Kaieteur News

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Israel kills Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in air strike on Beirut

...Hezbollah confirms Nasrallah's death as Israel says it hit the group's leaders at their headquarters in south Beirut

ExxonMobil paid no taxes reported US$656 million handed over to country to Guyana in 2023 but

Five men wanted for abduction

Guyana must ring-fence Stabroek Block projects before 2027

CEO of American Oil Gold Miner nabbed with unlicensed firearm and ammo

Company rushed off stage during climate event as protest

Govt. looking for firms to operate and maintain portions of Gas-to-Energy project

Wayne Barker
Alpha Poole
Osafo Peters also known 'Saddest’
AaronAllyene also known as 'Cats'
Dwayne Griffith

Exxon paid no taxes to Guyana in 2023 but reported US$656M handed over to country

A look at United States oil giant, ExxonMobil Corporation’s first-ever disclosure of payments to hostgovernments,itappears as though the company’s Guyanese subsidiary paid US$656 million in taxes to the Government of Guyana (G0G)lastyear

However, the reality is that Exxon is not paying incometaxesinGuyana.The companyhassaidthatwhile it is subject to Guyana’s income tax laws, the taxes assessed on the company’s operation are paid by the government, rather than the company itself. In addition to this, Exxon is then given documentation to show that the taxes have been paid in Guyana.Thisarrangementis owedtothe2016Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) the Coalition Government signed with ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) fortheStabroekBlock.

O n We d n e s d a y, September25,Exxonmadea filing disclosing that it paid US$49 billion in global tax and duties expenses – this includes US$16 billion in incometaxes.

Recently,thispublication reported that EMGL did not have to pay over GYD$197 BillionintaxestotheGuyana Revenue Authority (GRA) forthepasttwoyears[$138B in2023,$59Bin2022],asthe taxes were paid by the Government in keeping with thelopsidedPSA

EMGLis the operator of

the Stabroek Block, with a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd holds 30% interest and ChinaNationalOffshoreOil Corporation (CNOOC) Petroleum Guyana Limited holds25%interest.Allofthe block-partners enjoy a taxfreerideinGuyana. The provision of the Stabroek Block contract which gives Exxon and its affiliates a tax-free ride in Guyana has attracted criticisms locally and internationally

The contract states in Article 15 1 that the Contractor (ExxonMobil Guyana Limited) as well as its affiliates shall not be subjected to tax, valueadded tax, excise tax, duty, fee, charge, or impost in respect of income derived from petroleum operations, propertyheldortransactions

Man who slashed ex-girlfriend’s car tyres on $30k bail

A26-year-oldmanwasplacedon$30,000bailonFriday, afterhewaschargedwithtwocountsofdamagetoproperty whenheappearedattheGeorgetownMagistrates’Court.

The defendant, Kenrico Myres of Lot QQ Bent Street, Kitty, Georgetown, appeared before Magistrate Faith McGusty Hepleadednotguiltytothecharges.

It is alleged that Myres damaged three car tyres valued $42,000 belonging to Sophia Simmons. The accused also damaged a gate bolt and bracket valued $20,000 and owned by Jason Benn on August 2, 2024 on D’Urban Street, Georgetown.

Accordingtopolicestatementspresentedincourt,Myres andSimmonshadbeeninarelationshipforfouryears.Onthe day of the incident, Simmons visited her friend Benn where sheparkedhercarsecurelyonBenn’sbridgebeforeentering hisresidence.

Around 18:20hrs, Simmons heard a loud sound coming fromBenn’sgateanduponlookingoutside,observedMyres slashing her car tyres. Myres reportedly fled the scene after slashingthewoman’styres.

The incident was reported to the police and Myres was arrestedandsubsequentlycharged.

During the proceedings, the prosecutor requested that Myresbeplacedonabondtokeepthepeace.


exceptasspecifiedunderthe agreement.

Further, Article 15 4

m equivalenttothetaxesowed bythecompanywillbepaid by the Minister responsible for Petroleum to the Commissioner General of the GRA. It should be noted that the contract also allows fortheissuingofareceiptto ExxonMobil, indicating that it has met the local tax requirements to avoid the burdenofdoubletaxation.

Article 15 5 of the contract states, “Within one hundred and eighty (180) days following the end of each year of assessment, the

Minister shall furnish to Contractor proper tax certificates in Contractor’s n a m e f r o m t h e Commissioner General, Guyana Revenue Authority evidencing the payment of the Contractor’s income tax under the Income Tax Act and corporation tax under the Corporation Tax Act. Such certificates shall state the amount of tax paid individually on behalf of Contractor or parties comprising the Contractor and other particulars customary for such certificates.”

The Irfaan Ali-led administrationhasexplicitly

statedthatduetothesanctity ofthecontract,the2016PSA will remain in place, despite the deal being labeled as ‘lopsided’. In fact, last year, President Ali, during an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation’s (BBC) Senior Journalist Gideon Long, reiterated his administration’s position to not renegotiate the ‘lopsided’Exxondeal.


Bloomberg reported that Exxon paid US$7.41 billion in taxes and royalties to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) last year, which is morethananyothercountry globally It was stated too that ExxonMobil paid US$49 billion of global tax and duties in 2023, comparedwithtotalearnings of almost US$41 billion, according to the company (Sep 25) in a regulatory filing under Section 1504 of theDoddFrankAct. Indonesia, Nigeria and Malaysia were also among ExxonMobil’s top tax recipients, with combined payments of about US$10.8 billion In the US, ExxonMobil’s largest production country, the oil giant paid US$6.6 billion, with about two-thirds going tostatesandlocalauthorities and the remainder to the federalgovernment.

ExxonMobil said the figure “does not reflect a reliableestimate”foritstotal US tax liability, which was more than US$10 billion, due in part to credits and payments related to prior years.

PresidentAlisaid,“Well, I would say definitely, we didnothavethebestofdeals, Exxon had a good deal signed by the last government ” Ali then highlighted that the sanctity of contract is “very important” to his government, adding, “And wecan’tgobackonthat.”

President IrfaanAli
ExxonMobil Corporation Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Darren Woods

Kaieteur News

CompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,Georgetown,Guyana.



Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Changes to the NRF Act

The PPP/C Government withdraws money from the NaturalResourcesFund(NRF)anddepositsthosefundsin theConsolidatedFund.

The total moved for the period 2022 to 2024 is approximately US$2.6B. Guyanese know that much. After that, there is a blanket of darkness, under which citizens live regarding how those billions have been used. Bynostretchofreasoningcouldsucheverbeaboutwhatis transparent Or provides anywhere close to the accountabilitythatGuyaneseneedtoknowabouthowtheir preciousoilmoneywas/isspent.

Thegovernmenthassaidandinsiststhattheoilbillions withdrawn are for “national development priorities.” As spending licenses go, that could range far and wide and cover almost anything. Among those, there could be the funding of any pipedream that comes out of the heads of any of the policymakers in the government. Any statement, or posture, that emphasizes “national development priorities”, it must be acknowledged has the rightkindofringtoit.

By the same standard, there also can be no denying, however, that “national development priorities” may conceal a considerable amount of corruption with the people’s oil money, gloss over a culture that reeks of political shenanigans and skullduggeries. Guyanese have been stuck in the role of bystanders before when there was nooilmoney,andshenanigansandskullduggeriesstoodat runawaylevelsinonegovernmentafteranother Nonecan be overlooked nor spared, with the old PPP and new PPP/C, and the PNC of before and the APNU+AFC Coalition all well represented when the tricks were being developed with the people’s money. Now that there are billions of American dollars from oil coming into the ConsolidatedFund,andthencomingledwithfundsalready sittingthereorcominginlater,it’spoliticalmaneuveringat its best. Unsurprisingly, oil billions disappear under the vastshroudof“nationaldevelopmentspriorities”.

This must be slammed for what it is. Nothing but a manipulation, the game that political con artists and tricksters love to design and then dump on a naïve, often indifferent, population. This needs to change, this allpurpose key that is nothing but a sleight of hand of exceptional cunning. A key in the hands of the PPP/C Government that empowers it to enrich itself and its croniesonGuyana’soilmoney

Opposition MP, Jermiane Figueira has called for the NRFlawtobeamended,sothattherearespecificsonhow thebillionsofUSdollarsofGuyana’soilmoneyarespent. We have already editorialized more than once that: “national development priorities” stand as a passport for misusing the nation’s oil money, perpetuating the corruptioncultureofthePPP/CGovernment,andallowing government operators to laugh at Guyanese, while getting awaywithwhattheydo.

If the PPP/C Government is seriously committed to transparency and accountability, beyond words, then there should be no resistance. To resist, block, or dissemble relative to changes to the NRF law would signify that the present broad and vague label (national development priorities)servessomeunderhandedpurpose.

It could only be about what shafts Guyanese in some perverse manner Transparency demands that the clever political concoction of “national development priorities” be on its way out. Accountability mandates that there is a level of specificity that informs Guyanese about what, where,when,andhowmuchoftheiroilmoneyisspent.

Any political leadership team that is about clean governance would welcome changes to the NRF Act that arenowlongoverdue.

It would confirm their commitment to clean governance, even if such is limited to the disposition of Guyaneseoilbillions.

Release the full Evaluation Criteria used to evaluation tender submissions


Project – Construction of Four Lane submittedtenderswhichwereevaluated

We thank the National Procurement Highway from Schoonord, WBD – strictly in accordance with the and Tender Administration Board TenderReferenceNumber31/2022/45. Evaluation Criteria. Eight (8) of the (NPTAB) for the alacrity of their Unfortunately, NPTAB’s response bidders were compliant with the response to questions surrounding the raisesmorequestionsthananswers. administrative and technical criteria set awardoftheeight(8)lotsoftheCentral NPTAB in their press release states, outinthebiddingdocuments”.The HousingandPlanningAuthority’sRoad inter alia, “Thirty-two (32) bidders (Continued on page 6)

We do not think that it could be such an insurmountable enough to deliver on such a simple arrangement. There task to separate any oil money withdrawn into some form of would be two immediate benefits. First, Guyanese have the sub-account that receives and disburses oil money and oil specifics (a bridge, a well, a building) for oil money moneyalone. expenditures. AndthePPP/CGovernmentcancomfortitself

We are certain that there are ministers, even if only one, thatitputstobedalldoubtsabouthowGuyana’soilmoneyis and senior public servants who are skilled and innovative spent.

Whither the UN?


President Ali’s appearance before the UN General Assembly(UNGA)highlightedthegrowingimpotenceofthat institution, which was to be at the centre of the promise of multilateralismafterWWII.Allcountries–now193-wereto be involved in not only preventing future wars by, but would ensure that the members cooperate to promote trade and humanrights,endhungerandhealthepidemics,etc.However, the promise was undermined from the very onset when the victorious nations arrogated permanent membership and veto poweroverthedecisionsoftheUNSecurityCouncil(UNSC). Only the UNSC is authorized to enforce decisions of the UNGA using military intervention if necessary. But the two “hot” wars being presently waged in Ukraine and Gaza, even though the UNGA voted that the invaders withdraw, vividly illustrates the UN’s impotence. As such our appeal to the UNGAabout the more than a half-century of depredations by Venezuela to annex two-thirds of our national territory, including our latest initiative to involve several UN organs liketheICJ,willultimatelybefornaught.

Acorollary to the arrogance immanent in their veto power in the UNSC is the role of those same nations in betraying the UN’s promise of ending wars by immediately launching a “Cold War” between the US/West vs USSR/China. This erupted in the very hot Korean War, followed by the Vietnam Warandinnumerableskirmishesinproxystates.Theousterof the PPP government in 1964, following the instigation and facilitation of ethnic violence, was our “encounter”. By 1989, the USSR crumbled and we saw the emergence of “unilateralism”, with the US as the sole global hegemon in a unipolarworld.Butthatdidnotlastlongandwearenowinthe throesofanewColdWar,thistimebetweentheUSandChina, whichbothhavevetopowerintheUNSC.

AsinthepreviousColdWar,blocksarecoalescingaround thetwoprotagonistsandthereistalkaboutanew“multipolar” world in opposition to the hegemonic US and its “rule-based order”, with fears of new crisis. At a similar inflexion point before WWII, when Britain was the hegemon emerging from WWI and fascism was about to emerge, the Italian theorist AntonioGramscihadwritten:“Thecrisisconsistspreciselyin thefactthattheoldisdyingandthenewcannotbeborn;inthis interregnumagreatvarietyofmorbidsymptomsappear.” But the talk of multipolarity is premature and we see the “morbid symptom”offissureswithinBRICS,forinstance,represented most recently by India’s rejection of China’s yuan for trade exchanges India is implicitly rejecting China’s dedollarization and signalling a commitment to maintaining the USdollarasthedominantcurrency

But this does not ineluctably mean a move towards multilateralism, with the UNGA emerging out of the crisis with some degree power to more effectively represent the interests of the majority of its members, such as Guyana.And thisisinthefaceofthe“PactfortheFuture”thatworldleaders adoptedatthe“SummitoftheFuture”on22September They optimistically declared: “The adoption of the Pact demonstratesthatcountriesarecommittedtoaninternational (Continued on page 6)

Mr.Thom and Racial concerns must be addressed by the ERC


The solution advanced by Mr Thom? Consequently, the ERC must Reference is made to the racial Jagdeo, Vice President, that Mr Thom convene a meeting and summon the confrontation that an unnamed person return to work and speaking with the unnamed person and Mr Thom to imposed on Mr Ivor Thom, the Minister does not address the properly conclude this matter Get the Administrator of the Burrowes School underlying racial issue. In other words, job done ERC, let the public know how of Art (SN: 9-22-2024). I contend that this suggestion only treats the you resolved this troubling matter, and thismattercannotbeconcludedwithout symptoms and not the racism in enhanceyourreputation. the oversight responsibility of the Guyana. Sincerely, Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC), In fact, the unnamed person has not Dr.C.KenrickHunte because racial conflict is Guyana’s been held accountable for his action; P

numberoneproblem. and did he ever apologize to Mr Ivor Ambassador

2 suspects in Leonora double murder charged

Twomenwereremanded that on September 23, 2024 men”

to prison on Friday when at about 18:50h, Thorman reported that the accused, theyappearedattheLeonora turned himself in at the “declined to give a written Magistrates’Courttoanswer LeonoraPoliceStationinthe statement” to two counts of murder presence of his attorney It is reported that the charges. The murders were Following that, ranks stabbing oc

Dead: Arvinda Roopram

ed at committedonSeptember21, informed him of the double 02:50hrs on September 21, 2024. murder allegation against 2024afteraheatedargument

Twenty-nine-year-old him, and he was then between the victims and the Alex Amsterdam, a security cautioned. suspects which resulted in a guardofLot11DeKinderen,

Remanded: Alex Amsterdam

Remanded: Terry Thorman

Thorman reportedly told scuffle. West Coast Demerara ranks, “I have nothing to do Duringthescuffle, (WCD), and 23-year-old with the death of those two (Continued on page 48) Terry Thorman, a minibus conductor of Lot 113 MetenMeer-Zorg, WCD are accused of killing Arvinda Leonora,WCD. Singh at the Leonora required to plead and were R o o p r a m , 2 5 , a n d The duo both made their Magistrates’ Court, where remanded to prison until Mohammed Nazir, 30, first court appearance before the capital offence was read October11,2024. outside a nightclub at Magistrate Rabindranauth to them They were not Thispublicationreported

Whither the UN?

From page 5 systemwiththeUNatitscentre.Leaderssetoutaclearvision of a multilateralism that can deliver on its promises, is more representative of today’s world and draws on the engagement and expertise of governments, civil society and other key partners.”

The Pact summarizes all the initiatives the UNGA had approved over the past decades, such as financing for the SDGs and closing the SDG financing gap, ameliorating climate change, reducing global disparities in science, technologyandinnovationetc.Butthecrunchwillcomeatthe implementationofthe“transformationofglobalgovernance”:

“The Pact resolved to make the multilateral system more effective, fit for the future, just and representative, inclusive and networked, and financially stable. It includes the most ambitious and concrete progress on Security Council reform since 1963, including a commitment to increase the representation of developing countries, recognizing the special case of Africa, and to develop a consolidated reform model in the future.” But since there is no mention of removing the vetoes in the UNSC we can predict that nothing willchange.

So our government should not hold its breath, depending on the UN to resolve our crisis with Venezuela. We have to cultivate alliances with countries sharing common interests butultimately,keepourpowderdry


Release the full Evaluation...

From page 4 more road construction issue, however, is not so experience than the contract much about the eight awardeessuchas: allegedly compliant bidders, HNauthandSons but rather the reasons why BKInternational more experienced bidders KPThomasandSons with lower tender prices, in IvorAllen most instances hundreds of We are reassured about millionsofdollarslowerthan N P T A B ’ s s t a t e d the allegedly compliant commitment to “ensuring an bidders, were deemed not open, fair, competitive, and compliant and consequently t r a n s p a r e n t p u b l i c disqualified. procurement process”

Amongtheseare: Consequently, in keeping International Contractors with this commitment, we Surrey Paving and request that NPTAB releases Aggregate Co., established thefollowing: in 1967, who successfully (i) the full Evaluation completed the West Coast Criteria used to evaluation D e m e r a r a R o a d tendersubmissionsand Rehabilitation Project for (ii) the Evaluation US$32million. Reportsfortheeight(8)lots. China Railway First Release of the above will Group, a global construction no doubt go a far way to company, who successfully addressing the many completedtheBetterHopeto lingering questions Belfield Road Project for regarding the award of US$47million. contracts for the CHPA’s China Road and Bridge Schoonord to Crane Road Corporation, a global Project and reassure the construction company, who public that all the tenders were recently awarded the “were evaluated strictly in Good Success to Timehri accordance with the Road Rehabilitation Project EvaluationCriteria”. forUS$75million. Yours sincerely, Local Contractors C.A. Nigel Hughes Experienced local Leader contractors with decades Alliance for Change

Guyana must ring-fence Stabroek

Block projects before 2027 - Chris Ram

The relentless calls for governmenttoring-fencethe projects in the Stabroek Block have so far fallen on deaf ears but if Guyana is to implement such a provision, ithastobedonebefore2027.

This was recently highlighted by Chartered Accountant and Attorney-atLaw, Christopher Ram duringanepisodeof'OilTalk' hosted by the Oil and Gas

Governance Network (OGGN) on Kaieteur Radio (99.1/99.5FM).

The implementation of a ring-fencingprovisionwould mandate each oil project pay for itself. After the costs are repaid to the Stabroek Block partners, profits to Guyana would significantly increase. The government of Guyana has refused to ring-fence the projects, insisting that this could affect investments by t h e C o - Ve n t u r e r s , ExxonMobil, Hess and CNOOC. As such, Exxon is

allowed to take revenues, which should come to Guyana, to invest in other projectsandevenfinancethe company's exploration campaign.

To date, government has approved six projects without this key provision. Ram however cautioned that the implementation of ringfencingshouldbedoneprior to2027.

Heexplained,“Inanother couple (of) years even ringfencing will become an academic thing because in 2027, all exploration activities under the 2016 Petroleum Agreement will cease,soring-fencingdoesn't count.”

Ram in a subsequent interviewtoldthisnewspaper thatunlessthereisawaveof a magical wand; Exxon will cease exploration activity in the Stabroek Block by 2027, since its exploration license would expire. The areas that

do not include discoveries would then be returned to Guyana.

He pointed out, “If you readtheverybeginningofthe contract, they (government) issued them with an exploration license which last for a first period of four years then they can say well wewantanotherthreeyearsthat's seven years now After thethreeyears,youmustgive up20%andthenattheendof th the10 yearyourexploration license expires and you give uptherest.”

He argued that the developer should not be allowed to charge costs associated with a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel of oneprojecttoanother

The Lawyer pointed out that the People's National CongressReform(PNC/R)is apparently unaware of this sincethepartyinits20-point planfortheoilandgassector

revealed plans to ring-fence oilprojects,ifitiselected.

The plan referenced by thelawyerwasannouncedby theLeaderoftheOpposition, Aubrey Norton, on Wednesday during a press conference.

Ram said, “Apparently, the PNC doesn't know that, and this 20-point plan that they talk about with ringfencing They have just wokenup.That'sallIcansay aboutthem.”

th The Opposition's 10 pointstates,“Consideringthe vastly changed conditions sincethesigningofthe2016 Stabroek Block Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) and consistent with Article 32.1 of the PSA, we will complete a top-to-bottom review of the PSA and then engage the Stabroek Block Partners, to maximize the benefits of the oil resources to the people of Guyana whileensuringafairshareof

profit for Stabroek Block Partners.

The review will include, but not be limited to ringfencing of projects, oil tax regime, environmental r e s p o n s i

transparency, the timely reporting of information, regulatory oversight and rea

me moni


ng, auditing, local content, shared management and

operations in the oil and gas sector.” Guyana has been urged on multiple occasions by independent experts to ring-fence the Stabroek Block projects but the

s reluctant, arguing that the country would receive a greatershareofprofitsinthe future.

K a i e t e u r N e w s previously reported that in three separate reports dated 2017, 2018 and 2019, the InternationalMonetaryFund (IMF)urgedGuyanatoring-

fenceitsoilfenceitsprojects. Inoneofthereports,theIMF stated: “This asymmetrical treatment of profit and cost oilwillbenefitthecontractor at the expense of delaying governmentrevenue.”

Meanwhile, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), along with another international expert, Chatham House and the World Bank called on Guyana to include a ringfencing provision for each project.

Director of Financial Analysis for the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), TomSanzillopaintedamore graphic picture in one his reportsonGuyana. He said, “The lack of contract protections means that every time Guyana announces it has received more revenue, it is actually being shortchanged the country may never see the promised annual revenues in thebillionsofdollars.”

