Kaieteur News

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Kaieteur News

Thursday September 10, 2015

Letters... Where your views make the news

Kaieteur News PPPC’s entry to the Parliament is primarily Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


The plight of under developed country For all the talk about progress and achievements, the international community is no closer to recognizing Guyana as anything other than a poor country trying to cope with development. Development is a measurable factor and when one uses the various criteria one finds that the country is still underdeveloped although the government considers the country as developing.The various measurements include the number of doctors per population, the number of teachers per student population, the number of nurses, the number of schools and needless to say, the quality of the roads and other social services. These things do measure development so Guyana when exposed to the scrutiny always finds itself ranked very low on certain indices. Poor countries are believed, rightly or wrongly, to be among the most corrupt. In fact, the analysts tend to suggest that had the leaders not been as corrupt as they are, then the country would have been further up the economic ladder. The harsh reality is, there seems to be an absence of will among the leaders. In the case of Guyana, a senior functionary siphons off $27.8 million and transfers it to one of his overseas bank accounts. The matter is forwarded to the police and at the same time the government official offers to make restitution. Months pass and there seems to be no effort on the part of the government to collect the money. Meanwhile the official is allowed to leave Guyana with his family. Repatriating the money should have taken no more than a day but the local authorities must have been unaware of this. One must wonder if they knew which local bank effected the money transfer. That is only part of the question. We see that some private individuals rented public facilities and refused to pay. Needless to say, those exposed in this arena were people with political connection. This is just one of the areas where the government fails to collect monies due to it. Tax collection lags far behind any development country. In fact, those in the developing country feel that theirs is not the right to pay taxes but to enjoy whatever benefits the state offers. The state of the city is a reflection of money being needed for infrastructural development, but it is just not coming from the people who need the infrastructure. A few months ago there was a hue and cry about the failure of the various municipalities to collect garbage from the streets. This programme was stalled because the municipalities simply did not have enough money. And the money would have come from the taxes paid by the people. This is a veritable Catch-22 situation. But the greatest threat to development is the extent of corruption. People believe that there was rampant corruption in Guyana prior to the change in Government. There is an asset recovery programme and there is an audit. Given the length of time that these have been going on it is surprising that nothing significant has been discovered. Such is the case that the former government officials now say that talk of corruption was grossly exaggerated. Yet, when one looks around at the local assets of people who had nothing before they entered government, one must conclude that many things do not add up. And it is not only Guyanese who see these anomalies; the people to whom we turn for money see the same things and apply stringent conditions to any loans that they may make. The solution to the plight of developing countries like Guyana is trust. People must trust each other and must be keen to work for the common good of the future generation. Trinidad, a twin-island republic to the northwest recently demonstrated to Guyana why its development is not lagging. Just about five hours after its elections it could have declared the results which were accepted without as much as a mumble. Life continued without a break. Not so in Guyana.

TO OCCUPY THE POLITICAL SPACE IT EARNED DEAR EDITOR, I found perplexing the reason given by Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo, for not agreeing to President Granger’s request for the PPPC to participate in the work of the proposed Bi-partisan Sector Committees. Mr. Jagdeo is reported to have said t h a t b e c a u s e t h e G r a n g e r- l e d government is still in election mode he and his party had only agreed to support the establishment of the Border Committee. Stabroek News (SN) in an article in its On line Edition, of September 3, 2015, reported “ Jagdeo says yes to border committee, others on hold”, The article went on to quote Jagdeo as saying “…..While the government is still in campaign mode, the government should take a few months to complete the plethora of forensic audits that they have undertaken and base on those findings, the committees can be organized”. I am not sure if the Opposition Leader is quoted accurately. But if he was, was he saying that the PPPC was only prepared to consider participating on the other committees only if the results of the audits represent positions that are favourable to the PPPC? That, notwithstanding, I wish to

ask Jagdeo if the PPPC is out of the election mode? If this is so one is hard pressed to see any evidence of this. SN in the article of September 3 continued; he Jagdeo,… was “reluctant” to take part in any committee that propagates one ideal while parallel to that the government was making claims that there was rampant corruption under the former administration”. If this is not a statement indicative of a party that is in election mode, I wonder what is? It is the duty of any new government, which, (1)while it was in opposition had expressed concerns over rampant corruption that was taking place under its predecessor, to set in motion the mechanisms to weed it out; and (2) to seek accountability of the former regime when the reins of government is passed to it. The Opposition Leader is again seen in electioneering mode when he is reported to have said “….. We can’t talk about social cohesion when large amounts of people are losing their jobs and they [government] are not giving credible information why they are losing their jobs except in our view because of their race or political

affiliation”. I wish to take this opportunity to remind Jagdeo of the speed and the magnitude of the purge of PNCR functionaries and supporters from state employment by the PPPC after it came to power in 1992. In the event that his memory only conveniently recalls certain events, let me again remind him that following the PPP’s viciousness in their haste to dismiss Africans from responsible positions, including positions within the diplomatic services, there was a plethora of successful court action for wrongful dismissals brought by a number of those aggrieved persons against the PPP government of which he was a part. Given the PPPC’s record on this matter, the Opposition Leader is on a slippery slope of his party’s making. E v e n D r. R o g e r L u n c h e o n recognized this fact, when in a post election interview, he was asked about the PPPC’s dismissal of Africans post 1992 elections and he responded by saying that what happened in the past 23 years should be forgotten and we should move forward. Jagdeo’s and the PPPC’s claims about racial and political discrimination (Continued on page 23)

If Govt. makes open and righteous deals, investors cannot be scared away DEAR EDITOR, I read with utter dismay, to quote the words of the Minister of State on behalf of the Government, “The Government will not be able to assist those attempting to cross the river using their own vehicles since the current contract with the Bridge Company prohibits the use of vessels for the crossing of vehicles, and we don’t want to send a wrong message to investors”. Mr. Editor, this is an abominable contract that needs revisiting forthwith. Is the government willing to send the wrong message to the populace and more particularly to the Berbicians, that, “we are in no position to help you?”

We as a citizenry are hearing of all the various wrongs as highlighted even before the APNU+AFC took governmental office with more revelations on their coming into office. It is time to begin righting the wrongs. Let justice prevail, nothing else would be accepted. Governments are there to humanely oversee the affairs of the people not to highlight wrongs and tell us we can’t do anything about it. If this government makes open and righteous deals and contracts in the interest of all, investors cannot be scared away. Only the selfish are scared away who want everything for themselves and who want to use the poor, hapless

people to promote their personal aggrandizement, gains and satisfaction. In other matters of abominable affairs, we hear of hundreds involved in gold smuggling, foreign investors’ illegal involvements. Are we to hear the government can’t do anything about it? Why all the forensic audits, commissions of Inquiry and Commission to retrieve stolen wealth? Is all this a sham and a waste of money? Justice must not just be perceived to be done. Let Justice be done, Let the evil forces in the nation be brought to nothing, Let God be glorified and Let Guyana and Guyanese progress. Apostle Rev. O’Brian Welch

Was there really a $20Million heist at this hotel?

DEAR EDITOR, Recent reports carried in some sections of the press on a multi-million dollar heist in the parking lot of a popular hotel on the East Bank of Demerara vary and this in itself is cause for concern in these times of escalating crime. Initial reports suggested that an elderly man was robbed of a whopping $20m in cash by a gang of men who escaped. There were no reports of shots fired or injuries to anyone. Here is where the matter gets complicated. Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum advised that no such incident was reported to the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and further that a check with the hotel management confirmed that no such robbery occurred. Interestingly, sources at the very

hotel said that there indeed was a robbery there and that the amount stolen was $10m and that the entire episode was recorded on the hotel’s surveillance cameras. With this critical information, it is expected that the GPF will secure this footage for examination towards a possible apprehension of the perpetrators. There is every likelihood that the alleged victim may not have wanted to file an official report or to be interviewed by the press as he may be asked by the authorities to account for having that large sum (whether $20m or $10m) in his possession. The hotel management, for its part, may have decided to keep the incident under wraps because of the expected adverse publicity for the hotel. Surely the GPF has to get to the

alleged victim as well as the known character who reportedly handed over that large sum of money. It is extraordinary how some persons, having had earlier and very serious brushes with the law and the courts, cannot seem to keep out of trouble. Now, are these large and mindboggling sums of monies a part of the landscape of casinos? How are such sums acquired and how could they be spent so flippantly-at casinos? I know this much, that anyone who earns his money the good, oldfashioned way of hard work and paying taxes would not flit it away at the addictive gambling tables. It has long been established that casinos are used for a variety of questionable activities.More importantly, do we need casinos in Guyana? Maybe, it is time for a rethink? G. Somar

Thursday September 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

This is arrogance to the max Govt. has clearly not thought this matter through carefully

DEAR MR. EDITOR, I am not too tolerant of arrogance in our elected officials and I burn with fury when I see it. I say this due to your article on page 3 of yesterday’s (Wednesday 9th September) KN issue Re – “Jagdeo sets conditions for disclosure of his wealth”. The main condition he wants met seems to be that other politicians should disclose their wealth also. That is arrogance to the max for he fails to acknowledge that it’s him we the people want to know most about in terms of wealth acquisition whilst in and out of office. I am quite sure that many Guyanese will agree that we don’t need him to set conditions to disclose his wealth for he should be glad to

do so if his accumulation of wealth is/was lawful. With the many rumours that abound that are casting a negative light on his legacy and good name, he should have willingly disclosed long ago where and how he got every cent he has in order to clear his name and fortify his legacy. Failing to do so willingly only fuels the belief that all was not above board with his acquisition of wealth. The former President needs to come out and disclose his wealth and how he achieved what he has. It’s he we the people want to hear from on this matter first. Come clean, Mr. Jagdeo (pun intended). John M. London

Enough is enough on Regent St, well done Minister Broomes

DEAR EDITOR, It is a vexation to the soul to confirm what one always believed with respect to abuse of workers’ rights. When Junior Minister of Social Protection, Simona Broomes visited several Regent Street business establishments on Tuesday September 08 2015, much evidence were found of blatant violations of the law. I trust some Court action will be pursued by this new Government. The workers could not depend on the old Government (Ramotar administration) that always attempted to brand itself as pro-working class. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. How can you call yourself pro-working class when for years under your Government these Regent Street workers endured so many abuses, yet your so-called working class Government did so very little for them? For the PPP, many of these workers on Regent Street have only one value – the vote. On elections day many of these poor workers are corralled to the polling station like sheep going to the slaughter house with racist messages of fear to brainwash them into voting for the “coolie people party” (not my words – but Jagdeo and Rohee’s words – source - http://www.kaieteurnews online.com/2015/03/10/roheeendorses-jagdeo-statementthat-ppp-is-a-coolie-peopleparty/) with their diatribe of Apan Jhat politics. Well today the grand coalition of six political parties has come to the rescue of these longsuffering workers at the bottom of the pay scale. It

matters not, if many of them voted PPP; they are Guyanese first. Well done Minister Broomes! I hope GINA does a full feature on these abuses and spread the work in rural Guyana what this Government is really doing to help the poor and the working class. In the Minister’s words – “massive violations of occupational health and safety standards were discovered”, but there were more. Worker rights and labour laws were also violated. Can you imagine in 2015 a worker who worked for sixwhole years was only offered paid leave for maternity as a one-off favour to her by her employer? Shame on that business owner! In Guyana there is the “Leave with Pay Act No. 6 of 1995”, which clearly outlined that “every worker must be granted one day paid leave for every completed month of employment”. That young woman is due 72 days leave with pay – simple. Yet her unprincipled boss violated her human rights. Where is the Guyana Human Rights Association? Has it gone into hibernation on these violations or is it only a press release tiger? Where is the WPO (women’s arms of the PPP)? Did the WPO do a “Houdini” on these violations over the years, although most of the shop front associates on Regent Street are young women from rural Guyana where the bulk of their support are derived? This is the hypocracy of the system - come support me, but when you are in your mess, you are on your own. Thank you (NOT) WPO

for you lack of advocacy for the mostly young female shop front associates on Regent Street. The law is clear, even if you work for less than a full day for a complete month – you are entitled to a prorated pay. PERIOD! Thus there is no getting around this situation by germandering around the law. But there is a higher law than the written rule of law; a karmic law! So even if these businesspersons violate the written rule of law, they cannot violate the karmic law. In karmic law the poor are always looked after. Wasn’t it Proverb 14:31 that said, “He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker, but he who is gracious to the needy honours him?” Yet many of these business owners are the leaders in the Christian Churches, the Islamic Mosques, the Hindu Temple and the Sai Centers around Guyana doing so-called “sewa” for the poor, but quite hypocritically are actively fleecing the poor at their place of work. In 2015, we cannot be paying workers US$164 per month when the legal minimum wage approximately US$240 per month. We cannot have legal citizens of Guyana (Continued on page 23)

DEAR EDITOR, The government has practically come straight out and said that they intend to renege on the contract the Berbice Bridge Company signed with the previous government. They have stated that they have no intention of raising the tolls and that they have no intention of “enriching the shareholders” of the bridge company. They have intimated that the contracted 23 percent return on investment is ‘too high’. They say that they do not want to breach the contracts, but by refusing to adhere to the toll formula, the government seems to be doing just that. This is news every investor in and out of Guyana, who may be thinking of investing in Guyana should take note of. A number of institutional investors invested in providing for the public, a much needed service. The Berbicians were jumping for joy when the bridge opened, but now the big hullabaloo is that the tolls, which are much less than that of the ferry, are too much! This government, in a headlong rush to keep their campaign promises has made a mess out of this matter. They went ahead like the proverbial bull in a china shop, announcing new tolls and a startup date without even consulting the bridge company. Talk about good faith! Then, they suddenly realize they cannot do so unilaterally. Guess what they do? They decide to malign the bridge investors in the media. Great job! Government has clearly not thought this matter

through carefully. If the bridge tolls are a burden on the poorer folks, school children and so on, why subsidize every Tom, Dick and Harrynarine? The subsidy that the government proposes, subsidizes everyone whether rich or poor, Guyanese or nonGuyanese. So if a rich tourist from overseas drives over the bridge, guess what? The Guyanese taxpayer gives him a complimentary $300; ‘thank you very much’! If the government is concerned about poorer folks, then what does that have to do with the bridge company? All the government has to do, is select the people they wish to subsidize and give them a refund of their bridge tolls on presentation of their toll receipt. They can put an office right after the bridge to do so. Similarly, children can uplift vouchers from school or the government office and minibuses can exchange these vouchers for cash against each toll receipt, say $100 per child. This way the poor and vulnerable are targeted for relief and not everyone; bridge contract unaffected. When I was young, we had bus fare vouchers, a little blue ticket that parents could buy for kids at half price, and present to the bus conductor instead of paying the adult fare. But back to the bridge company. It appears that one friend of former president, Jagdeo has invested 160

million dollars in the bridge and the government doesn’t like this. Wake up, government, this happens all the time! Remember the GT&T, Omai and Barama deals signed by the Hoyte administration? Yes, the worse deals ever! Lots of investors got rich but Guyana didn’t. The GT&T monopoly still exists. So, now all the institutional investors in the bridge are getting ‘shafted’ because one of ‘Jagdeo’s friends’ invested. But the government doesn’t realize that it is ‘cutting its nose off to spite its face’. The Berbice Bridge Company is likely to go ‘bellyup’ without the increase, and so will the NIS and all the pension funds invested. So, how does that help Guyana? On the one hand, Government wants the bridge company to bend over and become a distribution agent for their subsidy to everyone, rich or poor, at the taxpayers’ expense, for free; but on the other hand, they wish to malign the intentions of the investors and seemingly renege on the contract. Why? Because its politics! How can any investor accept the government’s position when it has shown such bad faith? Meanwhile, the bridge company, in businesslike manner, has attempted to negotiate. It has signaled that the tolls could be reduced without a government subsidy, if the concession (Continued on page 23)

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Kaieteur News

Thursday September 10, 2015

Seized Lexus registered Draft ministers’ Code of Conduct to be released to bogus re-migrant The seized Lexus LX 570.

