Kaieteur News

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Hague residents help police capture armed bandit

Man stabbed to death at Heritage

Woman on trial for killing celebration

husband disappears

Harry Browne

…says it's a “positive”

Jagdeo defends changing permits to force citizens to fight for oil spill compensation in Court

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeohasdefendedamove by the government to secretly modify the Liza One, Liza Two, and Payara Permits to force citizens to fight for oil spill compensationinCourt.

Kaieteur News, in an article published on September8,2024underthe headline 'Govt secretly insertsprovisioninLiza1,2 andPayaraPermitstoshield ExxonMobil from all oil spill costs' reported that this has removed the legal requirementforanunlimited parent company guarantee, holding the oil companies liableforallcostsassociated withsuchadisaster

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that a provision wasinitiallyinsertedintothe Yellowtail Permit for the f o u r t h d e e p w a t e r development, dated March 2022. That Permit outlined new conditions with regard to oil spill protection for the country.While Condition 14 ofthePermitrequiresExxon

to provide a Parent Company/Affiliate (of Operator and Co- Venturers (CoVs))guarantee,itisclear thatthecoverageforoilspill protection is not unlimited. In fact, citizens who suffer ongoing loss from such an event will have to take Exxon to Court for compensation.

Condition 14.3 of the Yellowtail Permit states, “Theaboveindividuallyora combinationshallatleastbe guidedbyanestimateofthe

Government has included a new provision in Exxon's oil Permits forcing citizens to take the company to Court for compensation from an oil spill.

sum of the reasonably crediblecosts,expenses,and liabilities that may arise from any breaches of this permit Liabilities are considered to include costs associated with responding to an incident, clean-up, remediationandmonitoring. The estimation is not expected to address unidentifiableorinestimable

costs which may be a s s o c i a t e d w i t h compensation for loss and ongoing damage to other parties, and which can be pursued through civil action ”This means that citizenswhosufferlossesas aresultofaspillwillhaveto challengeExxonisCourtfor compensation.

Notably,thegovernment movedtosecretlymodifyall of the previously issued Permits granted to Exxon,

protecting the multinational corporationfromalloilspill costs. The first two Permits for the Liza One and Liza Two oil projects were approved by the previous Coalition government while thethirdproject,Payarawas approved by the PPP government. These Permits did not previously feature thisprovision.

During his Thursday press engagement, Jagdeo told reporters that this decision was a “positive”. He explained, “Somehow there was a feeling that the guarantee covered all the costandwhatwehavemade clear here in this provision thatitexcludes,thattheyare stillliablefor,butitexcludes cost associated with

compensation That the guaranteescoveronlycleanup cost Now this is a

the mercy of Exxon, it should be noted that Exxon has on multiple occasions refused to pay up costs orderedbytheCourt.

On March 24, 1989, an oil tanker owned by ExxonMobil Corporation and dubbed the “Exxon Valdez” ran aground in a body of water in the Gulf of Alaska. It was heading to LongBeach,Californiawith over50millionbarrelsofoil but had hit a well-known navigation hazard in Alaska'swaters.

https://wwwwashingtonpos t com/lifestyle/magazine/th e-exxon-valdez-oil


positive. They made it look likeit'sanegative.”

Jagdeo argued that though the provision was i n c l u d e d i n t h e

Environmental Permits whicharepublicdocuments, Kaieteur News reported that the provision was secretly inserted Additionally, he noted that the government intendstosoonpassoilspill legislation in the upcoming Parliamenttoholdalloiland gas companies to account. He said this would ensure even transporters are liable for all costs associated with any spill, including cost for compensation to those who suffer loss of economic activities.

Legalstrengthof ExxonMobil

While the government defends modifying the Permits, leaving citizens at

The impact of the collisiontoreopentheship's hull, causing some 11 million gallons of crude oil to spill into the ecologically sensitivelocation.

At the time, it was the largestsingleoilspillinU.S. waters. Initial attempts to contain the oil failed, and in themonthsthatfollowed,the oil slick spread, eventually blackening about 1,300 milesofAlaska'scoastline.It was, and still is, regarded as one of the largest environmental disasters in U.S. history.It was reported that a lawsuit was filed against ExxonMobil on behalf of more than 32,000 fishermen, native Alaskans andlandowners,resultingin an award of US$5 billion in punitivedamages.

Exxon's full strength in thecourtswasdemonstrated here.In2008,itappealedthe case and got the judgment reduced to $507.5 million.

(See link for article r e f e r e n c e d :


Importantly, the case woulddragoutfor26years, showing just how tedious a n d e x p e n s i v e environmental litigation is. In fact, the case came to a close in October 2015 in a federal district court in downtown Anchorage, Alaska.According to international media reports, the state and federal governments decided not to pursue a final US$100million from ExxonMobil over its 1989 oil spill in PrinceWilliamSound,asthe process was simply too expensive.

The Valdez spill had immenseimpactsonfishand wildlifeandtheirhabitats,as well as for local industries andcommunities.

The oil killed an estimated 250,000 seabirds, 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 250 bald eagles, as many as 22 killer whales, and billions of salmon and herringeggs.

VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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Corruption high and low

TheAgricultureMinistryisquicklygainingnotorietyas oneofthemostcorruptstateentitiesinthiscountry Itisnot a good reputation for any ministry or agency let alone agriculture,whichhasresponsibilityforseveralsubsectors. Agriculture as we know has been essential for human survivalthroughouthistory,anditremainsthebackboneof many nations’ economies. As the world has evolved and developed, the necessity of agriculture has also expanded far beyond the importance of farming to include key subsectors like forestry, beekeeping and more. Given the vastness of the agricultural sector, from small-scale subsistence farming to large commercial plantations, understanding the sector’s value chain to map appropriate corruption risks and anti-corruption measures must be a priority for President Irfaan Ali as well as the current Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha who clearly looks out of his depth in the management of the sector Almosteveryweekthenationisregaledwithallegationsof corruptionatalllevelsandateveryagencythatfallswithin thisministry Fromthescandalousprocurementofpump,to thecorruptawardofcontracts,tothetheftofsugaratRose Hallestatetothesmugglingofchicken,younameit,itisall happeningatthatministry

Only recently the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)documentedanotherallegationofcorruptionatthe MMAADA. Quoting what it described as usually reliable sources,thepartysaidthatthereisanimpendingcover-up of what is deemed to be a massive corruption scheme perpetratedbyseveralstaffmembersattheMMA/ADAin Region#5.AccordingtothePNCRthiscorruptionscheme has been active for a few years and that records of the misappropriation of millions of dollars could be found in thefinancedepartment.

What is said to be the misappropriation of funds took placebetweeninsidestaffandseveralcontractorslinkedto theagencywhorequisitionedforworkthatwasneverdone and in many cases, works that were significantly overvalued.Andifthatwerenotenough,withindaysofthe PNCR’sexpose,newsbrokeoftwoofficialsattheGuyana MarketingCorporationbeingfingeredinyetanotherscam. Theheadofthatagencyhadorderedanauditaswellasan investigationanditisyettobeseenwhatwillcomeoutof this.FormerdirectoroftheGuySuCoboardAnthonyVieira isalsoonrecordexposingsomeoftheshenanigansatthat failedentity

What is unfolding at the Agriculture Ministry is symptomaticofthegeneralatmosphereinthegovernment. WearenearingthefifthyearofthePPP/Cingovernment, which has provided a reality check in this regard for Guyanese.DespitethepromisesmadebythePPP/Cduring the 2020 elections campaign, not much has been done to changethemindsofGuyanesethattheyareabetterbunch thantheAPNU/AFC.Thesameoldmaladythatafflictedit during the 23 years it was in government prior to 2015 continues to fester Corruption in high and low places cannot be separated from the PPP/C and the recent revelations by the United States Government, which sanctioned one of the party’s young high flyers confirmed whateveryonehadbeentalkingaboutforyears. It is instructive to note that only recently, General SecretaryofthePPP/CandVicePresident,BharratJagdeo was at a press conference sermonizing that the media and theoppositionweredistortingtheparty’srecordandimage and that they will have to fight back. At the said press conferencehespokeabouthowthemediawouldaccuseit of being corrupt and this was not so and as such he was deploying “trolls” to help counter the narrative that the governmentwascorrupt.ItdidnottaketoolongfortheUS to hand down the sanctions so that the full scale of the corruptionthathasdoggedthepartyisrevealed.Rightinits bosomthereisMaeThomasapermanentsecretaryandalso a member of the party’s Central Committee.Among other things,theUSGovernmentaccusedherofcollectingbribes

Suriname graduated: Guyana failed


“The vast majority of Latin Americans (86%) live in electoral democracies suchasArgentinaandBrazil, and 4% live in liberal democracies like Chile and Uruguay However, Latin America is also the region with the largest share of the population living in ‘grey zone’regimes. No less than 24% of people reside in Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, and Mexico –countries in the lower band ofelectoraldemocraciesthat qualify as democracies only with a certain degree of uncertainty Autocracies in the region such as Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, have 10% of the region’s inhabitants.

The only country to decidedly change regime type in 2023 was Suriname, moving from electoral to liberal democracy, while autocrati

om an electoral democracy to a ‘grey zone’ electoral democracy” (V-Dem: DemocracyReport2024).

Following the late eminent political theorist Samuel P Huntington, I believe that open, free, and fair elections are a sine qua non if a regime is to be considered democratic. But democracyisonlyoneofthe qualities of a truly liberal democratic regime Governments produced by free and fair elections may be inefficient, corrupt, shortsighted, irresponsible, dominated by special interests, incapable of adopting public good

policies, and may foster environments that lack effectivecitizencontrolover policies, honest and open politics, informed and rational deliberation, equal participation, etc The absence of these qualities may make governments undesirable, but they do not make them undemocratic as democracy is only one publicvirtue.

The V-Dem Liberal Democracy Index (LDI) relates well to the previous paragraph. It captures both liberal and electoral aspects of democracy and the Electoral Democracy Index (EDI).

The EDI measures the extenttowhichregimeshold clean, free, and fair elections,butalsotheactual freedom of expression, alternative sources of informationandassociation, male and female suffrage and the degree to which government policy is vested in elected political officials. The liberal component captures the liberal aspects, including checks and balances on the executive, respectforcivilliberties,the rule of law and the independence of the legislatureandthejudiciary The egalitarian component measurestheextenttowhich allsocialgroupsenjoyequal capacitytoparticipateinthe political arena. It relies on the idea that democracy is a system of rule “by the people” where citizens participate in various ways, such as making informed voting decisions, expressing opinions, demonstrating,

running for office, or influencingpolicymakingin o t h e r w a y s T h e participatory component emphasizes active participation by citizens in all political processes, electoral and non-electoral. If practicable, this principle prefers direct rule by citizens The deliberative component considers the process by which decisions are reached. A deliberative process is one in which publicreasoning,focusedon thecommongood,motivates political decisions – as contrasted with emotional appeals, solidarity attachments, parochial interestsorcoercion.

Four regime types are identified: (1) liberal democracies, where the requirements of electoral democracyaremetandthere are judicial and legislative constraints on the executive along with the protection of civil liberties and equality before the law; (2) electoral democracies, where multiparty elections for the executive are free and fair and there are satisfactory degreesofsuffrage,freedom ofexpressionandfreedomof association; (3) electoral autocracies, where multiparty elections for the executive exist but there are insufficient levels of fundamental requisites such asfreedomofexpressionand association,andfreeandfair elections, and (4) closed autocracies, where there are no multi-party elections for theexecutiveandthereisan absence of fundamental democratic components

such as freedom of expression, freedom of association and free and fair elections Grey Zone countries are those where classification is more uncertain.theyareclassified as either going up, electoral autocracies (‘EA+’) or, like Guyana, lower-bound electoral democracies (‘ED‘).

The V-Dem 2024 Index also contains regimes’ history from 1973 to 2023 that tells interesting stories aboutGuyanaandSuriname. From1973to1997,Guyana is classified as an electoral autocracy This is perhaps because regimes are not usually reclassified after simply one election. The election of 1992 was also problematicalandethnically based After the constitutionalchangesatthe end of the century, Guyana moved into the democratic ‘grey zone’ and a couple of yearslateritbecamean‘ED’ only to revert to the ‘gray zone’ after the 2020 elections.

Like Guyana, Suriname has also had a turbulent politicalhistorybuthasbeen abletoclimboutofitandhas now joined Jamaica, Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago as a liberal democracy minus From 1973toabout1980,itwasin the democratic ‘grey zone’, andthereaftertoabout1989, duringtheperiodofmilitary rule, it was a ‘closed autocracy’the repercussions of which still linger But except for a short period (1990/91)since1989,itwas (Continuedonpage06)

Amount owed to City Hall can purchase trucks and allied vehicles needed


TheChiefCitizenisatit again. This time speaking from the other side of his

mouth about the paltry government subvention, labelling it ‘an insult to the residents’, allocated to

from business people in exchange for contracts as well as selling gun permits and passports. These are very serious allegations.Guyaneseareyettoseeanyseriousattemptby theGuyanaPoliceForcetoprobetheallegationsthatcame out of the Vice News interview that implicated Jagdeo in corruption.

