Kaieteur News

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Remote attacks push Hezbollah and Israel to the brink of war

Former finance minister

using oil money to pay

ExxonMobil for pipeline


Levoy Taljit’s murder arrested 11yearsafter…

Lawyers seeking answers from Top Cop over search of ‘Melly Mel’s’ relatives’ home questions legality of Exxon says not all costs for

Man wanted for

Alleged wife beater shot during scuffle with police

Man in court for $6.4 million land sale scam

Levoy Taljit
Wanted for Taljit's murder, Ryvan Shervin Francis

VP Jagdeo blames GPL's management, old transmission lines for constant blackouts

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday blamed the management of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) as well as the old transmission lines for the daily blackouts citizens are currentlyfacing.

He was at the time speakingathisweeklypress conference at Freedom House. “So, they are telling me that when they move some of these lines, it is causing instability in the system or they have to take offthepowertomoveabitof the line. So, some of that is happening, some of it is the old system and frankly speaking, we are not happy with the management too, look at what's going on. So, it's a combination of factors and it bothers me a lot personallytooandweareon i t e v e r y d a y a s policymakers,”Jagdeosaid.

The VPexplained the he reached out to the management of GPL on Wednesday and they said that, “oh the system tripped inBerbice.

Then they said some piling work has caused the blackout So I am as concerned as any citizens because we are trying to get more power into the system butthereisalotofupgradeto the transmission and distribution system we have.”

Jagdeo lamented that the currentstateofthegridisnot stable and the more power that is put into the system it willcausefurtherinstability, hence the reason the government has gone out to tender to have upgrades done “We have just prequalifiedIthinkabout20 companiestodoasignificant upgrade before the Gas to Energy project comes on stream That means redundancy,circuits…ifyou haveasinglelineanditgoes

off, everyone down the line gets affected. If you have redundancy in circuits then you can continue to supply people.

The demand now had skyrocketed with the hotels we have nine hotels being built already some coming onstream,”Jagdeosaid.

Noting that a regular hotel may use about two megawattsofpower,looking at “all the new housing schemes and houses being built, air conditioning and massive investments right across Guyana, the demand hasskyrocketedandevenfor people who have higher income now, many of them are putting in AC's etc. in their homes, so we are in a mad rush to keep pace until that big project comes on streamnextyearthatwillput 300 megawatts into the system.”

Furthermore,Jagdeosaid governmentisfocusedon“a modernisation programme that'stakingplacebutweare limping along because we keep putting more power into the system and it gets used up all the time and we are running the same power on the old transmission and distribution system. So you have more transformers goingoutetc,”headded.

Chief Executive Officer of GPL Kesh Nandlall told

Wednesday that while there are constant efforts to stabilise the grid, “It is a moving target, we have maintenance work to do so we are preparing ourselves forallofthat.Wearemaking preparations to be as stable aswecan.”

He explained that the additional 60 MW of power thegovernmentisseekingis to “prepare us from now to the new Gas to Energy availability and we have certainenginesthatareunder overhaul and they are coming up live as we move along,andtheyaregonnabe added to the system. (The engines) are under maintenance right now but wewanttoprepareourselves from now to then which includes the Christmas holiday and every other thing.”

th On September 4 2024 the GPL published an advertisement on its Facebook page inviting qualified bidders to submit proposals for the “Supply of 6 0 M W N e t P o w e r Generation Baseload Capacity to the DBIS through Power Purchase Agreement”.OnTuesdaythe bids were opened at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) and

Karpowership who already hasanongoingcontractwith Guyana submitted their bid along with four other bidders.

VAS Energy submitted a bid to supply a total of 66MW of power for USD $61500 000, Andalusian EnergyLLCsubmittedabid to supply 60MW of power for USD $47, 650 000, JP Energy Solutions submitted theirbidtosupply60MWof powerforUSD$37740480, Machinery Corporation of Guyana (MACORP) submittedtheirbidtosupply power at $0.0645 USD per kilowatt hour and Karpowership Global DMCCUrbaconTradingand Contracting Inc submitted theirbidtosupply60MWof power for USD $ 116 388 th 864. Back in May 10 , 2024 thispublicationhadreported Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo saying that the Government of Guyana (GoG) was still looking for an additional 30 MW of powertoaddtothegrid.

He made the disclosure that the government is still actively seeking additional power, similar to the arrangementthatwassigned with the Turkish company fortwoyears,untiltheWales West Bank Demerara Gasto-Energy (GTE) project comesonstream.

Former Finance Minister questions legality of using oil money to pay Exxon for pipeline

Former Minister of Finance,Winston Jordan has raised questions regarding the legality of using oil money to fund the pipeline being constructed by ExxonM


The pipeline

s a component of the highly touted Gas-to-Energy (GTE) project, intended to reduce thecostofelectricitybysome 5 0 % a c c o r d

o government. During a recent interview on Nation Watch streamed by the People's National Congress Reform (PNCR),theformerMember of Parliament (MP) said the pipeline could not be financed by future oil revenues He explained, “…(in) the 2021 (Natural Resource Fund)Act, there is a Clause there that says the resource in the Natural Resource Fund could not be encumbered and you could not borrow against future earnings.”

NRFActstatesatSection 25 (1-3), “The financial assetsoftheFundshallnotbe encumberedbyanypersonor entity The future petroleum revenues shall not be encumberedbyanypersonor entity TheGovernmentshall not- (a) borrow or lend moneyfromtheFund...”

Jordan however noted that in the absence of the agreement between the Government of Guyana (GoG) and Exxon, information related by politicians indicate that the pipeline will be funded through oil revenue “It seems implicitly that the government has agreed with Exxon that they can take as part repayment from our share, our future share, monies,torepayfortheloan that they gave to the

pipeline,” the former MP stated.

He explained that since Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo revealed that Exxon wouldnothaveadvancedthe moneyfortheprojecthadthe company not seen it as a profitable venture, it could only be deduced that the pipeline is being funded through a loan. As such, Jordanarguedthatbylaw,no borrowing should take place against revenues to be earned.

He said he was in discussion with a few Attorneysonthemattersince information has not been forthcoming from the government on the matter “I'm asking some legal people because I know they are going to be difficult to give me an answer because we have not seen the agreement in relation the pipeline - to the financing of the pipeline. We have not seen that agreement and I don'tknowifourMPs,when they go back, if they can makeonemoreattempttobe askingandtoimplywhatever legal arrangements we have inplacetogetthatagreement because to me, something is amiss,”Jordanrelated.

Rystad: Platform Electrification Could Slash Upstream Emissions by 86%

Oilandgascompaniescanslash emissionsfromproducingfacilities by as much as 86% by electrifying theplatformstorunonrenewables electricityornaturalgasthatwould beflaredotherwise,RystadEnergy saidinanewreport.

Producing assets in the Norwegian Continental Shelf have seen their associated emissions dropby86%whenfullyelectrified

compared to before the electrification, according to the Norway-based energy research company

Rystad Energy's research showed that the electrified assets offshore Norway emit 1 2 kilograms of carbon dioxide per barrel of oil equivalent produced (kgofCO2perboe).Thisisan86% declinefromthe8.4kgofCO2per boe emitted by the same assets before electrification, the report states.

Norway is an early adopter of the electrification but there are otherbasinsthatcouldbenefitfrom electrifying oil and gas production facilities, Rystad says. “As the

world confronts the pressing issue of climate change, the oil and gas industry is under increasing pressure to minimize its carbon footprint and align its practices with global sustainability objectives,” Palzor Shenga, vice presidentofupstreamresearchwith Rystad Energy, said, as carried by OffshoreEngineer.

“Where it's possible and e c o n o m i c a l

electrificationhasgreatpotentialto lower the industry's emissions while maintaining production

output,” Shenga added Many companies in the industry, includingthelargestmultinationals and the national oil companies (NOCs) have pledged to reduce emissions from operations, the socalled Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

Electrificationusingrenewable energyfromtheshoreisonewayto do so. Norway's Equinor has been workingonelectrifyingsomeofits production assets on the NorwegianContinentalShelf.Last week,thecompanyannouncedthat

the Troll B and C fields became partly powered from shore. This reduces annual emissions from the Norwegiancontinentalshelf(NCS) by250,000tonsofCo2.

“Troll B and C electrification marksanimportantmilestoneinthe effortstohalvetheemissionsfrom our operations by 2030,” said Geir Tungesvik, executive vice president for Projects, Drilling & Procurement.“Theprojectreduces CO2emissionsbytheequivalentof those from 125,000 fossil-fuelled cars.”(OILPRICE.com)

FormerMinister ofFinance, Winston Jordan
GPLExecutive, Kesh Nandlall
VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo


PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



Tel:225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210


Politicians casual, tentative relationship with truth

Corruption and truth are sworn, generational enemies. Corruptionflourisheswhentruthispushedintothefarthest cornerandgivennofreedomtotakeitsrightfulplacebefore men. AllGuyananeedstoknow,mustbetold,whathappenedto the Kaieteur and Canje oil blocks The blocks loaded with productionpotentialwerethere,onemomentinGuyana’shands, thentheyweregone Fornexttonothing,tothosewhowere strangers to the oil business, and under the cover of darkness when Guyanese were distracted National elections provided the perfect cover for what has every resemblance to political skullduggery of the highest order This was what the PPPC Governmentseeminglyengagedinduringtheclosingdaysofits 2015administration,astherecordconfirms

The Kaieteur and Canje oil blocks are gone, and what PPPC Government officials have shared since then opens them to ridicule and suspicions about the strength of their relationship with truth

One former PPPC Government ministerinsistedthatheactedontheadviceofthelawyers On that basis, and with the fullest confidence, he made his recommendationstoPresidentRamotartogothroughwiththe deal Theissueiswhetheritwashonestdealing,orcunning wheelinganddealingwiththelucrativeassetsofthiscountry. The latter has been a consistent feature of one PPPC Government after another. Strangely, the architect of the secretsaleofthetwooilblockshasdevelopedsomeformof amnesia. He remembers what he wishes to remember, and memorylapseshaveimprisonedhiminsolitaryconfinement: therehasbeenmostlysilencefromhim Twoofthenation’s rich oil blocks disposed of in circumstances riddled with mysteries,andallthatthepeoplewhoowntheblocksgetisa formerministerreferringtheissuetothethenpresident,who himself has admitted to a serious information deficit about what happened Truth in its natural and unrestrained expressiveness,ortruthcondemnedtothechoppingblock,is what has troubled citizens since news of the sale of the Kaieteur and Canje oil blocks came to light Or, to take the matter to another level, and probably where it is most appropriate, a nontransparent government and its secretive peopletrappedinapuzzleoftheirownmaking,butwhichis notapuzzletoanyonewithbasicintelligence

ItisbafflingthattheAPNU+AFCCoalitionGovernment didnotseeitfittoinvestigatewhatreallywentonwiththose two oil blocks. Like the PPPC Government, the Coalition also had its own priorities, which pushed the interests of Guyanese somewhere down the line, where honest and serious things did not enjoy much premium. In a country learning about oil, slowly growing in understanding of the gifts that it has been given, different governments failed Guyanese. They have either withheld the full truth from citizens or shaved the truths that were placed before the public. When truth is the scarcest of commodities, then corruption becomes the government of the day To that point, no one in any government, PPPC or APNU+AFC Coalition,couldgiveastraightandfullaccountofwhatwere thedrivingforcesbehindthesaleoftheKaieteurandCanje oilblocks.

When the issue of the two blocks were put before Vice PresidentJagdeo,hepromisedadeepinvestigationtogettothe bottomofthismysterysaleandcleartheair,onceandforall He didn’thavemuchtoofferforatime,despitebeingremindedthat theissueremainedunanswered WhenJagdeodidsharewhat happened,itwasacombinationoftheincredible,theoutrageous, and the comically tragic: no laws were broken A sale to shadowy people with no oil experience, a dent to Guyana’s treasury,thequickflippingofthetwoblocksforrealmoneyand nolawswerebroken Whentruthistorturedlikethis,obscured likethis,thensomethingbecomesobvious Whatpoliticianssay iswhatgoes,whattheydoisjustifiedbyanyfrivolousrationales, and there matters usually die Government and politicians developacasualandtentativeassociationwithtruth,one that becomes their defining characteristic. In a country, a government,thatisrupturedbydeceptions,truthdiesdaily

ExxonMobil says remains committed to transparency

DEAREDITOR, The Kaieteur News articletitled“Takescreditfor investments but recovering costfromGuyana’soil”inits Friday 13, 2024 edition continues the publication’s unfortunatehabitoftwisting facts.

