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Kaieteur News

KAIETEUR NEWS Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: ADAM HARRIS Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210



President David Granger and his entire cabinet of twentysix senior and junior Ministers took their oath to perform their duties according to the Constitution and without ill-will, favouritism or malice. An oath is a solemn formal declaration, an undertaking as to future action or a promise to fulfill a pledge. Some would call on the Almighty or a sacred object to bear witness. Not all oaths are worded in the same way but they are administered in a similar manner in different countries. They have the same meaning or inference. Taking an oath is not only for elected officials but it is also for public officials who are entrusted with authority to conduct the affairs of the state impartially. The oath taken by the APNU+AFC ministers is very similar to those of other countries and is as follows: “I …. swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and will uphold the Constitution and the law, that I will conscientiously, impartially and to the best of my ability discharge my duties as a Minister and do right to all manner of people without fear or favor, affection or ill-will.” It is a powerful declaration which the people expect the Ministers to uphold, but if they do not, a different group will likely take the oath in future. But the question is: how on earth, given the Constitution as it is, could the people of Guyana expect their Ministers, who are members of a political party to treat everyone the same and “without fear, favour, affection or ill will” when partisan politics is alive and well? The truth is that no one, not even the President, can uphold such an oath, if he does, his party will surely be in disarray. And the opposition PPP which the Constitution allows to oppose the government will be anxious to see the ruling party collapse. The reality is no political party, be it the APNU+AFC or the PPP can really treat Opposition supporters equally as its own party supporters. Should this happen, supporters of the governing party will become angry and disloyal to it. They believe that this is their time to reap some of the benefits. But treating supporters of the opposition as equal could win over the opposition support. Anyhow, the oath of opposition Members of Parliament (MP) is quite different from that of the Ministers of government. In part, the opposition oath reads “to the best of my ability discharge my duties impartially as a Member of Parliament. The part that says “and do right to all manner of people without fear or favour, affection or ill-will” is left out. The reason is that members of the opposition are not part of the executive and therefore are not directly responsible for policy until such policy reaches Parliament. Thus, the divine, legal or moral obligation to “do right to all manner of people without fear or favor, affection or illwill” is not placed upon the opposition MPs’ shoulders. The word “impartially” in the oath is disquieting because all political parties are involved in political patronage. And while they strive on patronage; excessive political patronage breeds corruption. Furthermore, the nature of partisan politics in Guyana is that without political patronage, political parties, especially the ruling party will not be able to win elections. That said, Guyana needs some semblance of balance to prevent political parties from using patronage to their advantage and to the disadvantage of the opposition. However, it depends on the discretion of the coalition government. Given the political landscape in Guyana, fulfilling one’s pledge will require courage and allegiance to the oath. It is a very tough challenge for members of the Cabinet to do so. An oath is a liability which may or may not serve the country and the people well, but taking it is a very serious pledge.

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Letters... Where your views make the news


DEAR EDITOR, There is a famous saying by George Santayana which goes like this, “those who forget history are destined to repeat it.” Editor, let me tell you that I will NEVER forget what the People’s Progressive Party Government under Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar put Guyana through since 1998. Upon reading that former President Jagdeo and the People’s Progressive Parry are touting transparency and public accountability in the online news outlet “Citizen’s” Report, I was shocked, flabbergasted and my jaw dropped to the floor. Apparently, it took him 23 years to realize that transparency, public accountability and inclusive democracy matter a lot in countries like Guyana. I could not believe my eyes, I wondered if former President Jagdeo was recently baptized by Pope John Paul or if he is up to his usual political trickery again which has failed him and will continue to fail him and the People’s Progressive Party unless they push the reset button with Jagdeo and the current ruling cabal. Twist it or turn it, they have not only failed the people of Guyana, they have also failed the People’s Progressive Party membership. Based on his poor performance in the areas of public accountability and transparency, good governance and inclusive democracy, to use the term transparency with the name of former President Jagdeo in the same sentence is a misnomer. A rg u a b l y, G u y a n a ’s f o r m e r President has failed Guyana miserably on the issue of public accountability and transparency, not to mention public security and cohesion. It is no secret to anyone that the former President and the People’s Progressive Party Government created an atmosphere of massive corruption, moral degeneration and an intermingling of criminal enterprise, politics and national governance. It speaks volumes of the state of his mind and the future prospects of the People’s Progressive Party that they did

not just lose the 2015 Regional and General Elections in Guyana; they lost credibility with the citizenry, regional and international community. On October 21, 2013 Kaieteur News published an article with the following headline, “Opposition Leaders says…Document The Heist of Guyana”. The Heist of Guyana referred to a series of massive public corruption scandals involving the Jagdeo led Government and People’s Progressive Party. I am one of those who listened and have compiled a file of the scandals laid out in the Heist of Guyana. Some of the scandals included insider trading and transferring public wealth to private citizens who were either members, close associates or within the employ of the State. These include: (1) Emails, recorded telephone conversation expose…Jagdeo/Nandlall/Sattaur plot to kill staff and shutdown K/News, (2) Ombudsman’s report exposes Jagdeo’s witch hunt of NBS CEO, managers, (3) The truth about the Bai Shan Lin episode – selling our natural resources to Chinese for next to nothing in return, (4) The Marriot Hotel Scheme, (5) The Berbice River Bridge Scheme/Takeover, (6) Illegally granting radio license to party operatives and supporters and (7) gifting Bobby Ramroop a contract to operate the Guyana Learning Channel- to name one illegality that the Government seemed to have facilitated to benefit Bobby Ramroop who is a known a close personal confidant of the former President. Readers please note that I have not listed all the illegalities, especially those that surfaced post the May 2015 elections in Guyana. I have not mentioned the extra judicial killings, political manipulation and virtual collapse of the Guyana Police Force, destruction of the University of Guyana and the climate of fear, animosity and violence that gripped our country during most of Jagdeo’s tenure as President of our beautiful land.

So after regurgitating my meal upon reading that Jagdeo actually knows the word transparency exists, I asked myself what could be behind this new political trick by the former President. I thought of two main motivations and strategies behind his recently found convenient liking for transparency: (1) neutralize the loss of political, regional and international credibility by adopting a pro-transparency stance which can hardly be argued against by anyone since transparency and accountability and hallmarks of good governance – in other words to save face and (2) to use transparency as a propaganda tool to create the impression that he is a victim of the illegalities that occurred under his watch whilst President of Guyana. I n the end, this will fail him and the People’s Progressive Party miserably. It is sad that a party does not and cannot speak up and out against the miasma this man put Guyana through and what he is currently attempting to do. Daily, his credibility is waning, so what to do, let me talk about transparency and at least they cannot say I/my party is not demanding and in supportive of public transparency and accountability. My encouragement to your readers is to be ever vigilant and trust not a word or gesture made by our former President Jagdeo. Imagine we lived in a country where Government Ministers openly pulled and used their firearms to create fear, where a Presidential Advisor upon entering a sporting event with Bharrat Jagdeo got into a street brawl with another patron attending the event, where a Health Minister can threaten to use his ladies to strip and slap a citizen, where Donald Ramotar can threaten to slap or suggest that if Bharrat Jagdeo was there he himself would slap one of our an Indigenous brothers for voicing is concerns about the state of affairs in his community and of the country. The point I am making is one we all know too well, a fish rots from the head. Mike Archer

Mr. Ramjattan will not be leaving an unblemished legacy as Public Security Minister DEAR EDITOR, We have all heard the Minister of Public Security expressing concern about the state of the Guyana Police Force; his intention to weed out rogue elements when they are found out; his suggestion that the police should read and research; and that the Force should identify potential problem ranks before they become problems. All of that sounds quite commendable, but can they be realized to form his legacy in a Ministry that definitely is not a cake walk? I think not. Editor, ask any police beat

reporter and they will let you into some horror stories that they come by during the course of interacting with ranks who are unhappy for one reason or another. Let me give you a few examples that if allowed to continue will fail Mr. Ramjattan no matter how noble is his mission. An officer is embroiled in a drugs and money scandal but is continually promoted to the point where he is now a divisional commander; officer accused of sexual harassment simply transferred; the OPR is very selective in its recommendations amid

claims of ethnic bias; police stations continue to be unfit for human habitation; police vehicles uninsured placing occupants lives in jeopardy; unjustified supersession in promotions with a strong dose of nepotism; ranks serving in the interior having a hard time recouping monies spent; contrary to standing orders ranks are told to petition for promotion; ranks who fail to hand in seized drugs not disciplined while others are subject to charges and even dismissal for less serious matters, again ethnicity is the reason; a former senior

functionary not photographed and fingerprinted because a senior officer believes that the current government only has one five-year term while he has over twenty-five year remaining in the force; a relative who was just as peripherally involved in a torture matter like the uninvolved officer was promoted instead of being sent to the mounted branch like the other man.When you look at this tip of a very large iceberg there is no way that Mr. Ramjattan will be leaving an unblemished legacy. Oswald Craigwell

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news... Letters... Where your views make the news

Why would the authorities The time is ripe for an operational analysis of the Police Force shoot itself in its own foot DEAR EDITOR, I left the country just as the Government was launching their gun amnesty program. I came back last weekend, anxious to find out how the venture was progressing. I have seen this kind of gun amnesty and gun buy-back work in several countries where I have lived and traveled to, including the USA and Canada. However, as I listened intently to the summations from recently held press conference on the gun amnesty, I heard that it is decided that there will be ballistics tests conducted on all weapons and ammunition handed in to ascertain whether they are linked to any crimes and that further, they will be amnesty on the possession of the illegal weapon but not for crimes committed using the weapons. And this, Editor, is where I was taken aback. Why would the authorities, in the middle of an amnesty drive, divulge information that is likely to stymie the drive? What should have been the highlight of that press conference is the lauding and praising of those who would have taken the bold steps of doing the right thing and returning those weapons. There should have been a clarion cry for such behaviours to be emulated. However, the message has now been blurred with the suggestion that there are

likely to be arrests and imprisonments, related to the said amnesty. It is very likely that criminals, or the friends and family of criminals are the ones turning in the guns and ammunitions. Why then would the authorities publicly announce that it is likely that the very person who is making use of the amnesty might probably be arrested for a related crime? I am not saying that ballistics tests should not be conducted on the weapons and ammunition, neither am I suggesting that there should be amnesty for any related crimes. I am just wondering why the authorities – in the middle of the drive - would do even the slightest thing to proverbially shoot itself in its own foot. We saw the same approach to the Shawn Hinds situation, where right in the middle of Hind’s bombshell confessions, it was said that he will not benefit from such confessions and divulgence. I am convinced that there is something that the politicians and public security personnel know in Guyana that my years of training and dealing with similar situations have not yet revealed to me. But I am sure that the current administration has the best possible advisors available to them, so I continue to sit on the sidelines, as I carefully observe and learn. I do hope, for the sake of the safety of all Continued on page 29

Veecook is in no position to school me about Burnham’s wishes DEAR EDITOR, I read Mr Veecook’s letter and his NOPE to the purported proposal to change the name of President’s College. Really speaking, the intent was to ensure the preeminence of the name President’s College, while embedding it in its original conceptual framework. The unfortunate thing about the letter is that it responded to a newspaper article which reported on, and did not quote, what I said. If Veecook had made that observation, he might have been more inquisitive and cautious in his letter rather than seeking his brownies at my expense. Veecook is in no position to school me about Burnham’s wishes. In this particular instance, I specifically told the gathering that Burnham did not want the school named after him. Mr Veecook should find out what I said rather than present himself as having a monopoly of Burnham’s thoughts. Others have also heard and read Burnham’s thoughts. Let Veecook be told that I told the audience exactly what he said that ‘I should have found

out about’. As for Veecook’s contention that a name change will bring no improvement, even if that was the case, I would ask, what’s the harm other than Vincent gathering brownies for himself? But that was not the case. I contexualized the change. I proffered the return of the school to Burnham’s original idea which I equated to the “Learning Community” rather than the “Learned Community” as was reported in the newspapers. My focus was not commiseration; it was about rebirth, renaissance and the realization of Burnham’s idea of the School of Excellence. In closing may I also indicate that the report did not acknowledge the presence of Dr Van West Charles and wrongfully attributed some of his remarks to me. I look forward to rich non personal debate on this issue, in the tradition of Burnham and his myriad critiques on issues. Let the debate begin. Veecook’s letter was a false start. Vincent Alexander

DEAR EDITOR, It is after careful consideration of a few matters that I am kindly seeking your permission to offer a few suggestions to the Minister of Public Security. First, I refer to the question of the undermanned Guyana Police Force. The PRO of the GPF claimed in a previous letter that the training facilities were all filled to capacity, which gave the impression that there were hundreds waiting to get into that institution. I raise this because I cannot understand how the Minister is being told that there is a shortage and no one seems to have come up with an idea of how to accommodate more recruits annually. I had cause to respond to a former GPF Training Officer, who after pointless ramblings, failed to enlighten us as to his recruitment strategies while on the job. His reference to strategic management made me think that maybe, just maybe, no one at the top is taking that concept seriously. I believe that the Minister and the entire government is being conned into believing that the GPF is on top of things. I refuse to accept excuses for the Force’s failure to clamp down on the crime and traffic situation. In some countries the entire top brass would have been evaluated and shown the door if found wanting. I cannot see why the time spent by recruits in residence at the training facilities cannot be shortened to - say three months. This can be done by

rationalizing the curriculum and determining what core courses will be taught during three months to bring them up to operational capacity. The recruits can then be deployed in the field under supervision for the next three months where they will be given practical training in police work. What this means is that if we are to believe the PRO, another 330 should be entering the Force for their three-month residency training in the core courses when the initial batch is on field-training. After the first 330 complete field exposure, they would then be brought back for their final evaluation before postings. You may ask how these ranks will be equipped with knowledge of the remaining course. No brainer!!! By using the in-service training approach throughout their probationary period. If this cycle is followed, there is no reason why the GPF should not be able to come near its required strength. Blandly saying that the optimal strength would not be achieved because of attrition is an insult to our collective intelligence when there is no evidence that the Force even knows its annual rate of attrition. Another striking thing is the commendable zeal of the new Traffic Chief, particularly his public education drive. One thing that strikes me in all of this is the advice to pedestrians that they must ensure that they make eye contact with drivers before

venturing across pedestrian crossing. I would like someone to advise me how I could make eye contact with an invisible driver who is in a vehicle with all the windows darkened. Congratulations are in order. Another bother is the rationale used to assign Divisional Command. The former Traffic Chief who is an experienced Commander has been ignored in preference for a commander and his deputy, both with little policing experience at the ‘F’ Division. Speaking of which, whatever happened to President Granger’s declaration while in opposition that he expected the headquarters of the Interior Division to move to the interior come May 12? Editor all that I am trying to say is that the Minister needs to commission an operational analysis of the GPF to provide an assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations, while identifying improvement opportunities related to service delivery, its organization and staffing, as well as its management. Edmund Syfox

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Corruption reduced, overall efficiency improved

Difficulty doing Business in Guyana…

Guyana currently ranks 123 out of 189 countries in the World Bank’s Doing Business Index. This is two points lower than its 2014 ranking. The Coalition government now promises to smash the “suffocating red tape” that stifles businesses and stunts growth in the country. It also intends to make some serious changes to ensure that doing business in Guyana is made easy because it recognizes that business is not only the engine, but also the driver of economic growth and innovation. According to Finance Minister, Winston Jordan, entrepreneurial initiatives are one of the main tools for achieving the good life as they provide employment and empowerment, especially for vulnerable groups such as the indigenous people, youth and women; and diversify communities and the local economy. Being cognizant of the critical role of businesses to the growth and prosperity of the country, Jordan said that the government has created

a Ministry of Business to emphasize the importance it attaches to the private sector. He said that the government, through this new Ministry, will take action to boost entrepreneurship; provide incentives to local manufacturers and producers, as a stimulus for them to introduce greener technologies and increase the value-added in their production lines; and build a new and more responsible economic model. The Finance Minister said that the government endeavours to create an impartial, more balanced and diversified economy, so that it is not limited to, and dependent upon, a narrow range of economic sectors; and where new businesses and economic opportunities are more evenly shared between regions and industries. The Finance Minister noted that the enhancement of the business environment will see the computerization of the licensing section of the Ministry, which would allow for more timely and efficient processing of import and export licenses.

