Kaieteur News

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Weakenedandinfiltrated, Hezbollah vows ‘battle without limits’ against Israel

Govt. hunting for private operate second power plant at Wales

‘Is me own, do a thing fo meh nah’

...miner caught with cocaine, ganja tells police

Bandits nabbed after armed

at Unity investors to build and

...contractorwillutiliseexcess gasbroughttoshorebyExxon’s pipeline,sell250MWtoGPL


TotalEnergies set to develop US$9 billion

Suriname oil resources

‘National education crisis in Region Nine’

…AFChighlightsover90%failurerateat 2024CSEC,callsforurgentinterventions

Canadian mining company expands positive results

...CEOsaystheywillcontinuetoexplore“world-classcamp” new gold zones at Guyana project with

Ring-Fence all the Oil Projects so we can get all our profits from each One!

Govt.huntingforprivateinvestorstobuild andoperatesecondpowerplantatWales

- contractor will utilise excess gas brought to shore by Exxon's pipeline, sell 250MW to GPL

The Government of Guyana (GoG) through the Office of the Prime Minister on Sunday issued a Request ForProposals(RFP),seeking qualified companies to design, finance and operate Phase Two of the Gas-toEnergy(GTE)Project.

Phase One of the project includes a pipeline to transport the natural gas to shoreaswellasaNaturalGas Liquids facility and 300 megawatts (MW) power plant.According to the RFP, Phase Two of the GTE project seeks to utilize 75 million cubic feet of gas per day (MMCFD), piped to shore by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL). It should be noted that Phase One only utilizes 50 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), which amounts to 40% capacity of Exxon's 250 kilometer 12-inch pipeline Phase Two will make use of the remaining 60% capacity of the pipeline connected to the Liza Fields in the Stabroek Block to Wales,WestBankDemerara.

Preliminary Artist's

Impression of the natural gas facility to be constructed at Wales, West Bank Demerara

The selected bidder will be tasked with the design, construction, and operation of a 250 MW combinedcycle power plant, to deliver 2,100gigawatthours(GWH) ofelectricityperannum.This will be sold to the Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL) via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). It was made explicit that investors will recover their investment throughthesaleofelectricity via a 20-to-25-year term (negotiable) Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) “at a price per Kilowatt Hour (KWH)”

and via the monetization of the NGLs. At the end of the PPA term, the entire facility will revert to the GOG at no

cost. “Phase II GTE will enjoy the same fiscal incentives as Phase I,” the RFPstated. Inadditiontothe

power plant, the contractor will design, construct and operate a NGL facility to produceapproximately6,000 barrels per day of NGL products (propane, butane, and C5+gasolene), utilizing 75MMCFDof"richgas."

It was explained that the excess “lean gas,” estimated at 30 MMCFD will be

transferred to the GoG at no cost, for utilisation in downstream industries, e.g. fertilizer production, to be located at Wales The privatelyoperatedgasproject will be located on no more than 100 acres of land, immediately adjacent to the existing 300 MW Integrated facility being developed by theGoG.“Theprojectwillbe ownedandfinanced100%by the private sector, under a project finance structure, which will design and construct the integrated facilities, to a standard and specification that meets and or exceeds that of Phase I of the GTE,” the Office of the PrimeMinisterindicated. It was also noted, “Only firms(consortia)adjudgedto be experienced in Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) and Financing of comparable facilities, will be evaluated. TheGOGshallhavetheright to approve the EPC contract and appoint an independent (Continuedonpage10)

TotalEnergies set to develop US$9 billion Suriname oil resources

TotalEnergies set to develop US$9B Suriname oilresources F

TotalEnergies has started to scour the market for deepwater rigs and support v

g i n development of massive

, anonymous sources with knowledge of the tenders toldBloombergonFriday Explorationandresource development in the Atlantic Basinisnowalivemorethan ever, following the huge developments offshore Guyana led by ExxonMobil

a n d t h e p l a n s o f

TotalEnergies to tap the discovered resources in

Guyana's neighbor, Suriname.

TotalEnergies, which partners with APA Corp offshore Suriname, has already made several discoveries in the area. The companies are expected to makeasearlyasnextmonth thefinalinvestmentdecision (FID) to develop part of the resources, according to Bloomberg'ssources.

TotalEnergies has reportedly ordered a hull for a 200,000-bpd production vessel, the clearest sign yet that the French supermajor wouldbemovingtodevelop the project “They have reserved this hull,” Annand Jagesar, managing director of Suriname's state oil

Two injured in collision on Mandela Avenue

Two men sustained injures after a motorcycle collidedwithanothervehicle on Mandela Avenue in the vicinity of the National CulturalCentre.

In a video circulating on social media, one man was observed pressing his red tshirt to stop the bleeding fromaheadinjury Theother rider of the Suzuki power bike was observed on the groundandwhileheseemed conscious,itappearedthathe couldnotmove.

Both vehicles were damaged badly but the Suzuki bike appeared to be missingpartsduetotheforce of the collision One onlooker was heard telling otherbystandersnottomove the injured biker but allow him to relax until the ambulance arrived, since theydidnotknowtheextent of his injuries Another personwasheardsayingthat they had contacted the Guyana Fire Service and e v e n t h o u g h t h e headquarters was right around the corner, they had notarrivedasyet.

"Them man deh right on Homestretch and can't reach hay yet?" he questioned "Don't fight to move he because we ain't know how hard he knock heself, what injuries he got or if he spine injured. Leh we wait 'til the

company, Staatsolie, told Bloomberg “You're not going to pay a lot of money for that to have it sitting around,”Jagesaradded.

TotalEnergies and APA plan to make the final investment decision on the Block 58 project by the end of 2024, targeting first oil in 2028. Crude oil discoveries in Suriname have opened access to some 2.4 billion barrels in reserves, Wood Mackenzie analysts have estimated. The consultancy also reported the South Americannationholdssome 12.5 trillion cubic feet in natural gas reserves. A total of nine offshore discoveries havebeenmadeinSuriname in the last six years but commercial development of any of them is still in the future.

Paperless border management system for ports of entry - Jagdeo

The Government of Guyana is on a quest to implement paperless system by introducing blockchain technology in some of its agencies,aspartofeffortsto enhancecybersecurity Blockchaintechnologyis renowned for its ability to maintain data integrity and prevent unauthorised modifications or tampering. It makes it difficult for someonetofalsifyortamper with records The technologyisusedwidelyto a l l o w t r a n s p a r e n t informationsharingwithina business network A blockchain database stores datainblocksthatarelinked togetherinachain.

their background that would allow people to online or through an app fill up all of the entry forms and customs declarations – everything online and that would be shared directly to the GRA ( G u y a n a R e v e n u e Authority).”

AccordingtoJagdeo,the government is building out the digital infrastructure of thecountry,withtheultimate goal of improving the efficiency of public services and boosting economic output.

He noted that it is one of the main objectives is the development of Guyana's I n f o r m a t i o n a n d C o m m


Some persons suggested using one of the injured man's phone to contact his family but they were afraid to move him or have him move so that the device could have been retrieved.

Whenquestionedifhehada number for anyone, they couldhavecontacted,hedid notrespondbutinsteadopted to move his right hand to shieldhiseyesfromthesun.

According to eyewitness in the audio of the video, the driver of the Suzuki power bike flipped when the two vehicles collided and he landed very hard onto the ground.

Throughout the first five minutes of the 19-minute video, a number of persons were lamenting the time the ambulancetooktoarriveand expressed their worry about the extent of the man's injuries.

Atthefive-minutemark, an ambulance from the Guyana Fire Service arrived and two female EMT's approached the injured man withastretcher Bythistime, trafficrankswerealsoonthe scene but the fact that the EMTs responding to the incidentwerefemalesraised eyebrows as they shuffled around as if trying to figure out how to move the injured m a n s a f e l y

Surinameisoftenseenas a candidate for a repeat of Guyana's oil boom since the two neighboring countries share one hydrocarbon basin. However, exploration efforts have taken longer in Suriname and the colossal success of Exxon with the StabroekBlockanditsdozen discoveries has yet to be replicated in Guyana's n e i g h b o u r . (OILPRICE.COM)

Speaking at his weekly press conference last week, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo explained that work isdonetowardsstreamlining airport processes to enhancing healthcare systems. He explained, “We haveaprojectthatwillmake our airport paperless. And we're hoping by the end of theyearthatthiswillhappen, that we have an automated border management system that will pre-screen people; thatwouldallowustoknow long before people arrive in thecountry,whotheyareand

( I C T ) Masterplan2030.

The VP noted that the electronicidentificationcard system(e-ID)willbeusedto implementthesystem. “The system will f

ature fingerprint verification, eliminating the need for traditionalproofofaddress,” he said while clarifying that the system will not replace the current National Identificationcard.

TheVPnotedtoothatthe technology will prevent record tampering for personal gain, especially at theLandsandSurveyandthe Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) “…Because we have had complaints about people in those places Leases or prospecting, licenses are given out on a first-come, first-serve basis. So, say if you apply in August and someone comes to apply for the same piece of land in September; I'm supposed to get it because I applied in August. Now the person, if they can disappear my record, then the person in September might get it,” he clarified.

The government may examine which other agencies will need this technology, following the implementation of the first phase, “particularly where records could be tampered with.”

The VP said Ministry of Health is working on designing and installing an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. Moreover, he revealed that the 'Safe Guyana' Initiative will leverage technology to enhance public security and prevent criminal activities. Several Command Centres have been constructed to complementthisproject.

Kaieteur News

PrintedandPublishedbyNationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



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Media threats

Last week our nation witnessed another crass display of unstatesmanlikebehaviourwhenfromthemouthoftheVice President, Bharrat Jagdeo was an admonition to the private sector to withdraw their advertisements from this newspaper

His contention is that the Publisher of Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall has entered the political arena, owing to some spur-of- the moment comment he made in one of the recent editionsofhisradioprogramme.

Itmustbenotedthattheradioshowhasbeentheultimate forum in exposing the doublespeak of Jagdeo and the corruption taking place in government and this has been a thorn in his side.As was pointed out before, Jagdeo and the government are so afraid of transparency that any opportunity to close down Kaieteur News and any other independent media voice they would seize on. His arguments that Kaieteur News ought not to benefit from State advertising because of Mr Lall purported journey into politics is nothing but a smokescreen to carry out his dark deeds. We want to put on notice all the democratic forces in thiscountrytheevilplotthatisunfolding.LastThursdaywas not the first time the administration has used someone masquerading as a media professional to ask leading questionsregardingStateadvertisingtothisnewspaper Last week, the plot thickened and the VP went further by telling the private sector to withdraw their advertisements and also signalledthathisgovernmentwilldolikewise.

Jagdeo’s remarks once again raise the issue of the threat to press freedom that has bedeviled this country over the years. We have said in this newspaper before that there are two significant factors affecting press freedom in the country: the lack of objectivity by certain media outlets, particularly those in the State media, and the government’s limited transparency and accessibility and desire to control. Every week at his news conference, Jagdeo spends significant amount of time trying to belittle and intimidate the independent media houses, but never once puts the spotlighttheStatemedia.Oneoftheprimaryimpedimentsto press freedom in Guyana is the lack of objectivity displayed by the State media.The State media’s proclivity to side with therulingpartyhasundermineditsjournalisticintegrity It was no different under the APNU+AFC. All that happened was that the State media switched sides and becamethemouthpieceoftherulingCoalition.

ThePPP/Celectedin2020hasreturnedtoitsoldwaysof having the State media almost totally blank the Opposition. All day and all night, the State media churns out progovernment pieces with hardly a criticism of the government. The State media in Guyana has been highly partisan and inclined towards the ruling government. This approachhasreducedtheroleoftheStatemediatobeingthe exclusivespokespersonofthegovernment.Itshouldtakethe exampleoftheBritishBroadcastingCorporation.

The BBC, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), has long served as a commendable model for State media in othercountries.Itssuccessliesinitsimpartiality,objectivity and professional journalistic standards. Unlike State media outlets in some countries that act as puppets for the ruling government, the BBC operates independently and because of its editorial independence is a trusted source of information.

In Guyana, the State media has no such objectivity. But the lack of objectivity is not confined to the State media alone.The private media, has at times, and when addressing certainissues,beenequallyguiltyofbeingblinkeredintheir reporting and commentaries. It is not unusual to find issues in which the private media demonstrate a one-sided and jaundicedapproachtoreporting.Onesuchinstancehasbeen therapeallegationagainstaMinisterofthegovernmentwho hassincesteppeddown.

