Creating new PSA and not fixing Exxon’s lopsided contract, takes Guyana nowhere
Kaieteur News Publisher the taxes for Exxon and royalty on its resources and if he would charge taxes to rich—he isn’t touching that andbusinessman,GlennLall partners, what are we allows the companies to Exxon and its partners, upside-down deal,” the said that the government runninghereman.” recover 75% of their
businessmanstated. creating a new Production At his last press investments before splitting highlighting the flaws in the Itwasreportedthatwhile Sharing Agreement (PSA) conference, Vice President the remaining 25%, with original contract—a tactic in opposition, the PPP/C had with better provisions (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo, the Guyanareceivingjust12 5%
Lall described as his usual pledgedtorenegotiatetheoil without addressing the flaws country’s chief oil and gas
strategy “That’s a simple deal. However, the party in the existing 2026 Exxon policy maker, was asked if he contract also lacks a ring- question,thatonlyrequireda since assuming office in PSAstillleavesGuyanawith could change anything in fencing provision This yesorano…” August 2020, consistently theshortendofthestick. Exxon’s PSA without means Guyana is covering Lall highlighted that the denied ever making such a Lall’s comment follows affecting the investment thecostsofprojectsthathave IrfaanAli-led administration promise regarding the reports that while Guyana climate or contract sanctity, not yet started production. created a new PSA indeed renegotiation of the Exxon earned $336 billion from oil wouldimposetaxesonExxon E

withbetterprovisionsbutthe contract. “No, he (Jagdeo) is Moreover, Lall stressed sales last year, it had to pay and its partners, Hess and development expenses are new PSA does not apply to not touching or changing that Guyana is sitting on one around $306 billion in taxes CNOOC Inresponse,Jagdeo added to Exxon’s cost- the Stabroek Block which is anything in that huge of the richest oil fields in the on behalf of Exxon and its acknowledged that while in recovery list. This deal has operated by Exxon. In fact, Stabroek Block to upset world, yet instead of partners, Hess and CNOOC, opposition, the People’s faced criticism both locally he said the government has Exxon,thishasbeenhistrick receiving “a fair piece of the due to the terms of the deal Progressive Party/Civic andinternationally left the Exxon contract from day one, since he took pie”, most of its people are signedwiththeU.S.oilgiant (PPP/C) identified several Further, the Vice
untouched “He changed controloftheoilsector,”Lall struggling to make ends by the David Granger-led flaws in the deal He President went on to discuss course there, —telling the argued. meet. He noted that since oil CoalitionGovernment. explained that the 2016 the fiscal terms in the new reporter about the new PSA, Lall continued, “every production began five years During his radio agreement waives all taxes P S A , b o a s t i n g o f meaningthenewcontractfor time he opens his mouth to ago, from December 2019 to programme on Monday for the oil companies, improvementssuchasa10% the small oil blocks... He talk about oil, he boasts the present, the country has night, Lall said, “You find requiring the government to royalty,a10%tax,anda65% made sure to tell us, how he about his 10% royalty, 10% been collecting only a small words to describe that pay Exxon and its partners’ cost recovery limit fixedalltheclausesforthose tax, 65% cost recovery and amount of the earnings from insanity because I can’t taxes from Guyana’s share of However, Lall criticised oilblocks,butwhenitcomes full compensation from an its resources – as a result of Let’s pause on that a second, oil profits He also Jagdeo’s response, noting totheStabroekBlock,which oil spill – but all of that only the 2016 oil deal - and from collect $336 billion and highlighted that the deal that instead of directly holds almost 90% of all the apply to the new oil blocks... that the country has to pay almost all of that had to pay grants Guyana only a 2% answeringthequestionabout oil—the one to make us all He addressed all the wrongs taxes on behalf of the oil in the PNC contract with companies. What is even Exxon, for the new oil more troubling, according to contract he came up with for Lall, is that the authorities in thenewoilblocks,andmade charge continue to approve it clear he is not touching the more oil projects without Stabroek Block agreement making any changes to withExxon.” addressthis“taxsickness.”

Kaieteur News Publisher and businessman, Glenn Lall
Despite ramped up production that will drain
Jagdeo says Exxon finding more oil in the surrounding area will push the project to its 20-year lifespan
With optimised position as of today and Going over to Liza Two remaining resources in just conference assured that the production at definitely they don’t believe the ministry reported that over seven years. Liza One, ramped-up oil production is the current that it’s going to be drained almost 200 MBO would according to the Ministry of being done safely by the
rate oil is insevenyears.” have been produced by NaturalResourceswebsiteis operator of the Stabroek being pumped at Liza One
On September 8th the ExxonMobil since the producing about 150,000 Block. and Two, the projects are Kaieteur News reported that p r o j e c t c o m m e n c e d barrels per day while the He was however asked estimatedtobedrainedofoil based on information shared production in February of LizaTwoprojectisoperating by this newspaper to explain within the next seven years with the publication by the 2022. That field, according a t a d a i l y r a t e o f how the optimisation works whichislessthanthe20year Ministry of Natural to the FDP holds about 570 approximately 250,000 could affect the 20-year lifespan stated in the project Resources the 20-year MBO.Consequently,35%of barrelsperday estimated project life for documents. project life of the Liza One the reserves have already It should be noted that eachofthedevelopments.
However, Vice President and Liza Two projects had been produced by the Minister of Natural To this he said, “Yes it BharratJagdeotoldreporters been significantly reduced company Resources, Vickram Bharrat canfinishbeforethe20years at his last press conference with almost half of the It could also be deduced previously admitted that oil or it can even go beyond that the lifespan of the reserves at the fields already that about 40% of the from the three projects because as a reservoir projects will be around the depleted. collectivereservesatthetwo currently in operation could matures, you can get more original 20 years outlined in

This newspaper had projectshavebeendepleted. be depleted ahead of the 20- out of it and then as we have t h e d o c u m e n t s a s requesteddataontheamount Meanwhile, at the year lifespan due to the more discoveries, we can ExxonMobil continues to of oil produced to date from current rate of production, optimization of production. add those wells to the find more oil in areas it is He said that from the the projects currently in ExxonMobil could drain the The minister during a news existingdevelopmenttoo.” currentlyworking. information relayed to him, operation.
Asked directly: “At the “As they (Exxon) drill they
Commencing production current rate of production, learnmoreastheyextractthe in December of 2019 Liza looking at Exxon’s resources. Do you think that One has already produced optimization Liza 1 & 2 the estimate of what’s in a close to 200 million barrels could possibly be drained well is the final figure?They ofoil(MBO). within the next seven years keepdrillingtheyarefinding The project’s Field which would shorten the more in these areas so we Development Plan indicated previously given 20-year believe that the life of these that there is a reserve of 452 lifespan of the project projects will be around the MBO What has already outlines in the documents, original timeframe and some been extracted represents where does that leave may even be extended 44% of the project’s Guyana?” further out That’s our reserves.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo
PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.
Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210
Mining and the environment
FormostGuyanesewholiveonthecoastlands(andthat means almost ninety percent of the population), mining is outsidetheireverydayradar
However, the recent massive cocainebust at Matthews Ridge and the countless other activities taking place in the hinterlandhaveforcedmanytodealwiththerealitythatlife and “economic” activities go on continuously there, as the wealth under our soils are excavated in one manner or another
Ever since the abolition of slavery, thousands of our citizenswentintotheinteriortoseektheirfortunes,andin the process founded a new industry – gold mining. Diamonds were also discovered and became a subsidiary activity Over a century ago, bauxite deposits were identifieduptheDemeraraandBerbiceRivers,andDemba and Reynolds, Canadian and American multinationals respectively, hired or lured additional thousands and built townshipsnearthemines. Today,aswelookatthesector, wenoticethatitisdominatedbytheproductionofgoldand diamonds,andalotofholesintheground.Atthesametime thecountrycontinuestosufferbecausethecompanieslarge andsmalloperatinginthegoldindustryarenotdeclaringthe correct amount of gold produced and many of them have beendamagingtheenvironment.AsattheendofJune2024, gold declarations stood at 188,160 ounces with the 35.3 percent increase in declarations from the lone large producer, undermined by lower declarations from smalland medium-scale producers, according to the Ministry of FinanceMid-YearReport. “Declarationsfromthelatterfell from 159,084 ounces in the first half last year, to 119,603 ounces at the end of June this year,” the Mid-Year Report stated.
To this end, within the first three months of 2024, the BankofGuyana(BoG)reportedthatgolddeclarationfellto 89,845.8 troy ounces, when compared to the same period lastyear Itwasstatedthatthedipinthegolddeclarationwas mainlyduetolowerdeclarationsfromsmall-andmediumscale miners by 24.2 %. It was explained that the lower declaration is as a result of prolonged dry weather which madeaccesstowaterlimitedinmanyminingareas.
In a recent statement the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) quite rightly pointed out that despite thegovernment’sboastsoftheextensiveperks,concessions andprivilegesextendedtothegold-miningsector,including tax reductions, duty-free concessions, simplified licensing arrangements, expansion of available mining properties in conflictedareassuchasMarudiMountains,andremovalof protectiveregulations,thecountrywasnotseeingtheresults fromthislargesse.
Anotherissuethatconfrontsthisnationandwhichisnot adequately addressed is the environmental impacts of mining.TheGHRAhadalsomentionedthatthiswasoften ignoredwhentheadministrationspeaksaboutitssupportto the sector The authorities glibly talk about “sustainable mining,”butfactually,thisisanoxymoron,sincealloresare finite and non-renewable. However, we acknowledge that ourmineralresourcesmustbeextractedandutilisedforour economic growth. The challenge, we posit, is how to conduct mining in an environmentally and socially beneficentmannerforthelongterm.
Economic growth models that incorporate natural resource constraints in economic activity stipulate “sustainabledevelopment”asnon-decreasingconsumption over time, and derive the result that all income from nonrenewable resources’extraction must be invested in manmadecapitalsoastokeepthetotalstockofcapitalconstant.
We cannot just consume the (meagre) gains that are thrownourway Sinceournaturalcapital,likewildlifeand sanctuaries, and certain ecosystems offer incomparable values, they must be protected. But just as importantly, sustainable development requires that the prices of
Agriculture Ministry confirms MMA/ADA staff fired, scam at GMC being investigated
The Ministry of Agriculture wishes to categorically reject the false a l l e g a t i o n s a n d proclamations made in a Kaieteur News Editorial published on September 16, 2024 that clearly seeks to irresponsibly disseminate false narratives Such sensationalized narratives are misleading and irresponsible.
The ministry has consistently demonstrated its commitment to agricultural advancement and national development, earning respect from c
ns, particu
arly farmers The significant achievements during this administrationstandinstark contrast to the previous APNU+AFC Government
The editor’s critique, especially from someone who typically supports agriculturalprogress,isboth p e r p l e x i n g a n d disingenuous.
T h e m i n i s t r y ’s commitment to enhancing agricultural practices, ensuring food security, and uplifting rural economies has made a perceptible differenceandthisisevident in the lives of many Since the commencement of his t
Mustapha, has made significant strides in his policies and programmes introduced. The entire food sector was revamped, and crop yields have increased. The country has seen the adoption of modern and sustainable farming techniques, and enhanced market access for local farmers Agricultural officers have been working around the clock to achieve the25by2025targetforthe entire Caribbean region. Today, Guyana is leading foodsecurityinCARICOM, with Minister Mustapha being the lead spokesperson ontheseissues.
Yet, the editor’s disparaging remarks present a contradiction that requires examination.Itisessentialto considerthemotivationsand implications behind such negative commentary
M e d i a n a r r a t i v e s significantly shape public perception, and when they fail to align with the observable achievements, in this case, within the agricultural domain, skepticism arises. A critical perspective on the Ministry’s actions could stem from a broader discourse on agricultural policy, yet it detracts from the collective recognition of thepositivestridesthathave
beenmade. A d d r e s s i n g t h e erroneous claim regarding the “theft of sugar at Rose Hall Estate,” the ministry wantstomakeitclearthatno theft has occurred.An audit revealedanoverstatementof sugar production by 243 tonnes, resulting from serious breachesof standard operating procedures
Appropriate disciplinary actions have been taken againstresponsiblestaff.
This was shown from an audit conducted of the estate’s first-crop sugar production in 2024. This audit is an established practiceofthecorporationat all estates at the conclusion of each crop to verify the accuracy of the sugar declared by the estates Regardingtheallegationsof corruption at the Mahaica M a h a i c o n y A b a r y Agricultural Development Authority, (MMA/ADA), the ministry assures stakeholdersandthegeneral public that any misconduct will be thoroughly investigated, and the necessary disciplinary actions will be taken. The records are there to be verified. An incident was recently uncovered and it was dealt with accordingly, and the staff was fired. It is the duty of the MMA/ADA
to uphold the principles of integrity and transparency, according to its mandate, duties and service to farmers.
Theauthorityrecognizes the profound impact that misinformation can have on public perception and the reputa
ons of thos
organisation To set the
performing excellently, accounting for multiple of successes over the past four years under the stewardship
investments that are being madenowhavebeenableto cushion the hard effects that affected the lives of over 2000farmers.
Anotherissuewasraised intheeditorialasitrelatesto the “two officials at the Guyana Marketing Corporation being fingered inyetanotherscam.”Acase of discrepancy was reported totheministryandanauditis being conducted by the internal auditor which will be verified and certified by the Auditor General’s Office The ministry is awaiting this process to be completed.
The editor also spoke of “scandalousprocurementof (Continuedonpage06)
Eliminating poverty in Guyana
Our beautiful and rich motherland has everything weneedtoofferourcitizens a way out of poverty The vision of past leaders has been towards the upliftment of our people via access to opportunityintheuseofour land. If every citizen was givenfiveacresoflandwith which to do as they please ournationwouldseeafaster increase in its development
and a faster increase in the wealth & worth of our citizens Many Guyanese have shown an interest in agriculture. This is but one way to use the land. The currentdevelopmentplanof the government does not allow for the long term financial independence of our citizens. The house lots being provided are capable of supporting a house and a kitchengarden.Ownerswill have to work hard for someoneelseformanyyears inordertopayofftheirdebt with little opportunity afterwards to work independently
exhaustible resources should reflect their social costs, and thatdevelopmentmustbeinclusiveinthesensethatpeople displacedorhavingtheirlivesdisruptedbecauseofmining should not be made worse off. Right now very few are listening to the complaints of our Indigenous peoples. Because of the broad negative externalities from mining and the social necessities identified, a more intrusive role forthestateisrequired.
Consequently,ourmininglawsandrulesneedtobereevaluated, chiefly with respect to the acquiring of land, determination and use of royalties, linking penalties for violations of pollution standards to the damages, and the introductionofstrictliabilityformineclosures.Aportionof the royalties must be identified for building physical and human capital to ensure sustainable livelihood for the displacedandotheraffectedpeople–includingpeopleused for the present mining operations. The environmental impactmustincludetheimpactonpeople,too.
Ontheotherhand,ifthe government made it policy thateachcitizenwillreceive five acres of land and all future Guyanese will also receive that amount upon birth, the government can eliminate poverty and preventdebtatamuchfaster rate The focus of the government can then be wheretheycanaddthemost value. That is in securing business opportunities for the export of our products and services. Our citizens can use the land to support thosebusinessopportunities andnotneedtoalwayswork forothersinordertomakea living. As the value of the land increase so does the value of the businesses that ourcitizenscansupportdue to the increasing access to funds.
The oil revenue should be used to provide greater access to land and basic services in support of such an economic development policy; and some of the funds should also be distributed to each household for their use to make the most of the land provided and pay off their new mortgage. The upside of this approach has more appeal than placing a house on a house lot where the financial development of a family is restricted. Five acres for each citizenwith a house similar to that currentlybeingofferedisthe gamechangerGuyananeeds to lift our people out of poverty and secure our economic future over the longterm.
CRG recommends that the House of Parliament passlegislationthatsupports such an economic development plan that will eliminate poverty in Guyana.
Bestregards, Mr JamilChanglee
Hundreds of NY Guyanese Hindus in Ganesh procession in Richmond Hill
DEAREDITOR, Hundreds of Guyanese and other Indo-Caribbean Hindus took part in Lord Ganesh Mahotsav or Utsav processions on Sunday and Monday afternoon on LibertyAvenueinQueensto celebrate appearance of the deityandtomarktheendof the festival that is also knownasGaneshChaturthi. The festival was introduced inthegreaterRichmondHill area by Guyanese and other CaribbeanHindus.
Ganesha is a God worshipped by Hindus at everyprayer(Jhandi)andthe first to be invoked; in Hinduism, there is only one God or Goddess and is worshipped under different names.Ganeshaisfirsttobe mentionedinapujabecause he has the power to clear obstacles and bring fortune and peace The Ganesh festival and events held under its auspices brought people together from all walks of life in a fervent display of joy in the processionandprayingatthe temples.
Hindu pilgrims came fromvariouspartsofthecity to join one of two processions on Monday late afternoon–oneorganizedby Tulsi Mandir of 111 Street and the other by Grace of Divine.GraceofDivinealso held a procession with a murthi of the deity on the firstnightofthefestivaland also again on Sunday afternoon. Grace of Divine alsoheldanightlydiscourse onGaneshareadingfromthe Hindu scriptures from Thursday September 5 thru MondaySeptember16atthe Cheddi Jagan empty ground on Pandit Ramlall Street, 133rd Street, off Liberty Avenue in Richmond Hill. Tulsi Mandir also held nightly discourse during the same period at its headquarteronTulsiMandir Street, or 111 Street, off LibertyAve.
On Sunday, Grace of Divine followers marched from 121 Street to 133 Street On Monday the procession started at 133rd Street and concluded on Cross Bay Blvd in Howard
Beach over the bridge on Rockaway Beach, a few miles away. The Tulsi Mandirprocessionstartedat 111 Street from the mandir and ended up on Rockaway Beach where puja (rituals) was performed. Hundreds joined the processions leadingtotrafficjams. This isthe11thannualprocession for Tulsi and the third of GraceofDivine.
The processions included Hindu bhajans or songs with a Ganesh murthi atopanopentrailerandavan called a yatra (people following the moving Ganesh murthi). Songs accompanied by music blaredoutandfollowersalso sang along in a chorus or kirtan. Celebrants clapped, danced,andchantedmantras astheGaneshyatramadeits way on Liberty Ave and on Rockaway Beach where the claymurthiwasimmersedin the water for dissolution, a rite called Visarjna The immersion of the murthi in thewaterwasexplainedbya community leader from another temple. “When the
More dry-cry from Lincoln Lewis
DEAREDITOR, Despitedailythedry-cry about press freedom issues here, Kaieteur News has yet again allowed the predictable nonsense from Lincoln Lewis to be published. But no one is fooled, because even a political novice can see that Lewis is trying to insert something about election irregularities, a quality, ironically for which the PNCR-led APNU-AFC is well known. Lewis knows verywellthatthePNCisthe darling of rigged elections and other forms of political skullduggery Their only match might be the WPA which went so far as urging the perfectly legal elections of2020tobethrownout.
Lewis made references to the 1997 and 2006 elections, both of which the PPPCwonhandsdown.The man is confused about who won,sobelowisareviewof those results for him. In 1997, despite violent intimidationbythePNC,the PPP won 34 seats, and the PNC 26.The PPPpicked up twoseats;thePNClostfive. ThePPPreceived55.26%of the popular votes; the PNC 40.55%. If Lincoln Lewis still does not understand, he should know that the PPPC won 220,667 votes, versus
161,901votesbythePNCR. In2006thePPPCwon36 seats, the PNCR-1-G won 24, and the new AFC won five.Despitetheentryofthe AFC,thePPPwontwomore seats, while the PNC fell again.Therewasanupswing of1.7percentagepoints(pp) for the PPP, but a ‘downswing’ of 7.6 percentage pointsforthehaplessPNCR. Lincoln Lewis needs to digest these results and get
off the stale but still potent lies about who killed whom during the brutal years after the jail-break. I urge him to read the Stabroek News report on the same subject. You can find it here at https://www.stabroeknews.c om/2019/11/18/news/guyan a/prison-break-carnagefebruary-2002-september2006/
YoursTruly, AnsonPaul

