Free Gift withoverOrders$50New250OverItems! WISH LIST
Hard to believe it… We had no idea that our li le biz would turn into this wonderful entity we have today. There we were peddling our wares in the concert parking lots right around the same time that the Good Ol’ Grateful Dead were actually ge ing airplay on the radio with a new hit single “Touch of Grey”! I bet they had no idea that would happen either. As the “Dead Scene” grew so did we. We started with just our family & friends. We soon welcomed a long list of fellow “Gypsies” into the Gypsy Rose world to help us as we expanded. The world was changing in major ways at that time with the fall of the Berlin Wall & the Soviet Union. The quest for peace was growing along with us.
So many things have changed in those 30 years. But as we look back we must not forge hat there are even bigger concerns in our world today. The “tour” is not over & the last show has not been played yet. We can all work together to make this planet a be er place.You have been with us and made us strong for a quarter century. We will continue to be there for you as this bright blue ball we call our home spins free. We hope that you will join us in our efforts to keep the mes sage alive. Get involved, communicate, volunteer, vote, donate, smile, recycle, reuse, share, listen, understand, research, know, question,help, hug and outdoors
Enjoy the next 30 years and many more after that,
#64888 Congratulations Amanda Banosky ,winner of our 2022 Fall/Winter Cover Contest! Amanda’s beautiful artwork was inspired by the growth and beauty of the seasons and the love and positivity of Gypsy Rose. Thank you Amanda...much love! John & The Gypsies 2-5CLOTHING New! Clothing & Accessories 6-7 Bohemian Rhapsody8-9 New! Outrageous Outwear 10 New! Cool Wool Gear 11 Daydream Nation 12-13 Freaky Fare Fashions 14-15 Hip Prints Fashions42 Screen Print Fashions 64-65 Love Light Zen Wear 66 Crochet Array GRATEFUL GIFTS 24-31 New! O cially Licensed Grateful Dead by Gypsy Rose35 Fleece Throws 36-37 New! Grateful Gifts 40 New! Shakedown Street 41 New! Game Night 16-17GIFTS Spiritual Healing Gifts18 New! Peaceful Decor Gifts 38-39 Kind Needs 57 New! Incense Burners 58-59 New! Incense & Oils 60-61 Incense Burners 32-34DECOR Dorm Decor-Tapestries52-53 Freak Flags 19BAGS New! Cool Bags 20-21 Embroidered Bags 22 Travelin’ Bags 23 Groovy Bags 51JEWELRY Chakra Jewelry 52-53 New! Home Spun Jewelry54-56 New! Fashion Jewelry 43STICKERS NEW! Stickers & Patches 44 Grateful Stickers 45 Hand Emb. Patches & Bu ons 46 Cool Stickers 47 Rock Stickers 48 Peace Stickers 49 Patches 50 Pin-It UnisexTye#64889DyeStretchDenimJacket$49.95 Sizes: Medium, Large & X-Large. Stretch#64888PANTS:TyeDyeDenimBellJeans$49.95 Sizes: Small, Medium, Large & X-Large.

get out there and enjoy the great
Gypsy Rose could not operate in the parking lots alone so we found a home forus on a peaceful farm in rural Bucks County, PA. We set up our “warehouse” in a red metal building that was once home to the farm’s pigs! Babies were born, presidents were elected and numerous Grateful Dead tours occurred.It wasn’t always easy when the majority of the Gypsy Rose work force wanted to take days off to hit their favorite venues onsummer tour but somehow we found the time to work & play. We saw the Dead “break out” songs they had not performed in years & at the same time embrace new technology & ideas as they trekked onward. Old & new, past & future, they moved in both directions much like us. And they shared our commitment to peace & environmental concerns. The Grateful Dead echoed in our products, the stories from their shows and of course on the radio in the barn. On a summer day in early August 1995 Gypsy Rose was busy packing up all of our goods in preparation to move into a new warehouse down the road. As we applied packing tape to the cardboard boxes we heard the song on the radio go silent that morning and the DJ cut in with some dark news. The Dead had lost their lead guitarist & singer Jerry Garcia. It hit us pre y hard but like the Dead whether we would survive but we got by. In fact we grew bigger than ever spreading the “word” all over the world as the 1990s rolled on. Our new home allowed us to reach all of you ina much easier & e cient way. Friends old and new came aboard to join us in our new digs. Our catalogs went from10-20 page pamphlet size booklets of black & white newsprint paper to the bright shiny full size issues we put out now. We watched the digital age grow as the internet became such a large part of everyone’s lives. We were shocked as the horrible news of September 11, 2001 unfolded. We listened intently to the details & updated for weeks fterward. As purveyors of peaceful products we were extremely saddened to know that something like that could happen in our world let alone our own country. And we did the only thing that we could do which was to continue to spread the message of peace, tolerance & environmental awareness. We saw our old friends from the Dead reunite in this new century & felt that old spark ll our hearts once again. Our country elected an African American president for the first time. The world’s and our own economy presented us with great challenges as the decade came to a close.
13 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com #631518 Tye Dye Denim $59.95Overalls Sizes: S/M & L/XL. JACKET: #67023 Long Sleeve Open Jacket with Fringe $34.95 Sizes: Medium & Large. JEANS: #64824 Bell Bo om Jeans with Striped Co on $49.95 Sizes: M,L & XL. #64824 #64825 Denim Babydoll Hooded Dress $39.95 Sizes: Small/Medium & Large/X-Large. BLOUSE: #64826 Denim Zip Up Blouse $39.95 Sizes: Small/Medium & Large/X-Large. SKIRT:#64823 Denim Skirt With Printed Patchwork $44.95 Sizes: Small/Medium & Large/X-Large. SKIRT: #631540 Tye Dye Denim Rough Cut $34.95Skirt Sizes: S/M & L/XL. #4297BAJA: Light Weight Tye Dye Baja $26.95 Sizes: Small, Medium, Large & X-Large. SKIRT: See above right. #64828 Denim Hoodie with Jersey Hood $59.95 Sizes: Large, X-Large & XXLarge SKIRT:Denim#64853MidiWrapSkirt$32.95 Free Size. #64860 Denim Halter Co on Print Cutie Crop Top $24.95 Sizes: S/M & L/XL #64825 Introducing New Denim Digs Styles for Fall/Winter 2022. All items are one size fits all (unless otherwise stated) and come in a variety of assorted colors & styles. Denim#64858HalterCoonPrintMaxiDress$39.95 Sizes: S/M & L/XL Denim#64857HalterCoonPrintFairyDress$39.95 Sizes: S/M & L/XL #64857 VEST:Denim#64859HalterVestTop$24.95 Sizes: S/M & L/XL #64889

4 Full-Zip#4299LongSleeveTyeDyeHoodedSweatshirt$29.95 Sizes: S, M, L & XL. #4290 Long Sleeve Tye Dye Shirt with Front Pocket $19.95 Sizes: S, M, L & XL. BLOUSE: #67019 V-Neck Long Sleeve Bu on Down Blouse $32.95 Sizes: Medium & Large. SKIRT: #67022 Long Skirt with Crochet Heart Details $34.95 Sizes: Medium & Large. Ruched#67021SHIRT:LongSleeve Crop Bu on Down $32.95Shirt Sizes: Medium & Large. PANTS: #67020 Women’s Cargo Pants $32.95 Sizes: Medium & Large. Tweed#62660UpcycledHoodedBaja$44.95 LargeSizes:&X-Large. Tweed#62659UpcycledApplejackHat$17.95 #62661 Tweed Upcycled Jacket $34.95 One size ts all.Full-Zip#4299LongSleeveTyeDyeHoodedSweatshirt$29.95 Sizes: S, M, L & XL. JACKET: #67023 Long Sleeve Open Jacket with Fringe $34.95 Sizes: Medium & Large. PANTS: #66065 Seersucker Co on Extra-Wide Elastic Waist $24.95Pants Free Size. #64822 Co on Rayon Long Dress $29.95 One size ts all. #64821 Co on Batik $39.95Dress One size ts all. Beautiful New Garments just in timefor Fall/Winter 2022.All items are one size fits all(unless otherwise stated) & come in a variety ofassorted styles & colors. Wear in Peace.

5 Beautiful tye-dye and solid VelvetGarments just in time for Fall.All items are one size fits all(unless otherwise stated) & come in a variety ofassorted styles & colors. Wear in Peace. Velvet#64817TyeDyeDuster$49.95 Sizes: Small/Medium & Large/X-Large. #64817 “Back Shot” #64814VelvetBabydollDress$44.95 &Small/MediumSizes:Large/X-Large. TwistTye#64892DyeVelvetBackDress$42.95 &Small/MediumSizes:Large/X-Large. #64890 Tye Dye Velvet Floppy Hat $19.95 Velvet#64893Coatwith Bu er y Aari $52.95Embroiderey Sizes: Small/Medium & Large/X-Large. #64892 “Back Shot” VelvetJanis#64815BLOUSE:TyeDyeBlouse$39.95 Sizes: Small/Medium & Large/X-Large. DRESS:#64887 Janis Tye Dye Velvet GO GO Dress $44.95 Sizes: Small/Medium & Large/X-Large. PANTS: #64819 Tye Dye Velvet Bell Bo om Pants $44.95 Sizes: Small/Medium & Large/X-Large. Hooded#64818TyeDyeVelvetTierJacket$59.95 Small/MediumSizes: Large/X-Large.& Tye#64816DyeVelvetBellSleeveShortDress$44.95 Small/MediumSizes: Large/X-Large.& #64103PANTS:TyeDyeStretchyVelvetLeggings$29.95 Small/Medium Large/X-Large.& “Expect nothing and life will bevelvet.” Lisa Gardner PANTS: #64838 Tye Dye Velvet Jogger$44.95Pants Sizes: Small/Medium & Large/X-Large. 3/4#64820TyeDyeVelvetLengthSkirt$36.95 Sizes: S/M & L/XL. #64893 1.800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com DRESS:#64887 #64817

6 Himalayan#64369Solid Color Hand Block CoStonewashedPrintonOveralls$39.95 Free Size. PatchworkEveryday#64368PeopleHandBlockPrintStonewashedCoonOveralls$44.95 Free Size. TyeElectric#64437LadyDyeCoonJumperDress$44.95 Free Size. Fantasy#64438IslandBatikCoonJumperDress$44.95 Free Size Napthal#64342AllGoodPrint Co on Jumper Dress $44.95 Free Size. Wait Pockets!better-get’sitWait Pockets!better-get’sit Wait Pockets!better-get’sit The three black tops worn with jumpers/coverallstheseare : All-Good#34508TyeDyeSpandexBlendLongSleeveTee$36.95 Fits S/M & M/L #66062TOP: Georgia Rose Rayon Lace-up Acid Wash Top w/ Sheer Sleeves $26.95 Free Size. SKIRT: #64440 Mamma Mia Stonewash Co on Long Panel Skirt with Handwork$39.95Embroidered Free Size. PANTS: #64800 Wish Upon A Shooting Star Spandex Blend Tye Dye Block Print Rollover Waist Yoga Pants $39.95 Sizes: S/M & L/XL BLOUSE: #35487 Heart Of Gold Crochet Blouse $36.95 Free Size. PANTS: #64735 Lunar Bay Over Dyed Seersucker Artisan Pants $34.95 Free Size FringeQueen#64294JaneTyeDyePoncho$34.95 Free Size PANTS:Electric#64271NightsTyeDyeSpandexBlendGauchoPants$29.95 Free Size TOP: DreamcatcherCrochet#64213CoonHalterTop$19.95 Free Size Lace#66082BatikPoncho$29.95 Free Size. #64021 Co on MushroomStonewashGloryHoodie$44.95 Free Size

