- Govt. for third quarter ExxonMobil in discussion with Govt. to ramp up oil production at Liza Two EPA invites residents with oily seepage in homes to make report




- Govt. for third quarter ExxonMobil in discussion with Govt. to ramp up oil production at Liza Two EPA invites residents with oily seepage in homes to make report
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), the operator of Guyana's prolific Stabroek Block is currently in discussion with the Government of Guyana (GoG)tofurtherincreasethe dailyrateofoilproductionat theLizaTwoproject.
This was revealed by the President of EMGL, Alistair Routledge during a media conference last week at the company's Duke Street, Kingston, Georgetown office.
He explained that the oil giantiscurrentlyproducinga combined total of about 665,000barrelsofoilperday (bpd). “For Liza Phase One that capacity it's authorized above 160,000 (bpd) but our current capacity is 150,000 barrels per day For the Liza Phase Two and Payara developments is 252,000 barrels per day (each) of authorizedproduction.”
In May this year, the company signaled its intentiontoincreasethedaily rate of production at Liza Two, operated by the Liza Unity Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)vessel. It later received the blessings of government to conduct debottlenecking activities to increase the production.Thisactivitywas completed in August Routledge reported that the facilities were operating as expectedbythecompany,but it is still hoping to boost productionfurther
According to him, “We are ongoing discussions reviewwithvariousagencies including the EPA and with the Ministry of Natural Resource on whether to increase the production on the Unity FPSO above the 252,000.”
He said the process was
very methodical where the company would review the facilities for bottlenecks to improve recovery of the resources. This informs the work of the technical team, as it did during the last shutdowninAugustforUnity.
During the process, the company would focus on increasing the capacity of heat exchangers; analyzing the trims on valves and others. He explained that priortothephysicalactivities on the vessels, the team would conduct analyses and risk assessments It is followed by reporting to the EPA to inform the regulator of the new performance of the systems. Notably, the company does not proceed with ramping up production until it gets the green-light fromtheagency Routledge said Exxon currently believes the Liza Unity can be increased to
Presently Exxon is producing oil at three projects in the Stabroek
Block Each of the developments have an estimated 20-year project life; however, the Liza One and Liza Two projects are likely to be cut short as almost half of the oil has alreadybeendrained.
Last month this newspaperreportedthatLiza One, which commenced oil production in December 2019, has already produced
closeto200millionbarrelsof oil(MBO).
The Field Development Planforthatprojecthowever indicates that the project, operatedbytheLizaDestiny Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel, has a reserve of 452 MBO. This means that 44% of the reserves are already drained.
Similarly,attheLizaTwo project,theMinistryreported that almost 200 MBO have been produced by Exxon since the commencement of
production activities in February2022. That field, according to the FDP holds about 570 MBO.Consequently,35%of the reserves have already been produced by the company. It could also be deduced that about 40% of the collective reserves at the two projects have been depleted.
Meanwhile,atthecurrent rate of production, ExxonMobil could drain the remaining resources in just oversevenyears
With six deep-water projects in the Stabroek Block already receiving regulatoryapprovalfromthe Government of Guyana (GoG), by mid-2025
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) is hoping to get approval for its s e v e n t h p r o j e c t , Hammerhead.
This is according to Phillip Rietema, Vice President and Business
Services Manager at
ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) A few months ago, EMGL, the operator of Guyana's resource-rich Stabroek Blockmadeitsapplicationto the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seeking approval for a s e v e n t h p r o j e c t , Hammerhead.
Duringhisaddressatthe International Business Conference (IBC) on Wednesday at the Guyana MarriottHotel,Georgetown, Reitema said, “We have six sanctionedprojects,just(to) putitincontext.Idon'tthink there's anywhere in the worldwherewe'vebeenable to go so quickly from discovery to production to nowsixsanctionedprojects.
Since making its first
discovery in 2015, he underscored that Exxon has t r a n s i t i o n e d f r o m exploration to production in record time. Currently, Exxon is producing over 650,000barrelsofoilperday (bpd)fromLiza1,Liza2and Payara developments which are supported by three floating production storage and offloading (FPSOs) namely, Destiny, Unity and Prosperity
Rietema also noted that the company has three more projectstocomeonlineinthe coming years. “These are renderings of the third, the fourth,fifthandsixthFPSOs for those projects that are scheduled to come online in 2025andthentwoin2027,” Exxon'sVPsaid.
He also spoke about the company's seventh project.
“If you've been reading the news here in Guyana, we've
also announced that we're planning for a seventh project on the Hammerhead discovery. The regulatory r e v i e w s o n t h e environmental side are underway, and we're hoping to receive regulatory approval by the middle of next year,” the EMGL officialsaid.
Hammerhead was announced as Exxon's ninth commercial discovery in
Phillip Rietema, Vice President and Business Services Manager at ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL)
August 2018 The Hammerhead-1 well was drilled in a new reservoir, encountering approximately 197feet(60meters)ofhighquality, oil-bearing sandstone reservoir. The well was safely drilled to 13,862 feet (4,225 meters) depth in 3,773 feet (1,150 meters)ofwater Theproject will target between 120-180 thousand barrels per day (kbd). Exxon is aiming to commence production activitiesby2029,following therequisiteapprovals.
Notably, the daily production capacity being targeted is significantly lower compared to the last three projects sanctioned, which each target over 200
kbd Hammerhead-1 is located approximately 13 miles (21 kilometers) southwestoftheLiza-1well and follows previous discoveries on the Stabroek Block at Liza, Liza Deep, Payara, Snoek, Turbot, Ranger,PacoraandLongtail.
Back in April, Exxon received green-light from the EPAas well as blessings from the government to develop a sixth deep water project,Whiptail.
M o r e o v e r , t h e InternationalEnergyAgency (IEA) in a new report predicted that ExxonMobil will secure approval from the government for the Hammerhead development by2025.
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
The cash coming from the PPPC Government is producing much excitement for Guyanese. Cash coming left, right, and center, and with a few loud blasts. The biggest one of all is PresidentAli’s $200,000 one-off cash distribution for each Guyanese household. In a flash, Guyanesewentfromfaminetofeast,for$200,000inhandis abagofmoneythatwasnottherebefore. Thoughpricesare sure to take on a life of their own, as is customary in such circumstances,$200,000havesomelimitedstayingpower, andthepowertomakeadifferenceinthelivesofstruggling Guyanese. Withoutadmittingignoranceorincompetence,a new announcement modifies and expands the original $200,000 to cover more Guyanese, but at the smaller $100,000level.
Theone-offcashgrantshouldgiveGuyanesewhoneed relief an ease, if it reaches them. They could clear debts incurred to manage with cost-of-living, with some spare cash left to enjoy a decent holiday season. The concern is where does this leave the Guyanese man-in-the-street, the teachers, public servants, and minimum wage workers, when the $100,000 cash grant is consumed. The prices of essential items are rising with little reprieve in sight, so it could be back to square one, with the poor in this country feeling the squeeze, hit hard. The cash handout is welcomed,hasitsuses,butwhatwouldhelpGuyanesemore is to be presented with a plan (and a program) that is more than a bold headline. A plan that is enduring because it represents what is fair to citizens in a rich oil producing country, with the national wealth spread out sensibly and cleanly ThoughitisacloudonPresidentAli’sparade,this latestcashhandout,foritshelpfulpositives,hascorruption written on every envelope. When the amount stated is considered,manyinthePPPCGovernmentcirclewillhave frequent opportunities for self-enrichment. After several cashhandoutsthislessonshouldhavebeenlearnedbynow, with a different relief system put in place. The “per household” cash prize was sure to generate both disagreements,whichledtotherevised$100,000grant.
To put more cash in Guyanese workers’hands, there’s an increase in the income tax threshold, with a child credit announced Thisofferssomeease,butitisapittance Thisagain emphasizesthegovernment’sapproachthatisfirmlysettledina drips-and-drabs mode, when a strong and steady hand to all Guyanese is what is needed Also, those workers who came painfully close, but not close enough, to collecting an NIS pension stand as prospective beneficiaries of a $10B one-off injectionintothatinstitution Some3,800workersshouldnow beinlinetoreceiveamonthlyNISpension Alongwiththose provisions,thereistheuniversal$10,000healthvoucherbenefit, andfreeuniversitytuitionsettobeginin2025 Infairness,it couldbesaidthatGuyanesehavebeenofferedsomerelieffrom theirongoingbattleswithmanagingtolivewithsomedignityin therichestcountryintheworldpercapita Certainly,theymake adent,butmoreisneeded,forthisisacountrywherebillions uponbillionsarebeingspent(andsquandered)onpetprojects aboutwhichsolittleisknown,solittleconfidenceisvested
Because the PPPC Government is so ecstatic by the opportunities for corruption under the umbrellas of infrastructureandprotectedagencies,thatiswherethebulk of budget funds have gone. It explains why one eyecatching public works project after another makes the headlines, for this is where the government’s interest is foremost. Supplementaryallocationsforfailinginstitutions have also fueled more corruption. To a significant extent, thishasbeentothedetrimentofcitizens,withthoselivingon starvationwagesfeelingthefullforceoftheirneedsandnot beingabletodomuchabouttheirpredicament. Meanwhile, adependencysyndromeisfostered,withcitizenshavingno choice but to wait on hands and knees for the president to make a grand entry and create a splash. This is where PresidentAli is in his element. He is happy to be a leader moreofsoundthatquicklyfadesthanoneofsubstancethat lasts
DEAREDITOR, Nations around the world, have been cautioned, perhaps through a plethora of note verbals to be careful not to attack or criticize Israel now at war because Israel “has the right to defend itself” by any means necessary even if it means violating the territorial integrity of a neighboring country because it has the capability to “reach” any part of the Middle East to “defend itself.”
P r i m e M i n i s t e r
Netanyahuissuedawarning thatanycountrythatattacks Israelinanyshapeorfashion will be making “a big mistake” and will “pay a heavy price.” As such, any country,thatmakesthat‘big mistake’ will, according to the Israeli authorities, be subject to bombings of residential areas by Israeli jet fighters; destruction of social services and physical infrastructure, schools, universities, hospitals , placesofworshipbecauseit is‘inthoseplaceswherethe terrorists are hiding and usingwomenandchildrenas human shields’; The world has been notified that journalists engaged in coveringeventsinGazawill notbesparedandvolunteers providing humanitarian assistance to suffering Gazians,desperatelyinneed of basics to survive, will be m o w e d d o w n indiscriminately while UN serviceproviderswillnotbe spared.