The discovery of a Lexus LX 570 Sport Utility Vehicle with false licence plate has led investigators to a suspected racket involving the issuing of re-migrant status to unqualified persons. The fake re-migrant would import high end vehicles and then resell them for millions of dollars. Kaieteur News understands that investigators from the Police Force as well as the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), are reportedly zeroing in on a 49year-old Canadian-based Guyanese woman who had imported the vehicle under the re-migrant scheme and in whose name it is registered. Up to yesterday, the vehicle was still impounded in the Brickdam Police Station compound. Acting commander of the Police ‘A’ Division, Senior Superintendent Rishi Das when contacted yesterday for an update on the investigations, told this newspaper that the matter is being dealt with by the GRA. Based on information gathered so far, the scheme involves several players, including auto dealers and officials from the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs with possible collaboration from individuals at the GRA. A source at the GRA explained that importers would usually use Guyanese residing abroad to import high-end vehicle through the re-migrant scheme, in order to avoid paying the usually high duties these vehicle attract. The person would apply to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for re-migrant status, although that person has no real intention of re-migrating to Guyana. Of course, the sole purpose of obtaining the status is to access the duty free arrangement, in order to import a high end vehicle on behalf of the importer. Investigations so far have revealed that the Canadianbased woman in whose name the impounded Lexus LX 570 was registered was working closely with one such importer. “We are hearing that they paid her passage to come to Guyana to apply for the remigrant status. They then used her to import the vehicle,” the source said. This newspaper was reliably informed that the

woman, a mother of two, whose local address was listed as Sand Reef, Albion, Corentyne, Berbice was paid US$5000 by the importer to bring in the vehicle in her name. Checks for the woman at her Albion address were futile. According to the source, the woman only spent a few days in Guyana to facilitate the transaction before heading back to Canada. A neighbour of the woman’s Albion address told this newspaper that the woman was indeed in Guyana recently but disappeared after a brief stay. “She does only pop in and gone. I hear she bring in a fancy vehicle and she de lookin fuh a sale,” the neighbour said. The vehicle was seized from a residence in Prashad Nagar after the authorities established that the number on the vehicle actually belonged to a car. The driver at the time was briefly detained. Investigators are checking to see how many such vehicles were imported into the country in similar manner.

for public input - Trotman

A draft Code of Conduct that will determine how ministers and public servants behave while in office is to be released for the input of all Guyanese, Government announced yesterday. According to Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman, the draft document has been completed but will not be adopted until it has been made public. Questioned about the code yesterday, during the post-Cabinet press briefing at the Ministry of the Presidency, the Minister said that Government is aware that there will be harsh criticisms but rather than being accused of legislating itself, the administration preferred to take the correct route. “We believe it should be opened up for public comment, criticism, critique

and to be distilled and refined. Hopefully, coming out of it we get a stronger document. We (the administration) thought it would be better to share it because failure to do so means you will be legislating for yourself and you run the risk of a natural bias to lessen harshness, and being accused of doing just t h a t , ” Minister Trotman explained. It is hoped that within a few weeks the document will be refined. Trotman said that already, members of Cabinet stand bound by the contents even though it has not yet been ratified in a public way. The code of conduct was announced in late July, weeks after the new administration took office. It will be used as a guide

for not only Ministers and Members of Parliament (MPs), but also for holders of public office. The code of conduct will address issues of transparency and corruption, misconduct in public office and bribe taking. Over the years, the behaviour of public officials has attracted very little action or sanction despite persistent allegations. The new administration had vowed to pass laws that ensure sanctions against guilty persons. The Ministry of Governance had been looking at best practices that prevail in countries like the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and even Africa. The regulations will be adjusted to fit the Guyana situation.

Entrance exams into HWLS Guyanese law graduates await response from Trinidad, registration starts today Guyanese law graduates, who wrote the annual entrance examination to the Hugh Wooding Law School, (HWLS) in Trinidad and Tobago are still awaiting word from the Council of Legal Education, regarding their results. And registration in the institution commences today. This examination usually caters for law graduates who were not awarded places in the top 25 automatic entry among reserved for Guyanese students. Even students who, based on the Grade Point Average (GPA) and academic performance in the Bachelor of Laws ( LLB) Programme stand a chance at automatic entry, would sometimes opt to write the open entrance examination. In July, 2015 some 20 Guyanese students, sat the

open entrance examination seeking entry into the Trinidad-based Law School. Each candidate was required to pay US$150 to the Council before sitting the exams, which consisted of five subject areas of law. However with registration into the HWLS set to begin today, the patience of those who recently sat the exams, locally, has been running thin since Guyanese candidates are yet to receive answers from the overseas based institution, on whether they were granted entry. Many students have noted that from precedence the Council of Legal Education, would usually release all grades by August month end. This year. however, students have had to contact the Council, to inquire about their future in

the legal education. Some persons were told that “all successful candidates have already been contacted.” But Guyanese law students are contending even if they were unsuccessful the Council should have at least released information to this effect. The students are now sounding a call to have the regional and local authorities intervene on their behalf. “We want to know the status of our results and why weren’t we given notice. We have paid our money. We deserve answers, “one person commented Guyanese students are among candidates from several territories, including St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, and Dominica to sit the entrance exams.

Thursday September 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Rowley signed into office as T&T PM

NEW PRIME MINISTER: Newly appointed Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, centre, answers questions from members of the media after receiving his instruments of appointment along with newly appointed Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi, right, and National Security Minister, Edmund Dillon, (in background) following the swearing-in ceremony at Queens Hall in Port of Spain yesterday afternoon. -Photo: STEPHEN DOOBAY PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC) – Two days after he led his People’s National Movement to victory in the general election, Dr Keith Christopher Rowley was sworn in as the seventh prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago and renewed his pledge to be a head of government for all the people of this multi-racial oil-rich twin island republic. In a ceremony lasting just under 30 minutes, retired Chief of Staff of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force, Major Edmund Dillon was sworn in as the new Minister of National Security while attorney Faris Al Rawi took the oath of office as Attorney General before President Anthony Carmona at Queen’s Hall, on the outskirts of the capital. Rowley later told reporters that the rest of the Cabinet would be announced

tomorrow. The PNM won 23 of the 41 seats in the National assembly in Monday’s general election, ousting the coalition People’s Partnership that was led by Kamla Persad Bissessar, the first woman to ever head a government here. Rowley, who was accompanied by his wife, told the guests that also included the Chief Justice Ivor Archie that “today as I embark upon this exercise…I have the responsibility for all the people of Trinidad and Tobago to manage their affairs”. He told the audience that ‘we have a lot to be thankful for, we have a lot to be grateful for…and let us try and remember who put us on this path and what is expected of us. “If we take this approach, life in Trinidad and Tobago will be much more pleasurable,” he said, adding “I want to thank Almighty

God for bringing me from Mason hall (in Tobago) to Diego Martin…and all over Trinidad and Tobago to be of service to the people of Trinidad and Tobago”. Rowley, 66, a volcanologist, also thanked those whom he said had raised him in a Christian belief and also “those who helped me along the way…and who gave me the advice…you have an opportunity, take it, behave yourself and make good”. “So today I give you the assurance the team that we put in place in Trinidad and Tobago will make every effort to ensure that what whatever we have available to us, it is the best opportunity to be the best it can be,” he said, adding “thank you, thank you Trinidad and Tobago, we are about service and we will serve to the best of our ability”.

St Kitts-Nevis says no to LIAT BASSETERRE, St Kitts (WINN) — Regional airline LIAT is not an entity the Team Unity administration in St Kitts and Nevis is keen to invest in at the moment, according to an Observer Radio report quoting Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris as arguing that, while Antigua and Barbuda has invested heavily in LIAT over the years, it has very little for show for those investments. Harris indicated that St Kitts and Nevis is not eager to sign on to the cash-strapped airline anytime soon. LIAT’s consistent financial troubles do not make it an attractive investment option, Harris is reported as saying. He said his Team Unity administration needs to be convinced that investing in LIAT

at this time would make sense. It would be simply bad financial decision making, he asserted, adding that the people of St Kitts and Nevis would want their dollars spent wisely. He also observed that the many strategic plans LIAT has engaged in have failed to take it out of the red. However, leading trade unionist, Grenadian Chester Humphrey, whose union TAWU represents a significant number of LIAT employees, said Harris’s position is short-sighted. Humphrey said he is concerned that the importance of intra-regional travel is being ignored by governments shying away from investing in LIAT.

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Thursday September 10, 2015

Thursday September 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

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A CLASSICAL DISTINCTION THAT STILL HOLDS TRUE TODAY There is an urgent need for the Grangeradministration to sit down and clarify for its members the exact role of Minister of the government. It does seem as if there is some confusion which does more than just blur the divisions between policy-making and implementation. The role of a Minister of the government is to make and communicate policy. It is the role of the Permanent Secretary to ensure that this policy is implemented and monitored. The implementation of a policy is not the remit of a Minister and should never be entertained. A Minister of the government cannot be involved in day- to- day line functions of a Ministry. This is not the proper role of the Minister who is restricted to policy making and communicating policy. When it comes to implementing that policy, this is done by line officers, and not by Ministers. A Minister has ministerial

responsibility for his or her ministry. This simply means that the Minister is required to answer questions in the National Assembly about the work of the ministry. It does not mean that the Minister is personally answerable for actions of line staff. If this were the case, then if a worker did something crazy on the job, the Minister would have to be held personally responsible. The Minister would be forced to resign. This is not what ministerial responsibility is about. Ministerial responsibility is merely about answering questions in the parliament about the work of his or her ministry. If therefore a minister performs a line function, then the failure of that function would entail the Minister being held responsible for the failure because in this instance the Minister is not making policy but is implementing policy. For this reason Ministers

Dem boys seh ...

Jagdeo can stage ee own robbery De police now finding out that nuff of dem robberies, home invasion and kidnapped are staged. Even dem murders not what some people would want de public to believe. Tek de husband who shoot he wife in Berbice and seh how gunmen come in de blackout and shoot he wife while he was hiding in de bathroom. De police ketch him and charge him fuh murder. Dem had this Crabwood Creek man who want he wife feel sorry fuh him. De woman was leffing him and he didn’t mean to tek lef and allow another man fuh walk in suh he hire three men fuh come in de house and terrorise he and he wife, He write a note to de men fuh direct dem how to beat him and wha dem must do to de wife. In de note dem boys read, he write how one of de men must seh, “Shoot he sk**; shoot he sk**” because de man want de wife to feel sorry fuh him. Dem hear he get a sound beating but he wife get more than he. He then whisper to de men “I didn’t pay y’all fuh all that licks.” De police ketch this one too as well as de bandits who beat him. Then dem got this worker who stage de $4.5 million robbery. He do this thing next to CID headquarters. He then lef and go to CID and report it. While he reporting it, an officer who pass and see him wid de bandit ask, “Is not you and that thief man I just see laughing and gaffing cross de road?” Right away he start sweat and de police know he lying. Dem boys hear de police lef and go straight to de thief man house. Dem ketch de thief man wid de money. De thief man, Caesar de police seh, refuse to bear he chafe and spill de whole plan. Jagdeo is another stage man. He stage a wedding wha half de country attend. He then tun round and seh that he never married. He stage Donald term in office. When people believe that Donald was leading de country, it was de same Jagdeo. Dem boys seh don’t be surprised if he hire he scampish friends dem to stage a robbery to thief out some of he assets fuh hide ee real worth and then invite de media to come and see what ee really own. Dem boys want tell him that this is Guyana; whatever you think you do in de dark, does come to light. Talk half and remind Jagdeo and he friends de jail cell dark.

should not be going on raids or visiting businesses during an exercise conducted by labour officers. These are line functions and when they are being performed, the Minister should not be part of these functions. There is another important related reason for this principle. The line function is supposed to be carried out by line officers. But in the presence of their Minister, those line officers may defer to the opinion of the Minister rather than do what their technical

knowledge predisposes them to do. Thus if someone is in the presence of their boss and the boss says this is X, the person may be disinclined to say it is Y. Who wants to go against the boss? Ministers therefore should not get involved in operations carried out by line officers. They should set the policy, communicate the policy and allow the line officers to implement the policy. It is very important that this distinction between policy-making and policy

implementation be upheld. Unless this happens, professionalism is going to be undermined. The technical and line officers should each be allowed to do their work as an implementer. The Minister should do his or her work as a policy-maker. For example, the Ministry of Home Affairs has a policy of a gun amnesty. But it is not for the Minister of Home Affairs to go around collecting the guns. That is the function of the line officers involved.

Similarly if labour officers are conducting inspections, the relevant Minister should not be involved in this operation even as a spectator. The government is new and it is enthusiastic about getting things done. But everyone needs to stick to their role and allow for a distinction between policymaking and policyimplementation.

Final Local Govt Bill gets stormy passage From page 3 House that the Bill and its amendments represent extensive discussions which took place with the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). Bulkan also stated that the Bill seeks to make over 20 amendments while inserting a new section to the Act. He said that collectively, they clear the way for the holding of Local Government Elections. He said, “The debates on this have been extensive and exhaustive and I have participated in eight such debates in the Parliament. This Bill will hand over power to the people. If we acquiesce to Edghill's argument it would create further delay of these elections. The people would not be kind to us with any further delay and in denying them

their right to enjoying local democracy. We reject the notion that we are being insensitive on this matter.” The Minister of Communities then explained some of the proposed amendments to the Bill. He said that the changes include more definitive explanations for the meaning of election officer and identification card. The amendments however, did not sit well with Former Minister of Local Government, Ganga Persaud, who contended that they could be improved. He told the House that the government side has adopted a posture of fast tracking everything irrespective of the nature and importance of the business. He said that this very important Bill is being placed at the sacrificial altar of expedi-

Goat thief shot in buttocks A goat thief is nursing a gunshot wound to his buttocks. He sustained the injury while reportedly attacking police ranks early yesterday morning. The wounded man was with three others who were stealing goats in the Mahaica area. Police said in a press release that about 05:30hours, the police responded to a report of suspected larceny of goats. On arrival at the Helena No. 2 Public Road, Mahaica, ECD, three men and a woman were seen in a motor vehicle with two goats. The men and the woman

made efforts to escape and were pursued by the police, during which one of the men allegedly attacked a rank with a pair of scissors and was shot to his buttocks. The injured man was taken to the hospital where he was admitted, while another man and the woman were arrested and are in police custody. However, according to the police the ranks who did the shooting has been placed under close arrest, while the Police Office of Professional Responsibility is conducting investigations into the incident.

ency. Mr Persaud pleaded for his colleagues to be guided by wisdom and send the Bill to a special select committee as the opposition is prepared to burn the midnight oil to do it the right way. He then proceeded to cite some of his concerns with the amendments of the Bill. “The Bill before us is seeking to have Nominations Day 50 days before Elections Day instead of the 21 days as stated in the Principal Act. This raises questions such as "Who decided to give the Elections Commission 10 extra days"? What's the rationale behind such a move? Who will benefit and what would be the benefits? Among others.” The former Minister continued, “Nomination Day for General and Regional Elections is not later than 32 days before "E" Day unlike Local Government Elections which will not be held in all parts of Guyana, yet we are asking for 50 Days. “We cannot support such an amendment but will reluctantly agree with the 40 days as requested by GECOM.” The opposition parliamentarian recalled that several members on the government side proudly and publicly expressed confidence that Local Government Elec-

tions will be held not later than December 7, 2015. “Let's assume that the Bill is passed today, September 9, it means that Political Parties, Groups and Individuals have less than 16 days to apply for Symbol to GECOM.” Persaud then questioned whether government is serious about holding Local Government Elections before December 7. He told his colleagues that the December 7 deadline is stated in the Law which clearly speaks that Local Government Elections must be held not later than the first Monday in December. He opined that the Bill and some of its contents fly in the face of transparency, democracy and inclusivity which he said are all necessary components of Local Government Elections. There were other speakers from the opposition's camp who asked for the Bill to be sent to a select committee with other members of the government's side appealing that there should be no more delay.

Page 10

Kaieteur News

Thursday September 10, 2015

=== The Freddie Kissoon column ===

The PPP has learnt and will learn nothing from history When a party loses a general election, the first commonsensical thing that follows is an in-depth discussion of what caused the defeat. Some causal explanations may be off the mark but nevertheless answers have to be looked for. The Republican Party in the US has long concluded that a softer approach on immigration and women, with a more inclusive approach to Blacks, would make for a successful clinch of the White House. Many Labour Party leaders in the UK felt that Labour lost the recent general

poll because it did not appear centrist enough under Ed Miliband. Small parties in coalition with bigger parties, with whom they have little in common, ideologically, were devastated in the last general elections in the UK and Germany. The leaders in the LibDems in the UK and Free Democrats in Germany concluded that the electorate punished them because they did not achieve their goals in government and their identities were lacerated by their more dominated rightwing partners. The UNC in Trinidad will have its moment of reflection

on what went wrong under Kamla. It is doubtful that the PPP kings and queens sat down with their intellectual supporters both in and out of Guyana and assessed the reasons for the loss of the majority in 2011. The PPP has long cultivated a culture of messianic greatness and therefore its leaders would have agreed with each other that some minor hiccup caused the 2011 defeat. It is the same psychological inflexibility in 2015. This time the defeat wasn’t caused by an inconsequential detail but by rigging supported by the global community.

