Kaieteur News

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Several homes were severely damaged during a freak storm in Linden Tuesday night
Karl Wilson
Leader of the People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R),Aubrey Norton

AG warns police against locking up people found with less than 30 grams of ganja

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs

Anil Nandlall on Tuesday urged members of the Guyana Police Force to avoid arresting individuals foundwith30grams(orless) of marijuana, citing that the law mandates no custodial sentencesforsuchcases.

Kaieteur News reported that on November 7, 2022

Persons found with up to 30 grams of marijuana will no longerfacejailtimebutwill be required to undergo counselling or engage in community service due to the passage of the government's Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Amendment) Bill.

The Attorney General was at the time speaking during his weekly programme, 'Issues in the News,' when he addressed a question raised by a

journalist of the recent reports which stated a man wasarrestedafterfoundwith less than 30 grams of marijuana.

While recalling the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Amendment) Bill, Nandlall underscored that a person found with less than 30 grams of cannabis, should not be denied bail He explained that police should place a charge, impose bail and let the alleged offender appear in court, where the matterwouldbedetermined.

The Attorney noted, “The amendments divide possession into two categories, if you have zero to15grams,thenyoucanbe charged but the penalty is mandatorycounselingandif you have 15 grams but less than 30 grams the penalty is community services, the Magistrate can order you to

The 4.2 grams of marijuana that was found, along with the two joints (contains suspected cannabis)

do community service, so there is no mandatory imprisonmentinfactthereis no imprisonment in respect

of possession of narcotics below30grams.”

He continued, “... If the courtcannotsentenceyouto

atermofimprisonmentthen thepolicecannotlockyouup for that offence and that is a principle of law that runs across every offense in the statute books of our country.”

Furthermore, the

Attorney highlighted that if the offence does not carry a termofimprisonment,anda defendant is found guilty, they yet still cannot be arrested. “…So the police officers are hereby advised that they are not to detain persons in the lock up for possession of marijuana below 30 grams, they must grant bail and they must charge and put the person before the Magistrate Court and that applies to all offences,” the Attorney Generalurged.

On Sunday police arrested Cononiah Jupiter afterhewasnabbedwith4.2 grams of cannabis, during a mobile patrol along the Pakera road in Matthews Ridge, North West District, Region One. Jupiter was driving a black Toyota Fielder Wagon vehicle with registration number PAH 4429 During a mobile

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall

patrol, ranks stopped the vehicle and Commander of Region One, Krishna Ramana requested a search of the vehicle for narcotics andJupiterconsented.Police in a report said that upon searching, ranks discovered twoziplockbagscontaining leaves, seeds, and stems, along with two joints suspected to be cannabis in Jupiter's pants pocket Jupiter reportedly admitted thatthemarijuanafoundwas for his private use and he used it as a medication. He was then paced in police custody.


ExxonMobilGuyanahas handed over operatorship of the Kaieteur Block to Ratio Guyana Limited however thecompanyisstillawaiting approval from the government to formally exit theoilfield.

Meghan MacDonald, Media and Communications Supervisor for the company told this publication in an invited comment that, “We are still awaiting formal government approval to leavetheblock,howeverwe

have handed over operatorship to Ratio

G u y a n a L t d O u r participating interest is going to Ratio and Cataleya with Ratio assuming role of operator.”

She further stated that, “We do need government's approvaltoformallyexitthe blocknothandover Ishould also clarify we have been working with GoG and keeping them appraised throughoutthisprocess.”

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo told reporters on Thursdaylastthat“theCanje Block has reverted back to thegovernmentbecausethey didn't meet their obligations and the Kaieteur Block is now…therehavebeensome exploration on it and we expect some determination inthefuture.”

th On September 30 2023 thispublicationreportedthat the Government of Guyana has clearly stated that the p r o p o s e d e x i t b y ExxonMobil and Hess Corporation from the Kaieteur Block must be consistentwiththecountry's

operates the Kaieteur Block with a 35% stake, and Hess, holding a 20% stake, have recently expressed to the government, their intent to divest their interests in this offshoreoilasset.

The move would leave Ratio Guyana Limited and Cataleya Energy Limited as the principal stakeholders. But the Government of Guyana has emphasised the importance of due diligence andadherencetothelaw

The Ministry of Natural Resources, in a statement, underlined that while it acknowledges the decisions bytheoilgiants,anyprocess concerningatransitioninthe ownership of the Kaieteur Block must be in alignment with the recently enacted Petroleum Activities Act 2023.

This legislation, along with its regulations and the Kaieteur Petroleum

Agreement and its associated prospecting license, sets the parameters for such transitions The recent Petroleum Activities

Act has modernised Guyana's oil and gas regulatory framework. This isthesecondsuchtransferof interests under the new framework, after Tullow's exit from the Orinduik Block. The Ministry noted that once a formal application for the exit is received, it will be critically evaluatedinaccordancewith the relevant legislation and regulatory tools Notably, Ratio and Cataleya had held

the Kaieteur Block before stakes were farmed out to ExxonandHess.

The Canje Block was awarded by the Donald Ramotar administration on March 4, 2015, days before that year's General and RegionalElections,toalocal company, Mid-Atlantic Oil and Gas Similarly, the KaieteurBlockwasawarded on April 28, 2015, just two weeks before the elections, and like the Canje Block, it wasdonebasedontheadvice of former Minister of Natural Resources, Robert Persaud, Ramotar had said. Twocompaniesreceivedthe blocks with 50-50 stakes –Ratio Energy Limited (now Cataleya Energy Limited) and Ratio Guyana Limited. The award of the oil blocks to the companies was especially concerning since the ultra-deep drilling is required for those blocks, a technique which only a handful of companies in the world have the technology, track record, and capability to execute. The red flags which have manifested in both situations include that the awards were given to

unqualified companies, that the initial owners quickly flipped the blocks without doinganywork,thattheyare incorporated in 'secrecy' jurisdictions, and that Guyana likely lost revenue due to the avoidance of an open, competitive bidding process.

Ramotar had said that hundredsoffilescametohis desk every day to sign off,


“andwhenthethenMinister ofNaturalResources,Robert Persaud brought the files of the Kaieteur and Canje oil blocks to his desk for his signature,heaskedRobertif everything is okay with them, and Persaud told him yes sir, so he signed off the files. Ithasbeenclosetofive years since the PPP/C Government has failed to honouritspromisetorelease the beneficial owners of the oil blocks offshore which includebutarenotlimitedto the Kaieteur, Canje, Orinduik, Kanuku, Demerara, Corentyne, and Berbice concessions The

issue was first raised in November 2020 by Jagdeo, who holds an oversight responsibilityfortheoiland gas industry Back then, he said that the government would seek to determine the beneficial owners of Guyana's resources, with first priority being given to theownersofthenation'soil blocks. Jagdeo had said that the government intends to haveagreaterunderstanding oftheownershipstructureof the companies with the said licenses while adding that this is important for transparency and taxation purposes.

arrested for sexually assaulting

13-yr-old girl, shooting man

Police have confirmed that one of its officers is under close arrest for allegedly sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl and shootingaman.

Speaking with Kaieteur News on Wednesday,apolicecommandersaidthatthe alleged sexual assault happened “a while back”buttheshootingreportedlytookplace onSunday Stoppingshortonprovidingany moredetailsontheshooting,thecommander promisedthattheforcewillreleaseanofficial statementregardingtheincident.

However, he did divulge that investigators are in the process of seeking legal advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) SC. Shalimar Ali Hack onthesexualassaultmatter.“Thematterfor

the sexual assault is being investigated, the fileisbeingpreparedtogoforlegaladvice”, theCommandersaid.

Sourcesclosetotheinvestigationtoldthis mediahousethatthesexualassaulttookplace on a minibus heading to one of Guyana's hinterland regions. It was a nine-hour journey and other passengers, including the child's mother had fallen asleep when the policeman allegedly decided to sexually assault the child. When her mother awoke, thechildtoldherwhathappened.

The officer was confronted and a report lodged with police Kaieteur News understands that the cop was reportedly under the influence of alcohol when he assaultedthechild.


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Raise the bar in our public discourse

Withelectionsduenextyearthepoliticaltemperature hasariseninthiscountryandsotooistheuncouthmanner in which some of our leaders relate to each other and the publicatlarge.Onlyrecentlyaseniormemberofapolitical party was called a ‘low life’. Followers of opposition partiesarebrandedasinsaneandotherderogatorynames. Thesearewordsspokenbyveryseniorpublicofficialswho willsoonseekthevotesofcitizens.

The lack of civility in our society has reached a point where reporters of this newspaper have had to steel themselves to deal with the uncouth, disrespectful and crass display every week by politicians. When as society ourleaderscanbesobitterthenthisisacauseforserious concern. We certainly have the right to hold convictions and take strong stands on important issues, but there is a right way to state right positions. Our leaders must be reminded that they must always be prepared to give an answertoeveryoneevenifthequestionisunsettlinganddo so with gentleness and respect Civility involves disagreeing with dignity as well as dignifying those with whomwedisagree.

There are actually three facets to civility: civility as respectforothers,civilityaspublicbehaviourandcivility as self-regulation. The first element insists that civility involvesademonstrationofrespectforothers. Asayoung man,GeorgeWashington,fatheroftheAmericanRepublic setdownhis‘110RulesofCivilityandDecentBehaviour inCompanyandConversation’. Hisfirstrulewas:‘Every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respecttothosethatarepresent.’

This emphasis on respecting others is still the core of theideaofcivilitytoday Civilityprovidesauniversaltool for signalling respect for others: the significance is in the symbolismoftheactmorethantheresultofthebehaviour The second element suggests that civility requires us to show respect to strangers and this requirement invests it withastrongmoralquality Concernshowntofriendsand familymayarisefromempathyorlove,anditislikelytobe strengthened by the certainty that we shall have to interrelate with them again in the future Civility towards strangers, however, requires that we behave in certain ways towards people who may mean nothingtous,andwhomweareunlikelyevertoencounter again.

This“GoodSamaritan”ethicimpliesthatcivilityisnot restricted to a concern or sympathy towards specific others, but is rather the product of a generalised empathy andsenseofresponsibilitythatwefeelwithallwhoshare oursociety

Thefinalconstituentofcivilityiswhatoneexpertcalls ‘sacrifice’, or what we might more mundanely refer to as “self-regulation”. Civility involves trimming one’s immediate self-interest we desist from doing what would be most pleasing to us for the sake of harmonious relations with strangers. Civility means doing the right thing.Inaholisticsensethen,civilityisbehaviourinpublic which expresses respect for others and which requires restraining one’s own immediate self-interest when appropriate.Wouldwenotallagreethatthisqualityisvery muchneededinoursocietytobegintheprocessofforming “one people”? The bottom line is that civility, by definition, is inherently a good: ‘It is morally better to be civil than uncivil.’ Being civil towards others is part of being a good and moral person. It indicates to our fellow citizensthatoneiswillingtofollowcommonrulesandnot actinamannerthatsubvertstheirwell-being.Thispractice has to assist social cooperation. The sociologist Edward Shils notes that civility is a social good because ‘there is not enough good nature or temperamental amiability in any society to permit it to dispense with good manners…Good manners repress the expression of ill

The Schoonord to Crane Road Project


The Vice President Mr Bharat Jagdeo has apparently issued a stern warning to heads, and accountingofficersofpublic sector agencies to enforce strict compliance with procurementrules. The vice president had

previously emphasised the importance of adherence to theProcurementActandthe necessity for fairness in awarding contracts, as reportedintheJuly26,2024 editionofKaieteurNews.

The Procurement Act provides for the regulation of the procurement of

goods, services and the execution of works, to

contractors and to promote fairness and transparency

management of public procurement Section 42 (1) of the ProcurementAct states that ‘ the tender that has been identified as thelowestevaluatedtender shallbeaccepted’ Below a

nders receivedandcontracts

(Continued on page 06)

Govt reckless borrowing will be a burden on succeeding generations


, When I first entered the political arena in 1953, a popular love song ‘Little things mean a lot’ was composed and made

popular in 1954 Today, seven decades on that sentiment remains valid Every citizen of Guyana should ingest this philosophy and in whatever

nature.’Inotherwords,peoplehavetobeciviltoeachother if social life is to function harmoniously and with a minimum of unnecessary conflict and upheaval. Lastly, civility is the favoured alternative to increased State coercion John Rawls argues that if ‘liberties are left unrestricted they collide with one another’ This is inherently true since diverse individuals will always want and desire different and incompatible things and their unencumbered pursuit of their own objectives will unavoidably lead them into conflict This raises the question as to how (as well as how far) individual liberties are to be constrained. Ultimately, this will either be achieved by the State apparatus, or through enlightenedself-regulation.

