at the accountants. There was no reaction.Onlyworking.
“Fifty-seven Fiftyseven point five.” said the headaccountant.
Tarza mouthed her next words with barely a sound. “Whatareyoudoing?”
Jackson smirked “You wanted me to be a person of action right? Well, I'm testingatheory.”
Feeling bolder, he walked behind the accountantsandheldouthis arms “Wabble Wabble Wablle!” he yelled The accountants continued sendingnumberstothepillar with startling speed. “One hundred twenty one thousandandone.”
“The President has a
teamofaccountants,awhole slewofthem,andtheynever seeminterestedinabsolutely anything other than numbers. I saw one eat their lunch once without ever evenlookingatit!”Themeal hewasreferringtohadbeen a tuna fish sandwich with a sideofchips.Mindyou,this was not the same tuna fish sandwich that had set Jackson on a course to this very room, of course. The tuna fish sandwich that Jackson had been eating earlier this day had been a traditional composition of white albacore tuna and mayo on white bread. The tuna fish sandwich being referred to indirectly at the currenttime,hadbeenmade with chunk light tuna, and a generous helping of mayonnaise, mustard, and relish on rye bread, five monthsearlier
Tarza walked forward hesitantly “So… they're not evenlistening?”sheasked. Jacksonnodded.“Ithink they're even worse than the humanaccountants.”
Similarly to the accountants, Tarza had only one thought on her mind Hesitantly, still not sure if she could trust Jackson's theory, Tarza made her way over to the Warp Ports and grabbedthemfromthefloor “I don't believe it!” she
saidtoherself.“Wegotem!” Tarza spun around to hand Jackson hisWarp Port, but having become comfortable in the knowledge that they could dowhatevertheywanted,he wasnowfinishingtherestof his Saturn Cocoa Bar and reading the back of the wrapper
“Amazing. Only ninetyfive calories in the entire bar.”
“Ninety-five” repeated, the head accountant absentmindedly Heshookhishead atthemistakethenturnedto face Jackson with a fierce scowl. It sent shivers down hisspine.
“What charming, small ears you have…” said the head accountant with a vicious glare He stepped forward and towered over Jackson with his large metal shoes, tall ears, and intimidatingsize.“Whatisa human doing on our ship, interfering with our budget calculation!”
Tarza made a quick calculation and watched on in wonder, as Jackson backedup,stumbledoverhis feet, and landed his rear end squarelyonthegreenbutton of the control panel The room was instantly filled with foam once again, this timetrappingonehumanand fourByzongs.
By Anna De Souza
Ofalltheitemsinourcloset,off-the-shouldertopsand dresseswinthegoldmedalforfussiness.Ifthelookwasn'tso charmingandtrendy,wewouldhavecalleditquitsalongtime ago.Alas,wesawageniustrickonlineandhadtogiveita whirl—anditreallyworks!Allyouneedarehairtiesand safetypinstokeepthetopexactlywhereyouwantit.
You'rebasicallyconstructingabungeethatwilllay underneathyourarmpitandkeepyourshoulderscold,whether you'rereachingforsomethinginyourbagorliftingyourarms forsomethingfromthetopshelf.
2.Secureasecondsafetypinontheothersideofthehair tie.Itwilllookabitlikeabungeecordwithsafetypinsonthe outsideandelasticinthemiddle.
3.Fastenonesafetypintotheinsideelasticorseamofthe shirt(soitwillbeinvisiblefromtheoutside),rightatthefront ofyourarmpit.Attachthesecondsafetypintotheback.
5.Whendressing,weaveyourarmovertheelasticand throughthesleevesothehairtierestsunderyourarmpit.
Protip:Lookforsofterhairties,ideallywithoutthemetal fastener,formorecomfort.Andyou'reset!
Proper preparation for your work in the new school year will work to help you to do your best in this.
Uncle Roy is again appealing to our readers to make a contributiontothiscolumnbyeithergivingafeedbackon whatispublished,askingforsomehelpwithsomepersonal problem, offering some advice to fellow teenagers, or sharing the news of what is happening in his/her community Please send your contribution to
Ma s s y G a s P r o d u c t s (Guyana) Ltd (MGPGL) commissioned an Air Separation Plant on Thursday at its East Bank Demerara (EBD) facility
The liquid oxygen and nitrogen plant has a production capacity of 13 tons per day This cuttingedge facility is designed to meetthegrowingdemandsof Guyana's medical and industrialsectors.
According to a statement issued by Tagman Media on behalf of the company, the state-of-the-art plant has been operational since 2023 and has achieved notable milestones.Itproducesliquid oxygen with a purity of 99 9%, surpassing the standards required for both medical and industrial applications Additionally, thenitrogengasproducedhas anoxygenpuritylevelof0.15 parts per million, surpassing the10ppmO2specifications local beverage companies andotherindustryusersneed.
“TheAirSeparationPlant wasmanufacturedinIndiaby Cosmodyne, a subsidiary of Nikkiso, a Japanese company However,itisfully operated and maintained independently by the 100% Guyanese Massy Gas local team, showcasing the company's investment in local expertise and operationalcapacity
The plant is also wellpositioned to support the oil and gas sector, supplying nitrogen for turnarounds, start-ups, and shutdowns, including the expected commissioningofthegas-toshorepipeline,”thestatement said.
Further,thecompanysaid thatasthepremiersupplierof industrial and medical gases and LPG (Cooking Gas) in Guyana, MGPGL has
become a trusted provider, offering excellent and reliable services to its customers. The company's strong commitment to customer satisfaction has cemented its position as a leaderintheindustry
Mr Augustus Harris, CEOofMGPGLhighlighted the foresight behind this investment stating, “This project was contemplated with the future of our growing and dynamic economy in mind. With the continued growth and expansion in all sectors, particularly the Oil and Gas and manufacturing sectors, we have selected this 13tons-per-day plant. We are confident that, considering the trajectory of the economy, our plant will be abletosatisfythedemandfor oxygenandnitrogen.”