Our investment in training Guyanese workers is a vital part of developing localcapacityintheoil-andgas sector These efforts directly benefit the local workforce, equipping thousands of Guyanese with the skills essential for their long-termbenefitandforthe

country’s long-term economic growth, and they will enhance profits for Guyana and livelihoods for Guyanese.That’sawin-win. The Local Content Secretariat recently announced that 6,500 Guyanese workers are currently employed in the oil-and-gas industry – and we’re committed to training even more Guyanese so that number continues to grow Investing in the Guyanese workers needed to produce Guyana’s oil and gas is as importantasinvestinginthe facilities. Cost recovery of

all investments is a standard practice in global energy projects With their new skills and experience, more Guyanese gain the highvalue, technical and leadershipskillstheyneedto succeed in this industry, and that’s going to translate into greater career opportunities andhigherincomesforthem.

It’s also important to note that as part of the Greater Guyana Initiative (GGI), ExxonMobil Guyana and its Stabroek block coventurers have invested tens of billions of GY dollars in

education and training programs.TheUniversityof Guyana,theCentreforLocal Business Development and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs across Guyana are all beneficiaries of our non-cost-recoverable G G I

remains committed to

investinginthedevelopment ofourGuyaneseworkforce.

Sincerely AlistairRoutledge President, ExxonMobil Guyana

Voter apathy is rising: Public reflections on PPP/C’s fourth anniversary


, Last August 2nd fourth anniversary of the current administrationwasobserved without much of the fanfare and spirit of jubilation and hype that was present after the first anniversary Traveling around the country and engaging the public late July and early August, except for a few political activists, people hardlyseemedtotakenoteof the fourth anniversary since the declaration of official results that propelled Irfaan Ali to the Presidency and PPP to government The excitement and brouhaha of August2,2020aswellasthe varied programmes that marked the first and second anniversaries were not felt last month Also, the President’spopularityseems

on a wane after ascending during the first half of his term. The government has lost its sheen for various reasons not the least being varied allegations, none of whichproveninacourt.The Vice President remains popular and a draw at the ballot box; the public have faith in him to get things done, and take their complaints and grouse to him for solution.The public wants to see most Ministers gone; they are most unpopular giving the government bad ratings. A fewMPsandMinistershave retained the peoples’ trust, respect,andadulation.

Expectations from government have not been according to many Disappointment in governance was expressed

all around. Abusive words wereusedinresponsetothe mention of some names tied totheadministration.People are becoming increasingly uninterested in politics They seem to want to carry onwiththeirlivesanddon’t be bothered by politicians and broken promises. Voter apathy is also rising. Many said,“Medonewithvoting” and with volunteering for party activities and electoral campaigns.

Many activists from 2020 and earlier elections said they will not volunteer for the party any more Several ‘Guardians of democracy’ and ballot box watchers said they won’t come out again should another 2020 electoral situationarise.

As the local media and

commentators noted, democracy was saved on August 2, 2020 when the coalition government decidedtoconcededefeatin the March 2 elections and GECOMmadeadeclaration amidst pressure to do the right and honorable thing. International and local observers, opposition parties,andlocalandforeign NGOs condemned various attempts between March 3 and August 1 to declare fraudulent results not reflective of the will of the voters.ThediasporainUSA, Canada, UK, and elsewhere rallied to protect a critical aspect of democracy — the sanctityoftheballots. They lobbied politicians and governments to save democracy(respectforfree





The government’s Department of Public Information informs us that studentsfromBaracaraareto be accommodated at the n e w l y - r e n o v a t e d Amerindian Hostel in New

A m s t e r d a m a s “ a commitment made by President, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali during a visit last year” Indeed, a large number of government statements on community works (big or small) carry t h e w o r d s : “ T h i s interventioncameaboutasa resultofPresidentDr.Irfaan

Ali’s visit to the community.” Whether we are talking about roads in

Kitty or Plantation Farm, or whether it involves excavators for Leguan and Wakenaam, residents evidentlyhadtoawaitavisit and a promise from the President. At several levels, much is wrong and unacceptable with this approach. It is extremely ad hoc, politicised, and puts lie toVPJagdeo’sfrequentbrag that the PPP has a development plan How couldtherebeadevelopment planofanyworthifdemands for certain projects are ignored or missed and are only included when Mr. Ali visits?Shouldhenotvisitor shouldhenotlistenorshould henotbeconvinced,thenthe

particular needs of residents would not be fulfilled. Yet, the PPP calls that

“planning.”The regional and local government system is supposed to be the forum where all such community needs are identified, discussed, and processed all the way to implementation

But, of course, for the PPP, that lacks the PR fanfare and breaks the chain of dependency between itself and citizens As such, its preferred style of administration is for the President or a Minister to waltzintothecommunityand be informed of one of the needs of the community.

Residents, one imagines, are

thensupposedtobeeternally grateful for this single act of government kindness and responsiveness. It is all crude and ridiculous, but also harmful. If residents of Baracara had towaitonavisitbyPresident Ali before a plan could be hatched for their children to beaccommodatedinahostel inNewAmsterdam,thenthat cannot be good way to advance the wellbeing of people,whereevertheyare.I would advise my fellow Guyanese to reject such an approach to development, and the government that appliesitasanorm.

YoursRespectfully, SherwoodLowe

It’s time for Bishop Edghill to come clean

DEAREDITOR, Kindly permit me space in your letters column to publish this letter on a national issue that should concern all Guyanese, especiallytaxpayers!

The Ministry of Public Works, through its Senior Minister, Bishop Juan EdghillcametotheNational Assemblyduringthebudget for 2022, requesting an initial $2.6B from a total allocation of $15B (over a period)toconstructatwelve storey Office Complexes to accommodate several government ministries Apparently, nothing was done in that year, since the initial location for the constructionwasshiftedtoa 10acresplotoflandparallel to the Mandela-Eccles, four laneroad.

What was worrying to me,isthatevenatthesecond proposed construction site, nothingwasdone.However, for Budget 2023, the Ministry through the Minister sought an additionalsumof$4B!Like in 2022, many questions were asked by my colleagues and I regarding this project. The responses wereunsatisfactoryinmany instances, at some point, Minister Edghill sought to carrythediscussioninother areas Not taken by surprises, the PPPC gate Speaker,Mr ManzoorNadir rather than cautioning the member and request of him torespondappropriately.He gave the member latitude to take you on a global trip. Additionally, there were several questions on this projecttabledintheNational Assembly,postbudget2023 and again, the responses wereallunfavorable.

Editor,personallyIhave an interest in this project, since it is hard earned taxpayersdollars beingused tofundthisproject,andasa memberoftheLegislature,it is my civic responsibility to inform the public on the progress or non progress of thisproject.

Prior to budget 2024, I visited the third proposed construction site as announced by Minister EdghillathisMinistry’send of year performance report for 2023. To be accurate, I am sharing an extract of his speechbelow

Construction of a highrise government office which will link several government ministries and agenciesisexpectedtobegin in the first quarter of this year

Minister of Public Works,BishopJuanEdghill, gavetheupdateatayear-end press conference on Friday lastattheministry’sWight’s L a n e , K i n g s t o n , Georgetownoffice.

“This is a major project. You will have heard us discuss this at Parliament, and provisions have been made We have actually movedthelocationtogiveus a better deal and a better service,”theministersaid. He noted that the

building will be constructed about1kmeastofthesecond roundabout at the new Eccles/Haags Bosch roundabout. The complex will feature four towers that willhavethecapacitytohold approximately 6000 staff, built on 20 acres of land. These complexes are intended to increase efficiency by consolidating these government agencies into one location, thereby improvingonthedeliveryof services.

What is troubling to me is that in budget 2024, a further $1B was approved for the very project. Like previous years, during the consideration of the estimatesfortheMinistryof PublicWorksonJanuary31, 2024,severalquestionswere put to the Minister Edghill and again, he took us on a roundtripwithoutproviding the appropriate responses. Q u e s t i o n s o n “commencementorderwere asked, where are the materials being procured, whymoniespaidoutandno signs of equipment, workmen or materials stockpiled,etc?”

Editor, as at September 17,2024;atotalof$7.6Bhas been approved by the National Assembly and perhaps some percentage of

this sum paid to the contractor, “Caribbean GreenbuildingInc,”andnot one pile has been driven to date.

The goodly Minister, whoisalsoamemberofthe clergy further stated, “We are advancing with this projectnow Weapologizeto the nation and the house for thedelaysbutthedelaysare for the good for all of us because we want to ensure that what we are doing is to bring relief and not bring in struggle.”Editor,whywould the Minister make such a comment,knowingwellthat is not the case. He has been caughtmisleadingthehouse of the Assembly and by extension the people of Guyana.

Since, I am cognizant that billions have been approved by the National Assembly, I have been keeping an “eagle’s eye” on this project, which in my view appears to be moving on a turtle back. Editor, on May 7, 2024, I revisited the construction site to have a viewofwhatishappeningon theland.

The image attached, surely reflects what was the stateoftheconstructionsite. After four months, exactly September 7, 2024, I revisited the site and

recognized that nothing is being done on the land, for theexceptionofstockpiling of aggregates for the now road construction, between Ogle to Eccles Image attached for ease of reference.

Editor, as I did previously, I am calling on Hon Bishop Edghill to provide to the people of Guyana the TRUTH behind this project. It is TIME he comesclean.

Therefore, I am calling on Minister Edghill to provide the following answers to the following questions:

1. What has caused the stallingoftheprojectforthe officecomplexes?

1. List the works and percentage done as at September7,2024.

1. As per (2) above, provide a disaggregation of monies paid to contract for eachactivity

1 From the $7 6B approved by the National Assembly, what amount has beenpaidtothecontractor?

1 H a s t h e commencement order be


1. If no to (6) above, when is this likely to be done?

1. If yes to (6), what actions has the Ministry of Public Works taken against the Contractor for stalling theproject?

1. Can you say whether monies from the $7B approved for the office complexesarebeingusedto fund the construction of the SheratonFourPointsHotel?

1 A project of this magnitude, funded by the peopleofGuyana,whyisthe Ministry of Public Works failing to provide timely, accurate and adequate information?

1. Mr Edghill, you will agree with me that this project will remain a mysteryone.Whatisthereto hide?Comeclean!

I conclude with an expectation of Minister Bishop Juan Edghill responding to the questions above and providing accountabilityforTaxpayers moneyof$7.6B



Baracarastudentstobe accommodatedatnew N/AAmerindianhostel

A view of new hostel

Students from Baracara, a riverain community in RegionSix,willsoonbenefit from accommodation at the n e w l y r e n o v a t e d Amerindian Hostel in New Amsterdam.

The $11 million e x p a n s i o n w a s a commitment made by President, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali during a visit last year.Itincreasesthehostel's capacity to house about 15 morestudents.

The renovation works werecarriedoutbyLakhram Singh Contracting Service, featuring new dormitories, with the upper floor designated for female students and the lower for males.

The project is overseen by the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development During an interview with the Department of Public Information (DPI) on

Wednesday, Regional Chairman, David Armogan, highlighted the significance of accommodating students from far-flung communities to support their educational endeavours.He stressed that the upgraded facility is designed to reduce the financial strain on families by eliminating the need for rented housing.Through the Ministry of Education, rehabilitation works were completed on seven dormitoriesinthefirsthalfof the year, to accommodate students from remote communities. In the second half of the year, similar works will be carried out on anadditionaldormitory This initiative is part of the government's effort to ensure equal access to education nationwide, reducing the burden on students who must travel long distances to attend secondaryschool.

Exxon says not all costs for training being recovered

PresidentofExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL), Alistair Routledge has said that the company is not recovering all of its investments in training of Guyanese to prepare them for jobs in the petroleum sector

Inalettertotheeditoron Thursday, Routledge commented on an article published in the Friday 13, 2024 edition of the newspaper, under the headline 'Exxon's new billboards misleading Takes credit for investments but recovering cost from Guyana'soil'.

In that article, it was reported that over the past few weeks, ExxonMobil started a new campaign, takingcreditfortrainingand preparing Guyanese for employment in the sector; however,thefineprintinthe 2016 Production Sharing Agreement(PSA)allowsfor thosecoststobereclaimed.

While Exxon boasted of its investment in skills training of Guyanese, the company failed to mention that it is recovering those costs in accordance with the provisions of the 2016 oil deal it signed with the GovernmentofGuyana.The

company's advertisement states, “A growing industry m e a n s m o r e j o b opportunities Last year alone, Guyana's-oil-and-gas employees benefitted from over 45,000 hours of leadership,professional,and technical training.” It goes ontoclaim,“We'reinvesting in new training programs and facilities right here in Guyana to help even more workers get the skills they needtosucceed.”

