UniLife Magazine 1703

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May / June 2009

FREE MAGAZINE . ISSUE 1703 . May – June 2009 . UniLife Magazine is a rebranded version of Entropy Magazine.


May / June 2009

Executive / Creative Director: Gjoko Muratovski Editor-In-Chief: Jasha Bowe Editorial Committee: Kelly L. Graham-Sutton, Matthew J. Harbinson, Kristine Thomson Graphic Design Consultant: Stuart Gluth Illustration Consultant: David Blaiklock Photography Contributors: Ivan Ivanovski, Derek Tickner, Emma Codrington, Spencer Harrison, University of South Australia, Gary Chapman, Kasey Sparks and Steve Holdsworth Illustration Contributors: Dan Withey (Paperhorse Studios), Lisa King (Paperhorse Studios) Cover: Lisa King Published By: UniLife Inc. Brokered via: UniSA Document Services

THE MAGAZINE IS PRINTED WITH ENVIRONMENTAL CREDENTIALS AND IS DISTRIBUTED FREE OF CHARGE ON SELECTED LOCATIONS. We are always excited to hear what you have to say. Email us on unilifemagazine@unisa.edu.au to do so. For marketing enquiries, use the same address. View UniLife Magazine in digital form or download a PDF, from the UniLife website: www.UniLife.edu.au The next 3 issues for 2009 are available at a mailing cost of $10 AUD (overseas $50 AUD). For more details visit www.UniLife.edu.au Disclaimer: UniLife Magazine recognizes the wide and diverse range of viewpoints and beliefs on religious, political, social and moral issues. Equally, however, we feel that the notion that we need tiptoe around these beliefs for fear of offending is in short, ridiculous. Nevertheless, we warn that reader discretion is advised.


GREETINGS by Jasha Bowe OUTFOXED: REDUX by Terry Holbright JOURNALIST by Jospeh Engles THE NEW ROLE OF JOURNALISM by Tom Dougherty GENERATIONAL CHANGE by Danielle McCallum THE PRESIDENT OF TEXAS by Eliza Rada THE ANTICHRIST by Jasha Bowe THE FIVE FACES OF OBAMA by Dan Withey COMFORT ZONE by Tom Dougherty PLAYTIME ISN’T OVER by Spencer Harrison RADIO-ACTIVE by Kasey Sparks and Steve Holdsworth EAT OR DIE by Jasha Bowe PAPERHORSE ANNIVERSARY by Ekaterina Loy HANDPICKED by Thomas Carmwell

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48 THE FUTURE BEGINS by Walter Burkinshaw 50 IT’S TIME TO GROW UP by Kate Smith 52 THE HAPPIEST GAY COUPLE IN ALL THE WORLD by Tom Halley 54 POSTCARD FROM COSTA RICA by Courtney Brogden 56 RESTORING LANDSCAPES by Heinrich Klein 58 HOW GREEN IS YOUR APPLE? by David Gates (Greenpeace) 62 WATER by Adrian Marshall 64 PHARMACOGENETICS by Kat Kanyon 66 THIS IS A KILLER by Tom Halley 68 WORLD OF MUSIC by Derek Tickner 70 WOMAD 2009 by Derek Tickner 78 MARCHING ON by Michelle Kavanagh 80 COME OUT TO PLAY by Leanne Cotter

May / June 2009

written by Jasha Bowe

Greetings Unlike Vanilla Ice, I am not back with a brand new invention, although should the need arise I would certainly be prepared to wax a chump like a candle, however, I am back to give you the lowdown on this edition of the UniLife Magazine.

THIS EDITION we have a number of delectable, diabolical and fabulous treats to bring a short reprieve in what will no doubt be an arduous day of ROTE learning (you can of course discount arts students here… nothing in arts is arduous, not to mention that it’s all about interpretation… man, so there is really no need to learn anything, just make it up as you go along). Still, back to it. In this, our 3rd magazine for the year, yes count them 3 already, we, as always, cover a range of diverse topics such as Gay Lego, the coming of the Antichrist – Obama, Chuck Norris’ designs on a fictional presidency as well as checking out some shit-hot artwork from our good friend and around Guru, local Paperhorse resident Dan Withey (we have been working with Dan for ages now, but when you are on a good thing!). I could go on, but as there is a contents page somewhere around here I need not list everything in the magazine, because well, that’s her job. Before I go and let you enjoy the wonders of our fine publication, just a quick reminder that the ‘Greenpeace Design Awards’ (hosted by Greenpeace Australia Pacific and UniLife) are still open for entries. So keep them coming. That’s it for now, sit back, relax and enjoy.


www.GreenpeaceDesignAwards.org.au Greenpeace Design Awards January2009 / February 2009

Written By terry holbright

outfoxed: redux What’s the scariest movie you have ever seen? Think long and hard… could it be Hell Raiser? Friday the 13th? Wolf Creek? The Princess Diaries 2 (fuck me, that shit is scary as all get up, particularly if you are stuck on a plane from Sydney to LA and that is the only thing on at 3am Australian time, you’ve run out of sleeping tablets and the hostess, who is actually a very camp man, stopped serving you scotch and coke hours ago – been there)? No... the scariest movie that I have seen is the one about our very own – Rupert Murdoch.

OUTFOXED initially came out in the lead up to the 2004 United States Presidential election, and is in brief summation, nothing short of frightening. I am not talking like, boo frightening, I am talking like finding out your mum is a crack tooting prostitute, and the large aggressive man you thought was your father is actually just your mum’s pimp, and you have just been sold into the sex trade for a sweet rock… that frightening. It is an expose into the media control wielded by one of the world’s most powerful men and his beloved FOX television network – Rupert Murdoch. It is a sordid tale that will make you wail and ninny with displeasure, and if you aren’t careful certainly could throw the old blood pressure up a notch or 5 (it certainly had this effect on me). It is the ultimate expose of spin mongering as perpetrated by the insidiously rightwing nutcases who rule the roost at the FOX News headquarters. It is a brilliantly scary look at how media controls the world, and the influence that the FOX News network brandishes in American domestic politics. Outfoxed is aptly sub-titled Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism, and after watching this movie you will be hard pressed not to agree. The original came out in 2004 and has just been re-released with an hour of new, and just as incensing footage covering the lead up to the 2008 US Presidential elections. Outfoxed: Redux is out now… beware. Don’t fear the Reaper… fear the Rupert. Preach.


May / June 2009

Written by Josef Engels

journalist Being a journalist is kinda like being God. Which is pretty cool because I always wanted to be God. Long white beard, smiting the sinners, kicking naked people out of my garden and so on. Sure, my only son gets crucified by a minority, but I hate kids anyway, so no loss there.

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SEE, THE THING ABOUT journalists is that they get a lot of power to shape reality, because they get to decide what happened. Journalists are the ones who get the information first, who decide what to do with it, who filter it – all before it gets to you, dear reader. And you trust that filtered information. Further, you actually base your ideas about the world on it. You see Pakistan as a country falling apart – because that is the picture that builds up in your mind as you repeatedly view images of conflict and death. But… have you ever been to Pakistan? Odds are, you’re forming opinions based on second hand information. And that brings us back to interpretation, dear reader – the media gets to decide, gets to pick just how you see a country of more than 150 million people. Ever heard of Dennis Shanahan, dear reader? Probably not. But I have, because I’m smarter than you. He’s currently the editor of The Australian and most likely doesn’t like me very much. My hair’s too long, I think. Anyway, Dennis spent most of 2007 predicting a landslide Howard Government win. He was the chap who told you every day on the front of The Aus that Howard’s 1 percent increase in polling spelled doom for Rudd. Got that one wrong, didn’t you Dennis - you limey fucker. Anyway, point is, Dennis was interpreting the facts, and if you had believed him, and had allowed your reality to be shaped by his interpretations, you’d be making your decisions based on flawed information. And that’s the journalist’s divine power – to construct and alter reality through the interpretation and filtering of information.