Against this Freudian denial, the PPP will not have the polemical exchanges among themselves on the 2015 defeat. All the signs are there that the PPP has learnt absolutely nothing from the two electoral shocks, its history in general, despite over sixty years of existence and thirty years in power, (PPP has served the longest in government, 19571964; 1992 -2015). Perhaps the most compelling evidence that the party has learnt nothing, will learn nothing and still live with the deception of the messianic aura are its choices for the Elections Commission - Robeson Benn and Bibi Shadick. It is really sad that Guyana has to live with these types of leaders in important positions of authority. These are unpopular leaders of the PPP who have alienated large sections of the very constituencies from which the PPP draws its strength. Comically-styled Bruk-Up Benn, this former Minister while possessed

with authority, earned a reputation as a strongman. Mr. Benn went into NCN station and ordered the removal from air of a calypso that poked fun at the Government. Mr. Benn was spared the wrath of the opposition during the 2015 election campaign because the opposition was too busy to highlight an issue that took place right in the middle of the campaign. Some vendors were removed at Vreed-en-Hoop in typical Benn style. There are three other incidents with Benn that have caused me to dislike this man intensely, one of which is a confrontation in the Kaieteur News offices. The least said of Bibi Shadick the better. Wouldn’t an organization want to put forward popular activists that would enhance its electoral chances? The answer is commonsensical and it is accepted by perhaps all organizations in the world except the PPP. The country is in for a treat – Bibi Shadick versus Steve Surajbally. What can be easily predicted is that Shadick will certainly alienate

Frederick Kissoon the Commissioners, the Chairman and the Chief Elections Officer. The APNUAFC coalition on hearing that Shadick was appointed must have jumped so high with joy that it got stuck and couldn’t come back down. If the PPP hopes to win an election with an ethnic demography that hardly resembles the past thirty years then it is living in a fool’s paradise. And the PPP lives in such an illusory cocoon. One suspects that the PPP feels it can stay in the national discourse if it showcases leaders who come across as pugnacious. But what an insulting indictment of Indian people. The PPP fronts Jagdeo, Shadick, Benn, has Westford and Bheri Ramsaran in Parliament and still believes that Indian people will ignore the philistinism and vote for these non-performers then it surely doesn’t say much for the East Indians of Guyana. In the 21st century, a political party can promote people that lack the elementary ingredients of social grace and all because of an ethnic commonality, will win the general election. I guess it works for the PPP but it certainly is a sad indictment of a race of people who vote for such a party.

Thursday September 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 11

M&CC launches its Green Volunteer Corps - aims to make G/Town the cleanest and greenest city in the Caribbean The Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) on Thursday last launched its Green Volunteer Corps, at a simple ceremony in the compound of its Republic Avenue headquarters. Among those gathered for the historic occasion were Mayor Hamilton Green; Deputy Mayor, Patricia Chase-Greene, and Town Clerk, Royston King. Addressing the gathering the Mayor declared the Green Volunteer Corps open. He emphasized on the benefits of the initiative. He stressed that the aim of the Green Volunteer Corps is to bring about change to the Garden City. The Mayor continued, “Many of our young people over the past generation have grown up in an environment of nastiness and corruption and are not aware of the difference between mediocre and excellence.” Green explained that the Green Volunteer Corps is a catalyst to bring onboard, organizations, citizens and community groups to make Georgetown a cleaner place. The long-serving Mayor pleaded with the gathering to encourage young people to get onboard. “We want our young people to come onboard, so that they will push us with their ideas and dreams,” the Mayor said. Town Clerk, Royston King, shared similar sentiments. King, who was recently appointed to his position, noted that the event is a very significant one in the history of Guyana. He added that the main objective of the Green Volunteer Corps is to get citizens in all neighbourhoods involved in returning Georgetown to its former glory, with the intention of making Guyana the greenest and cleanest country in the Caribbean. King told the gathering, “I believe we can do it. But we

cannot do it alone, which is why we decided to establish the Corps.” The Town Clerk said that regardless of any degrees of difficulties the task must be achieved. Deputy Mayor, ChaseGreene, expressed concerns at the current state of the busiest street in the Capital City. She made reference to several unhealthy areas that vendors would sell fruits, vegetables and other items. Chase-Greene also pointed to the many clogged drains, garbage piles and unpleasant stench that would emanate from the vending spots. She continued, “We cannot afford to walk down Regent Street and see a 12inch drain with 11 inches of sand.” As the Deputy Mayor urged citizens to take a walk around Georgetown, she said that the M&CC has already started cleanup works around the city. “We have to have a healthy city, healthy minds and healthy bodies,” she reminded the gathering. Chase-Greene affirmed that the M&CC believes that the initiative will work, while encouraging persons to dispose of their waste properly. Additionally, the city’s landscape is expected to be beautified when the council embarks on its tree planting day. Come October 3, citizens from all walks of life will plant 1,000 plants throughout the length and breadth of Georgetown. “We have agreed to plant 1,000 plants throughout Georgetown, so we are mobilizing all citizens to get onboard,” King declared. King added that the event is aimed at preparing the country for its 50th Independence celebration. According to him, the event is a presidential initiative.

Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Greene (right) receives the donation from a representative of Clarians’ Boutique

Overall, the launch was deemed a success by many in attendance. There was a significant handing over of several boxes of contractor bags to the M&CC by a representative from the Clairans’ Boutique. Officials from the Guyana Tourism Authority, the business community, stakeholders among others were also in attendance.

(From L to R) Mayor, Hamilton Green, Deputy Mayor, Patricia Chase-Greene and Town Clerk, Royston King at the launching.

Page 12

Kaieteur News

Thursday September 10, 2015

Housing Minister encounters under developed housing estates ... threatens revocation of titles The pace of development in several East Bank Demerara communities was met with dissatisfaction by Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Keith Scott, on Tuesday when he made an impromptu visit to several of the areas. Accompanied by a team from Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA), Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) and the Ministry, Scott zeroed in on several commercial zones as well as areas being developed by the government, and those handed out to private developers by the previous administration. Areas between Diamond and Eccles given out to Chineseowned BaiShanLin, Windsor Estates, Courtney Benn Construction Services, Nabi and Sons, B.K International, Dax Constructing and People’s Progressive Party’s Member of Parliament (MP) and Odinga Lumumba came in for inspection. The team also visited Perseverance Phase Three, where 1,000 turnkey homes are being constructed, the Remigrant Scheme, and areas to be developed behind Little Diamond and Prospect. For years, applicants have complained that they were

awarded house lots but could not occupy the lands for reasons beyond their control. This is despite the fact that these areas were earmarked for development years ago. The absence of main utilities like electricity and water, no drains or drainage system, incomplete roadways as well as interconnecting streets, huge plots of land waiting to be demarked, high bush and occasional plots of land made into graze-lands for animals, are some of the situations that obtain in various East Bank Demerara areas. The roadways leading to most of the communities were damaged. But it was at the Remigrant Housing Scheme, located north of the Mocha Main Road that was worst. Officials observed that the roadways there were filled with potholes. The area was overgrown with bush despite promises that the area would be exclusive, having infrastructure and facilities that rivaled the normal communities. Having paid for house lots priced between $4M and $7M, those residents are still waiting for spacious road reserves that will include asphalted carriageways and concrete sidewalks, street lights, concrete drains and modern amenities promised with exclusive

The turnkey homes being developed at Perseverance

residential living in the prime real estate location. At the Remigrant scheme, officials said that it had passed the interest stage, but since the first phase of infrastructural development during the period of 2011 – 2012, nothing has been done. It was noted, too, that the house lots for the Covent Garden Housing Scheme have all been sold but the lack of water and electricity has been stymieing inhabitation. Also, the area handed to Courtney Benn for housing development remained abandoned. A huge empty plot where only a bridge leading to a locked gate was seen

The abandoned Courtney Benn housing scheme

represented the extent of the works done. High bush was a prominent feature in that particular area. It was noted that the area was given over for development more than four years ago. The housing area at Farm, too, was awaiting development. There were no lights, water or roadways. While BaiShanLin has a huge spread completely fenced off at the back of Providence, works had ceased for the past two years. There was no activity when the team visited. Nearby, Dax Constructing has been given a large plot of land to develop but when the team visited, only one house was constructed in the area. The government learnt that Dax has been selling the lots and pushing the owners to develop their own homes. The area he owns covered 26 large house lots but they are yet to be developed. Also, in face of Dax’s area, the development at Nabi’s has been some amount of progress, according to officials. Works were ongoing at some of the houses. At Perseverance, 200 of the house structures being developed by the government are currently up but most are still being constructed. Officials have said that 30

families have moved into the area even as works continue and the Ministry is pushing for those homes to be completed by the end of the year. Speaking to the media after the inspection, Minister Scott made it clear that he was unhappy with the pace of the development. He highlighted the need to immediately establish a well to serve the East Bank areas since access to water was one of the major issues highlighted. Water, the Minister emphasised, is one of the most critical aspects in terms of development and the well will be costly. The next phase will be to introduce electricity in the areas. Roads are also high on the government’s agenda. The Minister explained that the government’s policy is to have cohesive development. “What existed in the past is what I would call a collapse system.” According to Scott, while the past government pushed for the distribution of thousands of house lots, their focus will be on pushing for a better life for all Guyanese. “We are into places where people can live as a village, where we can make people see it’s not a house lot. We are about a

community, people becoming one. In that way a nation can develop,” he said. “In some cases, people were being ripped off. They have a (house) lot that they can’t identify or they can’t move forward.” The APNU+AFC government intends to ensure that once people acquire their house lots, within months “they must be able to see progress. They must be able to see a road; they must be able to see a drain, they must be able to see lights being put in.” Minister Scott expressed dissatisfaction with the pace of development that is taking place in some private developers’ areas, especially at the area BK International sold to BaiShanLin, Dax and Caricom Insurance, since these areas were allotted to the investors since 2011. The Minister, during the walkabout, had recorded his dissatisfaction with the works completed at the Remigrant scheme. Scott emphasised that the government must work to fulfill the promises made to Remigrants. Scott added that the government inherited a backlog of about 25,000 house lot applications.

Thursday September 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Bids opened for works on Parliament Building, Mahdia roads In a session running well into the evening, a number of bids were opened at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), Ministry of Finance on Tuesday. Bids were opened on behalf of the Parliament office, for the repainting of the exterior of Public Buildings. The Engineer’s estimate was $7,050,980.

Rip Rap river defense works at Maryville, Leguan Island, Region Three were also bid for. Nine companies submitted bids and the engineer’s estimate was $88,823,750.

Meanwhile, on behalf of the Transport and Harbours Department (T&HD), bids were opened for the docking and rehabilitation of the three main passenger vessels- the M.V Kimbia, M.V Barima and the M.B Sandaka. For the M.V Kimbia, three companies submitted multimillion dollar bids.

For the M.V Barima, two companies submitted bids

Construction of rip rap river defense works at Endeavour, Leguan Island, Essequibo was also up for bid. The engineer’s estimate was $48,525,450.

There were bids opened for the construction of rip rap river defense at Mosquito Hall, Mahaica, East Coast Demerara, Region Four. The engineer’s estimate was $163,965,700.

And finally, for the M.B Sandaka, significantly fewer sums were proposed in the bids. Meanwhile, bids were opened for the construction of a timber revetment at Vryheid, Canje, Berbice in Region 6. Revetments are wooden structures used to combat coastal erosion in areas where crashing waves tend to erode the coastline. The engineer’s estimate was $25,804,000. Under the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, bids were opened for the installation of highway lights along Wismar and Burnham Drive, Linden. The engineer’s estimate was $14,991,482 and five companies submitted bids.

Page 21

Govt. recovers unpaid money for Regent Street workers More than $16M has been paid over to employees whose rights were violated. The amount reflects payments made since the new government took office. According to Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection, Simona Broomes, the payments made were to employees who were owed because they were wrongfully dismissed, worked beyond the 40-hour work week and were not paid for the over time, were injured on the job and not compensated, or, worked without any annual leave. “Since I am in office we have had 503 inspections done. We had 665 complaints that were written, over 300 anonymous complaints, so we are going close to a

thousand within such a short period of time,” Broomes said during an operation on Regent Street on Tuesday. The Government Information Agency (GINA) was made to understand that inspections were banned by the previous administration because it saw them as “harassing the store owners.” Brooms said that there was one company that recently agreed to pay $1M per week until its debt to workers is cleared. “The Government, the staff, it’s just a fresh approach,” Brooms said, noting that businesses will have to comply with labour laws as the new administration is here for the people.

No bail for East Ruimveldt resident found with illegal gun, ammo City Magistrate Alex Moore remanded a man to prison yesterday after he pleaded not guilty to a charge of unlawful possession of firearm and ammunition. Devon Garraway, 24, of 317 East Ruimveldt, Georgetown denied that he had a .32 revolver in his possession along with 24 rounds of matching ammunition on September 6, at East Ruimveldt, when he was not the holder of a firearm licence. His next court date will be on October 13, for reports. Prosecutor, Corporal Shawn Gonsalves, told the court that the defendant was arrested by the police during a sting operation. He added that a search was conducted

on Garraway’s person and the illegal gun and ammo were found. The prosecutor objected to bail on the ground that no special reasons were provided to satisfy the court. Garraway, who was unrepresented by an attorney, explained to the court that the items did not belong to him. He added that he was sent by his roommate to uplift a package containing food stuff and clothes. Additionally, he claimed that he is innocent of the charge since he had no knowledge of what was concealed inside of the package. The defendant said that on the day in question, the police pounced on him and placed the allegation to him.

City businessman set to face trial for sodomy Bids were also opened for boulder face slope protection works between Crane and Mary, West Coast Demerara, Region Three. The engineer’s estimate for these works was $48,911,000

Multimillion-dollar bids were also opened for the rehabilitation of river defenses at Scottsburg, Corentyne, Region Six. The engineer’s estimate was $52,883,000.

There were also bids opened for the rehabilitation/repairs of roads from the Brian Sucre junction to Mahdia, Region Eight. Residents and travelers entering Mahdia have long complained of the state of the roads leading into the Mining community. The engineer’s estimate was $41,550,000.

A Charlestown businessman is set to face a High Court trial for buggery. Yesterday a jury was empanelled before Justice Dawn Gregory at the High court in Georgetown, to oversee the trial for which Kevin Gordon is accused of committing the act on a minor. The incident is said to have occurred on November, 2, 2007. The trial is set to take place in camera. State Prosecutors, Stacey Goodings and Orinthia Schmidt will be presenting the case on behalf of the State. On Monday, Ray Thomas, a 46-year-old man, was found guilty of engaging in sexual activity with a child. He was sentenced to 18 years in

prison for the offence. The sentence was handed down by Justice Gregory at the Georgetown High Court. Thomas was accused of using his finger to penetrate his victim, who was eight years old at the time. The incident is said to have occurred on February 2, 2012. Thomas’s trial was held in camera. Kaieteur News understands that the victim was a regular visitor of Thomas’ home. The convict, who was unrepresented throughout his trial, remained silent, as the jury returned the verdict. The case was also presented by State Prosecutors Stacey Goodings and Orinthia Schmidt.