17 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com TribalPANTS:#64791SpiritDanc’nPants$44.95 FreeSize Danc’nTribal#64791PANTS:SpiritPants$44.95 Free Size. SKIRT: #64574 Try a Li le Tenderness Mirror Work $39.95Skirt Free Size TOP: Sorry Sold Out. PANTS: #34346 Co on Mushroom Pants $39.95 Free Size BO.HE.MI.AN 1. Untraditional 2. Gypsy....oh yeah! ‘ BrushedHimalayan#64104HOODIE:PaernedHoodie$36.95 Free Size. SORRYPANTS:SOLD OUT! LooseEezy#74402BreezyRastaWeaveElasticHeadband/Kerchief$6.95 PrintBrushedHaight#530401StreetAcrylicFringedPaisleyReversiblleHoodedPoncho$44.95 Free Size. #64034 Woven Floral Zip Up Hoodie $42.95 Free Size. #530401 TraditionalNotKniedWool. TraditionalNotKniedWool. TraditionalNotKniedWool. TraditionalNotKniedWool. HALTER: SoldSorryOut. Paisley#64102PANTS:SoftNStretchyYogaPants$24.95 Free Size #64390 Vegan Hippie Chic Stretchy Pseudo Suede Embroidered Hoodie $39.95 One Size Fits All. RayonAngelicBu#610981eryBodiceFlareSleeveTie-BackBlouse$36.95 One FitsSizeAll. w/CuHaremAcid#66304WashPantsBoom$32.95 Free Size. WondererWayward#64375 Co on Striped 2-WayHaremPalazzo/Pants$28.95 One Size Fits All. Approx:Pa#66066WinterernShawl$26.9536”x80” JACKET: #67023 Long Sleeve Open Jacket with $34.95Fringe Sizes M & L

8 #4280 Night Moves Brushed Baja $19.95 Sizes : M,L & XL #4281 Size: XXL $22.95 XX-LargeNOWIN #66032 All Good Gheri Baja $26.95 New Sizes: Small, Medium, Large , X-Large & XX-large. $28.95#66032 Brushed Baja Brushed Inside and out For an Extremely Soft and Comfortable Feel Asst. Colors. Rasta#4236Baja 100% Recycled Fibres. Sizes M, L & XL $21.95 & XX-Large. $22.95 #4296 Full Size Tye Dye Hooded Sweatshirt $26.95 Sizes: Small, Medium, Large & X-Large. $18.95#4298TyeDyeJoggerPants Sizes: S, M, L & XL. #4297 Light Weight Tye Dye Baja $26.95 Sizes: S, M, L & XL.HandWe’re#64846AllMadCheshireCatEmbroideredGheriTrimHoodie$59.95 Sizes: Large & X-Large #64847 Hookah Smoking Caterpillar Hand $59.95GheriEmbroideredTrimHoodie Free Size. HeavyHandLet#64848LoveGrowEmbroideredCoonGheriTrimHoodie$59.95 Sizes: Large & X-Large When you need the climate to suit your clothes. All items are one size fits all (unless otherwise stated) and come in a variety of assorted styles & colors. Full#4296SizeTyeDyeHoodedSweatshirt$26.95 Sizes: S, M, L & XL. Full-Zip#4299LongSleeveTyeDyeHoodedSweatshirt$29.95 Sizes: S, M, L & XL. HOODIE:#4296PANTS:#4298 HOODIE:#4296PANTS:#4298 #4297 #64846 #64848 #64847 #4299

1.800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com 9 FleeceCold#63522RainandSnowRibbedHoodedJacket$59.95 Free Size Mexicali#64799BluesBrushedGheriPoncho$39.95 One FitsSizeAll. #64287 Born To Be Wild Hooded Gheri Fringed $29.95Poncho Free Size BrushedHimalayan#4727Poncho$29.95 Free Size Himalayan#4728BrushedPoncho$34.95 Free Size Mexicali#64397BluesV-ShapeBrushedGheriPoncho$34.95 Free Size. #64432 Green Man Hand Emb’d. Heavy Co on $59.95Hoodie Free Size. #64432 Tree#64443OfLife Co on Ari WeightEmb’d.HeavyHoodie$59.95 Free Size. Emb’dCheshireWe#64433AreAllMadCatHandHeavyCoonHoodie$49.95 Free Size. #66527 Indicot Ultra Pa ern Baja $29.95 Perfect weight baja for when the sun goes down, or the air conditioning is working too well. Sizes: S, M, L & XL. Assorted Colors. #45014 Tye Dye Fleece Zipper Pocket$14.95Gloves #64085 Tye Dye Fleece Fringe Poncho Free$36.95Size. #45004 Tye Dye Fleece with Fringed Mop Top Ski Hat $12.95 #45003 Tye Dye Fleece Neck Warmer $9.95 Mexicali#64379BluesBrushedGheriFleeceLinedHoodie$59.95 Sizes: L & XL.

10 #47916 Baby it’s Cold Outside Fleece Lined Hand Warmers Harvest#47917$12.95MoonMohairWoolHandwarmers$14.95 RainbowDancing#4238BearFlapHat$24.95#4230 SYF Rasta Flap Hat $24.95 #4257 SYF Knit Flap Hat $24.95 Blowin’#75332intheWind Wool Gli en Gloves/Mi en Combo $15.95 Assorted colors & pa erns #4731 Easy Wind Kni ed Gloves (Assorted Colors) $6.95 KniEasy#4732ea.WindedMiens (Assorted Colors) $6.95 ea. #47952 Bu er y Beanie Wool$8.95Hat Flap#47953EarBeanieWoolHat$14.95 Marble#47954KnitWoolEarFlapHat$9.95Snow#47957akeEar ap Wool $12.95Hat #47958 Assorted Geo Knit Wool Flap Hat $12.95 ea. Assorted designs & colors. #4768 Fire and Rain Tye Dye Fleece Lined Wool Hat Winterland#47307$17.95Fleece Lined Crochet Thick Flower Flap$8.95Hat AssortedWoolEasy#4742WindSocks$22.95colors&paerns Dream#47932MakerTyeDyeWoolSocks$19.95 MuckLucks/Slipper#4741 Socks Asst’dSizes:colors. XS, S, M, L & XL $11.95 ea. LinedEasy#4760WindFleeceWoolFlapHat$12.95 Earthy#45528SkullCap$9.95 #47305 Chilly Winds Fleece-Lined Crochet Wool Flap Hat $7.95#47961WoolHoodRimHat$19.95w/EmbroideryWool#47960Gliens$14.95 Children’s#4733SizedMiens$4.95

PANTS: Daydream#35110NationCoonFunkyStyleHaremPants$26.95 Free Size. #35110 Pocket.Utility #35096 Pocket.Utility #35099 Utility Pocket. #35095 Utility Pocket. TOP: #612193 Born Free Acid Wash Hippie Top $34.95 Sizes: S/M & L/XL SORRYPANTS:SOLD OUT! KrinkleEmbroidered#612187BLOUSE:ThoseAutumnNightsCrepeBabyDollBlouse Sizes:&S/ML/XL $28.95 TOP: #612193 Born Free Acid Wash Hippie Top $34.95 Sizes: S/M & L/XL SKIRT: #35095 Daydream Nation Rising Sun Co on Drum & Dance Skirt $34.95 Free Size. Daydream#35099PANTS: Nation Co on Harem Pants $29.95 Sizes: S/M & L/XL. “Well it’s not just ifdaydreamayoudecidetomakeityourlife.” Train “She’s On Fire” PANTS: #35097 Daydream Nation Deep Panel Pocket Co on Pants $29.95 Free Size. PANTS:#35110 PANTS: Daydream#35094NationMountaineerCoonJoggerPants$29.95 Free Size. PANTS: #35094 #612187BLOUSE: DeepWovenPanelPocketAccents. Beautiful intricately woven co on clothing from Thailand. Assorted geometric pa erns in fall colors adorn the body of the garments and their unique “ hot pocket”. This built in accessory is perfect for keeping your phone, money or anything safe in case you nd DAYDREAMING!!yourself All items are one size ts all (unless otherwise stated) & come in a variety of assorted styles and colors! SHIRT: #34508 All-Good Tye Dye Spandex Blend Long Sleeve Tee $36.95 Fits S/M & M/L 111 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com

12 Printed#4214Dashiki$18.95
CoBorn#4211FreeSolidonHippieTop$28.95 Assorted Colors Free Size Born#4219FreePrintedCoonHippieTop$28.95 Asst’d Colors & Pa erns Free Size

“Our tye dye dashiki is made in India and is 100% co on. It has a traditional ethnic print with wide sleeves, v-neck and two pockets. It also has side slits. It is fashionable for both men and women.”
“Our printed dashiki is also 100% co on. It comes in assorted colors and prints. It has wide sleeves, v-neck, two pockets. It is light weight. Men and women of unique taste will enjoy this product.”
Assorted Colors One size ts all!
#4233 Long SleeveHippieGuatemalanTop$26.95 Sizes large & x-large. Traditional unisex hippie top made in Guatamala of 100% co on. We work with small communities in Guatamala and help to keep their traditions alive in thei native fabrics. This popular shirt comes in a variety of colors and embroideries. Dashikis #612900 DashikiCeltic #4215 Born Free Long Sleeve Co on Kurta $26.95Blouse Asst’d. Colors! Free Size. #61109 Born Free Short Sleeve Co on Kurta Blouse $26.95 Asst’d. Colors! Free Size. EmbroideredBright#612900SideofLifeKrinkle Co on Crepe Tye Dye Kurta $29.95 Free Size Celtic#4247Dashiki Shirt $19.95 Assorted colors and prints. HippieTops DenimNewDigs HippieTops Hippie Tops The name says it all. This cool shirt is made of gauze co on. It has embroidery around the neck, baggy sleeves and two ties that have bells at the ends. Very comfortable and loose ing. Honky#66030TonkWomanBatik&Emb’dPoncho$26.95 Free Size. BATIK TOP: WashedStone#612679FreeStoneRayonHoodie$36.95 Free Size PANTS: #66204 Tye Dye Palazzo Pants $32.95 Free Size. Rayon#612009FreeSpiritCrepe&LaceO-ShoulderBlouse$36.95 Free Size There are two mistakes one can make along theroad to truth... not going all the way,and not starting. Buddha GuatemalanLong#62377SleeveRastaHippieTop$26.95 Sizes Lg. and XL. ApplejackFaux#64833Denim&SuedeFloppyHat$18.95#64834Denim&FauxSuedeHat$18.95 KurtaBlouses 100% co on made in India this is a traditional kurta garment. The kurta is the quintessential hippie top. I was wearing these twenty-odd years ago and are still wearing them today. They come in a wide variety of colors from white to black &ineverythingbetween.FreeSize.
Assorted Colors. One size ts all!
113 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com ShortEmbroideredLi#615345leDarlin’StringDress$34.95 Free Size Fashionyourlifeasagarlandofbeautifuldeeds.Buddha PANTS: CoMarrakesh#5211ExpressonHaremPants$36.95 Free Size. Harem Pants These baggy pants are the most comfortable we’ve found. They have a drawstring waist & bu on cu s. Beautiful far eastern prints. Colors: blue, green or earthtone. TOP: SKIRT:#35084#530773 (See below.) SKIRT: #530772 (See below.) NOW with Finger Loops on sides! The loops can be used to hike up the sides of the skirt. Just pull up the loop and fasten it onto the a ached bu on. Hike up both sides or hike up just one side for a cool eye-catching look! And for some dancing fun... you can just slip the loops onto your ngers and twirl away. How’s that for a multi-tasker skirt? Talk about versatility! Hike it, bike it, twirl it, like it ...a lot! Festy#530773SKIRT:Style Diamond Patchwork Finger Loops Skirt $36.95 One FitsSizeAll. SKIRT: #530772 Twist And Shout Co on Print Patchwork Panel Finger Loop$34.95Skirt One Size Fits All. Bu on the sides up...ready for action. Unbu oned, sidesanddown...longelegant. Loopathumb...danceallnight. The loops can be used to hike up the sides of the skirt. Just pull up the loop & fasten it onto the a ached bu on! SKIRTS: #530773 & #530772 #4242 Stone Free Stonewashed Co on $18.95Dashiki Unisex. Free Size #4242 #612187BLOUSE:ThoseSummerNightsEmb’d.KrinkleCrepeBabyDollBlouse$28.95 Sizes:S/M & L/XL. PANTS: #614041 Jingle Jangle Stonewash Rayon Harem Pants w/Bells $38.95 Free Size TOP: #64274 Pixie Tye SpandexDyeBlendBellSleeveCropTop$29.95 Free Size STICKER: #GR-814 $2.50 SKIRT: #88013 Magic Carpet Ride Sequined Long Skirt $29.95 Free Size. SKIRT: #64394 Magic Carpet Ride Tye Dye Sequined Long$34.95Skirt Free Size. #612127TOP:CoonPrintedStringTop$21.95 Free Size. TOP: #35084 Pre y Petal High HalterCrochetNeckTop$22.95 One FitsSizeAll. PANTS: #35088 Free Lovin’ Feather Print Rayon Wrap $26.95Pants One Size Fits All. TOP:HalterTwoMandala#35018MommaToneCrochetTop$22.95 Free Size #5401 SKIRT: #530772 $29.95#5401PeasantDollBlouse Free AssortedSizeColors