As Edmund Burke recognised back in 1791: ‘Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their own disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites.” LetusreturncivilitytoGuyana.

waywecan,acceptthatlittle thingsmeanalot.InGuyana today,certainlittlethingsby themselves added to other things constitute a threat to many values and morals we have cherished over the years. Oldandyoungmust agitate against those pernicious little things that can compromise the dreams and aspirations of each and every one of us for love, plenty,peaceandliberation.

Mr Presidentandpeople, we seek your forbearance, just a few little things that meanalot.

The resignation of Mr Ivor Thom, Director of BurrowesSchoolofArt,one of our enduring cultural personalities A school named after a cultural icon E R Burrowes The

Director’s resignation stemmed from an incident where a person parked his car in the parking bay, used by the director for several years. When spoken to, the person’s retort to the Director was “the trouble in Guyana is you black people.”Mr Thomwasthen summonedbyHon.Minister Ramson, Youth, Sports and Culture.After waiting in the Minister’s office for some time, the abovementioned incidentwas discussed.Two thingsemerged The Minister was concerned that th

gentleman was asked not to park in the parking spot of DirectorThom.

(b) Mr Ramson failed toaddresstheabove



questions for Min. Edghill on the $15.9B office complex


, Last Friday, September 20, 2024; Stabroek News published a letter penned by me,headlined;“10pertinent questionsthattheMinisterof Public Works must address onthematteroftheproposed governmentcomplex.”

Minister Edghill made a press release refuting claims by me regarding one of the questions on; ‘Can the minister say whether monies from the $7B approved for the office

complexes are being

u s e d t o f u n d t h e

construction of the Sheraton Four Points Hotel?’

The release stated, "The assertion that public funds are being diverted to construct the Sheraton Four Points Hotel is not only absurd but also raises serious questions about the i n t e g r i t y o f t h e opposition", Minister Egdhill stated I view his comment as malicious, dumbfounded and to discredit my integrity.

Editor, a question was asked I never implied that monies for the project is building the ‘Sheraton Four Points Hotel ’ Minister Edghill must be mindful that the $7 6B approved by the National

Assembly is monies b e l o n g i n g t o hardworking Taxpayers of Guyana and by right,

a s a n O p p o s i t i o n Member of Parliament, I am duty bound to seek

a f t e r p u b l i c expenditures

There are records both in the public domain and National Assembly where Edghill as Opposition

Member questioned

expenditures by the Coalition Government I cannotunderstandwhatthe difficulty is now, if questions are being asked by current Opposition Members.

Interestingly, the press releasebyMinisterEdghill stated that many of the preparatory works for the Government Complexes are being done offsite, referencing to the fabrication of the steel for thesuperstructures

Heclaimedthatthesteels are being manufactured by factories. However, he has failed to identify and make public the names of the

factories.Howtransparentis this?

As articulated in my last letter, I have visited the new proposed site for the project on several occasions; recent asSeptember7,2024,where I observed inactivities, for the exception of aggregates f o r o n g o i n g r o a d construction being stockpiled.

Editor, I further view the press release by Minister Edghill as attempting to mislead the public that only $2 6B w a s p a i d t o t h e contractor, ‘Caribbean GreenBuildingInc,’asan advance.

I can only assumed that Minister Edghill may have allowed temporary amnesia to overtake him at the time of the release beingprepared

May I take the opportunity in reminding Minister Edghill that during the consideration of estimates for budget 2024; he admitted in the Committee of Supply of the National Assembly that $6 699B was expended at the end of Financial Year 2023, while an additional $1B was approved for 2024 Editor, for the avoidance of being accused; of lacking integrity and misleading the public; I will provide by way of exhibit what has been provided by the Ministry of Finance in the budget estimatesfor2024.

They recorded that $2.65B was spent in 2022 and $4.045B was spent in 2023 Therefore, the question here , who is lackingintegrity,‘Edghillor Ferguson?’

Therefore Editor, now thatthisprojecthasbecome apublicdebate,andMinister Edghill has stated that steel structures are being manufactured by factories; can he provide information onthefollowingquestions:

Name(s) of the factories manufacturing thesteel.

Where are these


Can the people of Guyana be shown images, of the factories and the manufacturingofthesteel?

Does the Ministry of Public Works have a representative overseeing theirinterest?

If yes, how often does the representative travel to ensurethepeopleofGuyana are getting value for their money?

6 HastheContractor, Caribbean Green Building Inc.givenanEstimatedTime ofArrival(ETA)ofthesteel?

Where are the concrete pilesbeingmade?

Could the Minister provide name of company makingtheseconcretepiles?

Could the Minister explain why the contractor hasn’t commenced additional works on the foundationfortheproject?

While the project has a completion date of August 23, 2026, could Minister Edghill say to Guyanese when actual and physical works are expected to commence?

Editor, Minister Edghill is on publicrecord saying, “Construction of Govt office complex to begin this year,” Kaieteur News,January3,2024.

I s t a n d b y m y initial call, ‘Edghill must come clean on this project.’Noamountoffancy designs of the project, game blaming and name calling woulddetermefromthereal

f o c u s , t h a t i s , ‘accountability.’

I say to Minister Edghill and a brother of the Clergy do not attempt pullingwoolovertheeyesof Guyanese.

You know better, do better That is your stewardshipsir!

Iconcludebysayingthat it is difficult for me to buy wholesale the narrative provided by Minister Edghill. I look forward to him addressing my ten questions contained in this letter

Yourssincerely, AnnetteFerguson,MP

Who will keep the political class from their self-destructive behavior?

DEAREDITOR, I was recently reminded that Lady Justice is blindfolded with a balance of justice in one hand and a swordinanother.

The press has been illustrating quite aptly that there is corruption in the currentadministration.

The former Auditor General has raised some very serious concerns targeted at the current administration, and the current Attorney General was also very clearly pointing out the corruption o f t h e p r e v i o u s administration on his program “Issues In The News”.Bothsideshavevery strong examples of the corruptionthatisrampantin thegovernment,anditisand should be clear to everyone that corruption flourishes independent of who is governing.

The upcoming elections mayormaynotseeachange in the guard, but if the way business is done does not change it is guaranteed that corruptionwillliveon.

The most recent column by Freddie Kissoon, “The Self-Destructive Game of the PNC Elders” was a very good analysis of the upcoming elections.Amust

readforvoters.Thequestion now becomes, “who will keepthepoliticalclassfrom their self-destructive behaviour?” Is it the Judiciary or is it an external entity that must garner respect for the law? The politically charged atmosphere of Guyana, especially around elections, leads to unchecked bias and racialdivision.Violencehas become a mainstay in the country when going to the polls.

Theimagesofbloodshed and rape have polarized villagesandcommunities.It has also kept investors at bay. The fight for an opportunity to gain illegal wealth through corruption thatlivesonthe“iswhoyou know” way of getting business done continues to proliferate.

Comrades, the only solutionbeforeusnowisthe strengthening of our institutions, with processes that embrace transparency, accountability and good governance.

The usual conversation of whose hands are cleaner andwhocanthrowstonesat who is becoming prevalent onceagain.

If we truly believe that Justice must be impartial

with no favour to race, religion, gender or political affiliation,thenwemustnot choose between the messengerandthemessage. Instead, focus on the messageandsearchitforits

government institutions we mustallowforthecontinual establishment of timely financial audits that are acted upon regardless of who is involved. Strength comes from integrity, honesty and the embracing ofunbiasedJusticeforall.

CRGinvitesallvotersto embrace their conscience during the next election. Focusonwhoisplanningto leadyouwhereandhow Isit someonethatwillstrengthen thelawandorderwithinour country? Is it someone that willdowhat’sbestforfuture generationsofGuyanese?Is itsomeonethatembodiesthe values that you and your familyholddear?

Voting based on your personalvaluesystemsends aclearmessagethatourvote goes beyond race Our choice of who we choose to elect is rooted in both what the leader plans to do and howheorsheplanstodoit.

Bestregards, Mr.JamilChanglee

Frompage04 mentioned scurrilous racist statement.

Mr Thom, an artist, patriot and wedded to ancestral piety returned to his office and dispatched a letter offering his resignation.

This action, some may deem hasty or impetuous, but here you have one who has served for years, in the cultural development of our Republic and on the other hand, the Minister charged with the responsibility of advancing cultural development in Guyana, meaning, doing things necessary for the fusion of the different and varying strands of our cultural experiences and based on our history, the important assignment of creating an environment of tolerance, understanding and respect for and among our identified six races and the variousreligiousbeliefsand practices So when the Minister ignored Mr Thom’scomplaint,ashedid, sent a statement that is worrisome.

Second, equally worrisome is the statement or was it a dictum that the Vice President took upon himself with imperial-like dictum to say that all advertisements, public and private to Kaieteur News , should be withdrawn because he alleges that its publisher, Mr Glenn Lall hasnowenteredthepolitical arena.

Three cheers for democracy, three cheers for freedom,threecheersforthe essence of our Constitution which the President and all of his subordinates have promisedtouphold.

This is why useful and perhaps necessary as it may be, to examine the provisions of our Constitution, what is vital is our churches, our mosques, our temples, our institutions of learning to produce a cadre of persons who know the difference between right andwrongorofasolidmoral fibre to do the right thing at alltimes.

And where all Members

of Parliament and Ministers betruetotheoaththeyswore toontakingoffice.

Further, we need to be reminded that the Creator has blessed us with an abundance of minerals, fertile soil, no natural disasters, like hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and now anabundanceofoilandgas.

The great tragedy is that the PPPpersoninchargeofthat sector is failing this and therefore succeeding generations from obtaining the optimum benefit for reasons that are beyond understanding.

Unhappily, human history has shown that if we allowmentofritterawayour blessings,we’llendupbeing cursed. Little things mean a lot.

Finally, our system of Government requires meaningfulconsultation,the Parliament being a forum, not for abuse but for the exchange of views and the implementation of ideas emerging out of healthy and meaningful debate Our young people in our Institutionsoflearningmust carefully examine these issuesandactsothatweare trulyliberated.

In a country we are familiarwith,theUSA.One hundred years ago, this month, Okllahama used martiallawagainsttheracist KKK.Onehundredyearson, therearestillremnantsofthe intoleranceanddeepracism, whichstillaffecttheUS.

Wemustlearntheearlier events and be careful not to bemisledbytheappearance of a handful of iconoclasts who can lead us down the rocky road of disaster if for whatever reason so many of usareafraidtospeakupand commit the crime of silence insteadofbeingvocal.Little thingsmeanalot.

Citizens of Guyana, there is great secrecy surrounding the billions collecteddailyinoilandgas and we are borrowing millions, unnecessary but will be a burden on succeedinggenerations.


Where is the substantial support to Small Businesses?


Permitmesomespacein yournewspapertosharemy concernswiththepublicand those who need to look into this. I am a small business owner and I am concerned about the small business sectorinGuyana.

I see the Small Business Bureau (SBB) traveling aroundGuyanabutwhatIdo not see are the results of all this activity Maybe we do not see the results because the travels are more of a social (and not business) nature.

Iwillsharemoreonthat particular travels in another missive.

Sincewethepublichave not been updated via Press Conference/Statements from the Small Business Council(SBC),canthegood folks at the Small Business Bureau inform the public if there is a functioning Small Business Council as required by the Small BusinessAct?

If there is, can the SBC tell us what is the

documented process being usedtodeclareabusinessas an Approved Small Business.

This is defined in the Small Business act 2004 ( a m e n d e d i n 2021) According to the Small Business Act 2004, “small business” means any personorpersons,including a body corporate or unincorporate, carrying on business in Guyana for gain or profit and satisfying all three of the following conditions(conditionslisted onSBB’swebsite).

Ihaveseenpersonswho do not even have an active business, receiving monetary grants and other benefits.

The Small Business Act, in definingthedeliveriesofthe SBC, states that the SBC must submit annually to the Minister, Small Business Policies, Administrative R e f o r m A g e n d a , rec

developmental issues, the granting of incentives to small businesses and facilitation of measures affecting these small businesses Has the esteemed Council done any ofthese?Comeonguysand gals, there are tons of areas withhighimpactresultsthat youcanexecuteon. Do not just be happy to signforthemonthlystipend, but be ashamed to take that chequetothebankknowing fully well that you have failedinyourmandate.Hey, thereisstilltimetosaveface and return those cheques! The issuers of the cheques are also culpable but the Quranandthebiblewillgive youyourjustrewards.

Loanswerefacilitatedto “businesses”undeservingof same. Year before the last and I believe this year too, theAuditor General flagged these programmes. Can the Ministry of Tourism Industry and Commerce, TheSmallBusinessCouncil and the CEO of SBB prove to the public that this is not true? Has the SBC been deliveringontheirmandate?

