WHAT'S INSIDE: Unidentified man killed in hit and run at Tuschen
Region 9 gets upgraded earthquake detection, monitoring equipment
1 suspected case of rabies detected in Region 6 ...animal samples sent for testing
More than $400M needed to rehabilitate NA drainage network – Mayor
NWD woman remanded for drugs, paraphernalia found in home
The Demerara Harbour Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on:
Monday, October 21 –19:30h-20:10h and Tuesday, October 22 – 20:30h-22:00h
The Berbice Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on:
Monday, October 21 –06:55h-08:25h and Tuesday, October 22 – 07:50h-09:20h.
Parika and Supenaam departure times – 05:00h, 10:00h-12:00h, 16:00h, 18:30h daily.
Sunshine is expected during the day, with light to thundery showers in the early-morning to mid-afternoon hours. Clear to partly cloudy skies, with thundery showers, are expected at night. Temperatures are expected to range between 25 degrees Celsius and 31 degrees Celsius.
Winds: East North-Easterly to East South-Easterly between 1.78 metres and 4.02 metres.
High Tide: 06:47h and 18:56h reaching maximum heights of 2.53 metres and 2.61 metres.
Low Tide: 12:30h reaching a minimum height of 0.76 metre.
APNU/AFC’s 2020 'rig attempt'
Former Minister under the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Administration, Dominic Gaskin, believes that the attempts by the coalition to rig the 2020 elections will haunt the opposition parties as they head into the 2025 polls.
Appearing on The Freddie Kissoon Show last week, Gaskin – the son-in-law of former President David Granger and a former Executive Member of the AFC – predicts that because of those events at the last elections, the current ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) will win next year’s polls.
“I also said at the time, in my view, the coalition lost two elections at the same time. They lost the 2020 elections and because of what took place after that election, I think they lost the 2025 election in advance, and I still hold that view – not with any malice for anything… I don’t think they can recover from what happened in 2020 in the 2025 elections. So, I think the PPP will win that election simply because of what took place in 2020,” Gaskin stated.
This was a reiteration of a point he made back in 2020 during the five tumultuous months when the APNU/AFC coalition held the country hostage after losing the March 2, 2020 elections and refused to demit office. In fact, even after a Caricom-led national recount confirmed the PPP/C electoral victory, the David Granger-led coalition regime continued with its delay tactics by moving to the courts.
Days after the March polls, in the height of the electoral deadlock, Gaskin, who had served as Business Minister under the APNU/ AFC Administration, had broken ranks with the coalition and spoke out against the attempts to rig the elections – something which he continued in the following months before the Granger Administration finally conceded defeat and the PPP/C was finally declared the winner of those polls on August 2, 2020.
According to Gaskin, during his recent appearance on the televised programme, because of what took place in 2020, the AFC and the People’s National Congress (PNC)-led APNU, need to demonstrate to the Guyanese public that they are prepared to recognise the will of the people at the next election.
“I hope that nothing similar takes place in 2025 and that the current Opposition is prepared, whatever the outcome of the election is, to recognise it as the legitimate will of the people. I’m not saying if there're some discrepancies or irregularity that they can’t by way of election petition or whatever the legally prescribed process is, [challenge it]… But don’t lose the election and then take to the streets, and try to discredit the entire elections because Guyanese participate in the elections – hundreds of thousands of people go out there
and they cast their vote –and they cast their vote with the expectation that their vote will be recognised and the totality of those votes will be recognised and determine who forms the next Government,” he asserted.
According to Gaskin, if APNU and the AFC can get through the next election and re-establish themselves as adhering to the electoral process and democratic principles, then it would set the stage for them to rebuild their credibility.
Following their loss at the 2020 elections, the AFC formally broke its coalition deal with APNU back in December 2022. The revised Cummingsburg Accord, a political agreement between the two parties, had provided for this separation. At the time, former AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan had indicated that the two parties would do their political work separately but work in Parliament jointly.
Days after electing Nigel Hughes as its new leader, the AFC had said that it needed to do some in-house work before making a decision on whether it will coalesce once again with the APNU for next
year’s polls. But newly-elected AFC Chairman, David Patterson, had assured that “All the possibilities are on the table.”
Gaskin, who has since stepped down from politics, commented that the new leadership is good for the AFC and he encouraged his former party to participate in the 2025 polls independently. This, he explained, will help the AFC to rebuild its parliamentary strength to what it was back in 2011 – the last time the party participated independently in an election.
“I think Nigel is likely to take more votes from the (PNC-led APNU) Opposition’s electorate than the PPP’s… traditional base, and that might be enough to put them back… to where they were in 2011, which I think would be a good thing going forward for the AFC because it means that it’s an independent party on its own and it has a decent parliamentary strength for a third small party,” he noted.
According to Gaskin, who confirmed that he is no longer “involved” with the AFC and has no interest in party politics anymore, his position on the outcome of next year’s
polls precludes him supporting any political party.
“If I say that I believe the next election is going to result in another victory for the PPP… why am I wasting my time getting involved in a campaign with a pre-determined result – that’s my view… I can’t hold that opinion and then still want to go and support a party or be actively involved in a campaign that I don’t believe is heading anywhere,” he stressed.
In addition to the 2020 elections, when the no-confidence motion was passed in the National Assembly against the David Grangerled coalition Administration back in December 2018, Hughes had sparked a contentious debate that was exacerbated by legal and procedural challenges that had significantly delayed the country’s electoral process. Central to this debate was Hughes’ argument that, mathematically, one half of the House when divided stands at 32.5 members.
“There is no such thing as a half member, so half of the House is 33 members…this is because you have to round up to identify half of the House,” he had said, mere days after the no-confidence motion was passed. Therefore, he posited that 34 is the majority of the 65-member House rather than 33.
The aftermath of the motion as a result of this argument had been marked by legal challenges, appeals, and judicial decisions that extended beyond the constitutionally-mandated three-month deadline. In June 2019, the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) handed down its decision that 33, not 34, was the majority of the 65-member House. (G8)
As elements of the Opposition rail against the PPP’s policy to mobilise across the old ethnic divide as “slave catching”, the need for a commitment to multicultural practices become imperative, since such mobilisations demand an appreciation of other cultures. A “multicultural practice” means there will be fair and equitable treatment of others by individuals, groups, and institutions. Instead of racism and discrimination, there will be respectful and equal treatment of individuals and groups from any ethnic, racial, or immigrant background.