We would like to inform you that the ABC1, on Thursday, May 7th at 8.30pm will feature 20 years of MEDIA WATCH. A show that they have called “Stuff Ups, Beat Ups & Barneys”. As most of you know, the media critique program for the public focuses on exposing the “tricks of the trade” and common errors made by journalists. Thank god that they are not bothering with us, cause we can fill their program singlehandedly.

May / June 2009

Written by Tom Dougherty

the new role of journalism For this article to work, you need to agree with me from the outset. The role of journalism has changed. People understand articles just from the first paragraph.


OK, EVERYONE on the same page? No? Let me explain. People are smart. Watch most people reading a newspaper and they almost seem to glance over everything. It’s not because they’re skim reading, but more so because they read the headline and then the first few sentences. We are at a point when everyone understands how a newspaper article works. The pyramid structure (most important information first and then the lesser info further down) has made it possible for everyone to digest the main crux of a story and then move on. Sure, if the story interests the person, they will read the whole article. But to get an understanding of the news, no more than the first few lines are needed. If you’ve gotten this far into the article, it’s obviously interested you, or you needed a little bit more information to understand my point. Some people will have simply read the first paragraph. If they agreed with me, they’ll move on. And they’re idiots. If you discuss this copy of UniLife Magazine with someone who is “smart” (i.e. just read the first paragraph), they will be able to tell you the point of this article. If you probe them further, however, you can explain that they were insulted halfway through. But I’m not trying to insult them. I’m proving a second point. Most of the time, but not all the time, an entire article needs to be read from start to finish. When it comes to simple news items, it isn’t necessary to read to the end. But when it is an opinion or comment piece, or an article that a journalist has included some sort of editorial opinion, it is almost always necessary to read to the end. And if you get to the end, you know a hell of a lot more about the article than many people. But you could have also spent that time on something more important than a little diatribe about the changing role of journalists. Because in the end, it didn’t address the headline.

May / June 2009

Written by Danielle McCallum

generational change I often sit and wonder about what makes people who they are, what changes something that was once the in thing to do, to something that society loathes. Like why people are into drugs, alcohol and crime or why smoking was the coolest thing to do and is now a socially acceptable excuse for criticism.


March / April 2009

WHILST WORKING with youth that were or were about to be young parents, I saw that some of them were living their parents lives. Many of them did not realise that some of the things they did in life were not either appropriate or considered normal to society’s standards. Some of them had had no sense of normalcy in their lives, and there have nothing to model a life for their child or children around; thus the definition of a healthy happy family unit changes over time. However if a child never experiences this or experiences this in sporadic bursts, they are not aware that this life exists and therefore cannot always see when things are not as they should be. I find that it is because of this that they do not seek to find a life any different to what they lived. They consider it something normal to be in an abusive relationship or involved with drugs or alcohol. It has been proven that children are especially in a major way by actions. They learn how to act appropriately, how to eat, how to write, how to feel compassion and even how to dress. They are all taught actions. If we can change a fad such as making smoking uncool, making a certain fashion item ‘in’ or ‘out’ or making it fun to learn at school, you would think that problems such as child abuse, neglect or drug and alcohol abuse would be phased out by now.


During my time working with these young parents I asked them what they thought their childhoods were like. All of them told me they didn’t want their children to live the kind of childhood they had. They understood the impression their actions could leave on these little minds. They understood how they felt when they were a child and had problems of their own at home. They had experienced a normalcy in some capacity that had made them think about things they did whilst around their children. They were careful about words they used, they changed the way they interacted with children, and they learnt different techniques to discipline children and learnt that discipline is a form of teaching more than punishment. They learnt that children are impressionable and do not comprehend a lot of the adult issues that we take on. They learnt that crying is communication not something babies or children do as something to get on your nerves. They realised that they are the ones who will influence their children the most. They realise that they are the ones that need to support and guide their children so they can live a happy and fulfilling life in a secure and safe environment. They learnt that the bonds they make with their children determine how your child will interact with you and with others. If we can model to people the positive actions you can do as a parent or guardian perhaps one day a generational change will see the end of child abuse, neglect, drug abuse, alcohol abuse or emotionally detached parents. In saying this children need to learn problem solving skills both with emotions and education. So suggesting that we all live perfect, problem free lives would be a dream. It doesn’t happen. But we can influence the degree of problems, the intensity and the types of problems. Society has a lot to answer for. The children who will be born or are young now are the ones who will stimulate the change but we are the generation that must begin it. Our society has become reliant on people to always save the day. However the systems that do this are overworked tired and lack help. They are expected to perform miracles when children need to be removed from their homes. They pick up the pieces, they put them back together. These people are saving our children. But they do not get enough respect. They are seen as nasty or picking on people. But if we change the way some things are done the pressure may ease. They are not superheros and they do not always see. They cannot be everywhere. We need to help them sometimes. We need to tell someone if we are concerned and we need to be aware of our own actions, words and influences. However sometimes this is turned into a witch hunt and circumstances can be misread; perhaps a mother who cannot send her child to school with lunch and recess may need budgeting skills, organisational skills or maybe just needs a little help. We are Australia. We are deemed one of the best places to live, one of the most generous, one of the most community minded. So why are our children ending up in foster homes?

May / June 2009

Written by Eliza Rada

the president of texas Are there limits to Chuck Norris’ power? His astonishing lists of conquests and abilities have long been regaled to the amusement of all and sundry on websites such as www.chucknorrisfacts.com, but now it seems the realms of amusing fiction may in fact be blurring with somewhat concerning reality


IT WOULD APPEAR that Chuck wants to be president… of Texas. Yes that’s right Walker, the ranger himself, now wants to ascend to the highest fictional office in America - President of Texas - which, just for a refresher, is a STATE of America. Chuck wants Texas to separate from the rest of the United States (not that this is a particularly new idea since the south has been sore about losing all its slaves for ages, and has pissed and moaned about secession pretty much since the United States well, united), and he wants to be ruler of this Hicksville, a new redneck wonderland. I mean come on; you didn’t really expect Chuck not to be a redneck? He recently posted an article (yes apparently he can write) about his frustrations with the new national government and sited a list of historical examples outlining a case for why it would be ok to express disagreement with certain policies through force and violence. What a surprise, Chuck Norris advocating for a violent resolution to a problem... except in this movie we can sub in Obama for Uncle Ho (as in Ho Chi Minh, please tell me they still teach basic world history in school!). Chuck says rather emphatically, “Anyone who has been around Texas for any length of time knows exactly what we’d do if the going got rough in America. Let there be no doubt about that. As Sam Houston once said, ‘Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may.’” Chuck and a rightwing Fox news caster are actually trying to make this intellectual musing a physical reality, urging others to unite with them as well as “thousands of CELL groups around the country”… that’s right, Chuck has sleeper cells littered throughout the US (apparently) ready, it would seem, to ‘old-school Norris’ on your liberal-Obama-loving asses at any moment. In the words of Foghorn Leghorn (or at least in his accent if he didn’t actually say the words) “thems fighting words”. And considering that Chuck Norris once (allegedly) shot a plane down with his finger, by simply yelling, “Bang!” perhaps we should all be just a little bit worried. Hopefully Obama the Antichrist will be able to save us….