clay dissolves in the water, the energy of Ganesha is spread all over, floating acrosstheoceanstoblessthe entireuniverse.”
The festival was held overelevendaysconcluding on Monday Ganesh Chaturthi festival was brought to America and other parts of the Indian Hindu diaspora by IndoCaribbean (Guyanese and other)Hindus.Thefestivalis observed on a grand scale withtassa,prayers,chanting, andrituals.
The festival was observedbyIndo-Caribbean mandirs all over the USA andinCanadaalthoughonly afewinQueensheldnightly discourses.Itcoincideswith the end of summer and concludes on the eve of the Pitri Paksh (starting Wednesday), a two weeks period of praying for the souls of the departed and paying tribute for their contributions to society
AfterPitriPaksh,aperiodof remembrance of the departed, comes Navratri followed by Ram Leela and
Ganesha Chaturthi celebratestheappearanceof Lord Ganesh and is one of themostcolorfulfestivalsof Hindus. Not very popular in Guyana, it has become very popular in New York and Florida among Guyanese andotherHindus.
Thelocationsforthetwo nightly programs were jam packed with worshippers. Dinnerwasservednightlyas wellasonSundaylunchand hotandcolddrinks.
The highpoint of the festival was the street procession. The procession began with offerings inside thetemplesprayingforgood tidings in the coming year
and invocations and chanting of mantras at the start of the procession Ganeshmurthiwastakenon achariotandparadedonthe avenue with loud music. At the conclusion of the processionsomethreemiles away, there were further invocations before removal of the temple on the chariot and aground puja on the beach before immersion of

Along the parade route
on Liberty Avenue, volunteers handed out sweets (ladoo) to onlookers and passersby Roads were closed off facilitated by NY regular police andAuxiliary officers, several being Indian Guyanese from the greater Richmond Hill community Many people stopped what they were doing and took on the procession attracted by the music and dancing, curiously querying what it was about. It is a religious fair open to all regardless of background. The organizers of the processions invited onlookers to join, and they welcomedpeople.
There was much jubilation with people dancing in the street, some barefeet.Bypartakinginthe festivities, they celebrated their Hindu faith and came together as a community far from the homeland of Guyana or from the Caribbean.
Yourstruly, VishnuBisram

16 Health professionals graduate from
Epidemiology, laboratory training programme
OnWednesday,16ofthe country’s healthcare professionals graduated fromtheCaribbeanRegional Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme(CR-FELTP).
This is according to the Ministry of Health in a statement The training programme was funded by the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in collaboration with the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and the Ministry The 16 graduates were drawn from eight regionsinthecountry
The training lasted for sevenmonths.
“The CR-FELTP programme trains health professionals from different fields to improve the Caribbean’s ability to prevent diseases and protect public health through evidence-based actions and policies,” the ministry explained.
Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony among other health officials with the 16 graduated health professionals of the Caribbean Regional Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme.

At the graduation ceremonywhichwasheldat the Herdmanston Lodge, Georgetown, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony related that the training was animportantone,notingthat there is a growing need for awareness and timely reportingofdiseases.
“I think the importance here is that we’re starting to
getmorepeopleintunewith some of the things happen
y, regionally,andglobally,and this is your first opportunity tounderstandalittlebitmore aboutdiseasesandhowthey transmit, and why you need to report so that we can respondintime,”hestated.
The minister further stated that he hopes the
course is able to serve as a steppingstoneforcontinued learning and as such encouraged the graduates to takeopportunitiesforfurther training in responding to diseases.
“Ihopethatwiththisfirst course that you have done thatthisisnotthelastone,I hope that it wasn’t too difficultandthatyou’llgoon
to do other courses because ultimatelywewantpeopleto be properly trained so that t h e y c a n r e s p o n d appropriately to diseases,” the minister said noting that the skills acquired during this training will also be useful as the Ministry is working on eliminating five infectious diseases from Guyanaby2030.
In her brief remarks, Public Health Advisor for the US Centers for Disease PreventionandControl,Ms. Sandra Bedoya-Hanson yesterday said that the training programme is “a testament to Guyana’s and CARPHA’s commitment anddedicationtogrowthand strengthening the country’s surveillancecapacity.”
Govt. to spend additional $97M for works at Anna Regina ground...
(Continued from the previous edition)

AncillaryWorksforAnnaReginaCommunity CentreGroundRegionTwo(Lots1-4).