Page 22

SERVICES PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. – CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 Visa Application: U.S.A, Canada & UK; Guyana Passport application. Graphics design, Advertisement. Tel: 626-7040; 265-4535. PARTY DECORATING: balloon creation, back drops etc. for weddings, birthdays, anniversary etc. Make your event extra special! Tel Maya: 642-6664 REPAIRS AT LOW COST: FRIDGES,AIR-CONDITIONERS, WASHINGMACHINES,TVS, MICROWAVES,FREEZERSCALL: 629-4946 OR 225-4822 REPAIRS & SPARE, FRIDGE, FREEZER, A/C, WASHERS, STOVES CONTACT NICK: 6831312, 627-3206 Floor sanding & Lacquering House plans, Estimate & painting, boat for Santa Mission - Call: 650-4362 Repairs at affordable prices: fridge, air conditioner, washing machines, dryers, TV, microwaves & freezerCall: 610-5846 or 661-8158 Eagle’s fridge re-gas @ 99100 New Market Street - $8,000 & washing machine repairs. Phone: 697-2969, 223-5818 Permanent & Visitors Visa Applications, Professional Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building. visadocumentsgy@yahoo.comCall : 225-6496, 662-6045 Construction and maintenance of Terrazzo – Call Bacchus: 642-2289 INNOVATIVEMARKETING & PUBLISHING INC –TEL: 600-4212: We create A/ works, logos, business cards, posters, etc, placements of ads included. We repair fridge, freezer, AC, washer, dryer-Call: 231-0655; 683-8734. Omar Desmond Repair Services Fridge, AC, gas stove, microwave, washer, etc on the spot repairs –Call: (592)678-8683; 687-9709 TOUR Trip to Suriname 20th -24th November 2015 -$38,000; Brazil 25th -30th, 2015- $46,000Call: 660-0312, 695-4506 FOR SALE/RENT American pool tables –Call: 277-0578

Kaieteur News




Make Up Courses with Mac, Bare Minerals, Black Opal and Sacha cosmetics. Call: 647-1773/660-5257


1 Mazda Axela, PTT series, low mileage, e x c e l l e n t condition -owner migrating Tel: 649-0956

WANTED For interior location:1 logging truck driver, 1 mechanic/ serviceman,1 block inspector/ scaler, 1 tree feller. Call: 683-2575 2yrs Experienced seamstress – knowledge: flat/ over lockers/ Serger machines, meeting of deadlines/target a must- Contact: 270-4852 6am6pm & 645-5533 6pm-? Male sales clerk to work at hardware store at Pouderoyen West Bank Demerara. Call: 264-2524 Two receptionist/ housekeepers to work shift system- Call: 665-7474 One live in domestic must know to cook Indian dishes $70,000 monthly. 25yrs40yrs-Call: 610-3974 Experienced Dental Technician to work part time –Call: 695-0007 Straight stitch/Over edge machine operators. Call: 2222541 (8:00am-4:00pm MonFri) Experienced Cook @ Hibiscus Restaurant –Call: 231- 5857 Hire Car Drivers and contract cars from ECDCall: 220-1000 Office clerk: senior/junior. With CXC Maths/English, Computer Knowledge is an asset. Call: 219-5354 One cleaner; apply in person, at 4 First St. Alexander, 4 building left from Cummings Street. Call: 225-3234 New company hiring; security officers needed: $3,000 per day-Contact: 2316052 between 8am and 4:30pm Contract Cars with driversContact Triple ‘S’ Taxi – Tel: 220-0060; 622-7772 Live in waitress to work in a bar –Call: 604-6606 Office Clerk, must be computer literate, 25-30yrs –Call: 231-8344 or 231-8529 A senior accounts clerk, with level 1 ACCA 3yrs experienced required. Attractive salary. Email resume to humresdes@gmail.com Driver with conductor for RZ minibus with music, fully serviced, route 42, preferably from Grove/ Diamond area. Tel: 6623073; 216-1866

Thursday September 10, 2015

FOR RENT PLANNING AN EVENT? BIRTHDAY PARTY, GRADUATION,WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARY, ETC. CALL DIAMOND TENTS: 216-1043; 677-6620 One bedroom apartment well secured preferably working couple or single person- Call: 638-8858 1 FURNISHED 2 BEDROOMSAPARTMENT WITH WI-FI, SHORT TERM /LONG TERM – CALL: 2227891; 609-9202 GT TOOL RENTALS: COMPACTOR; CHIPPING HAMMER RANSOM & FLOOR SANDER, JACK HAMMER, CONCRETE SAW & MORE- CALL: 6750767, 627-5098 Fully furnished Apartment, luxury 2 and 3 bedrooms selfcontained, long and short term- Contact:603-9671 1-3 Bedrooms house @ Oleander Ave, Bel-Air Park, all modern conveniences, unfurnished -$1600US, monthly-Call:231-7839 working hours House and land at Canal #2 Polder -$35,000 monthlyContact: 613-1860; 685-9721 2 Self Contained rooms; water (hot & cold) A/C & phone$US1500 @ Vlissingen RoadContact: 660-9478; 672-0865

LAND FOR SALE $1.5M Parfaite Harmonie, main road, corner lot, $2.8M Parfaite Harmonie (130ftX46ft), Diary -$2.8M – Call: 611-7223; 604-2207 Parfaite Harmonie 80X45 $1,250,000. Call: 683-0009

VACANCY Work from home; earn $5,000$20,000 daily Call MondayFriday 9am-5pm #233-6517, 6 3 8 - 0 5 9 5 www.jobfairworldwide.com Office clerk, porters, apply at Survival Wholesale Depot, Lot 10 Vlissengen Road Vacancies exist for cashiers/ supermarket, helper. Apply in person with written application at Nirva Supermarket –Call: 227-5771 Babysitter/housekeeper live in Trinidad with family, hiring on excellent recommendations onlyCall:868-688-5908 Sales clerk/cashier with experienced. Call: 227-1846 or apply to Kards Plus, City Mall, Camp Street. Experienced bartender & Cleaners- Call: 225-8572 Salesman needed. Job Description: Sell food in the Street, salary $100,000 monthly –Contact: 225-9808, 660-9000 or 677-7395 Male sales representative wanted to work in New Amsterdam on Commission, Valid Driver ’s Licence, between age 25-40.Call: 6093650 One Driver; apply @ Technical Services Inc, 18-23 Industrial Site, Eccles E.B.D Accounts clerk: experienced in QuickBooks, accounting software, managing VAT NIS & PAYE, apply @ Technical Services Inc, 1823 Industrial Site, Eccles E.B.D

10 Acres of land at Kuru Kururu suitable for chicken farm of live stock- Call: 6895322 Concrete fenced land in residential high income area at Republic Park, Water, light, etc-Call: 233-0570 5 Acres, Enmore Public Road E.C.D, Ideally suitable for large investment-Call: Richard: 609-7675; 674-1705; 233-2614

ACCOMODATION Harmony Inn apartments, furnishing (Kitchenette, bath tubs, hot & cold, TV, Wi-Fi, AC) –Tel: 668-0306; 6947817; 218-1400 $5,000-$8,000

Year 2003, Toyota Spacio, HC5070, first registration 29-012015. Price $1.6M negotiableContact:226-2558 or 29 Sandy Bobb Street Kitty . In Stock @ First Class Auto: 08 Premio, Allion, Runx, Axio, Bluebird, Sienta, Fielder, Rush –Tel: 609-8188, 638-3045 AT192, 212, Allion, unregistered Premio, Hilux Surf, BNN, RZ & Pit-bull, 7 seater super custom. Cash / terms- Call:680-3154 SALE! SALE! SALE! 2008 TOYOTA PREMIO-$3.3M, 2006 TOYOTA ALLION$2.3M, ALL VEHICLES FULLY LOADED & UNREGISTERED- CALL: 642-7295 2000 Freightliner hauler, C12 Engine –Tel: 609-7257; 689-9041 One Honda CRV Immaculate Condition 17" mags, CD, AC, price -$1,850,000 negotiable – Call: 626-2884 White NZE PNN 6837, excellent condition -$1.65M – Call: 667-3101; 672-5347 Unregistered Toyota IST – Fully Loaded -$1.9M –Call: 657-1796 Kaw a s a k i N i nja 650R, excellent condition, lime green $650,000 asking price Tel: 655-2561 1 Pit Bull Minibus, 19 seats, recently sprayed & service also brand new rims & tires. Contact: +592-695-3813 One Leyland Daf LF with 6 ton Hiab 2002 GTT series (New) price $5 million Call: 622-6746 One Fuso canter truck with 3 ton crane GTT series, price $4 Million Call: 622-6746 Star Cars Auto Sale: Just Arrived: Rush, Allion, Pitbul, Bluebird, Alteeza, Benz, 06 Premio. Tel: 679-3140, 2683509 Star Cars Auto Sale: 04 Premio, Allion,06 Runx, 03 Runx, Axela, New Raum, IST, Vitz. Tel: 679-3140, 268-3509 Venus Auto Sale: September Specials: 2004 Premio $2.350M, Pre-Order specials on IST -$1.9M –Call: 624-5617 We buy & sell vehicles for cash, also parts available & 30 seater buses; Extra Cab pickups; 2006 TacomaCall:680-3154 1 Ford 2005 F350 Pickup, extended cab, 4X4 Diesel, 35 inch tyre auto, 1 Chevy Van 2007 –Call: 610-5370 Toyota Premio- 2003, Spacio2004- Call: 227-5950 or 6817117

FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITIES OF HIGH PURITY MERCURY (QUICK SILVER) 99.99995% PURITY$19,000 PER POUND CALL: 592-227-4754. One 318 BMW never registered for $ 3M down payment $500,000 contact # 650-0402 or 616-0429 Land at Schoonord (Next To Demerara Harbour Bridge), 45' X 100' $ 6 M, 60' X 100' $ 7.5M- Contact 650-0402 / 260-4988 One never used Hydromatic sewage pump, model 5k50M2 -$86,000 –Call: 6259281 Automatic Gate opener, garage door opener, chainsaw 51 HP, Dell Projector, Toyota Fielder, year 2003 –Call: 644-4582, 662-8665 50LBS BAGS DOG FOOD, W/SALE & RETAILCALL: 222-7891; 6099202 One 928F Caterpillar Wheel Loader $8M contact # 6500402/ 260-4988. Great Deals on video games & all gaming consoles. PC, phone games & applications. Delivery also Call: 672-2566; 265-3232 One Massey Ferguson Tractor 175 – Call: 255-0343; 694-7154 Section 1, Stall 71/72, La Penitence Market, Albouystown – Contact: 663-1597; 218-4837 VEHICLE FOR SALE Timber Jack 450 B, skidder, excellent condition, scrap Nissan 720 Pick-up- Call: Richard: 609-7675; 674-1705; 233-2614 Mazda Axela Grey (PNN Series) 2004, 1500cc, fully loaded- $1.75M –Call: 6151611; 664-4000

TO LET Kitty 2 Self Contained Bedrooms apartment, cable TV, Internet, parking security cameras-$100,000 monthly –Call: 645-0247 One bedroom apartment Grove New Housing Scheme, EBD -$36,000 –Tel: 642-1956 Apartment in Eccles, rooms in Albertown –Call: 225-3234 1- (One bedroom) tiled semifurnished bottom apartment C/Ville –Call: 667-1896; 2231051 Continued on page 23

Thursday September 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 23

Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views

Was there a consultation for such appointments? DEAR EDITOR, We read with interest and a great deal of concern the announcement from the Prime Minister’s Office of the appointment of four Liaison Officers intended to bring the former to local communities. It is unfortunate that since this was the quid pro quo for the appointment there was little explanation for it, especially in light of the fact that the PM insisted that his new $22 million dollar Prado was intended to take him to the varied parts of the country without much

hindrance. What is galling is the absence of a document to indicate the substantive reasons for the appointment. Was there a consultation for such appointments, and if so with whom other than some residents at Whim after the visit of the PM and another of his colleagues over the weekend 6-7 September, 2015? We would expect that a minimal consultation would have produced a document to indicate the areas of need and the requisite skills required to address them? It is supposed that that

PPPC’s entry to the... From page 4 of party supporters is nothing but convenient party propaganda. In fact, any objective examination of the present government policy will reveal that the APNU+AFC government has been slow in replacing PPPC political appointees. There is growing public concern that too many officials of the previous government are still in sensitive positions in the state, and this reality represents a threat that can be used to undermine the new government’s policies. I am against “political witch hunting” but I am yet to see signs of this practice by the present regime. In my opinion, the PPPC is still in election mode, it has not shifted gear. The party’s entry into the parliament is primarily to occupy the political space it earned at the elections and for their MPs to earn an income. The party is in shambles, having lost power which it was not prepared for: it is now forced to struggle both in and

out of parliament. When it held political power, the PPPC was critical of the opposition’s efforts at constructive criticisms; now that they are in the opposition their efforts have been conveniently baptized as legitimate revolutionary work. It is clear that the PPPC has set itself the goal of undermining the APNU+AFC government and have adopted several measures to do so. The party has been working overtly and covertly through its various agents. A good example of the latter is the position taken by the minority shareholders in the Berbice Bridge on the issue of government’s decision to subsidise a reduction of the tool. The hot and cold approach of the PPPC leadership to important national issues like establishing of the Committees raised by President Granger in talks with the Opposition Leader, should not become a political football for cheap partisan political gains. Tacuma Ogunseye

Enough is enough on... From page 5 working off the books and hence not entitled to NIS benefits. Where are the NIS Inspectors, have they been bribed into capitulation and in the process selling out the workers? It is time for stage two of this exercise – unionization. Union like CCWU or NACCIE has to step up to the plate and unionise these workers. In conclusion – well done Minister Broomes and keep it

up. Thank you for letting all the oppressed workers in Guyana know they have a friend in power, be they prostitutes or shop front associates. I trust you will do a follow up visit to Regent Street in six month’s time to ensure that the working conditions of these workers have improved and if not, take some of these business owners to court. Enough is enough! Sase Singh

Govt. has clearly not... From page 5 period is extended. They have opened the dialogue. Government would do well to get off this foolish ‘high horse’ and get a skilled negotiator to negotiate with the bridge company without breaching the contract.

Do not let this reach the CCJ; you know what happens then. If we fail, we may get a nationalized bridge; but we can say goodbye to public sector investment in publicprivate partnerships! Oh yes; and all the NIS and pension money! Deochand

would have been followed by job descriptions to indicate the requisite specialities, educational background/ requirements, professional skills and experience along with the package of remunerations, perks, benefits, concessions, etc attached to the offices involved. Moreover, since these are or should be public appointments, there would also be the usual quid pro quo between the rights and benefits of the office/position and the expected duties and obligation that are not simply the outcome of a whim or prerogative – official or otherwise. There is nothing here to suggest that any consideration was given to these issues In other words it would appear that the appointments were nothing other than a whim. Maybe that’s where they’re coming from? Which of the many problems that afflict our communities are these officers assigned to consider and handle? What does the match between demand and requisite skill looks like? Is there some kind of a priority that has been assigned? In Region Six, for example, we have a surfeit of problems ranging from piracy, drugs, truancy, corruption, backtracking, smuggling, domestic and spousal abuse, and if our newspapers are any indication, our suicide rate makes us the capital of the world. What are the skills (experience, professional, educational, etc.) of the designated appointee to match the issues raised by these problems? In Region Six, we have several institutional sources of authority that have emerged over the years to deal with specific issues of security, governance, drainage, environment, etc. including, RDC, NDC, municipality, and their attendant sub divisions. In addition, we also have national institutions that have been there for some time to provide support to local communities – NDIA, Sea Defense Board, EPA, CH&PA, etc. Which among these require support to bring up to national standards? What

skills are required to ensure those standards? And who, in any case, decides on the divide between existing statutory authority and Liaison Officer? Existing Experience suggests: No Contest. PM’s Office Always trumps local Sea Defense engineer. But the more vexing question and the one that has been at the source of considerable anguish in Region Six for the past ten years is the relationship between the PM’s Regional Liaison Officers and existing institutions. It did not take long after the elections in 2001 and the appointment of two Presidential Liaison Officers in Region Six (popularly known locally as Mutt and Jeff) that Ministerial authority came to trump everything Prime Ministerial and Presidential three and five times over. Expectedly, Local and Regional Governments lost whatever little autonomy/ authority they had and quickly yielded to their colleagues from Central Government. Ministerial outreach became the central instrument for a new kind of accumulation. Businessmen and those with ambition quickly understood how the system worked – easier to convince a Liaison Officer, palms fully greased, with direct access to President, PM or Minister, than to face down an NDC meeting and some grumbling citizens, when you want a piece of land, a favour for special concession, a trench/ canal diverted, overlook

environmental regulation, prevent agencies from asserting their authority. Residents in one Upper Corentyne community, after nearly ten years, are still trying to get a full hearing after one Ministerial authority for the “go ahead” to build, surrendered more than 20 acres of private property to party squatters initiated by an enterprising businessman. The question here is: Who holds the Liaison Officer’s foot to the fire while he has the ear of the PM? Those of us who live and work in our communities are aware that there is considerable room for improvement in present standards of public service. But it isn’t a new boss that is required. What we know and have had to live with is the duplicity and complicity that follows from the abysmal lack of coordination among existing agencies. The previous administration used the resulting frustration of residents as a strategic tool for intervention and a conduit for a new system of primitive accumulation. If, let’s call them the Whim appointments, can be done with such aplomb, it seems clear that the new administration is already some way down this slippery slope. The only advice we may have for local residents, as we did with the previous administration after the appointments of Mutt and Jeff, is: lock up yu house, hide yu daughter, fence yu yad, tie up yu cow, send yu wife to she family, liaison is on the loose!! Rishee Thakur

From page 22

PROPERTY FOR SALE Property for sale, Grove $20M / Rent: $50,000 per month. Tel: 625-5461. Republic Park Phase 1- $48M, Prashad Nagar -$49M, 4 bedrooms -Call:609-2302, 645-2580, 609-6516, Property for sale, business place at Kuru kururu, New Town on High Way- Call: 261-6282 or 676-4787 Pearl: Well built 1,995 SF concrete building on 58X165 lot, formerly used at meeting halls-$13.5M-Tel: 649-1670 Brand new 2 storey concrete building in 5th Avenue, Diamond, E.B.D, all modern amenities - $45M –Call: 6629335; 612-3244 Property @ West Minister W.B.D, 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom & 2 Verandahs Property Vacant possession- Call: 660-9478; 672-0865, see T&T Realty on FaceBook. North Ruimveldt- 2 Storey Wo o d e n a n d C o n c r e t e house –price $9M-Call: 653-8082 House & Land located @ Lot 17 Pike Street Kitty, location perfect for business & residence for more info call Anwar Rahaman on Tel: 6388513 or 600-8513 House for sale Versailles W.B.D five minutes from Harbour Bridge, price neg. Call:616-0111

EDUCATION I.A.E currently registering students for full time secondary school, lessons & evening CXC classes for adults- Call: 683-5742 Princeton College Forms 1-5 (5000) CXC adult classes $1,500 a subject, Phonics/ Grade 2,4,6,9 lessons Call: 231-1209, 690-5008,657-7398 Affordable Reading, Spelling, Phonics Classes etc for children of all agesCall: 675-4379 Register now! 6 weeks course, pedicure & manicureCall: 618-8536; 696-2295 TO LET Flat house, two bedroom with toilet and bath -$35,000 a month –Call: 684-8877

Page 24

Kaieteur News

Suicide Prevention Day 2015...