He said that a help desk for businesses will be established as it will act as a single point of contact for information and tailored advice between businesses, traders and the government such as implementing measures to reduce the time taken to get electricity and construction permits. He said these changes are necessary to “reduce corruption and enhance overall efficiency.” The Finance Minister asserted that the government is committed to making it easier for people to set up new enterprises. He said that this will be done via the implementation of strategies to reduce the time and steps necessary to start a new business. In this regard, he said that the Ministry of Business intends to establish a Small Business Development Centre, which will facilitate the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in research and document preparation; and reduce the requirements necessary to access the Micro and Small Enterprise Development grant. He said that initiatives are also planned to make the Guyana Office for Investment (Go-Invest), the single stop when registering a new business, which would greatly reduce the burden placed on the investor. Jordan said that this will

also be coupled with a reduction in the number of forms needed to be completed in the entire registration phase and more towards a ‘one-click’ registration system. Moreover, in a bid to foster improvements in the trading environment in Guyana, the Business Ministry will be strongly involved in laying the foundation for a Single Window Automated Processing System (SWAPS). The Finance Minister said that SMEs are pivotal to enhancing economic livelihoods and stimulating competitiveness. He noted that the Government plans to provide added stimuli to small businesses to spur their growth and contribution to the development of the country. “This will be done through activities such as administering a Credit Guarantee Scheme through Partner Financial Institutions, administering an Interest Payment Facility (IPF) for micro loans through Partner Micro Financial Institutions, and administering the Low Carbon Grant Scheme for working capital and asset acquisition for micro and small businesses. The Ministry of Business through its Small Business Bureau plans to advance the SME 20 percent procurement initiative as early as 2016, so that SMEs can have a fair

Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan chance of being awarded Government contracts,” he stated. The Finance Minister said that economic growth and social development ultimately depend on efficiency and dynamism of the private sector within a healthy and competitive environment and it is for this reason his government plans on ensuring a level playing field between small and large businesses and between foreign and domestic enterprises. He said that the Government plans to aggressively enforce compliance with the Consumer Affairs Act, and its provisions through the operations of the Competition and Consumer Affairs Commission (CCAC). The Commission, he said, will target offences such as

price fixing, conspiracy, bid rigging, misleading advertisements, anticompetitiveness, abuse of dominant position and resale price maintenance. Jordan said that the government has recognized the importance of the Private Sector in fueling economic development as it creates job and entrepreneurial opportunities; establishes inter-firm linkages; facilitates the transfer of technology; builds human capital as well as physical infrastructure; generates public revenue via taxes; and offers a variety of products and services to consumers and other firms. He said that, notably, each of these impacts has multiplier effects on both social and economic development. Being aware of its significance, Jordan said that the government plans to make private-public partnerships the avenue through which issues are identified and policies implemented to remedy them. This, he said, will be done via regular engagement of private sector bodies at various levels of decision making. The Finance Minister said that Government intends to make Guyana the ideal place for doing business, and their comprehensive and sustained economic proposals will lay the foundation for a stronger economy, sustainable jobs and higher incomes for all.

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Murder of block-maker... Police have captured a 22year-old man, who has reportedly confessed that he beat Herstelling block-maker Nathan Persaud to death with a hammer. He also confessed that he agreed to collect his $1.7M fee in installments when the job was done. Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told Kaieteur News yesterday that police arrested Oswald Junior Yaw, called ‘Leow’, of East Ruimveldt Back Circle, in an area in the

Kaieteur News

Captured killer says hit was on credit city that detectives had staked out, due to information they had received. He is likely to appear in court this week. CLIENT PROMISED TO SELL POOL TABLE TO RAISE FEE Kaieteur News understands that Yaw has told police that the woman who had hired him to kill Persaud agreed to pay him $100,000 in weekly installments. He claimed that the client explained that she would raise the money by selling a pool

table at her Diamond, East Bank Demerara establishment. The killer reportedly told detectives that he had planned to use some of the money “to pay a surprise visit to his girlfriend,” who is overseas. Last Thursday, he and his client reportedly traveled by minibus from Diamond, East Bank Demerara to Herstelling. According to the killer, the woman attempted to direct him to Nathan Persaud’s house, then instructed him to meet her in Georgetown. Yaw

said that while she headed to the city in the bus, he disembarked and headed to Persaud’s residence, at Lot 66 Herstelling New Housing Scheme. But from all reports, he took some time to find Persaud’s home. Some Herstelling residents recalled that a strange man, whom they described as “red skin, about six feet tall with afro-hair style,” was in the area enquiring about Persaud’s address. VICTIM BEATEN WITH HAMMERAFTER

Prime Minister appoints new State media Board of Directors

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo has named new Boards of Directors for both the National Communications Network (NCN) and the Guyana National Newspaper Limited (GNNL), which oversees the Guyana Chronicle newspaper. With the installation of these boards, Nagamootoo, who also has the responsibility for public information, noted that there will be major policy reforms for both state owned entities. “Guyana is a plural state and we have opposing views. Therefore I would expect, as I said before when I met the staff of the Guyana Chronicles, that the newspaper would carry those opposing views. Not in an irresponsible manner, to use the newspaper to degrade

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- as some $200 million still owed to NCN someone you don’t like as a ‘jackass’ and revel in glory and satisfaction that that was one of the better headlines in a state owned newspaper,” Nagamootoo said. “The board will have to guide the management of the newspaper on issues and policies that make the newspaper national, inclusive and acceptable,” the Prime Minister charged the board. The board members were presented with their instruments of appointments at a simple ceremony yesterday, at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre (ACCC). The board members for NCN are; Bishwa Panday (Chairman), Mark Archer, Dr.

Paloma Mohamed, Margret Lawerence, Kojo McPherson, Dhanwanti Sukhdeo, Carolyn Walcott, Imran khan and Colin Thompson. For GNNL, the board members are; Jean LaRose (Chair), Karen Davis, Imran khan, Scherazade Isoof – Khan, Ruel Johnson, Bert Wilkinson, Tabitha Sarbabo, Patricia Wolford and Sohan Poonai. The Prime Minister reminded the members of the board that they are now the representatives of the shareholders, who are the people of Guyana. He alluded to the fact that Imran Khan, Director of

Public Information appears on both boards. The Prime Minister explained that Khan will represent him and the interests of the Government. He also emphasized that the NCN and GNNL are both owned by the “state.” The Chronicle, which is the primary source of income of the GNNL, has been “one of the most abused newspapers”, according to the Prime Minister, “reducing it to the state of a political rag expressing only the views of a particular political party”. Therefore, he pointed out that, there is a credibility issue that the members of the boards will have to confront. The board was urged to Continued on page 30

FIGHTING BACK The killer reportedly told police that when he eventually located Persaud’s house, the father of four was in his yard. He reportedly managed to lure the blockmaker inside the house by asking to use Persaud’s washroom. “He said he didn’t want to kill him in the yard because he would be observed,” a source said. “But as soon as they reached inside he hit Persaud in the head with a clay brick,” a source said. He also stabbed the block-maker behind the head. But when the wounded Persaud put up a fierce fight for his life, the killer reportedly “lashed him continuously on the head with a hammer until he was convinced that Persaud was dead.” The killer then left. Residents recalled hearing Persaud screaming in his two-bedroom apartment. Some claimed that they attempted to contact ranks at the Providence Police Station but no one answered the phone. Some neighbours said they later observed a “strange” man walking calmly out of the block maker’s yard while waving at a neighbour with a smile. According to reports, Yaw then caught a bus and headed to Georgetown to meet his client. At around 09.45 hrs, residents found Nathan

Nathan Persaud Persaud’s bloody corpse lying face down in the living room of his Lot 66 Herstelling home. The back of Persaud’s head was bashed in and detectives recovered a hammer, two knives and a piece of rock, all of which had blood stains, from the immediate crime scene. Several valuables in the dead man’s apartment were left behind and it appeared that the killer made no attempt to search the apartment. Hours after, police arrested Persaud’s estranged wife, Beverly Persaud, and charged her last Monday in connection with his murder, which was allegedly motivated by a property dispute. She is to return to court on October 13.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Antigua denies claim that passports being sold to Syrian refugees

Gaston Browne ST. JOHN’S, Antigua and Barbuda – The Antigua government is stoutly denying claims that its Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) is selling passports to Syrian refugees who end up in the US Virgin Islands (USVI). The allegation was made in an article published on the online news portal Virgin Islands Free Press, quoting Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security Congressman Michael McCaul. However, the Antigua government hit back Monday in a statement, saying that not only is the story “a complete fabrication and malicious”, but it falsely misrepresented

remarks by the American Congressman. “At no time did Congressman McCaul make any allegation that Antigua and Barbuda was clamoring to sell passports to Syrians to jump to the US,” it said. The government acknowledged that several Syrian nationals had been detained by the Immigration authorities on suspicion that they might attempt to go to the USVI. However, it stressed, none of them had Antigua and Barbuda passports. The Gaston Browne administration insisted that neither the governor nor CIP sell passports to anyone, far less refugees from Syria. “The CIP and the citizenship

programmes, like in every other democratic country, is regulated by law, namely the Citizenship by Investment Act of 2013. Citizenship is not granted unless due diligence takes place by internationally respected due diligence agents. This due diligence process has developed to include not only local and independent international due diligence providers, but also checks with other international bodies and Governments. Only after the due diligence is complete, are the applications sent to the Minister and Cabinet for final approval,” the government statement said. “Importantly, Antigua and Barbuda Passports are presented to CIP qualifiers for an initial period of 5 years. Only during this time, any person granted citizenship under the CIP is subject to re-evaluation for cause, and revoked where necessary.” The government also reacted to the suggestion in the article that it had put a price on its independence by embarking on the CIP. These countries have not been accused of compromising their independence.” The contentious article was published in another online publication, Monday, under the name of a different author.

13-year-old shot dead while heading to school in Trinidad PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC) – Police are searching for the gunman who murdered a 13-year-old school boy as he made his way to school yesterday. Yakini Charles, a first form student of the Tranquility Government School in Belmont, just on the outskirts of the capital, was shot several times. Media reports said that the boy was walking to school when a car drove up and someone inside the vehicle fired several shots hitting him. He later died in hospital. Nearly 300 people have been murdered in Trinidad so far this year.

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

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NOW WE SEE, NOW WE DON’T! I was not the only one who saw it. A friend also saw it and gave me a call. “Can you believe it?” he said, “Fifty thousand grand for an MRI at a private hospital. How can poor people afford that?” I said I do not know. He was not finished. “The government should buy one of those machines and set it up at the Public Hospital so that the poor man does not have to pay all that money for an MRI. Why do public hospitals not have MRIs?” I had to ask him which country he was living in all these years. There are many like him who believes that it is inexcusable that the public

hospitals in Guyana do not have MRIs. But consider what would happen if there was an MRI scanner. Persons would go to the public hospital for the MRI and then go to a private doctor for treatment. Some private doctors would unscrupulously see their private patients at the public hospital so that these expensive tests can be done free while they draw down on their consultation fees at their private clinics. This is believed to be already happening and is one of the reasons why for a long time this column has been saying that if a doctor works in the public health system,

that doctor should not be having a private clinic. Some people feel that there is no conflict of interest in a doctor in the public health system moonlighting in private hospitals. They are looking in the wrong direction. They are only looking at what they think is happening. They are not looking at what can happen. Right now a doctor earning a decent salary at a public health clinic can do part-time work at a private hospital. That doctor does not need any permission to do so. But an ordinary public servant barely earning enough to pay for transportation and lunch, has to seek permission from

Dem boys seh...