Firearmfoundingold miner'shaversack

Gold Miner nabbed with unlicensed firearm and ammo

A52-year-oldgoldminer was arrested on Friday after being caught with an unlicensed firearm and ammunition at Five Stage Backdam, North West District,RegionOne. The arrest took place during enforcement duties conducted by ranks from the Tactical Service Unit (TSU), w h o h a d r e c e i v e d information leading them to stop David Phillips, a resident of Fitzburg, Port Kaituma.

Phillips was driving a Hilux pick-up truck bearing registration number #GJJ 9916, with two other gold miners, Allan John and KesterPeters,aspassengers. According to police reports, a sergeant in charge approached the vehicle and informed the occupants of their intent to conduct a search. During the search, Phillips identified a haversack as belonging to

contained a 9mm pistol, a magazine,andsixliverounds ofammunition.

When questioned about his firearm licence, Phillips responded negatively Upon being informed of the offence, he stated, “Boss man, this is backdam; I got this gun for my personal protection.”

He was then cautioned andmadeawareofhisrights, after which he chose to remainsilent.

Upon further inspection, police noticed that the firearm's serial number and maker's mark had been filed off.

Phillips, along with the unlicensed firearm and ammunition,wastakentothe Matthews Ridge Police Station and later transferred to the Port Kaituma Police Station,whereheiscurrently incustodyandassistingwith theinvestigation.

Reform must start at the top

Wehavebeenheremany times: another scandal, another breach of procurement regulations, another contract awarded without transparency or accountability And what is thesolution?

The Riot Act is read. Procurementlawsarewaved in the faces of public officials like some kind of magicalscroll,asifthemere act of reminding them that these laws exist will somehow purge the system oftherotwithin.Wearetold thattheproblemliesinthese middlemen, the department headsandotherbureaucrats. But this is theater, a distraction from the real issue. The problem is not at thebottom;theproblemisat thetop.

LetuslooktoSingapore, anationthatunderstoodthat corruption, like all cancers, mustbetreatedatitssource.

In the early days of Singapore’s independence, corruption was rife The bureaucracy was bloated with inefficiency, and the political class was not immune from temptation.

But Singapore’s leaders did not waste time calling department heads into conference rooms to read themthelaws. Theydidnotpretendthat theproblemcouldbesolved by cracking down on the minor offenders while leaving the big fish swimming free Instead, they went after the top.

Politicians, senior officials—anyone who was

caught in the act of corruption faced severe consequences,andnotjusta slap on the wrist or a stern warning.Peoplewenttojail. Ministers were prosecuted. Noone,nomattertheirrank, wasabovethelaw

The lesson from

Singapore is simple: reform muststartatthetop.Itisonly when the political elite are held accountable that the message will filter down to thelowerranks.Corruption, after all, is not simply a violation of procurement laws or the misuse of public funds; it is a culture, an insidious belief that one can break the rules without consequence And that culture is cultivated at the top. If the ministers and the politicalleadersbelievethey

Fire guts house at No. 22 Village, WCB

Afamily of seven from No 22 Village, West Coast Berbice is now homeless after a fire of unknown origin gutted their two-storeyconcretehouse.

Abarandsalonwerealso housedinthesameyardwith the house. Kaieteur News

understands that the properties were owned by threesisters.

What remains of the building that was destroyed by fire.

Reports are that the fire started at around 17:05hrs. Oneofthesistersreportedly heardanoiseandwenttosee where it was coming from and saw flames in the upper flat of the house. An alarm was raised and the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) was contacted. In a video that was circulating on social media, a fireman was seen on the roof of the salon trying to control the fire. Notwithstanding efforts, the building was gutted with its roof caved in and windows shattered.

Nothinginthehousewas saved.

Fortunately, the bar and thesalonwereunscathed.

K a i e t e u r N e w s understands that at the time the fire started, six of the seven persons who reside at the house were at home. No injurieswerereported.


Parking is a national problem!

Dem boys seh parking in de city gone to de dogs. People ain’t finding spacefuhdemcar,noteven space fuh a bicycle Everywhere full Dem businessplacespoppingup like popcorn in a microwave. Is like every daysomebodyelseopening shop. But nobody thinking ‘boutparking.

De city ain’t build fuh all dem car Every street cornergotacarblockin’up traffic, and de police pretending they blind. You seedemlil’one-laneroads? Demcan’tholdevenhalfde vehicle we got now But

everybody still buying car Isbaremadness.

Dem boys seh soon we gon be just like Trinidad. You hear ‘bout dat? It tek one man three hours to movefromPortofSpainto decricketstadium.Imagine dat! Cricket might done by detimeyoureach. If we keep going dis way, we gon have people sleepingindemcar,waiting fuhtraffictoclear Demgon carry a lil mattress in de back seat and just relax till next day And don’t talk ‘bout de frustration! Road ragegonturnintoroadwar! De smart man dem seh build parking lot But

areuntouchable,whyshould a procurement officer believe otherwise? Why should a department head think they should follow the law when they see those above them flouting it with impunity?

The notion that corruption can be stamped out by simply insisting that heads of government agencies comply with the law, regulations and processes is naïve at best, anddisingenuousatworst.It is a way for governments to appear as if they are doing something about corruption without actually doing anything meaningful. It is window-dressing, a cosmetic fix designed to placate the public while the real offenders the ones with power, influence, and access continue business asusual.Thehypocrisyofit allisstaggering.

Take, for example, a recent instance where the government claimed that a procuring agency had followedtheoldregulations. The question is, what action did the government take then? Were the officials involved held accountable? Was anyone prosecuted? Theanswer,asissooftenthe case,isno.

The government made a lot of noise about the issue but ultimately did nothing. Andthereinliestheproblem: alltalk,noaction.

If the government were

serious about fighting corruption, it would start by cleaningupitsownhouse.It would pass legislation that ensures transparency at the h i g h e s t l e v e l s o f government, and it would enforce that legislation rigorously Butinstead,what we get is theater: grand speeches about reform, carefully staged meetings withdepartmentheads,anda flurry of press releases designed to convince the public that something is being done. But beneath the surface,nothingchanges.

Thepeoplearenotfooled by this charade. They know that corruption in government is not just a problemofafewbadapples in the lower ranks. They knowthattherealissueisthe culture of impunity that exists at the top, a culture that allows politicians and senior officials to have no fearofpunishment.Andthey knowthatuntilthiscultureis dismantled, no amount of meetings or laws or proclamations will make a difference.

What we need is a governmentthatiswillingto take real action, not just against the low-level bureaucrats, but against the big fish. We need to see politicians in handcuffs, ministersincourt,andsenior officials facing real consequences for their actions. Until that happens, all the talk of reform is just that—talk.

It is time to confront the real problem head-on. We cannot continue to pretend that corruption is something thatcanbesolvedbyreading the Riot Act to department heads. It is not enough to simply remind people that thelawexists.Wemustshow them that the law has teeth, and that it will be enforced, nomatterwhoiscaughtinits grasp.

If we are serious about ending corruption, we must start at the top. We must go after the political elite, the ministers, the senior officials, the people who hold the real power Only then will the message filter down. Only then will the culture of corruption be dismantled.

And only then will the people believe that their government is truly committedtoreform.

Until that happens, all the meetings, all the speeches, and all the proclamations are just theater, designed to distract. Thepeopledeservebetter!

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

where? De smart woman seh create parking laws. But who gon enforce it? Evendedogsstrugglingfuh spacetocrossderoadthese days.Dem boys seh is high timewefacereality Decity toosmallfuhdisbigtraffic. If we don’t fix dis parking and traffic problem soon, we gon all end up like Trinidad Late fuh de cricket, late fuh de funeral, late fuh de wedding. Late fuheverything. Fix it before is too late. Orpreparefuhathree-hour wait just to move from Lamaha Street to Regent Road. Talkhalf.Leffhalf.


An upside-down country

The first Hard Truth is that Guyana is an upsidedown country Here is a society that qualifies for recognition as an Alice in Wonderland society What should be this way is another; and what should be nowhere in sight is very muchpresent. Anattemptis made to sift through the sawdustandpaddydust,and there surfaces all that is topsy-turvyinthemerry-goround world that is lovely, sunny Oil Guyana. Is this a place of substance? Or is it one largely a product of the imagination, or some result of troubled and lingering anticipation? Itisthechoice Guyanese must make, as they take stock again of where they are and where theywanttogoorthinkthat they should go. Where to start? Theperfectplacejust

materialized, and it is not a mirage.

The recommendation is that Guyanese pay close attention to their fellow Guyanese. Thelargeforeign contingent, especially the more newly arrived, are kindly asked to pause for a short moment from their greed-fueled profiteering and study the natives. In Guyanese parlance, citizens are gently pressing their hand on their foreheads, repeat the same under their chins, across their necks. There is the hint of a temperature; with many signs of things warming up. That could only mean one thing: it is elections season, and the temperature is beginning to build. It is a d i ff e r e n t k i n d o f feverishness,onethatdrives into a frenzy and the usual

long stretches of the hallucinatory The last time it was spreadsheets. This timeitcouldbeUVOs. No! Not artificial insemination, but the artificial insertion of Unidentified Venezuelan Objects into the domestic elections' atmosphere. A turbulent time is promised for one and all. Nicolás Maduro does have his uses. The reverse nature of things in Guyana is never starker, whenelectionsareintheair, in the head and, well, as an inseparabletoiletcompanion too. For every number two, there could be two dozen Venezuelans Numbers, numbers, numbers, and they are more sophisticated than those crude old spreadsheet ones. Thecontradiction,and itisanationallyglaringone, distilstooneplace. Thebulk of Guyanese are a picture of

apathy and timidity about what the grand promise of their gigantic patrimony represents, but are inspired tofrenzybyelections,which affordsthemtheopportunity to select the lesser evil. Is that democracy or what? Is that prosperity or not? Whatever it is, there is the mob-like energy generated by elections now slowly building from its current lukewarm temperature to white-hotintensity Political perversity (from all sides) with the national patrimony and Guyanese kicking each otheroutoftheelectionsline to give one or the other hegemonyoverthepromised prosperity that only goes to thefavouredfew Gofigure, somebody

The intelligentsia (or what masquerades as it) overflowswithnumbersand

references to names that burnish their standing. These people do know something. It is part of the numbness and, must be said, the dumbness of their thinking. Except thatitisnotsodumb. Ifitis not for the ego, it is for the money. On the rare occasions in this devious Guyanese environment that itisforneither,thenitisthat deep-seated, pervasive bigotry that has blown this country apart The intelligentsia can quote and emote at will, but are all about personal prosperity, and nothing about what is best for a country that has lost its footing. Those who railed against slavery (and indentureship) are now for bosom fellowship with the new enslavers, the new pillagers. Whathappenedto their minds? Sold for a pile ofdough? Thetruthmustbe told. In this backward, facedown country, the only corruption that counts are that of elections. Guyanese would do well to learn from the Sri Lankans: democracy doesn't end when elections areover Nosirree,Barry

The president and his princes (no slurs about panjandrums and perverts today) shine brightly about accountability

Unlike Sir Galahad of Knights of the Round Table fame, Ali and his band of partners (please don't cause any trouble by asking for a number) did find the Holy Grail on the accountability score that is claimed so, ah, rapturously TheHolyGrail

r e t h e b e s t accountabilityistheonethat is a mystery, and about which the clearest answers arewrappedindeepsecrecy. IntheworldoftheMasterof Accountability, Excellency Ali, transparency is like a GPL transmission line: antiquated and failing to deliveronwhatispromised. It was God himself, who said, “Let there be light.” The PPP Government said that light would be a blight on its action In the rigmarole estate of Guyana, the people live in total darkness, which is celebrated. This is about governmentsecrets,notGPL darkness. Where are the Turks, young or old, when Guyaneseneedthem?

The government's remedy when Guyanese are hungry is to feed them statistics. Thisprettyindex, that shapely index, is showered so much on the starvinginGuyanathatthey develop a complex: they are hungrynomore.

Nowondersupermarket profits are down. There s h o u l d b e n o misunderstanding now regardingwhyGuyanaisthe best example of a country that is upside-down. Only four areas were highlighted, there are four dozens more. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinionsofthisnewspaper.)

Region One man remanded for unlawful wounding of pensioner

A51-year-oldlabourerof Kanaballi Village, Santa Cruz, North West District, Region One was remanded on Friday to prison when he appeared at the Acquero Magistrates'Courttoanswer an unlawful wounding charge.

The defendant Lytton Daniels was accused of committing the offence on Russell Baptist, a 75-yearold farmer of Kanaballi Village on September 25, 2024. Daniels was arrested onthesamedayandcharged.

Remanded; Lytton Daniels

Whenheappearedbefore Magistrate Ravindra Mohabir, Daniels pleaded not guilty to the charge and was remanded to prison. He isscheduledtoreturntocourt on October 8, 2024 for statements.

KN Publisher calls for nationwide ‘lights out’ protest against looting of Guyana’s resources

Publisher of the Kaieteur News (KN) Glenn Lall has called on citizens to participateinacountry-wide ‘lights out’ protest every nightforonemonth.

The protest is to show citizens’ disapproval of the country’s politicians’ inabilitytoproperlymanage the country’s wealth and natural resources. He called oncitizenstoturntheirlights off for five minutes every night at 19:00h for one month.

Lall, an outspoken advocate for better resource management made this call on Wednesday evening duringtheairingofhisradio programme, the Glenn Lall Show The Publisher noted among other things that Guyana’s politicians continue to refuse to renegotiate the meager 2% o i l c o n t r a c t w i t h ExxonMobil. Lall stressed thatdespiterepeatedcallsfor action, there has been no efforttoinstallthecountry’s ownmetersattheoilpumps, ring-fencetheoilprojects,or collect taxes and cap the

exorbitant equity or interest

charges on Exxon’s investments—measures that could make every Guyanese “super,superrich.”

Lallsaid,“Inwhatmany arecallingaheist itseems the riches of Guyana’s oil wealth are reserved for Exxon and other foreign companies, leaving locals withscraps.”

He questioned the political leaders’ vision for thewealth.

“Scrubbing Exxon’s toilets, cleaning their patios, washing their yards, and spraying for mosquitoes, rats, and roaches, that’s the reality of the riches being offered from Guyana’s trillion-dollar oil sector, but the situation grows even direr,” the KN Publisher said.

Turning his attention to electricity, the Kaieteur News Publisher noted that for years, the government has subsidized billions from the national treasury to ease the burden on citizens by lowering costs of water, electricity,andfuel.

H o w e v e r , t h e businessman pointed that

Kaieteur News Publisher, Glenn Lall

citizensarenottheonlyones benefiting from these subsidies.

“…Foreign companies, including ExxonMobil, who are already walking away withbillionsofUSdollarsin profits from Guyana’s resources These foreign giants, already reaping unimaginable wealth from our resources, enjoy the

same subsidies meant for struggling Guyanese Adding insult to injury, to meet the growing demand for electricity for these businesses, the government is renting power ships, buying electricity at 50 cents per kilowatt-hour, only to sell it back to at 40 centsperkilowatt-hour,”he said

Lall said too that “The samehappenswithfuel”.

“The government is digging deeper into the nation’s pockets to import morefuel,onlytohanditout to these foreign companies tax-free. And we call this “development”? Guyana is not developing; it’s being exploited.”

He noted that the money the country earns from the meager 2% royalty, all disappears back into subsidies, supporting the very companies that are drainingourwealth.

“We are spending more out of our pockets than we are receiving, all to provide services for these foreign corporations, while our people are left to scrub their toilets just to survive. And this in a country rich with gold, diamonds, timber, bauxite,andoil,”Lallsaid.

Hecontinued,“Whereis Guyana heading, brothers and sisters? Are we on the path to collapse or total disaster?Ourwealthisbeing siphonedoffrightbeforeour eyes, and yet, most remain silent. Is this the future we wantforourchildren?Isthis

the legacy we are leaving behind for the next generation?”

The publisher therefore called for a nationwide protest. He explained, “We aren’t taking to the streets because the heat wave from the oil operations and climate change is unbearable.”

Instead, Lall said that for the month of October, starting Wednesday, October 1, and “let’s take a stand by turning off our lightsforfiveminutesevery nightat7PM Whetheryou areathome,atwork,orina place of worship, turn off your lights and light a candle if you have to Even if you are driving, stop for fiveminutesandleaveyour parklightson Let’s send a clear, powerful message to these fourleaders—wewon’ttake this looting anymore. We demand a full stop to these giveaways so that every Guyanese, now and for generationstocome,canlive a great life from the resources our Creator blessed us with,” the Publisherstated.

MissAmerindianHeritagepageantto culminateheritagemonthfestivities

Ina Maimu Yetatokon places focus on climate change and its impact on Indigenous land tenure

Ina MaimuYetatokon 2024 featured a mini exhibition hosted by incredible Indigenous creatives and entrepreneurs
delegates vying for the title of MissAmerindian Heritage Queen 2024. (DPI photo)

Haili ngfromthe serenevillageof Rivers’ViewinRegion10, AndrenaStobyisaproud 20-year-oldwithdeepLokono (Arawak)heritage.Adedicated RegisteredNursingAssistant,Andrena isdrivenbyherpassionforadvancing hercareerinthemedicalfield.Her commitmenttoherprofessionismatched byherlovefordancingandherdeep appreciationforherculturalroots. This week’sbeautyisthe2ndrunner-upatthe Miss Bartica Regatta Pageant 2023 and ispoisedtorepresentherheritageand regionatthe Miss Amerindian Heritage Pageant 2024 Andrena embodiesthebeliefthat“there isalwayshope,evenwhenit feelsoutofreach.”

Andrena Sto

Interesting Creatures...Anglerfish

Source: females, is a piece of dorsal Anglerfish

National Geographic spine that protrudes above - Scientific Name: their mouths like a fishing Lophiiformes he angry-looking pole hence their name. -Type:Fish

Td e e p s e a Tipped with a lure of -Diet:Carnivore

anglerfish has a luminous flesh this built-in -Size:8to40inches righttobecranky. rod baits prey close enough - Weight: Up to 110 It is quite possibly the tobesnatched. pounds ugliest animal on the planet, Their mouths are so big and it lives in what is easily and their bodies so pliable, earth’s most inhospitable they can actually swallow habitat: the lonely, lightless prey up to twice their own bottomofthesea. size.

Population Males vs. Females

There are more than 200 The male, which is speciesofanglerfish,mostof significantlysmallerthanthe which live in the murky female, has no need for such depths of the Atlantic and an adaptation. In lieu of Antarctic oceans, up to a continually seeking the vast mile below the surface, abyss for a female, it has although some live in evolved into a permanent s h a l l o w , t r o p i c a l parasiticmate. environments. When a young, freeGenerally, dark gray to swimming male angler dark brown in color, they encounters a female, he have huge heads and latches onto her with his enormous crescent-shaped sharp teeth. Over time, the mouths filled with sharp, male physically fuses with translucentteeth. thefemale,connectingtoher Some angler fish can be skin and bloodstream and quite large, reaching 3.3 feet losing his eyes and all his in length. Most however are internal organs except the significantly smaller, often testes. lessthanafoot. Afemalewillcarrysixor Anglerfish Lure moremalesonherbody

Their most distinctive Descriptionofspecies feature, worn only by - Common Name:


vessels(FPSOs). have been delivered and are cash flow profile versus the This was revealed by operating, while the fourth historical “lease & operate”

SUNDAY Chief Executive Officer FPSO, One Guyana is model.” (CEO) of the Dutch ship scheduledtoarrivenextyear Forthefirst-halfof2024, Guyana poised to builder, Oivind Tangen in an SBM also secured a contract SBM Offshore reported receive less than exclusive interview with toconstructtheFPSOforthe Directional revenue of US$9B of US$70B Upstream, an online source sixth project, Whiptail. To US$1 8 billion, a 23% from Liza 1 and Liza 2 for independent news and this end, the Jaguar FPSO is increase compared to the ...Glenn Lall says analysis of the major oil and expected to commence same period in 2023. The hemorrhaging of gasprojects. production by the end of company’s Directional net Guyana’s wealth must end

In an article last week, 2027. profit for the period also saw Upstream reported that the Tangen told Upstream substantial growth, rising to Kaieteur News – Over company is reaping the that ExxonMobil continues US$128 million up from theestimated20-yearproject rewards of its forward to set the benchmark, with US$36 million in the yearlife of the Liza One and Liza thinking and outstanding decisions to own the FPSOs agoperiod. Two projects, approximately project execution, while its in Guyana. The CEO said US$70B in revenue is new chief executive intends this provides SBM with MONDAY expected to be generated, to keep the company well significant early cash however, the sovereign aheadofitspeers. followed by the revenue Govt. hunting for owner of the resources will Tangen said, “Guyana so from a long-term Operations private investors to only benefit from less than far has just been a fairytale, and Maintenance (O&M) build and operate second US$9B. and it happened at about the contract. power plant at Wales

The two projects, which same time as we launched Exxon has stated that it …contractor will utilise are currently in operation, Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall p o v e r t y t o 9 9 % o f our Fast4Ward programme, will have six FPSOs in excess gas brought to have a combined reserve of in an invited comment said Guyanese.” and that positioned us well operation in Guyana by the shore by Exxon’s pipeline, about one billion barrels of the simple calculation He reasoned, “Is that for a series of Petrobras endof2027. sell 250MW to GPL oil.At anaverageoilpriceof demonstrates that without a what we want for our projectsaswell.”