Some have been known to report on issues without seeking to represent all sides of the story This has contributed, in no small measure, to a polarized media landscapethatfurtherdividesthenationalongpoliticallines. The second critical factor affecting press freedom in

Ralph Ramkarran’s main concerns on constitution reform are misplaced

DEAREDITOR, parliament. It enjoyed the isalsomissingfromthe1999 proper reading of the I refer to SN Sunday’s blessings of the two main CRC Act. Yet, that omission mandateoftheCRC,Idonot Editorial titled “Ramkarran political rivals and other prevented neither robust shareRamkarran’sunease. and the CRC.” In doing so, I stakeholders It permitted debate publicly and within Thirdly, I am however in wish to focus on five issues every aspect of the country’s the commission nor public full support of his call for an that fall outside the political and social fabric to submissions on inclusionary inquiry into the adequacy criticisms of the PPP for its be examined. It makes full democracy and power- and efficacy of the 1999 “dilatoriness and slackness” political and common sense sharing. The CRC agenda constitutional amendments. and its disinterest in any for the 2022 CRC Act to should be interpreted as ends InOctober2019,inaletterto fundamentalreform. piggyback on this existing (goals), not means. Ends, SN titled “We need a

The first issue concerns national consensus (rare as it t h e r e f o r e , s u c h a s systematic evaluation of the the suggestion that there is is) for its germination. Put “improving race relations 1999/2000 constitutional something indecent, even differently, plagiarizing the and promoting ethnic reforms”, I wrote: “Such an illicit,thatthemandateofthe 1999 Act (as Ramkarran security” or ensuring “the evaluation must include current Constitution Reform unfairly describes it) was the views of minorities in the impact assessments and Commission (CRC) is pathofleastresistance. decision making process and performance audits of the almost identical to its 1999 The second issue conduct of government are specially-designed agencies predecessor I, for one, concerns the fact that the givendueconsideration”can and mechanisms and, most would have been most current agenda does not be achieved through several definitely, must include surprised if the two include recommendations means,includingthroughthe satisfaction and perception documents were not, in fact, for a “national, inclusive, establishment of a “national, surveys of the population. identical in almost all governance model ” Mr inclusive, governance T h i s i s a m a s s i v e regards. The 1999 CRC Act Ramkarran sees this as a model.” As such, based on undertakingandmustbe was passed unanimously in problem. But such language the 1999 experiences and a (Continued on page 6)

An open letter to those leading

DEAREDITOR, no visas would be issued if resources and remove the It is our responsibility to You are not to use the we refused. The government corruption that is robbing us ensure that we take higher ways of those that enslave of the day chose to accept ofourwealth.Wemustreject ground and prepare for the others to enslave your own them and the result has been the greed as seen in pigs. We worst. Our homeland has not people. Those not of our a weakening of our law and must embrace the strength of been secured and we must homeland are not those who order and the loss of many ourownways. secure it. This is and must we allow to rule over us. As livesduetobloodshed. Ours is not the way of remain our national priority w e a l t h y a n d a s People speak of “the impoverishing our people by Build a bridge only if it will knowledgeable as they may troubles” and the cause. We taking their health, taking withstand future threats of seem, it is not their place to must also look at the their strength and taking flooding, build a road only if govern by influence over our precursors that have led to theirwealth. it will not be easily washed people. If their ideas bring theweakeningofoursociety We know that the sea away, build a school where it illness to our people and ruin During the embargo when level will rise by many feet will last for generations. We to our land then we must not somewithinfluencechoseto and that the increasing must keep our land from use their ideas, but hold fast resort to illegal means to temperature will make life flooding and we must invest to what is best for us. The bring in funds, our leaders unbearable near the equator, in a secure future. If land is wealthofourlandisforusto objected But those who yet we waste resources taken from our people to use and we must be selective betray those close to them wherewearebelowsealevel buildthatmoresecurefuture, in our choice of business chose otherwise More and aid in the localized we must replace it in a better partners If we cannot bloodshed came upon our temperature rise If the place where their future is manage our own internal land and it has now grown Saharan dust from across the also more secure and they affairs properly, we will also outofcontrol.Wemustunite oceancanreachussocanthe will no longer need to move. lose control over our to rid our land of the evil that problems of climate change The future welfare of our homeland. When the idea of has grown upon it and we and the waters of the people is and must remain sending deportees back to must regain control over our Antarctic. The glory of a thatwhichguidesus. ourlandwasfirstproposed,I homeland We must also leader is no greater than the Sincerely, opposedit.Weweretoldthat regain control over our glory of the nation being led. Mr. Jamil Changlee

Guyana is the lack of transparency and responsiveness on the part of the government. However, the government of Guyana has shunned transparency, had adopted an overtly hostile attitude to criticisms and has been selective and generally unresponsive to the private media’s request for specific information, particularly relating to the oil and gas sector In fact,givenrecentoutburstsbysomegovernmentofficials,the privatemediashouldfeelthreatened.

Both the Stabroek News and the Kaieteur News have fallen prey to the government’s hostile actions, facing unwarranted retaliation simply for taking critical stances on specific governmental matters. Their only “crime” has been their commitment to providing independent and critical coverage, challenging government actions when necessary Regrettably, these media outlets have become the targets of adverse measures and unwarranted attacks, all in the name of suppressingdissentingvoices.

Reportsofgovernmentministersbeinginaccessibletothe media are deeply concerning. The government exercises a tightgriponreporting.Requestsforinformationareoftenmet withsilence.Manyinstances,ministersdonottakecallsfrom reporters and are extremely evasive when they do. This newspaper has been virtually blacklisted by many Ministers ofthePPP/Cgovernment.

One government official grants exclusive interviews

selectively, looking for a soft landing rather than be exposed torigorousscrutiny

Selectivity in the granting of interviews and information leaks undermine transparency and breeds suspicions that the governmenthassomethingtohide.

When the PPP/C was first elected to office in 1992, an experiment was introduced in which the Ministry of Information hosted ministerial press conferences. This experiment did not last too long but during the time it did, it allowed the media greater access to question Ministers on their respective portfolios This practice has all but disappeared.

The absence of press conferences hosted by government ministers is a notable concern. There is also no post-cabinet mediabriefing.

If press freedom is going to exist in Guyana, then these two significant challenges must be addressed: the lack of objectivity in the media, particularly State media, and the government’slimitedtransparencyandaccessibility

But that is not likely to happen anytime soon.The state of professional media standards is appalling. Some of the country’s senior reporters are beyond reform. Some of them are even more partisan than their political masters. And our governments – past and present – fear accountability and transparencymorethanCOVID-19.

The Constitutional reform process

It is time leaders desist from such unsavory behaviours and end the blame game

DEAREDITOR, young Dodson by allegedly meant by such a comment good administrator would There is always a dull casting a blind eye on the made to Mr Thom. Mr ensure that the report is moment in my native land otherbusinesses,wasclearly Ramson should be reminded forwarded to the Human Guyana. When one believes a target on Mr Dodson. that this nation is made up of Resource Department, things will get better, it gets Where are we heading as a six races, all created in the through Mr Thom’s WORSE.Thepastweekwas society and how did we get image and likeness of God. immediate supervisor Mr quite an eventful one, from here? If it was discovered Who are you to determine or Ransom in my view has Ms.MelissaAtwell’sfamily, that persons are operating define one’s image, Mr crossedtheline! latest being Mr Ivor Thom. businessesattheirresidence, Ramson?

DEAREDITOR, we need to have some broad suggests that although the all manner of untenable Guyana, ethnic visions that counselling is poor and This column has many idea of what we are trying to entire reform environment outcomes. As he noted, ‘To have been fostered over plainly wrong. As I propose times drawn attention to the achieve. must have significantly be sure, change by reform is decadesareinstillinplay to beginning by showing, fact that constitution making The following lengthy improved since the mid- always difficult. Once an ‘Do changers know how contrary to the prevailing or remaking is not for quotation from Giovanni 1990s, one needs to acquire electoral arrangement is in to change whatever it is that wisdom, the effects of amateurs, and from my Sartori (Comparative the right expertise and be on place, its beneficiaries they seek to change? And, electoral systems can be assessment thus far, none of Constitutional Engineering. the guard for politicians, protect their vested interest narrowingthequestiontothe adequately predicted and us have the expertise to (1997) Macmillan Press, who will attempt to use the andstruggletogoonplaying issue at hand: whence and determined.’ anticipate the vicissitudes of London) written around the o c c a s i o n a n d t h e the game by the same rules howdopresent-dayelectoral The political system is the reforms this society time of the last major commendable efforts at that they know’. This gets s y s t e m - m a k e r s ( o r the set of formal and requires and at the very least constitutional reform, public participation to inject worse when, as is the case in remakers) seek inspiration? informal institutions and By looking at the cleavage behavioural patterns that structure of their societies? constitute the government. It By excavating into the is a subsystem that interacts deeper determinants of their with other nonpolitical history? Of course not subsystems of the social Across the world, the system.The electoral system drafters of electoral systems is itself a subsystem of the look cursorily at existing political system that systems, cantily ask for determines how votes are expert advice from self- translated into seats at styled experts and end up national, local and other adoptingthesystemthatthey relevant elections and perceive to their own thereby is affected by the immediate advantage – with behaviour of the voter The many hurrays to history, major difference between social determinants and electoral systems is whether nobletraditions. they translate votes on There is little that proportional or majoritarian scholars can do with regards principles. Important too is to the politicians’ self- who controls the selection of interest–otherthanshowing thewinner:thepersonvoting that they are or might be or someone else, e g a wrongly understood. Still, political party Today, the scholars are supposed and political system needs to required to give sound respond constantly and advice: - regardless of adequately to changing whether it is being heeded. political life: novel forms of And here is the rub: are the political activity, mass present-day political communication, demands scientists capable of giving for greater popular sound advice? Based on the participation, ethnic views that I have briefly d i v e r s i t y , r i s i n g reviewed, the answer must expectations, the extension be no. I submit, that our ofthescopeofgovernmental alleged electoral experts activity,etc. have largely failed to Reforms are intended to develop the expertise that is enhance the democratic required of them and that interplayoftheabove much of their current (Continued on page 6)

Editor,Ihavehadseveral Earlier in the week of then all should be guided Editor, as a proud Afro- encounters with Mr Thom, September16,2024,ayoung accordingly by CHPA Guyanese, I will not allow very soft spoken, respectful A f r o G u y a n e s e Editor, may I also point out the likes of a Ramson, or his and always willing to share Entrepreneur, who operates that wash bays have become colleagues in the PPP/C to his knowledge, a few a w a s h - b a y i n t h e a popular business for many define who I am. It is TIME adjectives to describe this community of Tuschen, East individuals, more so, young this NONSENSE ends. We son of Guyana’s soul I Bank Essequibo took to his people and these businesses are all Guyanese and should therefore conclude that all social media platform are operated on Government not be looked at with right-thinking Guyanese bringing to attention to the reserves. scornful eyes or from should raise their voice world what he has been In the video seen, Mr differentlens. against the racial remarks experiencing in his Dodson is operating his I can only imagine how made against Mr. Thom and community. I publicly business on Government humiliated Mr. Thom felt at called on Mr. Charles commend him for his reserves, as the others are the moment. I hope that he Ransom Jnr to publicly bravery. doinginthecommunity. will not allow such utter apologize to Mr. Thom. Our Too long Guyanese are Editor,Iamcompelledto nonsense by Mr. Ramson to nation has been divided hurting in silence, but briefly address an article break him, his spirit or along racial lines; it is time gradually they are building carried in Kaieteur News of discourage him from his foraNationalReconciliation courage to speak out and Saturday, September 22, focus. against this demonic spirit speak up against wrongful 2024of asad experienceMr He must know who he is that has taken center stage in acts being perpetuated on I v o r T h o m , f o r m e r and his worth I must oursociety them. That young man, Joel Administrator of the applaudtheaffectedstudents It is TIME leaders desist Dodson poured his lungs out Burrowes School of Art of the school for speaking from such unsavory of the frustrations he faced endured by the tongue of out, in condemning the behaviours and end the dailybyneighbors. Minister Charles Ramson, actions by Minister Ramson blame game as to which Editor, where has the forcing him to tender his and whoever the driver was political party or political spirit of community resignation. in the red SUV Minister leaderis‘racialorracist.’ cooperation gone? Where is Editor, how can a sitting Ramson should be reminded May God help us as a the love and compassion for Minister make such a of his role, “a policy maker.” Nation! each other as Guyanese? comment to Mr Thom, a If a report was made against Yours sincerely, Why should an individual renowned and accomplished Mr Thom, to him, then any Annette Ferguson, MP endured daily persecution Sculptor, “your image is not for conducting an honest a reflection of what he wants dollar to provide for his for this ministry.” I find such family,asweareremindedin a comment to be offensive, Genesis3:19,“bythySweat, out of place, despicable, thou shalt eat bread…” It disrespectfulanddisgraceful was painful to hear him from a sitting Minister It is reference several businesses telling any right-thinking doing similar activities as he Guyanese of African isandheistheonlytargetfor Ancestry what this PPP/C his neighbours. Hearing that regime thinks of them officials from CHPA visited Perhaps, the Minister can the location and was hard on inform the public what he

