Kaieteur News

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‘ExxonM and Govt. selling Guyanese pipe dream by claiming ‘assets’ can be sold to handle oil spill costs’-PNCR

PresidentofExxonMobil local assets are satisfactory attempt to dodge the any liability for response Guyana Limited (EMGL), tocoveranydamagefroman provision of appropriate oil activities. Alistair Routledge is on oil spill is farcical. Vice spill insurance as well as a The country’s financial record assuring Guyanese PresidentJagdeofirsttriedto parent company guarantee,” lineofdefenceorresponseto that the company has assets sellthisideatotheGuyanese Lowargued. a spill includes a US$600 which can be sold to take peopleanditisdisappointing The treasurer of the million insurance package, care of oil-spill related costs, toseeitreferencedagain.” PNC/R was keen to note that offeredbyacompanyowned whileVice President Bharrat He pointed out that in the oil spill expenses can run byExxonMobil,aUS$2Boil Jagdeo said the country is event of a major oil spill into the tens of billions of spill guarantee, and assets well shielded and should not offshore in the Stabroek US-dollars, as he pointed to which the company said can worryaboutthoseexpenses. Block, production will be the urgency of exercising be sold to take care of its

Advisor to the Opposition Leader on Economics and spokesperson on oil and gas, Elson Low

This is however nothing severely impacted and caution when it comes to liabilities. short of a “pipe dream”, e q u i p m e n t m a y b e provisions to safeguard A look at the company’s according to the largest irreparablydamaged. Guyana. 2023 Annual Report opposition party in Guyana, Thismeansthatthevalue At previous press however raises further the People’s National of existing assets and oil engagements, Alistair concerns about Guyana’s December 2023, Exxon’s out the wells and facilities to CongressReform(PNC/R). wells will plunge, at least in Routledge boasted of his preparedness to respond to assets, including vehicles, payforanoilspill.

A d v i s o r t o t h e the short term, according to company’s assets as a any such event, as more than bui

nd It was reported that VP Opposition Leader on him. primary form of financial half of Exxon’s assets are facilities in progress, Jagdeo during his February E c o n o m i c s a n d “It may even be some assurance. He said citizens production wells, located production wells and 22, 2024 press conference at spokesperson on oil and gas time before a well can re- should note that this is several thousands of feet facilities as well as other F r e e d o m H o u s e i n matters, Elson Low in a enter production, if it is not separate from the assets of belowthewatersurface. right of use equipment such Georgetown stated that recent interview told this abandoned altogether To the other Stabroek Block co-

the as the FPSOs, drill rigs and Exxon has some $20B in newspaper, “The idea that claim that the country can venturers who also have company’s 2023 Annual others, totaled almost $3 assets that can be sold in the the Stabroek block partners’ relyontheseassetsisthusan substantial assets and share Report, at the end of trillion(GYD)orUS$14B. eventofanoilspill.

Notably, the wells and He was asked by facilities in progress and the Kaieteur News to list the production wells and assets, but instead shifted his facilities account for just attention to the assets of over US$10B. This has Hess- a 30 percent therefore raised the question shareholder in Guyana’s of whether Exxon will cash StabroekBlock.

Law doesn’t allow Govt. and Exxon to pay for gas pipeline through cost recovery

- Former Auditor General

Former Auditor General practicable aft

he (AG),Anand Goolsarran has e x e c u t i o n o f s u c h made it clear that the law agreements There is, does not provide for however, no evidence that ExxonMobil Guyana this was done, assuming an Limited (EMGL), the agreementisinplace.” operator of the Stabroek He went on to point out Block to rack up expenses that the Natural Resources for the government then Fund (NRF) Act establishes deduct it from revenues the NRFAccount to manage owedtothecountry the natural resource wealth Goolsarran in his weekly of Guyana for the present column, Accountability and future benefit of the Watch, published on people

for the Monday by Stabroek News, sustainable development of prefaced his contention by thecountry the current arrangement highlighting that the “By Section 15 (2), Raising similar concerns last country’s public debt grew petroleum revenues are to week was the former by 29.3% from the end of include, among others, all Minister of Finance, 2023’s US$3.9B to US$5B revenues from: i) royalties, Winston Jordan during an asatJune2024. whether paid in cash or in appearance on Nation Drawing his reader’s kind, due and payable by the Watch. attention to the Gas-to- holder of a petroleum Jordan said Vice Energy (GTE) Project, the licence; and ii) the President, Bharrat Jagdeo former AG said media Government’sshareofprofit during a press conference reports indicate that the oil received under the terms informed the nation that pipeline component of the of a production sharing Exxon would not have project is being financed by agreement or any other advanced the money for the E x x o n M o b i l w h i l e agreement,” the former AG project if the company did repaymentwillbemadeviaa said. not believe it was profitable. deduction from Guyana’s He was keen to note To this end, the former share of profit oil over a 20- “Thereisnoprovisionforthe Minister explained, “So year period, through the cost holderofapetroleumlicence Exxon has advanced us the recovery mechanism in the to incur expenditure on moneywhichisaloan.Ifthis oildeal. behalf of the Government is a loan, why doesn’t it

That provision allows and deduct it from the appear in the debt profile of Exxon to deduct 75% of the revenues due to the thecountry?” country’s monthly oil to Government ” The fourth He added, “How much is repay its investments concern, according to the loan? Do we know how Consequently, he pointed Goolsarran is that the much is the loan? We don’t out, “If this is indeed so, country’s debt could be know. What are the terms of there are four main concerns understated by the amount this loan, we don’t know We that need to be addressed. expended by Exxon on the have not seen an agreement The first is that Section 25 of project. for this loan. Who owns the the NRF Act prohibits the Recognizing that the pipeline?” Jordan also financial assets of the Fund project could be deemed a pointed out that there is also from being encumbered by “national development a c o s t a t t a c h e d t o anypersonorentity. priority” or an “initiative maintaining the pipeline

California sues ExxonMobil over global plastic pollution

Reuters - California and several environmental groups sued Exxon Mobil (XOM.N) on Monday and accused the oil giant of engaging in a decades-long campaign that helped fuel global plastic waste pollution.

Speaking at an event duringClimateWeekinNew York City, California Attorney General Rob Bonta said the state sued Exxon after concluding a nearly two-year investigation that he said showed Exxon was ExxonMobil’s decades-long according to a report deliberately misleading the deception, and we are asking published last year by the public about the limitations t h e c o u r t t o h o l d Minderoo Foundation, with ofrecycling.

Theinvestigationmirrors accountable for its role in Mackenzie and the Carbon California’s previous probes actively creating and Trust. intotheoilindustry’salleged exacerbating the plastics California’s lawsuit efforts to mislead the public pollution crisis through its comes ahead of a final round about climate change, which campaign of deception,” of global plastic treaty thestateisalsosuingover Bontasaidinastatement. negotiations set to take place

The latest case was filed He said he wants to end inBusan,SouthKorea,atthe in a state court in San the company’s “deceptive endoftheyear Francisco. A coalition of practices” and is seeking to In those talks, countries environmental groups secure an abatement fund are split over whether the including the Sierra Club and civil penalties for the treaty should call for caps on filed a related lawsuit in that harm inflicted by plastics plasticproduction,aposition court against Exxon on pollutiononCalifornia. opposed by Exxon and the Monday raising similar Exxonpushedbackatthe global petrochemical allegations. attorney general, arguing industry

Bonta, a Democrat, said that solutions like advanced The United States last his office specifically had recyclingwork. month said it supports a sought information on “Suing people makes treaty designed around Exxon’s promotion of its headlines but doesn’t solve global plastic production “advanced recycling” the plastic waste problem. cuts. technology, which uses a Advanced recycling is a real Environmental groups process called pyrolysis to s o l u t i o n , ” s a i d a praised the lawsuit. Christy turn hard-to-recycle plastic s p o k e s p e r s o n f o r Leavitt, Oceana’s plastics into fuel. He had said the ExxonMobil, adding that campaign director, said technology’s slow progress Californiahasdone“nothing California’s lawsuit will was a sign of Exxon’s to‘advance’recycling.” “hold industry accountable ongoingdeception.

Exxon is the world’s and debunk the plastics

“Today’s lawsuit shows largest producer of resins recyclingnarrativethatholds the fullest picture to date of used for single-use plastics, usbackfromrealsolutions.”

The Act goes on to state geared at realizing an which the nation is still that: (i) the Government inclusive green economy” as unaware of.As details on the shallnotborroworlendfrom outlined in Section 16(2) of financing arrangements of the Fund, or hold a financial the Act, the former Auditor the project remain unclear, instrument that places or General said the project Jordan has called for the may place a liability or could therefore be financed agreementswithExxontobe contingent liability on the out of withdrawals from the madepublic. ”Whyisn’tthis Fund; and (ii) any contract, NRF Account and reflected debt in our debt profile, agreement or arrangement in the Estimates of Revenue where is the agreement? that encumbers any financial and Expenditure, in Why hasn’t this been carried assets of the Fund, or future combination with any form totheParliament?Havethey petroleum revenues, shall, to ofexternalfinancing. started back repayment, t h e e x t e n t o f s u c h Goolsarran however where is the repayment encumbrance, be null and maintains that the project coming from,” Jordan void.” cannot be financed through questioned. Secondly, he noted that there is still no clear indication as whether a loan agreement has been entered i n t o b e t w e e n t h e Government and the U.S. oil giant, and what are the terms and conditions of such an agreement Goolsarran explained, “Section 3(6) of the External Loans Act requires all loan agreements tobelaidbeforetheNational Assembly as soon as

California Attorney General Rob Bonta. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton
Former Auditor General, Anand Goolsarran


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Weaponising state advertisements

As Guyanese observe the latest antics by the government,threateningtowithdrawstateadvertisements from this newspaper we must also pay attention to the widerimplicationsthishasforournation.

Alreadywehaveseensignsofacreepingdictatorship emerging. A government obsessed with power that has begun to treat its citizens with disdain. Look at the recent issueregardingteachersdemandingalivablewageandthe highhandedapproachittookinremovingMocharesidents fromlandstheyclaimedtheywantedtousetobuildaroad. Look at the reluctance to put in place a petroleum commissiontoprovideindependentoversightoftheoiland gassectorandtherecentdisrespectfultreatmentmetedout torespectedsculptor,IvorThom.Thesearejustafewofthe atrocitieswehavewitnessedbythegovernmentandnowit wantstomoveagainsttheindependentmedia.Aswesaid inourleaderyesterdayVicePresidentBharratJagdeoand the government are so afraid of transparency that they would seize on any opportunity to close down Kaieteur Newsandtheotherindependentmediavoices.

Earlier this year the international media watchdog group-ReportersWithoutBorders(RSF)warnedthatthere was a growing number of governments and political authoritieswhoarenotfulfillingtheirroleasguarantorsof the best possible environment for journalism and for the public’s right to reliable, independent, and diverse news andinformation.

It is well known that advertisement is the lifeblood of any newspaper and this was weaponised by Jagdeo in the past who is again threatening the same. It is clear that his intentionistotryandweakentherolethisnewspaperplays inholdinghisgovernmenttoaccountinitsmanagementof thiscountry.Ourtaskisnotmerelytoregurgitatewhathe churnsoutathisweeklypressconference,buttosearchfor thetruth.

RSF said it sees a worrying decline in support and respect for media autonomy and an increase in pressure fromthestateorotherpoliticalactors.“Asmorethanhalf the world’s population goes to the polls in 2024, RSF is warning of a worrying trend revealed by the 2024 World Press Freedom Index: a decline in the political indicator, oneoffiveindicatorsdetailedintheIndex.Statesandother politicalforcesareplayingadecreasingroleinprotecting press freedom. This disempowerment sometimes goes handinhandwithmorehostileactionsthatundermine the role of journalists, or even instrumentalise the media through campaigns of harassment or disinformation Journalism worthy of that name is, on the contrary, a necessary condition for any democratic system and the exercise of political freedoms,” RSF editorial director AnneBocandéwrote.

In Guyana, the work of Kaieteur News, the people of Kaieteur News are in the firing line, made the objects of palpablerage,byagroupofmeninthePPP/CGovernment led by Jagdeo, who will stop at nothing to suppress the press, suppress truth. They use the state media and other friendlyoutletstodemeananddiscreditthisnewspaperall in their efforts to stop the press, stop KN, stop the revelationsabouthowtheoilismismanaged,stophowthe manypeoplearounditaremostlybenttowardscorruptions, andstopallthisfrombeingpresentedinhonestfashionto Guyanese,andawatchingworld.GiventhatGuyananow hasoil,andinthekindofquantitiesthatitdoes,theeyesof the world are sharply fixed on every development occurring here, because of this precious commodity that theWesternworldneedssomuch.

Oilisknowntobringitsowndiseasesandothercurses, so there is vigilance the world over, on what surrounds it when it is discovered. In Guyana, secrecy has been the thickshroudthatgovernshowthisnationaloilpatrimonyis handled.Themorethegovernmenttriestorun,themoreit

This is not about what Norton or Hughes want


, As the nation prepares for the 2025 General and Regional Elections the Opposition not only need to ponder but be guided by the historical development and activities of the People’s National Congress (PNC) and theAlliance for Change (AFC) The formation of both the AFC and PNC resultedfromthemergingof diverse groups and individuals who recognised theywouldbemorelikelyto takethereinsofgovernment as a coalition, than as individualforces. It is not too long in our history for us to forget, not be able to educate our youngergenerationsthatthe original formation of the PNC included the Forbes Burnham-faction of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) merging with other interestgroups;andthePNC in1964tookthegovernment through a coalition formation with Peter D’Aguiar of the United Force(UF).