May / June 2009

Written by Tom Halley

the antichrist Did you know that Obama was the Antichrist? I surely didn’t before‌ but now?

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WHILE TRAWLING the mighty Interweb recently, I came across this little ditty, I was completely oblivious to, during the recent US Presidential election campaign, which is strange because I followed the campaign quite closely and am always interested in a good ‘smear and fear’ tactic in such lead ups. This one however, takes the cake. The following text, among other similar statements, was ‘anonymously’ (insert conservatives / republicans who didn’t want Obama to win, and tried to scare those whacky evangelical Christian voters into not voting for the big O) proliferated throughout cyberspace via blogs, websites and email blasts in the latter stages of the Presidential race: “The anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal.... the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. Is it OBAMA? I STRONGLY URGE each and every one of you to repost this as many times as you can! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media outlet... Do it! If you think I am crazy... I’m sorry but I refuse to take a chance on the “unknown” candidate.” So let’s look at the facts (thankyou About.com) What is the Antichrist? The American Heritage Dictionary defines “Antichrist” as “the great antagonist who was expected by the early Church to set himself up against Christ in the last days before the Second Coming.” Generally speaking, those who expect the Antichrist to literally appear in human form believe he will come to power as a world leader through deception and trickery, and “by peace shall destroy many,” only to succumb to the superior might of Jesus Christ and the forces of righteousness at the final battle of Armageddon. Jesus-fuckin’-Christ... Still, I digress. Who is the Antichrist? Take your pick. In addition to Obama, nominees over the past two thousand years have included the Roman emperor Nero, any or all Popes of the Catholic Church, Peter the Great, Napoleon, Friedrich Nietzsche (self-anointed), John F. Kennedy (who allegedly received 666 votes during the 1956 Democratic convention), Mikhail Gorbachev, and William Jefferson Clinton. And on and on the list goes. Well at the very least he is in relatively good company. 666 and out.

May / June 2009

the five faces of obama by Dan Withey


May / June 2009


May / June 2009


May / June 2009


Written by Tom Dougherty

comfort zone It’s a tough thing to step out of your comfort zone and do something new. It’s especially difficult for people new to the University lifestyle. But living in any sort of shared accommodation while studying will open your eyes to all kinds of new things you may not have necessarily come across.

TO USE a personal anecdote, during my first year of University I lived in a dorm of 28 people. One day, I decided to watch a movie. Not having a television in my room, I went to the common room and put on a little black and white film called Clerks. It’s very famous, but at the same time so many people haven’t heard of it. While it was on, at least ten people walked through, asked what I was watching, but when they saw it was black and white, they walked out. Didn’t even give it a second glance. Of course later on a few people sat down to watch it and actually enjoyed it so much we ended up watching all the other films by the director, Kevin Smith. My point is, don’t dismiss something straight away because it’s different to what you’re used to. Could you imagine how boring music would be if you never give someone else’s music a chance? The same goes for everything. Books, films, sports… Give it all a go, what could go wrong? Sometimes taking part in new experiences at Uni can get a bit difficult, especially when money is involved. If someone wants to go sky diving and you can’t afford it, your mind is made up. But when money isn’t an issue, jump on board. A couple of people are going to the Central Markets. Tag along. There’s the Archibald Prize being exhibited at the Art Gallery. Go and have a look. Just don’t sit in your room watching Super Troopers over and over again. I promise you, hang out with the guy that listens to strange electronica by someone called Aphex Twin, and not only will you learn about something new, you’ll also enrich your experience while at University.



March / April 2009

text and photo by spencer harrison

playtime isn’t over Google. Pixar. Apple. What do these companies have in common with a 6 year old child? The answer is play. We already know that play is vital to the learning and development in children, but what about adults? Several experts now believe that playfulness in adults is just as important, making us smarter, more creative and more successful in our lives.


September 2008

WHO REMEMBERS as a child what it was like to have the unbridled freedom to play, draw, create and be whomever we wanted? We could build cities, be astronauts, fight dragons or be a fairy tale princess, all before lunch. These activities were not just fun and games though, but something much more vital to our development. Child psychologists now believe that through interacting with the physical world and other children during play we learn important social and mechanical skills, which are carried with us to adulthood. Even though play activities are now recognised as important, as we grow older and move into school, we begin to be told to just think, to focus and to “quit playing around”. Our subjects begin to focus less on creativity and play, with the emphasis landing on subjects deemed necessary to get a job, such as literacy and mathematics. Creativity experts such as Ken Robinson deem this a major flaw in our education system, putting that we are “actively being educated out of creativity”. Sir Robinson claims that by being taught that there is only one right answer, we are becoming frightened of being wrong, frightened to explore the possibilities.


By reintroducing play into the equation, we become less fearful of being wrong and exciting results occur. In fields of creativity and innovation, play is becoming increasingly recognised as one of the most important ways of coming up with new ideas. Organisations such as Google and Pixar encourage and embrace play amongst their employees, creating exciting environments in which individuals can discover their creativity. At Pixar, animators no longer work in cubicles, but instead each work in small wooden gnome houses, reminiscent of childhood cubby houses. On the other side of the world in the Zurich office of Google, employees travel in style, using slides and fireman’s poles to move between floors. So what is play and how does it apply to adults? The simple answer is that play is any non-goal orientated activity. It is essentially about open possibilities, exploring ideas in a physical nature and thinking with our hands. Tim Brown, CEO of the innovative design company IDEO says that by participating in play we can “forget the adult behaviours that get in the way of ideas”. By thinking with our hands we connect parts of our brain not normally active; we relax and our subconscious comes into play. In a social environment, play creates trust between individuals, creating a relaxed environment in which ideas can be shared. Through this shared trust we relax our inhibitions about being wrong, putting aside rationality that clouds our creative ideas. It can be seen now that creativity and innovation are playing increasingly important roles in all occupations. Being able to harness creativity will benefit people in all areas, from design to business or science. In times where employment markets are saturated with skilled individuals, it is their creativity and ideas that will set them apart from the pack. The secret to this creativity is to embrace play in your life, not as a distinction from work, but as a daily part of it. It is important to realise all people are creative and to utilise this as a valuable resource. Creative people are often perceived as having a gift, with their creativity an intangible quality bestowed upon a select few. These creative people are sometimes presented negatively as being ‘unconventional’, ‘wacky’ and ‘playful’. But perhaps these people are not playful because they are creative, but creative because they are playful. So, architecture students, get out the balsa wood you haven’t touched since first year and begin to play and build again. Artists and designers, get out your paints, get dirty and do some fingerpainting. Business students play shop and role play your customer experiences. To everyone, play with someone daily, think with your hands, don’t be afraid to be wrong and most of all - have fun!

Every game has it’s rules. Learn the rules. Re-align with Theory Spine. Go to www.unisa.edu.au/art/theoryspine

May / June 2009

text and image by Kasey Sparks and Steve Holdsworth

radio-active Friends of the Earth is hosting the annual Radioactive Exposure Tour from May 15-25. Since the 1980s, these tours have exposed thousands of people first-hand to the realities of ‘radioactive racism’ and to the environmental impacts of the nuclear industry.


