Kaieteur News

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Monday September 04, 2017


Kaieteur News

Slime eel is appropriate Guyana will be severely exploited by the Exxon deal description for these PPP people DEAR EDITOR, Based on that report, the IMF predicts that Guyana will earn $380M a year, in the first couple years…” Minister of Natural Resources, Raphel Trotman (Kaieteur News August 24, 2017). Editor, please be reminded that Guyana is only receiving 2% of what our oil will be sold for. So if Guyana is receiving say $400M a year, Exxon is receiving 98 times that amount, or $40 Billion, a year. The very sad thing about Guyana is that we have never had good governance. Or maybe I should say it another way. The successive governments that we have had have severely crippled Guyana. And what compounds the frustration of objective Guyanese, is that only when a political ideologue is in the opposition, they agree with that statement. Guyanese has this blighted approach to our development that we can only speak truth to power when it is not “our part” that is “running things”. Over the past 50 years, we had sat as a divided nation and literally watch as our political leaders decimate our

country; especially using the self-inflicted racial divide. There is no way the PNC could have sat at the helm for 28 years and retard the progress of Guyana, if PNC supporters did not allow it. And conversely, there is no way that the PPP could have sat at the helm and raped our country for 23 years if their supporters did not allow it. Now we have come to full circle and the possibility of the dreaded past being repeated is hover like an eliminated drone over this nation. Again, there seems to be no room for any dissenting or objective voice. It is as if one cannot support a particular party and at the very time hold that party accountable. Guyana is so stuck is a developmental morass that there seems to be zero correlation between politics and patriotism. Guyana’s resources are being daily depleted. There resources are not renewable. Yet there seem to be such ambivalence on the part of all the governments to be forthright with the populace. It is as if these politicians know that they could do to the Guyanese what no other

leaders, in democratic countries, could do to their people. Imagine that ExxonMobil will make 98% more than the $380M crumbs that they will throw Guyana’s way and we don’t know how many years they will do that for. Every year we get $400M, Exxon will get $40 Billion. And yet the Guyanese people do not have any idea of how much Exxon plans to invest in Guyana’s oil. Neither do we know how long the contract is for. So we don’t know how much Guyana make as it relates to how much Exxon will make. And our current politicians, like the previous one they ousted, think that we don’t deserve any better. So we are at a point where Guyana is likely to lose out on yet another deal. Another transaction where the country can be cruelly exploited. Like Skeldon! Like the Marriott! Like the Berbice Bridge! Like bad bauxite deals! And like all those previous investment, where the Guyanese people were again left in the dark. When will the “eye pass” end? Dr. Vishnu Bandhu Leader, URP

Certain Timehri airport employees were criminally involved with Khemraj Lall DEAR EDITOR, I have been waiting for approximately 2 years for the coalition government to deliver on transparency, good governance and transparency as well as combating the scourge of drug smuggling and money laundering in Guyana. I must congratulate the coalition government on the signing of the Anti Money Laundering Bill and the roll out of several initiatives to combat many illegal activities in Guyana. We are certainly heading in the right direction. The one extremely sensitive area that I was expecting the coalition government to deal with immediately was the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). It was one of the most corrupt and compromised corporations under the former Government which saw frequent cocaine busts and obscene connections to US convicted bulk cash smuggler, Khemraj Lall. Certain employes at the airport had an extremely cozy

and unnatural relationship with Lall. A review of the Forensic Audit Report shows several disgraceful improprieties between the airport and Lall’s company; benefit flowed which I will list below as a reminder of the serious connections between the two parties: - Application for lease was not discussed at Board level - Proposal for lease was submitted directly to the Minister of Public Works - File maintained for Exec Jet Club file contained limited information - Letters pertaining to the request for lease written by an official of CJIA on behalf of Exec Jet Club not valid - A certain person of CJIA’s Finance Department was power of attorney for Exec Jet Club - Management aware that

a CJIA employee was doing part time work for Kaylees Gas Station - Lease for hangar was signed between senior administration officials representing CJIA and an employee of CJIA representing Exec Jet Club on 15th October 2012 - The CJIA was used an address for Exec Jet Club - CJIA employee attached to Lall’s company promoted by CJIA - Employee of CJIA was recommended by the Minister of Public Works to be fired for conflict of interest after it became public knowledge that he was power of attorney for Exec Jet Club in November 2014 - Said employee resigned with effect from January 2015 - Senior management Continued on page 6

DEAR EDITOR, His Excellency President David Granger is a victim of his own commitment to democracy and good governance. This President and his government is tasked with undoing 23 years of nepotism, corruption, mismanagement, and a total disrespect for the constitution and institutions of state. What is most appalling is the minions of the PPP’s vociferous attack on the President and his cabinet. One would be led to believe that these people are new to Guyana, and are totally oblivious to the battering Guyana took at the hands of the PPP. Freddie Kissoon’s slime eel description is most appropriate. He has described this in depth, so I will not elaborate. In Kaieteur News (Saturday September 2, 2017), PPP MP Harry Gill wrote a missive accusing the current Attorney General of being lazy, and the government of being one riddled with scandal. As I read the letter, I felt like I had enough of the PPP’s desperate attempt to tarnish this government at all cost. Harry Gill gave the PPP credit for informing the public that the government gave a pay raise to sitting government ministers. What he avoids saying is that the Leader of the Opposition also received a pay raise at the same time. I would love to know if as a matter of principle the Opposition Leader decided to donate his raise to a worthy cause and not accept it. I would love to hear Mr. Gill’s take on the following: While in office, the PPP created an enormous and rapacious pension package to benefit Jagdeo. Guyanese are familiar with those facts, but let Mr. Gill do the math and tell us what it would have cost the economy and the country if the Granger led government allowed it to stand. Ex minister Clinton Collymore was hired as a Presidential Advisor. He was paid three hundred thousand dollars per month, given a state car with chauffeur, maid,

and gardener. Presidential Advisor, Gail Texiera and Odinga Roger Luncheon (not cabinet ministers) were paid more than one million dollars, and 983 million dollars per month respectively. This is in addition to all the other perks the offered themselves. Under the PPP 53 million dollars per month was used to pay 137 contract employees in the Office of the President. It later became public knowledge that most of these were party hacks that were used to write letters in the press, praising the government and besmirching the opposition. A minister did dental work that cost the state 2 million dollars. Anil Nandallal’s law journals were purchased by the state and he is allowed to keep them personally. The PPP defends this up to today. These are a few of the harrowing instances of rape that the PPP performed on the Treasury. More so these are the ones that the public knows about. What about the countless others that we don’t know about. Mr. Gill needs to analyze and let us know the effects of these practices on the economy. His Excellency President Granger’s government decided that they will pay ministers of government a fair and decent salary, to reduce the inducement of corruption (and no minister has been found to be corrupt, as in the PPP days), and avoid their dependence on any form of government largesse. This is in keeping with good governance and democratic practices. Guyana must appreciate the Herculean task faced by this government and the tireless efforts ministers will have to put in place to bring sanity and order back to Guyana. In Mr. Gill’s missive, he further said that all the monies being spent by the government could be used to put 10 billion dollars per year into the sinking ship Guysuco. The economic realities do not make Guysuco a profitable enterprise. The government is

correct to attempt divestment, and further empowerment of the Guysuco employees. I wonder if Mr. Gill is aware that his government could have taken the millions of US dollars they invested in the Skeldon sugar factory, and reinvested into sugar that they care so dearly about. He refers to the D’Urban Park as a white elephant. Let him be reminded that D’Urban park is a source of national pride and cultural significance, gifted to Guyana on her attainment of her 50th Anniversay of independence. The true white elephant is the Skeldon sugar factory that his government invested more than US $185 million in, and Guyanese are yet to receive a single benefit from. Tell us about the millions of US dollars invested in the Marriott hotel, and the billions drained from NIS (workers money) to invest in the shady Berbice River Bridge. Mr. Gill knocked His Excellency the president for asking the Police Service Commission to temporarily halt the police promotion process, until issues and discrepancies that could negatively affect law and order in the country were addressed. In no way is President Granger attempting to influence the work of the Commission. I am sure Mr. Gill knows the difference between telling the Commission who to appoint, or how to appoint and just hold your appointments. Mr. Gill speaks as if the PPP has any moral authority to speak on policing and security. Does he forget: His government used known international criminals to pursue other criminals and conduct illegal surveillance. Added to that, the surveillance equipment was purchased based on a request provided on the letterhead of the Ministry of Health and signed by the then minister. The United States embassy shared intelligence with the then government that their intended appointee to be Police Commissioner was Continued on page 6


Kaieteur News

The Caribbean diaspora... From page 4 experience of local politics and campaigns, and still have a large following in New York. He also has to explain why he failed to help the same community he now seeks to assist, when, in his previous 10 years in 3 influential government agencies-the Chief of Staff of the much criticized ACS, former Vice President of the politically controlled NYC Economic Development Corporation, and others, where he managed over $1.2 billion worth of funding in neighborhoods across NYC, he failed to bring any benefits or changes to his own. He must credibly explain why, for 10 years, he refused, neglected and or refused to assist the very constituents he now claims he wants to help. Again, David’s claim to a honesty and integrity is severely undermined by his brash claim of largesse that he voluntarily resigned his city jobs to empower his community, a disingenuous claim considering that anyone in his position must resign their government employment before running for or taking up elected office in accordance with City law ethics, conflict of interest laws and the Hatch Act. The truth is that, should David lose-God forbid, he will return to his executive position within the City agencies without any loss in wages, position, portfolio and benefits.

His position as President of the Indo-Caribbean Alliance, which failed to attract any support within the mainstream Indo-Caribbean diaspora apart from a few youths, is also at severe odds with his claim that “he is the only candidate in the race that can represent both sides of the Van Wyck Expressway,” especially given the fact that only 25% of the diverse district consists of IndoCaribbeans. His claim to represent such a generic group of people in the first place was transparently misconceived in the first place. He must confront these issues of public importance with sincere answers. However, David still has the best opportunity to win the seat, because he is the only Indo-Caribbean or Caribbean candidate on the ballot, hence he will not have the hurdles the ethnic candidates of Harpreet Singh Toor, Narine and Mahadeo caused in previous elections, which resulted in Baldeo’s and the community’s loss. He must reach out to and secure the endorsement of Albert Baldeo, the only person to be elected District Leader in the community, one who fought and defeated institutional barriers and put the diaspora on the political and economic map with 80% of the same votes David now seeks. Chris Gounden SE Queens Leadership Alliance Leaders United

Slime eel is appropriate... From page 5 involved in the drug trade, and they went ahead and appointed him. It took this Minister of Public Security to appropriately address the two rogue policemen who burnt a teenager on his privates. Compare the detection and conviction rate to that of the PPP days. The morale in the police service is much better than that of the PPP time in government. And yet again he comes with the PPP’s vacuous rant that SOCU and SARA is

being used to harass PPP executives. If you don’t have cocoa in the sun, you aint gotta look fuh rain. Bring the evidence! Show where PPP executives are being subject to law enforcement procedures where there is no case or implications of wrong doing. Is Mr. Gill asking us to ignore the law journals that are illegally in the possession of Anil Nandall, the improper acquisition of prime lands for a song, removal of the NCN tower to facilitate mansions, corruption at the GRMB and all the others? Jerrick Rutherford