The AFC was formed with the coming together of the representatives of the PNC (Raphael Trotman), PPP (Khemraj Ramjattan) and Sheila Holder of the

Working People’s Alliance (WPA). DavidGrangerwas also able to take the reins of powerin2015withabigtent approach comprising the PNC/APNUwhichformeda coalitionwiththeAFC. It appears that in our

most challenging and darkest years politically the new leadership of both the PNC and the AFC without offering a better alternative where voters can believe, and see victory have lost sight of history and an understanding of the political climate and culture that produces leaders and victoryatthepolls.

Itshouldcausethesetwo leadersandthevotingpublic much concern about the growing perception that even in the presence of recent history and widely available information, there is competing alarming n a i v e t y a n d s e l fcenterednessondisplay No doubt such perceptions if real places the Opposition at risk for 2025 with much foreboding regarding a possiblereturnofthePPPto power

The act by David Hinds o f t h e W P A , o n Emancipation Eve, joining hands with Norton and

Hughes, as a sign of unity thoughwellintended,inless than a month appears meaningless in light of the political narcissism on display. Both leaders need each otherandmustthereforenot jeopardise the opportunity given them by their constituencytodeliverawin for the collective opposition and Guyana. Where does HughesandNortongettheir understanding that they can go separately and unseat the PPP?

They seem to have forgotten how their parties were able to secure the Executivereinsin2015,less than ten short years ago. To take a contrarian approach would reinforce to many in the electorate these leaders are driven by self-interest, i.e. their desire to enter the National Assembly by any means necessary, not to win an election to acquire executivepower and deliver asexpected forthenationat large.

The Opposition’s priority, Norton, Hughes, et al, if they are seriously thinking of changing Guyana for the better, must be about winning the General and Regional

elections not about their individual desire or super ego. Thisisnotaboutwhat Norton or Hughes want and it is hoped both men understand this. They are placed there to represent the interestofthepeople.

Iftheirearsarenottothe ground listening to the voices of the people; if they are not prepared to be good students of what history has taught Guyana, and the history of both political parties,thenanyexpectation of genuine servant leadership and chances of rescuing Guyana from the clutchesofthePPP becomes moreofapipedream

Theywouldhavemissed the learning opportunity from2020whenthePeople’s Progressive Party (PPP) organised its pathway to victory in the biggest political scam and undermining of the Representation of the PeoplesActthiscountryhas everwitnessed. Notonlydid they use a number of paper parties to siphon off votes fromtheOpposition,pickup thedisaffectedfromthePPP, thesealsoservedthepurpose of providing multiple and diversevoicestosupport


Santokhi Impresses Surinamese & GuyaneseAudience with hard facts that

Guyana once had to face

DEAREDITOR, Attwoseparatediaspora and business engagement eventsSaturdayandSunday evenings at different locations held for visiting

Suriname’s P

Chandrikapersad (Chan)

Santokhi, the audience was most impressed with his rattling off numbers about the country’s economy, claiming he has turned it reminiscent of how Jagan and Jagdeo turned around Guyana’s Saturday night eventwasheldinHicksville, Long Island and the other was held in Little Guyana Sundayevening.

corners itself, falls into a hole. The more the government works overtime to cover-up, the more of what is unacceptable comes to light. The more the government lashes out at those daring to peer behind the curtains of secrecy and pull them back, the more determined those attacked and lashed become in pursuing the scent of corruptionsthatgrowstrongerbytheminute.

ThisiswhereweareatKN Iftheobjectiveistoterrorise intosurrender,thenconsiderthatafailedobjectivefromright now Thisoilpatrimonyistoovitaltothenation’sinterests, toosignificanttothepeopleexpectingsomuchfromit,tobe lefttowhatgovernment,orleaders,saythatthatishappening with it Better governments and cleaner men than those we have in Guyana have been near oil, and only the worst of devastations has been the lot of dependent citizens of those countries There is no secret about the kind of governments and leaders that Guyanese have had; they are not what inspires,orcomfortsthatthenationisingoodhands Wemust bewatchfullikeneverbefore,andwecommittodoingso

Santokhitalkedaboutthe important role Guyanese played and still playing in Suriname’s economy and thankthemforcomingoutto support Surnamese in the NewYorkdiaspora. Santokhi is not known for soaring speeches like thoseofBarackObama,Bill Clinton, Basdeo Panday or Narendra Modi who also addressed the diaspora on Sunday morning where several Guyanese, including this writer, were in attendance.ButSantokhidid offer some wise cracks that evoked laughter at his two events. Hewascharming


President Santokhi is in NewYorkfortheSummitof the Future being held under the auspices of the United Nations The annual UN General Assembly opened lastweekbutthespeechesof the leader of the major countries were slated for Monday, Tuesday and later this week. Santokhi, and PresidentAliattendedevery annualsummitsincecoming intoofficein2020;inperson session was cancelled in September 2020 but resumed in 2021 At both Santokhi events, the audiences comprised of Surinamese, Guyanese, Trinidadians, and nationals of India Guyanese, Tr i n i d a d i a n s , a n d Surinamese tend to be supportive of each other’s programs for visiting leaders.The Guyanese were always there for Basdeo Panday and Kamla Persad B i s s e s s a r a n d t h e Trinidadians were there for the Jagan’s, Jagdeo, Ramotar,andnowIrfaanAli.

Guyana is on the right track; we’re not going back!


As another election year

approaches, there is increased activity from all the political entities to convince the electorate that theyarethebestchoice.

Thechoiceinmyhumble opinion is simple. I will presentmycase.

Thecurrentgovernment, whichcontinuestotirelessly trumpetitsvirtuesandisnot taking anything for granted, has very little to prove. It is asclearasday

There is unparalleled vision in its ranks. A higher percentageofusareexisting ingreatercomfortthanunder thepreviousadministration.

The accelerated pace of development at present is staggering, particularly when juxtaposed with the exasperating days of indecision, incompetence, instability and inertia under A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance F o r C h a n g e (APNU+AFC) A sense of purpose now pervades our s o c i e t y T h e r e i s positivity, because the promises of hope are

being presented in realistic fashion by the leaders of the incumbent administration. Unlike the fanciful thinking and inauthentic assurances of the David Granger-led coalition.

There aren’t the repeated cries of the unemployed these days

Opportunities are at literally at every corner

The pursuit of success is morespirited

Even the immigrants who are flocking our land have seamlessly fit into the plotted course and adopted the mindset that hope springs eternal in suchenvironments

Of course, I speak not of a utopian existence, but the core of our society has gained a stability that needsnotbeunnecessarily

t a m p e r e d w i t h , particularly by those whose only interests are selfish How else can one describe the shameless race-baiting that serves as the Opposition’s solitary method of attracting support? There is an absence of substance; no discernibleefforttoprovide the upliftment vital to inculcating the fundamental values of a 21st century societyintoourdailylives. There is unconcealed

opportunism among their leaders.

T h e t w o m a i n protagonists – Messrs Aubrey Norton and Nigel Hughes – are blinded by dreams of unimaginable perquisites and unbridled power Neither will move aside, strategically, in order to present a formidable challengetoPresidentIrfaan Ali. Thus, the road to a coalition is fraught with uncertainty Guyana has no room for uncertainty anymore.

That bus has left the station since August 2nd, 2020.Andthatdateprovides the perfect segue into the primary reason why the choiceissimple.

It was five months prior that premature celebration had erupted in the streets after Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo (who has since flamed out in infamy) declared the results for Region 4, a tabulation that placed incumbent President DavidGrangerasthewinner oftheM arch 2 general election. The use of a bedsheet in place of a spreadsheet left thecountryatitslowestebb.

This abomination was succinctly described by former Prime Minister of

Jamaica, Mr. Bruce Golding, who at the time was Head of the OAS observer mission to the election

He told the OAS


“Principal among

these (issues that undermined the process) were the actions of the Returning Officer in

abandoning the use of the statements of poll (SOPs) in the presence of the a u t h o r i s e d p a r t y representatives, and to rely instead on a spreadsheet of unknown origin which provided r e s u l t s t h a t w e r e significantly different than on the SOPs…”Ihave never seen a more transparentefforttoalterthe result of an election…You

k n o w i t t a k e s a n extraordinarily courageous mind to present fictitious numberswhensuchasturdy papertrailexists.

The subsequent fivemonth humiliation will never be erased from the memories of the decent and law-abidingcitizens.

And we have faced

i m m e a s u r a b l e irresponsibility in equal measure to Mingo’s folly hand-eye antics, with the u t t e r a n c e s o f t h e Opp

ition’s main representatives,inrelationto statementsofpoll.

It isn’t rocket science for one to determine the victorious party if the SOPs are expertly scrutinized and the data tabulated.

T h e P e o p l e ’ s Progressive Party/Civic presented its 2,339 SOPs without an iota of drama. We are yet to lay eyes on any of APNU+AFC’s

Current Presidential aspirant, Mr Norton, provided us with the precursor to this when he posited:

“My party has its Statements of Poll. It is for its use, and it has to decide

strategically and tactically whenitreleasesit.

And if we made a decision that we don’t want to release it, that’s our strategic position, and we have no apologies for it.” Well, Mr Norton, you can keep your imaginary SOPs.

T h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l community oversaw a lawful transition and set the wheelsofprogressinmotion forafutureGuyana.

The Mohamed Irfaan Ali-led administration has grabbed the steering wheel andachievedunprecedented progress.

Theoptionsbeforeusare clear: new and improved highways, byways, and other infrastructure; affordable healthcare, housing, and state-of-the-art facilities; better-quality education for all, continued modernization of law

enforcement and the

disciplined services, freedom of speech and movement, among other tangible forms of progress…..or conversely, a return to 2a m curfews; immediate salary increases for government ministers; billion-dollar white elephants such as Durban Park and Presidents’ Park; renting of private properties for exorbitant amounts; empty promises of “the betterlifeforall”and“better mustcome”.

There are stark differences between the two choices. Guyana is on the right track; we’re not going back!Irestmycase.

YoursFaithfully, SherwinCrandon)

Foresight is indeed an essential characteristic


“The one characteristic moreessentialthananyother is foresight. It should be the growingnationwithafuture which takes the long look ahead.”

Those words, attributed to the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, are applicable to Guyana’s desired trajectory Prudent leadership is necessarytotakethecountry to greater heights. There cannot be reluctance to act whenactionwouldbesimple andeffective.

History has proven that leaders and their advisers who lack foresight invariablysteertheirnations intonothingness.Ideclineto suggest that Guyana was ever close to that state of oblivion,andIboldlypredict that such a future would be inconceivable with our current fortunes and the relative practicality of our presentleaders.

Having said that, it is important to clearly delineate the distinction between leaders with awareness, and those who have aspirations, but lack perception and are inclined to act impetuously In late August,PresidentIrfaanAli, while commissioning the new Schoonord to Crane four-lane highway, announced that commuters willnotpayanytollstocross the new Demerara River Crossing, the Berbice River Bridge (if acquired) or the new Mackenzie-Wismar Bridge.

Predictably, a negative response emanated from Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton - the purveyor of all the pessimism that could

i m p e d e p r o g r e s s

Fortunately, we are not dependentonhisjudgement. Itistunnelvisiononsteroids. There obviously would be differing opinions, but havinghadsufficienttimeto assess the pros and cons related to toll-free crossing, Mr Norton’s interpretation was familiarly simplistic in my humble opinion He chose to inanely speculate about what the PPP is attempting to achieve. This despitethefactthatwhilein office, he and his cohorts wereincapableofproducing any evidence of the massive corruption they insisted was widespread.HereishowMr Norton judges the government’s decision:

“The PPP has two aims to achieve by suggesting tollfree crossing. First, it is an attempt to create the conditions to pay its friends andfavouriteslargesumsof money for their investment intheBerbiceRiverBridge. Second,itisanattempttobe vindictiveagainsttheMayor and Town Council of Linden.Itiswell-knownthat the Wismar to Mackenzie Bridge in Linden earns the council the most revenue. The government is seeking to ensure the council is starved of resources, since the PPP does not give the c o u n c i l a d e q u a t e subvention.”


“I don’t think they did anystudy,andthatiswhywe did not proceed to say that we would make it free. In principle, we have developed a people-centred development strategy, and we have agreed that we will aimtoputresourcesintothe


Second suspect in Leonora night club double-murder surrenders

A25-year-old mason turned himself into policeonMonday,following his alleged involvement in a stabbing incident that claimed the life of two men onSaturdaymorningoutside of a popular night club in

Leonora, West Coast Demerara(WCD).

Police identified the suspect asTerryThorman, a resident of Leonora, WCD. Another suspect who is also

in custody has been identified as Alex Amsterdam, called ‘Mario’, a 28-year-old Security

This is


Guard. Dead are 30-year-old Kalameeden Nasir, who residedatLot1Stewartville, WCD and 25-year-old Arvinda Roopram of Lot 52 Stewartville,WCD.

Police reported that at about 18:50h, Thorman turned himself in at the LeonoraPoliceStationinthe presenceofhisAttorney,Mr Todd. Following that, ranks informed him of the double murder allegation against him, and he was then cautioned Thereafter police stated that Thorman reportedlytoldranks,“Ihave

not about

carefully planted PPP misinformation re statementofpollsandsoforth.