March / April 2009

AFTER TRAVELLING from Melbourne to Adelaide then heading north to the SA desert, we’ll visit BHP Billiton’s Olympic Dam uranium mine at Roxby Downs, the largest uranium deposit in the world. Friends of the Earth is currently working on a campaign to have the SA Roxby Downs Indenture Act repealed. This legislation allows the mine to operate with wide-ranging exemptions from the Aboriginal Heritage Protection Act, the Environment Protection Act, the Natural Resources Act and the Freedom of Information Act. We’ll watch sunset over Lake Eyre and see the Mound Springs - oases which are fed by the underlying Great Artesian Basin and host unique flora and fauna. Sadly, some of the Mound Springs have been adversely affected or destroyed altogether by the massive water take for the Olympic Dam mine - 35 million litres daily. The water is taken from Arabunna land and we’ll spend time with Arabunna elder Uncle Kevin Buzzacott, President of the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance. Indigenous people across the world suffer most directly from the impacts of the nuclear industry and this ‘radioactive racism’ is a major focus of the tour. The tactics used by uranium mining companies against Aboriginal communities include: ignoring the concerns of Traditional Owners;


divide-and-rule tactics; bribery; ‘humbugging’ Traditional Owners (exerting persistent, unwanted pressure); providing Traditional Owners with false or misleading information; and threats, most commonly legal threats. We’ll hear about the notorious incident concerning the laying of a water pipeline on Arabunna land in the mid-1990s. WMC Resources, the company that operated the mine at the time, used divide-and-rule tactics against Traditional Owners, leading to violence, terrorism, imprisonment, and the death of one person. We’ll hear first-hand accounts of the British nuclear bomb tests from Maralinga veteran and whistle-blower Avon Hudson. We’ll learn about ongoing WMD proliferation risks arising from the uranium mining and export industry. Australia’s uranium exports have resulted in the production of over 103 tonnes of plutonium — enough to build over 10,000 nuclear weapons. Successive Australian governments have been willing to sell uranium to nuclear weapons states, states refusing to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, states blocking progress on a Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty, states with a history of secret nuclear weapons research, and states stockpiling ‘civil’ plutonium. The International Atomic Energy Agency’s safeguards system attempts to prevent ‘civil’ nuclear materials and facilities being used for WMD production, yet the Director General of the IAEA has acknowledged “vulnerabilities” in its “fairly limited” safeguards system and complained about the “half hearted” efforts to tighten the system. After stopping for a swim at Coward Springs, we’ll head east and camp in the beautiful Gammon Ranges and visit the not-so-beautiful Beverley uranium mine. This mine uses the in-situ leach uranium mining method, which leaves underground aquifers polluted with a toxic cocktail of radionuclides, heavy metals and acid. We’ll speak to Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners at Nepabunna about how uranium mining has affected their lives, including the police attacks against Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners and ‘greenies’ in May 2000 and the use of pepper spray on an 11 year old Adnyamathanha girl. We’ll speak to the manager of the Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary about the current struggle to prevent uranium mining there, and we’ll camp in the Sanctuary and in one of the beautiful gorges further south. Participants get to experience affinity groups, consensus decision making, desert camping and vegetarian, communal cooking while travelling to some of the most beautiful and ecologically significant environments in Australia. Every person who has gone on a tour has had an amazing experience and many of the participants from various tours have made a considerable impacts contribution to the anti-nuclear movement. We’re particularly keen for you to come along if you are involved in anti-nuclear campaigning or if you’re interested in getting involved.

If you’re interested in joining in this year’s Radioactive Exposure Tour, visit www.foe.org.au/anti-nuclear and www.jessieboylan.com and contact Kasey Sparks, writewithya@gmail.com, 0425 862834 or Steve Holdsworth 1meteorsteve@gmail.com, 0430 354887.

May / June 2009

Written by JASHA BOWE

EAT OR DIE Could this be the coolest cooking book ever? Beat Heat Eat the Eat or Die Cooking Manual, could just have knocked Margret Fulton or Donna Hay of their pretty macramÊ purches, cuz this book is a doozie. Admittedly this is no high-end, le cordon bleu, cook book, but boy (pardon the pun, this will make sense in a minute) is it good – simple and effective.


DEAN LAHN is a local graphic designer, come cook, come author, come all round guru who has been on enlightening vision quest, which in his own words was a mission “to find a way of feeding myself with the convenience of a drive thru. As a regular bloke I thought there must be many others who, like me, find themselves in the same situation. I’m no chef, but I invented some recipes that I could just beat, heat and eat.” Fucken Legend. OK let’s put the cards on the table. This is a cook book for blokes, dudes, guys or whatever you want to call the 16 – 100 year old males of our species, who on the whole don’t have a great reputation for their stellar cooking – yes this is a sweeping generalization, but so what, it suits my purposes here. As the book states it is NOT actually a cook book, so perhaps Margret and Donna aren’t in too much trouble after all, it is instead a “manual that shows you how to heat food so you don’t starve”. And with simple 1 page illustrated recipes, it is in fact exactly what it is. It is so simple to follow that even half the characters from Gummo would probably get it right. It even tells you how to clean up and stop a fat fire… it really is awesome and simple. Simply awesome even. Look, the long and short of it is that this book is a must for any student share-house, bachelor pad, student dorm or college or anywhere where useless cooks may congregate on a regular basis. I am a good cook (tickets much?) , but this manual has certainly made a place in culinary arsenal. If I haven’t convinced you that this book is the shit so far, let me leave you with the opening line from it, and you make your own mind up if it’s for you… “Yeah. I’ll be the first to admit that some, most, of these recipies need a little time to get your head around. That’s okay. It’s just you’ve never heard someone say it’s okay to ram a beer can up a chicken’s clacker, or simmer your dinner in Coke. Relax. Leave the cooking to the experts. Here you’re just going to fix something to eat and kick back. Nobody is going to judge you. It’s just you, me, and the chicken.” Enjoy.

May / June 2009

Written by Ekaterina Loy

paperhorse anniversary 12 months past March 2008 a celebration was in order. That’s right, I am talking about the Paperhorse Studios birthday party that shook the creative souls of Adelaide on March 26th. 190 square metres of Paperhorse floor jazzed with DJs, Vodka O-infused cocktails, modelled waitresses, organic canapés, 250 fellow attendees, and of course, the artwork of Adelaide’s 11 biggest up and coming artists who sold 20 pieces from the show.