PAHO and Africa CDC strengthen collaboration to address access to essential medicines and vaccines

The Pan American exchange meeting will total vaccine doses required

Health Organisation improve our collective on the continent by 2040. (PAHO) last week signed an expertise and strengthen our Discussions also touched on agreement with the Africa efforts to address the public the collaboration to Centres for Disease Control health needs of our strengthen and grow Southand Prevention (Africa respective regions,” he Southcooperationtoaddress CDC) to collaborate on added. health challenges and equitable access to vaccines, “Today marks a new leverage the opportunities medicinesandotherstrategic chapter in the partnerships thatbothregionsoffer healthtechnologies. between our two regions, During the meeting, In a press release PAHO Africa and the Americas. PAHO experts shared their said under the shared vision, United by our shared knowledge and experiences, the two organisations will missions of supporting our including on the evolution leverage their respective respective Member States to and operationalisation of the expertise, including through strengthen health systems PAHO Regional Revolving PA H O ’ s R e g i o n a l and respond to emergencies, Funds.

Revolving Funds, to Africa CDC and PAHO look Issues such as demand strengthen regional forward to a strategic consolidation, planning and regulatory, innovation and collaboration for global forecasting, quality and production mechanisms, and health security,” Dr Jean logistics were also feed into the development of Kaseya, Director General, discussed, as was the the African pooled Africa CDC said. “PAHO’s importance of strengthening procurementmechanismand knowledgeandexperiencein regulatory and regional promotion of local pooled procurement productionstrategies. manufacturing of essential m e c h a n i s m Africa CDC also briefed medicines, vaccines and operationalisation, will PAHO on the current Mpox public health supplies for greatly benefit the Africa continental response plan, AfricaandtheAmericas. CDC as we strive to including collaborative The organisations will implement the decision of efforts with partners to also collaborate to advance African Heads of States and prevent deaths and facilitate research, innovation and Governmentstoestablishthe access to life saving digital transformation of African Pooled Procurement vaccines. health systems to respond to Mechanism (APPM) to The organisations also current and emerging public improve access to quality lookedatwaystocontinueto health challenges, as well as and affordable health foster collaboration on to enhance prevention, products and promote the broaderstrategicprioritiesin preparation and response to l o c a l i z a t i o n o f both regions with an aim to healthemergencies. manufacturing,”headded. deliver on their mutual Since the COVID-19 The signing took place mission of improving and pandemic “our goal is to following the first official safeguarding health. “Africa create a more resilient visit of a high-level Africa CDC looks forward to this Region,”Dr JarbasBarbosa, CDC delegation to the cooperation and mutual PAHO Director said during PAHO Headquarters in learning from both our the opening session of the WashingtonD.C.from18-20 regions to achieve better visit on 18 September This September The visit also health outcomes in Africa includes “increasing included a discussion on the and the Americas,” said Dr regional manufacturing Partnerships for African Kaseya. “We are keen on capacities and providing Vaccine Manufacturing exploring the opportunities innovations to our Member (PAVM), an initiative this collaboration presents,” States that will boost the established by the African Dr Barbosa said. “Together, Region’s goal of decreasing Union in 2021 to enable the we can achieve important dependency on a global A f r i c a n v a c c i n e advancements in public response in critical manufacturing industry to health and ensure equitable emergencies or future develop, produce, and accesstohealthtechnologies pandemics.” “We hope this supplyover60percentofthe forall.”

The Constitutional reform...

From page 5 reluctance to confront the the forces that may result in structures and goals within existing ethnic cleavage has innovations that are the specific context of blindsided it, for as Sartori threateningtothesystem. Guyana. Make no mistake, r e c o m m e n d e d , a n y Democratic polities hold we could - as we have done constitutional reform that that acceptable and able before - easily mess this up. seriously looks back ‘at the political leadership is more For example, the separation cleavage structure of likely to be found where of powers between the (Guyanese) society’ should there is free and open legislature,theexecutiveand not have allowed such a competition for leadership the judiciary is the travesty! For a start, as in positions Representative foundation of the liberal other countries, Guyana democratic systems also democratic system to which badlyneedsan‘independent’ adhere to other democratic weclaimtoaspire. advisor on ethics if only to v

Yet at the turn of the 20th educate the public and not expression, information and century, after almost a thus normalise this kind of association, checks and decade of political amoralpoliticalbehaviour balances on the executive, disturbances, we went to In the context of what is respect for civil liberties, the constitutional reform and currently taking place and as r

created a judicial platform a backdrop to the reform

that for almost the entire process, it is worth noting legislature and the judiciary period since then has been that there is a big difference and equal capacity to withoutthetwoleadersofthe between stable autocratic participate and help in judiciary being confirmed in and stable democratic making informed political, theirpositions. politicalsystems. electoral and non-electoral

Yet we feel free to walk The optimal working of decisions.Theremustalsobe aroundclaimingthatGuyana political systems depends on an attachment to principles has one of the best goodpoliticalleadershipand of local democracy and a democratic constitutions in effective political structures focus on the common good, the world because we and processes Since the in contrast to emotional, instituted a whole host of quality of the political parochial ethnic appeals and h a r d l y f u n c t i o n i n g leadership is often decisive coercion,etc. committeesandleftthemina in democratic or autocratic In democratic countries, majoritarian framework in a countries, the arrangements this kind of formal and deeply ethnically politically that provide methods of informal institutional dividedsociety! selecting able leaders and interaction is a major

It gets worse, for it is replacing them are critical determinant of policy obvious that the political for the maintenance of outcomes and is frequently elite does not understand political stability and the target of various kinds of what impartially means: it is development. politicalactionforchange.In as if it does not recognise the Some, authoritarian the United States, for importance of the notion that systems have not only been example, such majo

justicemustnotonlybedone stablebuthavedemonstrated institutional reforms as the butbeseentobedone. impressive capabilities for direct election of the Senate It takes the executive survival and economic grow, in 1913 and the limitation on members and close e.g., Singapore and China. presidential terms in 1951 associates of its ethnic As we are witnessing in weremadebysocialpressure political parties and appoints Guyana, the key to their f o r c o n s t i t u t i o n a l them to chair constitutional success is their ability to

c o m m i s s i o n s a n d control social development, (https://www britannica co committees that are to manage and prevent m/topic/political-system). supposed to be impartial! It change and to bring under Sincerely, may well be that its governmental direction all Dr Henry Jeffrey

Ralph Ramkarran’s main concerns...

From page 4 conclusions of the very exclude a discussion on the well designed and funded inquiry for which he powers of the president once andexpertlyconducted.”Mr advocates.That inquiry, who we are serious about Ramkarran, however, gives knows, may highlight addressing such agenda the misleading impression d

itemsasthefullprotectionof that the 2022 CRC Act does recommend improvements fundamental rights and not cater for such an inquiry tothe1999reforms. freedoms of Guyanese, It does. Apart from several That aside, I interpret

general references to him to be supporting his call

e “reviewoftheConstitution”, forscrappingalsobecausehe judiciary, and enhancing Section 7(4) specifically believes that the mandate of integrityinpubliclife. states that “The Commission the current CRC does not

shall have the power to address the powers of the Ramkarranisrighttoexpress conduct any inquiry or President and inclusive concern over the likelihood investigation within its term governance. that the current CRC process of reference.” Surely, a Again, once we interpret willoverlapthenextelection review of the previous the agenda of the CRC as campaign season. I believe reformsqualifies. ends (desired futures) and however that public Fourthly, Ramkarran’s not means (pathways), then disinterest (his main call for the scrapping of the all good solutions can be concern) is a challenge even current CRC process “since considered. now outside of the election the work the CRC 2022 is For instance, no direct season. required to do has already mention exists in the 1999 The CRC would have to beendonebytheCRC1999” CRC Act on presidential therefore invest heavily in is out of sync with the rest of powers, yet that reform public education and hiscase. process instituted the two- awareness. Surely, at least, we term presidential term limit. Yours respectfully, should wait on the Indeed, it would be hard to Sherwood Lowe

‘National education crisis in Region Nine’

…AFC highlights over 90% failure rate at 2024 CSEC, calls for urgent interventions

As stakeholders continue to analyse Guyana's performance at this year's Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations, the AllianceForChangehassaid thatthemere5.66%passrate bystudentsinRegionNineis a national crisis.As such, he hascalledforanurgentstudy to be conducted into the performance with a view of identifying the problems and implementing workable solutions.

Back inAugust when the Ministry of Education reported on the performance at this year's CSEC, Chief Education Officer, Saddam Hussainnotedthatin2024,a total of 11,612 students entered for CSEC, a slight decrease from 12,108 in 2023.TheCEOstatedthatthe overallpassrateforgrades13 declined from 67.34% in 2023 to 67.23% in 2024.

Specifically, he highlighted declines in EnglishA, where pass rates fell from 72% in 2023 to 69% in 2024 – a 3% drop. In contrast, English B pass rates improved from 64%in2023to70%in2024.

Speaking at the party's news conference last Friday, AFC Leader, Nigel Hughes saidtheresultsforCSECfor Region Nine indicate an average of 5.66% pass rate for the region “I'll just brieflygiveyouthesefigures andIamsuretheministrycan challenge them if they with but they are the ministry's figures St Ignatius Secondary at CSEC 8%, Annai Secondary 7%, Sand Creek Secondary 6%, Aishalton Secondary 8%, Karasabi Secondary 2% and Katoka Secondary 3% ” Hughes told the news conference.

He explained that this wasanindicationthat94%of

thestudentswhowouldhave attended the schools mentioned for the last five yearswouldhavefailedtheir exams in 2024 and this is a crisis. “What these results meanisthatallthosestudents who…I am not sure they graduated who leave secondary school in Region Nine after having spent five yearswillhaveabsolutelyno certification. Now this is a national crisis, it's not a political crisis, it's a national crisis because we cannot have any part of this country be subject to a fail rate of 90%,aftersecondaryschool, afterspendingfiveyears.”

The AFC leader further stated that the 'crisis' is compounded by the fact that there are no vocational plans in place to offer training for the 95% of student who are now finished with their secondary education but still unqualified “Now the

figuresthatwehaveIbelieve aretheministry'sfiguresand given that this crisis is so severe in Region Nine, we would like to request and demand that the Minister of Education and the Ministry of Education releases all the CSEC results for all the regions in the country because we possibly cannot have an average pass rate of 5.66% or 6% in a secondary school.”

Completefailure Hugheslamentedthatthis therefore meant that for the five years spent in the education system, “there have been a complete failure of the delivery of quality education and this brings me to another discussion the difference between output and outcome. Every day, we are regaled in the newspaper and various media that the governmentisspendingmore and more money on the

construction of school buildingsthat'sanoutput.”

Furthermore, “The outcomeinRegionNine,that we have proof of is that whatever they may have constructed the delivery of education and the outcome which is 5.6% pass rate is clearly completely disproportionate to and has no relation to the amount of money that was spent on buildings. Region Nine is an Indigenous area and therefore it is a matter of crisisthatfurthercompounds the way the Indigenous people have been treated by thestate.” Lookingbacktwo yearsagothepassrateforthe region was 14% in 2022 for Region Nine and 19% in 2023 Hughes confidently stated that, “There must be some reason for that drastic decline to 5.66 and if this is notanationalcrisisthenIam notsurewhatwouldbe.”

LeaderoftheAlliance ForChange, Nigel Hughes

Hesaidthatthereisneed foranin-depthanalysisofthe reason “why we have failed the students in Region Nine after five years or during the fiveyears.”Heexplainedthat suchananalysiscanbedone insixweeks.

