Chairman of the Public AccountsCommittee(PAC), JermaineFigueirahascalled fortransparencyintheuseof Guyana’s oil money, citing the need for possible amendments to the Natural ResourceFund(NRF)Act.
Figueira’s comments weremadeatthesidelinesof an event on Monday at Public Buildings, following an explanation by the Auditor General (AG) Deodat Sharma regarding the use of oil money in the Budget.
This publication had asked whether the Audit Office is able to ensure that monies from the Fund are expended in keeping with
Section 16.2 of the NRF Act states that, “All withdrawals from the Fund shall be deposited into the ConsolidatedFundandshall be used only to finance: (a) national development priorities including any initiative aimed at realizing aninclusivegreeneconomy, and(b)essentialprojectsthat are directly related to ameliorating the effect of a majornaturaldisaster.”
To date, government has budgeted approximately
T h e A G w h i l e responding to a question from Kaieteur News in the Parliamentary Chamber said,“Aseveryoneisaware, thefundsfromtheoilandgas money,itisabudgetsupport, soit’snotforaspecificitem andwedon’tauditthewhole budget and therefore it is beingcoveredinthataudit.”
US$2 6B in oil money through 2022 to 2024. The revenuesearnedfromoilare t
ansferred to the Consolidated Fund, blurring tracksofexpenditure.
Government has not identified the “national development priorities” beingfundedbytherevenue from oil.This is particularly concerningasthelegislation features no penalties for misuseofthefunds.
Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), Jermaine Figueira has however pointed to the need for transparency in the use of resources from the sector, urging that the NRF Act is clear on how the funds shouldbespent.
Following the AG’s remarks, Figueira in an invited comment said, “I
think the Auditor General’s response was more of a generalnaturebutwerequire more specifics because the Actisveryclearwithregards tohowthosefundsshouldbe spent and if you just lump sum it into the consolidated fund we need to know definitelyofthosefundsthat were transferred into the consolidated fund that are they being used for the specific purposes with regards to what the Act speaksto.”
TheParliamentariansaid the NRF Act may require amendments to justify transferstotheConsolidated Fundforspendingacrossthe board, rather than for specificpurposesoutlinedin the Act. These amendments according to him are crucial to ensure there is absolute
conformity with the legal requirements. Hesaid,“Givenhowitis being transferred and the unknown of how it is being utilized it therefore requires s o m e a d d i t i o n a l amendments to give greater clarity on the direction of how these funds should be directedandused.”
Figueira was adamant that the public must be able to decipher what portion of the Fund was used for a specific project. This can be done, according to him, through the Budget documents,tocertifythatthe funds are utilized according totheAct.
Furthermore, he also shared the view that the oil money should be subjected to a separate audit. Figueira explained, “This is the most impo
d therefore a lot of attention shou
d be directed specifically to these funds. We want to ensure that the country doesn’t suffer from the Dutch disease and therefore,thesefundsshould bedispersedinamannerthat is very responsible and therefore special attention should be directed specificallytothatsectorto
As Guyana’s ballooning debt continue to spur concerns among stakeholders with government usingthemassivegrowthintheoil sector to justify more loans, the country’s debt service reached US$85.2Minthefirstsixmonthsof 2024, with a whopping US$34M alonepaidininterest.
Although the country’s total debt climbed from US$4.5B at the endofDecember2023toUS$5Bat the end of June 2024, the Bank of Guyana(BoG)inits2024HalfYear ReportrevealedthatGuyana’stotal debt service, during the period under review, decreased by 7.7 percenttoUS$85.2million.
Notably, Central Bank explained that domestic debt service payments decreased by G$2,925.8 million to G$5,872.7 million (US$29.4M), while the externaldebtservicepaymentsrose by 13.8 percent to US$57 million. This increase was “on account of higher interest payments to multilateral creditors,” the report states.
Table showing Guyana’s external debt payments
Table showing domestic debt payments
Meanwhile, payments to
The BoG explained that external debt payments accounted for 3.5% of Central Government’s current revenue and 0 8% of exports of goods and non-factor services Principal and interest payments amounted to US$35 million and US$22 million, respectively During the period, payments to multilateral creditors increasedtoUS$36million,which was 62.8% of total external debt service.
bilateral creditors increased by 11 6% to US$20 million, and accounted for 35 6% of total external debt service The growth resultedfromincreaseddebtservice payments to the Export Import (EXIM)BankofChina,accordingto the BoG With regard to domestic
debt service, the Bank’s Half Year Report indicates that payments decreasedtoG$5,873millionduring the review period, due to the final debt service repayments on the Tranches 1 and 2 of the National Industrial and Commercial InvestmentsLimited(NICIL)Bond
“Thisoutturncausedadecrease in the total principal payments to G$3,292 million from G$7,417 million at end-June 2023. Total interest payments increased by G$1,199 million to G$2,580 million,onaccountofhigher
Continued on page 8
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ExxonMobilisstruttingitsstuffinthefaceofGuyanese. According to Guyana's leading oilman, Vice President BharratJagdeo,thecompanyiswellwithinitsrightstoputup itsbillboards. ThePPP/CGovernmenthasbeenloathtogo anywhere near them. Thus, the company's billboards hang overGuyaneseheads,whilethedriveisontobrainwashthe minds of citizens. During the first Cold War, the US was concernedaboutcommunistinfiltrationandthedamagedone to its people and institutions through brainwashing. In that feveredatmosphereamotionpictureabouttheconsequences of brainwashing like the Manchurian Candidate took off, gained many fearful believers. The irony of today is that America'sExxonMobilistheonedoingthebrainwashingof locals with its half story, half truthful, billboards, and no Guyanese, other than this paper, has had the guts to offer a wordofprotest. EvenGuyana'sall-powerfulVicePresident Jagdeohaswalkedoneggshellsaroundthosebillboards.
ThefirstoneswereabouthowmuchGuyanaisbenefiting from the ExxonMobil-Guyana oil partnership. Percentages and statistics were the tools of choice employed by ExxonMobil. They were soon exposed and became so embarrassing to Jagdeo that his hand was forced. They should either correct or take down those billboards, as they are not accurate. He conveniently forgot that his flunkeys were busy selling those same billboards as representing the fullandaccuratestoryofhowmuchGuyanawasgettingasits share from the oil wealth. With the wind at its back, ExxonMobil next went on the attack with more billboards. So many Guyanese trained, so many hours invested, and so many billions spent. In the world in which ExxonMobil operates, nothing is ever as it seems, or so straight as to be trusted. Whatthecompanyleftoutfromitslatestbillboards was that the 2016 Production Sharing Agreement allowed ExxonMobil to recover what it spent on training. It is not helpful to ExxonMobil's public relations efforts to be constrained by such inconveniences, to being a stickler in sharingthewholetruthandnothingbut.
ExxonMobil engages in these kinds of misleading exercises,becauseitsseniorexecutivesknowthattheyhave the entire crop of local politicians where they should be. Timidandtoothless,andnotpossessinganythingresembling agenuinebark. Hence,thereisnoreasontobecareful,tofear such defanged, trapped political poodles. So, ExxonMobil doesasitpleases,becausetheroadinfrontofitcouldnotbe clearer For their part, most Guyanese are content to hide behind a shield of PPP/C Government political correctness. TheresultofthisisthatthereonlyatinyhandfulofGuyanese standing up and saying out aloud that what ExxonMobil is doingiswrong,andthatitshouldnotbegivensuchfreerein tocrosstheselines,atwill. Thegovernmentissayinglittle aboutthenewbillboards,theoppositionpicksitssteps(and words)withthegreatestdelicacy,andGuyanesewhoshould be outraged seek shelter in silence. This is the level of unhealthyfearthatispresentinGuyana.
Aforeignentitycomesintothelocalspaceandinsultsthe intelligenceofGuyanese,andthereisnoteventhewhimper ofanoutcry Butlettherebesomeissueofdisputeinvolving ethnicityorelectionsorcorruption,andGuyanesefindtheir voice and an unbelievable degree of vibrancy This is the kind of self-destructive existence that finds favour with Guyaneseimprisonedbythepast,andlikingwheretheyare. The great wealth that is theirs, and which is being used against their interest by ExxonMobil (the deceptions in the billboards speak their confirming language), is of little inspiring value to them. The misleading billboards of this crafty American company have another side that, though subtle, is potent. Those deceptive billboards are a manifestation of ExxonMobil's power in Guyana and over Guyanese. We make the argument that those billboards always seem to leave something out that is to the disadvantage of Guyanese To some extent, those ExxonMobil billboards are nothing but calculated emblems oftheExxonMobilmachinerunningrampantinGuyana,its greatreachhereandthenuancedcontrolexercisedovermost localminds.
A grand programme for NarendraModibytheIndian diaspora brought back memoriesofthedifficultyto organise programmes for visiting Guyanese political leadersinNewYork.Unlike Guyanese, Indian nationals are very generous in sponsoring programmes for visiting heads. The Indian diaspora (from India as opposed to the Caribbean or elsewhere) organised a massive reception for visiting Prime Minister NarendraModiattheNassau ColiseumonLongIslandlast Sunday It was a very costly event.
There were several CaribbeanIndians,including thiswriter,asguestandinthe presscorps.
The Modi programme was put together in two weeks by the not-for-profit Indo American Community ofUSA.Modiisheldinawe; he is among the most charismatic leaders I met. There were requests for 40,000 tkts but only 15,000 could be accommodated. It
wasafreeeventpackedwith star power entertainment outside of the coliseum as well as inside. The programme was broadcast live on several Indian channels as well as on YouTube and FB. Guyanese andTriniscalledtoaskmeif IwaswatchingitonTV Iwasattheprogramme, reporting on it for our diasporanewsletter
Whatwasamazingabout the organising of the event was the response of the Indian business community andprofessionalstorequests forsponsorshipoftheevent. It did not cost the Indian governmentacent.
It is reported that a hundred of IndianAmerican doctors, engineers, and business persons doled out US$100,000 each to cosponsortheeventthatwould havecostoverUS$1million to stage; Indian doctors constitute the largest ethnic group of doctors in USA. There were hundreds of volunteers who assisted for the smooth operation of the Modi programme The
DearEditor, I write when I am sad, andIwritewhenIammador glad. A recent article in our daily newspapers evoked in me a mixture of these emotions I refer to the incidentinvolvingrenowned artist,Guyanesesculptorand Administrator of the E.R. Burrowes School ofArt, Ian Ivor Thom, who in statesman-like fashion, tendered his resignation as headoftheBurrowesSchool ofArt,becauseofthepainof being disrespected on more than one occasions. Hats off
Indians don't seek to marginalizeeachotherwhen organizing events for their visitingleaders.
And the programmes are opentoall--thoseinsupport of and oppose to the government, pro-Modi and anti-Modi.
In the diaspora, the Guyanese community struggles to come up with a fewthousandsdollarstopay for a hall for visiting politicians. I remember well goingbacktothelate1970s, activists like myself, Baytoram Ramharack, Arjune Karshan, Chuck Mohan, Mel Carpen, among others could hardly raise a fewdollarstopayforcoststo stage a rally or print newsletters or tee shirts that were distributed free to the diaspora.
We funded several programmes to highlight what was happening in Guyana with our personal income. TheACG, support group of PPP, which had more members than our group during the 1980s and 1990s, was more successful at raising funds that were repatriatedtoGuyanatofund theparty'sactivities.
Yourstruly, VishnuBisram
Itwasasorrystory,thesix-hourlongblackoutatthePalms (KNSeptember24),withpostsabandonedbystaff;nowater runninginthefacilityandresidentslefttofendforthemselves forhours.
Further,itwaslamentedthebackupgeneratorbeingdown formonths.Authoritiesawareofissuesbutitseemsthewillis nottheretoaddressthem.
Regards ShamshunMohamed
We need more people like you who stand up for truthandrightandlessofthe "connected" who display their palpable emptiness when challenged; who cannotentertainconstructive dialogue, but need to reach for their cell phones for back-up!
W h a t d i d t h i s distinguished gentleman do wrong? Was he required to shut down his brain when faced with a "brainless"? Wasitwrongforhimtopoint out to someone, in this lax
societywheresomebuytheir driver's licence, that he had parked badly and in fact should not be parking there a t a l l ?
I felt your pain, sir, yet I am not one to propagate strife. I believe in peace and forgiveness Mr Jagdeo extended the olive branch. He asked that you withdraw yourresignation. Thissignalstomethatall is not lost; that none of us is one hundred percent evil.
I am glad that you have accepted the olive branch, and have resumed duties as
Administrator Ourstudents, and in fact our country, wouldhavehadtoomuchto lose by your premature departure.
I long for the day when we as Guyanese can genuinely live and love and laugh together, putting aside race and foolishness! An apology from the young Minister of Culture (and I'm allforyouth),formisuseand abuse of power, would put the icing on the cake!