UnderAnnex'C',Section Three of the Petroleum Agreement, training cost is explicitly listed as a recoverable expense that

The $261 million pump station at Cozier, Lower Pomeroon, Region Two. (Ministry of Agriculture photos)

Cozier community gets $261M pump station

Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha on Thursday commissioned a new $261 million pump station at Cozier, Lower PomerooninRegionTwo.

The project was being undertaken by the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) and the facility was constructed by Adamantium Holdings for $261,080,869.

Minister Mustapha told a t t e n d e e s a t t h e commissioning that as Guyana takes the lead among CARICOM states in agriculture,investmentslike the $261M pump station are an important part of the developmentalprocess.

He told the farmers and residents of the community that the new pump station will significantly boost the agricultural productivity in thearea.

does not require the minister's prior approval

The contract states: “All costs and expenses incurred bytheContractorintraining of Guyanese personnel and such other amounts as may be expended on training under Article 19 of the

Ministerialpermission. In his response to the article,Routledgesaid,“Our investment in training Guyanese workers is a vital part of developing local capacity in the oil-and-gas sector Theseeffortsdirectly benefit the local workforce, equipping thousands of Guyanese with the skills essential for their long-term benefit and for the country's long-termeconomicgrowth, andtheywillenhanceprofits for Guyana and livelihoods for Guyanese. That's a winwin.”

With 6,500 Guyanese

employed in the industry, according to the Local Content Secretariat, Exxon saiditremainscommittedto training more Guyanese to grow that number In the meantime, Routledge explained that recovering investments is standard across the industry He did not debate the fact that Exxon was deducting Guyana's oil to pay for training but indicated that thecompanyanditspartners have invested in nonr

ining programmes. “Investing in the Guyanese workers needed to produce Guyana's oilandgasisasimportantas investing in the facilities. Cost recovery of all investments is a standard practice in global energy projects...it's also important to note that as part of the Greater Guyana Initiative (GGI),ExxonMobilGuyana and its Stabroek block co-

venturers have invested tens of billions of GY dollars in no

e education and training programs,”Routledgesaid.

Additionally, he noted that the University of Guyana,theCentreforLocal Business Development and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs across Guyana are all beneficiaries ofnon-cost-recoverableGGI investments.

PAHOandMSDlaunchprojectto improvematernalhealthinLatinAmerica

added, according to a press releasefromPAHO.

Maternal health continues to be one of the biggest public health challenges in the Americas.

Around 8,400 women die each year in Latin America and the Caribbean from complications related to pregnancy,childbirthandthe postpartum period. Most of thesedeathsarepreventable. In 2020, there were 88 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, below the regional target of 30 deaths per 100,000 live births for 2030.

ofMMRbyfocusingontwo keyareas:(1)preventingand reducing delays in recognizing obstetric emergencies by ensuring t

Itwasreportedthatsome 19 pump stations are under construction across the country and are expected to be operationalised by mid2025.Communities that are on the list to get new pump stations are Chesney, Charity, Cottage, Jimbo Grove, Letter Kenny, Farm, Grove South, Little Diamond,BelleVue,A-Line in Versailles, Pouderoyen, andCanalNo.1justtoname afew For the year so far, the

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that Cozier is one of several communities across the country that will benefit from new pump stations. As reported in the media, these pump station projects represent a comprehensive nationwide drainage improvement programme.

ministry has commissioned two pump stations, one at Greenwich Park on the East Bank of Essequibo, Region Three. This pump station was constructed by Roopan RamoutarInvestmentstothe tuneof565.3millionanditis set to provide enhanced access to about 5,000 acres of farmlands, maximising cropyields.

In August, the minister and his team commissioned the $446.8 million pump stationatAdventureVillage, Region Six which was constructed by D Sawh MechanicalWorkshop.

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)andMSD,knownas Merck & Co. Inc., in the UnitedStatesandCanadaon Thursday launched a partnership to improve health care and maternal health outcomes for women andmothersintheAmericas, oneyearaftersigningaletter of intent on a potential collaboration The project, "Responding to Obstetric E m e r g e n c i e s a n d Unintended Pregnancies 2024-2027," addresses the urgent need to reduce preventable maternal mortality in the Americas region, particularly in Honduras and Peru. Despite earlier progress in lowering maternal mortality ratios (MMR), recent setbacks, including those caused by thepandemic,havereversed manygains.PAHOwilllead this work, supported by a $1M grant from MSD throughitsMSDforMothers initiative. “Multiple factors influencematernalmortality, including socioeconomic, cultural, educational, and environmental aspects,” Dr Jarbas Barbosa, PAHO Director, said “I am confident that this project will contribute to improving maternal health care and outcomes for women and mothersintheAmericas,”he

“We're honored to take part in this unprecedented partnership with PAHO to help strengthen health systems and address the critical health needs of women across Latin America,” said Dr Allison Goldberg, President, MSD Foundation and Executive Director, Social Business Innovation, MSD. “When we expand access to safe, high-quality care around pregnancyandchildbirth,we setthefoundationforwomen to have healthy futures, and for their children, families and communities to thrive forgenerationstocome.”

The project will contribute to country efforts towards achieving the SDG targetrelatedtothereduction

and providing appropriate treatment; and (2) reducing unintended pregnancies and their health consequences. This work will involve both formal health services and the community, and has the potential to benefit more than 5,500 women in Honduras and more than 15,000womeninPeru,with wider indirect benefits for more than half a million women of childbearing age from both countries. Nearly 500healthprofessionalswill also be trained to expand access to high-quality, equitable maternal health care.

MSD for Mothers is MSD's global initiative to helpcreateaworldwhereno woman has to die while givinglife.ApplyingMSD's business and scientific resources,MSDforMothers works with grantees and collaborators to improve the health and well-being of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the months after MSDforMothersisan initiativeofMSD,knownas Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA, in the United StatesandCanada.

President,ExxonMobil GuyanaLimited, Alistair Routledge


The present state of Guyana’s Constitution is a reflection of the futility of half-hearted reforms. The 1999 Constitutional Reform process, heralded as a watershed moment in Guyana’s political and legal history, did not structurally alter the 1980 socialist constitution.

With each passing year, this cumbersome relic continuestogroanunderthe weight of piecemeal a m e n d m e n t s a n d meaningless commissions,

all of which serve as a reminder of the country’s flirtation with socialism and its legacy of hollow bureaucracy

To claim that the current constitutional reform process should simply “review” the changes from 1999 is to be sold the same old rickety cart of reform. It is a cart weighed down with political baggage, inefficiencies, and the lingering scent of ideological decay This review of a failed reform

process is the bureaucratic equivalent of rearranging deck chairs on a sinking ship. The truth is, nothing short of a comprehensive and radical overhaul of Guyana’s Constitution will suffice if we are serious about charting a course towardsgenuinedemocracy, accountability, and national development. The people of this country deserve a constitutionaldocumentthat is not only reflective of modern governance

Voter apathy is rising: Public reflections...

Frompage04 and fair elections). But much has changed from those five months period between March2andAugust2,2020. Thedesireand commitment to fight for democracy and what is right and the excitement of victory andwhatitwouldusherinitswakehasgone from the psyche of Guyanese. FromAugust 2020 to now, many from Region 11 express feelings of disgust; they swear they will not respond to calls to save democracy again People at home and in the diaspora have lost interestinpoliticsamidstwhattheyattributeto: alienationbetweenthemselvesandpoliticians, rising cost of living, red tape in conducting business, decline in security, allegations of corruption, sanctions from foreign governments, and more Ministers are not groundedaswhentheyweremereopposition activistsorMPs,makingthemselvesavailable toallinordertogetvotestowinelection The people complain that they are increasingly becomingalienatedfromtheirMPs,Ministers, and the government Many of those who campaignedforthepartyclaimedtheyhave notreceivedanybenefitsandMinistersdon’t even take their calls, not even those they were close with. They complained that otherswhowerewiththecoalitionhavebeen

embraced and given massive contracts and highpayingjobswhilethoseloyaltothePPP havebeenmarginalised.

They note that phone calls to Ministers and other officials have gone unanswered. OnlyafewMinistersandofficialstaketheir calls. Zulfi Mohammed, Bishop Juan Edghill,AnilNandlall,VickramBharrat,and afewothersarepraisedforansweringphone calls or returning calls even if they can’t deliveronrequests.Ataminimum,theytry to address concerns. The public is pleased thatoneministeraccusedofmultiplesexual violations is gone; they note that he hardly ever answered phone calls and did not respond to requests or deliver on commitments They feel a few more Ministers and other government officials should be gone, swearing that there are Ministers who have been involved in massive corruption. They also note that several CEOs and Directors of state corporationhavegiventhepartyabadimage and should be banished In spite of complaints,thePPPremainsmorepreferred thantheotherparties;thestigmaof2020still hauntstheAPNU.

Yourstruly, VishnuBisram


Yuh can’t judge a thief by he clothes

Long ago, things was easy You couldspotasuspectedshoplifter from far All yuh had to do was lookfordemanwiddetear-uppantsorde womanwiddeslipperhangingoffshefoot. Dem was de suspects. Raggedy clothes couldmeanyuhbroke.Andbrokemeanyuh couldtryathing.

Buttimeschange Nowadays,yuhusedat same measure, and yuh gon end up embarrass yuhself You gon end up calling security pon de wrong people Worse yet, peoplegonstarthollayuhstereotypingdem Anddehganberightfuhsoaccuseyuh Yuh can’tjudgeathiefbydeclothesdemgaton Dese days, de people who shoplifting ain’t necessarilydeoneswholooklikedeywanta $20tocatchabus Nahman!Desedays,isall kind of people shoplifting de man in de three-piece suit, de lady wid de fancy handbag,anddeyouthmanwiddedesigner shoes. Dem shoplifters come in all shapes, sizes and appearances. Supermarkets and storesfedup.Deydon’tknowwhototrust. Desamemanwhotellingdecashier“Keep the change” at de counter, is de same man

standards but also one that theycanunderstand.

T h e c u r r e n t Constitution, with its Byzantine structure and antiquated socialist provisions,readsmorelikea doctrinaltextthanapractical guide to governance. It is a hodgepodge of legal jargon and ideological detritus, as accessible to the average citizen as quantum mechanics.

Let us speak plainly: Guyana’s Constitution, as it stands, is a document trapped in a time warp. Its socialist orientation may havesuitedtheheadydaysof the Cooperative Republic’s early aspirations, but those days are long gone. The transitiontosocialismnever materialized, and now the Constitution’s emphasis on centralized authority serves nopurposeotherthantohold thecountryback.

Thisisnotsimplyacase of adapting the Constitution to reflect modern realities, though that is certainly necessary No,whatweneed is a root-and-branch transformation—a return to first principles, a rethinking ofwhataconstitutionshould be.Guyana,likeeveryother modern nation, needs a Constitution that empowers its people, limits the powers of its leaders, and creates structures for meaningful accountability It needs a document like the South African Constitution, which notonlyspellsouttherights and responsibilities of citizens but does so in a language that any literate personcangrasp.

hand, is an impenetrable labyrinth of legalese and bureaucratic doublespeak, more suited to an era of ideological dogma than to a vibrant, functioning democracy

One of the more absurd aspects of the current Constitution is its p r o l i f e r a t i o n o f commissions,mostofwhich serve little or no useful purpose. The 1999 reforms gave birth to a slew of these commissions commission s for human rights, commissions for ethnic relations, commissions for gender equality—none of which have made any meaningful impact on the lives of ordinary Guyanese. These commissions, while perhaps well-intentioned, are little more than expensive, ineffective appendages grafted onto an already overburdened system.

Instead of fostering justice, equality, or accountability, these commissions have become the bureaucratic equivalent of dead weight.Any serious constitutional reform process must begin by jettisoning these useless commissions and replacing them with structures that have real power to hold the governmentaccountable.

The 1999 reforms did littletocurbthepresidential powers.Somechangeswere made, yes, but these were superficial at best What Guyana needs now is a Constitution that places real checks on executive power, that elevates the role of Parliament, and that ensures that the President is subject to the rule of law like every other citizen.The idea of an imperialpresidencyisarelic of the past and has no place in a modern, democratic Guyana.

The time has come for Guyana to abandon the trappings of its failed socialist experiment and adopt a Constitution that reflects the values of democracy, accountability, and transparency The country’s name itself—the Cooperative Republic of G u y a n a i s a n anachronism, a nod to a bygone era of socialist idealism that no longer exists Guyana is not a cooperative republic. The name should reflect that reality

stuffing chocolate bars in he pocket when nobodywatching.Isanewtypeofthiefon deloose.