Caribbean-widedecline T h e C a r i b b e a n Examination Council (CXC) hadalsoannouncedthatthere was a regional decline of the overall pass rate for both the (Continuedonpage18)

A call for Ministerial restraint

The roles of Ministers workings of the Ministry, the delicate issue of employees and members of emboldened to step into and Permanent Secretaries, including human resource disciplinary action within a thepublic. administrative affairs that once neatly demarcated by management, budgetary Ministry The mere Has there ever been a should be beneath their the lines of constitutional considerations, and other suggestion that a Minister concerted effort to educate notice. andadministrativepropriety, operationaltasks. should be involved in any and orient Ministers about Successive governments have become increasingly To allow Ministers to dispute between a public their specific role within have taken advantage of this blurred, distorted by the concern themselves with servant and a member of the Ministries, especially in weakened civil service, whims of successive such trivialities as personnel public, or even between two

arrogating to themselves an

al employees, is not only a responsibilities of the increasingly intrusive role in of affairs is neither complex encroachment upon what squabbles is to undermine breach of established Permanent Secretary? Given administrative matters nor novel; it requires only a should be the sacrosanct the very architecture of protocol but a clear violation the persistent overreach of W h e

t reassertion of the roles and independence of the civil governance.Itisnotsimplya of the apolitical nature of Ministersintoadministrative Secretaries once wielded responsibilities that were service is not merely an matter of inefficiency, but a civilservice.Insuchmatters, m

considerable authority over once so clearly defined. affront to good governance; structural fault line that the Permanent Secretary is questioning whether formal the inner workings of Ministers must be reminded it is emblematic of the renders both policy and the authority, empowered by programs or initiatives have Ministries, many of them of their purpose: to provide erosionoftheveryprinciples administration weaker, less the civil service code and been established to clarify have seen their powers been political leadership and that separate operational effective. When Ministers administrative law to the boundaries between steadily diminished, reduced policy direction, not to function from policy dabble in the everyday manage disputes, oversee policy direction and day-to- to little more than errand- medd

direction. affairs of their Ministries, disciplinary actions, and day operations Such boys or girls for politically operationsoftheirMinistries Ministers have long they divert their attention maintain internal harmony orientation could help curb appointed Ministers This or in disputes between o v e r s t e p p e d t h e i r from the larger strategic The Minister’s involvement the recurring issue of subjugation of the civil government workers and boundaries. They have been issuestheywereappointedto would be akin to a CEO Ministers encroaching upon service is not merely an members of the public meddling in matters that fall address The Permanent attending to squabbles the operational domain, affronttoadministrativelaw; Ministers should be focused squarely within the domain Secretary, meanwhile, is b e t w e e n o f f i c e which rightly belongs to it represents a profound on the big picture, leaving of administration, a territory marginalized, rendered clerks undignified, Permanent Secretaries, and failureofgovernance. the Permanent Secretaries to that should be governed by i m p o t e n t b y t h e unnecessary, and ultimately ensure that both parties can The origins of this handle the administrative Permanent Secretaries encroachment of political damaging to the governance work within their respective political intrusion can be complexities that allow without the intrusion of will into what should be the structure. spheres to improve traced to a fundamental lack Ministries to function politicaldirection. objective, politically neutral The Minister, to be clear, governance. of respect for the autonomy smoothly At the heart of this spaceofadministration. is not without recourse in The creeping overreach of the civil service Governance is at its most d y s f u n c t i o n l i e s a In the idealized form of matters of importance by Ministers has been Politicians, distrustful of the effective when policy and f u n d a m e n t a l governance,theMinisterand Shouldapolicyissuerequire allowedtofesterbecauseofa technocratic elite, have administration operate in misunderstanding, or the Permanent Secretary attention, the Minister can broader malaise within the sought to bring the civil harmony,eachrespectingthe perhaps a willful disregard, perform their functions in call upon senior public civil service, particularly in service to heel, transforming other’sdomain.TheMinister of the division of labor tandem, each operating officials, requesting a post-colonial states The it into a political arm of the provides the vision; the betweentheMinisterandthe within their clearly defined briefing or a report on civil service, once an government rather than a PermanentSecretaryensures Permanent Secretary The roles The Minister, matters directly related to institution prized for its separate and independent its execution. When these Minister is tasked with empowered by the electorate policy implementation. This i n d e p e n d e n c e a n d entity In this model, the

policy what is often and the broader political is both within their right and impartiality, has been P

referred to as the “general establishment, provides the essential to maintaining gradually converted into an becomes a functionary, smoothly, efficiently, and in directions” of government vision, the overarching accountability But even in extension of political power, beholden to the Minister’s the best interests of the departments. This general strategy and policies. The such instances, the more concerned with whims rather than to the public. When they are not, direction, however, should PermanentSecretaryensures Permanent Secretary should appeasing political masters p r i n c i p l e s o f g o o d the result is dysfunction, not be confused with that this vision and policies be present, ensuring that the than with upholding the governance. The inevitable inefficiency, and, ultimately, micromanagement, as is all are implemented. But the boundary between policy principles of neutrality and result is a civil service that is confusion,andinjustice. too often the case. Ministers moment a Minister feels oversight and operational efficiency The bureaucratic no longer capable of (The views expressed in are meant to set broad goals compelled to deal with a execution remains intact machinery has been providingtheobjective,non- this article are those of the and leave the minutiae of disgruntledcivilservantorto Ministers should never, politicized, and in this partisanadvicethatiscrucial a

t execution to the Permanent weigh in on personnel under any circumstances, context, it is unsurprising foreffectivepolicy-making. necessarily reflect the S e c r e t a r y , w h o s e disputes, the balance of this involve themselves in the that Ministers feel The remedy for this state opinions of this newspaper.) administrative purview relationshipisshattered. private disputes – such as encompasses the day-to-day Consider, for instance, those between government

Dem Boys Seh...

If only dem Govt. vehicle

could talk

Dem boys seh deh got some government busy fuh his official duties does always find big ones who like fuh use police escort and time fuh pick up his outside woman from outriders fuh clear traffic when dem running work.Degovernmentvehiclerealhandyfuh late fuh de cricket. De CPL matches sweet, demsecretrendezvous,yuhknow Demboys but dem latecomers more sweet, zooming seh de only ting left is fuh dem to start using through traffic like de road build just fuh de blue lights when dem heading to de love dem. De problem start when de lil man in de nest. government see this. Now everybody think Deworstisdeparty-goers.Demoutlate, degovernmentvehicleisdeypersonalcar liming, and de government ride getting a Dem boys seh some of dem government proper workout, carting drinks, fetching drivers does abuse de government vehicles. party crew and blasting music. De car You see dem at de market, loading up greens rocking harder than de sound system in de like dem running a lil stall. Dem school backseat. Is no wonder so much government children getting VIP drop-offs, not in a vehicle park up at de mechanic. Dem getting regular car, but in de taxpayers’property De intoaccidentleft,right,andcenter man seh if yuh peep outside de schools early Dem boys seh if de government vehicle morning, yuh could swear de government could talk, it woulda cry out fuh help. Dem running a new transport service. Dem ain’t getting used more fuh private business than stoppingdey Someofdemfetchingsupplies official work. But dem boys seh, when yuh from de hardware store. Dem boys see one using something yuh ain’t pay fuh, yuh does fetching a fridge one day and a barrel of treat it like a free-for-all. Dat is why dem cement de next. No wonder so many people vehicles never lasting long, always in de rallyingfuhbedriversindegovernment. repairshop. Butitgetbetter Demanwhoclaimhetoo Talk half. Leff half.


Living a litany of lies

Many Guyanese from different heights of life are livingalie,aseriesofblatant lies. Thosewholayclaimto some higher learning are walking, breathing vehicles

of deceptions and falsehoods. Agreatmanyof those who have ascended to power, or have some ambition for it, or relationship to it, now represent monuments of what a lie is, a litany of themis. It is how they distract, confuse, and mislead the ordinary citizen into falling for hoaxes Some have attached a label to these premediated practices: intellectual dishonesty Though there

may have been some of that at the inception, I do away with the colourful wrapping paper and the frills. I strip the prevailing Guyanese culture to what it is at the bone: just plain damn dishonesty of the lowest, rankest order In the bleak centuries of the Dark Ages, the shamans and charlatans controlled the minds of the common people with superstition and unfounded st fears. In this 21 century in the modern marvel of the world, the Gardens of Guyana, there are verbal swindlers, deceptive raconteurs, intellectual distorters, executioners of ethics The political

prevaricators scalp and skin what is principled into what is so deformed that it becomes unrecognizable National elections, resource wealth,politicalgovernance, moralstandards,povertyand hunger, renovations and applications are all trashed anddiminishedtotheworst. The common thread is of artful men and women, who crawl and take evasive covering action like anxious snakes around a determined mongoose.

Elections: who distort andcheattodefeatforarung up the ladder In the grim Middle Ages, the peasants were held hostage: disobey and damnation descends on

the head. The wicked one will come and grab by the gonads. The Bible was held aloft as the instrument of oppression During the hundredsofyearsofslavery, the same skillful distortions

of scripture were conveniently put to work to win over the weak. Those who held the title of priests were the precursors to local politiciansandtheirpeddlers pretending at some genius degreeofpurity Thosewho a r e n o t e l e c t o r a l mathematical wizards (with verbal cleverness to match) sell themselves as immortal philosophers. Liesaregiven a new life: in newer reincarnations,alieispassed off and pawned off on the simplepeopleastruth.

Resource wealth attracted great clamors from greater critics. Executed badly. Will be corrected immediately. From the rare truth of the first came the dirty lie of the latter. Changing and rearranging will happen Better management. Bywhomand for whom? Guyanese are still waiting with hope for s o m e f o r m , s o m e expression, of that better management of their natural gifts, so that they can eat, maybe even rise. What a bunch of liars who tell the people what they want to hear, so that they [the liars] can get their way It is all about access to power Except when they get it, thereisignoranceonhowto harnessthatpowerandmake itworkfortheinterestsofthe Guyanese people. Indeed, better management has occurred, but look who is reportingrecordprofits. Itis the infallible and incontestable proof of how leading Guyanese men and

womenlietheirwayto political success and personal prosperity

There is a new governing document and the slippery and tricky oneswhomakethedecisions about applications decided that the Americans are exempt Even if the Guyanese owners of the wealth must be the losers, then that sacrifice is what theywillhavetomake. The renovation that produced a new document has application hither, thither, and yon, but not to the Yankees. They are God's gift to Guyanese. Which Guyanese, may I inquire? Those languishing in economic tombstones, or thosewhopolishthebottom oftheshoesoftheAmericans with their noses, sometimes their tongues. What shameless bunch of perverters of what is fair, right. Where else in the world are there deceivers of thiscaliber?Aretherelower lifeforms?Recently, clashes arose over democracy We haveit,wearetheessenceof it Austrians, Germans, Hungarians, Russians, and Americans, whether living ordead,aredrummedupand set before Guyanese for the substancesthat they represent. The so-called Guyanese cognoscenti consist of sch pathological liars and self-deceivers that theyrejectlivedrealityright beforetheireyes. Theyspar with, and spear, the hard truths of lived experience. Guyanese experience and reality, not foreign ones or ivory tower ones. Fear has drowned the majority into the safety of silence, and these mothers still prattle about democracy One leader shoutsand rants and

anot her rages and slanders, and that'sdemocracy Thisisthe so-called Guyanese learned, its self-disgracing intelligentsia, who kill their brain cells, suppress any moral or ethical authority that they may have had, while claiming to be bright andhonorable.

Half of Guyana's population exist with less than their barebone needs, live with the reality of daily hunger Reality not specter, and the liars deliver and defend statistics that isn't worth a piece of sh** Apparently,thenewwisdom of the liars and patented fraudsters is that since Guyanese can't eat roads, then statistics is a healthy substitute. In a genuine democracy,peopleshouldbe hung in the public markets for participating in such rackets When Guyanese learntodevelopsomeregard for the simple elements of life - honesty, honour, principle,andlivethem,then some progress could be madehere. Withthebaleful and barefaced liars and distorters in control here, Guyana is where it is, and there is more of the same promised. We may get to whereiswished,onlytofind that it is despised. The first casualties would be those whosellliesforalivingand reap destruction as their reward.