Collectively these small parties added validitybyraisingtheirvoicestosupportPPP claims of “ electoral rigging.” PPP deep pockets, level of political aggression and electoral corruption makes this again possiblein2025.

TheOppositionmuststrategisetoprevent this happening, starting first and now with

Arrested: Terry Thorman

nothing to do with the death of those two men”. Police further reported that he declined to give a written statement. He was arrested and placed into custody,


Kaieteur News reported thatthestabbingoccurredat 02:50h on Saturday after a heated argument between the victims and the suspects whichresultedinascuffle.

During the scuffle, Roopram received several stab wounds to his body while Nasir was stabbed once in his upper abdomen. Amsterdam received one stab wound in his upper abdomen, while Thorman made good his escape from the scene in an unknown direction Nasir and

Roopram were taken to the LeonoraCottageHospitalby ranks of the Anti-Crime Patrol, where they were examined by a doctor and pronounceddeadonarrival.

Amsterdam was also takentotheLeonoraCottage Hospital, where he was examined by a doctor and later transferred to the West Demerara Regional Hospital, where he is a patientunderpoliceguard. His condition is listed as critical.

Policesaidthatthescene was processed and a blackhandle ‘Rambo’ knife was recovered.

“Several persons were questioned and useful information received as investigations continue,” policestated.

what Norton... Santokhi Impresses Surinamese...

facing the reality that on every occasion the PNC andAFC were able to take the reins of the Executive, it was through coalition politics.

It’s time these two gentlemen act in the bestinterestofthepeopleandatleastliveup totheexpectationsofthosewhovestedthem their vote. A fragmented Opposition serves onlythePPP’spurpose.

Foresight is indeed an essential...


hands of the Guyanese

people directly and indirectly Making these bridges and so inexpensive willhelp,butwedonotwant to — without a feasibility study, and without actually knowing the cost et cetera for maintenance — wildly just saying we will make it toll-freeandit’snotbasedon anydatathatisuseful.”

Mindyou,thisiswithout having any knowledge of how the government reacheditsdecision.

Then came the expected promise that more than likely feature in his party’s “first 100-days plan” that very few will read, and rightly so Mr. Norton pledges:

“ A s t h e n e x t PNCR/APNU government,

we will make all travel in Guyana inexpensive as part of a comprehensive and integrated vision for transportation and movementofpeople,goods, services and data across the country Guyanese must be able to travel conveniently and cheaply across the country by different modes of transportation. No one must be prevented from travelling because of inadequate transportation links, poor services, or the high cost of travel. We will also seek to minimize the cost of internal air flights without jeopardizing the profitability of private operators.”

As I indicated, it’s more of the same from the old playbook. We must ensure that

Guyana is a growing nation withafuturewhichtakesthe longlookahead.Thereisno other way to maximize our bountiful resources Decision-making at the highest levels will be critical. We can’t guess our waytoprosperity

Asamiddle-agedfemale who has witnessed the country suffer from illadvisedpoliciesinthepast,I never cast a cursory glance on my choices. Today and beyond are crucial The voting booth is a private place where one’s conscience is inclined to take precedence over all else. Quality of life is the primaryconsideration.What cannot be ignored is the importanceofforesight.


Frompage04 and displayed Jagan-like charisma winning over his listenerswhointerruptedhis remarkswithloudcheers.

He sounded like Jagdeo and Jagan, rattling off numbersabouthiscountry’s economy when they all first came to power He spoke self-assured and with confidence reminiscent of Jagan and Jagdeo who gave numbers at the top of their fingers on various indicators.BothGuyanaand Suriname faced similar problems after a period of authoritarian rule Suriname’s economy was in shamblesandwentthrougha tough program three years and has been on the mend. However, Santokhi faces a tough re-election next year andappealedforsupportfor investment as well as for assistanceinthecampaign.

Speaking without prepared notes at the Long Island event, and with notes in Richmond Hill, Santokhi said his government went through a second review of IMF structural adjustment teamandreceivedapositive outlook.

The country is under a three years loan program withanextendedfacility

When Santokhi became President in 2020, the country was bankrupt similar to Guyana. Some 85%ofincomewereneeded to pay interests on the loans very similar to Guyana in 1992 when some 94% revenueswereneededjustto servicethedebt.

As Jagan and Finance Ministers Asgar Ali and Bharrat Jagdeo did for Guyana, Santokhi has done for Suriname, reducing the debt burden and turned around the economy As the

ParisClubdidforGuyanain cancelling some foreign d e b t s , S u r i n a m e experienced some debt cancellationsbycommercial and institutional banks. The $4 B debt in 2020 has been reducedtoaquarternow

Suriname followed a similarstructuraladjustment prescribed by IMF Jagdeo implementedtheadjustment and turned around the economy and Santokhi has met similar successes. He said inflation was 60% in 2020, not different from Guyana’s in 1980s. “Now inflationis12andweexpect it to be single digit by year end”.

He added: “Our Suriname dollar currency is stable; my government has stabilisedit.

Debt to GDP ratio is 150%. The norm is 60%. Now it is 85% Budget deficitwas18%in2020;the normis3%.

Our deficit is now 3%.

Economic growth was 16% in2021.Afterthreeyears,it is now, according to IMF, 3 5% We had negative international reserve when I became President Right now, we are bankrupt, no money

From minus reserve, we nowhave$1.3Breservesto supportimports”.

He continued: “We have stabilizedtheeconomyatthe macro level.We paid a very high social price as people were not pleased and it required a lot of sacrifices. But we got support from various sections of the society

The union leaders, business people, and the population at large were patient with us and I thank them for their indulgence. Wedidhaveamajorstrikein

2023 that led to arson, destruction of property, looting, robbery; calls for the President to go, murder in the interior, among other problem. It was a strong signal to me and the government.Thentherewas dialogue”.

He said: “We have implementedsocialprogram andhaveasafetynetforthe poor and pensioners. We reduce taxes Anyone earning SRD 9,400 (US$320) monthly are not payingtaxesandthatisover fifty percent of state employees.Thegovernment is paying electricity and watertoprotectpoorpeople. Wehaveincreasedsalaryby 20%.”

Santokhi said: “We are notallowedtoborrowmuch. We are working and cooperating with the international community Our government is one for nextgeneration.”Hesaidthe life of a politician is to support the people who support you and don’t be distracted by negativities.

“You do your job in spite of negativity I maintain a positive frame of mind.You payattentiontowhatpeople say and do your best for everyone,thosewhosupport youandthosedon’t”.

His remarks were well accepted by a packed house at the City Palace catering hall. Theyexpressedwordsof praise for being able to turn around the economy similar to Jagdeo and Jagan in Guyana.

The President went around chatting with the gathering at their desk and posing for pix He was soughtafterforpix.

YoursTruly, VishnuBisram

Dead: Arvinda Roopram

Canadian firm enters agreement with Guyanese family for 30,000-acre gold field

…will create new company to hold some assets

G2 Goldfields Inc a project currently holds an exploration techniques. As Canadian mining company estimated gold resource of such, G2 plans to conduct an working in Guyana, has 922,000 ounces of indicated independent NI 43-101 entered into an exploration gold and 1,099,000 ounces technical report on the agreement with a well- ofinferredgold. properties, which will be known Guyanese mining G2 said it has five drills filedinthecomingweeks. familyfora30,000-acreland operating in the district and M

package in the Aremu-Oko plans to file an updated S

golddistrict,Guyana. Mineral Resource Estimate Chairman of G2 Goldfields, In a statement, the (MRE) for its OKO- expressedenthusiasmforthe company highlighted that AREMU deposits in the first deal. He said, “We are very the Oko district is one of quarterof2025.


yana’s key gold- The newly acquired partnership, the culmination drilling on several target mines and additional which is defined by the high producing regions, currently properties, consisting of

c o m b i n e d contiguous permits, cover negotiations Since its

areas The Company is explorationrights. grade of the Oko Main Zone b

The company stated that (OMZ) resources to the resources of 7 8 million several historic gold inception, G2 has worked significant resources to the shareholderswillreceiveone north, which entails 686,000 ouncesofgold. occurrences along 34 with local partners in areas and will be executing a G3 share for every two G2 ounces of gold (Indicated) Undertheagreement,G2 kilometers. These include exploring and developing full sequence exploration shares they hold, subject to and 495,000 ounces of gold expands its control in the the Wariri mine, Guyana’s this exciting gold district. program building upon prior regulatory approval. Earlier (Inferred) and the Ghanie district, adding to its already first hard rock gold mine, This most recent alliance exploration success in the this month, G2 announced a open pit and underground substantial land holdings, discovered in the 1870s. The further consolidates G2 as district.” series of promising results resource to the south, which which now total 60,000 area, featuring extensive the major player in the Moreover, G2 also plans from its ongoing exploration includes 236,000 ounces of acres The company’s artisanalworkings,hasnever district. I am confident G2 to distribute its “non-core” at the OKO-Aremu gold gold (Indicated), with an flagship OKO-AREMU been subjected to modern will be able to fast track assets to shareholders by the project The company’s additional604,000ouncesof end of 2024 through the initial project areas span gold (Interfered) The creation of a new company, 27,719acres. company added that drilling G3. The new company will The company explained in the southern half of the control assets in both the that the Oko’s gold source structure has unveiled new Puruni and OKO-AREMU lies along 2.5 kilometers potential for resource districts, including historical long north-south structure expansion.

Power corrupts and compromises also

The old adage that “power corrupts” finds no greater affirmation than in the existence of political sycophants—thosespineless creatures who prop up their masters, against their better judgment, and sometimes, even against their own conscience. The fawning, groveling, and rhetorical contortions performed by these political footstools defy not only the standards ofhumandignitybutalsothe coreofdemocraticethics.

They smile, nod, and parrot every line dictated by their political overlords, playing the dangerous game ofproximitytopower Itisa game with high stakes, but onewithafataloutcome,for these sycophants inevitably become the collateral damage of the very power structures they help sustain. Governments of all ilk and ideological orientation are home to such figures—men and women who have sacrificed principle, integrity, and honour at the altarofpoliticalexpediency In so doing, they have not only forfeited their own respectability but ensured theirobsolescence.Theyare dangerous, but mainly to themselves.

Sycophants, whether in Guyana or elsewhere, operate under the illusion that loyalty to political powerwillshieldthemfrom the fallout of bad governance. They believe, mistakenly, that by aligning themselves with power and defending the indefensible, they secure their own

advancement, perhaps even wealth or status. In reality, however, they are but temporary fixtures, expendable once their usefulness runs out. A cruel irony pervades the lives of such individuals: the very system they uphold with such unbridled enthusiasm willeventuallydiscardthem, justaseasilyasonediscards a worn-out tool. Their shelf life, in political terms, is limited, for power is fickle, and loyalty, when bought, is nevervalued.

Look at the parade of theseindividuals.Thesemen and women, once hailed, now find themselves r e d u c e d t o m e r e mouthpieces—hollowshells echoing the whims of their politicalmasters.Withevery utterance that betrays their former ideals, they lose a little more of their soul.

Principles, once firm and resolute, are now bendable, adjustable, discarded entirely if need be.Theyare nolongertheirownmenand women; they have become extensions of the political machinerytheyserve. Thereisaspecialtragedy in the lives of these sycophants, for many of them know better Deep down,theyareawarethatthe policies they defend, the rhetoric they spew, and the actions they justify are indefensible Some may even struggle, in the quiet m o m e n t s o f t h e i r conscience, with the moral contradictionsoftheirpublic stances. Yet, they press on, clinging to the fleeting

rewards of their political loyalty Perhaps they convince themselves that they are playing the long game, and that their compromises today will somehow lead to greater gains tomorrow. Or perhaps they tell themselves that their loyalty will be rewarded with power, influence, or wealth. They aremistaken.

I n t r u t h , t h e s e sycophants are dangerous people, though not in the way they imagine. Their

willingness to enable the worst instincts of those in power

They embolden the very corruption they claim to oppose, lending legitimacy to the most undemocratic practices and allowing themselves to be used as shields for wrongdoing Their very existence erodes the democratic process, for how can there be accountability when those tasked with upholding it are in the pockets of the powerful?

But more than being dangerous to others, these sycophants are ultimately dangerous to themselves Forinabandoningprinciple, they abandon the very thing that gives them standing in the first place. A politician without integrity is like a house built on sand—it may stand for a while, but it is only a matter of time before it crumbles These individuals may enjoy the temporary rewards of their



Dem Boys Seh the Vee Peerunningscared.Manso frightened, he looking over he shoulder every time he walk down the street, thinking this invisible politicalpartygonjumpout andgrabhim.

B u t h e r e ’s t h e thing nobody can find thisparty!Notasoulseeit. It got no name, no face, no members, and yet, it haunting the man like a ghost in broad daylight. You ever hear about a man running from he own shadow? Well, that is exactly what happening here. The Vee Pee seh this partylaunchalreadyandde KaieteurNewsisdeofficial mouthpieceofthisinvisible political party But here is dekicker DesameKaieteur

Newswhichissupposedto betheorganofdeinvisible party ain’t even report about the formation of any party Imaginethat! De Kaieteur News whichissupposedtobethe organ of de invisible party’ ain’t even report on de party De Vee Pee getting more column inches in de Kaieteur News than de invisibleparty

De Vee Pee nah know where the party register? Which village or town it come from? The Vee Pee can’t answer none of those questions,yethesupporters out there combing the countryside, checking under bushes and behind trees, looking for any trace of this phantom political movement.

political loyalty the accolades, the perks, the proximity to power—but in the end, they will lose the one thing that truly matters: respect. For no matter how skillfullytheyplaythegame, no matter how many lines they toe or lies they tell, the people will see them for whattheyare:doormats.