In keeping with
MGPGL's vision of meeting the demands of a growing economy and optimising resourceuse,thecompanyis further committed to expanding its capabilities
Mr Harris added, “MGPGL willinvestina3-tonperday Co2 filling plant by December 2024 and later, a CO2productionplant.”
The new plant not only produces high-purity nitrogen and oxygen which s a t i s f i e s i n d u s t r y requirements and eliminates theneedtoimportthesegases but also optimises energy usage and achieves cost savings, aligning with the company's broader goals of innovationandsustainability
This investment is part of Massy's long-standing commitment to contributing to the country's industrial growth.
Mr Vaughn Martin, Chairman of the Gases Portfolio in the Massy Group, emphasised, “For 56
L-R U.SAmbassador Ms. Nicole Theriot, Hon Vickram Bharrat Minister of Natural Resources, Chairman of Massy Gases
Portfolio Mr. Vaughn Martin
years, we have had the privilege of operating in this beautiful country, building partnerships, serving industries, and contributing to the local economy Our journey here began with a humble yet determined vision to bring quality and innovative solutions to Guyana Over the years, we've grown together, evolving alongside the
country's industrial
landscape. And today, we take another giant step forward. Massy continued to investinGuyana.”
He added, “This ASU plantisnotjustatestamentto our commitment to Guyana but to our dedication to innovation, sustainability, and the future. The facility will not only provide essential industrial gases to various sectors powering industries, healthcare, and
manufacturing but will alsosetanewbenchmarkfor e n v i r o n m e n t a l responsibility.”
Meanwhile, Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat praised the Massy Group of Companies for recognising Guyana's potential for growth and choosing to invest in the country He acknowledged that one of the major challenges preventing
Guyana from becoming a manufacturing nation is the highcostandunreliabilityof energy
However, he noted that the government's Gas to Energyprojectisexpectedto reduce energy costs by 50% and afford the people a reliable source of energy Commending the Massy Group,hestated,“TheMassy Group of Companies did all ofthisatthehighenergycost thatIspeakof,andtheystuck with us through thick and thin, and for that, they must b e congratulated congratulate d for being a cornerstone in the development of our country ”This investment reinforces Massy Gas Products' long-standing dedication to the region's industrial and healthcare sectors,ensuringthatGuyana remains equipped for future growth across multiple industries.
From page 12 Minister of Grenada and and the Commonwealth, Chairman of the Caribbean many of whom worked Community, Dickon alongside him during his Mitchell. tenure as Commonwealth An appreciation of Sir Secretary-General, also paid Shirdaths’ life was read by tribute to a man whose work his son-in-law Sir Ronald had shaped the destiny of Sanders. “I cannot tell you nations. thatonthedayahearsecame In his emotional tribute, up the driveway to receive President Dr Mohamed his body; we did not rage Irfaan Ali highlighted Sir against it, we rage from the Shridath’s pivotal role in pain that comes within our safeguarding Guyana’s inner soul. That a man of territorial sovereignty, great worth has been taken particularly his leadership in from you, a man that you the decades-long border loved, respect, that inspired Guyana, the University of contributionstoZimbabwe’s man who had dedicated of Jamaica (OM), reflect the disputewithVenezuela. you, that kept his family the West Indies, and Independence. Sir Shridath h
, deep respect and admiration Despite his advanced together never making a Warwick University His was instrumental in the diplomacy, and societal hegarneredacrosstheglobe. a
’s single insistence of any of leadership in education and
unwavering commitment to them. He was a remarkable development was perhaps
progress Following the
service,hewasinterredatthe dismantling apartheid, his his homeland remained man
evident, especially in his emotionally West Indian Commission r
aid bestencapsulatedinthe1992 government, the Rhodesian PlaceoftheSevenPonds;the
n final resting place for Caribbean sovereignty, and continued advocacy for B o r n i n N e w report, Time for Action, a nationalists, including future Guyana’s most esteemed
internationallegal resolution Amsterdam, British Guiana, foundational document that Zimbabwean leaders like national figures, cementing
inGuyana’sfavour on October 3, 1928, Sir continues to influence Robert Mugabe and Joshua his status as one of the international environmental President Ali said during Shridath’s illustrious career Caribbean development Nkomo His leadership country’s most cherished law will inspire generations his tribute, “in the last four took him from King’s strategies. His contributions helped secure a compromise sons. tocome. years we had many College London and Gray’s to global conservation, that enabled the transition to SirShridath’spassingisa Though the national engagements particularly in Inn to the heart of global notably as President of the majorityrule. profound loss not just for funeral was a solemn the last 18 months …he diplomacy World Conservation Union, The funeral service, held Guyana, but for the world. occasion, it was also a placed particular emphasis H e h e l d c r i t i c a l solidified his status as a amidst the serene beauty of His honours, which included celebration of a life marked on the weight of words, his positions, including champion for both human the Promenade Gardens —a the Order of the Caribbean by service to humanity
famous counsel would be Guyana’s Minister of rights and environmental site rich in Guyanese Community (OCC), the Mourners from all walks of draft to win new eyes and ForeignAffairs and Minister protection. history—wasafittingtribute Knight Grand Cross of the life gathered in Georgetown
keep existing friends. His of Justice, before becoming
One of Sir Shirdath’s t o S i r S h r i d a t h ’ s Order of St. Michael and St. tohonourSirShridath,aman life and legacy stand as a Commonwealth Secretarymosthonouredcontributions monumentallegacy George (GCMG), the Order whose legacy will continue testimonial not only to his General from 1975 to 1990. as mentioned at the
brillianceasalegaleagleand Duringthistime,heemerged c e r e m o n y w a s h i s they reflected on the life of a (OE), and the Order of Merit tocome. statesman diplomat but also as a leading voice against to his undeniable dedication institutional racism in to the land of his birth Southern Africa, playing an Guyana.” instrumental role in the fight
Former Jamaican Prime against apartheid Sir Minister Percival Noel Shridath’s efforts extended JamesPattersonbeingoneof beyond diplomacy; his Sir Shirdaths’ good friends contributions to global made a video tribute at the e n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d service. Patterson shared Sir developmental causes were S h i r d a t h s ’ l e g a c y substantial, serving as a highlighting his advocacy in special advisor to the United the roles he played in Nations and participating in differentcountriesglobally numerous international Also paying tribute were commissions.