Follow-up care needed for persons who attempted suicide By Desilon Daniels For every person who commits suicide, there are nearly two dozen others who would have tried and failed. Even more alarming, a suicide attempt is the strongest risk factor for suicide, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said. People who have made prior suicide attempts are at a much higher risk of committing suicide later in life. While the WHO has suggested follow-up care for people who attempted suicide along with the provision of community support, such initiatives are lacking in Guyana. This deficiency has left survivors of suicide out in the cold and seeking the necessary help to keep them from ending their lives. One such person is Dennis Singh (name changed), 18, of Essequibo. From a young age, Dennis faced difficulties, particularly in relation to his family life. “A lot of things were not going right. My personal life was messed up and no one was there whom I could trust,” he said. He explained that his parents had separated and his mother had moved to Georgetown while his father was “never around”. Dennis lived with his older sister. He said that his depression became particularly difficult to handle as he entered his teenage years. “I had just started high school and the family problems were building up; no one was there to relieve me,” he said. “I tried to be happy. I would go to school and try to focus but as soon as things start to clear, another problem would arrive and I’m back to square one and feeling stressed out.” He said that he was constantly worried about his life and wondered each day whether anything would change. “At the same time I was trying to figure out who I was, who I was becoming, and all the personal stuff was hitting me hard. Everyone

was ready to judge me and didn’t give me support so I kept to myself,” Dennis said. “It might sound like nothing to be suicidal for but trust me; who knows it they know it well.” Eventually it all became too much; he had been battling with his problems for three years and had had enough. So, at the age of 16, he decided to commit suicide. “One day I couldn’t take it and this thing called suicide fly up in my head suddenly. I wanted to die just to end all the pain and suffering; I wanted to be free,” he related. With his mind made up, he made his way to the seawall. He sat there for a long time, working up the courage to jump. “All of these different thoughts were going through my head while I’m crying there. About an hour I sat there, looking at the water. I wanted to end the suffering so badly but at the same time something was telling me, ‘don’t, don’t, don’t! Think about your future.’” he said. So, he stood up and made his way home, the thought of suicide out of his mind, at least temporarily. However, he

unaware of where he could get help and never sought the aid of a counsellor. “If I knew where I could’ve gone after my attempt, I would’ve gone,” he said. He later received help from the now deceased Dr. Faith Harding and other persons. However, he said, he only recently reached out. “All the time it was me alone; no one else,” he said. He said that he still deals with depression and suicidal thoughts every day. Dennis now uses his

“I was there by myself...I battled my own ship while it was sinking.” said, every time there is a problem he thinks back to his attempt. He explained that things became slightly better when he moved to Georgetown. “One thing with Essequibo is that the place is dead; nowhere you can go and chill and hang out. Another thing is that no one there wants to listen and help. I was there by myself...I battled my own ship while it was sinking.” He added that even to this day no one in his family knows that he is suicidal. “The first thing people think is you’re mad”. He said, however, things have improved with his family. But Dennis was

New EU Ambassador ... From page 15 cooperation with the EU. “A new United Nations (UN) Development Agenda for 2015 and beyond, the pillars of developing cooperation, economic and trade cooperation and reinforcement of political institutions will be crucial to the implementation of such an agenda,” President Granger noted. Granger said Guyana will continue this constructive engagement as it participates in the United Nations framework

Dennis Singh

agreement on climate change. “We hope to see a new climate agreement that would be fair to all,” said the President. For Granger, the accreditation of the EU Ambassador yesterday bore testimony of the vibrant relation between this South American nation and the EU as well as the commitment of the latter to strengthen relations with Guyana. Granger assured Videtic of his full support, during his tour of duty.

difficulties as a message to other persons battling with thoughts of suicide. “We were given life to live, love, and be happy,” he stressed, “Reach out and you might see the wonders hidden inside. Say no to suicide, for it is not the answer!” FOLLOW-UPS NEEDED At an alarming rate of 44.2 suicides per 100,000 – nearly three times the global average – it is no secret that Guyana has the highest suicide rate in the world. But an even more alarming realization is that the number of suicide attempts is more than 20 times the number of successful suicides. According to the WHO, the days and weeks following a suicide attempt are particularly difficult and this period is usually the time when another attempt is made. This fact has led local activists to emphasize the need for follow-up services to be made available to persons who attempt suicide. Anthony Autar, Managing Director of the Guyana Foundation, believes a strong support system should form the foundation for suicide prevention. “It is absolutely essential that they get some kind of follow-up care and that they have a strong support system consisting of people who

know about suicide prevention and those who are compassionate and willing to offer support to persons who attempted suicide,” he said. He said that those who attempt suicide are coming out of very traumatic experiences and need all the support they can get. “The fact that they attempted to end their lives shows that they’re in an extremely vulnerable state and they need a lot of emotional support.” In terms of what is available in Guyana, Autar said that he was not aware of post-care services being available to those who attempt suicide. He said that he is, however, aware of discussions to set up such support groups. He emphasized that for such groups properly trained persons must be a necessity. “If they [suicide survivors] don’t get the support, whatever issues pushed them would be unresolved and without proper care and support they would try a second time and that second time they may actually end their lives,” he said. Managing Director of The Caribbean Voice, Bibi Ahamad, said ideally, persons who attempted suicide should get counselling. However, she said, this is often not the case. She said that the stigma attached to suicide along with few publicly known places have hindered progress in this area. While she noted some interventions being made by faith-based organizations or nongovernmental ones, she said that more needed to be done, particularly from the government. “It is a difficult thing to even find the places but now that we have the suicide hotline that should be a big help. There ought to be more publicly advertised places where people can go and get the help they need,” she said. She said this is particularly true for areas outside of Georgetown and opined that special attention should be placed to the outlying areas. She said, too, that the families of those who attempt suicide should also participate in counselling sessions when necessary. She noted that in some cases it is best to keep them away because they “may cause more pain and anguish rather than helping the situation”. Today, Guyana joins the rest of the world in celebrating World Suicide Prevention Day. This year, the day is held under the theme, “Preventing Suicide: reaching Out and Saving Lives”.

Thursday September 10, 2015

Four injured in road accident Two passengers, the driver and the conductor of a "Pitbull" minibus BTT 6674 remain seriously injured, after the minibus driver lost control of his vehicle and skidded off, and toppled on the Perth Public road in an attempt to avoid hitting a motorcyclist, who swerved into his path. The incident occurred early Wednesday morning. The driver Imani Sealy; the conductor, Leon Featherson; and passengers, Onica Grant, a special Constable; and Winston Livan, a soldier, all sustained injuries about their bodies. After been rescued by public spirited residents, the patients were transported to the Oscar Joseph Hospital at Charity, then to the Suddie Public Hospital. But due to the

severity of the injuries, further efforts were undertaken by doctors, at the Suddie Public Hospital to transport the injured to the Georgetown Public Hospital. Mrs. Audrey Garraway, Livan's mother, said that her son joined the minibus from Dartmouth and was heading to his work site, at Anna Regina. She said that she later received a call informing her of the accident and traveled first to the accident scene and later to the Suddie Public Hospital. Her son sustained a broken arm. Last Friday, a Golden Fleece vendor had to be hospitalized after his minibus collided with a car driven by a C.I.D. rank. (Yannason Duncan)

Kitty man before court on fraud charge A former employee of Builders Hardware and General Supplies was on Tuesday released on $120,000 bail after denying a charge of fraudulent embezzlement, when he appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. Bhowanie Ramotar, 44, of Lot 7 Railway Line, Kitty, Georgetown, faces a charge of embezzlement by clerk or servant. On August 24, last, at Georgetown, Ramotar fraudulently misappropriated $500,000. Magistrate Ann Mc Lennan ordered that he make his next court appearance on

September 30, for statements. Police Corporal, Deniro Jones, told the court that on the day in question, the defendant collected a cheque for $500,000 from Hai Fung Thung, to take it to the company’s proprietor. The Prosecutor added that the defendant never handed over the cheque, and instead gave it to Andrew Fraser, who encashed it at a Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) branch on Regent Street. The matter was reported to the police and under caution, the defendant admitted to taking the money.

Teen may lose leg after Snake bite From page 17 and tie off me leg up at the top and I tell he to cut out the bite spot with a knife to prevent the poison from killing me and he do it,” Gomes said. As he bled, Alex ran for some 90 minutes along the trail to the mining camp where he collected an All Terrain Vehicle, ATV and returned to find that his friend had lost a lot of blood and was unconscious. Gomes said his boss, known only as Rudy, transported him to a Health Centre in the Northwest District but he had to await transportation to be transferred to the Georgetown Hospital Accident and Emergency unit. Without timely medical treatment chances of survival are slim in cases of snake bite. In 2009, Maxey Edmund, 27, of Philippi Village, Region Seven lost his life after being bitten on his left calf by a poisonous snake.

The stricken man had walked some 40 miles for treatment, from his village all the way to the Annai Health Centre. By the time he reached, his condition had deteriorated, forcing the Health Centre to transport him for additional treatment in Georgetown, where he was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). In 2012, Nelson Daniels, a 45year-old labourer, of Warapana, Upper Pomeroon River, succumbed to the poison of a Labaria snake four days after he was bitten. The father of four was reportedly unable to access medical attention on time due to financial constraints coupled with the remoteness of the area in which he lived. He was transported to the Oscar Joseph Hospital at Charity and then to the GPHC after his condition worsened.

Thursday September 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

No thoughts of Kamla resigning

Kamla Persad-Bissessar (Picture courtesy Trinidad Express) Trinidad Express Despite losing the general election, political leader of the United National Congress (UNC) Kamla PersadBissessar remains a winner in the hearts of party supporters. On Monday night, Dr Bhoendradatt Tewarie who won the Caroni Central seat for the party said there was no question as to whether Persad-Bissessar should resign in the face of defeat. He was speaking to the media at UNC headquarters at Rienzi Complex, Couva after the People’s National Movement (PNM) declared victory. When asked if he believed the leadership of PersadBissessar could be sustained at this time, Tewarie replied: “I don’t think the question arises now at all. I don’t think it is something even under consideration. I think we will all have to rethink how the Opposition will function but I am committed to the Prime Minister Kamla Persad-

Bissessar now as Opposition Leader and more than that, we are committed to the partnership that we have built with the parties that is to say the COP (Congress of the People), the UNC the NJAC.” He added: “And whatever I can do to solidify Partnership and to strengthen the Opposition forces and to build a national capacity beyond what we have created so far, we will continue to do and Kamla Persad-Bissessar is my leader.” Defending his leader Tewarie said: “This lady, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar had the roughest period of five years. As a Prime Minister and she did not receive any kid’s glove treatment from the males in the society and in my estimation she was a very, very courageous leader. She was a formidable leader and she was a compassionate and caring Prime Minister. The country will have to make their own judgements about other Prime

Ministers. “ Speaking about his own victory, Tewarie said that while he was happy he won his seat, he was disappointed the People’s Partnership was not reelected into Government. Tewarie said: “I feel good about my constituency but I feel very bad that we are not continuing in Government in the sense that I feel there is so much that we have to offer and so much that we had to go, so much that the country needs done with a philosophical perspective that we brought to the business of Government which was inclusion and equity and development as focused on people.” “And more than that with a sense that what we are trying to do is really to take the country from what you call the middle income country trap to a place where it could be much more secure in the world system but the population has spoken,” he added.

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Kaieteur News

Thursday September 10, 2015

Republican dispute may prevent U.S. Congress vote on Iran deal Reuters - A rebellion by conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives yesterday delayed Congress’ first vote on the Iran nuclear agreement and raised the possibility that lawmakers might never vote on a resolution disapproving of the pact. The House was supposed to vote on a procedural motion to begin debate yesterday, but it was put off after some Republicans said they wanted President Barack Obama to provide more information about the deal. As a result, the Republicans, who control Congress and for weeks had been marching in lockstep in opposition to the nuclear accord, were suddenly battling each other and possibly giving Obama the upper hand. The dispute arose after announcements on Tuesday that deal supporters had mustered 42 votes in the Senate, more than enough to use the chamber’s procedural rules to block disapproval resolution.

Late yesterday, House Republican leaders developed a plan for three Iran-related votes, none of which would immediately affect the nuclear pact, even though Senate Republicans said they would stick to their original plan to vote on a resolution of disapproval. One House vote would be on a resolution saying Obama provided too little information to Congress, a second would be to defeat a resolution of approval and a third would be a bid to eliminate Obama’s ability to waive sanctions. A law Obama signed in May gave Congress a 60-day window, ending on Sept. 17, to vote on the nuclear agreement, between the United States, five other world powers and Tehran. The law, the Iran Nuclear Review Act, allowed for a resolution of disapproval, which, if passed, would sink the deal, under which Iran gains relief from sanctions in return for curbing its nuclear program. A disapproval resolution would eliminate Obama’s ability to waive many U.S. sanctions on Iran.

Multiple earthquakes recorded off Barbados BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – A series of earthquakes, most of them of 4.0 magnitude strength, have occurred to the northeast of Barbados within an 18-hour period. The latest, a 4.1 magnitude quake that was recorded 135 km northeast of the capital, Bridgetown, occurred at 8:36 a.m., according to the University of the West Indies’ Seismic Research Centre. It was the fifth tremor registered since Tuesday afternoon. The first 4.0 magnitude quake occurred around 1:28 p.m. Tuesday, about 122 km northeast of Bridgetown. It

was followed by another tremor of the same size at 4:39 p.m., about 140 km to the northeast. Then yesterday morning, at 2:53 a.m., a 3.8 magnitude quake was recorded 139 km northeast of Bridgetown. A fourth tremor, of 4.0 magnitude, then struck at 6:39 a.m., about 159 km northeast of the capital. Prior to Tuesday, Barbados last recorded consistent seismic activity in July/August. Starting July 16, multiple tremors occurred almost daily for the rest of the month and then the following month. (Caribbean 360)

A resolution of approval, also allowed under the law, would send a message that many members of Congress are not behind the pact if it were defeated by a large margin. But it would not affect Obama’s ability to waive sanctions. Obama would be expected to veto the proposed new sanctions measure, if it passed the House and Senate. The rebel Republicans, led by Representative Peter Roskam, said the Obama administration had not provided all the required information about the deal. Opponents of the nuclear pact say it includes “secret side deals” about nuclear inspections that have not been fully revealed. “He hasn’t complied with the law,” Roskam told reporters as he left a closeddoor Republican meeting. “So (the Iran review act) isn’t triggered because he’s not disclosed what’s required under the law.” The White House dismissed that suggestion. “If Congress does not vote, this agreement goes into effect. It’s as simple as that,” spokesman Eric Schultz said. Some Republicans also said they also would sue the Obama administration over the Iran deal, arguing that the White House violated the review act by not providing the required documents. The dispute was one of several recently between Republican leaders and the party’s most conservative members. Some conservatives want to replace the Republican House Speaker, John Boehner, saying he is too willing to work with the Democrats. Senate Republicans said the events in the House did not affect their plans. The Senate spent yesterday debating the disapproval resolution, planning to vote this week.