Monday September 04, 2017

Problems with education delivery in Region 2 DEAR EDITOR, I read to my heart’s contentment a letter captioned “Region Two Teacher…” published in your newspaper on the 17th August, 2017. However there is an old Blue Ridge saying, “You cannot measure a snake until it is dead.” It is a fact what is happening in Region Two and an insult to our intelligence for every learned educator on this particular, phenomenon presently occurring in Region Two, as it relates to literacy. Frankly discussing, this is quite infuriating, frustrating, repugnant and obnoxious. There is the impulsive appointment of an education official in Region Two. In silence we all questioned; was he/she placed there mysteriously? On a professional note, we don’t have a personal problem with her/him if he/ she was qualified or experienced; for all of us as humans have short comings and “BUTS”, - so on most occasions we tried hard to ignore the atrocious grammar, mispronunciations, misleading enunciations, incomprehensive semantics and puerile attitude and behavior However what hurts us as human beings on the ‘principles of educational equality and equity’ , is to live with the reality of him/her taking home over G$160 000 and taking home as a Senior Teacher over G$ 98 000. To complicate this feeling, how fair it is on the teachers of the school, who have to teach for him/her on many occasions when he/she claimed he/she has to attend to Literacy matters? What is the head

teacher doing about it? I called upon him to represent a true cause, especially if the administration is failing him. Parents are going to hold him responsible for poor passes; even though we were told he’s an excellent school administrator – now is the time to build solidarity and cohesion to cement that small hole, which is going to sink that great ship of his into a deep ocean of regret – Financially speaking, apart from multiplying this person’s plump salary on an annual basis, there are some of him/her chosen disciples; of minimal experiences of course working in the riveraine areas in particular -. The Region has to pay these individuals on a monthly basis, extravagant sums of money for travelling to do these visits by boats, they also have to uplift their annual stipend that runs into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Simply divert the tax payer ’s monies towards purchasing relevant teaching aids, curriculum materials etc, as the private schools do. For your attention our beloved Chief Education Officer and director of NCERD, its money for value. You need to understudy the situation; is it worth the while? Education must take our nation out of c o m p l e t e p o v e r t y. We depend on you to use the keys of education to close the gates and doors of the prisons in Guyana! Can you imagine or at least try to for a split second that Ministry officials visit schools to check entries made in

Teachers’ Record of work, class logs etc. observe demonstration lessons in literacy and they themselves are defaulters. Surely, the one eye man is king of the blind eye man’s world! I hereby challenge the Department of Education Region Two in no uncertain terms to respond to my letter by informing the public, why do we have headteachers who are they sitting ducks? They should be the ones monitoring their schools. You recommend them to Teaching Service Commission for that position and with a high degree of competence on your part. We are Guyanese; you can fool some of us for some of the time but not all the time. On this circumspect; here’s a grand opportunity for any final year student teacher, at the University of Guyana to research Region Two’s education system. Why do the schools need Literacy Trainers to monitor the school system when there are District Education Officers and experienced head teachers, Staff Development Sessions in schools, supervisors and level heads, Level Cluster meetings and special workshops held by NCERD during the academic year and summer vacations? I want APNU/AFC to note that “a foolish man learns from his own mistake, and a wise man learns from a foolish man.” These were the same pitfalls of the previous PPP/C administration. Why not give this same money to a needed cause? I shared empathy with my fellow sisters – school cleaners as they plea in vain for a

slim additional increase of salary for just a matter of survival when one, yes just ONE as in SINGLE individual is being fatten on our hard core tax payers’ money. Ii is my profound hope and deepest wish that our call for educational democracy he heard and respond to by the Chief Education Officer, Minister of Education , Director of NCERD, or anyone with a human heart in authority who respects our position on this matter of urgency. We are extremely grateful for the publication of articles of this nature by newspapers that are bent on wiping malevolent issues as they surface their ugly heads above the feeble citizens of this c o u n t r y. I a m h u m b l y asking friends and supporters from the social media to post this article so that the seeds of change stand a better position of being germinated by the conditions and principles the Ministry of Education stands for and the expectations of stakeholders at large. In conclusion, In the most humane manner, I am requesting once again, for all proactive educators in strategic positions with the potential to promote school effectiveness, to linger on this philosophical credence and help us to rise comfortably. As you figure it out, “The rain of failure of Literacy in Region Two, falls on the just and the unjust person; but chiefly on the just because, the unjust steals the just umbrella.” Ms. Tessa Moore (MD) (Former PT & FA President)

Certain Timehri airport employees were criminally... From page 5 officials were not aware that said employee was power of attorney for Exec Jet Club and Kaylees Gas Station The above mentioned blatant violations and documented deep relationship between the airport and Lall; it was no secret. Lall was allowed so many excesses and privileges at the airport - all blatantly permitted by airport personnel. This must not be forgotten by the coalition government and persons must be held accountable for their illegal activities and any violation of the airport’s Code of Conduct. The coalition government has had ample time to deal with certain employees at the airport and they should be held accountable. Since a pledge was made to eradicate corruption and illegal

activities. This should start with a house cleaning of any of the airport’s personnel tied to Lall and it should show the moral fortitude to fight illegal activities at the airport. I am not advocating that anyone should be wrongfully fired. However, the relationship between US convicted bulk cash smuggler and these employees of the airport was so well known, documented, blatant and obvious there should be accountability and an detailed investigation by the coalition government. I will end saying that Lall was an untouchable at the airport and all his well organized activities were protected by the certain people of the airport. I urge the President to establish a Commission of Inquiry to examine the role between the organized

activities of Lall and the airport. Where there is smoke there is fire. The airport’s Board should then carefully screen the future applicants for the management at the airport to ensure there are no personal connections or relationships to known money launderers, drug smugglers and other characters involved in illegal activities. The Khemraj Lall fiasco was a national disgrace and systems should be in place to ensure it never reoccurs. An updated Code of Conduct should be established for airport’s management and employees to prevent a repeat of the Khemraj Lall fiasco. Three years after the arrest of Lall, the airport’s management remains intact with no personnel changes and nobody being held accountable. Persons

shouldn’t be allowed to explain away their Lall relationships as a mistake in judgement or they didn’t know. There was transnational criminal activity at a significant level with financials rewards and tangible benefits for those involved and the Guyana network remains intact with no arrests or convictions. This network remains intact to embarrass the airport’s board, Government of Guyana and the country in the future as they plot using the airport as the illegal platform for criminal activities. We mustn’t fool ourselves this was a criminal empire with transnational links and airport personnel seem involved. The failure to deal with the airport’s Khemraj Lall fiasco sends the wrong message. Vibert Craig

Monday September 04, 2017

WPA member accuses Coalition leaders of stifling internal opinions - Cautions AFC to ‘temper love affair with power’ Executive Member of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), Dr. David Hinds, is accusing the leadership of the coalition of stifling internal opinions. The political commentator believes that the leadership has done this through limiting decision-making to the few Cabinet members and the Presidency. In his recent writings, Dr. Hinds commented that in the process of doing this, the leadership of the coalition has shut off participation by crucial coalition parties in decision-making. He said that the parties of the coalition have been essentially immobilized and muzzled by this approach. The outcome of this approach, Dr. Hinds said, has been bad for the coalition. In this regard, the University Lecturer said that the Alliance For Change (AFC) has lost its support base simply because it is perceived as an uncritical participant in bad policy-making. Dr. Hinds commented that the WPA faces an internal civil-war, because some of its members believe that it has allowed itself to be silenced and manipulated by the dominant partners in the government. The political activist said that the PNC’s non-governmental leadership is demoralized, as they are not part of policy-making. “These developments have ignited unnecessary tension within the coalition– between the AFC and the APNU and between the WPA and the government, which has in turn negatively affected the image of the government and its ability to inspire confidence among its own supporters. This approach must change—for its own good, the coalition must begin to operate like a partnership rather than a unitary entity. Empow-

WPA Executive Member, Dr. David Hinds ering the coalition parties in meaningful ways would in the long run be beneficial to the government and the country.” Dr. Hinds asserted that in some regards, the government seems to be angrier with and willing to confront critique by its supporters than to confront the barrage by the

ative dissent; they seem to prefer blind loyalty. Some government leaders do not understand the value of creative self-critique and how it puts you on a higher plane than your competitors who are grounded in an ideology of domination. They do not see how Freddie’s critique is more destructive to the PPP than to the coalition or how Lincoln’s cries for the rule of law keeps them from walking the dirty road of the PPP.” Dr. Hinds stressed that the success of the coalition would depend on the ability of its three major parties to put an end to their immobilization. The political commentator said it is high time that the PNC, as a party, uses its enormous influence to force the government to stop marginalizing its source—the coalition parties. He said, too, that the AFC should wake up and recover

“This approach must change - for its own good, the coalition must begin to operate like a partnership rather than a unitary entity...” - Dr. David Hinds People’s Progressive Party (PPP). In this regard, he pointed out that Government’s anger at Kaieteur News columnist, Trade Unionist Lincoln Lewis and even himself, is much more than it is at the PPP. He noted that some persons have even expressed the opinion that the critique of those individuals only serves the interest of the PPP. “We are known supporters of the government who have made it very clear that we do not want to see the PPP back in power. But some in our government have not learned how to deal with internal cre-


Kaieteur News

its reason for being and temper its seeming love affair with the trappings of power. As for the WPA, he said that it must continue its public critiques of government’s illadvised policies and its campaign for intra-coalition democracy, until there is change in those areas. Dr. Hinds said that failure to act will see Jagdeo and the PPP gaining more traction, while the coalition’s base becomes more demoralized. The University Lecturer warned when demoralization becomes normative, even oil money would not change the state of play.

Domestic Violence becoming a norm in Society The Hands Down organization yesterday spearheaded a discussion on domestic violence at the Guyana Girl Guides Association Headquarters to make youths more aware of the problem and to empower those affected by it. Participants ranged between ages 17 to 39. The event was chaired by representative of Caribbean Youth Environment, Onika Stellingburg and was themed ‘Young Men & Women against domestic violence’. Executive Director of Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association (GRPA), Reverend Patricia SheerattanBisnauth, said during her opening remarks that Domestic Violence occurs when people use violent behaviour or language on partners, parents and children or neighbours. These behaviours have become a norm and are almost legitimatized in all levels of society. It is an area which requires much work and has a lot to do with the background of an individual. She added, “Domestic violence in Guyana is so prevalent that it is normalized in our culture”. This happens to be so since, “One is supposed to shut up and stay in a corner,” as it relates to the matter. According to her, everyone has a part to play in eradicating domestic violence and should also explore new ways to do so. The various types of violence have remained in society because it has been done unconsciously by parents and has been accepted. “At Guyana Responsible

- Reverend Patricia Parenthood Association (GRPA) we keep talking about what seems to be the strategy. In this country at all levels, whether it’s Government or NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations), we spend millions on talking about what we should do, but when it comes to the action, solutions towards taking those steps, we don’t do enough to address domestic and sexual violence”. She said violence is perpetrated in environments where gender inequality is present and gave reference to the fact that in our culture today, “men are manly men only when they can have lots of women whilst on the other hand, girls should be raised in a situation where she is kept in the home largely and goes out with a lot of restrictions.” Shoing the other side of the coin in domestic violence, Diego Alphonso, of the Ministry of Social Protection, clarified that even if a woman hits a man in the home; it can be clarified as domestic violence, but has remained behind the curtains, since men are ashamed to go out to police stations to make complaints of such nature. “Listen to the reality of what is happening in Guyana right now. For the most part we understand domestic violence to be a male abusing a female, so whenever it is vice

Reverend Patricia Sheerattan-Bisnauth versa...” He informed that at some of these outposts, police ranks make fun of these complaints as well as complainants and state, “He deh pun stupidness,” Alphonso added this is an issue that has to be eradicated. The information and feedback from the event will be useful in creating necessary programmes and project with the objective of eradicating domestic violence in Guyana. The Hands Down Organization was launched on March 11 of this year. It was initiated with the objective of empowering those around the founder of the organization, Trishtana De Cunha, who is a young woman that is passionate about eliminating this type of violence across Guyana.

We are life savers, you should be one too! Donate blood today!!!