Opposition Leader of the In addition to his People’s National Congress diplomatic achievements, Aubrey Norton, Prime Sir Shridath served as Minister of St. Vincent and Chancellor of several the Grenadines Ralph prominent universities, Gonsalves, and Prime including the University of
As tributes filled the air, of Excellence of Guyana to shape the world for years
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
One Handyman needed to work in the Interior. Call: 6770869 or WhatsApp: 664-0844.
Urgently wanted Truck/ Lorry Driver. Must be safe & reliable. Call: 609-9203 / 603-1768.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).
Lorry/ Canter Driver in G/ town or East Bank. Must have Lorry license. Call/ WhatsApp: 609-2220.
Land for rent at Heroes Highway. Call: 653-2477.
House for rent in Sarwan Street, Eccles. Call: 666-8404.
Spacious 900 sqft 1 bed/1 bath. Safe and quiet neighborhood, Subryanville. Call: 624-2619.
One apartment for rent at Mon Repos E.C.D, Market street. Call: 614-0005/ 6024105.
1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.
One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ or Call: 615-9132.
Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.
Female Cleaner for office. Call 645-8443.
Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132/ 645-8443.
Vacancy Exist For two experienced Dispatcher at Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.
Experienced Cook & kitchen Assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.
Room Attendant, Desk Clerk, Supervisor and Receptionist 23-45 Years old. 233 South Road. Call: 225-0198.
Vacancy for Elderly care Worker. Please Call or WhatsApp Karen: 656-1875/ 233-5160.
Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.
Vacancy for one Porter to work on hauler truck. Contact: 611-7088 for more info.
Vacancy for the night handyman and a Domestic/ Maid. Call: 638-6816.
One retired Teacher to teach child with disability, 1 hour per day. Call: 699-0942.
Hurry Hurry Big sale Left over lumber: 6x6 beams green heart Klin dried export quality. Contact: 604-7734 (whatsapp) / 226-8995.
River side land & property for sale in Timehri & Parika. Call: 653-2477.
Many types of metal working machines: lathes, drilling, grinding, spraying, welding, etc. In working condition. Call: 227-1813.
Mining equipment, Maroc nozzles starting from $3,500 & chinese engine bed starting from $21,000. Call: 6981267/657-9121.
MADRID, Sept 14
(Reuters) - Spain has asked Venezuela for information about reports on Saturday that two Spaniards, three US citizens and a Czech have been arrested on suspicion of links to an alleged plan to destabilize the South American country, a Spanish foreign ministry source said.
Spanish media quoted Venezuelan Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello as saying the six were arrested on suspicion of planning to “generate violence” and “destabilize” Venezuela.
“The Spanish embassy has sent a verbal note to the Venezuelan government asking for access to the detained citizens in order to verify their identities and their nationality and in order to know what they are accused of exactly,” a Spanish foreign ministry source told Reuters.
The Spanish nationals were detained in Puerto Ayacucho, Spanish media quoted the minister as telling a press conference, adding that about 400 rifles originating in the United States had been seized. The Spanish citi-
zens were accused of belonging to the Spanish secret service. Spanish media reported Madrid denied this claim.
The arrests came after the Venezuelan government recalled its ambassador to Spain this week for consultations and summoned the Spanish ambassador to appear at the foreign ministry, escalating diplomatic tensions following a disputed presidential election.
Caracas recalled its ambassador to Madrid and summoned Spain’s envoy to Venezuela for talks after a Span-
ish minister accused Maduro of running a “dictatorship.” Venezuela was also angered by the decision of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez to meet with Venezuelan opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, who went into exile in Spain last week after being threatened with arrest by Maduro’s regime.
Caracas has also been engaged in a war of words with the United States, which recognized Gonzalez Urrutia as the winner of the July 28 poll.
From page 06 believe that our roads are highways for recklessness. I am therefore calling on the authorities to rein in this reckless endangerment of the lives of our roads, and the time to do so is now!
I am on record as calling for the establishment of roundabouts wherever the situation warrants it.
Right from the very start I have championed the move to construct these traffic regulators; I am talking about the construction of such fixtures at major junctures on our
roadway network. It is cheap (there is no need of traffic lights), it reduces the incidence of speeding, and it is an excellent regulator of traffic.
Roundabouts keep the movement of traffic in an orderly and sustained manner.
Old and existing traffic signs should be replaced as well as repainted, while there should be the mounting of others especially on our newer roads.
Oftentimes drivers are at a loss as to whether streets are one way or a dual car-
riageway, due to the fact that there are no signs to direct traffic.
Lastly penalties for traffic offences: (a) For drunk driving there should be the revocation of one’s license forthwith! Driving drunk while commandeering a potentially dangerous machine is a recipe for disaster, do not wait for the inevitable to take place, do not wait for a drunk driver to kill someone, act now and stop the carnage.