Thursday September 10, 2015

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Russian troops join Clinton threatens military action if Iran breaks deal combat in Syria - sources

A poster showing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (L), Russian President Vladimir Putin (C) and Lebanese Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is seen on a micro bus in al-Qardahah town, near Latakia city May 26, 2014. REUTERS/KHALED AL-HARIRI Reuters - Russian forces have begun participating in military operations in Syria in support of government troops, three Lebanese sources familiar with the political and military situation there said yesterday. The sources, speaking to Reuters on condition they not be identified, gave the most forthright account yet from the region of what the United States fears is a deepening Russian military role in Syria’s civil war, though one of the Lebanese sources said the number of Russians involved so far was small. U.S. officials said Russia sent two tank landing ships and additional cargo aircraft to Syria in the past day or so and deployed a small number of naval infantry forces. The U.S. officials, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said the intent of Russia’s military moves in Syria was unclear. One suggested the focus may be on preparing an airfield near the port city of Latakia, a stronghold of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. U.S. officials have not ruled out the possibility that Russia may want to use the airfield for air combat missions. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to his Russian counterpart for the second time in four days to express concern over reports of Russian military activities

in Syria, warning that it could fan more violence. The White House said it was closely monitoring the situation. Russia says the Syrian government must be incorporated into a shared global fight against Islamic State, the Islamist group that has taken over large parts of Syria and Iraq. The United States and Assad’s regional foes see him as part of the problem. “We would welcome constructive Russian contributions to the counterISIL effort, but we’ve been clear that it would be unconscionable for any party, including the Russians, to provide any support to the Assad regime,” White House spokesman Eric Schultz said, using an acronym for Islamic State. Assad’s forces have faced big setbacks on the battlefield in a four-year-old multi-sided civil war that has killed 250,000 people and driven half of Syria’s 23 million people from their homes. Syrian troops pulled out of a major air base last Wednesday, and a monitoring group said this meant government soldiers were no longer present at all in Idlib province, most of which slipped from government control earlier this year. Moscow confirmed it had “experts” on the ground in Syria, its long-time ally in the

Middle East. But Russia has declined to comment on the scale and scope of its military presence. Damascus denied Russians were involved in combat, but a Syrian official said the presence of experts had increased in the past year. Reflecting Western concern, Germany’s foreign minister warned Russia against increased military intervention, saying the Iran nuclear deal and new U.N. initiatives offered a starting point for a political solution to the conflict. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said reports of growing Russian military activity in Syria were a cause for concern, while France said it made finding a political solution to the crisis more complicated. Two of the Lebanese sources said the Russians were establishing two bases in Syria, one near the coast and one further inland which would be an operations base.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton issued a hardline warning to Iran yesterday that as president she would “not hesitate” to take military action to stop the country from acquiring nuclear weapons. Casting herself as a key player in talks that led to the landmark agreement to control Iran’s nuclear program, Clinton praised the accord as part of a larger Middle East strategy even as she stressed that it is not a step toward normalizing relations. “We should anticipate that Iran will test the next president,” she told a Washington think-tank. “They’ll want to see how far they can bend the rules.” The Democratic presidential contender and former secretary of state said: “That won’t work if I’m in the White House. I’ll hold the line against Iranian noncompliance.” She coupled her remarks about the Iran deal with a call to convene an emergency gathering at the United Nations to tackle the crisis of Syrian and other refugees flooding Europe. She said the crisis is a “global responsibility,” the U.S. should lead the effort and countries at the conference could pledge to accept migrants or donate aid money. Clinton spoke as Congress prepared to open debate yesterday on the deal. Democrats have clinched the votes needed to block passage of a disapproval resolution against the accord, a win for the White House against united Republican opposition. But much of the responsibility for enacting the agreement will fall on the next administration, making the issue likely to linger in the presidential campaign. The

Hillary Rodham Clinton

deal would require Iran to limit its nuclear program for at least a decade in exchange for billions of dollars in relief from international sanctions. Republicans are seizing on opposition to the deal among much of Congress and many American Jews to

criticize Clinton, frequently casting the agreement as a plank of an “Obama-Clinton foreign policy.” A new Pew survey released on Tuesday found that just 21 percent of Americans approved of the deal - a 12-point drop since mid-July.

Juncker appeals to Europe on refugees, as more move on Reuters - European Union chief executive JeanClaude Juncker appealed to European countries yesterday to share out a wave of refugees crowding in on their frontiers, but at the same time promised tougher border controls to keep unwanted migrants out. As he spoke, disarray across the continent was driven home when police in Hungary, Austria and Denmark closed major highways as groups of migrants, hundreds strong, marched north. Defying Hungary’s new border fence and EU asylum rules, tens of thousands are crossing frontiers to reach Germany and Sweden. Facing opposition from national leaders who blocked

an earlier plan to move asylum-seekers from overburdened Italy, Greece and Hungary, Juncker used his annual State of the Union speech to the European Parliament to raise the stakes and quadruple to 160,000 the number he wants taken in under mandatory quotas.

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Thursday September 10, 2015

Greek political leaders clash US pumps more money into over bailout in televised debate Dominica storm relief effort

Reuters - Greece’s political heavyweights went head-to-head for the first time yesterday in campaigning for national elections, trading accusations over the economic crisis as they sought to win over undecided voters. In a televised debate, former prime minister Alexis Tsipras said the international bailout he had agreed to in

July had stabilised Greece, while his conservative rival Evangelos Meimarakis said it had damaged the economy. “An agreement is always judged by the outcome and the outcome is unfortunately much more painful than it would have been in January,” when Tsipras’ left-wing Syriza party won power, Meimarakis said. He blamed his rival for

scaring away investors and cutting private sector jobs. Voted into office on an anti-austerity platform, Tsipras forced a snap election by resigning in August in an effort to quell a rebellion in his party and win a stronger mandate to implement austerity measures prescribed by the country’s creditors in exchange for the 86 billion euro ($99 billion) rescue package. “We didn’t manage to fulfil all of our commitments but... we fought a battle and returned with a compromise. It may be painful but it also has positive elements,” Tsipras responded, defending his party’s seven months in power. Opinion polls suggest Tsipras’ decision to resign could backfire. Less than two weeks before the Sept. 20 vote, Meimarakis’ New Democracy and Syriza are running neckand-neck and may be forced to join forces or ally with smaller parties to prevent a second round of elections, which both have said they want to avoid.

ROSEAU, Dominica – As Dominicans work to regain a sense of normalcy following Tropical Storm Erika, the Embassy of the United States of America has released an additional US$100,000 to expand its disaster-relief support to the island. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through its Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), is providing the additional funding to augment an initial US$50,000 humanitarian assistance contribution made to the Dominica Red Cross Society. USAID/OFDA is currently coordinating its support on the ground to ensure that assistance reaches the most hard-hit communities and individuals. The US government’s initial US$50,000 contribution enabled the Red Cross to procure and distribute household clean up kits along with other essential relief items such as buckets, jerry cans, kitchen kits, and tarpaulin to several communities including,

Pichelin, Grand Bay, Bagatelle, Fond St. Jean, and Pointe Carib. USAID/OFDA also provided US$10,000 emergency relief funding that supported the island’s immediate needs in the days following the storm that caused almost EC$1 billion US$370 million) in damage. The American government has also supported the rapid

deployment of surge consultants to assist with damage assessment; secured vehicle rental and fuel for the Red Cross and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for delivery of relief supplies; and funded clean-up and restoration of the Meteorological Services building housed at the Douglas-Charles airport which was flooded. (Caribbean 360)

Pastor caught having relations online commits suicide Chicago (AFP) - A US pastor committed suicide six days after his name was exposed by hackers of the Ashley Madison adultery website, his wife told CNN yesterday. Canadian police have said that at least two suicides were linked to the leak of 32 million customer profiles from the Canada-based site last month. It’s not clear if John Gibson’s death was one of them as police released no details. Christi Gibson discovered her husband’s body — and a suicide note which chronicled his demons and his shame at being exposed — in their New Orleans home on August 24. “He talked about depression. He talked about having his name on there, and he said he was just very, very sorry,” Gibson said as their adult son and daughter sat next to her in a New Orleans studio. “Nothing is worth the loss of a father and a husband and a friend. It just didn’t merit it. It didn’t merit it at all.”

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US routed 4-1 by Brazil ahead of playoff against Mexico FOXBOROUGH, Massachusetts (AP) Defenders were beaten with ease. The offence was outshot by nearly a 2-to-1 margin. A dismal 4-1 exhibition loss to Brazil on Tuesday night left the United States facing a month of questions ahead of its playoff against Mexico on Oct. 10 for the region’s berth in the 2017 Confederations Cup. “I don’t think we handled it as well as we should have,” U.S. captain Michael Bradley said. “We’ll look at it and we’ll talk about it, but we have bigger things to come.” Hulk put the Selecao ahead in the ninth minute, Neymar scored twice after entering at the start of the second half and Rafinha got his first international goal. Brazil, 17-1 against the U.S. with 10 straight wins, opened a 4-0 lead before Danny Williams scored from

about 30 yards in injury time. “When you play a team like Brazil, you’ve got to make it hard for them, and we never did that from minute one,” goalkeeper Brad Guzan said. With Fabian Johnson and DaMarcus Beasley sidelined by injuries, the American defence was overmatched. Right back Geoff Cameron conceded a penalty kick for the second goal, left back Tim Ream was dribbled around by Rafinha on the third, and starting central defenders Michael Orozco and Ventura Alvarado gave the five-time world champions time and space. “Their movement off the ball is so brilliant,” Klinsmann said. “Every time you think you get closer to the guy, then he already passed it. Then the next guy already passed it.” Klinsmann started Alejandro Bedoya in a defensive midfield role as part of a 4-2-3-1 formation, then

replaced him with Williams in the 36th minute. “He just never caught up with the game,” Klinsmann said of Bedoya. Klinsmann said the Americans missed Johnson and Beasley and he hopes to have both back to face El Tri Klinsmann also said forward Jozy Altidore showed he wasn’t yet in game shape following his return from a hamstring injury. “It’s a learning moment,” Klinsmann said. “It’s a lot of good stuff they can take out of that lesson.” Brazil went ahead when Willian dribbled around Bedoya and got a cross past Ream. The ball sailed over Guzan and rebounded off the far post to Hulk. He took a touch with his left foot, played the ball back to his right and sent an 8-yard shot over Guzan’s left shoulder for his 12th international goal. Neymar doubled the lead

Thursday September 10, 2015 ARIES (MAR. 21APRIL 20) You can make money if you work on personal investments. Help children complete projects they're having difficulty with. TAURUS (APR. 21MAY 21) Don't confide in any relatives whom you know have a tendency to meddle in other people's affairs. Sign up for courses that will help you understand yourself better. GEMINI (MAY22-JUNE 21) Be prepared for an active but rewarding day. Take a break; you can finally mend any disputes on the home front. Children will want to help, too. CANCER (JUNE 22JULY 22) Empty promises will cause upset. Opportunities to expand your circle of friends will result in possible new romantic encounters.

LIBRA (SEPT. 24 -OCT. 23) Don't bother trying to make someone you live with see your point of view. Generosity will put you in the poorhouse. Passion will be your only answer. SCORPIO (OCT. 24 NOV. 22) You are best to avoid joint ventures, and whatever you do, don't lend to friends or relatives. Opportunities for travel and socializing are evident. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 23 -DEC. 21) Don't be too quick to react. Keep your eyes and ears alert for any evasive or deceptive statements. Go over their important documents and take the time to suggest alternatives. CAPRICORN (DEC 22.- JAN. 20) Toning, fitness, pampering should all be scheduled. Take time to deal with authority figures or government agencies.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG 22) Attend to things that you should have done yesterday. Your reputation will be affected. Be prepared to overcome frustrations and obstacles at work.

AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 FEB. 19) You need to start planning that vacation. You need to mingle with people who can spark enthusiasm and confidence in you.

VIRGO (AUG. 23 -SEPT. 23) You can get into self awareness groups or look into physical enhancement programs. Get on with business. You may find that children are not as accepting as you have been.

PISCES (FEB. 20MAR. 20) Minor fevers or infections will develop if you're over-stressed. You need time to put your house in order and sort out what you are going to do about your personal direction.

in the 51st minute after he took a long pass from David Luiz and fell over when his feet got tangled with Cameron’s, earning a penalty from Salvadoran referee Joel Aguilar. Rafinha entered in the 63rd in his second international appearance and scored almost immediately, taking a pass from Lucas and using three quick touches to get Ream to lean the wrong way. Rafinha then slotted past Guzan. Neymar got his 46th goal in 67 international appearances in the 67th

minute when the defence gave him space following a feed from Lucas. “It was just a completely different tempo that they set,” Klinsmann said, “and we couldn’t go that tempo.” The US opens World Cup qualifying at St Louis on November 13 against St Vincent and the Grenadines, which beat Aruba on 3-2 aggregate despite a 2-1 road loss Tuesday night. The group also includes Trinidad and Tobago and Guatemala, which beat Antigua and Barbuda 2-0 at

home on second-half goals by Carlos Ruiz and Denniss Lopez to advance on 2-1 aggregate. Jamaica defeated Nicaragua on 4-3 aggregate, winning 2-0 on the road as Darren Mattocks scored in the 13th minute and Simon Dawkins in the 90th. The Reggae Boyz are grouped with Costa Rica, Haiti and Panama in the next round. American defender Jonathan Spector entered in the 73rd minute for his first national team appearance since February 2012.

Radcliffe angered by parliamentary... From page 31 newspaper and German TV station ARD of alleged blooddoping in athletics. The sport’s governing body, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), said the medical records obtained by the newspaper did not prove doping but many high-profile athletes chose to make their records and blood values public in a bid to show they had nothing to hide. Radcliffe, who had previously said she felt such records should be made public, chose not to on this occasion but in her 1,700word statement went into great detail to explain what she said were the contributory factors to her “abnormal” readings. “At the time of the recent Sunday Times coverage, I wrestled long and hard with a desire to speak out with the true facts concerning my position, and, to fully explain any fluctuations in my blood data,” the 41-year-old said. “However, by ‘coming out’ in that fashion I was made

Australia women’s... From page 32 association upped the ante on Tuesday by demanding improved accommodation and travel to the United States for the matches in Detroit and Birmingham on 17 and 20 September. “We simply cannot afford the conditions they sought to impose yesterday,” Gallop said. “It’s just not possible to meet those demands on a couple of days’ notice. “For them to seek to boycott matches against the world champions, once-in-alifetime opportunities, we find that very disappointing and we question the direction the players’ association are going with this.”

aware that I would be facilitating mass coverage of my name in connection with false allegations of possible doping, which would enable further irreparable damage to be done to my reputation. As a result of today’s Parliamentary Hearing I can no longer maintain my silence. “As the journalists themselves state, abnormal readings are not proof of

guilt, yet many innocent athletes are being implicated and tainted due to the distorted interpretation of a limited historic dataset. “I am 100 percent confident that the full explanations and circumstances around any fluctuations in my personal data on a very small number of occasions will stand up to any proper scrutiny and investigation.”

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Thursday September 10, 2015

Prince Ali back in the Successful 5-Day Volleyball Clinic ends race to be FIFA president “Match V/Ball skills with Academics” Gervy C Harry tells graduates

Gervy C Harry tells Volleyball Coach Dr Julio Morales Government plans for the sport after the closing of VCP yesterday. By Sean Devers The five-day Volleyball Cooperation Programme (VCP) sponsored by FIVB under the Banner ‘Young Players Development’ concluded yesterday at the National Gymnasium. The programme catered for 24 participants between the ages of 15-17 with 16 of them being Males and eight females. The course provided them with the theoretical and practical aspects of Volleyball which should aid in their future development. Students from Bishops High School (BHS), St Roses High and groups from the Buxton Sports Club and Plaisance Sports Club took part in the exercise. The BHS and St Roses High schools were accompanied by physical Education teacher Alque Stanley. National Sports Commission (NSC) official Gervy C Harry, who represented the Government, thanked Dr Julio Morales for his hard work. He arrived in the country last Thursday from the USA and leaves Guyana today after conducting the course. Gervy told the teenagers to match their Volleyball skills with Academics if they hoped to become a balanced individual. “You are no longer students but after today you are graduates of this programme and you should be proud of your jerseys (given to each student which a VCP logo) so that every time you look at it you should be inspired to do more great things in your life” Gervy said. He told the enthusiastic

group of graduates that he hoped they would use the skills they would have acquired to improve their game. Gervy said that Government has lots of big plans for sports and while he agreed that the Gymnasium has very poor lighting and ventilation he disclosed that the Government has a twoyear plan for the facility. “When this facility was constructed it was for training and not competition that is why it is so hot. But Government plans are in stream to upgrade this venue into a modern multi-sports complex where athletes, spectators and the Media can be comfortable. This should happen by the next two years,” the Government official noted. President of the Guyana Volleyball Federation (GVF) John Flores stressed that there is an urgent need for support for Volleyball from the Government and Corporate Guyana. “I thank Mr Harry for the Government’s support by

providing the use of the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall and National Gymnasium for this programme and I hope to see some of these youngsters go on to make national teams at the youth level,” Flores stated. Dr Morales, a Professor at Lamar University Beaumont, Texas, USA who has a doctorate in Kinesiology which is the Science of Human movements, explained that class room activities were held at the Sports Hall while practical sessions were conducted at both the Sports Hall and Gymnasium. “I think this (clinic) was a great success since many of the children came here knowing nothing about Volleyball. Others were just beginners and by yesterday they were all able to play a full game,” Morales said with a pleased look on his face. Long-serving immediate past GVF President Lenny Shuffler along with Coordinator of the 2015 clinic Marlon Pearson also spoke at the closing ceremony.