Desolution?Storeownersgansoongatto employ specialized people to sniff out shoplifters Yes, yuh hear right Security guards ain’t enough anymore Now dey got trained professionals Some of dem got degrees Yuhain’tknow,shopliftingisnowa science Deseexpertsdon’twatchclothesno more Nah man, dey looking fuh body language Ifyuhstartscratchingyuhnecktoo much or look at de ceiling too long, dem peopleontoyou Ifyuhpickingupandputting backdesameitemfivetimes,deyknowyuh planningsomething Descienceofshoplifting detection getting serious One supermarket evengotamanwhostudypsychologytoread peoplemind! And de funny thing is, people still getting away wid it. Dem experts catching some,butderestwalkingoutlikedeyown de store. De stores tightening up. But yuh know how Guyanese stay Dey gon find a way Talkhalf.Leffhalf!

The South African Constitution is widely praised as one of the most p r o g r e s s i v e a n d c o m p r e h e n s i b l e constitutionsintheworld.It sets out clear, unequivocal rights and places limits on thepowersofgovernment.It is a Constitution designed forthepeople,bythepeople, withtherecognitionthattrue democracy requires transparency,accountability, and simplicity Guyana’s Constitution, on the other

And what of the presidency? In its current form, the Guyanese presidency is an office of near-absolute power The President, once elected, is accountable to almost no one.TheCabinet,nominally anadvisorybody,hasnoreal authority to challenge presidential decisions, and Parliament, when not hamstrung by partisanship, remains largely a spectator in the exercise of executive power The idea that the President can act with such impunity, free from meaningful oversight or accountability, is anathema to democratic principles Yet, this unchecked executive power is e n s h r i n e d i n t h e Constitution.

Enough with the tinkering. Enough with the piecemeal reforms What Guyananeedsisawholesale reimagining of its Constitution a document that is easy to understand, rooted in the principles of democracy, and free of the deadweightofcommissions and socialist fantasies. It is time for Guyana to move forward,notwithonefootin the past, but with both feet firmly planted in the future. Anything less would be a disservice to the people of this country and to the promise of genuine constitutionalreform.\

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)


Guns - How many lying around?

One gun seizure by law enforcement could be dismissedasunusual.

Asecond seizure should alarm Guyanese, prompt sitting up, urge paying attention.

Athird gun seizure close to the others is out of the ordinary The roiling becomes the routine, these sporadic seizures by the police. The seizures are not ofpistolsandsmallercaliber

firearms They are submachine guns: highpowered, modern, and with compelling strength about

what is law and order and what is not In a big sprawling society with a population to match, the seizures could be taken in stride, few eyelids batted. On the other hand, in a societyascoiledandasonthe edge as Guyana, when guns of this type are found, then those who ignore do so at theirownrisk.

Amid these seizures, a question nips, nags: how many illegal guns are lying a r o u n d o u t t h e r e undiscoveredinunderground Guyana? Asecondreadslike

this:aretheyalltheproperty of criminal gangs? A third question is if they are of the s a m e a u t o m a t i c sophistication and all that that means, or are they even better? That is, possessing more killing power more rapidly and more efficiently Toooften,theotherissuesin boilingGuyanathatroiltake centerstage and shove developments involving more seized submachine gunstotheside. Wepassby these at our peril. I say this becausethesenseisofsevere tensions growing and

gatheringafullheadofsteam in the local environment. The gaze bypasses this ChristmanSeasonaroundthe corner, and peers into 2025 from start to wherever it finishes. Andhow Linesare already drawn and solidifying rigidly To keep matterstranquil,Itookaway battle from lines. Still, no Guyanese should be so casualastopretendthatallis wellandswellhere.

It is my nasty duty to remind friends, foes, and fiends (foes and fiends are interchangeable) that happenings in this society provide ample proof of the tightclusterofthehavesand thebroadswathofhave-nots inaplacewithsomuch. The h a v e s p o s s e s s a n overpowering political aura andaroma.

Thehave-nots,Guyanese tothecore,rankbelowthose Venezuelansbentoncriminal mischief in Guyana. It may sound harsh, but represents the rawness of differences, the vindictiveness of policies, and the places to which those take here

Against this agitated backdrop, a persuasive case could be made that most of the illegal armaments of battle are in the hands of the powerful local criminal networks.

It is a fair point. But no Guyanese should condemn me to the brutal territory of exaggerator, scaremonger, and troublemaker when I assertthatthecriminalcould be easily converted to the political, as well as the officialtothecriminal,inthis country

Wehaveseenthatbefore, haven'twe? Often,badnews cannotbeavoided,Guyanese have been terrified bystandersaroundtheviolent activities of multiple

phantom squads

Citizens have also been eyewitnesses to police presenc executing felonies believed to be operating at political behest. Altogether, thosethatsurvivedjustdidn't go away They only went underground, and now with theadvantageofnewfacesin the same prostrate environment. Are there still objections?Thus:asthatdate andtimenextyeardrawnear, this country may have a date withadifferentdestiny

these clashing, unending controversies about who is doingrightandwhohasgotit wrong.

All the ingredients are present. Inequity is now a standard that drives forward to new heights, even as it is denied Inclusion is a stepchild dressed up for special occasions, and then given a boot to the behind when the foreign guests leave. Conspicuously, their uncertainties remain unanswered, trapped in a swirl of anxiety The police arebesieged.

The people are divided. Amidrichcelebrations,there are powerful resentments Wither Guyana, to where does it go, could go? I still have my eyes on those guns and now they take on an ominousshade.

The more they are out there, and the more undetected and unresolved thattheyremain,themorethe probabilityofmadness.

It has been said that Guyanaisatinderbox.

The thought has much tractionatthisaddress. With all those guns, with all the anger, and with all the accumulated animosities, this is as unhealthy and unsafe as a place can get.

There are an unknown number of the best guns that money can buy There are elections galloping closer andcloser Andthereareall

Ten guns can inflict a long season of disturbances. Fivemenwhosetthemselves free (that is the official line) showedGuyanesethatthatis all that it takes. There are more unhappy people today Hungry ones also In circumstances such as these, all the clamours about costof-living take on a new and sinister meaning. As much as the wish is to spare the squeamish, there is no such luxury.

In this context, cost-ofliving and livable wage and percentages are not about prices;atleast,notthatkind. Itisofakindthatisfinal,and which cannot be met. Guns are the catalyst. Guns could be the great equalizer On eachoccasionthatoneortwo isseized,thequestionishow manymorehundredsofthose are lying around out there. And how they could be used forotherobjectives.

Historyhasinformedthe world that when certain perceptions and conclusions overwhelm the mind, then thedamsburst.

Amongthemareinequity in distribution, and an absence of inclusivity where such would mean the most. This is the last word: I think thatillegalgunsaremanyand that they could contribute prominently

(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

Alleged wife beater shot during scuffle with police

An alleged wife beater was shot on Wednesday during a scuffle with police, who were responding to an assault report madebytheman'swifeatLittleDiamond SquattingArea,EastBankDemerara.

According to police reports, the 32year-old construction worker, Jermaine Haynes, allegedly slapped his wife, smashed a table in their home and threatened to kill her The woman then called the police and fled to the neighbour'shouseforsafety

In response to the report, which was sent to the Operations Room of Regional Division 4 'B', two police constables

equippedwith9mmhandgunsweresenttothe location. When they arrived, the woman was still at the neighbour's house. Police then proceededtoHaynes'home,wheretheysawan enraged Haynes departed the house and attackedthem.Ascufflebrokeout,andHaynes in the process, was able to disarm one of the policeofficersbyholdingontooneofhisguns. As a result, the other police officer took his service weapon and fired two shots at Haynes, striking him in the lower right thigh. Haynes was apprehended, detained, and transported to theDiamondDiagnosticCentre,wherehewas treatedunderpolicesupervision. Investigationsareongoing.

The APNU+AFC Govt. also dropped the ball

It is baffling that the APNU+AFC Coalition Government did dig deep enough to investigate the giveaway of the Kaieteur and Canje oil blocks by the PPP/C Government.

Like the PPPC Government, the Coalition also had its own priorities, which pushed the interests of Guyanese somewhere down the line, where honest and serious things did not enjoy much premium.

In a country learning about oil, slowly growing in understanding of the gifts that it has been given, different governments failed Guyanese.

They have either withheld the full truth from citizens or shaved the truths that were placed before the public. When truth is the scarcest of commodities, then corruption becomes the government of the day.

To that point, no one in any government, PPPC or APNU+AFC Coalition, could give a straight and full account of what were the driving forces behind the sale of the Kaieteur and Canje oil blocks.

Lawyers seeking answers from Top Cop

over search of ‘Melly Mel's’ relatives' home

Abattery of lawyers has writtentheCommissionerof Police, Clifton Hicken seekinganswersonthelegal basisforsearchingthehome ofrelativesofsocialactivist, Melissa 'Melly Mel' Atwell earlier this week at Eccles, EastBankDemerara.

Police have come under heavy criticisms for the searchduringwhichnothing illegal was found at the house. Opposition political parties have deemed the searchillegalandsaiditwas aimed at intimidating and harassing Atwell who is a vocal critic of the PPP/C administration.

Titled “TRESPASS AND VIOLATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF MS. DEBBIE T Y S O N A N D M S JOSEPHINE TYSON”, the letterwassignedbylawyers: Roysdale Forde S.C., Nigel Hughes, Joseph Harmon, Eusi Anderson, Dr Dexter Todd, Narissa Leander, Iyanna Butts, and Darren Wade.

In the letter, the lawyers saidtheyhavebeenretained by Ms. Debbie Tyson, Ms. Josephine Tyson, and Ms. MelissaAtwellregardingthe matter at caption.” We are instructedbyourclientsthat on the 17th of September 2024, ranks of the Guyana PoliceForceappearedatand carried out an unlawful search and trespass of the home of Ms. Debbie Tyson and Ms. Josephine Tyson at


Demerara Ms Debbie Tyson and Ms. Josephine Tyson are the mother and grandmother of Ms. Melissa Atwell,”theletterstated.

It added that Ms.Atwell is a well-known human rights activist who has been using her social media platformtoadvocateagainst widespread cases of alleged corruption within the Government of Guyana and the Guyana Police Force.

“Wehaveadvisedourclients that these actions constitute trespass and a violation of our clients' constitutional rightagainstarbitrarysearch and entry, as afforded to every Guyanese under Article 143 of the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. We are instructed that the unlawful actions of the Guyana Police Force constitute an attempt to harass, bully, and intimidate Ms. Atwell into remaining silent in relation to her c r i t i c i s m s o f t h e Government of Guyana and theGuyanaPoliceForce.”

The lawyers said their clients have also instructed us that ranks of the Guyana Police Force, during the “unlawfulsearch,conducted themselves in a manner amounting to a violation of Article 141 of the

Constitution, which provides protection from inhuman or degrading treatment ” The lawyer

detailed that during the search,“ourclientsobserved nobodycamerasbeingworn by the ranks conducting the search, nor was the search video-recorded, despite the capability of the Guyana Police Force to have done so.” As such, the lawyers said: “In the circumstances, ourclientshaveinstructedus to request from you, as we hereby do, the factual and legal basis upon which your rankspurportedtosearchour clients' residence and their persons, in written form, i n c l u s i v e o f a n y documentary sources that informed. your actions. In light of the seriousness of this matter, we expect a response no later than 48 hours upon receipt of this letter Failure to respond within this timeframe will result in the institution of legalproceedingsagainstthe State of the Cooperative RepublicofGuyana. Thank you for your immediate attentiontothismatter

Meanwhile,onThursday Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeoaddressedallegations of political victimization againstAtwell.Athisweekly pressconference,hesaidthat the ruling People's Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C)isnotinthepractice of attacking social media activists.

TheVPinsteaddefended the party's record on social issues, including recent pensionincreasesandhealth initiativesforwomen.

He said, “I don't like to comment on the fringes because you just give them more [attention] Any social influencer does not poseathreattothePPP Our supportisbasedonourwork on the ground, and we prioritize the interests of the people.”TheVP'scomments comeafterapoliceoperation that uncovered 27 grams of cannabisinanalleywaynear Atwell's family residence at Eccles,EastBankDemerara (EBD) The police were

Completion of new Demerara River Bridge pushed back to March 2025

Minister of Public Works, Juan EdghillonThursday disclosed thatthe completionoftheUS$260millionNew Demerara River Bridge was pushed backtoMarch31,2025.