The kidnapping of suspectedHamassupporters especially young men, will see them being undressed downtotheirunderwearand in some cases stark naked, and marched off to Israel where they were made administrative prisoners at overcrowded jails There, some will be whipped, tortured, humiliated and raped.
The world will be continuously scoffed at and told that humanitarian aid, food and medical supplies
will be blocked from entering the Gaza; while water and electricity will be denied because Gazians have been branded “animals.”Atthesametime, Gazianswillbedisplacedin the thousands with no place to hide and as in the case of NorthernGazawhereasiege iscurrentlyinplacewiththe objective of forcing hundreds of thousands trapped there to starve to death Anyone trying to escape the dragnet will be shot and killed on sight. They will be considered collateraldamageinwar
Governments have been warned to be careful not to attack Israel in any shape or formbecauseiftheydo,they will be branded antisemetic; and be lectured to aboutconvenientlyforgoing lessons learnt from the holocaust. Ultimately, any government found involved in such activities, will find themselves attacking as the ‘Israel the victim’instead of recognizingtheArabsasthe aggressors and who propagate hostility and hate againstIsraelandwhoseaim isto‘wipeIsraeloffthemap’ andto‘throwtheIsraelisinto theSea.’
Worse yet, such governmentswillbeviewed as antagonistic towards the United States, Israel’s most dependable political and diplomaticallyintheMiddle East and its biggest arms supplier and financier; known as ‘America’s outpost’intheMiddleEast.
Governments have been warnedthatanyactiontaken against Israel and America byextension,willbedeemed unfriendly and as a consequence, Washington will show its displeasure with those government in onewayoranotherresulting inthesouringrelations.And insofar as the hawks and neocons in the USA are concerned; “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather withmescatters.”
The Israeli government in tandem with a number of
Governments around the world have been told to discourage,ifnotbanprotest demonstrations against Israel in their respective national jurisdictions; they havebeenadvisedtoinstruct state controlled and, if possible,independentmedia houses not to carry stories with an ‘anti-semetic slant’ nor to use such language in their coverage of events in the Middle East nor in editorials or by their columnists.
F u r t h e r m o r e , governments were advised to avoid use of the word ‘genocide’ to describe Israel’s ‘right to defend itself’; governments have also been directed to discourage Universities from mobilizing student protests against Israel’s ‘righttodefenditself’andto not publish or say nothing favourable about Palestine’s and their rights nor entitlementstolandoratwostatesolution. Governments have been called upon to join with Israel to condemn the UN “as nothing more than a contemptuousfarce.”
In addition, Israel has called upon governments to support its claim that UNWRA has been infiltrated by Hamas’s fighters and that the UN body should be banned by lawfromoperatinginIsrael, thoughnoevidencehasbeen provided to validate Israel’s spuriousclaim.
Theworldwasreminded that in early October, this year, Israel’s Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, had declared the United Nations Secretary General, António Guterres,personanongrata. Inotherwords,Guterreswas banned from setting foot in Israel.Inhisownwords,this is how the Israeli Minister described Guterres; “A SecretaryGeneralwhogives backing to terrorists, rapists and murderers from Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and now Iran — the mothership of global terror — will be rememberedasastainonthe
historyoftheUN” Israel has exerted pressure on governments andcalleduponUNmember states to exert whatever influence they have to discourage the Special Prosecutor at the InternationalCriminalCourt (ICC) from issuing Arrest Warrants for the Israeli Prime Minister and his defenseminister Governments have also beenrequested,andinsome cases, pressured not to join withSouthAfricainthecase it took before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) nor to take any or such actions that will be viewed as unfriendly acts against both Israel and the US.
Nations of the world have been called upon to abandon all the calls for a ceasefire because it just won’t happen “so long as Israel faces an existential threattoitsexistenceandthe right to defend itself; Governments around the world were told in no uncertain terms that there will never ever be an independent Palestinian state” and that they should back off from what was describedas“afoolishidea.”
S a v e t h e s t e r n declarations from Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, TurkeyandQatar,therestof the Arab world have engaged in diplomatic wordsmithing and political sandancing around the war inGaza.However,whenwe hear words to the effect that ‘theworldiswatching’those words seem to be particularly relevant to the masses of both Sunni and Shiite Muslims particularly intheMiddleEast.
Capturing the mood and seething resentment of the populace in the Middle East against the inhuman treatment and wanton destruction of life and limb in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon as well as the laid back attitude of Rulers in theirkingdoms,Sheikdoms (Continuedonpage06)
DEAREDITOR, AsIwritethisletter,Ican see myself standing at the Corner of Orange Walk and Church Street or John Ford CarPark.
I was there to listen to a PPP meeting, one of the speakers was Ms Gail Teixeira Whenever, Dr Jagan, Dr Luncheon or Ms. Teixeira is speaking at a meeting I would be in
attendance, I like those people. In her presentation she said if the PPP were electedtoGovernment,they would find a place for vagrants and homeless walkingaroundGeorgetown and elsewhere.Thisbrought a loud round of applause by theaudience,luckilythePPP did win that election and they stayed twenty-three yearsinoffice.Butattheend
of term, there were more homeless and vagrants and homeless increased furthermore.
NowthatPresidentAliis inoffice,hishandsarefilled with other developments, that no one in his cabinet is suggesting to him a solution toproblem.
With all spending to beautify Guyana such problemcreatesadistasteful sight and risks to Guyanese residents and in addition, makes our visitors very uncomfortable.
Iamagrandfatheroffive and it is very embarrassing as well as disappointing to me when I am with my grandchildrenandseeingthe condition of vagrants walkingnakedaroundus.
YoursTruly FrankDeAbreu
DEAREDITOR, MelindaJanki,forwhom Ihavesomerespectandwith whom I have worked together in the past on aviation matters in Guyana, has, inexplicably, taken me totaskbydescribingaletterI wrote, which was published in the media, on the subject of the confrontation taking place in the Middle East between Israel and the Palestinians as “bad on history and worse on internationalrelations”.
Nothing, however, in her letter relates to nor supports this criticism In fact, specifically regarding the Israeli and Palestinian confrontation, there is nothing in Ms Janki’s letter on which I have any f u n d a m e n t a l disagreement
Forinstance,shewrites that “Israel continues to defy international law and inflictcarnageonGaza”
In my letter, I have pointed out that “it is the apparent determination of the Israeli government to destroy every building and murder every Gazan in the name of defending Israel” and that “Israel is now invading Lebanon where H e z b o l l a h i s headquartered with the apparent intention of eliminating Hezbollah
regardless of the destruction and loss of life involved, similarly to its programme in the Gaza”. Aren’t we saying the same thing?
In my letter, I draw two conclusions, based on facts,whichareignoredby Ms Janki
The first is that, because both Hamas in the Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon “are financed, armed and directed by the militantMuslimleadership of Iran who do not recognize the right of Israeltoexist”andbecause “Iran is on the verge of developing a nuclear capability which Israel wouldliketodestroy”,itis
reasonable to conclude that “a war between Israel and Iran would result in an international confrontation probably leading to a Third WorldWar”.
The second conclusion I draw and, I repeat, is that all that is happening in the Middle East is “very relevanttotheimplications it has for Guyana in defence of our own sovereignty against the threat of Maduro’s Venezuela” It is here that Ms Janki and I differ She prides herself publicly as an“InternationalLawyer”
Thenshemustknow,but chooses to ignore, that the Iranians, who sponsor and support both Hamas and Hezbollah, exercises a military presence in Venezuela in support of Maduro and are not, therefore, necessarily Guyana’s friends when it comes to, as I wrote, the “defence of our own sovereignty against the threat of Maduro’s Venezuela”.
In glaring contrast, the USA, the UK, Canada, the Commonwealth countries, the majority of OAS countries and the CARICOM countries have firmly rejected Venezuela’s claims to Guyana’s Essequiboregion.
It is pellucid, therefore, whereGuyana’sself-interest belong and that Guyana
continues to recognize and maintainthosefriendshipsin itsownnationalinterests.
Melinda Janki is totally wrong when she seeks to blame both the government of former President David Grangerandthegovernment of Dr. MohamedAli for the threat posed by the Maduro government ofVenezuela to the territorial integrity of Guyana’s Essequibo region. In doing so, she displays a surprising lack of comprehension on the matter which is before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) with respect to theEssequiboregion.
Let me remind her and ourreaders
We know that the land boundary b
en Guyana and Venezuela was settled as a “Full, P
Arbitral Tribunal Award ofOctober3rd,1899
We also know that in 1962, on the eve of the then colony of British Guiana becoming the independent nation of Guyana, the Venezuelan government abandoned the rule of law by abandoning its obligation to the 1899Award, laying claim to the territory of Guyana’s Essequibo region This led to the Geneva A
Venezuela, joined by an
independent Guyana in 1966.
T h e A g r e e m e n t identified the means of resolving the boundary “controversy” which, failing discussions b e t w e e n t h e t w o countries, is to be settled bythejudicialprocess History recalls that the British government, with the concurrence of the British Guiana government at the time, a g r e e d t o h a v e documentation relevant to Venezuela’s claims, examined by experts from the UK, British Guiana and Venezuela at the UN Special Political Committee but, Forbes Burnham, addressing the National Assembly on 12th July, 1968, hadthisto say:
“In making this offer I must make it very clear that it is no sense an offer to engage in substantive talks about revision of the frontier That we cannot do; for we consider that there is no justification for it” Burnham went on to report that “in the view of the governments
of the United Kingdom and our British Guiana the work of the experts disclosed that there was not a scintilla of evidence to support the Venezuelan contention”.
Guyana’s position has never changed in this regard, regardlessofwhich politicalpartyisinofficeand Ms.Jankimustknowthat.
Melinda Janki should also know that, in 2014, all discussions between Venezuela and Guyana on the matter having failed, the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations, in accord with the Geneva Agreement, on 3rd January, 2018, advised Guyana and Venezuela that “having carefully analyzed the developments in the good offices process during the course of 2017” and “significant progress not having been made toward arriving at a full agreement for the solution for the controversy”, he had “chosen the International CourtofJusticeasthemeans now to be used for its solution”.