Sadlyitseemsasthoughthepeopleofthisnationwill forever be exposed to blatant contempt by those in authority If we are to go by the daily reports in the newspapers of the unpleasant doings of some of our politicians, the truth of that observation cannot be contradicted.Morality,itwouldappear,isinsignificant.It used to be that the often complained moral lapse of politicians was in the realm of the acquisition of power “Machiavelli”wasthenameinvokedtodescribethenotion thatoneshouldbepreparedtowalkoverone’sgrandmother to achieve (and keep) office. Some justified this sort of behaviour by saying that the followers of “The Prince” wereactually“amoral”andnot“immoral”.

purchaseagarbagetruckand adumptruck(SNSeptember 15).

The mode the subject minister and a councillor resorted to, provoked his ire in a wordy missive Of course one garbage truck andonedumptruckisadrop in the ocean of what the Council requires to effectively manage its responsibilities to the City

When was the last time the Council bought these vehicles? Monies,nopaltry sum,werewastedonafailed project (Presidential Park?) along Upper Regent Road. Nowordiseverheardabout that.

His Lordship seems to have forgotten, speaking from the other side of his mouth, the rushed motion,

withoutproperconsultation, regardingtheratesandtaxes ofpoliticalparties,ofwhich the party he is a member of, stands to be a major beneficiary, was also an insult to residents and was a ‘clear reflection of misplacedpriorities’.

The mammoth amount owing to the Council is outrageous and no paltry sum and ought to be collected in order to purchase the several trucks and allied vehicles needed. It is an affront to label the subvention meagre and an insult when $6.7B is owed by the very party that heads the City local government. Whatismorerepulsivethan that?

Sincerely ShamshunMohamed



, S h a m R a h m a n

Mohammed, if such a name

exists, (KN Sep 11) characterized Dr Vishnu Bisram’s multiple degrees and countless commentaries asthatofapersonwhohasan “unfulfilled life” People should have the freedom to critique but not to attack the personal.IhopeVishnu’slife continues to remain unfulfilled so that he can continue to earn more accreditedacademicdegrees (notbogusoneslikethosein government have) and enlighten us on matters we otherwise would have been

ignorant about. His bold writings speak to the reality of the lives of Guyanese at homeandinthediaspora.Is thereanyotherwhohasdone that?

Vishnu Bisram needs no assistance to defend his achievements and has been writing on a multitude of issues because no one else has the background, capacity, willingness, and courage to volunteer time to write on matters impacting the nation. Dr Bisram has published countless articles in the mass media, journals, and in books on the GuyaneseandtheCaribbean

people’s experiences in the region and the diaspora and on global events and his ancestral India. Yet a fake name trope has the meanspirited temerity to criticize this Guyanese patriot and intellectual giant. Only an ingratewouldnotappreciate the contribution of a dynamic freedom fighter, one among a handful, who spent his entire life championing democracy in and writing on Guyana and Guyanese and Caribbean people.Dr Bisramisamong a few who consistently has advocatedforamulti-racial, inclusive democracy for

TheAmazon Warriors and Guyana

DEAREDITOR, Where are the Guyanese cricket players? If our homegrown players do not have an opportunity to play in a small country like ours, where will they get an opportunity to develop their skills? People will say that Guyana has to import talent to win. They will say that Guyanesecan’twinontheir ownstrength.Obviously,we the Guyanese people do not believethat!Wearetheland of Rohan Kanhai, Alvin Kallicharran, Lance Gibbs, Clive Lloyd, Roger Harper, Carl Hooper, Shivnarine

Chanderpaul,andcounting. We have inter-county cricketsowemayseewhois the best. Why the need to bringinforeignplayers?Itis no longer the Guyana Amazon Warriors that we are witnessing if foreign players are representing the team.Doyouseeforeigners representing another country at the Olympics? Cricket is our Olympics! If this is the approach then the team will eventually be knownasonlytheWarriors. Give our Guyanese players an opportunity to develop theirskillswithCPLcricket.

At the end of the day, the WestIndianteamismadeup of local players The foreignerswilleventuallygo back to representing their countries in World Cup Cricket and the victories gained will mean nothing because the experience lost willnotberecovered. Lose orwin,atleastourteamwill do their best with what we havetooffer Thenwecanall raiseourflagsinfullsupport of“OurTeam”andbeableto offer more players for a strongerWestIndianTeam.

Bestregards, Mr.JamilChanglee

Guyana with equality for all and who has done so with patient,persistenthardwork on the ground, lobbying international governments about the state of affairs in Guyana to get support for free and fair elections — workthatbenefitedthePPP, AFC and the minor parties on the issue of democracy He has continued his commitmenttoGuyanaeven after the restoration of democracy in 1992, investing precious time and resources when others gave up on the homeland. And when democracy was threatened in 2020, he was out front engaging in investigativejournalismand flooding the press with articles as well as lobbying governments to ensure the willofvotersprevail.Which one at Freedom House did more to save democracy in 2020?

Unlike others, Dr Bisram fought for every ethnicandreligiousgroupto participateinthedemocratic processandtoequallyenjoy the benefits of the state, a goal that has eluded the nationinspiteof32yearsof democracy and rotating governments My first encounter with Vishnu Bisram was in the 1980s on trips to Trinidad and Guyana. He came across as

humble, and simple; I never knew he was the Vishnu Bisramwhosewritingswere in the papers regularly We were at several rallies and other events in Guyana Promoting democracy, equality, and justice, have been the genesis and hallmarkofhisstruggle.He, Ravi Dev, Baytoram


Ramracha,andothersoutof the USA volunteered their time with utmost dedication anddevotionandcommitted

i n t h a t revolutionary struggle to restore democracy to Guyana. They met with and worked closely with Dr Fenton Ramsahoye who I alsoengagedinTrinidadand Guyana during my activist daysinthe1980sonwardsin that struggle for FFE. The PPP benefited from their struggle for FFE. No one currently in the PPP government ever committed andorparticipatedwithsuch commitmentinanystruggle. The current officials of the gov

ment are all beneficiaries of the struggle of the above and of myself, ClementRohee,theJagan’s, t h e R a m k a r r a n ’s ,

Nagamootoo, Nokta, Ramotar, Nanda Gopaul, Walter Rodney, Rupert Roopnarine, Moses

Bhagwan, Paul Tennassee, Reepudaman Persaud, Eusi Kwayana, Vishnu Bandhu, amongothers.TheJagdeo’s, Irfaan Ali’s, Nandlall’s, Ashni Singh’s, Robert Persaud’s,Croal’s,McCoy’s were not in the streets receiving physical blows fromgoonsandbeinglocked up for protesting. Yet the ingrate beneficiaries have the temerity to criticize others and to pay tropes to attack those of us who were responsible for the return of democracy in Guyana Instead of criticizing and paying trolls, the beneficiariesshouldconduct puja and perform aartee at theirfeet.

A man of integrity and who commands respect internationally and one who spent personal resources to traveltheglobefrom1977to 1992 to champion democracyisbeingridiculed by the beneficiaries as having an unfulfilled life. That is the government of Guyana. Where is Guyana going with these ingrate characterswhoareincharge ofthegovernment?

Ishouldnotepoliticians inGuyanaonbothsideshave been using race to tighten grip on their party and on poweronceinoffice.Itisnot Dr Bisramwhoisusing (Continuedonpage23)

Suriname graduated: Guyana failed... Appeal for Confiscation of Machineries of corrupt officials as in Venezuela

Frompage04 an ‘electoral democracy minus’until2023.

Note that since the 2020 elections, like Mexico, Guyana has deteriorated frombeinga‘ED-’tobeinga ‘grey zone democracy’

Notwithstanding all the propaganda nonsense coming from the PPP about its treatment of the Guyana Teachers Unions being the epitome of ‘collective bargaining’ and selfinterested politicians denying the autocratic trajectory of the current regime, you must be living somewhere else not to realise that democratic p a r t i c i p a t i o n h a s deteriorated significantly since the PPP returned to government in 2020 Its motiveisclear: doallthatis possible to control the other ethnic groups and present itself and the saviour of Guyana by unilaterally using the country’s resources to buy votes and establish all manner of dubiousprojects.Itsvarious attempts to buy votes has effectively turned the government into a provider of filthy lucre for those so


The oligarchs in the PPP are not oblivious to what is taking place: they know it is notpossibletowinsupportby variouskindsofcohesionand undemocratic maneuvers and then to have the results certified as acceptable democratic behaviour Whatever corruption the PPP mayhavebeeninvolvedwith has already been discovered and is being revealed daily The PPP’s main difficulty rests in the fact that it is an ethnic party that has weaned its supporters, and perhaps itself, on a diet of its being unilateral and irreplaceable if their interests are to be protected Now it has no choice, for as we have seen above,aseverywhereelse,the roadtoaliberaldemocracyis theroadtosharingpowerand thusSuriname’sgraduationis notsurprising

Forexample,Suriname’s presidentmustbeelectedby a 2/3 vote in the national assembly and the treatment of budgets accords with international best practices recommendationsthatin‘no case should’ the period of budget consideration be ‘lessthanthreemonthsprior

tothestartofthefiscalyear’. In a nutshell, the 1987 Constitution of Suriname states that the budget d

y process must take place between October and December for the budget to be enacted on 1st January

The NationalAssembly can amend,approve,orrejectthe budgetandafteritisreadin October,i.e.BudgetDay,the National Assembly begins the debate with a series of meetings open to the public

During this period, civil soci


oups are encouraged to engage with members of the relevant National Assembly standing committees The progress of thedebatecanbeinterrupted

government fails to respond inatimelymannertorequests made by the National Assembly More than a decade later the ‘wonderful’ Guyana constitution permits a process that after some 15 days of inconsequential discussions, budgets leave the NationalAssembly more or less exactly as they entered.

DEAREDITOR, The US government seizedVenezuela’sAirForce One used by Nicolas Maduro. The aircraft at the time was in Santo Domingo and the mighty Americans moved in and seized it; The government of the Dominican Republic cooperated.Whatchoicedid ithave?

The US also moved to sanction Venezuelan officials and revoke visas of many

Seizing the material possessions of the corrupt mayhelptodetercorruption. In Guyana, the corrupt have moved to hiding their illgottenwealthbypurchasing machinery, equipment, and vehicles America must movetoconfiscatethem.

Maduro has been involved in corruption, electionrigging,andasleuth of other illicit activities enriching himself and his family and officials of the government.

In Guyana, there has been massive corruption, like never before experienced. Hundreds of

billions of dollars were looted by officials, families, friends, and business partnersthroughavarietyof contracting schemes. Since last June, several Ministers, other government officials, and business people were sanctioned by the US government for corruption and money laundering; several had their American visas revoked. Canada and the European Union also revoked the visas of several of them. Several Ministers were questioned at the airport for their role in corrupt schemes especially ininfrastructureandmining.

TheAmericansanctions, visa cancellations, and grillingatAmericanairports have not influenced their behavior and corrupt ways.

Corruption continues unabatedinGuyana.

And the sanctioned remainarrogantanddefiant. Those sanctioned defiantly commentedtofriends,“Who is America to tell our government what to do”, adding: “We don’t need America. Life is better in Guyana. We will build our ownAmericainGuyana”.

As the Americans did regarding Venezuela, Washington must move to confiscate material possessionsofthecorruptof Guyana.

The corrupt in Guyana have acquired properties in USAandCanada;thesemust be seized to send a clear messagethatthecorruptwill not enjoy their stolen

proceeds. The corrupt can’t easilybanklootinGuyanaor take to USA, Canada, and UK. They have turned to purchasing equipment and machinery with cash Thousands of vehicles and machineries have been bought by corrupt officials, highest ranking included, and corrupt others and kept atvariousplaces. If one drives around, you will see them parked at various storage locations

That is a new way to hide their ill-gotten proceeds Washington is urged to seize these machinery, vehicles, and equipment and to continue sanctioning corrupt officials and business people as well astheirbusinesses.

Guyanese officials at the highest levels, as in Venezuela, must be reined in with visa revocations andconfiscationofwealth including material possessions

The ABCE countries must continu

pressure with additional s a n c t

o n

n g a n d revocation of visas of those involved in corruption at the highest andlowestlevels

Their bank accounts must be sanctioned, and they must not be able to travel overseas In addition, their ill-gotten material wealth hidden in purchasesmustbeseized

Yourstruly, JeromeBlackwell

EPA clears the way for Western Logistics to provide waste management services for the oil sector

The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)haswaivedtheneedfor an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to be conducted for a nonhazardouswasteservicetobeprovided byWesternLogistics.