Thebridge,whichisbeingbuiltby China Railway Construction Corporation Limited, was slated to be completed by the end of this year, however, according to the minister, logistical challenges have hampered thecompletiondeadline.

To date, the bridge is almost 70 percentcompleted.TheDepartmentof PublicInformation(DPI)reportedthat MinisterEdghillinspectedtheongoing construction on the eastern side of the bridge on Thursday “It must never be lost in terms of our focus. This new Demerara bridge is a signature of the transformative project, because of the benefits that it will bring to thousands ofpeople,andeverydayweareseeing that it will become a reality,” the ministerstated.

Substantial work has already been done on the temporary working platforms,alongwiththeplacementof drilled shafts, pile caps, piers, and tower legs, among other crucial

constructions. The bridge was built with a 300-metre width safety passageway instead of 100-metre, to minimise any possible collision. The foundationstructurehasalsobeenbuilt with certain materials that are strong enoughtofacilitateimpacts.

Minister Edghill explained that technical engineers of the contracting companyhavesincetravelledtoChina, totestothercomponentsandmaterials thatareneededtoadvancetheproject.

Thelastshipmentofthesematerials is expected to be in the country by


A section of the bridge that is under construction

reportedly conducting a searchfornarcoticswhenthe drugswerediscovered.

Responding to questions as to whether the government sanctioned the search of Melly Mel's family's home, Jagdeo emphasized that the PPP/C government remains unthreatened by figures like Atwell.Jagdeo reiterated the PPP's commitment to defending civil liberties and free speech. “She has every right to express herself. If shelibelssomeone,thereare legalremediesavailable,but using intimidation is not something we support as a government,”hesaid.

Former Mayor of Georgetown, Ubraj Narine in adding his voice to the issue called on the ABCE countries to take note that “ u n d e r t h e P P P administration, every time someone criticizes or critiques it, he or she is subjected to harassment, intimidation, criminal or civil charges, and the like. The latest victim is Melly Mel.Fortunately,shelivesin America where rights are protected and people can freely criticize the government without fear of victimisation They are severalmoreinUSAthatthe PPP government has targeted including Rickford Burke.”

Narine said other innocent victims of the PPP administration include Malcolm Harripaul and himself. “When charges are notfiledandwhenitcan'tget you, the government directs the police or tax department tocomeafteryou.Theyalso use paid social media trolls andpaidletterwritersinstate media and another PPP affiliated media to attack critics or against those with whom they are in disagreement Yet, this government claims it is not autocratic. I appeal to the American government to take measures to rein the a u t o c r a t s o f t h i s government,”Narinenoted.

wrote:“Myfamilyisnowthe targetofthisgovernmentand the Guyana Police Force. Harassing and intimidating my87-year-oldgrandmother sufferingfromdementiaand my mother Van load of police claiming how drugs does come to we through barrels and boxes. Doing everything to break me becauseIrefusingy'allhush money This God don't sleep.”

In a statement issued Tuesday evening, the AFC said:“westronglydenounce the intimidation tactics employed against Atwell's family, which represent a disturbing erosion of civil liberties and the misuse of police powers The AFC stands in solidarity with MelissaAtwellandher family during this troublingtimeandcallsfora f u l l , i n d e p e n d e n t investigation into this incident. Those responsible for these unlawful actions mustbeheldaccountable.”

Furthermore, the AFC said, “we urge the Guyana Police Force to respect the sanctity of private homes and adhere to the legal protocols enshrined in our constitution, which safeguardtherightsofevery citizen The targeting of individuals, especially those who exercise their right to free speech, undermines the democratic fabric of our nation.TheAFCreaffirmsits commitment to justice, fairness, and the protection ofallGuyanese,andwewill continuetostandagainstany abuse of power or i n f r i n g e m e n t o f constitutionalrights.”

Additionally, in the contract, the companyhastodo5ometresofroadon both the eastern and western sides of thebridge.“Theyhavealreadycreated 50metresofroad…Wecantellyouthat we are at an advanced procurement stage on the road. It is already at the place of signing the contract,” the ministerrevealed.Hefurtheraddedthat therearealsoconnectorroadsthathave beenbuilttofacilitatetheflowoftraffic on the Heroes Highway and the East BankofDemerara.

Thetwomainopposition political parties- People's National Congress Reform and Alliance For Change (AFC)havealsocondemned the search. The search has raised the question as to whether proper protocols werefollowedbytheofficer andKaieteurNewshadbeen informedthatasectionofthe high command of the Force wasunawareofthesearchas well as the ranks and commander in the division.

In a Facebook post, following the search,Atwell

For its part, the PNCR said the fact that the Force continues to execute instructionsaimedtosilence those like Ms. Atwell, who expose the corruption, m a l p r a c t i c e s a n d incompetence in the GPF and government officials, is furtherexplicitevidencethat the Force has been politicised a

professionalised by the PPP regime.

“While this most recent act of victimisation by the GPF is unsurprising, as this is the modus operandi of (Continuedonpage17)

The parcel of marijuana that was found outside of the yard of the Atwell's relatives
Melissa ‘Melly Mel’Atwell

11 years after…

Man wanted for Levoy Taljit's murder arrested

More than 11 years after themysteriousdisappearance and murder of Levoy Taljit, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) has announced the arrest of a man they had issuedawantedbulletinforin 2022 in connection with the crime.

In April of 2022, the police issued a wanted bulletin for Ryvan Shervin Francis,46,ofLot4BSharma Street, Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, in relation to the murder of Taljit, a former employee of the Guyana EnergyAgency(GEA)which tookplacesometimebetween December 23 and 24, 2012. Recently, detectives from the Criminal Investigation

D e p a r t m e n t ( C I D ) Headquarters, acting on information, went to Soesdyke Highway and arrestedFrancis.

According to the police, during an interview Francis said that he knew Taljit and said that they became friends in2011.Healsodisclosedthat Taljit would usually visit his Soesdykehome.

Kaieteur News was informed that the police have awitnesswhoinformedthem that Francis reportedly confessed to her that he strangledTaljitinhisowncar andthenburiedhisbody The witness related to the police that on December 23, 2012 Francis handed her a bank card and told her to go to Scotiabank in Georgetown to withdraw money The woman withdrew $60,000 fromtheaccount,shesplitthe money with another person before she returned to Soesdyke and gave Francis $10,000.

Notably, the woman said thatafewdayslatershefound out via social media that Taljit, who she saw with Francis on the night of 23rd December2012,wasmissing. ThisledhertoaskingFrancis aboutTaljitandthatwaswhen he allegedly confessed to her that he killed Taljit at Ideal Road, Soesdyke, before buryinghisbody

Taljit was 25-years-old when he went missing and was last seen leaving his home in his Toyota Raum motorcar, PNN 8315 around 14:00hoursonDecember23, 2012. He was dressed in a burgundy tee-shirt and faded blue jeans. After he failed to return home a missing person'sreportwasfiledanda search was launched. Five days later on December 28,

his car was found abandoned intheYarrowkabrabacklands along the Linden/Soesdyke Highway but there was no signofTaljit.

This publication had reported that Francis is the same man that police had detained on January 4, 2013 just 10 days after Taljit had disappeared.Hewas32-yearoldatthetimeandpolicewere able to locate him tracing Taljit'scellphone.

Whenthecarwaslocated, investigators were able to workoutthatthecarhadbeen takentheredaysbeforeitwas found. It did not take them long to make a breakthrough by locating Taljit's phone. They found that Francis was using his phone and had placedanewsimcardinitbut police were still able to track him down. He was detained andwhileincustodyhemade somestartlingclaims.

He admitted that he was the one that had takenTaljit's car to the location where it wasfound,buthadtoldpolice that he took it there at the behest of the missing man. Francis even handed over the missing man's bank card and driver'slicencetopolice.The suspect had assured the investigators too, that there was nothing to worry about because Taljit was alive and well and had contacted him from Paramaribo Suriname, butlatersaidthatitwasalie. HehoweverdidsaythatTaljit was his friend and they had communicated extensively viaaninternetsite.

Police had even arrested Francis' relatives too but in the end, they had to let them go because there was not enough evidence to pin Francis to Taljit's disappearance.Thecasewent coldforyears,untildetectives made a breakthrough back in 2022, which led them to believe that Taljit was murdered by Francis and issuedabulletinforhim.

Lamaha squatting homes maliciously set on fire, 12 homeless

Twelvepersonsarenow homeless after several houses in the Lamaha Squatting Area, 'B' Field

S o p h i a , G r e a t e r

Georgetown, were maliciously destroyed by fireonWednesday

According to a statement from the Guyana Fire Service (GFS), the fire originatedinasingle-storey wooden structure that housed three people and is suspected to have been set byunknownarsonists.“The fire is suspected to have been maliciously set by unknown persons, and investigationsareongoing,” GFSsaid.

As a result of the radiatedheatfromtheinitial fire, two nearby buildings caught afire, displacing an additional nine residents.

The GFS reported that they were alerted to the fire at around 02:58hrs Upon

receiving the call, Water tenders #95, #105, and #118, along with Water Carrier#18andateamof18 firefightersweredispatched to the scene. Firefighters employed one jet from WT#105's tank and another from WT#118's, while also utilising LP#A7, which drew water from an open source to bring the fire undercontrol.

Despitetheirefforts,the houses and all their contents, including the 60

destroyed. Fire prevention officials are currently investigating the incident, and the GFS is urging anyone with information to comeforward.

Wanted for Taljit's murder, Ryvan Shervin Francis

A56-year-oldmanfromCraig, East Bank Demerara (EBD), on Wednesday appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court charged for allegedly defrauding anAmericancitizeninalandsale scheme that amounted to $6.4 million.

Gopaul Tiwari appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty, who read the charge to him The charge states that betweenMay8andJune13,2024, Tiwariallegedlywiththeintentto defraud, falsely claimed to be the ownerofaparceloflandlocatedat Lot 101 New Housing Scheme, Herstelling, East Bank Demerara and subsequently obtained the sum of $6,400,000 from Earlin Theodore Craig. Tiwari pleaded notguiltytothecharge.

According to police reports, CraigmetTiwarionApril5,2024 at the Harbour Bridge Mall, Western Union. Following their introduction, Tiwari inquired whether Craig was interested in purchasing land he claimed to be selling.Craigagreedandbetween May 8 and June 13, he withdrew the agreed amount from Western UnionandhandeditovertoTiwari in Georgetown After the transaction, Craig was unable to contact Tiwari and obtained the land An investigation was initiated after Craig reported the incident. Tiwari was arrested on September 14, 2024, and upon beinginformedoftheallegations, he denied receiving any money from Craig. During the court proceedings, Tiwari's attorney, Dominic Bess, argued that the complaint arose from a disagreement betweenTiwari and Craig. Bess noted thatTiwari had one prior conviction but no pending charges. The prosecutor objected to bail, citing Tiwari's previous offence of a similar nature.However,bailwasgranted intheamountof$300,000.Tiwari is scheduled to return to court on October 16, 2024, for further proceedings.

Granted bail:
Gopaul Tiwari

Eleven students ten from Region Three and one from Region Nine (South Rupununi) are the latest recipients of the Guyana Shore Base Inc. (GYSBI) Technical Scholarship Programme.

The 2024 cohort includes: Daniel Bisnauth from Canal No. 2 Polder,

Daniel Henry from

Karaudarnau Village, Region Nine, and Leanna Woolford from Zeelugt, all of whom will pursue

Building and Civil

Engineering at the Georgetown Technical Institute.

Joining them are Jkwon AlfredofDeKinderen,Astel Ramlall of La Grange, and Denzel Fraser of Goed Intent, each studying Electrical Installation; Tristan Petty of Hague Village, who is pursuing Mechanical Engineering; and Tristan Prince from Patentia, focusing on Architectural Drawing

Additionally, Akeia Squires

of Crane will study Chemistry, and Feiaaz Ramjag of Belle Village, Canal No. 2, is specializing in Computer Science at the same institution Aroon Maniram from Parika Villages is enrolled at the Leonora Technical Institute, where he will pursue WeldingandFabrication.

In a press release, GYSBI said this year's scholarships focused on students from the Essequibo Islands–West Demerara region, as part of GYSBI's C o r p o r a t e S o c i a l

Responsibility (CSR) initiative This emphasis reflects the company's ongoing involvement in the Gas-to-Energy project in Wales, West Bank Demerara,whereithasbeen executingcriticalworksover the past year As part of its work, GYSBI is responsible for Earth, Soil Remediation, and Surcharge activities at the project site. In keeping with its commitment to give back to the communities in theregion,GYSBIexpanded the scholarship programme. Initially, ten scholarships were offered, but the company was inspired to award an additional scholarshiptoDanielHenry, an Indigenous student from RegionNine,afterheshared the financial challenges he faced in pursuing his educationattheGeorgetown TechnicalInstitute.