With the vast majority of Guyanese brought to Guyana in the last three hundred years, we do not have the tools to imagine a nation “looming out of a common immemorial past”. But while we will have to accept the diversity we find ourselves with, we will also have to hone some kind of unity so that we may achieve what most modern States are expected to deliver to their citizens – at a minimum, civil peace. Diverse mobilisations can assist in this goal.
The question of “national culture” has been the site of the contestation of power in civil society as well as the State. It has, therefore, been a wider struggle than the political. This is what multicultural practices address. Even under forced assimilatory colonial practices, ethnic bonds were never completely annihilated – witness Scottish nationalism playing out today. Modern communications facilitate the dissemination and forging of ethnic bonds. Modern international norms of 'equality' and 'self-determinations’ of peoples militate against cultural hegemony being accepted by even tiny minorities. Political praxis must, therefore, accept as their starting point, a broadening of their outreaches that are culturally sensitive, so that the dignity of all is reinforced.
It is a fact about the world that there are many multicultural societies since each member of such societies is also a member of a particular cultural group. And each member of a cultural group will have different experiences from another belonging to a different cultural group. This is because our culture shapes and gives meaning to our life-plans. And the mere participation of each member helps to change the culture itself. Out of this relationship between people and their cultures arises a sense of identity and belonging, but each group must not be hermetically sealed off from others as is proposed by some in the Opposition.
The question as to whether “unity” or “diversity” should be privileged is partially a semantic one, caused by the conflation of “State” and “nation”. But at the bottom, the dispute has to do with power as it almost always does. Political unity and cultural diversity do not have to be mutually exclusive. Each society, including Guyana, has to find the right balance between the demands of the two concepts that is appropriate for its own circumstances. Part of the problem was that the exigencies of the “State” were being conflated with those of the “nation”. We need political unity to guide the State, but that is not contradictory to “diversity” in terms of the “nation” – of diverse cultural expressions by the people of a given society.
We need to address the type of cultural integration that may be best for Guyana in view of its evident cultural diversity. Political integration will assist in cultural integration when political parties tailor their mobilisation practices to the different cultural expressions. In the century and a half in which our plural society took shape, we are living a Guyanese culture that has given us at least an understanding of how easily we can tilt over the edge. Since each “shared understanding” may entail a different conception of the good life, compromise becomes the obvious imperative for the political viability of our culturally-plural society.
Since because of our history, politics is so dominant in all aspects of our national life, the political parties must all follow the PPP’s lead and attempt to mobilise across the divides which will force them to understand the cultural imperatives of the “other”.
Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh and Queen’s College Old Students’ Association (QCOSA) President Pauline Chase participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at St James the Less Church, Kitty, to launch the 180th anniversary observances of Queen’s College. Also in photo is Revd Fr Terry Davis, parish priest of St James the Less Anglican Church. Wreaths were laid at the final resting place of Lord Bishop William Piercy Austin, founder of Queen's College, whose vision established an institution that has fostered excellence for nearly two centuries. Dr Singh praised QC's past students for their remarkable contributions to Guyana and beyond, and expressed confidence in the school's continued impact for generations to come (Dr Ashni Singh’s social media page photos)
Bisram’s distortions
Dear Editor,
Now that Vishnu Bisram has apparently arrived at the conclusion that his self-proclaimed campaign that he was Bhagwan’s gift to Guyana to be its representative to replace the former disgraced High Commissioner to India, he has resorted (reverted?) to his crusade of vilifying the Government, the PPP and its leaders.
This he did, continuing the trail set by his pal Baytoram Rambarack and others of their ilk, in his letter in the local press on October 17, 2024.
Bisram has long been giving the impression that he has been conducting “polls” in Guyana and coming to conclusions, but my enquiries have not been able to identify anyone who has been questioned by him, which leaves me with the concern if he’s conducting these polls in the confines of his mind, in a secluded space of his habitat, somewhere far removed from Guyana.
In his first paragraph, while I agree with his assertion that the 1980 Constitution was definitely conducted in an atmosphere of fear and fraud (I clearly remember incidents on that day of ignominy) I seriously question his conclusion that the “population” has long supported its re-
placement since 1980. Who bestowed upon Bisram the authority to speak for the Guyanese “population”. As anyone as academically inclined, like Bisram should realise, Constitutions are not instruments to be “fiddled” with. The 1980 Constitution, approved by Parliament, was never, as far as I can remember, challenged in the courts of Guyana, either by Bisram or anyone else.
I wish to support Dr Jagan’s sensible response when in 1992 he is reported to have said that he “can’t throw away the baby with the bath water”.
I’ve also observed that Bisram quoted Ralph Ramkarran that the Constitution should be completely “abrogated and replaced”. I’d like to know if Ralph had the same “suggestion” when he chaired the Committee to reform the Constitution.
In his second paragraph, he reveals his constipated mind, categorically that "political leaders (especially from third World countries) always want more powers" and went on to contrast this with "White rulers always sought or seek to reduce Government powers and give more power to people". Bisram has certainly not educated himself in many areas, including the struggles in INDIA (empha-
sis is for his benefit), South Africa and other countries in Africa, the Caribbean and elsewhere as well as the notorious slave trade and indentureship. I suggest he gets acquainted with those areas of power to the people bestowed by "white people".
I've already commented on the "baby and bath water" statement that tried to do damage to the stature of Dr Jagan by stating that he made "tragic blunders in Government" and "anyone in the PPP ever invoked morality as a reason for replacing the constitution". What "hogwash"!!!
Constitution Reforms Commissions were appointed in PPP Governments between 1992 and 2015 and one during the current Government. Bisram and anyone else are ENTITLED to make ANY recommendation(s) he or his like thinking fellow travellers may wish to make, and allow the Commission to deliberate on them. I challenge him to do that and let the chips fall where they would be best situated.
Can Bisram once again enlighten us Guyanese on his contradictory statement of 90% in 1978/1980 "and a larger majority TODAY as per surveys SOME YEARS AGO and recent conversations with Guyanese". You obviously mixed up today with some years ago. Who
were these Guyanese you "conversed" with? Were they in your mind, in the diaspora or in Guyana? let us have the benefit of these conversations, Mr Pollster. In another paragraph he went on to speak for the public by saying they "had faith in Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan and the coalition". Are you hereby exposing your flank, Bisram?
