Kaieteur News

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Jagdeo dodging giveaway of Kaieteur and Canje oil blocks - Nigel Hughes

Leader of the Alliance government between 2015 and tentative relationship

running the basics, why two For Change (AFC), and and2020,said,itwouldbeof w i t h t h

h a n d oil blocks- the Canje and prominent Attorney-at-Law, greater significance if the responsibility; as a Kaieteur Blocks were Nigel Hughes has called out past President could explain consequence, the disclosure actuallyallocated.” Vice President, Bharrat the giveaway of the oil of how the corn is being

The Leader of the Jagdeo for failing to address blocks. The Vice President sharedisneverdisclosed.”

Alliance For Change was the suspicious giveaway of however completely glossed

The award of the oil adamantthatleadersmustbe two of the country’s largest over this issue at his most blocks to the companies was willing to engage on such oil blocks, the Kaieteur and recent media engagement. especially concerning since issues lest the country Canje, by the PPP/C Jagdeo however addressed the ultra-deep drilling is emerges as a ‘Banana government led then by comments made by the AFC required for those blocks, a Republic’orapoliticallyand PresidentDonaldRamotar. Leader on cybercrime and technique which only a economically unstable

The Canje Block was even the use of contractors handful of companies in the country with an economy awarded by the Ramotar’s forgovernmentprojects. world have the technology, dependentupontheexportof administration on March 4, In an invited comment, track record, and capability natural resources. “We must 2015, days before that year’s Hughes told this newspaper toexecute. be willing to discuss General and Regional that the citizens of Guyana

AFC Leader, Nigel Hughes

The red flags which have corruption because the track Elections, to a local are entitled to a response manifested in both situations record that we have got as a company, Mid-Atlantic Oil explaining the giveaway of include that the awards were country suggests that with andGas.

Resources, Robert Persaud, the two oil blocks. He hinted given to unq

due to the avoidance of an the wealth that we have, all

Similarly, the Kaieteur Ramotarhadsaid. that the politician was companies, that the initial open, competitive bidding that we are going to do is Block was awarded on April At the AFC’s press deliberately dodging the owners quickly flipped the process. become a rich Banana 28, 2015, just two weeks conference two weeks ago, issue. The Lawyer however blocks without doing any As such, Hughes Republic. We are not going before the elections, and like Hughes while responding to madeitclear,“It’stheState’s work,

e previously said, “As Mr to achieve anything other the Canje Block, it was done Jagdeo’s invitation to assets,notthegovernmentin incorporated in ‘secrecy’ Jagdeo has invited us to than that. We will become a based on the advice of address corruption during office during an election jurisdictions, and that

f rich Banana Republic with former Minister of Natural the APNU/AFC’s tenure in period. Jagdeo has a casual Guyana likely lost revenue corruption, he perhaps lots of roads, lots of hotels would like to tell us why (and) most of the citizens within the last month before can’t even afford to survive the 2015 elections two oil because of the cost-of-living blocks, during an election and we have these vacuous campaign period, where the discussions about corruption government activity is thatarenotbasedonanysort supposed to be reduced to ofdata,”heargued.

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo

ExxonM must be held liable for all oil spill costs - T&T oil expert

E…urges Guyana to take urgent measures to ensure company does not dodge responsibilities

S t a

provided a US$600 million saying I gonna give the Guyana’s oil operations producing about 645,000 insurance policy per oil spill Guyanese government, let’s could potentially impact a barrels per day at three event Citizens however say US$20M and put it into dozen Caribbean nations, he projects, the Liza One, Liza argue that it is the state that an account so just in case of urged that a proactive TwoandPayara will be made to cover any an oil spill, you’re going to approach to such a situation

To this end, Rampersad destruction above that sum. indemnify us. They mad or was not only necessary, but said, “ExxonMobil is N o t a b l y, G u

’s what? You cannot do that! urgentlyrequired. s u p p o s e d


Caribbean neighbours are Look at the production rate

“Because if ExxonMobil responsibility for all costs not covered under that oil in Guyana now Guyana’s come and say listen, this associated with an oil spillprovision. production rate is close to thing happened, and we spill…Exxon cannot give a T h e Tr i n i d a d i a n one million barrels per day going to sell out the assets, certain amount of money to therefore urged Guyana to and if that happened to be let’s say to Shell, what’s the Guyanese government ensure it is not left on the spill you know what would going to happen? They

xxonMobil must in a recent interview with and say listen in the case of hook to clean up after the happen and who is going to cannot sell that; you have to not be allowed to this publication. Rampersad an oil spill do not hold us


company Rampersad said, beresponsible?”

Guyana who spent over 30 years in a liable,youhavetoindemnify “It cannot be ExxonMobil Considering the fact that Rampersadsaid.

limited protection to cover senior management position us.” costs associated with an oil at British Petroleum (BP) Guyana has accepted a spill The multinational Trinidad and Tobago, US$2B oil spill guarantee corporation, presently pointed to the importance of from ExxonMobil and its earning billions of US- the company taking full two Co-Venturers, Hess dollars from Guyana’s responsibility for an oil spill Guyana Exploration Limited resources, must instead be which can occur, citing and CNOOC Petroleum held liable for any and all Guyana’s massive daily Guyana Limited, as the case costs related to such a offshore production now for full liability protection disaster nearingonemillionbarrels. continues in the Court of This was stressed by a Presently, ExxonMobil Appeal. Trinidad and Tobago oil Guyana Limited (EMGL), In addition to the limited expert, Kuarlal Rampersad the operator of the prolific guarantee, Exxon has also

Saipem launches 2024 Community Development Initiatives in Guyana

Italian oilfield company- women aged 18 to 30 weeks,whiletheeducational Saipem has announced the Selected through a courses for single mothers launch of its 2024 Local collaboration with Women will last seven weeks with Community Initiatives Across Differences, these possibility for advanced and (LCIs) Plan in Guyana, by young women will receive a prolonged attendance. Both which Saipem is stepping up full scholarship to attend the initiatives kick off this i t s c o m m i t m e n t t o Global Technology Institute, month. Similarly to what has strengthening relationships gaining essential skills to been done in 2023, this year with local residents and enhance their career Saipem will additionally communitystakeholders. prospects and overall life focus on an internship

In a statement, the quality program, providing valuable company said it has always E d u c a t i o n a l work experience to six been engaged in creating Opportunities for Single students coming from lasting value for the Mothers: Recognizing the technical vocational schools communities where the unique challenges faced by like GTI (Government company operates In single mothers, Saipem will Technical Institute) and alignment with this vision, support eight Guyanese GITC (Guyana Industrial Saipemin2024willfocuson single mothers to return to TrainingCenter)andtothree empowering individuals and school. These mothers will final-year engineering fostering community growth have the opportunity to students from the University throughtargetedinvestments enroll in courses at esteemed ofGuyana. andsocialprogrammes. institutions including the Saipem’s2024initiatives The company said this Government Technical represent a significant year, it is partnering with the Institute (GTI), Guyana evolution of the company’s Women Across Differences Industrial Technical Center, community engagement to launch two impactful Institute of Distance and efforts, dedicated to making initiatives aimed at Continuing Education, and a tangible difference in the supporting women and Carnegie School of lives of Guyanese society single mothers in Guyana. Economics. This initiative Saipem’s commitment to Computer Literacy for aims to empower them with ongoing community Single Young Women: In an the skills needed to support development and support effort to bridge the digital their families and advance reflects its belief in the divide, Saipem will provide theirpersonaldevelopment. power of education and computer literacy training The Computer Literacy opportunity to drive positive for five single, unemployed Programme will span eight change.

CDB and


sign procurement framework

pact - agreement aimed at boosting efficiency in co-financed projects

Acting Vice-President (Operations) Therese Turner-Jones signs the dotted line at the Bank’s Headquarters in Barbados

The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have signed a landmarkAgreement to enhance the procurement policies in jointly funded effectiveness of project procurement projects. processes.

This innovative approach addresses the

This Agreement, which applies to joint complexities arising from varying co-financed projects, is designed to simplify procurement frameworks of international procurement procedures, reduce transaction institutions, which often result in costs, and improve project planning and inefficienciesduringprojectimplementation. execution across the Caribbean, CDB said in By recognising that the two organisations apressrelease. share core procurement principles of

The Procurement Framework Agreement economy, efficiency, transparency, fairness, builds on the longstanding partnership and accountability, theAgreement allows for between CDB and IFAD. It establishes a mutualrelianceontheirrespectiveproject collaborative structure where both (Continued on page 9) institutionswillmutuallyrelyoneachother’s

Former Head of Maintenance and Reliability at BP Trinidad and Tobago, Kuarlal Rampersad


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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Peace, love, and brotherhood

OnMondayasacountrywecelebratedthebirthofthe Prophet Muhammad a day designated by our Muslim b

Nabi Prophet Muhammad stands as a stirring example of the differenceonemancanmake.

The changes that one can bring about leave us awed and inspired. It makes us want to do whatever little that we can do at the individual level to change the world in whichwelive,tomakeourtimesbetter. Inatimeofmajor developments in Guyana, of monumental changes, we cannot go on as we always have, through reliving the failuresofthepast. Wemustpreparetodoourlittlethat contributes to meaningful change, impacting nation and contemporariesforthebetter Peace, love, and brotherhood are some of the ingredientsofYoumanNabi.

As Guyanese, we would do ourselves justice in our reflectionstocutthroughthenoiseofwarringvoicesand get to a place of inner peace, and when we achieve that inner peace, then we are better positioned to spread its serenegracewhereverwego,beforewhomeverwecome across. ThevoicesatwarinGuyanaaremanyandtheyare loud,soitisanuphillbattletogoagainstthattide,buttry wemustinthisrupturedland.

We have been blessed with so much and in so many ways that they leave in wonderment. There are more natural resources than our neighbours, and still there is only limited awareness of the magnitude of our gifts. Otherthanforfloodings,thiscountryislessexposedtothe forcesofnature,whichbatterthisregionannuallyalmost unfailingly

Forsuchcircumstances,onlygratitudecanflow,and there must be the determination that our thanksgiving extends to all (and for all) who share our space and our newdawningAge.

Foratruthmustbelookedat,regardlessofhowmuch recoilingitbrings. Wearesupremelyrichinnature’sgifts, ofthattherecanbenoquestion.

Yet we are so dirt poor on those matters that mean the most, which include how to exist in a peaceful state, that state of love and brotherhood that has escapedus

Itisbecausewehaveneverreallytriedtoconfront our nightmares, and work through them to see where they lead, and what possible light could be waiting ahead Ournationaljourneyhasbeenrockytotwisted todownwardformostofourexistence,butthereisthe faith that there is some higher ground somewhere ahead,nomatterhowslight

It is why we keep struggling against the odds, against the resistances, against slippery territory underfoot to find that space where there is understanding For understanding is a moment for appreciating, and from there are the first solid planks fortolerating,risingtohigherground

Unless we come to grips with the wisdom that tolerating and including are what will empower us to extract the most from the riches that have come our way,thentheremayaswellbenooilorgoldortimber, forallthattheywouldcometomean

Instead of seeing each other as competitors for a piece of the pie, our position is that it is much more rewarding and nationally enhancing to look upon one another as partners Our energies must be devoted towards the fulsome, so that we can replace the quarrelsome and wearisome We are bleeding, and all that we seem to be capable of is slashing each other some more We have not really given any other way a chance It is definite that we must make the sturdiest effortstodosonow:peace,love,brotherhood

Guyana Oil Share: 1.29 Barrels of oil out of every 100 Barrels

DEAREDITOR, It has been reported that Guyana received $336 billionin2023fromoil,and had to pay $306 billion in taxes for ExxonMobil and partners (KN: Sept. 13, 2024).

The implication which

can be drawn from this distribution of total revenue isthatGuyanaonlyreceived G$30 billion ($336B$306B) from the total sales ofoilin2023.

Is this amount of $30 billion equal to 14.5 percent of total revenue (12 5 percent of total revenue as profit plus 2 percent as Royalty) as stated in the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA)? The answertothequestionisno; andhereisthecalculation.

Since Guyana received $336 billion, and given that Guyana must receive 14.5 percentoftotalrevenue,this implies that total revenue is $2,317.2 billion, of which EMGL, Hess and CNOOC, the consortium, received $2,287.2 billion, which is equivalentto85.5percentof totalrevenue(Table1).

However, the real share of oil between Guyana and the consortium is much worse. In particular, with Guyana paying from its share of oil revenue, the

taxes of the consortium, the net share of total revenue that Guyana receives of $30 billionisameaslyamountof only 1.29 percent of total revenue; while the

consortium receives 98.71 percent of total revenue (Table1).Inotherwords,out ofevery100hundredbarrels ofoil,Guyanaonlyreceived 1 29 barrels of oil, as

comparedwith98.71barrels for the consortium. Additionally, since Guyana owns the resource, this lopsidedPSAarrangement (Continuedonpage06)

Govt. continuing its mental health awareness and accommodation



, I take note that the MinisterofHealth,Dr Frank Anthony, recently reemphasised the importance of mental well-being. He succinctly stated that “Mental health is integral to ourwell-being,yetitisoften overlooked or stigmatised.”

And as we all know this is a global reaction. He added that “In Guyana, like in many other countries, mental health issues affect individuals, families, and communities, impacting everyaspectoflife.”

This outlook is in sync with the World Health Organization (WHO), as it seesmentalhealthasa“state of well-being in which the individualrealizeshisorher own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully,andisabletomake a contribution to his or her community.”