According to the Project Summary ontheEPA'swebsite,the100%-owned Guyanesebusiness,establishedin2018 is seeking to collect and transport approximately 51 cubic meters (M3) annuallyofnon-hazardous(foodwaste) generated by vessels servicing the oil andgassector

The waste will be collected and transported from the Guyana Shore BaseInc(GYSBI),Houston,EastBank Demerara (EBD) to the Haag's Bosch Sanitary Landfill Site, Eccles, EBD. “Waste shall be transported via open backcanterthatisequippedwithcargo nets, safety securing straps, and personnel to mitigate movement/ falling garbage during transporting to landfill,”thecompanystated.

ToavoidpollutionoftheDemerara River and soil along the East Bank corridor, the developer explained that thefoodwastewouldbecontainedina

“ton sack 22,000 lbs jumbo bags that arespillandwaterproof”.Thebagswill bestrappedwithcargonetsandsecured inside the canter tray with high frame barriers to prevent/ reduce movements duringtransportation.

WesternLogisticssaiditinvesteda capitalof$5.5Mandexpectsanannual turnover of $2.3M in the five-year projectduration.

Meanwhile,initsdecisionissuedon September9,2024,theEPAannounced

that the project will not significantly affecttheenvironment,andistherefore exempt from the requirement to conductanEIA.

“The potential impacts of the projectonthephysical,biological,and socioeconomicenvironmentwillnotbe significant, given that non-hazardous solid waste will be collected and transported in waterproof and spillprooftonsackstocaterforanyspillage orleakages,”theAgencystated.

Italsonotedthattheapplicationand project summary submitted outlined adequate mitigation measures for air, noise, surface water, and soil pollution fromtheproject.

Persons who disagree and may be affected by the project can lodge an appeal of the EPA's decision within 30 days of the notice.Appeals against the EPA'sdecisionshouldbeaddressedto:

The Chairman, The Environmental Assessment Board E-mail: eabguyana21@gmail com Website: www.epaguyana.org

EPA was keen to note that its decision is not an indication that the projecthasbeenapproved.

Aman,identifiedasHarryBrowne,alsoknown as“Shaggy,”wasfatallystabbedonSaturdaynight whileattemptingtobreakupafightduringthe KairuniVillageHeritageCelebrationsalongthe Soesdyke/LindenHighway

Theincidentoccurredamidstthefestivities.More detailstofollow

Pres. Ali unveils plan for special investment zones



tegic partnerships to drive growth and development in the manufacturing sector. “We h

PresidentAli.“Butnow,with the impending reduction of energy costs by half and the improvement of energy

Ahead of the inaugural International Business Conference, which will be held in October, President Irfaan Ali has laid out his administration's vision for the manufacturing sector, urginglocalandinternational stakeholders to seize the opportunity to invest in the nation'sboomingindustries. According to a press statement by ActionInvest, during an exclusive interview, the head-of-state underscored the critical role the IBC 2024 will play in f

reliability through new power plants, Guyana is poised to become one of the most competitive locations

n manufacturing.”

The President also highlightedthegovernment's focus on addressing long-

, particularly high energy costs,whichhavehistorically hindered manufacturing growth. He pointed to the

second power plant as a game-changer that would ensure affordable and reliable energy for manufacturingbusinesses.

P r e s i d e n t A l i underscored that Guyana's geographic positioning and e x p a n d i n g t r a d e relationships are key factors drivingthecountry'sgrowing appeal to investors. “Our geographic positioning also offers us easy access to

Brazil, and right now we are investing in infrastructure to integratenorthernBrazilwith all of Guyana,” he said. The Presidentalsohighlightedthe importance of bilateral trade agreements within the wider region, adding that “the ease and access to markets is becomingmuchsimpler,less bureaucratic.” A significant part of the President's vision involves partnerships


Man stabbed to death at Heritage celebration
Dead, Harry Browne
President Irfaan Ali

An appeal for clarity and compassion in the deportation case of a mother and her child

Over the weekend, a report in this newspaper surfaced of a deportation caseinvolvingawomanwho claims to be the mother of a three-year-old Guyanesebornchild.Theimmigration authorities in Guyana reportedlyhadappliedtothe courtforadeportationorder

against the woman, presumablyfornotrenewing herapplicationtoextendher stayinthecountry

Thiscaseraisesseveral troubling questions and concerns Why was a deportation order applied for?Whatoffence,ifany,did she commit other than overstaying her time? Has she been charged with any criminal offence, or is this merelyacaseofoverstaying her time in Guyana, a term often used to describe someone who has not applied for an extension of theirstay?

Iftheprimaryreasonfor her deportation is overstaying, this case reveals a deeper problem in Guyana one that could have far-reaching social and economic consequences There are tens of thousands

of foreign nationals currently living in Guyana w h o a r e e i t h e r undocumented or without proper work permits. These individuals, many of whom work in sectors like construction, have become integral to the country’s economy Withoutthem,our labor force would shrink significantly, hampering development.

The immigration authorities need to provide

clarity on this case, as it touches not just on legal principles but also on humanitarianconcerns.This woman is reportedly being deported, and in doing so, she is being forced to leave behind her young child. She would have to reapply to return to Guyana to see her child,butthereareconcerns if that would even be allowed.Incountrieslikethe United States, deported individuals often face extremedifficultyreentering legally, and it may be the sameinGuyana.

The best interests of the childmustbetheparamount consideration in this matter We are reminded of the controversy that erupted in the United States where mothers who illegally entered the country were separated from their children The policy of separating children from their parents at the U.S. border gained widespread attention in 2018 under the Trump administration’s “ z e r o t o l e r a n c e ” immigration policy This policy mandated the prosecution of all adults illegally crossing the U.S.Mexicoborder,whichledto children being separated from their parents because childrencouldnotbeheldin federal criminal detention centers.

In 2018, following public outrage and legal challenges,PresidentTrump signed an executive order to end the practice, and a federal judge ordered the government to reunite separated families.

However, the process of reunification has been slow, complicatedbypoorrecordkeeping and difficulties in locating parents who had been deported while their children remained in U.S. custody

In this case with the Venezuelanwoman,onecan only hope that some astute legalmindwillinterveneand seek a stay of execution of that deportation order if it is still possible at this stage. Alternatively, President Irfaan Ali should examine thefullcircumstancesofthis caseandofferapardontothe woman, if indeed her only offence was failing to apply for an extension of her stay This is not an unreasonable request After all, every nationthatseekstomaintain the moral high ground must balance the enforcement of immigration laws with compassion and common sense.

Guyana must not allow itself to be perceived as one of those nations that applies to expel illegal immigrants without regard for humanitarian concerns. We arebetterthanthat!

Immigration is a global issue, and Guyana is no strangertothephenomenon. During the country’s most difficult times, tens of thousandsofGuyanesewent abroad in search of better opportunities.Manyofthem were undocumented, entering foreign lands without the proper visas or overstaying their time once there. In many instances, these Guyanese built new lives for themselves,


Do suh, nah like suh!

Dem boys seh when thiefman get ketch, dem does always cry fuh mercy

Is like dem want de whole worldtounderstanddemlil’ struggles. But when dem hold de gun to yuh head, is no mercy When dem kick downyuhdoorindemiddle

of de night, is no understanding. Dem don’t care if you got pickney sleepingoroldpeopleinde house. Dem boys seh thiefman gotafunnywayofthinking. Dem feel like what dem doingisalil’hustle.Away to mek a quick dollar But what dem don’t realize is dem leaving people with

trauma. Dem taking away peaceofmind.Demleaving behindscarsdatdon’theal.

People lose loved ones to crime; people lose dem hard-earned earnings

People get traumatized when robbers invade dem home; dem does hardly be able to sleep soundly after datexperience.

De big question dem boys asking is how come when de law ketch dem bandits, dem suddenly remember God? Dem does cryout,“Givemeachance, boss!Igotfamilytoo!”But what about de family dem terrorize? What about de mother who lose she son? What about de father who

contributingmeaningfullyto the economies of countries like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. They found work in restaurants, factories, hospitals, and construction sites, often doing the jobs thatnooneelsewantedtodo.

Those who stayed undocumented faced tremendous hardships, living in fear of deportation and often separated from their families for extended periods Despite these challenges, most of them were not treated as criminals.

It is time for Guyana to e x t e n d t h e s a m e understanding and compassion to immigrants who have come to our shores. We must recognize that many of these individuals came here seeking better opportunities for themselves and their families.Inmanycases,they areworkinginsectorswhere there is a severe shortage of local labor, particularly in construction, where foreign

workers have become indispensable.

If this woman’s only offence is that she did not applyforanextensionofher stay,itshouldnotbegrounds for her to be separated from herchild.

The immigration authoritiescannotberigidin our enforcement of immigrationlaws,especially when it comes to vulnerable individuals like mothers withyoungchildren

The human cost of deportation is immense, particularlywhenitinvolves separating families. In this case, the emotional trauma for both the mother and the childcouldbedevastating.A three-year-oldchildisinthe formative years of development, and to be suddenly deprived of the presence and care of their mother could have longtermpsychologicaleffects.

The mother, too, will suffer, knowing that her childisleftbehind,possibly inthecareofotherswhomay not be able to provide the

same level of love and attention.

The authorities should thoroughly review the circumstances of this case, taking into account not just the legalities but also the humanitarian implications. If the woman is deported, she may face significant barriers to returning to Guyana, even though her childremainshere.

If a legal stay of the deportation order is not possible, then the President should step in and offer a pardon.

The best interests of the child must be considered, andthatmeansensuringthat this woman is not forced to leaveherchildbehind.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

can’tsleepatnightbecause hewaitingfuhdenextsetof banditstorollup?

Dem boys seh some of dese robbers does even have de nerve to ask fuh leniency But dem ain’t showing no leniency when dem beating people up and taking dem hard-earned money

De truth is that dem banditshouldconsiderwhat all dem things when dem decidefuhrobandterrorize people. If dem consider dem things, dem would not have to beg for mercy because dem would turn away from dem wicked ways. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.


Somebody has to take a clear and strong stand

First, it was the British. His Royal Highness, Her Royal Highness,theKing,theQueen,the Governor General, the powers and principals in and all over Guyana. The Brits are gone now. Well, not quite, since they enjoyed a resurgence when the oil started gushing. NowitisExxon. Exxon is in. Exxon is it. Exxon is here, thereandeverywhere. Exxonisup. Exxon is around Exxon is supersize. Where is the Guyanese leader, the Guyanese group, the Guyanesemanorwoman,whowill bringExxondowntosize?

Exxon's presence here is mandatory, and with that, there is neither discussion nor negotiation. I stand where I stand. But Exxon must not be allowed to stand over Guyana and stand on Guyanese. Exxonisacolossus. ButGuyanese are not crapauds, what the Creole tongue makes sound as crapo. No Guyanese-not even the most impoverished, nor the most unlettered-should flatten their backsandsubmergetheirmindsin preparation for Exxon to stamp on them, then stand on top of them. WhatExxonhasbeenallowedtodo here, and get away with, has been allowed to go on for too long. Guyanese are neither slaves nor

serfs, and it is time that they stand and begin to show what they are about. Truly, completely, unequivocally, and immovably about. Now I introduce Guyana's four top leaders. President Dr. IrfaanAli. Vice President, former president, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo Opposition Leader, Mr Aubrey Norton. Opposition Leader AFC, Mr Nigel Hughes. Each one of them,allfourofthemmusttakeoff their soft white gloves and come outswinging. Notatmeforsaying this. ButatExxonthatisstanding on the heads of Guyanese. Their wordshavebeentoomeasured,too carefullycraftedandpolished,asif they are putting on display some rare family jewels. This is the oil wealthoftheGuyanesepeoplethat is at stake, which all four of them know Itisnotballet.

Thereisthefullestappreciation that they each have their political considerations, and their ambitions. But those should not take precedence over the interests and welfare of the Guyanese Short-term, as in now, and longterm, as in generational, what is wrappedupinthenationaldestiny

In the context of Oil Guyana, political leaders must shelve diplomacy, distance from their

present timidity, and project genuinebravery. Theoilwealthof Guyana is more than remaining in power or rising to power. It is generationsofGuyanesewhoneed economic fairness from their oil asset.

Excellencies Ali, Jagdeo, Norton,andHughesarenothoping and pleading and waiting for a job ononeofExxon'soffshoreoilrigs. Norsomecushycorporateposition in Exxon's Guyana High Command. Each of the four of theseillustrioussonsofGuyanahas steppedforward,raisedtheirhands, and swore that they are the best to leadthisnationanddotheirbestfor its people. So that they can get the bestoutoftheirmanyendowments, most of all the natural resources. This is what they must manifest in unambiguousandunyieldingterms before Exxon, before America, before the world. They must be warriors. Guyana does not need diplomats nor missionaries nor wimps today They need warriors relentlessly advancing for the national cause. In Exxon's face, if thatiswhatmustbe. Theymustbe prepared to command with their presences. They must not fear being crushed by Exxon (or America). America will have to

make Guyana a vassal state, if it wants this oil so cheap and so readilyavailable,whileitspoweris expressedthroughExxon.