Mr Ramkarran was not alone in being disappointed with the coalition, which was evident in them being kicked out of office in 2020.
I'll close, even though much more can be said on his letter, but not without saying that hundreds of thousands of true blooded and genuine, patriotic Guyanese, some paying the ultimate sacrifice (their lives) and including many based overseas, to restore democracy to Guyana, finally achieved in 1992, with the Dawn of a New Era.
Bisram, even though you may have, the time is long past for you and others of similar beliefs, to shout from the roof tops that you were "deeply involved in that long struggle against rigged elections” I haven't done a poll, but I daresay that no one is taking you seriously on that.
Regards, Harry N Nawbatt
"Let the light of the Diya inspire us to overcome challenges" – PM Phillips
As the Festival of Lights (Diwali) celebrations draw nearer, the Indian Commemoration Trust organised a Diwali (Deepavali) Mela on the lawns of the Monument Gardens on Camp Street in Georgetown.
The event, hosted on Saturday evening, featured an exciting line up of cultural performances including dance and music, art, cuisine and other items on display. It brought together families and the Hindu community to enjoy the festivity in unison.
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips joined patrons and the Indian community, on behalf of the Government, for the auspicious celebrations. While there, he par-
ticipated in the lighting of the Diya, after which he delivered remarks touching on the symbolic meaning be-
hind Diwali. PM Phillips highlighted that the festivity is one that transcends boundaries of religion, serving as a universal message
of hope, light and renewal and the eternal triumph of good over evil.
“This timeless message resonates deeply within our
Hindu community, as well as across all of Guyana; a nation built on the values of diversity and unity,” he is quoted by the Department of Public Information (DPI) as saying.
He went on to emphasise, that the light of the Diya embodies qualities like compassion, understanding and kindness, that encourages everyone to spread positivity and bring people in unison.
According to the DPI report, he said that these celebrations are a chance for reflection and renewal, encouraging every individual to embrace love, unity and forgiveness to build a strong and prosperous nation.
“Let the light of the Diya inspire us to overcome the challenges we face both as individuals and as a country, he said, adding, “May we live out the principles of Diwali principles such as
Distorting the facts regarding the PPP/C’s LGE 2023 performance
Dear Editor,
I write in response to the recent article published by Peeping Tom, which seeks to, among other things, distort the facts regarding the 2023 Local Government Elections (LGE) and paint a false narrative surrounding the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C). The article paints a picture of a PPP/C defeat at the 2023 LGE—a blatant rewriting of history that ignores the substantial gains made by the party.
The reality is that the PPP/C increased its vote count by thousands of votes when compared to the previous LGE and expanded its footprint in areas that were historically dominated by the People’s
National Congress/Reform (PNC/R). The party made significant seat gains on the Georgetown and New Amsterdam town councils and won control of Bartica and Mahdia, both of which are strongholds for the PNC. The fact that it won 66 of 80 LAAs, 7 of 10 townships, and doubled the votes it secured in Georgetown in 2018 is far from the picture of defeat that Peeping Tom seeks to portray. Furthermore, it is under the leadership of Bharrat Jagdeo that the PPP/C has reached unprecedented strength. It was this very leadership that steered the party back to office in 2020. Jagdeo’s stewardship has only bolstered the party’s position, making it clear
that the PPP/C is thriving, not faltering, as the article would suggest.
Peeping Tom’s commentary seems to be driven by Glen Lall’s ongoing fixation with Jagdeo, often leading to the fabrication of alternate realities to suit a particular narrative. Such bias does a disservice to the facts and to the public discourse.
The PPP/C is stronger
than ever, and its recent victories are a testament to its competent leadership and widespread support. This support is also evident from the thousands of young people being drawn to the party as it continues its countrywide youth engagement exercise.
Alvin Hamilton
kindness, generosity, and righteousness so we can continue to nurture peace, understanding, and prosperity in our beautiful country.”
The Indian Commemoration Trust is an organisation involved in promoting the rich Indian culture. As cus-
tomary, they organise melas for every unique celebration, including Diwali, Phagwah and other festivities. Furthermore, it has been involved in several projects, the most notable being the renovation of the Indian Monument Gardens.
I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold
Sod turned for $6.5B Lethem Hospital and Tabatinga Secondary School
…as Govt looks towards transformative services for Region 9 …IDB rep lauds Govt for investments in improving services to citizens
The Government on Sunday turned the sod on two transformative projects in Region Nine (Upper TakutuUpper Essequibo), including a $6.5 billion hospital at Lethem and a Secondary School at Tabatinga.
According to President Dr Irfaan Ali, who was on hand for the sod-turning at both locations, the region will be getting a world-class hospital and school, on par with the ones coastal dwellers are able to access. This will eliminate the need for residents to travel out of the region to access such services.
“You know how I told you just now that since we came into Government, we spent about $8 billion in health care? In the last
gery, diagnostic imaging services, digital X-Ray, you’ll get an image on your phone, portable X-Ray, a CT machine and three ultrasound machines. Laboratory services, outpatient specialised clinics, pharmacy services. Two dialysis chairs,” he said.
Other new additions to the hospital include a digital health control room, a pediatric unit, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and maternity wing. Further, he revealed that a specialist group will be arriving from Qatar, to help the Government in clearing the backlog of patients waiting for cardiac surgeries.
“And you know what they’re coming to do? When people ask what we do when we go to all these
“But I don’t want us to add to that list when it’s zero. That is why (preventative) healthcare is so important. That is why public health education is so important. We now have to change our lifestyle to avoid such services,” the Head of State pointed out.
More staff
A bigger hospital means the need for more staff and according to Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony, the Government has been working on expanding the batches of trainees in the region, to keep up with this demand.
“One of the things that we used to do was pick two or three persons, take them out to Georgetown, train them there and then
training,” he explained. Education Meanwhile, it was
ondary school that the Government plans to build in the region. The Minister
send them back into the
three and a half, we spent $8 billion. But this hospital that we turn the sod for today, is almost what we spent the last four years, almost $6.5 Billion, we will invest in this one hospital.”
“This hospital will give you two fully functioning operation rooms, a modern ER with a procedure room for minor sur-
meetings (around the world)? They’re coming to help us to zero all the outstanding cardiac surgeries that we have in Guyana, starting with paediatric cardiac surgeries. So, the next six months, we’re going to work with our partners to zero the cardiac waiting list in the country, starting with paediatric surgeries.”
region. But by doing that, we were never able to train enough people.”