PAPERHORSE has quickly become a recognisable icon on the Adelaide art scene, with the second level Rundle Mall studio hosting some of the hippest yet prestige art exhibitions over the past year. Lisa King, the founder/director/resident artist, said that the curating of the shows had been one of the most fulfilling parts of the Paperhorse experience. She felt that Paperhorse had given South Australian artists a creative place not only to work and exhibit, but to meet and socialize in an inspiring environment. The creative direction of Paperhorse artists seems to be a crossover between street art, design, illustration, photography, publication, fashion and fine art. That is fairly new to the Adelaide art scene and is somewhat similar to the interstate studios and galleries, such as No Vacancy, Stay Human, China Heights, Monster Children and Per Square Metre. Lisa revealed she was excited to be a part of the movement that was quickly growing in South Australia, and loved the fact that she could work alongside such favourite creatives as Danica Wells-Heitmann (aka Nickas), Dan Withey, James Dean, Joel VDK, Billie Thomson, Kab 101, Matt Stuckey, Egija Mitenberga, Jeremy Piert, Store, Jules, and John Engelhardt. “All it takes is a great community of talented folk with the same heads, and you’ve got yourself an amazing army ready to take over the world,” Lisa stated. Next exhibition in Paperhorse Studios will be held on Thursday, July 2nd, at 6pm. Specialized theme and artists yet to be announced. As well Studio Residency for 2009 is now available. For more details and a great dose of saddlery fun head straight to: www.paperhorsestudios.wordpress.com

www.paperhorsestudios.com / paperhorsestudios@gmail.com / Level 2, 93 Rundle Mall, CBD / 0420 517 327


skate/artworks BY LISA KING

May / June 2009

Written by Thomas Carmwell

handpicked Ask yourself what it would be like to stake everything on a relationship based only on letters?

WE ARE very excited to be announcing the release of a new book (called the Handpicked) by one of our very own UniSA colleagues, Siang Tay from the University’s Marketing and Development Unit (MDU). We felt this was a special book, one definitely worth a mention, and one would hope you enjoy as much as we did. This is an unusual and very thought provoking novel, which subtly and sensitively explores the often much maligned world of the mail-order bride. Along with this overture, the book is a compelling observation of words and actions, expectations and consequences, truth and happiness. It is the story of Laila who is desperate to escape life in the longhouse in her Malaysian village. Desperate enough to travel alone to Australia to marry Jim, a fruit-picker living in Renmark, South Australia. Jim hasn’t had much luck with women - they’re always giving him a hard time. He pins his hopes on Laila changing all that. Marital bliss, a new life. But when Laila and Jim finally meet, they each discover the reality of the other, and things don’t go as planned. On the book Siang says, “I wanted to offer readers an insight into the myths and truths surrounding the phenomena of women, usually from Third World countries, who subject themselves to great risks in their efforts to escape their impoverished circumstances. I also hope to provide a glimpse of the complexities of intercultural relationships, examine the hazards of relationships based only on letters and question the common ideals for happiness.” Siang was born in Malacca, Malaysia. After working for eleven years in the petroleum industry in Malaysia, she immigrated to Australia in 1992 with her daughter. She currently works here at the University of South Australia. Her short stories have been published in literary magazines worldwide including Meanjin and Dimsum. In 2007 she was one of the winners of the HarperCollins Varuna Awards for Manuscript Development. Her website is www.siewsiangtay. com. To undertake research for the novel, she spent considerable time in Renmark, where the story is set, experiencing the life there and interviewing fruit-pickers, orchard owners, an intercultural couple, pub crawlers and local residents. Do yourself a favor and check out Handpicked at your local book shop.


March / April 2009

Written by Walter Burkinshaw

The future begins Space... the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

WHO CAN EVER forget this phrase used in the title sequence in the Star Trek series., and coming to that, the new Star Trek film is out, and let me tell you... If you are not a Trekkie already, you will become one after watching this film. This is an absolutely brilliant piece of work. After the Watchmen, this is the best film I have seen this year. With an excellent new cast, that have not only portrayed the original cast flawlessly, but have added new and fresh elements to the characters themselves that makes them appear more human and believable. It is very interesting how the director J.J. Abrams always manages to push the action scenes for one more step, creating just a little bit more suspense, even when you know that everything will work out well at the end. After the disappointment of George Lucas’s Star Wars prequels, with its terrible dialogue and even worse acting, this movie really promises a creative re-birth of science fiction adventure films. The film centres on the initial dislike and rivalry, followed by respect and friendship, of the all-American, hell-raiser James T. Kirk and the austere, and somewhat unemotional half-human, half-Vulcan Spock. You also get to see the formation of the rest of the crew of the USS Enterprise, and they are splendidly played with a real affection and understanding of the TV originals. A great moment is when Kirk sits down for the first time in the captain’s seat, and he is abruptly ordered out of it – by the acting captain and his rival at the time – Spock. Another original thing about this film is that it presents an alternative reality where time travel has become possible due to unforseen events caused by experimental black hole device invented by the Vulcans, but stolen and misused by a renegade Romulan war criminal – Nero. A refreshing twist is when the young Spock (Zachary Quinto) meets the old Spock (Leonard Nemoy) who was the original Spock in the series. The appearance of 78-year-old Nemoy brings considerable dignity and grace to the film, contrary to the already-seen corny appearances of old cast actors in different roles in remake movies, like Michael Cane in Get Carter (2000). Further standouts are, British comedy stalwart Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Black Books etc.) who plays chief engineer Scotty and gives a sense of comic relief later on in the film, and Anton Yelchin who plays the young Russian officer on the board – Chekov, creating an instantly loveable character. Even if you have never watched Star Trek before, this film is definitely worth seeing. Judging by the offerings of Watchmen and Star Trek, I think that Hollywood is finally beginning to mature...


May / June 2009

Written by Kate Smith

it’s time to grow up How many crew do you know who are going, have been, or really want to go live in London? Heaps? Hell. Even I am going there, but this is beside the point. It seems often to be a rite of passage for Gen X & Y’s; to head off to the UK on one of those 2 year working Visas and call London home for a few years. It’s all very cool; too cool for school even.

WELL HERE’S SOMETHING that may just put the fear of God in all those prospective Aussie wannabe Londonites, and might just take a little of the perceived glamour out of ye olde London town. An exploration of London street and gang culture is the topic first breached by the now cult classic film Kidulthood, which documents the initiation into the adult world of sex, drugs and crime on the mean streets of London (somewhat meaner than those which appear in the STA Travel brochures!) Adulthood, the film I am actually talking about, resumes the first film’s dogged examination of London street culture. Six years on and the brutal world of sex, drugs and crime has sent some on the straight and narrow, while others continue on a path of destruction. After completing a hellish prison stint for the fatal bashing of a teenage gang rival, Sam Peel (Noel Clarke who has also starred in Dr Who) returns to West London to face his demons. If as Kele Okereke from Bloc Party suggests, “East London is a Vampire” then West London, thanks to this film, appears to be a relative hell on earth. Struggling to come to terms with his own remorse, Peel is also confronted with his mother’s shame and old foes seeking retribution. He wants to put an end to the cycle of violence but with the next generation of would-be gangsters after him for payback, staying out of trouble isn’t easy. Will he be able to keep his head down and create a future for himself or will his first 24 hours of freedom also be his last? This film is scary shit, but a good flick, well worth a look. Think American History X meets Boyz n the hood. And with, or should I say wiv, a soundtrack featuring Wiley and Dizzee Rascal (a personal favourite of mine) you can definitely hear the sirens coming… often.


May / June 2009

WRITTEN By Tom Halley

the happiest gay couple in all the world In case you handed figured out from the title of the show, Rick and Steve the Happiest Gay Couple in All the World and the picture accompanying this story (that means next to it), the show is a stop motion animation of Gay Lego. Rad. Why didn’t I think of this?