W h a t i s v e r y commendable is that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Government is very committed to prioritising, promoting, and protecting mental health. Its focus is on preventing mental disorders and ensuring that mental health services be accessible to all, no matter the location. This isindeedquitenecessaryand urgent, as mental health

statistics in the world show thatsome100millionpeople are living with a mental disorder (with anxiety and depression being the most common), leading to health conditions that cause difficulties in all aspects of life, including relationships with family, friends and community They can also lead to problems at school andatwork.

So, what is the PPP/C Government’sresponse?

Ithasteamedupwiththe Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organisation(PAHO/WHO) to develop the National Mental Health Action Plan 2024-2030. This plan, as outlined in the press, details a “ comprehensive framework for addressing the country’s mental health needs, focusing on ensuring access to quality services and safeguarding the rights of those with mental disorders.”Afterall,thegoal of the WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health is to ensure universal health coverage, involving access toqualityandaffordablecare for mental health, neurological and substance use conditions for 100 millionmorepeople.

In Guyana, this is the current direction too, as the thrust of the action plan is “… the implementation of

theMentalHealthProtection and Promotion Act which mandates the establishment of all necessary authorities, and bodies required to enforce mental health laws. Thisisincludingthetraining of mental health teams across the country’s health regions.”

Thisisabigundertaking anditiscomfortingtoknow that the country’s various teams will be trained under the WHO Quality Rights programme,whichpromotes a ‘whole-of-society’ approach to improving mental health. This means that the government will push for these vulnerable citizens to be afforded safe communities that are accepting, supportive and freeofviolence,andlivingin housing that is clean and wellmaintained.

When it comes to the monetary aspect to pull off this,“…aminimumof5per cent of the national health budget to mental health serviceswillbeutilised,and thistranslatestoasignificant amount. Let’s recall that the 2024 National Budget earmarked some $129 8 billion for health overall. Involved in this input is the “ promise to invest heavilyinobjectivessuchas the expansion of diagnostic services countrywide; adequate procurement and

supply of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies and expansion of the range of medical personnel and services.”In2023,thefigure was $90.2 billion, and the jump will now allow for ongoing efforts to expand andenhancehealthfacilities and diagnostic capabilities acrossthecountry Editor, Guyanese can help create a healthy atmosphere for the mentally affected. There is the ongoing national mental health information and awareness campaign that is aimed at reducing stigma and discrimination against those with mental health conditions.

Even as the Ministry of Health is leading the way, citizens can offer psychosocial support that promotes mental health and well-being.

Thissupportcaninclude helping people understand and use healthcare and community services, advocatingforbasicservices and security, and supporting community networks, social groups, and social service organizations.

This will go a long way forwhatGuyanesearereally advocating,thatis,asociety without divides and discriminationsofanysort. Yourstruly, HBSingh.

The debate on whether the quality of governance being delivered by the PPP is consistent with the constitution

DEAREDITOR, I have been following, with much interest, the exchanges on the Guyana Constitution between Attorney General Anil

Nandlall and former ChancelloroftheUniversity of Guyana Dr Bertrand Ramcharan.

This is an exchange every Guyanese should follow, not only because of who are involved in the conversations,butitelevates discussions on this vital instrument which the nation’s government, development and the people’s rights is grounded in.

It is an exchange that brings to the fore the nuancesofgovernanceinthe context of the existing constitution. On one hand, there is the effort to have a frank, honest and dispassionate conversation on governance consistent withtheconstitution.Onthe otherhand,thereisaneffort to escape accountability by clutching to political deceit anddishonesty

It remains a travesty to thisnationthat58yearsafter independence and 44 years after the existence of the present constitution, this document is not yet part of the formal education structure and taught in our schools.

Idon’tbelievethisisan accident. For sinister reasons, the government feels ignorance of the constitution works to its benefit.

Were the masses exposed to learning the constitution in a structured way they would not only have held the government accountableanddemandeda better way of life, based on constitutional guarantees, but they would also have seen through Nandlall’s chicanery

The issue in the public domain raised by Professor Ramcharan is the quality of governance being delivered by the People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) consistent with the constitution. It is not the constitution being put to the test by the professor ButwhatNandlall has done is turned the issue around by saying to the nation that Ramcharan is questioning the constitution and he, Nandlall, is defending this sacred document.

He is not owning up to what everybody knows, i.e.

the Jagdeo/Ali regime is autocratic,hasnoregardfor good governance, human rights, law and order when these don’t work in their self-interest.

Nandlall spends time explaining that the constitution makes provision for the separation of power at the various levels,andcunninglyreturns to the PPP usual mantra of rigged elections by the People’s National Congress (PNC). He uses this as the onlyactandperiodofwhere a government has been in violationoftheconstitution.

Even as he attempts to speak to rig elections, he ignorestotellthisnationthat the High Court vitiated the 1997 Elections the PPP claimeditwon,freeandfair; the 2006 Elections where SamHindsoccupiedforfive years, theAFC’s Region 10 parliamentary seat; or the irregularities in the 2020 Elections within the PPP’s strongholds, particularly on the lower East Coast of Demerara. He took a wide berthfromthese.

Inhisattempttodiscredit a legitimate national concern on governance, Nandlall ignores to tell the nationofthePPP’sfailureto activatetheCoroner’sActto account for the hundreds of young men that were extrajudicially murdered during BharratJagdeo’spresidency (2002-2006).

Thisisatransgressionof the right to life, a human right, as protected in the constitution.

Article 13 of the Constitution mandates “inclusionary democracy”

as the principal objection of the political system. The Jagdeo/Ali regime has done nothing to protect and advance Every day we witness some Guyanese being pushed further and further to the brink of society We bear daily witness to constitutional violation by a government Nandlallispartofandhasa principal responsibility to ensure adherence to the constitution.

Also noted is the attorneygeneral’sattemptto deceive the nation that this regime respects collective bargaining. Let him prove thisbywithdrawingfromthe court his appeal against Justice Sandil Kissoon’s ruling in April 2024 which upholds the constitutional righttocollectivebargaining and the check-off dues for theteachers.

Further, let his regime meet the Guyana Bauxite and GeneralWorkers Union (GB&GWU) to address the redundancy payment for workers employed at Bauxite Company Guyana Inc.(BCGI).

The above represents just a few of the transgressionsthathave (Continuedonpage06)

The Seven Ponds

DEAREDITOR, On behalf of our entire family, we were pleased to see the Place of the Seven Ponds look resplendent during the solemn funeral for Sir Shridath Ramphal. Additionally, it was a pleasure to hear Mark Ramphal,SirShridath’sson, use the poem by Martin Carter, our Father, entitled ‘Death Of A Comrade’ in

tribute to “Sonny”, a friend andComradeofMartin’s.

In spite of the efforts to place a picket fence and plaque next to our Father’s place of rest, allow us to pointoutthatthephotograph on the plaque is not of Martin Wylde Carter, but insteadthatofA.J.Seymour, another of Guyana’s foremostliteraryfigures.We sincerely hope the mistake

willbecorrected,asitisalso a disservice to Mr A.J. Seymour’sfamily

For easy reference, we attach the photograph of the plaque, with inscription Martin Wylde Carter but with A J Seymour’s photograph,ondisplayatthe Place of the Seven Ponds yesterday

Sincerely, KeithH.Carter,MD

Plaque at Seven Ponds, September 14, 2024

Mr. Nath encouraged teacher Doodnauth Singh to study law



AddingtowhatRaviDev pennedasbeingapioneerin educationinGuyanaandhis activities in NY (Sep 15), Mr Rudra Nath had a very productive past and helped many including Doodnauth Singh. I knew and engaged Mr Nath quite well as a fellowPortMourantdweller Everyonewhokneworcame across Mr. Nath spoke positivelyofhim.

IdidnotstudyatNath’s.I passedCommonEntrancein 1972 to study at the prestigious Berbice High which later moved to Multilateral HS. But I knew NathfrominteractioninPort Mourant as a youngster and activist.Hewasheldinhigh esteem. He was very close with Cheddi Jagan who regularly came to Ankerville, his and my native place. The two met regularly Nath helped to organize rallies for Cheddi and planned strategies. And in New York, Nath, Bhanu Dwarika of Trinidad, BaytoramRamharack,Ravi, myself and others launched the Indo-Caribbean Federation. A few of us routinely engaged him on political history and communityactivism. Nath was a Gandhian influencing people on West Coast Demerara and East Coast Essequibo. He was immersed in Indian culture and brought people together tocelebratefestivals. Nath contributed significantly, mostly in Guyana, to the struggle against the dictatorship. It was Jagan who encouraged him to relocate from West Coast to Port Mourant.And there, he quietly contributed to the political struggle whilefoundinghighschools. It was revealed that at a meeting in Rose Hall at Dharry’s store upstairs, businessmanHubertGokool warned Jagan not to trust Burnhamintheanti-colonial movement.GokoolandNath wouldturnouttoberight.

Nath’s school. Nath helped many among the poor to obtain a high school education,whichtheywould nothaveobtainedotherwise. He kept many students in school who could not afford to pay the tuition when the rulewastokeepthemoutof classes if tuition was not paid.

Clearly,Nathwasavery caring, compassionate individualwhosegoalinlife, it seemed, was to improve the lives of the poor and downtrodden, a Jaganite philosophy

Nath encouraged all to uplift themselves through education and to pursue

practical.Those who passed GCE O’ Levels were encouragedtodoA’Levels.


famous Doodnauth Singh to pursue law While teaching at Guyana Oriental College, N

The late Mr.Alim Shah, Rhyaan’s father, made available the land to found

Doodnauth Singh who had comefromSkeldontoteach at that same school in

Georgetown. Doodnauth taught Math. Nath observed Doodnauth in the classroom and held discussions on politics and varied subjects after which he concluded that Doodnauth had lawyerly skills; Doodnauth made arguments based on facts,logicanddeduction.In addition, Doodnauth was an outstanding speaker Nath told Doodnauth he would make a great lawyer He encouraged Doodnauth to study law Nath and others pooled resources to help Doodnauth to pursue legal studies.

Doodnauth agreed to abandon teaching as a profession and to study law He later became one of Guyana’s finest and most successful lawyers and AttorneyGeneral. He was counsel to Jagan andthePPPformanyyears. He broke with Jagan over communism, Jagan’s unwillingness to strongly andpubliclysidewithIndian culture, and Jagan’s reluctance to embrace a

militant approach to confrontthedictatorship.

Years later, in the 1980s in a visit to Guyana, Nath paid a courtesy visit to Counsel Doodnauth Singh. Doodnauth embraced him and broke down in tears. Doodnauth would not have been a lawyer without Nath’s goading and support.

(As an aside, Doodnauth’s daughter, Gina, would become famous in UK over Brexit).

Asheadmaster,Nathran into conflict with Board of Governorsofschoolshecofounded because he was moreinterestedineducating youngmindswhiletheboard members were interested in making profits; education was a business for them to earn profit returns Nath wantedtoofferscholarships tosixstudentsannuallywho distinguished themselves at GCE to pursue higher learninginChicagowiththe commitment to return to teachattheschool.

It didn’t quite work out because the Board was

opposed to spending funds on scholarships It d e m o n s t r a t e d t h e gentleman’s advanced thinking.

Atatimewhenjobswere most difficult to obtain for prospective educators, Nath provided employment as teachers to several individuals who faced discrimination in hiring practices at government schools and at Christian controlled schools because they were Hindus or Christians and refused to converttogainemployment. Hehiredseveralwhodidnot exactlyexcelatGCEbuthad talent to be good educators. Nath’s school did produce outstanding students who went on to productive careersinGuyanaandinthe diaspora.

I believe Moses Nagamootoo studied at Nath’s and also became a teacher there briefly before he was recruited by Dr Jaganforbiggerplans.

Yourssincerely, VishnuBisram

Guyana Oil Share: 1.29 Barrels of oil...

Frompage04 cannot be considered to be fair, given that the tax collected at a rate of 13.2 percent of total revenue is even larger than the profit shareof12.5percentoftotal revenue.

Moretroublingisthefact that since no government pays the taxes for any company, this PSA

arrangement clearly indicates that Guyana has forfeited its legal authority and sovereignty to a foreign owned company for a 1.29 p e r c e n t - p i t t a n c e !

Therefore, the outcome of this arrangement, signals that the Parliament of Guyana, which is the sole authority to introduce taxes, has now been placed in a

nullified the Guyanese Constitution. If the Parliament is seriousaboutitswork,itwill nullify the payment by the government of the taxes on behalf of the company; and authorize the collection of taxes from the oil company in addition of the 12 5

percent share of profit and the two percent royalty The outcomeofthisarrangement will be that Guyana will receive$642B,equivalentto 27 7 percent of total Revenue, as compared with the 1.29 percent under the currentPSA(Table2).

The Guyanese people need to let their politicians know that receiving only 1.29 barrels of oil out of every 100 barrels of oil is unacceptable. Furthermore, the Government of Guyana must have the consortium pay taxes as is customary with every other business; for to have this tax giveaway for 40 years on a non-

renewable resource is

colonialism. Editor, future

incompetence, for they would only inherit token amounts in the bank, an empty hole in the ground, t

compromised environment.

Finally, given that Guyana owns the oil, but is constrained by a lopsided PSA, while receiving only 1.29barrelsoutofevery100 barrelsofoil,thiscannotbea fairdeal.Pleasefindabetter solution!


Dr C.KenrickHunte Professor and Former Ambassador

The debate on whether...

Frompage05 taken place under the Jagdeo/Aliregime. Thisisthelevelofautocracy we live in, and some are strugglingagainst.

Nandlall must walk the talk on the constitution and stoptryingtofoolthenation. People are not fooled, includingthosewhomaynot have read a word in the constitution.

This society is being suffocated by a bunch of lawless men and women, whoarepaidbythepeopleto beinservicetothepeople,as outlined in the constitution, butwhoeverydaytrampleon thetenetsoftheconstitution.