14 PrintedWorld#612007Travelers’TankTop Sizes: S/M $26.95 & L/XL $28.95 SKIRT: Diamond#53221PatchworkPrintSkirt$34.95 Free Size TOP: #612193 Born Free Acid Wash Hippie Top $34.95 Sizes: S/M & L/XL PANTS: #53583 Li le WingTiered and Patchworked Far-Out Flare $34.95Pants Sizes: S/M & M/L ShortCrepeFree#612943SpiritRayonIndianPrintSleeveBlouse Sizes: S/M $26.95 & L/XL $28.95 SKIRT: #53517 Garden Party Co on Skirt $32.95 Free Size. SKIRT:PrintedKind#532049RootsFour-TierTwirlSkirt$34.95 Free Size. SKIRT: CoMeadow’s#537009BreezeonSwirl-StylePatchworkSkirt$44.95 Free Size. #612951 Born Free Rayon Crepe Printed$28.95Blouse Free Size. Imagine allthe people Living life in peace. John Lennon HIP PRINTS Hip Multicultural Printed Fashions, from all corners of the globe. All items are one size fits all (unless otherwise stated) & come in a variety of assorted styles & colors. Wear in Peace. Proud#612596TOP:MaryRayonStringTop$24.95Sizes: S/M & L/XL SKIRT: Festive#35002RecycledPatchworkPrintTwirlSkirt$32.95 Free Size. RayonGeorgia#66062TOP:RoseLace-upAcidWashTopw/SheerSleeves$26.95 Free Size. #612127 Co on Printed String Top $21.95 Free Size. Rayon#612184IndianPrintStringMaxiDress$36.95 Free Size. RuCo#64861onPrinteSleeveDress$34.95 S/MSizes:&L/XL

115 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com TOP: #34552 Summer Of Love Crochet Halter Top $19.95w/Fringe Free Size! SKIRT: #53953 Swing Town Overdyed Multi-Tier Co on Skirt $34.95 Free Size! NightStill#61889OfThePrintedRayonFlowyDress$36.95 Free Size #61889 #61889 Youyourself,asmuchasanybody intheentireuniverse,deserveyourloveandaffection. Buddha OMeadow#616376WalkerTheShoulderFlareSleeveRayonCropTop$26.95 Free Size Feelin#64299GroovyScallopHemCoonWrapSkirt$34.95 SKIRT: #5015 Ramblin Rose Indian Print Harem $22.95Skirt Asst. Prints Free Size #5015-1X $24.95 Also available in Women’s Pluse Size! What wethink,webecome. Buddha #64299SKIRT: Big hit with the models - a wrap skirt with a pocket!!! Dreamcatcher#64213TOP:CrochetCoonHalterTop$19.95 Free Size SKIRT: #66519 Dippity Doodah Skirt $24.95 One Size Fits All. Halterw/FringeFlowers#35037TOP:RingOfCrochetTop$19.95 Free Size CoPatchwork#530800LileWingPrintedonShortDress$32.95 Free Size SKIRT: #53268 Sweet Spinner Girl Printed Co on Patchwork Skirt w/ Super Comfy $39.95Waistband Free Size. Rock#35359TOP:ValleyFestCrochetHalterTop$22.95 SizeFree $28.95Co#612159onPrintedStringDress Free Size. Peacock66080Paern Dress $29.95 Free Size. #610735 Pre y Woman Indian Print Flared Sleeve Blouse $36.95 Free Size

16 EnglishIn EnglishIn w/BronzeClear#99408VibrationsBuddhistTingsha8AuspiciousSymbols$12.95 Approx: 2” Diameter. LoktaSix-Sided#1128PaperLantern$6.95 13” Length Sides: 10” X 5.755” LoktaFour-Sided#1129PaperLantern$5.95 10” Length Sides: 6.75” X 7.25” #1128 Asst. designs & colors.#1129 Asst. designs & colors. 4-SidedEnlightened#1145BlessingsPaperLantern$5.95 10” Length Sides: 6.75” X 7.25” Assorted Colors #1134 We’re All Mad Cheshire Cat Lokta Paper $6.95Lantern 10” Length Sides: 6.75” X 7.25” #1133 Four-Sided Lokta Paper Tye Dye Lantern $6.95 Asst. designs & colors. 10” Length Sides: 6.75” X 7.25” #1140 Celestial Heavens 4-Sided Printed Paper Lanterns $8.95 ea. 10” Length Sides: 6.75” X 7.25” Asst’d. colors Veg#1141DyedBodhi Leaf Four Sided Paper Latern $8.95 Asst’d. Leaf Designs & Colors 10” Length Sides: 6.75” X 7.25” #99448 Peace, love, Om, Music and Tree Prayer Flag $4.95 Length 96” 4 x 4 Squares #99445 small 6.5” X 7.75” 194” lg. $6.95 #99446 medium 10” X 10” 50” lg . $9.95 #99447 large 13” X13” 325” lg. $10.95 #99450 JUMBO 15” X 15” 30’ long $12.95 #99449 mini 4” X 3” 42” long $7.95 (A set of 5) Each ag is printed with Tibetan prayers. The ve colors represent the elements of re, wind, earth, water & sun. Often tied in high places the ags are left to blow in the wind to carry your prayers. #99449 4” X 3” X 42” long each (A set of 5) $7.95 BrassFree#99597BirdOrnateDecorativeBowls$11.95 Approx: 4” diameter Inside the wheel, the mantra “om mani padme hum” is wri en a thousand times. Each turn of the wheel, sends the mantra and your prayers to the heavens a thousand times. #99591 Mini Tibetan Prayer Wheel $4.75 Approx. 1.5” x 3” #99456 P.E.A.C.E. Practices Small Prayer Flag $4.95 Approx: 25” L total. Individual panels: 5” W x 6” L #99458 Compassionate English Translated Tibetan Prayer Flags $6.95 Approx: 14’6” Length. Individual panels: 6.5” W x 7” L #99458 “Close Up” #99591 & #99594 MotherStone#97049ColorMaidenCroneScryingBowl$24.95 Approx: 5” diameter Great for small places: windows, doorways, o ces & dorms. Peace, Love, Om, Music & Tree Prayer Flags #999902 Handmade Lokta Paper Calevara Skull Flag $6.95 Approx: 11 x 18 cm #999901 Handmade Lokta Paper Buddha Flag $6.95 Approx: 15 x 20 cm 150 cm long” #99457 Chakra A rmations Large Prayer Flag $9.95 Approx: 54” Length. Individual panels: 8.5 W x 10” L #99457 #99460 - #99461 #99463 “Close Up” New Tibetan English Translation Prayer Flags Tibetan Prayer Flags #99460 small 8” x 8” 25 Panels $6.95 #99461 medium 10” X 10” 25 Panels $8.95 #99463 l arge 12” X12” 25 Panels $10.95 Small Wind Horse Lungta English Translated Tibetan Pray Flags - Available in 3 Di erent Sizes.

17 1.800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com #99038 Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil, Do no Evil $14.95 Approx 4” x 3.5” #99041 Bowl Of Plenty Standing Laughing Buddha Resin Statue $12.95 Approx 4.5” tall #97031 Hamsa Hand Jewelry Box Approx:$14.95 4.5” x 3” Colorful#BX-59WoodenBox$19.95Approx:7”x5”x2.5” #BX-60 Aztec Design Wooden Box $16.95 Approx: 5”x 5”x2”#BX-62GoingDownTheRabbitHoleWoodenBox$19.95 Approx:6”x6”X2” #BX46 Carved Wooden Box $10.95 Approx:4”X6” #7761 OM Design Carved Wooden Box $10.95 Approx: 4” X 6” #7762 Metal Embossed Carved Wooden Box $14.95 Approx: 5” X 8” #99050 Ganesh The God Of Knowledge Resin$14.95Statue Approx 4.5” tall #99071 Assorted Laughing Prosperous Buddha Resin $7.95Statue Approx. 2.5” tall #97043 Rest Your Bones Ashtray $14.95 Approx: 5.5” X 3.5” ElephantGroovin’#99072CarvedResinStatue$7.95 Approx. 2.25” tall Travelin’#99081Together Lucky Elephant Family DecoratedResin Statue $12.95 Approx: 3” x 2.25” IntricateSmoke#99051StackLightningCarvedResinSkullAshtray$19.95 Approx. 4” x 4” Dragon#99094ResinAshtray$14.95 3.5” diameter#99049#99094 Take A Walk On The Wild Side Resin Elephant$16.95Ashtray Approx. 4” diameter Sleeping#99443Goddess Ashtray $14.95 4” Rd #99425 Old Smokey Resin Skeleton$19.95Ashytray 4” diameter Skull#99444Ashtray$18.95 4” Rd #99444 #99570 Owl Jar $14.95 4” High #99570Open #99574 Turtle w/Fly Jar $14.95 2.5” X 3.5” #99574 Open #99049TopView LuckyTravelin’#99127TogetherElephantFamilyResinStatue$8.95 Approx: 2” Tall X 2.5” Wide #34900 Lucky Twin Elephants In A Boat Scented Mini Candles $5.95 ea. Approx: 3” x 1.5” Assorted Colors & Scents. #34908 Lucky Elephant Flower Candle Holder $5.95 ea. Approx: 2.25” W x 3.5” L x 1.5” D Assorted Colors & Scents. #34909 Try A Li le Tenderness Coconut Shell Holder Flower Spa Candle Was $9.95 Now $6.95 ea. Approx: 3.5” diam. Assorted Colors & Scents. ElephantA#99129LileLuckFromYourFriendDecoratedResinStatue$9.95 Approx: 2” Tall. Assorted Colors. BrassBenevolent#99411BlessingsGaneshStatue$6.95 Approx: 1” X 1” #999938Wizard#92983Greenman#92982MagicWand$9.95Wand$9.95LuckyElephantCrushedGemstoneBox$24.95 Approx:8”x4” Lucky#999939ElephantResinStatue$4.95 Approx: 2” Tall” #999941 Wood and Resin Inlay Stash Box $17.95 Approx: 7” x 5” x 2.5”

#999942WavePa$28.95ernResinBox7”x5”x2.5” OrganiteSacred#999947HexagonPyramid$22.95 3” x 3”, 4” Chakra#999948GemstoneOrganitePyramid$22.95 3” x 3”, 4” CarvedWhite#999943WashWoodenMandalaBox$15.95 5.5” X 5.5” X 1.75” White#999944WashWoodenCarvedPaisleyBox$15.95 5.5” X 5.5” X 1.75” WoodenWhite#999945WashCarvedFourPointedStarBox$15.95 5.5” X 5.5” X 1.75” #999945 #999943 #999944 withDouble#999926DreamCatcherBeads,Shells&Feathers$22.95 Approx: 13” dia. Chandelier#999927StyleDreamcatcher$34.95 Approx: 12.5” diam9” diam - 4” diam Medium#999928TreeOfDreamcatcherLife$24.95 Approx: 10” diam” #999929 Small Chandelier DreamcatcherStyle$16.95 Approx: 6.5” diam -4” diam - 2.5” diam #999930 Octagon Yin Yang $27.95Dreamcatcher Approx: 9.5” diam Double#999931Dream Yin Yang$22.95Dreamcatcher Approx: 10” diam 18 TreeProtective#999950EyeWallHanging$24.95#999946 Multi Stone Rune Set in Pouch $14.95#999946