Woman hire killer pun credit De situation wid de Berbice Bridge dutty. From de start was nuff secrecy behind it. Bar Rat, Brassy, Babbie and de Bridge people concoct an agreement that if people see it, it would expose dem duttiness from top to bottom and dem back plus dem front. De Marriott arrangement is no different. De Chinee investors never come. Dem smell de Rat plus de fat cat. Dem boys seh that dem got de Sun and Sand hotel people. De Rat plus Donald Dumb tun de sod fuh de hotel. Dem tell de whole of Guyana that it is on de move. Dem boys seh de only thing dem bastards didn’t tell Guyana was that dem was moving out de people’s money out of Guyana through Sun and Sand. Instead de people see glowing hotel on de East Coast dem see shaking batelle in de Potaro area digging out we gold. Dem same set of bastards bring a man who seh he been to a university that he never see in he life. Dem give him a big position wid a fat salary just like

de fat crook who heading de power company. Dem boys hear in de grapevine that half of de fat salary going to de person who employ him. This thing surface and dem boys frighten to tell Soulja Bai because dem eventually elevate de man without doing dem own background check. Dem buy pig in bag. Dem ain’t learn nutten wha dem boys talk all these years, not to trust de grass that Jagdeo walk on because not even an ass, much less a jackass, don’t want to graze on. Jagdeo is such a disaster fuh Guyana that three-quarter of Guyana become scamp. Who don’t want to believe that just look at de type of crimes that people committing. People even committing crime pun hire purchase now, all because money ain’t deh fuh pay cash. Only a few people got all de money stash away. Dem boys ain’t calling name but dem was blowing whistle whole year. Everybody know when

you got to Courts to pick up a chair set or a bed you either pay cash or you put a down payment on de item. Most people go to Courts wid down payment. Some does go to Singers, Lucky Dollar and Guyana Stores. One person go to a killer and didn’t even mek de down payment. She just mek arrangement fuh payment and she get she item. Talk half, think carefully wheh Guyana heading. This ain’t happen overnight. Is years upon years it does tek fuh meet this stage. It does be nurtured.

his superiors to do a parttime job as a waiter or waitress in the evenings. This is how public service rules apply. The small man has to get permission while the rich doctor can freely moonlight. Ministers of the former government were known to be involved in businesses. Yet a small Office Assistant cannot even dare take a few tamarind balls to her workplace to sell. That person has to get permission. They are some persons who are selling phone credit at their workplace and they have to do so secretly because the bosses are also selling the same phone credit. A Regional Executive Officer was recently appointed and indicated that he will still be running his private clinic. Regardless of whether the position is technocratic/ bureaucratic or quasi political, how can someone in such a senior position be allowed to have a private clinic? The justification may be

that the clinic is unrelated to the job. But how do we know that someone wishing to enjoy the favour of a senior official, will not want to go and befriend that senior official as a client in order to get into that person’s good books. It is not what is happening, but what can happen. This is why there should be strict rules about these matters. If you have a fulltime public service job, then you should not be working anywhere else. This should be the rule, period, especially if you are a senior official or a doctor. Let us suppose that you are a Minister and your Ministry awards contracts. If at the same time you own a restaurant or a banquet hall. Someone wants to be in your good books. That someone has a child who is marrying. They come to you and they offer to rent out the restaurant or the banquet hall. You have entered into a contractual arrangement with that person. That same person has a

bid in front of you when you are performing the duties of a Minister. You may or may not favor that bid. But in any court of law, the mere likelihood of you having to make a decision while in public office about a private client of yours constitutes a conflict of interest. We can see that but yet we cannot see why persons working in the public health care system should not be working for private hospitals. We cannot also see that REOs should not be allowed to have part time employment. Now that is something that should be in the Code of Conduct for public officials. We cannot see these things and therefore we will never understand why it makes no sense in the present context for the government to have its own MRIs.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday September 16, 2015


I have two $50,000 school vouchers to give. Please call me An aging philanthropist from a prominent Guyanese intellectual family has asked me to be the conduit for an annual presentation of two school vouchers each worth $50,000. I currently have the vouchers. They are tenable at Austin’s Bookstore. They are immediately available. This gentleman has been doing this type of excellent work for a long time now. The conduit has passed on and he asked me to be the go-between. I will select the two school children. These vouchers are for the purpose of school

materials for students entering the first form of high school. They are meant for two high school kids that are from low income parents who are unable to raise the funds that are required to buy books and school related materials. I believe I am more than capable of determining who are in dire need of these vouchers. I can smell poverty from millions of miles. I grew up in it; in the worst form of it. So I am quite capable of doing the assessment. Unfortunately, I will limit the applicants to Georgetown and neighbouring areas. On

contacting me (and I hope that is done immediately), I will visit the address and talk to the parents to make my assessment. Once I am satisfied that I am seeing poverty in front of me I will hand over the voucher. I will only use the criterion of class. Race and religion will not be criteria. The school term has already started so I hope I can do this by Monday using the weekend to do the visits. I have made that geographical limit because I simply do not have the resources to travel to distant Regions to do the interview. This is a Georgetown project because of the modality – I have to make the selection and do the inquiry. I will not be able to operate outside of Region Four. I will confine the geography from Georgetown to Better Hope and from Georgetown to Peter’s Hall. I am absolutely certain that there are poor kinds from those far off regions who

deserve to have these vouchers but I am also certain that the Georgetown area and villages up the East Coast and East Bank have such needy children too. There is no formal application. Please make contact with me. I will come and visit your home. I don’t think I can easily be deceived. I mean, if you give me an address and I meet you and your kid there, but that is not the surrounding you belong to, I will check the school to ascertain the address. I know this methodology will not meet with positive reviews from many persons but as a one-man band, I cannot travel to the Regions of Guyana to ascertain who are more qualified because of class dispossessions to have these two vouchers. I am open to giving the vouchers to an organization that thinks it is in a better position to assess the needs of the two students. I have no problem with that. I concede that there are

organizations that work in the area of poverty alleviation and they may be more strategically placed to make the assessment. In that case, I trust their judgement and will hand over the two vouchers. The Austin Bookstore personnel are available to facilitate these two kids. I will ask my friends not to ask for the identity of the donor. This gentleman has been engaged in this work for a very long time now. Hundreds of school kids, including Queen’s College students, have benefited from his generosity. He has jealously guarded his identity since then. Some people are like that. I am married to a woman like that. She does not like publicity, guards her privacy, gets upset at me when I cause her to be in the limelight. I remember reading what Bob Woodward said after the identity of Deep Throat was revealed. He told his wife in 1974 that he cannot tell her

Frederick Kissoon who Deep Throat was. Woodword kept that secret from 1972 until the real name Deep Throat was made known in 2005. I have sworn to secrecy and I will never reveal the gentleman’s name. I always have animated conversations with the widow of former Police Commissioner, Laurie Lewis (deceased) whenever I see her. The last time was last Thursday at the non-religious funeral service for Dr. Frank Williams, father of Andaiye. She said Laurie never told her his secrets. At the wake for Mark Kirton’s mother-inlaw, I asked her if Laurie told her who killed Monica Reece. She said no. I told her who it was.

Wednesday September 16, 2015

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Dr. Jennifer Westford’s fraud case…

Lawyer to apply for matter to be stayed indefinitely

Margaret Cummings Former Minister of Public Service and Opposition Parliamentarian, Dr Jennifer Westford, made her third court appearance yesterday before Magistrate Fabayo Azore in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. Westford is currently facing four charges of attempted larceny. She is not alone, her former Chief Personnel Officer, Margaret Cummings, was also slapped with four counts of forgery. When the matter was called yesterday, Attorney Neil Boston, who is representing the defendants, informed the court that at the

Dr. Jennifer Westford, Former Minister of Public Service and PPP Parliamentarian

next hearing, he will make an application to have the matter stayed indefinitely for the abuse of process. He is expected to highlight this in his submission when the matter comes up again on October 8. Westford and Cummings also received statements in the matter. The former minister was placed on a total of $800,000 bail after she pleaded not guilty to the charges. The charges alleged that between July 17, 2014 and June 23, 2015, she attempted to transfer eight state vehicles to four persons, namely her

husband, Gary Beaton, Osbert McPherson, Wayne Walker and Delroy Lewis. Cummings also pleaded not guilty to four charges which alleged that she forged documents for the purchase of the eight motor vehicles. She was released on a total of $1.2M bail. Additionally, the police have wrapped up their investigations into a $500M fraud at the Public Service Ministry. The files were handed over to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) last week Monday for advice, according to Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum.

The Ministry of the Presidency had filed an official complaint to the police in late July after finding more than $120M missing from the bank accounts of the Ministry. Investigators stumbled on more than $400M missing from the ministry’s accounts. The police, whom the matter had been handed over to, had dispatched a special team to the Ministry of the Presidency to examine records of the payments. Several staffers as well as former Minister of Public Service, Dr. Jennifer Westford, and her exassistant, Margaret Cummings, were questioned during the probe. Investigators had initially looked at 2014 transactions at

the Ministry but went back to 2012. The monies were transferred from the Office of the President and were to be used for training workers in the various regions. However, there was no evidence that the regions were in receipt of any money. As a result the former Minister and her ex-assistant were questioned by police and charged with several counts of attempted larceny and forgery. Westford is also reportedly being investigated for a recreational vehicle (RV) that was brought into the country but the correct tax was not paid. Westford is the first highprofile member of the former government to face corruption-related charges. In

early June, Minister of State Joseph Harmon, had told the media that it was brought to his attention that some documents were sent to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), purportedly signed by Permanent Secretary of the Public Service Ministry, Hydar Ally. This was done under Ally’s letterhead, but signed by someone else. “He had no knowledge of this transaction,” Minister Harmon had stressed. It was Ally who directed Harmon to the discrepancy in the paperwork forwarded to GRA for the transfer of eight vehicles. In light of the overwhelming evidence, the vehicles were returned to the government.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Questions raised over qualifications of GPL’s interim boss Almost three weeks after naming Colin Welch as the interim Chief Executive

Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL), it appears that there may be

questions over his qualifications. Welch, a deputy CEO in

charge of operations for the state-owned company was left as the top man after Bharat

Dindyal was sent off in August. He was one of two deputies along with Ash Deonarine, the deputy CEO of Administration. Deonarine was sent on administrative leave after an audit found that he was instrumental in giving himself a $27.8M back pay. Sources yesterday told Kaieteur News that auditors working on GPL found some questionable things while reviewing Welch’s university qualifications. Some ministers were reportedly notified late last week. The matter will be probed deeper when a new Board of Directors for GPL is appointed. Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, who has responsibilities for the electricity sector, could not be reached for a comment, yesterday. Last month, Minister Patterson, questioned about an internal GPL probe ordered by Dindyal into a number of money claims made by Welch, said that is a matter for a GPL committee. Welch clashed with his former CEO last month after he visited the Sheriff Street office with a police rank, seizing the office keys and company phones. He reportedly issued letters to Senior Loss Reduction Manager, Loaknauth Singh, and Senior Investigator David Kaladin. Those letters ordered the officials to proceed on administrative leave, while the security was instructed not to allow the two managers back into the office. Dindyal subsequently sought to revoke the order on the same day, leading to a heated exchange which was captured on video. On August 14, last, Dindyal was sent home after that video made its rounds in

Colin Welch the news and on social media. Dindyal was heard using profanity and referring to the Minister of Public Infrastructure, Patterson in a disparaging manner. Dindyal had charged that Welch had no authority to send any staffer home and ordered that they return to work immediately. Welch initially defended his actions by purporting to be acting on instructions from Minister Patterson. However, asked about this claim, Patterson emphatically stressed that he gave no such instruction. GPL has been under the spotlight for its management of the coastal electricity supply now. Once faced with a shortage of generators, the company is now battling high electricity thefts and technical losses. Its management of key projects and handling of billions of dollars has also been dogged by corruption accusations. A report made last December by Chairman, Winston Brassington, spoke of a stormy relationship between the Board of Directors and management, especially the then CEO, Dindyal.

Kitty woman on bail after sports bar brawl A young woman was yesterday released on $120,000 bail; she was slapped with a criminal charge after an appearance in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. Shonette Gonsalves, of Lot 73 Dowding Street, Kitty, Georgetown, is accused of unlawfully and maliciously wounding Alana Duncan on August 19, at Kitty, Georgetown. Gonsalves, 21, who was unrepresented by an attorney, was not required to plead to the charge after it was read to her by Magistrate Ann McLennan. Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones, pointed out that a medical report in favour of Duncan

shows that the woman was badly injured and hospitalized. He added that she was subsequently discharged from the institution. Further, Jones told the court that on the day in question, Duncan was seated at a popular bar in Kitty, when Gonsalves pounced and stabbed her with a knife. When given a chance to address the court, Duncan explained that she and Gonsalves are former workmates. She added that the incident occurred at a bar in Kitty. The Prosecutor had no objection to bail. However, he asked that it be substantial. This matter will be called again on October 14.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Terminated GPHC Matron reportedly reinstated Matron, Sister Collene Hicks, in the company of a supportive senior nursing official.

Less than a week after Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) was sent off on administrative leave to allow for a forensic audit of the hospital’s procurement bond, the Director of Nursing Services (Matron), who he had months earlier terminated, was reinstated. According to a statement issued by the hospital last week, the hospital’s CEO, Mr. Michael Khan, was sent off on administrative leave. The leave became effective last week Wednesday (September 9, 2015). Minister of Health, Dr. George Norton, had informed that “generally if we are doing an investigation, if who we are investigating might be considered to be impeding the investigation, we generally would send them on leave.” Acting in the capacity of CEO is Mr. Alan Johnson who formerly headed the New Amsterdam Hospital. However, things reportedly got even more interesting at the GPHC on Monday. This publication was reliably informed that a letter was issued to the terminated Director of Nursing Services, Sister Collene Hicks, to resume normal duties. Hicks was appointed to the position of Director of Nursing Services on March 16, 2015 but was terminated on June 15, 2015 when her probation period would have matured. Khan had premised his termination decision on “gross insubordination” on the part of Hicks. The decision had however sparked outrage among some nursing staff who initially engaged protest action to retaliate the decision.

Despite a move by Khan to circulate a memo of the termination decision, Hicks refused to acknowledge the letter of termination that was presented to her, and based on the advice of the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU), which had vowed to represent her, had remained on the job. Reports are that Hicks was able to retain the support of some nurses since she was issued with the letter of termination, a state of affairs that resulted in a breakdown of the delivery of nursing services at the hospital, this publication was told. In an attempt to officially put an end to the controversial situation, a few weeks ago the locks of the door of the Director of Nursing Services office were changed. This publication was informed that a decision was taken at the level of the hospital’s administration to change the locks on the door of the Director of Nursing Services. Hicks’s continued inability to access the office saw her informing officials of the GPSU who turned up at the public hospital to launch an investigation last month into the development. The CEO of the hospital was unreachable then, but according to GPSU’s Senior Industrial Relations Officer, Dennis English, the way forward in addressing such situations is to “follow guiding principles and procedures and we have done that…We have made significant representation and definitely we are not happy that the matter is still not resolved.” English had disclosed, too, that since the hospital CEO opted to not respond to a letter from the Union to

rescind the termination decision, the GPSU had taken its concerns to higher authority. He was making reference to a meeting between the GSPU and President David Granger where the matter was raised and a decision was taken for Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, to look into the matter. “It was public knowledge that we have gone beyond the CEO… We have written to the CEO who has shown little or no regard by not responding to our correspondence,” said English who lamented the ‘lock changing’ development. “The locking of the door to the Matron’s office has put a whole other spin to the matter and because of that, among other things, we are here….” English had stated. “All along she has been reporting for duty…so definitely we have to address this and as we speak, we have already made representation in that regard,” English assured, as he expressed hope that “good sense will prevail.” Hicks, despite being locked out of the office, continued to report for duty each day but instead, started utilizing a secretarial desk just outside the Director of Nursing Services office. While this publication was able to confirm that Hicks at the start of this week was furnished with a letter advising her that she should return to duty, it was not clear who authorized the decision. This publication was however reliably informed that “the decision came from the top.” When contacted yesterday, officials of both the GPSU and the GPHC were tight-lipped on the issue and calls to Hicks went unanswered.