- Unusually intense fires that hit Guyana earlier in the year contributed to record

(REUTERS) - South been burned to death.” In Sao Paulo, the most America is being ravaged by Brazil, a drought that began populous city in the Western fire from Brazil’s Amazon last year has become the Hemisphere, earlier this rainforest through the worstonrecord,accordingto week had the worst air world’s largest wetlands to national disaster monitoring quality globally, higher than dry forests in Bolivia, agencyCemaden. famous pollution hotspots breaking a previous record

“In general, the 2023- like China and India, forthenumberofblazesseen 2024 drought is the most according to website inayearuptoSept.11. intense, long-lasting in some IQAir.com. Bolivia’s capital Satellitedataanalyzedby regions and extensive in of La Paz was similarly Brazil’s space research recent history, at least in the blanketedinsmoke. agency Inpe has registered data since 1950,” said Ana Exposure to the smoke 346,112 fire hotspots so far Paula Cunha, a drought will drive up the number of thisyearinall13countriesof researcherwithCemaden. people seeking hospital South America, topping the

deaths, Longo said. Inhaling

The greatest number of treatment for respiratory earlier 2007 record of fires this month is in Brazil issues and may cause 345,322 hotspots in a data and Bolivia, followed by thousands of premature seriesthatgoesbackto1998.

The report also states that Paraguay, according to Inpe wildfire smoke contributes unusually intense fires that data. to an average 12,000 early hit Venezuela, Guyana and

dispatched thousands of

Despite still being winter Colombia earlier in the year that hit Venezuela, Guyana America, according to a Meanwhile, a Reuters firefighters to attempt to in the Southern Hemisphere, contributed to the record but and Colombia earlier in the 2023 study in the academic photographertravelinginthe control the blazes, but high temperatures in Sao have largely subsided. Back year contributed to the journal Environmental heartofBrazil’sAmazonthis remain mostly at the mercy Paulo have held at over 32 inAprilthisyear38residents record but have largely R

Unusually intense fires deaths a year in South 26andApril2.

week witnessed massive of extreme weather fueling degrees Celsius (90 degrees of Santa Mission in Guyana subsided. Fire from September is typically the fires burning in vegetation thefires. Fahrenheit) since Saturday had to be evacuated as deforestation in the Amazon peakmonthforfiresinSouth along roadways, blackening Scientists say that while Hundredsofpeoplemarched wildfires ravaged that small create particularly intense America. the landscape and leaving mostfiresaresetbyhumans, in Bolivia’s highland, Amerindiancommunity.The smokebecauseofthedensity It’s unclear whether the t r e e s l i k e b u r n e d the recent hot and dry political capital La Paz to Guyana Fire Service back of the vegetation burning, continent will continue to matchsticks. conditions being driven by demand action against the then had said that they Longosaid. have high numbers of fires Smoke billowing from climate change are helping fires, holding banners and evacuated the residents as

“The sensation you get thisyear the Brazilian fires has the fires spread more placards saying “Bolivia in the fire crisis had “reached a flying next to one of these While rain is forecast darkened the skies above quickly. flames” and “For cleaner air critical point, rendering it plumes is like that of an next week for Brazil’s center citieslikeSaoPaulo,feeding South America has been stopburning.” impossible for firefighters to atomic mushroom cloud,” south, where Sao Paulo is into a corridor of wildfire hit by a series of heatwaves “Please realize what is access the affected areas for said Longo of Inpe. Roughly located, drought conditions smoke seen from space since last year. “We never really happening in the extinguishing efforts. Data 9 million sq km (3.5 million are expected to continue stretching diagonally across had winter,” said Karla country, we have lost released by the government sq miles) of South America through October in Brazil’s thecontinentfromColombia Longo, an air quality millions of hectares,” said earlier this year showed fire have been covered in smoke northernAmazon region and in the northwest to Uruguay researcher at Inpe, of the Fernanda Negron, an animal officials responded to over at times, more than half of center-west agricultural inthesoutheast. weather in Sao Paulo in rights activist in the protest. 2,200 fires between March thecontinent,shesaid. region. Brazil and Bolivia have recentmonths.“It’sabsurd.” “Millions of animals have

Govt. Math intervention programme can yield good results

- but parents must come onboard, teachers say

ByAlliyahAllicock watch these online classes and be mathematics at the Grade 11 level involved.”Hesaidthatteacherscan said she sees the ministry

With a comprehensive only do as much as they can in the programme as a good idea and that mathematics intervention classrooms but when the student she agrees it can produce better programme launched by the leaves school to go home, it is the results. She is of the view that the Ministry of Education earlier this responsibility of the parents to intervention can be executed month for Grades 10 and 11 ensure that their child remains effectively with the help of parents students across the country, some consistentindoingtheirwork. and guardians of the students. “Our math teachers are of the view that On the issue of more math issue is basically students’ lack of this intervention can yield good periodsinthemorningsessions,Sir interest towards the subject and not results with the involvement and Patoir who teaches the Grade 11 doing additional work at home. So supportofparents. students stated that this is good whatever you are doing at school The ministry’s mathematics because now he would have more that is all the practice you are intervention initiative was time to spend with the students and getting. They (students) have the launchedwiththeaimofimproving ensuring that they grasp the ability to do better but just the students’ performances in the contents. “Increasing more periods consistency, we are not seeing or subject area having seen a decline thatisworkingperfectlyfine,that’s that motivation – or anybody at inthepassrateattheCSEClevel. agoodinterventionbecauseforme, home motivating or encouraging Speaking about the recently you are spending more time with them to push and get the work launched programme, a the children and in the afternoon, done,”sheexpressed. mathematics teacher from you have enough time to sit and A mathematics teacher of Stewartville Secondary School on plan (for the next day) so that is a Wisburg Secondary School in the West Coast of Demerara, Sir good thing they are doing. I believe Linden who requested anonymity Leon Patoir told this publication they will see results,” he revealedthattheinitiativeisagood that he believes this intervention commented. one. The teacher however said can work with the support and He related too that following ultimately it depends on the backing of parents. “I only believe the ministry’s intervention, the students and their mindset to want the result will happen if parents are feedback from students has been to learn and also the responsibility are not doing enough. I think the The educator further added that involved, because they have the good and they have indicated that of parents in playing their part. “To work is on the students and the “I am thinking that all of this here, responsibility to ensure their theyarewillingtogiveittheirall. me,it’skindoflikehelpfulbutthen parentsofthosestudents.Becausea all the decline in the results, sort of children when they go home, they Another teacher, Miss Dey of again, it will bring it back to square teacher can teach and teach but it’s stemmed from the ‘no child left do the necessary preparation at Carmel Secondary School in one because as a mathematics uptothatparticularchildtowantto behindpolicy’becausechildrenare home, ensure that the children Georgetown who teaches teacher, I don’t think the teachers learn,”theteacherexplained. (Continued on page 16)

Members of the Joint Services responding to a wildfire at Santa Aratak earlier this year. [GDF photo]

The President’s pipe dream

Theeffusiveoptimismof President Irfaan Ali in proclaiming Guyana as poised to become a major manufacturinghubdemands a sober confrontation with reality At least two newspapers have reported

Ali boasting that “historically, Guyana has been competitive in every area,” as if such grandiose declarations could conjure upacompetitiveedgeforan economy hamstrung by structuralinefficiencies.

The President, with characteristic buoyancy, predicted that once the country’s much-touted gasto-energy project comes on stream, energy costs will be halved.Supposedly,thiswill become the basis for positioning Guyana as one of the most attractive d e s t i n a t i o n s f o r manufacturing investment. But, to put it mildly, the

President needs to moderate hisenthusiasm.

Even with the promised 50% reduction in energy costs,Guyanawillstillbefar from competitive on the r


manufacturers face energy costs that hover around US$0.30 per kilowatt-hour (kWh),oneofthehighestin the Caribbean. In contrast, energycostsinTrinidadand Tobago and Suriname—two of our closest economic competitors stand at a mereUS$0.05perkWh.

A 50% reduction would still leave us at US$015 per kWh,threetimestherateofour neighbours Howthendoesthe President reconcile his optimism with this hard fact? Even if the gas-to-energy project material

zes, manufacturerswillcontinueto payenergyratesthatwillmake

it impossible to compete with TrinidadorSuriname,letalone giants like Brazil, Mexico or China But energy costs, as significantastheyare,areonly part of the larger issue that p l a g u e s G u y a n a ’s manufacturing aspirations Guyana’s manufacturing sector, historically and presently, is not competitive Indeed, our most prominent exports

, bauxite have relied heavily

agreements or subsidies, and laterontariffprotections,rather than any intrinsic competitive advantage The preferential accessGuyanaonceenjoyedin Europeanmarketsforsugar,for example, was the product of p

arrangements,nottheresultof market efficiencies. These arrangements, which gave Guyanese sugar higher prices, were dismantled and the industryhassincestruggledto

CDB and IFAD sign procurement...

Frompage3 procurement frameworks and establishes effective mechanisms for cooperation. This is expected to greatly facilitate a better divisionoflabourbetweenthetwopartners, along with more consistent and timely projectprocurementimplementation

Speaking at the ceremonial signing, Therese Turner-Jones, CDB’s Acting Vice President, Operations, remarked, “This agreementisanimportantstepinenhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of how we implement co-financed projects By enabling the adoption of streamlined procurement arrangements in joint cofinanced projects, we are reducing the burden on beneficiaries, enabling faster projectexecution,andultimatelydelivering better development outcomes for the

Caribbean region.”Donal Brown,Associate Vice-President of IFAD’s Programme Management Department, stated, “The mutualrelianceestablishedbythisagreementis a testament to the strong partnership between IFADandCDB Ourcollaborationwillnotonly streamline processes but also ensure that agriculturalandruraldevelopmentprojectsin theCaribbeanareimplementedwiththehighest standardsofefficiencyandaccountability.”

The new Procurement Framework Agreementwillsignificantlypromotefuture collaboration between the two institutions and enhance their ability to co-finance development projects in the agriculture and rural development sectors. This partnership is poised to bring about greater coherence, development impact, and improved service deliveryacrosstheCaribbean.


Where are your heroes Caribbean?

Dave Martins did ask in song:

“Where are your heroes, Caribbean?” Well, this past weekend,wesaygoodbyetoanotherone–SonnyRamphal.

He was a true son of the soil, and a big name across the region. A man who put GuyanaandtheCaribbeanonthemap. Ramphal stand up with de best of dem. Leaders from de Caribbean fly in fuh de national funeral. Dem was all there to pay respects.

But everybody asking why one man who was missing. Yuh woulda think a funeralforanationalherowouldabringout all de bigwigs. But not this time One man wasnowhereinsight.Washehidingbehind a pillar? Or maybe he was sitting where de cameracouldn’treach?Whoknows!Itwas one of dem funerals where you see who missing more than who present. Ah well, like dem boys seh, sometimes presence

survive without that artificial protection

Take our so-called competitive rice industry,


CARICOM’s Common External Tariff (CET) to access regional markets Guyanese rice is shielded from competition within the Caribbean, but that same protectionism limits our competitiveness on a broader scale. Outside of CARICOM, Guyanese rice cannot compete with lowercostproducerslikeVietnam, India, or Thailand, whose economies of scale and lowerinputcostsallowthem to undercut us easily Let us turnourattentiontothemore systemic obstacles that lie beyond energy costs Manufacturing in Guyana faces a litany of structural issues that no gas-to-energy project will fix. First, the costofmovingrawmaterials into the country remains prohibitivelyhigh.Guyana’s ports are underdeveloped, transport infrastructure is still weak, and the cost of shipping materials in and productsoutaddssignificant overhead to manufacturing costs.

Second the country’s storage capacity is also limited,makingitdifficultfor businesses to store either inputs or outputs on a large scale for an extended period, andtodosoatalowunitcost No manufacturer is likely to view Guyana as an attractive option when they can set up shop in countries where supply chains are more efficient, logistical costs are lower,andproximitytomajor marketsisfarbetter

Thirdly, Guyana faces a shortage of skilled labor

While the President speaks glowingly of Guyana’s “skilled workforce,” in practice, the lack of highly specializedtechnicalworkers hasbeenapersistentdragon p r o d u c t i v i t y i n manufacturing. Even with

attempts at upskilling, Guyana’s education system has not produced the depth of technical expertise required to drive high-end manufacturing. This deficit is not only a constraint on productivity but also a barrier to attracting hightech manufacturing investment, which relies heavily on access to a welltrained labour pool The “skilled workforce” to whichAlirefersis,atbest,a potential that remains far frombeingrealized.Askany employer in Guyana about the difficulties in acquiring skilledlabour

Then there’s the cost of capital, which remains stubbornly high due to the widespread between deposit andlendingratesinthebanking sector Highinterestratesactas a di

ncentive for manufacturers who may want toexpandoperationsorinvest i

Additionally, Guyana’s small domesticmarketfurtherlimits thepotentialformanufacturing growth

Withouttheabilitytoscale productionforexportmarkets, manufacturers are constrained by the relatively low purchasing power of local consumers This problem is compounded by the high corporationtaxandotherfiscal burdens placed on businesses, whicherodeprofitmarginsand stymiegrowth

Evenifmanufacturerscan navigate the quagmire of energy costs, transport inefficiencies,andhighcapital costs, they still face the prohibitive expense of international marketing Competingontheglobalstage requires aggressive marketing efforts, which are often out of reach for small and mediumsizedmanufacturersinGuyana Worsestill,ourqualitycontrol infrastructure is woefully underdeveloped Without reliable and rigorous quality assurance systems in place, Guyanese manufacturers will

find it difficult to meet international standards and attract buyers in competitive globalmarkets.