This applies to those found speeding under the influence of a mind-altering
(b) A person found guilty of committing a vehicular homicide rather than issuing a fine only, authorities should put a moratorium on his driving, for example place a 10year ban on his ability to be the holder of a license, when that ban expires, he must go through training to get a new license.
(c) For repeat offenders a total ban on that person ever to hold a license.
I make reference to this matter in the light of that driver who ploughed through traffic cones and, I would use the term, murdered that police officer, that was his second killing, here is where his driving privileges must come to an abrupt end. Ironically, I am told that driver is back behind wheels; heaven help us all!
While some drivers use our roads with care and caution, on the other hand they are those who couldn’t care less and are in the constant habit of commandeering their vehicles in a reckless manner. This nonsense has to stop, now!
As we move along this road of progress, our infrastructure marks the signature imprint of modernization, however, over the years these same roads and highways have become killing fields, bearing the sure signs of retrogression.
In this regard, systems must be put in place to bring down the barbarity on our roads; the atrocities that exist on a daily basis must be brought to an end now! At this juncture of our development, we cannot allow the wanton destruction of our human resources, defensive driving or driving at careful and responsible speeds should be the watchword.
I have forwarded this article to The Attorney General and The Minister of Home Affairs, for their consideration.
Respectfully Submitted Neil Adams
Ukraine made a new call Saturday on the West to allow it to strike deeper into Russia after a meeting between U.S. and British leaders a day earlier produced no visible shift in their policy on the use of long-rangeweapons.
The renewed appeal came as Kyiv said Russia launched more drone and artilleryattacksintoUkraine overnight
“Russianterrorbeginsat weapons depots, airfields andmilitarybasesinsidethe Russian Federation, ” Ukrainian presidential adviser Andriy Yermak said Saturday “Permission to strike deep into Russia will speedupthesolution” Ukrainian officials have repeatedlycalledonalliesto green-light the use of Western-provided longrange weapons to strike targets deep inside Russian territory So far, the US has allowed Kyiv to use American-provided weapons only in a limited area inside Russia’sborderwithUkraine Discussions on allowing long-range strikes were
believed to be on the table when U S President Joe Biden and British Prime MinisterKeirStarmermetin WashingtononFridaybutno decision was announced immediately
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been pressing the US and otheralliestoallowhisforces to use Western weapons to target air bases and launch sites farther afield as Russia has stepped up assaults on Ukraine’selectricitygridand utilitiesbeforewinter Hedid not directly comment on the meeting Saturday morning, but said that more than 70 Russian drones had been launched into Ukraine overnight The Ukrainian air force later said that 76 Russian drones had been sighted, of which 72 were shotdown
“Weneedtoboostourair defense and long-range capabilities to protect our people,” Zelenskyy wrote on social media “We are working on this with all of Ukraine’spartners” Other overnight attacks saw one person killed by Russian artillery fire as
energy infrastructure was targeted in Ukraine’s Sumy region.A54-year-old driver was killed and seven more people were hospitalized, Ukraine’s Ministry of Energysaid.
Another three people died Saturday in a Russian strike on an agricultural enterprise in the front-line town of Huliaipole in the Zaporizhzhia region, Gov Ivan Fedorov said. Moscow warns Western nations Meanwhile, officials in Moscow have continued to make public statements warning that long-range strikes would provoke further escalation between Russia and the West. The remarks are in line with the narrative the Kremlin has promoted since early in the war, accusing NATO countries of de-facto participation in the conflict andthreateningaresponse.
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told state news agency Tass onSaturdaythattheU.S.and British governments were pushing the conflict, which began with Russia’s fullscale invasion of Ukraine in
February 2022, toward “
comments by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said on Thursday that allowing long-range strikes
“would mean that NATO countries, the United States and European countries, are atwarwithRussia.”
The injured are transported to hospital after explosion near Miragoane in Haiti’s southern Nippes region, officials say.
Aljazeera - More than 15 people have been killed andabout40injuredwhena tanker truck leaking petrol explodedinsouthernHaiti, interim Prime Minister GarryConillesays.
Conille said in a social media post that he had spoken to authoritiesin the region of Nippes, where Saturday’s explosion took place Civil protection crews and other officials weremobilised.
“The government stands in solidaritywith all the victims and their families and plans e v a
The blast occurred as the victims were trying to retrieve fuel that was leaking from the truck, witnessessaid.
The injured were transported to Sainte ThereseHospitalintheport
city of Miragoane, about 100km (60 miles) west of thecapital,Port-au-Prince.
Emmanuel Pierre, national head of Civil Protection, told the AFP newsagencythatvictimsin serious condition would be takenfortreatmenttoother regionalhospitals.
A witness said the truck’s gas tank had been punctured by another vehicle, and people rushed tothesitetocollectthefuel.
“There were a lot of people.
Those who were close tothetruckgotpulverised,” said the man, who did not give his name, in a video interview with local news outletEchoHaitiMedia.
When asked how many people might have been killedintheblast,hesaidit wasdifficulttosay
“You can’t know, because there were a lot of
people, bystanders and thosecollectingoil.
There were a lot of people,”hesaid.
Thisisnotthefirsttime thatHaitihasseenadeadly tanker truck explosion in recentyears.
In 2021, dozens of people were killed in the northern city of CapHaitien when a truck derailed while trying to avoidamotorbike.
The Caribbean nation alsohasdealtwithperiodic f u e l s h o r t a g e s , exacerbated by soaring gang violence that has gripped Port-au-Prince andotherareas
Fuel deliveries to the Miragoane area have slowed in recent weeks as trucks were transported via ferry to avoid gangcontrolled highways surrounding Port-auPrince
(Reuters) - At least 10 Palestinians were killed in anIsraeliairstrikeinGazaon Saturday, Palestinian media reported, and the Israeli military said it targeted a Hamascommander The strike hit a
residential housing unit in theAl Tuffah neighborhood eastofGazaCity,according to the official Palestinian newsagencyWafa.