“We are in a very good US$70 per barrel, the Liza renegotiation of the 2016 children and generations to Fast4Wardistheground- dialogue with Exxon and The Government of Field is poised to generate Production Sharing come? Look what the breaking design that SBM they know when it’s a good Guyana (GoG) through the aboutUS$70B. Agreement (PSA) Guyana foreigners with corrupt came up with in 2012 fit for SBM and themselves, Office of the Prime Minister The operator of the will continue to receive leaders did to Africa and tailored for benign ultra- where we unlock value on Sunday issued a Request S t a b r o e k B l o c k , “donations” from Exxon in Asia, most of them trying to deepwater settings like together, that’s normally For Proposals (RFP), ExxonMobil Guyana exchange for its massive get out today, while our Brazil and Guyana, and w h e r e w e f i n d t h e seeking qualified companies Limited has however resources discovered leaders taking us there. It’s which SBM was able to opportunities to move to design, finance and indicated that production offshore. pasttimeforaction,wecan’t replicateinstunningfashion, forward together,” Tangen operate Phase Two of the costs about US$40 per Turning his attention to afford to sit silently with a standardisation said. Gas-to-Energy (GTE) barrel, meaning US$40B the US$9B the country is anymore.” philosophy and with repeat Last month, Kaieteur Project. over the life of the projects likelytoreceivefromthetwo Guyana’s oil deal with subcontractors and vendors, News reported that SBM Phase One of the project will go towards production. projects out of US$70B, Lall Exxon has been criticized by all supported by its two increased earnings for the includes a pipeline to Thisleaves$30B. questioned whether this was politicians but while the principal customers first-half of 2024, buoyed by transport the natural gas to Another US$9B then has afair50/50deal. ruling People’s Progressive ExxonMobil in Guyana and strong project performance shore as well as a Natural to be removed for the cost of The businessman Party (PPP) government PetrobrasinBrazil. and continued expansion in Gas Liquids facility and 300 the two projects, which pointedoutthatthislopsided committed to renegotiation/ Next year, there will be Guyana, a key growth megawatts (MW) power include expenses for the arrangement will continue b e t t e r c o n t r a c t 19 active SBM floaters marketforthecompany plant. According to the RFP, FloatingProduction,Storage for the other four projects administration, the political around the world producing Tangen disclosed, “Our Phase Two of the GTE and Offloading vessels that have been sanctioned by party has now made it clear about 2 million barrels per great teams continue to project seeks to utilize 75 ( F P S O s ) a n d o t h e r thegovernment. that the terms of the dayofoilofwhichsevenwill deliver strong performance million cubic feet of gas per supporting infrastructure to To date, Exxon has arrangement will remain in be Fast4Ward designs. The andweendedtheperiodwith day (MMCFD), piped to producetheresources.

received regulatory place This has been company has already a record backlog of US$33.7 shore by ExxonMobil

This leaves US$21B approvals for six deep water communicated on numerous ordered the eighth and ninth billion. As a result, we are Guyana Limited (EMGL). It which is further reduced by developments A seventh occasions by Vice President, hulls. increasing our Directional should be noted that Phase US$1 6B for pre-contract application is currently Bharrat Jagdeo who is Two Fast4Wards are EBITDA [earnings before One only utilizes 50 million exploration and US$3.8B to pending. responsibleformanagingthe operating for ExxonMobil in interest, taxes, depreciation, standard cubic feet per day decommissiontheprojects. To this end, Lall said, petroleumsector Guyana and two more are and amortization] guidance (MMSCFD),whichamounts Thisleavesthebalanceat “Are you really going to sit That contract not only beingbuilt. to around US$1.3 billion to 40% capacity of Exxon’s US$15 6B to be shared back quietly and watch your ties Guyana to a measly 2% SBM was contracted by from around US$1 2 250 kilometer 12-inch between Exxon and Guyana. future, your children’s royalty, but allows Exxon to Exxon, the operator of billion…” pipeline. Consequently, Guyana is future, and the fate of take 75% of revenues Guyana’s prolific Stabroek He added, “With our PhaseTwo will make use slated to receive US$7.8B generations to come, be generated each month to Block, to construct five of uniquevalueproposition,we of the remaining 60% andExxonUS$7.8B. shattered like this? The covercosts. the six FPSOs sanctioned to expect to see more awards capacity of the pipeline

The country is also devastation this oil deal will The remaining 25% is date. based on the “sale & connected to the Liza Fields expected to collect 2% bringtoourcountryisn’tjust then shared with Guyana as The Liza Destiny, Liza operate” model like FPSO in the Stabroek Block to royalty;takingitsearningsto about unfair profits, it’s profits.

Unity and Prosperity FPSOs Jaguar, with an accelerated Wales,WestBankDemerara. approximately US$9 4B about the long-term In the absence of a ring-

The selected bidder will should other expenses not be destruction and misery fencing provision, the be tasked with the design, considered. Guyanawillbeleftwith.” company shortens the construction, and operation

It should be noted that T h e n e w s p a p e r country’s share of profits of a 250 MW combined40% of the reserves have Publisher argued that the oil eachmonth-sincethecostof cycle power plant, to deliver already been depleted at the deal will not only cripple the three projects in 2,100 gigawatt hours projects, well ahead of the Guyana but chain the operation have already been (GWH) of electricity per 20-year lifespan outlined in country to foreign banks, repaid. annum. This will be sold to r e s p e c t i v e p r o j e c t begging for loans to keep its the Guyana Power and Light documents. headabovewater

CEO, SBM Offshore, Oivind Tangen (Photo: SBM Offshore)

Guyana has been Inc (GPL) via a Power AccordingtotheBankof According to him, “This a fairytale to SBM Purchase Agreement (PPA). Guyana (BoG), the country is a ticking time bomb Offshore – CEO It was made explicit that gained US$3.8B in profits people. If we don’t demand investors will recover their and about US$500M in renegotiation now, we’re Guyanahasbeenadream investment through the sale royalties as at June, 2024 locking ourselves into a scenario for SBM Offshore, of electricity via a 20-to-25from two projects, since future, where Guyana’s the world’s undisputed yearterm(negotiable)Power startup. wealth is siphoned off, leaderinfloatingproduction, PurchaseAgreement(PPA) Meanwhile, Publisher of leaving nothing but debt and storage and offloading

(Continued on page 14)

From page 13

Watch, published on petroleum revenues are to “atapriceperKilowattHour Monday by Stabroek News, include, among others, all

Preliminary Artist's Impression of the natural gas facility to be constructed at Wales, West Bank Demerara

(KWH)” and via the prefaced his contention by revenues from: i) royalties, monetization of the NGLs. highlighting that the whether paid in cash or in

At the end of the PPA term, country’s public debt grew kind, due and payable by the the entire facility will revert by 29.3% from the end of holder of a petroleum to the GOG at no cost. 2023’s US$3.9B to US$5B licence; and ii) the

“Phase II GTE will enjoy the asatJune2024. Government’sshareofprofit same fiscal incentives as Drawing his reader’s oil received under the terms Phase I,” the RFP stated. In attention to the Gas-to- of a production sharing addition to the power plant, Energy (GTE) Project, the agreement or any other the contractor will design, former AG said media agreement,” the former AG construct and operate a NGL reports indicate that the said. facility to produce

pipeline component of the He was keen to note approximately 6,000 barrels project is being financed by “Thereisnoprovisionforthe per day of NGL products E x x o n M o b i l w h i l e holderofapetroleumlicence (propane, butane, and repaymentwillbemadeviaa to incur expenditure on C5+gasolene), utilizing 75 deduction from Guyana’s behalf of the Government MMCFDof“richgas.” share of profit oil over a 20- and deduct it from the It was explained that the year period, through the cost revenues due to the excess “lean gas,” estimated recovery mechanism in the Government.” The fourth at 30 MMCFD will be oildeal. concern, according to transferred to the GoG at no estimated sale price for each resources in the area. In mineralization in this central That provision allows Goolsarran is that the cost, for utilisation in year along with an assumed April, the company part of the greater trend is Exxon to deduct 75% of the country’s debt could be downstream industries, e.g. inflationrate.” announced an updated truly open in all directions. country’s monthly oil to understated by the amount fertilizer production, to be Meanwhile, subject to Mineral Resource Estimate With working capital in repay its investments. expended by Exxon on the located at Wales. The ensuring sufficient revenue (MRE) for the OKO-Aremu excess of Cdn$50 million, Consequently, he pointed project. privately operated gas to operate the facility and project comprising 922,000 wearewellcapitalizedaswe out, “If this is indeed so, Recognizing that the project will be located on no recover the investment at an ounces of gold (Indicated) continue to explore this there are four main concerns project could be deemed a more than 100 acres of land, agreed rate of return, the and 1,099,000 ounces of worldclasscamp.” that need to be addressed. “national development immediately adjacent to the GOG has reserved the right gold(Inferred).

G2 Goldfields team The first is that Section 25 of priority” or an “initiative existing 300 MW Integrated to: (i) buy-out the project The company explained comprisesprofessionalswho the NRF Act prohibits the geared at realizing an facility being developed by (the Guyanese SPV), any- that the Oko’s gold source h a v e b e e n d i r e c t l y financial assets of the Fund inclusive green economy” as the GoG. “The project will time after the construction lies along 2.5 kilometers responsibleforthediscovery from being encumbered by outlined in Section 16(2) of be owned and financed and commissioning, at an long north-south structure of millions of ounces of gold any person or entity TheAct the Act, the former Auditor 100% by the private sector, agreedformula,suchthatthe which is defined by the high in Guyana as well as the goes on to state that: (i) the General said the project under a project finance investor obtains a return of grade of the Oko Main Zone financing and development Government shall not could therefore be financed structure, which will design investment and reasonable (OMZ) resources to the of the Aurora Gold Mine borrow or lend from the out of withdrawals from the and construct the integrated accrued return based on the north, which entails 686,000 (AGM), Guyana’s largest Fund, or hold a financial NRF Account and reflected facilities, to a standard and stated cost of capital; (ii) ounces of gold (Indicated) goldmine. instrument that places or in the Estimates of Revenue specification that meets and transfer of the entire volume and 495,000 ounces of gold The company had may place a liability or and E

, in or exceeds that of Phase I of of NGL’s to GOG/GPGI, (Inferred) and the Ghanie disclosed that Anglo Gold contingent liability on the combination with any form the GTE,” the Office of the who will market and open pit and underground Ashanti (AGA), the fourth- Fund; and (ii) any contract, ofexternalfinancing. PrimeMinisterindicated. distribute with Phase I resource to the south, which largest gold producer in the agreement or arrangement Goolsarran however It was also noted, “Only NGL’s, either at zero cost or includes 236,000 ounces of w o r l d , h a s m a d e a that encumbers any financial maintains that the project firms(consortia)adjudgedto other agreed value gold (Indicated), with an substantial investment in the assets of the Fund, or future cannot be financed through b e e x p e r i e n c e d i n Responses to the RFP must additional604,000ouncesof company At the close of the petroleum revenues, shall, to the current arrangement Engineering Procurement be submitted by November gold (Interfered) The subscription, AGA owned t h e e x t e n t o f s u c h Raising similar concerns last and Construction (EPC) and 14, 2024. Notably, the GoG company added that drilling approximately 11 7% of encumbrance, be null and week was the former Financing of comparable made it clear it “is not bound in the southern half of the G2’s issued and outstanding void.” Minister of Finance, facilities, will be evaluated. toacceptanyresponsetothis structure has unveiled new shares. The Oko district has Secondly, he noted that Winston Jordan during an TheGOGshallhavetheright RFPand reserves the right to potential for resource been a prolific alluvial there is still no clear appearance on Nation to approve the EPC contract select any Party for any expansion. goldfield since its initial indication as whether a loan Watch Jordan said Vice and appoint an independent specific element of the RFP Moreover, G2 said that discovery in the 1870’s, and agreement has been entered President, Bharrat Jagdeo supervision firm, to ensure and to annul the process at follow up drilling of a hole, modern exp

during a press conference thattheprojectisbuiltperthe any time without further led to the discovery of a techniquescontinuetoreveal Government and the U.S. oil informed the nation that EPC contract and acceptable direction, without thereby significant new gold horizon the considerable potential of giant, and what are the terms Exxon would not have quality and specifications, incurring any liability to the to the south of previously thedistrict. and conditions of such an advanced the money for the pre-approved by the GOG.” affectedinterestedparties.” defined gold mineralisation. agreement Goolsarran project if the company did Bidders will be provided ”Six new drill holes define TUESDAY explained, “Section 3(6) of not believe it was profitable. with the existing Employers’ Canadian mining this emerging zone which the External Loans Act To this end, the former Requirements for Phase I of company expands h a s t r a c e d g o l d ‘Law doesn’t allow requires all loan agreements Minister explained, “So theGTEproject,alongwitha new gold zones at mineralisation from surface Govt. and Exxon to tobelaidbeforetheNational Exxon has advanced us the template of the EPC contract Guyana project with to vertical depths of almost pay for gas pipeline Assembly as soon as moneywhichisaloan.Ifthis forreference. positive results 400m,” the company said. In through cost recovery’ practicable after the is a loan, why doesn’t it In the meantime, …CEO says they will addition, drilling in the – formerAuditor General e x e c u t i o n o f s u c h appear in the debt profile of government expects continue to explore northern and southern agreements There is, thecountry?” responses to the RFP to “world-class camp” portion of the 1.2 kilometers Former Auditor General however, no evidence that He added, “How much is include financial projections Ghanie Zone, has also been (AG),Anand Goolsarran has this was done, assuming an the loan? Do we know how of revenue, expenses, and K a i e t e u r N e w s - successfulinexpandingboth made it clear that the law agreementisinplace.” much is the loan? We don’t investments returns using a Canadian mining company, near surface as well as does not provide for He went on to point out know. What are the terms of number of variables G2 Goldfields Inc. earlier deepergoldmineralisation. ExxonMobil Guyana that the Natural Resources this loan, we don’t know We including the PPA price per this month announced a The company’s Chief Limited (EMGL), the Fund (NRF) Act establishes have not seen an agreement KWH, broken down into the series of promising results Executive Officer (CEO), operator of the Stabroek the NRF Account to manage for this loan. Who owns the following three elements from its ongoing exploration Dan Noone was quoted Block to rack up expenses the natural resource wealth pipeline?” Jordan also “(a) payment for the gas; (b) at the OKO-Aremu gold saying, “These recent drill for the government then of Guyana for the present pointedoutthatthereisalsoa operating and maintenance projectlocatedinGuyana. results continue to deduct it from revenues and future benefit of the cost attached to maintaining c o s t ; ( c ) The project spans 27,719 d e m o n s t r a t e t h e owedtothecountry people and for the thepipelinewhichthenation financing/amortization of acres, and recent drilling has extraordinary exploration sustainable development of is still unaware of.As details the capital costs. Indicate the uncovered significant potential of the greater OKO Goolsarran in his weekly thecountry onthefinancing breakeven price and potential for expanding gold g o l d s y s t e m G o l d column, Accountability “By Section 15 (2), (Continued on page 18)

From page 17

under review, decreased by 7.7 million, on account of higher

s arrangements of the project remain percenttoUS$85.2million. interest payments on treasury bills highlighted that servicing debt has unclear, Jordan has called for the Notably, Central Bank and BOG Debenture,” the Bank taken precedence in many oil rich agreements with Exxon to be made explained that domestic debt revealed. countries that fell prey to public. ”Why isn’t this debt in our service payments decreased by Additionally, interest payments borrowingagainstoilrevenues.She debt profile, where is the G$2,925.8 million to G$5,872.7 on 364-day treasury bills increased pointed out the danger in this agreement? Why hasn’t this been million (US$29.4M), while the by G$581 million when compared principle, noting that oil revenues carried to the Parliament? Have externaldebtservicepaymentsrose toJune2023. willnotflowforever,andcanbecut theystartedbackrepayment,where by 13.8 percent to US$57 million. Earlier this year, the off by various factors, such as a is the repayment coming from,” This increase was “on account of government got the green light to s p i l l T h e O p p o s i t i o n Jordanquestioned. higher interest payments to increase the ceilings on both Parliamentarian explained that multilateral creditors,” the report domestic and external debt. The Guyana will then be left to rely on Canadian firm enters agreement states. domestic public debt ceiling has its poorly performing non-oil with Guyanese family for

The BoG explained that been increased to $1.5 trillion, up sectors to fund development in the 30,000-acres gold field external debt payments accounted from $750 billion from its last country In fact, the Shadow …will create new company to for 3.5% of Central Government’s revision Meanwhile, a new Finance Minister said these hold some assets current revenue and 0 8% of external borrowing ceiling of $1.5 resources may very well have to be district.” exports of goods and non-factor trillion has been approved, after its directed to service this country’s G2 Goldfields Inc. a Canadian Moreover, G2 also plans to services Principal and interest last increase to $900 billion. The ballooningdebtratherthanfundthe mining company working in distribute its “non-core” assets to payments amounted to US$35 Oppositionhassteadilywarnedthat needsofcitizens. Guyana, has entered into an shareholders by the end of 2024 million and US$22 million, Guyana may be slipping into a debt exploration agreement with a well- through the creation of a new respectively During the period, trapthatcouldseethenationfailing MPcalls for changes to NRFAct knownGuyaneseminingfamilyfor company, G3. The new company payments to multilateral creditors to meet its loan obligations should …says citizens must know a 30,000-acre land package in the will control assets in both the increased to US$36 million, which oilpricescollapse. what Govt. projects being Aremu-Okogolddistrict,Guyana. Puruni and OKO-AREMU was 62.8% of total external debt

In a statement, the company districts, including historical mines service.

Economic Advisor to the funded by oil money

Leader of the Opposition, Elson highlighted that the Oko district is andadditionalexplorationrights. Meanwhile, payments to LowpreviouslytoldKaieteurNews Chairman of the Public one of Guyana’s key gold- The company stated that bilateral creditors increased by that the increase to the country’s Accounts Committee (PAC), producing regions, currently shareholders will receive one G3 11.6% to US$20 million, and debtceilingpavedthewayformore Jermaine Figueira has called for boastingcombinedresourcesof7.8 share for every two G2 shares they accounted for 35.6% of total loans to be contracted. In fact, he transparencyintheuseofGuyana’s millionouncesofgold. hold, subject to regulatory external debt service. The growth reminded that the Senior Minister oil money, citing the need for Under the agreement, G2 approval. Earlier this month, G2 resulted from increased debt in the Office of the President with possibleamendmentstotheNatural expands its control in the district, announced a series of promising service payments to the Export Responsibility for Finance, Dr. ResourceFund(NRF)Act. adding to its already substantial resultsfromitsongoingexploration Import (EXIM) Bank of China, Ashni Singh signaled that with the Figueira’s comments were land holdings, which now total at the OKO-Aremu gold project. according to the BoG. With regard tripling of Guyana’s economy, the made at the sidelines of an event on 60,000 acres The company’s The company’s initial project areas todomesticdebtservice,theBank’s country is now in a better position Monday at Public Buildings, flagship OKO-AREMU project span27,719acres. Half Year Report indicates that totakemoreloans.Lowsaid,“This following an explanation by the currently holds an estimated gold Thecompanyexplainedthatthe payments decreased to G$5,873 implies that the reason we are able Auditor General (AG) Deodat resource of 922,000 ounces of Oko’s gold source lies along 2.5 million during the review period, to take on more debt is because of Sharma regarding the use of oil indicated gold and 1,099,000 kilometers long north-south due to the final debt service theoilsector Asaresult,ourability moneyintheBudget. ouncesofinferredgold. structure which is defined by the repaymentsontheTranches1and2 torepaythesedebtsisdependenton The AG while responding to a G2 said it has five drills high grade of the Oko Main Zone of the National Industrial and theoilsector.” questionfromKaieteurNewsinthe operatinginthedistrictandplansto (OMZ) resources to the north, Commercial Investments Limited Shadow Minister of Finance, Parliamentary Chamber said, “As file an updated Mineral Resource which entails 686,000 ounces of (NICIL)Bond.

Juretha Fernandes warned that everyone is aware, the funds from Estimate (MRE) for its OKO- gold (Indicated) and 495,000 “This outturn caused a decrease future governments in this country the oil and gas money, it is a budget AREMU deposits in the first ounces of gold (Inferred) and the in the total principal payments to will be faced with the grim reality support, so it’s not for a specific quarterof2025.

Ghanie open pit and underground G$3,292 million from G$7,417 of choosing between servicing its item and we don’t audit the whole

The newly acquired properties, resource to the south, which million at end-June 2023. Total debt or servicing the needs of its budget and therefore it is being consisting of contiguous permits, includes 236,000 ounces of gold interest payments increased by people with the fiscal management coveredinthataudit.”This cover several historic gold (Indicated), with an additional G$1,199 million to G$2,580 strategy of this incumbent (Continued on page 36) occurrences along 34 kilometers. 604,000 ounces of gold These include the Wariri mine, (Interfered). The company added Guyana’sfirsthardrockgoldmine, that drilling in the southern half of discovered in the 1870s. The area, the structure has unveiled new featuring extensive artisanal potentialforresourceexpansion. workings,hasneverbeensubjected to modern exploration techniques.