Wednesday September 16, 2015

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Bids opened for works on several stellings, Demerara Harbour Bridge During yesterday’s session at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), several bids were opened under Transport and Harbour Department (T&HD) for rehabilitation works on the Parika, Bartica and Leguan stellings. Eight companies bid for the Parika stelling project and the engineer’s estimate was $23,864,700. The supply and delivery of cluster piles for the Harbour Bridge was also the subject of the bidding process. The engineer’s estimate was $46,629,000.

For rehabilitation works on the Bartica stelling, the engineer’s estimate was $41,616,700. Nine companies bid for these works. And finally, bids were opened for the supply of 30,000 feet of galvanized wire rope. The engineer’s estimate was $15,750,000.

And finally, for the Leguan stelling, nine (9) companies also submitted bids. The engineer’s estimate was $30,394,750.

Bids were opened on behalf of the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation for the fabrication of twenty (20) pairs of connecting post. The engineer’s estimate was $24M.

Distracted policeman drives over pedal cyclist at East Canje Berbice A man is currently nursing wounds at the New Amsterdam Hospital after he was struck by a vehicle driven by a police officer on Monday. Injured is Deodat Ali, 56, of New Area Canefield, East Canje Berbice. The 55-yearold man of New Area Canefield Canje was going about his daily routine of collecting water from the Adelphi pump located not far away. According to reports, Ali was struck by the vehicle while he was returning home on his bicycle with his filled water along the East Canje Public Road. Speaking to the wife of the injured man Mrs. Kalowatie Ali, she stated that she was informed of the accident at approximately 7:30 am on Monday but by the time she reached the scene her husband was already

rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital for medical treatment. According to the distraught wife, she was informed that her husband was taken to the hospital by the said policeman who struck him down. He was reportedly unconscious. She stated that he regained consciousness when he arrived at the hospital. The wife said that Deodat Ali is the sole breadwinner of the home and is selfemployed. The accident will put a strain on the household highlighting that he is a father of two. The wife stated that after the accident the policeman admitted that it was his fault whilst stating that he was picking up a ‘piece of wire’ on the floor of the vehicle, bending down in the process whilst driving which resulted

in him taking his eyes off the road and subsequently hitting Ali from behind. Ali sustained injuries to the head, shoulder, back, knees and legs. He was released late yesterday afternoon from the hospital. According to Mrs. Ali the policeman in question offered a settlement. She said that she is likely to accept it since her husband will be seeking further medical treatment elsewhere. This is the most recent mishap caused by a policeman who was said to be driving recklessly on the roadways. A Police Constable is under close arrest after he struck a student on a pedestrian crossing two days ago on West Coast Demerara. The student is currently a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Foreign Minister briefs Florida groups on Venezuela claims Guyana’s Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge, wrapped up a 60-hour visit to south Florida last Saturday night during which he briefed various audiences on the current situation regarding Venezuela’s renewed claim to Guyana’s territory and waters. Minister Greenidge used the opportunity of the Florida Conference on Current Caribbean issues hosted by the Institute of Caribbean Studies (ICS) and the Greater Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce. He also used a Town Hall meeting for Guyanese and friends of Guyana in south Florida hosted by the Guyana Honorary Consul; a meeting with a group of maritime lawyers; a lunch hosted by

the Beacon Council; an interview with a team of senior editors at the Miami Herald; and a press brunch to clearly outline the historical and recent developments regarding Venezuela’s claim and recent threats against Guyana. In all his presentations he made it clear that the only option to which Guyana would agree to decide whether there is any merit to the claim, is judicial settlement via the International Court of Justice (ICJ). He said that it was now up to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon “to do his job and facilitate the process towards a judicial settlement of this claim”. However, Venezuela is opposing the judicial settlement option preferring to

pursue the good offices mechanism, which Minister Greenidge said, has been tried for the past 23 years, yielding “little or no success”. “Guyana is of the firm belief that this controversy, arising out of the Venezuelan claim that the Arbitral Award of 1899 is null and void can only be settled once and for all through the judicial process. Before there could be any adjustment to the demarcations of our territorial and maritime boundaries the ICJ must first rule on whether the Arbitral Award of 1899 is null and void. It is Guyana’s firm view that that Award is legally binding and that the existing boundaries must remain intact,” Greenidge told a luncheon at the conference attended by diplomats, elected officials, business executives and community leaders. In tracing the historical developments related to the boundaries, Greenidge referred to a number of agreements which clearly point to Venezuela’s acceptance of the current boundaries up until it first raised its claim in 1962. Among these agreements, he explained, is the 1932 demarcation of the

point where the Guyana, Venezuela and Brazil borders meet. Further, he explained that as a result of the 1899 Arbitral Award Venezuela had benefitted from “the award of significant portions of real estate (land) which were previously the territory of then British Guiana.” Minister Greenidge argued that the renewed Venezuelan claim to Guyana’s land and maritime space is an attempt by that country to develop sovereignty over an Atlantic Coast which it does not currently have, so as to lay claim to the resources which are to be found in those waters. The recent Venezuelan decree seeks to lay claim to waters which fall within the legally established boundaries not only of Guyana but Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname, Dominica and other Eastern Caribbean countries, he said. The Vice President and Foreign Minister made it clear that Guyana was leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of the safeguard of its legally established boundaries and had embarked on a campaign to sensitize and seek the support of the international community including

Foreign Minister, Carl Greenidge CARICOM, the Commonwealth, the G-77 and the United Nations. He disclosed that this issue would occupy a great deal of the presentation by Guyana’s President David Granger to this year’s session of the United Nat i o n s General Assembly, form the basis for a number of bilateral meetings during the President’s visit to New York later this month. Venezuela, according to the minister, has been accusing Guyana of being hostile and of “undertaking the greatest heist of another country’s natural resources ever in history” which he said points to the true reason for

president Maduro’s actions…..access to the oil and other resources which belongs to Guyana. While not ruling out that Maduro could resort to military action, even if limited, Greenidge said that Guyana’s efforts include sensitizing its friends and allies to this possibility, and encouraging them to use their influence to advise Maduro against harboring any such thoughts. The Minister in his presentations at the conference and the town hall meeting pointed to the important role of the Guyanese and Caribbean Diaspora in defending and promoting Guyana’s interests on this matter. “I am indeed pleased with the interest shown and the commitments of support for Guyana on the Guyana/ Venezuela issue. I had very good meetings at which I was able to exchange views with persons knowledgeable on maritime issues and with Guyanese and friends of Guyana who were eager to be updated on the matter,” Greenidge told reporters at a press brunch last Saturday hosted by former Guyanese diplomat Wesley Kirton.

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

Guyanese using cocaine... (From page 18) parameters in the population based on statistics generated from a sample of the population. Objectives of the survey will include identifying risks and protective factors; to inform planning and implementation of prevention programmes; and to monitor and valuate progress. Also on the agenda was the Guyana Drug Information Network, which operates from the Ministry of Public Security. It collects and shares statistics and analyses on the prevention and control of drug use and trafficking. It affords easier access to statistical details for all the agencies that comprise the

Drug Information Network (DIN) and delivers useful information for the development, monitoring and evaluation of policies and strategies for combating drug trafficking and drug use prevention. The Minister, OAS representative and the CICAD team subsequently met with the drug abuse Treatment Centre Providers in Guyana, including Phoenix Recovery, Salvation Army, Georgetown Public Hospital and Social Life Issues. The CICAD team will also meet with the Guyana Bureau of Statistics and is schedule to leave Guyana and return to its headquarters in Washington DC tomorrow (Thursday).

Make agreement public... (Fromp page 22) commissioned in December 2008 and was built largely under a private/public partnership from an overseas loan. The financial structure of the company was deliberately done in a manner to allow the equity shareholders whose investment is less than five percent ($400 million) of the total funds of the company to exercise controlling interest over the company. Of the $400 million, New GPC and Ramroop Group own 40 percent and the Hand-inHand Group 10 percent. In effect, the bridge barely made enough monies to pay a few favoured investors, who stood first in line to receive their returns. NIS has invested $950M in shares but had little say in the affairs despite the 76 percent stake. The other equity share-

holders are Secure International Finance Company ($80 million); Demerara Contractors Limited ($40M); Hand in Hand Motor & Life Insurance Company ($40M), and NIS ($80 M). Critics were against the appointment of Directors of Ramroop and Hand-inHand who took control of the Board of Directors. The bridge has been providing a critical link between the city and East Berbice, where thousands of rice farmers and sugar workers live. Government, in face of the stalemate, has announced that it will be introducing river taxis to reduce costs for students and senior citizens. Businesses in Berbice, unhappy with the monopoly control by the bridge company, have backed the introduction of the passenger speedboats.

Berbice farmers protest... (From page 23) stated that he was unaware that the farmers were protesting in front his office. “I don’t know about that, because for this past week I’ve just been brushing through the headlines of the newspapers. There is so much work to be done and I am just putting my attention in the work because my office got so much of things to be done. “I am not afraid to meet anybody.”

Linden Hospital Complex... (From page 21) are still on the payroll. The Ministry did nothing until a forensic audit was done and two employees were used as scapegoats for the skullduggery.” Butters said that there are other reports of Managers being suppliers where they decide what must be bought and at what price. There is no bidding process. He is calling on the authorities of the Ministry of Public Health to ensure that staff who proceed on maternity leave be given their entitlement and the gratuity since the contract says the assessment will be done every three months and gratuity paid every six months. AMBULANCE STATION According to Butters there is an agreement between the Linden Hospital Complex and the St. John’s Ambulance Brigade that whenever the staff of the Hospital Complex gets an increase, the Ambulance brigade will receive a similar increase. “In same agreement the Administrative Manager at the LHC oversees and manages the contract between the two. Any change is the responsibility of the Administrative Manager. However it is noted that the Administrative Manager signs contracts for and on behalf of the St. John’s Brigade and that is not right.”

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Man, 53, jailed for coke possession Wayne Gilkes, called ‘Tony’, 53, said to be a known drug dealer of D, Edward Village West Coast Berbice was on Tuesday sentenced to three years in jail by Magistrate Shurdel Isaacs-Marcus. He had appeared before her at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court on a charge of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking. Police Prosecutor, Sergeant Phillip Sheriff, told the court that on Saturday September 5, last, a joint service patrol unit conducted a raid on the premises of businessman Richard Evans called “Piggy Mouth” of Lot 12 “A” D’ Edward Village, West Bank Berbice . During the raid the police searched Gilkes and found one white and yellow plastic parcel containing a transparent plastic bag with a quantity of whitish rock-like substance which was concealed in his left Clarks boots. The man was arrested and the substance was taken possession of. It was subsequently weighed and tested and found to be 30 grams of cocaine. In court Gilkes pleaded guilty. He was also fined $30,000.

Kaieteur News

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Education officials probe teacher’s action following student’s suicide The suicide of a male student of a lower Corentyne Secondary School last week prompted officials of the Region Six Department of Education, together with officials of the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU), to launch an investigation into the actions of a teacher. According to reports it was believed that the teacher had publicly embarrassed the student for a misdemeanor. This embarrassment might have triggered him to take his own life.

Reports are that the third form student in question was accused of touching the breast of a female classmate. The incident was reported to the Deputy Head of the school. While there are allegations that the teacher might have upbraided the child in the presence of other students, this publication was informed that the investigation proved otherwise. This however is not the version that was fed to the parents of the now dead student. According to reports circulating on social media, the parents are convinced that the actions of the teacher led to the death of their son. “They heard this from some people and they are going to the media and saying what they heard…as a matter of fact, the father was in the media saying that the teacher is responsible for his son’s death,” an education official said. But based on the findings

of the investigation, the officials are claiming that there is no proof to suggest that the teacher’s action led to the student’s death. It was reportedly found that the teacher had dealt with the matter quietly which translated into her upbraiding him alone in a room. Although the account is reportedly only that of the teacher, she is adamant that she did not embarrass the student. This publication was informed that a team of officials including the Regional Education Officer, the Deputy Regional Executive Officer, the School’s Welfare Office, an Education Officer and a representative of the GTU, were inclined to believe the account of the teacher. It has been recommended that the findings of the investigation be made public but reports reaching this publication suggest that this

may not occur. At the same time some education officials are worried that nondisclosure could leave persons with more questions than answers. The student’s encounter with his female classmate occurred last week Wednesday and was believed to have been settled by the Deputy Head Teacher. However, the following day the student was found hanging in his father’s garage. “It is very disturbing that teachers who are supposed to be moulding lives, are instead, helping to take lives and we need to have situations like these addressed,” an official told this publication. The state of affairs is one that is expected to see keen efforts being directed towards sensitizing both teachers and students about the whole issue of mental health, which has been plaguing the wider society.