119 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com Co#64871onPrintUtilityBag$29.95 Approx: 14” x 10” #999949 CrochetSunFlowerShoulder Bag$24.95Approx:8.5”x8”AssortedColors. Labamba#76011Leather&Gheri3ZipTravelersBag$29.95 Approx: 8” x 10” EmbroideredLotus#64891AariVelvetShoulderBag$29.95 Approx: 14” x 13” #75034 Shoulder Bag $14.95 Approx:8.5”x6” #75026ClutchBag$10.95 Approx:8.5”x6” #64872Co onGheriUtilityBag$29.95Approx:14”x10” Carry#999937HamsaMandalaAllSack$9.95 18”Approx:x18” #999936LordBuddhaCarryAllSack$9.95 Approx:18”x18” #93134 Alien Jute Bag $14.95 Approx:17’ x 15” #92952LeafTechnoJuteBag$16.95 Approx:17’x15” Celtic#93135SmokeBag$14.95 Approx:17’x15” NecessitySuper#76012CorrinaLeather&GheriWideBagw/StoneLock$29.95 4.5”Approx:x5.5” #76007 ElPasoLeather&HempCoonShoulderBag$79.95Approx:13”x12” LeatherRoses#76013Cantina&GheriClutchPouch$19.95 7.5”Approx:x5” #76014Labamba Leather & Gheri Clutch Pouch$19.95Approx: 8” x 5” #76015 GheriElPasoLeather&ClutchPouch$19.95 Approx:7.5”x5” #76010 Ramble On Deluxe Leather & Gheri Multi Zip Fanny Pack $39.95 Approx: 13” x 7” Stash#76016&CarryDuelClutchPurse$5.95 5”Approx:x3.5” GherriDeluxe#76005HempGuitarBagw/SuedeLeatherTrim$99.95 16”Approx:x40” #76003 Patch Gheri $39.95Backpack Approx: 11.5” x 16” #76004 Leather Trim Multi Pocket Gheri Backpack $69.95 Approx: 11.5” x 16” #76006 Patchwork Hemp & Gheri Mini Backpack $29.95 Approx: 9” x 12”

20 Our bags are not made bymaysorobots,sizevaryslightly. AariTravel#75916InPeaceSymbolHandEmbroideredGheriDjBag$34.95 Approx: 11” x 13” PeddlerHand#75872MountainUniverseLotusMandalaEmb’dShyamaBag$34.95 14”Approx:x13” Peddler#75863YumShroomCoonBag$34.95 15”Approx:x14” Celtic#75874TreeHandEmbroideredShyamaPeddlerBag$34.95 14”Approx:x13” #75915 Green Man Hand Embroidered Gheri$59.95Backpack Approx: 13” W X 17” L. #75911 Feed Your Head Mushroom Hand Embroidered Gheri Backpack $59.95 Approx: 13” W X 17” L. Magickal#75875Mushrooms Lotus Mandala Hand Emb’d Shyama Drawstring$34.95Backpack Approx: 17” x 20” #75864FreeRide Co onStonewashedStripedPatchEmbroideredFlapTravelPouch$16.95 Approx:6”x7” #75787 Peace Love Music Hand Embroidered$59.95Backpack Approx. 15” X 18” Universal#75752Peace Hand Embroidered Backpack $59.95 Approx: 15” x 18” #75753 Celtic Tree Hand Embroidered Backpack $59.95 Approx:15” x 19” HandLet#64845LoveGrowEmbroideredPeddlerBag$34.95 Approx: 13” x 14” #64843 Pinch to Grow an InchCater Chillin’ 3 Zipper HandPassportEmbroideredPouch$14.95 Approx: 6” x 8” #64843 EmbroideredSolstice#64839TreeHandBackPack$59.95 Approx: 13” x 18” Hand#64844EmbroideredMessengerBag$34.95 Approx:8.5”x9” MessengerIlluminatedSacred#75860TreeHandEmbroideredBag$34.95 Approx:8.5”X8.5”.

1.800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com 21 Carryin’PeaceEmbroidered#75221DesignBag$34.95 8.5”Approx.X8.5”AssortedDesigns Celestial#75022Circus Co on Emb’d Hiprider Bag $19.95 Approx 12.5” x 10” #75756 Cheshire Cat Tye Dye Backpack $34.95 Approx: 14.5”x 18” We#75873AreAllMadCheshireCatHandEmb’dShyamaPeddlerBag$34.95 14”Approx:x13” #75912 We Are All Mad Cheshire Cat Hand Embroidered Gheri Backpack $59.95 Approx: 13” W X 17” L. #75887BodhiTreeHandEmb’dYogaBag$26.95Approx:15”x6” #75871ChakraYogaHandEmb’dCoonYogaBag$24.95Approx:9”x30” #75093 #75871#75887 BlanketPrintedYogi#75093MasterCoonBackpackw/YogaMat/Holder$34.95 11.5”wApprox:X17”h “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” The Bhagavad Gita Gypsy Rose is proud to honor and support the people who craft our unique Nepalese hand embroidered items. By featuring these products we enable these artisans to continue their traditions. While machines are involved, the artistic flair and subtle nuances are achieved by the irreplaceable skill of actual human beings hand-guiding the process. They fuse ancient practices with modern concepts and iconography which is really what we are all about! Wear it, Share it with Peace, Love and Happiness! Sacred#75880TreeIlluminatedHandEmbroideredBifoldWallet$14.95Approx:9.75”Wx4.5”L EmbroideredNotMake#75602LoveWarPeaceDJCoonBag$34.95 Approx. 12” X 11.5” CheshireWe’re#75786AllMadCatHandEmbroideredMessengerBag$34.95 Approx. 8.5” X 8.5” BifoldNight#75886OwlHandEmbroideredWallet$14.95Approx:9.75”Wx4.5”L HandPeacezilla#75885RainbowPeace&SymbolEmbroideredBifoldWallet$14.95 Approx: 9.75”W x 4.5” L EmbroideredWallets #75651PerpetualPeaceAriEmb’dCoonBabaBag$26.95 16”Approx.x12.75” Embroidered#75221PeaceDesignCarryin’Bag$34.958.5”Approx.X8.5”AssortedDesigns Celtic#75861TreeHandEmb’dGheriHipriderBeltBag$34.95 Approx: 8” x 8” #75861 Our bags arenot made by maysorobots,sizevaryslightly. Our bags arenot madeby maysorobots,sizevaryslightly. Hand5We’re#64842AllMadZipperLargeEmbroideredPassportPouch$19.95 Approx: 8” x 10” #64842

22 Bazaar#75645RipplePatchCarryin’Bag$14.95 Approx.7”X8” StonewashedMushroom#75314MegaCoonPatchShoulderBag$24.95 Approx. 15” X 13” #75967HappyAs A StonewashHummingbirdCoonBagw/Appliques$29.95 Approx: 15” X 13” Dream#75042BelieverRipplePatchStonewashedCoonCarryin’Bag$16.95 6.25”Approx:x6.25” #75050 For Your Pleasure Stonewashed Co on Fold-up$29.95Backpack Approx: 15” x 16” FringedStonewashOne#75080LoveRippy&RastaPeddlerBag$24.95 15”Approx.x13” Our bags arenot madeby maysorobots,sizevaryslightly. PeaceEmbroidered#75997StrippyPeddlerBag$24.95 Approx: 15”X 13” comfystorageforFunkyshoulderbagfoldsupintoit’sownlileheartconvenientoraextrapillowwhiletraveling! Stonewash#75998PeaceApplique&EmbBackpack$32.95 Approx: 11.5”w X 10.5”h Leaf#75225RippleHipRiderStonewashedBag$19.95 Approx8”X8” Cosmic#75866DebrisMandalaPrintSmallDJShoulderBag$22.95 9.5”wApprox:X8.5”h #75867 TwoHipTwoHandleHipriderBag$19.95 Approx:18”wX8”h Reach#75870ForTheStarsHipriderBag$19.95 Approx:8”wX11”h Daytripper#75865CosmicDebrisMandalaPrintBag$29.95Approx:18”WX12”L Emb’d#75371CelticTreeCoonDJBag$34.95 Approx. 11.5” X 12” Embroidered#75154Celtic Tree Co on Hip-rider Bag $24.95 Approx: 12”w X 10”h $34.95BackpackTreeEmb’d#75153CelticCoonSling13”wApprox:X20”h MySunshine#75757OnShoulderPurse$24.95 Approx:13”x11” #75522 Houdini Gheri Traveln’ Backpack $29.95 Easy fold up for traveling great for a pillow on the way Approx. 10” x 20” #75522 “Closed” #75346 Gheri Sling $34.95Backpack Approx: 12” X 16” Co on. Assorted Colors & Pa erns. #75868CosmicDebrisMandalaPrintDjBag$24.95 Approx: 9” x 10” #75865

123 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com Mandala#32502AllGoodNapthalCo on Peddler$22.95Bag Approx: 14” x 14”. Strap: 18.5” at. Reversible#75769Dahi Bag $22.95 Approx: 15” x 14” Vertical#75768StripePocketHoboBag$19.95 Approx: 14” x 13” PeddlerShangri#32503LaMandalaCoonBag$22.95 Approx: 14” x 14”. Strap: 18.5” at. #32516 Psychedelic Chakra Yoga Co on Hexagon Yoga Mat Bag $19.95 Approx: 20” x 21” #32516 #32519 All Good Napthal Mandala Co on Bo le Shape Yoga Mat Bag $18.95 Approx: 10” x 20” Strap: 16” at. Celestial#75444ZenAriEmb Co on Peddler Bag $24.95 16”Approx.x12.5” #75647 Good Vibes Printed & Emb’d Co on Shoulder Bag $24.95 Approx: 16.25” x 12.75” ShoulderPatchworkPrintedDark#75640StarCoonBag$24.95 15”Approx.x14.25” CoJungle#75637JiveEmb’donShoulderBag$24.95Approx. 15.5” x 14” #9083 Festival Express Hiprider Bag $14.95 Approx: 15.5” x 16” #75829 Hey You Deady Bear Large$24.95Backpack Approx. 10” w x 10” l #75828 Whazzup Deady Bear Small Backpack $19.95 Approx. 9” w x 8” l HipriderCorduory#9085Bag$12.95 Approx.16.5”x16” Peddler#75372AdornedBag$24.95 15”Approx.x12” Our bags arenot made by maysorobots,sizevaryslightly. Chakra#32504YogaCoonPeddlerBag$24.95 Approx: 14” x 14”. Strap: 18.5” at. HandTakin’#75851ATripCrochetDrumBag$26.95 Approx: 9” w x 12” l #75847 HuipileSmellTheFlowersRecycledMultiPocketClutchPurse$14.95Approx.8”wx4.5”l TravelerHand#75850WovenRastaPassportPouch$8.95ea. Approx. 7” w x 8” l #32519 AssortedColors. THE BAGS ON THIS PAGE ARE VERY UNIQUE AND HIPPIE CHIC. BECAUSE EACH ONE IS HAND MADE. EACH ONE IS SPECIAL AND COLORS AND PATTERNS WILL VARY. COLORS INCLUDE BLUE, BROWN, MAROON, AND GREEN.

24 #313001 Grateful Dead Dancing Bears Smile and Dance 3D Twin Tapestry $24.95 Twin Size HandBearGrateful#317592DeadwithBoltEmbroideredPoncho$59.95 Free Size. #317592 #317592 “BackEmbroidery.” Dancing#317591BearsHangin’ With Peace Hand Embroidered Gheri Trim $69.95Hoodie Size: Large & X-Large. Hangin’Dancing#317591BearsWithPeaceHandEmbroideredGheriTrimHoodie$69.95 Size: Large & X-Large. #313004 Good Ol’ Grateful Dead Tapestry $29.95 Approx: 60” X 70” #313005 Grateful Dead Have A Grateful Day Tapestry $29.95 Approx: 60” X 70” #313003 Grateful Dead Just Be Kind Tapestry $29.95 Approx: 60” X 60” #313002 Grateful Dead Bolt TwinTapestry $24.95 Twin Size #317589 Grateful Dead Bolt & Bones Hand Embroidered Striped Shyama Pants $49.95 Size: Large & X-Large. StripedHandStealGrateful#317590DeadYourFaceEmbroideredShyamaPants$49.95 Size: Large & X-Large. HandDancing#317587BearChorusEmbroideredStripedShyamaDjBag$44.95 Approx:13”x14” MessengerHandDancingGrateful#317585DeadBearw/BoltEmb’d.Bag$39.95Approx: 8.5” x 9” #317584 Keep On Truckin’ Grateful Dead Hand Embroidered Back Pack $64.95 Approx: 13” x 18” Wear It, Share It andPeace,withLoveHappiness! StripedDancing#317588ZenBearsHandEmbroideredShyamaDjBag$46.95 Approx: 13” x 15” VentureHandDancing#317586BearEmb’d.Bag$42.95Approx:10”x12” Gypsy Rose is proud to honor and support the people who craft our unique hand embroidered items. By featuring these products we enable these artisans to continue their traditions. While machines are involved the artistic flair and subtle nuances are achieved by the irreplaceable skill of actual human beings hand guiding the process They fuse ancient practices with modern concepts and iconography which is really what we are all about!