Monday September 04, 2017

Kaieteur News

Petroleum Commission Bill represents legal laziness An overview of the Petroleum Commission Bill would reveal that in comparison to earlier versions, there have been no substantive changes. In fact, one critic of the Bill, Attorney-at-Law, Christopher Ram, has gone as far as describing the Bill to being a representation of legal laziness. On his blog, www.chrisram.net, Ram noted that the Bill, which has been published by the Government for public comments, has several flaws and worrying aspects. In this regard, he cited a clause in the Act dealing with repeal. Ram commented that he found this particularly interesting, since the clause seeks to repeal any provision in the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission Act (GGMC), the Mining Act and any other legislation that are in any manner inconsistent with “the provisions of the Act”. Ram said that it is bad enough that the Bill is described as an Act. “But how in the name of legal drafting is any person to know which other legislation to refer to in order to ascertain the matters so repealed. This is legal laziness at its worst.” The Chartered Accountant also took issue with the penalties under the Bill, not-

ing that they are quite severe. As is customary, Ram said that various clauses in the Bill create obligations and offences for which penalties are specified. In this regard, he cited that Clause 51 does a mopping up exercise by providing that where no penalty attaches to an offence committed under the Bill, the penalty is $10 million and imprisonment for three years. Additionally, Clause 49 of the Bill which empowers the Minister to make regulations for the proper administration of the act also empowers him to provide penalties of a fine of up to $5 million and imprisonment for three years. Touching on other aspects of the Bill, Ram sought to note that there are 51 Clauses covering areas such as establishment and incorporation of the Petroleum Commission; functions and duties of the Commission; and financing, among others. The broad function of the Commission is stated in Clause 4 as “to monitor and regulate the efficient, safe, effective and environmentally responsible exploration, development and production of petroleum in Guyana”. In this regard, the lawyer asserts that the clause also gives to the Commission the

duty to review and recommend to the Minister for approval, amendment or rejection the plans, proposals, reports, analyses, data and any other information submitted by an applicant or operator in support of an application for the granting or renewal of a petroleum prospecting licence or a petroleum production licence. He said that it is important to note, however, that the Committee has no power when it comes to recommending the granting, suspension or revocation of any petroleum licence. Significantly, Ram stated that the Minister has the power and the authority to give to the Commission what the Bill describes as general directions on policies to be observed and implemented; the organization of the Commission to enable it to discharge its functions, including the size of the establishment, the employment of staff and the terms and conditions of employment; and the provision of equipment and use of funds. The Commission is also compelled to comply with such directions. Ram explained that it means that the Minister not only chooses who he wants as directors but determines the resources at

- Lawyer their disposal to be truly effective. Furthermore, Ram pointed out that the Commission will comprise a board of a maximum of eight persons all appointed by the minister including one from civil society or academia and one from the parliamentary opposition. The Board will have a life of one year, strengthening the influence of the Minister and the uncertainty of tenure of board members. Ram said it is instructive to note that under the Ghana Petroleum Commission Act on which the Guyana Bill has been patterned, directors are appointed for three years. Ram said that the chairperson and the Secretary to the Board will be appointed by the minister, and where a board of

Attorney-at-Law, Chris Ram directors has not been so appointed, the Minister automatically discharges the functions of the board. The Minister’s control does not end there. Ram asserted that the Minister may appoint exofficio members of the Board

and shall approve the payment of remuneration to the members to the Board. In a new development, he pointed out, too that the Minister can revoke the appointment of any member, inter alia: if information relating to the conduct of a member, which could have precluded his or her appointment if it had been made available to the Minister, is brought to the attention of the Minister; for incompetence; and/or for misbehavior or misconduct. The attorney said that while it is the right of someone to be heard before disciplinary measures are taken; the provision serves as a rather novel one in public law. Ram said that it makes one wonder whether there is to be a new culture of governance in the public sector or whether sacking for information carried to the Minister will become the norm.

Chase Academy boasts excellent CSEC performances Henry Chase, the principal of Chase’s Academy is quite satisfied with the performance of his students who wrote this year’s Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) exam. Chase told Kaieteur News that the school entered students from forms two, three and four to write CSEC early. The subjects offered at the CSEC Examination were English Language, Mathematics, Principles of Accounts and Social Studies. There were 95 percent passes in English A, 100 percent passes in Mathematics, 90 percent passes in Principles of Accounts and 85 passes in Social Studies. Chase indicated that Form two student Shania Culpepper wrote English A and secured a Grade Two, while third form students

- Records 100 percent passes in Math Adalia Culpepper, Marissa Morrison and Jania Gomes all secured grade ones in English A. Other form three students obtained grade threes in that subject area. A fourth former, Shemar Allen secured grade one in English Language as well. Micah Corlette, also a fourth form student, wrote Mathematics and English, and secured grades two and one respectively. Shanice Liverpool was also singled out by Mr. Chase for achieving a grade one in English Language. Another fourth form student, Tanisha Cole, achieved two grades two, in English Language and Principle of Accounts. Several fifth formers wrote the exam and secured passes,

from grade one to three. Chase told Kaieteur News of his belief that, “when students are exposed early to English A at CSEC, it helps to improve their level of comprehension and this will add value to the child’s performance in school and produce confidence in their school work”. “At Chases Academy we believe that children should have a balanced education, which involves academic work along with sports and p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t i e s . We need to start preparing our children for the modern world and we are showing the Guyanese public that Education and sports can work together for the benefit of children and the society in general.”

Guyana says Venezuelans flocking in for medical treatment GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP) — Guyanese authorities say they're seeing a significant increase in Venezuelans crossing the border seeking treatment for malaria and other ailments. Shamdeo Persaud is chief medical officer at the Ministry of Public Health. He says the Venezuelans are being

treated without charge. Persaud said yesterday that there's a confirmed spike of malaria cases across the border and officials are probing reports of a measles outbreak in Venezuela, which is facing political and economic turmoil. Cleveland DeSouza is a leader at in White Water in-

digenous district. He says as many as 200 Venezuelans cross the border on some days. Guyana's Indigenous Affairs Ministry says Venezuelan soldiers recently crossed the border and stole food, telling locals they hadn't been resupplied for 45 days.

Monday September 04, 2017


Kaieteur News

The credibility of GECOM is at stake The actions of GECOM in withdrawing advertisements from Kaieteur News and the silence from the parties of the coalition government is the clearest sign yet that what has passed for political change in 2015 amounts to nothing more than an exchange. There has not been a single word of condemnation of the actions of GECOM from the PNCR or the AFC or even the Working People’s Alliance. The latter has been taking an independent position in recent times. The withdrawal of the advertisements has been viewed by the management of Kaieteur News as an act of retaliation at that newspaper’s coverage of some highly controversial procurement practices which should have been investigated. There is no Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission in place and therefore there have been no formal meetings of the Commission, something which represents a lacuna in the law. The absence of a Chairperson should not lead to a paralysis of the Commission. The President is now considering a third list of names submitted by the Leader of the Opposition. At the rate he is going, we may have a fourth and fifth list because he has insisted that

a judge has given her perception of the law and he will continue to act in accordance with his interpretation of the law. It therefore means that, notwithstanding the court’s guidance on the issue, that the Head of State can very well again decide that he has not been given a full complement of fit and proper persons and therefore the process has to continue. We therefore could well be looking down the gauntlet of an extended process of consideration. In the meantime, GECOM continues to be run without a Commission. As such, there is no body to review the decision to withhold the advertisements from GECOM. It is hoped that whenever a Chairperson is appointed, that the first issue which will be investigated is the controversial procurement, which has been taken out. Such an investigation would indicate

the commitment of the Commission to stamp out corruption, the existence of which can undermine public confidence in the work of the commission. If there is a lack of confidence in the work of the Commission, then the outcome of elections will continue to be marred by suspicion and this is not healthy for democracy in Guyana. No elections Commission which cannot respect press freedom can be expected to run off a free and fair election. The credibility of GECOM therefore is at stake in this matter. Kaieteur News must leave nothing to chance. It should, immediately, after a meeting of the Commission of convened, write to whoever is the Chairperson and demand an investigation. Civil society organizations, which have also been quiet, in light of the charges of retaliation against this newspaper, should

petition the Commission to undertake an investigation into the charges. Let the chips fall where they have to fall! Kaieteur News should also send a complaint to the Us Department of State so that this matter can be highlighted in the annual human rights report on Guyana. A similar report should be made to the United Nations Human Rights Commission. Secondly, the Commission should consider the issue of the withdrawal of the advertisements. It should investigate whether this is a

punitive action. If this is proven to be so, then the Commission will find itself confronted with a clear intention of the violation of press freedom. And that would require that those involved in any such scheme be removed forthwith from the Commission It is strange that since 2015, the ABC countries have been extremely silent on abuses of press freedom in Guyana. It is a mistake. The ABC countries may be happy because of gold and oil with the present government but they must recall that they

were equally happy with Burnham’s rigging of elections to keep Cheddi Jagan out of power because they feared his communist leanings. But Burnham turned around and stabbed them in the back, including nationalizing their companies in the bauxite and sugar industries and then by recognizing Cuba and forging closer ties with the USSR.

Monday September 04, 2017


Kaieteur News

With the presence of influential oil companies…

Guyana urgently needs updated laws to govern campaign financing By Abena RockcliffeCampbell The paucity of anticorruption laws in Guyana, especially the lack of those to address election campaign financing, is being lamented by many. Those who bemoan the “hazardous” situation include attorneys-at-law, Nigel Hughes and Christopher Ram as well as political commentator, Frederick Kissoon. The consensus among the three is the need to address the lack of updated laws to govern election campaign financing is long overdue. However, Hughes and Kissoon think that Guyana is even more vulnerable to the ills that come along with unregulated campaign financing now that major oil companies are operating in Guyana. While Hughes seems to have a dash of hope that campaign financing may become regulated, Ram and Kissoon believe that Guyana does not stand a chance. The view held by Kissoon is that there is no genuine political will to make such a major and much needed change. Hughes told Kaieteur News that the need for laws to govern campaign financing was referenced in the report of the Special Committee on Constitutional Reform. This report has been with Cabinet for over a year. Hughes said that the coming of the oil industry has perhaps, highlighted the need for an updated Campaign Financing Legislation. The attorney said that there has been significant disquiet about more insidious forms of influence in Guyana’s politics for some considerable time, prior to the discovery of oil in commercially viable quantities. He noted, however, that campaign financing seemed to have escaped public scrutiny. “Campaign financing, along with other urgent constitutional reform measures, should be a priority for all of us as Guyanese; not just for politicians. “In an electoral system in which the head of a party’s list appoints the members of Parliament and where post electoral alliances are prohibited, the opportunities for abuse of campaign financing are obvious and relatively simple.” Hughes noted the fact that election campaigns in Guyana are not expensive by international standards.

Attorney-at-law, Christopher Ram

Attorney-at-law, Nigel Hughes

Political Commentator, Frederick Kissoon He said that the money needed to sponsor an entire elections campaign is nothing to major oil companies. Hughes said that one company can easily sponsor a party’s campaign. According to the attorney, the face of election campaigns in Guyana can change dramatically. Hughes said that the population should not be surprised by concerts that can be headlined by international artistes, which these companies have the capacity to sponsor. Hughes admitted, “I am keenly aware that campaign finance legislation is unlikely

to eliminate the real mischief it is intended to address. However, the absence of any updated legal framework, which obliges those who sit in Parliament to disclose to the public, those who may have sought to favorably influence their electoral prospects by significant financial contributions, leaves all of us most vulnerable and blind to agendas which may not always be in our best interest.” NO POLITICAL WILL Ram and Kissoon believe that there is no political will to kill the monster that lives off of unregulated campaign financing. Ram told Kaieteur News yesterday that political parties in Guyana are filled with “a bunch of hypocrites.” He said that local politicians are not serious about addressing campaign financing “and it is the root of corruption. I can tell you campaign financing is indeed a main cause of corruption in Guyana.” “If any of them (politicians) are serious about addressing corruption, they will deal with campaign financing laws and political party financing laws, but it is a whole set of double standards and hypocrisy we are experiencing with our political parties.” Unlike Hughes and Kissoon, who expressed worry about oil companies, Ram said that they are not the main culprits. He said that the international companies may be subject to home country regulations that promote disclosures. He said that English companies have the bribery Act to contend with. However, Ram noted that United States President Donald Trump seems to want to relax the regulations of disclosure, “but I am not sure what the position is with the Americans.” “But I think it is bad with our local people. We must not exonerate them. Who you think finances the political parties and elections?” Ram said that after elections, it becomes, “payback time.” Ram told this newspaper that Guyana does not seem capable of setting and implementing laws to govern campaign financing before next elections simply because there is a severe lack of political will. Kissoon does not anticipate change either. He said that the needed laws are being held hostage by those who love the power

they possess. “It is like with Constitutional reform; when a party is in opposition, it is exigent to change the Constitution to reflect broader freedom and liberties. When that party gets into government, it finds that the Constitution aids its longevity; so Constitutional change goes on the back burner.” Kissoon said that

Guyanese are going to see the identical scenario playing out with campaign financing regulation. Kissoon noted that when in opposition, the APNU and the AFC, particularly the AFC, zeroed in on the need for campaign finance legislation. “This became more urgent given the huge spending of the PPP in the 2011 elections.” Kissoon said he suspects that with the changing fortunes of the AFC and the APNU, that are now in power and are enjoying their relationship with big

businesses, particularly with oil giant ExxonMobil, campaign finance laws will “become collateral damage in the country where nothing ever changes for the better.” In 2011, the AFC had taken a Motion to the National Assembly which sought to compel the then PPP government to update crucial campaign financing laws. That Motion was lost in a special select committee. Since then, neither the AFC nor the APNU has brought a similar Motion to the House to address this issue.