On 29th March, 2018, Guyana, as a
consequence, filed its application to the Court for the Court to rule on the determination of the validity of the 1899 Arbitral Award to be binding on both parties. The emphasis is mine.
Both the PPP/C, now in government, and the APNU/AFC, now in Opposition, have agreed to honour the ICJ rule
I have spent this time recalling the historical facts to illustrate that it is pure nonsense, therefore, for Ms Janki to suggest that anything presented by Guyana’s lawyers at the ICJ have somehow opened the d o o r t o “ c e d i n g Essequibo to Venezuela if the ICJ set aside the award”
Guyana’s position at the ICJ with respect to the validityofthe1899Awardis perfectly consistent with morality, ‘realpolitik’ and theruleoflawand,aboveall else, the national interest of Guyana and its people. We expect, of course, that the ICJ will rule in favour of Guyana’sposition.
Yourssincerely, KitNascimento
‘Sir Franklin Langhorne' a beloved English teacher who served the education sector for more than 40 year hasdied.Langhornewhoalsoservedasa pastorandbroadcasterreportedlypassed onThursdayathisresidenceafterabrief periodofillness.
Langhorne who was featured as a Special Person in the Kaieteur News is being remembered for his exceptional teaching capabilities and contributions to the academic achievements of his manystudents.
DEAREDITOR, Everystudentknowsthat he/she would only be eligibleforanNISpensionat age60,unlessofcoursethere are exceptional related circumstances.
Everyworthwhilepublic servant in Guyana is aware of the retirement age in the CARICOM countries being atleast60years.
From our own Public Service,itshouldbeeasyfor the GRA, for example, to inform on the number of publicsectoragencieswhose
retirement age, like themselves,issixtyyears.
GPL, originally a Canadiancompany,retainsa retirement age of 65 years. All previously owned expatriate companies, e.g.
sugar, shipping, observe retirement age of 60. Of course, all Private sector organisations ensure that t
, on retirement, earn an NIS pension.
But then all of Guyana’s Diplomatscanverifythatthe governments to whom they relate observe quite liberal retirement conditions, mostlyabove60.
In the UK there is no
o n o f employment on account of age
Howcomeitisthatthis most creative country ma
retirement age as when it was a Colony–atimewhen civil servants had to be
certified as medically fit to be employed – a condition that still obtains, in public and private sector organisations,thatretainyou tillsixtyyears,andmore.
Butthenwearenotjust ‘OneNation ’
We are ‘Singular’, to theextentthatnoattention has since been paid to Dr Harold Latchman’
comprehensive Report has
he Commission of Inquiry into thePublicService.
Amongst the issues c o m p r e
v e l y addressed was exactly the applicationofanewageof retirement
E.B.John HumanResources Consultant(Retired)
Frompage04 and governments, former Qatari Prime MinisterHamadbinJassim had this to say;
“Due to the general feeling of frustration and other reasons inArab countries that I do not want to delve into, but the future maynotbringuspeaceandstabilitywhen popular pressures increase, forcing politicians and decision-makers to make difficult decisions Therefore, the Arabs muststartnowinordertoachievepeace ” These words have deep meaning and an uncannysenseofpredictability,anyonewho canreadbetweenthelineswouldunderstand thatitismorethanjustawarningofthingsto come.
Yoursfaithfully, ClementJ.Rohee
US$582M was recently deposited into the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) from profit oil and royalty for the thirdquarterofthisyear
A c c o r d i n g t o a Government Notice, the payments were made between the period July 1, 2024 and September 30, 2024 A total of seven payments were made, including two profit oil paymentsforLizaUnity,one
profit oil payment for Liza Destiny and three for Prosperity The Fund also received a single royalty payment-relatingthesecond quarter production This took the total profits and royalty paid in the third quartertoUS$582,818,101.
Itwasreportedthatinthe first quarter of 2024, the NRF was paid US$604M. This was followed by a US$778M payment in the
second quarter It therefore means that so far, for 2024, Guyana has received just over US$1.9B in revenue generated from the oil and gassector
In November last year the Prosperity Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel cameonstream,addingover 200,0000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) to ExxonMobil GuyanaLimited's(EMGL's) capacity The oil giant has two other projects also in operation, the Liza One and LizaTwodevelopments.
This year, a total of IS$1.5B in oil revenue has been approved for withdrawal.UptoOctober4, 2024, US$1 150B was drawn down by the government. Notably, the Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh is required to publish receipts of all
petroleumrevenuespaidinto theNRF,inaccordancewith theNRFAct.
Government in its MidYear Report recently indicated that the petroleum sector grew by 67.1% in the first half of 2024, with total production reaching 113.5 million barrels during the period.
During the period under review,governmentreported that all three of the FPSOs underwent optimization and topsides debottlenecking, a process that allows for increasedoilproduction.
To this end, production at the Liza Destiny, Liza UnityandProsperityvessels were recorded at an average of 157,000 bpd, 245,000 bpd, and 222,000 bpd, respectively, while reaching the highest collectiverate of 644,000bpdinJune2024.
Itshouldbenotedthatthe total earnings from the exportofcrudeoilamounted to US$9.4B in the first six months of 2024, a US$4B
increase compared with the same period last year It should be noted that 75% of thatamountwasdeductedby the Stabroek Block partners torecovertheirinvestments.
To this end, the report states that US$7.5B in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) outflows was recorded, reflectingcostrecoveryfrom theoilandgassector
In addition to revenue deducted for cost, Exxon
also received 50% of the profits from the Stabroek Block, in accordance with the2016ProductionSharing Agreement (PSA). As such, Exxon and partners bagged at least US$8 5B from Guyana's oil and gas operations in only six months.
This is a massive increase in cost recovery compared with the same periodlastyear
The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) knows the artofoptics.Ithasmastered theskillofputtingonashow, creating the kind of images that play well in the public eye and allow it to wield a psychologicaladvantage.
Recently, the PPPheld a youth conference at Tain in Region 6. It managed to gather a few hundred young people though they brandeditas3,000—inasea of red T-shirts. The event was trumpeted as a sign of the PPP’s strong youth presence.
But what do these optics really reveal? Not much, if we’re honest. The truth is thattheyoutharmofthePPP haslongbeenashadowofits former self. Under Bharrat Jagdeo’s presidency, the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO)—once thevibrantandrevolutionary driving force behind the P P P ’s g r a s s r o o t s activisim slipped into terminaldecline.Bythetime the United States began playingamoreactiverolein shaping Guyanese civil society, particularly in organizing young people into a new movement, the PYO had become, in Jagdeo’s own favoured words,“moribund.”
The decline was stark. For years, the PYO barely
made a sound, let alone an impact. When an effort was made in 2011 to breathe life backintotheorganization,it fizzled quickly, with no real revival taking place. The PPP limped into the 2011 elections with Donald Ramotar emerging as a minority president, and the PYO remained largely absent from the national scene,despiteafewattempts toshowotherwise.
Now, with the 2025 elections looming large, it seems that the PPP has decidedtoputonyetanother show This time, it’s aiming to create the impression that ithasapowerfulandvibrant youtharm.Butcanaone-off c o n f e r e n c e r e a l l y demonstratethestrengthand influence of young people withintheparty’sranks?The answer,ofcourse,isno.
Gathering young people in red T-shirts to sit through speeches and to listen to party leaders is one thing. Organizing these young people into a coherent, disciplined, and active political arm is something elseentirely
The recent youth conference may have provided the right optics—images of youthful faces, a sea of red, and a party leadership that seems engaged with the next generation—butitsayslittle
about the true state of the PYO or the PPP’s commitment to young people.
ForthePPPtogenuinely convince the public that it has a robust youth movement,itwillneedtodo far more than stage flashy events. The party needs to showthatthePYOisnotjust alivebutactivelyinvolvedin communities across the country Where are the PYO’s community groups, and what practical work are they doing? How are they helping to address the everyday concerns of young people, like employment, education, and security? Where is the leadership of the PYO in pushing these issues to the forefront of the party’sagenda?
Moreover, there is a deeper issue at play here—one that goes beyond the optics It’s about inclusion, involvement, and genuine empowerment of young people within the PPP Ratherthanassembling young people for a photo opportunity and a pep talk from party leaders, the PPP needs to give them a real placeatthetable.Itneedsto involvetheminthedecisionmaking processes at the highest levels, and not just usethemasfootsoldiersfor electoralcampaigns.
The PPPhas a history of
Dem boys seh t h a t d e governmentso stubborn, it can’t even bendtotieitownshoelace.
Imagine, when de government announce de $200,000 cash grant per household, de Opposition suggest instead, “Look, just give a cash grant to every adult over 18, make itsimple.”
But no sooner de government announce de $200,000 cash grant to households dat, phones startringinglikeChristmas morning at de Ministers’ houses. But these weren’t happycalls.Peoplestartto complain, “Hey, if one personcollectdegrant,me na gon see a cent!” Whole heap of family feuds start brewing Some family
members ready to block eachotherfasterthanabad exonFacebook.
All of a sudden, de government seh, “Well, we listeningtothepeople!”But everybody know dem listening skills like de one studentwhositindebackof class and only wake up when de bell ring Dem boys seh, is de Opposition who suggest that every adultgetacashgrant Butde government nah want give de Opposition no credit so dem claim dem Ministers phone was ringing off de hook De government ain’t want to admit that de Opposition right So, instead, dem claim dat is people calling wah cause demfuhchangedemmind and to every adult
t a l k i n g a b o u t i t s commitment to young people,buttoooftenthishas not translated into action. There is little evidence that the PYO plays a significant role in shaping party policy or that young people are being groomed for leadershipwithintheparty’s structures Instead, many young people feel like they are being lectured to from a podium rather than being heard and engaged as equal partners.
When the cameras are turned off, and the social media posts stop, what remains? The PPP’s optics can be impressive, but they often obscure the reality of what is going on within the party Areal commitment to young people would mean morethanorganizingevents;
it would mean building a structure where young people have a voice, where theyareempoweredtoshape thefutureofthepartyandthe country.
As it stands, the PPP’s approach seems more focusedoncreatingtheright visuals than on addressing the deeper issues facing the youth in the party and the country
Theopticsmaymakefor good headlines and social mediaposts,buttheywillnot be enough to convince youngpeoplethatthePPPis genuinelycommittedtotheir interests.