S i n c e r e l y ClaudiaHeywood
Lincoln Lewis' partial analysis does nothing to improve our political outcomes
DearEditor, Lincoln Lewis' missive in another section of the media(Sept24/24)bringsto the fore exactly what is wrong with Guyana's culture: many of us, especially PNC supporters, are completely void of conscience and a sense of justice,whatisrightandfair Therecanbenoprogress,no path to dialogue, without justice. Lincoln proceeds to expound from on high the folly of the opposition (PNC/AFC/WPA) not learning from history But only as this relates to overcoming the PPP He
noticeably and completely discards the vast difference inthePPP'sleadershipinthe sixties under Dr Cheddi Jagan, Ashton Chase and company, compared with what obtains today Taken asaquickguide,thissetsthe stage for relegating his observations to pedagogic irrelevance, since it will be i m p o s s i b l e t o comprehensively grasp our problems through his selectiveanalysis.
The remainder of his discourse follows a similar vein, and disqualifies him fromthepodium,becausehe spends the remainder
schoolingthePNC,AFCand WPA on the mechanisms of beating the PPP, without even raising the trenchant reasons for the PNC being booted in 1992, with special e m p h a s i s o n t h e APNU/AFC's dismal failure in 2020. Lincoln copiously neglects this coalition's attempt to upturn Guyana's 2020 election results, its glaring attempt to rig our elections in broad daylight, that would have ultimately led to a return to PNC-style dictatorship.
Not to mention the indignities meted out to sugar workers. Or them
signingtheridiculousExxon contract.
The very issues Lincoln finds prudent to ignore are precisely those which are instructive, useful and beneficial for Guyanese First,BurnhamandthePNC wereusedbytheUKinpreIndependence Guyana to blunt the PPP's push for better conditions for sugar workers.
This was significant because it would have adversely impacted sugar's profitability,andrevenuefor theUK. TheUKbrandedDr Jagan a communist, and (Continuedonpage6)
In a letter your newspaper published on September 24, captioned “This is not about what Norton or Hughes want”, there was mention of an eventseveralweeksago,that was attended by Aubrey Norton and Nigel Hughes, and at which an opportunity waspresentedthattheauthor suspects is being unwisely wasted by the two gentlemen.
Theauthorlamentedthat “The act by David Hinds of the WPA, on Emancipation Eve, joining hands with NortonandHughes,asasign of unity though well intended, in less than a month, appears meaningless in light of the political narcissism on display. Both leaders need each other and must therefore not jeopardise the opportunity given them by their constituencytodeliverawin for the collective opposition andGuyana.
Where does Hughes and N o r t o n g e t t h e i r understanding that they can go separately and unseat the PPP?
Thinking of unseating the PPPis one thing, but the “act” by David Hinds, in an attempt to show a sign of unity between Norton and Hughes by joining their hands, was preceded by an
unpolishedintroductionbya wild-eyedHinds,thatproved why the Opposition will remainstuckinmorassandis unlikely to succeed. I will providesomecontext.
It's July 31, 2024 Emancipation Eve The occasion is the 'Black Is Beautiful' Emancipation Concert and Cultural Festival being held at Buxton. On stage is Dr DavidHindsoftheWorking People'sAlliance.
As he prepares to concludehispresentation,he uses the opportunity to attempttocreateanimageof unity between the leaders of the People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R) AubreyNorton,andAlliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes,fortheviabilityofA Partnership for National Unity.
Whatfollowsistwo-anda-half minutes of awkwardness, involving
three grown men – one of whom (Hinds) intends to prove that his efforts at creating a unified force will standthetestoftime.Thisis howheattemptstodoso.
“We are launching the attacktonight!
I would like to call on stagenow,Mr NigelHughes and Opposition Leader, Mr Aubrey Norton. Please join meonstage.
And as these two brothers come on stage, I want to say something to y'all, black people. Every brother and every sister leaderqualifytobepresident of this country We does seh in Queh-Queh, “ah we suh marrid, ah we suh marrid…(crowd chants “ah we suh marrid ,oh”)…If all likeahdemcyanmarrid,den me twilly cyan marrid. (crowd laughs and screams gleefully).
If dem cyan tek nutten and mek something (PPP
beingabletomakeIrfaanAli president),awhawrangwid ahwedis?
Sisters and Brothers, (he then says quietly to Hughes and Norton 'y'all hold me hand').
Heraisesanarmofeach gentleman to the delight of the crowd (a sign of marriage?) and holds them aloft for 15 seconds before r e l e a s i n g
He continues: “Thank you. We are launching the attack…Andwegoin'allthe way!”
Justbehindhimoneither side,NortonandHughes,are nervously grinning and casting fleeting glances at each other from behind Hinds. Each has a hand raised as if to shake the other's; they never do. It lookslikemomentsbeforea gunfight in a western. A visibly uneasy Norton preparestoexitstageleft(he really doesn't want to be
there) but is stopped by Hinds.
“No,Iain'tdonewidy'all yet…We goin' all the way, wepickin'weteam,andden de captain gon come later
Any one ah we could be de captain Sisters and Brothers, as Aubrey and I take our leave (from the stage), we leave you in capable hands…our Senior Counsel, our People's Lawyer wha he name? (crowd says 'Nigel Hughes') “Nigel,who…?(Hughes!!!).
The microphone is then handedtoHughesforhimto deliverhisremarks.
Editor, I have just described verbatim what occurred on a public platform in our country. A rawappealtotribalinstincts
in a disturbingly divided society How else can I decipher, “I want to say something to y'all, black people” Guests of other ethnicities were present, but it's as though they were ghosts.
Forallthathasbeensaid about the PPP and its methods of maintaining control, it would be interesting to have someone in the Opposition provide evidence of a similar outpouring at a PPP rally, which would have a similarly wide cross-section of supporters, special invitees,andimpressionable youthinattendance.
The PPP's leaders are cognizant of the pitfalls (Continuedonpage6)
In one of the national newspapers, it was reported that a senior GuySuCo official met with some five interested bidders and they haddiscussionontheproject toplantcanesatSkeldon.
Well, I rang up the folks atGuySuCoandaskedwhat is this Project at Skeldon all about, since there is no factory to crush this cane. I was told the officials at the Ministry of Agriculture at very high levels, have instructed the GuySuCo Board to prepare and plant 1,500 hectares of land at Skeldon. SoIaskedwhereis this cane being crushed. I wastoldthattheplanwasto transport it and crush it at Albion,some30milesaway
Thisisspecialsituationsince the last time GuySuCo did thisaround2014,therecords will show that it cost the people of Guyana some $29 millionperdayinlossesthen to transport this cane with heavy spillage on the roadways, a major traffic hazard in the Corentyne and therapiddeteriorationinthe canes leading to TCTS of over25atthattime(meaning awastingofthecaneatgreat loss to the Corporation in 2014). But I suspect the Minister of Agriculture Mr Zulfikar Mustapha got a PHDnowinsugaragronomy and sugar cane logistics for him to allow such a hare brain and insane scheme to happenunderhiswatch.
Mr Editor, the long and
short of this story, it is insanity GuySuCo did it before and failed and to conduct such an operation todayin2024withoutanyof the base conditions changing, makes it highly uneconomical at a huge loss to the people (does this explain by GuySuCo has taken already $15 billion fromthepeoplein2024). In the past, this transporting of canes made it a money cow for the private sector contractors and the corrupt officersfromGuySuCowho ran Skeldon Estate at that time, one of whom built a mansion off the improper gains from transporting canes from Skeldon to Albion. Maybeitistimefor this corrupt official (known
given the origins of Mrs. Jagan, made this a bone of contention for Guyana moving towardsIndependence. Burnhamwasableto hidehisowntiestocommunism/socialismat the time, and left both the UK andAmerica flat-footed when he started rigging our elections and transforming Guyana into a socialist state, everything both the US and UK feared would happen under Dr Jagan's l e a d e r s h i p (https://dncgycom/contextualizing-the-usand-uk-stance-on-guyana-a-quick-historylesson-on-guyanas-politics/)
Weknowtherestofhistoryuntil1992,until 2015, 2020, and finally, today The opposition Lincoln refers to, the APNU/AFC,hasmorethanlikelylearntfrom their own experience that talk all they want, they almost certainly aren't going to be
ThepathtoabetterlifeforGuyanese,abetter futurewithagovernmenttheycantrust,lies withthem,withbuildinganewpartylikethe DNC into a strong government to offer themselvesin2025.
Only with a new political party can we stop the hemorrhaging of our money to Exxon. With a new cadre of leaders with the desire and commitment to reform our constitution andmanageoureconomicdevelopment,our welfare, and our resources, based on governance and regulatory systems that can neverbedeliveredbyeithertheoppositionor thePPP
I urge that we start now, because we will have to live with our decisions, our choices afterthe2025elections.
Craig Sylvester. Party Leader, DNC.
asthemilkmanandstillwith GuySuCo) and his supportersintheMinistryto build a few more mansions thistime.
Ithenaskedaseniorfield man at one of the Berbice Estates, what are the processestheydidin2023to prepare beds friendly to mechanized harvesting and how much it had cost last year They told me they clearedland,theygradedand flattened the Dutch Bed (small beds), they then used the soil to create new Broad Beds to facilitate the mechanized operations and then they ploughed and planted those newly created Broad Beds. But he did not tellmethecost,soIagainask what was the cost. The gentleman started laughing and said “bannas, why you asking such a question and continuedlaughing”. IsaidI am serious. But I never got ananswer
I then asked another officer and he told me the b o a r d u n d e r t h e
Chairmanship of Mr Mandanlall Ramraj (PPP
Central Committee Member) knows everything since the land conversion process rates was approved by the Board in 2023 but he was told that these are all political decisions and they are told to make it happen. He then said the private contractors charged $1
million per hectare to complete these four processes done on the Berbice Estates by the private sector I ask, if GuySuCo was to do these four operations, how much would it cost and he said about $900,000 per hectare. Thatmeanstheprofitforthe private man was $100,000 per hectare for the private manandinmyopinionthese 2023priceswerereasonable. The private sector must makea10%-15%profit.
I then asked, what processes are happening at Skeldon. He said they are clearing the land and then ploughing and planting the land since these beds are already Broad Beds ready for mechanized operations. Mr Editor, listen to the sequence of the operationsat Albion, Rose Hall, Blairmont and Uitvlugt in 2023itcost$1milliontodo four major operations and therefore it should not cost morethanhalfamilliontodo twooperationsatSkeldon.
Butthenhetoldme,boy, likeyoudidnothear,“Jumbo done get the contract to do the two operations at Skeldon for $1.5 million a hectare, that is the instructions from the Ministry and a senior Agriculture Officer in GuySuCo who said the MinistermadehimtheCEO of Skeldon”. Mr Editor,
understandwhatIamsaying here – four operations cost $1 million in 2023, and in 2024, two of the four operations which supposed to cost less, is costing the people of Guyana MORE; some 50% more ($1 4 million per hectare according to the NPTAB data).
Ifyoudonotbelieveme, thetablebelowisanNPTAB table and look at AJM Enterprises (No 7), the perceivedselectedcandidate toconducttheseworks. The tableshowsAJMEnterprises is charging the taxpayers of Guyanasome$2.1billionto clear, till and plant 1,500 hectares of land (the maths tellsmeitis$1.4millionper hectarestodothistask).
Hon Vice President Bharat Jagdeo keep saying every week at his press conference, show me the evidenceofthecorruptionin Government.
Wellcansomeoneplease ask Dr Jagdeo to visit the “Da Silva House of Optics” to change his glasses, because while this entire nation sees the corruption at G u y S u C o a n d t h e Agriculture Sector in September 2024, he is the only sailor who sailing and not seeing the corruption in GuySuCo and the Ministry ofAgriculture.
Regards LeroyCharles
To express your rawest emotions so openly at a public forum, without being cautioned by two supposedly responsible leaders in attendance, is proof positive why
the Opposition team really has no captain at present.
PeoplelikeselectorHindscertainlycan't helpthatprocess.
Yours faithfully, Sherwin Crandon
Twenty-eight-year-old LisaHalleyformerlyofSwan, Soesdyke/Linden Highway, was freed on Tuesday of a manslaughter charge which alleged that she killed her husband,DailsonHalley
The charge alleged that Halley on July 29, 2017 unlawfullykilledherhusband atLot30QueenStreet,Kitty The woman was freed by High Court Judge Peter Hugh due to insufficient evidence She was represented by attorney-atlaw Damien DaSilva, while theStatewasrepresentedby MikelPuran.
DaSilva stated that he argued that the prosecution’s case, even at its strongest, would not lead a properly instructedjurytoconvict.As such, he requested that the case be dismissed without requiring the defence to presentitscase.
Thelawyerarguedthatthe prosecutionfailedtoprovehis client unlawfully caused the death of Dailson Halley, as they did not disprove the reasonable possibility that the accused acted in selfdefence. He also noted that, whileseveralwitnesseswere called,theprosecution’scase primarily relied on the testimony of an eyewitness and the accused’s caution statementgiventothepolice
Freed, Lisa Halley
aftertheincident. Justice Hugh agreed with the defence’s no-case submission and instructed the jury to deliver a formal verdictofnotguilty According to reports, the couple had been together for some time and had two children. During that time, Lisa Halley had been frequently abused. The man would, reportedly, force his wife into prostitution and would usually take away whatever cash she made. However,onFriday,the29th July at Queen Street, Kitty during an argument, the womanstabbedherhusband. The man had reportedly armed himself with a knife and threatened to kill her Halley managed to gain controloftheknifeandused theknifetostabhim.