The singular mentality of brothers Ali, Jagdeo, Norton, and Hughesmustnotbethattheirfuture andtheirascendancyaredependent on the benevolence of Exxon (and America). NO! Their future and success hinge on the goodwill of theGuyanesepeople. Takeastand forthem,mybrothers. Bereadyto lay everything on the line before Exxon, leaders of Guyana Everything with power, pride, and perspicacity Stop this pussyfooting around with clever words fellow Guyanese Ali, Jagdeo,Norton,andHughes:stand likemenandspeaklikemen.

Messrs Ali and Jagdeo transformintoConantheBarbarian andIvantheTerriblewhendealing with local infidels. But remake themselves into Winnie the Pooh and Mother Theresa when they must face Exxon. What happened to their manhood? Where is their brotherhood with Guyanese? Messrs. Norton and Hughes hold themselves as the better alternatives to theAli-Jagdeo axis. It cannot be by being imitations of them. Thesamewalkingonverbal

eggshells, tiptoeing in velvet stockings, for fear of upsetting Woods and Routledge. Isaydamnthesewhite enslavers and exploiters I denouncetheirGuyaneseschemers and collaborators. It is time for somebody,somecitizen,ifitcannot be some leader, that takes the bull by the horns and takes the fight to Exxon. Guyana's Fab Four must advance on the front foot, and discard kowtowing on their backbones.

Too many have groveled too long before Exxon. It is time that this national self-castration cease. Either Ali, Jagdeo, Norton, or Hughes step up. Or some new Guyanese introduce themselves to thosedisillusionedanddisgruntled Guyanese voters There are enough of the latter who need but don't have. They know what is there and theirs but are neither seeing nor getting any of it. The fourstand,ortheyfall.(Theviews expressedinthisarticlearethose of the author and do not necessarilyreflecttheopinionsof thisnewspaper.)

AFC urges active citizenship

...questions democracy under PPP/C

A s G u y a n a

observes the United

NationsInternational Day of Democracy, the Alliance for Change (AFC) has used the occasion to reflect critically on the state of democracy in the country and urged citizens to get involved in shaping the country'sfuture.

In a press release issued

on Sunday, the AFC extended its greetings to citizens and reaffirmed its commitment to democratic

principles, but also

highlighted concerns regarding the current government's adherence to thesevalues.

“In Guyana, democracy has been the cornerstone of our progress and prosperity Ithasallowedustonavigate

challenges, embrace opportunities, and build a society where diverse perspectivescancoexistand thrive.

However,thejourneyof democracyisongoing,andit

requires our active participationandvigilance,” thepartysaid.

AFC underscored the

importance of democracy as not merely a system of governance, but a reflection of collective aspirations for justice, equality, and participation.

Thepartyhighlightedthe need for every voice to be heard and for citizens to actively engage in shaping thenation'sfuture.

Drawing on a statement by former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the AFC reiterated the fundamental tenets of democracy, including the rejection of violence, upholding the rule of law, and safeguarding freedoms. However, the party used the occasiontoquestionwhether the current government, led by the People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), meets thesedemocraticstandards.

TheAFCcitedaMay26, 2024, column by Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde, stating,“Wewilltakeaquote from a Kaieteur Newsletter totheEditorColumnofMay 26, 2024, by Senior Council Roysdale Forde because he painted a better picture on the rap-sheet of the PPP/C


InthelettertotheEditor, Senior Counsel Forde condemned the PPP/C administration for its legacy of injustice and corruption.

He highlighted the unresolved extrajudicial killingsandtheriseincrime, pointing out that families like that of murdered Minister Satyadeow Sawh are still seeking justice Forde criticized the PPP/C's failure to investigate these crimes and questioned their claim of being the only capable party to lead Guyana.

Forde also addressed systemic corruption under thePPP/C,citingineffective state institutions such as the EPA and Integrity Commission.

H e n o t e d t h e controversialawardingofan $865 million contract to Tepui, a company lacking relevant experience, as a prime example of corruption.

Additionally, he criticized the lack of investigation into bribery allegations against General

Businessman shot in crossfire with police and thief


f Professional Responsibility (OPR) is currently investigating a shooting incident that occurredSaturdaymorningonRobbStreet, Georgetown, near a popular nightclub, during which Cassel Nurse, a 27-year-old businessmanwomanwasinjured.

A Police Anti-Crime Patrol, led by a Gazetted Officer and other ranks, were on patrol duty when they received information thattwomenridingmotorcyclesaroundthe Bourda Market area were acting suspiciously The information prompted a responsefromthepatrolranks,policesaidin arelease.

The ranks confronted the two motorcyclists, and when the men saw the ranks, they fled down Robb Street with the ranksinpursuit.Oneofthemdrewafirearm and discharged several rounds in the directionoftheranks,whileoneoftheranks drew his service pistol and fired several roundsattheshooter

During the exchange of gunfire, the businessman who was standing next to his motor car parked outside the nightclub was shot in the right foot. He was taken to Georgetown Public Hospital for medical treatment, and his condition is regarded as stable.

Secretary Jagdeo, and the PPP/C's failure to account for $4.5 billion in COVID19 grants, demanding a thoroughaudit.

The letter further criticized the PPP/C's attempts to suppress dissent, citing the case of Rickford Burke and the controversial behavior of their supporters

F o r d e a l s o

condemned the party's handling of accusations against former Minister Nigel Dharamlall and questioned the PPP/C's financial priorities, particularly its support for the unprofitable sugar industry

Tothisend,theAFCsaid, “Fellow Guyanese, as we commemorate this important day, let us reflect on our roles as citizens and leaders in fostering a more inclusive and accountable

democracy It is through our collectiveeffortsthatwecan address our nation's challenges and build a brighter future for all Guyanese.”

Moreover, the party called for a celebration of democratic values by engaging in meaningful dialogue, advocating for transparency and justice, and working together to ensure that the principles of democracy continue to guide our actions and decisions.

T&T Elected Chair of Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee

(September 13, 2024)

ECLACExecutiveSecretary José Manuel SalazarXirinachsiswarningthatthe

road to sustainable

development in the Caribbean is long and difficult, and is urging Caribbean countries, member States of the CaribbeanDevelopmentand Cooperation Committee (CDCC) to make full use of t h e r e s e a r c h a n d development support that ECLACprovides.

ESSalazarnotesthatthe Caribbean is on track to achieve only 20 per cent of t h e S u s t a i n a b l e Development Goals' targets by2030.Hewasspeakingat theopeningceremonyofthe 30thsessionoftheCDCCin Port-of-Spain, as Trinidad and Tobago's Minister of Planning and Development

Pennelope BecklesRobinson takes over the stewardship of the Committee for the next two years.

Gathered at the 30th session of the CDCC were Caribbean ministers, a m b a s s a d o r s a n d development specialists discussing solutions to pressing development challenges. ESSalazarnotes that there are just over five years left to meet the 2030 Agenda.“TheCaribbeanhas only 20% of its SDG targets on track for achievement; 33% moving in the right direction but too slowly for achievement, and 47% moving in the wrong direction Furthermore, slow progress is recorded in sectors critical to your sustainable development like health and wellbeing, qualityeducationandaccess to fresh water And then therearethoseindicatorsthat

lack the data for us to properlymeasureprogressat all, indicators on key issues like gender equality and climateaction.”

He notes that an important part of ECLAC's work and technical cooperation over the years has been support for a c c e l e r a t i n g S D G implementation ECLAC, the secretariatof the CDCC, has supported Caribbean countriesindraftingnational sustainable development plans and science, technology and innovation plans, as well as providing a range of other research and development support However, ES SalazarXirinachs says there is another reality that makes theworkdifficult.

“Data insufficiency presents a fundamental c h a l l e n g e t o t h e accomplishment of a range ofdevelopmentimperatives: including to apply disaster risk reduction and response measures; and to ensure optimal use of the newly approved Multidimensional Vulnerability Index so that you can effectively make your case for greater access toconcessionalfinancing.”

As Trinidad and Tobago Minister of Planning and Development Pennelope Beckles-Robinson assumed the chairmanship of the CDCC, she pondered the climate crisis, a central themeofthediscussionsthis week.“Thecrisisisnotsome distant threat; it is unfolding before our very eyes, wreaking havoc on our economies, ecosystems, and the livelihoods of our people Since those unaffected by our peculiar circumstancesareunlikelyto effectively champion our

cause, the obligation lies withustoaffirmourrightto equally benefit from the providenceofthisearth.”

Minister BecklesRobinson continued, “Let thissessionignitearenewed commitment among us to stand shoulder to shoulder with our fellow small island developing states, not just withinourregion,butacross theglobe.Together,wemust confront the challenges before us and forge a path toward lasting, resilient prosperity.”

Outgoing Chair of the CDCC, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation of Suriname Albert Ramdin also focused on climate change, noting that damage and loss efforts mustbemadeahighpriority for the Caribbean. Looking forward to the upcoming COP29 climate conference in Azerbaijan in November, Minister Ramdin said, “We cannot wait three or four years The urgency is imminent Regretfully, countries will have to be frank. Making promises and pledges is not helpful if we don'tdeliveronthem.Iregret that I have to be so frank about it, but it is in the interest of all to make sure that the resources are directed towards the real needs.”

TrinidadandTobagowill chair the CDCC for the period 2024-2026 Also elected to the Bureau of the CDCC were British Virgin Islands, Jamaica and Saint Lucia as vice chairs and Saint Kitts and Nevis as rapporteur The Caribbean

D e v e l o p m e n t a n d CooperationCommitteewas establishedin1975andisin its30thregularsession.


Heatwave and

Exxon's operations

For months we have warned in these pages of the devastating impact of the unchecked flaring of gas by US oil giant ExxonMobil in the Stabroek Block and how it has contributed to the climatic problems we are facing at present.

Both Exxon and the malleable Guyana Government would have us believe that the flaring is minimal and the scraps being offered as a fine to the oil company are enough to calm nerves.

Guyana has been experiencing severe heat for a prolonged period. Last week East Coast Demerara teachers during their branch meeting raised the issue of how learners are struggling in ill-equipped classrooms.

And while Guyanese children are suffering the children of oil executives are going to private schools where the air conditioning is so 'loud' the students have been instructed to wear a jacket to school.


A woman who is on trial for the unlawful killing of her husband has disappeared and policehavesinceissuedawanted bulletinforherarrest.

Lisa Haley is accused of killingDellisonHaleyonthe29th of July, 2017, at Kitty, Georgetown. Haley's last known address was listed as Lot 385 WestRuimveldtandLot33David Street,Kitty

According to reports, Haley waschargedbackinAugust2017 for the unlawful killing of DellisonHaley

When Haley made her first appearance before Magistrate FaithMcGustyattheGeorgetown Magistrates' Courts, she was not requiredtopleadtothechargebut wasgranted$250,000bail.

It was reported that the deceased was abusive towards

Haley during their relationship.

On the day of the fatal incident, Dellison reportedly armed himself with two knives and attackedthewoman.

An altercation ensued and Haley disarmed Dellison Haley and a fatal stab wound was inflictedtohischest.

In2019,Haleywascommitted tostandtrialintheHighCourtfor the unlawful killing of her


The woman however has not beenattendingcourt.

Police have provided several contact numbers for those who may be able to assist in locating Haley:227-1149,225-8196,2271611, 268-2328, 268-2329, 2263405, 225-6978, 333-3876, 2258196. Citizens can also report information to the nearest police station.

handedoutforworks atnewpoliceacademy

Wanted, Lisa Haley

Vigilance woman wanted in relation to decade-old child stealing case

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) on Sunday issued a wanted bulletin for 30-yearold Candacy Adonis of Vigilance, East Coast

Demerara (E.C.D), in connection with a decade-old childstealingcase.

Adonis was charged in relation to the incident which occurredonJanuary13,2014, in Buxton, E.C.D. Previous reports by this publication indicate that then-19-year-old Adonis was a teacher who allegedly stole a 4-month-old babyfromadaycarelocatedin Buxton.

In January 2014, Adonis made her first court appearance before Magistrate Zamilla Ali where she was remanded to prison but was then granted bail. The charge laid against Adonis detailed thatonJanuary13,atBuxton, she took away the infant, Miracle Angel Prince, with intent to deprive Samantha Price,themotherof thechild, thereof. The accused was not requiredtopleadtothecharge asitwasdeemedindictable.