TheIsraelimilitarysaidit “struck the commander of a Hamas terrorist cell who was involved in the planning and execution of terrorist activities” Itsaiditwasaware ofreportsthatseveralcivilians werekilledinthestrike Two others were killed by Israeli shelling on Gaza City and Jabalia in the north, and three in al-Mawasi in the south,thereportsaid.
The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport has set aside approximately
$99,997,569 to prepare the land earmarked for the Cricket Academy at Good Hope, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
During a recent opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office, it was revealed that the ministry had tendered for a ‘Land clearing,filling and leveling ofCricketAcademy’project.
Belowarethecompaniesandtheirbids: GuyanaWaterInc. DrillingofpotablewaterwellatMabaruma.
MinistryofHealth Design,supplyandinstallationofanElectronic HealthRecordSystemfortheministry
MinistryofCulture,YouthandSport Constructionoftimberrevetment.
Responding to this, 67 contractors have applied for thecontract.
It was reported by the Department of Public Information (DPI) last month that with plans to construct the state-of-the-art facility, Guyana wants to be
recognised for having an academy that can create the best environment for the growth of the finest fast bowlers, elite spinners, and batsmen who can bat and bowl.
“Iamverypleasedtosay that Sir Clive Lloyd will be
Construction of sight screen and media centre.
joining us full time in Guyana. He will be in charge of the cricketing academy. We are recruiting all of our formernationalWestIndians players to be a part of this programme,” President Irfaan Ali was quoted as
saying by DPI while distributing sport gear to youthlastmonth.
This publication understands that some 20 acres of land has already been identified at Good Hope to build the worldclassfacility
Landclearing,fillingandleveling ofCricketAcademyGoodHope.
(To be continued in next edition)
The management of a decision regarding Exxon and how
Assembly approved the Petroleum Furthermore, a company or nation’s petroleum the resources are allocated. In fact, Activities Act which repealed the licensee needs the written approval industry should not be the expert suggested that the outdated 1986 legislation. Notably of the minister, to directly or
entrusted to a Minister, nation’s prosperity with its oil the new law arms the Minister of indirectly assign any of the rights the former Head of Maintenance resource is dependent on the Natural Resources with sweeping under a licence or petroleum andReliabilityatBritishPetroleum establishment of a competent powers over the hydrocarbon agreement, whether in whole or in (BP) Trinidad and Tobago, Kuarlal PetroleumCommission. industry. part, to a third party or an affiliate. RampersadhaswarnedGuyana. He cautioned, “It’s very, very
Accordingtothelegislation,the These are just a few of the powers In an interview with Kaieteur dangerous and I can say that loud minister is empowered to granted to the Minister under the News,Rampersadwhoworkedjust andclear.It’sverydangeroustoput administer the licensing of legislation. over three decades for BP weighed those things in the hands of a petroleum exploration, production, For his part, Natural Resources inonthecriticalneedfortheoiland minister because let’s say, he is and storage and transportation Minister, Vickram Bharrat gas sector to be managed by thereforfiveyears,hewilltrytobe operations; cooperate with the explained that the establishment of experts, rather than what he as corrupt as possible and when he relevant government agencies a Petroleum Commission now will describedas“politicalappointees”. leavesandgo,that’sit.Nobodycan regardingenvironmentalandsafety slow down the progress and He said, “I don’t know why hold him accountable but with a aspects of petroleum operations; development of Guyana’s oil and these ministers want to be the permanentheadofthecommission, and oversee the conduct of gassector God-father of everything, make that person will seek to have petroleum operations to ensure ”Acommission like that might thedecisionforeverythingandat continuous development of the compliance with the new law, and be slower in decision-making than the end of the day, if you look business.” the terms of the respective licences the policymakers making decision what’shappeningworld-wide,all TheT&Tspecialist was keen to The nation has however failed andpetroleumagreements. with regards to how we advance these ministers corrupt. They note that the Director of the to establish a competent Petroleum The minister also has the power thissectortakingintoconsideration jailing them and there’s no big Commission must be a public Commission for the prudent to inspect petroleum operations, that we have a limited timeframe secret about it so we need to get a servant to stand guard of the management of the sector This seek corrective action and imposes andaclosingwindowsowehaveto group of experts to manage the nation’s resources rather than a Commission would comprise sanctions for non-compliance; look at the advantages and sectorandappointaheadsoeven political appointee, such as a experts such as trained negotiators, develop terms of reference and disadvantages of everything,” he if elections come and go that Minister engineers and other key specialists qualificationcriteriaforthegrantof noted. person will remain there as the Guyana is now approaching its toensureprudentgovernanceofthe exploration and production rights, Bharratalsopointedoutthatthe headandcontinue.” fifth anniversary since the nascentoilandgassector and grant geological storage Commission would carry out the Rampersad was adamant that commencement of oil production Minister empowered licences for natural gas and long- exactfunctions being conductedby no politician should be making any offshoreintheStabroekBlock. In August 2023, the National termstorageofcarbondioxide. theMinistry’sPetroleumUnit.
The residents of Matthews Ridge in Region One can soon expect a new secondary school building in the community, as the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) has awarded a $350 million contracttobuildthefacility
The contract was awarded this month to Prored Resources. The firmwasamongsixcontractorsthat bid for the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Developmentproject.
According to information
released by NPTAB, the Amerindian community of Baramita in Region One will soon get a new primary school which will be built by Ceraturium for $27,912,250.
A new nursery school will also be built in the village by AAA Contracting Services Solution for $21,561,580.