The PPPhas a chance to change this narrative. It can choose to move beyond the optics and make a real investment in its youth arm, not just for the sake of
winningthenextelectionbut for the long-term future of the party This means revitalizing the PYO, not justasatokengroupbutasa dynamic and influential part of the PPP’s broader movement. It means giving young people a seat at the table, empowering them to shape policy, and ensuring thattheirvoicesareheardat thehighestlevels.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Guyanese a grant. Yeah right,likehowdemalways been planning to fix de electricity problem in de country De thing is, dem pride just too big to admit that de Opposition been ontosomethingsensible. But you see, dem boys know that if de Opposition suggest that de sun should shine tomorrow, de governmentmightjusttryto bring some rain instead At deendoftheday,evenwhen de wisdom coming from de other side, dem boys know degovernmentwouldrather stumbleonitsownthanpick up a good idea handed to dem Pride does do funny things to people, but stubborn pride? Pride and pettiness does turn easy roadsintorockypaths Talkhalf.Leffhalf
The Romans knew about ceremony -look what they did to those poor gladiators andhaplessChristians.
The British know about pageantry -just watch when they crown a new king. But whoknowsaboutfanfareand trumpetblastsbetterthanthe PPPandaleadernamedAli?
If ever there was a man riding into town on a white horseandtotherescueofthe Guyanese people, it is Excellency Mohamed Irfaan Ali. Ali!Ali!Ali!
Who's the greatest, all 200,000 worth? Finally, Guyanese get value from their oil money, and it is scheduled to begin
immediately Indeed, it is gold, but the glitter is on the palersideofglory Thunderous applause greeted the president's pronouncements One provision after another for thepeople.
Guyanese have been kicked while on the ground forsolongthatevenanudge fromthetoefeelslikeagreat, big,handup.
For homes with bare cupboards, their empty pots andplates,$60billionisabig deal. Hailtotheheadmanfor hittingoneforsixalltheway overpastcowcorner. Tothe drained and strained NIS, another $10 of the biggest,
brightestbills. Guyanamust be an oil country, and Irfaan Alimustbethemanincharge of the money From tight c o n t i n e n c e t o overindulgence From pittance to halfpence ($200,000 [now $100,000] makes for a sweet ringing jingle) and a bigger bill for thetreasury Aliwillbeback. Isanelectioncampaignbuilt, successful, on one cash donationonly?
Yes! The donations are going the other way today The history of elections of Guyana is that everything becomes upside-down. Neighbours transform into Neanderthals, friends into
foes. So, it follows that politicians come bearing gifts. What could be bigger and better than $100,000 cash in these hard times. It hasalltherichsmoothnessof aRolls-Royce.
Ali! Ali! Ali! Are Guyanesetheproudcitizens, blessed to be in the right placeattherighttime,i.e.,in an oil producing country, or what? With the right leader doingtherightthingsforthe right reason? It isAli to the franchisee: remember the cup. Remember the cup fromwhichthe100niceones came. WillGuyanesefallfor thismagic?
Letthegoodtimesbegin. Immediately, as was said by ExcellencyAli. I wonder if that has anything to do with w h i s p e r s o f t h e discriminatory in the distribution of oil patrimony t o s e l e c t e d P P P constituencies (farmers, others). Plus,whathassofar been largely about the budgetaryshady Every household first, noweveryadult,itwillbe.
The wrangling and squabbling came on what is the definition of household just got solved. The young people, the largest demographic in Guyana got their calls answered. Those citizens who first saw a red hazewillnowseesomegreen bills.
Why worry people, GuyanesehaveAliandthatis the end of any controversy, anystinkandduttystory He
w a v e s h i s presidential wand a n d m a g i c automatically happens. Now, it's $100,000 for adults. Countmorevotesfor thecup. ItiswhyIlovethis country Thereisthemoney machine, and there is the voting machinery, with which the PPP has now overtaken the PNC. How many Guyanese see-through what started out as relief, then transformed into a leadershipandpoliticalfarce, and which now holds the promiseofagreatfraudinthe making.
In thinking of this $100,000 cash grant, the conclusion was always that there is something about the showmaninIrfaanAli.
Thetimingisthere,and soistheflairforthemoment. The man did walk with his own marching band and parliamentary cheerleading squad,didn'thewiththe$200 grand? But now he has outdone himself by spiraling into a vaudevillian throwing cautiontothewind.
The same people who managed to square the circle (keptinflationincheck[well, atleast,theofficialstatistical side])whilepricesareriotous in the streets, are now going forbroke.
To repeat: when Christmas is gone and the money is done, Guyanese gon get bun: the new price levels will not be going down. I call that politically orchestrated and induced inflation.
Whatsaythou,Jagdeo-ji? Inaflash,withthestrokeofa presidential pen, Ali and Jagdeo (and Singh) went from the incremental ($25,000)tothemonumental ($200,000 for each household), then to the sublime ($100,000 for all). Why take a chance with low gravy gradualism in an election year, when all the marbles are in play, and a bigger five-year payday is the inviting, mouthwatering prize that stands beyond 2025.
It is better to make a splash and give a stash of their own cash back to the Guyanesepeople. Callitthe anticipated return on invested capital, political leadershipcapital.
Despite “one-off” chatter, I still believe one morecouldbeinthemaking. What Exxon can't do for G u y a n a , t h e P P P GovernmentofPresidentAli can do for Guyanese. Ali! Ali! Ali! Ai-yai-yai! Sayit loud. Say it clear Say it repeatedly Who is the greatest,ifnotGuyana'sown Mohamed Ali! (The views expressedinthisarticleare those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)
In recent time, the PPP has been going around country corralling young people into what they branded as youth conference. The last one was at Tain in Region 6. It managed to coerce a few hundred young people, but said it was 3,000.
Gathering young people in red T-shirts to sit through speeches and to listen to party leaders is one thing. Organizing these young people into a coherent, disciplined, and active political arm is something else entirely.
The recent youth conference may have provided the right optics—images of youthful faces, a sea of red, and a party leadership that seems engaged with the next generation—but it says little about the true state of the PYO or the PPP's commitment to young people.
The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)hasinvitedresidentsto reportanyoccurrenceofoilysubstance seepingintotheirhomes.
In a public missive on Thursday, issuedinresponsetoaKaieteurNews article, the agency denied that it downplayed any reports received by citizens in relation to oily substance seepingthroughtheirfloors.
The newspaper in an article 'More West Dem residents complain of suspected oil seepage, explosion of floor tiles,' reported that the agency dismissedconcernsraisedbyresidents inCrane,WestCoastDemerara.
A Crane, West Coast Demerara resident, Nandanie Singh in an interviewwiththepublicationsaidthat after noticing the strange substance coming through the floor tiles in her kitchen,shecalledtheEPAwhovisited thefollowingday
The team however related to her that the spots on her floor were due to dust and moisture. “I called them [Tuesday] and they came [Wednesday]. The EPAtell we that is the dust, moisture and heat causing it. They said because we cooking in the kitchen, it could have spots of grease andoilonthefloor Theysaidthateven the chemicals from the bottom of the rubber mats can cause the spots to appear,”shesaid.
The family is however concerned
A strange oily substance has been seeping through the kitchen floor of this family's home in Crane, WBD.
as the substance reappears after being cleaned daily “When you touch it, it feel like oily, greasy and it appears on topofthetileandbetweenthecreaseat night and in the morning,” Singh told thispublication.
On Thursday, EPA confirmed receivingreportsfromresidentsonthe WestCoastofDemerara,notingthatit immediately began to send investigativeteamsforsiteinspections andtocollectsamplesfortestingwhere necessary
EPA said, “The Agency is still activelycontinuinginvestigationsand, when completed, will notify all
relevant parties.TheAgency will take any action necessary based on the findings from these investigations.”
The body therefore denied downplaying concerns raised in that regard.
It thanked residents for contacting the agency and providing information totheinvestigatingteam.
Further,theagencyurgedresidents who notice similar occurrences to contactanyofthefollowingnumbers: 592-225-5467-68, 592-225-6044, 592-225-6048, 592-225-0506, 592225-5471 and 592-225-5472, or via emailepa@epaguyana.org.
A65-year-oldmanlosthislifeonTuesdayafternoon, afterthedriverofanunregisteredtractor/trailerfailedtostop andcollidedwiththemotorlorryhewasdrivingon LitchfieldPublicRoad,WestCoastBerbice(WCB).
ThedeadmanhasbeenidentifiedasGokaranLackram, whoresidedatLot41'A'CottonTreeVillage,WCB.The manwhooperatedthetractorwasidentifiedas52-year-old SherlockGeorge,ofLichfieldVillage,WCB.
Policereportedthattheaccidentoccurredatabout 17:45h,whenLackramwasproceedingeastalongthe northernsideofLichfieldPublicRoad,negotiatingaright bend.WhilstGeorgewasproceedingsouthfromanaccess road,failedtostopattheLichfieldpublicroadjunctionand endedupinthelorry'spath."Thiscausedthefrontofthe lorrytocollidewiththerightsideofthetrailer,"Police reported.Theimpactseverelydamagedbothvehicles. Lackram,alongwithtwoportersseatedinthetrayofthe lorry,sustainedinjuriesandwereextractedfromthe wreckageinanunconsciousstate.Theywerepromptlytaken toFortWellingtonHospital,whereLackramunfortunately diedwhilereceivingmedicalattention.Thetwoporterswere admittedinstableconditionforobservation.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has said that the Government will spare no details in its response to the Constitutional Motions brought against the State by A s s i s t a n t P o l i c e Commissioner, Calvin Brutus.
On Wednesday, Brutus moved to the High Court filingaseriesofapplications against the Government, the Police Force and other agencies In one of the motions, Brutus challenged among other things, the Force'sdecisiontosendhim on administrative leave to allowfortheinvestigationto takeplaceintoallegationsof corruption.
Responding to Brutus' legal challenge against the Government at his weekly press conference on Thursday, Jagdeo said that thePeopleProgressiveParty Civic(PPPC)administration has no tolerance for corruption in the Police Force, and plans to respond to the action filed by Mr Brutus. Jagdeo noted too that given the allegations against Brutus and the findingsoftheinvestigations againsthim,theCourtaction that he has filed “might really not be in his best interest.” “We will respond to the Constitutional motion in Court and since some chargesweremade,trustme, our affidavit to respond to those charges may not be beneficial to the particular individual because we will
go into great details about whatourfindingswereinthe procurement system when he was heading the administration of the Police Force,”Jagdeosaid.