Monday September 04, 2017

Kaieteur News

MLC continues tradition with young CSEC top performers

From left: Chirag Chandwani, and Lorenzo Constantine of MLC Morgan’s Learning Centre (MLC) is continuing the tradition of promoting young students at the level of the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate, (CSEC) exams. Students would normally write the examination at the level of fifth form or by the time they are 16 years old. However, within the past decade, MLC has seen hundreds of success stories at CSEC; from students, ages 12 -15 years old. This year, students of the centre, Lorenzo Constantine, 12, and Chirag Chandwani, 13,

obtained passes at the CSEC. The students praised God, their parents, and teachers at MLC for their success. Constantine obtained a Grade 2 in Mathematics and Chandwani, who obtained a Distinction at CSEC for Principles of Accounts, (POA) last year, attained Grade 1 for Mathematics and Grade 2 for English. Constantine, a first time CSEC performer, told Kaieteur News that he started attending classes at MLC last year. “I only had six months to prepare for the exams, but Sir

Far right: Mr Orin Morgan stands with the group of young performers Morgan saw my ability and confidence, so he encouraged me to write CSEC.” The students were only exposed to CSEC lessons via the centre. They explained that “we did regular school on week days and did CSEC classes on weekend.” Other MLC students who were successful at CSEC 2017 include third formers, Shamar Leitch , David Austin, ,Christopher Barker , Kerissa Smartt , Shaquille Drayton, Daniel Mc Almount , Ronexie Hussain, Orlisa Clarke, Nyah Hoppie. The third formers obtained Grades 1 -3 passes in Principles of Accounts, (POA). Similarly, fourth formers , Latifa Bowman Princess Charles Chaim Evelyn Khalika

Felix, Shavine Haynes, Soraya Henry, Vincent Henry , Devika Katwaru, Danielle Khan, Daneshwar Lall, Tarren Niles, Afisha Phoenix, Jourim Ralph, Lydia Reid, Khemchandra Ali, Shemar Berkley, Randy Paddy, Keishana Parris, Keneilsha Bacchus, Felicia Frank, Saskia Hutson,Shakira Reman and Kadija Brathwaite , obtained passes in Mathematics, Principles of Accounts, Principles of Business , Office Administration, Mathematics and Economics Head of the institution, Orin Morgan, explained that the objective of the Centre is to encourage students to excel at every level of their lives. “Our goal is not to leave the gifted students behind … from the time persons enroll

at MLC; we start to assess their capabilities and try to bring out the best in them.” He noted the students could not have achieved the feat without the help of the parents and the approval of the parent. “Also, I want to point out the efforts of Sir Huburn Collins; he really worked the students and I want to specially thank the parents for their cooperation.” Morgan remains resolute in his objective to shape the character of his students. MLC over the past few years has been established as a leader in providing CSEC Lessons. The centre, located at John Street, Campbellville, caters for some 300 pupils. MLC opened its doors in

2013, offering CSEC tuition for Forms 1 - 5 in a variety of subjects including English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Information Technology, Principles of Accounts, Principles of Business, Office Procedures, Social Studies and Spanish. The Centre also provides CAPE lessons for a number of subjects, including Communication Studies, Sociology, Management of Business, Accounting. As part of the mission, Morgan noted that the main objective is for MLC students to produce results. “Our qualified and experienced teaching staff follow the latest teaching methodologies to help our students produce these results.”

Shalom Ministries donates to GPHC The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) recently received a much needed donation of mobility devices. The donation was made by Shalom Ministries, and was received by head of the orthopedic department, Doctor David Samaroo on behalf of GPHC, according to the Public Relations Officer (PRO) Mitzy Campbell. The group which intends to reach out to persons in need is one of the notable donors of the hospital. The donation included wheelchairs, metal crutches, walkers, bathroom stools, hand braces and a variety of other support materials. According to the PRO, “We do look forward to donations like these because we give them to people who have orthopedic problems, we don’t sell it to them, therefore it’s always good when people can donated these devices”. Dr. Samaroo in his remarks highlighted that he would usually see numerous patients who are in dire need of the equipment and reiterated the importance and significance of same. In July last, the hospital’s

(from left) Representative of the Shalom Ministries presenting donation to Dr. David Samaroo who is flanked by onlookers Opthamology Department received a donation of medical supplies from the George Subraj Family Foundation. It included medical supplies inclusive of an 87-piece surgical instrument set that included precision forceps, dissecting instruments, surgical scissors, vascular clamps,

needle holders and eye drops. This donation was valued over US$20,000 Chairperson of GPHC’s Board of Directors, Kesaundra Alves, received the donation and expressed her gratitude for the team’s continued support. Vice President of the George Subraj

Family Foundation, Tony Subraj, said that the family’s foundation will remain committed to supporting the GPHC and the Ministry of Public Health through their annual corneal transplant mission as a way to expand the services offered by GPHC.

Monday September 04, 2017

Kaieteur News

Top US executives defend ‘Dreamers’ programme for young C’bean immigrants WASHINGTON - CMC – Amid deep concerns that United States President Donald J. Trump could end an Obama-era policy of protecting young, illegal Caribbean and other immigrants, top US executives at a number of companies, business groups and academic institutions have collaborated in voicing support for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). In an open letter, more than 350 executives and other organisation leaders have urged Trump and congressional leaders to preserve DACA, a five-year-old programme that offers a reprieve from deportation to nearly 800,000 p e o p l e brought to the US as children, known as “Dreamers,” according to the Wall Street Journal. “Dreamers are vital to the future of our companies and our economy,” the letter says. “They are part of why we will continue to have a global competitive advantage.” The letter was signed by top executives at dozens of tech firms, including Apple, Amazon and Google as well as the chief executives of General Motors and Starbucks as well as leaders of trade groups, nonprofit groups and investors, including Warren Buffett, the Journal said. It said the effort was coordinated by FWD.us, a pro-immigration lobbying group co-founded by Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, who also signed the letter. The business executives said that denying Dreamers work authorization could result in the loss of US$460.3 billion from the US economy and US$24.6 billion in Social

Security and Medicare tax contributions. The White House has also faced pressure to end DACA from critics of the programme who complain that it wasn’t authorized by Congress and is an overreach of executive authority, the Journal said, adding that a group of conservative states have threatened to sue the administration if it doesn’t act to end the programme by tomorrow. During the presidential campaign, Trump called the programme an “unconstitutional executive amnesty,” but softened his stance after he took o f f i c e , according to the Journal. On Friday, Trump said he w o u l d announce a decision by tomorrow on whether he will end DACA, declaring, “We love the Dreamers,” even as his White House grappled with how to wind down their legal status, according to the New York Times. It said Trump has agonized publicly over the fate of immigrants who were brought to the United States without authorization as children, and who are now protected from deportation and allowed to work under the program. In recent days, White House officials have recommended that the president end DACA. Several administration officials said that Trump is likely to phase out the program, but his advisers have engaged in a vigorous behind-the-scenes debate over precisely how to do so, the Times said, noting that officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because no decision was final, also cautioned that the president was conflicted about the issue and could suddenly change his mind.

Woman arrested for waging constant noise complaint…

War on Caribbean pre-carnival festivities NEW YORK - CMC – The police in Brooklyn have arrested a woman who has been waging what has been described as a constant noise complaint war on the Caribbean pre-carnival festivities as the West Indian American Day Carnival parade climaxes today. The New York Police Department (NYPD) said Crown Heights, Brooklyn resident Kathleen Reilly, 63, has been charged with, among others, obstructing governmental administration, two counts of false reporting an incident, disorderly conduct and harassment. “It looks like she did place some kind of recording device, possibly an iPad, to victims’ faces after being told numerous times to stop doing so,” an NYPD spokeswoman said following Reilly’s arrest. The spokeswoman said Reilly “disregarded orders to stop harassing individuals, also called 911 making a false claim of a large disorderly

group at the location, which obviously forced the officers to respond to the scene, possibly putting officers and others in danger. Obviously, there was no emergency that existed at that location.” Reilly was arrested outside Pacific Gardens in Crown Heights, which was hosting a party for Trinidad’s Independence Day. “We were celebrating because she’s been harassing us for years,” said Pagwah Mas ban member Monica Gill, who witnessed the arrest. “There were about 25 police officers. They made up their mind that they were tired. As soon as they walked up to her, she started ranting. “She was saying she’d been here for eight years,” Gill added. “But this is our culture—we’ve been doing this for fifty [years].” Two Crown Heights venues, where Caribbean nationals practice and prepare for J’Ouvert and other West Indian American Day

Carnival activities, said they are being unfairly targeted by Reilly, who regularly calls in 311 complaints and takes photos and video of them with her iPad.. The seasonal Trinidadian venue has been open for three summers and is homebase for Pagwah Mas, one of the largest mas bands in J’Ouvert, Gothamist said. Officer Sacha PierreLouis, from the 77th Police Precinct’s Community Affairs division in Crown Heights, confirmed that Reilly “makes numerous complaints” about the steelpan music, according to Gothamist. “And she might be the only one making the complaints, from what I believe,” he added. Ms. Reilly has spent literally hundreds of hours stationed on the sidewalk outside our establishment, filming and accosting our patrons as they come in and out,” said Berg’n co-owner Jonathan Butler.



SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY,ETC.-CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 2161043; 677-6620 Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Guyana passport application. Graphics design, advertisement. Tel: 6267040; 265-4535. INNOVATIVEMARKETING & PUBLISHING INC –TEL: 600-4212: We create A/ works, logos, busi ness cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included. Passport, permanent & visitor visa application, Professional Immigration Consultant – Sabita Immigration Services. Call: 225-6496/ 662-6045 Budhram landscaping services, free advice. Call: 656-1326 Eagle’s: Re-gas –low prices, washing machine repairs, gas stove, plasma flat Screen, computer repairs & more. Call: 697-2969/646-0966 Repairs at low cost: Fridges, air- conditioners, washing machines, TVs, microwaves, freezers- Call:629-4946 or 225-4822


Texas governor says Harvey damage could reach $180B

VACANCY One experienced salesman, apply with written application & recommendation, also one general domestic. Apply @ Keyfood, McDoom Village.


WANTED Experienced curry cook, roti/ puri cook, cleaners, handy boy. Apply Hack’s Halaal, 5 Commerce Street.