The greatest tragedy of all is that these individuals are not merely victims of circumstance, but willing participants in their own degradation. They choose, consciously,tosetasidetheir better judgment in favor of expedience. They make the

choice, day after day, to suppresstheirconscience,to silencetheirinnervoice,and to serve a master who will eventually discard them

This is the defining feature of the political sycophant: the willingness to be used andabused,allinthehopeof securing some fleeting reward.Buttherewardnever comes, or if it does, it is never enough to justify the cost.Politicalsycophantsare tragicfigures,notbecauseof what they lose, but because of what they could have been Had they chosen principle over expedience, integrity over opportunism,

theymighthavebecometrue leaders, individuals capable of effecting real change

Instead, they chose the easy path, the path of least resistance, and in doing so, theysealedtheirownfate.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

You know things bad when the Vee Pee send out his crew to search for the invisible.It’slikehuntinga ghost in the middle of the day—no matter how hard you try, you ain’t finding nothing. But the man so scared, he can’t rest. He wake up in cold sweat at night, dreaming of this imaginary party taking over

But Dem Boys seh if a non-existentpartycanhave the Vee Pee so rattled, just imagine if a real one show up!Themanmightpackhe bags and run for the hills. For now, the countryside is quiet, and the Vee Pee left waitingforapartythatain’t even real. Still, he gotta keeplooking…justincase. Talkhalf.Leffhalf

Pit latrines, somebody should take up residence in them

Warm congratulations functions on a different kind shouldalsobetorndownand for a new third party or two, waytotheend. are extended to the Ministry offuel,sothatisnotgoingto replaced in the fastest time. maybetheusualdozen,inthe Truth be told, there are a of Education specifically, happen. The president, This is more than any people next12months? bundle of politically sexier without the equivalent of a and the Guyana Government however, should roll some who consider themselves On a more immediate issues to be prioritized than pit latrine exhaust. It had in general, for keeping what heads, with candidates civilized and possess some and practical note, those pit what kind of toilets the better be on both counts, or must be one of the best kept located in the Ministry of traceofnationalprideshould latrines must go, and they childrenhaveinschools. else this business about secrets in Guyana under Education head office (and take. must go now, all 77 of them. It is the usual culture: put education is the key to wraps. Considering that pit rightbyhiselbow)andatthe

The world is rightly They are around one day on the brightest, most nationalmovementwillhave latrines are involved, it is regional level. If there is raving about Guyana, and longer than necessary and attractive paint on the face, anothermeaning. alsoadeepsecretwithstench something encouraging there is this deplorable that only adds more insult to and don’t worry too much One that gives a key to tomatch. about this pit latrine situation, this ugly reality, of the already accumulated pile about the smells that come accessthosepitlatrinesanda

After the revelation and development with the pit latrines in operation and ofinjuries. out of the other parts of the similar level of facilities, abomination of 77 of these number 77 tied to it is that insuchaquantity

The thinking, the hope system.

monuments to Guyanese there was the rare honesty to There is anticipation that really, is that there is some People must grow up in involving other departments governance and leadership, say that they exist and that nobody is going to shoulder linkage that allows this country, which is no oflifeinGuyana. ifbothhaveanyscrapofself- the number of them is this any blame for this appalling connection of a steady longer that of grandmothers (The views expressed in respect left, there would be many condition with which some supply of water for the of old. From the head of this article are those of the taking up residence in those If memory serves of Guyana’s children live for obvious purposes. It would state to the head of a u t h

77pitlatrines. correctly, when this issue most of their waking hours. makenosense,moreamatter ministries, to the opposition necessarily reflect the Here it is that there are about pit latrines first Therewouldbelittlesurprise of a six for a nine, if these pit heads,thisgrowthmustbeof opinions and beliefs of this these boisterous speeches surfaced, there was the usual if the PPP points a fist at the latrines were replaced with a mentality that Guyana can

about billions spent on outraged huffing and puffing PNC, with the latter modern facilities that lack be a Rolls-Royce engine, affiliates.) education, and in this 21st and flouncing. Now that the returning the favor with the the steady water pressure century, Guyanese children dust has settled and a little speed of a MohamedAli jab. that makes them work as [and teacher also?] are truth has prevailed, the Of course, none of that does theyshould. forcedtomakedowith77pit money should be found to anything to remove one pit For then, what would latrines. Some of those getridofeachofthem,all77 latrine, but it does allow the Guyanese children have, be should be dug up from the ofthem,intheshortestorder disowning of responsibility, left staring at, in what they bottom and transported to How long is it going to take and the reciprocal shoveling leave behind, and what Brickdam, Georgetown and to demolish 77 of such pit ofs**tattheothergroup. greets them? From the re-erected in the Ministry of latrines and replace them In the context of almost record, it seems that Education’s main office with modern structures that four score pit latrines, there Guyanese officials at The front entrance is the best aresafeandsanitary? While is more than enough of that different levels, have location. thegovernmentpeopleareat excreted stuff to pelt around. cultivated great skill in In another country, and it, those facilities that may The liquids expelled should making bright and sweet given the money spent, the not have made the cut into help to lubricate the usual speeches, but somehow lack responsible and honorable the pit latrine category and useless political wranglings. either the energy or the thing to do, would be to are considered borderline Did somebody raise their interest to follow-up and see resign But Guyana (whatever form they take) hand and say that it is time what was promised all the

Miner on $100,000 bail for narco possession charges

A46-year-old Bachelor’s Adventure resident Mark Ramdass was on Monday slapped with two charges of possession of narcotics for the

purpose of trafficking after he was found on Sundaytohavebothmarijuanaandcocaine,inacampatOku backdam.

Ramdass appeared at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court beforeMagistrateTeriqMohammedtoanswerthechargesto which he pleaded not guilty on both counts. He was granted bailinthesumof$50,000foreachchargeandthematterwas adjourneduntilOctober28th2024fordisclosure.

On September 23rd this publication reported that according to police, on Sunday around 02:00hrs, a team of ranksfromRegionalDivision7wenttothecampof46-yearold Mark Ramdass at Oku Backdam. On their arrival, they foundRamdassasleepinhisbed.

He was awakened and subsequently, a search was conducted in the camp where a black plastic bag which contained a bottle was discovered inside a pillowcase. Further examinations revealed that the bottle contained several rock-like substances which were suspected to be cocaine, along with a number of Ziploc packets containing seeds,leaves,andstemssuspectedtobecannabis.

Ramdass was informed of the offence committed and cautioned,towhichhereplied,“Ismeown,doathingfomeh nah.”

He was arrested and escorted to the Bartica Police Station, where he was placed into custody and the suspected narcotics (cocaine and marijuana) weighed. They amounted to5.4gramsofcocaineand38.7gramsofmarijuana.

Mark Ramdass


Jagdeo wants to stop the press

In Guyana, the work of Kaieteur News, the people of Kaieteur News are in the firing line, made the objects of palpable rage, by a group of men in the PPP/C Government led by VP Bharrat Jagdeo, who will stop at nothing to suppressthepress,suppresstruth.

They use the state media and other friendly outlets to demean and discredit this newspaper allin their efforts to stop the press, stop KN, stop the revelations about how the oil is mismanaged, stop how the many people arounditaremostlybenttowardscorruptions, and stop all this from being presented in honest fashion to Guyanese, and a watching world.Wemustbewatchfullikeneverbefore, andwecommittodoingso.

Palms in 6-hour long blackout


generator down for months


Palms Geriatric Home.

Residents and staff of the state-run after7:00pm. geriatric home- Palms endured close to six The resident of the home told this hours of blackout on Monday as the Guyana publication that “The nurses went home Power and Light (GPL) continues to struggle becausetheysaidthattheycannotworkinthe inmeetingelectricitydemandshere. black out…We the old people left in here in Power was restored at 7pm after it went the dark to fend for ourselves, we have some out around midday, a resident and security peoplewhocan’twalk.Everybodyjustleftto personnelconfirmed.KaieteurNewswastold suffer…” the lone generator for Brickdam Georgetown The resident expressed discontentment at facility has been out of service for several the manner in which the State-owned monthsnow institutionisbeingmanagedwhileexplaining Daily blackouts have plagued Guyana for that the facility has a backup generator but it years and despite the current government hasbeenoutoforderformonthsnow pumping billions of tax payers dollars into “Months now, the backup generation is GPLthesituationhasremainedunchanged. down and is just a simple part that they want

SpeakingtoKaieteurNews lasteveninga and we can’t get it… And this is not the first resident related that they were left in the dark time that we are in the black out for such a alone after all nurses and aids went home long time. We experience black out here a lot because of the persistent black out. A staff and when the light goes, the water goes too. attached to the facility confirmed that the Thenwhenweusethebathroomandtoiletwe place was without power from 1:00 pm until (Continued on page 17)

Third suspect charged with Canal No.2 wedding house murder

The third suspect in the Magistrates’ Court before along with another friend murder of Natram Persaud MagistrateFaithMcGusty when the three masked men called ‘Vishal’ who was It was reported that approached him and one of killed on December 31, around 20:50hrs on the men who was armed, 2023, during a robbery at a December 31, 2023, three dischargedtworoundsathim wedding was on Monday male bandits, all of whom and relieved him of his gold chargedwithmurder were dressed in dark band.

The accused Nicholas coloured clothing and The suspects exited the Singh also known as wearingmasks,showedupat yard and Persaud chased ‘Pookie,’ a 25-year-old thehouse. One of thebandits after the intruders and began resident of Durban Street, wasarmedwithahandgun. to scuffle with one of the Georgetown made his first According to police, the suspects. court appearance before men invaded the wedding “During the scuffle, a Magistrate Rhondell Weever house of Mr and Mrs loud explosion was heard, at the Wales Magistrates’ Samsundar where about after which Persaud fell to Court, where the charge was sixty people were in theground.Thethreebandits readtohim. attendance. The yard where then made good their escape

He was not required to the celebrations were being east of the Canal #2 Polder plead and was remanded to held is situated on the access road,” the police had prison. northern side of the Canal said.

Singh is scheduled to N0 2 access road, facing Persaud reportedly return to court on October south. At the entrance to the sustained a gunshot injury to 10,2024,forreports. yard, which is situated at the the back of his head and was Kaieteur News reported southern side, is a metal taken to the West Demerara earlier this year that Otto grilled gate which was wide Regional Hospital where he Pitman called ‘One Dan’, open at the time of the waspronounceddead. and Oliver Franklyn were robbery Rambarhak was taken to also charged with Persaud’s Police reported that the Woodlands Hospital murder when they appeared Rambarhak was sitting at the where he underwent an at the Vreed-en-Hoop western side of the entrance emergencyoperation.

‘The weed is my medication’ – driver tells Police

Police on Sunday arrested a driver after he was nabbed with 4.2 grams of cannabis, during a mobile patrol along the Pakera road in Matthews Ridge, North WestDistrict,RegionOne.

The 4.2 grams of marijuana that was found, along with the two joints (contains suspected cannabis)

Fielder Wagon numberPAH4429.Duringa The driver, Cononiah vehicle with registration (Continued on page 14) Jupiter was driving a black

Cononiah Jupiter
Dead: Natram Persaud called ‘Vishal’
Otto Pitman called ‘One Dan’ Oliver Franklyn Nicholas Singh

…as 2023 report handed over to House Speaker

MP calls for immediate release of Auditor General report

OAuditor General, Deodat Sharma (4th left first row) hands over the 2023 Audit Report to Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir in the presence of MPs and senior Finance and Parliamentary staff.

pposition Member of reports for 2020, 2021 and 2022 Parliament (MP) and were all issued before September Chairman of the Public 30. The report will be made public

Accounts Committee after being laid in the National (PAC), Jermaine Figueira on Assembly by the Speaker Monday called for the Auditor Parliament is expected to resume General’s Reports to be made on October 10. In addition to the public immediately after being 2023 Audit Report, Sharma also handed over to the Speaker of the handed over two performance NationalAssembly audits on the ‘Design and Figueira said, “I believe the Implementation of the Women’s time has come for it to be made Innovation and Investment public after it has been presented to Network (WIIN) Programme’ and the Speaker of the House rather ‘On the Management of the than it being laid, then made Maternal Health Care Services at public.” His comments were made the Georgetown Public Hospital during a simple handing over Corporation’. ceremony of the 2023Audit Report

Presently, the Audit Office is to the Speaker of the House, conducting special audits into the M a n z o o r N a d i r, i n t h e supplyofcrusherrunandissuingof ParliamentaryChamber Old Age Pension and Public The PAC Chair urged that this Assistance Booklets. On another recommendation be considered explained that Constitutional those go very smoothly then the Handing over note, the AG shared that for this since the Audit Reports are being ReformmayberequiredfortheAG prosecution of the Auditor In handing over the 2023 AG period, the Audit Office employed buried until Parliament resumes Reports to be made public after General’sreportwilltakelesstime, Report,Sharmapointedoutthatthe three additional engineers to the thereby reversing the efforts of the being presented to him. “I think we fewer meetings but we don’t live in Audit Office has once again Works and Structures Department, Auditor General (AG), Deodat may have to have a Constitutional Paradise. We are all humans with achieved its statutory deadline of increasing the total complement of Sharmaandhisteaminpresentinga Amendmentfortablingorreleasing challenges and more particularly, issuingthereportbeforeSeptember Engineers to five. Consequently, timely analysis. Additionally, he thereportwhenitshandedover,”he those challenges come because we 30, following the close of the fiscal thedivisionwasabletoincreasethe said that the public should not be said, adding, “As high officials in have a dynamic situation with year This is the fourth time the total number of projects inspected handicapped by not being able to our land, we have an obligation to people being at the center of those Audit Office has issued a report fortheyearfrom466in2022to741 access the document until it is laid executethelawsbeforeusinamost processes...” before the deadline; the last three for2023. inParliament. efficient manner and especially in

The Chairman also noted that servicetoourpeople.” the function of the PAC is equally With regard to the PAC important in ensuring transparency meetings, Nadir pointed out that and accountability in the use of thisisnotanewissuethatstemmed public funds. To this end, Figueira from the 12th Parliament. He said used the opportunity to point out there has always been a concern of thatmuchmorecanbeachievedina howoftenthePACmeetsandhowit holistic and timely manner if the canexpeditetheexaminationofthe bodymeetsmoreoftentomatchthe AGreports. timely delivery of reports by the The Speaker noted that a AG, since the Committee is “way number of factors affect the behind”. process.