ThePresident’sdeclaration that Guyana is “poised” to become a manufacturing destination conveniently overlooks these deeper, more structural impediments His administration, like others beforeit,seemsmoreinterested in painting a rosy picture of future growth rather than confrontingtheimmediateand severechallengesthatcontinue to hold back industrial development Thenotionthata single gas-to-energy project will magically transform Guyana into a competitive manufacturing hub is, at best, wishful thinking Guyana has struggledtoestablishitselfasa competitive player on the globalstage Ourexportshave often relied on trade preferences and protectionist measures, not genuine competitiveness And now, with global trade becoming more liberalized and competitive,theweaknessesof our manufacturing sector are becoming increasingly apparent

IfGuyanaistobecomean attractive destination for manufacturing investment, it will require far more than a gas-to-energy project; it will demand deep, structural reforms that tackle the root causesofourlackofeconomic competitiveness Until then, the President’s vision of a manufacturing renaissance in Guyana remains little more thanapipedream

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

speaklouderthanabsence.And sometimes absencemakemorenoisethanpresence. Butonethingclear:wehavetohonorwe heroes.Wecan’twaittilldemgonetoshow respect.Andwhenwedoshowup,wecan’t bemissinginaction.

Sonny Ramphal walked with the greats oftheworld.DeCaribbeanleaderscometo standbyhimonelasttime.Butdeoneman everybodyexpecttosee,nowhereinsight. Anditnotenoughtorememberdemby tombstonesalone.Weneedmonumentstoo. We need statues, streets named after dem, andscholarshipsindemnames. We must teach de next generation who these heroes were. Let dem name live on, not just in speeches, but in de things we build to remember dem. Sonny Ramphal deservemorethanaspotindecemetery He deserve to live on in de hearts of all Guyanese. Talkhalf.Leffhalf

Crisis of circumstances or full flown crisis

To assert that the urge the pristine president, Guyanese, my head is When there is some much spotlight on his majestic Guyana Police the vibrant vice president to spinning. Because when a rotation, there is a lack of presence. We are going to Force (Force) is shed the reluctance. To passing review is attempted continuity, a dilution of break the back of the

struggling with a avoid the harshness of forotherdevelopmentsinthe leadership vision and networks. With respect, Mr of silence, and the peace of crisis of circumstances stridency, reluctance was Force, there are some other strategy, and the strikes at Excellency: with what? m

o b e a n chosen,andnotresistance. factsthatdrivebananas. efficiency and esprit de With whom, commander-in- reputation that could be understatement. Fact 1: Matthews Ridge: Fact 2: Whoever is not corps,sovitalinanynational chief? With whom from gained.

To table that the Force is did any Guyanese see any rotated out and around is crime fighting force where with what prowess, Here is a piece of in the center of a full-blown member of the Force at the rotated into the temporary Rotations at such heights are trust? homegrown wisdom for my crisis may not be an time when immense matters safe harbor of annual leave. the equivalent of the City

president: when leaders overstatement at all In my were being uncovered? The From the East Coast Council patching holes A

don’t speak as much, others roleasthanklessmessenger, faceofevenonejuniorgrade Demerara to Eve Leary; They crack before long, or spearheading that mission to attach virtues and strengths I bring to fellow citizens corporal could have helped others depart under a cloud, cave-in when weight is Matthews Ridge went to thatmaynotbemerited On from the first one to the the Force to wash its face, and in haste, from Eve Leary applied. suchgreatlengthstoexclude the other hand, open mouth lowest, those two hard savesomeofit. to Essex, England, or some With Minister Benn’s even a token Force presence and let loose, and the floor truths And when the Top Cop other enchanted isle to clearance, I interpret these emphasizes to me that of public assessment

There are other hard took a copper: ‘I saw contemplatetheirnextmove. rotationsofseniorofficersas whatever President Ali is collapses truths that evidence how the something in the media….’ When I can help it, I give tantamount to marriages that going to break, he will have Fact 4: from the high ForcefromCommissionerto Thenthebottomrushedupto people the dignity of their are rocky, and with one last to do it with straw I agree command to the highways, junior constable are being deliver a crack to the knee. names not mentioned; the ditch effort made to salvage with the president that the Force grapples with its battered by unrelenting Yetinajiffy,beforethecount police record that has seeped the situation: buying time flashing energy and record, its rogues, and its storms. could reach to three, the intopubliceyesightdoesthat throughcounseling. Thesad thundering postures have wrenchi


The jagged rocks are too Commander of that Region dirtyjobforme. reality of that in Guyana is theirpower dislocations. close, the shoreline non- One island of intrigue and The fact is that the that,toooften,peopleendup But like the GPL, there A political remedy existent, more a product of powdered intoxicants found rotations in the Force have incoffins. comes that time when makes matters worse. An fevered thinking Hard himself the officer-in-charge taken on a life of their own, I commend the trying. realitiesontheground(inthe organizational plaster here Truth number eight, with the of crankshafts, catalytic and so much so that it must But sometimes, the cord just Force) smash head-on into and there peel off and put slots before that easily filled. converters, and carburetors. be causing serious head must be cut. If only for the the cascade of words and Guyanese in jeopardy If this is anti-Ali, anti- I think it is just a matter of spinning within this most betterment of the Guyana make dog meat of all that is Honest presences, ethical Jagdeo, anti-PPP, or anti- coincidence, for which the pivotal of state entities in Police Force, if only for the said so loudly, and a bit insights, and incorruptible Police, then that is how hard Force brass found the best Guyana. good of Guyanese. If only hilariously visions would all be of truths get distorted in this protective personal 0fcourse,Iamtakingthe for the appearance and In the spirit of this i n c o m p a r a b l e a n d country equipment. liberty of thinking that substance of accountable writing, I take that back: unprecedented utility to the Intheinterestofcivility,I Rotation, it is. Fellow honest policing still counts. governance It is not hilariously is replaced by GuyanaPoliceForce. necessarily in that order, and unrealistically Sometimes, (The views expressed in re the latter what is so prized it is better not to speak at all. this article are those of the byExcellencyAli. I suggest that President Ali a u t h o r a n d d o n o t Fact 3: now that I have consult with Presidents necessarily reflect the rolled out the red carpet for Ramotar and Jagdeo opinions and beliefs of this the president, I blow the President Granger could n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s trumpets and shine the share his book on the power affiliates.)


What has happened to the PPP/C’s election campaign promise?

Most Guyanese have agreed that the management of this country’s oil and gas resources should be the highest priority of any government that claimsto act in the national interest. Oil represents the one resource that could, if managed properly, lift our people out of poverty, provide a secure economic future,andfinallypullthecountryfromthedepthsof its historic underachievement. But the failings of Guyana’spoliticalelitehavecastalongshadowover thispotentialwindfall.

ThecontractsignedwithExxonMobil—infamous for its pitiful returns to the nation—resembles more of a charitable donation than a sovereign agreement negotiated in the interests of the people. One would think that a government, claiming to represent the willofthepeople,wouldbekeentorenegotiatesuch asordiddeal.

But the PPP/C administration has not done so. What happened to their promise to secure a better deal for Guyana? Why has there been no move to establish the much-touted Petroleum Commission, anentitythatwasmeanttooverseethesector?


Glen Andrews, a honey Glen told the Department of

wasagoodinitiativebecause pledge based upon the producer from Parishara, Public Information (DPI) having to do the registration president’s promise, that RegionNine,wasdevastated Glen joins the more than intownisreallyhardforus.I we will come to every when a wildfire destroyed 160 Region Nine residents, had to come today, so I can region and establish a hisbusinessinApril. who benefitted from the register our business ” similaroffice,” theAG said, However,astrokeofluck initiative over the weekend. Village Toshao, Elroy during his address to came in the form of the Teams from the Attorney McGarrell, was pleased that residents in Lethem on government’s mobile General’s Chambers and thegovernmenthasextended Friday services initiative, which Ministry of Legal Affairs, its services to the village. He Thegovernment’splanto began operations in the Deeds and Commercial said this has been a much- establish permanent offices region just as he was RegistriesAuthority, and the needed arrangement. “We in these regions is a crucial considering how to restart. Restorative Justice Centre, are happy to have the team step towards addressing Eager to take advantage of travelled to the Upper withus.Ithasbeenablessing long-standing issues and thisopportunity,Glenvisited Takutu-Upper Essequibo for our community, and this fostering economic growth. the mobile office on Sunday, Region for the three-day outreach is very important By providing essential and was thrilled to receive outreach, which began in for us. We look forward to services and infrastructure, hisbusinesslicence.“Iheard LethemonFriday

they were coming today, and R e s i d e n


government and the ministry transformed into thriving I said maybe this is another Parishara, Tabatinga, toachievemore,”hesaid. townships. chance for me to start over,” Quarrie, Kumu, St Ignatius,

Attorney General and The Deeds Registry, a the41-year-oldsaid. and several other villages Minister of Legal Affairs, cornerstone of the country’s With renewed optimism, wereabletoaccessarangeof Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC, legal system, plays a vital he believes that this second s er v ices , i

u d in g has been adamant that the role in facilitating property chance will allow him to not notarisation, business effort forms part of the transactionsandensuringthe only rebuild his honey registration and renewals, government’s agenda of security of land ownership. business but also expand it. and registration of deed modernising the country’s OperatingundertheMinistry Glen expressed his gratitude polls. Other services being landscape, ensuring that ofLegalAffairs,theRegistry services. The initiative was

for the government’s provided to Region Nine

initiative, stating that it residents include limited

conceptualised by President,

efficiently manages land-

commercial services are related documents and Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, to Enrico, said, “I am very glad would greatly benefit local liability companies and

ensurethattheseservicesare to be here, and I am thankful entrepreneurs. “It is good agreementofsaleofland. administrative regions Registry in administering easily accessible, bridging to those who came and that the team is here in the They were also able to “Rightnow,youdon’thave company and intellectual the divide between the coast helped us. This is a good village, because we have fileanydeedandregisterany access to these services in property laws Together, andthehinterland. thing they are doing for our been looking for something mortgageanddebenture.The this region. We have these registries provide

n supports the Commercial

Other Nappi Village village.” like this for a long time. I am outreachsawpersonsgetting started with Region One essential services that residents praised the KennethTancredowhois glad, and the permanent to file their bill of sales and and we established an contribute to a robust and government and the team for a farmer, was able to register office will help all the engage in the conveyance of office at Mabaruma two transpar

usiness the venture, as it eliminated his farmers group in the business people especially,” transport, among other monthsago,andwemadea environment. (DPI) transportation woes and village. He said, “I think this

Fire guts Region One’s

RDC office at Mabaruma

Afire during the wee hours of M o n d a y

r e p o r t e d l y gutted the Region One Regional Democratic Council (RDC) office locatedatMabaruma.

Speaking with Kaieteur

News, the Regional Chairman Brentnol Ashley said that he was out of the area when he received a call thatthebuildingwasonfire.

“The Guyana Fire

S e r v i c e ( G F S ) ( a t Mabaruma) would have quickly responded and was able to save the structure from being completely destroyed by the fire”, Ashleysaid.

A cell phone recorded video seen by this media house of the aftermath, depictedcharredwalls,burnt furniture among other damage to the interior of the building.

According to Ashley, an assessment is still being conducted to determine the total damage and losses sufferedbytheRDC.

Teens in custody for murder at Kairuni heritage celebrations

Some of the damaged furniture and charred walls of the office.

Some persons are totheblaze. onthishavenotprovidedany speculating that the fire However, the chairman conclusion or any verdict on mighthavebeenanelectrical pointed out that the matter is the matter; it is still an one because of low voltages stillunderinvestigation. ongoing investigation” he that were experienced prior “The authorities (GFS) noted.

Three teenagers are in Browneworkedtogetherand The police reported that custody in relation to the stayedinthesameresidence. two other persons were murder of 24-year-old Harry She said that on Saturday stabbed during the fight.The Browne called “Shaggy”, night around 19:00 hours, suspectsthenfledthescene. which occurred at an event she and Browne left home Both persons received hosted as part of the month- together and went to the stab wounds to the abdomen long Amerindian Heritage HeritageMontheventhosted and were admitted to the Celebrations. at the ball field in Kairuni Georgetown Public Hospital

In a statement on Village. The woman said fortreatment. Monday, the Guyana Police theywereimbibingalcohol. Moreover, around 21:00 Force (GPF) said the fatal Whileattheevent,afight hours on Sunday, acting on incident occurred around ensued and Browne information, police patrol 01:30 hours on Sunday, intervened and attempted to visited a home in Moblissa September 15 at Kairuni separate the persons Village and arrested the 15Village, located on the fighting. However, a 15- year-old suspect, along with Soesdyke/LindenHighway year-old in the company of two other teenagers ages 17, A 23-year-old female of others attacked Browne with and 19. The three teenagers Kairuni village told the a knife, wounding him in the are in custody, assisting with police that she and the abdomenandrighthand. theinvestigations.

Glen Andrews
Dead: Harry Browne

D’Urban St. drive-by

Men wanted for killings claim they are being framed by police

Two men who are wanted for the murder of two men during a drive-by shooting at D’Urban Street, Georgetown late last month have alleged that they are being framed by members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF), who are allegedlybeingpaidbydrugdealerstogetthem.

Kaieteur News reached out to Crime Chief, Wendell Blanhum for a comment on the allegations by the wanted duo but was unsuccessful. The wanted men who made these allegations on HGP nightly news broadcast with Journalist Travis Chase are 31-year-old Keron Hinds and 30-year-old Dominique Darrel Osborne. Also wanted for murder in relationtotheshootingis18-year-oldOmalieVieira.