In a simple ceremony held at GYSBI, General Manager, Robert Albiez extended congratulations to the awardees, who were chosen out of 50 applicants as he noted that the

programmehasnowbecome somethingtobeproudof. “I have been with Guyana Shore Base almost 7 years and in almost all my time here, this is the thing that I am most proud of, that we have put in place. I would like to congratulate [you] young men and women for your accomplishment... it is the things that you do now, the work, the time, and the effort and energy that you put into the things that you are doing today that will determine where you are in 10,15,20years,sokeepthat in mind. I think you are all well on the path,” he encouraged.Deputy General Manager, Rabin Chandarpal also shared brief remarks in which he urged the students to grab the opportunity that has been presented to them and utilize it to their fullest. “Youarenotalwaysgoingto be the brightest, you are not always going to be the most talented, but you certainly can strive to be the hardest working and that is a huge advantagethatyouwillhave going forward in life. When you come here to GYSBI, throughthisscholarship,you have already proven to yourself and to us that you are capable of doing great things but don't get complacent.Welcometothe GYSBI family, you are now atreasuredpartofitandonce you are here, you will be safe, and you will be taken careof.Youwillalsobringa fresh and different perspectivetothewaywedo things here,” Chandarpal noted. The programme is designedtoofferinternships to successful applicants during their semester breaks sothattheycangainvaluable hands-on training and knowledge transfer At the endoftheirstudies,theycan also benefit from the opportunity to be fully employed within the company

Matthew Seepersaud, a 2023graduateoftheGYSBI Scholarship Programme, recently completed his studies in Electrical Installation at the New Amsterdam Technical Institute. During his 7-week internship at GYSBI, his outstanding performance earned him a full-time position in the company's Maintenance Department Meanwhile, the other nine awardees from last year's cohort have returned to school to continue their studies.

In addressing the new group of scholarship recipients, Matthew shared his personal journey, encouraging them to give their best effort, as his

experience has proven to be both rewarding and transformative.

“I was placed in the Maintenance Department, specifically Electrical Maintenance. [When I came on, I was introduced to everyone and taken around and]Istoodinamazementof the scale of the warehouses and buildings and the diversity of the people working [at GYSBI] I thoughttomyself4yearsago in High School, I wouldn't have even dreamed of being herebutthereIwas. Iwasan introvert,butthis

(Continued on page 16)

GYSBI's Leadership Team with the 2024 Scholarship Awardees


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).

Lorry/ Canter Driver in G/ town or East Bank. Must have Lorry license. Call/ WhatsApp: 609-2220.

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Waitress & Managers to work at Xenon Hotel in Charity Essequibo. Accommodation is provided. Contact : 223-5273 /647-5470. Domestic. Contact : 223-5273 /647-5470.

Male seeking female companionship 40-50 years. Interested persons can contact : 637-2411.

Surbryanville , La-penitence , Queenstown & Durban street. Contact: Ray Realty 627-9685.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. For more information Call: 619-0007, 629-5526.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Guyana, Qatar sign MoU to strengthen biodiversity conservation, management

The Government of Guyana, through the Protected Areas Commission (PAC), has formalised an agreement with the State of Qatar, marking a significant step in strengthening cooperation on biodiversity conservation and technical capacity building between the two nations.

of its kind as it will expand the relationship between the two countries, particularly in the preservation of Guyana’s biodiversity.


Vacancy Exist For two experienced Dispatcher at Confidential Cabs. Call: 231-5784, 231-4001, 231-4000.

Experienced Cook & kitchen Assistant needed at Famous Flavour Creole Restaurant. Call: 676-5534 / 709-8131.

Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

One clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email application: techserigy@ yahoo.com or call 615-9132.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132

One (1) painter Call 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Male cleaner for Eccles call 615-9132 or 645-8443


House for rent in Sarwan Street, Eccles. For more information Call: 666-8404.

Spacious 900 sqft 1 bed/1 bath. Safe and quiet neighborhood, Subryanville. Call: 624-2619.

One, 5 bedroom house in Republic Gardens. East bank Demerara. Contact : 646 696 0151.

Mining equipment, Maroc nozzles starting from $3,500 & chinese engine bed starting from $21,000. Call: 698-1267/ 657-9121.

Household items for sale by person leaving the country. Call: 669-0957.

Foreign Secretary and PAC’s Chairman, Robert Persaud along with Commissioner, Jason Fraser signed the agreement with Acting Charge d’Affaires in the Embassy of the State of Qatar to Guyana, Mohammed Ebrahim Al Rumai.

The simple, yet significant ceremony, was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, South Road, Georgetown, on Wednesday. In brief remarks, Foreign Secretary Persaud underscored that the agreement is the first

Capacity will be built in the areas of conservation, ecological monitoring and research, to help better manage Guyana’s green spaces. Additionally, with several facilities under the PAC’s management, the Foreign Secretary noted that the agreement will lead to improvements in these spaces, enhancing the overall experience for individuals who visit them.

Meanwhile, Commissioner Fraser highlighted that this initiative is intended to leverage the expertise and practices of the State of Qatar, to improve the management of Guyana’s protected areas. “It’s good to learn from other places, how they manage their green spaces and how we can improve on the

along with Commissioner, Jason Fraser signed the agreement with Acting Charge d’Affaires in the Embassy of the State of Qatar to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana Mohammed Ebrahim Al Rumai, on Wednesday

management of our spaces,” he emphasised. Established under the Protect Areas Act of 2011, the PAC is mandated to create, manage, maintain, promote and expand the protected areas system of Guyana. The commission maintains the Botanical Gardens, National Park, Shell Beach, Kanuku Mountains, Kaneshen and Iwokrama, among other protected areas. (DPI)

10,000 Little Diamond residents

to gain access to water

Following the completion of ongoing works on the water distribution system at the new housing development in Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara, some 10,000 residents will soon have guaranteed access to clean water.

Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues along with the Director of Projects at the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), Marlon Daniels, visited the community to assess

the project on Wednesday.

The minister noted that “today is the last day that we are completing the interconnections to ensure that this area Little Diamond and Sections One, Two and Three in Great Diamond is serviced with water.”

Since 2020, the ministry has been allocating land and constructing several homes for young professionals in the area. As the population gradually rises, so too does

the water demand. To address the situation, the ministry has implemented a new water distribution system, supported by an adjoining well in Covent Garden.

With all necessary structures now in place, Minister Rodrigues assured residents that the communities will receive a timely delivery of water access. “The connections are there. They do have the main in their yards so we’re just waiting now on the lines

to be filled and by this afternoon, that will happen so maybe by tomorrow morning people will be fully serviced by our network” the minister explained.

This project is part of the government’s broader initiative to ensure comfortable and sustainable living for all Guyanese. Thus far, a sum of $4.5 billion has been expended to improve water quality and supply across the country. (DPI)

500 women to benefit from Govt’s new skills training initiative

The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security has launched a new skills training initiative that aims to transform the lives of 500 women across the country.

The programme is facilitated by the Women’s Innovation and Investment Network (WIIN), in collaboration with the City and Guilds Training programme. It focuses on empowering women through skills development, social inclusion, and capacity building.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956. VEHICLES

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

The initiative is designed to promote financial independence and reduce the gender gap in traditionally male-dominated sec-

From page 15 experience contributed to my personal development by improving my self-esteem, confidence and communication skills,” Seepersaud shared.

tors like construction. Training is being offered in carpentry, masonry, welding, plumbing, and electrical work, with hands-on classes of at least 25 participants. The programme targets women aged 17 and older, who are required to be able-bodied and have valid identification, such as an identification card or passport. Beyond technical skills, participants will also benefit from business literacy training through the ministry’s business incubator. This component will equip them with the tools to create and sustain successful business ventures. Upon completion,

the women will be supported in either pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities or securing employment. Those interested in the programme can register via a QR code available on the ministry’s Facebook page or online through this link, https:// docs.google.com/…/ 1FAIpQLSdwwO8l6Ci…/ viewform.

The deadline for registration is October 16, 2024. The government has made significant progress in empowering both women and men through various initiatives. In the first half of 2024, 510 women received skills

training through the Board of Industrial Training (BIT) and WIIN, enhancing their employability. Additionally, 103 women benefitted from mentoring, coaching, and entrepreneurship support through the WIIN business incubator. Some 2,370 women are expected to begin skills training, 3,000 to benefit from business clinics, and 1,161 to receive business startup kits by the end of the year. Additionally, four women with disabilities received small business loan financing, while seven women accessed the Loans Guarantee Programme. (DPI)

GYSBI awards technical scholarships to 11 outstanding students... lected. Undeterred, he reapplied after learning that this year’s programme was specifically targeting students from his region.

Daniel Bisnauth first applied for the GYSBI scholarship in 2023 but was not se-

Now a successful recipient, Daniel expressed that the scholarship will significantly ease the financial burden on

11 families, including his own. “I would like to thank GYSBI for providing us with this prestigious scholarship and providing us with this life changing opportunity.

This scholarship is not just a financial relief but an incredible investment in our

future, it empowers us to focus on our studies and personal growth... We are also deeply grateful for the chance to gain firsthand experience through internships and practical learning [which will prepare us for the world of work],” Bisnauth said.

North East La-penitence, close to Mandela Ave. Better hope E.C.D & Friendship
Contact: Ray Realty 627-9685.
Foreign Secretary and Chairman of the PAC, Robert Persaud,

$191M set aside for new annex at recently commissioned Yarrowkabra School

Wi t h $ 7 9 0 m i l l i o n already spent

t o c o n s t r u c t t h e

Yarrowkabra Secondary School, the facility is set to get a new annex which is estimated to cost an additional$191million.

The Ministry of Education project which opened recently at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) attracted a

total of nine contractors. This publication reported that earlier this month, President Irfaan Ali alongside Minister of E d u c a t i o n , P r i y a M a n i c k c h a n d commissioned the

$790,571,342 school which was built by R. Bassoo & Sons Construction Company

At the commissioning ceremony, the Education Minister had noted that her

Below are the companies and their bids: MinistryofEducation

ConstructionofYarrowkabra SecondarySchoolannexblock.


NationalAgriculturalResearch&Extension InstituteSupply&Deliveryof AgrochemicalsforHinterlandRegions.

ministry did issue a tender for an additional block for theschool. We started this school last year and we already need 10 new classrooms which the Permanent Secretary has already put out a bid because once the school is here, kids will come to school and once children come to school,

lives will change,” the minister said at the time. It was reported also that the new school is presently accommodating 1,019 students across 35 classes

recruited educators, 31 trainedteachers,14teachers whoareintrainingand20to beregisteredfortraining.

MinistryofAgriculture-GSA RehabilitationofGSADormitories,MonRepos

MinistryofCulture,Youth&Sports DesignServicesforImplementationofCoolingSystem (AirConditioning)forTheNationalCulturalCentre.

Lot:1Renovation&Extensionsto StudentDormitoryatWaramadong.


TheMinistryofPublicWorkswouldlike to advise the general public to take all necessaryprecautionsduringthespringtides period from September 15, 2024 to September22,2024.

Lawyers seeking answers...

Frompage12 their political master the PPP, the Force is urged to remember their mandate to investigate crimes committed by those in high office, and not to harass innocent Guyaneseandtheirrelatives. The PNCR calls on the Guyana Police Force to desist from targeting the relativesofMs.Atwell andallotherswhospeak out against government corruption, executive lawlessness, and political and racialdiscrimination”

In a press release followingtheraid,policesaid thatthesearchwascarriedout between 16:10 and 17:00hrs, by a team of ranks led by a gazetted officer, Assistant Superintendent, M Singh According to the police, the team acting on intelligence received,wenttothehomeof DebbieAtwellwhereasearch warrant was executed for narcotics “Policesearchedthe house and yard However, w

conducted in the yard, police ranksobservedablackplastic bag containing a transparent plastic(Ziploc)bag,whichhada quantity of suspected cannabis, overthebackconcretefencein the alleyway (next to some banana trees) The suspected cannabiswasthereafterretrieved and taken to the Providence Police Station, where it was weighed and amounted to 27 grams Additionally, the suspected cannabis is being processed for fingerprints.