As such, G2 plans to conduct an independent NI 43-101 technical Guyana paid US$34M report on the properties, which will in interest for 6 months befiledinthecomingweeks. to service debt

Moreover, Patrick Sheridan, – Bank of Guyana Report Executive Chairman of G2 …as multilateral Goldfields, expressed enthusiasm lenders hike rates for the deal. He said, “We are very excited about this partnership, the As Guyana’s ballooning debt culmination of many months of continue to spur concerns among negotiations. Since its inception, stakeholders with government G2 has worked with local partners using the massive growth in the oil in exploring and developing this sector to justify more loans, the exciting gold district. This most country’s debt service reached recent alliance further consolidates US$85.2Minthefirstsixmonthsof G2 as the major player in the 2024, with a whopping US$34M district. I am confident G2 will be alonepaidininterest. able to fast track drilling on several Although the country’s total target areas The Company is debt climbed from US$4.5B at the currently mobilising significant endofDecember2023toUS$5Bat resources to the areas and will be the end of June 2024, the Bank of executing a full sequence Guyana(BoG)inits2024HalfYear exploration program building upon Report revealed that Guyana’s total prior exploration success in the debt service, during the period

Former Auditor General, Anand Goolsarran
The Bank of Guyana released its half-year report recently

A closer look at Scoliosis


scoliosis: Abnormalities in mayinclude:

What are the risk factors

Scoliosisisaside-to-side the muscles and nerves that Backpain forscoliosis? curve of your spine. This supportyourspinecausethis Difficulty standing You’re more at risk of differs from your body’s type It usually happens upright developingscoliosisifyou: natural front-to-back curve. alongside neurological Coremuscleweakness Have a biological family It’s usually mild and doesn’t (nerve) or muscular Leg pain, numbness or historyofscoliosis. cause symptoms, but it can conditions like an injury, weakness

Have an underlying lead to back pain and cerebralpalsy,spinabifidaor What are the signs of condition or injury that


mal posture A musculardystrophy scoliosis? affects your spine, muscles healthcare provider most You may hear your Signs of scoliosis may andnerves.


ses this provider refer to scoliosis include: Is scoliosis genetic?

c o n d i t i o n d u r i n g diagnosed during adulthood

Unevenshoulders You’re more likely to adolescence Treatment as adult-onset scoliosis or Shoulder blades that develop scoliosis if someone includes physical therapy, degenerative scoliosis. You stickout in your biological family has bracesandsurgery may have had mild,

Head that doesn’t center the condition. But not all What is scoliosis? undiagnosed scoliosis aboveyourpelvis casesofscoliosisaregenetic. Scoliosis is an abnormal throughout your life



side-to-side curvature of Symptoms can increase or

Elevatedhips complicationsofscoliosis? your spine Your spine appear as your body ages, Constant leaning to one Without treatment, (m

may appear as your body (backbone) naturally has a which results in a late side severe cases of scoliosis can imaging) or CT (computed ages and natural spine slight forward and backward diagnosis Specifically, Unevenleglength leadto: tomography)scan. degeneration occurs A curve. With scoliosis, your adu


healthcare provider can help spine curves to the left and happenswhenyourdisksand appearance or texture

Physicaldeformity determines that you have you manage symptoms if rightintoaCorSshape. joints weaken or you lose (dimples, hair patches, skin

Organdamage scoliosis that requires theybecomebothersome.

Most cases of scoliosis bonedensity(osteoporosis). discoloration)theseoccuron Nervedamage treatment, they’ll refer you Scoliosis can change the are mild, don’t cause Healthcare providers use yourbackalongyourspine

Arthritis to an orthopaedic spine way your body looks symptoms and don’t need different names to refer to Heightloss

Spinalfluidleakage specialist. depending on the degree of treatment. Severe cases can idiopathic scoliosis

Uneven alignment of


When is scoliosis the spinal curve. This might cause uneven posture and according to when it’s yourpelvisandhips

Contact emergency diagnosed? be challenging for your pain. Treatment may include diagnosed: What part of the spine services if you have trouble A scoliosis diagnosis is emotional well-being A wearing a brace or surgery Infantile scoliosis: doesscoliosisaffect? breathing. most common during mental health professional There’s no known way to Youngerthanage3. Scoliosis can affect any

Before your healthcare adolescence, between ages can help you manage how preventscoliosis. Juvenile scoliosis: Age 4 part of your spine. There are provider can suggest a 10and15. youfeelaboutyourbody Types of scoliosis? through10. some differences according treatment plan, they’ll ask As you age, your spine What physical activities Idiopathic scoliosis:This Adolescent scoliosis: toage: you questions about the curves (degeneration). For are safe with scoliosis? is the most common type. Age11through18. Whatcausesscoliosis? following: this reason, adults can get a Talk to your healthcare “Idiopathic”meansthecause A d u l t i d i o p a t h i c The cause of scoliosis If needed, your provider scoliosis diagnosis later in provider or phys

is unknown. Research does scoliosis: Diagnosed any varies depending on the type may order imaging tests. X- life. This usually happens if t

indicate that it runs in time after age 18 when butmayinclude rays taken from the front and scoliosis is mild and goes activitiesaresafetodo.Most families and has a genetic skeletalgrowthiscomplete. Vertebrae malformation side will show a full picture u n d e t e c t e d d u r i n g people with scoliosis can (hereditary)link. How common is scoliosis? d u r i n g e m b r y o n i c of your spine. Your provider childhood. participate in physical Congenital scoliosis: Scoliosis affects an development can then determine if you What can I expect if I activities and exercise This is a rare spine estimated 2% of people Ageneticchange have scoliosis and if so, to have scoliosis? Routine movement can abnormalitythatahealthcare around the world. In the Aspineinjury what degree. Other imaging Though scoliosis is often reducetheseverityof provider may detect at birth. United States, this equals Atumoronyourspine tests may include an MRI asymptomatic, symptoms (Continued on page 34) Itoccurswhenvertebrae(the over6millionpeople. A condition that affects bones that make up your Symptoms and Causes yournervesormuscles spine) don’t form as they What are the symptoms Most often, though, should during embryonic ofscoliosis? healthcare providers can’t development. Scoliosis usually doesn’t identify a specific cause N e u r o m u s c u l a r cause symptoms, but they (idiopathicscoliosis).

Miss Amerindian Heritage pageant to culminate heritage month festivities

Th e M i s s A m e r i n d i a n Heritage pageant

set to take place on Monday at the National Cultural Centre will culminate the festivities for Amerindian Heritage Month.

Ten Indigenous beauties from each of the country’s ten administrative Regions are set to grace the stage in a showcase of talent, grit and culturalfortitude.

Weeks leading up to the finale, the delegates participated in various regional pageants hosted by theirrespectivevillages.

During the regional competition, one delegate was crowned to compete in the Miss Amerindian Heritagepageant2024.

On Monday, the ten delegates will compete in various segments including traditionalwear,talentpiece, and an evening gown segment.

The much-anticipated on enhancing education and third-year student at the

advocacy platform, focusing Robertson is currently a

event hosted by the Ministry bringing awareness about University of Guyana ofAmerindianAffairsisheld domestic violence among s p e c i a l i z i n g i n everytwoyearsandservesas youths. Microbiology. a platform for empowerment Representing Region Hailing from Monkey of young Amerindian Four - Demerara/Mahaica is Mountain Village and women According to 20-year-old O’statia Simon representing Region Eight is information released by the who hails from St Sandra Edwards. This 21-

Amerindian Ministry Cuthbert’s Mission/ Pakuri. year-old who aims to recently, the delegate from This proud Arawak beauty become a medical speech Barima-Waini area is 20recently completed a and lanagauge therapist is year-old Arinna Williams, Bachelor’s Degree in Public currently pursuing a who hails from Kwebana Management from the Bachelor’s Degree in Public VillageinRegionOne. University of Guyana and is Health at the Texila Williams who is a proud said to be making a AmericanUniversity descendant of the Carib meaningful impact at Giving Representing Upper tribe, is currently a teacher Health to Kids (GHTK) Takutu- Upper Essequibo on within the Ministry of organisation. Monday is the Macushi Education who is awaiting Competing alongside descendant Noreen Alfred. her results from the Cyril Simon is another Arawak This 22-year-old was born in Potter College of Education descendant; 21-year-old Aishalton Village and is ( C P C E ) t r a i n i n g Marcelina Budburgh who is presently pursuing a programme. representing the only Bachelor’s Degree in R e g i o n T w o ’ s Amerindian community in Engineering and Project representative, more Region Five, called Management through the specifically the delegate Moraikobai. Government’s GOAL selected from the beautiful Budburgh, a lover for ScholarshipProgramme. Amerindian settlement of natureiscurrentlypursuinga Joining her on centre Capoeyis21-year-oldJennel Bachelor’s Degree in stage is 20-year-oldAndrena Henry Chemistry at the University Stoby, a Lokono beauty who Henryisacurrentstudent ofGuyana. hails from River’s View at the CPCE and is pursuing Neighbouring Orealla, Village, Region 10. Stoby an Associate Degree in Region Six representative is who has a deep appreciation Primary Education. She is Shania Peneux. Peneux who for her cultural roots is a also the youngest elected is a strong advocate for Registered Nursing councillor in her village and promoting eco-tourism is Assistant who has plans of serves as theVillage Council currently a teacher at the advancing her medical secretary Orealla Nursery School and professioninthefuture. Hailing from Santa/ atraineeatCPCE. Looking forward to see Aratak Mission, the only It was revealed by the who takes home the title of Amerindian Village in Amerindian Ministry that queen, patrons can secure Region Three is Natasha representing the Cuyuni- their tickets at the National Neblett. According to the Mazaruni area is Sylvany Cultural Centre. Tickets are ministry, Neblett is a Robertson of Paruima onsaleasfollow,Auditorium survivor of domestic Village. Having completed front -$5,000; Auditorium v i o l e n c e a n d h a s her secondary education at rear - $3,000; and Balcony - transformed her personal Christ Church Secondary, $2,500. struggles into a powerful

i c e s , O n


n g

This year’s Amerindian under the theme: “Many Celebrating Amerindian
Heritage Month was held Vo
. Heritage2024.”
The 10 delegates vying for the title of Miss Amerindian Heritage Queen 2024. (DPI photo)

Despite challenges, Albouystown teen determined to achieve financial self-sufficiency

Sdogs and burgers to support we shouldn’t be doing that he said. “I don’t see it as a myself,”heexplained. because children could get business; it’s more of a ome children grow Reflecting on his kidnapped”—Smith shifted fundraiser for when I need up facing various upbringing, Smith recalls, “I hisfocus. somethingformyself.”

challenges; many grew up in a poor In 2022, he began Smith shared with this of them are shaped by the neighbourhood People attending church with his publication that he would influences in their don’t really have much grandmother, where he personally purchase communities, particularly in here.”Atjust11yearsold,he volunteered for fundraising ingredients and prepare the impoverished areas where and his friends took events. food. However, the journey survival can force them to initiative, repairing potholes It was there that he hasn’t been without its begorsteal. every Sunday to capitalize discovered his knack for challenges. “People would

Shawn Smith, young and inspiring entrepreneur shares dream of achieving

I n t h e h e a r t o f onthebusybustraffictoearn food vending. “When I tried get angry; they didn’t know Albouystown, Georgetown, some cash. “We made it fun, to sell some hot dogs for a whyIwasgoingtothem,”he 15-year-old Shawn Smith, a creating our own adventures fundraiser, someone admits. “They would say no, customers.Hisresilienceisa As a young, independent

student of Dolphin because when you don’t suggested I sell for myself,” but it doesn’t discourage me. testamenttohischaracter entrepreneur, Shawn Smith Secondary School has have much, you have to find herecounted.Encouragedby I just worry because I don’t When asked about his embodies the spirit of chosen a different path, somethingtodo.” the support he received, knowifIwillgetanysales.” a s p i r a t i o n s , S h a w n perseverance and selfs h o w c a s i n g h i s Shawn also recalled how Shawn realized he could Despite these obstacles, remarked, “Starting a reliance. entrepreneurial spirit and he and his friends would generate his own income Smith remains resolute. He business is very hard. At His journey serves as a determination for financial receive food and gifts from rather than resorting to walks long distances from first, it’s difficult, but as you powerfulreminderthat,even independence. local churches “We got illegal activities “It was Albou

e keep pushing, it gets easier.” in the face of adversity, In an exclusive interview accustomed to receiving better for me to sell food, G

l, His words resonate with determinationandhardwork with The Waterfalls, Smith gifts from churches every instead of selling drugs or navigating the city’s hustle anyone striving to carve out can lead to financial opened up about the Christmas.” During that age thievingandbegging.” and bustle in search of theirownpath. independence. financialstruggleshisfamily as well, Smith and friends By 2023, the young lad faces.With his mother as the would approach people and officially launched his sole provider for him and his beggedformoney cateringbusiness,sellinghot younger brother, he felt However, as his friends dogs and burgers. “When I compelled to ease her moved away and safety needed something, like a burden.“Idecidedtocreatea concerns grew—”we heard new phone, I knew my side business selling hot that big people start saying parents couldn’t afford it,”

Gnbs In Focus



Your baby’s skin

i s h i g h l y sensitive and delicate, requiring special care and protection from irritants, allergens, and harmful substances

Understanding this, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) has introduced the first revision of GYS 179:1-2024 – Baby Skin Care Products - Part 1: General Requirements, a standard specifically designedtoensurethesafety andqualityofbabyskincare products The revised standard sets general

requirements for products like soaps, shampoos, lotions, and wipes intended for newborns, infants, and youngchildren.

The GYS 179:1-2024 standard is critical to ensure that baby skin care products in Guya

he necessary safety and quality criteria. A baby’s skin is more permeable than adult skin, making it more vulnerable to external chemicals This updated standard provides clear guidelinestomanufacturers, ensuring that products are safe, hypoallergenic, and


consumers,itguaranteesthat the products they trust for their babies are rigorously tested and compliant with

y benchmarks.

The GNBS, through its Technical Committee on C o s m e t i c s a n d Pharmaceuticals, beganthe review of the standard in 2023, and the intent was to revisethestandardtoalignit with the latest research and industry practices The revisions, based on the

Jamaican Standard, JS 250 Part 1:2000, includes updates to the scope, definitions, and key clauses related to raw materials, finished products, and preservation. In 2024, the National Standards Council officially approved the revised standard as GYS 179:1-2024.

The updated standard now includes several important changes aimed at enhancingproductsafetyand theseupdatesreflectmodern a

manufacturing practices,

ensuring that baby skin care products meet the highest safetystandards. For manufacturers, the revised standard provides a clear framework to ensure their products comply with internationally accepted safety and quality requirements. It encourages the use of safe, non-toxic ingredients and promotes good ma

uring practices, making it easier for companies to deliver high-quality products that m

expectations. F

especially parents and caregivers, the GYS 179:12024 standard offers reassurance that the baby skin care products they purchase are designed to protect and nourish delicate babyskin.Productsadhering tothisstandardarefreefrom harmfulchemicals,gentleon sensitive skin, and safe for everydayuse.

Byrevisingandupdating this standard, the GNBS continues its mission of safeguarding public health andsafety



A closer look...

Frompage19 symptoms.Ifanactivitycauses pain,listentoyourbodyandstop. Canplayingsports makescoliosisworse?

Most cases of scoliosis are diagnosed during adolescence This is the time when many childrenareeagertojumpintoteam sports and athletic programs. As a parent or caregiver, you might wonder what activities are safe for your child.Luckily, playing sports won’tmakescoliosisworse.Infact,

participatinginsportsthatpromote flexibility and core strength can reduceyourchild’ssymptoms. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and not necessarily straighteningthecurve.Thegoalis to decrease symptoms and curve progression and improve the function of your spine. There are twotypesoftreatmentforscoliosis: Nonsurgical (conservative) treatment and Surgery.There are a number of conservative scoliosis treatment. Most cases of scoliosis don’t require surgery Instead, providersrecommendconservative treatmentfirst,whichmayinclude:

Visiting a healthcare provider regularly (usually every six months) to monitor the degree of the curve; taking over-the-counter pain

inflammatories (as needed or as directedbyyourprovider)

Exercising to strengthen your core muscles and improve flexibility

Wearingabackbracetosupport yourspine

Managing any underlying conditions

Yourprovidermayrecommend physicaltherapy Thiscanhelpyou strengthen your muscles and

relieve pain Your physical therapist may help you with the following:


Low-impact exercises, such as swimming.




Surgery may be an option to treat some types of scoliosis that don’t respond to conservative treatment Your provider may recommendsurgeryto:


Restorebalance. Relievepressureonnerves.

There are different techniques your surgeon may use to treat scoliosis,including: Spinalfusion:Tostabilizeyour spine, your surgeon will fuse the bonesofyourspinetogether Then, they’ll use metal braces to hold your spine in place.Expandable rod: A surgeon will insert an expandablerodalongthevertebrae to support a child’s growing spine. They’lladjustthelengthoftherod as a child grows Advances in surgical techniques and computerassisted technologies make less invasive approaches possible and recoverytimequicker

CONSUMER CONCERNS The decline and fall of the Stabroek Market; could it be revived?


In every country in the world, there is always a building or structure which the nation regards as iconic and to which there is a deep psychological attachment In India, there is the Taj Mahal; in England, the Tower of London and in the USA; the Statue of Liberty while in Guyana, it is the StabroekMarket.

Every country maintains itsiconicstructurewithcare and respect but Guyana, quite bizarrely, has consciously allowed its icon to fall into ruin and the culpable party for this disaster is the Mayor and CityCouncilofGeorgetown (M&CC)whohascustodyof the building and uses it as a revenueearner

The citizens have been complainingfordecadesbut M&CC has remained passivelyinsensitive,merely collectingrevenuesfromthe Market which is M&CC’s second largest source of revenue and not spending any of the funds on its maintenance. With such backwardmanagement,ruin and bankruptcy was inevitable.

This malaise of M&CC begantooccuronlyafterthe 1950’s. Before the 1950’s, theMCCwasoneofthebest managed institutions in Guyana.

TheTownwasfamousas “theGardenCity”anditwas cleanandwellkept.

The Le Repentir Cemetery, for example, was like a well-kept park M&CC’s finances were so well managed and healthy that whenever it issued bonds, these were immediately taken up Purchasing the structure of the Stabroek Market from Boston in 1879 is an example of its vision and businessacumen.

The structure of the Market was shipped from B o s t o n a n d i t s reconstructionbeganin1879

and it was opened on 1st November,1881.

The Contractor was NathanielMcKay

There are several interesting features in the Market: The concrete floor of the Market gradually slopes from the front borderingWaterStreettothe wharf on the river so as to accommodate quick cleaningandwashing.

The original stalls were built with shutters and wooden floors and could be securedwhentheownerwas notpresent.

The roofs were built in step form with jalousie openings so as to keep the market cool and well ventilated.

The roof area is 2 1/2 acres When electricity cametothecolony,thesame kind of street lighting was used in the Market up to post-World War II and provided good lighting for all parts of the market for it was opened for business until8:oopm.

The Market Tower with its large clock and sonorous bell could be heard over most of the town and a Dutch-descendedfamily,the Oudkerksservicedtheclock untilthe1950’s.

A spiral cast iron stairwaypaintedinsilverled totheTowerandgoingupto the Tower was severely restricted and was regarded as a great privilege to be permittedtodoso.

The passageways betweenthestallswerewide to allow for the comfort of shoppers and the easy movementofgoodsgoingto thevariousstalls.

There were special Constables, well attired and equipped, who were always onpatrolsothattherewasno crime.

There was a team of “scavengers” or cleaners whoswepttheentireMarket twiceperday;thisVictorian name for cleaners was used untilthe1960’s.


Frompage33 standard is part of the Bureau’smissiontoprovide guidelines that protect consumers while promoting e


T h e G N B S i s responsibleforadoptingand developing national standards across various sectors, with over 600 standardsavailabletodate.

The drains were kept clean and there was never flooding and the Fire Brigade flushed out the Market every Sunday, using the Middle Gate to enter since the front passageway was not encumbered with stalls.

Mostoftheoriginalstall holders were Portuguese withafewSyriansandfewer Indians and Africans and having a stall in the Market

was a prestigious thing and many of the large Water StreetfirmslikeBookersand Wieting and Richter had stallsthere.Inthe1950’sand 1960’s, the Portuguese and Syrians left the colony and the present groups succeeded


The stallholders of the past knew each other and there was camaraderie amongthem.

The Market was governed by “the Clerk of Markets” whose office was in the centre of the Market high enough for him to see thetopofeverystall.

The Clerk listened to complaints and requests from stallholders, ensured therulesoftheMarketwere obeyedandwasinchargeof the cleaners and Constables and collected rents for the stalls.

A legendary Clerk who served for nearly 50 years was Jao Antonio Machado Pacheco whose relatives

jewellery shops and was a wealthy man in his own right.

Under J.A.M. Pacheco’s Clerkship, the Stabroek Market had a golden age whichbeganitsendwith


These standards help to guide industries and protect consumers, ensuring that products meet established safety, environmental, and performancerequirements. For further details on howtoaccessthisandother standards, contact GNBS at (592) 219-0064-66 or via WhatsAppat692-4627.You can also visit our Standards Portal:gnbsguy.com

From page 18

Guyana, it gives Guyana a allowed to charge Guyana professionals, to manage the publication had asked 2% royalty on its rich for new wells/ projects O & G s e c t o r f r o m whether the Audit Office is resources, and agrees to the before they start producing application for licenses able to ensure that monies oil companies recovering oil This results in a t h r o u g h

c t i o n , from the Fund are expended 75% of investments before reduction of the profits that exploration, production, inkeepingwiththeAct,after theremaining25%isshared, would be available to split sales, refining, and gas being transferred to the with Guyana receiving between the government and utilisation for energy ConsolidatedFund. 12.5%. This publication had the oil company. “The conversion,”Nortonsaid.

Section 16.2 of the NRF also reported that the deal review will include, but not He noted too that they Act states that, “All

will conduct a review of the withdrawals from the Fund provision.

Natural Resources Fund shall be deposited into the

On Wednesday during a

(NRF) with the aim of Consolidated Fund and shall press conference, Norton d

restructuring it to ensure its be used only to finance: (a) made the announcement of transparency, the timely independence, management, n


S reporting of information, and the fulfillment of its priorities including any Policies, Strategies and regulatory oversight and mandate. initiative aimed at realizing P

e real-time monitoring, Moreover, the PNCR an inclusive green economy, Development of the Oil and auditing, local content, leader also stated that they and(b)essentialprojectsthat Gas Sector,” which is a 20- shared management and would also explore the are directly related to point’oil and gas policy The d e c



n feasibility of establishing a ameliorating the effect of a announcement of this policy operations in the oil and gas National Oil Company majornaturaldisaster.” comes ahead of the 2025 sector,”headded. (NOC and/local refinery to

To date, government has General and Regional Additionally, Norton enhance Guyana’s economic budgeted approximately Elections. stated that as the next benefits from the sector US$2 6B in oil money Norton, who has shied coalition government they A

through 2022 to 2024. The unknown of how it is being infrastructural and energy away from saying if elected reinstate the parent company

revenues earned from oil are utilized it therefore requires development scheme which he will “renegotiate” the guarantee that would ensure feasibility studies for the t r a n s f e r r e d t o t h e s o m e a d d i t i o n a l may very well benefit its contract on Wednesday full liability coverage in the utilization of natural gas and Consolidated Fund, blurring amendments to give greater partner, ExxonMobil more outlined the coalition’s key event of an oil spill. He said to develop a strong local tracksofexpenditure. clarity on the direction of than the citizens in the strategies for managing the the guarantee would require content policy to ensure that Government has not how these funds should be country. oil and gas sector, with a EMGL’s parent company to localbusinessesbenefitfrom identified the “national directedandused.” M e a n w h i l e , t h e heavy emphasis on ensuring cover the costs of any thesector’sexpansion. development priorities” Figueira was adamant government previously said Guyanese benefits more environmentaldisasterfully. He said too, “We will being funded by the revenue that the public must be able that money from the oil from its abundant oil E n v i r o n m e n t a l govern and manage the oil from oil. This is particularly to decipher what portion of account is transferred resources He said, responsibilities and gas sector in the best concerning as the legislation the Fund was used for a directly to the Consolidated “ConsistentwithArticle32.1 The PNCR/ APNU oil interest of the people of features no penalties for specific project. This can be Fund which blends the ofthePSA,wewillcomplete and gas policy places Guyana and in accordance misuseofthefunds. done, according to him, various revenue streams atop-to-bottomreviewofthe emphasis on environmental withtheruleoflaw.”