125 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com SpaceGrateful#310024DeadYourFaceTye Dye Viscose Fringe String Top $26.95 One FitsSizeAll. SpaceGrateful#310027DeadYourFaceTyeDyeViscoseStringDress$36.95 One Size Fits All. SpaceGrateful#310026DeadYourFaceTyeDyeViscoseKimono$39.95 One Size Fits All. TyeSkullGrateful#310022DeadandRosesDyeViscoseMiniTankDress$34.95 One Size Fits All. SKIRT:SpaceGrateful#310025DeadYourFaceTyeDyeViscoseWrapSkirt$32.95 One Size Fits All. #310026 “Front” #310026 “Back” Grateful#310021DeadSkull & Roses Tye Dye Viscose$47.95Maxi-Dress One Size Fits All. Grateful#310016DeadStealieTheNightAwayTyeDyeFringeVest$39.95 One Size Fits All. TyeGrateful#310029DeadStealieTheNightAwayDyeViscoseBabydollDress$44.95 One Size Fits All. TyeGrateful#317521DeadStealieTheNightAwayDyeCoonPeddlerBag$32.95 Approx. 15” X 15” Stealie#310007TheNight Away Grateful Dead Tye Dye Spandex Blend Maxi $54.95Skirt Sizes: S/M & L/XL. #310005 Stealie The Night Away Grateful Dead Tye Dye Galaxy Poncho Cape $34.95 One Size Fits All. Stealie#310010TheNight Away Grateful Dead Tye Dye Spandex Blend Hoodie Dress $44.95 One Size Fits All. #317521

26 FaceGrateful#310045DeadBearTyeDyeSpandexBlendStraplessDress$59.95 One Size Fits All. TyeGrateful#310047DeadTerrapinDyeViscoseTankTop$26.95 One Size Fits All. SpandexGrateful#310049DeadTerrapinTyeDyeBlendHoodedDress$44.95 One FitsSizeAll. TerrapinGrateful#310048DeadTyeDyePoncho$36.95 One Size Fits All. CoTerrapinGrateful#317575DeadTyeDyeonPeddlerBag$32.95 Approx: 15.5”w X 13.25”L #35359TOP: See above. PANTS: #310041 Grateful Dead Bear Face Tye Dye Stretchy Wide Leg Pants $44.95 Sizes: S/M & L/XL. #310045 TyeSpandexGrateful#310015DeadDancingBearCoonBlendDyeShorties$24.95 One Size Fits All. TOP: #35359 See above. SHORTS: #310040 Grateful Dead Bear Face Tye Dye Co on Spandex Blend Biker Shorts $26.95 Sizes: S/M & L/XL. Halter#35359TOP:ValleyRockCrochetTop$22.95 Free Size. TyeGrateful#310050DeadTerrapinDyeFineCoonHoodie$44.95 One Size Fits All. #310043 Grateful Dead Bear Face Tye Dye Spandex Blend Cross Back String Top $44.95 One Size Fits All. #310043 “Back Shot” Grateful#310042DeadBearFace Tye Dye Viscose Fringe String Top $26.95 One Size Fits All.

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143 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com #300 $4.50JJ-261 $2.50 JR-554 $1.30 JR-590 $1.30 JR-848 $1.30 PC-486 $2.00 PC-658 $2.00 PC-392 $2.00PC-783 $2.00 S-389 $1.00 S-797S-988$2.00$1.50 PC-787 $2.00 S-259$2.00 JJ-457$4.00 SKY-690$3.50 SKY-761$3.50 JJ-505SKY-767$3.50$3.50 #301 $4.00 #304 $4.00 #305 $4.00 DY-182 $5.00DY-184 $5.00 Window Sticker DY-187 $5.00 Window Sticker DY-188 $5.00 DY-194 $5.00 Window Sticker DY-195 $5.00 Window Sticker DY-196 $5.00 Window Sticker ST-205 $4.00 Metal Sticker ST-203 $4.00 Metal Sticker S-443$1.50 S-998$1.50SN-7731$2.00SN-8409 $3.00 SN-8499 $3.00 SN-8500$3.00 PH-4881$6.00 PH-4882$6.00 PH-5154 $7.00 PH-5253$7.00 PH-4944$7.00 PH-4947 $7.00 PH-4948 $7.00 PH-4928 $7.00 PH-4949$7.00 PH-002$7.00 PH-5373$7.00 PH-5371$7.00 PH-3087$4.00 PH-3090 $4.00 PH-3093$4.00 PH-3222$7.00 PH-4051$7.00 PH-4595$7.00 PH-5283$8.00 PH-5369$7.00 PH-4087$7.00 PH-3056$4.00 PH-3053$4.00 PH-595$5.00 PH-2025$4.00PH-593 $5.00 PH-0004$7.00 PH-0005$6.00 PH-0006$7.00 PH-0007$7.00 PH-0008$7.00 PH-0010$6.00 PH-012$7.00 PH-0015$7.00 PH-0018$7.00 PH-0019$7.00 PH-0022$7.00 PH-023$6.00 ST-202$2.50 Metal Sticker ST-206$2.50 Metal Sticker ST-204 $2.50 Metal Sticker SN-7988 $5.50 (4” ) Metal SN-7632$3.00 Metal Sticker SN-7633$2.00 Metal Sticker SN-8120$5.00 Metal Sticker SN-8074 $5.00 Metal StickerSN-8076 $5.00 Metal Sticker SN-8077 $5.00 Metal Sticker SN-7631 $5.00 Metal Sticker SN-7613 $5.00 Metal Sticker SN-7752 $5.00 Metal Sticker SN-8002$2.00 Metal StickerSN-8004$2.00 Metal Sticker SN-2808$5.00 Metal Sticker SN-2809$3.00 Metal Sticker SN-8001 $2.00 Metal Sticker SN-8003$2.00 Metal Sticker SN-8119 $5.50 Metal Sticker

44 #3 $4.00 #31 $2.00 #7 $3.00 #4 $4.00 #4W $4.00 Window #12S#12SW$2.00 Window $2.00 #12M $2.50 #12L $3.00 #13L $4.00#13M$2.50$2.00#13S 3.50” Rd. 3.50” Rd. 3.25” Rd. Rd.2”3.5”Rd. 1” Rd. 3.25” Rd. 5” Rd. #15 $4.00 6” Tall #70 $4.00 #153 $3.00#73 $4.00 DY-1 $5.00 Window DY-151 $5.00 DY-23 $5.00 DY-7 $5.00 Window DY-117 $5.00 Window DY-6 $5.00 Window DY-8 $5.00 Window $5.00DY-9 Window DY-10 $5.00 Window DY-11 $5.00 Window DY-118 $5.00 DY-36 $5.00 Window L-412 $4.00 Window $4.00L-401 L-404 $4.00 L-405 $4.00 L-406 $4.00L-464 $4.00 L-467 $4.00 L-407 $3.50 $4.00L-408 $4.00L-403 $4.00L-468L-440 $4.00 Window L-472 $3.50 Window L-448 $4.00 Window L-451 $4.00 Window L-452 $4.00 Window KK-212 $4.00 Window SN-3028$3.00 SN-3160 $3.00 SN-5259$3.00 Gli er #105 $3.00 #152 $3.50 DY-39 $5.00 Window SN-2560$3.00 Gli erSN-3162$3.00 DS-500$3.50 DY-40 $5.00 Window DY-45 $5.00 Window DY-46 $5.00 Window GK-401 $4.50 Window SN-5884 $3.00 Gli er GK-101 $4.50 Window GK-102 $4.50 Window DY-76 $5.00DY-77 $5.00 DY-84 $5.00 Window DY-86 $5.00 Window DY-87 $5.00 Window DY-91 $5.00 Window DY-94 $5.00 Window DY-100 $5.00 Window DY-115 $4.00 Window DY-101 $5.00 Window DY-102 $5.00 Window DY-116 $5.00 Window HL-514 $3.50 Window HL-807 $3.50 Window #156 $4.00 Window DY-5 $5.00 Window DY-22 $5.00DS-814 $3.50 Window $4.00L-447 SN-3023$3.00 SN-3022$3.00 $5.00DY-23 SN-8065$3.00 SN-3058 $3.00 SN-7989$3.00 SN-8123$3.00 SN-8121 $3.00 SN-7997 $5.00 SN-8122 $3.00 #225 $3.00 #30 $2.00 White Only! SN-8066 $3.00 Metallic! SN-7907$3.00 SN-7908$3.00 SN-7902$3.00 SN-7905$3.00 SN-3947$3.00 SN-3949$3.00 SN-3931$3.00 SN-3027 $3.00 SN-2354 $3.00 SN-3013 $3.00 Window #22 $3.00 #213 $3.50 SN-8020 $3.00 SN-3016 $3.00 SN-3015 $3.00 DY-125$5.00 DY-126$5.00 SN-8079 $3.00 DY-128 $5.00 DY-34 $5.00 DY-152 $5.00 DY-127 $5.00 DY-129 $5.00 DY-130 $5.00 DY-131 $5.00 DY-132 $5.00 SN-3159 $3.00 SN-3012 $3.00 PC-707 $2.50 SN-8199 $3.00 SN-8184 $1.50 SR-1 $2.50 SN-8134$3.00 SN-2809SN-2808$5.00$3.00 DY-154$5.00 DY-153 $5.00 DY-133 $5.00 #36 $5.00 #37 $5.00 PC-630PC-689$2.50$2.50PC-729$3.50 SN-8200$3.00 SN-3110 $3.00 SN-3111 $3.00 DY-25 $5.00 DY-183 $5.00 Window Sticker #308 $2.00 SN-3139 $3.00