KaieteurNewsunderstandsthat thesecondaryschoolforMathhews Ridge is among several the government is constructing in the hinterlandthisyear InRegionOne, an opportunity to not only finish the Ministry of Education has five new secondary schools will be school, but to capitalize on tertiary embarked on an aggressive constructedinvariouscommunities education. programme to ensure that the including North-West, Kwebanna, This year, the Education nation’s children have access to Matthews Ridge, Waramuri and Ministry was allocated some
Hosororo. $74.4Billion, a portion of which Government has set 2025 to Minister of Education, Priya will be used for the construction, achieve universal secondary Manickchand at a previous press rehabilitation, extension and education. To achieve this, the conference had said that her maintenance of educational ministry has since moved to have government would continue to facilities. several secondary schools buildschools,soastogivechildren This newspaper reported that constructedacrossthecountry
From page 3
To that end, during the launch a Records Co-Founder, Kareem live music rendition was done by “Biggs” Burke and Jadon Sancho’s Rachel Simmons and band also Guyanese father Sean Trent performing a special tribute to Alexander Trade Winds lead singer Dave
There were also special Martinwhodiedrecently,aswellas invitees, such as Trevor Phillips, Chairman Faizal giving a special who reportedly spoke eloquently tribute to Sir Shridath Ramphal, about his childhood in Guyana and who was interred in Guyana on thequalityoftheGuyanesepeople. Saturday
Furthermore, during the event “BritCham Guyana also soft BritCham’s founding Chairman launched their new App, which is FaizalKhan highlightedhis sincere collaboration with BritCham appreciation to the attendees that member Guyana-Business .com,” supported the event to grow the theorganizationstated. business connections between UK Importantly, the app allows all andGuyana. persons in attendance to
Khan said, “The BritCham communicate directly with all Guyana Lords launch event, was a ticketedattendeesaswellasdiscuss tremendous success with our data projectstogether highlighting this was the biggest M e a n w h i l e , G u y a n aGuyanabusinesseventtohappenin Business com would have also UK History Dare I say, we do it hosted a prestigious welcoming again bigger and better next year? reception the evening before at the Watch this space and get in touch LandmarkHotelchampagnebarfor f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n BritCham members and special www.BritChamGY.Com” invitees.
Fourteen-year-old Aditi Joshi kept the Golden Arrowheadflyingwithawin over higher-rated opponent at the 45th Chess Olympiad now underway in Budapest, Hungary
In an impressive display of talent and tenacity, Joshi, representing Guyana in the Women’s Chess Olympiad, secured a remarkable victory in the second round
against Women’s Chess Master(WCM)YaraFaqeeh ofPalestine.
The young Queen’s College student, playing for Guyana’s Women’s Team, showed composure beyond her years as she battled her seasoned opponent in an epic three-and-a-half-hour encounter Playing with the blackpieces,Joshifacedthe Palestinian WCM’s Yara
Faqeeh who opted for the popular Queen’s Pawn opening, the ‘London System’.
Despite her opponent’s experience, Aditi navigated the opening flawlessly, maintaining an early advantage well into the middle game. Her strong openingplaydemonstrateda deepunderstandingofchess principles, and she looked
poised to hold her own againsttheWCM.
H o w e v e r , t h e experiencedFaqeehfounda way to turn the tables, surprisingAditionthe22nd move by exchanging one of her minor pieces (a bishop) for one of Aditi’s major pieces (a rook), gaining a significant material advantage. At that moment, it seemed as if the tide had shifted in favor of the Palestinian.
You might have to do a lot of running around when you probably want to stay home. Obligations to friends and family are likely to come up, and even though you're a bit tiredyou'llwanttohelpout.
Don't be surprised if lots of people contact you today Perhapsyou'reinthemoodto gossip or neighbors have news of changes nearby You should be brimming with energy
You could be feeling a bit antsy today and may want to spend time exercising or trying a new sport or game that you've never played before.Thisisgreat.
An exciting communication could inform you of an advancementopportunitythat you should explore. While you'd be quick to act under normal circumstances, Cancer
Afriend could ask for a loan andyoumighthesitatetogive himorherthemoney Follow your instincts. The person probablyisn'ttoosavvyabout money You might want to participate in some group activities.
Today you're likely to experienceapowerfulburstof energy that may temporarily turn you into a workaholic. Chores may have piled up around the house that desperatelyneedtobedone.
Frustration may be the word for today, Libra.You could be experiencing a bit of wanderlust. Distant states and foreign lands may beckon to you, but circumstances could make it hard for you to get away
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
You've probably had a busy week, Scorpio, and may feel outofsortstoday Perhapsyou had too much good food last night, stayed up too late, or both.Itgoesagainstyourgrain tostayinandrest.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Theremightbealotofworkto doathometoday Sincecertain family members are conveniently absent, you may feel that the burden falls on you Don't be a martyr, however
Toomuchindulgingmayleave you with a headache or stomachache to the point where you may want to spend most of today sleeping. The stress of this condition could cause you to snap at family members.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)You like to be honest with thoseyoucareabout,buttoday you're likely to be a bit too honest. Don't be too quick to take offense and watch the tendencytobetooblunt.
It might feel like your home has turned into Grand Central Station Lots of family members present, deliveries made and phones ringing, and youmayjustwanttowatchTV orreadabook.
Aditi, undeterred and determined,foughtbackwith the resilience and strategic insightthathasmarkedheras one of Guyana’s rising stars In a pivotal moment, the powerful chess engine Stockfish16,whichanalyzed the game, deemed Aditi’s 26thmoveas“brilliant.”Ina stroke of tactical genius, Aditi equalized the position with a subtle bishop maneuver,settingupalongrange pin on her opponent’s knight, effectively neutralizingFaqeeh’searlier material advantage. The game soon transitioned into a tense endgame often regardedastheultimatetest of a player’s strategic depth andcalculation.