The prosecution team was led by Sergeant Ayesha Gibbons, who told the court that at about 15:30 hours on the day in question, Adonis went to the daycare centre, pretending to be Miracle Prince'saunt,andupliftedher She then allegedly took the childtoahouseinPouderoyen ontheWestBankofDemerara

Wanted, Candacy Adonis

where she gave the child to Carlton and Shameena Jeremiah, a married couple. According to the Prosecutor, Adonistoldthemthatthebaby washersandfurtherrequested for them to take care of her “baby”untilshereturned.

Sergeant Gibbons explained that it was after Adonis was contacted by the police that she led them to where the child was being kept.

The prosecutor said that the child was then recovered andreunitedwithhermother

Moreover, the police have provided several contact numbersforthosewhomaybe able to assist in locating Adonis: 227-1149, 225-8196, 227-1611, 268-2328, 2682329, 226-3405, 225-6978, 333-3876, 225-8196. Citizens can also report information to thenearestpolicestation.

Hague residents help police capture armed bandit

Residents of Hague,West Coast Demerara (W.C.D) on Saturdayassistedthepolicein capturing an armed robbery suspect, while the manhunt c o n t i n u e s f o r h i s accomplices.

On Friday around 12:40 hours,thesuspect,alongwith threeothers,enteredthehome of a businesswoman in Middle Street, Ruimzigt, wherethegroupoffour,three of whom were armed, targeted the woman and her workers.

The businesswoman and her family reside in a twostory concrete structure, with agoldsmithworkshoplocated onthelowerflatofthehouse.

The businesswoman was in her kitchen area while two of her workers (the 48-year-old and 23-year-old goldsmiths) wereworkingintheshop.The businesswoman was relieved of several gold items, while her two workers, both goldsmiths, were robbed of their cell phones. She related tothepolicethatwhileinher kitchenshesawthreesuspects at her backdoor, which was open and they pointed their firearmsatherandtoldherto stayquiet.

“They took her into the goldsmith workshop where they met with her two workers The suspects relieved each of them of the articlesmentionedabove.The suspects then started to make demands for more gold and money, and, in the process, oneofthesuspectsfiredashot in the direction of the businesswoman,” the police reported.

Nearby residents, alerted by the gunshot, run towards the businesswoman's house.

The residents blocked the road and the motorcar (HC921), which the suspects

entered, was not allowed to pass. The gunmen and the driver exited the vehicle and escaped on foot into the direction of the Ruimzigt backlands. When the police arrived, they discovered a man with his hands and feet tied,inthebackseatofthecar, with a head injury “He was questioned about the injury, and he claimed that several residentsintheareahithimin thehead,”thepolicesaid.

Themangavehisnameto the police as Garfield Benjamin called “Carry”, a 50-year-old fireman attached toLa-GrangeFireStationand a resident/taxi driver from Stewartville, West Coast Demerara Moreover, Benjamin told investigators thatonFriday,atabout11:30 hours,hewasattheVreed-enHoop junction, working a taxi, when the four men approached him and asked if hewasworking.

He said yes and the men requestedthathetakethemto Crane It was reported, “Whilstinthecar,hesaidtwo of the suspects pulled out firearms from their waist and orderedhimtopullovertothe side of the road. They then tied his hands and feet with plastic straps and put him in thebackseatofthecar Oneof the suspects drove the car to the scene, where the other three suspects exited the vehicleandenteredtheyard.” A manhunt was launched for the four suspects and residents of Hague assisted thepoliceincapturingoneof the suspects on Saturday Notably, the suspect confessed to the robbery and provided the names and details of his accomplices to the police. The suspect also corroborated Benjamin's story

Court battle continues for possession of Peters Hall properties for construction of new Demerara River Bridge


the compulsory acquisition of lands at Peter's Hall, East BankDemerara(EBD)forthe construction of the New Demerara River Bridge continued last week with the HighCourtgrantingtheState possessioninsomecasesand sendingtotrialinothers.

According to a release from the Attorney General's Chambers,HighCourtJudge, Justice Navindra Singh last week ordered possession to the Government of Guyana for three properties that were compulsorily acquired by the state for the construction of the New Demerara River Bridge.

The release stated that owners are to deliver possession on or before the 30thSeptember,2024.

The State was also ordered to pay compensation to the owners by the 20th September,2024.

The statement explained the Government has compulsorily acquired under the Acquisition of Land for Public PurposesAct some 50 private properties, for the construction of the new Demerara River Bridge Under that Act and the Constitution,theGovernment

is required to pay compensation to the property owners' equivalent to the marketvalueoftheproperties acquired.

The release said that “Since2022,theGovernment began to negotiate a compensation package with each property owner Unfortunately, agreements were not reached with 13 propertyowners.

The law is clear on the matter,oncethepropertiesare acquired and title is vested in the State, the State is entitled to possession. The title to thesepropertieswasvestedin theStateseveralmonthsago.

Therefore, the State is entitled to take possession of

these properties with

compensation to be determined at a later stage in accordancewiththelaw

“However,” the release added “the State decided not toenforceitsstrictlegalrights which would have involved forcibly ejecting occupants from these premises. Instead, theStateapproachedtheHigh Courtforordersofpossession and for the market value of these properties to be

determined so that the compensation can be paid in compliance with the law

Since the filing of these proceedings, several of the propertyownersacceptedthe Government's offer of compensation However, somemattersarestillpending beforethecourt.”

Meanwhile, in another court, Justice Jacqueline Josiah Graham denied the request of Attorney General andMinisterofLegalAffairs, Anil Nandlall for the compulsory acquisition of lands at Peters Hall, East BankDemerara,foruseinthe construction of Crossing KaieteurNewshasseen

The lawsuits were brought against Peter's Hall residents, Virieene Fredricks, Vashti Fredricks, Pearl Layne, Merlynn Thomas, Joann Stewart, and Malcolm Thomas for compulsory acquisition of their lands for publicuse.

In accordance with the application filed, lawyers arguing the case on behalf of the Government of Guyana contended that Section 7 of theAcquisition of LandsAct grants the State the right to immediate possession of the lands.

However, counsel for the residents, Roysdale Forde pointed out among other things that the residents should be compensated adequately for their properties Among the contentions raised before the court is the valuation of the properties at the center of the dispute.

Accordingly,theattention of the court was drawn to the value of the property after evaluationbythegovernment valuation officer and the value of the property by private evaluators It was pointed out that the value difference is notable; hence thedispute.

The order issued by Justice Josiah-Graham last Monday also states that the trial is to be expedited to determine fair compensation and just resolution for the suits.

The judge in refusing the State's request for immediate possessionsaidthattheCourt is mindful that the construction of the bridge over the Demerara River is


A replica of the new Demerara River Bridge

Motorcyclist killed in Versailles accident

Twenty-seven-year-old Regan Martin of Lot 532 First AvenueParfaiteHarmonie,died onSundaymorningafterhewas struck off his motorcycle by an alleged speeding car while travelling along the Versailles Public Road, West Bank Demerara.

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) in a statement said that the accident occurred around 02:30 hours. According to the police, motorcar PTT2444 was proceeding south along the Versailles Public Road at a fast rate,andwhileinthevicinityof the health centre, the driver lost

control and collided with the motorcycleCL4994,ownedand driven by Martin, who was proceeding north along the westernsideoftheroad.

Martin was flung off his motorcycle onto a nearby grass parapet,wherehesuccumbedto his injuries The motorcar

veered into a trench and was partiallysubmerged.

The driver had fled the scene. However, in an update, the police said that he later turned himself in accompanied by his lawyer. The driver remains in custody as investigationscontinue.

Dead, Regan Martin


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

One Handyman needed to work in the Interior. Call: 6770869 or WhatsApp: 664-0844.

Urgently wanted Truck/ Lorry Driver. Must be safe & reliable. Call: 609-9203 / 603-1768.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).

Lorry/ Canter Driver in G/ town or East Bank. Must have Lorry license. Call/ WhatsApp: 609-2220.


Land for rent at Heroes Highway. For more information Call: 653-2477.

House for rent in Sarwan Street, Eccles. For more information Call: 666-8404.

Spacious 900 sqft 1 bed/1 bath. Safe and quiet neighborhood, Subryanville. Call: 624-2619.

1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956. VEHICLES FOR SALE

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Campbellville man arrested with unlicensed Glock 40 Pistol

- and ten rounds of 9mm ammunition

POne Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Female Cleaner for office. Call 645-8443.

Male Cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132/ 645-8443.

Vacancy Exist For two experienced Dispatcher at Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.

Experienced Cook & kitchen Assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.

Room Attendant, Desk Clerk, Supervisor and Receptionist 23-45 Years old. 233 South Road. Call: 225-0198.

Vacancy for Elderly care Worker. Please Call or WhatsApp Karen: 656-1875/ 233-5160.

Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Vacancy at P.S.G.C.S for General Cleaner, Mason, Carpenter, Fabricator/ Welder, Maintenance Workers & Handyman/ woman. Call: 621-6969/ 615-7784.

Vacancy for the night handyman and a Domestic/ Maid. Call: 638-6816.

One retired Teacher to teach child with disability, 1 hour per day. Call: 699-0942.


River side land & property for sale in Timehri & Parika. Call: 653-2477.

olice early Sunday morning arrested Jamal Rollox, a 37year-old miner from Campbellville, Georgetown, after he was found with an unlicensed Smith & Wesson Springfield Glock 40 pistol, which contained ten live rounds of 9MM ammunition.

Police ranks were at the time monitoring the ‘wake’ for the late Lawrence Wayne, called ‘Boy Boy’, which was being held at Dynasty Bar on Aubrey Barker Road, Georgetown, when one of the detectives observed Rollox

with a firearm, discharging several rounds in the air.

On seeing the police ranks, Rollox threw the firearm under a parked car. Police retrieved the firearm from under the vehicle and arrested Rollox. When asked if he was a licensed firearm holder, he said ‘no’. He was told of the offence committed and arrested.

Rollox was escorted to the East La Penitence Police Station, where the firearm and ammunition were lodged. Rollox remains in custody and is slated to be charged.


by its strong performance in the recent local government elections, the

People’s National Party


wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

(PNP) headed into the public session of its 86th annual conference at the National Arena in St Andrew on Sunday determined to send a message that “Time Come!”

In the February 26 local government elections, the PNP ended with 21,500 more votes than the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and 115 out of 228 divisions contested, up from the 98 it garnered in 2016. Despite this, the JLP was the winner of the elections, with seven of the municipal corporations to the PNP’s six, with one, the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC), tied.

But the PNP was given the right to name the mayor of Kingston as it received the highest number of votes cast in Kingston and St Andrew. Against that background the

Comrades have been upbeat since then, claiming that the signs are clear that the JLP’s time in Government is coming to an end.

“Well, I can confidently say that the energy in the PNP at this time is at an alltime high.

As we approached the 86th annual conference we were getting calls from all ends of Jamaica.

This year’s conference holds special significance, as it is the final one before the next general election and we are fully committed to making it an event to be remembered for years to come,” PNP spokeswoman with responsibility for public communication Nekeisha Burchell told the Jamaica Observer last Friday.

“We are determined to demonstrate to the nation

that the People’s National Party is ready to lead, ready to deliver, and most importantly, we are ready to return power to the people. We are using the theme ‘People Time Come’ this year…to send a clear message of urgency and transformation.

“For the past two years we have carried this message across the country and this conference will be the culmination of that movement, a rallying call for Jamaicans to join us in bringing about the change that is desperately needed,” added Burchell.

She told the Sunday Observer that since the conference started with private sessions last Friday the PNP has sought to highlight its readiness to form the next Government.

“[Today] we will show the

nation that the PNP is not just prepared but poised to take back the reins of Government and put the people first,” she said.

According to Burchell, the response from Comrades has been overwhelming, with an unprecedented number of supporters eager to attend today’s public session. “So much so that we are facing the challenge of securing enough transportation in some of the constituencies.

This renewed energy reflects a groundswell of support even from those who have been distanced from the process in recent years,” Burchell told the Sunday Observer.

She said apart from the usual interest from the traditional media, the PNP has seen an increase in interest from social media users.

Pres. Ali unveils plan for special investment zones...

From page 8 between local and international businesses, through partnerships that combine local knowledge with foreign technology and capital.

“The IBC provides the perfect platform for these partnerships to flourish,” President Ali explained. “This conference gives local companies the opportunity to collaborate with international businesses that bring advanced technologies and resources. Together, we can build stronger, more competitive companies that will drive Guyana’s manufacturing sector forward.” Moreover, President Ali also spoke about the growth of Guyana’s agro-processing industry and outlined significant private investments already flowing into sectors such as dairy, poultry, and aquaculture.

These investments, along with the government’s focus on value-added production, position Guyana to become a major exporter of processed food products.

“The entire policy framework is designed to support agro-processing and manufacturing at every level,” President Ali added. “We are expanding cultivation, incorporating advanced technologies, and focusing on value addition, not just raw production.”