Now can(will)thegood folks at the Small Business Bureau and the Public Procurement Commission telluswhatisgoingonwith the Small Business Procurement Programme? TheAct(since2004)isclear thatthegovernmentshallset aside at least 20% of its procurement of goods, servicesandworksforsmall businesses. Can you share which Ministry/Agency has fulfilled this mandate? You a

budgets have been in the billionsofdollars.

Small business owners, lend your voices! Where is thesupport?

Inclosing,letmeborrow the words of a great manMartinLutherKingJr “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silenceoverthatbythegood people”. Thistomeisworse thananybetrayal.


The Schoonord to Crane Road Project...

Frompage04 awarded for Lots 3-8 of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) Road Project - Construction ofFourLaneHighwayfrom Schoonord,WBD-Contract Awards - Tender Reference Number31/2022/45.

As can be seen from the tables above for Lot 3 there were 18 bidders lower than the contract awardee

L’Heureuse Construction and Services Inc.; for Lot 5 there were 20 bidders lower than the contract awardee

AJM Enterprise; for Lot 6 there were 11 bidders lower the contract awardee Vals Construction;forLot7there were 5 bidders lower than the contract awardee Puran Brothers and for Lot 8 there were 7 bidders lower than the contract awardee JS Guyana Inc. In all cases there were contractors with equalorsuperiorexperience whohadlowertenderprices. The National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) in all the cited cases, based on the

awards, would have us believe that none of the tenderswithlowerbidprices were deemed ‘evaluated’ whichstrainscredulity.

Lot 4, however, is the most egregious and strains credulity to breaking point.

NPTAB seemingly dispensed with the concept of the lowest evaluated bidder altogether by awarding the contract to the highestbidder,GuyAmerica Construction Inc. and they did so at a price that was $690 million dollars above theEngineer’sEstimate. If the Guyanese people are to be convinced of the Vice President’s sincerity and c

Procurement Act, he would do well to provide tangible evidence that these contract awards were indeed in accordancewiththesaidact. Yourssincerely, CA.NigelHughes Leader Alliance for Change (AFC)

PSA should clearly say Stabroek Block partners should bear cost beyond insurance - PNC

The opposition is of the opinion that the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) for the Stabroek Block should clearly say that its operators should bear all costs associated with a spill or other incident even if it goes beyond the insurance and this should not be recoverable.

EconomistandAdvisorto thePNConoilandgasElson Lowweighedinontheissues andtoldthispublicationinan invited comment, “That the

Operator can recover all moniesspentintheeventthat they exceed insurance payments for damages underscores the need for clarity and specificity in any parent company guarantee, aswellastheneedforonein general While the PSA indicates that costs beyond insurance can only be recoveredifthisisnotdueto negligence or other inappropriateconductby the operator there may be space for claims to be made if a

contractor like the FPSO builders is blamed for an oil spill.”

Hewentontosaythat,“it needs to be clear that the StabroekBlockpartnerswill bearliabilityforanyamounts needed,intheeventofanoil spill, that go beyond insurance We remain concerned that, in the chaos of an oil spill emergency, fightingoverwhoistoblame can delay or otherwise disrupt the cleanup and mitigation effort at a critical

time. As a result we see a parent company guarantee that makes it clear that the Stabroek Block partners parent companies should field any additional costs as vital.”

Low lamented that it would be unacceptable for the oil companies to dodge culpability by accepting to cost recover monies that exceed the insured amount and “This practice would potentially cause Guyana's share of profit oil to remain

depressed for years, depending on the severity of the spill. Of course, we also believe there must be adequate insurance in place for the Stabroek block operations. As it stands, the government's reluctance to laythesetermsoutclearlyin a parent company guarantee means that Guyanese must cross their fingers and hope thereisnooilspillunderthe PPP.”

Thecurrentstipulationin the contract is that oil spill costs that are not covered by the operator ExxonMobil, will be funded by Guyana. Annex 'C' Section 3 of the PSA, which addresses costs recoverable without the approval of the Minister, makesitexplicitat3.1(g)that insurance and losses can be recovered.

It states: “Insurance premium and cost incurred for insurance pursuant to Article 20 provided that if such insurance is wholly or partly placed with an Affiliated Company of the Parties comprising the Contractor, such premium and costs shall be recoverableonlytotheextent generally cha

y competitive insurance companies other than an Affiliated Company of a Party comprising the Contractor.”

The contract goes on to say that, “Costs, losses and damages incurred to the

EconomistandAdvisor tothePNConoil andgas, Elson Low

extent not made good by insurance, are recoverable, including costs, losses or damages resulting from the indemnitiesinArticle2ofthe Agreement, unless such costs,lossesordamageshave resultedsolelyfromanactof willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Contractor.”

Thisthereforemeansthat unlessGuyanacanprovethat a spill was caused due to willful misconduct or gross negligence by Exxon the company will not bear the costs.

Cognizant of the damage that can be done by an oil spill, two Guyanese went to Court demanding an unlimited parent company guarantee, which is a signed document that legally binds Exxon to cover costs above thelimitedinsurance.Exxon presently has a US$600 million insurance coverage peroilspillevent.

Providence GUYOIL gas station closed for emergency repairs

TheGUYOILgasstation at Providence is temporarily closedforemergencyrepairs after a container truck collidedwiththecanopy

Accordingtoastatement bythecompany,theincident occurred onTuesday around 15:30hrswhen“acustomer's freight container truck collided with the canopy of the Guyana Oil Company (GUYOIL) Service Station inProvidence.”

Subsequently there was an assessment done to determine the extent of the damageandtheenvironment was then ruled as posing a hazard to the company's customers. This resulted in the decision to temporarily close the gas station to facilitate emergency repairs.

Taking the inconvenience causedintoconsiderationthe company's Diamond locationwillbeoperatingon a 2 4 h r s b a s i s t o accommodate customers untilrepairsarecompletedat Providence. The company expressed its regrets for inconveniencecaused.

How the PNCR and AFC Sealed Their Fate

By now, any r e a s o n a b l e observer of

Guyanese politics should recognise the perennial theater that the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) continues to stage regarding the voters’ list. Their persistent calls to “sanitise” the list are as predictable as they are unconvincing It is an exercise in distraction, nothingmore.

The PNCR and AFC have mastered the art of deflection, conveniently shifting blame to externalities like the electoral register rather than confronting their own failures But behind this smokescreen lies a more fundamental truth: the greatestthreattofreeandfair elections in Guyana is not the voters’ list, but the Oppositionitself.

To understand the depth of the PNCR and AFC’s betrayal of democratic principles, one need only revisit the events of 2020. The ignoble attempt to rig the election was not just a political blunder—it was a grievous assault on democracyinGuyana.

Witheachpassingday,it becomes clearer that this Opposition coalition has no interest in the will of the people unless it serves their purposes. Their rejection of electoral outcomes that do not favor them has transformed them from contenders for power into pariahs within their own country This betrayal has consequences, and one of those consequences is the near-certainty that the People’s Progressive

Party/Civic (PPPC) and President Irfaan Ali will coasttovictoryin2025.But thePNCRandAFChaveno one to blame for their electoral demise but themselves. What is most striking about this ongoing charade over the voters’list is its glaring hypocrisy. The very system that they now decry was perfectly acceptable to them when theywonthe2015elections. Did they protest the validity of the list when the results favoredthem?Ofcoursenot. Backthen,therewasnotalk of “sanitization” or manipulation. It was only when they lost in 2020 that the voters’ list suddenly became an issue Their protests now are not rooted in genuine concern for electoralintegrity,butinthe calculated politics of grievance a desperate attempt to stay relevant whentheirlegitimacyhasall butevaporated.

The obsession with the voters’ list is also a subtle a d m i s s i o n o f t h e Opposition’srealizationthat they are unelectable. The PNCRandAFCwouldhave the public believe that their exclusion from office is the resultofsomenefariousplot by the ruling party to manipulatetheelectorallist. But the truth is far simpler and more damning: they have made themselves unelectable by their own actions. The attempt to rig the 2020 elections was a catastrophic self-sabotage that has rendered them politically toxic.The people of Guyana can no longer trust the Opposition to respectthe outcomesof free and fair elections, and this

distrust is not going away anytimesoon.

Forthosewhohavelong supported the PNCR and AFC,thismustbeabitterpill to swallow. The rigging debacle of 2020 has done more than just cost them a singleelection—ithaslikely ensured that they will never hold power again. The coalition’s supporters may bristleatthisconclusion,but therealityisunavoidable:in attempting to steal an election,thePNCRandAFC have permanently alienated the very voters they need to return to office Their reckless gambit has closed off any path back to power, and all the protests in the worldwon’tchangethat.

The Opposition’s strategy of clinging to the narrative of an “installed” government is both pathetic andpernicious.Itispathetic because it reveals their inability to move on from theirdefeat,clinginginstead to a fantasy that paints them as victims of a grand conspiracy It is pernicious because it undermines the very democratic processes they claim to champion. By refusingtoacknowledgethe legitimacy of the 2020 elections, they have sowed the seeds of doubt in the minds of their supporters, fomenting division and distrust in Guyanese institutions. This is not the behavior of a responsible opposition it is the behavior of a political factionthathasabdicatedits dutytothepeople. If Guyana’s democracy istoflourish,thepublicmust resist the Opposition’s attempts to deflect attention away from their own


De hurricane coming!

Every time a hurricane come, peopleseh,“Thisonenahgonbe bad. It gon pass.” But guess what?Naturedon’tcare‘boutnobody

Dem boys seh de storm deh out deh, growin’ big and bad. De weatherman tell yuhitcomin’.

But some people still waitin’ fuh last minute to buy water Like dem don’t know howrainandflooddoeswuk.Manplan,but nature laugh. Hurricane nah respect man, house, nor machine. Yuh could build a mansionwidconcrete,butdatwindgontest it.

Demboyssehyuhcouldwishandhope and pray all yuh want. But if yuh nah prepare, hurricane gon come fuh yuh. Dis storm gon blow down fence, uproot tree, andripoffroof.Andyet,somepeopledoes still stand up outside lookin’ at de clouds, like dem never see dark sky before. Dem seh, “It nah gon touch we.” Famous last

failures. The voters’ list is nottheproblem;theproblem isanOppositionthatrefuses to accept the will of the people.ThePNCRandAFC have made it clear that they are only willing to play by the rules when the rules suit them.Butdemocracycannot function on such terms. Democracydemandsthatall participants respect the outcomes of elections, win or lose. By attempting to circumvent this principle in 2020, the Opposition has forfeited its claim to moral authority

Inthelead-uptothe2025 elections, it is imperative that the people of Guyana remain vigilant The Opposition will continue to peddle its narrative of victimhood, blaming the voters’ list for their failures rather than confronting the real reason for their exclusion from power: themselves. But the public must not be fooled. The PNCR and AFC are not

c h a m p i o n s o f democracy they are its saboteurs Their protests, their pickets, their endless complaintsabout the voters’ list are all part of a broader effort to deflect attention fromtheirownself-inflicted wounds. They hope that by muddying the waters, they canobscurethetruthoftheir complicity in their own downfall. But the truth is plain to see: the Opposition isitsownworstenemy

And what of the future?


Demboyssehwhenabigstormcomin’, isdeonlytimeyuhdoesseepeoplerushin’ to de supermarket like dem buying fuh de apocalypse.Butuptoyesterday,demsame people was on de beach, drinking rum and carryin’onlikehurricanenahexist.

Naturedon’tcarewhoyuhis.Destorm don’t check yuh bank account or yuh passport. It just roll through. It respect nobody Yuhthinkbecauseyuhbigandbad, yuh can stand up to de hurricane? Think again.

Dem boys seh y’all better pray dis one pass quick and light. But even if yuh lucky this time, learn yuh lesson. Take nature serious,becausedenextonemightnotbeso kind.Andifyuhhouseblowaway,yuhgon rememberwhatdemboysseh:Naturedon’t care.Stormalwaysdehready.Yuhbetterbe readytoo. Talkhalf.Leffhalf

And without that trust, they have no future in Guyanese politics. In the end, the Opposition’s u n d o i n g w a s n o t orchestrated by their political rivals—it was a resultoftheirownhubris.By attempting to benefit from rigged elections, they have consigned themselves to the politicalwilderness.Andthe people of Guyana, who value democracy and the sanctity of the vote, will not soonforget.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

It is difficult to see a path forward for the PNCR and AFC that does not involve permanent relegation to the opposition benches The attempt to rig the 2020 elections has indelibly m a r k e d t h e m a s untrustworthy stewards of power Even if they were to somehow regain office, the stain of their past actions wouldhangoverthemlikea cloud,castingdoubtontheir legitimacy.Inthissense,the Opposition has not just lost an election—they have lost thetrustofthepeople.


Calling on the educated and enlightened of Guyana

I n t h e b e s t o f circumstances, the educated and enlightened should be made of a singular material, p o s s e s s t h e s a m e foundations, and clean visions.