Frompage04 pumps to corrupt award of contracts.” The Ministry of Agriculture, along with its executing agency, the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), wishes to inform
the editor and the general public that all construction of pump stations have been followedinaccordancewith the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board’ regulation The ministry has recognized the
pivotal responsibility that editors and media entities hold in disseminating information. However, it is imperative for these institutions to prioritize accuracy and reliability in theirreporting.Theministry
urges the editor and media entities to ensure that all statements presented to the public are grounded in thorough research and factualevidence.
Sincerely MinistryofAgriculture

moveaimedatstabilising gridforChristmas,CPL
Turkish company seeking US$116 million to supply 60MW to GPL
The Guyana Power and Light (GPL) is going full speed ahead in making preparations to stabilise the country’s electricity supply in time for the Christmas season as power demand is expected to increase significantly
Chief Executive Officer of GPL Kesh Nandlall told this publication that while there are constant efforts to stabilise the grid, “It is a moving target, we have maintenance work to do so we are preparing ourselves forallofthat.Wearemaking preparations to be as stable aswecan.”
He explained that the additional 60 MW of power the government is seeking is to “prepare us from now to the new Gas to Energy availability and we have certainenginesthatareunder

similar to the arrangement operation and maintenance saidinthestatement. overhaul and they are that was signed with the services. According to the PNCR coming up live as we move Turkish company for two The contract requires this continues to be this along, and they are gonna be years, until the Wales West GPLtopayUCIafeeof6.62 government’s legacy of added to the system. (The Bank Demerara Gas-to- US cents per kWh as a chaos and brinkmanship e n g i n e s ) a r e u n d e r Energy(GTE)projectcomes monthly charter fee for the when it comes to the maintenance right now but onstream. power ship and a monthly management of the nation’s wewanttoprepareourselves
Meanwhile, even as operation and maintenance electricity needs. “Time and from now to then which GPL is seeking another fee of 0.98 US cents per timeagainwehavebeentold includes the Christmas p o w e r p u r c h a s e kWh, based on electricity that this solution or that one holiday and every other agreement, Guyanese are generated. The cost however will stop the blackout crisis, thing.” th still in the dark over true excludes the price for fuel but it has continued to march
On September 4 2024 cost of power ship. Jagdeo because according to the on. We also note that the the GPL published an had accused Opposition contract Guyana will still onboarding of power has advertisem

s Member of Parliament have to supply the power proven to be a laborious, Facebook page inviting (MP) David Patterson of ship with fuel in addition to uncoordinatedprocess under qualified bidders to submit misleadingthenationwhen the agreed sum to charter the the PPP. It took several proposals for the “Supply of he suggested that it will vessel.
bid to supply a total of DMCCUrbaconTradingand cost Guyana more than Additional stress
load 66MW of power for USD Contracting Inc submitted US$200M to utilise the OnlylastweekthePNCR government bought last year Capacity to the DBIS $61500 000, Andalusian their bid to supply 60MW of powershipforthetwo-year said that the country to be prepared to begin through Power Purchase Energy LLC submitted a bid power for USD $ 116 388 th period Notwithstanding approaches the season of the working, resulting in the Agreement”.OnTuesdaythe to supply 60MW of power 864. Back in May 10 , 2024 Patterson’s calculations, year which typically puts government missing the bids were opened at the for USD $47, 650 000, JP this publication had reported Jagdeo did not provide a additional stress on the entire Christmas season National Procurement and Energy Solutions submitted Vice President Bharrat detailed account of what nation’s electricity grid, Given those generators were Tender Administration their bid to supply 60MW of Jagdeo saying that the thecountryisreallypaying GPL’s statements and purchased around this time Board (NPTAB) and powerforUSD$37740480, Government of Guyana for the service, leaving actions raise serious last year, we are concerned
Karpowership who already Machinery Corporation of (GoG) was still looking for Guyanese in the dark over concerns about its ability to that any lengthy installation has an ongoing contract with G u y a n a ( M A C O R P ) an additional 30 MW of thetruecost. meet demand “For the process may mean that once Guyana submitted their bid submitted their bid to supply power to add to the grid. He At a previous press- company to say that it is again their promise to meet along with four other power at $0.0645 USD per made the disclosure that the conference Jagdeo was seekinganadditional60MW Christmas demand will be a bidders. k i l o w a t t h o u r a n d government is still actively pressed to provide the for the Caribbean Premier hollowone.”

VAS Energy submitted a Karpowership Global seeking additional power, amount of money Guyana L e a g u e ( C P L ) a n d Similarly, the PNCR said will be paying for the Christmas, when the former the “so-called power ship e l e c t r i c i t y f r o m isalreadyuponus,smacksof faced connection delays and Karpowership International. desperation and a total lack the declared need to combat Instead of giving a definitive ofplanning.Evenfurther,the “vultures” before it could answer, he said that it will latest company bid operate Whatever the cost the country nearly statements indicate that this government’s plans is to US$0.30 cents per Kilowatt power onboarding process onboard more power, we Hour “When you add the will not conclude until urge them to make them two(fuelcostandthecostfor October 17, when new publicsoGuyanesecanhave rental), it comes up to nearly power generation will come confidencethateverythingis 0.20 something cents nearly online. Since the tournament beingdonetoavoidsimilarly 0 30 cents per Kilowatt concludes in early October, ridiculousdelays.Thereisno hour,” Jagdeo said The this means that GPL will e x c u s e f o r s u c h contract GPL signed with miss the CPL surge in incompetence when the Urbacon Concessions e l e c t r i c i t y d e m a n d government surely knows in Investments,W.L.L(UCI) to altogether, even in the best advance the demands of the charter the Turkish vessel case scenario Sadly, CPL and Christmas seasons. withatotalinstalledcapacity Guyanese must therefore The PPP’s poor planning has of 36 Megawatts (MWs) for brace themselves for the created, and is now a period of two years possibility of power cuts perpetuating, a needless, includes the provision of during the event,” the party preventableblackoutcrisis.”
Kesh Nandlall Chief Executive Officer GPL
“Nothing is Free?” Really?
The assertion that “nothing is free” has a familiarring.Itisarefrainas oldasmoderneconomics.
Recently, this aphorism has been resurrected, proclaiming that the populace must be disabused ofthenotionthatanyservice provided by the government comes without a price. The argument that “nothing is free” is superficially
appealing: someone, somewhere,hastopay
At the heart of this a s s e r t i o n i s a misunderstandingoftherole of government. What is a government if not an institution that exists precisely to mediate the competing interests of society and ensure that resources whether financial, natural, or social are allocated in waysthatbenefittheoverall good of society? In such a system, “free” is not an illusion; it is a tool, a means by which governments balance the inequities and uncertainties of the marketplace with the fundamental rights and needsoftheircitizens.
Let us begin by deconstructingtheproposition itself.If“nothingisfree,”what thenoftheairwebreathe,the sunlight that nourishes the crops, or the rain that replenishes the rivers? The premise that something must always be “paid for” by someone or someone else ignores the reality of how value is generated and shared in society The argument that someone else pays for another’s “freeness” is a
compellingoneinthecontext of taxation and public spending It taps into a core sentiment,particularlyinmore market-oriented economies, that the benefits enjoyed by one group must come at the cost of another While this notionholdssometruth yes, publicservicesmustbefunded fromsomewhere,oftenthrough taxes paid by individuals and businesses it overlooks the fact that freeness is not merely a redistribution of wealth but a strategic investment with far-reaching social and economic returns
Governments collect taxes, which, ideally, are redistributedforthecommon good In exchange for these taxes, the public receives goods and services, some of which are ostensibly free at the point of use public education and public health care,forexample. Thevery structure of modern society is predicated on the notion that, at various points in history, the state must offer some measure of “freeness” to its citizens. Take, for example,thepost-warboom i n E u r o p e , w h e n governments across the continent introduced free education and healthcare systems. These were not giveaways, nor were they short-term political bribes. They were investments in the future prosperity of the nation Education, made availabletoall,regardlessof wealth, builds a skilled and productive workforce. Free healthcare reduces the longtermburdenontheeconomy by ensuring that citizens remain healthy and capable
O f f e r i n g freeness—whether through toll-free bridges, tax relief, or freepublicservices isnotan act of charity It is an investment in human capital
The removal of tolls on bridges, for instance, may seem like a simple economic sacrifice, but the broader impact improving the free movement of people, goods, and services stimulates commerce and boosts productivity What we often failtocalculatearethebenefits that accrue indirectly from these “free” services, which often far outweigh their immediatecosts.
Consider, for instance, the removal of taxes on essentials such as food and medicine. For the poor, who spend a disproportionate share of their income on these necessities, such measuresprovideimmediate relief This is not an abstraction. A government thateliminatestaxesonbasic goods is effectively lifting a significant financial burden from its most vulnerable citizens, allowing them to reallocate scarce resources to other pressing needs, like education or small business investment. The societal gains are manifold: healthier, better-fed citizens are more productive, less dependent on state welfare, and more capable of contributingtotheeconomy Here again, the government is investing in the long-term health and stability of the nation, an investment that may not yield immediate financial returns but which
Dem boys seh we get one bigshot guru who know everything. Dis man seh you don’tneednofeasibilitystudyfuhtellyuh de gas-to-energy project mek sense.Why? Because, accordin’to he, if you payin’30 centsperkilowattnowanddenewtinggon bringitto4cents,thenduhmekitfeasible jus’likedeskyisblue.
Well,demboyswanknowwhomekdis man chief mathematician How he calculateduh4centsperkilowatthour?He pluckitfromdesky?Maybehegetitfroma dreamormaybeitfallouthelunchbox.De mantalklikedenumberdropfromheaven.
But wait, dem boys seh dat number sweetfuhyuhears,butwheredefacts?But where is de study dat provide de number Andwahdestudyseh‘boutotheroptions? Solar? Wind? Hydro? Bagasse? Or we should jus’spin de roulette wheel an’pick
undoubtedly strengthens the fabricofsociety
In a democratic society, certain services are not just conveniencesbutrights.The right to free education, the right to access healthcare and the right to travel freely within one’s own country without being nickel-anddimed by toll booths—these are all manifestations of a broader social contract. A society that refuses to provide its citizens with these basic rights is one that implicitly values profit over people, treating its citizens as customers rather than as human beings The state exists to ensure that certain services are available to all, not just to those who can affordtopay
Oneneedonlylookatthe examplesofcountrieswhere
suchservicesareguaranteed to appreciate the profound societalbenefitsthataccrue. Scandinavian countries, often held up as models of social democracy, provide free education, healthcare, androbustsocialsafetynets. Theircitizensenjoysomeof the highest standards of living in the world, not because “nothing is free,” but because everything of consequence is: the educationthatenablessocial mobility, the healthcare that prevents economic ruin, the infrastructure that facilitates
Governmentsmust,atvarious times, offer freeness to their citizens notasahandout,but as a necessary function of governance. Whether in the form of free education, toll-

exemptions on essential goods,theseactsoffreeness areinvestmentsinthefuture of the nation. They promote equality,stimulateeconomic growth, and uphold the fundamental rights of
misunderstand the very purposeofgovernment.
(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the
necessarily reflect the
De same big guru claim is 4 cents, but dem boys seh, he forget to mention what elseitcomewith.Likedehiddencosts,de environmental mess, and de social headache,dedisplacement.Ormaybedem tings nah matter to big man. When yuh alreadywritedestorybeforedefacts,why worry‘boutalildetaillike...reality?
Dem boys seh dis is a classic case of ‘too-good-to-be-true’ logic. Duh gas gon comecheap,butdequestionremain:What wereallypayin’forindeend?Webetteroff buyin’lottery tickets and prayin’fuh luck than bankin’ on dis miracle number he pushin’.
Degurusehskyblue,sowemusbelieve am.Butdemboysseh,yuhbettergetapair ofshades,becausewhenderealcostcome, itmightblindyuh! Talkhalf.Leffhalf

President Ali projects a troubling facility with words

President Ali has gotten Hedoesgetarushofbloodto on democracy versus shades cleverness. I help with being held hostage by something else must also be too comfortable with a the head, from time to time, ofautocracyinGuyana. The several doses of unpleasant elements reported to have said. To divide based on certain facility with words. usually at the worse times. national leader may mislead reality close ties to his government. deceptions and what is He says whatever is scripted One such moment was his himself into thinking he has In response to Dr Leonora is not the only patently fabricated drives a for him or comes to his head energetic reaction to Dr persuaded Guyanese masses Ramcharran, President Ali communityinGuyanathatis nail into any claim by the in the heat of the moment. Bertram Ramcharan’s take into falling for his verbal was all high dudgeon, went tortured by appalling noise president relative to being on a verbal warpath. “The pollution levels. It is so the most inclusive of all. most community-based widespread as to constitute a When communities in the government” he was proud national epidemic, I would Guyana demographic have to advertise which, if sayevenmakesadevastating been treated unequally, and accurate, would not fit contribution to Guyana’s rent apart with wanton autocracy in action, but only educational efforts. When recklessness, then any democracy on the move. In the plights of Lenora and leadership position about other contexts, the same other communities similarly inclusivity suffers from President Ali was pleased b r u

with himself to broadcast unattended, how could that unprecedented hypocrisy that his PPP Government is everbecommunity-oriented, What this conforms is that “the most transparent of all” community-protective, the president is too quick and ‘the most inclusive of community-based in terms withsweetwords,andalltoo all.’ When the gods thunder, of interests and the priorities dismissiveofwhatGuyanese it is safer for mere mortals to of the majority, who are realities wave in his face and seek shelter Something is mostlylaw-abiding? shout at increasing volumes wrong with me, for I must At other times, President inhisear d a r e t h e o d d s a n d Ali has gleamed darkly with How long will the respectfully beg to differ claims about being the ‘most president play his games with Guyana’s esteemed inclusive government of all.’ withhollowwordsthatmean leader, Excellency Irfaan Somebody at the Office of nothing, which maintain the Ali. the President must be bold f a ç a d e o f t h e P P P
When President Ali enough to be the kind of Government being the most speaksofhisgroupbeingthe keeper that the president transparent of all? Nothing “most community-based needs. When he is wisely would give greater delight government” he is better preempted from continuing thantosupportthatwhenitis advised to exclude the with his monopoly on solid For transparency communities of Mocha, inaccuracy, then there is no w o u l d m e a n s o m e Chinese Landing, and need for any of the accountability, with strides Isseneru. In view of what postmortems that it is my m a d e t o w a r d s has been dished out to those tough duty to do. A truly incorruptibility Allthreeare savaged communities, I inclusive government and whathavebedeviledPPPand think that the president may president are not addicted to PNC governments without wish to rethink. Because if an autocracy with thought, letup, and the president anyoneotherthanapresident an autocracy with words, knows this. The president or a prime minister had that bar any differing or, could be backed, but only coined such words, they risk worseyet,anycontradicting. when the secrets in the oil being deemed dissociated When an entity such as sector are no more from truth at best; or lacking IDPADA-G is rendered to President Ali himself had in the requisite disregard for the state that it is now in, and given his word to revisit and dishonesty at worst. The all because of this revise all contracts. If there p r e s i d e n t c o u l d b e compulsion towards total isonewordthatIwishthathe occasionally given the control, then the lofty had done his damnedest to benefit of his high office and inclusiveness of which the honor, it would be that one. e x c u s e d f o r t h e s e president speaks so boldly is Four years later, the e x a g g e r a t i o n s t h a t dashedtopieces,crumblesto president has distanced from boomerang back into his dust. his word I am all for f a c e , t h e s e v e r b a l To make matters more President Ali (or anyone) exuberances that cut him off intolerable, the specious being freewheeling and at the knees relative to the grounds under which pioneering with words, but standingthatheshouldhave. IDPADA-G fell, shames all ononeconditiononly What Butafteratime,theybecome claims that PPPGovernment is stated must be evident. tiring, boring, and glaring in leaders have made, or may What is promised must be their blinding contradictions make going forward, about produced. President Ali withGuyaneserealities. t r a n s p a r e n c y a n d hasn’t.
To take this to a more accountability. When people (The views expressed in intimate level, I humbly and entities do wrong, then I this article are those of the suggest that he leaves out his am the first to say that they a u t h o r a n d d o n o t own Leonora, the homeland must be fully dealt with, as necessarily reflect the of his younger years. It is a permissible under the law opinions and beliefs of this community that is under But such must apply to both n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s siege, a community that is adversaries and allies. But affiliates.)