THIS SHIT IS FUNNY. It is one of the most anti-pc shows I have EVER seen, and that makes it great. It is in fact and believe me when I say, that I have been waiting a long time to use this phrase, sardonically irreverent in every way. In the tradition of South Park, which itself can be fairly fruity at times (this very adult cartoon, however, takes it to a whole other level), is already a hit in Canada and the UK, and as we aren’t as pathetically conservative yet as America (I say this more hopefully that authoritatively) it will hopefully be successful here to. I am not sure that Fed Nile or any of the Family First Senators will be particularly pleased. Rick and Steve is set in West Lahunga Beach (sound familiar MTV junkies?), the gayest of gay ghettoes, where together the show namesakes make their fabulously decorated double-incomeno-kids home. That is until Rick’s lifelong lesbian friend Kirsten asks him to be the father of her child. There’s just one catch – Kirsten’s wife Dana and Rick’s husband Steve are mortal enemies… oooh. The title is ironic as all three of the main couples, the third being Chuck and Evan, have typical “issues” — including Steve actively seeking a three-way with Rick and another man; Kirsten and Dana deciding to have a baby with Rick’s sperm; and Chuck and Evan trying to be together despite a 31 year age difference between them. This is one of those parodies that cuts so close to home (as all the good ones do) that it is sometimes difficult to see where fantasy ends and reality begins (except for the fact that everyone is made from Lego). Meaning that some of the issues and scenarios will be very familiar to some, both, Gay and straight alike, which is really what makes the show so watchable as well as hilarious. Do yourself a favour and drape yourself in your favourite rainbow flag and cop a load (too much?) of Rick and Steve.


May / June 2009

Written by Courtney Brogden

postcard from costa rica Back when I applied for my double degree in Commerce and Business (Commercial Law) less than two years ago, I would never have guessed that I would have the opportunity to participate in a volunteer program overseas. For 5 weeks during the summer break I travelled around Costa Rica with International Student Volunteers, spending one week in a Spanish school, two weeks working with sea turtles in the local research centre and a two week adventure tour.


CONFESSION TIME: I was a princess prior to going away. I had never been camping or been out of contact with my family before, so living with a local family in a house with walls that did not meet the roof and iguanas chasing chickens outside the door was totally out of my comfort zone! For me it was a completely different world ‌ The main form of transport was the back of a truck where it felt as though we were being herded off to a sale like cattle and putting toilet paper into the bin next to the toilet was normal. My host family did not own chairs and actually built two stools for us to use. This has now turned into a secondary income source for this family. Although my experience was wonderful, what I did not anticipate was the number of challenges I would encounter and learn from during this time. I started to feel like the man on the RAA ads as no matter what I did or where I went, something went wrong. Whether it be lost luggage for 4 days when I landed in Costa Rica and trying to figure out how to fill out a form in Spanish (of which I spoke none), or playing soccer with the local Tico men and slicing my big toe. Not to mention the earthquake that hit. I had most of the travel sicknesses (some even twice) and even had someone break my toe while salsa dancing. During this brief but catastrophe filled time I did meet some of the most wonderful and giving people from across the world. Even though my experiences at first glance may not appear at all transferable to a commerce based degree I found that a lot of what I learnt while I was away can be utilised in my degree. You can learn something from each and every person you meet and the situations you find yourself in; courage, stamina, the ‘have a go mentality’, but most of all, the need for us all to give something back to the world everyday. Since returning from Costa Rica my opportunities have continued. I was invited to join the Student Ambassadors program through the Division of Business and I am now looking into studying abroad in the coming year to further extend my knowledge and appreciation of other cultures and gain an international focus to my degree. I would definitely recommend the ISV program to anyone who wishes to find themselves.

May / June 2009

written by heinrich klein

restoring landscapes Restoring landscapes for the protection of rare and threatened plant species comes with a few challenges. Innovation and dedication are needed to make things happen, even if it means sifting through bird droppings‌.


photo by gary chapman

IT SEEMS TO BE mostly about germination and they go to great lengths to achieve it. Yes, they even apply some strange methods that would easily see them accused of pursuing some weird fetish or being pyromaniacs. Perhaps I should explain some of the frontier work these guys are involved in. Restoring landscapes to save a bunch of rare plant species for the Kangaroo Island Nationally Threatened Plant Project comes with more than a few challenges. For the people involved, planting a few hundred trees in neat rows doesn’t quite do it. Go for a walk in any healthy remnant scrub; have a closer look at the vegetation and you’ll see what I mean. Dense, diverse, and supporting a host of wildlife. So, how do these guys on Kangaroo Island (re-)create such diverse natural vegetation? Anyone who has tried to grow Australian native plants from seed will tell you it is not the easiest of things to do. Some seeds go into dormancy and will not germinate unless they experience heat from a bushfire. Others do not tolerate heat at all but will germinate after contact with bushfire smoke. Then there are those that need to pass through a bird’s gut to be stripped of the germination inhibitors contained in the fruit. The question is how do they imitate these conditions? It’s time to introduce the Cygnet Park plant nursery. At first sight just an ordinary nursery with neatly stacked racks of green plants. However, to grow some of these plants tricks were played with nature. Soil is collected from remnant vegetation and exposed to a mini bushfire (a glorified barbeque) to entice the seeds to break their dormancy. For some seeds this means that they germinate after having been asleep for 70 years! Other stubborn seeds are treated with hot water straight off the kettle or brought into contact with some nasty, acrid chemicals found in bushfire smoke. Then there is another acid treatment that they experiment with. And of course there is the infamous sifting through bird droppings to obtain pre-treated seeds - now that’s dedication! Together with some radical and innovative site preparation methods to keep competing weeds at bay, these tricks have resulted in large scale restorations of high diversity with a very high survival rate. In July 2009 the Kangaroo Island Nationally Threatened Plant Project will launch its 2009 Planting Festival with 60,000 plants and a record 101 different plant species. These guys just want to make things happen.

UniLife is going to be organising this event this year as well, so if you are interested to be a part of this initiative, visit our website for more information: www.unilife.edu.au.

May / June 2009

Written by David Gates (GREENPEACE)

HOW GREEN IS YOUR APPLE? Gadgets are now part of our everyday lives. iPods, mobile phones, laptops and flatscreen TVs have become so commonplace, it’s hard to imagine the old days when people would crowd around shop windows to watch a black and white television. Today we’re consuming gadgets at a faster rate than ever as old models are updated and prices go down, but at what cost?


March / April 2009

IN MANY COUNTRIES electronic waste (or ‘e-waste’) is the fastest growing type of waste, as cheap products means replacing electronics is cheaper than fixing them, while low prices often means low quality and a short life span. Every year, hundreds of thousands of old computers and mobile phones are dumped in landfills or burned in smelters. Thousands more are exported, often illegally, from industrialised countries to scrap yards in Asia for rudimentary recycling. The scrap workers, some of whom are children, work in hazardous conditions and are exposed to a daily cocktail of chemicals known to be harmful to human health and the environment. This problem can be avoided by tackling it at the source. It is possible to make clean, durable products that can be upgraded, recycled, or disposed of safely. Greenpeace is pressing leading electronic companies to eliminate the worst toxic chemicals from their products and improve their recycling programs. Since 2006, Greenpeace International has published a regularly updated ‘Guide to Greener Electronics’, which ranks all major electronic companies on their e-waste policies and use of toxic chemicals. While no individual product surveyed in the guide can yet lay claim to being truly ‘green’, there are plenty of individual innovations by different companies in toxics reduction, energy efficiency, longer lifecycles and recycling. The key to making a comprehensively greener product is combining innovation in each of these areas. The most recent guide shows that in addition to the toxics categories, companies are starting to improve their scores on energy criteria, taking steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase their use of renewable energy. Nokia for example, is already sourcing a quarter of its electricity use from renewables. In fact, Nokia is currently leading the charge as the greenest electronic company, having phased out brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and PVC plastic in all of its products. They also have an extensive voluntary take-back policy, which increased its score significantly.