Qualified teachers at Alfalah School Barbados for Secondary Level (CXC & CAPE). Email C.V to alfalahbds@hotmail.com

One diesel welder generator in very good condition. Call: 699- 4300/ 228-2734

La Parfaite Harmonie, Zeelugt, Uitvlugt. Call: 681-8746

Hopetown Gas station: Manager, Accountant. RA Soda Factory, Rosignol: Accountant, checkers, male & female workers. Call: 3302399/ 623-5920/603-0433

Wanted in large quantities. Dried corilla bush. Contact: 665-1397 Live-in waitress, to work in bar. Walk with ID Card. Contact: 221-2785 Live in waitress to work in bar. Call: 604-6606/ 692-4649 Need Land/Property to Buy in Eccles Area 50’x100'.Call:592-2701885 or 592-668-1102. Immediately! Painters and washers @ 43 Croal Street, Stabroek. Call: 225-3269/6728599 Experienced person to work in a body workshop. Call Neil: 655-0807 Office Clerk Senior /Junior, CXC English/ Mathematics, Computer Knowledge an Asset. Call 223 – 7500 Live In Live out Babysitter / Domestic 223-7500 Call: Monday to Saturday 8:15 4:15 pm Wanted for long term rental, a car, SUV or 4x4, paying 75,000 monthly Tel # 681- 1312

One Female Gardner contact 223-5273/74 One female tutor/ nanny to teach a 2 years old boy, from 7:30-12:00pm. $65,000 per month- Call: 623-1615 Female accounts clerk 2350yrs. Apply in person @ Alabama Trading 65-66 Robb Street, Bourda. Mechanic for maintenance & repair of vehicles & equipment. Experience & references required. Call: 6182020,231-2250 Waitress for bar Call: 612-2522 1 Hair dresser & 1 nail technician @ Natural Beauty Salon & Spa located @ Grove Market Street, EBD. Call Ms Rashari: 652-5800 Experienced person to sew ladies uniforms. Call: 6426079

Jobs available at the Plant Shop/Maintenance, Georgetown, 18-25yrs. Tel: 643-7193 FOR RENT

Fully furnished luxury apartment 2 &3 bedrooms, long & short term stay. Call:664-2143 Building with three apartments in Diamond ideal for Pastors, Companies or Organization. Call: 680-5944/ 656-4211 Commercial space available for rental, prime downtown location, competitive rates. Call: 225-3945 Hair & barber station for rent @ New Market Street. Call: 638-1106

1 - Mitsubishi Fuso 7 1/2 ton Canter. Year: 2007 - $ 3.8 M. Contact: 650-0402/ 603-1402 2-20" Grizzle surface planers, 114’ aluminum boat, 1- 15HP Yamaha outboard engine (short foot), 1 table saw, 1 LT 15 woodmizer mill. Call: 664-5807

LAND FOR SALE Zeelugt - $2.5M, Tuschen $2.5M.Call:642-1252 Herstelling New Scheme (110ft x 60ft) $4.8M- Call: 656-0701, 651-1969

PROPERTY FOR SALE Kastev, Meeten Meer Zorg, W.C.D: 3 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, verandah overlooking Atlantic ocean. Owner migrating -$36M, negotiable.Call:676-7974/615-0173 Property for sale-House 25 x 72, land 40x120@ Friendship Road Top E.B.D $15.7M Call:681-1312

PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Property for rent - 2 storey house at Republic Park, E.B.D$1200US. Call 647-1773

ATV Honda Bike for sale, model: 475,450, year: 2006, 2007, 2011, 2002 and 2003. Contact Popie: 699-7420

One personal chef. Call: 6778236 from 9am-4pm One office administrator with accounting knowledge. Call: 611-5398 from 9am-4pm

SALON - Make-up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, etc. -CosmetologyCourses:$120,000 - Technician Course: $45,000. Call: 647-1773/660-5257

Monday September 04, 2017

Kaieteur News

TAXI SERVICE GR TAXI SERVICE. CALL: 219-5000; 227-1982 & 2257878 (24HRS) VEHICLE FOR SALE Unregistered bluebird 1500cc, 31,000KM, front wheel drive, RZ bus good working condition, owner leaving. Call: 265-0204/2652171/682-7589 One pit bull minibus, BTT series, in excellent working condition, with alarm, price – $1.8M negotiable. Call: 6259204/691-8272 1 Hilux pickup 5L Diesel, GVV series. Call:233- 6218/ 6043275 1-Toyota Premio for sale, $1.350. Phone :685-8513

U.S. President Donald Trump visits with survivors of Hurricane Harvey at a relief center in Houston, Texas, U.S., Saturday. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque HOUSTON (Reuters) Texas Governor Greg Abbott yesterday estimated damage from Hurricane Harvey at $150 billion to $180 billion(£115.87 billion to £139.05 billion), calling it more costly than epic hurricanes Katrina or Sandy and fueling a debate over how to pay for the disaster. Harvey, which first came ashore on Aug. 25 as the most powerful hurricane to hit Texas in 50 years, has killed an estimated 47 people, displaced more than 1 million and damaged some 200,000 homes in a path of destruction stretching for more than 300 miles (480 kms). Abbott, who is advocating for U.S. government aid for his state’s recovery, said the damage would exceed that of Katrina, the storm that devastated New Orleans and surrounding areas in 2005, and Sandy, which overwhelmed New York City and the U.S. Northeast in 2012. “Katrina caused if I recall more than $120 billion but when you look at the number of homes and business affected by this I think this will cost well over $120 billion, probably $150 to $180 billion,” Abbott told Fox News, adding, “this is far larger than Hurricane Sandy.” The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has asked Congress for an initial

EDUCATIONAL Register @ IAE: full-time, afternoon, day/evening CXC/ CSEC classes for adults & repeaters:Mathematics & English A. Call: 683-5742/621-7365 Register your child for after school classes for slow learners in Mathematics, Reading, Phonics, Spelling, etc. Call: 675-4379


$7.85 billion for recovery efforts, which Abbott called a “down payment.” Even that amount could be delayed unless Congress quickly increases the government’s debt limit, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said yesterday. The United States is on track to hit its mandated debt limit by the end of the month unless Congress increases it. “Without raising the debt limit, I am not comfortable that we will get money to Texas this month to rebuild,” Mnuchin told Fox News. Beyond the immediate funding, any massive aid package faces budget pressures at a time when Trump is advocating for tax reform or tax cuts, leading some on Capitol Hill to suggest aid may be released in a series of smaller appropriations. The head of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) called federal aid a “ray of hope” but said state and local officials also needed to do their part. “They can’t depend only on federal emergency management,” FEMA Administrator Brook Long told CBS News. Houston was still struggling to recover yesterday, when the city forced the evacuation of thousands of people on the western side of town to accommodate the release of water from a pair of reservoirs that otherwise might sustain damage. The storm stalled over Houston, dumping more than 50 inches (127 cm) on the region in a matter of days. The city cut off power to homes yesterday morning to encourage evacuations, but conflicting information about who must leave angered some residents.

Monday September 04, 2017

Kaieteur News

Furious Moscow demands swift return of closed US facilities MOSCOW, Russia (AFP) — Russia demanded yesterday that the US rethink its shuttering of Moscow’s diplomatic premises, insisting that Washington bore sole responsibility for worsening ties after the “hostile act”. “We consider what has happened as an openly hostile act and a gross violation of international law by Washington,” the foreign ministry in Moscow said in a statement. “We call on the American authorities to come to their senses and immediately return the Russian diplomatic properties or all blame for the continuing degradation in our relations lies on the US.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov for his part accused Washington of “trampling on international law”. On Saturday, Russia was forced to vacate its consulate in San Francisco and two diplomatic buildings in New York and Washington after the US ordered the move, the latest twist of a lengthy feud. US federal agents inspected a Russian trade

Vladimir Putin mission in Washington to confirm its closure, a step that drew a fierce diplomatic protest Saturday from Moscow. The foreign ministry said yesterday that the “US intelligence services with the support of armed police were now in charge of the seized buildings.” Washington issued the closure order Thursday in retaliation for Moscow ordering the US to slash its diplomatic mission by 755 personnel by September 1.

The number of US diplomatic staff will now be capped at 455, the same number that Russia has in the United States. The recent surge in tensions between the two nuclear-armed powers is a diplomatic setback for US President Donald Trump. During his campaign for office last year and in the early days of his presidency he promised to try to improve relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Last year, tensions again escalated after US intelligence accused Putin of orchestrating a hacking and influence campaign to tip the presidential vote to Trump. In the waning days of his tenure, president Barack Obama punished Russia by turfing out 35 diplomats and closing diplomatic compounds in New York and Maryland. Moscow initially held off from retaliating but when Congress passed new sanctions, the Kremlin decided to belatedly strike back and ordered the US staff cut.

Musharraf says will face Bhutto murder trial in Pakistan

Islamabad (AFP) - Former military ruler Pervez Musharraf said he would return to Pakistan to face trial in the murder case of ex-prime minister Benazir Bhutto. A Pakistani court on Thursday pronounced Musharraf a fugitive in the murder trial but acquitted five men accused of involvement in the 2007 assassination of Bhutto, the first female prime minister of a Muslim country. In a statement issued to the media yesterday, Musharraf said the verdict of the Rawalpindi Anti Terrorism Court was not against him. “I will certainly come back to Pakistan and face the trial, as and when I am medically fit,” he said. “I have been framed in the Benazir Bhutto murder case

Pervez Musharraf by way of political victimization, while I had nothing to do with her untimely and tragic death,” he said. “I have not been the beneficiary of prime minister

Benazir Bhutto’s murder and the entire case as pitched against me is materially false, fictitious, fabricated and is a result of political intrigue,” the former army chief said. The anti-terrorism court branded Musharraf as an absconder and ordered the confiscation of his property. The verdicts are the first to be issued since Bhutto was killed in a gun and suicide bomb attack nearly a decade ago, sparking street violence and plunging Pakistan into months of political turmoil. Former president and military ruler Musharraf is alleged to have been part of a broad conspiracy to have his political rival killed before elections. He has denied the allegation.

Angola opposition parties call for election recount

Luanda (AFP) - Four opposition parties in Angola yesterday called for a recount in last week’s general election, alleging “irregularities” during the vote that kept the ruling party in power. The MPLA party of former president Jose

Eduardo Dos Santos won just over 61 percent of the votes cast last Wednesday and an absolute majority with 150 of the 220 seats in parliament, according to a provisional vote count. The commission is due to release the official results on Wednesday.


Monday September 04, 2017

Kaieteur News



Kaieteur News

Monday September 04, 2017

Monday September 04, 2017

Kaieteur News

Ministries face cutbacks in 2018 BUDGET Trinidad Guardian Government’s 2018 Budget, which is expected to be delivered before month-end, is shaping up to involve continued “serious cutbacks” in ministries’ allocations. The signal came following meetings of ministries with the Ministry of Planning and other divisions on the previous week regarding Budget aspects. Following those meetings, Government officials said the expected time line for delivery of the 2018 package is late September. They noted that Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley returns from his United States medical check-up on September 11, and is expected to meet trade unions right after that. The current second session of Parliament also prorogues September 21. They pointed out that the Third Session of the Parliament will begin immediately after the proroguing and announcement of the 2018 Budget date is expected at the opening of the new session, or immediately after. A 10 to 20 per cent cut in expenditure is so far projected for most ministries, several of which are currently planning how to cope with the expected cuts. Finance Minister Colm Imbert didn’t respond to Budget queries - including on progress - up to Saturday. But other ministerial quarters have been monitoring whether the Budget may end up being less than the 2017 package of $53 billion. Saturday, they noted that one perk of a possible smaller Budget - around $48 billion to $49 billion - is that the deficit will be decreased. The 2017 deficit was around $6 billion to $7 billion. The biggest challenge, Government sources said, is meeting recurrent expenditure and stimulating the economy (which they acknowledged is at standstill). Whether this will be done by more belt-tightening and subsidy cuts, continued staff attrition/non renewal of contracts, or closure of more of the 78 state entities beyond six so far, will be worked out. They also noted continuing shortfall in VAT collections which needs addressing. Government’s signature project - the planned Sandals resort in Tobago - is also yet to be finalised. Government hasn’t yet signed up anything with the Sandals group with

whom negotiation talks are still continuing. Until that is positively finalised, project officials noted, Government cannot trigger its plan to seek private sector investment from the major conglomerates to develop the resort site. Estimates are that the project will have to break ground by year-end in order to be completed by 2010/21. The administration had said recently that local conglomerates would have been invited to participate in the project development aspect via a public/private sector partnership. The Jamaican Sandals outfit was being wooed for operation of the resort aspect.The local company established to handle physical aspects office establishment etcetera - has so far done topographical surveys of the Buccoo Estate for the project, from which designs are expected to flow. Other projects expected to be carried over into the 2018 package - various ministries confirmed - include the Toco port highways

along east and south Trinidad and the Diego Martin overpass, construction of the PM’s residence in Tobago, completion of unfinished schools and curriculum changes to assist underperforming students, plus funding for laptops for secondary schools. Health announcements are expected to include the direction for the Couva Hospital. A recommendation on that is due for Cabinet in two weeks. Officials acknowledged the Finance Ministry was unable to raise the kind of revenue initially projected for 2017. They noted the First Citizens IPO share issue attracted much less than anticipated Trinidad Generation Unlimited liquidation hadn’t occurred yet nor had the disposal of CL Financial assets. Property tax revenue also stalled due to lagging implementation. The Opposition’s legal challenge to the tax is on September 21. Some Opposition MPs have started Budget consultations with groups.