Theinjuredmanwastaken to Georgetown Public Hospitalwherehesuccumbed
interestpaymentsontreasurybillsandBOGDebenture,”theBank revealed Additionally,interestpaymentson364-daytreasurybills increasedbyG$581millionwhencomparedtoJune2023
Earlier this year, the government got the green light to increasetheceilingsonbothdomesticandexternaldebt. The domestic public debt ceiling has been increased to $1.5 trillion, up from $750 billion from its last revision. Meanwhile,anewexternalborrowingceilingof$1.5trillion hasbeenapproved,afteritslastincreaseto$900billion.The OppositionhassteadilywarnedthatGuyanamaybeslipping intoadebttrapthatcouldseethenationfailingtomeetitsloan obligationsshouldoilpricescollapse.
EconomicAdvisortotheLeaderoftheOpposition,Elson Low previously told Kaieteur News that the increase to the country’s debt ceiling paved the way for more loans to be contracted.Infact,heremindedthattheSeniorMinisterinthe Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh signaled that with the tripling of Guyana’s economy,thecountryisnowinabetterpositiontotakemore loans. Low said, “This implies that the reason we are able to takeonmoredebtisbecauseoftheoilsector Asaresult,our abilitytorepaythesedebtsisdependentontheoilsector.”
Shadow Minister of Finance, Juretha Fernandes warned thatfuturegovernmentsinthiscountrywillbefacedwiththe grim reality of choosing between servicing its debt or servicing the needs of its people with the fiscal management strategyofthisincumbentadministration.
Fernandes highlighted that servicing debt has taken precedence in many oil rich countries that fell prey to borrowingagainstoilrevenues.Shepointedoutthedangerin this principle, noting that oil revenues will not flow forever, andcanbecutoffbyvariousfactors,suchasaspill.
The Opposition Parliamentarian explained that Guyana willthenbelefttorelyonitspoorlyperformingnon-oilsectors to fund development in the country In fact, the Shadow Finance Minister said these resources may very well have to be directed to service this country’s ballooning debt rather thanfundtheneedsofcitizens.
The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are among the loftiest ideals ever set to paper Encapsulated in 17 sweeping objectives, from ending poverty to preserving the planet, they embody the eternal optimism of multilateral diplomacy, the beliefthatcoordinatedglobal effort can conquer even the most entrenched of human challenges.
By 2030, we were told, the world would be on a
v a s t l y d i f f e r e n t
trajectory poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, and injustice would be relics of a distant, benightedpast.
Yet as we approach the midpointofthisself-imposed deadline, it is increasingly clear that these goals are slipping further from our grasp. The bold vision that galvanized 193 countries now seems to be fading into the fog of unrealized aspirations. And therein lies the rub: the SDGs were doomed from the outset, not becauseoftheirambition,but becauseoftheirnaiveté.They have become the global equivalent of New Year's resolutions grandly announced, but rarely achieved.
The problem is not that the world doesn't want a future free from poverty and inequality Theproblemisthe UN's insistence on framing development as something that can be reconciled with capitalism's rapacious thirst forprofit.TheSDGs,intheir formulation, are a prime example of what happens when noble intentions clash withaneconomicsystemthat thrives on exploitation,
i n e q u a l i t y , a n d environmentaldegradation. It's no secret that the world will fall far short of meeting the SDGs by 2030. In fact, we may not meet them in 2040 or even 2050.
The reasons for this failure are both complex and predictable First and foremost is the simple fact that countries signed onto these goals with little intentionoffullycommitting tothem.It'seasytonodalong at a UN summit, to declare solemnly that poverty must be eradicated, that climate changemustbestopped,that everyone has the right to education, healthcare, and a dignified life. It's another thing entirely to go back homeandimplementpolicies that make these goals a reality
Thetruthisthatdomestic concerns always take precedence Governments are ultimately beholden to their electorates, not to the UN General Assembly And when it comes to making tough choices between reducingcarbonemissionsor stimulating economic growth, between funding socialprogrammesorcutting taxes, the latter will almost always win out Local political and economic considerations inevitably trump international commitments. This is not a failure of individual governments, but oftheentireframeworkupon which the SDGs are built.
TheUN'sattempttoengineer a global consensus on development ignores the messy realities of nationstates, whose priorities often lie elsewhere. Countries do not function as parts of a
well-oiled global machine; they are driven by their own internal logics, which frequently run counter to the lofty ideals set forth in New Yorkconferencerooms.
But the deeper problem with the SDGs is their reliance on a fundamentally flawed concept of development one that is inextricably tied to the very economic system that perpetuates the inequalities the goals aim to eradicate.
The SDGs, for all their rhetoric about justice and sustainability, are ultimately premised on the idea that development can coexist with capitalism, that the relentless pursuit of profit cansomehowbealignedwith the well-being of people and theplanet.
This is a fiction Capitalism, in its neoliberal
exploitation of labor, the
concentrationofwealthinthe hands of the few It is, by its very nature, antithetical to the goals of equality, sustainability, and human flourishing. The SDGs, by contrast,areasoftglossover theharshrealitiesofasystem that does not care for such things They
sent development as something that can be achieved within the existing structures of global capitalism, when in fact those very structures are the reason development is stymied.
Consider, for instance, Goal 8: “Decent Work and EconomicGrowth.”Theidea hereisthateconomicgrowth can provide the resources needed to lift people out of poverty and provide them
Dem boys seh nobody should be surprised. State ads being weaponized? This ain't new Is old, old story Governmentindepastdidalwaysuseads topushdemownagenda.Y'allremember when dem try fuh shut down de Stabber fuhmekspacefuhdenewkidondeblock. Nowdemthreateningtopulladsfrom this paper But is not de first time.When dispaperexposecorruption,dembigboys start callin' fuh boycott. “Don't buy it,” demseh.Demfraiddetruth. De state media? Deh good Governmentlovedem.Why?'Causedem doessingdesamesongasdegovernment. Demain'tgon'getcutofffromnoads.But thisnewspaper?Itondechoppingblock. Dehwantfuhshutitup.Andshutitdown. But we ain' shutting up When corruptionwasrampant,weexposeitand we tek we licks. When democracy was under threat, we stood tall. We nah gan
remainsilent.Ifwegattogodown,wegango down shouting. People seh de weaponizing of state ads is shades of autocracy No, no. Dem boys seh is full-blown authoritarianism. We reachin' de bottom of de barrel. Like de same systemdatrunhalfdecountryouttahere.
Hundreds of thousands flee from dat same nonsense.Nowwebringin'itback,wrappedup inshinyads.
You tell me how dat mek sense. Dem boy seh, ads is power If yuh got de ads, yuh got control. No ads? Yuh paper starve. And once yuhstarve,demhopingyuhganshutup.Butdis ain'tnojoke.Disisseriousbusiness.Disishow democracydoesdie.Slowly.Oneadatatime. But dem boys seh, watch out. Once dis paper gone, who gon' speak up fuh de people? De samestatemedia?Yeah,right.Afterdemcome fuhwe,demgancomeafteryou. TimefuhGuyanesefuhwakeup.Beforeis toolate. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.
with dignified employment. Yet in a global economy dominated by multinational corporations and speculative finance, economic growth often leads to greater inequality, environmental destructi
r conditions The SDGs' insistence on coupling growth with development is symptomatic of the UN's unwillingnesstoconfrontthe fact that capitalism is the problem,notthesolution.
Another flaw in the SDG framework is its assumption thataglobal,one-size-fits-all solution can be applied to vastly different national contexts.
The problems facing wealthy industrialized nations are not the same as t h o s e c o n f r o n t i n g impoverished countries in the Global South. Yet the SDGs make little distinction between them, offering the samesetofgoalstocountries atradicallydifferentstagesof development, with vastly different resources and challenges.
For a country like the United States, achieving universal healthcare or gender equality is largely a matter of political will. The infrastructure and wealth exist to make these goals achievable.Butforacountry like Haiti, where basic servicesarealreadystretched to the breaking point,
achievingthesameoutcomes requires a level of economic and social transformation that is simply not feasible within the current global order The SDGs, in their universality, fail to account for the specificities of national contexts, assuming instead that a global neoliberal framework can workforall.
Perhaps the most glaring contradiction in the SDG agenda lies in its insistence on sustainability while promoting a system that is inherently unsustainable Neoliberal capitalism, with its fixation on growth and consumption, is driving the planet toward ecological collapse.
The same corporations that pledge to reduce carbon emissions are the ones profiting from industries most responsible for climate change The same governments that sign onto the Paris Agreement are the ones subsidizing fossil fuel extraction.
The SDGs, in their
The UN's Summit of the Future, being hosted this week, represents a desperate attempt to rescue Agenda 2030 from the dustbin of history But the writing is already on the wall. The SDGswillnotbeachieved— not in 2030, or in 2040 or in 2050. The in
onal community will continue to paylipservicetothesegoals while pursuing policies that undermine them The fundamental flaw lies not in the goals themselves, but in thesystem,theyaredesigned to operate within D
compatible with neoliberal capitalism.TheSDGs,forall their noble intentions, were anattempttoimposeaglobal neoliberal solution in the name of development. And that is why they will fail. (The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
sustainability, are fighting a losing battle We cannot continuetopursueeconomic growth at all costs while simultaneously claiming to protecttheenvironment.The very premise of endless growth is incompatible with the finite resources of the planet. And yet the SDGs refuse to acknowledge this fundamental truth, clinging instead to the hope that technological innovation or market-based solutions will somehow resolve the contradictionsofcapitalism.
I cut to the chase. Is the police action at the home of relatives of Ms Melissa Atwell, a preview of things tocomerelativetothemuchdiscussed proposed amendments to Guyana’s Cybercrimelaw?
Is this critic of the PPP Government being made into the first example or crude manifestation of what the amended law still in the proposal stage could represent?
Theconcernsrangefrom the somewhat clandestine way that arms of the State werelinedupandaimedata citizen to the possible chilling message intended for others cut in the mold of Ms.Atwell.
Three other questions melted into one have powerful bearing: Who is next, by what means next, andwhenwillthenexttarget floatintothepublicview?
I lay something unambiguouslyinthecenter of the public table, and I do
so in the midday sunlight. When people engage in breakingthelaw,theyshould be subject to full and legit police inspection. No if, ands, or buts; no equivocating. No excuse. Noexception. But only when there are solid grounds that lawbreaking has occurred It must be the only consideration, the only discussion engaged in, the only one [lawbreaking] on which police decisions are made, police action initiated To belabor the p o i n t : n o o t h e r considerations must be involved, be they political, personal,orinstitutional Whether government critic,oroppositionasset,or ruling party storm trooper, noneofthoseshouldmatter, have any bearing on who comesinforpoliceattention.
Once the law has been violated, debts to society mustbeupheld.
My conclusion of the
facts and circumstances, as theyarenowknown,isthata sack containing an illicit substanceinanearbyalleyis stretching matters to a precarious point, an uncomfortable one that cannot be supported. Some corroborations for this position have emerged from inside the Guyana Police Force (GPF) at its highest levels,barone.
TheGPFtopbrass,other than acting Deputy Commissioner Budhram, wasnotintheloopofplans, developments, actions. Top Cop Clifton Hicken was not informed, neither was top crime sleuth Wendell Blanhum, nor was the top officer in operations. Was informing D eputy Commissioner Budhram all thatwasrequired?
Is this a standing procedure, relative to an operationthatinvolvedmore than the usual sensitivity? Does this mean that any officer with sufficient
standing and special connectivity could contemplate (on his own presumably) and then conduct unhindered such a swoopandsearchoperation? Who and what circle of circumstances prompted the Asst Superintendent that approached the court for a searchwarrant?
I ponder how do the lynchpins democracy grow in strength under such conditions, and how autocracy is not really what isatwork.
Thereisdifficultyseeing how the GPF can run itself professionally and efficientlyinsuchsituations, with this being a test case. Pointedly, who else in Guyana should brace themselves for this kind of police hustle and police heat? Shouldpeoplelikeme view the GPF as an unsheathedweaponreadyto derail, teach a lesson, and bringdown?
Or as a protective law enforcement wall with my lawful interests at heart? Onelastpointonthis”there was a hush-hush air, an apparently rushed, and stealthy approach to the court for a search warrant, which doesn’t add any lustertowhathappened.