The Vice President said too that he has read with concernthatthePoliceman's wedding was paid for by a businessman. According to the VP, the Government has n o p o l i c y w h e r e businessmen can pay for birthdays and weddings of Policemen or any other public officials This practice he described as “reprehensible.”
Jagdeo added: “we have no interest whatsoever in that, but if you did illegal things, you will face the
consequences and from all that I have read, that a lot of wrongthingsandillegalities tookplaceandso…ThePPP will not tolerate corruption in the Police or anywhere else and when we find corruption in the Police Force or anywhere else, therewouldbenoattemptto coveritup.So,ifyoubelieve that you have a special relationship with the Governmentandthatwewill pursuant to that relationship coverupyourmisdeeds,you have it wrong, you don't knowthePPP.”
Earlier this week, the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) announced thattheyhaverecommended dozens of charges against
The Sheriff Specialty Hospital at Palmyra under construction
The Sheriff Specialty Hospital in Palmyra, Berbice, is progressing smoothly, the company said in a press release.
The$4bstate-of-theartfacility,which is being built on 15 acres of land, is expectedtobecompletedbyAugust2025 and is the first of its kind in Berbice, the companysaid.
The world-class hospital will cater to
allmedicalsurgerieswith$10–15bworth of medical equipment. The 150-room, three storey building will offer some 400 jobs to Berbicans. The facility will also provide housing for doctors and some staff.Thehospitalisexpectedtoofferthe bestmedicalservicesatalowcost. Some servicesthatwillbeofferedatthehospital will include heart surgery, eye surgery, plasticsurgery,andmore.
Brutus in relation to corruption This comes months after he allegedly deposited more than $45 million in cash to one of his bankaccounts,claimingthat he received the money as wedding and Christmas gifts.
F o l l o w i n g t h e announcement that he will
be charged, the Assistant PoliceCommissionermoved to Court on Wednesday filing applications against the Attorney General, Minister of Home Affairs, Police Service Commission, SOCU,andtheactingPolice Commissioner In the court documents, he claimed that he was being victimized in
the ongoing investigation and being denied services includingarestrictiononhis accounts.
In the document, Brutus admitted too that the decisiontosendhimonleave tomakewayforaprobeinto alleged financial crimes. He claimed that he was never given a fair hearing and that leakstothemediaandsocial media have prejudiced any case against him. As such, theofficerisseekingseveral declarations including one that the rules of natural justice Among the declarations being sought is one against the Police Force's Special Organised CrimeUnitforexceedingits lawful power and authority by the unlawful and premature restraining of Brutus and his family's bank accounts.
SOCU is also being accused of manipulation of evidence, intimidation and harassmentofwitnessesand unlawful leaking of information to the media. The Assistant Police Commissionerisclaiming
(Continued on page 16)
The current Lethem Hospital in Region Nine.
The National Procurement and TenderAdministrationBoard(NPTAB)
has disclosed that CMECSinopharmintlConsortiumoutofChina hasbeenawardedthecontracttodesign and build the new Lethem Hospital in RegionNine.
The consortium was among six firms who initially submitted bids for the contract and was then shortlisted with three other firms out of China to furtherbidforthecontract.Information releasedfromNPTABhadrevealedthat CMEC- Sinopharmintl Consortium submitted a financial proposal of US$31,099,200 to construct the hospital.This publication reported that the construction of the hospital falls under a US$97 million – Health Care Network Strengthen – Inter-America DevelopmentBank(IDB)loan.
Initstender,theHealthMinistryhad statedthatpartoftheproceedswouldbe allocated to the construction of the Lethem Hospital, which is envisioned tooperateatalevel-fivestandard.
The IDB loan, secured by the Guyana Government in December 2022, forms part of a broader effort to strengthen the nation's healthcare network under the Conditional Credit
Line for Investment Projects (CCLIP).
Thecomprehensiveprogrammeaimsto bolster the capacity of seven hospitals across various regions, including key hinterlandareasandurbancentres.
Itwasreportedthattheloanwillbe used to improve the health of the Guyanesepopulationthroughincreased access to quality and efficient health servicesbyimprovinghealthoutcomes associated with low and highcomplexityprocedures.
This will be done by expanding the capacity of strategic hospitals, extending coverage of diagnostic, medical consultation, and patient management services, inclusive of the
country's hinterlands, through digital health;andbyincreasingtheefficiency of the public health system, by s
management, and support processes andinputs.
Theprojectisalsoexpectedtotarget infrastructure improvement and expansion in seven priority hospitals, namely the Georgetown Public HospitalCorporation(GPHC),theNew Amsterdam Regional Hospital (NARH), and the Linden Hospital Complex(LHC),aswellasfourDistrict Hospitals located in the hinterland (Moruca, Kamarang, Kato, and Lethem).
critical three months after being shot
...as attempted murder trial continues
The trial regarding the alleged attempted murder of 6-year-oldJeremiahGustave isongoingattheGeorgetown Magistrates' Court, even as heremainshospitalisedthree monthsaftertheincident.
Theboywasshotaround 19:45hrs.onJuly9,2024,on Charles Street, Charlestown, Georgetownduringadispute involvingtwosuspects:Odel Garnette, also known as “Crab, ” and Marlon Christopher Wilburg, known as“MiceMan.”
On Wednesday, Garnette appeared before Magistrate Faith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court, where he requested bail, insisting he had no involvement in the shooting. “I didn't do anything to hurt Jeremiah Gustave, ma'am. Jeremiah's father is my friend,” he stated. Garnette further attributed the shooting to Wilburg, claiming, “This young man was shooting behind me and make Jeremiah get knock ma'am.” Despite his plea, Garnette was further remandeduntilNovember6, 2024. Wilburg is scheduled toappearincourtonOctober 30,2024.
Jeremiah's mother, Keisha Gustave, speaking with Kaieteur News, expressed her frustration over her son's critical condition,statingherequires constant monitoring “He can't swallow for himself. This machine you have to keep suction in it steady because it forms a lot of mucussoyouseeifyouain't clear out that, it would shut himdown,soyougottakeep watchingheallthetime,”she explained. Keisha noted that Jeremiah experiences pain whenmoved,indicatingheis still in a critical state after being transferred from the Intensive Care Unit to the Pediatric Ward at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation(GPHC).
Photos shared with this publicationshowthechildin a weakened condition, unable to move without assistance, and feeding through a tube Keisha described the toll of the situation has taken on her life, stating she has been unable to work due to the need to be at the hospital constantly She also voiced concern about Jeremiah missing out on education, emphasizing that he is only
Jeremiah Gustave currently at the GPHC three months now
Prior to the shooting, d i s c u s s i o n s a b o u t discharging Jeremiah from the hospital were underway However, he requires a machine to survive, which costs $150,000. Keisha is now appealing for government assistance to secure educational support for her son and better healthcareoptions.
“This thing affecting me right through because to know that I can't get to do anything. I got to be at the hospitalwithhimmostofthe time,heoutofschool,heaint getting to take in his education he is only sixyears-old,” she lamented “President or Minister aint reachouttomeandseeifhe (Jeremiah) could get better healthcare.”Noonefromthe government has reached out to see if Jeremiah could receivefurtherhealthcare.” Reports indicate that Jeremiah,astudentatSmith's Memorial Primary School, was seated at his mother's food stall when the alterc
scalated, resultinginhimbeingshotin the head. He was quickly transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, where he has undergonetwosurgeriesthus far MarlonWilburgmadehis firstcourtappearanceonJuly 29, 2024, before Chief Magistrate Judy Latchman, facing charges of unlawfully and maliciously wounding Gustave.Hewasnotrequired to enter a plea. Odelle Garnetteappearedbeforethe samemagistrateonAugust2, 2024, and both were remandedtoprison.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.
Wanted: Experienced Puri Maker, Counter Person, Cleaner & Labourer. Apply @ Shanta's, 225 Camp and New Market Sts. 654-1361.
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1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.
The Ministry of Housing and Water is expediting the installation of new water wells in the new Golden Grove, East Bank of Demerara (EBD) housing scheme to boost occupancy.
Female Cleaner for an office in Eccles. Call 615-9132 / 6458443.
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Tuschen Contact : 227-8274 / 644-9333/ +1-917-771-5202.
During a visit to Block 5 Golden Grove on Wednesday, Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal announced that a site for a new water well has been identified. As such, tenders would be issued for well installation in Blocks 5, 7, 9 and 11 of Golden Grove.
The ministry in a statement outlined that this initiative aims to address the water supply challenges along the EBD, including the treatment plant at Covent Garden, which will be interconnected with other systems to enhance pressure levels.
Minister Croal highlighted the success of similar efforts
in nearby areas, noting, “For example, in the Little Diamond area, where we built several houses, residents can now access water and connect their services.”
Accompanying the Minister were key officials, including Marlon Daniels, Executive Director of Program Planning, Design and Implementation at Guyana Water Inc., and Intakab Indarjeet, Deputy Director of Projects at the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA). Croal elaborated on the long-term vision for the EBD: “There is a massive long-term plan for the East Bank. In addition to our current efforts, the next phase includes constructing a treatment plant. While this is part of the long-term strategy, we have an immediate tender out for the well.” The Minister
also addressed interim solutions, stating, “In the meantime, a distribution network will serve other nearby blocks.” He also mentioned that on-going projects are aimed to resolve low water pressure issues in existing areas.
Regarding electrical supply for the new neighbourhoods, Minister
Croal noted that funding is available. He mentioned that the agency is collaborating with Guyana Power and Light Company to finalize the design, after which the procurement process will commence.
In September, it was reported that the water distribution system at the new housing development in Little Diamond, EBD now guarantees access to clean water for approximately 10,000 residents. Since 2020, the Ministry of Housing and Water has been allocating land and constructing homes for young professionals in the area.
As the population continues to grow, so does the demand for water. To meet this increasing need, the Ministry has implemented a new water distribution system, supported by a well in Covent Garden.
‘corruption, undermining government’ Rigathi Gachagua, who has fallen out with President Ruto, was too ill to
Aljazeera - The upper house has so far voted on Thursday to impeach the 59year-old on five charges out of a total of 11 against him, following two days of hearings.
The Senate only had to find him guilty of one charge to remove him from office.