“So, we reverse the process and what we have done now is that we are bringing the teachers from Georgetown and they are working here in the region, so we can train a larger batch of persons in these different fields. And we are seeing the results of the
explained by Minister of Education Priya Manickchand that the secondary school for which the sod was being turned, is only one of five sec-
contrasted the different approaches between the PPP/C Government and the former A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC)
“In 2020, when I came here, we went across this region and we spoke and listened to you. You said to me a couple of things. I remember residents bringing their notebooks and making notes about what we said we would do,” Manickchand said.
“At that time, the then Government, realising that an election was imminent, they sent in people to dig wells and hook you up with internet. All of that happened when they knew they would need your votes. And you know who brought that to my attention? You.”
Manickchand recounted that among the top issues the Region Nine residents had raised with Government, were their ability to access healthcare and world class education, right in the region. As she put it, “we listened to you and we heard you.”
President Dr Irfaan Ali
The sod-turning ceremony
“Every opportunity can be used to create bigger opportunities”– Pres Ali
…pitches investment
$100,000 grant
Days after the announcement of a $100,000 cash grant per adult citizen ignited fervent discussions throughout the length and breadth of Guyana and even abroad, President Dr Irfaan Ali has gone even further by pitching investment ideas to citizens that will see them growing the cash grant and putting more money in their pockets.
During a sod turning ceremony in Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo), President Ali noted the potential for the $100,000 grant to be used by citizens, individually or as a collective, to create bigger opportunities by investing the money in wealth generating projects.
“I want to tell you something about this $100,000. You see, every single opportunity in life can be used to create a bigger opportunity. So, if you have a village with 500 persons, who will receive this $100,000 each. Which means for every 10 persons it will be $1 million.”
“Which means for every 100 persons it will be 10 million. For 500 persons it will be $50 million. And let us say we decide that as a community, we’re going to take half of it, each one of us. We’re going to put it into a fund. And we’re going to invest it, to generate $200,000-$300,000 per person in six months.”
President Ali suggested a specific project in the agricul-
ideas to citizens to make best use of
ture sector, in the form of a tunnel house project. Tunnel houses are structures that are built to protect poultry from outside elements, while increasing their comfort and productivity. President Ali also had some words for some of the Government’s critics, urging them to think bigger.
“If you take 50 per cent of it as a collective and invest it, you could have tunnel houses to do 40,000-50,000 chickens. You can go towards producing your own hatching eggs. Table eggs. Right in your communities and villages. And creating long term, sustainable revenue streams for each person within the community. So, it’s not as simple as $100,000.”
“Its $100,000 that now offers you a collective opportunity at economic empowerment and financial upliftment. Sometimes I listen and read with amazement, those persons who consider
themselves academically brilliant in a narrow, superficial way, examine a policy without understanding the breath of a policy and the possibilities a policy brings with it. And that’s the difference between an idea and a vision and being able to implement an idea and a vision.”
The President has been encouraging persons to come together and pool their resources in order to invest in agri-businesses. These and other projects form part of Government’s “Vision 25 by 2025”, which was first conceptualised by President Ali and aims for the Caribbean to achieve a 25 per cent reduction in the Region’s food import bill by the year 2025.
In particular, the tunnel houses initiative has been promoted to youths. During a breakfast meeting last month, President Ali, had conversations with a number of National sportsmen with the aim of their personal de-
Amongst the moves the Government implemented to benefit the sportsmen was a Chicken Tunnel project that would see the athletes collaborating with the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) and Agriculture Ministry, as well as specific connections with the Bank, geared at facilitating business and house loans.
After initially announcing a $200,000 cash payout per household earlier in the month, President Ali last week Wednesday announced that this initiative has since been revised to $100,000 per citizen 18 years and older.
President Ali had explained during his announcement that this new plan not only expanded the benefits but also removed the complexity of implementing cash grants. For instance, citizens would only need a valid ID card or passport, in order to receive the money. (G3)
Sod turned for $6.5B Lethem ...
The efforts the Government has been making in the health care sector was meanwhile recognised by Inter-American Development
bank (IDB) Country Representative Lorena Solórzano Salazar, who was present at the occasion and expressed her support for the initiatives. Importantly,
the IDB has been financing the construction of hospitals across Guyana under a US$97 million loan to strengthen Guyana’s health care network.
“We look forward to the day when we will return for the (commissioning) of the hospital and also the others, where people across the regions will benefit from improved access to healthcare,” Salazar said.
“Let me commend you, honorable President of Guyana, for your vision and leadership in this transformative journey. And to you, Minister Anthony, for your dedication in advancing healthcare in Guyana,” she added.
The contract for the secondary school at Tabatinga, was awarded in September by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) to QA Civil Works. Meanwhile, at present a €149 million Paediatric and Maternal Hospital is being constructed at Ogle, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
There is also the US$161 million new hospital that will be built in New Amsterdam. And in addition to the hospital being built in Lethem, other hospitals being constructed in the hinterland regions include ones in Moruca, Kamarang and Kato.
…and conventions
In a recent case before the courts a claim was made by a high Opposition element that concerned the Venezuelan border controversy. She claimed that VP Jagdeo once suggested Guyana “…could probably on the maritime area, give Venezuela a channel out to the sea.” Now one of the conventions politicians follow is not to show a divided front against foreign hostiles – of which Venezuela under Mad Maduro is not only one, but the major one!!
Anyhow what came out in Court was that actually, as Opposition Leader Jagdeo, in October 2015, while responding to questions from the media on the border controversy, had explained that in the past, before the PPP/C took office in 1992, several options were discussed as part of reaching a negotiated settlement with Venezuela to resolve the border controversy. He’d said, “There were other options that involved a negotiated settlement…a negotiated settlement which did not see any land concession – that the 1899 award would remain intact – but there was one view that you could probably on the maritime area, give Venezuela a channel out to the sea.” Now, since this happened before 1992, the options including the “negotiated settlement” had to’ve been offered by the PNC government. But following the convention of rectitude concerning foreign affairs Jagdeo hadn’t criticised them!!