He said, “I think the Guyanese According to him, “It’s a people deserve better and therefore function of the instructions flow we as a collective should endeavor from theAccountant General to her tomeetasoftenaspossibletobeup accounting officers based on their to date with where we are as a treasury memoranda issued by the country Thisis2024.” Ministry of Finance, based on the Meanwhile, the Speaker of the rules and regulations of NationalAssemblyinbriefremarks procurement and expenditure and a during the handing over ceremony number of other factors. If all of

Pres. Ali says global leaders must take decisive action to create equitable, sustainable world

President, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Digital Compact and a Declaration Alihasonceagaincalledforurgent on Future Generations. It aims to global action to address pressing

issues such as poverty, climate institutions can deliver in the face change, food insecurity, and of a rapidly changing global inequality landscape.

The president made the appeal It is against the backdrop, achieve these goals. “Meeting the during the Summit of the Future at President Ali stressed that now is climate finance commitments can the 6th plenary meeting, 79th the time to turn “ambition into no longer be postponed. Forests session of the United Nations action”. He emphasised the need are an integral part of the climate GeneralAssembly. On Sunday, the for a more equitable and solution. and it is time for a global United Nations adopted a ‘Pact for sustainable future for all, pointing market-based mechanism for the Future’ that includes a Global toglobalcooperationandreformto (Continued on page 16)

The three reports handed over to the Speaker of the House to be laid in Parliament.
President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali

Three charged, fined for drunk driving in Bartica

Three men residing in before Magistrate Mohamed Nikita Fagundes, a taxi charge. Bartica, Region Seven were at the Bartica Magistrates’ driver from Fourth Avenue, Considering his plea, on Monday fined, when they Court, where the charge was Bartica was fined $50,000 Magistrate Mohamed appeared before Magistrate readtothemseparately after he was charged with imposed a fine of $20,000 Tariq Mohamed, to answer The charges stated that threetrafficoffences:refusal for the refusal of consent to to separate Driving Under the three men drove a motor of consent to take a take a breathalyzer test theInfluence(DUI)charges. vehicle whilst their breath breathalyzer test, unlicensed charge. Failing to pay the The trio, 24-year-old alcohol level exceeded the driver and breach of fine, Fagundes could spend LonzoNarine,acashierfrom prescribed limit. The three insurance.

threemonthsiprison. First Avenue, Bartica, 32- men pleaded guilty to the Fagundes, made his first A fine of $5000 was year-old Keven Currica, a DUI charge and were each court appearance before imposed for driving without taxi driver from Sixth fined$200,000. Magistrate Mohamed at the a licence in addition to a Avenue, Bartica and 32- Failure to pay the fine Bartica Magistrates’ Court, $25,000 fine for breach of year-old Vishall Sancharan, will lead to three months wherethethreechargeswere insurance. alorrydriverfromByderabo imprisonment readtohim. Failure to pay will result Road, Bartica, all appeared Meanwhile, 58-year-old Hepleadedguiltytoeach intwoweeksimprisonment.

Soesdyke man charged with murder of Levoy Taljit

Forty-six-year-old Ryvan Francis, of Lot 4B Sharma Street, Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, was on Monday chargedandremandedtoprisonforthe2012murderofformer GuyanaEnergyAgency(GEA)employee,LevoyTaljit. Francis made his first court appearance at the Diamond/Grove Magistrate’s Court before MagistrateWanda Fortune. He was not required to plead to the indictable charge whichallegesthatbetweenDecember23,2012andDecember 27,2012attheSoesdyke/LindenHighwayhemurderedTaljit. MagistrateFortuneremandedtheaccusedtoprisonandhe isexpectedtomakehisnextcourtappearanceonOctober9th, 2024.

Accordingtoreports,Taljitwas25-yearsoldwhenhewent missing.HewaslastseenleavinghishomeinhisToyotaRaum motorcar, PNN 8315 around 14:00 hours on December 23, 2012.

Taljit was dressed in a burgundy tee-shirt and faded blue jeans.Afterhefailedtoreturnhome,amissingperson’sreport was filed and a search was launched. Five days later on December 28, his car was found abandoned in the Yarrowkabra backlands along the Linden/Soesdyke Highway buttherewasnosignofTaljit.

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) had reported that Francis and Taljit were friends and that Taljit would usually visit Francis’home.

The case went cold for years, until detectives made a breakthrough back in 2022, which led them to believe that TaljitwasmurderedbyFrancisandissuedabulletinforhimin April2022.Franciswasonlyapprehendedlastweek.


From page 12

mobile patrol, ranks stopped the vehicle and Commander of Region One, Krishna Ramana requested a search of the vehiclefornarcoticsandJupiterconsented.

Police in a report said that upon searching, ranks discovered two zip lock bags containing leaves, seeds, and stems, along with two joints suspected to be cannabis in Jupiter’spantspocket.

Jupiter reportedly admitted that the marijuana found was forhisprivateuseandheuseditasamedication.

Thereafter, he was cautioned, arrested and then taken to the Matthews Ridge Police Station. While at the Police Station,thesuspectedmarijuanawasweighedandamounted to4.2grams.


Levoy Taljit
Remanded, Ryvan Francis
Vishall Sancharan Keven Currica
Lonzo Narine Nikita Fagundes

Ivor Thom returns to art school after call from Jagdeo

Gu y a n e s e School of Art students and Sculptor, Mr Ian staff. He (driver) said but Ivor Thom on there is no school. I said but

M o n d a y you are also blocking the

resumed his duty as passageway and even if it’s Administrator at the E.R. not school, only our students Burrowes SchoolofArt after park there,” Mr. Thom g

nt officials explained. contacted him following his

He related that after premature resignation from informingthedriverhecould theschoolearlierthismonth. not park there, the man Kaieteur News had insisted that he could park reportedonSaturdaythatMr. there. Thom resigned from the

“He continued insisting school earlier this month that he can park there. I told after he was verbally abused himifIcometoyourplaceof by a member of the public work or place of residence, whousedracialslurs. and I park where I am not Mr Thom’s resignation supposed to park would you from the school was I thought I should return at be abusive the way you are highlighted in a letter least until some better trying to abuse me He published in the Kaieteur replacement is found,” Mr (driver) said, “oh it’s stupid News on Saturday by Thomshared. **[word withheld] people studentswhoexpresseddeep In their letter, some like you make this country c o n c e r n a b o u t t h e students from the school had where it is and that is why all unfortunate incident that led expressed, “We are writing kind of foreigners gotta tohisdeparture. to express our deep concerns come in because of stupid When contacted by this over an unfortunate incident people like you,” Mr Thom newspaper on Monday, Mr that took place at the E.R. recalled. Thomsaidthatfollowingthe Burrowes School of Art Shortly after that news article on his involving the Administrator, incident, he was asked to resignation, he was Mr Ian Ivor Thom on the reach with Minister of contacted by Vice President, evening of Saturday 7, Culture, Youth and Sport, Bharrat Jagdeo and September 2024 at around Charles Ramson at his office subsequently the Permanent 4pm.Theincidentappearsto concerning what happened. Secretary (PS) of the reflect racism and the unjust There Mr Thom said he told Ministry of Culture, Youth favour given to those in our the minister what transpired andSport. society who have status, as a in detailand even committed

He related that the VP result,thatincidentledtoMr to getting the names and inquired what had transpired T h o m ’ s u n t i m e l y numbers of the witnesses. and noted that the matter resignation.” However, the minister did should not have been Mr Thom told Kaieteur not seem inclined to handled the way it was. News that on the day in investigate. Thom said the VP noted that question, he was in the The following day, Mr if a report was made by the parking lot near his car when Thom said he resigned other party, then it should he observed a red SUV because of the remarks havebeenhandledbythePS. reversing in a parking space directed to him and that the “They asked that they nexttowherehewasthatwas government official never would like for me to reserved for staff and attempted to address or withdrawmyresignationand studentsoftheArtSchool. investigatetheissue. continue working at the Upon seeing this, Mr Meanwhile, on Monday school I have made a Thomsaidhesignalledtothe after resuming his duties, he decision; I have consulted driver to get his attention. told Kaieteur News that my family and we weighed The driver came out of the while he hopes that similar all the pros and cons and I vehicletospeakwithhim. incidents do not occur in the decide that I was going to “The person came out of future, if they do, he wants continue with the fact that the vehicle and asked what themtobehandledproperly the students who wrote the the matter is. I said, that is a Mr Thom is known for letter raised that they were no parking, you can’t park his renowned works and has concerned. I think I can there. It is a passageway and contributed to Guyana’s contribute towards the apart from that, this area is creative and arts industry for further artistic development. reserved for the Burrowes thepast11years.

Guyanese Sculptor, Mr. Ian Ivor Thom


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

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Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

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Trio charged with attempted murder, assault and unlawful wounding

Two sisters and the boyfriend of one of the sisters appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Monday to face charges related to attempted murder, assault, and unlawful wounding against each other.

The sisters, Onecia Warrick, a 24-year-old unemployed woman, and Maryann Allicock, a 32-year-old food vendor, were charged with attempting to commit murder against Rondell Dowding.

Dowding, a 36-year-old food vendor and Allicock’s boyfriend, was charged with unlawful wounding and assault causing bodily harm against the sisters.

The incident occurred on September 1, 2024, at their home located at Lot 3421 Stevedore Housing Scheme, Georgetown.

According to police statements, around 01:30 hrs, Dowding and Allicock were at home in their bedroom when Dowding approached Allicock to have intercourse and she denied him.

This denial led to an argument that escalated into a physical altercation. Hearing

the commotion, Warrick exited her bedroom to investigate.

Upon witnessing the fight, she began recording the incident on her phone. It was at this moment that Dowding allegedly ran towards Warrick and attacked her with a knife he had retrieved from the kitchen, resulting in injuries to her finger.

Shortly thereafter, the sisters’ brother returned home and, upon hearing the disturbance, intervened to assist his sisters.

During the confrontation, Allicock, Warrick, and their brother allegedly restrained Dowding and began to beat and chop him about his body, causing him to sustain serious injuries, including deep wounds on his abdomen and anus. The police were called to the scene, and Dowding was transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), where he was admitted in critical condition and had to undergo emergency surgery. He was discharged four days later.

On September 19, both sisters and Dowding were arrested and subsequently charged with their respective offenses. Warrick and Allicock appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty, who read the charges to them.

The sisters pleaded not guilty and were each granted $150,000 bail. The case was adjourned to October 16, 2024.

Meanwhile, Dowding appeared before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore, where he also pleaded not guilty to the charges.

He was granted $50,000 for unlawful wounding and $35,000 for assault causing bodily harm.

As a condition of his bail, Dowding is prohibited from having any contact with the sisters and is scheduled to return to court on October 14 for further proceedings.

Thailand ends visa free travel for Jamaica, several other Caribbean countries

Jamaica Observer -Travellers from several Caribbean countries, including Jamaica, will no longer be able to visit Thailand visa free effective December 1, 2024.

Instead, they will now have to secure an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) before visiting.

This new stipulation will also apply to Cuba, Dominica, the Dominican


Household items for sale by person leaving the country. Call: 669-0957.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PUTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Republic and Trinidad and Tobago.

The introduction of the ETA is part of the country’s efforts to strengthen immigration controls and enhance border security for interna-

tional visitors.

Travellers from the Caribbean can apply for their ETA online through Thailand’s official e-Visa portal. The process is fully digital and is free of charge.

The ETA will allow a single entry into Thailand and is valid for 60 days. Individuals who wish to extend their stay, can access a one-time extension of 30 additional days.

Pres. Ali says global leaders must take...

From page 13 carbon credit to be put in place. Our global food security continues to deteriorate, and the projections are alarming,” the president said.

President Ali reiterated that an estimated $90 billion in global financing is needed between now and 2030 to provide a basic social safety net. According to the head of state, the entire 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, is at risk if the world fails to meet the basic needs of its people. “It is our collective responsibility to provide the $300 to $500 billion needed to transform our global food system. Technology transfer, insurance for farmers, access to finance, and fair-trade rules are all part of the solution,” he said.