Itwouldbeinterestingto hear what the Honourable Attorney General, Mr Anil Nandlall has to offer on the
G P F - A t w e l l development I am thinkingthatIinterpretwhat has unfolded so far in this Atwell family raid is less about the hallmarks of democracy and more about intrusive, invasive autocracy
What may be thought of as a “shade” by some is the equivalent of a meteor shower for others. It would help if Guyana’s chief marshal of law and order, Mr Nandlall, weighs-in aboutwhetherthiswasbona fide GPF pursuit, or police perversity I am weighing whether the Atwell family search was part of a sound GPFplan,orifitwaseithera plant, or a small picture of thingstocome.
As said before, and reemphasized here, I am all for any action that upholds thelaw,regardlessofwhois involved. Inthenextbreath, I am totally against any vision or plan to push protestors and exposers and objectors out to pasture There is more than what meets the eye in this troubling, still largely obscured, police pursuit of part of the Melissa Atwell (‘Melly Mel’) extended family.
Another question stirs. How is it that only a certain type of citizen is on the receiving end of GPF intelligence, GPF priorities,
and GPF movements? The recordofrecenthistoryisof a pronounced tilt in the direction of those who talk too much and write too much And in both instances, expose too much and embarrass the powers thatbetoomuch.
In a normal climate and environment, I would be inclinedtolabelsuchaseries ofunrelatedGPFepisodesas accidental.
Since there is nothing normal about Guyana’s standardsandGuyana’snow well entrenched way of life, the accidental is cast out the window, with the sinister serving as muscular replacement.
Who is next, by what means next, and when will the next target float into the publicview?
Did what take place at the Atwell family residence provide a preview of things to come (against the backdrop of an amended Cybercrime law), or does this embody professional law enforcement activity at its finest, its most wholesomeexpression?
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)
Reuters - The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is expected to greenlight U S oil producer Chevron’s, purchase of Hess, as soon as this week, two people familiar with the matter said, leavingExxonMobil’schallengeto the US$53 billion deal as its final hurdle.
The proposed merger was first announced last October, and the FTC sent a second information request to Chevron two months
later.Hessshareswereupasmuch as 3% in after-hours trading on Mondayfollowingthenews.
Uncertainty over the deal’s closing has knocked Chevron sharesdown1%thisyearcompared to a 6.5% increase in energy share fundXLE.
ExxonandCNOOCLtd,Hess’s partnersinaGuyanajointventure, are challenging the deal by claiming a right of first refusal to any sale of Hess’s Guyana assets,
Athree-judge arbitration panel is due to consider the case in May 2025. Chevron and Hess say a decision is expected by August, while Exxon expects it by September2025.
The proposed all-stock acquisitionisoneofthelargestina consolidating U.S. oil and gas industry where several multibillion-dollar deals have been disclosed.
Chevron’sannouncementofthe HessdealfollowedExxon’sUS$60 billionpurchaseofU.S.shalegiant Pioneer Natural Resources, which closedinMay
Two other mergers, Occidental Petroleum’s deal for CrownRock and Diamondback Energy’s (FANG O), bid for Endeavor Energy Resources, have closed even though they came after the Chevron-Hesscombination.
The FTC required Exxon to
withdrawitsofferofaboardseatto Pioneer Natural Resources CEO ScottSheffieldasaconditionforits go-ahead. The FTC alleged he colludedwithOPECtoreduceU.S. oil and gas output to potentially raisethepriceofoil.
Sheffielddeniedtheallegations andhasaskedtheFTCtovacateits ban on his taking an Exxon board seat.
A spokesperson for the FTC declinedtocommentonMonday
September 20, 2024, marked a significant milestone in Dominica’s journey towards climate
resilience with the groundbreaking ceremony fortheLoubieretoBagatelle Road Rehabilitation Project
–Phase1:LoubieretoGrand BayRoad.
The project, valued at approximately US$49.2 million,isco-financedbythe Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the Government of the United
manage the fund.” With little transparency regarding the useofGuyana’soilwealth,InternationalFinancialAnalysts worry that the revenue may not be used to develop the countryandimprovethelivesofitspoorcitizens.
For instance, Director of Financial Analysis at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA),TomSanzillohadpointedoutthatthegovernment has not been prioritising saving the funds generated from the industry like Norway but has instead embarked on a massive infrastructural and energy development scheme whichmayverywellbenefititspartner,ExxonMobilmore thanthecitizensinthecountry
Meanwhile,thegovernmentpreviouslysaidthatmoney from the oil account is transferred directly to the Consolidated Fund which blends the various revenue streams.Thismeansthatthegovernmentisthereforeunable tosaywhatspecificprojectswerefundedbythoseearnings.
Kingdom through the UK Caribbean Infrastructure PartnershipFund(UKCIF).
In a press release the C D B s a i d
h i s t r a n s f o
i v e infrastructure initiative will significantly improve road safetyandclimateresilience alongtheLoubieretoGrand Baycorridor,benefitingover 6,000 residents from nearby communities.
The project will also addresscriticalneedssuchas reducing travel times, imp
o services, and creating economic opportunities, particularly for farmers and fisherfolk who rely on the roadformarketaccess.
Speaking at the ceremony, Mrs Therese Turner-Jones, Acting Vice President of Operations at C D B , c o m m e n d e d Dominica’s Government for its dedication to climate resilience and disaster
preparedness. “This project is a critical part of Dominica’s broader strategy to enhance its infrastructure resilience and reduce vulnerability to natural disasters.
AtCDB,weareproudto partnerwiththeGovernment of Dominica and the United Kingdom to make this ambitious vision a reality The Loubiere to Grand Bay Road will not only improve connectivity but also enhance the lives of residents, providing them with safer, more efficient access to essential services like healthcare, education, andmarkets.
In our discussions with the Government of Dominica, we stressed the importance of community involvement listening to the needs of residents and road users and making sure safety is part of that discussion, including for
women and girls One importantinnovationwillbe the use of a Road Asset management System to better plan maintenance interventions across the country.”
The project is a significant demonstration of the commitment of the United Kingdom to supportingDominica’slongterm development and climateresiliencegoals.
Mr. Malcolm Geere, Development Director for theCaribbeanattheForeign C
(FCDO)andUKDirectorto CDB, highlighted the UK’s ongoing assistance, stating that “The UK is proud to support the Loubiere to Grand Bay Road Project through the UK Caribbean Infra
T h i s i n i t i a t i v e strengthens Dominica’s
economic and climate resilience while bringing tangible benefits to local communities. Our grant finance is responsibly and sustainably delivered, e
Dominica’s Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, highlighted the project’s importance in the context of Dominica’s ambition to become a climate-resilient nation.
that the partnership with CDB and theUK torealisetheproject e
infrastructure. The road he stated is the gateway to success.ThePrime Minister highlighted the planned trajectory of the nature isle, stating that while Dominica is moving forward partnerships are key He encouragedbothcitizensand Continuedonpage23
Approved conceptual design of the Government Office Complex
Oppositionmembershaveraised concerns over the $15957 billion GovernmentOfficeComplex,asthe lack of visible construction activity at the site has prompted questions about the use of funds that have already been approved and disbursedfortheproject
Inthe2022budget,$2.6billion was allocated as a mobilisation advance to the contractor, Caribbean Green Building Inc., to facilitate the construction of the officetowers,geotechnicalstudies, anddesigns.Accordingtothe2024 BudgetEstimates,atotalof$6.699
billion has been expended on the project,with$2.654billionspentin 2022and$4.045billionin2023.An additional $1 billion has been allocated for 2024. This project is beingfundedbythegovernment.
In addition to questioning the status of the project, Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) Annette Ferguson had suggested that the monies for the project are beingusedtofundtheconstruction ofahotel. However,inastatement on Tuesday, Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill first rejected Ferguson’s claims. He said, “The
assertion that public funds are being diverted to construct the Sheraton Four Points Hotel is not only absurd but also raises serious questionsabouttheintegrityofthe opposition.”
Providing an update on the project, Minister Edghill confirmed that as of September 2024, the office complex is 6% complete.
Key milestones highlighted by the minister include 99% completion of legal work and preliminary processes, 100% completion of the first stage of
geotechnical investigations, land clearing for 20 acres, site office mobilisation, site location confirmation, and sand filling for 13acres.Additionally,100%ofthe conceptualdesignisfinished,95% ofthesecondstageofgeotechnical investigations is complete, and 25%ofthedetaileddesignhasbeen accomplished.
Addressing the opposition’s concern about the lack of onsite activities, Minister Edghill disclosed that much of the work is currentlyhappeningoffsite,suchas the fabrication of steel. He
Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill
explained that the absence of visible onsite activity does not signal a delay given that steel is beingfabricatedinfactoriesbefore being assembled on the location. Hesaidthisreflectsthebehind-thescenes work required for a project ofthismagnitude.
Moreover, Minister Edghill reassuredthepublicthattheproject remains on schedule, with completion expected by August 2026 To this end, he called for an end to the “reckless” rhetoric from theopposition,stating“Ourprimary objective is to deliver this vital projectforthepeopleofGuyana We welcome constructive dialogue, but misinformation will not derail our commitmenttoprogress”
According to the release, the Government Office Complex is expected to address parking and traffic congestion for citizens accessing government services The complex will be located in Eccles,EastBankDemeraraandis expected to feature three entry points connected to major roadways, including the Demerara Harbour Bridge, the Ogle East Bankbypass,andHeroesHighway
The Georgetown Mayor andCityCouncil(M&CC)on Thursday last removed vendors from the vicinity of Popeye’s on Water Street
Some of the vendors and attorney Nigel Hughes following a meeting at City Hall on Thursday
City Mayor Alfred Mentore told Kaieteur News that the M&CC was compelled to remove the vendors after the Council was served with mandamus order from the High Court instructing its officerstodoso
The vendors told this newspaperthatthemovewas sudden and without notice “Isjustsuhwecomeandhere, we got to move from in the frontthebuildingnowarning nothing and this is our livelihoodyoutalkingabout,” afemalevendorexplained
hoping the Council will thereforefindasolutiontothe issue “Alotofusouthereare single parents, we selling because we have children to feed and this is how we can feed and take care of them
The vendors noted that theyhavebeenpayingafeeto theCityHallandareleftata loss when they received sudden marching orders to vacate the area They are
Thecouncilneedstolookinto this because we don’t have anywhereelsetogo ”
K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the orders followed an application filed in the High Court by the
owners of Popeye’s Guyana Restaurants Inc, RL Singh Mayor Mentore explained that order is vendors to be removedfromthepavements and the streets near the fastfoodoutlet TheMayornoted however that while the order to remove vendors from the payment is understandable, theordertohavethevendors from the streets of the city is concerning “It is a bit concerning
because the streets actually for public use and it falls under the control of the council The roads and the streets should be free for use as long as the vending activities are not blocking, trespassing or encumbering on the public use of the streets, it should not be an issue,” Mentore said while noting the council will have looktheissuewithaviewof findingacourseofredress
In the meantime, the Mayorsaidthathehassince metwiththevendorsandMr Nigel Hughes, Attorney-atlaw and Leader for the Alliance For Change towardsfindingapermanent solution to their vending challenges. Mr Hughes in a Facebook post noted that he met with the Mayor on behalf of the predominantly female vendors on Water Street.
Henotedthattheeviction of the vendors will have a harsh impact on their homes and livelihood “It’s September, school term just beganandtheyareover90% femaleandsingle Inthistime of abundance, it can’t be beyond our collective capacitiestofindapermanent solutiontothevendinginthe
city Itwasaprivilegetohave been able to assist in starting the process of identifying a permanent resolution,” Hughessaid
This as the third order of mandamus was to direct the City Council officers to remove, any person or persons on the pavement, street or parapet surrounding of a popular city business
The last two orders were given to vendors around MuneshwersonWaterstreets and those in the vicinity of DemicoHouse
On November 3 last, MuneshwersLimitedsecured similar orders from the High Court requiring the city to remove all encumbrances fromthepavementandstreets surroundingitsLots9and10 Water, Commerce and LongdenStreetspremises As a result, the Georgetown M&CC was compelled to issue notices to vendors as requiredbySection10ofthe City Government By-Laws and adopted under the Municipal and District Councils Act to remove all pallets, trays, tables, mannequins,barrels,cartons, andotherencumbrancesfrom pavements and streets immediately
(OILPRICE COM) Despite cost increases in recent years, renewables remain costcompetitive to fossil fuels as 81% of renewable capacity additions last year were cheaper than their fossil fuel alternatives, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) said in a new reportonTuesday
Last year, a record 473 gigawatts (GW) of renewable capacity was added globally, of which 81% had lower costs than theirfossilfuel-firedalternatives.
“With a spectacular decline in costs to around four US cents per kilowatthourinjustoneyear,solar PV’s global costs in 2023 were 56% lower than fossil fuel and nuclear options,” IRENA said in the report released at the Global Renewables Summit during the UN General Assembly in New YorkonTuesday
“Prices for renewables are no excuse anymore, on the contrary The record growth of renewables in 2023 exemplifies this,” said IRENA’s Director-General FrancescoLaCamera.
“Low-cost renewables represent a key incentive to significantly increase ambition and triple renewable power capacity by 2030, as modelled by IRENA and set by the UAE ConsensusatCOP28,”LaCamera added.