Investigations are continuing,” thereleaseconcluded

Kaieteur News was told that police had received the allegedinformationofdrugs overtheweekendanditwas until Monday, Officer Singh unbeknownst to the

Commissioner of Police, Clifton Hicken, Crime Chief,WendellBlanhumand the officer-in-charge of operationswenttotheCourt and obtained a search warrant for Atwell’s home. Kaieteur News was told by sources that it would appear t h a t o n l y S e n i o r Superintendent Ravindradat Budhram who is currently performing duties as ‘deputy commissioner’ in charge of administration was aware of the officer’s approach to the High Court for the search warrant “There were several breachesinthisoperation,but it is left to be seen what will happen,” the source told this newspaper In addition to the bypassing of the high command of the Force, Kaieteur News was told also thattheCommanderandranks of the East Bank Demerara divisionwerealsounawareof the search Melissa Atwell, who resides in the United States of America (USA), is known for using her social media platform to expose alleged corruption within the government and highlighting various injustices Her outspokenstanceonsocialand political issues has garnered her a significant following Last year, she lodged a “transnational complaint” against the Guyana Government with the Federal BureauofInvestigation(FBI) A complaint under transnational repression means that a foreign government is stalking, harassing and intimidating an individuallivingintheUnited States Atwell’s complaint was made following reports that several cybercrime charges are being initiated againstherbytheGPF.

All persons residing along the banks of major rivers and low-lying coastal areas are advisedtotakenecessaryprecautionsagainst possibleflooding.Precautionsshouldalsobe taken by all mariners, including those operating fishing vessels and larger vessels. The use of beaches and foreshore areas for recreational purposes during this period is notadvised.

The highest tides are expected on the followingdateswiththeindicatedpredicted waterlevels:

Due to the above normal predicted tidal levels that will be experienced, particular coastal and riverain communities will be susceptible to water intrusion and flooding from overtopping of sea and river defence structures. Moderate levels of overtopping may be experienced along vulnerable sectionsofpublicroadsincloseproximityto major riverbanks and open shorelines, as well as at sluice structures and outfall channels.

The Ministry of Public Works has intensified its monitoring and flood prevention activities in preparation for possible occurrences of flooding due to overtoppingorstructuralcompromiseofsea andriverdefences.Contactcanbememade withtheSeaandRiverDefenceDepartment onthefollowingtelephonenumberstoreport concernsrelatedtofloodhazardsthatrequire anemergencyresponse.

Contact Telephone nos. 225-9868, 2261070, 227-8294, 654-4226, 654-4227, 6231161, 646-3501, 618-5541, 687-1999, 6275453,680-0073

TheChiefSea&RiverDefenceOfficer MinistryofPublicWorks

Remote attacks push Hezbollah and Israel to the brink of war

Aljazeera - Lebanon has suffered two days of seemingly random explosions of hand-held communication devices usedbyHezbollahmembers across the country and in Syria. Analysts say this has opened a new chapter in the decades-old conflict betweenthetwosides.

After detonations of pagers and “walkie-talkie” radio handsets across two days, the death toll in Syria and Lebanon stands at 37, withthousandsinjured.

In keeping with many previousattacks,Israelhasyet to admit responsibility or commentonevents

Inastatementshortlyafter yesterday’s detonations, Hezbollah said: “We hold the Israeli enemy fully responsible,” adding that Israel“willcertainlyreceiveits justpunishmentforthissinful aggression” Hezbollah and Israelhavebeenengagedina mostlylow-levelconflictsince Israel launched an assault on Gaza, which has killed more than 41,000 people in ostensible retribution for a surprise Hamas-led attack on IsraelonOctober7

Inrecentweeks,domestic turmoil, speaking directly to thepoliticalsurvivalofPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,hasconspiredwith military pressure to confront Hezbollah and the push of 60,000 or so Israeli citizens evacuatedfromthenorthafter October 7 to return home In

late July, Israel escalated its long campaign of assassinating its opponents, killingHezbollahcommander Fuad Shukr in Beirut and Hamas’s political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran almostsimultaneously

Many expected that those killings might trigger a wider regional war, one inevitably drawing Iran into a conflict that it has so far avoided.

However, beyond a relatively managed exchange of fire between Hezbollah and Israel in late August, no major response hasbeenforthcoming.

Nevertheless,accordingto analysts, these latest attacks eclipse previous provocations

and, cutting as it does to the heart of Hezbollah, may forcetheretaliationthatboth its leadership and its allies seemtopreferavoiding.


In February, as the body countofHezbollahoperatives killed by Israel reached the hundreds, the group’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah instructed the group’s members to break, buryorlockawaythemobile phonestheyhadbeenusing, describing them as more dangerousthanIsraelispies. In their place, the group imported 5,000 low-tech pagersthatnowseemtohave beeninterceptedandboobytrapped as part of a joint

operation by Israel’s intelligence service, Mossad,anditsmilitary Attacks on Hezbollah’s communicationsystemappear designed to lever one of Israel’sprincipaladvantages.

“Israel would have been at a disadvantage if it had launched a ground invasion of Lebanon,” Karim Emile Bitar, professor of international relations at l’UniversitéSaint-Josephde Beyrouthsaid.

“Hezbollah knows the territory better and [it] has been trained through its participation in the war in Syria. “They are no longer purely a guerilla movement, fighting an occupation.

James Bond movie,” he notedbytext.

“Theyhavetoretaliate,” NicholasBlanford,anexpert on Hezbollah with the Atlantic Council said of the group’soptions.

“I think there’s going to be a lot of grassroots pressure from the support base, from the Hezbollah fighters,” even those not affected directly, to retaliate to what Blanford termed an “unprecedented”attack.

“That’sgoingtomakelife difficult for the leadership,” Blanfordsaid,referringbothto Hezbollah’s leadership in Lebanonandthatoftheirally and principal sponsor, Iran. “The leadership doesn’t want togotowar,”hesaid

They’realsoanorganisation capable of launching attacks,”Bitarcontinued.

An injured man undergoes an operation, following pager detonations acrossLebanon,atahospital in Beirut, Lebanon September18,2024.

However, he added: “Whenitcomestodefending against new technology and cyberattacks, they are definitely weaker than Israel.” New reporting from the website Al Monitor suggests that these devices had been earmarked for tampering in anticipation of a wider military action, rather than yesterday’s seeminglyrandomattack.

“Al-Monitor’s sources emphasisedthatthiswasnot the original plan nor was it the Israeli government’s preferred course of action, opting instead to save such anoperationforafull-blown conflict,”AlMonitorsaid.


Editorials in Israeli

outlets such as The Jerusalem Post, which celebrated “chaos in [Hezbollah’s] ranks”, point to heightened confidence in Israel’s military and technologicalsuperiority

But they also hint at a degree of trepidation over theinevitableresponseofan opponent that has so far withstood the force of what many in Israel regard as its elitemilitary

However, while some of the general public may be wary, according to former Israeli ambassador Alon Pinkas, those within the politicalleadershipwhohad been pushing for an assault on Lebanon would be emboldenedbytheattack.


“The Iranians don’t want Hezbollah to go to war,” he continued,pointingtowhathe described as the lacklustre responsetothekillingofShukr inBeirut “Ittookthemalmost a month to retaliate, and then the retaliation was fairly feeble,atleastintheeyesofthe Hezbollahsupportbase,which willmakeitverydifficult for the leadership to carry out another token retaliation,” he said. However, while the push to escalate may be growing among both Hezbollah’s ranks and elements of the Israeli leadership, the group’s ability torespond,atleastintheshort term, has rarely been less certain, defence analyst HamzeAttartoldAlJazeera.

With its supply lines compromisedandmuchofthe electronic equipment it relies upon now viewed with suspicion, the group’s ability to retaliate is growing questionable “This wasn’t just about pagers, this cut to theveryheartofHezbollah,” Attar said. “Hezbollah now needs to review its entire supply chain. Everything, from their encoders to decoders, remote controls, transmitters, receivers: everything,”hesaid.

Attar described how the Israelitechniqueofinserting small explosives next to devices’ volatile lithium batteries had also left every other piece of Hezbollah technology that relied upon theiruseuncertain.

“This is disruption on a massive scale. Through this attack, they’ve essentially removed thousands of fighters from the battlefield withoutfiringashot.”

The attacks, Attar said, had “essentially created a new reality in clandestine operations”.

An injured man undergoes surgery following pager detonations across Lebanon, at a hospital in Beirut, Lebanon on September 18, 2024 [Mohamed Azakir/Reuters]

Sterling Products support Pee Wee U11 Football Tournament

In line with its ongoing commitment to social responsibility, Sterling Products Limited has partnered with the Petra Organisationtohostthe11th AnnualPetra-CourtsOptical Pee Wee Under-11 School Football Tournament. The tournament kicks off this Saturday at the Ministry of Education ground on CarifestaAvenue.

Following last Friday’s

tournament is set to bring

together the country’s youngest football talents, as 32 teams compete for the 2024 title from September 21 to November 2. This event not only promises exciting competition but also aims to nurture Guyana’snextgenerationof footballers.

Sterling Products, a leading household name in Guyana, continues to play a key role in youth development. As part of its ongoing mission to promote

growth through education and social initiatives, the company has made a significant donation to the Petra Organisation to help substantiate the strenuous costattachedtocoordinating suchtournament.

At the yesterday’s presentation, Sterling Products’ Marketing Manager, Dellon Lynch, expressedthecompany’spride in supporting the Petra Organisation and the Courts OpticalPeeWeeU11Football

Tournament Henoted,“It’san honour to lend our support to this exciting tournament Collaborationsareattheheart of how we connect with our audience,andwearethrilledto align our brand with a tournament that fosters youth andsocialdevelopment” Lynch emphasized that Sterling Products’ partnershipsgobeyondmere sponsorship, focusing instead on creating a lasting impact for the community and by extension the youth (s) involved.“Thisdonation is about fostering growth,

Friday September 20, 2024


Money matters might cause you a few headaches, Aries. Youcouldbetornbetweenthe desire to put money aside for the future and the impulse to buy something that you've wantedforalongtime.


Too much rigorous exercise over the past few days might have you feeling a little sore andtired,Taurus.Yournerves may be on edge, and you could be more likely than usual to snap at those around you.


Spiritual breakthroughs may have you feeling a little disconcerted, Gemini. Clearing away deadwood, such as past traumas, might tell you a few things about yourselfyou'drathernotface.


Avirtual conference of some kind could touch upon some pretty volatile issues, Cancer People could disagree to the point that the meeting turns intoashoutingmatch.


Is your significant other caughtup infamilyproblems andunabletospendtimewith you?Don'tletyourinsecurity get the best of you. Your partner needs to deal with familynow


M a t t e r s i n v o l v i n g communication seem to be fouled up, Virgo. Messages maynotgetdelivered,emails may not go through, and people might misinterpret yourwords.


Your values could oppose thoseofabusinessorromantic partner today, Libra. One of you may be overly pragmatic and the other too idealistic. One seems callous, while the other seems to be living in a dreamworld.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

If you've been having trouble reaching a romantic partner, Scorpio, it might be a good ideatostoptrying.Yourfriend is having a rough day and might not make the best company

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Youmayfeelabitrestlessand unsettled without really knowing why, Sagittarius Stressesonthejobcouldchurn up repressed resentment from the past that you need to release.


Too many people could be vyingforyourattentiontoday, Capricorn. All of them want advice or help. This could be flattering, and you'll probably want to help them, but it can also be unsettling and make it hardtofocus.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)There could be trouble brewing in the workplace, Aquarius Some of your colleagues neither like nor trust each other and find it impossibletoworktogether

PISCES(Feb.19–Mar.20) Squabbles may come up between you and a sibling or neighbor, Pisces. Your ability to compromise is definitely called for here. If you aren't careful, this could turn into a battleofwills.

sharedpurpose,andbuilding a future of opportunities for ouryoungathletes,”hesaid.

Likewise, Public RelationsOfficer,Youlandra McCammon,echoedsimilar sentiments, saying, “Through this partnership, we aim to expand our social footprint. We are extremely excited to see the thrilling action unfold over the next six weeks, and wish all teams the best of luck.” She added that the sponsorship would not only elevate the tournament’sprofilebutalso contribute to the broader

development of youth footballinGuyana.

Co-Director of the Petra

Organisation, Troy Mendonca,alsocommended Sterling Products for their continued support, calling the company’s contribution invaluable to the success of this highly anticipated U11 S c h o o l s F o o t b a l l tournament.Thetournament will officially open with a march-past ceremony on Saturday at 10:00 a m , settingthestageforweeksof intense and exhilarating footballaction.

O’Jeer relieved following High Court ruling...


some members of the Executive Committee beforedecidingonthewayforward.