He is the first deputy president to be removed in this manner since impeachment was introduced in Kenya’s revised 2010 constitution. A similar motion against President William Ruto’s number two was overwhelmingly approved by the lower house National Assembly last week.
The Senate session had plunged into disarray earlier Thursday after Gachagua was
admitted to hospital with severe chest pains and failed to testify in his defence.
The 11 charges – which Gachagua had vigorously denied – included corruption, insubordination, moneylaundering, undermining the government, practising ethnically divisive politics, bullying public officers and threatening a judge.
Last-minute illness
The Senate proceeded with the vote despite Gachagua’s absence from proceedings as a result of illness.
He was due to defend himself against the allegations, which he denies, after allies of President Ruto said he was disloyal. But after Gachagua failed to appear, his lawyer
Paul Muite said the deputy president had been hospitalised with intense chest pains, urging the Senate to pause proceedings for a couple of days.
“The sad reality is that the deputy president of the republic of Kenya has been taken sick, very sick,” Muite said. Speaker Amason Kingi put forward a motion to adjourn the hearing until Saturday but senators voted against the move.
“The nays have it,” Kingi said, as Gachagua’s legal team left the chambers in protest.
Ruto, who has fallen out with Gachagua in recent months, has not commented on proceedings.
Many Kenyans view the impeachment process as po-
litically motivated, and a distraction from the aftermath of the deadly anti-tax protests in June and July that exposed deep discontent with government policies and alleged corruption.
The hearings, which have involved in-depth scrutiny of Gachagua’s finances, could boomerang back at Ruto, according to Karuti Kanyinga, a professor at the University of Nairobi’s Institute for Development Studies.
“We are going to hear people demanding that the same thing that has been done to Gachagua be done to the president,” Kanyinga said.
Gachagua has previously called the impeachment process a political lynching based on falsehoods.
‘Court move by Brutus may not be in his best interest’
From page 13 too that the Vice President, President continue to interfere with SOCU’s investigation directly and through media and social media statements that are “inimical to the investigation.”
As such, Brutus is asking the High Court to bar the government from continuing to obstruct and interfere with his lawful access to services with State agencies because it is unconstitutional, irrational, based upon irrelevant and ex-
traneous considerations, contrary to the rules of natural justice, unreasonable, unlawful, null, void and of no effect.
He wants a High Court declaration that Court to declare “that the investigation is inherently biased and irreparably tainted due to overwhelming and undue publicity, which has prejudiced public perception and undermined the presumption of innocence, thereby rendering the investigation fundamen-
tally unfair in breach of his Constitutional rights.
Further, he is seeking declarations that the Police Commissioner Clifton Hicken exceeded his lawful power or authority on July 4, 2024 when he transferred the police officer from the position of Deputy Commissioner ‘Administration’ to Head of Special Branch due to political directives and improper administrative procedures.
He also wants orders quashing those decisions to
transfer him from the position of Deputy Police Commissioner ‘Administration’ because it is contrary to the Police Force’s Standing Orders. Additionally, he said the High Court for declarations that the investigation is compromised due to political interference by Government officials; government’s actions in preventing him access to services from State Agencies constitute harassment and a violation his constitutional rights.
The Ministry of Public Works has set aside approximately $166 million to construct and execute emergency works on three main access bridges across RegionsThree,Fourand10.
This was disclosed on Wednesday during the reading of tenders at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office. The ministry had advertised for t
FriendsBridgeinRegion10, construction of a steel, c
composite bridge for Enterprise Back Main
y reconstruction of Three
EmergencyReconstructionofThreeFriendsBridge Region10,ConstructionofaSteel,Concrete&Timber CompositeBridgeforEnterpriseBackMainAccess ECDRegion4andEmergencyWorkstoBellWest No.2AccessBridge(CanalNo.2)WBDRegion3).
Access, East Coast Demerara (ECD) in Region Four, and emergency works to Bell West No.2 Access Bridge (Canal No.2) West Bank Demerara in Region Three.
publication understands that on September 27, the Ministry had posted on its
At the opening, it was revealed that a total of 40 contractors have applied for
emergency works are to be executedonthemainbridge atEnterprise.
“Minister Deodat Indar and technical officials moments ago inspected the bridge at Enterprise that connects the community to Block12NonPariel,ECD.A sectionofthebridgerecently collapsed due to heavy duty traffic,”theMinistryposted.
GuyanaPower&Light Supply&DeliveryofTermination& SpliceKits/ElectricalTapesLots1&2.
DirectorofPublicProsecutions(DPP) Design&SupervisionoftheConstruction oftheNewMainOfficeoftheDPP
Aljazeera-Israelsaysits forces have killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in Gaza.
The Israeli military said onThursdaythatSinwarwas killed on Wednesday in southernGaza.
“After completing the process of identifying the body, it can be confirmed that Yahya Sinwar was eliminated,” the Israeli militarysaid.
“The dozens of operationscarriedoutbythe Israeli military and ISA [Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic security service,] over the lastyearandinrecentweeks in the area where he was eliminated restricted Yahya
Sinwar’s operational movementashewaspursued by the forces and led to his elimination ” Sinwar, 62,
was one of the masterminds behindtheOctober7attacks on Israel and has been a prime target for Israel since then.
Chosen as Hamas’s leader in Gaza in 2017, he had previously been held in anIsraeliprisonfor22years beforebeingreleasedaspart ofaprisonerswapin2011.
Disciplined and determined, he was focused onfightingIsrael.
HindHassan,ajournalist who was one of the last people to interview Sinwar in 2021, said he told her Palestinians were expected to be “perfect victims, and that’s something that they cannotbe”.
Hisclaimeddeathcomes months after the July assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’s political
leader, in Tehran. Israel is believedtohavebeenbehind thekilling.
Sinwar had been chosen as Hamas’s overall leader afterHaniyeh’skilling.
Israel also claimed to havekilledHamas’smilitary chief, Mohammed Deif, in Augustalthoughthathasnot been confirmed by the Palestiniangroup.
Outside Gaza, an Israeli attack in Beirut on September 27 killed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Lebanese group Hezbollah, an ally of Hamas that has been locked in a conflict with Israel since October 8, 2023,sayingitsattackswere beingconductedinsolidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. ThewaronGazahassparked aregionalconflict,including groupssuchastheHouthisin
Yemen,andevenIran,which conductedanunprecedented directmissileattackonIsrael on October 1 in retaliation for the killings of Nasrallah andHaniyeh.
An Israeli attack on Iran is expected and could potentially drag in the United States, which has sent a missile defence systemandsoldierstoIsrael.
Families of captives waiting
People in Israel have celebrated the claims that Sinwar is dead, and family members of captives said they hoped a deal to secure the release of their relatives couldnowbesecured.
“This is a critical, timesensitive development as it relatestothehostages.Their livesareingreatdangernow more than ever,” said Orna
Neutra, whose son Omer is being held in Gaza. “We’re calling on the Israeli government and the US administration to act swiftly anddowhateverisneededto reach a deal with the captors.”
Israel has refused to agree to a captive release deal that would also see a ceasefire and the release of Palestinianprisonersdespite attemptsbyseveralcountries to secure an agreement and H a m a s ’ s s t a t e d receptiveness.
Instead, Netanyahu has calledforatotalvictoryover Hamasandhaspromisednot
to end the war until that happens.
In Gaza, many don’t believe that Sinwar’s killing will bring forward an end to thewar
“Sinwar’skillingwillnot stop the war because it is a waronthePalestiniancause and Palestinian existence,” said Salah Musleh, living in centralGaza.
“Israel assassinated Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh, [deputy chairman ofthepoliticalbureau]Saleh al-Arouri,andtodaySinwar, but the war has not stopped to this day We are proud of thisendtoSinwar.”
- Families of Israeli hostages taken captive to Gaza by Islamist groupHamasfeartheirloved ones are in greater danger afterIsraelitroopskilledthe militant group’s leader, YahyaSinwar
Israel’s military and the Shin Bet security service confirmedonThursdaythat Sinwar, the architect of the devastating attack on Israel last October that set off the Gaza war, had been killed on Wednesday by Israeli forceswhowereconducting an operation in southern Gaza
“We have settled the score with the chief murderer Sinwar But now, more than ever, the lives of Matan, my son, and the other hostages are in tangibledanger,”saidEinav Zangauker, whose 24-yearold son was abducted from their kibbutz home during Hamas’Oct 7,2023attack
“There will not be a real closingofthecircle,nototal
Ademonstrator holds a megaphone, as families and supporters of hostages kidnapped during the deadly October 7, 2023 attack, protest against the government and to demand their immediate release, amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel, October 17, 2024. REUTERS/Violeta Santos Moura
victory if we do not save theirlivesandbringthemall back,” said Zangauker in a videoafternewsofSinwar’s deathemergedonThursday So far, 117 hostages
have returned home alive, including four released at the start of the Gaza war, 105 mostly women, children and foreigners returned last November
during a brief truce with Hamas, and eight rescued bythemilitary
Thirty-seven were brought back dead That leaves 101 hostages still in
Gaza by Israeli tallies, at least half of whom Israeli authorities believe are still alive.
Orna and Ronen Neutra, the parents of Israeli American hostage Omer, said it was critical that all efforts focus on returning those held by Hamas
They called on the I s r a e l i a n d U S governmentsto“actswiftly anddowhateverisneededto reach a deal with the captors”.
“Sinwar, who was described as a major obstacle to a deal, is no longer alive,” they said in astatement
In Tel Aviv’s so-called Hostages Square, which hasbecomethefocalpoint for protests against the government by families and supporters frustrated at limited progress in returning them, there was uneaseatwhathappensnext.
“I feel a bit numb I have a deep concern for the hostages, and it’s very difficult to find faith and hope,” said Anat Ron
Kandle, a Tel Aviv resident who survived the Oct 7Hamasattacks
“Themanresponsiblefor the massacre is dead I’m not sure what does it mean about our hostages and their safety and how many of themarestillalive?AndI’m very deeply, deeply concernedwithit.”
“ We a r e a t a n inflection point where the goals set for the war with Gaza have been achieved, all but the release of the hostages ” Israel’s campaign in response has killed more than 42,000 people according to Gaza health officials, turned much of the enclave into rubble and displaced most of its population But Sinwar had eluded detection, possiblyhidinginthewarren of tunnels Hamas has built under Gaza during the past twodecades.