Notably, to attract even more investment, President Ali said the government is offering a competitive incentive regime, including special investment zones in Regions 9, 10, and 6. These zones will feature tax benefits and infrastructure support to further stimulate manufacturing

growth. With the International Business Conference just weeks away, President Ali urged local and foreign businesses to act quickly, warning that investment opportunities may become less affordable in the near future.

“This conference is key because it brings that local firepower and matches it with the international firepower and gives us an opportunity to build partnerships because that is what we want—partnership and creating that network.” The IBC 2024 is expected to be a defining moment, bringing together local and foreign investors to tap into the country’s vast potential and drive its transformation into a leader in the global manufacturing and agro-processing sectors.

“There is no better place

for investment than Guyana at the moment, and more importantly, if you don’t do it now, I tell people in two to three years it will be too expensive for you to do. We are building a diversified economy, and manufacturing and agro-processing are at the heart of that vision.”

He added, “As we build out this economy, I am very pleased that we are focusing on manufacturing and agroprocessing because the diversification that we are seeking to achieve places these two sectors high up on the agenda.”

The IBC will be held at the Guyana Marriott Hotel from October 15th to 17th, 2024, at the Guyana Marriott Hotel in Georgetown, under the theme: “Guyana: The Gateway to Opportunities.

The firearm and ammunition seized by police

Over $7B allocated to modernise Region Six drainage, irrigation system - Min. Mustapha

The government is spending more than $7 billion to modernise the drainage and irrigation system in Region Six,tomitigatefloodingand strengthen agricultural productivity

This is part of Guyana's broader efforts to lead CARICOM's push for food security and reduce the region's $5 billion foodimportation bill by 25 percentby2025.

Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, announced the significant investment during the launch of the Berbice Expo and Trade Fair last Friday

He highlighted the construction of two large canals in the areas of Manchester/Lancaster and

Number 51-52 Villages, designed to reduce flooding by draining excess water directly into the Atlantic Ocean.

Additionally, an embankment stretching from Number 66 Village to Canje is under construction to prevent water from entering the backlands, safeguarding the region's housing development initiative.

Theministeremphasised that these projects are critical to boosting agriculture in the region whichplaysakeyroleinthe country's economy

“Berbice holds a special place in the heart of our nation, known for its rich agricultural heritage and hardworkingpeople.

This region has always played a vital role in Guyana's growth through agriculture,”hesaid. Beyond these projects,

Court battle continues for possession of Peters Hall...


connectivity between regions, which can facilitate not only easy access by citizens but also enhance commerce, tourism, and o v e r a l l e c o n o m i c development. The bridge is expected to enhance access to essential services and m a r k e t s , t h e r e b y contributing to economic growth and community welfare.

“The bridge can be seen as part of a broader infrastructure development strategy that may lead to improved public services.

E n h a n c e m e n t s i n infrastructure can attract investments create jobs and reduce travel time, all of which generally serve the publicinterest.

However in the face of these goods, the actions taken by the government or

the government is also in talks to build a deep-water harbour in Berbice, which wouldallowfortheexportof produce from northern

projectdeveloperstoacquire land or properties must be

t e m p e r e d w i t h considerations of fairness and equity,” the court underscored.

As such, it was ordered thatthetrialofthematterbe expedited to determine fair compensation and a just resolution of the suits Further, the parties are encouraged to settle the matteramicably



religion and race Look around and observe who gets contracts — race and religion are factors. Much w e a l t h h a s b e e n accumulated by those who rosetotheMinisteriallevel, with the rare exception of a couple of ministers and otherofficials.Corruptionis widespread. The government has become a family business affair

Theinvolvementinpolitics has made some multimillionaires and a few near billionaires in American dollarterms.

Meanwhile, the poor are getting poorer and the rich wealthier The gap between thepoorandrichiswidening and poverty is growing Ratherthanspendingmoney

targeting critics and members of civic society and scholars like Dr Bertrand Ramcharran, the government should redirect that large sum of money to help address basic human needs, notably in assisting thepooranddispossessedto combat rising prices for food.

Post-Jagan PPPmay not appreciateDr Bisram’sprodemocracy movement from 1968onwards,buttherestof Guyana does Guyanese from all walks of life and strata of society appreciate theworkofDr Bisram.

His more than 50 years of voluntary service to Guyanese helped to restore and protect democracy in our homeland and institutionalizeorstrengthen the need for opinion polling

in Guyana as well as in several other Caribbean societies,nottheleastbeing Trinidad, Grenada, Dominica, Antigua, among others Dr Bisram has published countless on the GuyaneseandtheCaribbean people’s experiences in the region and the diaspora and on global events and India. Henevereverboastedabout his academic credentials. I thank Sham Rahaman Mohammedforbringinghis credentials to public attention It is not an achievement to ridicule but to celebrate Please continue to have an unfulfilled life Dr Bisram with your writings and academic pursuits! We are proudofyou!

YoursSincerely, LeylandRoopnaraine

Brazil through Guyana's coast in under 48 hours, significantly shortening the shipping time compared to Brazil'scurrentports.

Minister Mustapha also noted that Guyana's agricultural sector is expected to reach new heights, with the country poised to surpass 700,000 tonnesofriceproductionfor the first time this year Moreover,thenon-oilsector isalsoplayingacrucialrole

i n t h e c o u n t r y ' s development, as a US $14 million food hub is under constructionatYarrowkabra on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway

Continued from Sunday edition

I n a d d i t i o n t o agricultural advancements, he highlighted other developments across the region, including the construction of a state-ofthe-artstadium,aLevelFive hospital, a four-lane highway, call centres, a world-class oil and gas training centre, and a highspanbridge.

The minister noted that these projects aim to modernise Berbice, and transform it into one of the country's most developed regions,ashereaffirmedthe government's commitment to building a modern economy by 2030 and beyond.(DPI)

The minister revealed that Guyana has signed a m e m o r a n d u m o f understanding (MoU) with thestateofRoraima,Brazil, to prioritise key agricultural commodities.

Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha during the launch of the Berbice Expo and Trade Fair

Israel’s crackdown on West Bank Gaza is killing Palestinian youths

(AP) —In the web of battered, sun-baked streets winding up the hillside, bloodshed is as unrelenting astheheat.

So it is not hard to see why, when raid sirens and gunfire erupted yet again on a morning in late May, 15year-old Mahmoud Hamadneh turned his bike down an alley that held out thepromiseofrefuge.

The narrow lane, a few hundred yards from his school, looks like an urban oasis, shaded by olive branches that reach across wallsoneitherside.

On a recent afternoon, the cooing of doves and whine of cicadas amplified its stillness. Only the faded stain of Mahmoud’s blood onthepavementandastone, hand-letteredwithhisname, betrayedtheillusion.

“He didn’t do anything. He didn’t make a single mistake,” says Amjad Hamadneh, whose son, a buzz-cut devotee of computergames,wasoneof twoteenskilledthatmorning in the opening minutes of a raidbyIsraeliforces.

“If he’d been a freedom fighter or was carrying a weapon, I would not be so emotional,” says his father, anunemployedconstruction worker

“Buthewastakenjustas easily as water going down your throat. He only had his booksandapencilcase.”

Jenin’srefugeecamphas long been notorious as a hotbed of Palestinian militancy, raided repeatedly

As the world’s attention focuses on the far more deadly war in Gaza, less than 80 miles away scores of Palestinian teens have been killed, shot, and arrested in the West Bank

by Israeli forces who have occupied the West Bank sinceseizingcontrolintheir 1967 war with neighboring Arabstates.

During the two-day raid that began the morning of May21,Israelitroopstraded fire with Palestinian gunmen.

Militant groups said eight of the 12 Palestinians killedweretheirfighters. But the casualties that day, and many others in recent months, went beyond armed men engaged in the region’s seemingly endless conflict.

As the world’s attention focuses on the far more

deadlywarinGaza,scoresof Palestinian teens have been killed, shot, and arrested in the West Bank, where the Israeli military has waged a months-long crackdown

More than 150 teens and children 17 or younger have been killed in the embattled territorysinceHamas’brutal attack on communities in southern Israel set off the war last October Most died in nearly daily raids by the Israeli army that Amnesty Internationalsayshaveused disproportionate and unlawfulforce.

Youths represent almost a quarter of the nearly 700 PalestiniansslainintheWest

Bank since the war began, the most since the violent uprising known as the Second Intifada in the early 2000s.

More than 20 Israeli civilians and soldiers have been killed in the territory sinceOctober

At the same time, Israel, which has long jailed Palestinians from the West Bank without charge, has extended that practice to manymoreteens.

After October, food deprivation, overcrowding of cells, and other mistreatment escalated sharply,therecentlyreleased advocatessay

It is clear from statements by the Israeli military, insurgents and families in the West Bank that a number of the Palestinian teens killed in recent months were membersofmilitantgroups. Many others were killed duringprotestsorwhenthey or someone nearby threw rocks or homemade explosives at military vehicles.

Still others appear to have been random targets. Taken together, the killings raise troubling questions about the devaluation of young lives in pursuit of security and autonomy

Grief over those deaths has been shadowed by trepidation Israeli raids won’t eliminate militant groups, survivors say Instead, some fear, the pain of losing so many youths risks the opposite – pulling siblings, friends, and classmates left behind into the region’s vortex of vengeance.

A n i n t e n s i f i e d crackdown A group of people pushing a bed through a hospitalThe body of a Palestinian militant is carriedintoamorgueaftera raidbytheIsraelimilitary

AfterHamaskilled1,200 people in Israel last October andtook250othershostage, long-smoldering tensions exploded.

Israel responded with a sweepingmilitarycampaign in Gaza that Palestinian authorities say has killed more than 40,000 people. That has fueled anger and insurgencyintheWestBank, where Israeli forces police about 3 million Palestinians while assigned to protect 500,000Jewishsettlers.

The embattled territory was already seeing deadly clashes before the war began. But Israel’s military has significantly stepped up raids in the months since characterized by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as part of the larger battle in Gaza and along the border with Lebanon to permanently disable militant groups that have long threatened his country’ssecurity.cases.

At least 7 dead as heaviest rain in decades hits parts of central and eastern Europe

CNN — At least seven peoplehavediedaftersome of the heaviest rain in years hit central and eastern Europe, causing flooding andwidespreaddisruption.

A slow-moving lowpressure system dubbed Storm Boris dumped a month’s worth of rain onto several of Europe’s historic capitals, including Vienna, Bratislava,andPrague.

The heavy rainfall continued to pummel the regionintoSunday

In Poland, one person drownedinKlodzkoCounty

and authorities advised residents of Moszczanka and Laka Prudnicka to evacuate after a dam at risk ofcollapsewasbreachedon Sunday InAustria, a firefighter diedinactiononSunday,the firedepartmenttoldCNN. In Romania, a fifth person was also confirmed to have died from flooding on Sunday, CNN affiliate Antena3reported. Rescuers have been working hard to rescue hundreds of people left stranded by heavy rainfall

there. “The effects were most critical in seven localities, ” Romania ä•Lä•s Interior Minister CãtãlinPredoiutoldAntena 3.Althoughteamsmanaged tosave95peopletrappedin their homes, the bodies of the dead were found in either their houses or yards, Predoiuadded.

Around 5,400 houses have been damaged in the southeastern region of Galati which has been hardest hit by the flooding, Antena 3 reported Residents in one of the

region’s villages, Pechea, recounted their shock at the devastation wrought by the flooding.

“I have nothing left,” social worker Sofia Basalic told AFP, describing how the gushes of water had “entered the house” and “tore down the walls,” destroying her kitchen appliances and killing her farmanimals.

Factory worker Gica Stan, whose entire house was also flooded, said he didn’t even have a “needle left”andwasnowrelyingon

donated clothes. Rescue serviceshavebeenlaunched in hard-hit counties as authorities warn that they have recorded the heaviest rainfallin100yearsoverthe past24hours.

Rivershavebursttheir banks in Poland and the CzechRepublic.

In southwest Poland, 1,600 people w

e evacuated in Klodzko county as local rivers reached record high water levels and broke their banks Klodzko, a town of 25,000, was left partially

submerged in water on Sunday. Poland’s Prime Minister, Donald Tusk told reporters Sunday: “We have the first confirmed death by drowning, here in theKlodzkoCounty”

“The situation is still very dramatic in many p

“Unfortunately, these situations are repeating

and refuse to evacuate ”

GB's Kartal claims maiden WTA title in Tunisia

British number four

Sonay Kartal held off the nerves to clinch a maiden WTAtitle with victory over Slovakia's Rebecca Sramkova in the Jasmin OpenfinalinTunisia.

The22-year-oldwon6-3 7-5 and will move into the world's top 100 for the first timeonMonday

After dominating her

higher-ranked opponent in the middle of the match, Kartallostthreeconsecutive service games with success in sight, before eventually settling herself to serve it out.