He noted that because O’Jeer’s case was highlysensitiveandapublicmatterthat“can really tarnish the image not only of the Federationbutofourownascustodiansofthe sport,andshouldhavethisreportsubjectedto


According to the meeting’s minutes, Forde recommended that the report be submittedtotheDisciplinaryCommitteefor review and analysis. The committee would thendeterminewhetherthemattershouldbe pursuedfurtheroriftheevidenceprovidedis sufficienttoclosethecase.

Hope, Chase, Shepherd set for maiden...

Frompage24 Powellwhowasretained. Shepherd,ateammateof Hope with the Amazon Warriors, will join the likes of Kieron Pollard, Akeal Hosein, Andre Fletcher, DwayneBravoandNicholas Pooran with the MI

Under-16 Boxing...


event because it’s the first time we will be conducting this tournament outside of Georgetown.”

Meanwhile, GBA

President Steve Ninvalle said, “These initiatives, ventures, and mechanisms arewhatarerequiredforthe advancement of the discipline and, more importantly, vital to the unearthingoftalents.Local boxing can only develop and improve at an exponential rate in such a manner.”

He further established, “While we understand the importanceofestablishinga central role and hub for the discipline, a geographical reality associated with Georgetown given its proximity and status as the capital city, we believe that decentralisation is essential for the continued growth anddevelopmentofboxing. That is our national approach and policy to ensurethatwemaintainour statusastheleadinglightin the Caribbean This is u n q u e s t i o n a b l y development.”

Emirates. Chase has been signed by the Abu Dhabi Knight Riders, led by Andre Russell and Sunil Narine, and will be joined by fellow new signings Gudakesh Motie and TerranceHinds.

Keemo Paul will also be a participant as he was signed by the Sharjah Warriors

The2025ILT20season is set to take place from January 11 to February 9 in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah

Hope, Chase, Shepherd set set for maiden stints in ILT20

SportsMax-ShaiHope, Romario Shepherd and Roston Chase led a number of West Indians set for maiden stints in the 2025 edition of the International LeagueT20(ILT20). Hope, currently leading the Guyana Amazon Warriors in the Caribbean Premier League in the absence of regular captain

Imran Tahir, has been signed by the Dubai Capitalswherehewillteam up with fellow new signing ObedMcCoyandRovman (Continuedonpage23)

Shai Hope, Roston Chase and Romario Shepherd will be part of the International League T20.

Amerijet to work with CPL on cargo movements


the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) kicked off onAugust 29, featuring 34 matches across multiple Caribbean

nations Amerijet International Airlines has partnered with CPL to managecargotransportation for this year’s tournament. Withmatchestakingplacein six countries across the region, Amerijet will be responsible for moving essential items such as TV production and branding

equipment between locations.Thispartnershipis crucial for ensuring the


tournament’s logistics run smoothlyandonschedule.

Pete Russell, CPL’s CEO,said:“Wearegrateful to partner with Amerijet againin2024,enablingusto bring the Biggest Party in Sport to our six host countries this season. The logistical complexities of running a tournament that travelsacrosstheCaribbean are a significant challenge, andwe’refortunatetohavea companylikeAmerijet,with their extensive expertise in transportation,tohelpmake itallpossible.”

“Amerijet is committed to supporting the

communities we serve. Our long-standing collaboration withCPLreflectsourshared dedication to ensuring the success of this dynamic eventacrosstheCaribbean,”

said Marisela Cid, Amerijet’sDirectorofSales.

“We specialize in managing time-sensitive movements of all types of freight, from essential cargo to complex shipments Our expertise allowsustomeettheunique demands of events like the Cricket matches, ensuring seamless transportation solutions that contribute to the tournament’s success, seasonafterseason.”

Gauff splits with coach Brad Gilbert after

morethan a year and one

Grand Slam title together

AP - Coco Gauff split from coach Brad Gilbert after more than a year and one Grand Slam title together,thepairannounced Wednesday via separate messagesonsocialmedia.

The end of their partnership comes 2 1/2 weeks after Gauff’s defense ofher2023championshipat the U.S. Open unraveled amid19double-faultsduring a6-3,4-6,6-3losstoEmma Navarro in the fourth round atFlushingMeadows.

ThatSept.1losswasthe latest in a series of disappointing-for-herresults inrecentmonthsforGauff,a 20-year-old American who recentlydroppedfromNo.3 to No 6 in the WTA rankings.

It was after a first-round exit at Wimbledon last seasonthatGauffreallytook off with the help of the coaching duo of Gilbert and Pere Riba. Riba wasn’t with herthisyear Gauffwent22-1duringa stretchin2023thatincluded trophies at Washington, Cincinnati and the U S Open — her first at a major tournament — all while still ateenager

Gilbert posted a thankyou Wednesday on social media to Gauff “and the entireteamforanabsolutely amazingsummerrunin2023 and for 14 months of incredibleteameffort.”

“Coco, at just 20 years young, your future is

incrediblybright,andIwish you nothing but continued success ahead,” wrote Gilbert, a former pro who has worked with players such asAndreAgassi,Andy Murray and Andy Roddick in the past. “I’m excited for the next chapter in my coachingcareer.”

I n h e r m e s s a g e Wednesday, Gauff thanked Gilbert and added: “We had an incredible run and I wish you all the best in the future!” Their tenure also included semifinal appearances by Gauff at the AustralianOpenthisJanuary and French Open this June — losing to the eventual championsatboth.

At Wimbledon in July, Gauff departed in the fourth round also against Navarro — and there were

some mid-match back-andforths between Gauff and Gilbert at Centre Court over what an alternate game plan mightbe.

“IfeltlikeIwantedmore direction,” Gauff said after thatmatch.

She exited in the third round of singles at the Paris Olympics after being the female flag bearer for the U.S.team.Gauffthenbowed out in women’s doubles and mixed doubles at the Summer Games with a coupleoflossesonthesame dayinhersecondmatchesin bothofthoseevents.

After moving from the red clay there to the hard courts, Gauff went 1-2 at Toronto and the Cincinnati Open in the lead-up to returningtotheU.S.Openas thereigningchampion.

Amerijet International Airlines has partnered with CPL to manage cargo transportation.
Coco Gauff

O’Jeer relieved following High Court ruling - GFF ordered to pay $2.4M in compensation


Former football administrator Keith O’Jeer has expressed relief following the High Court’s ruling, which declared his suspension as an Executive Member of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) over an “inappropriate behaviour” allegation to be both unreasonable and unlawful.

The High Court handed downitsdecisiononJanuary 24 of this year, but the GFF has remained tight-lipped about the ruling This contrasts with April 2018, when President Wayne Forde publicly addressed O’Jeer’ssuspensionthrough the local media. In 2018,

O’Jeer was suspended to allowforaninvestigationby the GFF after allegations of misconduct surfaced. This led the Berbician to challenge the suspension in the High Court, where he was represented by Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde TheGFFwasrepresentedby formerChiefMagistrateand now Senior Counsel, Kalam Juman-Yassin.

The High Court found O’Jeer’s suspension to be unlawful and further criticized the GFF for its failure to address the allegations within a reasonable timeframe, deemingtheiractionsunjust andunreasonable. As a result of being

suspended for 20 months, O’Jeer was awarded $2.4 million in compensation, reflecting his $120,000 monthly stipend as a GFF Executive during that period.

Sources confirmed to Kaieteur News that the GFF has complied with the court’s ruling “I am immensely relieved and gratified by the Court’s decision, which has brought a long awaited sense of justicetothismatter,”O’Jeer told Kaieteur News yesterday

According to O’Jeer, “The ruling not only vindicatesmebutreinforces the principles of fairness. I remain committed to

contributingpositivelytothe development of football in Guyana.”

He explained that in 2017, the GFF appointed a Commission of Inquiry, led by Lieutenant Colonel Eon Murray of the GDF, to conductaninvestigation.

Accordingtotherecords fromtheExecutiveStatutory Committee Meeting on January 28, 2018, Lieutenant Colonel Eon Murray recommended that O’Jeer’ssuspensionbelifted immediately,citingalackof evidencetoprovehisguilt.

However, the meeting minutes indicate that GFF President Wayne Forde statedhewouldconsultwith (Continuedonpage23)

Keith O’Jeer

Banks DIH on board for President’s Cup

Beverage giants

Banks DIH

continues to support horseracing in Guyana. The latest support camethisweekaheadofthe President’sCupwhichisset for Sunday September 22 at Rising Sun Turf Club, West CoastBerbice.

This year’s President’s Cupwillperhapsbethemost exciting event, with a starstudded roster of quality horsessettoignitetheRising SunTurfClub

More than G$15 million will be up for grabs and nine races are on the card for the day InadditiontoBanksDIH, the President’s Cup, which is on the calendar of Cricket CarnivalEvents,issponsored by Jumbo Jet Events, Js Supermarket, XCMG, and SinoTruk. The organizers and promoters of the President’s Cup expressed gratitude to Banks DIH for the consistency over the years in supporting horse racing.BanksDIHwerealso

major sponsors at last month’s Guyana Cup which attractedfans,andhorsemen from around the globe. The beverage giants are thrilled to play a role in the development of horse racing, and they are pleased withthecontinuousgrowth.

Some of the top horses have already confirmed entry tothePresident’sCup

Slingerz Racing stables will have the defending President’s Cup champion, JohnBullouttodefend,while the Guyana Cup champion Olympic Kremlin will be out toattackandreignsupreme.

Js Racing stables have recently imported two horses from Brazil, and one that will be eyeing to beat Olympic Kremlin at the President’s Cup feature event is Mapa Do Brazil. In addition to Js Racing Stables, Jumbo Jet Racing Stables, Jagdeo’s Racing Stables, and Simply Royal RacingStableswillbeoutto shineatPresident’sCup.

Under-16 Boxing moves to Vergenoegen tomorrow as weigh-in takes place today and tomorrow


G u y a n a B o x i n g

Association (GBA)

TechnicalDirector,Terrence Poole,hasconfirmedthatthe officialweigh-inprocessfor the Vergenoegen leg of the U-16 Championship will occurtodayforGeorgetown teams at the Andrew ‘Six Head, Lewis Gym, and tomorrow for remaining participants at the West Demerarafacility

The acquisition of the newboxingring,whichwas facilitatedbytheMinistryof Culture, Youth, and Sport, will allow the entity to decentralisetheirexistingU16 programme, with Vergenoegen set to make its debuttomorrow

The event, which is hostedtwicepermonth,will occur at 17:00hrs at the community’s rice mill tarmacwiththeutilisationof theolderring.

The major gyms that have confirmed their participationaretheAndrew ‘Six Head’Lewis, Pace and Power,PocketRocket,Rose Hall Jammers, New Amsterdam Academy,

Bailey, and ForgottenYouth Foundation.

Theannualinitiativehas formed the backbone of GBA’s nursery programme, and with the attainment of the new ring, will allow the association to utilise the older equipment to be transported to the various venuesgoingforward.

Linden is slated to host theinitiativetwoweeksafter Vergenoegen. Similarly, Berbice is scheduled to take centre stage following the conclusion of the Linden date Terrence Poole, Technical Director of the GBA, said, “Tomorrow [today], the Georgetown-

based teams will be conductingtheirweigh-inat the Andrew ‘Six Head’ Lewisgym.Theteamsfrom outside of Georgetown will conducttheirweigh-inatthe Vergenoegen gym on Saturday before the event commences in the evening. The official fixtures will be finalised after the weigh-in process.”

He further said, “We anticipate 18 fights being staged on the night Everything is being put in place. The logistics and the systems are being finalised for Saturday [tomorrow]. Weareveryexcitedforthis (Continuedonpage23)

Justin Stoby (Diageo Spirits & Classic Beer Manager), Dwain Bristol (GT Beer Brand Manager) in the company of the Banks DIH Special Events Manager, Mortimer George. The trio presented the sponsorship to a representative of the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee.
Terrence Poole Steve Ninvalle

Justin Stoby (Diageo Spirits & Classic Beer Manager), Dwain Bristol (GT Beer Brand Manager) in the company of the Banks DIH Special Events Manager, Mortimer George. The trio presented the sponsorship to a representative of the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee.

Banks DIH on board for President’s Cup Cup

Sterling Products Marketing Manager, Dellon Lynch (second from left) handing over donation to Petra’s Co Director, Troy Mendonca in the presence of PROYoulandra McCammon (extreme left) and Troy Peters.

Sterling Products support support

Pee Wee U11 Football Tournament

Under-16 Boxing moves to Vergenoegen tomorrow as weigh-in takes place today and tomorrow

- Action set for Vergenoegen Rice Mill Tarmac from 17:00hrs tomorrow

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