Declining workforce a threat to NIS Daily Nation - The National Insurance Scheme (NIS) has reserves of BDS$5 billion. That’s 45 per cent of Barbados’ GDP and enough funds to pay pensions for at least the next eight years if there was no income from contributions or investment, according to NIS director Ian Carrington. Even though that may seem like a lot of money, Carrington has warned that NIS reforms could be coming within 15 years as the scheme was under strain due to a quickly falling workforce to pensioner ratio and a declining birth rate. He gave a detailed presentation on the NIS Saturday at the Barbados Workers’ Union annual delegates conference at Solidarity House.

HERPES SCANDAL BASSETERRE, St. Kitts - CMC – The St. Kitts-Nevis government says it has launched an investigation into the use of health facilities here to conduct tests of a vaccine to cure herpes saying it was unaware of the situation. “It has been brought to the attention of the Ministry of Health that certain clinical trials were being conducted in the Federation, with the support of Southern Illinois University in the United States of America (USA). “The Ministry of Health states categorically that neither the Cabinet, the Ministry of Health, the office of Chief Medical Officer (CMO) nor the St. Kitts and Nevis Medical Board has ever been approached on this project.



Kaieteur News

Monday September 04, 2017

IDB Executive VP to visit Jamaica KINGSTON, Jamaica — Executive Vice President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Julie Katzman will pay an official visit to Jamaica Wednesday and Thursday this week. According to a release from the IDB, Katzman, who is currently responsible for managing the overall operations of the IDB in Latin America and the Caribbean, will meet with senior Government officials and leaders in the public and private sectors, to discuss Jamaica’s economic and social development and how the IDB can continue to support various initiatives designed to improve lives. The executive VP is also slated visit a few large-scale private sector developments and projects along with IDB Jamaica Country Representative Therese Turner-Jones and a small contingent of IDB directors and officials. According to the release Katzman is pioneering an institutional transformation to further the Bank’s emphasis on achieving, measuring and reporting tangible results,

Julie Katzman and improving access and availability of these results through innovative management and visualisation tools. She is said to be championing progressive diversity and inclusion and women’s economic empowerment agendas and will reportedly be moderating a highlevel IDB gender forum focused on empowering men and women to improve lives, with special emphasis on at risk boys. The closed forum is scheduled for Wednesday. (Jamaica Observer)

Monday September 04, 2017


Kaieteur News

U.N. Security Council to meet May says EU repeal bill best way Monday on North Korea nuclear test to avoid Brexit ‘cliff edge’

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un provides guidance on a nuclear weapons programme. KCNA via REUTERS UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council will meet today on North Korea’s nuclear test at the request of the United States, Japan, Britain, France and South Korea, the U.S. mission to the United Nations said in a statement yesterday. North Korea conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test yesterday - in violation of U.N. resolutions - which it said was an advanced hydrogen bomb for a long-range missile. The 15-member Security Council will meet at 10 a.m. (1400 GMT) today, the U.S. mission said. North Korea has been under U.N. sanctions since 2006 over its ballistic missile and nuclear programmes. Typically, China and Russia only view a test of a long-range missile or a nuclear weapon as a trigger for further possible U.N. sanctions. The council last month unanimously imposed new sanctions on North Korea over its two long-range missile launches in July. The resolution aimed to slash by a third the Asian state’s $3 billion annual export revenue by banning exports of coal, iron, lead and seafood. Diplomats have said the council could now consider banning Pyongyang’s textile exports and the country’s national airline, stop supplies of oil to the government and military

prevent North Koreans from working abroad and add top officials to a blacklist to subject them to an asset freeze and travel ban. Japan urged Washington last week to propose new sanctions after Pyongyang fired a medium-range missile over North Japan on Tuesday. The United States traditionally drafts resolutions to impose sanctions on North Korea, first negotiating with China before formally involving the remaining 13 council members. Following the nuclear test yesterday, Britain, Japan and South Korea pushed for new U.N. sanctions, while China and Russia said they would “appropriately deal” with North Korea. Any new sanctions would build on eight resolutions ratcheting up action against Pyongyang over five nuclear tests, four longrange ballistic missile tests and dozens of medium-range rocket launches. The past three substantial resolutions have taken between one and three months to negotiate. A resolution needs nine votes in favour and no vetoes by the United States, Britain, France, Russia or China to pass. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned North Korea’s nuclear test on Sunday as “profoundly destabilizing for regional security” and called on the country’s leadership to cease such acts.

Modi appoints India’s first female Defence Minister Prime Minister Narendra Modi named a female legislator as India’s new defence minister yesterday, the first time a woman has been appointed to the key portfolio overseeing border tensions with China and Pakistan. Nirmala Sitharaman’s appointment in a cabinet reshuffle will ease the burden on Arun Jaitley, who had been juggling finance and defence throughout a months-long impasse with China over a strategic Himalayan plateau. Modi also dropped Suresh Prabhu as railways minister, less than a week after he offered to resign following a

Nirmala Sitharaman train accident in August that killed 10. Nine junior ministers were

sworn in and four promoted to the cabinet in the reshuffle, the third shake-up since Modi was elected in 2014. “I congratulate all those who have taken oath today. Their experience and wisdom will add immense value to the Council of Ministers,” Modi said after the swearing-in ceremony at the presidential palace. Sitharaman, a junior minister who oversaw the commerce and trade portfolio, joins five other women in India’s cabinet. The prestigious foreign affairs portfolio is also held by a woman, Sushma Swaraj. (AFP)

LONDON (Reuters) Prime Minister Theresa May warned members of parliament that Britain could be faced with a Brexit “cliff edge” if they failed to back her EU repeal bill, as reports suggested momentum was growing within her party to unseat her. With British lawmakers readying for their first full parliamentary debate on the legislation that will sever the country’s ties with the European Union, the minister responsible for overseeing the divorce proceedings admitted yesterday that some payments would continue to Brussels after Britain left. May failed to win a clear

mandate at a snap election in June and only has a slim majority in parliament that rests on an agreement with a smaller party. She remains vulnerable if pro-European MPs in her Conservative party team up with other parties to vote down legislation or support amendments. In Thursday’s debate, the main opposition Labour Party is planning to propose several changes to the repeal bill with a view to keeping Britain in the single market and customs union during a Brexit transition period after 2019, according to The Times. On Saturday, May’s deputy advised Conservative MPs against doing anything

Theresa May that would increase Labour’s chances of returning to power, while May said the bill was the best way to ensure a successful Brexit.

Merkel wants to stop Turkey’s EU membership talks

Berlin (AFP) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced her intention to seek an end to EU membership talks with Turkey during her sole face-to-face TV showdown with challenger Martin Schulz yesterday, putting ties with Ankara centre-stage in Germany’s election campaign. In a sharp escalation of an already intensifying diplomatic crisis between two NATO allies with longstanding historical links, Merkel said: “It is clear that Turkey should not become a member of the European Union.” She said she will discuss with EU counterparts to see if “we can end these membership talks”, adding that “I don’t see (Turkey) ever joining and I had never believed that it would happen.”

Angela Merkel Germany will also look at imposing “real restrictions on economic contact” with Turkey, as well as possibly issuing a tougher travel warning against travel to the country, she said. Merkel’s tough line comes after Ankara arrested

two more German nationals for “political reasons”, according to Berlin. The plunge in bilateral relations began after Germany sharply criticised Ankara over the crackdown that followed last year’s failed coup attempt there. The escalating tensions have split the Turkish community in Europe’s top economy, the largest Turkish Diaspora abroad, which is a legacy of Germany’s “guest worker” programme of the 1960s and 70s. Merkel’s strong stance against Turkey appeared to steal the show from Schulz, who had minutes earlier called for an end to the EU membership talks. Polls published after the televised debate put the chancellor ahead in the crucial clash.


Kaieteur News

Monday September 04, 2017

Obama’s letter to Trump: On the need to ‘leave democracy strong’ WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) — It is an elegant tradition: the outgoing US president leaves a letter for his successor in the aged oaken desk in the Oval Office, to be read upon his arrival. The letter left by Barack Obama for Donald Trump, revealed some seven months after the handover of power, revolves around one central

bit of advice: beyond the bitterness and brutality of political combat and power struggles, never lose sight of the importance of democratic institutions. Publication of the missive, just shy of 300 words, comes at a difficult and chaotic time in the Trump presidency that has seen intense criticism even from Trump’s own Republican

Party for his lack of clarity — and of moral leadership — after the racist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. “Dear Mr. President,” the letter begins, going on to congratulate Trump for his “remarkable run” to the White House and to offer well wishes “as you embark on this great adventure.” The letter was obtained by CNN “from someone Trump showed it to,” according to the channel. “Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure,” it says. Obama had pounded Trump during the presidential campaign with a rare virulence, saying the real estate mogul was, in his eyes, a danger to American democracy. “The fate of the republic is in your hands,” Obama told voters in North Carolina just days before the November 8 election. But in the aftermath of Trump’s shocking victory, with Democrats still badly shaken by the surprise defeat of Hillary Clinton, Obama insisted on the importance of

Barack Obama a peaceful and constructive transition to the billionaire populist, even receiving him in the Oval Office in a meeting that would once have seemed unimaginable. Emphasizing that the US presidency is a “unique office” with no “clear blueprint for success,” Obama nonetheless offers a few carefully worded suggestions to his successor. Insisting on the importance of “indispensable” American leadership in the world, he emphasizes the need for a president to act thoughtfully and responsibly.

“It’s up to us, through action and example, to sustain the international o r d e r t h a t ’s e x p a n d e d steadily since the end of the Cold War, and upon which our own wealth and safety depend,” Obama says. He also exhorted Trump not to let the vicissitudes of daily politics overshadow the long march of American democratic values. “We are just temporary occupants of this office,” he writes. “That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions — like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties — that our forebears fought and bled for. “Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it’s up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them.” The final bit of advice extended by the 44th US president to the 45th took a more personal tone: “Take time, in the rush of events and responsibilities, for friends and family. They’ll get you through the inevitable rough patches.”

Saying that he and his wife Michelle “stand ready to help in any ways which we can,” Obama closes with a wish of “good luck and Godspeed,” signing the letter, “BO.” Trump said publicly that he was touched by the letter, though he has not seen Obama since the handover of power. Of all the letters from outgoing to incoming presidents, the one left on January 20, 1993, by Republican George H.W. Bush to Democrat Bill Clinton stands out for its dignity and class. Bush wrote to his successor — the man who had deprived him of a second term in office — that “your success now is our country’s success.” Evoking the “sense of wonder and respect” for the office that he felt when he became president in 1989, Bush said, “There will be very tough times,” but then added: “Just don’t let the critics discourage you or push you off course.” Bush concluded: “I am rooting hard for you. Good luck.”