Regrettably, the best of circumstances and Guyana are so far apart as not to belonginthesamesentence. What should be and what is are strangers to each other Havingearnedandcompiled distinctions in learning at a higher level and being beneficiariesofthegoodand troubling in life's experiences, some rare wisdom,someextraordinary idea and relationship with truthandintegrity,shouldbe almostautomatic.

Andifthereisdifficulty, some recoiling, from e m b r a c i n g t h e distinguishing in their lives, their public essences and works, then even the

minimum of the ordinary wouldbeacceptable. Thisis the call to the bright PhDs, JDs, DDs, and MDs, and others of what should be a gloriously patriotic and ethical pantheon: be about somelight. Please. Thosewhohavealeader or group to extol, to defend, to caress and devote themselves blindly, keep on doingso. Itisasacredright that inspires the sturdiest defense; such is endorsed here.

But there is another side to that loyalty, regardless of what it is based on, be it the onenessofrace,therichness of reward, or the depth of reasoning. Thereisthatside, that internal construction andcommitmenttoprinciple andhonor,thatseestheholes nomatterhowcamouflaged, t h e w e a k n e s s e s notwithstanding how they are nonchalantly ignored,

always dismissed and made to disappear The gaps and failures that just cannot be looked away from, for the simple reason that there are somanyofthem.

There is the additional worrying consideration that they represent so many massivemattersinacountry precariously poised where it is. The genuinely educated and the even more morally andhonestlyenlightenedsee and say: hey, wait a minute: thiscan'tberight,something is wrong here. Over there also,andthen,inmorethatis checked up and down the line.

This is where tone deaf partisanshipbeginstofrayat the edges, where total submission to the cultish splitsattheseams. Educated men and women pause, honest human beings reel and steel themselves for the hard and bitter: of this and

with this, I cannot be. It shouldn't matter which side is backed, which man is followedslavishly

There comes a time when enlightenment demands the freeing of oneself. Praise as much as pleases publicly; but also summon the courage and find the ethos somewhere to whisper powerfully: govern right, lead in a cleaner manner, be about what incorporates authentic change.

When mistakes and malfeasances multiply, decent men, educated and enlightenedmenandwomen with some residual call to honorinthemstopandinsist with a straight tongue: enough!

Thiscannotandmustnot go on. If so, then count me out. Ifnot,what'sthepoint, what's the sense, of all that education, that long and toughwalkalonglife'stricky corridors?

Nobodyisbeingaskedto switch sides. Not in the least, for that would add perversitytopoignancy But there must be that code of character that compels cutting loose when ongoing calumnies expand and explode like some out-ofcontrol monstrosity Aman is not a machine where a button is pressed, or a lever pulled, for the same results endlessly

A man is a thinker, a woman is a helper who sees thewholeterritory,andthere is Guyana before all and

sundry Inaonedimensional society, luck and c h a n c e a n d commen

leadership may help to skim the tide. But not in a plural society, where even the best in leadership may not ever be good enough, cherished as acceptable Worsestill,beyondtheusual considerations, Guyana is a pluralsocietythatisragingly polarized.

Of that may there be somehonestagreement. Itis why there is this call for the learnedofGuyanatobringto bear their talents and contexts, so that this whole countrycouldbelifted. May ourPhDsandJDsandallthe other Ds of the highest exposures and snowiest sheepskins be conscientious enough to recall two endeavors, two only, which arenowshared.

First, there were those scientists of lofty pedigree who lent their names (often secretly) to the call of their oilmasters. Climatechange is a hoax, based on bogus science.

Where doesn't have landslides, try to cope with floods Guyanese are struggling to survive with a heat blanket that is cripplingly oppressive Shroud is a more proper substitute for blanket, since there is the sense of death hovering.

But the PhDs and professorsandprizewinners

said it's all a voodoo operation. Who had it right allalong,andwhosoldtheir learning and bartered their reputations for what was wrong is no longer a question. Second,therewas tobacco Seductive pleasures gave way to sickness that killed lungs, thenvoice,thenalltherestin strungoutagony

The knowledge was there; revelation came belatedly about what was done with it. Who looked the other way and helped in the cover up. Who allowed their credentials and charactertobepawnedfora pat from a hand with some coin inside. The things that mendo-whetherDDsorEDs [or GEDs] don't live after them,butwiththem.

Thecallisrepeatedtothe galaxyofGuyana'seducated stars: shine with some light, sparking and undeniable truths.

There is a time for partisanship and cult leadership. Then there is that time when a man must betruetohimself.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the o p i n i o n s o f t h i s newspaper.)



The hypocrisy is not lost on society that Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo is out there warning public servants not to take bribes from contractors to expedite payments.

To think that the allegations of bribe-taking has been leveled against very senior members of the PPP/C administration and the VP is issuing warning to the lowly public servants smacks of hypocrisy.

Corruption has been found in high and low places in the public sector and Jagdeo is well aware of this.

So instead of holding a meeting with the heads of state agencies and berating the public servants, he should start with the Cabinet. In the circumstances, we find apt to repeat Jesus' famous words to the scribes and Pharisees “Physician, heal thyself”.

Freak storm wreaks havoc in Linden

...roofs of several homes blown off, yards flooded

TheminingtownofLindenwas on Tuesday evening struck by a severe thunder storm and heavy rainfall destroyed several homes andotherpublicinfrastructures.

In addition, many flood-prone communities both on the Wismar and Mackenzie shores were inundated including Kara Kara, Central Mackenzie and Victory Valley

The thunder storm which startedaround18:00hrsresultedin electricity being shut down in the entire town until after midnight. This was as a result of several power lines being destroyed by trees and heavy winds. When the rain stopped around 21:00hrs, municipal councillors including MayorofLinden,SharmaSolomon ventured into the affected communities to ascertain the severity of the damage and to providesupporttotheresidents.

The preliminary assessment of the Blueberry Hill area saw seven homes where the roofs have been completely removed or severely damaged and its Hillside communities suffered erosion and fallentrees. InRetrievesixhomes and the Municipal Day Care had their roofs completely removed or badly damaged. Eight trees fell on homes and roadways Several homes had 18 inches of water In the central business district, flooding along Republic Avenue caused several businesses to be flooded. Kara Kara had several homes flooded and several fallen


Phase two of the Office Building for the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA), the government will cost some $1.3billion.

This is according to the total account of the three contracts awarded for phase two of the project at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office Information obtained from itswebsite,NPTABrevealed that phase two will be done in three lots. The contracts awardedfortheselotsareas

follow: Mac Junior International (Lot 1)$681,938,950; Mac Junior International (Lot 3)$274,322,400; and N.

B a l g o b i n & S o n s Contracting Service & Electrical Supply (Lot 2)$347,023,523, taking the totalcostto$1,303,284,873.

This publication previously reported that some $570 million was already awarded for the completion of phase one of the project. It was reported

trees.AlleysandValleyshadeighty homes flooded which displaced several families. This is the fourth time in months such catastrophic damage has been recorded in Linden communities following heavyrainfall.

Solomon in a statement reiterated his calls for urgent

government with priority to be placed on tangible support and compensationforfamiliesaffected. He said in the interim of making representation, the council will utilise all available resources for immediatesupport.Hesaidthereis urgentneedforthetowntoenhance its disaster preparedness and response capabilities. “With the growingfrustrationregardingthese disasters, I once again call on the government for their urgent interventionandaction.”

One affected Retrieve resident saidherentireroofwasremovedin less than half hour after the storm

started and her entire house was flooded, causing immense damage to her furniture and household appliances.“Idon'tknowwhereto turn from here, this is beyond me, everything wet up, the roof come off completely, I had to run for shelteratmyneighbour,thenatree fall on my other neighbour yard and….I don't know what to say,” thedistraughtresidentsaid.

Similar sentiments were echoed by other residents on live streams from various councillors' Facebook pages on Tuesday evening.

On Wednesday, Minister of PublicWorks, Juan Edghill visited Lindenandateamofengineersand regional officials including Member of Parliament Jermaine Figueira and Regional Executive Officer Dwight John also visited several affected communities on both the Mackenzie and Wismar shores Edghill reiterated the government's support for all the

affected residents as well as to put systems in place for a more efficient disaster preparedness system. The Minister along with Minister of Local Government, Sonia Parag also met with over 60 CommunityEnhancementWorkers and reminded them of the importantroletheyplayinnotonly maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of their communities, but also minimise floods and mosquito infestation by keeping drains and other waterways clean andunclogged.

OnlylastweekPrimeMinister, Brigadier (Ret'd), Honourable MarkPhillipsandMinisterEdghill had convened a critical meeting with stakeholders from Linden to address the urgent issues of flooding and long-term drainage planningforthetown.Theprimary agenda at the meeting revolved around immediate, medium, and long-term flood-mitigation for the town. The Linden delegation also

highlightedon-goingchallengesin several areas that require urgent attention.

Prime Minister Phillips addressed these concerns directly, emphasising the importance of a comprehensive approach. He said that the Government is concerned about the impacts of the flood on the people of Linden and is “prepared to continue meeting because we are interested in the actions taken and are monitoring the progress and we know we will have to take additional actions as weidentifyallthingsthatneedtobe done and we will get it done. We knowthatwehavetomeetandwe will continue to meet with you the stakeholders.”

Among the actions discussed were flood investigation and site assessments, which will be conducted by a team of engineers fromtheMinistryofPublicWorks' Special Projects Unit, NDIA, and otherrelevantstakeholders.

CHPA office

thatin2022,theNPTABhad awarded a $570,068,709 contract to Aika General Construction & Hardware Supplies Inc. to execute phaseoneoftheproject. Situated at Houston, alongtheMandelatoEccles Highway, East Bank Demerara (EBD), the new complex will comprise two buildings–onedesignatedto host the ministry's secretariat, and the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA), while

the other will serve as the headquartersfortheGuyana WaterIncorporated(GWI).

Reporting on the progress of the project, the Housing Ministry in March this year stated that the contract sum for the fivestorey building complex standsat$570million,while an additional $171 million contract is in place for a central air conditioning system, taking the total to $741 million. Work on the projectwaspausedforafew

weeks due to a delay in construction materials, whichhassubsequentlybeen resolved, the ministry reportedatthetime.

“I am pleased to say that the issue with materials has been cleared up and the contractor will move ahead withconstructionandbythe first half of this year, the entire frame of the building will be completed and the othercomponentsbytheend of the year,” Minister of Housing and Water Collin

Croalsaidduringhisvisitin March. The Minister further

explained that upon completion, all the Ministry's departments that have been operating in separate buildings will be consolidated at the Houston location. He stated that this centralizedapproachaimsto streamline services, sparing i n d i v i d u a l s t h e inconvenience of visiting multiple offices for their transactions.

Additionally, the new facility is expected to provide a new level of comfort for staff as well as members of the public Minister Croal also highlighted other amenities, suchasadequateparkingfor staff and members of the public and a recreational facilityforstaff.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the CH&PA, Sherwyn Greaves at the same visit had mentioned that members of the public will be able to enjoy some amount of privacy and comfort when transacting theirbusiness.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that the new facility will house in excess of three hundred and twenty (320) staff members and is being constructed on a plot of land measu

ing approximately214'x407'(2 acres) The building measuresapproximately150 ftinlengthx105ftinwidth and is designed with a parkingareacateringtoover 100vehicles.

Norton promises to review Exxon’s

oil deal, ring-fence projects, impose taxes and reinstate parent company guarantee for oil spill if elected

Leader of the People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R), Aubrey Norton, has promised to review the lopsided 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) that was signed by the Coalition Government of whichhewaspartofwithUS oilmajorExxonMobil.

ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) is the operator of the lucrative Stabroek Block, with its partners, Hess Corporation and CNOOC While the Government of Guyana (GoG) has acknowledge that the deal benefits the oil companies more than it does the country - the Irfaan Aliled administration has taken the stance to not make changes to the contract, toutingsanctityofcontract.

Former Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, who served under the APNU + AFC Coalition government between 2015 and 2020, was the one who signed the deal in 2016 with Exxon. The deal Trotman signed,waivesalltaxesfrom the oil companies and caters for the taxes to be paid by Guyana, it gives Guyana a 2% royalty on its rich resources, and agrees to the oil companies recovering 75% of investments before

theremaining25%isshared, with Guyana receiving 12.5%. This publication had also reported that the deal lacks a ring-fencing provision.

On Wednesday during a press conference, Norton made the announcement of the “PNCR/APNU'S Policies, Strategies and Principles for the Development of the Oil and Gas Sector,” which is a 20point'oilandgaspolicy The announcement of this policy comes ahead of the 2025 General and Regional Elections.