Opposition Member of through the Budget This means that the PSA and then engage the Parliament (MP), Jermaine documents,tocertifythatthe government is therefore Stabroek Block Partners, to Figueira has however funds are utilized according unable to say what specific maximise the benefits of the pointed to the need for totheAct. projects were funded by oil resources to the people of transparency in the use of Furthermore, he also thoseearnings. Guyanawhileensuringafair resources from the sector, shared the view that the oil share of profit for Stabroek urging that the NRF Act is money should be subjected

THURSDAY BlockPartners.” clear on how the funds to a separate audit. Figueira

According to the Leader shouldbespent. explained, “This is the most Norton will review oftheOpposition,thereview

Following the AG’s important sector and Exxon’s lopsided will include several aspects remarks, Figueira in an therefore a lot of attention deal if elected that have resulted in Guyana invited comment said, “I s h o u l d b e d i r e c t e d …promises to ring-fence losing out on additional think the Auditor General’s specifically to these funds. projects, impose taxes and resources. The party plans to response was more of a We want to ensure that the reinstate parent company implement an oil tax regime generalnaturebutwerequire country doesn’t suffer from guarantee for full-coverage that would impose taxes on more specifics because the the Dutch disease and of an oil spill profits, a move that many Actisveryclearwithregards therefore,thesefundsshould critics have called for but tohowthosefundsshouldbe bedispersedinamannerthat ExxonMobil Guyana which is not currently part of spent and if you just lump is very responsible and Limited (EMGL) is the thePSA.

Pres.Ali touts global sum it into the consolidated therefore special attention operator of the lucrative This publication recently transparency, and regulatory biodiversity alliance at UN fund we need to know s h o u l d b e d i r e c t e d Stabroek Block, with its highlighted that owing to the o v e r s i g h t N o r t o n …reiterates call for definitely of those funds that specifically to that sector to partners, Hess Corporation 2016 PSA, Guyana has underscored the importance immediate climate action were transferred into the managethefund.” and CNOOC While the foregonearound$306billion

consolidated fund that are With little transparency Government of Guyana in taxes for Exxon, Hess and Environmental Protection Speaking at the 79th they being used for the regarding the use of (GoG) has acknowledged CNOOC for 2023, while the Agency (EPA) to ensure Session of the United specific purposes with Guyana’s oil wealth, that the deal benefits the oil country only earned $336 better management of the oil Nations (UN) General regards to what the Act International Financial companies more than it does billion from oil sales and and gas sector, with a focus Assembly on Wednesday, speaksto.” Analysts worry that the the country – the Irfaan Ali- royalties for that same year on prohibiting gas flaring, Presiden

n Ali The Parliamentarian said revenue may not be used to led administration has taken “Every aspect will be re-injecting toxic water announced the launch of the the NRF Act may require develop the country and the stance to not make involvedinthereview,sowe according to international Global B

sity amendments to justify improve the lives of its poor changes to the contract, will seek to review the entire standards, and conducting a

transfers to the Consolidated citizens. toutingsanctityofcontract. PSAwiththeaimofensuring cradle-to-grave waste framework aimed at tackling Fund for spending across the For instance, Director of Former Minister of the Guyanese people management plan. “We will biodiversity loss, supporting board, rather than for Financial Analysis at the Natural Resources, Raphael benefit,” Norton said in review the existing drafts of conservation, and creating specific purposes outlined in Institute for Energy Trotman, who served under response to a question about the Petroleum Commission fair markets for natural theAct. Economics and Financial the APNU + AFC Coalition thecurrentnon-taxprovision Legislation and restructure assets. These amendments Analysis (IEEFA), Tom government between 2015 inthePSA. as necessary to finalise the Guyana’s head-of-state according to him are crucial Sanzillo had pointed out that and 2020, was the one who Another key area the establishment of an attended the assembly in to ensure there is absolute the government has not been signed the deal in 2016 with PNCR leader highlighted is independent/autonomous New York, which is being conformity with the legal prioritising saving the funds Exxon. The deal Trotman the party’s intention to Petroleum Commission held under the theme requirements. generated from the industry signed,waivesalltaxesfrom introduce a ring-fencing equipped with the highest “Leavingnoonebehind: He said, “Given how it is like Norway but has instead the oil companies and caters provision. In the absence of caliber fit-for-purpose (Continued on page 37) being transferred and the embarked on a massive for the taxes to be paid by ring-fencing, Exxon is

Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, Jermaine Figueira
Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R), Aubrey Norton

An artist’s impression of the Gas-to-Energy project

From page 36 with its forests storing 19.5 requested to complete the acting together for the gigatons of carbon and review and allow the advancement of peace, sequestering more than 153 companytoleave. sustainable development, milliontonnesannually Jagdeo said prior to his and human dignity for “As a country, we are press conference, he reached p r e s e n t a n d f u t u r e dedicated to the preservation outtotheMinistryofNatural generations.” ofthisvitalglobalasset,”Ali Resources for some clarity President Ali noted that said. on the matter and was sent a the creation of the Global Moreover, President Ali copy of the letter written to Biodiversity Alliance, will closed his address with a call Exxon’s country Manager focus on creating a market for unity in addressing the for Guyana Alistair for biodiversity credits, pressing issues of climate Routledge requesting the scaling biodiversity change, food security, and additional information. Part conservation debt swaps, global governance reform, of the letter to the oil accelerating biodiversity urging world leaders to take company from the ministry bonds, establishing a bold steps forward. He said, read: “Reference is made to blueprint for biodiversity “Thefutureweseek,afuture your company’s application taxonomies, and promoting where no one is left behind, received on October 20, nature positive action. The demands courageous 2023requestingapprovalfor initiative is set to convene its action…Let us not be found the transfer of interest in the first global summit in 2025, wanting. Let us act together, Kaieteur Block Petroleum w h e r e n a t i o n s , for the advancement of Exploration License and the environmental groups, and peace, for the achievement subsequent submission of other stakeholders will of sustainable development, additional documents on the collaborate to develop and the preservation of 25th of January 2024. Please solutions that address the human dignity, now and for be guided that further operation, will be turned off businesscasefortheproject. public money,” the lawyer

w o r l d ’s w o r s e n i n g generationstocome.” thorough review of the and be used as a backup In her April 25, 2024, reasoned.

biodiversitycrisis. submitted documents the powersupply letter to the President of the To th

“We do [not] make this FRIDAY Min

“If the Gas-to-Energy US-EXIM Bank, Reta Jo explained that the people of announcement by mere Resources has found that projectcanmeetthedemand, Lewis, Janki indicated that Guyanaarethereforeentitled words, Guyana is also Govt. unsure how soon some additional information and that is we are generating the financial institution to see that the proposed gas committing to doubling its electricity bills will be is needed prior to closing out at 4 cents per kilowatt hour might wish to obtain this project is financially viable protectedareasbyDecember reduced by 50% after this process this information there, then every other information before further before the government seeks 2025 and achieving the Gas-to-Energy project is detailed in the attached list generating set will go into c o n s i d e r i n g t h e toborrowmoneytoproceed. global biodiversity target of comes online for your submission.” reserve,”hesaid. g o v e r n m e n t ’s l o a n She argued, “It is not 30% by 2030,” Ali said. He Jagdeo said ExxonMobil is

The Vice President was application. sufficientforthegovernment continued, “These are real The highly touted yet to submit the additional keen to note that the country It was reported in April tomakepromises.Economic solutions that Guyana is US$2B Gas-to-Energy information “Instead, it is presently operating 2023 that the GoG applied to development is not a matter putting forward to address (GTE) project is intended to appears that they are trying without any reserve, due to a the US-EXIM Bank for a of wishful thinking the global problem of reduce monthly electricity to let it seems like the large increasing demand for US$646M loan to fund a Economic development biodiversity loss. We do not bills by 50% but Vice government is holding up electricity naturalgas-firedpowerplant requires robust economic lecture, we lead by example President Bharrat Jagdeo is their exit, “Jagdeo told the According to him, “Our and natural gas liquids plant analysis of the global energy withoutarrogance.” unable to say how soon newsconference. installed capacity is close to to be constructed by market The proposed

In his speech, Ali consumers can expect this Meghan MacDonald, peak demand so there is no contractor CH4-Lindsayca. projectwilllockGuyanainto underscoredthatwhilemany reduction. Media and Communications reservesothat’swhyifaunit The plants, to be constructed gas at a time when the fossil world leaders agree on In the absence of a Supervisor for ExxonMobil goes down you have power at Wales, West Bank fuel industry is on a decline addressing climate, food, feasibility study for the had told this publication in outages, so these reserves Demerara are part of the and is likely to leave Guyana andenergysecurity,concrete project, stakeholders have an invited comment recently nowwouldbetheresojustin GTE project, which also with stranded assets and an actions are long overdue. been constantly questioning that, “We are still awaiting case you have local issues or includes a pipeline being adverse impact on Guyana’s “Wewillallbedoomedinthe the project’s capacity to formal government approval something, they would be built by ExxonMobil economy.” court of conscience for delivercheaperelectricity to leave the block; however, maintained and put into Guyana Limited to transport knowing what is right while On Thursday, the VP we have handed over reserves.” the gas from offshore to the Kaieteur, Canje oil ignoring what is wrong,”Ali during his weekly media operatorship to Ratio

Be that as it may, Jagdeo site. blocks still with Exxon said. conference was asked how G u y a n a L t d O u r said if the demand surpasses The US-EXIM Bank has ...company still to provide President Ali outlined s o o n a f t e r t h e participatinginterestisgoing the300MWgeneratedbythe not yet approved Guyana’s info to finalise exit from that there is a pattern of operationalization of the to Ratio and Cataleya with Wales power plant, application for the loan and Kaieteur, to leave Canje empty pledges made at plant, a 50% reduction in the Ratio assuming role of government “may have to issaidtobeintheconcluding by 2026 - Jagdeo says international forums like the cost of electricity could be operator.” She further stated turn on some of these units phase of its independent annualConferenceofParties expected. t h a t , “ We d o n e e d backagain.” analysisoftheproject. Vice President (VP) (COP) on climate change. Tothisend,heexplained, government’s approval to Government expects the Janki said on Saturday Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday He added, “This cycle of “I don’t know if one day or a formally exit the block not GTEprojecttobecompleted that information that should said that ExxonMobil is yet h o p e f o l l o w e d b y week or so but it will, it handover I should also by April, 2025 The be available publicly on the toprovidealltheinformation disappointment cannot should happen almost clarify we have been contractor, CH4/ Lindsayca projectindicatesthatitcould government requested continue if the Sustainable immediately because if we working with GoG and has however indicated that cost US$1.9B. She was keen before it formally grants DevelopmentGoalsaretobe are getting all this power in keeping them appraised the power plant and Natural to point out this estimate approcvalfortheoilmajorto met. We must break free the grid immediately that throughoutthisprocess.” Gas Liquids (NGL) facility could increase as big exittheKaieteurBlock. from this pattern of empty meanswecanturnoffalotof

On September 30, 2023 will be handed over at a later infrastructure projects are Jagdeo was responding p l e d g e s We m u s t , the high-cost generating this publication reported that date. The extension is likely notable for exceeding to an article carried by this u n e q u i v o c a l l y a n d equipment that we have now the Government of Guyana to cost the contractor some budget. publication where Exxon immediately, fulfill all and substitute this with the has clearly stated that the US$11 3M per month “The cost of this Project had said that they were pledges for the sake of our new power plant so almost p r o p o s e d e x i t b y accordingtoJagdeo. will be borne by the awaiting the approval from planetandthefutureofallits immediately The benefits ExxonMobil and Hess Earlier this year, award Guyanesepublicbecausethe the government to formally inhabitants.” will be seen almost Corporation from the winning international governmentwillhavetotake exittheblockhavingalready President Ali reminded immediately.” Kaieteur Block must be Lawyer, Melinda Janki in a money from the public purse t r a n s f e r r e d t h e i r that Guyana, with 86% of its The GTE project is consistent with the country’s letter to the United States or use public assets such as operatorship to Ratio territory covered by tropical expectedtodeliversome300 l e g a l f r a m e w o r k Export Import (US-EXIM) oil in order to pay However,Jagdeospeakingat forest,haslongbeenaleader megawatts (MW) of cleaner ExxonMobil,whichoperates Bank flagged government’s ExxonMobilGuyanaandthe hisnewsconferencesaidthat i n e n v i r o n m e n t a l andcheaperelectricity the Kaieteur Block with a failure to publish coherent other contractors. Similarly, the government is awaiting conservation. The country Jagdeo noted that the 35% stake, and Hess, and convincing financial anyloanfromEximbankwill the company to provide 16 boasts one of the highest Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) holdinga20%stake,have analysis to support the have to be paid back from pieces of information ratesofforestcoverglobally, generating sets, currently in (Continued on page 38)

From page 37 jurisdictions, and that 2021 was passed to increase

SA’s recently expressed to the Guyana likely lost revenue the benefits of Guyanese previous relocation of its government, their intent to due to the avoidance of an from the burgeoning European headquarters to divest their interests in this open, competitive bidding petroleum sector, but with Moscow offshore oil asset. The move process. foreigners being paid

T&T Local Content Strategist, Anthony Paul

Conoco’s lawyers told would leave Ratio Guyana Still with Exxon salaries significantly greater the court they had identified Limited and Cataleya Meanwhile, Jagdeo also than those being paid to the specific PDVSA assets Energy Limited as the toldthenewsconferencethat locals, Attorney-at-Law, theyweretargeting. principal stakeholders. But it was brought to his ChristopherRampointedout

Judge Seepersad said the the Government of Guyana attentionbyareporterthathe that companies may be order was made against has emphasised the may have not been clear cheatingtheprovisions.

PDVSA and its companies importance of due diligence when addressing the issue of Ram was a panelist on and not the state of andadherencetothelaw the Canje Block and its the Oil and Gas Governance Venezuelawhichwasnotthe The Ministry of Natural currentstatus. Network’s (OGGN’s) ‘Oil subject of ConocoPhillips’ Resources, in a statement, He clarified that the Talk’ programme, aired on legalmove. underlined that while it block has not been Kaieteur Radio (99.1/ 99.5

ConocoPhillips declined acknowledges the decisions repossessed by the FM) on Thursday evening. tocomment. by the oil giants, any process government but rather there The show, hosted by OGGN

PDVSA could not concerningatransitioninthe have been relinquishments. member, Charles Sugrim, immediately be reached for ownership of the Kaieteur “Well first 20 %, 25% and also featured Local Content comment and Trinidad’s Block must be in alignment then they had the force Specialist from Trinidad and state-owned National Gas with the recently enacted majeure. So soon in fact that Tobago (T&T) Anthony Company, which is a Petroleum Activities Act should have been done by Paul. member of the Trinidad2023. now and then by 2026, I Inexplainingthepurpose Venezuela gas project, was

This legislation, along think the Canje Block that of Local Content, Ram must employ 90% locals but somewhere around US$314 not immediately available with its regulations and the will be back with the explained, “It’s really if the 90% only get 10% of million of 54% of the 2024 forcomment. Kaieteur Petroleum government should there be (about) how much of the the revenue, it means the projected estimate, when According to the Reuters Agreementanditsassociated no progress on announcing a expenditure out of oil 10% expats get 90% of the compared to mid-year of report, the court-approved prospecting license, sets the development,” he explained. revenue or how much of the revenue That’s what we 2023, we are seeing growth receiver will control any parameters for such The Canje Block was oil revenue accrues to havegottofix.” in some areas such as compensation payable to transitions The recent awarded by the Donald Guyanese, human and Meanwhile, Paul pointed engineering machine PDVSA for relinquishing a PetroleumActivitiesAct has Ramotar administration on material resources. In other to the importance of an services by 238%, we have right to the joint Dragon Gas modernisedGuyana’soiland March 4, 2015, days before words, do we really share in ‘Equal Opportunity’ s e e n g r o w t h i n Field project, and any gas regulatory framework. that year’s General and thepie?” legislation. accommodation services by infrastructure it owns, court This is the second such RegionalElections,toalocal The Lawyer pointed out He explained this would 39%,wehaveseengrowthin documentsshowed. transferofinterestsunderthe company, Mid-Atlantic Oil that Guyana’s legislation ensure that if two people are equipment rental by 48.5% PDVSA has seven days new framework, after and Gas. The company then made provision for local creatingthesamevalue,they andcateringby18.8%.” after being served with the Tullow’s exit from the s o l d t h e b l o c k t o content since 1986. Be that would be compensated Trinidad court’s latest Orinduik Block The ExxonMobil. It has been as it may, Ram said equally Trinidadian judge decisiontotryandhaveitset Ministry noted that once a close to five years since the governments, past and The Local Content approves seizure of aside. formal application for the PPP/C Government has present, seem ignorant of Strategist noted, “The Venezuela’s gas ConocoPhillips secured exit is received, it will be failed to honour its promise this He argued that the expatriates get not only proceeds to clear debt a similar judgment in critically evaluated in to release the beneficial politicians, in addition to a higher salaries, but they get with US Oil Company Guyana According to accordance with the relevant owners of the oil blocks bad contract also allowed housing, they get schooling

o w i n g legislation and regulatory offshore which include but foreigners to penetrate the for their children, they get


Venezuela’s nationalisation tools. Notably, Ratio and are not limited to the localcontentprovisions. paid vacations, all of which company,ConocoPhillipson of the company’s assets, Cataleya had held the Kaieteur, Canje, Orinduik, Ram said, “If we really we pay for from cost FridaygotaTrinidadcourtto ConocoPhillips secured an KaieteurBlockbeforestakes K a n u k u , D e m e r a r a , had local content would we recovery so we pay them approve the seizing of arbitral award against the were farmed out to Exxon Corentyne, and Berbice have had the strain on more and we fret when they

h e Venezuelangovernment. andHess. concessions. The issue was f o r e i g n e x c h a n g e ? want to pay our own people Caribbean country to ConocoPhillipssoughtto The Kaieteur Block was first raised in November Petroleum is all an exchange more and there’s this thing Venezuela’s state oil enforce it in various awarded on April 28, 2015 2020 by Jagdeo, who holds earner and yet our country, they put around that if they company for a proposed countries,includingGuyana, by then President Donald an oversight responsibility we struggle so I think in a pay the locals more, it will offshore gas project between Trinidad, and Jamaica, Ramotar, just two weeks for the oil and gas industry practical way, we have a distortthelocaleconomy.” the two neighbors – Reuters wherePDVSAholdsassets. before the general elections Back then, he said that the challenge We’ve never He said thatTrinidad and reported. L a s t m o n t h , t h e thatyearbeforeitwassoldto government would seek to implementedlocalcontent.” Tobago is known for its long ConocoPhillips has for Government of Guyana ExxonMobil. It was done determine the beneficial T h e C h a r t e r e d history of oil production but years been seeking to (GoG) moved to set aside a based on the advice of owners of Guyana’s Accountant observed that thefactisthatonly3%ofthe recover money from ruling by High Court Judge former Minister of Natural resources, with first priority Guyana has not been paying labour force is citizens of the Petroleos de Venezuela Gino Persaud, which Resources, Robert Persaud, being given to the owners of attention to statistics country (PDVSA) for expropriating permittedtheenforcementof Ramotarhadsaid. the nation’s oil blocks regardinglocalcontent. ExxonMobil Guyana its assets. PDVSA had paid the arbitral award in The award of the oil Jagdeo had said that the He however pointed out Limited (EMGL), the Conoco about US$700 ConocoPhillips’ favour to block to the company was governmentintendstohavea that the wages earned by operator of the Stabroek million through a settlement claim funds owed to especially concerning since greater understanding of the Guyanese should be Block in its 2023 Annual agreement but ceased VenezuelaandPDVSA. the ultra-deep drilling is ownership structure of the compared to wages earned Report stated that over 6,200 paymentsinlate2019. T h e G u y a n a required for those blocks, a companies with the said byforeigners. Guyanese are employed in Con

w technique which only a licences while adding that Ram suggested that the the industry to support its a


rce account, holding about handful of companies in the this is important for disparityinwagescouldonly operations. arbitration rulings against US$32.01 million under the world have the technology, transparency and taxation beaddressedbychangingthe Meanwhile, the Ministry Venezuela and PDVSA, PetroCaribe agreement for track record, and capability purposes. 2016 Production Sharing of Natural Resources Local including a US$1.33 billion Venezuela, was targeted by toexecute. Agreement (PSA). He said, Content Secretariat in claim against PDVSA in ConocoPhillips. The red flags which have SATURDAY “We can only stop it if we August revealed that local Trinidad’shighcourt. However, Attorney manifested in both situations renegotiate the contract in companies earned a total of It was reported that General Anil Nandlall, S.C., include that the awards were Huge wage disparity terms of local content (and) US$314 million from the oil Judge Frank Seepersad said has appe

d Justice given to unqualified allowing foreign we deal not only with head andgassectorwithinthefirst his decision to appoint a Persaud’s ruling, requesting companies, that the initial companies to cheat count and quantity but we sixmonthsof2024. receiver was made as there theFullCourttooverturnthe owners quickly flipped the Local content deal with (the) sum of Martin Pertab, Director is a risk that PDVSA will decision entirely Nandlall is blocks without doing any provisions - Chris Ram money.” of the Secretariat noted, “As moveassetsfromTrinidad’s also seeking costs for both work, that they are He continued, “So you ofJune30,2024expenditure jurisdiction to avoid paying the Full Court and the lower incorporated in ‘secrecy’ TheLocalContentActof don’t just say well oh you among the related sector is ConocoPhillips, and courtproceedings.