Monday September 04, 2017


Kaieteur News

Bhuvneshwar, Kohli lead India to 5-0 sweep Bhuvneshwar Kumar’s maiden five-wicket haul in ODIs and Virat Kohli’s 30th hundred in the format led India to a clinical six-wicket win that consigned Sri Lanka to a first ever home-series whitewash. There was a sense of inevitability to it all, particularly to Kohli’s innings, which swept him past 1000 runs for 2017 and moved him level with Ricky Ponting in second place among ODI centurymakers. Ponting batted 365 times in ODIs while scoring 30 hundreds; Kohli reached the mark in his 186th innings. It was his 19th hundred in a chase, though perhaps one of the least challenging among them. India were only chasing 239. They were only chasing 239 because Sri Lanka failed to build on their first century stand of the series - 122 for the fourth wicket between Lahiru Thirimanne and Angelo Mathews. Had they done so, they may have set a target of around 270. Instead, they lost their last seven wickets for 53 runs. Having left out Hardik Pandya for the first time in 18 ODIs, India chose an extra specialist bowler in his stead. All of them enjoyed a productive afternoon on a slow, used surface barring Shardul Thakur, who went for 38 in a fourover new ball spell and only bowled two more overs. All that meant India did not have too much of a target between them and a 5-0 whitewash, but they had to chase it down without a genuine allrounder at No. 7, and in less-thanperfect batting conditions. They had scored 375 on the same pitch on Thursday, but it had now morphed into a drier, grippier creature where driving on the up wasn’t a straightforward proposition. They lost both their openers by the eighth over, Ajinkya Rahane topedging a hook off a sharp, steep bouncer that was a flashback to Lasith Malinga at his prime, and Rohit Sharma failing to get the elevation he desired while looking

Bhuvneshwar Kumar appeals for lbw ©AFP to scoop Vishwa Fernando over short fine leg. India were 29 for 2, but they happened to have Kohli at the crease in the kind of limited-overs form few batsmen have ever experienced. Kohli walked to the crease having scored 907 ODI runs in 2017, at an average of 82.45 and a strike rate of 103.65, and every now and then played a shot of a man with those numbers behind him: an exquisitely delayed jab between backward point and short third man, a flat-bat swat to beat long-on to his left and every now and then, one of his pet cover drives. But the innings, like a lot of his ODI innings, was more about the things he did in between the eyecatching shots. Where he faced 116 balls and only hit nine fours, Kedar Jadhav hit seven in 73, but he only played out 49 dot balls to Jadhav’s 40. They’re just different players, and their styles melded beautifully in a fourth-wicket stand of 109, but Kohli’s method, which he has honed into an endlessly repeatable template, is the backbone of his consistency. Without Pandya in the line-up, the onus was on Manish Pandey and Jadhav to deliver, and both did,

in their respective ways. Pandey, almost all bottom-hand, top-edged a sweep on 36 after partnering Kohli in a third-wicket stand of 99, the two soaking up a period of pressure exerted by Akila Dananjaya and Malinda Pushpakumara, who both got the odd ball to turn sharply. Then Jadhav came in and shut the door on Sri Lanka with a breezy 63 full of sweeps and pulls, before topedging an attempted late-cut when India only needed two more to win. Having won the toss upon his return from a two-match over-rate suspension, Upul Tharanga proceeded to belie the slowness of the pitch, using his gifts of eye and timing to clatter nine fours in a 34-ball 48. Thakur, only playing his second ODI, bore the brunt of his punishment, pitching too full in the search for swing and occasionally dropping short as well. In that time, however, Niroshan Dickwella and Dilshan Munaweera fell cheaply at the other end, both batsmen driving too early at Bhuvneshwar’s knuckle ball. Bhuvneshwar’s control and changes of pace kept Sri Lanka from running away against the new ball, and India were right on top when Jasprit Bumrah got one to nip away from Tharanga off the seam to have him caught behind in the 10th over. Sri Lanka, however, were going at over a run-a-ball at that point, thanks to Tharanga’s innings, and

that early momentum allowed Thirimanne and Mathews the time to play themselves in. Virat Kohli introduced spin early, bringing Kuldeep Yadav on in the 11th over, partnering him with Jadhav in the 18th, and calling up Yuzvendra Chahal in the 22nd. Between them, the three spinners went on to bowl 24 overs and conceded only five boundaries between them while picking up two wickets. Driving and lofting were tricky propositions on this pitch, and Thirimanne and Mathews did not and could not, given the situation Sri Lanka were in - take too many risks. But they put their experience to use, and swept, nurdled and checkdrove their team towards a platform to launch a late assault from. Both had brought up their fifties when Bhuvneshwar returned to bowl the 39th over with Sri Lanka 181 for 3. He struck immediately, going around the wicket to cramp Thirimanne and forcing him to play on while trying to guide one to third man. Then Kuldeep, returning to the attack in the 42nd over, took out Mathews with the first ball of his new spell, sending down a wrong’un that caught the leading edge of an attempted lap-sweep. At the crease were two batsmen with 5 and 0 against their names, and Sri Lanka had it all to do, all over again. The inexperience of their

Virat Kohli waltzed to his 30th ODI ton © Ishara S. Kodikara lower order came under the spotlight, and they duly crumbled. Wanindu Hasaranga fell to a selfinflicted run-out, Akila Dananjaya stepped out and missed the line of a topspinner, leaving MS Dhoni to complete his 100th ODI stumping, and both Milinda Siriwardana and Malinda Pushpakumara fell to fulltosses from the fast bowlers. Then Lasith Malinga holed out to Bhuvneshwar, and Sri Lanka had folded two balls short of lasting 50 overs. India 239 for 4 (Kohli 110*, Jadhav 63) beat Sri Lanka 238 (Thirimanne 67, Mathews 55, Tharanga 48, Bhuvneshwar 5-42) by six wickets. (ESPNcricinfo)

Belgium become first European side to qualify for World Cup

We will not give up CSTC Coordinator The Cavaliers Sports and Tour Club (CSTC) noted for promotion of the sport Race-Walking has informed that it ‘Will not give Up’ despite the many challenges faced but will continue to press on with its agenda to promote and expand the sport countrywide. So says CSTC Coordinator, Ms Jennifer Major who has emphasised that the future of Race-Walking is primarily among the youth which is the club’s main focus. In a release from the club, it noted that, “There is no doubt that Guyana has a lot of talent mainly among our youth in race-walking but without the necessary support, access to training and the staging of more race-walk countrywide these talents will be left to

deteriorate.” Ms Major informed that number of race-walk events planned for junior Race-Walkers during the August holiday vacation were cancelled due to insufficient sponsorship. She said it was a tough decision to make but without support, it was done with no other options. “We were able to stage a successful 10k Junior Race-Walk at Soesdkye EBD in association with Soesdkye Hemp Association with sponsorship from Ming’s Products and Services, Vice President and Minister of Indigenous People’s Affairs, Mr. Sydney Allicock and Mr. Mohamed Ahamad of Mohamed Ahmad Construction Works of Belvedere Corentyne.”

Jan Vertonghen won his 92nd cap for Belgium in Greece. Belgium became the first European side to join hosts Russia at next summer’s World Cup finals as goals from Jan Vertonghen and Romelu Lukaku gave them victory in Greece. All three goals came in a five-minute second-half period, which began with Vertonghen firing Belgium ahead. Zeca brought Greece level soon after but Lukaku scored the final goal with a glancing header a minute later. Belgium leads Group H by eight points with two games to play.

The Red Devils join Brazil, Mexico, Iran and Japan in qualifying for the World Cup, with Russia automatically getting a place as hosts. Bosnia-Herzegovina have moved ahead of Greece in the race to claim a play-off spot as Edin Dzeko scored twice in a 4-0 win in Gibraltar to take them up to second place. Kenan Kodro and Senad Lulic got the other goals for Mehmed Bazdarevic’s side, who have 14 points, one more than Greece.

Switzerland maintained their threepoint advantage over European champions Portugal after both claimed wins yesterday. An own goal from home keeper Andris Vanins, a strike from Blerim Dzemaili - who had earlier missed a penalty - and a successful spot-kick from Ricardo Rodriguez gave the Swiss a 3-0 win in Latvia. Portugal took advantage of Tamas Priskin being sent off to claim a 1-0 win in Hungary, with Andre Silva scoring the goal. (BBCsport)


Kaieteur News

Monday September 04, 2017

Weather scuppers Windies warm-up Lewis destroys Tridents to seal second but Holder pleased with outing place for Patriots

Evin Lewis blasted six fours and 11 sixes. Ashley Allen - CPL T20 / Getty On a night when Barbados Tridents needed to win by a record-breaking margin in order to make the CPL 2017 playoffs, it was St Kitts & Nevis Patriots who instead created several fresh pages in the CPL record books, in a 10wicket mauling of the home team at the Kensington Oval. Among the marks set on the night were the fastest fifty of CPL 2017, by Evin Lewis (off 19 balls), and the highest Powerplay score in CPL history (105 for 0 in six overs). But it may be the one record that wasn’t set which ended the game on a sour note. Lewis was on 97 off 31 balls when he took strike at the start of the eighth over on strike, with the scores level. Needing a boundary to record the fastest hundred in CPL history and the second fastest in all T20 cricket, he was denied the opportunity to do so. Kieron Pollard reprised the infamous delivery sent down by Suraj Randiv to Virender Sehwag in an ODI between Sri Lanka and India in 2010, bowling a no ball that gave Patriots the winning run. Patriots displaced Jamaica Tallawahs at second place, ensuring themselves two cracks at making the final. They will now come up against regular season leaders Trinbago Knight Riders in the first qualifier tomorrow night at the Brian Lara Stadium. Tridents’ loss meant

Guyana Amazon Warriors booked the final playoff spot, setting up a date on Wednesday night against Tallawahs in the eliminator. Tri-dented batting order Barbados had great individual batting highlights during the season - chiefly Dwayne Smith’s pair of centuries - but never found consistency through the order. Lack of key contributions did them in again yesterday. Nicholas Pooran once again failed to convert a strong start, playing over the ball on a pull against Mohammad Hafeez to be bowled for 21. Patriots made it two in two when Dwayne Smith edged Carlos Brathwaite behind for 17 to start the next over. Like Pooran, high-priced marquee signing Kane Williamson went the entire season without a fifty. Yesterday, he was out for 14, groping a drive off Tabraiz Shamsi to long-on. As bad as Williamson’s season was, mid-season signing Eoin Morgan proved even worse, and was bowled by Mohammad Nabi for 2 to make it 76 for 4. It capped a barren four-game stretch for Morgan with Tridents, with a total of nine runs in 17 deliveries. Scores: St Kitts and Nevis Patriots 129 for no loss (Lewis 97*) beat Barbados Tridents 128 for 9 (Webster 32, Brathwaite 4-15) by 10 wickets.

Leicester, England, CMC – Captain Jason Holder said he was pleased West Indies had gotten valuable batting practice in their two-day tour match against Leicestershire, even though their hopes of giving their bowlers time in the middle ahead of next week’s Lord’s Test was foiled by bad light and rain here yesterday. Ony 73 deliveries were possible on the final day of the encounter at Grace Road before fading light and rain brought a premature end to play. In the 1-1/4 hours play possible, the hosts had reached 70 for one with Harry Dearden unbeaten on 42. Holder said despite the final day disappointment, however, the Windies’ first innings of 377 for seven declared meant they had accomplished much in the contest. “I would say we got what we wanted from this game. The most important thing was for the batsmen to get some time in the middle as we look forward to Lord’s,” Holder said. “Hetmyer showed what he’s capable of with that powerful knock yesterday, and Shane (Dowrich) made the most of it by batting solidly and also scoring a hundred.” The 20-year-old Hetmyer smashed a better than run-a-

ball hundred to finish unbeaten on 128 from 120 balls while Dowrich fashioned a composed 108 not out. Coming on the heels of their triumph in the second Test at Headingley last week, the performance added to the Windies confidence with the third and final Test beginning at Lord’s on Thursday. Holder said the touring side were relaxed and focussed, and streamlining their preparation for the series decider. “We have stayed focused and we won’t put too much pressure on ourselves,” the all-rounder stressed. “We wanted our batsmen to get runs and prepare well for the Lord’s Test. We will now head down to London and continue our preparation and build-up. There a lot to play for.” The 20-year-old lefthanded Dearden faced 45 balls and struck seven fours and put on 61 for the first wicket with 19-year-old Sam Evans who made 18 on his first-team debut. Evans was the only wicket to fall, edging a fulllength delivery from pacer Alzarri Joseph for Shai Hope to hold a low catch diving to his right at gully. Joseph came on first change, replacing speedster Shannon Gabriel, and bowled with pace and accuracy to trouble the

Miguel Cummins delivered a fiery spell. Sarah Ansell / Stringer batmen. Dearden, with just 12 firstclass matches under his belt, looked solid as he gathered boundaries on both sides of the wicket. West Indies lost the opening Test at Edgbaston by an innings and 209 runs inside three days before rebounding to snatch an amazing five-wicket victory in the second match at Headingley last week. WEST INDIES 1st innings 377-7 decl. LEICESTERSHIRE 1st innings H Dearden not out

42 S Evans c S Hope b Joseph 18 A Ali not out 6 Extras (w1, nb3) 4 TOTAL (1 wkt, 12.1 overs) 70 Did not bat: *N Eckersley, T Wells, Z Chappell, H Swindells, R Sayer, D Klein, G Griffiths, R Jones. Fall of wickets: 1-61. Bowling: Gabriel 4-0-21-0, Cummins 6-1-35-0, Joseph 2.1-0-14-1. Result: Match drawn. Umpires: P Baldwin, C Watts

Venus Williams reaches quarter-finals with win over Carla Suarez Navarro Williams has not won the US Open since 2001 but remained on course for the final with a brilliant display against a resolute Suarez Navarro. The Spaniard proved a tough opponent for Williams but it was the latter who took the first set 6-3 after getting off to a flying start with a break in the opening game. However, Suarez Navarro grew into the match in the second set and held her nerve to force a third and deciding set. And the crowd inside Arthur Ashe stadium were treated to some brilliant tennis as both players went for the win. Williams was first to break early on with the fans cheering on every point she gained. But the unseeded Suarez Navarro was not going down without a fight and was consistently testing Williams on her dominant serve. A brilliant rally between the two players got the Arthur Ashe crowd on their feet with Suarez Navarro taking the point. But Williams

Maria Sharapova knocked out Venus Williams

continued her dominance in the third set to once again break serve to put her in a commanding position. And she held her serve to reach her 12th quarter-final at the US Open of her career. For four matches in a row at this US Open a player ranked 146 in the world has appeared exclusively on the main court, Arthur Ashe, while lamely protesting she

would have happily played in the car park. Ultimately Maria Sharapova – for it is she – could not deliver on the faith of American television and the compliance of the organisers, succumbing to the magic of Anastasija Sevastova who chipped, lobbed and sliced her way – sometimes switching hands – to an impressive win in three sets.