20 Venezuelans charged with illegal fishing in Guyana
two boats
seized, captains say were given permission by local company
Venezuelans charged for illegally fishing in Guyana’s waters.

Twenty Venezuelan nationals faced unable to produce the necessary fishing charges in the Georgetown Magistrates’ documents, and the vessels were found to be Courtthisweekforillegallyexploitingfishin carryingalargequantityoffreshfish. theAtlanticOcean. ThecrewmemberswereescortedtoGDF
The accused were apprehended while Coast Guard Headquarters, where they were allegedly fishing in waters near Georgetown detainedandcharged.Theywereinformedof between August 20 and September 5, 2024. theallegationsagainstthem,withtranslations However, the fishermen claimed they had provided in Spanish. The Venezuelans received permission from a local fishing appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith companytooperateinthearea. Mcgusty, who read the charges to them with According to police reports, ranks of the assistance of an interpreter on Tuesday. They Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Coast Guard were charged with the offence of unlawful were conducting patrols approximately 82 exploiting of resources in the Exclusive nautical miles offshore when they observed EconomicZoneoftheMaritimeZonesAct. two Venezuelan-registered vessels operating Charged were; Wilson Eneiqure Rojas, in the exclusive economic zone. The vessels Degry Jose Mata Vicent, Gregorio Antonio were found to be fishing at a depth of about Figversa,Rayner Ramon Millian Gomez, 180feetwithlinesdeployedonbothsides. JoseFrancisioRivasQuidada,OscarEnrique
Efforts to communicate with the vessels Duven Marcano, Johnathan Alberto Trujilo, via Very high frequency (VHF) radio were Luis Angentis, Jose Rafael Mata Mata, unsuccessful. The ranks then managed to Denny Fafeal Mata Salazak, Darwin Jose board the vessels. Upon arrival, the Coast Mata Salaza, Cruz Manuel Duven Marcano, Guarddiscoveredatotalof20crewmembers, EdwardJoseMillianLopez,Ranaldo includingthetwocaptains.Thecaptainswere (Continued on page 16)

Opposition condemns police search of home of ‘Melly Mel’s’ mother
ThetwomainoppositionpoliticalpartiesPeoples National Congress Reform and AllianceForChange(AFC)havecondemned the search carried out by police at the Eccles East Bank Demerara home of relatives of socialactivist,Melissa‘MellyMel’Atwell.
The search has raised the question as to whether proper protocols were followed by the officer and Kaieteur News has been informed that a section of the high command oftheForcewasunawareofthesearchaswell as the ranks and commander in the division.

The parcel of ganja that was allegedly found outside of the Eccles premises of the Atwells.
Atwell has been a vocal critic of the Guyana Governmentandinrecenttimes,shehasbeen at the forefront of exposing alleged acts of corruption involving senior government ministers and their relatives. In a Facebook post, following the search, she wrote: “My family is now the target of this government and the Guyana Police Force. Harassing and intimidating my 87-year-old grandmother suffering from dementia and my mother Van The targeting of individuals, especially those load of police claiming how drugs does come who exercise their right to free speech, to we through barrels and boxes. Doing undermines the democratic fabric of our everything to break me because I refusing nation.TheAFC reaffirms its commitment to y’allhushmoney.ThisGoddon’tsleep.” justice, fairness, and the protection of all
InastatementissuedTuesdayeveningthe Guyanese, and we will continue to stand AFC said: “we strongly denounce the againstanyabuseofpowerorinfringementof intimidation tactics employed against constitutionalrights.”
Atwell’s family, which represent a disturbing Foritspart,thePNCRsaidthefactthatthe erosion of civil liberties and the misuse of Forcecontinuestoexecuteinstructionsaimed police powers. The AFC stands in solidarity to silence those like Ms.Atwell, who expose with Melissa Atwell and her family during the corruption, malpractices and this troubling time and calls for a full, incompetence in the GPF and government independent investigation into this incident. officials, is further explicit evidence that the Those responsible for these unlawful actions Force has been politicised and demustbeheldaccountable.” professionalisedbythePPPregime.
Furthermore, the AFC said” we urge the “While this most recent act of GuyanaPoliceForcetorespectthesanctityof victimisation by the GPF is unsurprising, as private homes and adhere to the legal this is the modus operandi of their political protocols enshrined in our constitution, masterthePPP,theForceisurgedto which safeguard the rights of every citizen. (Continued on page 16)

Banks DIH honours 20 students with bursary awards

Banks DIH Limited headquarter and was Parents, on Saturday,24th The awardees are the top Roquan Enniss, Mya address, Todd extended his continues its efforts in attended by Mr Gavin Todd, August, at Thirst Park, twenty high-performing Greaves, Z’Caria Henry, heartfelt congratulations to i n v e s t i n g i n y o u t h Operations and Engineering Georgetown. candidates submitted by AlexanderFox,ArielHamer, the students, encouraging developmentbyawarding20 Director, Mr Mohamed This Bursary Awards employees (10) and Kalila Mc Intosh, Andrea them to continuously strive recentNationalGrade Hussein, Engineering programme provides shareholders(10). Denny, Aenea Wilburg, f o r e x c e l l e n c e H e Six Assessment students Services Director, Mrs valuable financial assistance
Thisyear’sawardeesare: Thanuja Tiwari, Isabella emphasised the company’s with5-yearbursaries. Sharon Nelson, Human to students who displayed Ethan Bassoo, Misha Arjoon, Angelina Fields, commitment to offering
The awards were Resources Executive, and exceptional dedication to Holder, Nikisha Allen, Joel Payne, Rebecca future opportunities as they distributed at a ceremony other Executives, along with their studies, the beverage Thaddeus Siebs, Gavianna Cameron,andJoshuaSingh. continue to develop and held at the company’s the awardees and their giant said in a press release. Mohan, Xavi Bishop, During his feature grow

Symposium education reform in Caribbean for Oct.
As education systems across the Caribbean grapple with challenges of inequality and outdated approaches, key regional stakeholders will determine methods for transformingthedeliveryofeducationacrosstheCaribbeanat a regional symposium scheduled for October 2 to 4, 2024, at theRitz-CarltonHotelintheCaymanIslands.
The symposium will be hosted by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), in collaboration with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat, the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission,andTheUniversityoftheWestIndies.Theevent will target ministers of education, educators, policymakers, youth, teachers, civil society organisations, and social developmententities.
In a press release the CDB said with over 150 individuals expected to participate, the Regional Symposium and Policy Dialogue on Transforming Education will explore strategies for reimagining teaching practices, expanding access to education, and fostering innovative, effective leadership for theteachingandtrainingsector.
The symposium will focus on five thematic areas, reflecting priorities identified at the 2022 Global Transforming Education Summit. These themes include inclusive, equitable, safe, and healthy schools; learning and skills for life, work, and sustainable development; teachers, teaching, and the teaching profession; digital learning and transformation;andfinancingeducation.
Discussions will centre on leadership transformation, revamping teaching and learning methods, and expanding reach. The three days of meetings will culminate in the development of a consensus-driven roadmap for education transformation—the Agenda for Action. This document will serve as the foundation for sustained efforts to improve educationaloutcomesacrosstheregion.
CARICOMSecretary-General,Dr CarlaBennett,said “The CARICOM Secretariat is pleased to partner on this critical issue of transforming education in the Region. Stakeholder participation in education is not just the goal of transformation,buttheprincipalmethodology Weunderscore (Continued on page 15)
In photo (Mrs. Sharon Nelson, Human Resources Executive, Mr. Mohamed Hussein Engineering Services Director, awardees, Mrs. Cherryl Darrell Shares Officer and Mr. Gavin Todd, Operations and Engineering Director).

Cops get training in public procurement
…topics covered include debarment, contract award and management
Some of the police officers during the two-day training.

Amid growing concerns about procurementat the Guyana PoliceForcesome45policeofficersrecentlybenefittedfroma two-daytraininginpublicprocurement.
Members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) included representatives from Finance, Administration, Procurement, Marine, Office Mess, Criminal Investigation, and officers from all ten administrative regions of Guyana. In a press release the Public Procurement Commission said the training emphasizes the national importance of enhancing public procurement practices and aimed at bolstering efficiency and integrity of procurement operations. Held at the Officer’s Training Centre, Eve Leary, Superintendent, Bharat Persaud of the Guyana Police Force and Mr. Dwight Dodson, Head of Operations at the Public Procurement Commission (PPC), presided over the opening of the training. Also in attendance were: Assistant Commissioner Khali Pareshram, Head of the Guyana Police Force’s Strategic Planning Unit; Senior Superintendent Himnauth Sawh, Head of the Transport Workshop; and other personnel from the PPC. In opening remarks, Superintendent Persaud highlighted that the training programme is designed for members of the force stationed across various regional divisions with responsibility for procurement while Dodson highlighted the importance of getting acquainted with the procurement process and related laws in order to improve the system and build capacity simultaneously
The training was tailored to equip participants with the skills and knowledge essential for navigating and improving procurement processes while ensuring that they are better prepared to execute their duties effectively, the press release stated.According to the PPC, the initiative not only enhances institutional capacity but also contributes to fostering accountability and transparency across government agencies, especiallytheGuyanaPoliceForce.
The training sessions were conducted by a team from the PPC, including Dodson, Ms. Esther Osborne (Attorney-atLaw), Mr Antonio Yhan (Training Officer), Mr Prakash Sookdeo (Procurement Specialist), Mr Savion Paddy (Civil Engineer),andMr DavindraSingh(ProcurementSpecialist).
The programme covered a wide range of essential topics, such as: public procurement legislative framework; administrativereview,anddebarment;bestpracticesinpublic procurement; fundamentals of public procurement; the procurement cycle; procurement process and methods; strategic procurement planning; procurement plan development; thresholds, tender boards, and tender openings; tender evaluation and contract award; contract management andmonitoringandreportinginprocurement.
“ThisinitiativereflectsthePPC’s ongoingcommitmentto fulfilling its constitutional mandate, as outlined in Article 212AA (1) (b) of the Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. The Commission is dedicated to promoting awareness of procurement rules, procedures, and specialrequirementsamongsuppliers,contractors,andpublic bodies.Furthermore,Section17(2)(c)oftheProcurementAct, Cap. 73:05, empowers the PPC to organise training seminars on public procurement,” the release noted. The PPC said it remains steadfast in promoting transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the procurement of goods, services, and works across the public sector.” Through these training programmes,theCommissionaimstostrengthenprocurement practices and contribute to the sustainable development of Guyana.”
Conflict of interest
Only recently this newspaper reported that as the investigations into alleged financial irregularities continue againstActingDeputyCommissionerofPolice,CalvinBrutus reports surfaced that the Ministry of HomeAffairs was aware that a company connected to the senior officer’s wife was a suppliertotheForce.
Kaieteur News learntthatindeedthewifeoftheofficerwas a supplier to the Guyana Police Force and this has been ongoing for close to a year with the full knowledge of very seniorofficialsoftheministry
It is unclear what systems were used to facilitate this process but vouchers being processed by the Guyana Police Forceforsuppliersandcontractorsforotherservicessupplied, passed through a number of offices within the Guyana Police which all fell under the purview of Brutus before he was transferred.
Onesuchcompany,whosevouchersandpaymentswere (Continued on page 14)
Symposium education reform in Caribbean...
From page 14
Transforming Education drive transformative change. the value of a whole-of- Agenda, which seeks to By bringing together key society approach to accelerate progress towards stakeholders, we aim to craft educationtransformation.” Sustainable Development actionable strategies that Director General of the Goal Four: inclusive, will ensure our education OECS Commission, His equitable, and quality systems are more inclusive, Excellency Dr Didacus education for all. “CDB is equitable, and prepared for Jules, said: “Over the past committed to advancing the future,” Mr Solomon 40 years, efforts to transform education as a cornerstone said. The Symposium is the Caribbean education have of regional development firstinaseriesofactivitiesto seen limited success, failing This symposium represents a be carried out in October by to fundamentally reshape the pivotal moment for us to CDB and development system From July to a d d re s s t h e c r i t i c a l institutions under the September 2024, Google challenges facing our Transforming Education reported 315,000 articles on education systems and to thrust. the ‘Caribbean Education
C r i s i s , ’ r e f l e c t i n g widespread concern This conference is a timely opportunity to confront this crisis and chart a decisive path toward rethinking and transforming Caribbean education.”
CDB Acting President, Mr. Isaac Solomon, noted that the symposium aligns with the United Nations’