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Large scale gold mining returns to Guyana By Desilon Daniels The US$250M Aurora Gold Mine (AGM) officially began production yesterday, marking the return of large scale gold mining in Guyana since the departure of OMAI Mines several years ago. AGM, a project of Canadian-based company Guyana Goldfields Inc. (GGI) marked its entry into the mining sector with its first gold pour held at its Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni location). It is expected that millions of ounces of gold will be produced in just over a decade. Furthermore, it is hoped that with the re-introduction of large scale gold mining, Guyana will return to the “good times” experienced many years ago, President David Granger said. During the ceremony, GGI’s newest venture was lauded by all. Its benefits to the Guyana economy were echoed by a number of speakers. According to Scott Caldwell, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and President of GGI, the mine was constructed with approximately US$250M. He added that the project was completed “on time and on budget”. It is estimated that the plant, once operating at full capacity, will produce 10,000 to 15,000

...Canadian company begins production ounces of gold monthly. Total gold production has been estimated at 3.29 million ounces in the set 17-year lifespan. However, during his speech Caldwell estimated a much longer lifespan, one ranging from 20 to 35 years. “It’s going to be around a long, long time, generating some good things for the country,” Caldwell said. He added that GGI employs safe tactics, not only for its employers but also for the environment. He boasted that since it began work in Guyana in 1996, no employee has died on duty. Aurora’s long lifespan is also expected to greatly benefit Guyana’s job market, GGI Founder and Executive Chairman Patrick Sheridan said. It is expected “the men and women who work here have good jobs, good salaries, and good benefits,” Sheridan said. “These jobs are going to support a family, pay a mortgage, and develop one’s skills. It is perhaps this legacy that is most important,” he stressed. Aurora began construction in 2013 and saw local and international contractors engaged in the construction process.GGIofficialsrevealedthata

large Peruvian contingency had made up the workforce and had offered their expertise in the area. Additionally, 1,200 temporary onsite workers were involved in the construction stage during its peak. The majority of these workers – about 700 – were Guyanese, GGI said. About 400 were foreigners while local contractors numbered at about 100. With operations coming on-stream, around 500 employees are expected to be engaged, GGI said. Additionally, it is estimated that corporate income tax will be in excess of US$500M. “WE WANT THE GOOD TIMES BACK” Aurora Mine comes at a time when Guyana is experiencing difficulties in the gold sector. President Granger opined that there is a much-needed upsurge in the industry. However, he said, this return would not be easy and will be stymied by issues facing the sector, including gold smuggling, underdevelopment of the hinterland region, and crime. In his remarks, Granger lauded the Canadian-based Guyana Goldfields Inc. (GGI) foray into gold production

and said that it came at a time when the gold sector is in much needed development. He shared the need not only for improvements in the sector but a number of proposals to improve the conditions of the hinterland region in general. Further, he said, these factors are compounded by others which have seen the gold sector suffering over the past few years. T h e g o l d industry, Granger said, has been the country’s largest foreign Continued on page 30

President David Granger during his remarks

Page 28

SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. – CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Guyana Passport application. Graphics design, Advertisement. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. PARTY DECORATING: balloon creation, back drops etc. for weddings, birthdays, anniversary etc. Make your event extra special! Tel Maya: 642-6664 REPAIRS AT LOW COST: FRIDGES,AIR-CONDITIONERS, WASHINGMACHINES,TVS, MICROWAVES,FREEZERSCALL: 629-4946 OR 225-4822 REPAIRS & SPARE, FRIDGE, FREEZER, A/C, WASHERS, STOVES CONTACT NICK: 6831312, 627-3206 Floor sanding & Lacquering House plans, Estimate & painting, Boat for Santa Mission - Call: 650-4362 Repairs at affordable prices: fridge, air conditioner, washing machines, dryers, TV, microwaves & freezerCall: 610-5846 or 661-8158 Permanent & Visitors Visa Applications, Professional Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building. visadocumentsgy@yahoo.comCall : 225-6496, 662-6045 Do you need all class electrician specialized in industrial rewinding, generator servicing, domestic repair & wiring, etc –Call: 642-7322

Kaieteur News



Make Up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, Black Opal and Sacha cosmetics. Call: 647-1773/660-5257

Mazda Axela Grey (PNN Series) 2004, 1500cc, fully loaded- $1.75M –Call: 6151611; 664-4000 1 Mazda Axela, PTT series, low mileage, e x c e l l e n t condition -owner migrating Tel: 649-0956

One live in or live out maid E.C.D –Call: 603-5416; 6449802

1-3 Bedrooms house @ Oleander Ave, Bel-Air Park, all modern conveniences, unfurnished -$1600US, monthly-Call:231-7839 working hours

2yrs Experienced seamstress – knowledge: flat/ over lockers/ Serger machines, meeting of deadlines/target a must; preferably E.C.D Contact: 270-4852 & 645-5533 Straight stitch/Over edge machine operators. Call: 2222541 (8:00am-4:00pm MonFri) Live in Couple to care take country home, suitable accommodation peaceful environment. Risans, 51 Main Street Georgetown. New company hiring; security officers needed: $3,000 per day-Contact: 2316052 between 8am and 4:30pm A senior accounts clerk, with level 1 ACCA 3yrs experienced required. Attractive salary. Email resume to humresdes@gmail.com Taxi Drivers @ Gem’s Taxi Service- Call: 225-5075; 2313709 Female domestic to work in Trinidad- Call 868-683 or 6831528


ACCOMODATION Harmony Inn apartments, furnishing (Kitchenette, bath tubs, hot & cold, TV, Wi-Fi, AC) –Tel: 668-0306; 6947817; 218-1400 $5,000-$8,000


Fully furnished Apartment, luxury 2 and 3 bedrooms selfcontained, long and short term- Contact:603-9671

We repair fridge, freezer, AC, washer, dryer-Call: 231-0655; 683-8734. Omar INNOVATIVEMARKETING & PUBLISHING INC –TEL: 600-4212: We create A/ works, logos, business cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included.


WANTED Canter Truck to sell 5 gal bottle water- Call: 623-2728; 618-1967

Attractive live in waitressCall: 327-0252/674-4665 Persons wanted to work at Café/Restaurant, flexible hours, interested person – Contact: 687-2666; 610-5664

Aidan’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up, cheapest rate, low security- Call: 698-7807 Wing’s Car & 4WD Vigo pick up- Call: 690-6494

Wednesday September 16, 2015

House and land at Canal #2 Polder -$35,000 monthlyContact: 613-1860; 685-9721 2 Self Contained rooms; water (hot & cold) A/C & phone$US1500 @ Vlissingen RoadContact: 660-9478; 672-0865 One four storey building at Lot 14 Croal and Longden Street to rent- Contact 6631876 Three bedrooms apartment for rent at Section ‘A’ , Diamond E.B.D. For more information please call: 954479-7454/ 685-5023 Two bedroom apartment for rent Section A Diamond. For more information please call: 954-479-7454/ 685-5023

EDUCATION Princeton College Forms 1-5 (5000) CXC adult classes $1,500 a subject, Phonics/ Grade 2,4,6,9 lessons Call: 231-1209, 690-5008,657-7398 I.A.E currently registering students for full time secondary school, lessons & evening CXC classes for adults- Call: 683-5742 Spanish Classes!!! Learn Spanish in 3 Months: Introductory, Intermediate, Advance, children, CSC Form 1-5 –Tel: 673-8605. Register Now!!! Didn’t do well for CXC; let us help you- $2500 per subject @ Micrograhics, Vreed-EnHoop. Call: 264-3057 New Advanced Diploma in Computers office 2016, window 8/10, 9 courses @ Micrographics, Vreed-EnHoop-Call: 264-3057 Register now! 6 weeks course, pedicure & manicureCall: 618-8536; 696-2295 Lessons/Homework Centre, Primary, Secondary & Adults Students, class Teacher to student ratio 1:10 & 1-15- Call: 690-9378

VACANCY Male & female workers, accountant, checkers, bond clerk @ RA Soda Factory Rosignol West Coast Berbice: Tel: 330-2399; 6235920 One Junior Accountant; qualification: certified accountant technician, 2 years experienced. Contact: 673-5475 or email: Kevin@expresstrukingcorp.com Computer legal clerk-Phone 258-0213; 624-7087 or 2264283 Drivers, Drink machine operator, anyone with mechanical ideas @ RA Soda Factory Rosignol West Coast Berbice: Tel: 330-2399; 623-5920 One Driver; apply @ Technical Services Inc, 18-23 Industrial Site, Eccles E.B.D Accounts clerk: experienced in QuickBooks, accounting software, managing VAT NIS & PAYE, apply @ Technical Services Inc, 1823 Industrial Site, Eccles E.B.D Bond Supervisors, Delivery Clerk, Office Assistant, apply with written application and passport size picture call: 227-5286/9 1 Clerical staff for copy centre, no previous experience required must be pleasant Risans 51, Main Street, Georgetown. Experienced sales clerk @ growing organization. Apply: The manager, Curtains & Drapery Designs, 110 Regent Road Bourda. Call: 225-2224 Diesel Mechanics to work at Mining Firm must have knowledge of Perkins engine & excavators- Contact: 2269768 One experienced driver/ purchaser. Must have recommendations, must between35-45years old – Contact: 226-9768; 661-5307

Toyota Rush- Unregistered $3M negotiable; Honda CRV 2003 model PSS 2018- $3.1M negotiable, pre-order any vehicle. Call: 655-3400 1 Unregistered 2006 Toyota Rush -$2.8M negotiable , unregistered 2007 Mitsubishi Convertible, both fully loaded -$2.8M negotiableContact:629-2314 2-Unregistered new model Tacoma, Step, Crash Bar, Alarm, Bed covering, mag rims-Call: 695-6461 or 6397758 One Honda CRV Immaculate Condition 17" mags, CD, AC, price -$1,850,000 negotiable – Call: 626-2884 1AT 212 PTT Series for sale$1.4M negotiable -Tel: 6616156 or 650-3157 Kaw a s a k i N i n ja 650R, excellent condition, lime green $650,000 asking price Tel: 655-2561 Just arrived from UK brand new TM trucks. Good priceTel: 679-7587, 264-1582 Star Cars Auto Sale: Just Arrived: Rush, Allion, Pitbul, Bluebird, Alteeza, Benz, 06 Premio. Tel: 679-3140, 2683509 Star Cars Auto Sale: 04 Premio, Allion,06 Runx, 03 Runx, Axela, New Raum, IST, Vitz. Tel: 679-3140, 268-3509 Venus Auto Sale: September Specials: 2004 Premio $2.350M, Pre-Order specials on IST -$1.9M –Call: 624-5617 1 Ford 2005 F350 Pickup, extended cab, 4X4 Diesel, 35 inch tyre auto, 1 Chevy Van 2007 –Call: 610-5370 Toyota Premio- 2003, Spacio2004- Call: 227-5950 or 681-7117 Timber Jack 450 B, skidder, excellent condition, scrap Nissan 720 Pick-up- Call: Richard: 609-7675; 674-1705; 233-2614 BMW 320I –AT212, Raum, Tundra, Hilux 4-Runner & Pick-up, L-Touring Wagon, Nissan March & 4-Door Pickup- Call: 644-5096; 697 -1453 Unregistered pit-bull bus (3M) Noah, Voxy (1-8)-Call: 603-9700

VEHICLE FOR SALE One 1.5 Ton Toyota Toyoace Canter, good working condition-Contact: 623-1202

60 Seater Bluebird bus, brand new, air conditioned, electronic doors (front & back) for schools/ church etc –Call: 225-8472

FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITIES OF HIGH PURITY MERCURY (QUICK SILVER) 99.99995% PURITY$19,000 PER POUND CALL: 592-227-4754. Playstation 4 with 2 Controllers and Games, XBOX 360 250 GB with games and 2 controllers -Call: 6838386 Land at Schoonord (Next To Demerara Harbour Bridge), 45' X 100' $ 6 M, 60' X 100' $ 7.5M- Contact 650-0402 / 260-4988 One never used Hydromatic sewa g e pump, model 5k50M2 -$86,000 –Call: 6259281 Great Deals on video games & all gaming consoles. PC, phone games & applications. Delivery also – Call: 672-2566; 265-3232 1-New model Tacoma Complete cabin, headlights, taillights, alternator, startor, compressor, engine, transmission, suspension etc- Call: 695-6461 or 6397758 Rottweilers, German Shepherds and Huskies for sale: Contact Frank:6645401, Elizabeth : 680-6426 Section 1, Stall 71/72, La Penitence Market, Albouystown – Contact: 6631597; 218-4837 Reduced Prices: Dell/HP laptop & desktop computers complete, from $55,000, free games and educational software @ Future – Call: 231-2206 1 Two base music set for saleCall: 669-9055; 674-1291 1 Complete six inch dredge inclusive of pick up and ATVprice 6,000,000-Contact: 6600422 1-45FT Fishing Boat with 800lb 5 inch Nylon Seine, 240 engine, Yamaha and 1 GPS for $4.8M-Call: 260-2591 4 Gold claims located in Mining District #5, Wanamu Calalu, area Barama River – Contact: 690-7932

LEARN TO DRIVE Soman Son & Outar Driving School at Maraj Building- Tel: 644-5166; 622-2872; 6150964; 689-5997 FOR SALE/RENT American pool tables –Call: 277-0578 Continued on page 29

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 29

Letters... Where your views make the news... Letters... Where your views make the news

Drive at a moderate rate and spare us further carnage DEAR EDITOR, Vehicles belonging to the Guyana government have been involved in many fatalities, accidents and near disasters on our roads. I am not aware of the training, if any, drivers of these vehicles receive, but it is certainly a clear and present danger. I am urging the forces that be to look into this matter urgently and arrest this lawlessness. The drivers of the Guyana Police Force demonstrate time and time again that they are above the traffic laws of this country. And I am not talking of cases of emergency. I observed PLL 5650 being

driven in a dangerous manner on many occasions in clearly non-emergency matters. On the morning of June 6, 2015 PLL 5650 and another marked Police vehicle were racing down the East Bank Highway in a most dangerous manner. Ten minutes later, I passed them parked at a snackette having breakfast and a jolly good time. Another poor practice of many Guyana Police Force drivers is to traverse the roads with their lights flashing while cruising about and sometimes using their sirens indiscriminately. The purpose of the light and sirens is to signal to other drivers to pull

aside since an emergency situation is taking place. Again lack of training and/or violation of policy are on display here. When the police use these emergency indicators in a carefree fashion, it’s only natural for drivers to not take them seriously over time and sometimes ignore them in cases of real emergencies. Time and space won’t permit me to elaborate on Police vehicles patrolling at night without lights, no headlights, no turn signals, no brake lights et cetera. These same officers somehow manage with a straight face to confront drivers for similar

violations. Police escorts for President Granger are also demonstrating a high level of arrogance and indiscipline on the roads. Yesterday, driving south, approaching the Soesdyke junction, a police escort was driving towards me at an extremely high rate being halfway in my lane. This road is three lanes wide on his side and there was no hindrance to him, so I couldn’t understand why he was driving down my side of the road. I refused to pull over, but slowed down. The driver kept coming at me flashing his lights but I still

What is not being said about CPGs DEAR EDITOR, Over the last few weeks and even months, I have noticed that much has been said about Community Policing. I have also noticed that there’s a lot of distorted information being put out there in regards to the work of this organization. I recently read an article which made mention of the resources that have been distributed to the various CPGs and Divisions. What I found to be most absurd is a statement made the goodly Commissioner of Police that he doesn’t see why the resources that are in the possession of CPG was given to them. I would rather suspect that the Commissioner was referring to vehicles, since he made mention that in the case of the West Demerara, there were five vehicles for CPGs as opposed to two for the police. I really don’t know which hat the Commissioner pulled that information from, since for all that I know, the West Demerara has two patrol vehicles for CPGs, which work to cover the entire West Demerara and the East Bank of the Essequibo. It must also be noted that one of the two vehicles has been

working for the past six years now in this Division and is solely maintained, serviced and kept by members. The goodly Commissioner also said that since CPG’s are suppose to patrol their communities, he feels that they should walk. This is a most Insensitive, disrespectful and inconsiderate gesture for the Top Cop to have made. I wonder if the Commissioner doesn’t realize that the dynamics of most communities have changed over the years in terms of density, layout, size and the list goes on, and not to mention the further risk that CPG members would be exposed to by just merely strolling through the streets of many dangerous communities in this country. Like any organization and or agency, you will find that there are going to have a few who may be engaged in unethical practices. CPG is certainly no exception as is the Police Force itself but let’s not discredit the hundreds and even thousands (over 5000 CPG members) who do good and do it wholeheartedly. On this note please also permit me to make mention of the many good things that the CPG organization does in many communities in this country.