Norton, who has shied away from saying if elected he will “renegotiate” the contract on Wednesday outlined the coalition's key strategies for managing the oil and gas sector, with a heavy emphasis on ensuring Guyanese benefits more from its abundant oil resources He said, “ConsistentwithArticle32.1 ofthePSA,wewillcomplete atop-to-bottomreviewofthe PSA and then engage the Stabroek Block Partners, to maximise the benefits of the oilresourcestothepeopleof Guyanawhileensuringafair share of profit for Stabroek BlockPartners.”

According to the Leader oftheOpposition,thereview

will include several aspects that have resulted in Guyana losing out on additional resources.Thepartyplansto implement an oil tax regime that would impose taxes on profits, a move that many critics have called for but whichisnotcurrentlypartof the PSA. This publication recently highlighted that owing to the 2016 PSA, Guyanahasforegonearound $306 billion in taxes for Exxon, Hess and CNOOC for 2023, while the country only earned $336 billion from oil sales and royalties for that same year “Every aspectwillbeinvolvedinthe review, so we will seek to review the entire PSA with the aim of ensuring the Guyanese people benefit,” Norton said in response to a question about the current non-tax provision in the PSA.

Another key area the PNCR leader highlighted is the party's intention to introduce a ring-fencing provision. In the absence of ring-fencing, Exxon is allowedtochargeGuyanafor new wells/ projects before theystartproducingoil.This results in a reduction of the profits that would be availabletosplitbetweenthe government and the oil company “The review will

include, but not be limited t o e n v i r o n m e n t a l r e s p o n s i b

e s , d e c o m m i s s i o n i n g , transparency, the timely reporting of information, regulatory oversight and real-time monitoring, auditing, local content, shared management and decision-making in operations in the oil and gas sector,”headded.

Additionally, Norton stated that as the next coalition government they reinstatetheparentcompany

guarantee that would ensure full liability coverage in the event of an oil spill. He said the guarantee would require EMGL's parent company to cover the costs of any environmentaldisasterfully

E n v i r o n m e n t a l responsibilities

The PNCR/ APNU oil and gas policy places emphasis on environmental r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s , transparency, and regulatory o v e r s i g h t N o r t o n underscored the importance of strengthening the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure bettermanagementoftheoil and gas sector, with a focus onprohibitinggasflaring,reinjecting toxic water according to international standards, and conducting a cradle-to-grave waste management plan. “We will review the existing drafts of the Petroleum Commission Legislationandrestructureas necessary to finalise the es

shment of an independent/autonomous Petroleum Commission equipped with the highest caliber fit-for-purpose

professionals, to manage the O&Gsectorfromapplication for licenses through auction, exploration, production, sales, refining, and gas utilisation for energy conversion,”Nortonsaid.

He noted too that they will conduct a review of the Natural Resources Fund (NRF) with the aim of restructuring it to ensure its independence, management, and the fulfillment of its mandate.

Moreover, the PNCR leader also stated that they would also explore the feasibility of establishing a NationalOilCompany(NOC and/localrefinerytoenhance Guyana's economic benefits fromthesector Additionally, Norton promised to conduct feasibility studies for the utilization of natural gas and to develop a strong local content policy to ensure that localbusinessesbenefitfrom thesector'sexpansion.

He said too, “We will govern and manage the oil and gas sector in the best interest of the people of Guyana and in accordance withtheruleoflaw.”

Senior cop charged with sexual assault of male colleague

Ain cash from money changer



granted bail on Wednesday when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court on a charge of simple larceny

Jamaul Cromwell is accused of stealing $2 million in cash from money changer, Carl Vonrussum on September 9, 2024, at Longden and American StreetsinGeorgetown. Cromwell appeared before Principal Magistrate FaithMcGustywhoreadthe

statements presented in

motorcycle to Vonrussum at the same location in January 2024 On September 9, Vonrussum parked the said motorcycle,whichcontained cash secured under the seat. He noticed Cromwell in the vicinity and saw him ride awayonthemotorcycle. After the incident was reported to the police, an

Cromwell's arrest. During questioning, he admitted to riding away with the motorcycle but denied stealing the money In court, Cromwell expressed remorse,stating,“Iusedtobe athief…butmeainttakeany money today is my birthday.”

As a gesture for his birthday, the Magistrate granted him bail in the amount of $200,000, with conditionstokeepthepeace. Cromwell is scheduled to returntocourtonOctober23, 2024.

Deputy Superintendent Karl Wilson, stationed at the Criminal Investigative Department (CID), has been charged with two counts of sexual assault against a male colleague.

Wilson on Wednesday, appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court, where the charges were read. He pleaded not guilty to bothcounts.Bailwassetat$75,000foreach charge, and Wilson is scheduled to return to courtonOctober16,2024.

Back in June 2024, the Guyana Police Force in the statement mentioned that an investigation was launched in relation to an allegation of sexual assault committed on a male Police Constable by a male Superintendent of Police. Police said then that the incident occurred sometime inApril 2024,inthevicinityofKingstonSeawall.

Following a complaint made on June 8, 2024, Wilson was relieved of his command pending the investigation. After a thorough inquiry, charges were formally brought

Karl Wilson granted bail for sexual assault

against him. Kaieteur News learnt that the two policemen were out together in the vicinity of the seawall when the superintendent made inappropriate sexual advancestowardstheconstable.

Leader of the People's National Congress Reform (PNC/R), Aubrey Norton

Jagdeowarnspublicofficersagainstsoliciting bribestoexpeditepaymentsforcontractors

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeoissuedasternwarning to the heads and accounting officers of public sector

agencies, reaffirming government'scommitmentto enforcing strict compliance withprocurementrules.

In an open and candid discussion, Jagdeo made it clearthatanydeparturefrom these regulations would not betolerated.

During a meeting held at theArthurChungConference Center on Tuesday, Jagdeo stressed that the government prioritises transparency and accountability in the executionofpublicprojects.

The meeting brought

nt Secretaries, Regional Executive Officers, and seniorofficialsfromagencies such as the Guyana Police Force, Guyana Defence Force, Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), the Guyana Water Inc. (GWI), and the Guyana Power and Light(GPL)Inc.etc.

Jagdeoacknowledgedthe challenges agencies face in managing the country's “unprecedented” Public

Sector Investment Programme(PSIP).

While commending public servants for successfully implementing the majority of projects, despite resource constraints, he expressed concern over issues in procurement practices.

Jagdeo highlighted that 95% of public projects are completed successfully and in compliance with procurementrules.However, h e c r i t i c i z e d t h e ParliamentaryOppositionfor focusing disproportionately on the problematic 5%,

making it appear as though failuresarewidespread.“We want a fair procurement system,” Jagdeo reiterated, emphasizing the need to address the five per cent of problematic contracts that fall short of required standards.

He pointed out that there have been some deviations from the Procurement Act and the Standard Bidding Document despite the time and effort spent developing these advanced legislative frameworks. Jagdeo stressed that all public officials must familiarize themselves with the Procurement Act and S t a n d a r d B i d d i n g Documents, and fully complywiththerules.

On the rare occasion, should the need arise to depart from the Standard Bidding Documents, it should only occur with prior approval from the National Procurement and Tender

Administration Board (NPTAB). Moving forward, he said, officials will be evaluated on their adherence totheseguidelines. Jagdeo also criticized instances where there has been deliberate slowing d o w n o f p r o j e c t implementation by some agencies, which leads to a year-end rush and is then used to justify sole sourcing ofcontracts.

He called for early planning and execution, ensuring that NPTAB grants sole sourcing approvals only under exceptional circumstances, which must be clearly detailed to Cabinet. The Vice President madeitclearthatthispractice mustbecurtailed.

Additionally, Jagdeo highlighted the potential manipulation of the threequotesystem,warningthatit

must be used sparingly and with

ntrolled environment to preserve the integrityofthebids.

He also expressed concern about the increasing use of restrictive tendering by some ministries, often without valid justification. While restrictive tendering may be necessary for complex projects, Jagdeo cautioned that it should not be used to favor specific contractors and called on NPTAB to closely scrutinize anyrequestsforsuchtenders. Referring to some reports of corruption, Jagdeo condemned instances where bribes are being solicited to expedite payments for completed work, urging agency heads to remain vigilant.

Heemphasizedthatsuch practices ultimately damage the government's reputation, as those paying bribes often blame the administration for these corrupt activities. He urged accounting officers to be more vigilant, moving forward.

The Vice President pointedouttoothatthereare a few cases where several members from one family may have companies registered with them, and

Miner feared dead after boat mishap in Mazaruni River

A32-year-oldmineridentifiedas Dionson Charlie from Jawalla Village in the Upper Mazaruni isfeareddeadfollowingaboatmishapinthe MazaruniRiveronMonday

Accordingtoastatementfromthepolice information they received suggests that around11:00hrsCharlieleftthe'BushCow' backdam to journey to Kato Village to conductbusiness.

On the return leg of the journey it is alleged that he collided with a floating objectwhichcausedhimtofalloverboard.

they all bid for contracts. Acknowledgingthatthismay be difficult to identify, he urged accounting officers to be wary of this and ensure vigilance.

Jagdeo further noted that some contracts include unnecessary items, such as vehicles and computers, whichinflatecostsbytensof millions.

He warned that such additionsarenotallowedand disclosed that where discovered these have been corrected.

Moving forward, he urged that accounting officers to ensure that contracts focus solely on essentialprojectdeliverables and not be used for the comfort of their own agencies.

In addition, Jagdeo addressed the misuse of contingency sums set aside for projects, stressing that theseresourcesaresubjectto approval and are not for the d

contractors entitled to it. He

engineershavebeenfiredfor approving substandard projects that led to government payments for worknotcompleted.

The Vice President condemned the inflation of bills and warned that this practice would not be tolerated.

He also voiced concerns about conflicts of interest in some Regional Democratic Councils (RDCs) and other government agencies, where officials have private companies and are bidding within the agencies where theywork.

He made it clear that thos



o be contractors must leave their governmentpositions,asthis conflict of interest will be scrutinizedclosely

Accordingtohim,agency heads must engage in better contract administration and stress the importance of penalties for late or shoddy work, including th

imposition of liquidated damages. He made it clear thatthegovernmentwillhold agencyheadsresponsiblefor theseissues.

Lookingforward,Jagdeo stressed the importance of data-driven decision-making in the public sector to enhance policy effectiveness and combat misinformation. He urged public servants to rely on facts and analysis when making decisions. SeniorMinisterintheOffice of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, also pa

discussions, which included early preparations for the 2

accountability would remain central to the government's priorities as it continues to execute its ambitious public sectorinvestmentplans.

The meeting concluded with Jagdeo reaffirming the government's dedication to delivering its commitments t

maintainingastrictwatchon procurement practices to prevent inefficiencies and corruptionwithinthesystem. (DPI)

Inspector Hunte, other ranks and the residentsformedasearchpartyonTuesday and their efforts to locate the missing man provedfutile.

Asmallboatthatbelongstothemissing man was found at 'Bush Cow' Landing and there were traces of what appeared to be blood on the seats and sides. The boat was takenintopolicecustodyandsearchefforts are ongoing, as further investigations continue.

A resident of Abbou Village Learvia Henry reported that she heard a loud crashingsoundfromtheriverandsheraised analarm.Neighboursrespondedandfound a wooden boat floating unattended but did notlocateCharlie.

VicePresident, Bharrat Jagdeo


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Pres. Ali touts global biodiversity alliance at UN

…reiterates call for immediate climate action

Speaking at the 79th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on Wednesday, President Irfaan Ali announced the launch of the Global Biodiversity Alliance, a global framework aimed at tackling biodiversity loss, supporting conservation, and creating fair markets for natural assets.

Guyana’s head-of-state attended the assembly in New York, which is being held under the theme “Leaving no one behind: acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development, and human dignity for present and future generations.”

President Ali noted that the creation of the Global Biodiversity Alliance, will focus on creating a market for biodiversity credits, scaling biodiversity conservation debt swaps, accelerating biodiversity bonds, establishing a blueprint for biodiversity taxonomies, and promoting nature positive action. The initiative is set to convene its first global summit in 2025, where nations, environmental groups, and other stakeholders will collaborate to develop solutions that address the world’s worsening biodiversity crisis.

“We do [not] make this announcement by mere words, Guyana is also committing to doubling its protected areas by December 2025 and achieving the global biodiversity target of 30% by 2030,” Ali said. He continued, “These are real solutions that Guyana is putting forward to address the global problem of biodiversity loss. We do not


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President Irfaan Ali during his address at the 79th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly lecture, we lead by example without arrogance.”

In his speech, Ali underscored that while many world leaders agree on addressing climate, food, and energy security, concrete actions are long overdue. “We will all be doomed in the court of conscience for knowing what is right while ignoring what is wrong,” Ali said.