Nokia produces some of the greenest mobile phones on the market. Besides eliminating the use of toxic chemicals, its mobile phones are the most energy efficient models available. Its mobile phone chargers exceed the Energy Star requirements by between 30%-90%. It is these initiatives that continue to keep Nokia at the top of Greenpeace’s list. Apple has made improvements towards more environmentally friendly practices in the past year, following a bold advertising campaign highlighting the green credentials of its MacBooks. All Apple products are now free of PVC and BFRs, with the exception of PVC-free power cords. However, Apple loses points for a low commitment to using recycled plastic, to reducing emissions during production and taking back and recycling its own products. The Macbook Air is a strong contender to claim the title of green PC, but it isn’t quite there yet. As a mercury and arsenic free laptop, it exceeds European Standards and raises the bar for the rest of the industry. It has less PVC and BFRs than other Mac computers, but on the downside it is not entirely free from hazardous chemicals in certain components. Toshiba produces one of the greenest notebooks available. Its Protégé line receives high marks because it has eliminated the use of toxic chemicals. It also is one of the most energy efficient notebooks on the market. The Protégé uses low voltage to power the LED lights used to illuminate the screen. The Protégé is one of only 15 notebooks to receive Gold EPEAT status. Toshiba ranks third on Greenpeace’s list and gets bonus points for its commitment to find alternatives to phthalates, beryllium, and antimony in all of its products. Dell and Microsoft are not looking nearly as green. The latest guide reports that Dell has broken its commitment to phase out of toxics by the end of 2009. On waste, the company fails to put in practice the principle of Individual Producer Responsibility. It does gain points, however, for committing to reduce global greenhouse emissions from its worldwide facilities by 2015. Microsoft is one of the lowest-rated electronic companies. Despite a commitment to using renewable energy, it does not produce easily recyclable or energy-efficient products. The lowest rated company is Nintendo, with a score of zero for all e-waste criteria. There’s clearly room for improvement for this company. Greenpeace will continue to put pressure on electronics companies by exposing their hazardous practices and calling on them to take greater responsibility. The Greener Electronics campaign has a goal to force companies to clean up their products by eliminating hazardous substances altogether, and take back and recycle their products responsibly once they become obsolete.

Check out www.greenpeace.org/international/campaigns/toxics/electronics to see where your favorite companies rank, and use your consumer power to demand that all electronic companies go green.

May / June 2009

Written by Adrian Marshall

water If you like short showers, native gardens and rainwater tanks, you’ll love UniSA. The average Adelaidian uses 200 litres of drinking water a day, 40 litres are flushed down the loo and nearly half of it is put on the garden. Adelaide’s drinking water has more embodied carbon than any other capital city, and it’s not the water hardness either.

DURING hot summers Adelaide’s early settlers carted water home from the River Torrens and dreamed of reservoirs and pipes and taps and baths, while paddle steamer captains on the River Murray would sit stranded in the heat and the dust and the flies, and dream of a grand network of locks and weirs from the mouth to the Murray - Darling junction. Getting water at home has never been so easy or cheap and over half of Australia’s population now live in major cities. During a dry year Adelaide retrieves 80% of the domestic water supply from the River Murray. It is little known that more energy is consumed producing Adelaide’s water then any other capital city. Water is pumped from the River Murray over the Mount Lofty Ranges to Adelaide. SA Water is the single largest greenhouse gas emitter in SA; this is staggering considering SA is a mining state. The embodied carbon emissions within our water supply won’t get any lower with the construction of energy guzzling desalination plants to secure Adelaide’s potable water supply. Water restrictions have to some extent curbed excessive garden watering (there are exceptions), and while water remains cheap there is no incentive to reduce water use indoors. This will change as the cost of the desalination plant is passed on. Since mandatory water restrictions began in 2002 UniSA have reduced annual water consumption by 39% this is a substantial efficiency. One 55,000L rainwater tank connected to building F at Mawson Lakes saved its volume of tap water three times over between May and August in 2008. This year UniSA have made connections to the water recycling schemes at Mawson Lakes run by Delfin and Salisbury Council. These supplies have the potential to reduce UniSA’s annual water use to less than half of that used in 2002. So how long does the tap run for you each day?



May / June 2009

Written By Kat Kenyon

Pharmacogenetics Research isn’t all white coats and safety glasses, or long hours in front of a computer. As one UniSA researcher found, it can also mean prestigious awards and travel to exciting new places (if a city full of Elvis impersonators is your thing).

PUTTING ON his blue suede shoes and boarding the plane to Memphis in 2004, UniSA researcher Dr Michael Sorich landed in the Delta Blues in the middle of the pouring rain. Ok maybe it didn’t go exactly like the song; the song certainly doesn’t mention sitting in the foetal position on the plane because you are scared of flying! Born and bred in Adelaide, Michael wasn’t sure what to expect of the US, but the prospect of ‘walking in Memphis’ and working in one of the world’s premier paediatric research hospitals, an opportunity that doesn’t happen that often, was worth a white-knuckle plane ride. The Elvis fanatics not so much! Although Michael might have dabbled in the impersonation scene, don’t expect to find him on YouTube dressed as the King any time soon, he’s kept any photographic or video evidence well and truly hidden. Michael analysed the biology of bone marrow cells in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, the most common childhood cancer. Currently 80% of patients who respond to current cancer treatments survive for at least 5 years. However, the remaining 20% of patients unfortunately do not respond. By using state of the art technologies, Michael’s study was able to gain important insight into the detailed biological differences in cancer cells that are likely to be responsible for the poor response to anti-cancer drugs in this group of children. Such information will be used to develop new medicines or utilise existing medicines better so that the remaining 20% of children have a greater chance of survival. Definitely results to get ‘all shook up’ over. Michael spent a year and a half in Memphis alongside other Australians working on similar research, and it’s an experience he wouldn’t change for the world, even though ‘oh my god are you Aussie?’ did get old very quickly. Although a study like this is often a slow process with small increments of achievement, Michael’s results were a strong reason for winning the Tall Poppy Award for science in 2008, recognising his achievements in personalised medicine where medical treatment is based on an individual’s genes. Congratulations on your Tall Poppy award Michael, and we eagerly await results of your further research. Now if only we could use your results to find a hangover cure that works for everybody.


May / June 2009

Written by tom halley

this is A killer In the tradition of Wolf Creek, and the creepy parts of Jindabyne, comes the new film ACOLYTES - staring Joel Edgerton.