145 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com Gypsy Rose is proud to honor and support the people who craft our unique Nepalese hand embroidered items. By featur ing these products we enable these artisans to continue their traditions. While machines are involved, the artistic flair and subtle nuances are achieved by the irreplaceable skill of actual human beings hand-guiding the process. They fuse ancient practices with modern concepts and iconography which is really what we are all about! Wear it, Share it with Peace, Love and Happiness! PW-130$6.00 PW-106 $9.00 PW-107 $6.00 PW-111 $9.00PW-128$6.00PW-127 $6.00PW-123 $6.00PW-122 $6.00PW-121$7.00PW-148$6.00PW-144 $7.00 PW-145$7.00 PW-138 $7.00 PW-201$6.00 PW-159$6.00 PW-156 $6.00 PW-165 $7.00 PW-166 $7.00 PW-167 $7.00 PW-168 $9.00 PW-149 $7.00 PW-150$7.00 PW-155$6.00 PW-135 $5.00 PW-131 $7.00 PW-136 $6.00PW-141 $7.00 each Assorted Colors PW-137 $6.00 PW-139 $6.00 CSM-562 $1.50 CSM-563 $1.50 CSM-564$1.50 CSM-553$1.50 CSM-619$1.50CSM-621$1.50CSM-620$1.50 CSM-559 $1.50 CSM-560 $1.50 When it needs to be just the right size! #85 $3.00#87 $2.50 #88 $3.00 DY-104$3.00 DY-121$3.00DY-119$3.00DY-33 $3.00 DY-163$3.00 DY-164$3.00DY-165$3.00STA-538$2.00 JR-761$1.50 JR-791$1.50 JR-753$1.50JR-744$1.50 JJ-165 $2.00 JJ-155 $2.00 JJ-009 $2.00 JJ-015 $2.00 JJ-017 $2.00 JJ-002 $2.00JJ-012$2.00JJ-052$2.00 SK-200 $3.00 SK-202 $3.00 SK-201 $3.00 SK-219 $3.00 SK-704$3.00 STA-558$2.00 STA-652$2.00 STA-724$2.00 STA-729 $2.00 STA-770$2.00 SKY-933$3.00 DY-109$3.00DY-122$3.00 DY-123$3.00 DY-124$3.00$3.00DY-31 DY-110 $3.00 DY-105 $3.00 DY-111 $3.00 DY-114$3.00 DY-108 $3.00 DY-112 $3.00 DY-113$3.00 DY-106 $3.00 PH-1017$6.00 PW-158$6.00PH-1018$6.00 PH-1008$6.00 PH-1010$6.00 PH-1005 $6.00 PW-134 $6.00 All Patches Approximately 3 inches in diameter. Shown larger for detail. JR-491 $1.30 JR-645 $1.30 JR-667 $1.50 JR-716 $1.30 JR-159 $1.50 JR-772 $1.30 JR-741 $1.30 JR-808JR-746$1.50$1.30 JR-758 $1.30$3.00DY-57 S-405 $1.00 S-408 $1.00 SKY-974$2.50 SN-8264 $3.00 SKY-996 $2.50 JR-792 $1.30 S-172 $1.00 S-411 $1.00 #306 $3.00 DY-177$3.50DY-180$3.50 DY-179$3.50 DY-178$3.50 JA-766 $3.00 5 Sticker Mini-Packs Dan Morris Artwork JA-767 $3.00 5 Sticker Mini-Packs Dan Morris Artwork JA-511 $3.00 5 Sticker Mini-Packs ST-202 $2.50 ST-206 $2.50 ST-204 $2.50 S-446 $2.00 S-448 $1.50 GR-105$2.00 GR-109$2.00 Metal Sticker Metal Sticker Metal Sticker

46 JA-711$3.50 JA-757 $3.50 SN-6043 $2.00 STA-306 $3.50 STA-307 $3.50 STA-310 $3.50 STA-311 $3.50 STA-315 $3.50 STA-326 $3.50 STA-329 $3.50 STA-340 $3.50 DY-144 $5.00 DY-26 $5.00 STA-362 $3.50STA-351 $3.50 STA-385 $3.50 STA-332 $3.50 STA-377 $3.50 STA-379 $3.50 SKY-769 $3.50 STA-316 $3.50 STA-387 $3.50 STA-388 $3.50 STA-389 $3.50 DS-588DS-908$3.50$3.50 DY-137 $5.00 DY-146DY-140$5.00$5.00 DY-141 $5.00 DY-142 $5.00 DY-143 $5.00 DY-35 $5.00 DY-20 $5.00 DY-160 $5.00 DY-161 $5.00 JA-715$3.50 JA-716$3.50 JA-233$3.50 JA-635$3.50 JA-634$3.50 NS-5094$3.00 NS-5158$3.00 NS-6659$3.00SN-0030$3.00 NS-6712$3.00 JA-336 $3.50 JA-712 $3.50 HL-448 $3.50 #ASST-19 (20) Piece Sticker Tag Assortment $15.00 NS-5643 $3.00 NS-7212 $3.00 NS-7390 $3.00 NS-7631 $3.00 NS-7590 $3.00 CSM-603 $3.00 S-836 $2.00 KK-237 $4.00 KK-238 $4.00KK-446$3.50 KK-240 $5.00 JJ-123 $3.50 JJ-124 $3.50 JJ-125 $3.50 JJ-126 $3.50 JJ-127 $3.50 DY-147 $5.00 DY-148 $5.00 Sorry Unavailable...... #ASST-50 Hindu / Buddhist Gods & Goddesses Small Sticker Assortment - 12 Pc. $12.00 Assorted Designs 3”-4” Tall #ASST-51 Hindu / Buddhist Gods & Goddesses Medium Sticker Assortment - 12 Pc. $16.00 Assorted Designs 4”-5” Tall #ASST-52 Hindu / Buddhist Gods & Goddesses Large Sticker Assortment - 6 Pc. $18.00 Assorted Designs 5”-7” Tall STA-363 $3.50 STA-391 $3.50 STA-393 $3.50 STA-395 $3.50 STA-892 $3.50 DS-403 $3.50 DS-406 $3.50 DS-813 $3.50STA-277 $3.50 PC-533 $3.50 PC-634 $3.50 GK-571 $3.50 STA-399 $3.50 STA-402 $3.50 SKY-764 $3.50 STA-327 $3.50 JA-801 $3.50SN-0016 $3.00 JA-799 $3.50 JA-810 $3.50DY-191 $5.00 Window Sticker DY-192 $5.00 Window Sticker DY-193 $5.00 Window StickerDY-186 $5.00 Window Sticker DY-190 $5.00 SN-0095 $2.50

147 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com DS-503 $3.50 PM-767 $3.50 Window SN-471 $3.00 DS-14 $3.50 DS-24 $3.50 SN-1306$3.00SN-3840 $3.00 SN-8093 $3.00SN-2827$3.00 SN-2826$3.00 SN-8031$3.00SN-8028$3.00SN-8027$3.00 SN-7395$3.00 SN-7399 $3.00 JA-690 $3.50 JA-691 $3.50 JA-537 $3.50 SN-8224$3.00SN-2036$3.00 SN-8295$3.00 SN-8407$3.00 SN-8306$3.00 SN-8307$3.00 SN-7920 $3.00 #302 $4.00 #303 SN-1578$9.00$3.00 SN-1734 $3.00 JA-175 $3.50 JA-745 $3.50JA-737 $3.50 JA-736 $3.50 KK-193 $4.00 SN-8118$3.00SN-8113$3.00 SN-8513$3.00 ST-301 $2.50 ST-303 $2.50 ST-304 $2.50 ST-305 $2.50 ST-306 $2.50 ST-307 $2.50 ST-308 $2.50 ST-310 $2.50 ST-311 $2.50 ST-312 $2.50 SN-13 $3.00 SN-014 $3.00 SN-007 $3.00SN-02 $3.00SN-012$3.00JA-644 $3.50 SN-7194$3.00 SN-8156$3.00 SN-8372 $3.00 SN-7016$3.00 SN-7400 $3.00 SN-5252 $3.00 Gli er SN-0369 $2.00 SKY-968 $2.50 SN-7913 $3.00 GR-7021 $3.00 JJ-128 $4.00 SN-7747 $1.50SN-7043 $3.00 SN-7141 $2.00 S-555 $2.00 CSM-57 $2.50 S-180$1.00 S-721 $2.00 S-256 $1.00 S-426 $1.50 SKY-329 $4.00 Window HL-218 $3.50 Window Perfect for bikes, skateboards or anywhere you want your voice to be heard, but don’t have a lot of room to do it. CSM-217CSM-495$1.50 $1.50CSM-225 CSM-230$1.50$1.50CSM-362 $1.50 CSM-618 $1.50 CSM-493 $1.50 CSM-170 CSM-140$1.50$1.50CSM-26 $3.00 CSM-53 $3.00 CSM-435 $3.00 CSM-42 $3.00 CSM-447 $3.00 CSM-31 CSM-109$3.00$3.00KK-221$4.00 Window SN-8112 $3.00 SN-8305 $3.00 SN-7429SN-8101$3.00 $3.00 SN-8102 $3.00 #C-52 Assorted Rasta Bu ons $1.49 ea. DY-24 $5.00DY-150$5.00 SN-7752 $5.00 STA-401$3.50 JJ-002 $2.00SN-8327$3.00SKY-740$3.50 SKY-741$3.50 SKY-742$3.50 SKY-743$3.50 SKY-744$3.50 SKY-745$3.50 SKY-746$3.50 SKY-747$3.50 SKY-748$3.50 SKY-749$3.50 SKY-750$3.50 SKY-751$3.50 SN-8271$3.00 SN- 8272 $3.00SN-8444$3.00SN-8266 $3.00 SN-0001 $3.00 SN-0013 $3.00SN-0002 $3.00 SN-0005$3.00 PC-628 $3.50 #198 $5.00 #199 $5.00

48 AD-161 $2.50 JA-534 $3.50 AD-669 $2.50 CD-399AD-742$2.50$3.50 Window CD-109 $3.50 Window CD-22 $2.00 DY-44 $5.00 Window SN-8076$5.00 Metal Sticker JA-235 $3.50 Window JA-236 $3.50 Window GG-12 $4.50 Window $4.00L-432 L-473 $4.00L-474 $4.00 S-359 $2.00 S-503 $2.00 S-989 $3.00 L-475 $4.00 PC-58 $2.00 SKY-352 $2.00 JJ-161 $3.50 JJ-434 $2.50 JJ-041 $2.00 JJ-544 $3.00 JJ-144 $5.00JJ-122 $1.50 KK-430 $4.00 Window KK-402 $3.50 Window KK-403 $4.00 Window KK-219 $4.00 Window KK-203 $4.00 Window KK-580 $4.00 Window KK-190 $3.50 Window KK-185 $3.50 Window KK-214 $4.00 Window KK-057$4.00 Window KK-216 $4.00 Window KK-432 $4.00 Window JJ-189 $2.50 JJ-102 $4.50 JJ-212 $2.50JJ-005 $4.00 SN-0017 $3.00 SN-0015 $3.00 SN-0010 $3.00 SN-0014 $3.00 JJ-142 $4.00 JJ-141 $4.00 JJ-216 $2.50 AD-834 $3.50 Window ST-309$3.50 SN-0065$1.50 KK-503 $3.00 Rub-On DY-120 $5.00 KK-631 $4.00 KK-420 $4.00 NS-7034 $3.00 SN-7686 $1.50 SN-7334 $1.50 SN-7374 $1.50 SN-7424$2.00 SN-7940 $1.50 NS-6712NS-5285$3.00$2.00 ZZ-14 $3.00 ZZ-15 $2.00 ZZ-17 $3.00 JA-577 $3.50 JA-714 $3.50 JJ-232 $2.50 JJ-240 $2.50 JJ-244 $2.00JJ-82 $2.50 JJ-241 $2.00 JJ-071 $2.00 JJ-072 $1.50 KK-182 $4.00 Window KK-197 $4.00 Window KK-490 $5.00 Rub-On KK-200 $4.00 Window JJ-246 $2.00 JJ-120 $4.00 JJ-121 $1.50 JJ-372 $4.00 JJ-066 $4.00 JJ-247 $3.00 AD-998$2.50 JJ-229 $3.00JJ-84 $2.50 JJ-87 $2.00 JJ-105 $5.00 JJ-83 $2.50 JA-232 $3.50 Window JA-339 $3.50Window JA-337 $3.50 Window JA-338$3.50 Window $4.00KK-470each Assorted Colors Rub-On 646XL $8.00(10.75” Round)25XL $7.00 (18” X 4.75”) Individual Bears 23XL $3.00 (16” X 2.25” ) AD-499 $3.50 Window JA-776 $3.50 CD-322 $3.50 #16 $3.00 Window GR-7015 $3.00 GK-192 $3.50 Window GK-041 $3.50 Window KK-218 $4.00 Window KK-223 $4.00 Window KK-239 $4.50 Window KK-231 $4.00 Window KK-222 $4.00 Window AD-876 $2.00 CD-400$2.50JA-960$3.50 NS-7167 $2.00 JJ-029 $3.00 JJ-135 $3.00 CB-105 $10.00 My Pride Family Sticker Set Set includes: 2 dads, 2moms, 2 boys, 2girls, 2dogs, 2cats & 7 misc. pride designs. SKY-8 $3.50 SignsPeace Dan Morris Artwork