At the COP28 climate summit inDubaiattheendof2023,nearly 200 countries made a collective pledge to triple global renewable capacity by 2030, aiming to keep within reach the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to1.5degreesCelsius.
This pledge means that global renewables capacity needs to rise to11.2terawatts(TW)by2030,up from about 4.2 TW now Also on Tuesday, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in a separate report that the goal to triple renewable energy capacity by the end of the decade is still within reach, but massive investments in power grids and energy storage willbeneeded.
“Withoutgridsandstorage,the tripling of renewables will not succeed,” said the agency, adding that more than 25 million kilometers of electricity grids will need to be built or upgraded by 2030, and global energy storage capacity needs to grow to 1,500 GWby2030.
Of this, 1,200 GWneeds to be battery storage – a nearly 15-fold increase compared to current levels.
The High Court has ordered that the contract disclosure of several
documents including contract in relation to the construction of the new Demerara River Bridge, the casefiledfortheacquisition of privately owned propertiesatPeter’sHall. Inthecasefiledonbehalf oftheState,propertyowner, Merlynn Thomas through her lawyer, Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde requested that the copies be disclosed to the court as part of her defence.
High Court Justice
Jacqueline Josiah Graham had previously denied the request made by Attorney General and Minister of LegalAffairs,Anil Nandlall SConbehalfoftheStatefor the compulsory acquisition oflandsatPeter’sHall,East Bank Demerara, for use in theconstructionofCrossing.
Thomas is one of the residents challenging the State for adequate compensation for the properties that the Governments actively seeks to acquire in its pursuit to construct the new Demerara RiverBridge. Theresidents have raised contention over the compensation being offered by the government for their properties The mainissuepointedouttothe
courtisthenotablevariation betweenthevaluationofthe properties by the State valuation officer and the privatevaluationofficers. The case was filed on September 13, 2024. Since then, the High Court has ordered that the State legal representativestoprovideto the respondent and the Court,copiesoftheContract for the construction of the new Demerara Harbour BridgebetweentheMinistry
An artist’s impression of the new Demerara River Bridge
ofPublicWorksandaJVled by China Railway Construction Incorporated as well as all compensation agreements whether entered into by the Government of Guyana directly or through any of its Agencies and Authorities, to purchase and acquireanyoftheproperties which fall under the scheme of lands required for the construction of the New Demerara Harbour Bridge including all notices
The Court also ordered that the State provides any r e p o r t s b y t h e Environmental Protection Agency in respect of the c o m m e n c e m e n t o f
construction the new Demerara Harbour Bridge andthegeneralimpactofthe c o m m e n c e m e n
construction the new Demerara Harbour Bridge onresidents.
Additionally, it was ordered that the documents
relating to the payment of compensation by the Government of Guyana directlyorthroughanyofits agencies and authorities, to purchaseandacquireLot50 Public Road, Plantation Peter’s Hall, East Bank Demerara, owned by Amin Baksh [another resident], i n c l u s i v e o f t h e recommendation made by Mr Rawle Aaron in respect of payment for the purchase priceandorcompensationof thesaidLot50PublicRoad, Plantation Peter’s Hall, East BankDemerara.
The Government brought lawsuits against Peter’s Hall residents, Virieene Fredricks, Vashti Fredricks, Pearl Layne, Merlynn Thomas, Joann Stewart, and Malcolm Thomas for compulsory acquisitionoftheirlandsfor publicuse.
In accordance with the application filed, lawyers arguingthecaseonbehalfof the Government of Guyana contended that Section 7 of theAcquisitionofLandsAct grants the State the right to immediatepossessionofthe
President Dr Irfaan Ali met with United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken in New York on Monday, where they discussed the continued strengthening of US-Guyana bilateralrelations
The meeting covered a range of pressing issues,includingVenezuela’spoliticalsituation andongoingeffortstoaddressthesecurityand humanitarian crisis in Haiti In a statement attributed to spokesperson Matthew Miller, SecretaryBlinkenhighlightedthestrongUSGuyana partnership and the shared goal of enhancing security and prosperity for both nationsandthewiderregion
It was disclosed that the two leaders reviewed the growing trade and economic cooperation between the US and Guyana, highlightingitssignificanceinfosteringmutual benefits Ali and Blinken also discussed the importance of increased support to the MultinationalSecuritySupport(MSS)mission in Haiti, which aims to restore security and democracyfortheHaitianpeople
Moreover, Secretary Blinken underscored
the United States’ commitment to Guyana’s territorialintegrity,reinforcingtheimportance of collaboration under the US-Caribbean PartnershiptoAddresstheClimateCrisis2030 (PACC 2030) This initiative aims to foster climateresilienceandfoodsecuritythroughout theregion
GuyanaandVenezuelabordercontroversy case is currently pending before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) The case concerns the Arbitral Award of October 1899 which settled the border between the two countries; including the Essequibo region as partofGuyana
Venezuela has historically claimed Guyana’s Essequibo region as its own despite itsinitialacceptanceofthe1899ArbitralAward that gives Guyana control of the Essequibo Essequibo is Guyana’s biggest county, filled with gold, diamonds and significant natural resources The case finds its genesis in Venezuela’s challenge to the validity of the 1899 Arbitral Award of the boundaries that separatethetwocountries
(Newsweek) United Nations Secretary-General AntonioGuterreswarnedon Sunday that Lebanon could transform into "another Gaza" following this week's attacksonHezbollah.
The Lebanese militant groupandtheIsraelimilitary have exchanged fire for 11 months amid Israel's war with Hamas, an ally of Hezbollah, in Gaza But tensions escalated this week following a series of attacks on Hezbollah targeting the militant group's electronic devices.
roughly250moreweretaken hostage.
There are still about 100 hostages that remain in Gaza, a third of whom are believed to be dead. Israel subsequently launched a military operation in Gaza that has killed over 41,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza'sHealthMinistry
The fighting in Gaza has left the region in ruins and Palestinians on the brink of famine as they remain crammed in tent camps Guterres has previously called the situation in Gaza an "epic humanitarian
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres poses during an interview with AFP at the UN headquarters on September 16, 2024, in New York City. ANGELAWEISS/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
rockets across northern Israel early Sunday as Israel bombarded Lebanon with
hundreds of strikes Hezbollah'srockethitscome after Israel launched an airstrike in Beirut on Friday thatkilledatleast45people, including a top leader of the militantgroup,IbrahimAkil, and several other fighters as wellaswomenandchildren.
When asked about the recent electronic device attacks,GuterrestoldCNN's Fareed Zakaria in a prerecordedinterview,"Thereis a potential for a much strongerescalation.Andthat is what concerns me—the possibility of transforming Lebanon in[to] another Gaza,whichIthinkwouldbe adevastatingtragedyforthe world."
Newsweek reached out to the UN, Israel's foreign ministry,andLebanon'sU.S. embassy via email for comment on Sunday afternoon.
October 7, 2024, will mark one year since Hamas' surprise attack on Israel when some 1,200 people in Israel were killed and
The U.S., along with Qatar and Egypt, have worked for months to get HamasandIsraeltoagreeto a ceasefire and hostagereleasedeal.
"It is for me clear that both sides are not interested in a ceasefire. And that is a tragedybecausethisisawar that must stop," Guterres said ahead of this year's annual UN summit starting Monday
Guterres said the previously proposed deals are "quite reasonable," adding that "both sides should be in a position to accept."
Both the UN General Assembly and Security Council have called for an immediateceasefireinGaza and the immediate and unconditional release of all thehostages.
Hezbollah Electronic DeviceAttacks
OnTuesday,pagersused by hundreds of members of Hezbollah exploded nearsimultaneously in Lebanon and Syria. The next day, moreelectronicdevices,this time walkie-talkies,
At least 37 people, includingtwochildren,were killed and over 3,000 were wounded from the two attacks Both attacks targeting Hezbollah are widelybelievedtobecarried out by Israel, but Israel has not claimed responsibility forthem.
Will Israel Invade Lebanon?
Daniel Shadmy, spokesperson for the nongovernmental organization
European Leadership Network-Israel (ELNET), told Newsweek earlier this week, "We have never been closertoanall-outwar,butit can still be avoided as we haven't crossed the point of noreturn."
Hezbollah continues, we are getting c
ser to a miscalculation and a dramatic escalation of hostilities,"Shadmysaid.
Meanwhile, Avi Melamed, a regional analyst and former Israeli intelligence official, told Newsweek, "Israel has signaled that moving to the next stage of its war plan against Hezbollah is a real option, but it is not inevitable."
"IranandHezbollahhave an interest in ending the skirmish with Israel, especially after the significant blow Hezbollah suffered," he continued. "I
Rescuers sift through the rubble at the scene of an Israeli strike that targeted Beirut's southern suburbs a day earlier, as search and rescue operations continue on September 21 in Lebanon. AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
anticipate that Iranian pressure on [Hamas leader Yahya] Sinwar to reach an agreementthatwouldatleast temporarily halt the fighting inGazawillintensify."
When asked if he is
concerned about the rising conflict in the Middle East, President Joe Biden said "yes," according to Kellie Meyer, Washington correspondent for NewsNation, in an X, formerly Twitter, post on Sundayafternoon. "We're going to do everything we can to keep a widerwarfrombreakingout. And we're still pushing hard,"Bidenadded.
Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse.Call:673-7373.Experience is an asset.
Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900perday Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839(GTT)/637-0983(digi).
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Waitress & Managers to workatXenonHotelinCharityEssequibo.Accommodation is provided. Call:2235273/647-5470.
Domestic needed. Contact: 223-5273/647-5470.
Experienced canter Driver / Salesman to drive water deliverycanter.Mustbeliving between Vreen-en-Hoop, Parika.Call:662-9341.
FemaleCaregiverforelderly coupleinGeorgetown.Call: 650-5496.
Spacious 900 sqft 1 bed/1 bath. Safe and quiet neighborhood,Subryanville.Call: 624-2619.
Twounfurnished,2bedrooms for rental in Stanleytown West Bank Demerara. Call: 0011-973-651-7160/627-5497 via WhatsApp.
One bottom place to rent 29 Public Road, Ruimzeight, West Bank Demerara. Contact:684-9752.
Householditemsforsaleby personleavingthecountry Call:669-0957.
Drivermustbeabletoassist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50,Car/Vanlicence. Call:615-9132or645-8443.
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OneClerkforTSIEcclesoffice. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email: techserigy@yahoo.comor Call:615-9132.
Maid to clean for East Bank area.Call:615-9132.
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VacancyforAdministrative/ Accounts clerk. Call: 6761148.
Experienced canter driver / salesman to drive water delivery canter. Must be living between Vreen-en-Hoop, Parika.Call:662-9341.
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Males needed to work in the Interior, ages 18 years and older.Call:674-9999.
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Live-inDomesticneeded.Attractive salary offered. Call: 660-9093.
VacancyforthenightHandyman and a Domestic/ Maid. For more information Call: 638-6816.
Surbryanville, La-penitence, Queenstown & Durbanstreet.FormoreinformationContact:RayRealty627-9685.
The Amerindian community of Tabatinga in Lethem, Region Nine will soon get a secondary school building which will be constructed for thesumof$182,360,608.
The project which went out to tender through the MinistryofLocalGovernment and Regional Development wasawardedonFridaytocontractor QA Civil Works, following the national bidding process at the National Procurement andTenderAdministration Board (NPTAB) office.
QA Civil Works was among13biddersthatsubmitted bids for the project which was estimated to cost $198 million.
The Tabatinga Secondary Schoolisoneoffournewsecondary schools the government intends to build in the Upper Takatu-Upper Essequibo region this year It was also reported that the construction of the sec-
North East La-penitence, closetoMandelaAve.Better hope E.C.D & Friendship E.B.D. Contact: Ray Realty627-9685.
Elevateyour brandwithour professional Graphicdesign services. For more informationCall:619-0007,629-5526.
Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada&UK:Graphicsdesign, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.
1 Honda CRV, includesTV, musicsystem,alarm,reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PUTT Series (first owner).Call:649-0956.
1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reversecamera,alarm,lowmilage.Call:649-0956.
ondary schools will ease the overcrowding at St. Ignatius Secondary, while closing the primarytopsintheothercommunities to provide students with the opportunity to have better access to learning.
In addition to Tabatinga, inRegionNine,anewsecondaryschoolwillbeconstructed at Nappi, Maruranau and Massara Villages along with the ongoing construction of KarasabaiSecondarySchool.
Kaieteur News under-
stands that across the hinterlandregions,atotalof16secondary schools will be constructed.
In Region One, five secondary schools will be constructed; in Region Six, there will be one; in Region Seven two schools; and in Region Eight, three schools will be constructed. Tenders have been issued for the majority of the projects. Construction of some of the schools has started.
This newspaper reported too that the government has embarked on an aggressive programmetoensurethatthe nations children have access to secondary education. The Government has set 2025toachieveuniversalsecondary education.