President Ali underscored the importance of equitable access to technology, urging global leaders to ensure that public policies and global strategies are aligned

with the agenda to bridge digital divides and leverage artificial intelligence for the benefit of all. He said, “We must reform the international financial architecture and make it more inclusive and conducive to sustainable development for all.” Moreover, the Guyanese leader highlighted that inclusivity is also a cornerstone of the sustainable development agenda, adding that more must be done to ensure that women and youth are integral in global decisions.

“The future we envision must target directly the more than 340 million women and girls projected to live in poverty by 2030. It must also address the 110 million young women and girls projected to remain out of school by 2030. The 24% of women and girls projected to be food insecure and the 245 million women and girls that will experience sexual or gender-based violence by 2030,” the president


The government has been passionately advocating for concessional climate financing and equitable approaches to climate adaptation that do not disadvantage developing countries.

Under Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy 2030, the country signed a historic market-based agreement with Stabroek Block partner, Hess Corporation, for the sale of carbon credits worth over US$750 million. Already, more than US$230 million of the revenue from that sale has been received by the government. During a recent high-level discussion on the LCDS, the head of state emphasised that developing countries like Guyana can and must pave the way for these climate solutions, as they continue to demonstrate leadership in climate action, renewable energy investment, and setting ambitious targets. (DPI)

Rondell Dowding
Onecia Warrick Maryann Allicock

Man who stabbed 9-year-old seven

A 23-year-old man was on Monday remanded to prison after being charged withunlawfullywoundinga nine-year-old boy by stabbinghimseveraltimes.

The accused Joshua Austinisaccusedofstabbing Justin Colley of Lot 353 Russel Street, Charlestown, Georgetown seven times in his neck on September 12, 2024 on Broad Street, Charlestown.

Austin, who lives at Lot 151LodgeHousingScheme, Georgetown,appearedbefore Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore at the Georgetown Magistrates’Court,wherethe charge was read to him He pleadednotguilty According to police statements presentedincourt,Austinand Colley are known to each otherastheyliveinthesame neighbourhood On September 12, 2024, around 19:30 hrs, Colley was walkingonBroadStreetwith hismother Austin, upon seeing the child became annoyed and allegedly stabbed Colley

seventimesintheneckwith apairofscissors.Colleywas rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was treated.

The incident was subsequentlyreportedtothe police. As a result, Austin was arrested and later charged with the offence.

Thecourtwasinformedthat Colley was discharged from thehospitalsevendaysafter the incident and is currently recoveringathome.

questionedbytheMagistrate about his relationship with Colley, Austin claimed they arefriends,stating,“He’smy friend;weallliveinthesame house ” The prosecutor objected to bail, citing the seriousness of the offense committed against a child. Consequently, bail was denied, andAustin has been remanded to prison. He is scheduled to return to court onOctober7,2024.

Palms in 6-hour long blackout ...

Frompage12 can’t flush it is very unhygienic. People can get sick…”

“In addition to no light nor water when the power goes,theplacedoeshot,hot because we can’t use the electric fans. It is a horrible sicksituationtobein…”

Theresidentsaidthatthe issueswiththepoweroutage and the lack of a backup power set have been raised with the administration of theseniorhome.

They are very aware of the issues but the matter is nor being addressed According to the resident, “all that we getting are promises to look into it then months pass and nothing.” The resident lamented that the treatment meted out to senior citizens of the home shouldnotbehappening.

“We are old people who havepaidourduestosociety and just because we are in a home we are being treated like we are second class citizens;itisbeyondunfair,” addedtheresident.

EffortsmadebyKaieteur News to contact officials of the Ministry of Human ServicesandSocialSecurity

u n d e r w h i c h t h e management of the home falls,provedfutile.

Meanwhile, only last weekVicePresidentBharrat Jagdeo blamed the management of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) as

well as the old transmission lines for the daily blackouts citizensarecurrentlyfacing.

“So, they (GPL) are telling me that when they move some of these lines, it is causing instability in the system or they have to take offthepowertomoveabitof the line. So, some of that is happening, some of it is the old system and frankly speaking, we are not happy with the management too, look at what’s going on. So, it’s a combination of factors and it bothers me a lot personallytooandweareon i t e v e r y d a y a s policymakers,”Jagdeosaid.

TheVPexplainedthehe had reached out to the management of GPL and theysaidthat,“ohthesystem tripped in Berbice. Then they said some piling work hascausedtheblackout.SoI am as concerned as any citizens because we are tryingtogetmorepowerinto the system but there is a lot of upgrade to the t r a n s m i s s i o n a n d distribution system we have.” Jagdeolamentedthat thecurrentstateofthegridis not stable and the more power that is put into the system it will cause further instability, hence the reason thegovernmenthasgoneout to tender to have upgrades done “We have just prequalifiedIthinkabout20 companies to do a significant upgrade before

A 56-year-old man from Charlestown, Georgetown, was remanded to prison on Monday after appearing at theGeorgetownMagistrates’ Court to face charges of obtainingmoneyunderfalse pretence.

Fabian Da Silva is accused of fraudulently obtaining $125,000 from Andel Fraser on March 7, 2023, while pretending to repair Fraser’s Mitsubishi Cantertruck.

During the proceedings, Senior Magistrate Fabayo AzorereadthechargestoDa Silva, who pleaded not guilty According to police statements, Fraser and Da Silva were acquaintances.

On the date in question, FraserpaidDaSilva$60,000 toaddressmechanicalissues with the truck, which was half of the agreed total of $120,000 to repair the vehicle.

Da Silva later requested additional funds for further repairs When Fraser returned to collect his truck, hediscoveredthattheissues had not been resolved. Da Silva then began to avoid Fraser and refused to refund the money or complete the repairs. Fraser reported the matter to the police and Da Silva was arrested and charged.Thecourtheardthat Da Silva has a history of receiving payments for

MMGhasannounceditsnewpromotion aimed at encouraging developers to integrate merchants using its newly introducedAPIforlocale-commerce.

the Gas to Energy project comes on stream That means redundancy, circuits if you have a single line and it goes off, everyone down the line gets affected If you have redundancy in circuits then you can continue to supply people. The demand now had skyrocketed with the hotels we have nine hotels being built already some coming on stream,” Jagdeo said.

Noting that a regular hotel may use about two megawatts of power, looking at “all the new housingschemesandhouses being built, air conditioning and massive investments right across Guyana, the demandhasskyrocketedand even for people who have higherincomenow,manyof themareputtinginAC’setc. intheirhomes,soweareina mad rush to keep pace until that big project comes on streamnextyearthatwillput 300 megawatts into the system ” Furthermore, Jagdeo said government is focusedon“amodernisation programme that’s taking place but we are limping along because we keep putting more power into the systemanditgetsusedupall the time and we are running the same power on the old t r a n s m i s s i o n a n d distribution system. So you have more transformers goingoutetc,”headded.

Thisinitiativeisdesignedtoenhancethe digital payment landscape and provide developerswithanopportunitytoshowcase their skills while earning substantial rewards,MMGsaidinapressrelease.

With a total prize pool of GYD $1,750,000, MMG is offering developers the chance to win big. The developer who integratesthemostmerchantsbyDecember 31, 2024, will receive the grand prize of GYD $1,000,000. The first runner-up will beawardedGYD$500,000,andthesecond runner-upwillreceiveGYD$250,000.

“Digital payments are an important aspect of the technological and economic transformation we are seeing in the country,” said Mark Singh, CEO of MMG. “As a company, we continue to see Guyanese adopting and even demanding

As part of its efforts to gradually make tertiary education free, the government, through the Ministry of Finance, has written off approximately $2037millioninstudentdebt owed to the University of Guyana(UG)

This was highlighted by the Ministry of Finance’s 2024mid-yearreport,which revealed that this latest development has benefitted around346personstodate An additional,2,900persons,will benefit from this initiative in thesecondhalfoftheyear Free tertiary education by 2025isanessentialelementof the PPP/C 2020-2025 manifesto plans To achieve this, President, Dr Mohamed IrfaanAlisaidthegovernment will implement a phased approach, first targeting

vehicle repairs without delivering services. During the proceedings, Fraser expressed that simply incarcerating Da Silva would not provide him justice.

Instead, he requested compensation of $250,000. Da Silva agreed to this amount but claimed he had nomoneybystating,“Idon’t have$250,000onme”.

However, Da Silvas’ family was willing to compensate Fraser but needed time to do so. As a result, Da Silva was remanded to prison and is scheduled to return to court on October 7, 2024, for reports.

digitalpayments,andwearerespondingto provide the environment for secure and immediatedigitaltransactions.”

Thispromotionisopentoalldevelopers, whether individuals or companies To qualify, merchants must actively accept online payments through MMG By participatinginthisinitiative,developerswill not only contribute to the country’s broader digital transformation but also enhance individual business success by providing cutting-edgee-commercesolutions MMG continues to lead in equipping Guyana’sentrepreneurswithessentialtools to succeed in the digital economy The company’s e-commerce payment gateway enables businesses to process payments securely, manage transactions in real-time, and provide an enhanced customer experience.Formoreinformationaboutthe promotion and how to participate, please visit https://qrco.de/promo4 or visit the websiteatwww.mmg.gy

individuals who hold university loans. In 2024, during the reading of the national 2024 budget, the Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibilityforFinanceand Public Service, Dr Ashni Singhannouncedphaseoneof theinitiative,benefittingsome 13,000Guyanese

A whopping $11 billion in loans are expected to be written off by the government in the initial phase Additionally, Vice President,Dr BharratJagdeo noted that a mechanism to assist students who would have already paid their dues to the university but are repayingloanstocommercial banks will be examined Another major initiative implemented by the government includes the

Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL), granting individualsanopportunityto earn a higher education free ofcost.Atotalof1.6billion, has been spent on scholarships through this programmetodate. Accordingtothemid-year report, over 4,000 persons graduated in May 2024 with bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, postgraduate diplomas,andothercertificate programmes Additionally, in thefirsthalfoftheyear,8,023 GOALscholarshipswerealso awarded to persons expected to commence studies in September 2024 These initiatives reinforce the government’s commitment to expanding tertiary education and lifting the heavy financial burdens off ofGuyanesestudents.(DPI)

Remanded: Joshua Austin

Israel attacks Lebanon: Global calls for restraint as 492 killed - over 1,600 wounded

At least 492

p e o p l e , including 35 children,havebeenkilledin a day of unrelenting Israeli

attacks on Lebanon, according to the country’s Health Ministry At least 1,645werewounded.

World leaders and the United Nations call for urgent de-escalation, with Turkey warning

Israel’s attacks on Lebanon could “drag entireregionintochaos”

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli air attacks killed atleast24peopleoverthe past day, including a mother and her four childreninDeirel-Balah

At least 41,431

people have been

killed and 95,818 injured in Israel’s war on Gaza

In Israel, the number of those killed in the Hamas-led attacks on October 7 was at least 1,139 while more than 200 people were taken captive

France calls for emergency UN Security

Council meeting on Lebanon

France’s Foreign

Minister Jean-Noel

BarrottoldtheUNGeneral Assembly on Monday that it has “requested that an

emergency meeting of the Security Council be held on Lebanonthisweek”.

Barrot said he was “thinking of the men and women in uniform in Lebanon and the French contingent there” , followingawaveofdeadly attacks by Israel that have killedatleast492people.

“I’m thinking of the Lebanese peopleasIsraeli strikes have just killed hundreds of civilians, including dozens of children

These strikes conducted onbothsidesoftheblueline, and in the region more broadly, must immediately end,”hesaid,referringtothe demarcation line dividing LebanonfromIsraelandthe occupiedGolanHeights.

“France, once again, calls upon the parties and those that support them to deescalate and avoid a regional conflagration that would be devastating for everyone,”hesaid.

Close to full-fledged warinLebanon,EUforeign policychiefsays Josep Borrell pointed to the increasingnumberof civilian casualties and the intensity of Israel’s military strikes in Lebanon, saying, “ifthisisnotawarsituation, I don’t know what you wouldcallit”.

“This situation is extremely dangerous and worrying.

I can say that we are almost in a full-fledged war,” he told reporters in New York, as he called for diplomaticeffortstoprevent furtherescalation.

“Here in New York is the moment to do that. Everybody has to put all their capacity to stop this pathtowar,”hesaid.

A recap of recent developments

Israelhaslaunchedmore than 650 attacks on some 1,300 Hezbollah targets

acrossLebanonoverthepast 24hours,killing492people and wounding 1,645 others, according to Lebanon’s HealthMinistry

The attacks have caused widespread chaos and forced scores of people to flee southern and eastern parts of the country as concerns over a full-scale wargrow Hezbollah has denied Israel’s claim that its senior leader Ali Karaki was killed in an air raid on a southern suburb of Beirut, saying he is alive andinasafeplace.

The Israeli military’s chief of staff has said his forces are preparing for the next stage of the Lebanon operation


has been building for the past 20 years”.

A U S S t a t e

D e p a r t m e n t spokesperson has called for de-escalation, but said the US is ready to defend its “allies and partners” , while the

Pentagon has said troops will be sent to the Middle

East. Egypt’s F

ign Ministry has called on “international powers and the UN Security Council to intervene immediately” , while Turkey has said Israel’s strikes could “drag the entireregionintochaos”. In Gaza, the Health Ministry has said at least 24 Palestinians were killed and 60 others wounded in the latest 24-hour reporting period in Israeli attacks onthebesiegedenclave

Iran president warns of ‘irreversible’ consequences of wider regional war

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 23 (Reuters) - Israel wants to drag the Middle East into a full-blown war byprovokingIrantojointhe nearly year-old conflict between Israel and Tehranbacked Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iranian President saidonMonday,warningof its “irreversible” consequences.