Yet in making the accusation, the Opposition official had asserted unlike Jagdeo, “not one single Guyanese Head of State or Government, past or present, had ever uttered words to that effect. Never!” So your Eyewitness decided to find out which Guyanese leader before 1992 had considered the option. He found this report that was carried in the May 1985 issue of Caribbean Contact by Rickey Singh: “One Cana-Reuter report actually stated what the great majority of Guyanese have not yet been informed about: that the Burnham Government has been discussing as a possible solution, extending Venezuela’s jurisdiction in the Atlantic ocean for Venezuela’s renunciation of two-thirds of Guyana’s territory in the Essequibo region.”
He also found an interview Burnham gave to Alfredo Peña, from the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional on March 1, 1985 – from the transcript released by our Foreign Service. “PEÑA: But right now, the question is being raised – that same kind of proposals that were raised under the Perez government – of a solution; that is, Venezuela’s exit to the Atlantic. Foreign Minister Morales Paul has said that Venezuela would have to have a portion of land and sea for itself.
BURNHAM: We can DISCUSS it. But having an entry into the Caribbean is quite different from owning the land bordering the Caribbean.”
What this shows is Burnham also CONSIDERED the “passage into the Caribbean” – but that doesn’t mean he would’ve gone along. And for us today, all politicians should commit to not bringing up any dirty linen when our national enemies are involved.
Especially Mad Maduro!!
…and Bajans
Some were surprised that Mia sold us out to Mad Maduro – but Bajans were always famous for looking out for number 1!! Right after the abolition of slavery, tens of thousands came over to work in the fields – but many were recruited into the new Police Force since they were willing to follow Massa’s orders!! They also went over in droves to Trinidad and earned a reputation for scampishness.
Lord Kitchner tells about a Trini and a Bajan, both hungry, deciding to scrounge together a cook-up – with the Trini providing the meat and the Bajan the rice. But, “By this time the pot finish, Trini pick up a dish/ The Bajan say, “No, no, no, never happen so!/ If you wanted something to eat/ man take a fork and pick out your meat/But if you add one grain of rice, by Christ, I squeeze yuh throat like a vise”!!
…and signals
During their term in office, the PNC Government’s coloured everything from State House to Pension Books green, claiming it as branding us as a “Green State”. What happened to the “Land of Many Waters”!! There’s none so blind…
President Dr Irfaan Ali
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi for Guyana visit in November – official
In a move that will further strengthen the already strong bilateral relations between the two countries, Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, is expected to visit Guyana next month.
A senior Government official confirmed to Guyana Times that, “preparations are being put in place” for the high-level visit in November.
This newspaper understands that Prime Minister Modi’s trip to Guyana will be a bilateral visit as well as for a CARICOM-India Summit, which will be hosted in Georgetown. The Indian Leader is expected to be in Guyana for two days.
Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Georgetown coincides with his travel to neighbouring Brazil, where he is slated to attend the G20 Summit being held from November 18-19 in Rio.
The visit by the Indian Leader comes on the heels of several high-level visits by senior officials of the Guyana Government in recent years including President Dr Irfaan Ali, Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo and Prime Minister Mark Phillips along with a host of Cabinet Ministers.
In fact, in January 2023, President Ali was conferred with the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award (PBSA) in Indore, Mahdya Pradesh. He was bestowed with the 17th PBSA award – highest honour conferred on overseas Indians –by Indian President Droupadi Murmu during the valedictory session of the 17th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention.
During that visit, President Ali had met with PM Modi during which the two leaders held comprehensive discussions on a wide range of issues including cooperation in energy, infrastructure development, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, technology and innovation, and defence cooperation.
Only last month, VP Jagdeo told reporters at a September 12 press conference that since President Ali’s last visit to India, there had been discussions of a reciprocal visit by PM Modi.
At the time, Jagdeo was asked about the expected outcome of that visit but he explained that given the close bilateral ties that the two countries share, Guyana does not need to wait on such a visit to get any project done with the
Indian Government.
“There are lots of room for discussion but don’t want to be premature to talk about issues that are not discussed as yet or maybe part of the Government’s thinking,” the VP noted.
Under a US$7.2 million Line of Credit from the ExportImport Bank of India in 2021, the Guyana Government has delivered some 30,000 solar home solutions to families across every single hinterland region in the country.
According to the Vice President, additional solar panel systems are now being procured by the Government to service hinterland and riverain communities.
“We’ve done couple things – the solar project where we brought in over 30,000 solar panels through a loan from the Indian Government that we had, and then we just ordered another 7,000 because in the riverain areas and some of the Amerindian communities, we didn’t have enough… We’re also part of the Solar Alliance [established by India],” he stated.
This newspaper understands that the 7,000 additional Solar Home Energy Systems
is being procured from the same company that supplied the 30,000 panels under the EXIM Bank loan. However, this batch is being bought with local funds.
Under the India-funded Solar Home System Project, some 30,000 150-watt systems were delivered to thousands of households in hinterland and riverine communities along with batteries and light-
ing kits.
Training exercises were also held for residents to operate these solar systems.
In addition to the solar systems, the Indian EXIM Bank has also approved funding for the establishment of a solar photovoltaic power plant at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).
Under the terms of the US$2.5 million deal, which
was signed in February of this year, a minimum of 75 per cent of the contract price for goods, works, and services have to originate from suppliers in India.
Additionally, Guyana and India are also working on Defence Cooperation. Guyana is also benefitting from tremendous technical assistance from India, particularly agriculture. (G8)
President Dr Irfaan Ali India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi in January 2023
Hairdresser shot during robbery at salon
Ahairdresser from Wismar, Linden was shot and robbed during an armed robbery at her salon on Saturday night.
Mockesha Standford, owner of Kesha Slay Zone salon, was attacked around 21:20h at her business on Coca Road, Wismar. According to the police, the suspect was described as a man about 5 feet 4 inches tall, dark-complexion, with short dreadlocks, and wearing a black mask
that partially covered his face. He was armed with a handgun when he entered the salon, where Standford was working alongside her employee, Shameza Hollingsworth, and two customers, Annilie Pelew and Shamiah Inniss.
Reports indicated that the 27-year-old woman was with a customer when the armed man entered the salon, immediately demanding cash and valuables.
The suspect allegedly stole $130,000 from Standford and a gold ring
Shot: Mockesha Standford
worth $60,000, which belonged to the customer.
As the suspect made his way out of the salon with the stolen items, he suddenly turned around and fired a shot at Standford, hitting her in the lower part of her right leg before fleeing the scene.
Standford was rushed to the Linden Hospital Complex, where she received medical treatment for the gunshot wound. Her condition has been reported as stable.