(Theviewsexpressedin this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)

Govt. looking for private investors...

Frompage2 supervision firm, to ensure thattheprojectisbuiltperthe EPCcontractandacceptable quality and specifications, pre-approved by the GOG.” Bidders will be provided withtheexistingEmployers' Requirements for Phase I of theGTEproject,alongwitha templateoftheEPCcontract forreference.

In the meantime, government expects responses to the RFP to include financial projections of revenue, expenses, and investments returns using a number of variables including the PPA price per KWH,brokendownintothe followingthreeelements“(a)

payment for the gas; (b) operating and maintenance c o s t ; ( c ) financing/amortization of thecapitalcosts.Indicatethe breakeven price and estimated sale price for each year along with an assumed inflationrate.”

Meanwhile, subject to ensuring sufficient revenue to operate the facility and recover the investment at an agreed rate of return, the GOG has reserved the right to:(i)buy-outtheproject(the Guyanese SPV), any-time after the construction and commissioning,atanagreed formula, such that the investor obtains a return of investment and reasonable

accrued return based on the stated cost of capital; (ii) transfer of the entire volume of NGL's to GOG/GPGI, who will market and distribute with Phase I NGL's, either at zero cost or other agreed value Responses to the RFP must be submitted by November 14,2024.

Notably,theGoGmadeit clear it “is not bound to accept any response to this RFPandreservestherightto select any Party for any specific element of the RFP and to annul the process at any time without further direction, without thereby incurring any liability to the affectedinterestedparties.”


Chief fossil

Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo was at it again last week Thursday at his press conference referring to leaders within the Opposition ranks as fossils, saying that they belong to the past.

Maybe, the former President has forgotten his age. He is over 60 now and has been around for so long that he is probably Guyana's chief fossil in active politics at the moment.

From finance minister, to President for two terms and a half, to Opposition leader and now Vice President, the fella has been around.

As we have said before, it is about time the old man moves off the scene.


On Saturday, three men were arrested for an armed robbery committed on Ayan Supermarket at UnityEastCoastDemerara.

According to police, the men were arrestedbyranksonpatrolinRegional PoliceDivision4'C',ashortwhileafter they robbed the Chinese Supermarket locatedatUnity,Mahaica.

Policesaidthataround16:10hrson Saturday, two of the three suspects entered the supermarket and the other remained in a motorcar they arrived in

registration PAB 5491. One of the suspectsproceededtopointagunatJin JuLinthefemaleChinesecashierwhile the other busied himself emptying the cashregister,cartingoffanundisclosed amount of cash. They then entered the motorcaranddroveoff.

Due to an alarm being raised, a policepatrolthatwasalerted.Ledbya sergeant,thesuspectedcarwasspotted in Nabaclis also on the East Coast Demerara.

The ranks gave chase and the

suspects were eventually intercepted aftertheycrashedintoanothervehicle. Fortunately,nooneintheothervehicle was injured The men who were identified as Anthon Fraser, from Nabaclis, Lushawn Crawford, from Nabaclis and Renardo Persaud, from C


custody as investigations continue In the motorcar, police discovered a 9mm Beretta Pistol E65974Ywith matching magazineand one .389 ammo, $9,750, ahaversack,ski-maskandcaps.

‘Ismeown,doa thingfomehnah’
...miner caught with cocaine, ganja tells police
...miner caught with cocaine, ganja tells police

A Bachelor's Adventure resident is now in custody after he has found with cocaine in his possession at a camp in Oku Backdam, RegionSeven.

According to police, on Sunday around 02:00hrs, a team of ranks from Regional Division 7 went to the camp of46-year-oldMarkRamdass at Oku Backdam. On their arrival, they found Ramdass asleep in his bed. He was awakenedandsubsequently,a search was conducted in the camp where a black plastic bag which contained a bottle was discovered inside a pillowcase Further examinations revealed that

the bottle contained several rock-like substances which weresuspectedtobecocaine, alongwithanumberofZiploc packets containing seeds, leaves,andstemssuspectedto becannabis.

Ramdasswasinformedof the offence committed and cautioned, to which he replied,"Ismeown,doathing fomehnah." Hewasarrested and escorted to the Bartica Police Station, where he was placed into custody and the suspected narcotics (cocaine and marijuana) weighed They amounted to 5.4 grams of cocaine and 38.7 grams of marijuana He remains in custodypendingcharges.

The cocaine found by police ranks

One of the bandits nabbed by police, Anthon Fraser
Suspected bandit, Lushawn Crawford
One of the bandits nabbed by police, Renardo Persaud

Suspect to appear in court this week for 2012 murder of Levoy Taljit

This week, 46-year-old Ryvan Shervin Francis, of Lot 4B Sharma Street, Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara,willmakehisfirst court appearance for the murderofLevoyTaljit.

Kaieteur News recently reported that more than 11 years after the mysterious disappearanceandmurderof Taljit, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) arrested Francis, a man they had issuedawantedbulletinforin 2022 in connection with the crime. In an update, this publication was informed that Francis will be charged with the capital offence and make his first court appearance According to reports, Taljit, a former employee of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), was murderedbetweenDecember 23and24,2012. Hewas25years old when he went missing and was last seen leaving his home in his ToyotaRaummotorcar,PNN 8315 around 14:00 hours on December 23, 2012. He was

dressed in a burgundy teeshirt and faded blue jeans.

After he failed to return home, a missing person's reportwas filedandasearch waslaunched.Fivedayslater onDecember28,hiscarwas found abandoned in the Yarrowkabra backlands along the Linden/Soesdyke Highway but there was no signofTaljit.

According to the police, during an interview last week, Francis said that he knewTaljitandsaidthatthey became friends in 2011. He also disclosed that Taljit would usually visit his Soesdykehome.

This publication was informedthatthepolicehave awitnesswhoinformedthem that Francis reportedly confessed to her that he strangledTaljitinhisowncar andthenburiedhisbody The witness related to the police that on December 23, 2012 Francis handed her a bank card and told her to go to ScotiabankinGeorgetownto withdraw money The

woman withdrew $60,000 from the account, she split the money with another personbeforeshereturnedto Soesdyke and gave Francis $10,000.

Notably, the woman said that a few days later, she found out via social media thatTaljit,who she saw with Francis on the night of 23rd December 2012, was missing This led her to asking Francis about Taljit and that was when he

Exterior of the ecolodges

Guyana’s first urban eco-lodge now ready to accommodate visitors

Guyana's first state-ofthe-art urban eco-lodges are now fully furnished and prepared to openly welcome andhousevisitors.

President, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali announced the readiness of the 30 accommodations located at Great Diamond, East Bank Demerara on his social mediathisweekend.

Designedandengineered by DuraVilla Homes under the Ministry of Housing, the eco-lodgesaremadeentirely of sustainably harvested building material from Guyana'srichforestry

The building material ensures a durable, wellinsulated, appealing and environment-friendly oasis getawayforallthosestaying

there The ministry saw approximately 120 Guyanese women managing the execution of this revolutionary housing project.

Exemplifying modern hospitality, the eco-lodges feature comfortable amenities including a fullfunctioning air-conditioning systemandspaciouspatios. Inside, the naturally varnished interior is lined with stunning Guyanese paintings, truly immersing visitorsinthevibrantbeauty thatisGuyaneseculture. When outside, visitors will be able to gaze at a glamorous sunset as they traverse expansive walkwayslinedwithvarious speciesofvibrantlycoloured plants.

The eco-lodges are strategically placed only a shortdistanceawayfromthe GuyanaNationalStadiumin Providence.

Moreover, upon the completion of the new fourlane Eccles to Great Diamond highway and new regionalhospitalontheEast Bank corridor, occupants willbenefitfromclose-range accesstoessentialservices.

With locally sourced building materials, 100 per cent Guyanese labour and a focus on promoting Guyaneseculture,theseecolodges embody

he government's commitment to expanding Guyana's housing and tourism sectors tobenefitcitizens.(DPI)

allegedly confessed to her that he killed Taljit at Ideal Road, Soesdyke, before buryinghisbody

This publication had reported that Francis is the same man that police had detained on January 4, 2013 just 10 days after Taljit had disappeared.Hewas32years old at the time and police were able to locate him tracingTaljit'scellphone.

When the car was located, investigators were

able to work out that the car had been taken there days beforeitwasfound.Itdidnot take them long to make a breakthrough by locating Taljit's phone. They found that Francis was using his phone and had placed a new SIMcardinitbutpolicewere still able to track him down. Hewasdetainedandwhilein custody, he made some startlingclaims. He admitted that he was theonethathadtakenTaljit's

car to the location where it was found, but had told police that he took it there at the behest of the missing man. Francis even handed over the missing man's bank card and driver's licence to police The suspect had assuredtheinvestigatorstoo, that there was nothing to worry about because Taljit was alive and well and had contacted him from Paramaribo Suriname, but latersaidthatitwasalie.He however did say that Taljit was his friend and they had communicated extensively via an

net site Police had even arrested Francis' relatives too but in the end, they had to let them go because there was not enough evidence to pin Francis to Taljit's disappearance The case went cold for years, until detectives made a breakthrough back in 2022, which led them to believe that Taljit was murdered by Francis and issued a bulletin forhim.

New agro-processing facilities at White Water, Kumaka

Farmers and agro-processors are poised to enhance the value of their agricultural products and increase their income with the recentcommissioningof$51millioninagroprocessing facilities at White Water and KumakainRegionOne.

The$39millionWhiteWaterfacilitywill provide economic opportunities for 3,000 residents across eight satellite villages. Equipped with state-of-the-art machinery, it will boost the efficiency of producing highdemand products such as cassava bread, farine,tumawater,andcassareep.

The facility aims to process nearly 140 kilograms of cassava daily, totalling around 50,400 kilograms annually It is expected to generate24,000litresofcassareepmonthly

Meanwhile, the $12 million Kumaka packagingfacilitywilldeliveressentialpostharvest services, including cleaning, washing, drying, packaging, and storage.

This will help reduce operational costs and minimise spoilage, with a processing capacity exceeding 20,000 pounds of produce daily, ensuring that products reach local and regional markets in optimal condition.During the recent commissioning ceremony, Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha underscored the government's significantinvestmentsaimedatboostingthe country's food production agenda. The White-Water facility adds to the 13 agroprocessing facilities already established nationwide.As the demand for high-quality, locally-produced goods grows, Region One is strategically positioned to emerge as a leadingagro-processinghubinGuyana. “Th

ur government's firm belief that agriculture and agro-processing hold the key to unlocking the potential of rural (Continuedonpage18)

Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha and Regional Chairman, Brentnol Ashley inspecting the agricultural products at the new agro-processing facility

Accused, Ryvan Shervin Francis Dead: Levoy Taljit


Fifty-four healthcare

p r o f e s s i o n a l s countrywide have gained essential interpersonal and practical skills to enhance management and service delivery, after completing the MastersCertificateinHealthcare and Physician Leadership programme.

The cohort included 24 physicians and 30 healthcare practitioners who completed the nine-monthcourse.

Launched in October 2022, this initiative was made possible

through a strong partnership between Guyana and the SchulichSchoolofBusinessand Executive Education at York UniversityinCanada.

The initiative seeks to strengthen the capacity for training hospital leadership among healthcare professionals nationwide.

During the graduation ceremony at Pegasus Hotel in Georgetown, on Saturday evening, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony encouraged grad

ana's healthcare system and providing optimal medical support to the population.

“Withthetrainingthatyou have received, I hope that you willputittogooduse,anduseit forthebettermentofthepeople of the country…We look forward to you upping your game at the ministry,” Dr Anthonysaidtoldthegraduates.

Guyana is aggressively buildingaworld-classhealthcare system with the construction of several modern regional

hospitals,rehabilitationofhealth facilities and the provision of other crucial services. “We are all part of a journey where we are now working at a rapid pace to have everybody on board.

We have to nudge them to doalittlebitmore…Thisisjust thefirstpartofthejourney…In the Caribbean region, we are aiming to be one of the

h tourism,” the health minister emphasised.

Commissioner of Canada to Guyana, Sebastien Sigouin said his country is pleased to witness this partnership between the two countriestowardsahealthierand prosperousGuyana.