AMMAN (Reuters) Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein of Jordan is back in the race to be elected FIFA president having declared his candidacy on Wednesday four months after losing May’s vote to Sepp Blatter. Prince Ali, 39, announced in a speech in the Jordanian capital that he would run again for the top job at world soccer’s governing body. “Friends I stand here in this ancient place in the timeless heart of Amman to once again launch my candidacy for the Presidency of Fifa,” Prince Ali said. “Let me be clear, I want to finish what we started,” he added. “We have come too far to walk away now. I have thought long and hard on this, I believe in the road we started, I believe in the moments I shared with people all over the world, who told me their hopes and dreams.” Prince Ali is the third heavyweight to declare following UEFA chief Michel Platini of France, and former Asia vice-president Chung Mong-joon of South Korea. He also said in his declaration speech that his campaign will depend on reforming the organization. “It is only through new leadership that FIFA can change I do not believe that FIFA can give this sport back to the people of the world without new leadership, untainted by the practices of the past. “Since the last election, I have thought long and hard about how to reform FIFA. It will be a difficult task. We must overcome deep-seated corruption and political deal making. “I will not be a pawn for others. I cannot leave the field that I have cleared, only to allow a flawed system to continue. “To Member Associations of FIFA I say, you are the backbone of football and FIFA should

FIFA vice-president Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein of Jordan gestures during a speech on the future of football at the Soccerex convention in Manchester, northern Britain, September 7, 2015. (Reuters/Phil Noble) serve you. FIFA will not be run as the personal fiefdom of an all-powerful clique.” WORST CRISIS Ali lost by 133-73 votes to incumbent Blatter in the election on May 27 before the Swiss announced he was standing down from the position four days later after FIFA was plunged into the worst crisis in its 111-year history following arrests of its officials and others two days before the election. A fresh election to find a successor to Blatter will be held in Zurich on Feb. 26 and Ali will again campaign on an anti-corruption, reform program. Backed by Platini in May’s election, Ali now faces him as an opponent in the race, describing the Frenchman as a “Blatter protege” who is not the man to lead FIFA into a new era of transparency and democracy. Ali has already defeated Chung in an election when he took his Asian vicepresidency seat on the FIFA executive committee in 2011 which ended the Korean’s 17year stint at FIFA’s top table. Ali subsequently lost his place on the FIFA executive earlier this year. Speaking at the Soccerex

CFU President congratulates Member Associations advancing in World Cup Qualifiers Caribbean Football Union (CFU) President Gordon Derrick has congratulated the three member associations that advanced to Round Four of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers. Haiti, Jamaica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines will continue on the Road to Russia when the next round begins in November. “We had seven teams in contention for next

round berths and now that the number has been whittled down to three, we will continue to rally unswervingly with the teams standing insofar as the 2018 World Cup is concerned. On the broader level, our commitment remains unshakeable to all of our member associations that are in varying stages of the development process,” Derrick said. Haiti advanced

over Grenada on aggregate after regular time 6-1, after winning in St. George’s 3-1 and 3-0 in Port-Au-Prince; Jamaica stopped Nicaragua on aggregate 4-3 having lost in Kingston 2-3 and winning in Managua 2-0; and St. Vincent and the Grenadines moved on over Aruba on aggregate 3-2, after a 2-0 win in Arnos Vale and 2-1 defeat in Oranjestad.

Antigua and Barbuda’s 2018 World Cup chase ended after the team went down to Guatemala on aggregate 2-1 after winning 1-0 at home and losing 0-2 in Guatemala City. Curacao also came to the end of the road at the hands of El Salvador, which advanced on aggregate 2-0, after Curacao was defeated 10 in the home-and-away matches.

global convention in Manchester this week, Ali said: “I have tremendous respect for Mr Platini both as the UEFA president and a former footballer but at the same time there is a difference between UEFA and FIFA. “FIFA is in a crisis and we need a new beginning and, whether anyone likes it or not, Michel Platini’s introduction into football governance was as a protege of Sepp Blatter. That’s the reality. “I have sat down and talked with him, I have listened to his ideas and I think it’s my responsibility to at least guarantee the future is different from the past and therefore I was not very encouraged by Michel Platini.” He was equally dismissive of Chung, saying: “The important thing is to have a new beginning and to have new ideas and therefore any candidate who has been in the organization for a long time is not what is needed at this time.” Ali confounded many observers by forcing a second round of voting in May’s election after denying Blatter an outright two-thirds winning margin in the first round. However, it is hard to see him collecting so many votes again, especially if UEFA members back their president Platini and the Asian confederation also throws its weight behind the Frenchman. Candidates with nominations from five national associations must officially register their declarations with FIFA by Oct. 26. Liberian FA president Musa Bility, former Brazilian footballer Zico and David Nakhid, a former Trinidad & Tobago international, and all lightweights in FIFA political circles, have also said they are standing for the position.

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Wayne Rooney can reach 70 ‘Reds’ Perreira Sports Foundation Inc. gives GVF $250,000 England goals - Gary Lineker The Guyana Volleyball Federation received a welcome boost on Tuesday when the Joseph ‘Reds’ Perriera Sports Foundation Inc. donated a cheque for $250,000 to the entity. Receiving the cheque on behalf of the Federatio was its President John Flores, who was evidently pleased with the impetus g i v e n t o t h e s p o r t and expressed his overall satisfaction with the direction the sport is heading and the momentum it appears to be developing. In his gratitude to the

Wayne Rooney’s 50th goal for England was a penalty as his side beat Switzerland 2-0 in a Euro 2016 qualifier. (GETTY IMAGES) BBC Sport - Wayne Rooney can score 70 England goals and his international record will last for “at least a decade”, says former striker Gary Lineker. The 29-year-old forward netted his 50th goal in Tuesday’s 2-0 win over Switzerland to move clear of Sir Bobby Charlton’s total of 49 England goals. “It’s going to be a long time before anyone gets close to Wayne,” ex-England captain Lineker told BBC Radio 5 live. “He’s still going so could take it to 60 or 70 if he maintains his fitness.” Match of the Day presenter Lineker, who got 48 England goals and is third in the all-time list, added: “Wayne does not reach 30 years old until next month and there’s no-one behind him in the team with any kind of goals tally. Lineker, a former Leicester, Everton and Tottenham player, said he was more of a “natural goalscorer” than Rooney, but added: “You have to play for a long time to score that many goals so his record will be there for at least a decade. “It’s a wonderful achievement for Wayne and

he has been pretty consistent in terms of goalscoring since he burst on the scene in spectacular fashion. “But he’s not just a goalscorer - his all-round game is excellent, he has great spacial awareness and is a very intelligent footballer - so congratulations to him.” Asked to compare Rooney with previous England strikers, Lineker said: “Different players, whatever era, have different strengths. “Wayne is quite creative and has a better all-round game than me. “Bobby Charlton was a midfielder by and large who could score great goals from 25 yards and Jimmy Greaves was a fabulous goalscorer with a phenomenal record for England.” ‘YOU HAVE TO FEAR FOR YOUR PLACE’ Despite scoring more goals than any other England player, Rooney says he constantly worries about being dropped from the side. “There are a lot of young lads in this team and I don’t want to give my place up,” said the Manchester United captain. “I train every day as if my place is on the line and I have

always done that throughout my career. “I come and work harder every time and I want to make it hard for the manager to leave me out over the next couple of years. You have to fear for your place.” ‘SHAW CAN BE THE NEXT COLE’ England boss Roy Hodgson believes Manchester United left-back Luke Shaw can go on to have a career like Ashley Cole, who won 107 caps. Shaw, who made six international appearances and never been on a losing England side, struggled for fitness last season following a £27m move from Southampton to Old Trafford in June 2014. “I would advise Luke to study Ashley, look at what he did for England and set his sights on the same thing,” said Hodgson. “He’s still only 20 and if he keeps going then he’s on track to be another Ashley Cole. “It’s nice to see Luke back, playing confidently and showing the form that got him the move to Manchester United. We’ve always believed in him.”

Foundation, Flores explained that he has always been aware of the contributions it has been making to the development of sports and sporting organisations in Guyana over the years, and is pleased that the GVF has now joined the long list of beneficiaries of its generosity. He outlined that the GVF is a Federation on the rise, adding that such a donation will go a far way towards helping them to keep the ball flying as they have a packed calendar to complete in 2015, which includes among other things, running off its Premier

League for the elite local clubs and the hosting of the annual Guyoil / Tradewind Tankers International Tournament slated for October and November respectively. Flores, who leaves for Peru on today to attend the South American Volleyball Federation Congress, said he intends to further strengthen the relationship between GVF and CSV. Shortly after his return from Congress, the National Men’s team heads to Brazil on September 26th for the Senior South American Indoor Championship.

Europe’s clubs ‘in dark’ over Platini’s presidential plans

UEFA President Michel Platini attends a news conference after the draw for the 2015/2016 UEFA Europa League soccer competition at Monaco’s Grimaldi Forum in Monte Carlo, Monaco August 28, 2015. (Reuters/Eric Gaillard) GENEVA (Reuters) European clubs are as much in the dark as everyone else over UEFA president Michel Platini’s campaign for the FIFA presidency, the head of their association said on Tuesday. Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, chairman of the European Club Association (ECA) and a friend of the Frenchman, said his members had “respect” for Platini and were convinced he would be a

good FIFA president, but were still awaiting details of his bid. Platini announced in July that he would stand as a candidate to replace outgoing president Sepp Blatter but he has given only one media conference since then, when he talked solely about UEFA matters. “We have a lot of respect but we don’t know his programme because when he gave his last press conference he didn’t talk about FIFA,

(but) we are patient about this,” Rummenigge told reporters. “We are convinced that (if) he is president, then he will be a good president,” Rummenigge added. “I would say we had very good experiences in the past with UEFA and especially with Platini as UEFA president.” Former West Germany international Rummenigge said of the former France international: “In the past, as professional footballers, we were opponents but now, off the field, we can call ourselves friends.” UEFA’s executive committee will meet again in Malta on Sept. 17-18. However, Platini is not scheduled to speak publicly. UEFA said on Tuesday that general secretary Gianni Infantino would address the post-meeting media conference. Sources close to Platini, who has been UEFA president since 2007 and was re-elected for a third term this year, have said that he will publish his manifesto in October.

Radcliffe angered by parliamentary doping hearing

Paula Radcliffe (Reuters / Suzanne Plunkett)

LONDON (Reuters) Britain’s marathon world record holder Paula Radcliffe has denied “cheating in any form” and said on Tuesday she was devastated that her name had been linked to wideranging accusations of blood doping. Radcliffe, who retired from competitive athletics this year following a persistent foot injury, has not been named in any mainstream British media stories relating to recent blood doping accusations but

feels her name was alluded to during a British Parliamentary Committee hearing into the issue on Tuesday. “These accusations threaten to undermine all I have stood and competed for, as well as my hard earned reputation. By linking me to allegations of cheating, damage done to my name and reputation can never be fully repaired, no matter how untrue I know them to be,” said Radcliffe, whose marathon world record of 2

hours, 15 minutes, 25 seconds set in 2003 remains almost three minutes faster than any other woman has run. “Whilst I have the greatest of respect for anyone responsibly trying to uncover cheating in sport, and of course for parliament itself, it is profoundly disappointing that the cloak of parliamentary privilege has been used to effectively implicate me, tarnishing my reputation, with full knowledge that I have no recourse against anyone for

repeating what has been said at the Committee Hearing.” Radcliffe was not mentioned by name during the hearing at the Department of Culture, Media and Sport but a question was asked about the validity of British women’s performances in the London marathon, which she has won three times. BLOOD-DOPING The hearing took place following recent reports by Britain’s Sunday Times (Continued on page 29)

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Kaieteur News

Round up of

Thursday September 10, 2015

Ex-England Guyanese performances batsman signs for Dolphins

CYG 2015 - Day 3... Squash stated for Team Guyana at 10:00 with Mixed Doubles (Taylor Fernandes and Ben Mekdeci) against Norfolk Islands. Guyana won two best of three 11-2 and 11-5. Women’s Doubles – Larissa Wiltshire and Taylor Fernandes played against Australia at 11:30; winning an exciting match - first game they won 11-9 (after coming back from 9-4), second the lost 7-11, third won 11-10 in a sudden-death tie-breaker with Australia serving. At 2:00pm, Taylor and Ben played top-seeded Malaysia in Mixed Doubles. In the first game they did very well, losing 11-7. The second game was lost 11-1. Team Guyana is now second in their group and will play the winner of Pakistan vs. India tomorrow. At 3:30pm there was another Women’s Doubles match against top-ranked New Zealand. The Guyana girls played very well, but lost

11-7 and 11-9. At 6:30pm Ben and Taylor played in the quarter-finals of the mixed doubles against India. They were going smoothly in the first game until Ben was struck in the right temple, by the ball. He continued to play, but was dazed. The team lost 114 and he was forced to take two injury time-outs between the games. The second game was lost 11-7. Ben was still not feeling well and had to receive attention from the medical team. At 7:30pm the girls played against Norfolk winning an

exciting, tactical match; exposing their opponents’ weaknesses. They targeted the weaker of the two girls, resulting in wins of 11-2, 11-5; guaranteeing them the bronze medal. This is well deserved as they were indeed the third best team. These were the last games for Guyana’s squash players. The Squash competition finishes today (September 10th) with the semi-finals and finals of the Mixed Doubles. Athletics Compton Caesar ran in the second of two semi-finals (9:50am). He placed second with a PB of 21.67; qualifying for the finals at 10:40am. In the process he experienced soreness in the injured hamstring which was iced by the medical team just minutes before the final. He placed seventh in the final with a time of 21.60. September 9th was the last of three days of Athletics competition.

Rockville Hotel promotions will stage a four miles road race fixed for the Bartica community in observance of World Aids Day in on December 1 starting at 4:30pm. With athletes participating in various categories, attractive cash prizes will be up for grabs. The Government agencies promoting health education will be invited to

disseminate information on HIV/AIDS during the event. Schools, clubs and individuals are invited to participate and register with Director of Rockville Promotions, Aaron Blackman at Rockville Hotel Bar at 108 Third Avenue Bartica. The race will be run from the four miles Housing Scheme junction to finish in front of Rockville Hotel on Third Avenue. The

presentation of prizes to the winners will follow the conclusion of the race. The organizers have indicated that those who cannot run can participate in the two miles walk race starting from the Two Miles Secondary School. The Ministry of Education and National Aids Programme Secretariat, will be invited to be key stakeholders during this event.

Kevin Pietersen:

BBC Sport - Former England batsman Kevin Pietersen has signed to play for the Dolphins in the South African Ram Slam T20. The 35-year-old, England’s record run-scorer across all formats, was sacked after the 5-0 defeat by Australia in the 2013-14 Ashes series. South Africa-born Pietersen was told in May he would not be recalled. He said: “I look forward to playing good, winning cricket. Every time I come back to South Africa it feels like a homecoming.” Pietersen will travel to South Africa in October to prepare for the Ram Slam, which runs from 1 November to 12 December. Lance Klusener, coach of the Durban-based Dolphins, said it was “exciting” to have signed Pietersen. The former South Africa international added: “He is here to lead our batting as well as work closely

Kevin Pietersen (Getty Images)

with our youngsters.” Pietersen was the second top-scorer in the 2014-15 Australian Big Bash League, but pulled out of an Indian Premier League deal with Sunrisers Hyderabad to play county cricket at Surrey, in the

hope of winning an international recall. Pietersen - who briefly captained England in 2008 has since played for St Lucia Zouks in the Caribbean Premier League, with his last appearance coming in July.

Former Windies manager Rockville Hotel promotions calls on WICB to come clean Road Race set for December 1 over Ramdin’s sacking

Australia women’s strike over pay puts US games in doubt BBC Sport - Australia women have gone on strike over pay and conditions, putting in doubt two games against United States. They have pulled out of a training camp for next week’s friendlies in the US. Football Federation Australia (FFA) said it was “disappointed” by increased player demands, which it says include wanting business class flights. “When you’ve got 60,000 people holding tickets [for the matches against the world champions], it’s obviously a concern,” FFA chief David Gallop said. Goalkeeper Lydia Williams said the decision to withdraw

from the camp had been “extremely difficult” but necessary to make FFA take their claims seriously. The move is part of an ongoing dispute over a new Collective Bargaining Agreement governing pay and conditions for the men’s and women’s teams and players in Australia’s topflight A-League. The previous agreement expired on 30 June and there has since been a bitter public relations war with no new deal reached so far. Last week, the men’s team boycotted commercial appearances in Perth in the run-up to their World Cup qualifier against Bangladesh.