Masoud Pezeshkian, speaking to a group of journalists after his arrival in New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly,said:“Wedonot

wish to be the cause of instability in the Middle East as its consequences wouldbeirreversible”

“We want to live in peace, we don’t want war,” he added. “It is Israel that seeks to create this all-out conflict.”

Pezeshkian, a relatively moderate politician who was elected in July promising a pragmatic foreign policy, accused the international community of silenceinthefaceofwhathe called“Israel’sgenocide”in Gaza.

Pezeshkian’s call to resolve the Middle East conflict through dialogue came after Israel unleashed an intense wave of air strikesagainstHezbollahon Monday, making it the deadliest day in Lebanon in nearly a year of conflict between Israel and Tehranbackedgroup.

“We will defend any group that is defending its rights and itself, ”

Pezeshkian said, when asked whether Iran will enter the conflict between IsraelandHezbollah.Hedid


Tens of thousands of people have been displaced from towns and villages on both sides of the border by near-dailyexchangesoffire between Israeli forces and Hezbollah. Israel has said it prefers a diplomatic solution that would have Hezbollah moved farther backfromtheborder

However, Hezbollah, which also says it wants to avoid all-out conflict, says thatonlyanendtothewarin Gaza will stop the fighting.

Gaza ceasefire efforts are

deadlocked after months of faltering talks mediated by Qatar,EgyptandtheUnited States. Iran’s regional policy is s e t b y t h e e l i t e Revolutionary Guards, who answer only to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,thecountry’stop authority Pezeshkian has repeatedly affirmed Iran’s anti-Israel stance and its support for resistance movements across the region since taking office lastmonth.

Asked if Iran would r e t a l i a t e f o r t h e assassination of Palestinian militant group Hamas’ leaderIsmailHaniyehonits soil in late July, Pezeshkian said“Wewillrespondatthe appropriate time and place, inanappropriatemanner”.

Haniyeh’skilling,which both Tehran and Hamas have blamed on Israel, has aroused fears of direct conflictbetweenTehranand itsarch-foeIsraelinaregion shaken by Israel’s war in Gaza and a worsening conflictinLebanon.

Cars sit in traffic in Sidon, southern Lebanon as they flee Israeli air strikes hitting places further south. [Mohammed Zaatari/AP Photo]

Govt. spent $24M to remove derelicts in Regions 3 & 4

The Ministry of Public Works on Monday said that between January and September this year, some $24 million wasspentontheremovalofderelictsalongroadways.

“The Ministry of Public Works has mounted 47 exercises betweenJanuarytoSeptember2024,toremovederelictsfrom various parts of Regions 3 and 4. These activities have amounted to a cost of GYD $24,511,000,” the Ministry informedonMonday

Itwasreportedinthemediathatuponassumingoffice,the government through the Public Works Ministry launched a campaign to remove derelict vehicles and encumbrances along the roadways. The ministry has been urging the public to comply with the standards of cleanliness in the environment.

In a notice issued by the ministry in November 2022, the ministry said that the exercise will continue in varying forms, in sections of Georgetown and throughout the country The ministryfurthernotifiedthatitwillnotberesponsiblefor any damage or loss when these derelict vehicles and encumbrancesareremoved.

“The National Cleanup and Derelict Vehicle Removal Exercise is being carried out in accordance with the Laws of Guyana,Section29oftheRoadActCap.51:01–‘seizureand disposal of property obstructing road Act,” the ministry explainedinitsnotice.

Kaieteur News understands that the cleanup campaign is being carried out to protect citizens, promote road safety, and improve the flow of traffic, especially in the event of emergencies.

Some of the derelict vehicles the Ministry of Public Works removed between January to now. (Photo courtesy, Public Works Ministry)

Freakaccidentduring pro-amhasyoung Aussiegolfer fightingfor hiseyesight

USA Today - Jeffrey Guan, a promising 20-yearold from Australia who recentlymadehisPGATour debut, may lose his sight in oneeyeafterafreakaccident atapro-am. He suffered the injury during a pro-am event Friday at Club Cataline in Batemans Bay, New SouthWales

He was struck in the

one, and transported to a hospital before being

Tuesday September 24, 2024


Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher


The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.


There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.


Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.


Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.


Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.


Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor


Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.


Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,


to the PGA Tour of Australasia

Last week, Guan made his PGATour debut at the Procore Championship, missingthecut


Digest spoke to Guan’s longtime coach, Paul Davis, who said Guan s


“Obviously there are fears he may lose some vision, but we won’t know the full extent until he goes to Sydney

said “It’s truly awful

This was actually the first pro-am Jeff has ever played in “It’s just the worst possible news after such an amazing week in California ” Guan turned pro last fall, but one of his junior highlights was winning the 2022 AJGA Junior Players at TPC S

representing Australia on the Junior Presidents C


Jeffrey Guan of Australia (Photo by Aurelien Meunier/Getty Images)

Anthony Joshua’s nightmare loss to Daniel Dubois leaves him with one pivotal question

Independent - Anthony Joshua tumbled into the canvas during a devastating fifthround,hisworldturned upside down by Daniel Dubois’ effortless power, compounding a nightmare evening to leave him with a criticaldecision.

Theramificationsofthis dramaticeveninginLondon remain unknown, but Joshua’s future is more uncertain and compelling thaneverbefore.

Yes, he’s been hurt and taken out before, by Andy Ruiz in another seismic shock in 2019; he was outclassed even, twice by OleksandrUsyk.

But never before has he beendominatedwithinafew secondsofthefirstbelluntil acomprehensiveandpainful conclusion His fourth careerdefeat,deprivinghim of a shot against Usyk to become undisputed championandjeopardisinga meeting with Tyson Fury, was dished out by another championnoless.

And that is worth emphasising, as so many scoffedandforgotaboutthat significantstatus.

The man with the belt walked first on the night. Dubois was elevated this summer without a punch thrown in anger inside the ring, yet he seized the momentheretovalidatethat position, defending his IBF heavyweight title over five lopsided rounds before delivering one of the most crushing counters in the heavyweight division’s history

EverybodyknewDubois was heavy handed, yet Joshuawasrattledwithin30 seconds,allowingDuboisto

rushinandlaunchaseriesof reckless shots that initially only partially landed Confidence was solidified though, and he finally connected with a crunching shot as the bell approached, brushing Joshua’s chin to drophimforthefirstofwhat would become four demoralising occasions. A hushed silence set in at Wembley Stadium and its British-record of over 98,000 crowd awaited a stunningupset.

The one-sided contest continued into the second and third rounds, with a nasty left hook to Joshua sparking yet more chaos as the favourite crumpled

Pressed into the ropes, Duboisunloadedmoreshots toforceanothercount.

But Joshua, now 28-4 as aprofessional,isnothingbut resilient and with every second that passed on his feet,doubtstartedtocreepin abouttheoutcome.

Indeed, Joshua even landed a crisp right of his own in the fifth, the sort that could snatch victory fromthejawsofdefeat.

The sweetly-struck shot allowed his eyes to widen as he hurried in to seize an unlikely comeback

But a reckless assault was punished by a calm Dubois, who countered with a perfectly-timed right that left Joshua in a crumpled mess to end an unforgettableeveningonthe lateststopofRiyadhSeason and Saudi Arabia’s boxing takeover

As you walked down Wembley Way hours earlier, you were greeted by a tunnel of Joshua

posters emblazoned with ‘SayLess’

He will need to find words in the coming hours anddays,toperhapsactivate arematchclauseandsalvage hopes of a third world title reign.

Joshua was returning to hisspiritualhome,oratleast a type of venue that has become synonymous with his meteoric rise and those iconic moments throughout hiscareer

‘AJ’has filled stadiums with ease for more than a decade, but this was a first fight of its kind since rebuilding in arenas and Riyadh following the first loss to Usyk at Tottenham HotspurStadiumin2021.

And while Dubois was not entirely alien to such an environment, having battled Usyk in Poland at Stadion Wroclaw, Joshua had already emerged victorious in an unforgettable clash with Wladimir Klitscho by


hiscurrentageandtrulyfelt like a beloved fighter once again.

The heavyweight division has been stuck in a peculiarmoment;strippedof uncertaintyatthetop,thanks toUsyk’swinoverFurythis year, the remaining contenders, including the ‘Gypsy King’, Joshua, Duboisandveteranssuchas Joseph Parker and Zhilei Zhang, are merely jostling forposition.

The belts have started to scatter, though, as a consequenceofthesport’s absurd politics rarely aligning with the champion’s desired route or possessing the required patience to celebrate one trueking

And these British heavy-hitters could thank Usyk and his contractual obligation to rematch Fury for this occasion happening at all and a meeting with the face of


This time for real, though

A notorious spar years ago, which Joshua concedes saw Dubois catchhimwithagoodone, has been the source of gossip for years, with suggestions the blow was s o s i g n i f i c a n t i t prematurely ended their time training Joshua had rediscovered a menacing edge under the tutelage of Ben Davison, a trainer maligned in some boxing circles, yet relentless in his ability to inspire progress and development inmanyfighters

After sampling the very best the sport had to offer, including famed trainersRobertGarciaand Derrick James, it has been Davison who has inspired that spiteful side inside

the ring once more, allowinghimtodisposeof the overmatched Robert

Helenius, Otto Wallin and former UFC heavyweight championFrancisNgannou.

But that side was absent here, as boxing royalty was left shocked around this famousring.

The legendary Roberto Duran, pound-for-pound king Terence Crawford and heavyweight stars Fury and Usyk were among those revelling in an event that epitomised the trajectory of thesportunderthevisionof SaudiArabia.

A Liam Gallagher concert served as an odd chief support to only underlinethat.

If Joshua’s cutting remarks to Dubois in the build-up, including the vicious threat to introduce a chair to his rival’s head, demanded respect, then his rivalcertainlyobligedhere.

“You’reprobablyasking if I still want to consider fighting.OfcourseIwantto continue fighting,” said Joshua.

“We took a shot at success and we came up short What does that meannow?

That we’re going to run away? We’re going to livetofightanotherday And that’s what I am – I’m a warrior.”

Eddie Hearn was “sure” his fighter would take the rematch, though the details remain murky Such a decisioncouldplace Joshuainaperilousposition and at risk of suffering a second damaging defeat. So what next? His team will study the options, but one more false move and a route back to the very top ofthesportmaybegonefor good.

Jayasuriya wraps up victory, SL leapfrog NZ on WTC table

ESPNcricinfo - Sri Lanka didn’t need long on thefinalmorninginGalleto wrap things up, taking just 15 minutes to grab the final two New Zealand wickets and secure a 63-run win in thefirstTest. The result means Sri Lankago1-0upinthetwomatch series, while also leapfrogging New Zealand up to third place in the World Test Championship (WTC)pointstable.

Prabath Jayasuriya was at the forefront of Sri Lanka’s charge, finishing withfiguresof5for68-his eighthfive-wickethaul,and hisseventhinGalle. He ended with match figures of 9 for 204, taking home the Player-of-theMatchaward.

After having fought so hard the previous day, Rachin Ravindra lasted just eightdeliveriesintothefirst sessionofthefinalmorning

asJayasuriyatrappedhimin frontwithanarmballfor92 off 168 balls Coming around the wicket, Jayasuriyatossedoneupon leg as Ravindra was caught in the crease playing down the wrong line He reviewed, but once it was confirmed to be pitching in line, there would be no savinghim.

Andanylingeringhopes of a famous rearguard were then swiftly quashed, as

WillO’Rourkekeptoutjust five deliveries before the sixth slipped past his forward defence and on to off stump to hand Jayasuriya his fifth wicket oftheinnings.

O’Rourke wouldn’t quite be satisfied with how the game ended after an impressive showing in the game as he finished with eight wickets to his namethe second-most across the Test, and the same as Ajaz

Patel. In terms of how this result impacts the WTC, it keeps Sri Lanka’s outside hopes of a berth in the final alive.

ButforNewZealand,it m a k e s t h e i r t a s k considerably tougher, with an away series against India and a home series England coming up in the nextfewmonths

Therewillbenotimeto dwell on this result for

eitherteam,withjustatwoday break before the second Test gets underway onThursday-alsoinGalle

Scores: Sri Lanka 305 (Kamindu 114, O’Rourke 5-55, Phillips 2-52) and 309 (Karunaratne 83, Ajaz 6-90, O’Rourke 3-49) beat New Zealand 340 (Latham 70, Jayasuriya 4-136, Ramesh 3-101) and 211 (Ravindra92,Jayasuriya568, Ramesh 3-83) by 63 runs

Anthony Joshua tumbled
the canvas during a devastating fifth round by Daniel Dubois. (Getty Images)

Coach Kandar to host two-month Youth programme

Visionary basketball coachAnthonyKandarisset to launch a much-needed two-monthYouthBasketball Programme for youth(s) between the ages of 6 to 13, aspartofhiscomprehensive plan to revive local basketball in the region #3 District.

Thisinitiativecomesata pivotal moment, aligning with the government’s renewedefforts,throughthe Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports, to bolster basketball development Coach Kandar has designed this educational and fitnessfocused camp to nurture the nextgenerationofathletes.