“Your participation in this programme also demonstrates thattheGovernmentofGuyanais committed to growing its health s y s t e m m a n a g e m e n t capacity Having a strong healthcare system is the basis [for] any society to grow in a sustainableway,”Sigouinstated. (DPI)

Minister of Health, Dr. FrankAnthony and the graduates Saturday evening

UG's School of Graduate Studies and Research to host symposium on Oct. 2-4

...promises several cutting-edge presentations

The University of Guyana School of Graduate Studies and Research (UGSGSR) will host its Third Graduate Symposium from October 2-4, 2024, at the University's Turkeyen Campus.

The event will feature severalhigh-profilespeakers and will be held under the

theme 'Vulnerability, Resilience, and Change Towards Sustainability: Multidisciplinary and I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y Perspectives'. Under this theme, there are four subt h e m e s , n a m e l y : Environmental Change, Social Change, Economic Change, and Scientific and Technological Change. In a press release, UG said the selected theme and subthemes recognise that environmental, social, economic, scientific, and technologicalchanges occur asaresultofbothnaturaland anthropogenicprocessesand t h a t , o v e r t i m e , multidisciplinary and i n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y methodologies have been incorporated as integral approaches to build community resilience and adaptation as pivotal means tocombatchange.

The Symposium has attracted participants from across the Caribbean and beyond These include academics and researchers, policymakers, media experts, consultants, and

members of international organisations such as the U n i t e d N a t i o n s Development Programme (UNDP), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO),UNICEF,andseveral other Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) includingtheWorldWildlife Fund (WWF), Conservation International (CI)-Guyana, and the Iwokrama International Centre for RainforestConservationand Research.

Keynote speakers include the Hon. Dr. Vindhya Persaud, Minister ofHumanServices&Social Security; Professor Paloma Mohamed-Martin, ViceChancellor XI, UG; Dr Mahendra Persaud, A A , ChiefScientist,GuyanaRice Development Board; Dr Ulric Trotz, Former Deputy Director of the CARICOM Climate Change Centre; Dr Garvin Cummings, Chief Hydro-Meteorological Officer, Ministry of Agriculture; and Dr Gillian Smith, FAO Country Representative, among others.

Themorethanforty(40) d i v e r s e g r a d u a t e presentations, each a unique exploration of the thematic areas,include:

1 Machine LearningDriven Optimisation of Temperature for Enhanced Hydrogen Production through Catalytic Pyrolysis ofBiomass.

2. Factors Contributing to Maternal Mortality in Guyana:ApplyingThaddeus and Maine's Three Delays Model for Ta

geted Interventions.

3 A D i v e i n t o Thermoelectric Ocean ThermalEnergyConversion (TE-OTEC): Potential for ImplementationinJamaica.

4. Coastal Carbon Storage in Degraded, Natural, and Restored Mangrove Ecosystems of Guyana.

5. Predicting Malaria Incidence in Tropical Countries Using Climate Variability Trends and ARIMAModelling;and

6. Project-Based Learni

' Engagement and Skill Development in Mental H e a l t h O u t r e a c h Programmes Post-COVID19.

Dean of UG's School of Graduate Studies and ResearchandCoordinatorof the Graduate Symposium, Prof. Paulette Bynoe, said: “Thisthirdsymposiumisnot justaplatformfordelivering papers, but a vibrant space for graduate students, a c a d e m i c s , a n d professionals to engage in lively discussions on the current interrelatedthematic areas. It is also a forum for disseminating information to create and enhance a

emanating from human-


The symposium will be held in a blended format. Members of the public can attend this event online, and registration is free. Please click here to register: https://zoom us/webinar/reg ister/WN u4s6um8S2EHZxEEGnhTg#/registratio n

Over the years, the University of Guyana has been involved in several

ground-breaking research projects which continue to add to the existing body of knowledge in various areas of academic research. To learn more about UG's research, please visit: https://researchandinnovatio n.uog.edu.gy/

Formoreinformationon UG's graduate programmes, research training, and studentships, please visit: https://sgsr.uog.edu.gy/

Dean of UG's School of Graduate Studies and Research

Prof. Paulette Bynoe


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Pres.Ali to address UN General Assembly on Wed.

President Dr. Irfaan Ali will be leading a Guyanese delegation to the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) next week in New York, USA.

While at UNGA, President Ali is scheduled to deliver an address to the General Debate on Wednesday, September 25, and take part in a number of bilateral meetings with other Heads of State, including with the President of Paraguay, HE Santiago PenÞa and the President of Ecuador, HE Daniel Noboa, the Office of the President said in a press release.

President Ali is also expected to have meetings with US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken; SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations, António Guterres; the Director General of the World Trade Organisation, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala; and USAID Administrator, Samantha Power, among others.

In addition to the General Debate, President Ali is carded to speak at the UN’s Summit of the Future and attend the High-level event on the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats

President Irfaan Ali

hosted by US President, HE Joseph Biden. He will also participate in several panel discussions, including an Executive Roundtable discussion hosted by Former US President William (Bill) Clinton, the Clinton Global Initiative’s session on Preserving Our Planet through Sustainable Land Management; Concordia’s Guyana Health Panel with Mr. John Hess and Mount Sinai, and The New York Times

Climate Forward event. He is also slated to be a guest speaker on “Creating a New Narrative for Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)” at Colombia University, on the invitation of the Colombia Climate School and IICA.

In addition, the President is also expected to attend a high-level event on Sustainable Development Goal 4: Educating for the Next Generation hosted by Former

UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his wife, Mrs. Sarah Brown. The Head-ofState and his delegation, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Honourable Hugh Todd, will arrive in New York on Sunday, September 22, 2024, and depart on Thursday, September 26.

From UNGA, President Ali is expected to travel to the United Kingdom on the invitation of Concordia and Oxford University to address climate studies students on the Guyana case study and its Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) model. While in the United Kingdom, President Ali is scheduled to meet with newly appointed Foreign Secretary David Lammy and receive the People’s Choice (award) as the Caribbean Global Leader 2024. Prior to attending UNGA, President Ali was the personal guest of His Royal Highness, King Charles III, at his home in Balmoral, Scotland. Discussions focused on our climate action and the successes of our LCDS.

‘National education crisis in Region Nine’

From page 8 Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) and the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC). Dr. Nicole Manning, Director of Operations, Examination Services Division at CXC during the announcement of the results said that the overall regional performance for CAPE was 92.19 %, which she describes as a “slight reduction” from previous year, 2023. For CSEC, there was an overall performance of 69%, slightly consistent to 2023.

The CAPE grades from one to five are considered acceptable by CXC. Some preliminary results presented, showed a decrease in acceptable grades in six main subjects. Notably, Biology units one and two saw a drop,

with unit one decreasing from 88% in 2023 to 84% this year. Caribbean Studies and Literatures in English both experienced reductions from 97% in 2023 to 95% in 2024. Physics unit one fell by 1%, from 98% in 2023 to 97% in 2024. Pure Mathematics unit one saw a significant decrease from 93% in 2023 to 86% in 2024.

For CSEC, grades one to three are deemed acceptable. Preliminary results revealed a significant decline in seven subjects. Chemistry saw a 3% decrease, from 67% in 2023 to 64% in 2024. English A dropped by 2%, from 78% to 76%, while French decreased by 1%. Information Technology fell from 86% in 2023 to 81% in 2024. Integrated Science experienced a decline from

67% to 58%. Mathematics saw a significant drop from 43% in 2023 to 36%, with most candidates achieving grade three. Principles of Accounts fell from 72% in 2023 to 67% in 2024.

Manning highlighted several factors contributing to this year’s academic decline. These include an increase in the number of CAPE subject entries and candidates—26,436 in total— while CSEC saw a reduction in subject entries but an increase in candidate entries to 116,232. There was also a rise in absenteeism, with a 5% increase for CAPE and a 7% increase for CSEC. Additionally, there were more reported irregularities and hardships during the exams.

Dr. Wesley Registrar and CEO of CXC in his remarks

New agro-processing facilities at...

From page 13 communities especially, here, in Region One…We have earmarked this region to embark on a number of food production [initiatives] but more particularly to be the spice production for our country,” the minister affirmed. The minister emphasised the vital role of agro-processing in job creation, economic growth, and income diversification for communities. The government has invested over $850 million from 2021 to December 2023 to enhance food production in Region One, with an additional $300 million allocated for 2024

“We have already started the procure the necessary equipment and inputs which will be made available to you before the end of the year,” he further stated.

Meanwhile, Regional Chairman, Brentnol Ashley noted that the White-Water facility will play a critical role in ensuring that farmers and agro-processors, including women and youth, process and manage their agricultural produce.

They will also have more access to skill training and employment opportunities there. General Manager of Guyana Marketing Corporation (GMC), Teshawna Lall also spoke at

the event.

A $5.8 million wooden cargo boat was handed over to farmers from Hobodeia, Hotoquai, Aruau, Sacred Heart and St Dominique, enabling them to transport their produce to Kumaka Packaging Facility. The boat, which measures 38 feet in length, 8 feet in width and four feet in depth, is equipped with a 48horsepower long-shaft outboard engine. Also, present at the commissioning event were the Regional Executive Officer (REO) Mr Sewchand, and other representatives from the region and the ministry. (DPI)

stated that this year the performance in mathematics is a bit lower than last year. “When we did further analysis, we recognised that when we made the restriction of five subjects including mathematics and English that [mathematics and English) dropped to 4.9%, what that tells us is that from 2018 to now, every year we have been losing almost 11,500 students on average who will not fully matriculate into university because they need math and English… if you don’t have math and English employers will pay you less,” he said. Wesley highlighted that the ongoing decline in math and English performance could negatively impact the Caribbean’s economic competitiveness by reducing the number of students capable of driving innovation and critical thinking. “You have less students being able to drive the innovation that is required for the economy to advance and for critical thinking and problem solving and for attitudes to be developed. We are in a very challenging time that we need to give greater attention to mathematics and English,” Wesley stated.

To address these challenges, CXC is working on initiatives to improve teaching and learning in Mathematics and English. Wesley mentioned that a team has been commissioned to develop standards for literacy and numeracy, incorporating Artificial Intelligence to enhance educational outcomes.

Canadian mining company expands new gold zones at Guyana project with positive results

...CEO says they will continue to explore “world-class camp”

Canadian mining company, G2 Goldfields Inc. earlier this month announced a series of promising resultsfromitsongoingexploration at the OKO-Aremu gold project locatedinGuyana.

Theprojectspans27,719acres, and recent drilling has uncovered significant potential for expanding goldresourcesinthearea.InApril, thecompanyannouncedanupdated MineralResourceEstimate(MRE) for the OKO-Aremu project comprising922,000ouncesofgold (Indicated) and 1,099,000 ounces ofgold(Inferred).

Thecompanyexplainedthatthe Oko's gold source lies along 2.5 kilometers long north-south structure which is defined by the high grade of the Oko Main Zone (OMZ) resources to the north, which entails 686,000 ounces of gold (Indicated) and 495,000 ounces of gold (Inferred) and the Ghanie open pit and underground resource to the south, which includes 236,000 ounces of gold (Indicated), with an additional 604,000 ounces of gold (Interfered). The company added that drilling in the southern half of

the structure has unveiled new potentialforresourceexpansion.

Moreover, G2 said that follow up drilling of a hole, led to the discoveryofasignificantnewgold horizon to the south of previously defined gold mineralisation. “Six newdrillholesdefinethisemerging zone which has traced gold mineralisation from surface to vertical depths of almost 400m,” the company said. In addition, drilling in the northern and southern portion of the 1 2 kilometers Ghanie Zone, has also been successful in expanding both nearsurfaceaswellasdeepergold mineralisation.

Thecompany'sChiefExecutive Officer (CEO), Dan Noone was quoted saying, “These recent drill resultscontinuetodemonstratethe extraordinaryexplorationpotential of the greater OKO gold system. Gold mineralization in this central part of the greater trend is truly openinalldirections.Withworking capitalinexcessofCdn$50million, we are well capitalized as we continuetoexplorethisworldclass camp.”