Police have since launched an investigation into the incident. (G9)
Unidentified man killed in hit and run at Tuschen
Ahit-and-run accident early Sunday morning claimed the life of an unidentified man on the Tuschen public road, East Bank Essequibo (EBE).
Police reported that the accident occurred around 02:45h and involved two vehicles—motorcar PSS 8190, whose owner and driver remain unknown, and motorcar PRR 7218, which belongs to a 33-year-old self-employed resident of MetenMeer-Zorg.
Initial investigations revealed that the pedestrian, described as a male of Amerindian descent, was standing on the southern side of the road with a group of people. He attempted to cross the road from south to north when he stepped into the path of motorcar PSS
8190, which was traveling west at a high speed along the centre of the road.
The force of the collision flung the pedestrian into the air, and he landed on the back of motorcar PRR 7218, which was parked on the southern parapet, facing east.
After the impact, the driver of PSS 8190 briefly stopped, turned around, and returned to the scene. However, when bystanders rushed towards the vehicle, the driver sped away, fleeing eastward.
The injured pedestrian was rushed to the Leonora Cottage Hospital by police, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Police have yet to locate motorcar, PSS 8190. Investigations are continuing.
The salon that was robbed on Saturday night
From family talks to an over US$20M dream: How a kitchen-island meeting sparked the rise of Aiden Hotel
It was a family meeting in their kitchen, following the Government’s decision to issue a public call for investors to submit proposals for constructing hotels, that led the Alphonso family to take up that challenge and, four years later, complete construction on an over US$20 million Aiden by Best Western Hotel.
The hotel, located at Lots 88-89 Oronoque and Robb Streets, Bourda, Georgetown held an official ribbon cutting on Saturday last.
Speaking at the ceremony, Geraldo Alphonso, the Director of Arimu Investments Incorporated, which was behind the construction of the hotel, recalled the family’s journey into hotel investment. According to him, the construction of the hotel is “a Guyanese story, a story of hope, determination and most importantly, a story of fate.”
He recalled that when the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Government took office in August 2020, following the five-month elections controversary that unfolded after the General and Regional elections that year, the Government wasted little time in getting the ball rolling on its vision for Guyana as a tourism destination. The Request for Proposals (RFP) for the construction of hotels was issued the very next month.
“This advertisement found me, on my kitchen island a few hours later, deliberating with my family, the future, the new Guyana and the possibility of constructing a hotel to cater for the economic boom.”
“From this very newspaper clipping, we quickly sent over a request to the Office of the President, signaling our interest. Within a mere couple of days, a meeting was arranged
with our group, the President and the Vice President, to outline our vision.”
He recalled that during what was a short but nevertheless in-depth meeting that covered a plethora of issues, both President Dr Irfaan Ali and Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo asked probing questions to ascertain their seriousness in pursuing the project.
“Has financing been secured? Do you have the land? And are you a franchise holder? With swift responses being given to these questions, we were asked to resubmit a comprehensive package of plans, studies and documents in order for Dr Ramsaroop to give us the go-ahead at GOInvest (Guyana Office for Investment).”
“I am pleased to say tonight that throughout the entire project, the level of cooperation, coordination and
assistance shown by the Guyana Office of Investment, was nothing short of exemplary. Hats off to Dr Ramsaroop,” Alphonso said.
That being said, Alphonso noted that acquiring the almost one acre of land, in the heart of the city, for the hotel was no easy feat. He revealed that more than 20 agreements of sale and 25 sale negotiations with existing land owners, had to be completed.
Alphonso also revealed that they had their fair share of litigation, spanning North and Central America, Europe and even Asia. Here he lauded the work of Attorney-at-Law Sase Gunraj, who he said filed all the necessary applications and was pivotal in negotiating deals for the land they needed to acquire.
100% local
Meanwhile, co-director, Lorenzo Alphonso spoke of the logistical challenges they faced during construction. Alphonso noted that local involvement was necessary for the completion of construction, ranging from the human to natural resources used in construction.
“It was a long time coming since the sod turning in March, 2021. And yet here we are, completed. We faced our fair share of procurement issues, logistic dilemmas and impromptu changes to designs. But in the end, it has taken its place as one of the most beautiful, architectural structures in Guyana.”
“On the topic of locals, let me touch on a very important point of local involvement during the construction of the
Additionally, the parking facility and entire surrounding of the hotel was done by local contractors, working in phases.
Aiden. A number of 56 private trucks benefitted with the removal of soil, during the excavation stage and with the land filling. The piles were driven by a Guyanese contractor, the foundation was done by local construction firm AMCON, the drawing and superstructure was done by local engineering group CEC Incorporated and the fabrication and erection of the steel was done by local Randolph Persaud.”
Back in December 2022, Arimu had signed a contract with a Chinese company, CNQC Engineering and Construction Limited, in order to complete the hotel. But Alphonso made it clear that Guyanese input was crucial even in this, when it comes to tiling, electrical, plumbing and some interior designing.
“Some of the contractors are here tonight. After the development, I can say we should never doubt our Guyanese skillset. The proof is right behind me. It is 100 per cent supervised, scrutinised and approved by Guyanese. This, however, was very fitting, since the developers, Arimu Investments, are 100 per cent Guyanese.”
“Added to this, the developers originate from the county of Essequibo. Which most people call the country. Coming from the country, people tend to view you as an outsider. Individuals who do not belong to dwell in the city. That’s why, we are overwhelmed that the outsiders are the first to finish their hotel and are now dwelling with the insiders at the highest level,” Alphonso said. (G3)
The hallway of the hotel featuring well-known symbols of Guyana’s rich biodiversity
The ribbon cutting
Berbice Expo & Trade Fair focuses on sustainable agriculture and innovation
The Berbice annual expo and trade fair had officially opened last week and will conclude today. It is themed, “Innovation in Oil, Gas & Agriculture for a sustainable future.”
Speaking at the event, Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha pointed out that the private sector stands as the engine of growth for Guyana while noting that the Government has the responsibility of driving innovation, fostering entrepreneurship, and creating employment opportunities, that uplift communities across the country.
He said by working closely with the Government, the private sector can channel investments into areas that spur economic growth and alleviate poverty, ensuring that the benefits of the country’s natural resources are shared by all.
Mustapha pointed out that the Government has been working with the private sector to boost agriculture production. He spoke about the cultivation of corn and soya to produce local animal feed and increase the production of hatching eggs.