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20 Venezuelans charged with illegal fishing...
From page 11
Thomas, Romeo Marin, Jesus Demery Marcana Marin, Robert Jose Guitierer Romel Alexabder Otopeza Hernandez, Johandry Jose Parez Martin Marcano, Edgar Jose Hernandez , and Yexi Jose Valesquez Vasquez.
All 20 of the men pleaded guilty to the charge and were
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fined $300,000. Captains Gregorio Antonio Figversa and Degry Jose Mata Vicent faced an additional charge for operating foreign fishing vessels without a valid license. Vicent pleaded not guilty and is scheduled to return to court on October 9, 2024 for statements, whilst Figversa pleaded guilty and was fined
$1 million dollars or two years in prison.
During the court proceedings on Tuesday, the fishermen told the court that a local company would contact the Venezuelans and grant permission to fish in Guyana’s waters. One fisherman expressed frustration in court, stating,
“For years we have been fishing in the same water by a local company; we never had a problem. What is the problem now?
When we leave Venezuela and enter a certain area, we call the company and said that we are here. The company told us to come.”
Opposition condemns police search of Melly Mel’s...
From page 11 remember their mandate to investigate crimes committed by those in high office, and not to harass innocent Guyanese and their relatives. The PNCR calls on the Guyana Police Force to desist from targeting the relatives of Ms. Atwell
and all others who speak out against government corruption, executive lawlessness, and political and racial discrimination.”
In a press release following the raid, police said that the search was carried out between 16:10 and 17:00 hrs, by a team of ranks led by a gazetted officer, Assistant Superintendent, M. Singh. According to the police, the team acting on intelligence received, went to the home of Debbie Atwell where a search warrant was executed for narcotics. “Police searched the
house and yard. However, while searches were conducted in the yard, police ranks observed a black plastic bag containing a transparent plastic (Ziploc) bag, which had a quantity of suspected cannabis, over the back concrete fence in the alleyway (next to some banana trees).
The suspected cannabis was thereafter retrieved and taken to the Providence Police Station, where it was weighed and amounted to 27 grams. Additionally, the suspected cannabis is being processed for fingerprints. Investigations are continuing,” the release concluded.
Kaieteur News was told that police had received the alleged information of drugs over the weekend and it was until Monday, Officer Singh unbeknownst to the Commissioner of Police, Clifton
Hicken, Crime Chief, Wendell Blanhum and the officer-incharge of operations went to the Court and obtained a search warrant for Atwell’s home.
Kaieteur News was told by sources that it would appear that only Senior Superintendent Ravindradat Budhram who is currently performing duties as ‘deputy commissioner’ in charge of administration was aware of the officer’s approach to the High Court for the search warrant.
“There were several breaches in this operation, but it is left to be seen what will happen,” the source told this newspaper. In addition to the bypassing of the high command of the Force, Kaieteur News was told also that the Commander and ranks of the East Bank Demerara division were also unaware of the search.
Melissa Atwell, who resides in the United States of America (USA), is known for using her social media platform to expose alleged corruption within the government and highlighting various injustices.
Her outspoken stance on social and political issues has garnered her a significant following. Last year, she lodged a “transnational complaint” against the Guyana Government with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). A complaint under transnational repression means that a foreign government is stalking, harassing and intimidating an individual living in the United States. Atwell’s complaint was made following reports that several cybercrime charges are being initiated against her by the GPF.
Cops get training in public procurement...
From page 14 processed, is South Quata Contracting & General Supplies Inc. the company that is owned by Brutus’s wife. The vouchers once processed at the Guyana Police Force, will then be sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs, more specifically, to the Office of the Permanent Secretary.
Kaieteur News was told that sometime last year, two officials at the ministry had met with Brutus to facilitate the process of ensuring that his wife was added to the list of suppliers to the Guyana Police Force. According to reports, key figures within the Ministry of Home Affairs then contacted officials at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board who later issued a document that placed South Quata Contracting & General Supplies Inc. as a legitimate supplier to the
Guyana Police Force.
Back in July during an address at a police symposium, Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn called out the Guyana Police Force (GPF) over questionable accounting practices, bribery, and corruption and vowed audits and investigations into the alleged malpractices.
“The core issue is at the level of the quality of policing,” the minister stated during his address. “Not quantity in terms of how many police are out there, but the quality of policing.”
A letter from the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board approving Brutus’ wife’s company as a supplier to the Guyana Police Force.
Benn acknowledged the diversity of the GPF’s training, which has included input from the UK, Canada, India,
and China. “The question is the quality of our policemen and women,” the minister said.” According to the Home Affairs Minister, the most pressing issue is concerning procurement practices and financial accounting within the GPF. He said despite the government’s efforts to address these problems, they have not received the necessary cooperation or response from the GPF leadership.
The minister revealed that he has made numerous requests to the GPF leadership to address these issues, but has been met with delays, undermining, and a “disregard of the things we want you to do.”
“There is a significant problem,” Minister Benn declared, vowing to launch reviews, investigations, and audits into the GPF’s procurement processes and financial practices. He further added, “If money goes to places it should not go, it means that there is massive collusion and corruption. We want new accountable policing; we want new and improved and honest work done. We want to see that the paper trail is not fraudulent because we hear a lot of issues and I know there is a lot of turning back of invoices where you cannot verify what was said to have occurred, occurred.
The Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) is currently conducting an investigation into allegations of financial irregularities by several police officers. To date, several persons have been questioned during the probe. At the same time, Brutus remains off the job after proceeding on leave to facilitate the investigations.

Man dies after shot in back by thief
voice,”thedaughtertoldthis mandiedwhile publication.Sheadded,“He
receiving isakindofpersonthat treatmentattheGeorgetown recognisespeoplebytheir PublicHospital(GPHC) voices.” afterhewasshotbyabandit
Dead: Aubrey Richardson

Thewomanrelatedthat latelastmonthduringa afterRichardsonwasshot, robberyatashopin fourthievesrantotheshop Yarrowkabra,Soesdyke- ownerandstoleaboxwith LindenHighway j ewelleryand an D eadisAubrey undisclosedamountofcash. Richardsoncalled‘Goobny’ Shenotedthatnoonewas whoresidedatKuru-Kuru, searchedbythesuspects. Soesdyke,LindenHighway F urthermore,she Theincidentoccurredon highlightedthatherfather A ugust24,2024. wasthentransportedtothe Aadamsexplainedthat Richardsonsuccumbedto DiamondHospitalandlater herfatherandthefriend hisinjuriesonSeptember5, transferredtotheGPHCand wenttopurchasedhallpuri 2024. wasintheIntensiveCare forthenextdayandwhile PhyliciaAdamsdaughter Unit(ICU). “Daddywas theretheywereengagedin ofthedeceasedtoldthe justbleeding,hewasinalot conversationwiththeshop KaieteurNewsthatthe ofpain,”thedaughtersaid. o wner. Duringthe incidentoccurredaround Shesaidheunderwent conversation,someone 21:00hwhileherfatherwas e mergencysurgery, reportedlyenteredtheshop attheshoptalkingwithhis however,doctorswere tobuycigarettesandthen friends. Duringaninterview unabletoremovethebullet e xited.Shortlyafter, withthispublicationthe thatwaslodgedinhisback Thedaughtersaid,“You wasn’teveninthenews,in o fthemsayingthey Richardsonheardsomeone womanrelatedthatpriorto andassuchhisspleenwas askedthemforanupdate, themediaasusual,”the wouldn’tbeabletoidentify sayingbehindhim‘don’t theshooting,herfather removed. Thewomansaid, theysay‘ohtheybusythey daughter anybody.”Thewoman m ove,’towhichhe r eportedlymade “...HispancreaswashavesomeothermurderonAdditionallythewomanadded,“afterthenislike respondedjokingly:“whois arrangementswithafriend damaged,sohewascritical.” theyhand,likethesesortsof saidwheneversheenquired everythingonastandstill,we duhbai”. Unawareofthe thatwasvisitingfrom Theshootingwasreportedto things.”Shealsodisclosed policewouldinformherthat d on’tknowwhat’s situation,Richardsonwas Lethem.“Sohepickeduphis theTimehriPoliceStation. thatnoofficialpublicreport theywereunsuccessfulin happening,wedon’tknow allegedlyshotinthebackby friendfromrightoutsideof Policelaxresponseto wasmadeoftheincident, makinganyarrest.“They wherethecaseis.Theonly theperson. “…whatwe KuruKuru ataspotwecall case Thispublicationwas whichwasunusualgiven s aidtheydon’thave thingthatIamhearingisthat weretold,(isthat)hedidnot theJamoonTreeandthey i nformedthatpolice thatmattersofsuchnature anybodytoidentifythemso theytryingtoarrestthis takeitseriousandprobably reachuptoYarrowkabra,” responsetothiscasewas policewouldnormallyissue wecontactedthefriendswho person,butwhoisthis becauseherecognisethe AdamstoldKaieteurNews. slow a pressrelease.“Thestory werethereandsuddenlyall person…Idon’tknow.“
Man charged for killing Bids open for companies Hill Foot farmer to sell
A 34-year-old sawmill operator wasremandedto prisononTuesday after beingcharged forallegedly killinghisreputed wife earlierthis month.

Theaccused,James Lord called ‘Jamesy’madehis firstcourt appearancebefore Magistrate RhondellWeever attheWales Magistrate’s Court wherethecharge was readtohim. Hewasnot requiredtopleaand was remanded.He isscheduled to returntocourton October outofthehomewithher woundtohisabdomenand 8,2024. children,tohersister’s hefell.Thesuspectthen KaieteurNewsreported residenceinFreeandEasy, rushedtowardsthedeceased thatonSeptember8,2024, WestBankDemerara. andstabbedherinherleft AlexisRoxanneHarris Itisallegedthatatabout breastandonherrighthand. called‘Cullie’afarmerof 1 2:00honSundaySheranandcollapsedintoa HillFoot,LindenSoesdyke September8,2024the nearbydrain,whileLord Highwaywasstabbedto suspectvisitedthesister’s madegoodhisescapeon deathbyLordwhoalso residencetoseehischildren. foottotheseadamarea. woundedhisnephewand Harriswasreportedlyonher JuniorLordwastakento attemptedtokillhimself cellphoneatthetimeand t he WestDemerara duringafitofrageatFree thisangeredthesuspect, RegionalHospitalbypublic- andEasy,WestBank whotookawaythecell spiritedcitizenswherehe Demerara,RegionThree. phoneandbrokeit. wastreated.Meanwhile, Inapressreleasepolice Itwasfurtherreported withtheassistanceofpublic- hadstatedthatthenow thatHarristhenwentandsat spiritedcitizens,police deceasedwaslivingwith onthestairoutside,butLord arrestedthesuspect.Upon Lordandtheirchildrenat followedher,tookouta hisarrest,twowoundswere HillFoot,LindenSoesdyke knifefromhishaversackand observedinhisabdomen Highway Accordingtothe attemptedtostabher.His area,whichheclaimedwere policeabouttwomonthsago nephew,JuniorLord,who self-inflicted. t hecouplehada wasthereatthetimeheard T heEMTwas misunderstandingandshe t hecommotionandsummoned,andhewas wasallegedlyassaultedby intervened.Heattemptedto e scortedtotheWest himwhothreatenedtokill takeawaytheknife,butthe D emeraraRegional her Asaresultshemoved suspectdealthimastab Hospital.
TGuyana’s oil
heMinistryof ProcurementandTender respectively N aturalAdministrationBoard,Accordingtothe
ResourcesMinistryofFinance,Main ministerthecontract (MNR)hasinvitedeligible & UrquhartStreets, stipulatesthatneitherofthe companiestosubmitbids Georgetown,Guyanaor c ompaniescharge fortheprovisionof mayrequestavideolink g overnmentforthe marketingservicesfor f r o m marketing andwillinstead Guyana’sOil. npta.procurement@financ pay,inthecaseofBB A ccordingtoane.gov.gy EnergyLimited,US26 advertisementreleasedby Thebidsmustbevalid centsoneverybarrelit theMNR,thebidderswill for120daysfromthedate sells.JEEnergyplansto beputtingtheirofopening. Additionally,paysomeUS70centson submissionsforanbiddersinteraliamaybideachbarrelofcrudeit opportunitytomarket foroneormorelotsas markets. Guyana’soilentitlement definedinthebidding TheLizaDestinyFPSO fromLot1-LizaDestiny documents.Atpresent,two iscurrentlyproducingover FPSOVessel,Lot2-Liza U nitedKingdom150,000barrelsofoilper UnityFPSOVessel,Lot3– c ompaniesmarketday(bpd),upby30,000 PayaraProsperityFPSO Guyana’soilshare. afterdebottlenecking,a Vessel,Lot4–Anytwo(2) MinisterofNatural processofoptimizing LotscombinedandLot5– R esources,Vickramcapacity.Itsstorage CombinedLots1,2and3. Bharrat hadrevealedthat capacityis1.6million
Theadvertisement UKcompany,JEEnergyis barrels.AsfortheLiza stipulatesthatbidsshallbe themarketerofoilcoming UnityFPSO,itisalso openedbytheNational fromtheLiza-1platform producing30,000more ProcurementandTender whichusestheLiza barrelsthanhadbeen AdministrationBoardin DestinyFPSO,whileBB announcedasitmoved thepresenceofBidders’ Energyisthemarketerfor from220,000bpdto representativeswhowish oilfromtheLiza-2and 250,000bpdafterthesame toattend,at09:00hrs.on Payaraplatformswhichuse optimisingprocess.Its Tuesday1stdayofOctober theLizaUnityandLiza storagecapacityissome 2024attheNational P rosperityFPSOs,twomillionbarrels.