Sramkova, number 136 intheworld,firedlongfora 39th unforced error of the matchtohandtheBritonher landmarkvictoryonthefirst


"I've played some of my best tennis this week, had someofmybestwins,"said Kartal,aftercomingthrough qualifyinganddroppingjust one set in the tournament in Monastir

"I feel like each match I'vegrownandgrown.Itried so hard to put the occasion andthescorebehindme."


playing in their first final at thislevelandKartalwarned beforehand that the player who handled the occasion bestwouldcomeoutontop.

Monday September 16, 2024


Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely


Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.


You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday


Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.


Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.


You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently


Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some

Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t

u to

y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay


Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.


Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.

After an early wobble, dropping her serve in the opening game, she showed the greater tactical acumen toexertcontrol.

Kartal won the final three games of the opening set and opened a 4-1 lead in the second before her serve startedtoletherdown,albeit under intense pressure from aresurgentSramkova.

She overcame that pressure, breaking her 27year-old opponent a total of four times in a second set that lasted 71 minutes, eventuallysealingthewinin justundertwohours.

"I started the year with thegoalofbeingtop150,so now I have passed that," added Kartal, who was 298 intheworldbeforereaching the third round of Wimbledonthisyear

"I'mjusttryingtoendthe yearinthetop100."

Elsewhere, Britain's Jacob Fearnley, 23, won his third title in four months on theChallengerTour,beating 27-year-old Frenchman Quentin Halys 0-6 7-6 (7-5) 6-3inRennes.

He is now expected to rise to 129 in the world, up 396 places since graduating from Texas Christian UniversityinMay

British number four Sonay Kartal is set to move to a career-high world ranking of 96 (Getty Images)

Premier League: Gabriel gives Arsenal win over Tottenham in north London derby

(BBC Sport) - Arsenal came out on top in a fiery north London derby as Gabriel'ssecond-halfheader gave them a crucial victory atTottenham.

The Gunners were without captain Martin

Odegaard and key midfielder Declan Rice

through injury and suspension respectively and survivedasternexamination from Ange Postecoglou's side to spark ecstatic scenes atthefinalwhistle.

Arsenal keeper David Raya excelled in the early stages to keep Spurs at bay with fine saves from Dejan Kulusevski while Spurs opposite number Guglielmo Vicario had to be at his best to keep out Kai Havertz's header.Tempers boiled over lateinthefirsthalfasplayers from both sides clashed following Jurien Timber's challenge on Pedro Porro, setting the stage for a tense secondperiod.

And it was Gabriel who made the vital contribution after 64 minutes, escaping the attentions of Cristian Romero to rise and power Bukako Saka's corner high pastVicario. Arsenal always relish any derby victory at Spurs but this one will taste especially sweet as it was achieved without two such significant figures in Odegaard and Rice while providing the perfect platform for next weekend's

Manchester City Barnes inspires Newcastle win at Wolves...

Harvey Barnes' stunning

Newcastle's unbeaten start aftertheMagpiescamefrom behindtowinatWolves.

The winger, on as a

substitute,curledinfrom20 yards with 10 minutes left soon after Fabian Schar had levelled Mario Lemina's first goal since February gave the hosts the lead but Gary O'Neil's side remain winless from their opening four games Newcastle started strongly and Wolves

keeper Sam Johnstone tipped Jacob Murphy's shot over after the winger burst through, prompting an


Thevisitorscontinuedto make the early running and AnthonyGordonhitthepost

whenheghostedpastNelson Semedo and nutmegged YersonMosquera.

But Wolves settled and Leminaputthemaheadnine minutes before half-time, sweeping in Jorgen Strand Larsen's cross after Joao Gomes'cutedummy

Newcastle manager

Eddie Howe had seen enough and sent on Barnes, Sandro Tonali and Joe WillockforAlexsandarIsak, Sean Longstaff and Joelintonatthebreak.

Yet the changes failed to have an immediate impact and, after Johnstone saved Bruno Guimaraes' strike, Strand Larsen came close to doublingWolves' lead when he hit the post after 52 minutes.

NickPopedeniedStrand Larsen and Matheus Cunha but Schar levelled with 15 minutes left when his 30yard effort clipped Craig Dawson and flew in before Barnes'superbgoalwonit.

Pope denied Cunha a stoppage-time leveller and Barnes could have added a third for Newcastle, only to dink wide with just Johnstonetobeat.

Inter Miami 3-1 Philadelphia Union: Messi stars with brace on injury return

(SportsMax) - Lionel

Messi led Inter Miami's comeback, getting a brace and an assist on his return frominjuryina3-1winover PhiladelphiaUnion.

The Argentine had been out with an ankle injury he sustained in the Copa Americafinal,butheslotted straightbackintotheline-up after an eight-match absence.

Philadelphia made a dream start against the Eastern Conference leaders, with Mikael Uhre latching onto a loose clearance from Tomas Aviles before coolly slotting in from the edge of theDafterjust58seconds.

Messigothisfirstgoalin the 26th minute, with Luis

Suarezcushioningtheballto him before he rounded the defendertolevelthescore.

He then gave Miami the leadjustfourminuteslater–Alba,inacresofspacedown the left, squared it to Messi forafirst-timefinishthrough JackElliott'slegs.

Suarez thought he had scored a third just after the break with a lovely bending effortintothenearpost,only tobedeniedbyatightoffside inthebuild-up. Buthewouldgethisgoal in the 98th minute, with Messi unselfishly setting himupinsteadofgoingfora hat-trick,andtheUruguayan swept it into the back of the net.

Miami now have a 10-

Cincinnati at the top of the Eastern Conference, while Philadelphia sit in 11th place.

Data Debrief: Back with abang...

Miami have not exactly been missing Messi during his injury absence, with Suarez, who netted his 17th goaloftheseasonthisgame, picking up the goalscoring mantle in the meantime, but it was a welcome return nonetheless.

The 37-year-old became the fastest player in MLS historytoreach15goalsand 15 assists, doing so in 19 games. Sebastian Giovinco previously held the record (29matches).

Harvey Barnes came on at half time as part of a triple substitution by Eddie Howe (Getty Images)
Lionel Messi

Piastri wins as Norris gains on Verstappen in Azerbaijan

(BBC Sport) - Lando

N o r r i s d r o v e a n extraordinary race to catch and pass title rival Max Verstappen as his McLaren team-mateOscarPiastriwon an engrossing Azerbaijan GrandPrix.

The race ended under a virtual safety car after a crash between Red Bull’s Sergio Perez and Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz, who collided while disputing third place withtwolapstogo.

Piastri pulled off an audacious pass on Charles Leclerc, who had led from poleposition,totakethelead shortly after both had made their only pit stop for fresh tyresandheldonfortherest of the race under immense pressurefromtheFerrari.

And Norris fought back afterhislatepitstop,having started from 15th place on the hard tyre while the leaders chose mediums, to pass Verstappen with three lapstogo.

He took fourth place, promoted from sixth by the Perez-Sainz crash, one ahead of Verstappen, who hadstartednineplacesahead oftheMcLarendriver

TheresultmeansNorris, whoalsoscoredthepointfor fastest lap, reduced Verstappen’s championship leadbythreepointsonaday he would have started expectingtoloseground.

Norris is 59 points behind Verstappen with seven races to go and a maximum of 206 still available.

AndMcLarenhavetaken the lead in the constructors’ championship from Red Bull,takinga20-pointlead. HowdidPiastriwin?

Leclerc converted his pole position into a lead at thefirstcornerandappeared to take control of the race during the first stint, pulling out a six-second lead before Piastri made his pit stop on lap15.

Leclerc followed him in a lap later and in theory should have easily had sufficientcushiontoholdthe leadtotheend.

Leclerc said he felt he andFerrarihadnotmadethe right set-up choices for the hard tyre because he had done no race-simulation running as a result of problems in Friday practice, andhestruggledafterhispit stopasaresult.

Piastri closed in on the Ferrari,takinghischanceon fresh tyres and, on lap 20, made a brave, late dive for theinsideofTurnOnetotake thelead.

“They had a lower downforce package and we hadabitmoredownforcebut

in the straights they were flying and that is probably where we lost the race,” Leclercsaid.

“Whenheovertookme,I was not too worried I thought I would stick with him and overtake him again once the tyres were up to temperature.

But that opportunity neveraroseagain.

They were too quick on the straights. It was a small misjudgementbutithurts.”

Itwasasuperbmoveand seemed to catch Leclerc somewhatoffguard.Hetold

Piastri in the green room before the podium that he hadbrakedathisnormalspot andexpectedtheMcLarento sailonpasttheapex.

Although Piastri was now in the lead, Leclerc was not done there, and he stuck hard to the McLaren, with Perez close behind, tryingtofindanopening

For many laps the three circulated together, with Ferrari urging Leclerc on overtheradio

A few times Leclerc was close enough to try a move into Turn One, but

Dvalishvili upsets O’Malley to win title at UFC Noche

(BBC Sport) - Merab

Dvalishvili upset Sean

O’Malley to win the bantamweight title in a unanimous-decision win at UFCNocheinLasVegas. Georgia’s Dvalishvili, 33, out-wrestled American O’Malley in a typically relentless display of grappling in the first sporting event to take place attheSphere.


The bout saw some

Dvalishvili was warned by

the referee for arguing with O’Malley’scoachinthefirst round and kissing his opponentinthesecond.

The victory extends Dvalishvili’s win streak to 11withO’Malley-regarded by many as the next global star of the UFC - losing his beltinhisseconddefence.

“Today I’m the best fighter in the UFC, I prove [it],” said an emotional Dvalishvili “Nothing surprised me, I can go 15 roundslikethis.He’sagreat

fighter but I made him look normal.”Theco-mainevent saw Kyrgyzstan’s Valentina Shevchenko grind out a unanimous-decision win overMexico’sAlexaGrasso toregaintheflyweighttitle.

The bout, which was first women’s trilogy bout in UFC history, saw Shevchenko dominate on the ground throughout as the 36-year-old became a two-timechampion

The event, which cost the UFC $20m (£15 3m) to

host at the Sphere, the entertainment venue which describesitselfasa“world-



A movie, split into c h a p t e r s , p l a y e d throughout the evening on the enormous LED screens coating the inside of arena which paid tribute to Mexico, its history and culture

Piastri always covered the inside line and had just enough to hold the Ferrari at bay with aggressive but cleandefence.

Into the closing laps, Leclerc began to struggle with his rear tyres and he dropped back from Piastri, the race now won for the Australian Leclercnowhadtofend off Perez and Sainz, who had a lonely race for much of the duration but closed on the top three during the final stages as Piastri measured his pace to hold offLeclerc

The dramatic climax was triggered when Perez wentforamoveonLeclerc at the start of lap 50, with twotogo Leclerc held him off into Turn One and Sainz was able sneak by the Red BullbeforeTurnTwo Perez got a better run through the corner and began to edge alongside the Ferrari on the followingstraight

The Red Bull had its front wheel inside Sainz’s rear and the two touched, spinning violently into the wall and taking both out of therace

The incident promoted G e o r g e R u s s e l l ’s Mercedes into third placethe Briton had a quiet first stint but began to make ground in the second stint and was able to pass Verstappen and Norris into whatwasfifthplacebefore theSainz-Perezcrash

McLaren’s Oscar Piastri celebrates with a trophy on the podium (Reuters)
Merab Dvalishvili has won 11 of his 13 fights in the UFC (Getty Images)

Canada beat Britain to reach Davis Cup quarter-finals

(Reuters) - Canada powered into the quarterfinals of the Davis Cup for thethirdstraightyearwitha victory over Britain on Sunday, while the Netherlands advanced despite a narrow defeat by defendingchampionsItaly

Needingonlyonematch win in Manchester to eliminate the hosts and top Group D, Canada got the job done in double quick time as Denis Shapovalov dismissedDanEvans6-075 before celebrating by eatingicecreamoncourt.

"It definitely wasn't easytoplayagainstsomany Britons," said Shapovalov, whokepthiscoolinfrontof a partisan crowd of around 15,000fans

"I've experienced it in thepastaswell Ijusttried tostayfocused,triedtostay in my bubble and tried to stay ahead as much as I could because I could feel Dan getting pumped up and the crowd getting pumped up.

"Itwasdefinitelystarting to turn, so I'm very happy I was able to get it done in straightsets."

Felix Auger-Aliassime gave the 2022 winners an unassailable 2-0 lead by outlasting British number one Jack Draper 7-6(8) 7-5 inahigh-qualityclash.

Britain then ensured the crowd had something to cheer about as Henry Patten and Neal Skupski


Galarneau 7-56-4.

The Final 8 knockout stage will be held in Malaga from Nov. 19-24, with a draw taking place this week to determine ties



s, Spain, Australia, the United States, Germany, Canada

and Argentina have qualified

With world number

one Jannik Sinner watching on in Bologna, Italy surged to a 2-0 lead

against the Netherlands to top Group A after Matteo Berrettini beat BoticvandeZandschulp3-6 6-4 6-4 and Flavio Cobolli downed Tallon Griekspoor 7-6(4)4-66-3.