G2 Goldfields team comprises professionals who have been directly responsible for the discovery of millions of ounces of gold in Guyana as well as the financing and development of the Aurora Gold Mine (AGM), Guyana's largest gold mine

The company had disclosed that Anglo Gold Ashanti (AGA), the fourth-largest gold producer in the world, has made a substantial investment in the company.At the close of the subscription, AGA owned approximately 11.7% of


TheOkodistricthasbeenaprolific alluvial goldfield since its initial discovery in the 1870's, and modern exploration techniques continuetorevealtheconsiderable potential of the district

Canadian mining company, G2 Goldfields Inc. operates in OKO/AREMU Region 7, Cuyuni Mazaruni

Alcaraz defeated on Laver Cup debut

AFP - Carlos Alcaraz suffered a losing finishingrunner-uptoJannikSinnerintheUS debutattheLaverCuponFridaywhenheand OpenfinalinNewYork12daysago. Team Europe partnerAlexander Zverev were Earlier Friday, Argentina’s Francisco defeated in straight sets in their doubles clash Cerundolo defeated Casper Ruud 6-4, 6-4 against Taylor Fritz and Ben Shelton of Team beforeStefanosTsitsipaspulledTeamEurope World.The US pair’s 7-6 (7/5), 6-4 win in the level by seeing off Australia’s Thanasi final match of the opening day in Berlin Kokkinakis6-1,6-4. allowedTeamWorld to level the tie overall at Grigor Dimitrov then edged Europe in 2-2.FritzandSheltonfired20winnersagainst frontwitha7-6(7/4),7-6(7/2)victoryagainst world number two Zverev and third-ranked AlejandroTabilo. Alcaraz. The action continued in Berlin on

“We both served really well under Saturday TeamWorldisbiddingtowinathird pressure. Ben served incredibly well, so I consecutive Laver Cup this year after didn’thavetohitanyvolleys.Thatwashuge,” triumphinginLondonin2022andVancouver said Fritz playing for the first time since lastyear

Guyanese teams shine...

From page 24 improved their international F e d e r a t i o n ( G C F ) and 3 draws Shariff’s ratings. The GCF notes that commendstheeffortsofboth victories included a win over tournaments at this level are t

s Achazia from Grenada and highly competitive and only gratitude to President Irfaan draws with players from ongoing training, study and Ali, the Ministry of Culture, Equatorial Guinea, Vanuatu, dedication will accomplish Youth and Sport and the and Mozambique’s Katina improvedresults. NationalSportsCommission Efentakis(1650).YoungCiel Overall, Guyanese chess for their continued support. Clementcontributed2points players showcased their TheGCFalsoacknowledged with victories against her growing talent and potential the contributions of team counterpart from Guernsey on the international stage, c

Monday September 23, 2024


Legalpapersregardingmoney might need to be executed today Your mind is especially quick and agile, so you can take care of it efficiently, freeing you up for more enjoyableactivities.


Social events could put you intotouchwithintriguingnew people who share your interests. This should be a gratifyingexperience.


Today you might want to spendsometimegardening.In fact,youmighthaveanumber of tasks to perform around the house and yard, but you may alsohavefriendswaiting.


Exploring your intellectual interests might get your curiosity going, although whatever knowledge you gain may bring up more questions thananswers!You'llalsowant to get together with close friends or your partner to discussthisnewinformation.


A number of young visitors couldcometoyourhomewith news to pass on and information to share. You'll probably spend most of your day working around the house oryard.

VIRGO (Aug 23–Sept 22)

Your phone may not stop ringing today Friends and family may have good news and interesting information to share,soyou'llwanttospenda lot of time talking with them You might learn about some newly released books that interestyou

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

This is a great day to plan new projects. Your mind may be especially quick and full of ideas. These could prove valuable.Writedownideasthat you can't put to immediate use soyouwon'tforgetthem.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21)

Your mind could be especially active today Perhaps you'll discoveranewtalentyoudidn't know you had, such as writing, drawing or speaking. Ideas for stories, sketches, or lectures might come thick and fast. Writethemdown.

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Your intuition has been especially high for a while now Todayyoucoulddecideto put it to practical use. You might consider a class or workshop that increases your abilitytocommunicate.


Yourmindshouldbeespecially quickandagiletoday,andyour curiosity will be piqued. Your pursuit of intellectual interests could lead to group activities where you meet others interestedinthesamesubjects.


You might have a few projects inmindthatyou'llwanttowork on today Your mind is especially quick and agile, and you have a lot of great ideas that can make your efforts turn outthewayyouwant.


Your mind may turn toward intellectual pursuits that you have been too busy to investigate.Todayyourmindis so quick and your curiosity so high that you won't resist even ifotherthingsinterfere.

and Bermuda’s Olga highlighting the increasing Greenidge, Grand Master Gontcharova(1567). strength of our chess Georg Mohr, and Head of During the biennial community Delegation CM Loris world event involving close The Guyana Chess Nathoo. to200chess-playingnations, the Guyanese men’s team were matched with Hungary, Jordan, Palestine, Jersey, the Ivory Coast, Afghanistan, Brunei Darussalam, Sierra Leone,PuertoRicoandsister CARICOM nations St Vincent and the Grenadines and the Cayman Islands

Despite individual standout performances, the Guyana Open team finished 174th overall The team won against St. Vincent and the Grenadines 3 5:0 5, the Cayman Islands 2.5:1.5, and theIvoryCoast1:3.

The Guyana Women’s team came up against Denmark, Palestine, Grenada, Guernsey, Malta, the Bahamas, Equatorial G u i n e a , Va n u a t u , Mozambique, Liberia and Bermuda. The team made significant progress by climbing to 145th in the world rankings. The women won against Grenada 4:0, Vanuatu 1:3 and Bermuda 2 5:1 5, and drew their matches with Guernsey and EquatorialGuinea.

The Guyana Chess F e d e r a t i o n ( G C F ) commends the teams’ efforts, particularly those who earned new titles and



Theekshana got a single off the first ball to get Holder on strike, an edge for four followed to keep Royals in the hunt. David Wiese then got the crucial breakthrough as Holder holed out to Khary Pierre on the long off boundary Wiese heldhisnerveatthelasttoseeKingsclaimthevictoryby13 runs.

From page 24
Royalsneeding21offthelastoverwith Jason Holder and Maheesh Theekshana at the crease.

recorded a five-wicket haul and a century in the same Test for the first time in eight years as India cruised to victory.

Ravichandran Ashwin shines as India thrash Bangladesh in first Test

B B C S p o r t - unlikely target of 515, but a match. The previous two India lead the two-match

Ravichandran Ashwin took never looked likely to wereagainstWestIndies. Test series 1-0, with the six wickets in Bangladesh’s threaten victory as Ashwin Ravindra Jadeja took the second Test starting on second innings as India tookthreeoftheirsixwickets other three wickets for India FridayinKanpur cruised to victory by 280 tofall. on day four as Bangladesh Scores: India 339-6 runs in the first Test in The all-rounder, who added just 76 runs for their (Ashwin 113; Mahmud 5-83) Chennai. now has 516 Test wickets, finalsixwickets. & 287-4 dec (Gill 119*, Pant Ashwin returned figures also scored 116 in India’s Bangladesh captain 109) of 6-88 in the fourth innings firstinnings.


to seal victory early on day It is the third time in his started day four 51 not out, (Bumrah 4-50) & 234 four Test career he has scored a top scored for the visitors (Shanto 82; Ashwin 6-88)

Bangladesh started the century and taken five or with 82 before being Result: India won by 280 day 158-4, chasing an morewicketsinaninningsin dismissedbyJadeja. runs.

Arsenal 2-2 Man City: Miedema scores but Mead has final say

SportsMax - Arsenal and put City ahead with a stunning effort Manchester City played out a thrilling from the edge of the box, with the ball 2-2 draw in their opening Women’s clipping in off the underside of the SuperLeagueclashonSunday crossbar Yet Arsenal fought back in The WSL’s all-time top scorer the 81st minute as Mead nudged in on Vivianne Miedema marked her City the rebound after Rosa Kafaji struck debut with a goal against her former thewoodwork. club at the Emirates Stadium, where Data Debrief: Sweet Beth Mead snatched a share of the sixteen for Miedema spoilslateon. It just had to be her Former Miedema’s deflected effort in the Arsenal heroine Miedema has now 42nd minute cancelled out Frida scored against all 16 of the opponents Maanum’s early opener Maanum’s she has faced in the WSL, with close-range strike came just 45 Bethany England (18/18) the only seconds after Miedema had arrowed a player to hold a better 100% such shot wide after capitalising on slack recordinthecompetition. playfromherformerteam. But Mead had the final say She is Caitlin Foord had a goal narrowly theleadinggoalscorerinthehistoryof disallowed for offside early in the theWSLwhenitcomestotheopening secondhalf,andArsenal’sfrustrations weekend, having now netted eight were compounded when Jessica Park suchgoals.

draw in their opening Women’s Super League clash.

Jamaica Olympic Association (JOA) donates JMD$1M to Jamaica Cycling Federation for equipment upgrade

The Jamaica Olympic Association (JOA) has made a significant contribution to the development of cycling in Jamaica.

SportsMax - The Jamaica coachestoremotelyaccesstraining Olympic Association (JOA) has data.” made a significant contribution to This technological upgrade not the development of cycling in only enhances training efficiency Jamaica by donating JMD$1 but also opens up new possibilities million to the Jamaica Cycling for coaches to closely monitor and Federation. optimize athletes’ performance

Thegrant,aimedatboostingthe Theequipment’sabilitytosimulate sport’s progress, was used to real-world racing conditions and purchase vital racing and training provide accurate data on rider equipment, including state-of-the- performance will help Jamaica’s artsmarttrainers. cyclists prepare for international The Jamaica Cycling competition with cutting-edge Federation expressed its gratitude tools. for the financial assistance, The JOA’s donation represents highlighting the importance of this its ongoing commitment to investment in elevating the sport’s supporting the development of standards Smart trainers have underrepresented sports in become increasingly popular in Jamaica. “This contribution from cyclingprogramsworldwidedueto the JOA is truly appreciated and their advanced capabilities, which confirms the continued support for are integral to modern training the growth and development of methods. sports like cycling,” the Federation

”These smart trainers are game said. changers,” said a spokesperson for The equipment is expected to the Federation. “They allow riders help Jamaica’s cyclists better and coaches to approach training in p

a more scientific manner, offering international competitions, as the features like measuring and nation continues to push for tracking energy output, simulating excellence across various sporting race routes, and even enabling disciplines.

Ravichandran Ashwin (right)
[Getty Images]
Arsenal and Manchester City played out a thrilling 2-2

LBI Cricket Club “A” whip Golden Grove CC in the Naven’s Construction T20 tournament

Canada-based Guyanese Sahadeo Ramkhellwan blasts 147 not out for Rising Stars in CPSCL T20 tournament

Ariel Tilku, Mavindra

hitting Ariel Tilku, a former Dindyal, Munesh Outar, Demerara under19 all Emran Mohammed and rounder came to the crease

RichardDowlatramleadLBI and immediately got into the CC “A’ to a convincing 163 act by clobbering 7 sixes in a runs victory over the hapless rapid unbeaten 47. In the Golden Grove CC in the meantime, they lost the latest round of the Naven’s classy Dindyal for 82 with 8 C o n s t r u c t i o n T 2 0 fours and 4 sixes. LBI ended tournament for teams on the with 235 for 2 off their East Coast, Demerara, allotmentof20overs. played at LBI Community In reply, Golden Grove CenterGround. CC were bundled out for 72 LBI won the toss and off 15 overs. S. Mangal took first strike on a sunny topscored with 18 runs and day with a good pitch for offered the only resistance. batting. West Indies under19 Bowling for LBI CC ‘A’, all rounder Marvindra Demerara junior all rounder

Dindyal and Richard

Outar took 4 for 8 runs, Dowlatram started with all Mohammed 3 for 25 and guns blazing. They put overs before losing Dowlatram took 2 for 32,

together an opening Dowlatram for 67 with 7 winning by a massive 163 partnership of 142 runs in 12 fours and 3 sixes. The hard runs.