Aubrey Richardson in the ICU
James Lord called ‘Jamesy’
Exploding walkie-talkies kill 14, injure 450 in new attacks across Lebanon
(BBC NEWS) Just as crowds had gathered to mourn some of those killed inTuesday’s wave of pagerbomb attacks, an explosion sparked chaos in Dahiya, Hezbollah’s stronghold in southernBeirut.
A video captured the blast, showing a man lying on the ground and panicked people, some screaming, running away All this, moments before funerals were due to start for an 11year-old boy and three Hezbollah members killed the previous day In the surrounding area there was bedlam as the sound of the explosion echoed through the streets The chants stopped Those gathered looked at each other, some incredulous.
As reports spread that this was part of a second wave of explosions now targeting walkie-talkies, no electronic equipment was considered safe. Hezbollah supporters stopped our team severaltimes,demandingwe didnotuseourphonesorour camera. Lebanese officials said at least 14 people were killed and 450 others wounded across the capital andthesouthofthecountry, with fires said to have broken out in dozens of homes,shops,andvehicles.
Already, the latest attacks are being seen as
another humiliation for the Iranian-backed group, and a possible indication that its entire communication network may have been infiltrated by Israel. Many people here are inevitably wondering what will come next. This is a country still shocked and angered by what happened on Tuesday, when thousands of pagers e x p l o d e d i n t h a t synchronised attack, after users received a message theybelievedhadcomefrom Hezbollah.
Thedevicesdetonatedas peoplewereinshops,orwith their families at home, killing12includinganeightyear-oldgirlandthe11-yearoldboy,andinjuringaround 2,800. Dr Elias Warrak told the BBC it was “the worst day of [his] life as a physician”. At least 60% of the people he had seen had lostatleastoneeye,hesaid, withmanyalsolosingfinger or a whole hand. “I believe thenumberofcasualtiesand the type of damage that has been done is humongous,” he said. “Unfortunately, we werenotabletosavealotof eyes, and unfortunately the damage is not limited to the eyes – some of them have damage in the brain in addition to any facial damage.”
Reports suggest a shipmentofpagersmayhave

beenriggedwithexplosives, before being detonated remotely Hezbollah had distributed the pagers amid concerns that smartphones were being used by the Israeli military and intelligenceagenciestotrack downandkillitsmembers.It was still not clear how Wednesday’s attacks might have been carried out. But Hezbollah has vowed to respond, blaming Israel for the attacks. As usual, Israel has not commented. Fears are, again, rising that the currentviolencebetweenthe
At least one of the explosions took place during a funeral for those killed in Tuesday’s
two rivals, which has led to the displacement of tens of thousands of residents on both sides of the border, couldescalateintoanall-out war Hezbollah says its attacks on Israel, which startedalmostayearago,are in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, and thattheywillonlystopwitha ceasefire, an elusive possibility for now Mourners who spoke to the BBC at the Dahiyeh funeral alsostruckadefianttone. One young man said:
“The pain is huge, physical and in the heart. But this is something we are used to, and we will continue with ourresistance.”
A 45-year-old woman told the BBC: “This will make us stronger, whoever haslostaneyewillfightwith the other eye and we are all standingtogether.”
Hours after the latest explosions, the Israeli defence minister, Yoav Gallant,saidhiscountrywas “atthestartofanewphasein thewar”,asthe98thdivision of the Israeli army relocated
from Gaza to the north of Israel.
Up until now, Hezbollah has indicated that is not interested in another major war with Israel, as Lebanon struggles to recover from a years-long economic crisis. Many here say a conflict is notinthecountry’sinterests. But some will certainly demand a strong response. An indication of what Hezbollahmightbeplanning to do could come on Thursday, in the first public reaction by its powerful leader,HassanNasrallah.
Ukraine drone attack in Russia sparks fire
Thirteen people have been injured in Russia’s Tver region after a largeUkrainiandroneattack sparked a fire there, according to the country’s healthministry
The milita
y site reportedly housed fuel tanks, as well as artillery shells,ballisticmissiles,and explosives, in a series of warehouses. These are all weapons that have been used in Russia’s relentless full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This latest attack byUkraineisthekindithas been wanting to carry out withmissilessuppliedbyits western allies. However, in the absence of approval from the US and UK, it has once again hit Russian targets with drones it has madeitself.
The target this time, though, is significant A military arsenal, worth almost £30m ($39m), has seemingly gone up in a
Unverified footage has emerged purportedly showing a massive blast in the town ofToropets.Video footagecirculatingonsocial media showed detonations and smoke covering a large stretch of sky A partial evacuationoftheregionwas orderedafterthestrikeinthe early hours of Wednesday morning The regional governor later encouraged residents to return, saying that all infrastructure in the townwasworkingnormally again AFP and Reuters news agencies have quoted Ukrainiansourcesassaying an ammunitions warehouse hadbeenstruck.
series of explosions. NASA reported a series of heat sources from satellite imagery
A light-magnitude earthquake was even reported in the surrounding Tver region. The head of Ukraine’s Centre for Countering Disinformation, Andriy Kovalenko, said on Telegram that in addition to its own ammunition, including Grad rockets, Russia had also started to storeNorthKoreanmissiles inToropets.
None of these claims have been verified by the BBC.
Toropets lies about 380km (236 miles) northwest of Russia’s capital Moscow, and some 470km north of the border with Ukraine. Over the past few
months, Kyiv has grown in confidence and ambition as it has ramped up drone attacks inside Russia. It’s struck as far as 1,800km (1,118 miles) in the past, whenalong-rangeradarwas hitinthecityofOrsk.Inthe early hours of Wednesday morning, the authorities in Toropets said buses had already been prepared for the evacuation. They also claimed the situation was “under control” in the town of about 13,000 residents. The authorities did not say how many people were b e i n g e v a c u a t e d Meanwhile, Russia’s state mediareportedthatregional schools and kindergartens would be closed on Wednesday
The level of destruction in Toropets will give
Ukrainian forces a muchneeded morale boost. It is alsohopeditsendstheWest a political message - that targeting sites inside Russia helps Ukraine defend itself, and will not cause an escalationwithMoscow Russia’s defence ministry reported on Wednesday that it had destroyed a total of 54 drones in overnight attacks acrossfiveRussianregionsBryansk, Kursk, Oryol, Smolensk and Belgorod Belgorod Region Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said four civilians were injured in a “drone attack on a minibus” in the city of Shebekino.
Ukraine has not commented on the reported attacks Also overnight, Ukrainianairdefenceswere
engaged against oncoming Russian drones near the capital Kyiv, city military administration head Serhiy Popkosaid.
There were also reports ofblastsinUkraine’snortheastern city of Sumy, near the Russian border, and the regional authorities later 16 drones were shot down However, the authorities were forced to use back-up power systems after energy infrastructure repeatedly cameunderfire.
Intotal,theUkrainianair force said it had shot down 46of52droneslaunchedby Moscow over the country overnight. Local authorities saidonepersonwaskilledin the central region of Kirovohrad, while a 90year-old woman was woundedinKropyvnytskyi.
pager explosions
14% rise in HIV infections among Guyanese youths - UNAIDS
The Joint United Nations Suriname and Guyana to 37% in adolescent infections (ages 10-19) aboutHIV,”Amenyahsaid.
Programme on HIV/AIDS Barbados, is concerning and occur among boys Additionally, H
(UNAIDS) said the rising warrants further investigation and 25% of all pregnant women living surrounding HIV continues to deter proportion of total HIV incidence serious attention, if we are to end with HIV globally are between 15 young people from seeking testing, among young people which ranges AIDS as a public health threat by and24years “ counseling, or treatment services from 14% in Suriname and Guyana 2030,”Dr Amenyahsaid Headded
Structural barriers in the Fearofrejectionbypeersandfamily to 37% in Barbados, is concerning that the situation faced by children current response membersforcesmanyyoungpeople and warrants further investigation and adolescents is equally According to Amenyah several to hide their HIV status, further andseriousattention. concerning ”At the end of 2023, factors are driving the epidemic preventing them from accessing In a statement UNAIDS Multi- 2 38 million children and among adolescents and youth, necessary healthcare According to

Country Director for Belize, adolescents, aged 0-19 years, were noting that HIV prevention and him, girls and young women are opportunities for engaging young Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, living with HIV globally Of the testing among adolescents and especially vulnerable to HIV due to people in HIV prevention and Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, 630,000 people who died from
gender inequality, lack of power in
and the OECS, Dr Richard AIDS-related illnesses, 90,000 particularly challenging due to sexual relationships, early sexual telemedicine, and mobile health Amenyah said that HIV among (14%) were children and youth factors such as social norms, debut, and gender-based violence apps have been instrumental in young people remains a significant under 20 years While new HIV vulnerability, high-risk sexual M
disseminating information and public health concern because the infectionsamongchildrenaged0-14 behaviors, policy barriers, limited populations, such as those involved connecting young people with decline in new HIV infections years and adolescents aged 15-19 access to healthcare services, and insexwork,alsofaceelevatedrisks essential services Access to these among adolescents and youth has years declined since 2000, progress poor care-seeking behaviours Additionally,Amenyah said the services is essential to fostering the notbeenrapidenoughtoeffectively hasstalledinrecentyears Withearly “The lack of comprehensive mental health of young people health, well-being, and dignity for controltheepidemic. diagnosis and treatment, early k n o w l e d g
b o u t H I V living with HIV must not be all hence removal of these barriers
He noted that globally, young childhoodsurvivalratesforchildren transmission, prevention, and overlooked “Many experience andensuringtheservicesareyouthpeople, 15-24 years, account for 28 living with HIV have improved, but treatment increases risky sexual feelings of isolation, anxiety about friendly should be prioritized. In per cent of new HIV infections in adolescents, particularly those aged behavior, fueled by myths and their future, and concerns about fact, this must warrant deliberate 2023 while in the Caribbean, they 15-24, are being left behind Last misconceptions about the virus. living a fulf
g life health policy and strategy to reach accounted for 27% of the 15, 000 year, 71% of new HIV infections Many schools lack comprehensive Unfortunately, mental health young people wherever they are new infections, up from 15% in amongadolescentsaged10-19years sexuality education, and there are services tailored to the needs of with high quality, confidential and 2020 ”This rising proportion of were among girls In East Asia, the few youth-friendly facilities within HIV-positive youth are often non-discriminatory HIV, and total HIV incidence among young Pacific, Latin America, and the or outside health care settings to limited However, advances in sexual reproductive health people which ranges from 14% in Caribbean, two-thirds of new engage and educate young people medical technology and digital services.”