149 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com $4.00PH-1PH-3975PH-510$5.00$7.00 PH-181$3.50 PH-1341$7.00 PH-1350 $6.00 PH-3211 $4.50 PH-2032 $4.00 PH-1506$7.00 PH-1552$5.50 PH-1602$10.00 PH-1604$10.00PH-4340$4.00 PH-3049$4.00 PH-8118$10.00 PH-4530$4.00 PH-1601 $10.00 PH-1603 $10.00 PH-424 $2.50 PH-10R $1.50 Assorted Colors$2.50PH-2 PH-3963$4.50 PH-3804$6.00$10.00PH-346 PH-3974$7.00 PH-115$3.00 PH-250$4.00PH-5035$4.00 PH-3007$4.00 PH-4534 $4.00PH-0023PH-4540$4.00$5.50PH-860$4.00PH-296$4.00 PH-558$4.00 PH-1953$4.00 PH-2066$4.00 PH-2056 $4.00 PH-321$4.00PH-5319 $4.00 (Single Mushroom Patches, Assorted Colors) PH-5646$7.00 PH-577 $4.50 PH-549$5.00 PH-583 $4.00 PH-331$4.00 PH-3716$5.50 PH-3734$5.00 PH-3774$6.00 PH-3794$6.00 PH-3876$6.00 PH-3711$5.50 $7.00PH-116(4”) PH-117$4.50 Asst’d.(2”)Colors PH-121 $7.00 Asst’d.(3.5”)Colors PH-1196$7.00 PH-1297$6.00 PH-1201 $8.00 ( Asst’d.5”)Colors PH-1230$7.00 (4.5”) PH-1229$7.00PH-1228$7.00 $7.00PH-1226(5”) PH-1218 $15.00 (8”)$9.50PH-1217(5”) PH-1215 $7.50 (9”) PH-1250$7.00 PH-1258$7.00 PH-1803$7.00 PH-1804$7.00 PH-1970$7.00 PH-4483$4.00 PH-4485$4.00 PH-4493$4.00 PH-3061$4.00PH-1969$8.00 PH-1279 $4.50 (3”) PH-1280 $7.00 (6”) PH-1213 $15.00 (9.5”) PH-9221$4.00 PH-3888PH-343$6.00$7.00 PH-345$4.00 PH-3051$4.00 PH-3062$4.00 PH-1296 $7.00 PH-472$4.00 PH-483$4.00 PH-525$4.00PH-527$6.00 PH-526$5.00 PH-493$5.00 PH-5002 $7.50 PH-444$3.00 PH-7230$4.50PH-7231$4.50 PH-893 $4.00 PH-895$3.00PH-1026$4.00 PH-1963$4.00 PH-2134 $4.00 PH-2841 $4.00 PH-2843$4.00 PH-3059$3.00 PH-5807 $16.00 PH-4966 $16.00 PH-4965 $16.00 PH-5005 $16.00 PH-5016 $16.00 PH-5018 $15.00 PH-4265$4.00 PH-2772$4.00 PH-4464$4.00 PH-4661$7.00 PH-4533$3.00 PH-4657$7.00 PH-4658$7.00 PH-4058$7.50PH-4659$7.00 PH-4662$7.00 PH-4663$7.00 PH-4354$4.00 Asst’d. Colors PH-4359$4.00 PH-2083$4.00 PH-342 $2.00 PH-4137 $4.00 PH-4206 $4.00 PH-0052 $5.50 PH-4208$7.00 PH-592$6.00 PH-1444$4.00 PH-2078$3.00 PH-362$4.00 PH-2030$4.00 PH-2125$4.00 PH-3064$4.00 PH-1615$5.00 PH-2129$4.00 PH-2131$4.00PH-7237$5.50PH-453$4.00 PH-3223$7.00 PH-3232$7.00 PH-3561$5.00 PH-3562$5.00 PH-1216$4.00 PH-2055$4.00 PH-3338$5.00 PH-2073$4.00 PH-4345PH-4313PH-3080$4.00$6.50$7.00 PH-2433$4.00 PH-2567 $4.00PH-1029$4.00 PH-1605$10.00 PH-4510PH-1606$10.00$5.00PH-1607$10.00 PH-4470$7.00 PH-4603$7.00PH-4950$7.00 PH-001$7.00 PH-005 $9.00 PH-1302 $10.00 PH-3091 $4.00 PH-0002 $7.00 PH-124$6.00 PH-007 $5.00 PH-006$6.50 PH-3020$5.00 PH-4266$7.00 PH-3629$6.00 13”Approx.Tall. 9.5”Approx.Tall. Approx.Wide.9.5” PH-3016PH-2138$4.00$4.00 PH-3017$4.00 PH-3019$4.00 PH-3030$4.00 PH-3032$4.00 PH-3013$4.00 PH-3193$4.00 PH-3070$4.00PH-3069$4.00 PH-3071$4.00 PH-4587$4.00 PH-4590$4.00 PH-4589$4.00 PH-4591$4.00 PH-4592$4.00 PH-4596$4.00 PH-4601$4.00 PH-4875$6.00 PH-4537$4.00 PH-4236$4.00 PH-4572 $6.00PH-3072 $4.00 PH-2916 $4.00 PH-2918$4.00 PH-3052$4.00PH-3078$4.00 PH-4519$4.00 PH-203$4.00 PH-205$4.00PH-3079$4.00 PH-3083$4.00 PH-4213$4.00PH-3082PH-4877$6.00$4.00 PH-1528$4.00PH-125$6.00PH-344$6.00PH-160$6.00

50 PIN-221$5.00 PIN-1558$5.00PIN-4103$5.00 PIN-785 $4.49 PIN-2078$5.00 PIN-723 $5.00 PIN-1311$5.00 PIN-1951 $5.00 PIN-296$5.00 PIN-321 $5.00 PIN-483$5.00 PIN-570$5.00 PIN-583$5.00 PIN-1478 $5.00PIN-1325$5.00PIN-898$5.00PIN-697$5.00PIN-692$5.00PIN-1615$5.00 PIN-2493$5.00 PIN-8052 $6.95PIN-1930$5.00 PIN-1945$5.00 PIN-2004$5.00 PIN-2505$5.00 PIN-8049$6.95 PIN-8053$6.95 PIN-2567$5.00 PIN-2642$5.00 PIN-8033$5.00 PIN-2056$5.00 PIN-2083$5.00 PIN-2480$5.00 PIN-4221$6.95 PIN-4193$4.49PIN-4217$4.49 PIN-4057$4.95 PIN-4401 $6.95 PIN-1020 $5.00 PIN-4206 $5.00 PIN-860 $5.00 PIN-4064$5.00 PIN-4104 $5.00 PIN-1569$5.00 PIN-8040$5.00PIN-8041$5.00 PIN-8042 $5.00 PIN-8047$4.00 PIN-8034 $4.95PIN-8036$4.95 PIN-8035 $4.95 PIN-1017 $5.00 PIN-4219$4.49#PIN-1068 $5.00#PIN-1069 $4.95 #PIN-1070$5.00#PIN-4282 $5.00 #PIN-614$6.95 #PIN-620#PIN-615$6.95$6.95 #PIN-1071$8.95 #PIN-8059$8.95 #PIN-2005 $8.95 #PIN-8061 $7.95 #PIN-8064 $7.95 #PIN-8065 $7.95 #PIN-1137 $4.95 #PIN-8062 $7.95#PIN-8063 $7.95 #PIN-8060 $7.95 #PIN-1479 $8.95 #PIN-2057 $8.95 #PIN-623$6.95 #PIN-4284 $5.00 Assorted Colors! #PIN-617 $6.95 #PIN-8048$6.95 #PIN-4108$4.49 #PIN-4127$5.00 #PIN-1072$10.95 #PIN-1114$4.95 #PIN-4292 $4.49 #PIN-4015#PIN-1109$4.95$5.95#PIN-4360$5.95 #PIN-4079$5.95 #PIN-109$5.95 #PIN-100$5.95 #PIN-101$5.95 #PIN-106$5.95 #PIN-105$5.95 #PIN-2433$5.00 #PIN-4290$5.00 #PIN-498 $5.00 #PIN-4106 $5.00 #PIN-4096 $5.00 #PIN-4288$5.00 #PIN-8054$7.95 #PIN-1938$5.00 #PIN-4289$5.00 PIN-8051 $6.95 #PIN-8057$5.00 #PIN-8056$6.95 RETRO STYLE LAPEL PINS. 3 Piece minimum per design. Approx: 1-inch diameter.

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56 #27502 Seed Bead With NaturalAnklet/BraceletCrystal$5.95#27506QuartzPointAnklet/Bracelet$4.95 Assorted Colors Natural#27506QuartzAnklet/BraceletPoint$4.95 Assorted Colors HempSeedNatural#27505StoneAnklet/Bracelet$4.95#27503BeadCatEyeAnklet/Bracelet$4.95#27501WithPearlAnklet/Bracelet$3.95 Macrame#24063EvilEyeBracelet$3.95 Assorted Colors Cowry#24064&Howlite Daisy Macrame$4.95Bracelet #24067 Cowry & Howlite Star sh Bracelet Macrame#24068$4.95HowliteWith Sea Turtle Charm$3.95Bracelet #24714 Evil Eye Leather Cu Bracelet $7.95 #24713 3 Piece Set Of Leather And Bead Bracelet $12.95 Assorted#24719RastaBracelet$4.95 #24065 Braided With Pot Leaf Bracelet $4.95 Assorted Colors Delicate#24721DaisyBracelet$3.95 Assorted Colors #23071 Natural Stone Chip Hooped Earring $6.95 Multi-CharmHoops#23752Pr.MoonEarring$10.95Pr.#23750Star,Sun,Moon & Saturn$11.95EarringPr. #23751 Horseshoe Shape Rainbow Earring $8.95 Pr. #23071 AssortedColorStones Semi-Precious#24720Bead Bracelet $7.95

157 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com Burn incense within sight. Keep objects away from burning incense. Keep away from children and pets. Only burn on level and sturdy surface. #7784 11InStoneElephantAshcatcherIncenseBurner$19.95 Approx:11”inches #7792 CelestialAshcatcherIncenseBurner$5.95 Approx:11”inches #7796 7ChakraStoneAshcatcherBurner$19.95 Approx:11”inches Chakra#92838ColoredBurner$16.95 BackSpace#92934BackSmall#92904TreeowBurner$9.95ShipowBurner$9.95 #93109 River Ceramic Back ow Burner BackMagic#93122$12.95BurnerLampowBurner$14.95 #99346 7 Chakra Stone Smudge Bowl Incense Burner $23.95 Approx: 4” inches $17.95Cauldron#99347CastIronTripleMoonBurner Approx: 3-5 “ inches #99348 Green Tree Of Life Stone Smudge Bowl Incense $24.95Burner Approx: 4” inches #99349 CelestialAshcatcherIncenseBurner$5.95 Approx:4”inches#99358 7 Chakra Brass Cauldron Incense Burner $29.95 Approx: 4.5” inches #99359Fairy Dream AshcatcherIncense$5.95Burner Approx: 4IN Turquoise#99589Elephant Sumdge Bowl Incense $23.95Burner Approx: 4” inches Turquoise#999903InlaidIncenseBurner$9.95each. #999903 #999903Burnincense within sight. Keep objects away from burning incense. Keep away from children and pets. Only burn on level and sturdy surface. Back IncenseBackSeeIncenseFlowConesPages58-59formoreIncenseCones!FlowCones 10 cones per box. See Pages 58-59 for our Back Flow Cones and lots of di erent avor scents to choose from! Burn incense within sight. Keep objects away from burning incense. Keep away from children and pets. Only burn on level and sturdy surface.