President Ali outlined that there is a pattern of empty

pledges made at international forums like the annual Conference of Parties (COP) on climate change. He added, “This cycle of hope followed by disappointment cannot continue if the Sustainable Development Goals are to be met. We must break free from this pattern of empty pledges. We must, unequivocally and immediately, fulfill all pledges for the sake of our planet and the future of all its inhabit-

ants.” President Ali reminded that Guyana, with 86% of its territory covered by tropical forest, has long been a leader in environmental conservation. The country boasts one of the highest rates of forest cover globally, with its forests storing 19.5 gigatons of carbon and sequestering more than 153 million tonnes annually. “As a country, we are dedicated to the preservation of this vital global asset,” Ali said.

Moreover, President Ali closed his address with a call for unity in addressing the pressing issues of climate change, food security, and global governance reform, urging world leaders to take bold steps forward. He said, “The future we seek, a future where no one is left behind, demands courageous action…Let us not be found wanting. Let us act together, for the advancement of peace, for the achievement of sustainable development, and the preservation of human dignity, now and for generations to come.”

Illicit trade responsible for billions in losses annually by Private Sector - Chairman

Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) Komal Singh has noted the billions of dollars in revenue that businesses in Guyana suffer annually as a result of illicit trade. Singh was at the time speaking at a conference organised by the PSC on illegal trade on Wednesday.

The conference held at the Marriot Hotel in Kingston brought together key stakeholders to address critical aspects of illicit trade, with a particular focus on global perspectives on illicit trade challenges and strengthening public-private partnerships to combat illegal activities.

Speaking to stakeholders at the conference, the PSC Chairman noted that smugglers have illegitimately captured between 25 – 50 percent of the market share with goods sold below market value. He noted that these illegal traders have been mak-

ing difficult for small medium and large scale businesses in Guyana to thrive. “Currently Guyana is losing billions of dollars in revenue…if we don’t find means to harness and put measures in place to stop that smuggling within the shortest possible time, we can see those numbers continue to rise and it can have a more negative impact on the business community” Mr. Singh said.

As such, the PSC Chairman said that the private sector group has taken the first step by establishing a trade desk to partner with the enforcement arm of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) to help intercept persons involved in smuggling.

He noted that the Private Sector stands ready to work to develop means and measures to help curb smuggling to make sure that our treasury and businesses are in a posi-

tion where there is a level playing field and there can be a very competitive environment. Since establishing the desk, the Private Sector Commission through its Trade and Investment Sub Committee met with Guyana Revenue Authority’s Comptroller, Rohan Beekhoo to discuss concerns and share queries related to the work of the Customs Department. Last week, Chairman of the Sub Committee, Clinton Urling informed the team of the recently established Illicit Trade Desk, intends to complement the efforts of the government in tackling illicit trade, through raising awareness and channeling reports of incidences of illicit trade.

In his remarks, Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) Mathew Langevine noted that the need for cooperation between stakeholders (Continued on page 17)

Parika to get $128M fire station

Government will be building a fire station Parika, East Bank Essequibo to the tune of $128,608,803. The National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) office that awarded the contract just recently revealed on its website that the project will be executed by LF Global Inc. Kaieteur News understands that funding for the project comes from the Ministry of Home Affairs $44.8 billion budget for 2024. With a fire station at Leonora on

the West Coast of Demerara, this new facility is said to be the first in the Parika area which would help improve the operations of the Guyana Fire Service (GFS).

Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh had said in this year’s budget presentation that the government has always been committed to building the capacity of the Guyana Fire Service to discharge its important mandate. Further, the importance of the

GFS being in a state of constant readiness to respond to threat of loss of property or endangerment of person cannot be overstated.

As a result, the government has been upgrading the physical facilities of the Fire Service. Minister Singh disclosed that $545 million was expended in 2023 for infrastructural and maintenance works at fire stations in Leonora, Ogle and Wales as well as the Fire Service Headquarters at D’Urban Park.

‘Stop living in the past’

-AFC tells Govt to stop comparing Guyana’s non-oil economy to current situation

Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC) Nigel

Hughes said it is

disingenuous of the governmenttobecomparing the current oil-driven economywithwhatobtained before to score “cheap political points” insisting that as the economy grows the adminstration should focusoninvestinginabetter qualityoflifeforGuyanese.

At his party’s weekly press conference last week Hughes said Guyana is a sovereignstateandthebasis for progress should not be premised on what was done between 2015 and 2019.

“So, assuming you didn’t have something between 2015 and 2020. What has thatgottodowithourfailure todoitin2024asacountry, it is a mind-boggling argument.Thatsomehowthe excuse is that it’s not being done because it wasn’t done before.”

Hugheslamentedthatthe citizens of Guyana deserve muchbetterandifGuyanais movingforwardtobecomea modern democratic society in which all citizens will participate equally and have the same opportunities then the comparison needs to stop “We can’t be comparing2015to2019and ifonewantstogotherouteof comparison on the 32 years between 1992 and today the People’s Progressive Party has been in office for 27 of thoseyears.

So,ifyouwanttomakea comparison you are making a comparison between somebody who has the opportunity to govern this country exclusively for 27 yearsandsomebodywhohas

only had the opportunity to govern it for three it’s not even five because when the no confidence motion came the government was restrictedtoonlycarryingout itsbasicfunctionstorunning the government It couldn’t make any investment decisions, it couldn’t make anychangeofpolicebecause in the two years post December 2018 it was restricted,”Hughessaid Furthermore, the AFC leader said, “what makes it even worse you’re comparing27yearswhichis ninetimesthethreeeffective yearsthatthecoalitionhadto makethechangeandIthink that’s the context but like I said what one didn’t do beforecan’tbeanexcusefor whywe’refailingtoday.”

Hughes comments followfrequentcomparisons by Vice President Bharrat

Jagdeo Jagdeo has repeatedly said that the APNU+AFC government couldhavedonemuchmore for the citizens during its term in office. Meanwhile, AFC’s Beverly Alert said thatitwas“grosslyunfairto compare 2015-2019 with 2020-2024period.”


non-oileconomywithanoil producing economy What you can do in an oil producing economy when the GDP is growing by double digits 30%, 35%, 40%youcan’tcomparewith an economy that was not seeing that growth Our position is as the economy grows invest in a better quality of life for the people,”Alertsaid.

Further, Alert called on the government to be fair in the distribution of the country’s wealth. “Do not discriminate, it is that simple Do not put the money into the people that already have money, do not enrichthosewhoarealready rich, let us bridge the divide and so let us invest in those hinterland communities where the children have to usepitlatrines.Letusinvest inriversidecommunities,let us bridge that divide between the haves and the have nots. Don’t compare apples and oranges, don’t compare what the coalition government was able to do without oil as to what this PPP government should be doingwiththisgrowthinthe economy,”theAFCMember ofParliamentsaid.

Illicit trade responsible for billions...

Frompage16 intheprivatesectorandlawenforcementto eliminateillegaltrade.

“Everyonehastobefullonboardandso the FIU and other stakeholders within the AML/CFT framework look forward for greaterparticipationandcollaborationwhen it comes on board by the private sector,” Langevinestated.

Meanwhile, in his remarks, Minister of HomeAffairs Robeson Benn, noted that the outcomes of this seminar are expected to

contributesignificantlytoGuyana’songoing efforts to safeguard its economy, protect legitimate businesses, and ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens. He noted the needformorecollaborationandmorepeople arewillingtocomeforwardwithinformation abouttheperpetratorsofsmuggling.“Wecan makeadifference,itrequiresmorewill,more participation, more consultations, more identification of places and the hotpots and charactersinvolved,”Bennstated.

Leader of the AFC, Nigel Hughes
Member of Parliament, Beverly Alert.

Israel prepares for possible ground assault in Lebanon, military chief says

(ALJAZEERA) Israel’s military chief has said the country is preparing for a possible ground assault in Lebanon as the army said it was calling up two brigades of reservists and a deadly aerial bombardment of Lebanon continued for a thirdday.

The latest wave of air strikes was aimed at “preparing the ground for your possible entry”, Herzi Halevi told soldiers in northern Israel on Wednesday, in the most explicit reference to a potential ground operation against the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah since the Israeli air force on Monday dramatically stepped up air attacks on Lebanon. “We arepreparingtheprocessofa manoeuvre, which means your military boots, your manoeuvring boots, will enter enemy territory, enter villages that Hezbollah has prepared as large military outposts,”Halevisaid.

Hezbollah, an Iranalignedgroup,“expandedits rangeoffire,andlatertoday, they will receive a very strong response Prepare yourselves,” Halevi added, referring to a missile launch thatHezbollahsaystargeted Mossad’s headquarters near Tel Aviv Earlier, the Israeli army said it was calling up

- at least 51 killed and 220 wounded in Israeli air raids, according to Lebanese health minister.

twobrigadesofreserviststo the north to keep fighting Hezbollah and allow the return to the north of thousands of civilians displaced by crossfire – the stated aim of this week’s deadly offensive into Lebanon.

In a brief video message onWednesday,IsraeliPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeated his promise to return the displaced Israelis and said Hezbollah is being hit “harder than it could imagine”. “I can’t go into detail about everything we do. But I can tell you one

thing: We are determined to return our residents in the northsafelytotheirhomes,” hesaid.

Lebanon’s health minister said at least 51 people were killed on Wednesday in the continuing Israeli strikes, raising the death toll from the past three days to 615, with more than 2,000 wounded Earlier in the morning, Hezbollah fired dozens of missiles at Israel, including a longer-range projectilethatsetoffairraid sirensinTelAvivandacross the centre of the country Israelsaidthatitwasthefirst

time a missile had reached the central area and that the projectile was intercepted. No casualties or damage werereported,itadded.

Hezbollah said it had firedaballisticmissileatthe headquarters of Israel’s Mossadintelligenceagency, which it said was responsible for the targeted killing of its senior leaders. Israel later said it struck the site from which the missile was launched in southern Lebanon. Tens of thousands flee More than 90,000 peoplehavefledthesouthof thecountrytoseekshelterin the north, according to the

International Organization forMigration(IOM).

Long queues of cars fleeing southern towns have jammed the streets, aid groupshavecalledforblood donations and schools have beenturnedintoshelters.

The IOM said theWorld HealthOrganizationandthe LebaneseMinistryofPublic Health are preparing for mass casualty events in Lebanon and maintaining essential services These include mental health support despite health stock levels being critically low, and urgent restocking being needed, it added. The fire exchanges have alarmed world leaders, triggering a diplomatic frenzy US

President Joe Biden said an all-out war was possible in theregion,buttherewasalso still room for diplomacy “An all-out war is possible, but I think there’s also the opportunity – we’re still in playtohaveasettlementthat can fundamentally change the whole region,” Biden saidinanappearanceonthe ABC programmeTheView, broadcastonWednesday

The United States is leading a new diplomatic effort to end hostilities in both Gaza and Lebanon, linking the two conflicts as partofasingleinitiative,the Reuters news agency

reported, citing seven sources familiar with the initiative. Details are being hammered out at the UN General Assembly in New York, read the report. It would be the first time the two fronts are linked as part ofaUSdiplomaticpush,the sourcessaid.

Since Israel launched its assault on Gaza on October 7,HezbollahandIsraelhave been trading near-daily rocket fire, causing the displacement of tens of thousands of people living near the border But while those exchanges were largely confined to frontier areasandwereaimedmostly at military targets, tensions escalated dramatically last week after Israel said it would pivot its military focustoitsnorthernfrontier

A mass detonation last week of pagers and other communication devices owned by Hezbollah members killed at least 42 people and injured more than 3,000. Israel did not d e n y o r c o n f i r m responsibility for these attacks.Thisweek,itdealta blow to the group’s military leadership by killing in two separate attacks the head of itsmissilesdivision,Ibrahim Qobeissi,andthesecond-incommand of its elite Radwanunit,IbrahimAqil.

Russia planning to target nuclear plants, Zelensky says

( B B C N E W S )

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has toldtheUnitedNationsthat Russia is planning deeper attacks on his country’s nuclear power plants,

warning of possible “nucleardisaster”.

He said he had received intelligence showing

Moscow was using satellites provided by other

countries to gather information about

Ukraine’s nuclear infrastructure.

“Radiation does not respect state borders and many nations could feel a devastating effect,” he warned the UN General Assembly on Wednesday Russia has repeatedly targeted energy facilities across Ukraine since the

start of its full-scale invasioninFebruary2022.

“Anycriticalincidentin the energy system could leadtoanucleardisaster-a day like that must never come,” Zelensky said “Moscow needs to understand this, and this depends in part on your determination to put pressure on the aggressor “These are nuclear power plants. Theymustbesafe.”The UN nuclear watchdog warned last month that safety at the Zaporizhzhia power plant in Russianoccupied Ukraine was deteriorating.