Dead are 39-year-old Lawrence Wayne called ‘Boy Boy’ and 40-year-old Anthony Hovescome Kaieteur News reported that the shooting took place at around 05:45h on August 24, 2024. Hovescome died after being riddled by bullets, while Wayne succumbed to his injuries at the GeorgetownPublicHospitalCorporation(GPHC).

During the broadcast, Hinds and Osborne, who are residents of the United States of America (USA), recounted the morning waking up to seeing their photos published in the mediaindicatingthattheyarewantedformurder

Hindsclaimed,“…Itwasverysurprisingtousbecausewe were no part in the country at the moment when this incident occurred.” Further, Hinds pointed out that instead of issuing a wanted bulletin for questioning in relation to the incident the police issued for murder, to which he described to be, “very dangerous.”

“It’s very scary, because we got our families who are very worried about us at this time,” Hinds stressed. It is further alleged by Hinds that the Police Force is involved with particular persons, who allegedly paid them to issue the wanted bulletin of him and Osborne. He alleged, “…They paying the money to the police to put our picture and our names out there that we were responsible for D’Urban Street killing.”

Despite police stating that they have in their possession Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) footage, and a witness, Hinds and Osborne claimed that police have no evidence to connect them to the D’Urban Street shooting incident. Osborne alleged, “…They (police) don’t have no murder weapon; they don’t have the clothes; they don’t have nothing to pin we with it. They don’t have no fingerprints saying that wewereonit.”

While speaking to the senior journalist, Hinds related, “…You have to come to the realization that people can say stuff like this but why police (did) not put out a video footage or image stating that we basically on this crime scene, you puttingwitnesssayingthattheysawusonthiscrimescene.”

Hinds further stressed, “…If police put out a wanted bulletinforyouandtheyjustputmurderandnotquestionorin relation, it is very dangerous because this is these guys (police)couldseeusandkillus,becausetheyalreadygotusas murderers.”

Further, Hinds alleged that persons are after him and Osborne because they reportedly refused to join a crew “Theseguyshadwantedustojoinwiththemandbeapartof

(Continued on page 16)

Govt. to spend additional $97M for works at Anna Regina ground

The government

through the

Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport is set to spend a further $97 million to execute ancillary works on the Anna Regina Community Centre Ground inRegionTwo. During the recent opening of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Board (NPTAB), it was revealed that over 40 contractors have submitted bidsfortheproject. It was reported in the media that the ministry has

Below are the companies and their bids: MinistryofCulture,YouthandSport Constructionoffence-AnnaRegina.

begun the upgrading of community grounds across the country to further enhance sporting activities inthevariouscommunities.

community centre ground is beingupgradedtoastadiumlikefacility.

In addition to those works, another contract was

opened for the construction of a fence at the sporting facility. That project attracted 46 contractors and is estimated to cost $22.6 million.

AncillaryWorksforAnnaReginaCommunity CentreGroundRegionTwo(Lots1-4). (Continued on


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Oil price forecast lowered for 2024 on weak demand outlook

(OILPRICE.COM) Wall Street financial services company UBS has cut its oil price forecasts for the period 20242026, citing weaker global demand and a more stable supply outlook. The analysts have lowered the forecast for average Brent crude oil in 2024 by $4 to $80 per barrel, with the forecast for Q4 2024 lowered to $75 per barrel from $83.

UBS now sees Brent averaging $75 per barrel in both 2025 and 2026, a $5 per barrel

reduction. The analysts have suggested that OPEC+ will be forced to postpone the unwinding of its voluntary production cuts, with any meaningful increases now seen coming in 2027 or 2028, compared to earlier expectations of a return by mid-2025.

The latest oil price rally continued on Monday’s session despite crude production in the Gulf of Mexico resuming following disruptions caused by Hurricane Francine. Brent crude for No-

vember delivery was up 1.3% at 11.50 am ET to trade at $72.56/barrel while WTI crude for October delivery was up 1.0% to change hands at $69.66/barrel.

Last week, commodity experts at Standard Chartered reported that oil markets are overlooking the imminent removal of even more barrels from the markets in the coming months. Back in July, Russia, Iraq and Kazakhstan submitted their compensation plans to the OPEC Secre-

tariat for overproduced crude volumes for the first six months of 2024. According to OPEC, the entire over-produced volumes will be fully compensated for over the next 15 months through September 2025, with Russia ‘paying back’ a cumulative 480 kb/d, Iraq 1,184 kb/d and Kazakhstan 620 kb/d. According to StanChart, the compensatory output cuts by the three OPEC members work out to a combined 370 kb/d reduction in October, and

then an amount varying between 162 kb/d and 206 kb/d for November 2024 through to September 2025. StanChart has worked out that adding the compensation schedule to the recently announced reduction in targets due to delaying the implementation of tapering will result in OPEC production clocking in at 530 kb/d lower in Q4-2024; 540 kb/ d lower in Q1 and Q2-2025 and 560 kb/d lower in Q3-2025, if all commitments are kept.

Men wanted for D’Urban St. drive-by killings claim...

From page 14 their crew and we refused many times. We refused many times to be a part of what they have going on,” Hinds said during the broadcast. He continued, “… They are using all the power, they are giving the police all the power and the money to get rid of us, basically it is an attack on us because these guys are seeing us as some type of threat, I don’t know.”

Kaieteur News reported that 25-year-old Travis Ceres, a vendor from East La Penitence, 38-year-old Teon Allen of Sophia, 31-year-old Stanley Matthews, a labourer of Sophia, 33-year-old Destra Arthur, another vendor and a resident of East La Penitence and Lloyd Roberts a miner of


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Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD) were all hospitalized with gunshot wounds.

Ceres sustained a gunshot wound to his lower abdomen, while Allen, who is no stranger to the law, was shot in his shoulder. Matthews received two gunshot wounds, one to the left hand and an-

other in the left thigh. Additionally, Arthur was shot in the left leg while Wayne was shot in his right thigh and hand.

Detectives learned that the victims might have been attending an “All Black Party” at V’s Flavour Delight, located at Lot 23 D’Urban Street, Lodge. At around

05:00hrs on Saturday, police closed off the party but some persons continued to consume alcohol in front of the location. The host of the event, Keon Aaron said that he was checking off his bar when he heard several gunshots. While finding out where it came from, he reportedly saw a black car speed-

ing in the western direction from the location. He then saw several bloodied individuals being placed in vehicles and being rushed away to the city hospital. To read more go to https:// www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/ 2024/09/10/3-men-wantedfor-durban-st-drive-by-murders/.

Govt. Math intervention programme can yield...

From page 8 of the opinion you know what, I don’t have to study because I am going to be put over (to the next class).”

Another factor that may had an impact on the decline in results which the teacher mentioned is that teachers may see a child not performing in the subject area and recommends that the child do not write the subject but the child still tends to go ahead and sit the examinations.

The teacher added that the ministry’s programme is indeed helpful but children too have to want to learn.

Speaking with this publication also was Sir Hartman of Brickdam Secondary School who believes that it is a very good intervention.

“Since they would have focused heavily on strategies, because knowing how teaching has been moving away from a more traditional aspect to a more 21st century aspect now, I believe using this intervention would be a little transition in the classroom from teaching using the whole chalk and talk method to a technologically-advanced

method, using ICT,” he explained.

He noted that the intervention which focuses on providing the resources necessary for all schools and students is a great move since lack of resources was a main hindrance prior to this new initiative.

“Them (ministry) focusing heavily on math and implementing strategies and providing resources will be able to pave a way for better performances in the future,” he pointed out.

Sir Hartman further explained that, “more importantly, there are times when us as teachers try our best to work with the students; however, we don’t have the support when the students leave to go home.

One of the things they would have implemented is providing the additional resources when the students leave the classroom that will be able to boost or to continue our efforts as teachers because we know parents don’t really have the time and so with them providing the additional support needed to

enhance the teaching and providing support to the parents, that is an excellent intervention.”

Kaieteur News had reported that the Education Ministry launched the programme designed for Grades 10 and 11 students who are preparing to sit the CSEC examinations.

Listing some of the interventions that will be put in place starting this new school term, Chief Education Officer (CEO) Saddam Hussain at the launch ceremony had said there will be a diagnostic test administered to find out where the students are and once that is done, on a school-byschool basis in conjunction with the monitors, the ministry will decide the way forward, whether there will be need for after school classes.

Further, there will be national mock exams so teachers are aware of the students’ level throughout the academic year.

Additionally, live classes will be done to target School Based Assessments (SBAs).

“Classes will also be streamed through the Guyana Learning

Channel and if possible, the EdYou FM,” he mentioned. According to Hussain, there will be a national worksheet circulated fortnightly based on the topics that are being taught in schools, and Quiz Me will be utilized for paper one questions.

He detailed that there is also going to be some degree of targeted training to specific schools where there is a need as well as the monitoring of the SBAs.

In his remarks also, the CEO had urged teachers to execute their duties to the best of their ability, and noted that “This is not all at the feet of the teachers, and parents. I’m saying clearly to you, that you have as much responsibility in this as the teachers, you don’t have to be a mathematician, you need to ensure that your children are in school because the teachers will say once they have registered for CSEC, they don’t ever come back to school, parents you have to be a part of this. We hope that these measures put in place will help the students to ensure that they do well at CSEC.”

Suspect in apparent assassination attempt of Trump

charged, may have been lying in wait for nearly 12 hours

(CNN) Ryan Wesley Routh, the suspect in the apparent assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump, may have beenlyinginwaitfornearly 12hoursalongthetreelineat Trump’s golf club, authoritiessaidinacriminal complaintonMonday Routh, 58, was charged with possession of a firearm while a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number during an initial appearance in federal court Monday morning. The investigation into Sunday’s apparent attempt on Trump’s life is continuing, and additional charges could be brought, law enforcement officials familiar with the matter told CNN.

The initial gun-related charges were filed as prosecutors seek to keep Routh detained while authorities continue to investigate the incident. Wearing dark prison scrubs, his feet and hands shackled, Routhnoddedandanswered “yes” to questions asked by Magistrate Judge Ryon M. McCabe McCabe found Routh could not afford his own attorney after Routh said he had “zero funds” in his own savings Kristy Militello, the federal public defenderassignedtoRouth’s case, declined to comment afterthehearing.Adetention hearing has been set for September 23, and the arraignment is set for September30.Routhwillbe held in jail while he awaits trial.

The incident happened about 1:30 p.m. ET Sunday after a Secret Service agent noticed the barrel of a rifle poking from the fence betweenthe5thand6thhole of Trump International Golf Club West Palm Beach, Florida, in a tree line near a heavilytraveledroad.

Cell-phone data indicates Routh may have spent nearly 12 hours on Sunday near the area where hewasspottedinthebushes along the perimeter of the Trump International Golf Club, according to charging documents unsealed on Monday An FBI agent said in an affidavit filed in court that during their initial investigation,authoritiesgot phone records from TMobile that indicated Routh’s phone was “in the vicinity of the area” where he was first spotted by US Secret Service from around 1:59 a.m. ET Sunday until

1:31p.m.ET,whenaSecret Service agent saw his rifle pokingoutfromatreeline.

Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said the agent fired at the gunman, who officials said was within 500 yards of Trump. Bradshaw said no shots were fired by the gunman, who later fled in a car The Secret Service later said Routh had no line of sight on the former president.

Along the fence line, authorities found a sniper’s nestwhichincludedascoped rifle, a GoPro camera and backpacks with ceramic plates.

“This whole set-up indicatesaveryhighlevelof pre-planning,” former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabetoldCNN.

Routh was driving his daughter’s car when he was laterdetained,accordingtoa law enforcement source. A picture released by the Martin County Sheriff’s Office after he was detained showedhimwearingalongsleeved, salmon-colored shirt with his hands cuffed behindhisback.

Routh remained silent while being detained, local state attorney David Aronberg told CNN Trump’sgolfoutingwasnot on his public schedule and it’s not yet clear how Routh allegedly knew where Trump would be at that moment Aronberg said Routh will face federal, not

state charges He told MSNBC that Florida initiallyconsideredpursuing state charges, but stood down when federal agents tookoverthecase.


On social media, Routh was a staunch supporter of Ukraine who said he supportedTrumpin2016but later became disillusioned with the former president. He’sbeenfrequentlycritical ofTrumprecently

Routh traveled to Ukraine following Russia’s invasion two years ago, attending a rally in Kyiv on M a y 1 , 2 0 2 2 . Representatives for Ukraine’sforeignlegionsaid Routh contacted them several times but distanced themselvesfromRouth.

Oleksandr Shaguri, an officer of the Foreigners CoordinationDepartmentof the Land Forces Command, told CNN over the phone that“thebestwaytodescribe his messages is – delusional ideas.” Special Agent in ChargeJeffreyB.Veltrisaid Monday that Routh had a very active online presence andthatauthoritieswerestill going through his social media.

“Inaddition,we’regoing through media reports and public statements he made that he wanted to recruit Afghan soldiers and others to fight for Ukraine,” said Veltri, of the Miami field office. “The FBI has sent


“Youcanexplainitasthe fact this guy’s got a screw loose,”Aronberg said, “(but that) doesn’t mean he’s legallyinsaneunderthelaw, that’sahigherburden.”

Biden says Secret Serviceneeds‘morehelp’

President Joe Biden wants Congress to give the US Secret Service “more help” in the wake of Sunday’s incident. “Thank God the president is OK,” BidentoldreportersMonday morning.

He said he thought there wasa“fullreportsofar.”

“The one thing I want to make clear is (the Secret Service) needs more help, and I think the Congress shouldrespondtotheirneeds if they, in fact, need more Service people,” Biden said at the White House, shortly before leaving for Delaware andPennsylvania.“Sothat’s what we’re going to be talkingabout.”