To achieve this, the Ministries of Education and Local Government have since moved to have several secondary schools constructed across the country
Minister of Public Works
Juan Edghill is urging the GuyanaPoliceForce(GPF)to enforce restrictions on heavy-duty trucks traveling alongtheEastCoastRailway Embankment.
On August 31, 2024, the Ministry of Public Works issued a notice, advising truck driversthat,“effectiveimmediately, they are required to usethemainroadandrefrain from using the Railway Embankmentcorridor.”
Theannouncementhighlighted ongoing repairs to bridges along the embankment, which have suffered damage from heavy trucks, impacting both residents and other road users.
Inaletterpublishedinthe Stabroek News on Tuesday, itwasnotedthatheavytrucks continue to use the embankment, recently causing a
bridgeontheColdingen,East Coast Demerara road to collapse again and leading to significant traffic congestion on the main access road. T he concerned citizen remarked, “Alas, three weeks have passed since this missive was issued and the trucks have never stopped using this road. In fact, they have become more blatant with blaring horns and moving in convoys of three or more during the day and night.”
In response to these concerns,MinisterEdghillspoke withKaieteurNewsonTuesday,emphasizingtheneedfor the GPF to enforce measures tokeeptrucksofftherailway road. “Trucks will not be allowed on the Railway Embankment, crossing the aqua panel bridges because of the weighttheycarry,” he stated.
“They are damaging the bridges,Ijustdonefixingalot of bridges over the weekend. The police have to enforce these measures, it's the way we dealt with the situation in Lamaha Gardens (Georgetown), we put up the no trucking signs and so on, so that is the same thing that we have to do.”
Back in March 2024, the Minister had visited the LamahaGardens,announcing reduced speed limits and the installation of signs, along with plans for GPF patrols to ensurecompliance.
Additionally, Minister Edghill urged the public to help enforce these measures, stating,“[People]mustreport these stuff, take the truck numbers, send the pictures, and let us impound them because we have given them designated routes.”
From page 18
lands. However, counsel for the residents, Forde has arguedamongotherthingsthat the residents should be compensatedadequatelyfortheir properties. Among the contentions raised before the court is the valuation of the propertiesatthecenterofthe dispute.
Accordingly, the attention of the court was drawn to the value of the property after evaluation by the governmentvaluationofficerand the value of the property by private evaluators. It was pointedoutthatthevaluedifference is notable; hence the dispute. The order issued by JusticeJosiah-Grahamstated thatthetrialistobeexpedited
to determine fair compensationandjustresolutionforthe suits.
The judge in refusing the State's request for immediate possessionsaidthattheCourt is mindful that the construction of the bridge over the Demerara River is aimed at improvingtransportationand connectivity between regions,whichcanfacilitatenot only easy access by citizens but also enhance commerce, tourism,andoveralleconomic development. The bridge is expected to enhance access toessentialservicesandmarkets, thereby contributing to economicgrowthandcommunitywelfare.
“The bridge can be seen aspartofabroaderinfrastruc-
ture development strategy that may lead to improved public services. Enhancements in infrastructure can attract investments create jobs and reduce travel time, all of which generally serve the public interest. However, inthefaceofthesegoods,the actions taken by the governmentorprojectdevelopersto acquire land or properties must be tempered with considerations of fairness and equity,” the court underscored. As such, it was orderedthatthetrialofthematterbeexpeditedtodetermine fair compensation and a just resolution of the suits. Further, the parties are encouraged to settle the matter amicably
TheMackenzieHighSchoolinRegion10issettoundergo repairsatanestimatedcostof$73million.Thisisaccordingto the project which opened recently at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office.
MinistryofEducation RepairstoMackenzieHighSchool,Region10.
Bidder AmountTendered
FyffeBuilding&Contracting Works $76,433,780
ECSConstruction&GeneralSupplies $116,436,480
BDInvestments&Construction Services
Engineer’sEstimate $73,767,500
Supplyanddeliveryofonenewdoublecabpick-up. Bidder AmountTendered BeharryAutomotive
The decomposed body of a 56-year-old labourer was found, on Tuesday, lying face down with woundsatthebottomofthe stairsofhishome,locatedat Lot 37 Seventh Avenue, Bartica.
The dead man has been
the stairs, bolted from the inside and a reddish substance (suspected to be blood) was observed flowing down the stairs (steps) As such, ranks prisedopenthedoorandthe body of the deceased was found.
identified as, Rushik Ramkarran, also known as ‘Crushal.’
Police reported that Ramkarran, 33-year-old niece of First Avenue, Bartica, reported to police that Ramkarran who is allegedly an alcoholic and drug addict had not been seen in several days
Subsequently, police venturedofftoRamkarran’s home, where ranks found thedoor,whichwastheonly entrance into the house via
There it was revealed that nine contractors have applied forthecontract.
The man’s body was examinedandawoundwas observed on the head, with blood visible on the face.
Thebodywastransportedto Memorial Gardens Funeral Home, awaiting a postmortem examination
“Based on preliminary investigation,itissuspected that the deceased may have fell from the top of the stairway, hitting his head in the process Further investigation ongoing,” policereported.
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) is preparingafileto be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for advice as it relates to the charge that should be laid against two men accused of killing two others last Saturdayoutsideanightclub at Leonora, West Coast Demerara(WCD).
The suspects have been identified as, Terry Thorman, a resident of Leonora, WCD and Alex Amsterdam,called'Mario',a 28-year-old Security Guard. Dead are 30-year-old Kalameeden Nasir, who residedatLot1Stewartville, WCD and 25-year-old Arvinda Roopram of Lot 52 Stewartville,WCD.
On Monday around 18:50hrs, Thorman turned himself in at the Leonora Police Station in the presence of his attorney Following that, ranks informed him of the double murder allegation against him, and he was then cautioned. Thereafterpolice
stated that Thorman reportedlytoldranks,“Ihave nothing to do with the death of those two men". Police further reported, “Also, he declined to give a written statement. He was arrested and placed into custody, p e n d i n g f u r t h e r investigation.”
Kaieteur News reported that the stabbing occurred at 02:50hrs on Saturday after a heatedargumentbetweenthe victims and the suspects which resulted in a scuffle. Duringthescuffle,Roopram
Frompage14 collaborators to join him on the country's journey to build a resilientnation.
TheLoubieretoGrandBayroadoncecompleted,willcreate safer,climate-resilientroutesforcitizens,improvingaccessto socialservicesandopportunitiesforthousands.TheLoubiere to Bagatelle Road Rehabilitation Project aligns with Dominica's Climate Resilience Recovery Plan 2020-2030, whichaimstoenhancetheisland'scapacitytowithstandand recover from natural disasters. The project includes the implementationofaRoadAssetManagementStrategyanda Gender-Responsive Road Safety Awareness Strategy, ensuring that road improvements are inclusive and sustainable.
TheUKiscontributingapproximately£26million(USD 32.9 million) to the project through UKCIF, with CDB administering the funds. The successful completion of the project will mark a significant step forward in Dominica's ongoing efforts to build climate resilience and ensure the safetyandwell-beingofitscitizens.
receivedseveralstabwounds to his body while Nasir was stabbed once in his upper abdomen Amsterdam received one stab wound in his upper abdomen, while Thorman made good his escape from the scene in an unknown direction Nasir and Roopram were taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital by ranks of the Anti-Crime Patrol, where they were examined by a doctor and pronounced dead onarrival. Amsterdam was also
takentotheLeonoraCottage Hospital, where he was examined by a doctor and later transferred to the West Demerara Regional Hospital, where he is a patient under police guard. His condition is listed as critical.
Policesaidthatthescene was processed and a blackhandle 'Rambo' knife was recovered. “Severalpersons were questioned and useful information received as investigations continue,” policestated.
UN system and values are "dying in Gaza" as death toll rises,
(CNN)Thesystemofthe United Nations and the values championed by the West “are dying in Gaza” as the death toll in the enclave rises,Turkey'spresidenttold the assembly on Tuesday amidtensionintheregion.
“Not only children are dying in Gaza; the United Nationssystemisalsodying, the truth is dying, the values that the West claims to defend are dying, the hopes ofhumanitytoliveinafairer worldaredyingonebyone,” Turkish President Recep TayyipErdogansaid.
Speaking at the UN General Assembly, Erdogan condemned Israel's actions in Gaza, where local health authority figures show that more than 41,000 people have been killed since the Israel-Hamas war began on October 7, following the militantgroup'sdeadlyterror attacksinIsrael.
He called for world leaders to stop Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's pursuit of the war, and criticized countries whosupporthisgovernment. “IcallouttoUnitedNations Security Council, what are you waiting for to prevent
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday.
thegenocideinGaza,toputa stop to this cruelty, this barbarianism?”hesaid.
Meanwhile,IsraeliPrime Minister Benjamin NetanyahureiteratedIsrael's war is not with Lebanon but with Hezbollah and its leadership on Tuesday “I saytothepeopleofLebanon: ourwarisnotwithyou.Our war is with Hezbollah (Hezbollah leader Hassan) Nasrallah is leading you to the brink of the abyss,” Netanyahusaidduringavisit toanintelligencebase.
The prime minister said he warned the Lebanese people to evacuate places where Hezbollah has weapons including residential houses. “I told you yesterday to evacuate
the houses where he put a missile in the living room andarocketinthegarage.He who has a missile in his living room and a rocket in his garage will not have a home,” he said. Netanyahu said the militant group's leader “causes your country tobeindanger Freeyourself from the grip of Hezbollah. Free yourself from Nasrallah's grip, for your owngood.”
Some background: Netanyahu made similar comments on Monday, sayingthathiscountryisnot at war with the people of Lebanon, but with Hezbollah.Healsocalledon the Lebanese people to “get out of harm's way” while it targetsHezbollahpositions.
(CNN)Atleast30people were killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza on Tuesday,accordingtoalocal hospitalandjournalistsinthe enclave.
Among the dead were BilalandOusamaFayed,20year-old twins who were killed in an Israeli airstrike on an apartment building in Al-Bureij. “Theywereborn togetherandkilledtogether,” their father Ahmad Fayed told CNN outside the mortuaryatAl-AqsaMartyrs Hospital in central Gaza, where their bodies had been taken. Severalchildrenwith shrapnel wounds were also brought to the hospital after the strike. Two children, 9year-old Lama Ramadan SaidiandZaynHaniSalama, whoseageisunknown,were killed, according to the hospital where their bodies werebrought.
Also in central Gaza, ten people were killed and 11 injuredinastrikeonahouse near the Al-Ahli Club in
Nuseirat, Al-Awda Hospital said.Atleastfourofthedead were children The Gaza Civil Defense Authority previously said six more people were killed in an Israeli airstrike in Nuseirat.
CNN has asked the Israel DefenseForcesforcomment onthesestrikes.Itisunclear what the Israeli military had beentargeting.CentralGaza hasbeenthesceneofintense Israeli onslaught Six civilians were also killed in Khan Younis, in the early hours of Tuesday, according to the Civil Defense Authority The IDF told CNNthatinthatcase,itwas targeting a Hamas commander Further north in Al Tawam, four people were killed, including a driver for the Civil Defense Directorate, when an airstrike hit an apartment, according to local journalists.
Meanwhile, President Joe Biden on Tuesday lamented the death toll and
President Volodymyr Zelensky has said the war withRussiacouldendsooner thansomepeoplethink.
"Ithinkthatwearecloser to peace than we think," he told US broadcaster ABC News.HeaddedthatUkraine could push Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the conflict, but only if Kyiv was coming from a "strong position" - once again calling on his Western allies to strengthen the Ukrainianarmy
TheUkrainianpresident is in the US this week to speak at the United Nations General Assembly and to present what he has called a "victoryplan"tohisWestern allies, including US PresidentJoeBiden.
In a statement ahead of the visit, Zelensky said the plan included further weapons donations, diplomatic efforts to force Russiatoagreetopeace,and h o l d i n g M o s c o w accountable for its full-scale invasion in 2022. In his interview with ABC News, Zelensky said his victory plan was not about negotiating with Russia, but rather it was "a bridge to a diplomatic way out, to stop thewar".
isexpectedtodosoagainthis weekashevisitstheUS.
OnSunday,Bidensaidhe had not yet decided whether to give Ukraine the green light. Zelensky said the US would need to lead the decision: "Everybody's looking up to [Biden], and we need this to defend ourselves," he told ABC. Zelensky will speak at the UN General Assembly on Wednesdayandisalsodueto meet US presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The president of the Czech Republic,PetrPavel,toldthe New York Times that Ukraine would have to be "realistic"aboutitsprospects ofrecoveringtheareasinthe east of the country which Russia has managed to gain over the last 31 months of war
He added that the most likely outcome of the war was that a part of Ukrainian territorywouldremainunder Russian occupation for a numberofyears.