Gypsy Rose Incense Scent Choices

FrancincenseSandalwoodAfricaVanillaMuskChinaRain*BlackLove&MurRastaMon* EgyptianFrankincenseLavenderJasminQueenKushyKushHoneyVanillaNightQueen
Well dip dippity doo dah, the universe doggone delivered us a dependable dipper thatís not a dip, and dishes a delightful stick. No doubt the quality done out does dippy’s sticks, deep dark and burn down desirably.
20 Sticks of one scent per package. $2.95 a #7721pack.
Approx. 80-100 Sticks of one scent $7.95 per pack.
58 #7720
For many years Gypsy Rose delivered deluxe quality incense and our devotees really dug it. Disappointingly the dude that dipped our sticks, done dipped out on us. And weíve been delving for a di erent dipper that could dip just like the dipped out dodgy dipper dude dipped, using delectable herbs and delicious spices.
We hope you discover dreamy delight and deep relaxation during the burning our dandy, and divine incense.
Small#99240WhiteSageStick$3.95ea. 4” #7734 Patchouli Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7735 60 ‘s Patchouli Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7736 Dragon Blood Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7737 Fresh Rose Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7738 Egyptian Musk Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7739 Golden Sandalwood Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7744 Arabian Jasmine Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7745 Divine Temple Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7731 Saty Frankincense Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7732 Lavender Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7787 Myrhh Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7786 White Sage Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7730 Opium Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. #7785 Palo Santo Incense 15 Grams $2.95 per box. The smoke of these sacredtwoherbs is usedtopurifyand cleanse. The sage draws out the negative energyandthejuniper drawsinthepositive. 8”longbundle. #9924 $9.95 Sage#99242Juniper & Sweetgrass$9.95 8” #99241Sage$9.95 8” $9.95Lavender#99244Sage&SmudgeStick 8” Matches that burn like incense. (30 matches per book) #7797 Box of 50 books Assorted Scents Four-Pack$59.95#7798Assorted Scents Black#99159$6.95Sage9”$11.95 Blue#99162Sage4”$3.95ea. Yerba#99161SantaSage 4” $3.95 Copal#99164ea.Sage4”$3.95ea.Black#99160Sage4”$3.95ea. Shasta#99163Sage 4” $3.95 ea. CoconutStrawberryMangoRaspberryPatchouliNagChampa*GypsyRose #99095 Two Palo Santo Sticks Turkey Feather Abalone Shell 4-Inch White Sage $11.95 Dragon#99096BloodSage$4.95ea. White#99360Sage9”$8.95 Palo#99389SantoWood$6.95ea. #99390 Palo Santo Sage Smudge Stick $4.95 ea. #99391 Nag Champa 4” Smudge$4.95Stickea. #99392 Patchouli 4” Smudge$4.95Stickea. SmudgeLavendar#993934”Stick$4.95ea. Sandalwood#993944”Smudge Stick $4.95 ea. Burn incense within sight. Keep objects away from burning incense. Keep away from children and pets. Only burn on level and sturdy surface. Back IncenseFlowCones 10 cones per box. #99345Dragon#99396Blood$3.95#99397WhiteSage$3.95#99398PaloSanto$3.95#99399Patchouli$3.95#99344Sandalwood$3.95#99482Lavender$3.95#994837Chakras$3.95#99485Cannabis$3.95SevenChakraswithRosePetalsSmudgeStick$4.95 White#99372SageWith Mini Flowers$5.95Smudge #99366 Good Vibes White Sage With Flowers$5.95Smudge Dragons#99862BloodSage With Multi Color Rose Petal Smudge $5.95 #99864 White Sage Torch With Lavender Wild owers Clear Quartz Smudge $6.95 Sweetgrass#99865SageSmudge$5.95
Each bo le also has a removable roll-on applica tor. Apply these fragrances as a body perfume oil, or add to bath water, oil lamps, massage oils, potpourris, etc.......
Please Note: These oils have not been tested on animals and contain no animal by-products. They are also natural.
Aromatherapy Oil Fragrances
We have gathered a collection of the nest oils from around the world. These oils are blended by hand to insure the highest quality available. Each bo le contains 1/3 oz. of perfume oil.
Black EatEgyptianAmberSummerSeaMangoDragonCherryLoveVanillaBloodBreezeRainQueenaPeach ZenBlackLavenderRastaPatchouli/Sandalwood60’sPatchouli/VanillaVanillaPatchouliSandalwoodOpiumGarden Night WhiteSandalwoodCucumberFrankincenseAmberDesertChineseStrawberryAfricanJasmineMuskRainSageMusk&MyrrhMelonMuskTeaGinger #7713 15 Gram Super Hit Incense $2.95 per pack. Champa250#77250GramNagIncense$36.95 Patchouli#7811NaturalOil$5.95 If you like NAG CHAMPA you’ll love this incense. It has been made since 1964. All the hippies back then burnt it. It has the same earthy smell as NAG CHAMPA. but also has a slight oral aroma! InceseNag#7719ChampaCones$3.95 12 Cones per Box #7782 10 grams @ $32.95 per 25 packs. #7715 15 grams @ $2.95 per box. #7717 40 grams @ $5.95 per box. #7723 100 grams @ $13.95 per box. A traditional Masala incense...hand rolled from the nest natural oils, powders,gums & resins available. It’s the most widely used incense in India & around the world. For centuries its unique soothing aroma, has been used in meditation and prayers #99111 Sandalwood Scented Soap $3.95 #99116 Sage Soap $3.95 #99115 Shea Bu er & Aloe Vera Soap $3.95 3.5 oz. African#99110BlackSoap$4.95 2.8 oz. Hemp#78420HEMP60SPATOil60’sPatchouliBlend $5.95 Hemp#78420HEMPOPOilOpiumBlend $5.95 Hemp#78420HEMPNJASOilNightJasmine Blend $5.95 Hemp#78420HEMPSANDOilSandalwoodBlend $5.95 Hemp#78420HEMPLAVOilLavenderBlend $5.95 Hemp#78420HEMPNATPATOilNaturalPatchouli Blend $5.95 Hemp#78420HEMPNAGOilNagChampa Blend $5.95 ALL NEW HEMP OILS #99165 Nag Champa$5.95Beauty 75 gms $3.95Chandrika#99176Soap 125 gms Mysore#99169Sandal$2.95 75 gms #9912 Neem Toothpaste Mint Flavor$5.95 6.42 oz. $3.95StickIncenseCharkaSeven#7752IncenseSuper#7751HitCones$3.95 #7752 Shing Kham Kun Khyab Incense # andisIndia.RefugeeHandmade77237byTibetanBuddhistMonksattheTashiLhunpoMonasteryinSouthernGypsyRosesupporthelpingtofeed,educate,housethemonks.Maybeyoucanhelptoobytryingtheirnatureincense.GypsyRosedonatesaportionofoursalestotheMonastery.#77237ShingKhamKunKhyabIncense$4.95 #77120 Amitabha Buddha Rope Incense $3.95 ”Ritual Incense of the ancient traditional art of the monastic orders of Tibet. Composed of 25 herbs including sa ron nagi red & white sandle wood.” #77121 Kanchenjunga Incense $3.95 ”TheHerbalNagChampaoftheHimalayas. 28 sticks - 4 sticks each of 7 avors” RopeBuddhaIncense #99395 Nag Champa Back Flow Incense$5.95Cones 24 cones per box. NagPatchouli#999904RopeIncense#999905ChampaRopeIncense#999906MeditationRopeIncense$3.95each. Satya#7768Super HitBack Flow $4.95Cones Super#77236HitCones$3.95 #776915 Gram Dragon Soul Stick Incense#7795$2.9515Gram Fairy Dust Incense$2.95 Satya#77235WhiteSageBackowCones$4.95White#7767SageCones$3.95
#7801 $4.95

159 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com
Nag Champa Oil Not a copy but the real thing! Made in India #7821 $5.95
60 #77126 Hand Painted Lucky Elephant Incense$7.95Burner Approx: 3.5” x 4” #7763 Dragon Ashcatcher Incense Burner $16.95 Assorted Colors Approx: 11” x 2” ConeNag#7750ChampaConCone Box $8.95 12 Cones per box. #7759NagChampaGiftIncenseBurnerBox$11.95 Approx:12”x3” 15gramboxincluded. #7753 Heavenly Assorted Styles Incense Cone/Stick Towers $8.95 Approx: 12” Tall 3” sq. base #7763 Dragon Incense Burner Close-up. #7755HeavenlyBoxBurnerWithAssortedDesign$9.95 Approx:12”x3” #7766OmBrassInlayIncenseBurner$1.95Approx:10”Long#7765PeaceBrassInlayIncenseBurner$1.95 Approx:10”Long Approx: 4” x 2.75” May#97035theForest Be With You Cone Incense$24.95Burner Approx: 11” x 8” #97036 Dueling Dragons Crystal Cave Back ow w/LED Light Incense$24.95Burner#97036 Approx: 7.5” Tall. #97037CaterpillarSmokingHookahIncenseBurner$16.95Approx:10”long. #97002 Father Wisdom Incense Burner $24.95 Approx: 11” Tall #97002 Back “Owl’s Nest” #7753 Inside stick & cone holder.#97047CatepillarSmokingAHookah$16.95 Approx:6”x3”x4” #97048MushroomincenseBurner$12.95Approx:11”x2”x3” BackPurple#97057HazeTreeowIncenseBurner$26.95 Approx: 5” x 5” x 6” #97050 Treeman Back ow Incense Burner $24.95 Approx: 5” x 5” x 6” #97044ForestLordIncenseBurnerwithL.E.D.Eyes$15.95 Approx:11”long. Ceramic#97308OpenVase Back Flow Incense $19.95Burner Approx:10” Tall #97931 Blue Dragon Back ow Incense Burner $29.95 Approx: 6.5” Tall #97975 Panda Back Flow Incense Cones Incense Burner $24.95 Approx: 5.5” Tall Back Flow incense cones available on page 58. smoke cascades down. Pointed#34907PetalsLotusFlowerCeramicIncenseBurner$8.95 4” x 3.5” #34907

161 .800.70.PEACE www.gypsyrose.com #3212SELF CONTAINED STORAGE BOX /BURNER$8.95 AssortedDesigns12”Long. #7710PlainwoodBurner$1.95 #77111 BoneInlayWoodIncenseBurner $6.95 10.5”Long #77113NaturalWoodIncenseBurner$2.95 AssortedDesigns10”Long Handcarved#89601WoodenTowerStick/ConeincenseBurner$9.95 #3240 Hand Carved Incense Cone/Stick Storage Box/Burner $8.95 2” x 12” AssortedDesigns. #89601 12” Tall IncenseEnlightenmentBuddha#97007OfBurner$14.95 10” Tall ClayLotus#77115ofDevotionIncenseBurner$8.95 3” X 5” Lucky#77116Elephant Clay Incense$8.95Burner 2.5” x 3” #97001SkullWithRosesIncenseBurnerw/LedEyes$14.95 11”Long #97003SleepingFatherWisdomIncenseBurner$22.9511”Long #97009BuddhaOfEnlightenmentIncenseBurner$9.9510”Long #97017HamsaHandLongIncenseBurner$12.95 Approx:5”tallby10”length #97019BuddhaBurner$12.95Approx:10”length #97020SunIncenseBurner$7.95 Approx:10.5”length Hamsa#97018HandFlatBurner$7.95 Approx:5.25”X4” #99048 Om Of CeramicMandalaEnlightenmentHandPaintedIncenseBurner$9.95 Approx 5” diameter #77123 Lucky Elephant Hand Painted Clay Incense Burner $8.95 Approx: 3” x 2.5” IncenseHamsa#97032HandBurner$9.95 Approx: 5.25” X 4” #77910 Yin Yang Flower Hand Painted Incense Burner $4.95 3” Diameter #34901 Lucky Elephant Incense Variety Gift Pack $5.95 ea. Approx: 6” x 1.25” Nicely gift wrapped with crellophane and a felt daisy - set includes a variety of small incense sticks and cones, a c eramic elephant stick buner, a ceramic ower dish for burning cones all in a wooden mini long-tail boat. #34901 #34901 #34901 Variety Gift Pack! Burn incense within sight. Keep objects away from burning incense. Keep away from children and pets. Only burn on level and sturdy surface. #77124 Lucky Elephant Family Clay Incense Burner Now $9.95 Approx: 3” x 2.5” #7788LucyInTheSkyMirrorIncenseBurner$6.95Approx:10”Long #97052 Pot Leaf Incense Holder $9.95 Approx: 4” Rd. #7704AssortedIncenseBurner$2.95 Approx:10”Long Horn#999923IncenseBurner$9.95 Elephant#999925TrunkUp Metal Incense$9.95Burner #999908 Sun#999907Turqoise&CoralInlayElephantMetalIncenseBurner$9.95MoonMetalIncenseBurner$9.95Turqoise#999909&CoralInlay Turtle Metal Incense Burner $9.95 Burn incense within sight. Keep objects away from burning incense. Keep away from children and pets. Only burn on level and sturdy surface.

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