For example (1)the many youth clubs that have been formed (2) women’s groups (3) the many seminars and workshops that are organized for residents in communities all across the country that deals with many sociallyrelated issues such as Gender Based Violence, Suicide Awareness and Prevention, Conflict Resolution, Leadership development (4) the many different projects that are undertaken by groups to clear away bushes in many areas, weeding and maintenance of many community center grounds in various communities (Parfaite Harmonie for example ( 5) food basket distribution to the elderly and many and other benevolence services . These are just to name a few of the positives that CPG does as an organization in addition to serving as a friend and support to the Guyana Police Force in trying to keep our communities safe; and all this with the help and support of the Government, which we as an organization would continue to look forward to in the many years to come . Dr.Mark Constantine PH.d D2 sub division CPG Chairman

The Constitution guarantees several Rights Commissions DEAR EDITOR, There are media reports that the PPP and the Government have different views on the roles of the Ethnic Relations Commission and the Ministry of Social Cohesion and which one should take precedence in ensuring social cohesion. In 2005, a group of citizens wrote to the then ERC about the issue of homophobic music being played in Guyana. The citizens believed that since Article 212 D, paragraph(f) of the Constitution of Guyana states that the one of the functions of the Ethnic Relations Commission is to “encourage and create respect for religious, cultural and other forms of diversity in a plural society”, it was possible for the ERC to encourage respect for the gay, lesiban, bisexual and transgender Guyanese. The ERC replied a year later in 2006, to say that their definition of diversity was limited by the “explanatory memorandum of Bill No.9 of 2000, which said among other things,

that the ERC should be a “modest” effort to heal the problems of racial conflict, to promote ethnic harmony and good relations among people of different ethnic groups.” In July 2010, Mr Edghill used the resources of the Ethnic Relations Commission to make false allegations against the SASOD Film Festival. The PPP has embraced Mr Edghill since then. The Minister of Social Cohesion in her opening remarks (reported in SN Sept 4, 2015) at the recently held Social Cohesion Roundtable, recognised the issue of multiple identities that form Guyana’s diversity - “has to be built out of multiple identities based on age, gender, sexual orientation, class, language, geographic location and religion” and noted that the Government has “to create a society where there is quality education and healthcare, decent housing, decent jobs, where all feel safe

and secure and where there is an improved quality of life for all, regardless of their race, colour, gender, sexual-orientation or creed.” The Ministry of Social Cohesion has described social cohesion as more than just the absence of ethnic/racial divisions. There will be expectations that the Ministry will be more responsive to the diverse populations in Guyana and with any luck, they will not be lumbered by any official encouraging discrimination against any section of the population - especially when using the resources of the State.

The Constitution guarantees several Rights Commissions, including the ERC. The new National Assembly has a chance to ensure that the Commissioners are trained in human rights principles and that there is a mechanism to ensure accountability from Commissioners so that they promote human rights, justice and equality. But this of course will depend on how many members of the National Assembly are willing to put into practice the sentiments of Minister Ally. Vidyaratha Kissoon

refused to pull over. At the last minute he swerved back over and kept going. A few seconds later the presidential convoy came speeding along with some of the security cars pulling the same maneuver. These officers are endangering our lives. If President Granger needs the entire road for his convoy then maybe his security personnel should opt for helicopter travel. It’s rather foolish in my view to run citizens off the road in an attempt to ‘protect’ the president. But ‘protect’ him from what? These vehicles are loaded with guns and weapons of every conceivable nature. Can’t they simply just drive down the road at a moderate rate and spare us further carnage? It was only yesterday as well that a police officer from Leonora Station ran over 11 year old Parmini Persaud on the pedestrian crossing. Other vehicles had stopped for the child to cross. The

officer overtook the line of cars and almost killed the child. He too had on his sirens and lights headed to a nonemergency. Security is important, but is the President’s life so precious that his security personnel are willing to kill me so that he could be on his way? On May 11, I voted for change. It is my firm belief that every facet of this society needs thorough examination and overhauling. We endured 23 years of recklessness. It is time. If I drove the way some of these agents of the government do, I’d be rightfully considered insane and probably charged. President Granger, please talk to your officers. Mark Jacobs


From page 28

Kitty 2 Self Contained Bedrooms apartment, cable TV, Internet, parking security cameras-$100,000 monthly – Call: 645-0247


Flat house, two bedroom with toilet and bath -$35,000 a month –Call: 684-8877 One bedroom apartment at Parfait Harmonie suitable for couple or Single Person, price $20,000 monthly-Call: 694-7817; 668-0306 One two bedroom apartment (near University of Guyana) free Wi-Fi available –Tel: 6186544 or 695-8485 Three bedrooms executive concrete top flat in South Ruimveldt Gardens –Call: 218-1949 LAND FOR SALE 5 Acres, Enmore Public Road E.C.D, Ideally suitable for large investment-Call: Richard: 609-7675; 674-1705; 233-2614 Parfaite Harmonie 80X45 $1,250,000. Call: 683-0009

Why would the...

$1.2M & $1.5M Parfaite Harmonie-$2.8M (130ftX46ft) main road, corner lot Parfait Harmonie –Call: 611-7223; 604-2207

From page 5 Guyanese, that this amnesty nets a huge portion of the guns used to inflict grievous bodily harm and even death. I also pray that the reluctance to engage criminals in any kind of quid-pro-quo (something for something) or plea bargaining, work to the advantage of the security personnel in Guyana and aids in the reduction of crime. Pastor W. P. Jeffrey

PROPERTY FOR SALE One-two storey house with four bedrooms at 160 Stewartville, land -50’X120’, building 24’X60’ – price $10.5M –Call: 220-4419; 6279794

EDITOR’S NOTE: All over the world, the protocol is that once you hear the siren of the President’s convoy, it is time to get off the road.

Property for sale, Grove $20M / Rent: $50,000 per month. Tel: 625-5461. Property @ Tuschen New Housing Scheme –Call: 6699055; 674-1291 Pearl: Well built 1,995 SF concrete building on 58X165 lot, formerly used at meeting halls-$13.5MTel: 649-1670 Furnished four bedroom house with all conveniences in Prashad Nagar, grilled, hot water, two driveways, tiled yard-Call: 649-1310 Property @ West Minister W.B.D, 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom & 2 Verandahs Property Vacant possession- Call: 660-9478; 672-0865, see T&T Realty on FaceBook. House & Land located @ Lot 17 Pike Street Kitty, location perfect for business & residence for more info call Anwar Rahaman on Tel: 6388513 or 600-8513 Business Property for sale @ Friendship Public Road –Call: 621-6878 2 Storey building with bond, fully grilled with modern amenities @ Tuschen. Owner leaving Country. Call: 614-1030 Three bedrooms upstairs and downstairs concrete house, located at 204 Charlotte Street Lacytown, Georgetown-Call: 617-0384

Page 30

Kaieteur News

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Large scale gold mining returns... From page 27 exchange earner for a number of years with record breaking production in 2013 and a recorded seven percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2014. However, this situation shifted with a sharp decline in gold prices, which led to a reduction of production and in declarations and earnings. Additionally, the rising costs of gold production also resulted in the closure of several small operations and the loss of hundreds of jobs along with the slowing of the growth of the economy. Granger explained that the gold industry employs about 15,000 persons directly in small, medium, and large scale production. It also sustains the livelihood of 90,000 persons living in about 18,000 households, he said. “Challenges being currently experienced in the gold mining industry have already started to have an impact on the national economy,” Granger said. “The national economy would be significantly enhanced and the lives of persons of the hinterland and miners will be greatly enriched if the industry were to be placed on safer administrative and surer economic bases,” he added. According to Granger, improving the hinterland regions of 1, 7, 8, and 9 will go a far way in improving the gold sector. According to the Head of State, the hinterland

regions comprise 75 percent of Guyana. These regions are rich in gold deposits and therefore contribute meaningfully to the gold sector. However, Granger said, these regions are greatly underdeveloped in a number of areas, including security, health, education, and infrastructure. He further stressed that a more comprehensive and collaborative approach is needed between the State and the industry. He said too that there is a need to repair the regional and local government system, which he believes has been an impediment to stability in the hinterland regions. He added that more attention must be paid to strategies and policies. “We want the good times to come back; this sector is important...we need to do something to put gold production on a more stable footing,” he stressed. However, while he noted that the government had a large part to play in resuscitating the gold industry, Granger opined that gold producers must also play a role. This role must be an active one, he said, and should focus on adhering to laws such as environmental and safety ones. He stressed that the government will not hesitate to clampdown on those who do not adhere to the law. GGI first began exploration work in 1996 in Guyana before discovering its first pit, Rory’s Knoll, in 2004 and came shortly after the collapse of the OMAI Gold Mine.

Prime Minister appoints new... From page 7 guide the managers of the newspapers on issues and policies that make the newspaper “national, inclusive and acceptable, one that has wholesome information, entertainment, sports and cultural bits and pieces that may satisfy the needs of Guyana”.

Nagamootoo also charged the paper to lift its standards in a competitive market and also touched on the discomfort that workers face when it rains and urged the board to look at bettering the working conditions of the staff. “It is there in the market. While it is a state paper, it has to be able to fend for itself. It has to be able to sell goods that are (marketable) and at the same time make profits to keep it viable and provide minimum human standards for its employees,” he said. Noting that at one time employees were allowed to have shares in the company amounting to 10-20%, the Prime Minister charged the board to investigate whether employees have been paid dividends. “It ought to have made money, and if it did not then someone has to answer why not,” Nagamootoo said. The Prime Minister also announced that his office has engaged a funding agency which is willing to assist in constructing a new building for the Guyana Chronicle. With regards to the NCN, the Prime Minister said that it

had fallen on hard times. However, Nagamootoo noted that this television station has tremendous potential, and called on the board members to harness this and recover several hundreds of millions of dollars that is owed to the company. “We needyou, I need you, Guyana needs you, and President David Granger needs you to lift the NCN, to ensure that they have reach, to ensure that they have programmes that reflect the realities in Guyana. The aim will be to take radio to the North West, the Rupununi and as far as the Pakaraimas,” he said. Nagamootoo also made it clear that the company will not be doing business with anyone who has outstanding monies for it. He believes that both boards have capable persons who have the ability to turn the state media around. The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has already been cited for owing NCN millions of dollars, following the 2015 General and Regional elections. Demands have already been made that the money be paid.

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Page 32

Kaieteur News

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Hungary shuts EU border, taking migrant crisis into its own hands

Migrants sit on the ground after being detained by police in Morahalom, Hungary yesterday. Reuters - Hungary’s right-wing government shut the main land route for migrants into the European Union yesterday, taking matters into its own hands to halt Europe’s influx of refugees. An emergency effort led by Germany to force EU member states to accept mandatory quotas of refugees collapsed in discord. Chancellor Angela Merkel appealed for European unity after one of her ministers called for financial penalties against countries that refused to accommodate their share of the migrants, provoking anger in central Europe.

A Czech official described such threats as empty but nonetheless “damaging” while Slovakia said they would bring the “end of the EU”. Under new rules that took effect from midnight, Hungary said anyone seeking asylum on its southern border with Serbia, the EU’s external frontier, would automatically be turned back, and anyone trying to sneak through would face jail. At the border, migrants barred from continuing their long journey north towards a new life in Germany chanted as the sun went down, and one held up a banner saying:

“Mama Merkel, please help us!” Families with small children sat in fields beneath the new 3.5-metre- (10-foot-) high fence, topped with razor wire, which blocks entry for migrants to the former communist country. “Strike. No food. No water. Open this border,” a woman had written on a child’s dress that she held above her head. Migrants who tried to apply for asylum in a transit zone of metal containers were swiftly turned away. Macruf Suhufi Abdi Omar, a Somali, told Reuters he had been refused asylum barely an hour after he gave his fingerprints.

Reuters - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is developing a plan right now for taking in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, within existing budget constraints, Secretary Jeh Johnson told Reuters yesterday. While some lawmakers have expressed concern about opening a pipeline into the United States for terrorists, the White House last week made the first specific U.S. commitment to increase acceptance of refugees from the war-torn country. Johnson said yesterday that the security review and background checks for refugees would mainly fall to Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) within his agency. That unit’s budget is mostly derived from fees it

collects, said Johnson, who spoke to Reuters after a swearing-in ceremony for new citizens in San Francisco. “CIS does not depend upon, and cannot expect, appropriations from Congress,” Johnson said. “The organisation has to pay for itself.” He added: “Any additional undertaking has to be balanced against resource requirements, and how we are going to pay for those resources.” White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Monday that the administration for the moment does not see the need to seek additional funding to process refugees. “There certainly is the potential for that in the future, but as of right now, that’s not necessary,” Earnest said. Since the start of the

Syrian civil war in 2011, the United States has taken in 1,500 refugees, with 300 more expected to be cleared by October. Refugee advocates and some members of Congress have said taking in an additional 10,000 refugees did not go far enough towards addressing the humanitarian crisis triggered by the war, which has prompted a massive influx of migrants from Syria and other countries into Europe. Some congressional Republicans, including Representative Michael McCaul of Texas, who chairs the House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, have said that allowing in Syrian refugees could serve as a pipeline for terrorists and have objected to plans to increase numbers. Johnson said the Department of Homeland Security has significantly improved how refugees are vetted. “We should do and will continue to do a very thorough and careful screening of anybody,” he said.