The decline and...

Frompage35 the march of Democracy in the 1950's With the march of Democracy, the franchise was given to every citizen of twentyone years of age and they elected persons to serve as M&CC who were different from the past. Past M&CCs consisted of persons who were established in the learned professions and successful businessmen and who never receivedorrequiredanystipendfor their service and who were trained

in Management and financial controls and who employed persons with merit being the main criterion. ThenewM&CCsdidnot have managerial skills comparable to the Past and they were slack in financialcontrolsresultingintheft, embezzlement and failure to do regularauditsandthiswasmirrored in the recent story of Stabroek Market.

As we pointed out above, the M&CC's from the 1960's were elected by universal suffrage and were very different in background and education than the past. The first thing they did in the Market

wastoappointClerksandstaffwho werenotsuitedandthisisreflected inthenewspapersofthetimewhich wrote of the corruption of the Clerks,thenon-functionalcleaning staff who did not clean the Market including the toilets and who

accumulatedinvariouspartsofthe Market, especially at the back. Robberiesofstallsandofshoppers wereunknowninthepastsincethe Constabulary performed. The new styleClerksintheirdrivetocollect drawbacks and to increase the revenues, permitted new stalls in the passage ways thus narrowing

themandinanyotherspaces,asfor example,thefourfeetstorageareas behind the original stalls were seizedandgivenoutasstalls.

This accounts for the present congestion in the Market which makes it a fire hazard, prevents cleaning, obstructs ventilation and takes away from the comfort of shoppers.

The drains in the market are never cleaned and this combined with the congestion causes flooding and the floors in many partsoftheMarketarepermanently wet. TheMarketTowerandClock need to be repaired. The M&CC

concentrates on collecting revenues but spends no money in maintaining the structure and this hasresultedinleaksandpartsofthe roofcollapsingfromtimetotimeas recentlyoccurredinJunelast.

The Central Government has been willing to assist the Market and has rendered much help in the recent roof collapse. Though the Market could not recapture its glorious past, there is much room for its revival and its rightfully regaining its iconic status but such revivalcouldonlybeachievedwith properandexpertManagement.

Chapter 10: Marloptic Ear Plugs and X-10 Elucidator Monitors

DustyandPlod'ssuction cups receded back inside They looked at each other, thenatTarza.

“What did you find?! I demand you tell me right now!” Inquisitor Slah was spitting while she spoke She was eager to get the information to prove to her superiors and the Inquisitor community at large that she deservestheloudestofboots (the kind of volume that requires her assistants to wear Marloptic Ear Plugs, the small-planet ear plugs withgalacticprotection.

DustyandPlodchanged t h e i r f r e q u e n c i e s simultaneouslyandspoketo each other at decibel levels imperceivable with Byzong ears, and given the tiny, almost rudimentary nature of human ears compared to Byzongs, this mean that Jackson, too, had no idea whattheyweresaying.

Had they been able to, theByzongsandonehuman would have heard the followingexchange:

DUSTY: Did you view threememoriesfromTarza's mind?

PLOD: Yes, I viewed threememoriesfromTarza's mind.

DUSTY: Was the final memory previously unknowntoyou?

PLOD: Yes, the final memory was previously unknown to me Do you believeshechosetoshowus thosethreememories?

DUSTY Yes, I believe she chose to show us those

three memories, instead of the memories which included information of Not-President-Racha describing Earth's ocean defenses.

PLOD: Given that NotPresident-Racha is not President of Earth, I do not believe such memories exist. Why then did she say they did? Inquisitor Slah was losing her patience “Whatarethesetwodoing?? They'rejustsittingthere!”

But they continued, unknown to the rest of the room:DUSTY:Ibelieveshe wanted us to enter her memories and see all three scenes. PLOD: I believe youarecorrect.



Tarza looked over at Jackson and gave him a reassuringnod Heshotbacka lookofunmeasuredworry

PLOD:Ididnotrealizethat the Byzong Captain took us fromhercareforthesereasons.

DUSTY: I did not realize that the Byzong Captain took us from her care for these reasons either. and that the ByzongCaptainwasprepared todisassembleusandmeltus forparts Dusty'shigh-decibel voicefalteredatthislastword and he let out a beep audible onlytotheByzongintheroom with the largest ears, who happenedtobeanassistant But withsuchlittleinformationand acompletelackofcontextfor thenoise,thisassistantdidnot know what it meant or if anyone else had heard it, so therefore remained as silent

Keep Clean by Uncle

Sometimes I don't take the trouble To bathe and brush my hair, But then I always feel bad after, As no one wanted to come near

My parents always tell me to keep clean, But many times I do not obey, I hide and pretend I had a bath, And then dress and get away

I now suffer in many ways, Apart from many friends leaving me –My skin is always sore and smelly, And my hair rough and dirty

I have now decided to change my ways, To look after my teeth, hair and body, And always take the time and trouble To keep them clean and tidy

ashigh-pitchedROBvoices toByzongsandhumans.

PLOD:MayIspeakinan unfiltered, unregulated manner?DUSTY:Affirmative

PLOD: I have never much liked the way that Byzong's treatus,saveforTarza,who,as the memories confirmed, has alwaystreateduswithkindness andrespect DUSTY:Agreed Perhaps it is time for us to change our vocational setting andalliances

PLOD:Agreed IbelieveI have the most statistically l

successful exit, given the nature of Tarza and NotPresident-Racha's previous escapeplanandcapture.

Inquisitor Slah pressed down on a button of the controlpanel,readytoorder

complete her task, when Dusty and Plod began to move “Ah, finally Some action,” she said. “Are you goingtoinputthememories into the computer for us to view?Mightbenicetoshare it on the big screen actually…” The Inquisitor wasquitehappywithherself asshesmiledatanassistant. Her co

was bolstered, perhaps, in part because the largest monitor in the room was an X-10 Elucidator model, which gives Cineverse-Awardcaliber quality for a very affordableprice.

They wheeled over to the center of the room Dusty began spinning in a circle, slowly, then faster.“What what is this?” asked the Inquisitor Dusty began spinning at a breathtaking speed. His disco ball shined brighter than ever, in a mesmerizing, blurry m o t i o n “ T h e y ' r e malfunctioning!” said the assistant who had previouslynotspokenwhen hearing the errant beep of Dusty What they were unawareof,wasthesqueaklesswheelingofPlodoverto the counter which now housed the two confiscated WarpPorts.

As Dusty began to slow the Inquisitor shook her headindisbelief.

“I go the two oddest ROBs on this entire ship,” saidtheInquisitor

As Dusty came to a wobbly stop, Plod raced by and pushed him forward towardstheprisoners.

“What now? Going for morememories?Idemanda reportimmediately!”

Plod split apart to join Jackson's side and slid a Warp Port beneath them Dusty did the same with Tarza.Notleavingthingsup


DIY Fall Leaves Placemats

This week's craft is a cute DIY using brown fall leaves Create a wonderful placematwheninvitingyourfriendsoverfor acuteandcozymeal.ENJOY!

Tomaketheseplacemats,allyouneedis ClearLaminate,abunchofprettyfallleaves andapairofscissors.

Step1:Collectfallleavesandplacethem inthepagesofheavybookstopreservethem. Iliketolinemybookpageswithcopypaper sothepagesdon'tgetruined.Theleaveswill be ready to use after about a week. They shouldfeeldrytothetouch.

Step 2: Cut two 18" pieces of the clear laminate.Ithasagridprintedonthepaper,so thisstepissupereasy

Step 3: Remove the paper backing from

one piece of laminate. Place it stickysideuponyourworksurface,thenstart arranging leaves pretty side down onto the laminate.

Step 4: Once you are satisfied with your leaf design, remove the paper backing from the second sheet of laminate and carefully centeritovertheothersheetandpressthetwo together Smoothitoutandpressfirmly,then trimoffanyexcesspartsaroundtheedgesso thatnostickysurfaceremains.

Andthat'sit!Asuperquickandeasyfall craft, but really a lot of fun for the whole family My kids are already asking to go on another walk to collect more leaves. This timetheywanttomakeanentiretablerunner

Improveyourselfbymaking thebestuseofyourresources

Every human being is endowed with certain resources,andweallneedto take care to make the best use of these so as to get the mostfromourefforts.

Oneofthemostvaluable oftheseisthetimeweareall given in the same amount, but which some waste and so fall behind others in the thingsthatdomatter

Wethereforehavetomakea continuous effort to ensure that we do not waste our time and resources in unnecessary pursuits, and focus on what will work to fulfil the goals we have determinedforourlives.

Anotherwayinwhichwe can lose much of what we strive for is by allowing negative things to cloud up ourmindandasaresultour actions.

The answer is to keep a focus on what is good and

positive. Whatever you determine to do sincerely, your subconscious mind will keep working on it, even when you are not thinking about it, to bring about the result you want.

This means that if you start on some project and do not havetheconfidencethatyou will succeed, your subconscious will obey and not work as hard to get you toyourgoal.

Have a positive outlook,

move forward with confidence, and things will workout.

Tomakethemostofthese resources, we also need always to keep our environment clean and not

cluttered up with unnecessary things. It is a common thing to hear parents complaining about theirchildrenleavingthings inamess,whetheritistheir

clothes, school books and equipmentortoysandother thingstheyuse.

Leaving your things in a messy manner is not only bad for the time, but it also helpstoformabadhabitthat ishardtobreakoutof.

This can cause problems later at your work place, at home when you have your own and have a spouse and childrenofyourown,andin general life in your society

Keep your surroundings clean and your stuff tidy always and you will do the opposite – derive a good habit that will serve you well. Another bad habit thatishardtogetridof,and one that can hamper your progressinlife,istheuseof badlanguage–eitherwrong grammar and sloppy pronunciation, or worse, swearwords.

Practise using clean and

When you work to inculcate good habits into your psyche, these will always be there to keep you doing the right thing, even when you are not consciously thinking about it.


grammatical language and you will make a good impression to those with whomyouwillhavetodeal – either privately or professionally Striving to always us appropriate language in every situation willalsoenableyoutodoso in all your work at school andworkplacelaterinlife. Be a great teammate. Whetheryouareinteracting with others at home, at school or at a workplace, youshouldalwaysseethatit is important for you to realisethatyouarepartofa team. Make sure you do your part of the work at home, which includes keeping the place clean and ingoodorder,alongwithall the other things that are needed. In your class, you should cooperate with your teacher and classmates so that everyone gets the most out of the time spent there. Ifyouareworking,itwould be much appreciated by youremployerifyoucansee yourselfaspartofthewhole group, and work with all others to get the goods and services you deal with deliveredefficiently

Each digit from 1-9 occurs once within each row, column,3×3 block and major diagonal. There is only one solution.



Lookforlife'sgoldenrainbow, Hearwellfaith'sjoyfulsound.

Ineveryvalleythereblossomflowers Forgolden-voicedbirdswithmagicwings, Whilechildrenrunandplay


Eachmomentisborrowedtimeonearth, Soletusseekthegood; Withloveandpeace,inharmony, Letuseverseekbrotherhood.

Uncle Roy is again appealing to our readers to make a contributiontothiscolumnbyeithergivingafeedback on what is published, asking for some help with some personal problem, offering some advice to fellow teenagers, or sharing the news of what is happening in his/her community Please send your contribution to roypaul2002@yahoo.com

Make Homemade Lip Balm with Just Two Ingredients

Source:Brittni (Paper&stitch)

Make homemade lip balm in minutes, using just two ingredients.Yes,it'sreallythateasy!Makeyourownlipglosses withthissimpletutorial,intenminutesorless.

P.S.YoucanuseKool-Aidfortheflavoringandcolor,soyou know these glosses are going to taste delicious on your lips. Yum!


Kool-Aid powder packets (used the small 0.14 ounce packetsofcherry,lemonade,andtropicalpunchtogetthecolors youseeinthephotos)

Petroleumjellyorthisnon-petroleumjellyalternativefrom Amazon(whichworksjustaswell,thefinishedproductisjusta little bit softer FYI), small containers to hold lip balm, small microwavesafebowlandspoon


ThenumberofscoopsofpetroleumjellyandKool-Aidwill dependonhowmuchlipbalmyouwanttomake.

Agood rule of thumb would be a 1/2 Kool-Aid packet for every2heapingspoonfulsofpetroleumjelly

Thatwillmakeaverygoodamountofhomemadelipbalm.I madeadoublebatch,togiveyouanideaofhowmanyitmakes.


Step 1: Scoop petroleum jelly into a microwave safe bowl andmicrowave.

Start by adding petroleum jelly to a small microwave safe bowl.

Then microwave on high for 30-45 second intervals until melted,stirringinbetween.


Forme,ittookfive45secondintervalstogettheclumpsout completelyandlookinglikewhatyouseeinthephoto.


Next,addKool-Aidpowdertothemeltedjellyslowlywhile stirring,untilyoureachthedesiredcolor



Then I added the lemonade flavor to get it lighter for the reallysoftpinkshadesyousee.

The darkest almost purple / mauve color was using cherry andalittlebitoftropicalpunchtogether


Once the Kool-Aid is completely mixed with the melted jelly,scoopitintoscrewtoppotsandletthemreturntoasolid stateovernight.

Itdoesn'tactuallytakethatlong,that'sjusthowlongIended upwaiting.Theyshouldbeprettysolidafteranhourortwo,if you'reinahurry

Whenthey'rereadytouse,tossoneinyourdrawstringbag, keepafewinyourbathroomtoincorporateintoyourmorning beautyroutine,orthrowitonbeforeyouheadoutforthenight.


Frompage40 tochance,ormoreaccurately,theexecutionabilitiesof Jackson,PlodandDustyloweredtheirhandsandpressed downontheWarpPorts.

BythetimeInquisitorSlahandherassistantsunderstood whatwashappeningitwastoolate.2.35secondstoolatetobe exact.Beforeshecoulduttertheword“Stop”orraiseand lowerherbootthe1.2feetitwouldtaketodeliveraBOOM loudenoughtoincapacitate,Jackson,Plod,Tarza,andDusty wereenvelopedbytwosilverpods,anddisappearedwitha greenflash.

Fourteen years of consistency at the same school is led to academic success

- Camille's Academy 2024 Valedictorian

The path to success is often fraught with challenges To achieve greatness, one has to be determined and steadfast in accomplishing their goals. This is perspective of 16year-old, Ricardo Bhagwandin.

The teenager of Soesdyke, East Bank

participation in the 'YESS B u s i n e s s B a s i c s ' programme, a partnership betweenCamille'sAcademy and Action Coach Guyana, further reinforced his a s p i r a t i o n s T h i s foundational experience shapedhisambitions.

However, Bhagwandin explained that the journey

Demerara, overcame his challenges and emerged as the 2024 valedictorian of Camille's Academy Inc (CAI) The feat is a remarkable achievement born from dedication and resilience.

The eldest of two children,withateacherfora mother and a self-employed father, Bhagwandin's educational journey has been anything but easy His story began at Camille's Academy, where he has spent 14 years nurturing his education from Pre-K throughGrade11.

"Fourteen years of consistency at the same school should tell a story of itsown,"hereflects.

After achieving an impressive475marksinthe

National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA), he was offered a spot at Diamond Secondary However, his heart was set on remaining at Camille's Academy, where his roots and foundation was firmly established.

At just 12 years old, Bhagwandin embraced a proactive approach to his future by creating a vision board to set his goals. His

physical and mental fatigue. He even suffered a wrist fracture, with the cast coming off just a week beforehisfirstexam.Yet,he remained focused on his goal: achieving top grades. Withastrongsupportsystem at his side, Bhagwandin stated,“Icontendedwiththe fact that I have people who

believedinmesoIneededto believeinmyself.”

Though he never specifically aimed for the valedictorian title, Bhagwandin'sphilosophyof giving his all paid off—he achieved outstanding results: 10 Grade Ones, 3 Grade Twos and 1 Grade (Continuedpage49)

was not without its hurdles.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit during his second term in Grade 7, the top student and his classmates had to adapt to onlinelearning."Itwashard; many times, I struggled to keep up, especially with internet challenges," he recalls. While many learned from home, he utilized the school's internet facilities, with his mother ensuring he made it to school each day beforesheheadedtowork.

As he entered his fourth year of high school, he decidedtochallengehimself bytaking15subjectsforthe Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC).

Ultimately,hedecidedto sitfor14subjects."Mymom reminded me that it was supposed to be 13 subjects, so we dropped one," he shares."ButItoldher,Iwas doing 14 and working towards getting all Grade Ones,"heshared. The workload was intense. The teen balanced late nights, completing School-Based Assessments (SBAs), and attending extra lessons from Sunday to Sunday, all while managing

The 2024 Valedictorian of Camille's Academy, Ricardo Bhagwandin copped 14 CSEC subjects
( From Left) Francine Mohar on copping CAI- CSEC Teacher of theYear, Valedictorian Ricardo Bhagwandin, along with his mom Polly Ragnauth and CEO of CAI, Miss Camille Deokie

Reel Guyana debuts new documentary

- “Releasing the Giants: Saving Guyana's Endangered Arapaimas”

(At right) FilmmakerAlexArjoon and a native of Apoteri pose during one of the rescue mission

The highly anticipated documentary "Releasing the Giants: Saving Guyana's Endangered Arapaimas" has officially released, shedding light on the plight of one of Guyana's largest fish species. Produced by the local company Reel Guyana, the documentary aims to raise awareness about Arapaimas and tellauthenticGuyanesestories.

Filmmakers Alexander and Victoria Arjoon collaborated closely with the Apoteri Village Rescue Team in Region Nine, which is made up of dedicated community members, to create this vital environmental film, which was released on September 22lastacrossallofReelGuyana's platforms.

The documentary takes viewers on journey to Apoteri Village,Region9,whichwasonce amajortouristattractionforthose whowantedtogetaglimpseofthe majestic Arapaimas. The giant fish are now facing endangerment due to severe drought conditions that have caused local ponds to dry up. In response,thecommunityhascome

together to relocate the majestic creaturestolargerbodiesofwater fortheirsurvivalandconservation.

Producer, Alexander Arjoon expressed immense relief at the documentary's release, stating, “I amjustsohappytogetitoutthere, the support has been good, we are sothankfulfortherescueteam.All ofthatissucharelief.”

The Arapaima fishes were becoming stranded in dwindling ponds,unabletoreturntotheriver, which left them vulnerable to predation and dehydration

Understanding the significance of these fish to their sport fishing culture, the community formed a rescue team to protect this essential natural resource Knowing such information, the production team saw it as a fascinating story to cover Alexander emphasized this stating, “This is what a real Guyana story is, it is something that is definitely up our ally and just had to go out there and cover it.”

The documentary not only focusesontherescueofArapaimas

but also highlights the community's knowledge and

involvement, showcasing the impactonvillagelife.Community members Campbell James and Nigel John feature prominently, sharing their insights throughout thefilm.

FilmingbeganinearlyMarch, with the Reel Guyana team spending a week immersed in Apoteri. After months of editing, thedocumentaryisnowcomplete. Alexanderdescribedtheprocessas both challenging and rewarding, saying, “The film making process was pretty intense, but having the Apoteri Rescue team around was very helpful but it was difficult to constantlykeepmovingandIwas tryingtocoverasmuchasIcould.”

Alexanderexplainedthefocus of the documentary stating, “The main goal of this documentary is thatthecommunityofApoterigets the continuous support… These are the guardians of our natural resources and we want to bring awareness and attention to the things they are doing and support themandgetmorepeopleinvolve in both the public and private sector Peopleneedtoseethestory and understand exactly what it is they are doing and the

documentary highlights the lengths and quota to do these things and once people see that they would be more inclined to support.”

The main goal of the documentary is to ensure ongoing support for the Apoteri community Alexander stated, “These individuals are the guardiansofournaturalresources, andwewanttobringawarenessto their efforts. By showcasing their work, we hope to encourage involvement from both the public andprivatesectors.”

Having been part of the

production company for seven years, Alexander views storytelling as his way of contributing to Guyana and enhancing the arts industry “I wanttocreateameaningfullegacy for Guyana and involve locals. That's why I founded Reel Guyana, focusing primarily on environmental film production,” heexplained.

The documentary is supported by sponsors ExxonMobil and SBM Offshore, with funding directed toward community initiativesforanimalconservation anddevelopment.

An aerial view of the rescue mission of anArapaima

CEO of American Oil Company rushed off stage during climate event as protest erupts

The Chief Executive Of icer (CEO) of American oil company, Occidental Petroleum, Vicki Hollub,wasrushedof thestageas shemadeherwaytoaninterviewat the New York Times’ Climate Forwardevent.

Inside Climate News, an independent organization in a report of the incident said an audience member leapt up into her path, insisting that the company wasdestroyingtheenvironment.

“Youarenotwelcomehere,”he said.“TrickyVicki,youcan’thide, wechargeyouwithecocide.”

A dozen other demonstrators joined the action and took to the stagewithchantsandabannerthat read “DON’T TRUST TRICKY VICKI,” and two others that read “LIAR”and“SNAKEOIL.”