Canada-based Guyanese Dillon

Heyliger bags 5-30 to help Canada beat Nepal in 50-over League 2 cricket

Right-arm pacer Dillon

early wicket with a total of Heyliger bagged five 13 on the board, the innings wickets for 30 runs to help never lacked momentum as CanadaoverwhelmNepalby opener Navneet Dhaliwal 103 runs on Monday at King contributed a fine 48 while Cityground,NorthToronto. Heyliger displayed good Itwastheirfirstmatchon batting ability as well by homesoilinthecontinuation knocking 30 and 27 from of the International Cricket HarshThaker Council Men’s Cricket Canada’s 100 came up in World Cup League 2 the 30th over while they tournament The Canada- were more aggressive to get based Guyanese Heyliger the other 100 which was bowled his allotted 10-overs achievedinthe46thover asNepalwastumbledoutfor LalitRajbanshitook2-32 150 in the 41st over after from his 9-over outing while Canada had made a solid

S o m p a l K a m i a l s o Heyliger was supported 253-8 from the maximum accounted for two wickets by Akhil Kumar and Ansh 50-overs. Nepal began their but was more expensive Patel with two wickets each chase horribly after opener conceding 44 runs from 8 conceding 11 and 36 runs Kushal Bhurtel became the overs. respectively fiery Heyliger’s first victim

H e y l i g e r w a s Earlier, Canada won the for01at9-1. predictably named the toss and their innings was KarranKCprolongedthe player-of-the-match for his built around an impressive, inevitability with 27 after memorable, bowling unbeaten 73 from skipper Heyliger, the Guyanese, performance. NicolasKirton. continued to take steady

The action continues Kirtonbattedwithagreat wickets on a responsive Wednesday with Nepal degree of confidence hitting pitch. taking on Oman, while six sixes and three fours Sandeep Lamichhane Canada will be back at the during his 44-ball show at was tidy with 22 and a hard- same facility on Friday to thecrease. fought20fromAsifSheik. faceOman. Despite the hosts lost an

Canada-based Guyanese Sahadeo Ramkhellwanstruckamagnificent,unbeaten 147tospurRisingStarstoatension-filled,8wicketvictoryoverApolloSportsClubinthe 2024 Canadian Premier Softball Cricket League(CPSCL)SilverConferenceT20final last Saturday at the Andrew McCandless Park,Brampton.


Ramkhellwan clobbered 19 sixes and four fours during his enterprising stay at the Surujnarine for 3, while Abdil Parsram and crease. Farook Hussain followed for 3 and 7

His team reached 199-2 with 11 balls to respectively spare replying to Apollo Sport Club’s However, Sheik Parsram came to the fore challenging197-6fromthereduced18-overs. with an impressive, 38-ball 85 which The reduction of the overs was due to a late contained 10 sixes and four fours while start. skipper Kunauth Harry supported him with Rising Stars, in their debut season, won 45 and a fiery, unbeaten 36 from Ryan the toss and invited Apollo Sport Club, who Sitaramtoreinvigoratetheinnings. recentlybeatthemintheRapid100final. Ramkhellwanfinishedwith3-31fromhis

But on this occasion, the batting hero maximumfouroverstocomplementamatchRamkhellwanfoundareliablepartnerafteran defining,all-roundperformance. early fuss when the chase began with Saif Sylvan Samaroo was also in the wicketBasheerdepartedwithoutscoringarun(6-1). columnwith2-29offhisfouroversaswell.

The rampant Ramkhellwan and Avinash Ramkhellwan was predictably named Sukhraj featured in a dominant, 136-run player-of-the-match for his outstanding second-wicket that sealed the deal, much to batting. theecstasyoftheirvocalsupporters. Hereceivedatrophy,whileonewasgiven Sukhraj scored a vital 30 but his each to Rising Stars and the other finalist. association with Ramkhellwan was more Sheik Parsram was voted the Most-Valuableparamount. PlayerforApolloSportClub.

Earlier, Ramkhellwan proved his all- President of the CPSCL Patrick Singh roundcapabilitybysnappingupthreewickets congratulated Rising Stars for lifting the in quick succession to leave Apollo Sport trophy and the Essequibian also shared Clubtotteringat37-3. similar sentiments to Apollo Sport Club for

He sent back the inform Kandasammy makingittothechampionshipfixture.

East Coast Aash décor take the

lead in the BMC O50s Tournament

- Sponsored by Permaul Trading & Distribution and Peter Lewis Construction & Asphalt services

BIG MAN CRICKET O50s tournament Seonarine supported strongly with 3 for 8 in continued last weekend with 2 fixtures in 3.1 overs. Jai Hind Jaguars knocked off the Demerara. required runs for the loss of 5 wickets in 18.2

At Enmore ground; Jai Hind Jaguars overs,ZaminZikeercontinuedhisgoodform made light work of Essequibo Invaders O50s scoring 20 with 3 sweetly timed boundaries. Masters winning by 5 wickets in 18.2 overs. D. Drepaul took 2 for 29 in 4 overs for the Essequibo Invaders won the toss and took Invaders. first strike compiling an inadequate 104 off Over at the Enterprise ground, the Ex 20.1overs.D,Lakhanwasthetopscorerwith Berbice-PoliceMastersgaveupawalkoverto 40 decorated with 3 fours and 2 maximums, theEastCoastAashDécortocatapultthemto whilstL.Narinechippedinwith17. Bowling thetopofthepointstable fro Jai HindL R. Budhoo was unplayable Thepointsstandingafterthelastround picking up 3 for 6 in 3 overs whilst V onSeptember21st:

Sahadeo Ramkhellwan
From left: Tilku, Outar, Dowlatram and Mohammed.
Marvindra Dindyal
Dillon Heyliger

Kings move top after win over Royals

Guyaneseteamsshine at45thChessOlympiad

- Three players gain chess titles

Johnson Charles top scored with 53 runs off 42 balls.

in response – reaching 56 without loss before Alzarri Joseph got rid of the dangerousdeKockfor22off 13 balls. Kadeem Alleyne had actually been the main aggressor for the Royals, CPL - The four teams to used to throughout the particularly in the third over make the playoffs of the t o u r n a m


2024 Republic Bank Nev

s o f a r when he smashed three

heless, Royals consecutive sixes off Roston Caribbean Premier League wicketkeeper Quinton de Chase.TheKingsthenstruck (CPL) may have been Kock showcased his back by picking up both decided but that did not stop lightning quick hands to get Rahkeem Cornwall and the Barbados Royals and St rid of Faf du Plessis and RovmanPowellcheaply Lucia Kings slugging it out Roston Chase, both stumped Royals reached 100/4 in in Providence with bragging off Maharaj and Theekshana the 13th over before Noor rights and momentum all to respectively as the Kings Ahmed stitched together a beplayedfor chippedaway maiden to an increasingly Both sides have booked Johnson Charles played frustratedDavidMillerinthe their place in the 2024 CPL some muscular sweep shots 14th which left the Royals Playoffs along with Guyana to clear the boundary rope, needing to hit 63 runs off the Amazon Warriors and the top scoring with 53 runs off last36balls. Trinbago Knight Riders and 42balls,hewassupportedby Miller atoned for his there was only NRR to split AckeemAuguste with 35 off sluggish strike rate by themaheadofthematchwith 32 before the latter had to bunting two boundaries in both sides winning five of retire hurt. Tim Seifert then the next over but was caught their seven matches and struck a late flurry of at cover by du Plessis for 21 losingtwotositontenpoints boundaries to get the Kings off 22 balls trying to find the apiece. to the highest total scored at fence again as the runs per Royals captain Rovman Providence in this year’s over required climbed ever Powell won the toss and competition – 162/3 would higher. elected to field first but his takesomechasing. Alick Athanaze and bowlersstruggledtomakeas The Royals stellar NyeemYoungbothfellinthe muchimpactasthey’vebeen batting card got off to a flier (Continued on page 21)

The Guyana Olympiad consistently, securing 4 wins The Olympiad Open Chess teams delivered and 3 draws, while suffering team included Candidate commendable performances only2losses.Hehasbecome Master Taffin Khan, FIDE at the 45th FIDE Chess the youngest Guyanese Master Anthony Drayton, Olympiad, held in Budapest, player to earn the Candidate L

Hungary, which concluded Mastertitle. Sandiford, and reserve onSeptember22,2024. Veteran player Loris player Sachin Pitamber CM Notable contributions Nathoo (1786) ended on an Khan (2066), playing on the came from Aditi Joshi, impressivescoreof3.5outof most challenging Board 1, Sachin Pitamber, Loris 8, earning the Candidate scored 2 points from 9 Nathoo, and Anthony Master title His notable games, including wins Drayton. victories included defeating against St. Vincent and the

Fourteen-year-old Aditi CM Yoboue Hermann G

F M Joshi (1535), competing in Manan(2030)fromtheIvory Enemchukwu (2001) and the Women’s category, Coast and FM Soon WeiYee Cayman Islands’ Chinake achieved an impressive 7.5 (2219) f

(1859) points from 10 games, Darussalam, showcasing his National Junior Champion securing6wins,3draws,and


Keron Sandiford secured

FM Anthony Drayton challenging games against remarkable, especially given (1964)contributed3.5points S

her young age. The Queen’s from 9 games on Board 2, Grenadines’ Schneider C o l l

with a standout draw against (1486) and Sierra Leone’s demonstrated confidence International Master Sameer Brian Adeshole Beckley andmaturitywellbeyondher Loay (2194) from Jordan in (1814). years, making her the thesecondround. On the Women’s team, youngest female Guyanese Drayton went on to N a

s to earn the prestigious defeat CM Cottle (1804) Champion WCM Jessica WomanFIDEMastertitle. from St. Vincent and the Callender earned 1.5 points Sachin Pitamber (1715), Grenadines, FM De Gondo from 7 games, including also fourteen years of age, (2045) from the Ivory Coast wins against Grenada’s and competing in the Open and FM Rodriguez (2002) Chitan Bernel and Vanuatu’s Category, scored 5.5 points from Puerto Rico. Drayton’s Milfirer Ela. WCM Sasha from 9 games Pitamber, continued excellence and Shariff gained 2.5 points another rising star from skill remain evident after from10games,with1win Queen’s College, played yearsofhigh-levelplay (Continued on page 21)

President Cup:

Olympic Kremlin does it again

It was simply Deja Vu at the Rising Sun Turf Club as OlympicKremlincompletedthedoublewithasensationalwin atthePresidentCup.

The Slingerz Racing Stables horse, who won the Guyana Cuplastmonthinsimilarfashion,waspilotedagainbyJockey Acedenir Gulart. He ran another sensible race making the jump at the right time, to stop the clock at one minute, 47 secondsintheone-mileevent.

Nova Sol came second again, while Easy Time finished third.MapaDoBrasilsettledforthirdinahigh-octanefeature which was sponsored by Banks DIH. The feature race began with the Master Z racing stables duo Easy Time and Stat settinganearlytonebutOlympicKremlintooktheoutsideand sealedthedealyetagain.

The President Cup started in good heat with the Kris JagdeoConstructionLClassNon-Earners.LionHearttookthe topspotwhileDrSwitchfinishedsecond.DanstarandLegacy weretheotherfinishersinthatorder

Race two was the D Sawh Mechanical Workshop J Class and Lower/ H3 Non Earners last start. Rachel dominated the racefromtheget-gotoclaimvictorywhileHayleyfoughtwell to finish second. Amazing Grace had to settle for third while TopGuncamefourth.

The third race of the day was the Kabisa H Class Classic. Theory of Colors from the Jagdeo Racing Stables emerged as the winner, while American Traveller finished second. Emotional Damage ran third and Stroke of Luck finished fourth.

RacefourwastheJ’SSupermarkettwo-year-oldmaidens. StormBirdstormedtovictory,finishingaheadofMiracleStar EasyBellaranthirdandIrishEyescamefourth.

The excitement was intense in race five which was the Peter Lewis Sprint Classic for horses three-year-old and over ThenewlyimportedBrazilianhorse,CompanheiroLealoutof JsRacingStablesimpressedonGuyanadebut.Itwasagateto pole victory for Jockey Dylan Machado as Companheiro Leal reignedsupreme.

Ritorna Vincetori, another Brazilian imported horse from Slingerz Racing Stables, was good competition but had to settle for second while Creemore finished third. Stormy Entry raninfourth.ThefamiliarhorsesinBossalinaandSpankhurst wereamongthetopfourfinishers.

The penultimate race of the day was Anirud Ramcharitar Construction Firm K Non Earners 2024 / LClass Open and J3 firsttimestarters.

It was a packed field and Money Time prevailed. Jockey Quinton Kellman who started the day with a win, came up trumps again as he piloted Money Time to a scintillating victory He finished ahead of Princess Samiyah, Kiss and SwingingJetinthatorder

The President Cup was presented by Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee; it was another wellorganizedandexcitingracedayatRisingSunTurfClub.

OrganizershaveinformedthatraceswillreturntotheBush LotUnitedTurfClubinWestCoastBerbice.JsRacingStables will host the Kabisa Stakes Horse race meet on Sunday October20.

Javid Ali and his Slingerz Racing Stables were jubilant after winning another major title in Guyana’s horse racing.

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