Three months after the United States unveiled Sanctions against Guyanese businessmen Azzrudin and Nazar Mohamed and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labour Mae Thomas Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday said that his government has not yet received information requestedonthematter
Speaking at his weekly newsconferenceJagdeosaid that “The original position stands. I have not personally followed up on the issue for the last maybe couple of months but as of now I am aware that we have not received the information
requested of the US government at this point of time.”
He went on to say that, “There is an active investigation by the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) and therefore I do not wish to comment on it. I will never call SOCU to ask what the state of the investigationis.”
th On September 9 , 2024 thispublicationreportedover a month after the Attorney General Anil Nandlall had written to the United States Department of Justice requestinginformationonthe alleged gold smuggling and
the sanction of three Guyanese citizens they are yettogetaresponse.
The U S Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed sanctions on the Mohameds on allegations of tax evasion and Thomas for allegedly misusingherpositiontooffer benefits, like government contracts to the Mohameds.
TheAG had said, it is being allegedthatthesepersonsare accused by the Office of International Affairs of the Department of Justice, Criminal Division of committing a number of criminaloffencesinGuyana.
“TheGovernmentofGuyana hasalreadymadeitveryclear thatthesegraveallegationsof criminal conduct will be thoroughly investigated by therelevantlawenforcement agencies of the state and in thisregardwehaverequested the information and the evidence etcetera that are in the possession of the Americanauthoritiesandwe did so under the relevant Treaty,”hehadexplained.
Following the sanctions handed down by OFAC, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh and Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), GodfreyStatiahadwrittento
the U.S. authorities seeking more information about the sanctions.
Dr Singh wrote to the U S Department of the
Commissioner General under the ambit of the Tax Information Exchange Agreement between Guyana and the US, has been in contact with the American authorities.
Moreover, United States Ambassador to Guyana, Nicole Theriot on June 14,
2024 on the sideline of an eventattheU.S.Embassyin Georgetown, said the sanctions, are the result of over two and a half years of investigations by U S authorities Ambassador Theriot highlighted the gravity of the offenses that led to these sanctions. She stated, “We reserve these types of sanctions for gross levels of corruption and human rights abuses ” Theriot went on to explain that, “it's a very high bar, we
do not do this lightly.This is somethingthatweensurethat we have a preponderance of evidence before we're ready to levy the sanctions and we had that in this case against the three individuals who weresanctioned.”
Over the next two days, this oilrich nation of Guyana will have another opportunity to showcase itself as capable of hosting internationalsportingevents when the curtains are raised tosignalthestartofthe2024 CAC Body Building & Fitness Championships, at the National Cultural Centre.
Thispronouncementwas made by Director of Sport Steve Ninvalle, who was
present at yesterday’s Press Conference to formally announce the hosting of the 2024c/ships.
N i n v a l l e , w h o representedtheGovernment through its affiliates the MinistryofCulture,Youth& Sport and the National Sports Commission (NSC), shortly after welcoming the officials and athletes, c o n f i r m e d t h e Government’s support for theevent.
“We are pleased to be
associated with the championships,” informing that they (Government) are the biggest contributor, whileaddingthatitisaclear indicator of their continued commitment towards the development of sports and athletesinthiscountry
The exp
ced administrator revealed that the Ministry and the NSC have been involved in the planning of the event from ‘jump street’, holding daily meetings with the Guyana
Body Building & Fitness Federation (GBBFF) in an effort to ensure that all systems are in place for a smooth execution of the c/ships.
Also, present at the occasion were President of the GBBFF Keavon Bess, Treasurer of the CAC FBC Edward Malone, VicePresident of the CACFBC R
witness the hosting of the event,addingthatheexpects the competition will be excitingandcompetitive.
He added that with the incentive of athletes having the opportunity to achieveProCardsitbrings more excitement and t o u g h n e s s t o t h e competition.
Boyce, a Barbadian, reminded how competitive their teams are usually and howmuchheexpectsthem to perform outstandingly
Money matters might cause you a few headaches, Aries. Youcouldbetornbetweenthe desire to put money aside for the future and the impulse to buy something that you've wantedforalongtime.
Too much rigorous exercise over the past few days might have you feeling a little sore andtired,Taurus.Yournerves may be on edge, and you could be more likely than usual to snap at those around you.
Spiritual breakthroughs may have you feeling a little disconcerted, Gemini. Clearing away deadwood, such as past traumas, might tell you a few things about yourselfyou'drathernotface.
Avirtual conference of some kind could touch upon some pretty volatile issues, Cancer People could disagree to the point that the meeting turns intoashoutingmatch.
Is your significant other caughtup infamilyproblems andunabletospendtimewith you?Don'tletyourinsecurity get the best of you. Your partner needs to deal with familynow
M a t t e r s i n v o l v i n g communication seem to be fouled up, Virgo. Messages maynotgetdelivered,emails may not go through, and people might misinterpret yourwords.
Your values could oppose thoseofabusinessorromantic partner today, Libra. One of you may be overly pragmatic and the other too idealistic. One seems callous, while the other seems to be living in a dreamworld.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
If you've been having trouble reaching a romantic partner, Scorpio, it might be a good ideatostoptrying.Yourfriend is having a rough day and might not make the best company
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
Youmayfeelabitrestlessand unsettled without really knowing why, Sagittarius Stressesonthejobcouldchurn up repressed resentment from the past that you need to release.
Too many people could be vyingforyourattentiontoday, Capricorn. All of them want advice or help. This could be flattering, and you'll probably want to help them, but it can also be unsettling and make it hardtofocus.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)There could be trouble brewing in the workplace, Aquarius Some of your colleagues neither like nor trust each other and find it impossibletoworktogether
PISCES(Feb.19–Mar.20) Squabbles may come up between you and a sibling or neighbor, Pisces. Your ability to compromise is definitely called for here. If you aren't careful, this could turn into a battleofwills.
Bess in his brief remarks first thanked all the sponsors that included the Government, Guyana Olympic Association, Twins Manufacturing, Fitness Express, Camille’s Academy, Bounty Farms Ltd, Republic Bank and all the other entities that contributedtothec/ships.
Hethenwelcomedallthe visitors and urged that that theyputonafantasticdisplay infrontofthelargeGuyanese audiencethatisanticipatedto convergeatthevenue
M a l o n e i n h i s presentation said that the governingbodywaspleased to be back in Guyana to
Persaud half -century, in-form Lord steers...
Kanhaiya Ramkarran (39), Kemol Savory (30), Kevon Boodie (26), and Ricardo Adams (27) and Ricardo Peters(19).
Spinner Devon Lord again emerged as the top bowler with 3-51 finding support from Ashmead Nedd (2-33) and Persaud (2-8).
Petersandhisnamesake AdamsgotEssequibooffto a blazing start, taking the score to almost 60 by the 14th over But due to the lack of losing their set batsmen at key phases, E s s e q u i b o f o u n d themselvesshortintheend.
Earlier, Persaud and Looknauth’s5thwicket50run partnership was the turning point for Demerara after losing Chanderpaul and company following starts.
It took 40 deliveries for Persaud to raise his bat in acknowledgment of his 50, eventually giving his team the shot in the arm which allowed Alimohamed and Lord to power Demerara downthelatestretch.
despite the anticipated large homesupportforthehosts.
Barbados is known for its body building and fitness prowess on the C A C c i r c u i t a n d according to Boyce he is predicting another dominantperformancefrom the ‘Land of the Flying Fish’.
Ferouz said the entity was proud to be on board again and wished all the athletes’ success during thecompetition
2024 GCB Senior Men’s Super50 Inter-county tournament
Acracking half-century from Parmeshwar Ram, backed by Kevin Sinclair’s 5-fer saw Berbice sink the GCB XI by 6-wickets following yesterday’s third round doubleheader
GCBXI,sentintobatfirstwereindebted to Jonathan Van Lange who nailed a 62-ball 72withfourfoursandfivesixes,accounting formajorityoftheGCBXI’smeagertotalof 127 all out from 34 overs, at the Lusignan Ground.
Only Brandon Jaikaran (15) managed to come out the blocks with double figures, as Sinclair spun webs around the opposition with returns of 5-32, while fellow spinners Junior Sinclair and veteran Veerasammy Permauleachfinishedwith2wickets.
Berbicemadelightworkoftherunchase asRamstrokedanaggressive52from35with 8foursandsixwhileJuniorreturnedwithbat, racing to 38 off 23, finding the ropes on six occasions with 4 of those sailing over the
- Van Lange half-century in vain
ropes. The53-runopeningstandbetweenJunior and Ram, paved the way for Kevin who finished the match with an unbeaten 12-ball 28, featuring 3 fours and pair of sixes which tookhisteamto128-4injust13.2overs.
Demerara completed a resounding 37-run win over Essequibo yesterday at Bourda, courtesy of some fine batting by Akshaya Persaud and their quality lot ofspinners.
Persaud glued the innings together with his eye-catching 62 off 50, smashing 6 sixes with a solitary four, with Tagenarine Chanderpaul (41) maintaining his form at thetopoftheorder
Contributions from allr o u n d e r s R o n a l d o Alimohamed (39), Richie Looknauth(21),DevonLord (16) and opener Matthew Nandu (18), took Demerara toaformidable227-10in46 overs.
Essequibo had a good outing with the ball despite allowingDemeraratoposta 200-plus score after allowing them to recover from a shaky position of 138-6.
Keemo Paul, fresh off a good CPL grabbed 3-43 as hekepthispacelivelyduring his 10 over spell, while fellow seamer Quinten Sampson(2-33)andleft-arm spinner/Captain Anthony Adams (2-20) did well despiteallowingaDemerara recovery Essequibo’s pursuit ended with the score on 190 all out in the 46th over It tookastringofscoresfrom (Continuedonpage25)
Lusignan Golf Club
(LGC)issettohosttheAtlas Security Services Inc. Golf Tournament on Saturday, October 19, at 12:30 p.m.
The event serves as a vital prelude to the muchanticipated Brava Guyana Open 2024, offering golfers an opportunity to hone their skills ahead of the tournament.
This upcoming event will be a medal play tournamentdividedintotwo distinct flights, based on players’handicaps,Flight1: Handicap range of 0-14 and Flight 2: Handicap range of 15-28 Prizes will be awarded to the top three finishers in each flight Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to compete for special awards in two key categories namely Longest Drive and
Nearest to the Pin. LGC President Anasha Ally remarked on the importance of the event, stating, “We were looking to have backto-backtournamentsleading up to the Brava Guyana Open so that golfers can have the necessary practice. Lusignan Golf Club is very grateful to have Atlas Security Services Inc. for sponsoring this tournament leading up to the Brava GuyanaOpen.”