Some Climate Forward attendees began clapping for the protesters,whileotherswatchedin silenceorpulledouttheirphonesto record it. There was little audible criticism of the action from the audience, although some attendees v o i c e d a n n o y a n c e o r disappointment at not seeing Hollub speak as they exited and others said they had expected a protest.

Theeventorganizerspausedthe proceedings and cleared guests from the auditorium as New York

PoliceDepartmentoficersarrived, warned the protesters that they were trespassing and prepared to arrestthegroup.Tenactivistswere takenintopolicecustody Timesstafbroughtguestsback into the auditorium about 10 minutes after the demonstrators had been removed, but after five minutes, they asked everyone to

Agroup of activists with Climate Defiance take the stage during the NewYork Times’ Climate Forward event on Wednesday

Credit: Ken Schles/Climate Defiance

leave again, announcing that the rest of the programme, including Hollub’s interview, would be presentedonlineonly TheClimate Forward interview with Michael Regan, administrator of the Environmental ProtectionAgency, wascanceledduetothedelay

“Climate criminals should not be allowed in polite society,” said

Climate Defiance’s Michael Greenberg after the event. “It is outrageous that the New York Times is hosting a fossil fuel CEO atasupposedclimateevent.”

“The New York Times Climate Forward is a live journalism event designed to bring together influentialnewsmakersforrigorous and challenging interviews around

climatechangeandpoliticalpolicy,” wrote a Times spokesperson in an emailedstatement “Thisafternoon, a small group briefly disrupted an on-stage session at Climate Forward. The last interview was streamed live, and a recording will be available on our website and eventsYouTubepage” In the recorded interview, Hollubrespondedtotheprotest.

“Here at Occidental, we are workingforsolutionstotheclimate change situation that our world faces,” she said. “It’s the greatest crisisthatourworldhaseverfaced and we have to come together to workonsolutionsforthatandso,to me, to have those that are seeking headlines rather than solutions interruptdiscussionsthatneedtobe hadisasaddayforthem,andIfeel badthattheyhavenothingbetterto dowiththeirtime.”

A handful of scattered demonstrations disrupted other eventsatClimateWeekNYC,which brings government, business and NGOleaders,alongwiththousands of others working in climate and related fields, to the city for 600 environmentaleventsandactivities For activist groups like Climate Defiance, which specialize in disruptiveactionaimedatpowerful individuals,theweekprovides Continued on page 50

Ina Maimu Yetatokon places focus on climate change and its impact on Indigenous land tenure

The Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) hosted this year’s edition of Ina Maimu Yetatokon at the Marriott Hotel in Kingston, Georgetown on September13,2024.

Ina Maimu Yetatokon, a Patamona phrase meaning “Listen toOurVoices,”isthetitleofAPA’s signature panel forum that promotes Indigenous culture and traditional knowledge while addressing issues affecting Indigenouscommunities.

This year’s event focused on Climate Change and its impact on

Scenes from Ina Maimu Yetatokon 2024

Indigenous land tenure in Guyana. The panel featured Indigenous people with firsthand experience and knowledge on various topics relevanttotheirrealities.

Theforumopenedwithaprayer in Akawaio by APA Women’s Representative Toshao Alma Marshall, followed by remarks from APA President Mr Lemmel Benson. There was also a spoken word performance and a song by Ms Daniela Araujo and APA staff Mr.GrahamAtkinsonandMsDon Stoll,respectively Toshao Romario Hastings of

KakoVillagekickedofftheformal discussion with his perspective on Indigenous culture and its connection to land. Ms Jacinta Realine from Aishalton Village in the South Rupununi followed, sharing the Wapichan people’s unique approach to fire management and environmental practices.

Mr Kemal Robinson, APA’s Youth representative from Kato, offered his perspective on the impact of Climate Change on Indigenous Peoples in the North Pakaraimas While Mr Kyle

Joseph, also from the Rupununi region, discussed the impact of ProtectedZonesonIndigenouslife.

To close, APA’s Executive Director, Ms Jean La Rose, providedinsightfulcommentaryon Indigenous peoples’ right to organize and participate in decision-makingprocesses.

The presentations were wellreceived, prompting questions from physical and virtual audiences.

APA’s Mr Graham Atkinson and Ms. Faye Stewart skillfully moderated the discussion In

keeping with the overarching objective, Ina Maimu Yetatokon created a unique space for open conv

ng Indigenous people to share their experiencesfirsthand.

Outside of the discussion, the APA event featured a mini exhibition hosted by incredible Indigenous creatives and entrepreneurs, including The Nine Nations, Abrams Authentic Products, Rupununi Adventures Craft Shop, and Ashine Authentic Products, showcasing their talents andcontributions.

Govt. looking for firms to operate and maintain portions of Gas-to-Energy project

The Government of Guyana (GoG), through the OfficeofthePrimeMinister onSaturdayissuedaRequest For Proposals (RFP) for firms to Operate and Maintain(O&M)portionsof Phase One of the Gas-toEnergy(GTE)project.

The O&M contract relatesspecificallytothe300 megawatt(MW)powerplant

Chinese firms dominate bid to set up Linden solar project

Four of the nine bidders whobidtosetuptheLinden solarpowerprojectarefrom China,whiletheotherfirms are from Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago (T&T), the USA andPuertoRico.

The contract which is being executed through the Guyana Power and Light ( G P L ) i s f o r t h e 'Engineering, Procurement, and Construction of Three (3) Utility Scale GroundMounted Solar PV Plants (total15MWp)withBattery Energy Storage Systems (total 22MWh) Lot 2 (Linden)'.In response to the tender, nine bidders have submitted bids to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board(NPTAB)office.

A c c o r d i n g t o information released from the NPTAB office, the bidders are as follows: SOEnergy International who bid US$80,069,197 (USA); TOSL Engineering

L t d w h o b i d

US$22,833,696.67 (T&T); CH4 Systems who bid US$57,828,234.87 (Puerto Rico); Standby Power Engineering Company (SPECOM) who bid US$22,581,765 (Guyana); 2020 FMCG Inc. who bid US$23,497,479 (Guyana);

Zhejiang Zhongnan ConstructionGroupCo.Ltd who bid US$23,500,563.97 (China); Instec-Sinosoar

Consortium who bid




Jiangxi Electric Power Engineering Ltd who bid US$26,970,288.85 (China); and SUMEC Complete Equipment & Engineering Co Ltd & XJ Group Corporation (joint venture of SUMEC XJ Group) who bidUS$22,588,888(China). In its tender document, GPL stated that the Government of Guyana has earned financing under the Guyana – Norway Partnership and intends to applypartoftheproceedsof this financing for this contract. Kaieteur News had

and related auxillary facilitieswhichareexpected to be commissioned in the secondhalfof2025.

It was explained that the contract will not extend to O&M of the Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) fractionation plant to extract liquids (C3, C4, CS+), as this will be

reported in June 2022, that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), through the GuyanaNorway arrangement, has approved up to US$83.3 million to be used to construct solar plants to supply 34 megawatts of power to Essequibo, BerbiceandLinden.

In a press statement at thetime,theIDBnotedthat the non-reimbursable investment will help Guyana promote its energy matrix diversification to avoiddeforestationandface climatechange.

The projects will be executed by the Guyana Utility Scale Solar Photovoltaic Programme (GUYSOL). GUYSOL will invest in eight utility-scales photovoltaic solar projects totaling 33 megawatts peak (MWp),withassociated34megawatt hour (MWh) energy storage systems that will be distributed across threeareasinthecountry

The eight projects will bedoneateightsites:twoin RegionTwo,threeinRegion 10, one in Region Five and two in Region Six. It was stated that 10MWp will be invested for the Berbice area, an 8MWp plant in the Essequibo system with a minimum of 12MWh batterystorageand15MWp plant connected to the Linden system, with a minimum of 22MWh battery storage.Notably, the programme will also supportastep-changetothe digitalization of Essequibo and Linden electrical systems – which will move them from manual systems towards real-time, automated monitoring and control – improving efficiency, reliability, and stability

The IDB also revealed that the projects will contribute to avoiding CO2 emissions, lowering electricity cost generation, andsupportingasubstantial transition to generation based on renewable energy sources.

Likewise,thepipelinebeing constructed by ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) to transportthegastotheWales Development Zone is not included.

Maintenance of the Power Plant and Balance of Plant (BOP) is based on: (i) a combined-cyclepowerplant consisting of four (4) SiemensEnergygasturbines and two (2) waste Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs)

generating 300 MW of power which will be sold to Guyana Power and Light (GPL), the n

l electricity company via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA); (ii) Balance of Plant (BOP) including deaerators, coolingwatersystem,boiler feedwaterpumpsandentire BOP related to the Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) plant andPowerPlant.”

The power plant and balance of plant are located on a 100-acre integrated plant site located within the Wales Industrial Zone approximately25kilometers (km)inlandontheWestbank oftheDemeraraRiver

Notably, the O&M contractor will be subject to arigorousscreeningprocess, though government has reserved the right to “select any Party for any specific element of the RFP and to

annultheprocessatanytime without further direction, without thereby incurring anyliabilitiestotheaffected interestedparties.”

Bidders will be required toshowO&Mexperienceof at least five combined cycle powerplants,comparableto that being constructed in Guyana.

Firms must also have a strong Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) culture anddemonstratecapabilities in workforce training, particularly focusing on local content, use of advanced technology for efficient operations and safety monitoring and the financialcapacitytomanage large-scaleoperations.

Onlyfirmsandconsortia withexperienceinoperation and maintenance of comparablefacilitieswillbe ranked These will be

required to list the relevant experience and reference projects, past and current, with similar operations over thelast15years.

Inprovingtheirfinancial strength, audited financial statements or other forms of evidencemustbesubmitted, along with a template of contract from an ongoing or similarO&Mproject.

Meanwhile, government has also required that fee structures for comparable projects, costs for the power plant and BOPand template of projected O&M costs in dollar-value and on a unit cost per kilowatt hour (kWh).

The RFP will close on October15,2024.

Additional details on the RFP can be obtained from the Permanent Secretary of the Office of the Prime Minister

Five men wanted for abduction

Five persons are wanted inrelationtotheabductionof JoshuaDavid,alsoknownas 'Bricks' on September 27, 2024 at Main Street, Georgetown.

TheGuyanaPoliceForce (GPF) on Friday issued wanted bulletins for Aaron Allyenealsoknownas'Cats', AlphaPoole,WayneBarker, Dwayne Griffith, and Osafo Peters also known as 'Saddest' Police reported that Allyene's last known address is West Ruimveldt, Poole at Lot 127 D'Aguiar Park, Barker at Lot 'G' Norton Street, Lodge, Griffith at Lot 68 William Street, Kitty, and Peters at W


ws understands that the wanted men are connected to the drive-byshootingthatkilled 39-year-old Lawrence Wayne,knownas'BoyBoy,' and 40-year-old Anthony Havercome on D'Urban Street, Georgetown, on August24,2024.

Thispublicationreported that 25-year-old Travis Ceres,avendorfromEastLa Penitence, 38-year-old Teon AllenofSophia,31-year-old Stanley Matthews, a labourer of Sophia, 33-yearold Destra Authur, another vendorandaresidentofEast La Penitence and Lloyd

Roberts, a miner of Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD) were all hospitalized withgunshotwounds.

Ceres sustained a gunshot wound to his lower abdomen, while Allen, who isnostrangertothelaw,was shot in his shoulder.

Matthews received two gunshot wounds, one to the left hand and another in the left thigh Additionally, Authur was shot in the left

legwhileWaynewasshotin hisrightthighandhand.

Detectives learned that the victims might have been attending an “All Black Party” at V's Flavour Delight, located at 23 D'Urban Street, Lodge. At around 05:00hrs on Saturday, police closed off the party but some persons continued to consume alcohol in front of the location The host of the

event, KeonAaron said that he was checking off his bar when he heard several gunshots. While finding out where it came from, he reportedly saw a black car speeding in the western direction from the location. He then saw several bloodied individuals being placedinvehiclesandbeing rushed away to the city hospital.

Ranks subsequently made checks at the GPHC where they learned that several persons were shot andoneofthemkilledduring a shooting at the location. The police subsequently located the car believed to have been used in the shooting It was found parked on the eastern carriageway of Manatee Place, South Ruimveldt, Georgetown. “The vehicle was processed and photographed by the CID team,andeleven9mmspent shells, along with one .223 spentshell,werefoundinthe front and back seats of the car,” police said while adding that “two suspected bulletholeswereseeninthe lower right back passenger door,andwhatappearstobe a graze from a bullet to the left side back just above the gastank.”Policewereableto contact the owner of the vehicle, 33-year-old Coleen

B u r r o w e s , a businesswoman She told investigatorsthatthecarwas stolen from her around 04:00hrsonSaturdaybytwo men on a XR-Honda motorcycle at Victor and D ' U r b a n S t r e e t s , Georgetown The woman claimed that she was in the companyofhercousininthe car and had stopped the vehicletheretourinatewhen the men rode up to her

Burrowes related that the pillion rider dismounted the motorcycle, and pointed a gun at her while demanding that she give them the car. Fearful for her life, she, along with the other occupants of the car exited the car, and the armed man entered and drove it away while his accomplice followed behind on the motorcycle. A report was made to the East La PenitencePoliceStation. Nevertheless, the three men who are wanted in relation to the murder of WayneandHavercomewere identified as, 18-year-old Omalie Vieira, whose last known address is at Lot 47 P r i n c e s s , L o d g e Georgetown, 31-year-old Keron Hinds, whose last knownaddressesareatLot4 Smyth Street, Werk-en-Rust Georgetown and 134 E 59th Street,Brooklyn,NewYork, and 30-year-old Dominique Darrel Osborne, whose last known addresses are Lot 44 Princess Street, Lodge, Georgetown and 196 E 51st Street,Brooklyn,NewYork. Policeareaskingpersons who have seen or have information about the whereabouts of the trio to makecontactwiththepolice on telephone numbers 2271149, 225-8196, 227-1611, 226-3405, 225-6978, 2258196 or the nearest police station Meanwhile, Hinds and Osborne recently alleged that they are being framed by members of the GuyanaPoliceForce(GPF), whoareallegedlybeingpaid bydrugdealerstogetthem.

T o r e a d m o r e ; https://wwwkaieteurnewso nline com/2024/09/17/menwanted-for-durban-st-driveby-killings-claim-they-arebeing-framed-by-police/.

2 suspects in Leonora double...


Roopram received several stab wounds to his body while Nasir was stabbed once in his upper abdomen. Amsterdam received one stab wound in his upper abdomen, while Thorman made good his escape from the scene in an unknown direction. Nasir and Roopram were taken to the LeonoraCottageHospitalbyranksoftheAnti-CrimePatrol, wheretheywereexaminedbyadoctorandpronounceddead onarrival.AmsterdamwasalsotakentotheLeonoraCottage Hospital, where he was examined by a doctor and later transferred to the West Demerara Regional Hospital, where heisapatientunderpoliceguard. Hisconditionislistedas critical.Policesaidthatthescenewasprocessedandablackhandle'Rambo'knifewasrecovered.

Wayne Barker
Alpha Poole
Osafo Peters also known 'Saddest’ AaronAllyene also known as 'Cats'
Dwayne Griffith


Drivers to drive Canter, and Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373. Experience is an asset.

Experienced Sales girls & Porter boys wanted. Attractive pay and great working hours. Apply now! Call: 6941170.

Jet men, Marack men, Sailors and Excavator Operators to work interior- Puruni Area. Call: 223-5273 / 647-5470.

Managers to work at Gaulin Supermarket in Charity Essequibo. Accommodation is provided. Call: 223-5273 / 647-5470.

Waitress & Managers to work at Xenon Hotel in Charity Essequibo. Accommodation is provided. Call:2235273 /647-5470.

Domestic needed. Contact: 223-5273 /647-5470.

Experienced canter Driver / Salesman to drive water delivery canter. Must be living between Vreen-en-Hoop, Parika. Call: 662-9341.

Experienced Land dredge workers, Experienced Excavator Operator for dredge & Cook for interior. Call: 2272385.

Female Care giver for elderly couple in Georgetown. Call: 650-5496.

Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, age 23-50, Car/ Van licence. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

One Clerk for TSI Eccles office. English & Mathematics, grade 1 or 2. Email: techserigy@ yahoo.com or Call: 615-9132.

Maid to clean for East Bank area. Call: 615-9132.

Female cleaner for office. Call 645-8443.

Male cleaner for Eccles. Call: 615-9132 or 645-8443.

Experienced canter Driver / Salesman to drive water delivery canter. Must be living between Vreen-en-Hoop, Parika. Call: 662-9341.

One Handyman needed. Call: 612-2125.

General Domestic, must know to cook, clean , press ect. 3 days, $6000, 8-4 at Keyfood, Mcdoom village next to the post office.

Males needed to work in the Interior, ages 18 years and older. Call: 674-9999.

Females needed to work in supermarket in the Interior, ages 18 years and older. Call: 686-2201.


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, spoiler, crash, low mileage PUTT Series (first owner). Call: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.



Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

Visa Application:U.S.A, Canada & UK:Graphics design, advertisements, wedding arch rentals.Tel:6267040.

Fourteen years of consistency...

From page 43 Three. “If I give it my all and stay dedicated, then success will follow,” he stated, humbly.

Bhagwandin expressed heartfelt gratitude to those who supported him along the way. “I owe my academic success to God, my family, my teachers, my friends, and most importantly, my parents as they were relentless in their support of my academics while providing for all my needs,” the young successor confessed.

In addition to his academic pursuits, the 2024 valedictorian showcased his talents in robotics, contributing to his school’s success in the Volunteer Youth Corps Inc. (VYC) Robotics competition for two consecutive years. With a clear vision for

the future, he is now pursuing an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Guyana, where he hopes to graduate within the next five years.

Bhagwandin’s advice to others is simple yet profound: “Always stay focused and work hard. If things don’t go your way, instead of giving up, just keep working, and eventually, things will align.” He firmly believes that “success demands hard work, and a dream will always remain a dream if we don’t set goals and take action to achieve them.” As Ricardo Bhagwandin steps into the next chapter of his life, he stands as a beacon of inspiration for his peers, proving that with determination, dedication, and support, anything is possible.

CEO of American Oil Company rushed off stage...

From page 45 myriad potential targets.

Inside Climate News reported that Occidental Petroleum, known as Oxy, garnered headlines in 2020 when it outlined its “Pathway to Net Zero” strategy. To reach net zero emissions of greenhouse gases, the company projected it would rely heavily on carbon capture projects that use costly and largely unproven technologies many climate

activists have said are slowing the implementation of renewable energy. The company also stated it would be “expanding low-carbon fuel products” to meet its goals.

This year, a report from Carbon Market Watch, a nonprofit tracking corporate and government carbon policies, called these plans “vague and not aligned with the recommendations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.”

Live-in Domestic needed. Attractive salary offered. Call: 660-9093. Experienced Welder / Fabricator & Mechanic wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Experienced Male cooks wanted for Mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Experienced operators (ADT , Bulldozer, excavator) wanted for mining operation. Call: 688-6575.

Wanted! Workers for packaging pasta and chowmein. $4100-$4900 per day. Workers paid weekly. Call: 6117839 (GTT)/ 637-0983 (digi).


Spacious 900 sqft 1 bed/1 bath. Safe and quiet neighborhood, Subryanville. Call: 624-2619.

One bottom place to rent 29 Public Road, Ruimzeight, West Bank Demerara. Contact : 684-9752.

Vacancy for the night Handyman and a Domestic/ Maid. Call: 638-6816.

Vacancy exists for one Nanny, age 40 years or older. Please Call: 612-0149.

Vacancy exists for one general Domestic 40 years or older. Call: 612-0149.

Female Cleaner for an office in Eccles. Call 615-9132/ 6458443.

Vacancy exist for Washer and Cook, must be living between Mahaica/ Mahaicony. Contact: 615-9112, husainsaphier @yahoo.com


Two unfurnished, 2 bedrooms for rental in Stanleytown West Bank Demerara. Call: 0011-973651-7160 / 627-5497 via WhatsApp.


Mining equipment, Maroc nozzles starting from $3,500 & chinese engine bed starting from $21,000. Call: 6981267/657-9121.

LFS at Soesdyke. Call: 7000797.

North East La-penitence, close to Mandela Ave. Better hope E.C.D & Friendship E.B.D. Contact: Ray Realty 627-9685.


Surbryanville, La-penitence, Queenstown & Durban street. Contact: Ray Realty 627-9685.

Household items for sale by person leaving the country. Call:
One apartment for rent at Mon Repos E.C.D, Market street. Call: 614-0005/ 6024105.