A defeat of either Ukraine or Russia "will simply not happen", Pavel told the Times, adding that theendoftheconflictwould be"somewhereinbetween".
pain felt by innocent civiliansonbothsidesofthe Israel-Gaza conflict while speaking at the UN General Assembly
Biden referenced the hundreds of civilians killed during the Hamas attack on Israel11monthsagoandthe scores who were taken hostage. “I've met with the families of those hostages. I've grieved with them,” Biden said. “They're going through hell.” He added: “Innocent civilians in Gaza are also going through hell. Thousands and thousands killed, including aid workers. Too many families dislocated, crowding in the tents, facing a dire humanitariansituation.”
On the languishing ceasefire deal, Biden said: “Now is the time for the parties to finalize its terms, bringthehostageshomeand securesecurityforIsraeland Gaza free of Hamas scrip, ease the suffering in Gaza andendthiswar.”
On Tuesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia was being cautiousaboutmediareports of a Ukrainian plan and addedthattheconflictwould onlyendwhenRussia'saims wereachieved.Zelenskyhas for some time been asking Western countries to allow Ukraine to ease restrictions on the use of long-range missileswhichcouldbeused tostrikedeepintoRussia.He
Zelensky's US trip comes as Ukraine continues to come under sustained attack by Russia.
An incursion by Ukrainian troops into Russia's Kursk region in August failed to ease the pressure put by Moscow on eastern Ukraine Several regionscontinuetoseedaily casualties and widespread damage to Ukraine's energy infrastructure. There are concerns Russia could seize morekeytownsintheeastof
In a daytime attack on Tuesday, Russia hit a highrise apartment block in Ukraine's northeastern city of Kharkiv At least three people died and 15 were injured in the attack, which local authorities said was carriedoutwithglidebombs. On Monday night, an attack on the eastern Ukrainian town of Poltava damaged infrastructure, while in the s o u t h e r n c i t y o f Zaporizhzhia one person died and six others were wounded following "massive air strikes" Russian troops have made serious advances in the east and are closing in on Vuhledar - a city on the southern part of the Donbas front line that the Russians have been trying to seize since the beginning of their full-scale invasion Ukrainian military expert and retired co
onel Kostyantyn Mashovets warned his fellow Ukrainians they had to be "psychologically prepared" for the loss of Selydove, Toretsk and Vuhledar in the eastern region of Donbas. "I wouldlovetobewrong,"he wrote on Facebook. "But from the information I have... this is a very likely scenarioofeventsinthenear future."
Israel,” describing him as “a center of knowledge in the field of missiles and was close to the senior military leadership of Hezbollah.”
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) identified the commander as Ibrahim Qubaisi and added that “during the attack, there were other key commanders in Hezbollah'smissileandrocketarray”atthe location.
Qubaisi commanded various missile units of Hezbollah, including the precision missileunits,theIDFsaid.
“Over the years and during the war, he was responsible for the launches towards
The IDF claimed that “as part of his duties in the terrorist organization, he was responsible for the planning and execution of many terrorist plots against IDF forces” andIsraelicitizens. Thestrikedemolishedtwoupperstories ofthebuildinginBeirut.Hezbollahhasyet tocommentonanyhigh-profilecasualtiesas aresultofthestrike.
A rescuer searches for survivors in a buildingthatwashitbyanIsraeliairstrikein
benefits from cricket balls
“Cricket Gear for young and promising cricketers in Guyana”
Kendall's Union Cricket Club of No 19 Village, Corentyne, Berbice is the latest to benefit from this joint initiative between Kishan Das of the USAand Anil Beharry of Guyana. They were the recipient of two boxes of red cricket balls, one of which was handedoverrecentlyandthe othertofollow
At a simple ceremony held recently, Galina
H i t n a r i n e , c l u b representative, was thankful for the support. This project is also pleased to be part of itsdevelopmentandtheballs are to be used for the junior cricket programme only. Beharry,aformermemberof the club and a former residentofthecommunity,is impressed with the effort of
club president Albert Budhooandhisteamandthe project will continue to provide support when possible.
Total cricket related items received/purchased so far: $460,000 in cash, thirteen colored cricket uniforms, one set of stumps and bails, two trophies, twentysevenpairsofcricket shoes, thirty three pairs of batting pads, thirty five cricket bats, one floppy hat, thirty two pairs of batting gloves, twenty five thigh pads, three pairs of wicket keeping pads, six arm guards, two chest pads, two boxes, twelve cricket bags, six bat rubbers, six helmets, one fiber glass bat, thirteen boxes of white cricket balls, three boxes of red balls and
ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19
Changes taking place at home could lead to more income,Aries.Perhapsanew housemate moves in, reducingyourhousingcosts.
A walk through your neighborhood could put you inthemiddleofanunexpected, interesting event, Taurus It maybeasmallpublicgathering or an impromptu get-together, likeaprotest
Some books you've been reading lately might excite your desire to study astrology, numerology, alchemy, or some other occultscience,Gemini.
Boredom might stimulate your rebellious streak today, Cancer You could decide to foregoyourusualtasksanddo something unusual or unexpected,suchasskydiving orhorsebackriding.
A virtual class or lecture of some kind could bring you exciting new information today, Leo. This could keep yourmindbuzzingforhour
A future journey may be in the works right now, Virgo. Many changes have been occurringinyourlifeforalong time, and they continue today Theymightinvolvegroupevents oreducationalactivities.
twenty eight footballs. In addition to the above, gear worth more than $600,000 was donated by Sheik Mohamed, former National wicket keeper/batsman. All cash collected is being used to purchase cricket gear requested and not available atthetime.
Todate,eightysixyoung players, male and female, from all three counties of Guyana have benefited directly from cash, seven gearbags,twotrophies,four armguards,thirtythreebats, three boxes, six helmets, thirty one pairs of cricket shoes,twentypairsofbatting pads,twentyfourthighpads, onebatgrip,thirtyfourpairs ofbattinggloves,onepairof wicketkeeping pads and threepairsofwicketkeeping
Achangeincareercouldbein the works for you, Libra. It might be within the scope of yourcurrentjoboranentirely new one. It's definitely a changeforthebetter
benefitedindirectly In addition, two clubs in thePomeroonareabenefited f
Pomeroon, Leguan and W
CommitteesandCottonTree Die Hard also received one boxofredcricketballseach, Cold Fusion Cricket Club thirteen color uniforms whileRHCCCCreceivedsix boxes of balls, fifteen white cricket shirts, one pair of junior batting pads, one pair of wicket keeping gloves, twosetsofstumpsandbails.
Other beneficiaries are The Essequibo Cricket Board, theTown of Lethem, youth coach Travis Persaud
(oneboxofredcricketballs), male and female teams playing the traditional hardball and softball in the Upper Corentyne area, No.65YoungTitans with 30 T-Shirts, youths of Just Try Cricket Club, Wakenaam Cricket Academy (one box of white balls), Shamar
Culture, Youth, and Sport
An unexpected opportunity to go on a long journey, perhaps business-related, could come to you soon, Scorpio. A partner might be involved.
Too much hard work and stress could be taking a physical toll on you today, Sagittarius. But it isn't likely to stop you from working intently and energetically on aprojectthatfascinatesyou.
If you're single, Capricorn, todayyoucouldfallinloveat first sight. A friend could send you someone’s contact information who shares your interests and with whom you'lltalkforhours.
SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov.21) AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18)
Have you been considering working more at home, Aquarius? If so, today you mightdecidetodojustthat
Aconversationwithasibling orneighborcouldleadtoyou making a new friend today, Pisces, probably someone who works in a creative profession If you're currently romanticallyinvolved.
Frompage35 Best Boxer award, solidifying his reputation as a rising star This event marked a significantmilestoneintheGBA's e
Thenewringwillbeutilised for future events as the GB A
t s t o
c e n t r aliseboxingacross Guyana, made possible by the acquisition of a new boxing ring through the Ministry of
equipmentinotherregions. Nextstop,Lindenissettohost the next leg of the U-16 Championship, with Berbice tofollowafteritsconclusion.
Joseph, Nehemiah Hohenkirk, Shamar Apple, Leguan Cricket Committee, Tucber Park Cricket Club, Malteenoes Sports Club (nine cricket balls each) and Kendall's Union Cricket Club with two boxes of red balls. Cricket related items, used or new, are distributed free of cost to young and promising cricketers in Guyana. Anyone interested to contribute can contact AnilBeharryon623-6875or Kishan Das on 1-718-6640896.
Frompage31 apiece will give the Royals some urgency to move up from their current 3rd place position.Royalsalreadyhurt theWarriors'afterQuintonde Kock dazzled with 115, while Rahkeem Cornwall, Kadeem Alleyne, Alick Athanaze, Captain Rovman Powell and Jason Holder have been in good batting form and will provide the necessaryfirepowerneeded. All-rounder Mooen Ali has been a revelation for the Warriorsinbothdepartments withtheEnglishman'srolein the team becoming increasingly more crucial as they go deeper in the tournament. Last encounter Barbadoswoneasilyby32in Bridgetown, despite good knocks from Ali, Hope, Hetmyer,PaulandRobinson. Holder, South African spinner Keshav Maharaj, pacer Obed McCoy and Naveen-ul-Haq will be the key with ball, as Chase alongside Sri Lanka leggy MaheeshTheekshanashould also be a handful Meanwhile, Joseph, Dwaine Pretorius, Raymon Reifer, Paul and possibly Shepherd have been utilizing the pace and bounce at Providence to at times rough up their opponents, with hostility needed tonight against a dangerous Royals batting order. The shift to the Warriors home turf of Providence could easily sway tonight's outcome in favorofthehometeam,with action bowling off from 19:00h.
Team Guyana has once again doneArchery Guyana proud at the 6th Caribbean
D e v e l o p m e n t Championships, which was held in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, from September 19-22, 2024 Seven countries competed, namely; Jamaica, Bahamas, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Guyana, TrinidadandTobagoandthe USA. The Ranking rounds were held on Friday, September 20 and the following are the ranking
scores for the men: Mehandra Chatargum 636, Jeewanram Persaud 619, Faraad Gani 606, Saifullah Gani 606, Gregory McKoy 605, Teemahall Lall 530,
Richard Dookie 492, Saeed Karim 483, Alec Simmons 460andAfzalKarim424.
The women's ranking scores are: Juanita Persaud 627, Melesa Ramnaraine 600, Roshini Boodhoo 559, Fatima Gani 552, Julie-Ann Williams 502, Karin Toppin 425, Naudia Maraj 415, Nataliya Pollard 408 and Theresa Jaikishun-Deoroop 306.
The elimination matches were held on Saturday, September 21, which saw some very exciting matches with the archers aiming for thetopbracketsinthemedal matches for the following day at the Plantation Cove venue.
The semi-final and final matches were played on Sunday with more excitmentt as there were surprises and upsets among archersshootingforthegold. A Special award was presented to World Archery Americas Development Committee Chair, Mr Philip
Graves for his tireless c
Caribbean Development Championships, and to archery
Also receiving gifts of
y Association were the head coachesfromeachcountry
While Team Jamaica tookalargermedalcount:25 (8 gold, 12 silver & 5 bronze),Guyanawonatotal of 23 medals; 15 gold, 5 sliverand3bronze,withthe mostgoldmedalsawardedto Guyana in the entire competition Last year's RecurveMixedTeampower couple Jeewanram Persaud and Roshini Boodhoo took the gold again in this year's MixedTeammatches,asdid last year's Barebow Mixed Team of Teemahall Lall and NataliyaPollard.
Trinidad & Tobago followed with a total of 13 medals (7 gold, 3 silver & 3 bronze). The British Virgin Islands took a total of 7 medals (2 gold, 2 silver & 3 bronze), Bahamas' medal totalwas6(3gold,1silver& 2 bronze), Barbados followedwith5(4silver&1 bronze), and USA2 (2 gold medals)
Additionally, in the mixed teams where archers from 2 different countries were paired, Jamaica & Guyana won silver, Guyana andTrinidad &Tobago won bronze, and Guyana and Barbadoswonbronze.
President of Archery Guyana, Mrs Vidushi
Persaud-McKinnon expressedherimmensepride inGuyana'srepresentationin Jamaica with such an incredible success According to her, every one of the participants from various affiliated clubs in Guyana performed to their best. “They brought their verybesttothefield,anditis their talent, dedication, and perseverancethattrulymade this tournament special Without their commitment, countless hours of training, andperseverancethroughall obstacles,noneofthiswould have been possible. I am reminded of how far we've come from 2018 when Archery Guyana hosted the inaugural Level 1 coaching seminar.
The global pandemic may have slowed us down for a couple of years, but withinfiveyears,despitethe downtime,hereweareonthe international stage, coming home with a very shiny collectionofmedals.”
The Guyanese archers impressedallwhosawthem compete and demonstrated true sportsmanship towards their fellow competitors while making friends at the sametime.
TheTeamwasledbythe followingofficials:Nicholas H i n g - C h e f - d eMission/Head Coach, Saeed Karim – Team Logistics
Coordinator/Archer, Roshini Boodhoo – Team
M a n a g e r / A r c h e r , Jeewanram Persaud –Coach/Archer, Juliana Rickhee – Team Support Coordinator, Shrikanta D e o r o o p – T e a m Photographer Archery Guyana remains committed tofosteringthedevelopment ofitsathletesandraisingthe profile of the sport both locally and internationally Thefederationisgratefulfor the support of its affiliates, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, the National Sports Commission, the G u y a n a O l y m p i c Association, Guyana Beverages Inc., World of Flowers and the Guyanese publicandthemedia.