Aditi’s handling of the endgame was nothing short of masterful, showcasing her ability to execute longrange calculations under immense pressure Maintaininghercomposure, Joshi steadily gained a decisive advantage, and her precisionplayeventuallyled toherpromotingapawntoa secondqueen.
After a hard-fought struggle,WCMYaraFaqeeh was forced to resign, marking a significant victory for the Guyanese junior female and earning the first point for Guyana’s Women’s Team at the Olympiad.
Her remarkable performancehas setastrong tonefortheremainderofthe tournament. Aditi’s talent bideswellforhertocontinue to make her mark on the globalchessstage
Astheyoungestmember oftheGuyaneseteam,Aditi’s victoryisnotonlyatestament to her potential but also an inspiration for young chess players across the nation. HertriumphinBudapestisa proud moment for Guyana and a sign of great things to come in her chess career (GCFRelease)
Guyana’s only FIDE Master (FM) Anthony Drayton, fondly known as ‘King Dray’, delivered a remarkable performance in the second round of the prestigious FIDE Chess Olympiad in Budapest, Hungary Drayton, playing with the White pieces, was pitted against Jordanian International Master (IM) Sameer Loay, in what unfolded to be a classic showdown of grit, strategy, anddetermination.
The game began with Drayton opting for a Queen’s Pawn opening By the ninth move,andtruetohisstyle,FM Drayton wasted no time in going on the offensive, launching a bold attack on Loay’s queenside His early
penetration with a knight and bishopseemedtounsettlethe I
However,Drayton,neverone to rest on his laurels, swiftly switched his offensive strategy, targeting Loay’s kingside Inaboldsacrifice,he gave up a knight in a bid to u
experienced opponent and maintainthepressure The Interna
onal Master, however, displayed his skill and composure, succes
pelled Drayton’s onslaught. By the timethedusthadsettled,the Guyanese FIDE Master found himself down in material having lost two minor pieces during the early struggle, and seemingly cornered, with
Anthony Drayton
Loay gearing up for what appeared to be a decisive finish.Yet,intrueGuyanese fashion embodying the nationalspiritof“notablade of grass”—Drayton refused to bow His never-say-die attitude was on full display as he doggedly fought on, employing clever tactics to c h i p a w a y a t h i s disadvantage Move by
move, FM Drayton began turning the tide, clawing his way back into the game By the 27th move, he had recapturedoneofthetwolost pieces and continued his relentless assault on Loay’s position Itwasthisrelentless determinationthatcrackedthe IM’sresolve
By the 36th move, Drayton had managed to win his opponent’s queen for a rook, completely shifting the momentum of the game
Although Drayton now held the upper hand, both players, exhausted from the mental battle, ultimately agreed to a draw after several more exchanges
The draw, however, felt like a victory for Team Guyana, as FM Drayton
secured the first valuable point for the national ‘Open’team in this fiercely competitive tournament involving over 190 nations. His resilience and fighting spirit on the international stage serve as a lesson and inspiration for all young chess players in Guyana, showing that even against the odds, perseverance and strategic brilliance can yieldremarkableresults
As the FIDE Chess Olympiad continues in the stunning city of Budapest, FM Drayton’s heroic performance has set a positive tone for Team Guyana,andtheentirenation will be following closely as their players continue to battleontheworldstage
After a six-year hiatus, the much-anticipated P&P Insurance Brokers 35-lap Cycling Classic roared back to life at the National Park’s iconic Inner Circuit yesterday.
Underabrilliantskyand surrounded by eager
bystanders, the race unfolded in dramatic fashion,withcyclistsdecked out in brightly coloured cyclegear,eachrepresenting their respective clubs and
sponsors With the excitement reaching the roof, the action was nothing short of palpable; featuring Senior, Junior, Under-50, and Over-50 categories, marked the triumphant return of this historic cycle race. Representing the KFC
Evolution Cycle Club, Segun Hubbard claimed the ultimateglory,cartingoffthe titleintheSenior’sracewith apowerfulsprintthatlefthis
The top performers took a photo op after the presentation ceremony with P&P Brokers Director, Vikash Panday
competitors chasing his shadow The 36-mile challenge was intense from starttofinish,butHubbard’s flawless strategy and sheer
determination set him apart fromthepack.
BritonJohn,wholedmuch oftheraceandlookedpoised for victory, found himself
commanding first-place finish. Hot on his heels, Daniel Jaing and Alex Newton settled for second and third, respectively, after ahard-foughtcontest.
The Under-50 Veterans race was another spectacle, withRobinPersaudprovingto be a force of nature as he claimed victory. His consistency and pace throughout the laps kept him ahead of the competition
outpaced by Hubbard’s late surge, finishing in second place Right behind him was Jamual John, putting on a strong performance to secure third
The senior race was the crown jewel of the day’s events,withseasonedcyclists thrilling the crowd with blisteringspeed,tacticalnous, andaflairforshowmanship
In the other categories, Alexander Leung took control early and never looked back in the Junior’s event, pedaling his way to a
Meanwhile, in the Over-50 Veterans category, Nigel London’s experienced legs carriedhimacrossthefinish line in first place, with Ian Jackson and Ray Harliquin completingthepodium.
With the race returning after such a long break, it d i d n ’ t j u s t m e e t expectations it shattered them Spectators were treated to a display of athleticism, sportsmanship, and heartstopping moments as cyclists of all ages gave everything theyhadonthecircuit.
The P&P Insurance Brokers, whose generous sponsorship made the event possible, continues to stand as a pillar of support for cyclinginGuyana.