U.S. making plans for Syrian migrants - Homeland Security chief

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

Labour sends out mixed messages on EU Reuters - Uncertainty about what stance Britain’s opposition Labour Party would adopt before a referendum on EU membership deepened yesterday when two senior figures in the new leadership team made conflicting comments. Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron is seeking to renegotiate the terms of Britain’s membership of the 28-member bloc and plans to hold a referendum on whether to remain in or leave by the end of 2017. Labour has just elected a hard-left leader, Jeremy Corbyn, whose views on the issue are under scrutiny because the party’s stance will be an important factor in a vote that will affect trade, investment and Britain’s place in the world. A survey by the pollster ICM yesterday that 43 percent of voters favoured staying in, 40 percent would opt to leave, and 17 percent were undecided. Corbyn’s newly appointed economic policy chief, John McDonnell, indicated that it was not a foregone conclusion that Labour would accept whatever deal Cameron obtains and campaign to stay in. “Jeremy said quite clearly he wants to remain in Europe but we want to see what

Cameron’s package is,” McDonnell told BBC television. “We’re not going to give Cameron a free hand on any negotiations at all. We want to see what he comes up with ...“At the moment, it’s (about) trying to get a good Europe that serves all our interests, and I think we can do that.” The EU referendum could be very tricky for Labour to navigate. While many members and supporters strongly favour staying in the EU, the new membership terms negotiated by Cameron could be hard to swallow. With only a binary choice of staying in or leaving on offer, the party may face a painful trade-off of one

Reuters - The White House said yesterday the United States would like to see Russia engage constructively with the international coalition fighting Islamic State militants in Syria, rather than build up its own military presence there. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said President Barack Obama had not spoken to Russian President Vladimir Putin about the issue but would attempt to do so when the president “determines that it would advance our interests.” The two countries have been in frequent communication. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov by phone yesterday, the State Department said, in their third conversation since Sept. 5. Russia’s Foreign Ministry said Lavrov had stressed the need to create a united front to battle terrorist groups in Syria. U.S. officials have voiced concern about Russia’s

increasing military presence in Syria, saying it appears to be aimed at strengthening the government of President Bashar al-Assad, a long-time Russian ally, rather than seeking a transition to a new political leadership. “What we would prefer to see from the Russians is a more constructive engagement with the 60member coalition that’s led by the United States that’s focused on degrading and ultimately destroying ISIL,” Earnest told a briefing, using an acronym for the Islamic State group. Tensions between Washington and Moscow, already simmering over Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula, have been rising over Russian military moves in Syria. CIA Director John Brennan told journalists in Austin, Texas, that there was “fundamental disagreement” between Washington and Moscow about the role Assad has played in making Syria a magnet for foreign

David Cameron

priority against another. Later in the day, Corbyn’s foreign policy chief, Hilary Benn, issued a statement that appeared to express much firmer support for EU membership, regardless of Cameron’s actions. Benn listed the workers’ rights that he said had been protected and improved by the EU, before saying that Labour was strongly opposed to any attempt by Cameron to weaken those. “The truth is, if we want to protect workers’ rights, the answer isn’t to leave the EU, but to get rid of this Tory (Conservative) government,” said Benn, who served in the centrist Labour cabinets of the previous decade. “That’s why the Labour Party has always been committed to not walking away, but staying in to work together for a better Europe.” Corbyn said on Monday that Labour should not automatically support any deal that Cameron negotiates for Britain to remain in the EU, and has highlighted protecting workers’ rights as an area where he says more needs to be achieved. But the concessions Cameron is seeking to obtain go in a very different direction, for instance by limiting state benefit payments to new EU immigrants in Britain.

U.S. urges ‘engagement’ by Russia against Islamic State

fighters and militant groups. Russia has positioned seven T-90 tanks plus artillery at an airfield near the Assad stronghold of Latakia. Some 200 Russian naval infantry soldiers have been deployed to the airfield, along with temporary housing units, a portable air traffic control station and components of an air defense system. Air Force Secretary Deborah James described the Syria buildup as another “worrying series of events out of Russia.” “I don’t think we fully understand what it’s about,” she said. “Needless to say, any efforts that would attempt to prop up a regime that is causing such death and destruction is not a welcome series of events,” James added.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Emergency protocols activated after Nearly half of Colombians fear Venezuela war over border crisis: poll nurses in Jamaica stage sick-out BOGOTA (Reuters) Nearly half of Colombians fear a diplomatic dispute that began last month when Venezuela closed several border crossings and deported thousands of Colombians, could lead to war, a survey released yesterday showed. Forty-three percent of people in a Cifras y Conceptos poll published by Caracol Radio and Red + Noticias said they fear the crisis could lead to military conflict between the two

countries. Twenty percent said they were afraid more Colombians would be expelled from Venezuela. The South American neighbours could break diplomatic relations, 19 percent said, while 13 percent believe Venezuelans could leave their country for Colombia. The countries share a long and porous border plagued by drug trafficking, paramilitaries, leftwing guerrillas and smugglers. Socialist Venezuelan

President Nicolas Maduro has blamed many of recession-hit Venezuela’s problems on Colombians. Maduro closed major checkpoints and deported 1,400 Colombians in August in what he said was a crackdown on smuggling and crime. As many as 18,000 Colombians have since left Venezuela. Maduro’s political opponents say he is using Colombians as scapegoats to distract from Venezuela’s economic crisis. The survey, conducted in five major cities across Colombia, had a 2.6 percent margin of error.

Dr. Fenton Ferguson KINGSTON, Jamaica – The Ministry of Health has activated emergency

protocols following a sick-out by registered nurses at several health facilities across the island. The ministry said the level of absenteeism was 52 per cent. The nurses are reportedly taking the action, which they began yesterday morning, to protest government’s delay in giving them retroactive pay from a reclassification exercise. The money has been outstanding since 2013. While there has been no official notification of industrial action by the executive of the Nurses

Association of Jamaica (NAJ) the ministry said it has alerted the Ministries of Finance and Planning and Labour and Social Security. Minister of Health Dr. Fenton Ferguson says the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has been activated and emergency protocols are in place to ensure that operations at health facilities are not severely hampered during the sick-out action. “The Regional Technical Directors have all been alerted and directed to monitor the situation at the local level. The EOC team has been contacting all hospitals and health centres to ascertain the extent of the problem,” he said in a statement issued by his ministry. The EOC will ensure the ongoing monitoring of attendance of nurses and the impact on service delivery, provide central direction and guidance to the Regional Health Authorities and service delivery points and determine the nature of the intervention that may be required.

Wednesday September 16, 2015

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WADA hopes to get doping Mobile wizards 10/10 Softball Cricket to start month end report by mid-November The World Anti-Doping Agency is hoping to receive the much-awaited report on allegations of widespread doping in sport before its board meeting in midNovember, WADA Director General David Howman said yesterday. The report of the independent commission, appointed by the agency and headed by former WADA chief Dick Pound, into claims made by German television regarding doping involving mostly Russian and Kenyan athletes had been initially expected this month. But it has since been combined with fresh allegations in August that hundreds of suspicious drugs tests had not been followed up by world athletics body IAAF. “We gave a mandate to the independent commission and asked them if they would complete their work, their investigation and file their report with us before the end of this year,” Howman told

Reuters Television in an interview. “We hope they can do it well prior to the end of the year because we have a board meeting in mid-November and we would certainly like our board members to be able to discuss that report at that occasion.” The allegations made by German broadcaster ARD and the Sunday Times newspaper shook the world of athletics with the IAAF coming under fire for allegedly not following up suspicious test results from more than 800 athletes — including dozens of Olympic and world champions — between 2001 and 2012. “Well I think you can say that because at the present there is a controversy which involves athletics,” Howman said when asked if athletics was now succeeding cycling as a major doping offender in world sport. “I think it would be unfair to concentrate on any one sport. It’s probably better if we said look there are problems out there in sport, there are issues that we need to address

with the various sports and we’re doing that. “They need a lot of help in Kenya. It’s not just Kenya, there is Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda and a few others who form part of a regional anti-doping organization which we assist in the funding of and assist in the work,” Howman said. Two Kenyan athletes were suspended for anti-doping rule violations in Beijing with the country’s athletics federation pledging to fully cooperate with the IAAF. “What we’re trying to do with Kenya in particular, however, is develop their national program,” Howman said. “It’s difficult because the government money in the country is very hard to get hold of so we’re in process if you like of trying to make sure they are alert to the major issues the world is focusing on and that they do respond themselves. “We can’t do their work so we need that positive response from the Kenyan government.” (Reuters)

Wednesday September 16, 2015 ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) You will be emotional about your personal life. Avoid lending or borrowing. Spend time by yourself to avoid any conflicts with family members.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Major moves will be emotional and not necessarily to your benefit. Don't agree to make any of those cosmetic alterations you've been considering.

TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) Be careful of the groups you join or the people you associate with. Your pursuits may end up being fruitless.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

GEMINI (May 22-June 21) This will not be the best day for communication or travel. Try a barbecue or a day at the beach. Cultural activities will prove to be quite enlightening for everyone.

SAGIT (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Enjoy a quiet dinner for two and discuss some of the plans you have for the future. Be careful not to lead someone on if you truly have no interest.

CANCER (June 22-July 22) Insurance pay outs, tax rebates, or just plain luck. You may have a problem at work with a female coworker. Try to slow down, and take another look.

CAPRI. (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Curb or cut out that bad habit you've been meaning to do something about. You can learn a great deal more if you listen rather than rant and rave.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) You should not get involved in joint ventures. Be careful of disclosing personal information. If you are in the midst of a financial deal, this is your lucky day.

AQUAR. (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) You can gain valuable cultural knowledge through dealing with foreigners. Try not to skirt issues if you think you'll hurt someone's feelings.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Your ability to deal with others will help you accomplish your goals. Try to enlist the support of your coworkers first.

PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) You may experience setbacks due to additional responsibilities with loved ones. Travel should be on your agenda.

Look into joining groups that can give you hands-on advice about business. Avoid purchasing expensive items.

The mobile wizards 10/10 Softball Cricket for teams on the West Demerara is to begin on the 27th of September. The tournament, which is a collaborative effort between the West Demerara softball body and the Guyana Softball League, has so far seen 14 teams registered. The matches will be played throughout the West Demerara and will be a round hand competition and will feature grounds from Leonora to Parika and also some grounds on the West Bank of Demerara. The rivalry between West Coast and West Bank will be renewed as there will be two zones in West Bank and West Coast.

The female teams are urged to take advantage of this tournament as it is the only tournament that will give them an opportunity to showcase their talent. The tournament which has incentives totaling some $100,000 dollars in prizes and incentives will be the decider to determine which team represents the West Demerara zone in the Guyana Softball League zonal championship. Meanwhile, Mobile Wizards will be at the grounds to showcase their phones and services to the public. The company has already indicated that the public will be recipients of some giveaways. The people of

West Demerara are urged to take advantage of this opportunity at the matches in their respective areas. The atmosphere will be family oriented and there will be a police presence. Additionally, teams still wishing to be part of the event can contact the following persons to uplift registration forms: Selena Azeez -6460568/268-2458: Amiel Azeez 629-0844; Asif Azeez -6572220; Ravendra Ramgobin 276-1381/693-2429; Mobile Wizards (Parika) - 260-4967/ 655-0767. Completed forms can be handed to the aforementioned persons and also at Wolf’s Furniture Store at Leonora.

From page 39 venue, he was considered just another black man without much status. If the future players re a l l y u n d e r s t o o d t h e h i s t o r y o f We s t I n d i e s cricket then the 16 West Indians who agreed to play in South Africa in 1983 as ‘Honorary Whites’ for big money, would have not been so willing to participate in a system which discriminated against their own kind. Constantine studied Law and in 1954 was called to the Bar before becoming a Member of Trinidad’s first Parliament when that country gained independence in 1962. He was knighted in 1962 and later worked as a cricket writer and commentator. He was made High Commissioner of Trinidad and Tobago in London from 19621964 and served as a governor of the BBC. He died in July 1971 in

London and will be remembered as a great man who toiled on and off the cricket field for the respect

and social equality that present day West Indian cricketers enjoy and take for granted.

What cricket means to West...

‘Valentino Rossi’ Vieira says...

From page 38 Smellie, Marcel Profitt, Maurice Menezes, Saddiqi Rasul, Mike Correia of Trans Guyana Airways and Ryan Busby, extended heartfelt thanks to them. He, however, reserved special thanks to his main sponsor Continental Agencies under its Sunburst Orange Juice brand and dedicated his performance to the entity, adding that come November he expects to be 100% ready to defend home turf and his title. A special thank you was also extended to Seaboard Marine, the transportation of choice for the CMRC.

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Kaieteur News

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Gayle signs up for Pakistan Super League Chris Gayle, Kieron Pollard and Dwayne Bravo are some of the prominent players who will feature in the

inaugural Pakistan Super League (PSL), a franchisebased T20 tournament to be held in Doha in February 2016. The players’ interest in the tournament could stem a desire to be match-fit ahead of the World T20 which begins a month later in India. The agency that manages Gayle, one of the most valuable Twenty20 players, confirmed that he had signed the pre-draft agreement on Monday. Darren Sammy and Sunil Narine along with former England batsman Owais Shah will also be part of the PSL draft pool. It is understood that the Pakistan Cricket Board, owners of PSL, are seeking at least 25 overseas

players for the tournament. “Obviously top guns like Gayle are stars who attract fans,” Najam Sethi, head of PCB Executive committee, said. “They lend commercial value, showbiz glitz and tournament credibility. They are also sources of inspiration and emulation for our budding players.” The first edition of PSL will feature five franchisebased teams from the provincial capitals - Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Islamabad - with prize money of $1 million. The tournament is scheduled to run from February 4 to 24 and will feature 24 matches. This will be the first major cricket tournament hosted by the Qatar capital, which will also host the 2022 edition of the football World Cup. The PCB had originally wanted to conduct the PSL in the UAE, where Pakistan have been playing their international matches. But they were forced to look for an alternative venue after being told by the Emirates Cricket Board that it was hosting the Masters Champions league

(Twenty20 tournament featuring retired cricketers) on same dates. The PSL matches will be played at the West End Park International Cricket Stadium, with a capacity of about 13,000. Last year it was used for a women’s limited-overs triseries involving Pakistan, South Africa and Sri Lanka. Last week, the PCB had roped in former captains Ramiz Raja and Wasim Akram as ambassadors for the first season. Both of them had been tied with the Masters Champions League, but Akram said, “I’m up for leaving anything for Pakistan cricket. I don’t want to earn money by playing cricket but instead want to give something back to my nation. We signed with MCL and had to work for them, but my priority is to help our country’s cause.” The logo of the PSL will be revealed in a ceremony on September 20, but the PCB said finding stakeholders to bid for the franchises and the broadcast rights is still a work in progress. (ESPNcricinfo)

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Kaieteur News

Lara in charity match for Dominica Bridgetown, Barbados Former West Indies captain Brian Lara is among celebrities listed to play in a fund-raising Twenty20 match at Kensington Oval here on

the West Indies (UWI) in partnership with the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB). It will feature a WICB President’s Celebrity XI and a UWI Vice-Chancellor’s

availability. Each team will field six West Indies cricketers and five Caribbean celebrities. UWI Vice-Chancellor, Sir Hilary Beckles, said the UWI

Brian Lara greets a fan. September 26 in support of Dominica following devastation caused by Tropical storm Erika last month. The match is being staged by the University of

Celebrity XI. Apart from Lara, fellow Trinidadian, footballer Dwight Yorke and Jamaican Olympian athlete Yohan Blake are among celebrities who have confirmed their

was pleased to collaborate with the WICB to support the Dominica Relief Fund. Expressing sympathy to families who lost relatives and property in the storm, he said: “The UWI is committed

to doing everything we can to help in the resuscitation of Dominica and its people.” (bcacricket.org)

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Kaieteur News

Rose Hall Town ‘South’ win Rose Hall Town 45th Anniversary basketball

Wednesday September 16, 2015

‘Valentino Rossi’ Vieira says he’s back Oozing confidence ahead of the November 15 CMRC

IMC Councilor Greg Butcher (left) hands over the winning trophy and other prizes to THT South Captain, Emon Wiggins. Rose Hall Town ‘South’ defeated their ‘North’ counterparts to win the Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club (RHTY&SC) organised basketball match on Sunday last at the Area ‘H’ ground. South got the better of North 52-43 to win the RHTYSC Pepsi Under-19 team sponsored trophy along with a cash prize of $10,000. Fifteen year-old Kevlon Wiggins sunk the game high 15 points for South while the leading marker for North was Yasim Jashir who tipped in 12 points. RHTY&SC Secretary/ CEO Hilbert Foster at the presentation ceremony urged the players to develop a habit of discipline, team work, and unity and to always strive for

success. Foster committed the club to organising a better tournament with more attractive prizes before the end of the year, under the club’s “say NO to Drugs and Crime” programme. The youths were also advised to avoid using drugs and to stay away from a life of crime whilst striving to be positive role models for their peers. Captain of the winning team, Emon Wiggins expressed gratitude to the RHTY&SC for bringing off the match and expressed confidence that more would be done for basketball in the future. Councilors Greg Butcher and Kenrick Davis of the Rose Hall Town Interim Management Committee

handed over the prizes on behalf of the club. Butcher praised the RHTY&SC for the outstanding work being done for the youths in the township. Each player in the match was presented with a copy of the club’s Youth Information Booklet and Rose Hall Town’s 45 th Anniversary leaflet, both of which were sponsored by the cricket teams of the club. The winning team consisted of Emon Wiggins, Perry Cort, Joshua Hicks, Kevin Deolall, Kevlon Wigins and Mickel Lewis. The match was held in observance of the club’s Silver Jubilee Anniversary and the 45th Anniversary of the Township of Rose Hall.