UNAIDS Multi-Country Director, Dr Richard Amenyah

Brittney Griner ejected from game after nearly coming to blows with Sparks Rookie Rickea Jackson
People - Brittney
Griner’s night ended in frustration and an ejection Tuesday after getting into a scuffle with Los Angeles Sparks rookie Rickea Jackson that nearly came to blows.
Griner, 33, needed to be restrained as teammates triedtocalmtheWNBAstar before she and Jackson, 23, threw any punches. Griner appearedtoballherrightfist
before players and coaches jumped between her and Jackson.
GrinerandJacksonwere bothejectedfromthegame.
The incident happened shortly before halftime during a Phoenix free throw attempt,whileGrinertriedto box out Jackson and her teammate Li Yueru. Griner appearedtopushherforearm intoJacksonandthenturned around and threw her elbow
up towards Jackson’s face afterthetwogottangledup. Jackson and Griner then began shoving each other before teammates and coachesintervened.
Griner left the game with 14 points and three rebounds The 10-time WNBA All Star currently

leads her team with 6.5 reboundspergame.
Thursday September 19, 2024
Overall,theforecastfortoday is fairly good. The aspects seemtofavorfiguringoutthe meaning of all that's transpired over the past several weeks It's an opportunity for you to take a leisurely
Have you felt somewhat lost forthepastfewdays?Thefog maylifttodayandenableyou to situate yourself at last. You'reprobablyeagertosettle a question that has nagged at you and interfered with your judgment.
You may have been feeling somewhat disillusioned. Perhapsyoulostsightofyour goals or misplaced your faith in yourself. You'll feel some reliefbeginningtoday
Youmightbetemptedtosettle certain matters by radical means. The visionary part of you means you're painfully aware of the world's wrongs. You see no reason not to take actiontocorrectthem.
Today will be fairly calm in terms of outside events, but yourinnerworldislikelytobe in a rush of activity Today you wish you could find the solutiontoyourheartachesas well as your career predicaments.
You have a lot of thinking to do about your professional goals, Virgo. You'll go over the elements to see if there isn't some way to approach thingsdifferently
Youjustcan'tdoeverythingat once, Libra. How do you expect to reduce your stress and recuperate while at the same time continue to be a superstar performer in every areaofyourlife.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)
Thisisagoodmomenttoadapt your logic and reason to reality, Scorpio. If you don't, you're going to run into some
Everyone knows that you find newideasplentiful.
SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)
It'sgoingtobealittledifficult talking to you today, Sagittarius. You, who can be easily influenced by others, will be listening to and criticizing everything that peoplesay
Haveyoubeenreviewingyour family history lately, Capricorn? Of special interest is your cultural background. What educational, social, and religious environment were you born into? What are its values?Intheend.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) It's time to elevate your senseofself,Aquarius.You're justasgoodasanyoneelse,so why don't you believe it? The problem is that you're very sensitiveabouthavinganego. Even though you know everyonedoes.
Today your intellectual and expressive abilities should receive a boost from the planets.It'sanexcellenttimeto organize your thoughts about presentingaproject.
It’s been a big year for Griner, despite an
season that has seen the Mercury slip to 19-20 in the WNBAstandings.
Griner and her wife C h e
e l l e G r i n e
welcomed their first son together in July, baby Bash.
“He is amazing,” Griner told CBS Sports earlier this summer “They said as soon as you see them, everything that you thought mattered just goes out the window That’s literally what happened.”
She and Cherelle, a lawyer, have been married since2019afterfirstmeeting in college at Baylor University, where they were bothstudents.
And weeks after becoming a parent for the firsttime,Grinerthenflewto ParistohelpTeamUSAwin itsseventh-straightOlympic goldmedal(theteam’sninth gold since women’s basketballwasintroducedat theOlympicsin1976).
The Olympics marked a milestone moment for the two-time AP Player of the Year Though she’s won three gold medals overall withTeamUSA,thiswasher firstOlympicssinceshewas detained for 10 months in Russia, and Griner was overcomewithemotionafter theywonagaininParis.
Griner could be seen shedding tears as the “Star Spangled Banner” was played throughout the arena after she and Team USA capturedthegold.
“My country fought for me to get back. And I was able to bring home gold for my country,” she told reporters afterwards “There’s just no greater feeling.”

Phoenix Mercury center Brittney Griner is restrained by Khary Stanley from LASparks forward Rickea Jackson. (Kirby Lee-Imagn Images)
Grenadian 400m icon Kirani James and Antigua’s Sir Curtly Ambrose to receive UWI honorary doctorates
SportsMax - Decorated Grenadian quarter-miler
Kirani James and West Indies cricket legend Sir CurtlyAmbrosearesettobe honoured with honorary doctorate degrees from the UniversityoftheWestIndies (UWI),accordingtoreports.
They are among 13 distinguished individuals
recognized for their outstanding contributions to the Caribbean region, with ceremonies scheduled acrossUWI’sfivecampuses from October 12 to November9,2024.
Kirani James, renowned as one of the most accomplished 400m runners in history, will receive the honorarydegreeofDoctorof Laws (LLD). James, who made history as Grenada’s first Olympic gold medalist, has consistently excelled on theglobalstage.Heisoneof

onlynineathletesevertowin world titles at the youth, junior, and senior levels and is the first athlete to secure three individual Olympic medals in the 400m, with goldin2012,silverin2016, and bronze in 2020. James also boasts three World
Championship medals, includinggoldin2011.
Beyond his illustrious athletic career, James has demonstratedacommitment toeducationandcommunity development. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in GeneralBusinessandserves
ontheBoardofDirectorsof the Windward Islands Research & Education Foundation (WINDREF), where he contributes to the SportforHealthprogramme. His recognition by UWI not only celebrates his athletic achievements but also
acknowledges his broader contributions to Grenadian society and the Caribbean region.
JoiningJamesamongthe honorees is Sir Curtly Ambrose, the legendary fast bowler from Antigua and Barbuda, who will also be conferred with an honorary Doctor of Laws (LLD) degree. Ambrose, one of cricket’s all-time greats, terroriz
men worldwideduringhiscareer, helping to cement the West Indies’ dominance in the sport during the late 1980s and1990s.
His remarkable impact on cricket has left a lasting legacy, making him a fitting r e c i p i e n t o f t h i s distinguishedrecognition.
In its official statement, UWI emphasized the importance of celebrating individuals who have made
significant contributions to various fields, including sports, culture, medicine, and human rights “This year’s recipients have excelled in advocacy, medicine, tourism, culture, sports, business, education, science, and music,” UWI stated, highlighting the diverse achievements of thosebeinghonored.
The UWI graduation ceremonies will take place across its campuses in Antigua,Barbados,Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, and globally via the UWI Open Campus, each marking the contributions of the honorees in their respective fields. James’ recognition willtakeplaceonNovember 9 at the Global Campus, while Sir Curtly Ambrose will be honoured at the Five IslandsCampusceremonyin AntiguaonOctober12.
Italy’s World Cup icon Schillaci dies aged 59
BBC Sport - Italian icon Salvatore Schillaci, the top scorer at the 1990 World Cup,hasdiedaged59.
Schillaci, better known as‘Toto’,scoredsixgoalsto win the Golden Boot at the 1990 World Cup on home soil.
Italy lost in the semifinals,butSchillaciwasalso awarded the Golden Ball as the best player and gained hero status Schillaci was diagnosedwithcoloncancer in2022.
Capped 16 times for his country,scoringsevengoals, he represented Italian giants Juventus and Inter Milan after beginning his club career at Messina.Juventus, whom Schillaci joined in 1 9 8 9 , s a i d : “ We immediatelyfellinlovewith Toto. His desire, his story, his being so wonderfully passionate, and it showed in everygameheplayed.
“We at Juve were lucky enough to get excited about him before - in that incrediblesummerof1990the whole of Italy did, captivated by those wonderfully energetic celebrationsofhis.”
Schillaci scored his first goal of the 1990 World Cup as a substitute against Austria, and after another substitute appearance against the United States

earned his first start against theCzechRepublic. Partnering Roberto Baggio up front, Schillaci scored again as Italy’s campaign built momentum, and his hero status was confirmed with further goals in the subsequent knockout round matches against Uruguay and the Republic of Ireland in the quarter-finals.
Despite opening the scoring in the semi-final againstArgentina,Italylost out on penalties in Naplesbut Schillaci sealed the Golden Boot with his sixth goal of the tournament in the third-place play-off againstEngland He would finish runneruptoGermany’sWorldCupwinning captain Lothar Matthaus for the 1990 Ballond’Or Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni said: “A
footballiconisleavingus,a man who has entered the hearts of Italians and sports fansaroundtheworld.
“The striker from the magic nights of Italia ’90 with our national team. Thanksfortheemotionsyou gave us, for having made us dream, celebrate, embrace andwaveournationalflag.”
Serie A president
Lorenzo Casini described Schillaci as “a champion wholitupthemagicalnights of the 1990 World Cup in Italy”.
“His desire to emerge and reach the highest levels offootballhasbeenandwill continue to be a source of inspiration for the many youngpeoplewhochasethe dreamofplayinginSerieA.”
Schillaciscoredonlyone more goal for Italy and did not appear for his nation againatamajortournament.
He became the first
Italian player to play in Japan’s J-League before retiringin1999.
The president of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC), Gabriele Gravina, said of Schillaci: “His face was a symbol of shared joy [and] will forever remain a common heritage of Italian football.
“Toto was a great footballer, a tenacious symbol of will and redemption. He was able to thrill the Azzurri fans becausehisfootballwasfull of passion and it was precisely this indomitable spirit that made him appreciatedbyeveryoneand willmakehimimmortal.”
Former Italy team-mate Baggio said: “The magic nights of Italia ’90 we experienced together will always remain imprinted in my heart. Brothers of Italy forever.”

ONE Communications back national women’s...
Frompage27 showcases Guyana on the international stage, but also provides our young women the chance to compete at a high level and buildinvaluableexperience.”
PresidentoftheGHB,PhilipFernandes, expressed his gratitude for ONE Communications’ unwavering support. He noted that corporate partnerships are essential for sustaining national sports programmes.
“The women’s team is made up of talented and dedicated players, some as young as 14 years old. Their hard work deserves to be rewarded with opportunities to compete regionally and internationally,” Fernandessaid.
ThePAHFChallengeinBermudaserves as a critical stepping stone, as teams aim to secure a spot in the 2025 PAHF Cup in Uruguay, which in turn serves as key qualifierfortheWorldCupin2026.
Grenadian quarter-miler Kirani James and West Indies cricket legend Sir Curtly Ambrose are to be honoured with honorary doctorate degrees from the University of the West Indies.
Salvatore Schillaci scored six goals in seven appearances at the 1990 World Cup. (Getty Images)
Salvatore Schillaci
Rahkeem takes Royals to Playoffs
CPL-RecalledRahkeem Cornwallstarredwithafivewicket haul as Barbados Royals crushed St Kitts & Nevis Patriots by nine wickets at Kensington Oval to book a spot in the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) playoffs.
Enjoying the spinfriendly surface, Cornwall claimed 5/16 as the Patriots batting order lost 7/31 and were bowled out for 110 in thelastovertofallwellshort ofacompetitivetotal.
In-form opener Quinton de Kock (59 not out off 38 balls)wasunstoppableasthe Royals mowed down the targetinthe12thover
The Royals (5-1) cementedtheirspotatthetop of the CPLladder, while the Patriots’ (1-7) bid for a playoffsberthisallbutover.
After a delayed start due
to a wet pitch, the Royals electedtobowlanditproved the right move. The Patriots struggled in the PowerPlay leading to a frustrated Evin Lewis, a centurion earlier in thetournament,holingoutin thefourthover
Skipper Andre Fletcher finally broke the shackles with a targeted assault on JasonHolderbeforearushof blood saw him charge down the pitch at Cornwall’s first ballonlytomisstheshotand bestumped.
Cornwall was recalled after three straight ducks withthebat,butcontinuedto make an immediate impact with the ball after luring Mikyle Louis into a false shot.
He couldn’t complete a hat-trick, but soon claimed his third wicket with the scalpofWaninduHasaranga as the Patriots crashed to