After the women’s side earned a first World Cup knockout win by an Australian team to reach the quarterfinals in June, Australian media highlighted the team’s relatively poor pay conditions, compared to the men. “It’s simply unfair to continue to expect us to make enormous sacrifices to play for Australia,” keeper Williams said in a statement released by the players’ union. “For the past two months the players have been unpaid and have made every attempt to reach an agreement that gives the women’s game a platform for growth.” The FFA says the players’ (Continued on page 25)

PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC) – Former West Indies manager Omar Khan has called on the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) to come clean on the sacking of Denesh Ramdin as captain of the regional test side. Ramdin was axed as Test captain after just 15 months in charge and replaced by OneDay skipper Jason Holder. A WICB statement said that Holder’s appointment had been recommended by the Clive Lloyd-chaired selection panel and “endorsed unanimously” by the directors. However Khan has pointed to comments in the media by director Azim Bassarath who says he was unaware of the decision and is against it. “The WICB sends out a press release stating that the directors of the board unanimously agreed to remove Ramdin based on a recommendation from the selectors,” said Khan. “Yet one of the directors Azim Bassarath comes out and says that he knew nothing of this and is not supporting the move. At the moment people are trying to fool the people of the Caribbean and it is about time someone speaks the truth.” Meantime, Khan is suggesting that Ramdin may have been fired as Windies captain because of his decision to resign from the West Indies Players Association (WIPA). The Trinidadian wicket-keeper batsman was one of the players who aborted the West Indies tour of India last October over a payment structure dispute between WIPA and the WICB. “It is alleged that a number of senior West Indies players have resigned from the Players Association (WIPA) with Ramdin being one of them, and it seems as if this has cost him the captaincy,” said Ramdin. “The relationship between the WICB and the WIPA is known to be very close and it

Denesh Ramdin (FILE PHOTO) may have been the thinking of the board that they needed their Test captain to be a member of the player’s body. I hope that this is not the case because if it is, then it is a very sad state of affairs.” Ramdin, 30, who was appointed in May last year, led West Indies in 13 Tests – winning four, losing seven and drawing two. As captain Ramdin, managed 472 runs at an average of 22, and a highest score of 57. “All the other international teams have given their captains time to build their squad and it is unfortunate that Ramdin’s tenure has been cut short. The WICB has failed in terms of preparing their leaders,’ said Khan. “When you look at the other countries, they send their captain and those who they think could become leaders to seminars to develop them. This is not done at the WICB, they just ignore this and once they continue to operate in this manner our cricket will continue to be in the doldrums.”West Indies are preparing for a tour of Sri Lanka to play two Test matches, three ODIs and two T20s.

Thursday September 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 33

Asafa Powell runs Nigerian star Blessing another sub-10 Okagbare “banned” from

Asafa Powell... clocked 9.96 seconds to win Zagreb.

Jamaica Observer WORLD Championships relay gold medal winner Asafa Powell bounced back from his individual letdown by winning the men’s 100m in a good-looking 9.96 seconds (0.3m/s) at the 65th Borisa Hanzekovica Memorial meeting, an IAAF World Challenge at the Mladost Stadium Tuesday. After placing seventh in the 100m final at the IAAF

World Championships in Beijing, China, Powell rallied to deliver big in helping his fellow Jamaicans to gold in the men’s 4x100m team. But yesterday, Powell was back at his individual best, blowing away a string field to register his 101st sub-10.00 seconds 100m race, but his 97th wind legal effort. It was his 10th race under 10.00 seconds this season, but first ever in Zagreb. American Mike Rodgers was second in 10.10 seconds, while Turkey’s Ramil Guliyev was third in 10.18 seconds. Guliyev, who was sixth in the World Championships 200m final, returned later with a stunning 19.88 seconds (-0.4m/s), sixth

fastest this year, to win the 200m, a new Turkish national record, his first time under 20.00 seconds, beating his previous time of 20.04 seconds set in 2009. Meanwhile, three other Jamaicans finished on the podium: in third place on the night was Novlene Williams-Mills in the women’s 400m, Simone Facey in the women’s 100m and Andrew Riley in the men’s 110m hurdles. Williams-Mills, who has made the final of the last three major global championships, battled American winner Natasha Hastings midway the race, but finished third in 51.81 seconds, edged on the line by F r a n c e ’s F l o r i a G u i e (51.63). The American won in 51.20 seconds. Facey, who missed the World Championships, clocked 11.25 seconds (0.1m/s) for third in the women’s 100m, while PanAmerican Games 100m champion Sherone Simpson was fifth in 11.37 seconds. American Candyce McGrone won in 11.10 seconds coming from behind in the last 20 metres, while Ivory Coast’s Marie-Josee Ta Lou was second in 11.17 seconds. Riley, coming off a win in Berlin on Sunday, ran 13.52 seconds (0.5m/s) as World champion Sergey Shubenkov ran away from the field to win in 13.11 seconds with Frenchman Pascal Martinot-Lagarde second in 13.50 seconds.

Rio 2016 after injury row Blessing Okagbare competes for Nigeria in both sprints and long jump ©Getty Images

Inside the Games - Decorated athletics star Blessing Okagbare has reportedly been banned from appearing at the Rio 2016 Olympics by Nigeria following a row over her appearance at the Diamond League meeting in Zurich last week. The 26-year-old sprinter and long jumper was a late withdrawal from the 200m at the IAAF World Championships in Beijing last month, reportedly due to a hamstring injury, and she also did not travel to Brazzaville for the All-Africa Games which are currently underway. However, Okagbare did compete in Zurich on Thursday, finishing second in the 100m with a time of 10.98s. This decision appears to have angered Nigeria’s National Sports Commission (NSC) with its Director General Al Hassan Yakmu telling the country’s Guardian newspaper: “I was shocked when I saw Okagbare competing in the Diamond League in Zurich last Thursday. “I was wondering if it was the same Okagbare who refused to compete for Nigeria in the 200m event at the IAAF World

Championship in Beijing. “She even opted out of Team Nigeria for the All-Africa Games in Congo. Why? “I have said it times without number that any athlete who feels too big to compete for Nigeria in the All-Africa Games should not bother about the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. “No athlete is bigger than Nigeria. “I played volleyball for this country, so there is nothing an athlete will tell me about sports. “Tell me what countries like Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda and South Africa is doing for their athletes that Nigeria is not doing? “If there is a problem, we should sit down to iron it out, instead of rubbishing our country before the international community. “We have to take a stand to save our nation from athletes who feel they are untouchable.” Okagbare, who has yet to comment on the supposed ban, won an Olympic long jump bronze at Beijing 2008. She won the 100m and 200m at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and claimed World Championship silver in the long jump and bronze in the 200m at Moscow 2013.

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Kaieteur News

Kashif & Shanghai Organisation in process of honouring Stadium debts In a release from the Kashif and Shanghai Organisation in response to publicly disseminated information regarding outstanding sums owing to the Ministry of Education for use of the National Stadium for the staging of its 2014/2015 Annual Football Tournament, the organisation has indicated that they are in the process of honouring the outstanding debts. The release stated, “The Kashif and Shanghai Org. wishes to confirm that partial payment was made and a balance remains to be

made in respect of use of the stadium for the aforementioned event. The delay in completing the payment is due to the fact

that discourses between the stadium management and the Kashif Organisation over the amount remaining to be paid are ongoing.” The release closed by stating that, “It is the intention of the our organization to immediately respond to the summons of the Ministry of Education with a view to ensuring satisfactory settlement of this matter in the shortest possible time.” The K&S Organisation and Alpha club were cited as defaulters in sums of money owed for rental of the National Stadium.

Thursday September 10, 2015

Everest Masters edge second division side in last ball thriller

Sunil Singh

Messi late show W rescues Argentina

ith seven required from two deliveries, former Guyana U19 batsman Rakesh Gangaram smashed the penultimate ball from Riyad Sattaur over the longon ropes and then edged the last over the wicketkeeper for a single to hand Everest Masters a thrilling fourwicket victory over their second division side when the teams met in a T20 fixture yesterday. Set 129, the

Masters were reduced to 233 losing the wickets of Shaheed Mohamed (18), Sahadeo Hardaiow (02) and Hemraj Garbarran (00). Pacer Mark Jeffers then had Shivnarine Chanderpaul, who only arrived in the country hours before the game, caught and bowled for (06) before Saeed Khan went without scoring to give the second division team the upper hand on a difficult pitch. But Sunil Singh and Rohan Sarjoo resurrected the chase with a fifth wicket stand of 67 with sensible batting. Sarjoo stroked three fours before he was caught off Riyad Sattaur for 20. Singh held his nerves and along with Gangaram saw their team home. Singh slammed six fours and two sixes to remain unbeaten on 51, while Gangaram was on nine. Akshaya Persaud and Jeffers had two wickets each and Sattaur one. The second division unit lost Tagenarine Chanderpaul

Ashkaya Persaud (04) and Sattaur (05) before Persaud and Joseph Perry added 73 for the third wicket to steady the innings somewhat. Both batsmen made 28 with the former hitting two fours and two sixes and the latter two fours. Gavin Sookdeo and Dwayne Adams beefed up the total with 17 and 14 respectively. Ravindra Seeram and Anwar Rahaman claimed two scalps apiece, while Chanderpaul, Johnny Azeez and Ronald Jaisingh had one each. The game was organised to give the youngsters much needed practice ahead of this weekend Georgetown Cricket Association (GCA) fixtures. (Zaheer Mohamed)

Abhilash Deokie (left) presents the covers to Rajesh Singh while other members of the club share the moment.

Hector Herrera (L) of Mexico and Nicolas Otamendi of Argentina chase a high ball during a international friendly at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas on September 8, 2015 (AFP Photo/Laura Buckman)

Arlington (United States) (AFP) - Lionel Messi saved Argentina’s blushes with a late equaliser as the South American giants scored twice in the final five minutes to snatch a 2-2 draw with Mexico in Texas on Tuesday. Argentina appeared to be heading to their first defeat against Mexico since 2004 after a first half penalty from Javier Hernandez and a second half strike from Hector Herrera fired “El Tri” into a 2-0 lead. But with the clock ticking down a flurry of attacking substitutions from Argentina coach Gerardo Martino turned the match in favour of the two-time world champions in a dramatic finale. Ezequiel Lavezzi burst

into the penalty area to cut back for Manchester City striker Sergio Aguero to tap in from close range on 85 minutes to make it 2-1. Then in the 89th minute Aguero picked out Messi with a clever quick free-kick inside the area. The Barcelona superstar controlled on his chest and then jabbed a low shot past Mexico goalkeeper Moises Munoz to level. Messi’s goal was the final act of an entertaining encounter played in front of 82,559 at the Arlington, Texas home of the Dallas Cowboys NFL side. However for long periods both sides looked uncomfortable with the makeshift playing surface, a layer of temporary grass laid on top of artificial turf used

for American football games. Mexico took the lead on 19 minutes through Hernandez’s penalty after Manchester City defender Nicolas Otamendi upended Raul Jimenez in the box. Munoz made a series of superb saves to deny Argentina a goal before in the 70th minute Hector Herrera made it 2-0 with a thumping strike from the edge of the area after a fine Mexico counter attack. Mexico appeared to be heading for a victory but Aguero and Messi’s late double strike denied them. Messi’s equaliser was his 49th goal in his 105th international, leaving him seven goals behind Argentina’s all-time leading goalscorer Gabriel Batistuta on 56.

Deokie Service Station presents covers to Everest Cricket Club The Everest Cricket Club yesterday received a timely boost from Deokie Service Station (Rubis Soesdyke). At a simple ceremony held at the Club, Managing Director of the entity Abhilash Deokie handed over two 40’x80’ rubberised covers which will aid significantly in the organisation hosting matches. Deokie said he is happy to contribute towards the upliftment of the club and urged

the youngsters present to take the game seriously. The club’s senior vice president Rajesh Singh thanked Deokie for his gesture. He added that the covers will serve the club well since a number of games were affected by the rain recently. Singh informed that they have embarked on the installation of lights at the facility and urged businesses to support the venture.

Thursday September 10, 2015

Kaieteur News

Page 35

US Open:

Flavia Pennetta beats Petra Kvitova to reach semi-finals

Serena Williams posted in honour of her sister.

BBC Sport - Italian 26th seed Flavia Pennetta came from a set down to beat twotime Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova and reach her second US Open semi-final.

Pennetta, 33, capitalised on an erratic Kvitova performance to win 4-6 6-4 6-2. Czech fifth seed Kvitova, who had ended Briton Jo Konta’s run at the

with Roberta Vinci facing Serena Williams. It is the first time in the Open era that two Italian women have made the last four of the same Grand Slam tournament. “The second set I was really in trouble, but I just kept going,” Pennetta

said after her win over K v i t o v a , 2 5 . “ I t ’s unbelievable.” She lost to Belarusian 20th seed Azarenka in the last four at Flushing Meadows in 2013, but has won three of her previous four meetings with fourth seed Halep.

WILLIAMS REFLECTS ON SISTER ACT Williams paid tribute to sister Venus on social media after her win in Tuesday’s quarter-final. The women’s semi-finals are due to take place this evening local time.

tournament, made 60 unforced errors. Pennetta, who will play either Simona Halep or Victoria Azarenka, is the second Italian into the semis,

Djokovic repels net-charging Lopez to advance US Open:

Novak Djokovic of Serbia celebrates defeating Feliciano Lopez in their quarterfinal match at the U.S. Open Championships tennis tournament in New York, September 9, 2015. (Reuters/Carlo Allegri)

NEW YORK (Reuters) Top seed Novak Djokovic was tested by net-charging Spaniard Feliciano Lopez in a duel of volleys and passing shots before booking a berth in the U.S. Open semi-finals in the early hours of Wednesday morning. On a hot, humid night at Flushing Meadows, Djokovic waged an entertaining battle with the 33-year-old serve-andvolleyer, before finishing off the 18th seed 72 in the fourth set tiebreaker to complete a 6-1 3-6 6-3 7-6(2) victory. Lopez won 28-of-41 serve-and-volley points, while Djokovic countered with 33 forays to the net that produced 19 points for the world number one. “He’s one of the rare players who actually serves and volleys after the first and second serves,” said Djokovic, winner of this year’s A u s t r a l i a n O p e n a n d Wi m b l e d o n championships. “He’s got a very big serve.” Lopez served up 14 aces, while Djokovic registered nine. “It was anybody’s game in the fourth set,” the Serb said. “I’m just glad to get through in four.” Djokovic had beaten Lopez in their five previous meetings but the lefty was confident, coming off a Cincinnati hardcourt event where he reached the quarters with

wins over Milos Raonic and Rafa Nadal before losing to world number two Roger Federer. “My game plan was to be aggressive,” Lopez said. “He was having some trouble reading my serve. “The match from my side was great. I have to be satisfied with the match I played with the number one player in the world. I couldn’t do any better today. He just was better in the tiebreaker in the fourth. I think I played a great match.” Djokovic, 61-5 with six tournament titles this season, will face defending champion Marin Cilic of Croatia in the semi-finals. The ninth-seeded Cilic advanced with a five-set win over France’s Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. Nine-times grand slam winner Djokovic reached his ninth successive U.S. Open semifinals and the 2011 champion expects another challenging match against Cilic, despite owning a 13-0 record against him. “He hasn’t lost a match (here), 12 matches in a row, so I’m sure he feels confident,” Djokovic said. “I know him very well. I have played him many, many times. We are great friends. “I know what to do and I’m hoping I can execute the game plan.”

Flavia Pennetta (left) came from a set down to beat two-time Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova. (Reuters)

t r o Sp

Successful 5-Day Volleyball Clinic ends “Match V/Ball skills with Academics” Gervy C Harry tells graduates Students from BHS and St Roses with their Teacher after yesterday’s VCP closing.

US routed 4-1 by Brazil ahead ‘REDS’ PERREIRA Sports Foundation Inc. of playoff against Mexico gives GVF $250,000

An official of the Joseph ‘Reds’ Perreira Sports Foundation Inc. hands over the cheque to President of the Guyana Volleyball Federation John Flores on Tuesday.

Fans cheer after Brazil forward Neymar Jr. (10) is congratulated by teammates after he scored his second goal of the game during the second half of Brazil’s 4-1 win over the United States at Gillette Stadium. (Winslow Townson-USA TODAY Sports)

Prince Ali back in the race to be FIFA president

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