The Dutch did not lose hope and advanced as runners-up when

Wesley Koolhof and Van de Zandschulp defeated Simone Bolelli and Andrea Vavassori 7-6(6) 7-5inthedoublesmatch.

Spain rested world

s Alcaraz for their tie with Australia but earned a hard-fought 2-1 victory t




rcel Granollers and Pedro Martinez rallied past Matthew Ebden and Max Purcell5-76-46-4.

Pablo Carreno Busta had given Spain the lead with a 2-6 6-2 7-6(3) win over Jordan Thompson but Alexei Popyrin beat Martinez 6-4 6-4 to draw lastyear'srunners-uplevel.

Canada's Felix Auger-Aliassime in action during his singles match against Britain's Jack Draper (Reuters)

Jones to defend title against Miocic in November

(BBCSport)-JonJones willdefendhisheavyweight title against former champion Stipe Miocic at UFC309inNewYorkon16 November

TheAmerican pair were due to fight last November but the fight was cancelled after 37-year-old Jones suffered a pectoral injury in thebuild-up.

Meanwhile, Michael Chandler will face Brazil's Charles Oliveira in the comain event American Chandler was set to face Conor McGregor in June, but the fight was called off aftertheIrishmansuffereda toe injury Chandler, 38, said in a post on Instagram, external he did not want to wait any longer for McGregor's return but is open to facing him once he "gets his house inorder".

F o r m e r d o u b l e champion McGregor, 36, has not fought since

breakinghisleginadefeat byDustinPoirierin2021.

The fights were confirmed by the UFC during its broadcast of UFCNocheinLasVegas

F o l l o w i n g t h e cancellation of Jones and 42-year-old Miocic's fight last November, Britain's TomAspinallsteppedinon short notice to knock out Russia'sSergheiPavlovich

to win the interim heavyweightbelt.

Aspinall, 31, has repeatedly called for a unification fight with Jones, but the 37-year-old and the UFC have remained intent on rescheduling the bout with former two-time champion Miocic In July, UFC president Dana White confirmed Aspinall would face the winner of Jones and Miocic, but there is speculation the pair could retire following their fight atMadisonSquareGarden.

GBA Technical Director applauds acquisition of new Boxing Ring - U16 Programme

Guyana Boxing

Association ( G B A )

Technical Director Terrence

Poole said that the acquisition of the new boxing ring, which was facilitatedbytheMinistryof Culture, Youth, and Sport, will allow the entity to decentralisetheirexistingU16 programme, with the community of Vergenoegen set to take centre stage on Saturday,September21st.

The event, which is hostedtwicepermonth,will occur at 17:00hrs at the community’s rice mill tarmacwiththeutilisationof theolderring.

The major gyms that have confirmed their participationaretheAndrew ‘Six Head’Lewis, Pace and Power,PocketRocket,Rose Hall Jammers, New Amsterdam Academy, Bailey, and ForgottenYouth F o u n d a t i o n a n d Vergenoegen.

Theannualinitiativehas formed the backbone of GBA’s nursery programme, and with the attainment of the new ring, will allow the association to utilise the older equipment to be transported to the various venuesgoingforward.

Huis T’ Dieren crowned Champions of Champions in Future Warriors Tapeball

Huis T’ Dieren Primary came and conquered tosealtheprizedChampion of Champions title in the Future Warriors Tapeball Tournament, powered by ExxonMobilGuyana.

A display of immense discipline and skill saw thempowertothetitleinan unbeaten run at the Georgetown Cricket Club, Bourda, on Saturday afternoon.

The tournament featured the three county t o u r n a m e n t champions Stella Maris (Demerara), Cropper Primary(Berbice),andHuis

T’ Dieren Primary (Essequibo)—in a double round-robin format of eight overs per side and a grand final.

WithStellaMarisunable to win any of their league matches,itwasclearthatthe formidable Cropper and Huis T’Dieren would meet i n t h e u l t i m a t e championshipmatch.

Opting to bat first, Cropperposted67-3,ledby skipperJaydenGarner,who made26(4x4s;1x6)from11 balls,whileTejpaulPersaud (15*)andLiamBudram(9).

AaronDaCostaledfrom the front once again as he took 3-12 from two overs, giving his team the perfect start in the chase with 16 (1x4;1x6)fromsevenballs.

Lokeraj Persaud and Jael Bissoon then quickly

Linden is slated to host theinitiativetwoweeksafter Vergenoegen Similarly, Berbice is scheduled to take centre stage following the conclusion of the Linden date Terrence Poole, Technical Director of the GBA, said, “This is one of the GBA developmental programme where we are f o c u s e d o n t h e decentralisationofboxingin Guyana. Georgetown is not

Guyana, and this is the starting point. Linden and Berbice are also scheduled, but everyone will have a shareofthespotlight.”

According to Poole, the evolution of the initial U-16 initiative will naturally increase the volume of competitors, noting, “This will allow us to have even more boxers competing, whichaddstoourlocaltalent pool. More fighters means

billed for September 21

more competitions and will naturallytakethesporttothe next level at this stage. The boxers will have to further improve because they will have more competitors in eachdivision.”

He further said, “Local boxing will develop, which will improve our regional competitiveness, which will in turn help to continue and sustainoursuperiorityasthe leading nation in the


“ O v e r a l l , t h i s developmental program is veryimportanttousbecause Georgetown is not Guyana and everyone would like to see their champions and fighters compete at home and get a first-hand look so that they can assess their qualityandrecognisewhois atalentforthefuture,”Poole added.

turned the dream into reality, making 22 and 20, respectively As the only team with both male and femaleplayers,theyreached 69-1in5.2overs.

Persaud struck three foursandonesixinthenine balls he faced, while Bissoon got two fours and onesixfrom12balls.

Garner (1-29 from two overs) was the lone wickettakerfortheBerbiceoutfit.

The talented cricketer, the nephew of national player Jonathan Foo, ended the tournament as the leading run scorer with 124 runsinfourinnings.

Aaron DaCosta was the leading wicket-taker ( five wicketsinfourinningsatan average of 12.2 and an economyrateof7.62).

DaCosta was also named the Most Valuable Player for his standout performance with the ball and122runswiththebat.

Huis T’ Dieren will return to play a novelty match against the Guyana Amazon Warriors on Sunday, September 22, at theGuyanaMarriott.

Theothertwoteamswill also be present to engagein interactivesessionswiththe Warriors.

Apart from those lifelong memories of interacting with their local heroes, each team once again took home gear for


New Bartica Primary ‘Schools Football League’ to foster Youth Development among 11 Schools

(GFF)-TheBarticaInter Primary Schools Boys Football League, has kicked off, providing youths from 11 schools with the opportunity to capitalize on sportsdevelopment.

Theleague,organizedby theDepartmentofEducation in collaboration with the BarticaFootballAssociation ( B FA ) , o ff i c i a l l y commenced on Wednesday, August 11, at the Bartica Community Centre Ground and aims to promote a love

for football while

encouraging youth developmentintheregion.

T h e 11 s c h o o l s competingwithintheleague hailfromBarticaandLower Mazaruniareas.

Mark Ambrose, Sports

Organiser with the Department of Education, highlighted that the league’s primary goal is to engage students in regular football matches, helping to nurture theirskills.

“We aim to instill a passion for football at the primary school level and encourage consistent

gameplaytoaidinthefuture development of young players,”saidAmbrose. Hefurthernotedthatthis initiative will extend opportunities beyond the players, benefiting aspiring coaches,referees,managers, and administrators from local schools and the wider community The league will see each schoolcompetingagainstthe others twice over several months, providing ample game time for all participants. Games will be held on Wednesdays at the Bartica Community Centre Ground initially, with the potential for expansion into other communitiestodrivegreater localinvolvement.

This initiative coincides with the observance of Education Month, underliningtheroleofsports in educational development.

Alden Marslowe, President of the Bartica Football Association, underscored the importance of this partnership with the DepartmentofEducation.

“Itisanexcitingtimefor thoseofuswholovefootball to realize that those who are tasked with the delivery of educationarealsointerested in the development of the game,”hestated.

Marslowe added that the extended duration of the league will significantly e n h a n c e p l a y e r development.

“By the time we complete the league, each team would have played a minimum of twenty matches, which aligns perfectly with the Association’s vision for development.”

He also encouraged schools to identify potential coaches and managers who could benefit from

upcoming capacity-building programmefacilitatedbythe Guyana Football Federation (GFF) in collaboration with theBFA.

Commending the introduction of the league GFF President, Wayne Forde said; “I am proud of the work and effort being made by President

Marslowe and his executive committee to grow football across the communityofBartica.

They have been resourceful while building partnerships with key stakeholders as they implement various initiatives ”

“This is an example I am sure other Regional Associations would be inclined to follow,” he added Sofar,St John-theBaptist and Batavia Primary Schools have emerged as early leaders, with two wins each following the first day of play

Participating schools

include St JohntheBaptist, St Anthony’s,

Potaro, Two Miles, Agatash, Karrau Creek, Batavia, Iteballi, Kartabo, Falmouth,andHolyName

The Bartica Primary SchoolsFootballLeagueis

expectedtobeasignificant p l a t f o r m f o r t h e development of young football talent, as well as the wider football communityintheregion

Bartica FAPresident, Alden Marslowe

“We not into talking business”

– Slingerz Racing stables aims to defend President’s Cup title


P r e s i d e n t ’ s C u p Championships winning racing stable, Slingerz Racing Stables, are strong believers of ‘actions speak louderthanwords’.

While other racing stables are sharing their sentiments on winning the President’s Cup come Sunday, September 22 at Rising Sun Turf Club, West CoastBerbice,JavidAliand his Slingerz Racing stables are focused on successfully defendingtheirtitle.

“We not into the talking business, come President’s Cup 2024, we would be theretodefendourtitle,”Ali said.

The decorated Slingerz Racingstableswillhavethe defending President’s Cup champion, John Bull out to defend, while the Guyana Cup champion Olympic Kremlinwillbeouttoattack andreignsupreme.Olympic Kremlin, who was imported

from Brazil, looked a class apartattheGuyanaCupwith acrushingwin.

Js Racing stables have recently imported two horses from Brazil, and one that will be eyeing to beat Olympic Kremlin at the President’s Cup feature event is Mapa Do Brazil. In addition to Js Racing Stables, Jumbo Jet Racing Stables, Jagdeo’s Racing Stables, and Simply Royal Racing Stables will be out forgloryatPresident’sCup.

Reliable reports have also come from the

Corentyne area in Berbice, that more new horses were imported after the Guyana Cup, last month. The high caliber of horses sets the playing field level, and fans will be treated to another episode of quality horse racing.

Nine races are on the program for the 2024 President’s Cup, and more thanG$15millionwillbeup

Barcelona reject Arsenal’s world-record Walsh bid

(BBC Sport) - Arsenal had a world-record bid for England midfielder Keira Walsh turned down late in the Women’s Super League transferwindow

The 27-year-old has a year remaining on her contractatBarcelonabutthe European champions were notwillingtosellher It has been reported in SpanishmediathatArsenal’s bidwasworth£930,000.

Barcelona would have had until Monday to find a replacement as that is when the transfer window for Spain’sLigaFcloses.

TheWSLwindowclosed at23:00BSTonFriday Walsh has already informedBarcathatshedoes not intend to renew her contract next summer so is likely to leave on a free transfer, unless they persuadeherotherwise.

T h e E n g l a n d international was signed by Barcelonain2022forathenworldrecordfeeof£400,000 fromManchesterCity

Zambia’s Racheal Kundananji has since become the most expensive player,joiningBayFCfrom Madrid CFF in a deal worth

for grabs. The feature race will be open to all horses, three-year-old and over, running at an approximate distance of eight furlongs.

Entries have opened and should close on September 17 Organizers have indicatedthatno

£685,000inFebruary Walsh has won back-toback league and European titleswithBarcelona.

Coach Pere Romeu told reporters, external on Thursday: “There’s no case forKeiraleaving.She’sbeen with us throughout preseasonandisakeyplayerfor us.

“She totally gets our style of play, is super professional,andhasshown an amazing attitude and commitment from day one. So, we’re definitely countingonherthisseason.”

Walsh started Barca’s opening home game of the season on Friday, claiming an assist in a 3-1 win over RealSociedad.

Javid Ali, owner of Slingerz Racing Stables addressing the media at Guyana Cup 2024
Keira Walsh

not into talking business”

Slingerz Racing stables will be out to defend their title at President’s Cup – Slingerz Racing stables aims to defend President’s Cup title

Huis T’ Dieren crowned Champions of Champions in Future Warriors Tapeball

The victorious Huis T’Dieren Primary School along with officials from ExxonMobil Guyana celebrate their success of winning the Champion of Champions edition

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