Asked what kind of help they needed, Biden responded, “I think we need somemorepersonnel.”

multiple requests to companiesforreturnsonthe subject’s phone and social mediaaccounts.”

TheFBIisworkingwith its partners to pursue search warrantsforRouth’svehicle, cellphoneandotherdevices, Veltri added. Routh’s son Oran Routh called him a “good father, and a great man” in a statement on Sunday

Aronberg told MSNBC there may be grounds to charge Routh with being in possessionofafirearmasan ex-felon and aggravated assault against a federal law enforcement officer for pointing the rifle at the Secret Service agent. However,itmaybedifficult tochargeRouthwithacrime against Trump specifically Aronberg said the distance between Routh and Trump, between 300 to 500 yards, mightbetoofarforthecourt to be certain Routh was aiminghisrifleatTrump.

Instead,Aronberg said it willbemucheasiertocharge Routh with aiming at the Secret Service agent who sawtheriflebarrelpointedat him. “That’sthekeywitness here and that would be, perhaps, the most serious charge,” Aronberg said When asked about the possibility of an insanity argument, Aronberg said it willbeverydifficulttoargue because Routh fled the scene,whichshowedhewas aware his actions were

once again having to decry politicalviolence.

Biden was briefed about the attempt on Trump’s life shortlyafteritwasfoiledand released a statement saying he was “relieved” Trump was unharmed and that “there is no place for political violence or for any violence ever in our country.”

Speaking to Fox News onMonday,Trumpsoughtto blame Biden and Harris for the apparent attempt on his life, saying “their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at.”

“He believed the rhetoric of Biden and Harris, and he actedonit,”Trumpsaidinan interview with Fox News DigitalofRouth.

“Ithinktheymayneed–they’re deciding whether theyneedmorepersonnelor not,”Bidensaid.

Staffing issues have plagued the Secret Service for years Agents and officers have described feeling burned out by overtime shifts and long assignments,leadingtohigh turnover

Then-USSS Director Kim Cheatle told Congress over the summer that the agency currently has 8,000 employees but that its goal was to reach 9,500. On Sunday, Vice President Kamala Harris said, “As we gather the facts, I will be clear: I condemn political violence.Weallmustdoour part to ensure that this incident does not lead to moreviolence.”

“I am thankful that former President Trump is safe,”sheadded.

Latestescalationinbitter campaign

Coming 51 days before the election, the apparent attempt on the former president’s life is the latest escalation in what has been an extremely bitter political campaign including another assassination attemptthatwoundedTrump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania,onJuly13and a separate Iranian plot against Trump that was foiledearlierthisyear It left Biden and Harris

Biden and Harris have both argued Trump presents a clear threat to US democracy. When Biden kicked off his 2024 campaign that he has since suspended,hepointedtothe January6,2021,insurrection attheUSCapitolthatTrump incited and argued Trump was“willingtosacrificeour democracy, put himself in power.” Harris has argued Trump is a “threat to our democracyandfundamental freedoms ” Trump f r e q u e n t l y u s e s inflammatory rhetoric when attackinghispoliticalrivals, judges overseeing his criminal cases, prosecutors who have brought charges against him, undocumented immigrants, people who don’t support his campaign andothers.

Trump has vowed retribution if he is reelected andhasrepeatedlysuggested he would weaponize the justice system to prosecute his political opponents Trump also recently threatened prosecution and “long-term prison sentences” for election officials and political operatives, who he suggested could cheat in the 2024election.

Harris is scheduled to attend a campaign meeting in Washington Monday afternoon, according to guidancefromhercampaign office.

CNN previously reported Harris would also attend a rank-and-file roundtable with the InternationalBrotherhoodof Teamsters at the union’s headquarters in Washington on Monday Trump will appear at the launch for a new cryptocurrency business at his Mar-a-Lago homeMondayevening.

In this image released by the Martin County, Fla., Sheriff’s Office, law enforcement officers arrest Ryan Routh, the man suspected in the apparent assassination attempt of Donald Trump.

Israel-Hamas war latest: Israeli airstrikes kill 16

in Gaza, including 4 children,

Palestinians say

Palestinian officials say Israeli airstrikes killed 16 people in the Gaza Strip on Monday, including five women and four children.

Astrikeflattenedahome in the built-up Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, killing at least 10 people there, including four women and two children. The Awda Hospital, which received the bodies, confirmed the toll and also said 13 people were wounded. Hospital records show that the dead included a mother, her child and her fivesiblings.

Anotherstrikeonahome in Gaza City killed six people, including a woman and two children, according to the Civil Defense, first responders who operate under the Hamas-run government.

Israelsaysitonlytargets militantsandaccusesHamas and other armed groups of endangering civilians by operating in residential areas. The military rarely comments on individual strikes, which often kill womenandchildren.

Gaza’s Health Ministry says more than 41,000 Palestinianshavebeenkilled intheterritorysinceHamas’ Oct. 7 attack triggered the Israel-Hamas war nearly a year ago. The ministry does not differentiate between fighters and civilians in its count but says a little over half of those killed were women and children. Israel saysithaskilledover17,000 militants, without providing evidence.

Here’sthelatest: White House envoy meetswithIsraelileaders

TEL AVIV, Israel — A key White House Mideast envoyismeetingwithIsraeli leadersinhopesoflowering tensions between Israel and Lebanon The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah began striking Israel shortly after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack ignited the war Israel and Hezbollah have been exchanging blows daily while avoiding an all-out war The fighting has displaced tens of thousands of civilians on both sides of the border. During his meeting with U.S. envoy Amos Hochstein, Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned that time is running out for a political settlement and that Israel is moving toward taking tougher action against Hezbollah.

The war has caused extensive destruction and has led to the displacement of approximately 90% of Gaza’s population, which totals 2.3 million.. File | Photo Credit: Reuters

doseofthevaccineattheend ofthismonth.

The campaign was launched after the detection of Gaza’s first polio case in 25yearsandsoughttoreach some 640,000 children under the age of 10. Health workers faced a host of challenges, including damaged roads, gutted healthfacilitiesandongoing fighting nearly a year into theIsrael-Hamaswar Israeli defense minister says time is running out for agreementwithHezbollahto halt fighting along IsraelLebanonborder


“I congratulate you for succeeding in making your missilereachthedepthofthe enemy’s entity after surpassing all defense systems,” Sinwar’s letter read, according to alMasirah.

Sinwar added that the Yemenimissileattacksenta messagethatthatattemptsto “contain”Hamashavefailed and that the back-up fronts by Iran-backed groups are becomingmoreeffective.

Sinwar said that Hamas carriedouttheOct.7,attack on southern Israel and has since been fighting “a defensive war that has exhausted the enemy.” He added that Hamas had prepared for “a long war of attrition that will break” Israel’spoliticalwill.

Gallantwarned“theonly way left to ensure the return of Israel’s northern communities to their homes will be via military action,” his office said. Hochstein in 2022 brokered a maritime border deal between LebanonandIsrael.Thetwo countries have formally been at war since Israel’s independentin1948.Hamas leader says Yemen rebels’ missileattacksentamessage SANAA,Yemen — The leader of Hamas Yahya Sinwar has told Yemen’s Houthi rebels that their recentmissileattackhassent a message to Israel. Yahya Sinwar’s letter to AbdulMalek al-Houthi was publishedbytheHouthis’alMasirah news channel Monday,adayafteramissile fired by the Iran-backed rebelslandedinanopenarea in central Israel and triggeredairraidsirensatits internationalairport.

Shortly after the IsraelHamas war started, Iranbacked groups in Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq have claimed responsibility for scores of attacks against Israel saying they are backing their allies in Hamas.

Israeli settlers storm a West Bank school and beat staffers, Palestinians say.

Israeli troops later arrest school’s principal and 2 others RAMALLAH, West Bank — Palestinians say Israeli settlers wielding sticks stormed a Palestinian school in the occupied West Bank,beatingstaffmembers andtyinguptheprincipal.

The Israeli military said Palestinians had attacked an Israeli nearby, inflicting a headinjury,beforefleeingto the school on Monday It said a group of Israelis followed the attackers and a confrontation ensued in which a number of Palestinianswerehurt.

Hassan Malihat, a Palestinian lawyer who at the time was visiting the school near the city of Jericho, said the settlers entered at around 8 a.m. He saystheIsraeliarmyarrived about two hours later and arrestedthreestaffmembers, includingtheprincipal.

The military said soldiers and police were dispatched to the school, ended the confrontation and arrested a number of suspects The Palestinian Red Crescent rescue service sayssevenPalestinianswere w o u n d e d i n t h e confrontation.

Settler violence has surgedacrosstheWestBank

since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack ignited the war in Gaza. In some cases, Israeli settlers have stormed Palestinian villages setting cars and propertiesablaze.

Therehasalsobeenarise in car-ramming, stabbing and shooting attacks carried out against Israelis by Palestinian militant groups andloneattackers.

Israel captured the West Bank, along with Gaza and east Jerusalem, in the 1967 Mideast war — lands the Palestinians want for a futurestate.

T h e 3 m i l l i o n Palestinians in the West Bank live under Israeli military rule, with the Western-backed Palestinian Authorityexercisinglimited autonomy in some areas.

Over 500,000 settlers with Israeli citizenship live in well over 100 settlements consideredillegalbymostof t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l community Turkishautopsy indicates American-Turkish activist killed by Israeli fire intheWestBankdiedfroma gunshotwoundtothehead

ANKARA, Turkey —

Initial findings from an autopsy by Turkish authorities indicate that Turkish-American activist AysenurEzgiEygiwhowas killed by Israeli fire in the West Bank died from a gunshotwoundtothehead.

The eight-page report, signed by four forensic doctors and a forensic technician, was made available to The Associated Press on Monday It described details such as skullfracturescausedbythe gunshot and brain tissue

damage, noting that a toxicology report and tissue sample analysis are still pending The 26-year-old activist from Seattle, who held dual U.S. and Turkish citizenship, was killed on S e p t 6 d u r i n g a demonstration against Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. Her funeralandburialtookplace in the Turkish Aegean coastal town of Didim on Saturday The Israeli militarystatedlastweekthat Eygi was likely shot “ i n d i r e c t l y a n d unintentionally” by Israeli forces.Turkeyisconducting itsowninvestigationintoher death.

AU.N.agencysayspolio campaign in Gaza has reached90%ofthechildren targeted JERUSALEM — The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugeessaysthefirstround of a polio vaccination campaign in Gaza ended successfully by reaching 90% of the children it targeted UNRWA head Philippe Lazzarini said in a post on the social media platform X, that Israel and Palestinian militants had l a r g e l y o b s e r v e d humanitarian pauses to allow the campaign to proceed.

The vaccination drive showedthat“whenthereisa political will, assistance can be provided without disruption,”Lazzariniwrote onMonday

UNRWA is the main provider of humanitarian assistance in the coastal enclave Health workers plan to administer a second

Israel’sdefenseministerhas toldhisU.S.counterpartthat time is running out for an agreementwithHezbollahto halt the fighting along the Israel-Lebanonborder

Yoav Gallant told Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that “the possibility for an agreed framework in thenorthernarenaisrunning out as Hezbollah continues to‘tieitself’toHamas.”

“Thetrajectoryisclear,” Gallant added, according to astatementreleasedfromhis officeonMonday Hezbollah began firing rockets and drones into northern Israel after the outbreakofthewarinGaza, which was ignited by Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack. Both armedgroupsarealliedwith Iran,andHezbollahsaysitis acting in solidarity with the Palestinians.

Israel has responded to the attacks with airstrikes and the targeted killing of Hezbollah commanders. It has threatened a wider operation, raising fears of anotherall-outwar

Hezbollahhassaiditwill halt its attacks if there is a cease-fire in Gaza, but months of talks brokered by the United States, Qatar and Egypt have repeatedly stalled.

Hamas has demanded a lastingcease-fireandthefull withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza as part of any agreement to release the scores of hostages it still holdsfromtheOct.7attack.

Gallant told Austin that “in any possible scenario, I s r a e l ’ s d e f e n s e establishment will continue to operate with the aim of dismantling Hamas and ensuring the return of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza—byanymeans.”

Suriname signs production sharing contracts with PetroChina for offshore blocks

Staatsolie, the national Paradise Oil Company basin,Blocks14and15were energy company of (POC). awarded to PetroChina Suriname, has signed The contracts were following its successful bid production sharing contracts signed by Staatsolie in the Suriname Shallow (PSCs) with PetroChina managing director Annand Offshore 2 Bid Round Investment Suriname, a J a g e s a r , C N P C 2023–2024. subsidiary of China National representativeYuZhang,and These b


Petroleum Corporation POC director Rekha adjacent to Block 52, known (CNPC). Bissumbhar Additionally, for previous oil and gas The PSCs were signed POC and PetroChina will discoveries, with water for the exploration and sign a joint operating d

development of offshore agreement (JOA) detailing 50–150m. blocks 14 and 15 This the terms for exploration, Staatsolie and POC also a g r e e m e n

t s d e v e l o p m


n t a n d have interests in blocks 5, 6, Suriname’s offshore area is expected to enhance the POC, which retains the PetroChina the rights to production, along with the 7 and 8, which are currently now under exploration and success of future offshore remaining 40% share explore, develop and allocation of costs, risks and undergoing exploration productioncontracts. bid rounds and the discovery “Staatsolie signs production produce within these blocks, revenues. activities. Recent geological Staatsolie’s strategic ofhydrocarbons. sharing contracts with with Staatsolie holding a Situated in the eastern studies indicate promising goal is to develop the In July, QatarEnergy PetroChina for blocks 30% interest through partoftheSuriname-Guyana potential Guyana-Suriname basin by acquired a 20% stake in a offshore Suriname” was in the shallow offshore interpreting data to identify PSC for Suriname’s offshore originally created and region. With the addition of potential hydrocarbon-rich block 5, partnering with published by Offshore these new

OPR investigating shooting of magistrate’s son during police pursuit


investigating a police

bystanderCassellNurse,son of Senior Magistrate Clive Nurse, injured during a gunfire exchange between law enforcement officers andsuspectedgunmen.