The Board of Directors ofArcheryGuyanawishesto extend a massive thank you to WorldArcheryAmericas, the Jamaican Archery Federation, the organisers and volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure everything ran smoothly A special commendation is extended to Coach Phil Graves - his leadership and expertise havebeenpivotalinmaking this event what it is, and his commitment to the development of archery in our region has been invaluable.
Having lost their last match comprehensively to the Barbados Royals, Guyana Amazon Warriors willbekeenonreturningthefavor come tonight when the two sides meetagain,thistimeathomeofthe defending champs; the Guyana NationalStadium,Providence.
Since their return to home turf, theWarriorshavebeenrackingupa nicelittlewinstreak,attheexpense of making a practice out of defendinglowscores.
They will need to rethink their strategyshouldtheylooktoqualify for the semi's. Should the champs
work out their opening partnership woes, with possibly the return of the in-form Saim Ayub to partner alongsideanyofthetoporderstars in Azam Khan, Shai Hope or Tim Robinson.
Shimron Hetmyer, Romario Shepherd, Keemo Paul, Gudakesh
Motie and Shamar Joseph have been brilliant for Guyana in their respective departments, further makingtheirrolesaheadevenmore important.
Captain Imran Tahir has been rotating his players nicely to date, experiencing a few bugs but with
crunch time looming, a more fixed XIshouldbefieldedgoingforward, especially with stiff competition remaining. Barbados have been exceptional in all departments and despite losing 3 games to the Warriors2,beingtiedon10points
Th e G u y a n a Women's Hockey Teamcontinuesto make waves at the 2024 Pan
Challenge, holding higherranked Paraguay to a 0-0 drawintheirsecondmatchof the tournament on Monday
Despite Paraguay's world ranking of #47, 21 spots
aheadofGuyanaat#68.The Guyanese squad showcased impressive resilience, building on the momentum from their historic upset victoryoverBrazil.
Fresh off their first-ever win against Brazil, a 1-0 triumph, Guyana entered the match against Paraguay full of confidence However, Paraguay came out strong, pressing high in the opening minutes and creating early penaltycorneropportunities. But thanks to the solid defense led by standout goalkeeper Alysa Xavier, Guyana withstood the initial onslaught.Xavier'sbrilliance between the posts proved crucial, as she turned away several key attempts to keep thescorelevel.
As the game progressed, Guyana found their footing, and the contest settled into a more balanced affair Both sides created chances, but neithercouldfindthebackof the net in what turned into a hard-fought, defensive struggle.
Meanwhile, in their
tournament opener, Guyana stunned Brazil with a thrilling late goal to secure a 1-0victory Afteracageyfirst half with both teams unable tobreakthedeadlock,Brazil looked dangerous in the secondhalf,earningmultiple penalty corners. However, onceagain,Xavierwasupto the challenge, making key saves to keep Brazil off the score sheet. With the clock winding down, Guyana's persistence paid off when Abosaide Cadogan set up Makaylah Poole for a decisive goal in the dying minutes, giving the Guyanesetheirfirst-everwin overBrazilinhockey
Reflecting on the team's performance, Guyana's head coach Philip Fernandes praised the players' efforts but emphasized the need for sharperexecutioninthefinal third.
“Our team has the ability to match all those in participation here, " Fernandes said. "However, we are not making the best useofouropportunities.Our execution in the final attacking third of the field is producingtoomanyerrors.If we are to come away with a good final result in the tournament, this has to improve.”
Looking ahead, Guyana was scheduled to face host Bermuda, ranked two spots below them at #70, in a crucial clash. Bermuda had defeated Guyana 1-0 in their last encounter, but the Guyanese remain optimistic about maintaining their unbeatenrecord.
The 2024 PAHF Challenge, which kicked off on September 21, will run until September 28 in Hamilton,Bermuda.
Th e g r a n d
reopening of the Helena 1&2 Cricket Ground last Sunday was a smashing success as several hundred persons came out to enjoy a day of Sport and relaxation at the renovated ground which was inpristineconditioncourtesy of Nexgen Golf's equipment andmaintenanceteam.
Several Cricket matches were played along with dominoes,dartsandcardsbut the crowd were enamored withNexgenGolf'sminigolf and Pro Archers archery, where they were introduced tothesportsforthefirsttime and won lots of Prizes compliments of Sterling Products Ltd and Guyana BeveragesInc.
GGA President Aleem Hussain was joined by 11time Guyana Golf champion Avinash Persaud and pro golfer Asroodeen Shaw to give demonstrations and personal instruction to dozens of persons who experiencedGolfforthefirst time.
TheProArchersteamthat interactedwiththecrowdwas led by Narda MohamedMangra, Anand Mangra,
Dwain Albert, Tyreck Paul, BibiSaleemaSalim,Chantal
Lovell & N
e Boodram.
Also showcasing darts to many of excited youngsters was the national champion Sudesh Persaud Fitzgerald and Norman Madhoo of ForeignLinksDartsClub.
Winner of the fund
raisingcricketmatchwasDe Hoop Sports club and the Winner of the Exhibition Match was Helena ground ManagementCommittee.De Hoop Sports Club captured the top spot in the dominoes competition.
Insurance,H.Nauth&Sons, KK Gas Station, Sterling Products Ltd, Roraima Airways, Guyana Beverages Inc, ProArchers and Nexgen GolfAcademy
All in attendance received complimentary IcecreamandOasisWateras a thank you from the sponsors. The Kaieteur Falls and Arrowpoint Resort trips, courtesyofRoraimaAirways were not won and will be rolled over to the upcoming Hole-in-OneChallengeatthe WestsideGolfCourse.
Reigning 11-time Open Champ Avinash Persaud was among the top performers with the golf club.
A number of top local golfers, including a few former champs were in attendance this past weekend.
Frompage34 experience of a golf club," Hackett added. "We are warm to the idea of welcoming teams from across the region and will continue to embrace them to play on our golfcourse.”
\According to Barbados Royals Head CoachTrevorPennyhethoroughlyenjoyed everymomentonthecourse.Heevengavea rating of 10/10 as the course presented a unique experience for the team LusignanGolfClubboastsastronghistory,
with more than 50 years of hosting both local and international athletes. One of its notable moments was when West Indies cricketing legend Lance Gibbs won the WorldSeriesGolfTournamentonthisvery course. As the Lusignan Golf Club continues to growinprestige,itreinforcesitspositionas a premier destination for golfers across the region and beyond, offering a unique and challenging experience in the heart of Guyana.
Renegades Cricket Club trashed Reliance Hustlers Sports Club by 42 runsinthefinaloftheNorthEssequibo Cricket Committee/Balgobin Memorial T/20 Final played last SundayattheRelianceCricketGround ontheEssequiboCoast.
RelianceHustlerswonthetossand inserted Renegades Cricket Club to takefirststrikeandthey posted152-9 when their 20 overs expired. Former Guyana U17 all rounder Sheldon Charlesledthebattingwith39andwas supported by former Essequibo U19 opener Navin Singh with 34 and SydneyPeterswith18notout.
Bowling for Reliance Hustlers Sports Club, former Essequibo senior inter county spinner Beesham Seepersaud had 3-29 off 3 overs and Sedeshwar Shivamber had 2-19 in 4 overs.
Chasing a below par score of 152 for victory on a small home ground,
RelianceHustlerswerefavoritestowin the title but failed to get going and eventuallyfoldedfor110.
Abdool Nahdir made 19 and
Bowling for Renegades Cricket Club, Sydney Peters returned with the ball and claimed 3-24, former Essequibo U19 left arm spinner HaimanBeharry2-29from4oversand formerGuyanaU15allrounderSiddiq Mohamed1-16from4overs.
Sydney Peters was named Man of the Match for his brilliant all round performance.
Alex Collin received a trophy for the batsman with the most runs in the competition and Haiman Beharry the bowlerwiththemostwickets.
The competition was played in memory of former president of the North Essequibo Cricket Committee MrChunilallBalgobin.Speakingatthe presentation ceremony, the current president of NECC thanked the Balgobin's family for their continued support towards cricket in the North Essequiboarea.
The Lusignan Golf Club
(LGC) welcomed the Barbados Royals for an excitingdayofgolf,marking another high-profile visit to the course that has increasingly become a destination for international athletes. This time, the Royals were joined by Head Coach Trevor Penney who visited in 2023, and David Miller, and Keshav Maharaj, allmakingtheirdebutonthe challenging course Brian Hackett, Public Relations Officer of the Lusignan Golf Club, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “Once again, the Barbados Royals have visited us to have a game of golf on this challenging course. Last year, we hosted several teams, including the Barbados Royals with Jason Holder,LaurieEvans,Roelof van der Merwe, and Head Coach Trevor Penney, along
with the Trinbago Knight Riders. This year, we even hadtheSouthAfricancricket team visit during their tour against the West Indies at P r o v i d e n c e . " The growing popularity of the Lusignan Golf Course continues to attract international attention. Hackett noted, "The word is getting around about the Lusignan Golf Course, and theLGCisextremelypleased tohosttheseteams.Theyare eager to come to Guyana to play,andtheyfindthecourse challenging to defeat " LGC's commitment to promoting golf as an inclusive sport remains strong "The executive committee remains committed to ensuring that golfisavailabletoeveryone, especially persons visiting Guyana and that they enjoy the ambiance and the (Continuedonpage33)
TPart of the action as Eron Cornelius and Romario Stellingburg went all-guns-blazing in the opening bout of the Inaugural West Dem leg of the GBA U16 championship.
CPL - Saint Lucia Kings laid down an imposing markertotheotherthreesides to make the 2024 Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) playoffs as they racked up 218 runs off their twenty overs and reduced the Trinbago Knight Riders to 138/9 to win by 80 runs and remain top of the lateststandingsyesterday
It could have been a heavier defeat than it was for the Knight Riders as Kings Captain Faf Du Plessis and his opening partner Johnson Charles smashed the ball to allpartsinTarouba.A145run opening partnership saw the ball flying to the boundary multiple times, which perhaps also explained why thefirstinningstookovertwo hourstocomplete.
The Knight Riders were made to do plenty of leather chasing and had to wait until thethirteenthoverbeforethey could 'celebrate' a wicket –Charles departing for a magnificent 89 – caught by a juggling Chris Jordan on the longonboundaryoffaJayden Seales slower ball.Du Plessis made a half century of his own and after he was out –
caught on the leg side fence off the impressive Kieron Pollard – Tim Seifert hit 30 off 17 balls to get the Kings over 200. The Kings scoring rate did slow up towards the end,withjust45runscoming off the last five overs.Pollard was the pick of the Knight Riders bowlers and came to foreadmirablyintheabsence of Sunil Narine, 4/38 in the circumstances constituted excellent figures and meant his side had a chance of chasing down a still sizeable target.
The Knight Riders never really got close Losing regular wickets in the first halfoftheirinningssawthem reduced to 56/6 as Noor Ahmed's left arm wrist spin pickeduptheengineroomof Tim David, Akeal Hossein and Andre Russell without any damage incurred.Jason Roy stayed resolute and started to chip away at the total but when he was brilliantlycaughtandbowled by Shadrack Descarte in the 14th over and Chris Jordan wasremovedbyDavidWiese in the following over the gamehadgoneoutofsightfor theKnightRiders.
Kings Captain Faf Du Plessis and his opening partner Johnson Charles (pictured) smashed the ball to all parts in Tarouba. (CPL)
-VBG secures Best Gym award at Inaugural West Demerara U-16 Boxing C/ship
heVergenoegenBoxing Gym (VBG) claimed the prestigious "Best Gym" accolade at the inaugural West Demerara leg of the Guyana BoxingAssociation's(GBA)U-16 ChampionshiponSaturday VBG's success was complemented by their trainer, Clifton Moore, being named Best Coach, while Shakquain James of the Forgotten Youth Foundation (FYF) took hometheBestBoxeraward.
dominatedwiththreevictoriesand onedefeattoclaimtheoverallteam title.
In the 39-41kg schoolboys division, Ezekiel Withwright secured a decision win against TeakaNarineofthePocketRocket Boxing Gym (PRBG) Jason Fileen added another victory for VBG, defeating Trendy Forde (PRBG) in the 45-47kg category
Meanwhile, in the junior division, Keyon Britton of VBG emerged victorious over Isaiah Nurse from the Rose Hall Jammers (RHJ) in
their48-50kgbout. The lone setback for VBG came in the 34-36kg schoolboys division,whereRayonFrancewas outpointed by RHJ's Roopesh Balgobin.
Meanwhile, Forgotten Youth Foundation's Shakquain James delivered a standout performance in the youth division, defeating Terron Wintz of the New Amsterdam Boxing Association (NABA) in the 63 5-67kg category His win earned him the