61/6atthemidpoint. Cornwall wasn’t nearly doneafterdismissingOdean Smith then completing his five-wicket haul when Ryan
South American Women’s and Men’s Classic Powerlifting Championships... SarahSanmooganpowerstofourbronze medalsasGuyanaopensonahigh
Guyanagotofftoasatisfyingstartatthe SouthAmericanWomen’sandMen’sClassic Powerlifting Championships in Buenos Aires, Argentina, yesterday when the lone femaleathleteontheteam,SarahSanmoogan lifted her way to four bronze medals. Thethird-yearUniversityofGuyanastudent, pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, who competed in the Female Junior 69kg Category,wasinclassesuntilthestartofthe weigh-inyesterday,13:00hrsArgentinatime, 12:00hrsGuyanatime,butstillmusteredthe mentalfortitudetocompeteagainstherpeers, her performance being good enough to earn her podium positions in all the lifts and overall. She had a best squat of 150.0 kg, benchpressed 82.5 with her best deadlift being 160.0. Her overall Total was 392.5kg the same as the silver medalist, Sophia Cabrera of Peru who finished ahead of Sanmoogan by a lighter body weight Cabrera managed a best squat of 145.0, and benchpressed 85.0. The gold medalist was Chile’s Antonia Madrid whose Total of 422.5kgwasasaresultofsimilarmedallifts of160.0inthesquat,87.5inthebenchpress, a n d 1 8 0 0 i n t h e d e a d l i f t Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation (GAPLF) President, Franklin Wilson congratulatedSanmooganandCoachKerma Singh for a brave performance against nationsthathavebeenperformingwellinthe sportbutGuyanahasalwayshelditsownand competedwell,henoted.
”On behalf of the executive committee and members of the GAPLF, I extend warmest congratulations to you Sarah. We are proud of you for keeping the Golden Arrowhead aloft in some challenging circumstances.Youdiditagainandweknow thattherearebiggerstagesforyoutoconquer intheyearsahead.”
Sanmoogan also took the opportunity to
But the Patriots were unable to take early wickets as de Kock and Kadeem Alleyne made it look easy with an opening stand of 57 in the powerplay After smashing a ton against Guyana Amazon Warriors, de Kock continued his rich form with sublime shots aroundthewicket.
He capitalised after being given out lbw to Kyle Mayers in the fifth over only for the decision to be overturned on review
The Patriots finally ended the stand when Alleyne on 25 was hit on the pads by Hasaranga,whosurprisingly had been held back until the sixthover
The Patriots were in major danger of being
dismissed for a total under 100,butJoshuadaSilvaand Anrich Nortje joined forces ina39-runninthpartnership –thebestoftheinnings–to
But de Kock rolled past another half-century a s t h e R o y a l s emphatically booked a playoffberth.
CPL - GAW vs. TKR...
Russell, David pilot TKR to nervy 5-wicket win over Warriors
Andre Russell and Tim David batted TKR to a nerve-wrackingwinoverthe Amazon Warriors by 5 wickets last night at the Queen’s Park Oval, handing the defending champions theirsecondsuccessiveloss.
Amazon Warriors stumbled on their way to 148-7 after 20 overs and were highly indebted to allrounder Romario Shepherd, who top-scored with an unbeaten blitz of 51 off 24 balls.
Sarah Sanmoogan is all smiles following the medal ceremony in Argentina.

comment on her performance: “As disappointedasIaminathird-placefinish,I am proud of my performance all things considered, with an up-and-down training year thus far I’m not one to make excuses, but taking UG classes and working while training to compete with the best internationally isn’t an easy ask, but I’ve committed to it. I’m happy to have made it here again and look forward to smoother sailingsandhigherhighs.”
Guyana will next be on the platform on Saturday when Kheon Evans (Men’s Open 83kg)and79-year-oldNaranjanSingh(83kg Masters4)basedintheUSAcompete.
Atotalof132FemaleathletesfromSubJuniors to Masters and 171 Males in similar categories are competing from Guyana, Ecuador, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Suriname, Columbia, Uruguay, and the host nation, Argentina.
The Guyanese muscled four huge sixes with three foursadding72*withfellow fast-bowling all-rounder, Dwaine Pretorius (21*), while opener Tim Robinson (34) continued to provide a robuststart.
TKR front-line spinners in Akeal Hosein (1-20), veteran Sunil Narine (2-24) andAfghanchinamanWaqar Salamakheil (2-19), did the majorityofthedamage.
In reply, TKR finished on149-5in19.2oversaftera resurgentpartnershipof60* between Andre Russell 35*
Andre Russell turned the game on its head for the Warriors with his late power-hitting cameo. (CPL social media)

who smashed 4 sixes in an over and Tim David (31*) who smacked back-to-back sixes to seal an emphatic win.
Other contributors were Shaqkere Parris (29) and
Nicholas Pooran (19)
Aussie leg-spinner Nathan Sowter(2-47)hadagoodbut expensivedebut,whilepacer Shamar Joseph (1-27), spinnerMooenAli(1-5)and Paul1-38,toiled.

brilliantly caught by Alick Athanaze in the deep.
Rahkeem Cornwall starred with a five-wicket haul for Barbados Royals. (CPL)
Rehabilitated Annie G Basketball Court at Kwakwani handed over

The residents of Kwakwani, Berbice River, now have a new basketball court, thanks to the help of ExxonMobilGuyana.
The basketball facilities of Kwakwani were in dire needs of repairs The principals of Exon mobile wasapproachedanddecided
Regional Vice Chairman Mark Goring receives a clock at the handing over of the refurbish Kwakwani Basketball court.

Officials and residents at the Kwakwakni Basketball court enhancement project hand over.
to give a helping hand in having the facilities rehabilitated.
Speaking at the handing over ceremony, Region 10 Regional Vice Chairman Mark Goring was a happy man. He stated that, “It is a proud moment as we celebrated the handover of
the newly rehabilitated Ann G Kwakwani Basketball Court Thanks to Exxon Mobil Guyana, this project hasbecomeareality
I am grateful to Exxon’s President, Mr Alistair Routledge, for supporting thevisionofdevelopmentin Region 10 Through collabor
e efforts, Kwakwani now has a topclass facility where our National Basketball Champions, the Kwakwani Untouchables, can continue to hone their talents and thrive.”
The court was dedicated in memory of the late coach
and player Dave Causeway, whose passion and dedication helped shape basketballinKwakwani. Goring, encouraged all residents in the area to take ownership of the facilities. He stated, “Let’s work together to maintain and preserve it for future generations.” He said that the communitylooksforwardto more collaboration to develop the communities in the area. He extended a heartfelt thank you to everyone who played a role in making the project a success.
Wanda Diamond League to increase athlete prize money to historic high Isaiah Jones named to League A Best XI
SportsMax-TheWanda Diamond League will increaseathleteprizemoney to the highest levels in the series’ history from next season.
Following a decision by the Diamond League General Assembly on Sunday, the total amount of prize money paid over the course of the season will increase to US$9.24 million in2025.
Thenewtotalisalmosta third higher than the sum paid during the pandemicaffected period of 20212024 and the highest ever sincetheDiamondLeague’s launchin2010.
Including promotional fees for top athletes, a total of around US$18 million will be paid to athletes in total over the course of the 2025 season, with many more millions being invested in athlete services such as travel and transport,
accommodation, and medical and physio provision.
Underthenewstructure, the total prize money awardedpermeetingwillbe US$500,000 at each of the 14 regular series meetings
andUS$2.240millionatthe Wanda Diamond League Final.
The total prize money per discipline will be between US$30,000 and US$50,000 at the series meetings and between U S $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 a n d US$100,000atthefinal.
As always, prize money is entirely gender-equal, with exactly the same rates for male and female athletes
The increase will also apply to all 32 Diamond disciplines, benefitting athletes across the full diversity of track and f i e l d
The increase in prize money reflects the Wanda Diamond League’s position asathletics’premierone-day series and the backbone of the outdoor season for the world’sbiggeststars. With 15 meetings in 13 countries on four different continents, the series provides elite athletes fromacrosstheglobewith a chance to compete at the highestlevelfromAprilto September
Since 2010, the series and its meetings have
invested an estimated
US$270 million in athletes: US$180 million in promotional fees and prize money, and around US$90 million in athlete s e r v i c e s
Asitentersits16thseason in 2025, CEO of Diamond League AG, Petr Stastny, said the series will continue to provide the best conditions possible and highest level services for athletesinalldisciplines.
“The Wanda Diamond League remains committed to rewarding the athletes more whilst at the same time ensuring the longterm sustainability of the series, so it continues to provide vital competition to the athletes for many more years to come,”
“In an ever-changing landscape in the sports, media, and entertainment world, we have always been ontheforefrontofinnovation in our sport of athletics Featuring a total of 32 disciplinesovereachseason, we provide the world’s best athletes the opportunity to compete at the highest possiblelevel
Following an intense September window of matches in LeagueAof the CONCACAF Nations League, Guyana’s Isaiah Jones has earned a spot in the prestigious Best XI for theGroupStagefixtures.
Jones’ selection was cemented by his clinical display against Martinique, where he netted two crucial goalsintheGoldenJaguars’ 2-2drawinFort-de-France.
The Middlesbrough FC winger showcased his exceptional pace, skill, and composure in front of goal, leaving defenders in his wakeandkeepingGuyana’s hopes alive in the competition.
JoiningJonesintheBest XI were Jamaica’s Michail Antonio and Kasey Palmer, bothofwhomhadamassive impact on their team’s performances.
Palmer, who like Jones plieshistradeintheEnglish Championship with Hull City, was a dominant force for the Reggae Boyz. His ability to control the tempo ofthegameanddictateplay inthemidfieldwasvitalfor Jamaica’s success during
the group stages. Antonio, Jamaica’sstarforward,once again showed why he’s one of the most feared attackers in the region. The West Ham United forward, known for his physicality and eye for goal, the West Ham striker contributed a goal and consistently troubledopposingdefences, taking five shots across Jamaica’s two group-stage matches.
The Best XI also saw stellar performances from other regional standouts
N i c h o l a s H a g e n , Guatemala’s shot-stopper, earned his place with a series of impressive saves that helped his team remain unbeaten. His highlight performance came in a crucial clean sheet against Costa Rica, proving his worthasoneoftheregion’s topgoalkeepers.
Costa Rica’s backline was bolstered by the presence of Juan Pablo VargasandFranciscoCalvo, both of whom delivered commanding displays. Not only were they rock-solid defensively, but they also contributed offensively,
with Vargas and Calvo involvedincriticalset-piece situations that aided Costa Rica’ssuccessfulstarttothe tournament.
H o n d u r a s w a s representedbymidfieldduo David Ruiz and Kervin Arriaga. Ruiz,arisingstar, stood out with his dynamic play, linking defence and attackwithease.Arriaga,on theotherhand,providedthe stabilityandvisionthatkept Honduras ticking, proving to be the engine room of theirmidfield.
This Best XI line-up showcases the immense talent spread across the CONCACAF region. For Isaiah Jones, this recognitionasoneofthetop performers highlights not only his individual brilliance but also the growingcompetitivenessof Guyanaontheinternational football stage. The Golden Jaguars are set to return to action on October 11, hosting Guatemala at the National Track and Field Centre.Theywillthentravel toParamariboforarematch against Suriname on October15.
Humphrey-Fowler Memorial Cycle Road Race billed for Sunday
Flying Ace Cycle Club to host Humphrey-Fowler

The Flying Ace Cycle Club, in collaboration with close friends, children, andformercyclistsimpacted by the legendary George Humphrey and James Fowler, is set to host the Humphrey and Fowler Memorial Cycle Race on Sunday,September22.
The event will honour
the legacy of two beloved cycling figures that left an indelible mark on the sport.
Cyclists will gather at Humphrey’s Bakery (Ketley Street, Charlestown) for a graceful roll-start, before embarking on a scenic route throughGeorgetown.
Theracewilltakecyclist north along Ketley Street, eastontoPrincessStreet,and
ONE Communications back national women’s hockey team for PAHF Challenge
ONE Communications,
s provider, has reinforced its longstanding commitment to sports by sponsoring the Guyana’s national women’s hockeyteamastheyprepare f o r i n
n a
i o n a l competition In a brief presentation on Tuesday at the Georgetown Cricket Club pavilion, the company announced its continued support ahead of the team’s upcoming trip to the 2024 Pan American Hockey
Federation (PAHF) Challenge. Thesquadissettodepart this week for Hamilton, Bermuda, where the tournament will run from September 20 to 28. The PAHF Challenge will see Guyana face off against
teams from Mexico, Brazil, Paraguay, and host nation Bermuda.Thetoptwoteams will earn spots in the PAHF Cup, a key qualifying event forthe2026WorldCup. ONE Communications’ partnershipwiththeGuyana Hockey Board (GHB) has spanned more than two decades, solidifying its role as a vital supporter of local sportsdevelopment.
Speaking at the sponsorship event, ONE C o m m u n i c a t i o n s representative Jamisha Wright expressed the company’s pride in backing the national team: “We consistently look for opportunities to make a positive impact on the lives of young citizens This partnershipnotonly (Continuedonpage24)
further through Smyth, Durban, and Lime Streets, eventually winding west onto Brickdam and continuing north to Camp Street before reaching Carifesta Avenue for the officialstart.
Participants will then race to Perseverance Mahaicony, turning at the famed Half-Way Tree, and
retrace their route to finish backonCarifestaAvenue. Humphrey was known for his boundless generosity and his loud, outspoken advocacy for fairness and equality for all James Fowlerwasequallyadmired for his commitment to helpingcyclistsachievetheir potential, regularly seen on Carifesta Avenue coaching
his riders from the early hoursofthemorning.
Among those who were positively impacted by these two giants are cyclists such as Troy Humphrey, Godfrey Pollydore, Dwain Gibbs, Andrew Reece, and the late Richard Allicock, among manyothers.
While the sport is no
longer the same without Humphrey and Fowler, their legacy continues to inspire future generations. Action pedal off at 13:00 hours.
Thismemorialracewill serve as a celebration of their lives, honouring the passion and dedication they brought to the sport of cycling.

Memorial Road Race event this Sunday. (file photo)

GAPLF Team inArgentina sharing the moment with Sarah Sanmoogan following the presentation ceremony.
Romario Shepherd pummeled a quickfire, unbeaten half-century for the Warriors. (CPLsocial media)
Spin Wizard Sunil Narine was magical last night for TKR. (CPLsocial media)