As the sponsor, Atlas Security Service has demonstratedacommitment not only to fostering competitive golf but also to upholding excellence in its core mission. Atlas Security prides itself on delivering cost-effective, efficient, and professionalsecurityservices toitsdiverseclientele With an emphasis on training,
leadership, and a strict code of conduct, the company has established a strong reputation for providing protection and security services that are second to none Their services are designedtosafeguardhomes, properties, assets, and livelihoods, ensuring a safe environment for all their clients The partnership between Atlas Security and LGCunderscoresthemutual dedication to excellence, whether in professional golf or the provision of security services
The Lusignan Golf Club invitesallgolfenthusiaststo participate in this exciting event as it promises both competitive gameplay and opportunities for skill refinementinanticipationof the Brava Guyana Open 2024.
The Annual National Draughts Association Championship begins on Sunday, October 20th and
continues for three consecutive Sundays. The gamesarescheduledtoplay at the Transport Sports club pavilion.
ThefirstgameonSunday would involve the ‘B’ Class players This includes junior and beginners However, the top five finishers would qualify to play in the senior category the following Sunday
ThecurrentBchampionis Esan Anderson If Anderson winsagainhewouldqualifyto
move up to the senior level NavinMeghbarran is another contenderforthetitle Aubrey Rowe and Dr Ivor English are expected to give a good account for themselves, while teacher Ramsagar Singh is one to watch. The gamesarescheduledtostart at 10.00 am sharp. Entrance feeis$700perpersonwhich
Georgetown Draughts Coordinator Mr Steve Bacchus is delegated to referee the day’s event, whileMr Jiaramisthechief
Arbitrator Guyana BeverageInc.hassteppedin once again to supply their Turbo, Oasis and other beveragesfortheplayers.
Bel Air Rubis, Puran Bros, M&M snackette, Attorney at Law Elias
Hydraulic at Bagotstown have also stepped in with sponsorship.
The Budhan Memorial Turf Club (BMTC)situatedatNo66VillageCorentyne, Berbice is expected to come alive this Sunday, 20th October when they host a one dayhorseracemeet.
Six races are listed for the day with over $2Mincash,trophiesandotherincentivesup forgrabs.
Thefeatureeventisfor3-yearoldanimals and all K class and lower horses over one mile. The winning purse is $250,000 and trophy
There is an L class open race over 6 furlongsforawinningpurseof$150,000and trophies.Thetwoyearoldmaidenhorseswill
LGC CaptainAyube Subhan (right) receiving sponsorship fromAtlas Security Services Inc.
Over $2M in cash and other incentives up for grabs
compete over 6 furlongs for a winner’s take of$100,000andtrophy
The L2 and lower class horses will also race over 6 furlongs for a first prize of $100,000andtrophy
ThereisaraceforMandlowerhorsesfor apolepositiontakeof$60,000andtrophy
The final event will see farm horses racing for a $60,000 winner’s money and trophyalsoover6furlongs.
The track is in good condition and an actionpackeddayofracingisanticipated. Interested persons can contact any memberoftheClubforfurtherinformation.
Racetimeis13:00hrs. (SamuelWhyte)
The Flying Ace Cycle Club ( F A C C ) continues its mission to promote and elevate cycling in Guyana, with this the club has teamed up with the children of Percy “Flamboyant Kid’ Boyce to stage the much anticipated Memorial Road Race event, scheduled for October 20 With the increase of local cycling events, the race promises to be an exciting celebration of local cycling talentandatributetoBoyce’s legacy Theracescoutsoffon SundayfromCarifestaAvenue to Perseverance, Mahaicony, and back covering a grueling 30-miledistance
Percy Boyce was a prominentfigureinGuyana’s cycling scene during the 1950s, a period of political unrest which also opened opportunities for business diversification Boyce a giftedcyclistendedhiscareer abruptly due to personal
issuescausedbythepoliticalills that gripped the country during that era Despite his premature retirement from the sport, Boyce left an indelible mark on the local sporting landscape, not only withhiscompetitiveskillsbut with his vibrant and freespiritedpersonality.
Now, Boyce’s memory will be honoured with a road race that challenges today’s topcycliststoemulatethegrit anddeterminationthatdefined his career The race is set to pedal off at 13:00 hours from CarifestaAvenue Cyclistswill navigate the bustling East Coast road to Perseverance (commonly known as HalfWay Tree), before turning around and retracing the same route back to Georgetownforthefinish.
Cyclistswillcompeteina variety of categories, including Seniors, Juniors, Veterans Under 50, Veterans Over 50, and Category Four races Monetaryprizeswillbe
awarded to competitors placing first through sixth in several categories, adding extra incentive to what promisestobeanintense30milebattleofenduranceand speed Known figure, Hughie Pickering offered a
reflection on Boyce’s career and influence, remarking, “PercyBoycewasaheadofhis time Hewasamemberofthe BGAC CyclingClub,ledby Barry Massay” Pickering recalled Boyce’s rapid ascent throughthecyclingranksinthe
mid-1950s,fromnovicetoelite status by the early 1960s “He competed against greats like George ‘Boy Blue’ Cumberbatch,DennisPhillips, Carl Nicholson, Boogie DeFreitas, and Bunny Elphage. Percy was equally
talented and competitive amongthem.”
The Percy Boyce Memorial Road Race is expected to be a thrilling display of cycling prowess andafittingtributetooneof thesport’sgreatpioneers.
SportsMax-WestIndies’ hopes of securing another T20 International series victorywentupinsmoke,as they suffered a nine-wicket loss to Sri Lanka cruised in the decisive contest of the three-match series in Dambullayesterday
It was another clinical performance from the hosts, who secured a 2-1 series triumph –their fifth home
series win and third consecutive series victory of theyear.Theywonthesecond contestby73runsonTuesday, after West Indies won the seriesopenerbyfivewickets.
After choosing to bat first, West Indies battled their way to a respectable totalof162-8,buttheireffort provedinsufficientagainsta well-organized Sri Lankan
side, which had everything goingtheirwayontheday
Despite a competitive total, the Caribbean team’s bowling attack faltered under pressure, and some misfortune in the field compoundedtheirstruggles, as Sri Lanka raced to 166-1 withtwooverstospare.
WestIndiesinningsgotoff to a horrible start as they lost EvinLewistoaone-ballduck in the first over bowled by Maheesh Theekshana.
BrandonKing(23)andShai Hope (18) tried to repair the damage with a 37-run secondwicketstand. But just when they found rhythm, King got over ambitious and also had his
That resulted in a mini collapse, as Roston Chase (8), Hope, and Sherfane Rutherford(six),followedin quick succession, with the scoreat62-5atthetopofthe 12th over However, captain Rovman Powell, who topscored with 37, and GudakeshMotie(32)wenton thecounterwitha54-runsixth wicket partnership that gradually rattled the Sri Lankans.Bothplayersstruck three maximums and a solitaryfour.
Again,justastheyfounda decent tempo, the partnership was broken when Motie was stumped off Wanindu Hasaranga Powell fought on before he holed out to Bhanuka Rajapaksa in the deep off seamer Matheesha
Anneke Bosch played plenty of sweeps in her unbeaten 74.
(Associated Press)
BBC Sport - Australia suffered a shock semi-final exit from the T20 World Cup as South Africa raced to an emphatic eightwicketwininDubai.
The defending champions missed out on an eighth final appearance as the Proteas reached their target of 135 with 16 balls to spare.
Anneke Bosch struck a sensational unbeaten 74 from 48 balls while captain Laura Wolvaardt added a classy 42 in a second-wicket partnership of 96 that left Australiareeling.
The brilliantly executed run chase came after South Africa’s bowlers had smartly restricted Australia to 134-5 in a curiously underwhelminginnings.
Grace Harris and Georgia Wareham fell early in the powerplay before opener Beth Mooney dropped anchor with 44 from 42 balls.
Australia paid the price for stuttering in the middle overs, with the run-rate rarely creeping over a run a ball as captain Tahlia McGrathtrudgedto27from33.
Ellyse Perry’s 31 from 23 and Phoebe
o Shepherd’s18-runcameosaw theCaribbeansidepastthe160 mark Theekshana(2-19)and Hasaranga (2-24) got most wicketsforSriLanka.
WestIndiestotalseemed very much defendable on a turning pitch, especially as
they failed to chase down a similar target in the second game.
Add to that the fact that theybroughtinFabianAllen as a third spinner to try to make the most of the spinfriendlyconditions.
However, it was not to
be, as Sri Lanka made light work of the target. Kudal Mendis, 68 not out, and KusalPerera,55notout,got the job done, after Pathum Nissanka(39)andtheformer battered West Indies into submission with a 60-run standinthePowerplay
Litchfield’s nine-ball 16 added a late burst butthetotalstillfeltbelowparonapitchthat favoured chasing, as West Indies proved againstEnglandonWednesday
SouthAfricastartedthechaseconfidently withapowerplayof43-1,comfortablyahead ofAustralia’s 35-2 at the same stage, before Tazmin Brits’ departure for 15 opened the door for the phenomenal match-winning partnership.
Bosch, whose previous high score in the tournamentwas25,crunchedeightfoursand asixinhermatch-winningeffort.
It rewarded the faith of the SouthAfrica selectors who kept her at number three, and meant they reached their second successive finalafterthe2023editiononhomesoil.
The second semi-final takes place between New Zealand and West Indies at Sharjah today, meaning Sunday’s final will bethefirstineitherwhite-ballformatwithout AustraliaorEnglandinvolved.
Scores: South Africa 135 for 2 (Bosch 74*, Wolvaardt 42, Sutherland 2-26) beat Australia 134 for 5 (Mooney 44, Perry 31, Khaka2-24)byeightwickets.
GBBFF President Keavon Bess (third left) seen addressing the media in the presence of Director of Sport Steve Ninvalle ( on his immediate left) CACFBC treasurer Edward Malone (second right), CACFBC Vice-President Roger Boyce (second left), Twins Manufacturing rep Noah Ferouz (right) and GBBFF Organising Secretary Videsh Sookram (left) yesterday