Israel kills Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in air strike on Beirut

Aljazeera - Hezbollah’s

Hezbollah confirms Nasrallah’s death as Israel says it hit the group’s leaders at their headquarters in south Beirut

Dahiyeh, seeking shelter in leader Hassan Nasrallah has downtown Beirut and other been killed in an air attack partsofthecityfollowingthe onLebanon’scapitalBeirut, waves of Israeli attacks that according to Israel’s killedNasrallah. military and the Lebanese Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr “There is no other leader Hezbollah’s “strong have been killed in Lebanon Dekker said that how group, in what is a from Beirut. “No doubt this of the same charisma – not structure”, and urging since the conflict escalated Iran and Hezbollah move significant blow to will be a major setback for the leadership but the Muslimsaroundtheworldto on Monday, according to forward will pose major Hezbollah as it reelsfroman theorganisation.” charisma – that Nasrallah stand with Hezbollah in Lebanon’sHealthMinistry questionsfortheregion. escalating campaign of Nasrallah’s regional enjoyed in Lebanon and confrontingIsrael. The United Nations says “What is Iran going to Israeliattacks. influence was on display throughout the Middle East “ L e t t h


se do?IsIrangoingtorespond? “Hassan Nasrallah is over nearly a year of conflict among those who supported criminals know that they are displaced by the conflict How will Hezbollah dead,” Israeli military ignited by the Gaza war, as theresistance.” far too insignificant to cause from southern Lebanon has regroup?”Dekkersaid. spokesman Lieutenant Hezbollah entered the fray Dekker said Nasrallah’s any major damage to the more than doubled, with Meanwhile, TehranColonel Nadav Shoshani by firing on Israel from deathalsomeansthelossofa strongstructureofHezbollah more than 211,000 people based journalist Tohid Asadi announcedonXonSaturday southern Lebanon in support “major asset in the region” in Lebanon,” said Khamenei nowdisplaced. toldAlJazeerathatnobodyis

A l i K a r k i , t h e ofitsPalestinianallyHamas. for Iran, where protesters inreferencetoIsrael. At least 20 primary expecting Khamenei to commander of Hezbollah’s WhileconflictwithIsrael havetakentothestreets. “By the grace of God, healthcare centres have shut outlineaforthcomingplanof south

n front, and largely defined Nasrallah’s Iran’s Supreme Leader Lebanon will make the down in hard-hit areas of action.

additional Hezbollah leadership, he was a divisive Ayatollah Ali Khamenei invading, wicked, and Lebanon, the UN Office for “So we have to wait for commanderswerealsokilled figure in Lebanon and the remained defiant amid discredited enemy regret C o o r d i n a t i o n o f thenexthoursanddaystosee in the massive air strike in wider Arab world due to Nasrallah’s fate, saying theiractions,”hesaid. HumanitarianAffairssaid. what takes place on the Beirut’s southern suburb of Hezbollah’s operations in Israel had not seriously hurt More than 720 people Residents have fled ground,”Asadisaid. Dahiyeh on Friday, the Syriaandbeyond.

Israeli military said. The Nasrallah also had strike levelled six apartment numerous domestic foes, buildings while injuring 91 including Sunni and Druze people, according to political forces which Lebanon’shealthministry Hezbollah has clashed with.

“Most of the senior In the years before his death, leaders of Hezbollah have he was rarely seen in public been eliminated,” Shoshani duetosecurityconcerns. said. Israel’s military, in its Hezbollah confirmed statement announcing Nasrallah’s death later on Nasrallah’s killing, accused Saturday and pledged to the leader of being keep up the fight against responsible for the “murder Israel “in support of Gaza of many Israeli civilians and andPalestine,andindefence soldiers, and the planning of Lebanon and its steadfast and execution of thousands andhonourablepeople”. ofterroristactivities”.

The statement confirmed Israel says its Nasrallah was killed with attacks will continue other group members While many in Israel “following the treacherous celebrated the killing of Zioniststrikeonthesouthern Nasrallah, Israel’s military suburbs”ofBeirut. saiditstillhada“waystogo” Israel’s military said the in the fight against country is on high alert Hezbollah and would followinghiskilling. continue targeting its

‘Larger than life’ leaders.

Nasrallah, 64, led the “Hezbollah still has Iran-backed group for more rockets and missiles and has than 32 years, serving as a the capability of shooting political and spiritual leader m a n y o f t h e m who guided Hezbollah to a simultaneously,” said place of prominence in Shoshani, adding that the Lebanon. Iran-backed group was Among his supporters, believed to have “tens of the Shia leader was lauded thousandsofrockets”. for standing up to Israel and The army’s chief of staff defyingtheUnitedStates.To Herzi Halevi said: “The his enemies, he was the head message is simple, anyone of a terrorist organisation who threatens the citizens of and a proxy for Iran in its Israel – we will know how to tussle for influence in the reachthem.” MiddleEast. Nasrallah’s death is a “Hassan Nasrallah is a major blow to Hezbollah, larger-than-life figure when whichhasbeenhitbyawave it comes to the politics in the of unprecedented attacks in Middle East He is the recent weeks, including figurehead,Iran’slinchpin,if pager and walkie-talkie you will,” said Al Jazeera’s explosions targeting its Stefanie Dekker “He really members. created Hezbollah into the “It is going to be organised fighting, extremely hard for the disciplined force that it is people of Lebanon who today.” believe in the resistance to “Heisnotjustasymbolic accept this assassination and figure, he is a man who is the news of his death,” behindthestrategicthinking, military analyst Elijah themilitarythinking,”added MagniertoldAlJazeera.


A dumb, deaf and blind Ministry!

The Ministry of Natural Resources is so dumb, deaf and blind to media queries, it is best the Public Relations Department be closed down.

The Minister, who presides over the petroleum sector, has been avoiding tough questions, even stooping to the level of blocking reporters from contacting him via the taxpayer-funded cellphone.

The ministry's once or twice a year press conferences will not do!

The selective responses and press statements are equally disgusting and unacceptable! Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo when he wishes to wiggle himself out of questions directs the press to “ask Vick”. Such a sickening display of disregard for transparency and accountability should be condemned.

RHTYSC invests heavily in youth cricket development program

Founded in September has stated that its success Kissoonlal and including 1990 by the award-winning over the last 34 years has Keith Hicks and Tyrone St Francis Committee been based on a formula of Pottayaisresponsibleforthe Developers the Rose Hall sheer hard work, dedication, special project with the TownYouth and Sports Club visionary leadership and assistance of coach Ryan has over the years developed properplanning. Kissoonlall. The committee into one of Guyana’s leading As the RHTYSC enters intends to attract at least 60 Cricket Club. The club has its 35th year, management new cricketing talents into won a total of 125 cricket has decided to invest heavily the RHTYSC membership, tournaments at all levels and in the development of the t o a r r a n g e s e v e r a l has also produced 124 new cricketing talent at the development programs and players for Berbice and juniorlevelbetweentheages to obtain the necessary Guyana while a total of 16 of 11 to 15. The cricket equipment needed for the hasgoneontoplayforeither development management coaching staff. The club on theWestIndiesortheUnited committee led by veteran Wednesday last received a States of America. The club adm

by 6x4 feet batting mat that

Sunday September 29, 2024

ARIES(Mar 21–Apr 19)

Your sensuality is tempered today with a touch of the mystical sort of romantic feeling found in fairy tales, Aries. This might be unusual for you, but your current partnerisgoingtoloveit!

TAURUS(Apr 20–May20)

A desire to spruce up your home might start with a thorough cleaning from attic to basement. You could go through that chore like gangbusters and then do some repairsorgoforthefunstuff.


A love partner could contact you out of the blue, Gemini, perhapsproposingthatthetwo of you get together tonightalone. You're in just the mood for this, since you're feeling especially sexy and not particularlyafraidtoshowit.


Haveyoubeenwaitingtohear about some funds, perhaps to create a piece of art, write a book, or make a documentary film? If so, you could have a lot to celebrate today when you receive news that the moneyisforthcoming!


Someone at your workplace could suddenly find you very attractive and make no secret of it today How you respond, ofcourse,isuptoyou.


Your desire to respect and honor the special someone in your life clashes today with an equally strong desire to becomeapassionatepersuader Thewaytoresolvingthisliesin knowing that the two aren't mutuallyexclusive.


Have you been harboring a secret desire for someone you believe thinks of you only as a friend, Libra? Don't be surprised if you learn differentlytoday

SCORPIO(Oct.23–Nov 21)

Today you could encounter a work colleague and suddenly feel an unexpected romantic attraction, Scorpio. This could catch you off guard because youneverbeforethoughtabout thispersoninthatway

SAGIT(Nov 22–Dec.21)

Asumofmoneythatyoumight have been expecting from far away may be delayed, Sagittarius This could be frustrating for you, but don't panic. The money is indeed coming.


Sex and romance are top priority for you today, Capricorn You're looking especially beautiful, you're feeling especially sensual, and youcouldwellattractadmiring looksfromstrangers.


If you're single, Aquarius, tonight you could find yourself longing for a lover from the past and wondering what's happening with this person right now If you're currently involved, you might be experiencing a temporary separationfromyourbeloved.


Are you waiting for a love partner to phone you at work, Pisces?Asmuchasyouwantto hear from your friend, you could well get so caught up in your work that you wouldn't hearamarchingbandgoby

would be used by the youth with personal cricket gear, RDC to undergo urgent cricketers in the batting cage uniforms, educational repairs to the main pavilion. on the concrete pitch materials, bicycles and A $800,000 mobile glass RHTYSC secretary Hilbert electronic tablets, among cutter was also recently Foster stated that the others. Membership in the purchased with the expensive batting mat would clubisfree.Theclubhasalso assistance of Dr Frank allow the youth cricketers to invested heavily in the Dembow and Panthera practice all year around upkeep of theArea H ground SolutionInc. despite the weather for the restart of the 2024 TheAreaHgroundisthe conditions and allow the season by repainting the two home venue for players like coaches to conduct one-on- side screens, constructing Kevin Sinclair, Kevlon onesessions.Thebattingmat over 300 feet of boundary Anderson, Junior Sinclair, would also reduce the boards and planting grass at Shemaine Campbell, Sabika damage to the balls on the selected spots in the ground. G

bareconcretepitch.Theclub The RHTYSC has also Grimmond, who are 2024 alsoreceiveda120ftpractice

ght and received CPL Players (RHTYSC net compliments of former assistance from the Region 6 Press Release) RHTYSE under 19 player Sharma Sukhdeo. Sukhdeo who now resides in the UnitedStatesofAmericaisa strong supporter of the club and readily agreed to donate the practice net which would be used around the batting cage.TheRHTYSCnowhas atotaloffourpracticeNetsat itsdisposal.

The club now has four additional kitties practice setsfortheunder-13players. The plastic kits are mainly used by players who are playing the game for the first time and are being taught how to play the game properly by coaches. Foster disclosed that the RHTYSC nowhasatotalof20setsand plans to obtain more in the future. Dozens of cricket ballswerealsoshippedtothe United States of America with sponsorship from overseas-based Guyanese Rendrick Batson a former RHTYSC first division captain Feroze Islam and Ravi Etwaroo who is the owner of the popular cricket zone cricket store in the United States The balls would be used for coaching sessions, junior elite training sessions and practice matches among the youths. The club has also invested in feeling equipment, a bowling machine, catching cribsandexerciseequipment among others to produce allround players. Additionally Foster stated that the club invested heavily in its membership by assisting

Youth cricketers display some of the newly acquired equipment.

General Marine on board for Prime Minister’s Softball Cup

GeneralMarineisonboardforthisyear’sPrimeMinister’s SoftballCupwhichisslatedforOctober11-13.

On Wednesday at the business location in Georgetown, ChiefOperatingOfficerofGeneralMarineCompanyAnthony Rahaman Khan expressed delight to be associated with the mega softball event. The three-day extravaganza is hosted by the Georgetown Softball Cricket League Inc. in collaboration with the Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. There will be the three men’s categories: Legends (Over-50), Masters (Over-40) and Open (All-Stars). Alongwiththeladies.OverGuy$3Matstakeswiththemen’s champion team in each category carting off $600, 000 while the women’s winner will pocket $200,000. More attractive prizesarealsoupforgrabs.ThemenwillbeT20formatwhile thegirlscompetingin15-overs.

At the simple presentation ceremony, President of the League Ian John was elated with the contribution and promisedthatthe8theditionisanticipatingtobethrillingfrom ball-one.HethankedRahamanKhanduringhisremarks.John mentioned that General Marine has been supporting softball cricket for years and the Managing Director Buddy Rahaman isnostrangertosoftballcricket.

Meanwhile, all four finals will be played at the Police SportsClubground,EveLearyinGeorgetownaswell.

NAMS Old Students defeat Current Students in 15-over fund-raiser match

Former students of the New Amsterdam Multilateral Secondary School defeated their current counterparts when the two sides clashed in a 15-over Cricket match at the Rose HallCommunityCentreGround,Canje,recently

The event was a collaborative effort between the Rafeek Kassim-led Board of Governors and the school’s ParentTeachersAssociation.

The event aimed to raise funds to execute several events andprojectstheschoolwillbeengagedinduringthecoming months. The old students’ team was led by Kassim and includedAmeerRahaman,RoyJaffarally,SatanandMahabir and Suresh Dhanai, among others. It was sponsored by Grill Masters Catering. The current students’ team, which was sponsored by Keane Read of JR Engineering, was led by Michael Newland Jr and included national youth cricketer TameshDeonandantoboostthesquad.

The former students’ batted first and reached a formidable 151 with Roy Jafarally (38) and Satanand Mahabir(24)beingtheprincipalscorers.

Inreply,thepresentstudentswereheldto75/4togivethe formerstudentsvictoryby76runs.


During the post-match presentation, trophies and prizes were handed over to both teams. Additionally, the school received monetary donations from the Republic Bank, New AmsterdamBranchandseveralpaststudentsoftheschool.

Among the upcoming projects are the annual graduation andprize-givingexerciseandtheannualinter-houseathletics championship. There are also plans to acquire additional chairsandfansfortheschool’sauditorium,installationofair conditioningunitsintheclassroomsandacquiringadditional fieldmaterialsforthedifferentdepartmentsoftheschool.

The day’s event also saw students engaging in several games and social activities while enjoying delicious Bar B Queandnon-alcoholicbeverages.

There was also a mini-exhibition featuring several projects done by the school’s CVQ students. The school’s steel orchestra – The Multi Marauders, which got second place at the national school’s steel pan competition earlier thisyearprovidedmusicalentertainmentfortheevent.

During the day Minister of Finance, DoctorAshni Singh and Regional officials including Vice Chairman Mr Zamal Hussain and Regional Executive Officer – Mr Narendra Persaud grace the activity The Minister and his team were given a tour of the exhibits and were introduced to the two cricketteams. (Samuel Whyte)

Courts Optical Pee Wee U-11

Football Tournament 2024…

Jaramillo’s brilliance propels Nations to 5-1 victory over GIA

In a thrilling second scoreboard, making it a charge with two goals, and 5-0 win against Golden Primary also featured in a secured a 3-1 victory over round of the 11th Annual memorable day for teammates Javell Fraser, Grove Primary Andrew goalless draw against PataroPrimaryClydeJacobs Courts Optical Pee Wee Tapakuma, withAnns Grove Runako Trotman, and Robin added two goals to Rosignol Primary Smith was unstoppable with his Under-11 School’s Football unabletorespond. Kenroy Gordon each added furthercementtheirvictory Memorial edged out F.E. three goals as they made Championship, several St John the Baptist onetocompletetherout. Meanwhile, Marian PollardPrimary1-0. strong statement to wrap up schools secured significant continued their strong form, Nations demonstrated Academy’s Joshua Johnson St Pius Primary, with round #2. The tournament, victories on Saturday at the adding a second win to their their dominance with a 5-1 recorded his first hat-trick of goals from Roy Cossou (1), supported by Unicomer Ministry of Education record with a 4-1 triumph win over Georgetown the tournament in a 5-0 win Jovaine Wright (2), and Guyana Inc through the Ground. over St Gabriel’s Primary International Academy over Colaaco Primary His Aleem Young (1), defeated Courts Optical brand, also

, Kriston Chandler shone with (

a brace, bringing his tally to

Winfer Garden Primary 4-1. receives backing from the

Larose, also scored twice to Genesis Primary narrowly Ministry of Education, Organisation, saw standout five for the tournament,

defeated Timehri Primary 1- Ministry of Culture, Youth performances, including while Alex Person and Joel Jaramillo, sealing the match commandingresult. 0 St Mary’s Primary and Sports, MVP Sports, Raphael Fredericks from DeAndrede netted a goal and lifting his side to an In other results; Santa triumphed over Tucville Sterling Products Limited, Tapakuma Primary, who eachtosecurethevictory impressivevictory Rosa Primary kept a clean Primary 2-1, with both goals and Stena Drilling, as it delivered a hat-trick in a In another decisive Den Amstel Primary’s

from Deqaucy Paul, and heads into the highly commanding 5-0 victory match, Belladrum Primary Kester Jacobs continued his Georgetown Primary by Stella Marris Primary also anticipatedthirdround. over Anns Grove Primary outcl

d Redeemer strong showing in the winning 3-0 Batavia

ReneicaWilliamsandJordan Primary in a 5-0 win tournament, scoring a hat- Primary drew with West Benjamin added to the Nemaul Wilson led the trick to secure a comfortable Ruimveldt 1-1, Enterprise

In what can be viewed as an unprecedented gesture to incentivise the performance of the team, Director of Sports Steve Ninvalle has confirmed that President Dr Irfaan Ali has committed to paying the Golden Jaguars US$5,000 (five thousand) for each victory in their CONCACAF Nations League and World Cup campaign and a mammoth US$300,000 (three hundred thousand) for 2026 FIFAWorld Cup qualification. This intended act, which was announced inthepresenceofNinvalle,wasconveyedbyPresidentAlito the team following the conclusion of the Guyana and Suriname Nations League fixture at the National Track and FieldCentre,Leonora,onSeptember5th.

Unfortunately,Guyanafailedtowinanyoftheirmatches in League A of the CONCACAF Nations League. The Golden Jaguars lost the opening contest to their Dutchspeaking neighbours 1-3. They then drew 2-2 away to Martiniqueintheirsecondfixturefourdayslater

Thisisthesecondactofintendedbenevolenceduringthis monthfromthePresidenttowardsthenationalprogrammeas the government of Guyana provided approximately $4,000,000 towards the acquisition of airfare for the Martinique fixture. Director of Sports Ninvalle said, “Under the leadership of His Excellency, Dr Irfaan Ali, the development of sports and his commitment in establishing a cultureofexcellenceisunquestionable.Thisisnotanotional claim but is evident by the largest allocation in the sum of $4.6 billion towards sector This historic allocation, which is arealisationofannualgrowth,isrootedintherecognisedand established value of a structured and world-class sports ecosystem.”

According to the Director of Sport, “From the establishmentofnewfacilitiesandtherestorationofexisting edifices, President Ali’s vision is a concerted move to actualise development through investment in the requisite pillars for advancement, that is, infrastructure and human capital, and underscores his resolve and dedication to establish a vibrant sporting landscape, one that not only acts as a social unifier but a means to enhance and strengthen our ever-burgeoningworldstanding.”

Ninvallefurtherstated,“Whilewearingandrepresenting the national colours is an honour second to none in the athletic world, President Ali’s monumental pronouncement serves as an additional motivation for the team in their quest toattaingreatness,”whileaddingthatthepresident’sgesture waswellreceivedbytheplayers.

Guyana will get another opportunity to benefit from the President’s decree as they are slated to face off against Guatemala on local soil on October 11th before concluding their campaign four days later in the return fixture against Suriname. The Golden Jaguars are also scheduled to resume their 2026 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers in 2025 away to NicaraguaandhometoMontserrat.Todate,Guyanasportsa recordofonewin[3-1,Belize]andadefeat[0-2,Panama]in theircampaign. (NSC Press Release)

Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League… Rampant Warriors maul Kings by

35 runs

- Hetmyer, Hope & spinners inspire 4th consecutive win

Shimron Hetmyer and Shai Hope led the Warriors batting for yet another game, with scorching half-centuries.

(Getty Images)

Cramps and all, Kings’ captain, Faf du Plessis, finished unbeaten on 92. (Getty Images)

It was a clinical 35-run Hetmyer and Hope replayed fours, racing to 56 off 31 balls to likesofWieseandAhamd. Motie (2-27), Imran Tahir (2-17), trouncing at the hands of the their innings from the previous complete his second successive All-rounder Romario Shepherd Mooen Ali (2-20) and Junior Guyana Amazon Warriors, who game, adding 85 runs for the 3rd half-century kept his moniker as finisher alive, Sinclair (1-31) were magical as made light work of the number one wicket which inevitably propelled The Guyanese left-hander and romping to 24 off 16 with three usual, ensuring that apart from du ranked St. Lucia Kings thanks to theWarriorsto207-7after20overs match MVP Hetmyer, the Warriors fours, helping his team over the Plessis, only Johnson Charles (12), fifties from Shimron Hetmyer and expired. leading scorer, maintained his 200-runmark. Ackeem Auguste (12) and Wiese Shai Hope, coupled with 6 wickets Fast-bowlersAlzarri Joseph (2- immaculate form by smashing 9 The Warriors star-studded (14)madeittodoublefigures. from their spinners, yesterday, at 39) and David Wiese (3-43) fours and a six on his way to 58 bowling attack then feasted on the Joseph returned to partner a Providence in the 2024 Republic alongside leading wicket-taker in fromjust30deliveries. Kings batsmen, minus Captain Faf cramp-ridden du Plessis after a BankCaribbeanPremierLeague. spinner Noor Ahmad (2-26), kept Amazon Warriors openers du Plessis, who carried his bat deep dramatic collapse, scoring 25 not Thechampssurgedtothetopof theKingsbowlingtogether Azam Khan (26) and Rahmanullah into the innings with a classy, outwithafourandtwomaximums; the points table ahead of tonight’s After finding form recently, Gurbaz(26)setthetoneforGuyana unbeaten 59-ball 92* (7x4 5 x 6), ending as the last men standing grand battle against Trinbago Hope continued his batting uprise as they matched each other shot for easilymissingoutonaton. following a spellbinding show by KnightRiders(TKR). by hitting five sixes and a pair of shot before losing their way to the Left-arm spinner Gudakesh theWarriorsspinners.(C.Ross)

One Communications Guyana ladies finish 3rd at PAHF Challenge P

The Guyana Women’s hockey team concluded an excellent campaign on Saturday when they defeated host nation, Bermuda, to finish third in the 2024 PAHF Challenge, whichwascontestedinHamilton.

Playing in the third place showdown, following their 4 – 0 defeat to tournament powerhouse, Mexico, on Friday, the One Communications-sponsored team was able to rebound well to trounce Bermuda 2 – 1 in a tightlycontestedfixture.

On Friday, the Guyanese entered their match against Mexico undefeated but were outfoxedbythetournamentfinalist.

The event which ran from September 21 –28 saw Guyana face Bermuda in their third encounter, which ended in a 1 – 1 draw Before that, Guyana was able to get off to a get start withavictoryoverBrazilanddrawnencounter withParaguay

Meanwhile, up to press time, the finalists, Mexico and Paraguay, were deadlocked at 2 at theendofthethirdquarter

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