Led by Coach Kandar, also Chairman of D-Up Basketball Academy, the programmeaimstoimprove participants’ basketball skills while also instilling values such as teamwork, d i s c i p l i n e , a n d perseverance. After honing his craft for over two decades in Canada, home to theTorontoRaptors,Kandar has returned to share his exp


Since his return, he has org

tournaments and youth developmentprogrammesto bridge the gap between grassrootsbasketballandthe national level. The D-Up Basketball Academy, under his leadership, continues to make strides in advancing localbasketball.

The programme will run from September 28 to November 27 at the Tuchen Primary School basketball court, with sessions every Friday and Saturday in October and November Participants can expect a robust blend of educational activities and skill-building exercises tailored to their development.

“Basketball has given me so much—from the joy of the game to meaningful relationships,” said Coach Kandar “Now,Iwanttogive back to this community by not just developing great players but also great people.”


welcomesplayersofallskill levels, offering sessions focused on fundamentals likedribbling,shooting,and passing,aswellasadvanced


sportsmanship,withastrong emphasisonbuildingmental toughness and resilience bothonandoffthecourt.

Excitement is already building among local parents.

“There aren’t many programmes that cater to such a wide age group with this level of expertise,” one parent commented. “Coach Kandar is the real deal, and we’re fortunate to have him hereforourkids.”

Space is limited, and interestishigh.Registration is now open, with the first sessions kicking off in September For more information, parents can contact Coach Kandar at 696-4738

Wins over Bahamas, USVI see Barbados move up to 175th in latest FIFA World Rankings

SportsMax - The latest edition of the FIFA Coca ColaMen’sWorldRankings have seen Barbados avoid their lowest ranking ever, instead moving up two placesto175th.

Thismovewasasaresult ofapairofwinsinLeagueC oftheCONCACAFNations League over the Bahamas andtheUSVirginIslands.

The Kent Hall coached

September 7

putting three past the USVI with no reply three dayslater

Both ga

played at the Bethlehem Soccer Stadium in St Croix

The Tridents enjoyed the fourth biggest move in theCONCACAFregionin terms of points added during the September window, only trailing Belize, the Dominican RepublicandSt Lucia

Prior to the September window, Barbados had endured a tough run of fixtures, going winless in eightmatches,includingtwo

avoid their lowest ranking ever, instead moving up two places to 175th on the FIFA Coca Cola Men’s World Rankings.

D-Up Basketball Academy Chairman, Anthony Kandar (right) shares photo-op with a parent at a previous event.

GCC Under-17 hockey boys victorious in Trinidad

Cricket Club’s (GCC)

Under-17 Boys hockey team, the GCC Outlaws, delivered a standout performanceattheParagon

Tournament in Trinidad

tournament, held at the Woodbrook Youth Facility in Port-of-Spain, marked the team’s international debut. The trip came at a time when the Outlaws, a group of players who have beenhoningtheirskillsfor years, faced challenges accessingadequatetraining facilities Entering the tournament, they had to quickly adapt to the unfamiliar indoor surface andformatofplay

Inthepreliminarypool-A matches, the Outlaws managedtosplittheirgames, winningtwoandlosingtwo, whichwasenoughtosecurea spotinSunday’ssemi-finals Facing the top team from Pool B, QRC, the Outlaws, considered underdogs, struckearly

A brilliant solo effort fromstrikerLukeSargeant put them ahead just three minutes into the match. Despite heavy pressure from QRC, GCC’s

goalkeeper Alex Peniston made several key saves, preservingthe1-0leadand securing their place in the final.

Meanwhile, in the championshipmatchagainst ProSport 2, the GCC Outlaws played with much confidence,dominatingtheir opponentsbutwereunableto secure the break through, leading to a 0-0 draw at the end of regulation The final was then decided by a tense penaltyshootout Bothteams struggled to score in the initialround,forcingsudden death

It was Luke Sargeant once again who found the back of the net, while Peniston’sheroicscontinued, asheblockedProSport’snext attempt, securing the Outlaws’victory and the U17 Boys title Sargeant’s outstandingplayearnedhim the Most Valuable Player award, while Peniston was named Best Goalkeeper MidfielderGrantFernandes, along with Sargeant and Peniston, were selected for the tournament’s All-Star team The GCC Outlaws return to Georgetown as champions, celebrating a successful debut on the internationalstage.

Pooran takes Knight Riders home

CPL - A high scoring affairinthesecondmatchof thedayinthe2024Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League(CPL)sawTrinbago Knight Riders end the season for the St Kitts & Nevis Patriots with a seven wicketdefeat.

After winning their first match of the competition the Patriots have lost every gamesince,butthisdefeatin Taroubaseemedparticularly cruel after they posted a sizeable 193/4 with the bat after being inserted at the toss.

Captain Andre Fletcher led from the front with a brilliant innings of 93 from 61 balls that included shots allaroundthegroundandsix sixes struck into the crowd. Fletcher was denied a

deserved century, falling short by seven runs when ChrisJordanhadhimcaught by the bucket hands of Kieron Pollard on the long offboundary Jordan was the pick of the Knight Riders bowlers and also gave a glimpse of his own velcro hands by pulling off an impressive diving catch off his own bowling when Kyle Mayers mis-timed a short ball and offered up a sharp return chance.

The Knight Riders were clinical in their chase, Jason Royblitzing64runsfrom34 deliveries at the top of the order before Nicholas Pooran finished the job in somestyle,strikingaflatsix down the ground – his seventh of the evening – to


PooranwasPlayerofthe Match, hitting thirteen

undefeatedon93*offjust43 deliveries, albeit he was aided by some sloppy catching that saw him put down on a handful of occasionsinthefield.

ThePatriotswillruethe dropped catches and the missedopportunitytofinish a tough campaign with a victory over one of the favouritesides

The Knight Riders will benefit from a Net Run Rate boost having hauled down the sizeable target with nine balls remaining, they now sit on ten points alongside Barbados Royals

n Warriors

ShaunMassiahappointedDirector ofCricketWestIndies

To represent Guyana at CWI Directors meeting

Executive Member of the Guyana CricketBoard(GCB),ShaunMassiah,has been appointed a Director of Cricket West Indies(CWI)andwillrepresentGuyanaat the CWI’s Board of Directors meeting on September28,2024,attheHiltonHotelin TrinidadandTobago.

Massiah, who holds the key position of Chairman of the GCB Competitions Committee,isaformerfirst-divisioncricketer andcaptainedtheTransportClubseniorteam foranumberofyears Heisaqualifiedcricket coachhavingbeenaccreditedatLevel1and Level II of the CWI Coaching Education Programme. MassiahalsoservedasLiaison OfficeroftheGuyanateamfortheRegional under19Tournament2015,fortheSriLanka under19 team in the ICC Youth World Cup Tournament2022inGuyanaandforStLucia Kings in the Caribbean Premiere League (CPL)T20Tournament.

With his wealth of cricket knowledge and experience as both player and administrator,Massiahisexpectedtobeof greatvalueasherepresentsGuyana.

Briton John dominates again to win the Humphrey-Fowler Memorial Cycle Road Race


Briton John left his competitors in the dust on Sunday, as streamsofheatcoveredthe nation’s roadways John has proved his case as the top cyclist in the country, claiming a well-deserved victory at the HumphreyFowler Memorial Cycle RoadRace.

The event, which concluded at the iconic CarifestaAvenue,sawJohn powering away from the pack in the seniors’ race, sprintingtoasublimefinish thatearnedhimyetanother triumphantwinonthelocal scene.

John’s relentless pace and sharp strategy paid off ashecrossedthefinishline first,addinganothertitleto his growing list of accolades. Aaron Newton, determined and strong, gave a valiant chase and finished just a few metres behind to take second place The experienced RobinPersaudroundedout the podium, crossing third

in a closely fought contest thatcaptivatedonlookers.

Meanwhile, in the juniors’ race, it was AlexanderLeungwhostole t h e s h o w w i t h a commanding ride. Leung tookcontrolearly,settinga blistering pace that left his competitors with little chance of catching up. His well-deserved first-place finish was the result of disciplined riding and a sharp race plan. Following behind him, Alex Newton and Daniel Jaing battled fiercely, securing second a n d t h i r d p l a c e , respectively.

Intheover-50category, M a r k S p e n




s experience and class, outlasting his rivals to claimthetopspot. Withhisseasonedlegs, Spencerpoweredacrossthe line ahead of Ian Jackson and Ray Harlequin in that order

The event, steeped in history and tradition, paid tribute to the legacies of

George Humphrey and James Fowler, two of cycling’s beloved figures who left an indelible mark onthesport.

The race began at Humphrey’s Bakery on Ketley Street, where cyclists gathered for a graceful roll-start From there, the peloton embarked on a scenic and challengingcoursethrough Georgetown, passing landmarks like Princes Street, Durban Street, and the famous Brickdam stretch.

The official start began at Carifesta Avenue and saw competitors push their limits as they raced to Perseverance, Mahaicony, beforeturningatthefamed Half-Way Tree and retracing their steps to finish back at Carifesta Avenue.

The electrifying atmosphere, coupled with fierce competition across all categories, made this year’s race, one to remember

Nicholas Pooran (right) and Kieron Pollard celebrate during the contest. (CPL via Getty Images)

GFFrespondstoKaieteurSports columnaddressingconcernsover partnershipsandgovernance


acknowledge t h e September 15th editorial by Mr RawleToney,published in the Kaieteur News Sunday Edition, which emphasises the importance oftransparencyandintegrity in football governance

These are values that the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) has upheld consistently since its PresidentWayneFordetook officein2015.

However, we wish to take this opportunity to not only address the concerns raised but also to counter certain incorrect claims made regarding the GFF’s partnerships and its governance.

The Guyana Football Federation (GFF) takes pride in being a leader in good governance within the sporting fraternity of Guyana.

We adhere strictly to our Statutes and maintain full compliance with the regulations set forth by FIFA and CONCACAF Our operations undergo yearly independent audits, andwetransparentlypublish these audits alongside our annual report on our website.

These reports are also provided to our General Council for review and approval at our Annual Congresseachyear

Furthermore, all major decisionswithintheGFFare made following thorough consultation with the General Council and key stakeholders, ensuring that

Messi, Miami frustrated by New York late leveler

AFP - Inter Miami’s charge towards Major League Soccer’s singleseasonpointsrecordsuffered asetbackonSaturdayaftera l

equalizer from James Sands snatcheda1-1drawforNew York City FC against the EasternConferenceleaders.

Miami, who are already assured of their post-season berth, looked to be storming towardstheir20thwinofthe season after Lionel Messi helped set up a 75th-minute goal for Ecuadorian international Leonardo CampanaatYankeeStadium tomakeit1-0.

the voices of all relevant parties are heard and consideredineveryprocess.

InresponsetoMr Rawle Toney’s editorial,the nub of itbeingacallfortheGFFto be transparent about its stadiumproject,anditsfiveyear kit deal,we have consulted with our partners and wish to clarify the following:

1 L a r g e corporations have the right to determine what information they wish to protect and often include confidentiality clauses in theiragreements.

This practice is standard in the business world and is essential for m i n i m i z i n g r

s k , managing exposure, and safeguarding competitive advantage.

2 Specifically, kit suppliers may need to consider how sensitive financial details can impact existing contracts andongoingnegotiations.

3 T h e G F F i s obligated to respecting a n d h


conditions of our contractual agreements

Weassureourstakeholders and the general public that we remain steadfast in our dedication to upholding the principles of good governance.

We appreciate the ongoing support of our

o m


But with victory beckoningfortheawayside, New York defender Sands leapthightomeetaSantiago Rodriguezcornerinthefifth andfinalminuteofstoppage timewithathumpingheader that flew into the net past Herons goalkeeper Drake Callender

Theresultputsadentinto Miami’s hopes of beating New England’s all-time single season points tally of 73setin2021.

The draw leaves Miami with 64 points from 30 games, meaning that GerardoMartino’smenmust take nine points from a possible 12 remaining to

Inter Miami’s Lionel Messi was left frustrated after his side conceded a late equaliser in a 1-1 draw with New York City FC. (Vincent Carchietta/GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA/Getty Images via AFP)

equal the Revolution’s record,or10from12tobeat it.

Despite the late equalizer,Miamicouldhave few complaints after New

York grabbed a deserved point from Saturday’s early fixture.

The hosts could easily havetakentheleadearlierin the game only for poor

finishing that let Miami off thehook.

Messilookedlivelyfrom theoutsetandalmostopened the scoring with a fourthminute free-kick from just outsidetheareathatwhistled pastthepost.

However, New York continued to create the better chances and almost took the lead when Rodriguez’s free-kick in the 11th minute rattled off the post and ricocheted off Miami goalkeeper Callenderforacorner

Keaton Parks missed a gloriouschancetoputNew York ahead in the 47th minute, blazing well wide with the goal at his mercy inahugelet-offforMiami Miami looked to have made New York pay for theirprofligacy15minutes fromtime.

Messi swept a pass out widetoJordiAlbainspace, and the former Barcelona man squared for Campana to tuck away a close-range finish

Thatgoalagainsttherun of play looked to have decided it, but after a late NewYorkattackresultedina corner,Rodriguezswungina pinpoint cross from the setpiecetoallowSandstohead home.

to win the Humphrey-Fowler Memorial Cycle Road Race

GCC Under-17 hockey boys victorious in Trinidad

Cyclist Briton John
The GCC Outlaws secure U17 Boys title at Trinidad and Tobago’s Paragon Indoor Hockey tourney

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