“And with these few commodities corn, soya, beans, and hatching eggs we will
be saving approximately US $80 million annually in the country.”
In 2023, Guyana started the production of hatching eggs and 27,000 were produced.
“We continued with that this year and for the first half of 2024, we produced 94,000 hatching eggs and I am optimistic that by the end of this year that would increase substantially. But that is a small amount compared to what we are importing. We are importing approximately 53 million hatching eggs annually into our country,” Mustapha noted.
He said by the end of 2026, Guyana should be producing all of the beans that are currently being imported to Guyana.
“A Berbician is a part of that project. As I am speaking work is ongoing at Kimbia where we are building the roads. The silos have already been awarded to a contractor. We have an investor there to ensure that we will meet all our needs by the end of 2026.”
Today we are seeing major trade teams from across the globe visiting Guyana looking for investment opportunities. Some of the large-scale investment has
already started including the establishment of the largest hydroponics farm in the Caribbean; we have it right at Mon Repo on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD) – 100,000 plantlets as I am speaking work is ongoing in Regions Two, Five and 10 to construct three of those similar projects.”
Mustapha also noted the livestock breeding programme as being another key investment in the Agriculture Ministry by the Government to increase meat and dairy production.
Mustapha in referring to the Chamber of Commerce as a key representative of the business community, said it is hoped that the chamber will continue to advocate for the policies that support the Government’s vision.
He said the Government will promote sustainable business practices, encourage investments in green technologies, and provide platforms such as the Berbice Expo for businesses to showcase their innovation.
Meanwhile, President of the Central Corentyne
Chamber of Commerce
Poonai Bhigroog said the theme chosen this year resonates deeply with the current dynamics of Guyana’s economy and its collective aspirations for a wealthy and sustainable future.
This is the eighteenth year the Expo is being held. According to the Chamber’s President, proceeds from the annual event go towards projects in the community.
Among them is the construction of a fire station at Rose Hall Town, and assistance with the renovation of the Felix Austin Police Training Complex. The Chamber also pumped over $20 million into the improvements to both the Albion Sports Complex and Rose Hall Canje Welfare Ground where the Expo is currently being held.
“We have also donated items and food supplies in hurricane relief to St Vincent and the Grenadines. We donated last year over $500,000 to the Special Needs School in New Amsterdam to have AC units installed at that learning institution. If I keep listing the numerous projects
the CCCC has undertaken over the years, this will take too long,” the chamber president said.
Speaking of the agriculture sector, Bhigrooh said modernising it will not only ensure, that we become self-sufficient in food but will reduce our food import bills.
“The global challenges of food security and fluctuating prices make it critical for Guyana to strengthen its agricultural bases. The newfound wealth from oil and gas can be redirected into the agricultural sector, to upscale farming with modern technologies, like precision farming, enhanced irrigation systems, and improved seeds and fertilisers. There is a need to provide farmers with access to credit, training and technology, so we can increase our productivity and make Guyana a leading agricultural nation in this region and realising our President’s vision to reduce our regional import bills. This will also help our farmers to secure better markets for their produce and more competitive prices,” the Chamber President added. (G4)
1 suspected case of rabies detected in Region 6 ...animal samples sent
for testing
Asuspected case of rabies has been detected on the East Bank of Berbice (EBB), Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne). This is according to Regional Chairman David Armogan. Speaking to the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) during a recent meeting, Armogan said the suspected infected animal was detected on a farm on the EBB but did not say at which village. Rabies is a viral infection that affects the central nervous system, leading to severe neurological symptoms and, if left untreated, death. The rabies virus is primarily transmitted through the bite of an infected animal or scratches, most commonly bats and dogs.
Armogan said The Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA) has taken samples from the infected animal for testing.
“Once the animals get rabies it could be transferred to people,” he emphasised.
Meanwhile, Armogan said the GLDA has reported that they visited 679 farms in the region and inspected 1730 animals. Additionally, 120 small ruminants along with 54 swine, 39 cattle and 1500 poultry were treated with vaccines. (G4)
Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh at the Berbice Expo 2024
Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha visiting one of the booths at the expo
Region 9 gets upgraded earthquake detection, monitoring equipment
Through a combined effort of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), National Data Management Agency (NDMA), and with the support of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), upgrades to the four Raspberry Seismographs located in South Rupununi, Region Nine (Upper TakutuUpper Essequibo) have been executed.
This information was revealed by a press release from The Civil Defence Commission (CDC).
From the release, Guyana times understands that the Seismographs have been installed to detect earthquakes and other seismic activities in the area.
operation on the heels of a high-level meeting between senior CDC personnel and Regional Chairman of Region Nine, Bryan Allicock. Allicock stressed on the importance of such operations and equipment, and pledged the Region’s full support towards this Disaster Risk Management (DRM) aspect. This project is financed un-
der Activity A 1.5: Support the Advancement of Community based DRM initiatives, including expansion of MultiHazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS). Implementation of the MHEWS Road Map for Guyana is part of the Building the Resilience of the CARIFORUM States to Disaster Risks and Climate
Change Impacts (BRICS) project financed by the European Union Delegation through EDF 11 being implemented by CDEMA. According to thinkhazard.org, Guyana has a very low earthquake hazard level, with less than a two per cent chance of a damaging earthquake in the next 50 years. (G2)
NWD woman remanded for drugs, paraphernalia found in home
A49-year-old woman of North West District (NWD) has been remanded to prison after police reportedly found drugs and drug paraphernalia at her home during a raid.
Jarrette Singh, of Kumaka Stretch, NWD, appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Mabaruma Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, where she initially pleaded guilty with an explanation. However, after hearing her account, the Magistrate entered a not guilty plea on her behalf and remanded her to prison. The case will continue on November 18.
Charged: Jarrette Singh
board in her kitchen. When questioned, Singh reportedly admitted ownership of the drugs, telling the officers, “It’s mine. I use it for my illness.”
The connection was provided by the NDMA. Furthermore, each seismograph was inspected for performance issues and maintained as was necessary.
The release added that each piece of equipment now has a reliable internet connection which will foster remote monitoring and data collection.
Residents of communities that experienced seismic activity in the past have lauded the upgrades to the devices and indicated their dedication to safeguarding the equipment.