The shooting incident that occurred on September 14th, 2024, around 01:50 hours on Robb Street, Georgetown, near a popular nightclub.

Injured: Cassell Nurse

In a statement, the confronted the two Guyana Police Force (GPF) motorcyclists When the said, 27-year-old Nurse, a men saw the ranks, they businessman was standing escaped down Robb Street next to his motorcar, which withtheranksinpursuit. was parked outside the During the pursuit, one nightclub when he was shot of motorcyclists discharged intherightfoot. several rounds in the It was reported that a direction of the ranks and in Police Anti-Crime Patrol, return, one of the ranks fired was on duty when they severalroundsattheshooter received information that During the exchange of two men riding motorcycles gunfire, the businessman around the Bourda Market was shot. Nurse was taken to a r e a w e r e a c t i n g G e o rg e t o w n P u b l i c suspiciously Hospital. His condition is The ranks responded and regardedasstable.

, areas. Chevron, which holds a 40% Technology, a GlobalData approximately

operator, and ownedbrand. (Yahoo News)

POC and CNPC executives during the signing ceremony. Credit: Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname
Border areas between the Czech Republic and Poland were especia lapsed br
Police in the Czech Republic said that one woman drowned in the n

GT Kanaimas reign supreme with third Heritage Games title

The 2024 Amerindian Heritage Games Football


electrifying display of skill, passion, and dominance on Sunday as both the GT Kanaimas (Women) and Paruima (Men) football


consecutive Heritage title with a commanding 5-0 victory over the Region 9All Stars in the women’s final Glendy Lewis was the star of theshow,deliveringastunning brace in quick succession Lewisfoundthebackofthenet in the 21st and 24th minutes, propellinghersidetoa2-0lead inside the first half. Her clinical finishing set the tone forwhatbecameamasterclass

- As Region #7 Paruima Boys crown Men’s champions

performance from the defendingchampions

The Kanaimas however, extendedtheirleadbeforethe end of the first half, with LasandraHennitocapitalizing onadefensiveerrortoslotina goal in the 42nd minute, making it 3-0 Region 9 All Starsstruggledtorecover,as theKanaimaskepttheirfoot on the gas. Angelis Lawson added a fourth goal in the

53rd minute, followed swiftlybyJladeTrim’sstrike inthe55thminutetosealthe emphatic5-0victory

The triumph not only marked the Kanaimas’ third title in a row but also showcasedtheirdominancein the competition, leaving no doubt about their status as a powerhouse in Amerindian football

Tuesday September 17, 2024


Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely


Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.


You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday


Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.


Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.


You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently


Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some

Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

It'sgoingtobealittledifficult t


y, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay


Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.


Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.

Renegades Cricket Club marches into NECC/Balgobin T/20 Final - Conquering Spartan Challengers by 5 runs

The Renegades Cricket Club secured their place in theNorthEssequiboCricket C o m m i t t e e ( N E C C ) / B a l g o b i n Twenty/20Cricketfinalafter a thrilling five-run victory o v e r t h e S p a r t a n Challengers, setting up a much-anticipated clash with theRelianceHustlersSports Club.

Over in the men’s final, Paruima of Region #7 took center stage, dispatching MorucaofRegion#1witha31 scoreline The standout performer was Andrew Simmons,whoputonaclinic with a breathtaking hat-trick Simmons opened the scoring inthe48thminuteanddoubled Paruima’s advantage just five minutes later with a wellplacedstrike Histhirdgoalin the63rdminuteeffectivelyput the game out of Moruca’s reach Moruca managed to pull one back through Nelon Lucas,whonettedinthe42nd minute

Simmons’ hat-trick proved too much to overcome,securingParuima the men’s football title and sending their fans into rapturouscelebrations.

The Amerindian Heritage Games, a vibrant celebration of sport and culture, featured not only football but also thrilling competitions in cricket, archery, and other disciplines.

Cowboys, Ravens...


Kittle found the end zone, but the Niners could not generate enough points - or keep the pressure off Brock Purdy as he was sacked six times Justin Jefferson scored a magnificent 97yard touchdown and QB Sam Darnold looks transformed from player rated as the worst NFL regular QB for the last five years as the Vikings moved to 2-0. The Tampa Bay Buccaneersexactedrevenge for their play-off defeat in Detroit with a 20-16 win over the Lions in similar fashion - as the hosts dominated almost all of the stat lines apart from the crucialone-thescoreboard. AnothertransformedQB led the way as Baker Mayfield, who was sacked five times, showed his fightingspiritasheraninthe winning score with just 34 secondsleftontheclock.

In response, the Spartan Challengers, unbeaten throughoutthegroupstages, fell short in the run chase, managing 174-8 in their 20 overs Bernard Lewis impressed with the bat, striking a brisk 44, while B. Venture also contributed 44 runs in a more measured approach However, the efforts weren’t enough to overcome the disciplined Renegades bowling attack. Haiman Beharry (2-22), Sydney Peters (2-27), and Siddiq Mohamed (2-27) sharedthewicketstosealthe victory

TheRenegadeswillnow takeontheRelianceHustlers Sports Club in the highly anticipated final, scheduled forSunday,September22,at the Reliance Cri

Playing under scorching conditions, the Renegades wonthetossandoptedtobat first Sheldon Charles spearheaded the batting attack with a blistering halfcentury,contributing59runs to help his side reach a formidable 179-6 in their allotted 20 overs Alex Collins provided solid support, adding 40 runs, while Omarion Smith chipped in with a valuable 24-run cameo Spartan Challengers’ Kamal Khan ledtheirbowlingeffortwith figures of 2-28, while BernardLewisfinishedwith 2-35.


CPL to support Hurricane Beryl relief efforts

CPL - The Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) will be making a US$50,000 contribution to support tertiary level students who have had their last year of education significantly disrupted, following the horrendous impact of Hurricane Beryl in July 2024.

The disaster has had a massive impact on the lives of all residents in the northern parts of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique and has left s t u d e n t s n e e d i n g considerable support to completetheireducation.

The CPL’s donation will support students with accommodation, meals, transportation and school supplieswhiletheycontinue their studies at T A Marryshow Community College. In addition, the CPL will be making a

commitment to bring a number of these students to the CPL in 2025 to work as internsattheeventtofurther help with their professional development as they consider their future career options.

Pete Russell, CPL’s CEO, said: “Everyone at CPL has been touched by the impact that Beryl has had across the region, and we are pleased that we are able to play our part by supporting these students as they complete their studiesandlooktoabright futureahead

Supportingtheyouthof the Caribbean is hugely important to us and we look forward to hearing of the progress of these students and welcoming them to the tournament next year where we are certain they will find workingwiththeCPLteam a hugely rewarding

experience ” Prime Minister of Grenada, the Honourable Dickon Mitchell, said: “We

are very grateful for the support that Republic Bank CPL is giving to our young people as they look to

Coe among seven candidates

to be new IOC president

BBC Sport - World Athletics president Lord Sebastian Coe has been named as one of seven confirmed candidates to succeed Thomas Bach as International Olympic Committee(IOC)president.

Bach announced at the Paris Olympics last month thatheintendstostanddown after the end of his second termnextyear

Britain’s two-time Olympic 1500m champion Coe faces competition from Spaniard Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr, France’s

David Lappartient, Zimbabwean Kirsty Coventry, Japan’s Morinari Watanabe, Swede Johan Eliasch and Prince Feisal al HusseinofJordan.

Coventry, a seven-time

Olympic swimming medallist, is bidding to becomethefirstwomanand AfricantoheadtheIOC.

GermanlawyerBachhas beeninchargesince2013.

The new IOC president willbeelectedatasessionin ancientOlympiafrom18-21 March 2025 and will take overinJuneofthatyear.

Candidates will make presentationstothefullIOC membership at a private meeting in Lausanne,

Lord Sebastian Coe is in his third term as president of World Athletics. (Getty Images)


All IOC presidents have been men, with eight of the nine from Europe and one fromtheUnitedStates.

Coe said Olympic sport was “fundamental to my DNA”onsocialmedia.

“The Covid years saw many people struggle through inactivity and many sports organisations suffer through lack of funds. We need to invest more in both over the next decade,” he added.“Alaser-likefocuson sportmustbethepriorityfor theIOC.IbelieveIcanhelp achievethisandmore.”

Under current IOC rules Coe would not be able to servethefulleight-yearfirst term of office as he reaches

the IOC age limit of 70 in 2026,butheabolishedsimilar restrictions on becoming president of World Athletics

Who are the candidates?

PrinceFeisalalHussein,aged 63,Jordan–Aformerwrestler andrallydriver,heispresident of the Jordan Olympic Committee and founded GenerationsforPeace,which promotes unity in highconflictareas.

Lord Sebastian Coe, 67, Great Britain – Renowned middle-distance runner who became a Conservative MP and later chaired organising committee of London 2012 Olympics and headed British OlympicAssociation

Kirsty Coventry, 41, Zimbabwe – Africa’s most

decorated Olympian who competedatfiveGames,she is minister of sport in her homeland.Shewasanathlete representativeontheIOCand founded her own swimming academy Johan Eliasch, 62, Sweden – President of International Ski and Snowboard Federation and chairman of sports goods company Head Was an advisor on deforestation and green energy to Gordon Brown’sUKgovernment

David Lappartient, 51, France – President of cycling’s governing body U n i o n C y c l i s t e Internationale (UCI) and president of the French Olympic Committee He is chair of the IOC’s esports group Juan Antonio SamaranchJr,64,Spain–One of four current IOC vice presidents Headed coordination commission for Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Hislatefatherwas in charge of the IOC for 21 yearsuntil2001 Morinari Watanabe, 65, Japan – President of International Gymnastics Federation since 2017. He was on the executive board of the organising committee for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

CPL will be making a US$50,000 contribution to support tertiary level students who have had their last year of education significantly disrupted.

rebuild their lives following the massive impact of HurricaneBerylonGrenada. Thissupportmeansthatthey can recover from the immediate impact of this disaster and focus solely on continuingtheirstudies.”

CaitlinClarkscorescareer-high35 pointstopassSeimoneAugustusfor mostpointsinaWNBArookieseason

Yahoo Sports - Caitlin Clark just can’t stop breakingrecords.

The Indiana Fever rookie sensation marked her latest milestone on Sunday, breaking the WNBA single-season rookie point record on the way to a 110-109 win over theDallasWings.

Clark finished with a career-high 35 points in Sunday’s game, racking up 761 total points to pass SeimoneAugustusformost points in a rookie season.

Augustus, now a Hall-ofFamer, set the record in 2006,scoring744pointsfor the Minnesota Lynx in her rookieyear

The game came down to the wire, with the Wings getting within two points with just seconds remaining Fever center Aliyah Boston hit two free throws with one second left to lift the win just out ofDallas’grasp

Although Dallas forward Satou Sabally was able to make the buzzer-beating threepointer,itwasn’tenough, and Indiana took the 110109 win In addition to Clark’s career-high in points, she chipped in

three rebounds, eight assists and three steals She also hit six threepointers, just one shy of hercareerhigh Kelsey Mitchell was right behind Clark, scoring 27 points for the Fever, while Sabally and Arike Ogunbowale also dropped 27 points each forDallas

Clark has certainly made her mark on the record books this season, breaking both rookie records and WNBA recordsalike

The 22-year-old guard broke the rookie records for assists and three-pointers in August, before breaking the WNBA single-season assistrecordonFriday

She set the singlegame assist record back in July, with 19 assists alsoagainsttheWings BehindthetrioofClark, Boston and Mitchell, the Indiana Fever broke an eight-year postseason drought to return to the playoffs for the first time since2016.

With Sunday’s victory, theFevergetits20thwinof the season and have now clinched the sixth seed for thepostseason.


Over 70 trainee teachers from theclassof2025 wereintroducedtogolfatthe maincampusinTurkeyenon Thursday

According to Vice Principal/Registrar Ms Kevaun Sears, “This is part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that every teacher, regardless of whether they’re majoring in PE or not, are exposed to a sport which we hope they will in turnpassontheirknowledge and excitement to their learners at schools all over thecountry.”

The teachers were given anengagingoverviewofthe sport by GGA President

Aleem Hussain and LPGA/USGA Site manager Philip Haynes about its potential for scholarships andnetworkingwhichcould benefit all participants, especially female players who stand to gain from access to the LPGA/USGA

G i r l s F o u n d a t i o n programme.

Teacherswerethengiven the opportunity to Putt for

A large number of teachers were introduced to golf as part of the GGANexgen Academy School’s programme. School’

prizes and despite trying for the first time, most of the participants were able to effectively grasp the fundamentals of the sport, leading to increased interest

inlearningandteaching. Hussain said, “We were extremelypleasedto see the response from the teachers and their commitment to take the sport back to their

classrooms is very encouraging.

Our goal is to get 1,000 teachers interested in golf and ask each of them to share their passion and

students over the next three years, thereby transforming GuyanaintoaGolfNation!”