It followed a strike near thesite’sperimeter,closeto essential water sprinkler pondsandabout100mfrom the only remaining high-

voltage line. The plant was seized by Russian forces early in the war and has come under repeated attacks, which both sides haveblamedtheotherfor

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky

Zelensky said in his speech on Wednesday that Russia had destroyed all of Ukraine’s thermal power plantsandalargepartofits hydroelectric capacity as a


“Energy must stop being usedasaweapon,”hesaid.

A major power plant near Kyiv was completely destroyed by Russian strikes in April, and millions of Ukrainians have suffered blackouts this year alone While in theUnitedStates,Zelensky says he plans to meet President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidentialnominee

An official on Donald Trump’s campaign said the Republican nominee would not meet the Ukrainianleader-despite statements from officials in Kyiv last week saying Zelensky was planning to seetheformerpresident

Zelensky as the “greatest

following his speech and claimed the US would be “stuck in that war” unless


AlsoinhisUNspeech, Zelensky criticised China and Brazil for pushing for


He made a renewed appealforcountriestoback his proposals for a full and just peace, reiterating his positionthatRussianforces needed to withdraw from Ukraine’s internationallyrecognised borders to bring anendtothewar Ukraine would not accept a return to a “brutal, colonialpast”,headded.

Smoke rises from Israeli air strikes in the southern village of Kfar Rouman, south Lebanon [Hussein Malla/AP Photo]

GPHC lauds Chinese medical team for groundbreaking advancements

At a farewell ceremony held

d u r i n g t h e weekendforthe19thChinese

Medical Team, the

Georgetown Public Hospital

Corporation (GPHC) commended the team for introducing groundbreaking advancements, including the hospital's first laparoscopic liver resection and various otherservices.

The GPHC in a release stated that the 19th Chinese Medical Team completed a year of dedicated service from October 2023 to September2024.

The team, made up of 10 medical specialists, worked acrossvariousdepartmentsat GPHC, while four additional doctors were stationed at the LindenRegionalHospital.

In the course of the one yeartheMedicalteamstayed at the various hospitals, GPHC highlighted that the team collaborated with local medical professionals on thousands of procedures, including the hospital's first laparoscopicliverresection.

“They shared their expertisebyintroducingnew techniques, significantly enhancingthequalityofcare provided at GPHC,” the hospitalsaidintherelease.It is further stated that in addition to Medical team clinical contributions, the team donated several pieces of medical equipment and supplies, strengthening the hospital'sresources.

Beyond their medical contributions, the Chinese Medical Team quickly became a part of the GPHC family by actively participatinginseveralofthe staffengagementactivities.

Moreover, GPHC highlighted that the medical teamplayedakeyroleinthe professional development of the local doctors, who received certificates for completing specialized training in their respective fields.

Tothatend,thosepresent at the farewell ceremony were the Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony; the Ambassador of the People's RepublicofChinatoGuyana, Guo Haiyan; the Chief Medical Officer, Dr Narine Singh; the Chief Executive Officer of GPHC, Robbie Rambarran; the Director of Medical & Professional Services, Dr Navindranauth Rambaran; as well as other GPHC administrators, staff, and members of the 19th ChineseMedicalBrigade.

“We extend our deepest gratitude to the 19th Chinese

Medical Team for their incredible contributions, dedication, and the lasting impact they've made on healthcare in Guyana. We wishthemallthebestintheir future endeavors,” GPHC stated.

HistoryofChina MedicalTeam

Meanwhile,givingabrief history of the Chinese doctors' involvement in Guyana Dr Zhao said at the invitationoftheGovernment of Guyana, the first China Medical Team arrived in GuyanaonJuly30,1993,and was warmly welcomed by then Heath Minister, Gail Teixeira and later a cordial reception from then President Dr CheddiJagan.

“This marked the beginning of China's first medical cooperation project with a government in South America.

Over the past 31 years, the Chinese government has sent 19 medical teams and 279 experts to Guyana. Both sides have made significant progressanddevelopmentin clinical medical exchanges and cooperation, medical education and training, public health, and other aspects,Dr Zhaorelated.

He said the 19th China MedicalTeamofwhichheis theheadarrivedinGuyanain September 2023, replacing the 18th team and commencing their work in thecountry.

The14medicalexpertsof the 19th Chinese medical teamcloselycooperatedwith t

n Guyana's health sector at GPHC and Linden Hospital, treating nearly 13,000 patientsandperformingover 2,000 surgeries and surgical guidance.

“During their rest periods, the team organised 14 free medical outreaches, extending medical services to the remote Amerindian villages “at their doorstep,” benefiting more than 3,400

people.In response to the M

requirement, the Chinese Medical Team donated cervical cancer screening equipment and collaborated w

government to launch the Guyana Cervical Cancer ScreeningProject.

Uponinvitationfromthe MinistryofHealth,theyalso

trainedsamplecollectorsand screening test doctors,” Dr Zhaosaid.

He said too that the China Medical Team also serves as an ambassador of

friendship, participating in a variety of local activities during their spare time to experience the charm of diverse cultures and forging friendships.

Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony (middles) along with staff from the GPHC and members of the 19th Chinese Medical Team

CWI congratulates former captain Merissa captain Aguilera on prestigious national award

SportsMax - Cricket West Indies (CW) President, Dr. Kishore Shallow, lauded former West Indies Captain Merissa Aguilleira on her remarkable achievement of receiving the prestigious HummingbirdMedal(HBM) Gold Award at the 2024 National Awards of Trinidad &TobagoonTuesday Shallow, in extending heartfelt congratulations to

Aguilleira on behalf of the C W I B o a r d a n d Management, pointed out that the recognition is welldeserved.

“Merissa’s exemplary dedication and outstanding contributions serve as an inspirationtousall

As she embraces and e m

influential roles in cricket, particularly to develop

other young athletes, we express our gratitude for her ongoing commitment and wish her continued success,” Shallow said in a


Medal Gold Award is one of Trinidad & Tobago’s

recognising loyal and

beneficial to Trinidad and Tobago, in any field of human endeavour or for gallantry or other humane action. Aguilleira was recognised not only for


Indies team but also for her contributions to the sportontheisland

Despite her retirement in 2019, Aguilleira remains an inspiring figure for a

, particularly women in the sport

Thursday September 26, 2024


Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control himorher


The fire within you is raging today,Taurus,andyoushould becarefulhowyouwieldthis power Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shouldersbackandheadhigh. Freedomisimportant.


There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everythingaroundyou.


Thingsarecomingtoacritical point for you today, Cancer, and you may find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate.


Feelfreetospeakmoreloudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly in the presence of others. Bring your internal powerunderyourcontrol.


Youshouldbaskinaglorious splendortoday,Virgo.There's a great deal of power at your disposal.You'll find your ego ishealthy,charged,andready forthebattlefield.


Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your inner passion and let it speak with greater confidencethanyouhavebeen lately Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people aroundyouhearyourtruth.

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

You'llfindthatyoursparkcan easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don'tunderestimatethepower of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on othersandtakeresponsibility

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together inyourfavor


Thisisyourdaytoshineinall your glory, Capricorn. There's noneedtoholdanythingback. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to proveitslove.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Trynottolosesightofyour own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could throw you off course if youaren'tcareful.


Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an unhealthy situation into a positiveone,

Her journey and achievements highlight the growth of women’s cricket and the impact of dedicated athletes in challenging traditionalnorms

Asaplayerandaleader, Aguilleira has left an indeliblemarkonthegame, paving the way for future generations

She played in over 100 One Day Internationals (ODIs) and captained the West Indies Women from 2009-2015, a period during which she led the team to the final of the ICC Women’s World Cup in Indiain2013,andthesemifinals of the ICC Women’s World T20 in 2010, 2012, and 2014, and was part of the 2016 ICC Women’s World T20 winning team in Kolkata.

In her primary role as a wicketkeeper,shehasover 100 dismissals in ODI cricket, having recently achieved the magical three figures during the home

Additionally, she has over 70 dismissals in T20 internationals (T20Is) from the 95 matches she hasplayed

Having made her ODI d e b u t

g a i n s t t h e Netherlands Women in July of 2008 and her T20I debut against South Africa in June of 2009, she played 112 ODI matches,amassing 1752 runs at an average of 20.61 and 95 T20Is, scoring 768 runs at an average of 14.49.

In 2023, CWI Vice President, Azim Bassarath and former West Indies two-time world champion


received the Hummingbird MedalGoldAward

Jaikarran Sookai wins Assistant Commissioner

(ret’d) Eon Amsterdam’s

Veteran cyclists

J a i k a r r a n

Sookai showed that age is just a number whenhewontheannualEon

A m s t e r d a m b i r t h Anniversary cycle road race inBerbice.

Sookai beat back the challenges of some of his younger and more established counterparts to wintherace,whichwasheld last Sunday, for riders in Region 5 and 6. The seven laps’event around the town of New Amsterdam saw

some 18 riders take to the startingline.

Amsterdam, a retired Assistant Commissioner of Police, was a former commander of Berbice. He was ably assisted by his current counterparts in the GPF including Region 6 Commander Shivpersaud Bacchus and Deputy Commander Assistant Superintendent Michael Newland.

Theeventwasstartedby Bacchus and saw the riders taking off from Republic

annual birthday cycle race

Participants organisers and sponsors pose for a photo opportunity at the conclusion of the Eon Amsterdam cycle road race around New Amsterdam.

RoadandCharlesPlace,turn left into Vryheid Street, left into Main Street, to Tacama Turn and left into Republic Roadforsevenlaps.

Sookairodehomeahead of Andrea “Padlock” Green with Sidwell Sandy coming inthird.

Sookai was the top veteran on show with Syborne Fernandes second and Clement Doris third. ThetopjuvenilewasSidwell Sandy, who won from JeremyCallender

There were eight sprint point prizes up for grabs with Green and Sandy taking 2 each, Sookai grabbed one and Randolph King taking the other Franco Crawford Senior got a prize for being the top over 50 on show,

while Deon David was second.

Commander Bacchus presented a special prize to nine-year old Franco Crawford Jr for being the youngest cyclists to participate on a racing bike. There was also a special prize presented to 73 years old Daniel Rigby for being the oldest participant to completetheevent.

Amsterdam, who hails from Berbice, was an ardent participant as well asafanofsports He also served as traffic Chief and Commandant of the Felix Austin Training School and Commander of other areas before retiring fromtheforce.

Amsterdam along with family members and

members of the Berbice police high command assistedwiththedistribution oftheprizes,whichincluded cash, trophies and other memorabilia.

Theeventwasorganized by the Flying Ace Cycle C l u b ( FA C C ) a n d coordinated by long serving National Coach Randolph Roberts.

This is the fourth year that the event has been sponsored by Amsterdam. The first was at his retirement. The event has since become a regular affair

Both Amsterdam and Roberts thanked the participants and all those who assisted in making the event successful. (Samuel Whyte)

Top juveniles pose with Amsterdam (centre back row) along with Newland, Roberts (back right) and Bacchus (back left) at the completion of the race and presentation of prizes.

2024 Caribbean Premier League… GAW vs BR Warriors surge to 47-run win following Hope, Hetmyer fireworks, bowlers touch

Robust half-

centuries from Shai Hope and Shimron Hetmyer, backed up by some sublime bowling, took Guyana AmazonWarriorstoaneasy 47 run win over Barbados Royals last night at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence.

Batting first in the

midst of a jam-packed stadium, Hope led with 71, hammering five sixes and a

, sharing an entertaining c

Hetmyer who had 57 with four fours and three maximums, laying the


Opener Azam Khan


Romario Shepherd (23) were the two other main

figures, with only Sri


managing to emerge with a good economy rate and 3 wickets for his 15 conceded runs.

Chasing a stiff target

Region 5 Chamber of Industry and Commerce launches 10/10

President’s Cup cricket competition

The Region 5 Chamber of Industry and Commerce

(Region 5CIC) has

launched its 10/10

President’s Cup cricket competition for teams in thatRegion.

T h e o n e d a y competition is set for Sunday October 13th at the Cotton Tree Die Hard

Ground, West Coast Berbice.

The much anticipated and fun filled one day

tournament will be contested among six teams.

Namely Cotton Tree Die

Hard, West Berbice Achievers, D’Edward CricketClub,PoliceUnited, Blairmont Blazers and Cotton Tree Junior Team. Admission to the event is free.

Speaking to the media, ImranSacoor,statedthatthe Region5CICisdelightedto have been part of this initiative since it believes that investment in youths and sports represents


Sacoorsaidthattheyare urging the communities to come out and support the matchesandenjoythegrand festivity

He noted that the Chamber will continue to support the development of communities within their purview

There will be a number of giveaways and side attractions during the day including Ice cream, face painting,airHornsandflags alongwithfreegifts.

Educational Hampers will also be distributed to top performers in the educational sectors in the Region, while 10 elderly residents from the village willalsoreceivehampers.