In 2015, when Wayne Fordewonthepresidencyof the Guyana Football Federation (GFF), he ran on a platform of integrity, signalling a commitment to transparency and ethical leadershipinfootball.
His slate was aptly named “Team Integrity,” a reflection of the principles he vowed to uphold as he worked to reshape football governanceinGuyana.
Fastforwardthreeterms, and the GFF under Forde faces significant scrutiny overaseriesofdecisionsthat challenge the very values of integrityandtransparencyhe oncechampioned.
Two key incidents—the Blue Water Shipping agreement for a multipurpose stadium at Durban Park and the five-year kit deal with European brand MEYBA have raised
concerns and sparked calls forgreateraccountability
TheMEYBAKitdeal:A case for transparency The MEYBAdeal,announcedon August16,2024,willseethe former producers of
Barcelona FC’s uniforms providing kits for Guyana’s national football teams, including the Golden JaguarsandtheLadyJags.
Despite the excitement surroundingthispartnership, important questions remain unanswered.
W h e n d o e s t h e agreement officially take effect? What are the financialterms,andhowwill the GFF and, by extension, footballinGuyana,benefit?
For comparison, take Jamaica’s kit deal with Adidas.
The Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) negotiated a lucrative agreement reportedly worth US$1 2
million annually in cash, plusUS$2millioninapparel anda20%royaltyonsalesof J a m a i c a - r e l a t e d merchandise. This level of transparency sets a strong example for how national football organizations shouldoperate.
TheGFF,incontrast,has yettodisclosesimilardetails about their MEYBA deal, leavingthepublicinthedark aboutitstruevalue.
TheBlueWaterShipping agreement: A missed opportunityforopenness
uinton de Kock pummelledGuyanaAmazon Warriors with a brilliant century as Barbados Royals recorded a 32-run victory at KensingtonOvaltomoveto the Republic Bank CaribbeanPremierLeague’s (CPL)topspot.
After the Warriors elected to bowl, de Kock dominated the Royals’ total of 205/6 and batted almost through the innings to compile an outstanding 115 off68balls.
Left-armspinnerKeshav Maharaj claimed three wickets as the Warriors finishedwellshorton173/5 toslumptotheirfirstlossof the season After a heartbreaking two-wicket defeat to Trinbago Knight Riders the night earlier, the Royalsrejiggedtheirbatting order with KadeemAlleyne replacing Rahkeem Cornwall.
Alleyne enjoyed the promotion and monstered a couple of massive sixes, includingoffMoeenAliwho madehisCPLdebut.Buthis
whirlwind 22 off 9 balls endedinthethirdoverwhen he holed out to quick DwainePretorius.
Afteracautiousstart,de Kock took over with a calculated assault on Shamar Joseph in the seventh over But Joseph, desperate to rediscover his best form, hit back after strikingdeKockonthebody inapainfulblow.
TheSouthAfricanshook offthediscomfortandrolled to his half-century off 34 balls He particularly enjoyed hitting straight down the ground, highlighted by smacking a slower delivery back over the head of left-arm seamer RaymonReifer
Wickets fell around de Kock, who appeared to be battingonadifferentsurface ashereachedhiscenturyoff 60 balls. He joined Evin Lewis as the only batters to hit a ton so far in this season’sCPL.
De Kock hit a couple of more sixes before falling with three balls left in the
Another major point of contentionistheBlueWater Shipping agreement, signed just before the 2023 GFF elections, which Forde won against former President, FranklinWilson.
This agreement was meanttobringmuch-needed infrastructuretoGuyana,but the lack of transparency surrounding the deal has raisedredflags.
Key details such as the investment amount, the duration of the partnership, and how Blue Water Shippingwillseeareturnon investment remain undisclosed.
Worse, the media’s role was reduced to merely reporting the announcement afteritwasmadebytheGFF, rather than being invited to witness the signing and ask criticalquestions.
Thishasledtosuspicions of vote manipulation and
deepened the public’smistrust.
W h y transparency and integritymatter
I n f o o t b a l l ,
transparencyisnotjust buzzword—it is essential to safeguarding the sport’s integrity
Corruption scandals, like those that have plagued FIFA, demonstrate the importance of financial accountability Without clear information on major deals, like those involving MEYBA and Blue Water Shipping, stakeholders in G u y a n e s e football—including players, clubs, sponsors, and, most importantly,fans—areleftto speculate.
Fans, the lifeblood of football, deserve to know thatthesporttheyloveisfree from corruption When transparencyislacking,trust
erodes,andthiscanseverely impact engagement and support for the national team.
Football in Guyana has enormouspotential,butonly if the GFF builds trust through honest and open governance.
Nowmorethanever,itis crucialfortheGFFtouphold the values of integrity and transparency they once vowedtoprotect.
This is the only way to ensurethelong-termgrowth and success of football in Guyanawhilerebuildingthe trustoffans,players,andthe broaderfootballcommunity
innings After struggling with the ball at the death against the Knight Riders, a determined Jason Holder smashedthreesixesinarow in the penultimate over off seamerKeemoPaul.
H o l d e r ’s m o o d continued to brighten after he claimed Warriors opener Azam Khan with his first delivery in the second over.
The Warriors’ chase stuttered when a frustrated Tim Robinson was stumped after being deceived by a flighted delivery from Maharaj.
Shimron Heytmyer started with consecutive sixes off Maharaj and then smashedanotheroneintothe crowd on the resumption fromaone-hourraindelay
But Maharaj exacted revenge by enticing a false shot from Hetmyer in the ninth over as the Warriors’ chase fell away despite cameos from Moeen, Paul andcaptainShaiHope.
TheRoyalsmovedto4-1 and replaced the Warriors (3-1)atthetopofthetable.