Plans are being made to create a CPCE Golf Club

whichwillbeaffiliatedwith t h e G u y a n a G o l f Association and open tournament and training opportunities for teachers andtheirfamilies

Concacaf announces 2025 to 2029 women’s national team competitions

Miami, FL — Building onthesuccessfuldeliveryof the inaugural W Gold Cup this year and the recently launched Concacaf women’sclubcompetition–the W Champions Cup –Concacaf has taken another positive step in the ongoing growth and development of women’s football in the region, with an expanded calendar of women’s national team competitions nowconfirmedforthe2025 to2029internationalcycle. The revamped women’s national team ecosystem, whichtheConcacafCouncil recently approved, will provide a consistent calendarofcompetitionsfor all Concacaf federations, providing their women’s national teams with regular opportunitiestocompeteon the regional and global stage Tournaments will includetheWQualifiersand W Championship, which will serve as the qualification path to the FIFA Women’s World Cup

and the Summer Olympic Games, the introduction of an inaugural Concacaf W Nations League, and a second edition of the W GoldCup.

Concacaf developed the competition formats after consulting with key stakeholders and analyzing FIFA’s new women’s international match calendar.

R e g a r d i n g t h i s important announcement, Concacaf President and FIFA Vice President Victor Montagliani said: “These tournaments will provide a tremendous boost to women’s football in Concacaf with a consistent calendar of competitions now in place for 2025 to 2029 which delivers all 41 of our federations with opportunities to grow and thriveonandoffthepitch.”

”We are now five years on from the launch of our Concacaf W women’s football strategy and much progress has been made,

from establishing new competitions to celebrating six of our national teams qualifying for and competing at the last FIFA Women’sWorldCup,andof course the delivery of countless coaching and development programmes that have provided women and girls across our region withopportunitiestoengage with the sport. We know there remains much more work to do and we are committed to continuing to support our member federationstodevelopevery levelofwomen’sfootballin Concacaf.”

2025-26 Concacaf W Qualifiers

(Qualifies teams for the 2026 Concacaf W Championship)

T h e 2 0 2 5 - 2 0 2 6 Concacaf W Qualifiers will serve as the preliminary roundofthe2026Concacaf W Championship and consist of a single round to be played during the FIFA Women’s International

MatchWindowsofOctober and November 2025 and FebruaryandApril2026.

For these qualifiers, which will not include the region’s two top-ranked nations according to the Concacaf Women’s Rankings (they will receive a bye to the 2026 Concacaf W Championship), Concacaf Member Associations will be split intosixgroups.

Following Group Stage play, where each team will play a maximum of four matches(twohomeandtwo away), the six group winners will advance to the 2026 Concacaf W Championship.

2026 Concacaf W Championship

(Qualifies teams for the 2027 FIFAWomen’s World Cup and 2028 LA Summer Olympics)

The first of the three major centralized competitions announced in the new Concacaf women’s national team calendar, the

ConcacafWChampionship, willbeplayedinNovember 2026 and will serve as the Confederation’s qualifier for the FIFA Women’s World Cup Brazil 2027 and the 2028 LA Summer Olympics.

The eight teams participating in the fiveround direct elimination knockoutstylecompeatition willincludetheregion’stwo top-rankedteamsandthesix group winners of the 202526ConcacafWQualifiers.

The competition will b e g i n w i t h t h e Quarterfinals,followedbya Play-In, Semifinals, ThirdPlace Match, and Final. To determine the Quarterfinal pairings and each team’s path to the Final, Concacaf willrankteams1-8,withthe highest-ranked team facing thelowest-rankedteam.

At the conclusion of the Quarterfinals, the four matchup winners will qualify for the Semifinals and guarantee their place in the FIFA Women’s World

Cup Brazil 2027, while the fourloserswillprogresstoa Play-In, where they will face off for Concacaf’s two remaining slots in the Women’sWorldCup(thisis based on the confederation slot allocation for the previous FIFA Women’s World Cup. The final slot allocation for the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2027 will be confirmed by FIFA induecourse.).

The 2026 Concacaf W ChampionshipFinalistswill also secure a berth in the 2028LASummerOlympics Games Women’s Football Tournament.

Should the USA finish as one of the two W Championship Finalists, Concacaf’s second berth will be awarded to the competition’s Third Place finisher (based on the precedent of host nations’ automatic qualification for previous editions of the Olympic Football Tournament at the Summer OlympicGames).

Fitzgerald crowned champion at Foreign Links ‘Best of Seven’ Darts C/ship

The Foreign Links

D a r t s C l u b

L e a g u e concludedits‘BestofSeven’ Darts Championship on Sunday night at 21 Bar and Lounge,withlocaldartsstar Sudesh Fitzgerald taking homethechampionshiptitle.

Fitzgerald delivered a dominant performance, winning an impressive 12 legs, and ultimate to secure victory

The competition, which featured some of the top names in local darts, allowed players to accumulate points with each leg, with four points


Norman M

o claimed the runner-up spot,finishingwith9wins and 8 lo

Christopher Lochan took third place after securing 7winsoutof18legs


d Rambharose rounded out the top four with four victories

Foreign Links Darts Club members praised the owners of 21 Bar and L


platform for


The Helena Ground will Host a Golf, Archery and Cricket Fun Day on Sunday

The Executive of M a h a i c a ’ s

Helena 1&2

Sports Ground in collaboration with Nexgen Golf Academy will host a FreeAdmission Family Fun Day on Sunday September 22 from 1-10pm This awesome activity will see SportssuchasGolf,Cricket, Archery and Dominoes being played at the recently renovated Ground, along with a Barbecue and Music toaddtotheexcitement.

Families are encouraged tocomeoutandpicnicwhile taking part in various activities that will allow them to win prizes for participating. In fact, the first200playerstotakepart in Golf and Archery will receive Igloo Ice-cream, compliments of Sterling Products.

Prizes such as beverage hampers from Guyana Beverages and trips to Kaieteur Falls and Arrowpoint Resort courtesy of Roraima Airways and Captain Gerry Gouveia will also be up for grabs along withavarietyoftrophies.

The 10-over cricket competitions will start at 1 pm and the fun atmosphere is expected to continue well into the night as the music andshowbegins.

AAG General Council refutes claim of engagement with Allied Arts to scrap “Nationals”

The tested and proven formatoftheNationalInterSchools Athletics Championships which is now being revamped by the Ministry of Education (MoE)throughAlliedArtsis causing a furore among the otherstakeholders.

T h e A t h l e t i c s Association of Guyana (AAG), one of the main stakeholders, in terms of the event management, is refuting claims made by Head of Allied Arts Nicholas Fraser about an engagement with its General Council, who according to him was consulted for the change of the original format and for training of teachers and other officials in the variouseducationdistricts.

According to multiple s o u r c e s , n o s u c h engagement occurred, a d d i n g t h a t i t i s somewhat disingenuous for the education official to make such a claim, knowing that it did not occur

emphasised that there was neither a formal or informal meeting so for Fraser to come out and say that the AAG is on board is not accurate,butfalse.

with all stakeholders, to examine the impact, before any change is madeorinstituted

Areas necessary to e x a m i n e b e f o r e implementation are participation, student athletic development, healthy lifestyles, and impact on examination at grade6andCSEClevels

The sources added that they are not against change, but the lack of consultation and the absence of proof about the benefits are the contentious issues right now

“The system is not broken so why try to fix it, our athletes have been performing outstandingly both in terms of their track success and academically and we have the support of the MoE to support this notion, sowhytrytodisruptwhatis working without a thorough evaluation ,” one of the c o u n c i l m e m b e r s contended.

e Company, Nexgen Golf Academy, ProArchers,

Helena Cricket Ground Executive will host the activitieswiththesupportof P

Guyana Beverages Inc, Roraima Airways, Sterling Products, H. Nauth & Sons, KKGasStationandDDL.

“We know nothing of such a meeting and are surprised to see an article appear in Stabroek News of September 16 quoting Fraser as saying he had consulted with the Athletic Association,” thesourcesstated

The sources further

The issue at hand is the MoE’s abrupt proposal to move the a n n u a l A t h l e t i c s Championships from its usual yearend schedule to March 2025 which according to the ministry will serve as more beneficialtotheathletes

However, the AAG is contending that in the absence of a thorough scientific survey about the benefits the Ministry istouting,thereshouldbe serious deliberations

Thesourcesurgedthat it would be wise for the MoE to rethink its unilateral imposition and engage the AAG and other stakeholders in a meaningful way to arrive at a general agreement that will be embraced by all stakeholders.

Top four share photo-op at the conclusion of the Best of Seven Legs Darts Championship. In photo (L-R) Lallchand Rambharose, Norman Madhoo, Sudesh Fitzgerald and Christopher Lochan.
The Helena Ground is the host for the Golf, Archery and Cricket Fun Day.

Cowboys, Ravens & 49ers lose on NFL Sunday of shocks

BBC Sport - It was a Sunday of shock results in weektwo,showingthisNFL seasoncouldbewideopenas more teams join the list of contenders.

The New Orleans Saints look the real deal after they blew away the Dallas Cowboys in their own backyard,whiletheHouston Texans confirmed their status by seeing off Caleb Williams’ChicagoBears.

Nobody saw the Las Vegas Raiders beating the Ravens in Baltimore in a stunning upset, while the San Francisco 49ers also came unstuck at the MinnesotaVikings.

Defending Super Bowl champions the Kansas City Chiefsedgedtheirbigrivals Cincinnati Bengals in another thriller and the Green Bay Packers found a way to win without Jordan Love.

Kamara shines as Saints stunCowboys

Putting 40-plus points against the lowly Carolina Panthers last week was one thing, but beating the Cowboys 44-19 in their home opener is a different storyastheSaintssentouta warning to the rest of the league The unstoppable

Alvin Kamara scored four touchdowns for this prolific Saintsattack,whichhasnow scored 91 points in their opening two games - the second most in the Super Bowlera.

Matching the 1971 Cowboys, only the Saints themselves, in 2009, scored more with 93 - and both of those teams went on to win theSuperBowl.

Being embarrassed at

home was not exactly how Dallas quarterback Dak Prescott wanted to celebrate becoming the best-paid playerinNFLhistory Raiders leave it late to sinkRavens

Afterbeingjustabigtoe away from beating the Chiefs last week, Baltimore were expected to roll over the Raiders but managed to blow a 10-point lead in the final 12 minutes to lose 26-

23 Raiders QB Gardner Minshew was sacked five times and intercepted once, but then produced a spark fromnowhereasateamthat scored just 10 points last week scored 13 unanswered ononeofthebestdefencesin theleague.

It was a stunning defeat for Baltimore, who had the league’sbestrecordlastyear and the MVP in Lamar Jackson but drop to 0-2 for


The Ravens have never made the play-offs after losing their first two games ofaseason.

Chiefs keep finding waystowin

It is always a tight contest between these fierce rivals, and this again went downtothewireasHarrison

Butker kicked a 51-yard field goal as time expired to clinch a 26-25 Chiefs victory

Chiefs coachAndy Reid had to dig deep into his box of tricks, with Patrick Mahomes throwing a TD passtogiantoffensivetackle WanyaMorris-whoweighs inatjustover22st.

Chamarri Conner returned a Joe Burrow fumbleforatouchdownand a late penalty flag enabled the Chiefs to find another way to win - and start 2-0 against big AFC contenders the Ravens and Bengals despite not being at their best “We have full confidence that no matter howthegame’sgoingwe’re going to do enough to win,” said Mahomes “We’re going to clean up the mistakes, especially on the offence. And we’ll be a better team for it.” NFC favourites 49ers & Lions bothlose

TheSanFrancisco49ers did not miss the injured Christian McCaffrey in termsofyards,buttheywere missing something as the Minnesota Vikings stifled them in a surprise 23-17 upset.JordanMasonhad100 rushing yards and a TD, Deebo Samuel topped 100 receivingyardsandGeorge


Spinners earn St Lucia Kings crucial victory over Falcons in low-scoring encounter at Gros Islet

S p o r t s M a x - A comfortable 26-run victory by St Lucia Kings over Antigua & Barbuda Falcons on home turf in Gros Islet saw them keep their 2024 Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) campaign on track whilst consigning the Falcons to a sixth defeat in eight appearances in this year’s competition.

TheFalconswonthetoss andchosetoinserttheKings in St Lucia but the home side’s top order started confidently with the bat in hand.

Johnson Charles hit five boundaries for his 25 and Ackeem Auguste followed suit with a well made 35 off 28 deliveries after captain Faf du Plessis fell to Chris Greenfor14attheendofthe fifthover

Greenwasthepickofthe bowlers for the Falcons, the Australian’s canny off breaksseeinghimsnarefour top order wickets as the Kings tried to wrestle the initiative and set a commanding target. David Wiesebeltedfoursixesatthe close to see the Kings set 152-9offtheir20overs. The Falcons top order

struggled and were 28-5 at theendofthePowerPlayand it looked as if they were in danger of a heavy defeat.

ShamarSpringerandcaptain Chris Green then rebuilt the

innings by working the ball into the gaps, albeit the lack ofboundariesmeantthatthe Kings were never really put under any pressure defendingtheirtotal.

Springerwasrunoutjust as the harder yards were doneanditwastimetoopen theshouldersandposealate charge, and when Green fell caught by Seifert off Noor Ahmad for 48 off 37 deliveries the match drifted awayforgood.KharyPierre was awarded the Player of theMatchawardforbagging 3-24 with his wily slow left arm, his three quick wickets ofKofiJames,SamBillings and Jahmar Hamilton was a top order gut punch that the Falcons failed to recover from.

The Kings move to second place in the table, Barbados Royals ahead of them on Net Run Rate and with a game in hand whilst the Falcons slip to second bottomandwithplentytodo as the competition heads towardsthebusinessend.

Alvin Kamara had 180 total yards and four TDs in a monster game against Dallas. (Getty Images)
St Lucia players react to the applause of their fans. (CPL via Getty Images)

GT Kanaimas reign supreme with third

Paruima Men’s Football team crowned
GT Kanaimas win third consecutive Amerindian Heritage Games title.

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