After losing ground to his cousin Matthew Vieira over the past few race Meets, reigning Caribbean Motor Racing Championship (CMRC) champion Stephen ‘Valentino Rossi’ Vieira responded with a dominating display last weekend , during the third leg of the Series, at Bushy Park Race Circuit in Barbados. Vieira, who has seen his hegemony of the Superbike category slip somewhat over the past year, provided irrefutable evidence of his superior ability, registering two firsts and a third place in three races in the division. Speaking with Kaieteur Sport yesterday, the local speed ace, who was astride a 2009 ZX6R Kawasaki, exuded confidence ahead of the final leg set for Guyana in November and has already issued a warning to the other competitors that dethroning him will not be that easy. Such was his dominance that Vieira was still able to make the podium in the final race of the day after suffering a five seconds penalty for jumping the field at the start of the race and finishing ahead of the pack. “I crossed the finish line in first position, but suffered a five seconds penalty for jumping the starter’s orders,” Vieira disclosed. However, he did concede that the competition is getting stronger and this has forced

Bushy Park hero Guyana’s Stephen Vieira displays the chequered flag following one of his victories last weekend. him to intensify his preparations ahead of November 15 when he expects to thrill the home fans with his skill and daredevilry. “The guys are definitely getting better even the Barbadians and I will have to put in a lot more effort if I’m to do well come November,” he said. The easy going racer is part of a team setup to reignite inter4st in this segment of the sport and has spearheaded its resurgence in local motor racing. He mentioned names such as Elliott and Matthew Vieira, Joel Neblette, Carlos Rodrigues and Nikhil Seereeram as being some of the riders who he will have to

keen a keen eye on during the final leg at the South Dakota Circuit. “The time we are clocking are marginal in difference, we are very close and on any given day anyone of us could dominate,” the local speedster noted. Asked about how he felt about his superb performance at Bushy Park, he said it felt awesome and it was a sign that Stephen Vieira is back with a bang. Vieira, who told this newspaper that his trip would not have been possible without the support of several individuals such as Kwame Ridley of Professional Key Shop, Continued on page 35

Wednesday September 16, 2015

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What cricket means to West Indians (Part 2) By Sean Devers While the first International match was played in 1844 between Canada and the USA and Australia faced England in the first official Test match in 1877, it took the West Indies 51 years after the birth of Test cricket to be accredited Test status. Although the inaugural first-class match in the West Indies was played in 1865 between Barbados and British Guiana (Demerara) at the Garrison Savannah and the first cricket tour to the West Indies was made in 1888 by an American side, it was not until the end of the 19th century that a regular interterritorial tournament was played between British Guiana, Barbados, Trinidad and Jamaica. Because of the distance from Jamaica and the other territories, they were not actively involved in regional cricket until 1896. West Indies teams toured England in 1900 and 1906 and a West Indies X1 had opposed an English XI at the Kensington Oval in Barbados in 1902. A series involving West Indies and MCC was played in the West Indies in 1912/13 before the First World War put cricket on hold until 1923 when West Indies again toured England. Maurice Fernandes, who seven years later led West Indies to their first Test victory on home soil (Bourda in British Guiana), made his West Indies debut. The West Indies first played as a team in 1890 against a visiting English team while the West Indies Cricket Board joined the Imperial Cricket Council, now International Cricket Council (ICC) in 1926. Nunes became the first of 36 West Indies Test Captains (to November 2015) when his team toured England in 1928. They lost all three matches as the Caribbean side was admitted to Test cricket 63 years after the first 1st class match was played here. West Indies won their first Test in 1930 at Bourda in British Guyana, beating England by 289 runs, the 3rd match of that series. Guyanese Maurice Fernandes became the first Captain to win a Test match but even though he had participated the year before in the inaugural Test series, this was to be his only match as skipper and his two-test career was soon over. In those days a captain was appointed from each country the game was played in during a home series and four captains were used in the first home series in 1930,

including Trinidadian Nelson Betancourt who made his debut at 42 years, 242 days and still holds the record as the oldest West Indian (fifth oldest player overall) to make their Test debut. Barbadian Derek Sealy made his debut at 17 years, 122 days in the first test of that series and is still the youngest West Indian to play test cricket. That 1930 series saw the first Test hundred by a West Indian being scored when Trinidadian Clifford Roach hit 122 in the first Test in Barbados. He also became the first West Indian to score a double century with his 209 at Bourda in the third match. In those days matches were not restricted to any specific number of days and the fourth game of the 1930 series in Jamaica ended in a draw after it was agreed to halt the game after nine days. This is the second longest Test match ever played. South Africa and England had a 10day draw in 1939. Sandham scored 325 and Ames 149 as England were bowled out for 839 on the third day. West Indies fell for 286 on the fourth day and England declared on 272-9 on the sixth day with Sandham making 50. West Indies were 408-5 when the match was called off with Headley making a brilliant 223. In all 1,620 runs were scored and 34 wickets fell. Lord Constantine was among the first Windies players to fight for racial equality Lord Learie Constantine was born in September 1892 in Trinidad and was the grandson of a slave. His father, a foreman on a cocoa plantation, represented Trinidad in cricket and toured England in 1900 when the West Indies first visited that country to play cricket .Constantine toured England in 1923 with the West Indies before they were granted test status and made his Test debut five years later.

The early days of West Indies cricket

Sir Learie Constantine during his playing days. A powerful cricketer, he had extra long arms and while he was a very good batsman and fast bowler, his ability in the field was simply outstanding. CLR James, the great West Indies cricket writer, wrote of Constantine, “He is probably the only allrounder in cricket who could win his place in a Test side by fielding alone.� He was the first West Indian to play professional cricket in the English Leagues and his feats in the Lancashire Leagues between 1929 and 1937 are still unmatched. It might be surprising that he was sometimes not released by his English club to play for the West Indies resulting in him missing Test matches. When he did play he rarely transformed his league cricket performance to the higher level and from 18 Tests averaged only 19.24 with a highest score of 90 and took 58 wickets with two five wicket-hauls. However, his contribution to West Indies cricket was

much more than his statistics showed. After playing his last series in 1939 at age 37, just before the war broke out, he got into politics where he made a significant contribution on behalf of

Guyanese Maurice Fernandes was the first West Indian Captain to win a Test match. black people. He had always revolted against the difference between his status as a cricketer and his status as a black man. When he was on the field he was regarded with

high esteem and even looked up to by the many white players who dominated the game in the late 1800s and early 1900s, but once the game ended and he left the Continued on page 35

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Forde to repossess Courts 10km title Sunday It becomes very repetitive that every time road race season comes around, Cleveland Forde is an automatic favourite. Sunday’s Courts 10km Road Race is especially important to Forde, since he was unable to defend his title last year owed to the virus Chikungunya. Forde’s absence from the Courts race last year, paved the way for Cleveland Thomas, his nearest rival, to win his maiden major race over the last decade where Forde has been dominant. Forde is eager to have the honour he has owned for three straight years before 2014 returned to his trophy cabinet. Forde has already chalked up wins in the AINLIM 10k race two weeks ago and was the first man from the Caribbean to finish behind winner Kenyan, Kenneth Rotich in the Venture Credit Union 5km Road Race in Trinidad and Tobago last Sunday. Forde seems to be in top shape and can be imagined shifting gears in the latter half of the Courts race, leaving any hint of a challenge in his shadows as he does so often, eventually cruising to what become comfortable and customary victories. Forde will be looking to repossess the title he forfeited, hopefully with a sub-30 minute run as he prepares for the South

American 10km Road Race. Forde’s Focus on Sunday will be mundane; it will be another addition of one of road racing’s most coveted titles. His distance-running foes will be offered a new opportunity to dethrone the local king of the road on Sunday. It’s a clichéd statement; they have been offered such opportunities in the past, but it’s no secret what became of those ambitions. In the last decade, no local athlete has beaten Forde in a local road race. Undoubtedly Guyana and the Caribbean’s number one distance runner, Forde usually presses his accelerator around the 8km mark after tactically fielding out his rivals. His race acumen is almost perfect and his judgement is so clinical that he burns less fuel. Forde relies on his tried and tested strategy that is to use the pacemakers to his advantage early in road races, and keep enough gas in his tank to up the ante in the latter half, which often leaves an incredible space between him and his opposition. Those likely to test Forde include Thomas, Nathaniel Giddings and Winston Missenger and the others who have registered. But without a clear strategy against Forde, who has routinely used these races as warm-up for the much more challenging IAAF South American 10k, the result will be

repetitive – another major victory for the indomitable Forde. The prizes for the male and female senior category include $100,000 for the winner; $75,000 for second place; $50,000 for third; $30,000 for fourth and $20,000 for fifth place. The prizes in the Masters category (Women 35 years and over, Men 40-54 and Men 56 and over) are trophies for first to third while the first 20 Masters to finish will each receive hampers. The Juniors, male and female, will get training vouchers valued at $60,000, $40,000, $30,000, $20,000 and $10,000 respectively. The race is part of Courts’ commemoration of 22 years of operations in Guyana. Over $2M will be spent on the 10km Road Race Sunday with $1.2M in prizes. The 10km race will start in front of Courts’ Main Street Office, proceed north to the Seawall Road, east along the Seawall Road and continue east along Rupert Craig Highway’s northern carriageway to turn in the vicinity of Conversation Tree Road on the Rupert Craig Highway. It will then proceed on the Rupert Craig Highway’s southern carriageway into Kitty Public Road; south on Vlissengen Road; west on Lamaha Street, south on the eastern carriageway into Main Street, before turning around at the Cenotaph to finish on the western carriageway of Main Street in front of Courts. The 3km ‘Health Run’ will start outside of Courts on Main Street, proceed north to the Seawall, continue along the Seawall, turn right on to Camp Street, continue to Lamaha Street, turn left on Lamaha Street, proceed west to Main Street, turn left onto Main Street. The race will continue in the southern direction to the Bank of Guyana before turning right onto Main Street (western side) and finishing at Courts.

Wednesday September 16, 2015

Holder to focus on new Test standards

Jason Holder addresses his first media conference after his appointment. © WICB Media Photo/Randy Brooks Bridgetown, Barbados – West Indies Test captain Jason Holder says he intends to place a heavy emphasis on standards and believes this will be key to getting the best out of the regional squad. Speaking during his first official media conference, the 23-year-old said he had already discussed this area with head coach Phil Simmons and hoped this would mark a departure from the past. “We need to set standards. The first thing we need to do is set a standard in the dressing room where we don’t fall below,” Holder told journalists here Monday. “It is something I have had a lot of discussion with the coach about. It is important that we set this standard so guys know where we are at the moment, what is the benchmark and know that we just can’t fall below it. “Once we do that and get players to buy into that theory, then moving forward it should be a lot easier.” He

continued: “In the past we have been a bit haywire and we’ve not been settled in a sense where we have a standard, and we have encountered a lot of hiccups here and there. “I think once we can clarify the whole situation as to what is required as an international cricketer and we set the standard, it should be a lot easier going forward.” West Indies have struggled on and off the field in recent years, and have plummeted in the International Cricket Council rankings in both the Test and one-day formats. They lie eighth in the Test rankings and ninth in ODIs, and are now set to miss out on the 2017 ICC Champions Trophy. They have endured a tough year with series losses in South Africa and more recently, to Australia, but Holder believes they can win on the tour of Sri Lanka which starts next month. “Sri Lanka’s just lost their two [stalwarts] in Mahela

Jayawardene and Kumar Sangakkara so they are basically in a rebuilding phase where they trying to look for young players to come in and fill those boots,” Holder explained. “We’re in a similar situation where we’ve just lost players like Shiv (Chanderpaul), Chris (Gayle) is out with injury and we have a pretty young side at this present time so it should be a really good series, one that should give us a gauge of where we are at and also where we need to be at the end of it. “I’m looking forward to it, I’m sure the other guys are looking forward to it as well and I expect a very good encounter with us coming out on top at the end of it.” At 23, Holder is the second youngest ever West Indies Test captain. He has just eight Tests and 33 ODIs under his belt and is a relative newcomer to international cricket, after making his debut two years ago in Australia. However, he is confident he will receive support from all quarters, especially from the West Indies Cricket Board. “I think the support is there. I have a pretty good management team at hand. I’ve gotten emails and congratulatory stuff from a lot of people from the board so that’s pleasing in a sense,” he noted. “It’s no doubt I [don’t] think there is a time where I can’t lean on the board for support. I think the board should be there to assist me in any way and I expect their assistance as my journey goes on.” West Indies leave monthend for the tour of Sri Lanka which runs from October 8 to November 14. The series will comprise two Tests, three ODIs and two Twenty20s. (CMC)

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