EDGERTON is currently one of Australia’s brightest cinematic stars, having recently starred alongside Ben Affleck and Andy Garcia in the film Smokin’ Aces, and is perhaps best known for his role as Will in the long-running successful Australian series The Secret Life of Us, as well as the role of Luke Skywalker’s uncle in the second and third episodes of Star Wars. In ACOLYTES he plays Ian Wright, a serial killer who is caught by high-school student, Mark, filling in a trench deep in the woods. Mark, together with friends Chasely and James return to the scene to unearth what they imagine is buried cash or drugs (either would have been my preference). However, instead they uncover a body and after the shock dissipates, decide to use their discovery to exact revenge on local thug and bully Gary Parker. To carry out their plan, they must hunt down and involve the killer, where they unwillingly find themselves lured into his violent world. This film could well usher in, or perhaps consolidate, what appears to be a new ear in Australian cinema, one that is defined by wickedly suspenseful true crime type horror films, Wolf Creek being a prime example of this trend. A compliment to this emerging trend, this is a great film with all the suspense and all the “leap out of your seat” moments that you can handle. The acting is great, the story solid and consistent and the cinematography is spectacular. This is, however, not a film for the faint of heart. Although the film is directed by one of Australia’s most successful maverick filmmakers, award winning Director Jon Hewitt (who to be honest I have never actually heard of, but what do I know), it is possibly more interesting to note, particularly for you techno-geeks and film buffs, that this film is the first in the Southern Hemisphere to shoot with the Viper Filmstream HD camera, and this is evident in the quality of the production. All in all a stellar production and one that the ailing Australian film industry badly needs to do well. See this film.

ACOLYTES begins screening in Adelaide on the 8th of May (limited release) at the Mercury Cinema - May 8 and 9 @ 7pm & 9pm, May 10 and 12th at 8pm.


May / June 2009

text and photography by Derek Tickner

world of music So much to see in one weekend in verdant Botanic Park, a veritable kaleidoscope of artists from around the world. Space limits me from writing about all the acts I saw, but here are my highlights.


WOMAD started with the traditional welcome from the Kaurna people, which rolled into the Bedouin Jerry Can Band (Egypt). Their evocative music, played on traditional instruments and scrap munitions boxes, conjured up images of the Arabian desert. Natacha Atlas (UK/Egypt) continued the Arabian theme but with a contemporary twist, her angelic voice and songs fusing north African, R&B, electronica and bits of Bollywood. The dance part of WOMAD (which stands for World of Music and Dance) was provided by the Australian Dance Theatre performing the world premiere of Zero-sum. I can’t say I’m a huge fan of modern dance, but I did enjoy watching these fit young dancers gracefully gyrating to a sparse, post-industrial soundtrack. The fact that they were scantily-clad and gorgeous definitely helped my artistic appreciation. The energy levels were ramped up to the max when Ska Cubano (UK/Cuba) hit the stage. A joyous mix of Jamaican ska and Cuban mambo, they had the crowd skanking away in seconds. Larger than life front man Natty Bo is the reincarnation of Cab Calloway, complete with prominent golden tooth. The horn section powered the band along, with the nattily-suited Natty joking with the audience before belting out another infectiously danceable song. Changing the pace and mood, the ethereal and beautiful Sa Dingding (China) appeared in colourfully flowing traditional dress, with fan-twirling dancers weaving their way around her as she sonorously sang songs of the steppes. Sunny Saturday kicked of with a peppery performance from Paprika Balkanicus (Balkans). These gypsy jokers played a vigorous selection of folk tunes from Eastern Europe, getting the crowd laughing as they danced. As the sun cast its dying rays on Stage 2, Adelaide’s own blues/folk/country band The Audreys came on to a rapturous welcome. And they didn’t disappoint, with the fans singing along to songs from their ARIA award-winning album Between Last Night and Us. Poised lead singer Taasha Coates had them eating out of her elegant hand. Sell-out Sunday went by in a blur, so many good acts, so little time. The Cat Empire (Aus) was the main attraction: their energetic set on Stage One was rapturously received by the multitude. Felix flashed his famous smile (making young girls swoon), Harry blasted on his trumpet fit to burst, the rest of the boys played their distinctive ska/pop/jazz songs with verve and professionalism – sliding easily into impros, then slotting back into the structure. The Cats clearly showed why they’re multi-platinum disc sellers. Over on the more intimate Stage 3, King Tide (Aus) rock-steadied their way through an hour of reggae, their antics and infectious grooves again getting the groovers grooving. The final act, Rokia Traore (Mali), encapsulated the spirit of WOMADelaide: a fusion of diverse styles (in her case, Malian trad, rock, rap, blues and scat), seamlessly blended in a charismatic and theatrical performance.

WOMADelaide 2010 – 5th to 7th March. Mark it in your diary now.

May / June 2009

womad 2009 by Derek Tickner



May / June 2009


May / June 2009

Article by Michelle Kavanagh

marching on You’ve probably finished your first assessments for the study period and regardless of whether you’re happy with your results, disappointed in the outcomes of your first efforts, or just pleased to tick an assessment off the list, continuing to manage your time and making the most of the resources available to you is really important. So where to from here?


photo by university of south australia

1. Make use of resources Did you know that the City West Library is open until midnight Monday to Thursday throughout the teaching periods? In response to student feedback, one of your greatest study resources is now even more accessible. Open to all UniSA students, the City West Library not only puts extensive resources right at your fingertips, including the high demand collections from other campuses, but provides a quiet place to study at times convenient for you. To find out how to make the most of the new opening hours, drop in and chat to a staff member during regular Library hours or check out the Library website: http://www.library.unisa.edu.au/ 2. Confirm assessment requirements Preparing your assignment without thoroughly reading the info provided in your course information book might work if luck is on your side, but really isn’t your best plan. If you’ve ever handed up an assignment that you thought was an example of your best work, only to be told that while it’s a great piece, it doesn’t meet the assignment requirements, you’ll know where I’m coming from. It happens. That’s why it’s important to take note of feedback from academic staff in class, or personal feedback on returned assessments, and to thoroughly read the info provided in your course information book. If you’re still not sure, chat to your lecturer or tutor and clarify the details. 3. Ask about your options If it all seems too much, you wouldn’t be the first student to feel that way. Maybe you think the degree you’re in isn’t for you. Or perhaps you’re having a tougher time juggling life and uni than you thought you would. But before you give up, be sure to research your options. You might be able to reduce your study load, take a leave of absence from your program, transfer to another program, get help in managing external factors impacting your study life, or even learn to better manage your study load, the list goes on. Before you make a hasty decision about withdrawing, be sure to find out what’s available in your individual situation. Make a time to see someone at the Learning and Teaching Unit as there are a lot of different people there to assist you with your study issues: http://www.unisa.edu.au/ltu/students/. It’s a fact that students who recognise when they need a guiding hand do much better in the long run. We hope you’re enjoying your studies so far this year. Keep up the good work, with a little time for play too.

May / June 2009

Written by Leanne Cotter

come out to play This winter Adelaide Festival Centre presents the ninth annual Adelaide Cabaret Festival – don’t be left out in the cold, come out and play.

AS THE CLOUDS turn grey and a chill in the wind runs through your bones, there is one spot in Adelaide that will warm you both inside and out, and whet your appetite with a feast for the senses. A red-headed beauty slinks into her little black number, applying her red lipstick to her luscious lips. A ripple of excitement is forming as she steps out into the brisk air, scented with the sweet anticipation of a stimulating night out with friends and an eclectic range of intimate stories waiting to be shared. Laugh and cry with the performers as they bare their souls onstage. A variety of velvety vocals, sexy sax, kinky kitsch and everything in between awaits you. After a show, share a drink and a dance in the Piano Bar and end your night in high spirits. Get ready, it’s time to frock up and come out and play!

Adelaide Cabaret Festival – 5-20 June 2009, Adelaide Festival Centre. GreenRoom member tickets $19.95. Visit www.adelaidecabaretfestival.com for full program.


May / June 2009


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May / June 2009

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May / June 2009


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