It was no upset. Although her 16th seeding is a fair reflection of her stature, even in a devalued field, she has always been dangerous. She was well worth her 5-7, 64, 6-2 win in two and a quarter hours in front of an audience still entranced by the comeback of her opponent. Last year at the same stage of the tournament, the engaging 27-year-old Latvian – for whom tennis is a joy not a business – upset Johanna Konta. She went out meekly to Caroline Wozniacki in the quarter finals winning only two games, but she left the impression that her talent should not be ignored. Earlier in the draw she beat the world No3 Garbiñe Muguruza, who arrived in New York this year as favourite after her breakthrough win at Wimbledon. Next up for her is the unseeded American Sloane Stephens, who continued her remarkable summer comeback on hard courts by beating the German 30th seed, Julia Görges, 6-3, 3-6, 6-1 on Armstrong.

Monday September 04, 2017


Kaieteur News

‘Dicke’ Fields was 2nd to none in our team – Fullbore Captain Persaud Guyana National Rifle Association (GuyanaNRA) Fullbore Captain Mahendar Persaud has paid glowing tribute to former association Vice President and Captain, Richard Berkeley Fields who passed away recently. In remembering Fields, Persaud described him as the, “Coolest calmest shooter you could want in a team”, informing that Fields, fondly known to the older generation of marksmen as ‘Dickie’ was also a former Captain of the Guyana team who approached his job with pride and joy. “I joined in 1994 when Mr. Fields was captain and anyone could have approached him for advice and guidance. It would be short and to the point but always helpful. Having been his captain for over 15 years, I can safely say that he was a pleasure to have or coach in a team match.” Persaud further commented that he always knew that he late

Fields was one of the best shooters that could save a shoot. “I once coached him in a Benson and Hedges Team match to a 150 out of 150. He won the Wogart with that shoot. I was as proud of the shoot as he was. He was a joy to coach and as a shooter and team man he was second to none. After his illness a few years ago and he was forced to stop shooting we were all sad but were hopeful that things would improve and he would be back with a bang. He would be sorely missed.” Richard Fields who passed away on August 26th last would be laid to rest on Wednesday following a Funeral Service at Christ Church Parish Church, Waterloo Street. Viewing and tributes will be from 14:00hrs to 15:00hrs with the Service commencing at 15:00hrs. There would be a viewing at the Merriman’s Funeral Home, 55 Lime & Bent Streets, Werk-en-Rust from 12:30hrs – 13:30hrs.

Richard ‘Dickie’ Fields (seated in chair) sharing a Kodak moment with fellow shooters at a WIFBSC Championship in Barbados.

GABA/BANKS DIH B’ball Under-23 League Elbow injury rules McCullum out of CPL COLTS STACK UP ANOTHER WIN;

PACESETTERS UPSET UG TROJANS The Georgetown Amateur Basketball Association (GABA), Banks DIH/Malta Supreme, Powerade and Rainforest Water sponsored Under-23 league continued on Saturday at the Burnham Hard Court on Middle Street with two matches. The feature matchup of the night between current champions Bounty Colts and Kobras was a nail-biter that saw Colts recording a 69-67 victory. Kobras were edged out 83-82 by Eagles in their previous match and they will

Brendon McCullum retired hurt after copping a painful blow on his arm. Ashley Allen CPL T20 / Getty Brendon McCullum has been ruled out of the remainder of the Caribbean Premier League because of an elbow injury. McCullum was batting on 26 during Trinbago Knight Riders’ chase when he was struck on the left arm by Barbados Tridents’ pacer Wayne Parnell, forcing him to retire hurt. “CPL over for this year, unfortunate. Been a ride with Knight Riders brothers! Many thanks to all for your support! Luck team!” McCullum said on Twitter, sharing a picture of his xray. McCullum scored 335 runs, including three half-centuries, in 10 matches this season. He led Knight Riders’ charge with his 91 off 62 balls to clock up 208 in the previous match against Jamaica Tallawahs, the joint-highest score of this season’s CPL. Though Knight Riders fell 16 runs short in their chase against Tridents, they sealed their semi-final berth and were on top of the table with eight wins from 10 matches. (ESPNcricinfo)

be counting themselves unlucky after losing by a meager 2 points in the closely competed game against the champions Colts. A key factor in the match is that Colts’ Timothy Thompson, who is one of the two best players in the Under-23 league with Eagles’ Travis Belgrave being the other, featured just a few minutes in the game; he also missed the entire first quarter. Amoniki John scored a game high 25 points for Kobras in a spirited performance and was

supported by Rawlewayne Payne (16) and Akil Hughes (12). Their efforts were not enough as Colts managed to record another edgy victory in the Under-23 league. Ramone Fogenay led Colts with 16 points, supported with 15 points from Damon Thomas and 12 from their captain, Jonathan Mangra. The first match of the night saw Pacesetters defeating University of Guyana Trojans 48-42; a very disappointing result for UG who had defeated

Powerhouses Colts and Eagles earlier in the tournament. Quincy Dossantos topped scored for Pacesetters with 14 points in the low scoring affair while Kadeem Peterkin scored a game high 16 points in a losing effort for UG Trojans. Matches continue tonight at the Burnham Court with two matches. The first game bounces off at 18:30hrs between Guardians and Eagles in the Under-23 league while Sonics will play Kobras at 20:30hrs in the first division.

Kobras’ Amoniki John goes to ring against Bounty Colts (white)


Kaieteur News

Eccles NDC claim Trophy Stall Tapeball title Eccles NDC Captain seen collecting the top prize from Coordinator, James Lewis.

Eccles Neighbourhood Democratic Council defeated the Ministry of Agriculture by eight wickets to capture the Trophy Stall Tapeball six-over competition on Friday last at the National Cultural Centre tarmac. Batting first, The Ministry of Agriculture scored 423, Eccles responded with 44-2 in 5.2 overs to win the

match and take the first place trophy along with the monetary prize and medals. The next competition will be held on September 27. The winning team will take home a trophy and $100,000. Interested teams can contact James Lewis on 628 1656 or 666 5859 for registration.

GCB/CGI 3-Day Franchise League

West/B’ce lose to Upper/C’tyne despite Motie’s 13 wickets; Adams’ 6-51 gives E’bo advantage against Lower/C’tyne Gudakesh Motie’s 7-33 to follow up his six-wicket haul in the first innings was not enough to prevent West Berbice from suffering a twowicket defeat to Upper Corentyne at Bush Lot, while Essequibo holds the advantage over Lower Corentyne at Albion. The match between West Demerara and East Coast was abandoned without a ball being bowled. At Albion, Kevin Sinclair (31), National U-19 batsman Alex Algoo (30) and Devon Clements (25) were the only batsmen to reach 25 as Lower Corentyne resuming day two on 64-3 fell for 175 off 81.2 replying to Essequibo’s 275 on the second day of their GCB/CGI three-day Franchise League yesterday. Anthony Adams captured 6-51 from 31 overs and his brother Akemi Adams finished with 2-47 from 27 overs for Essequibo which reached 108-6 to enjoy an overall lead of 207 going into today’s final day. Kevon Boodie (31) and Kemol Savory (26) were the only batmen to reach double figures as pacer Raun Johnson followed up his five-

wicket haul in the first innings with three of the six second innings wickets to fall while Kevin Umroa supported with 2 wickets. When Lower Corentyne resumed yesterday they quickly lost night watchman Niel Smith; caught behind off Anthony Adams for a duck before the home team had added to their overnight score. Wahid Edwards (15) and Sinclair, who reached the boundary four times in 20, had given their team to a solid 43run foundation on Saturday. Seon Hetymer a former National U-19 batsman, elder brother of West Indies player Shemron Hetymer and Clements joined forces on a good track in sunny conditions and both batsmen played responsibly as they embarked on operation rebuild. The pair brought up the 100 with sensible batting before Vejay Surujpaul trapped Hetymer for 20 the break the 37-run partnership. Three wickets tumbled for 17 runs as Anthony Adams got rid of Clements who stroked five fours in 25 while his brother Akemi Adams, trapped Akeem Hinds LBW

Gudakesh Motie

Anthony Adams

for a duck. Algoo held the lower order together with a surprisingly subdued 30 before he was eventually removed by Anthony Adams at 168-8; the last two wickets could only add seven runs, the Adams siblings sharing eight wickets between them. At Bush Lot in West Berbice, the host lost by two wickets to Upper Corentyne in the second game of the opening round to end with over a day to spare. Responding to the visitors’ 152 West Berbice resumed on

93 and reached 163, Javed Karim (30), Quacey McPherson (25), Steffon Adams (21) and Raffel Estraido (21) offering token resistance. Sean Pereira (3-36), Demetri Cameron (2-33) and Eon Hooper (2-60) bowled well for Upper Corentyne who were set 104 to win and reached 106-8 with Andy Mohan (37) and Anthony Bramble (18) leading the Corentyne side to victory although left arm spinner Motie snatched 7-33 in a losing cause.

Monday September 04, 2017

GCA T20 Div. One Cricket

TSC, UG share points after Seepage onto pitch halts match at MSC

Damion Vantull drives through the extra cover during his top-score for UG yesterday. Rain, which caused seepage under the covers and affected the Southern end of the Malteenoes pitch halted yesterday’s Georgetown Cricket Association’s (GCA) T20 division one match between Transport Sports Club (TSC) and University of Guyana (UG), robbing TSC of a possible victory. On a track with some bounce, TSC asked UG to bat and they were in early trouble when they lost both openers in the space of a run to leave them on 5-2. Darrel Douglas (1) skied Francnot Duncan for the keeper to take the catch before Ray Newton was bowled by off-spinner Kevin Ross, who opened the bowling with Duncan. Duncan removed Omesh Dhanram (5) at 15-3 before Melroy Stephenson (9)

missed a cut at Ross and was bowled when he was just beginning to look comfortable in sultry conditions before Duncan, who bowled with some pace, struck again as the students slumped to 29-5. The left-handed Damion Vantull counter attacked with successive sixes over longoff and galloped to 20 before he was adjudged controversially bowled by Sudesh Boodoo even though the ball rebounded onto the wicket from the keeper’s pad. Rain ended the contest with UG on 487 from 19.2 overs. Duncan (3-14), Boodoo (2-0) and Ross (2-0) were the most successful bowlers for the Thomas Lands side, who had to the share the points with UG.

Lewis Hamilton dominates... From page 37 amounting to a nominal 165 places and these penalties render the grid absurd. The weekend threw up a few other heroes. Williams’s 18-year-old Canadian, Lance Stroll, qualified fourth, started second after the two Red Bulls were thrown down the grid by the dratted grid-penalty sanctions, and finished fourth. Force India’s 20-year-old Frenchman, Esteban Ocon, similarly started third, having qualified fifth, and finished sixth. A word of congratulation for Red Bull’s Daniel Ricciardo, who rampaged through the grid from 16th to fourth, including a fine pass on Kimi Raikkonen. Max Verstappen, too, went from 13th, via a puncture-induced setback, to 10th. Apart from that there was little to marvel at in Monza, but plenty to admire in Hamilton’s fluency during a weekend he dominated in rain and shine. (MailOnline)

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