A raffle will be drawn during the festivity where patrons will be given an opportunity to win householdappliances. There will be Tassa drumming and musical entertainment during the

culminatewithagrandafter party

A number of sponsors are already on board including the Guyana Breweries Inc Quality



er, S D&L Accounting Services, Kean Read t/as JR Engineering Solutions, JS Engineering Services and Supplies,

S i n

a n d S o n s Construction, Republic Bank Guyana Limited, Singh’s Travel Service, MoreandSonAutoSale,J’s


T & A Construction Service and S

n Contracting Firm, ECS

Auto S

Leah’s Enterprise / Global Visa Services, Devin Singh Filling Station and Sudesh Contracting Services amongstothers. There will be a well stockdrinksbar,whileBBQ andothereatableswillbeon sale. (SamuelWhyte)

GFF still hiding its deal with BlueWater...

Frompage27 has influenced decisions surrounding the BlueWater Shipping and MEYBA agreements. Ifthereareindeedconsultations taking place, it would be beneficial for the GFFtoreleaseminutesorsummariesofthese discussions, showcasing the dialogue with stakeholders and the rationale behind critical decisions The GFF’s commitment to “promote transparency, accountability, and integrity”ringshollowiftheGFFcontinues to prioritize corporate confidentiality over stakeholderengagement.

If the GFF is to be a beacon of good governance, then it must lead by example, demonstrating that it values the input and concernsofthefootballcommunity

Thefootballcommunitydeservestoknow thedetailsoftheBlueWaterShippingdealand theMEYBAkitagreement

It is time for the GFF to step out of the shadows and engage in a meaningful dialoguewithallstakeholders.Onlythencan we hope to rebuild the trust that is essential for the growth and success of football in Guyana.

on theWarriors home turf was never going to be easy, as Barbados found themselves short on 1729after20overs SouthAfricans,opener Quinton de Kock (35) provided some spark at the top, but failed in the end before a late response from his countryman D

smoked an unbeaten 71 from 34 with fives huge sixes and 8 fours which helped the Royals salvage atoughloss.

Warriors bowling saw Imran

(2-22), Gudakesh Motie (3-38), Dwaine Pretorius (1-19), M

(2-16), Shepherd (1-6) easily d


Apart from the pair of South Africans, mostly Miller, no other batsmen got going for the Royals, resulting in a one-sided affair set up by the Warriors two halfcenturions, before being piloted home courtesy of their world-class lot of bowlers (C R)

KFC teams up with GCC to host exciting Mini Zingers Cricket Programme

In a bid to foster youth development through sports, KFC Guyana has partnered with the Georgetown Cricket Club(GCC)tointroducethe KFC Mini Zingers Cricket Programme.Theinitiativeis settokickoffonOctober5at thehistoricBourdaground.

The official launch, held on Wednesday at the GCC pavilion, featured notable figures including GCC P

Yearwood, Coach Peter Persaud, first division captain Devon Lord, and

Speaker of the National Assembly,MansoorNadir Drawinginspirationfrom similar programme in South Africa,thecollaborationaims to engage young aspiring cricketers and help others honetheirskills “Webelieve that KFC Mini-Cricket is about more than just the game,” said a representative oftheKFCfranchise.“It’san opportunitytoteachchildren valuable life skills such as teamwork and discipline, while promoting a balanced, active lifestyle ” The programme,whichisopento

primaryschoolstudents,will be held every Saturday from 8:00 am to 9:30 am at GCC ground

Teens and pre-teens interestedinparticipatingcan collect registration forms fromtheGCCpavilion.

This initiative is set to supersede the previously held August Camp, with greater emphasis on youth engagement, focusing on healthy living and steering participants away from negative influences such as drugs and violence among teenage.


percent pass rate recorded as GFF referees undergo fitness tests ahead of 2025 FIFA nominations

A 75 percent pass rate was recorded as 20 referees from the Guyana Football Federation (GFF), including eight females, recently participated in a rigorous fitness test, a critical step in meeting FIFA’s nomination criteria for 2025. The test, aimed at assessing physical enduranceandagility,forms part of the international body’s requirements for referees aspiring to achieve FIFAcertification.

Conducted in alignment with FIFA’s standards, the fitness test saw a strong participation rate, with the referees demonstrating their dedication to meeting internationalbenchmarks.

According to Lenval Peart, the GFF’s Head Referee,thetestismorethan just a requirement— it’s a reflection of the referees’ commitment to maintaining top-tier fitness levels throughouttheyear

“Thefitnesstestispartof FIFA’s criteria, which is essential for the 2025 nomination for referees,” Peartshared.

He emphasized that this test is not a one-off occurrence but part of a consistentregimentoensure refereesareinpeakphysical condition.

“This test is mandatory and happens at least three times per year, with random fitnesschecks.Wehavea75 percentpassrate,”headded. He added that the high participation especially among female referees

reflects the GFF’s drive t o w a r d i n c l u s i v e development within the sport. In tandem with the fitness test, Peart has embarked on a vital refereeing workshop in Trinidad, hosted by CONCACAF, to foster knowledge exchange and strengthen the region’s officiatingstandards.Taking place from 24 to 26

September 2024, the workshopservesasacrucial platform for capacity building and professional development Peart expressedhisenthusiasmfor t h e o p p o r t u n i t y, u n d e r s c o r i n g t h e workshop’s importance for his professional growth and the development of refereeinginGuyana.

“I am immensely enthusiastic about this workshop; it’s a fresh i n i t i a t i v e f r o m CONCACAF, and it’s alwaysgratifyingtobeapart of history,” Peart remarked. The workshop will focus on exchanging crucial insights and information that will e m p o w e r M e m b e r Associations to lead their refereeing departments with renewedvigourandpurpose in the coming years “I intend

Guyana Football Federationtoacquirecrucial insights and information from the heads of referees from other Member Associations,whohavebeen in positions of authority for

longer than I have,” Peart noted, highlighting the learning opportunities he aimstocapitaliseon.

Peart also stressed the broader strategy behind this initiative, explaining the vital role of referees in the success of the sport. “This headofrefereeingworkshop representsavitalcomponent of our broader strategy to elevate refereeing standards across our region. As the individual responsible for overseeing the training, education, and development of referees, instructors, and assessors, this workshop is instrumental to the success of our overall goals,” Peart stated.

Upon his return to Guyana, Peart plans to channel the knowledge gained at the workshop into elevating the standards of refereeingwithintheGFF “I willutilisetheknowledgeto empower and elevate the standardsofourrefereeing,” he affirmed Peart’s leadership in this initiative aligns with the GFF’s broader goals of continuous improvement and capacity building within all levels of footballofficiating.

With ongoing efforts to maintain physical readiness and enhance professional skills, the GFF referees are positioning themselves to not only meet FIFA’s stringent criteria but also to m a k e s i g n i f i c a n t contributions to football’s growth in Guyana and the region.

GCC members including President Jonathan Yearwood (third from right) share photo-op yesterday at GCC pavilion marking the official launch of KFC Mini Zingers Cricket programme.

#HearMeOut GFF still hiding its deal with BlueWater Shipping and MEYBA clothing company company

Letmefirstacknowledge the Guyana Football Federation’s (GGF) attempt to portray itself as a beacon of transparency, following their response to my September 15 #HearMeOut column in the Kaieteur News.

While the organisation may proudly wave its compliance with FIFA, CONCACAF,anditsannual auditsasabadgeofhonour,I must remind the Federation thattickingafewregulatory boxes doesn’t absolve it fromdeeperscrutiny

TheGFF’sresponsefalls short of addressing the core issues I raised in my previous column, and instead, it reflects a reluctance to engage in an open dialogue regarding the financialdealingsthatshape the future of football in Guyana.



Let’s first address the claims made regarding BlueWater Shipping, a company that is not just a minor player in the global shipping industry but a US multi-billion-d


In 2023, BlueWater Shipping made a staggering profit of USD 1.298 billion, a testament to its significant influenceandresources.

Furthermore, during 2022, their turnover skyrocketed by 37%, climbing from USD 970 milliontoUSD1.3billion. Given these figures, the question arises: why is the Guyana Football Federation so hesitant to disclose the

The Guyana Women’s Hockey team, proudly sponsored by One Communications mobile network, has maintained an impressive unbeaten streak at the ongoing Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) ChallengecontestedinHamilton,Bermuda.

IntheirthirdmatchoftheChallenge,the Guyanese women team secured a hardfought 1-1 draw against the host Bermuda, adding to their earlier victories over Brazil andadrawwithParaguay

Deckedoutintheirsleekblackuniforms, the Guyana team started with energy and control, dominating the first quarter Their breakthrough eventually came in the 5th minute, courtesy of a well-executed penalty corner Sarah Klautky delivered a perfect passtoClayzaBobb,whoquicklyreturnedit, settingupKlautkytopowerfullyslamitinto thebackofthenet,givingGuyanaanearly10lead.

Following that commanding performanceintheinitialpartofthematch,a greencardwasthengiventoleft-backKezia Chinianjustbeforehalftime,leavingGuyana downaplayer TheBermudianswereableto capitalize shortly after with a quick restart, ultimately, the swift Bermudian Georgia Harris was quick to tap one into the net, levelingthescoreat1-1.

Undeterred,Guyanaregroupedandmade several promising attacking runs, showcasing their superior speed and tactical prowess. However, a series of penalties,

detailsofitspartnershipwith such a powerful entity, which will have naming rights to the proposed football facility at Durban Park? The assertion that “large corporations have the right to determine what information they wish to protect” is a half-hearted excusefortheGFF’slackof transparency If the GFF, under President Wayne Forde’s leadership, g e n u

u e s accountability,thenitshould make the details of the BlueWater Shipping deal p u b l i c A l l stakeholders—fans, players, sponsors, and local businesses—have a right to understand the terms and implicationsofapartnership with a company that wields such economic power This is especially pertinent given theGFF’sassertionsofgood governance. If the GFF wants to be seen as transparentandaccountable, theymustbewillingtoopen

the books on this significant deal.


Now, let’s address the absurdity of the MEYBA deal. We’re talking about a five-year kit arrangement with a brand that doesn’t supplyasinglenationalteam globally How is it that a deal of this nature is shrouded in secrecy? What exactly are the terms here that are so sensitive, so precarious, that the GFF can’tmakethempublic? It’s virtually unheard of for a national football federation to engage in such a lengthy partnership with a kit supplier of this obscurity without full disclosure. In my last column, I pointed to Jamaica’s kit deal with Adidas, where the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) negotiated a lucrative agreement reportedly worth US$1.2 million annually in cash, plus US$2 million in apparelanda20%royaltyon sales of Jamaica-related

followedbyanothergreencardaswellastwo yellow cards further put the Guyanese at a disadvantage, considering playing much of thesecondhalfwithareducedlineup.

Despite these challenges, Guyana held firm, with the match ending in a 1-1 draw With this result, Guyana now sits tied for second place with Paraguay, both teams earning 5 points each. As they prepare for their next crucial encounter against topranked Mexico, Guyana’s position in the tournamentremainsstrong.

The upcoming match tomorrow, Friday, June27th,at2:45PMGuyanatimewillbea defining moment in their 2024 PAHF Challengecampaign.

merchandise. This level of transparency sets a strong example for how national football organizations shouldoperate.

Thisisnotjustamatterof concern for me; it is a pressing issue for all stakeholders invested in the futureofGuyanesefootball.

Transparencyinsportsis not merely a buzzword; it is an essential principle that underpins trust between governing bodies and the communitiestheyserve.

If the GFF continues to operatebehindcloseddoors, it risks alienating the very supporters who passionately rally behind our national teams.

Football thrives on community involvement, and when the governing b o d y p r i o r i t i z e s confid

openness, it erodes the trust that fans have in the administration.

The GFF’s statement about adhering to FIFA and

CACAF regulations does little to assuage concerns

transparency. Adherence to these regulations is a baselinerequirement;itdoes not absolve the GFF of the

o communicate openly with the public, and the Media, r

financialagreements. Publishing audits and reportsiscommendable,but they should not serve as a substitute for genuine e n g a g

w i t h stakeholders The GFF mention that “all major decisionswithintheGFFare made following thorough consultation with the General Council and key stakeholders.” I challenge the GFF to prove this claim by providing concrete examplesofhowfeedback (Continuedonpage25)

2024CaribbeanPremier League…GAWvsBR

Sports Warriors surge to 47-run win following Hope, Hetmyer fireworks, bowlers touch

Guyana Women make strong claim


1-1 draw against Host Bermuda


Guyana Ladies gave good fight against Bermudians as scores ended one-all.
Shai Hope finally broke the shackles with a classy knock. (CPL)
Shimron Hetmyer continued his amazing form at Providence. (CPL)

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