The multi-agency team was able to conduct this
More than $400M needed to rehabilitate NA drainage network – Mayor
New Amsterdam’s Mayor Wainwright McIntosh has said that an excess of $400 million is currently needed to rehabilitate the town’s drainage network.
The Mayor’s comments were made at the opening of the New Amsterdam Town Day activities on Thursday evening.
New Amsterdam, which is 172 years old, is currently celebrating its 133rd anniversary as a municipality. To observe this occasion, the Mayor and Town Council has organised a ‘Town Day’ which spans into next month.
Addressing residents at the opening ceremony, McIntosh said the municipality is being starved of the resources needed to rehabilitate its drainage network noting that it far exceeds the $18 million annual subvention provided by the Government.
“It will cost us more than $400 million spanning from the Canje bridge all the way to Glassgow Housing Scheme. In this oil rich economy, $18 million cannot afford us the ways and means to resuscitate our inter-lot drains,” he said.
“As we celebrate 133 years, we are not only honouring our
past but also embracing our future. New Amsterdam has always been a place where people look out for each other, where neighbours become friends, and where we strive together for a better tomorrow. Fellow citizens may I caution you, do not the elements destroy the fabric of New Amsterdam,” he added.
Apart from the Government’s annual subvention, the municipality also earns its own revenue from services offered. According to the Town Clerk, the municipality would have collected 61 per cent of what it budgeted to collect for 2024 so far.
However, the Town Clerk said the municipality faces a challenge in collecting prop-
erty taxes from Government agencies.
She pointed out that systems are currently in place for property owners who are in default in their property tax, to bring their accounts up-todate.
“Currently, we have amnesty which is for the period 2001 to 2010 and 2024 to 2024. This amnesty will end of October 31. So, I encourage those who are in arears to come and catch the last few days of this amnesty.”
Since becoming a Municipality in 1891, 67 Mayors would have served the municipality with two being female.
At Thursday’s opening ceremony, addresses were also given by Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton and leader of the Alliance for Chance Nigel Hughes.
New Amsterdam became a town in Guyana in 1842. It was initially established as a Dutch settlement in the early 17th century and later grew in prominence during the British colonial period.
It was declared a municipality in 1883. This designation allowed the town to have its own local Government and administrative structure. (G4)
Singh’s arrest stems from a police operation carried out last Saturday at her home in Kumaka Stretch, Mabaruma. During the raid, officers reportedly discovered two transparent plastic bags containing cannabis near a cup-
A further inspection of her home led to the discovery of several suspicious items, including small Ziplock bags, three digital scales, a razor blade on a coffee plate with traces of a whitish substance suspected to be cocaine, two
marijuana crushers, and a pack of Bamboo (a type of rolling paper commonly used for smoking cannabis). Following the search, police seized the items and transported Singh to the Mabaruma Police Station, where the cannabis was weighed and amounted to 41 grams. The weight of the suspected cocaine has yet to be determined. (G9)
Various officials from the partner agencies
The earthquake device
New Amsterdam’s Mayor Wainwright McIntosh
With beauty that transcends physical appearance and embraces the beauty within a mind that is packed with the intricate knowledge of Guyana’s Tourism product and much more, Arian Dahlia Richmond has emerged victorious as Miss Global International 2024.
Not only did the Queen bring home the crown, but she also won awards for: Best Interview, Best National Costume, Best Evening Gown, Best Talent, and Best Smile.
This competition began with some 55 local contestants in Guyana vying for a top spot in the Miss Global International competition and ultimately boiled down to one champion rising to claim the prize in the Cayman Islands where the finals were held.
Amidst her busy schedule of managing her business, Richmond connected with the Guyana Times to share her journey throughout the competition.
From the onset of her pageantry journey, Richmond emphasised the importance of community work in which she was very involved in.
“As my journey in pageantry began…. I initiated a month-long summer camp, focusing on holistic education. Since then, I have competed in many pageants, including Miss Emerald International and Miss World, I was also first runner-up at the Miss Caribbean Culture Queen pageant, hosted in St Kitts and Nevis, and most recently, I earned the Miss Global International Crown.”
Despite her extensive experience, Richmond faced numerous struggles along the way in which many Guyanese would commonly have a pre conceived notion in their minds of what pageantry is all about.
“People often misunderstand pageantry. They see the glamor but don’t recognise the countless rehearsals we endure while managing our personal and professional lives. They don’t see the personal doubts and challenges we face.”
She further noted the pressure of public scrutiny that those in the pageantry industry endure.
“People hold you to a different standard. Yes, you can choose to
intelligence, and dedication to Guyana’s tourism and youth
avoid the spotlight, but we are all in the public eye in some way, whether we like it or not. Is that a reason to not live your life? Is it an excuse for others to be harsh or bully you? No, it’s not. Pursuing your dreams requires sacrifices, whether it’s time, energy, or resources.”
However, this competition brought out the very best in Richmond as she got the opportunity to travel the administrative Regions of Guyana, learning about Guyana’s tourism products.
“A pageant queen is akin to an athlete; she must be fit, intellectually sharp, and always prepared for her events. In the Miss Global Pageant, we participated in several preliminary activities, including visiting schools to give educational talks.”
Having had the opportunity to tour Guyana, Richmond revealed that she was also judged following her
interactions made from her tour.
“We conducted mini geography lessons, and our interactions were judged at both grassroots and national levels. We were also evaluated based on our community service in our country. I have been involved in community work for the past six years through my organisation, Youth Development Guyana, which focuses on holistic education.”
Coupling many forms of skills to achieve her goal is no strange task for Richmond as she also set out on a tour to sensitise persons about nurturing children.
“Out of the 10 regions in Guyana, we have conducted multiple youth development activities in four, with a goal of reaching all 10 regions and eventually spreading the message throughout the Caribbean that every child is smart; we just need to find the right way to nurture their abilities. The competition is very holistic.”
On the day of the competition, all her hard work culminated in Richmond claiming the title of Miss Global International.
However, she noted that various forms of growth are still needed for the Guyanese population most especially; the amount of support persons who go away to showcase Guyana receive.
“I feel our country needs to honour our sportsmen and pageant queens in ways that truly reflect the work they put in for Guyana. They don’t say my name; they say Guyana wins, but when I return
home and reach out, the support doesn’t reflect that, which is saddening.”
She compared her experience to those from other countries that placed in the top five.
“The support for them is overwhelming; their home countries celebrate them extensively. I believe Guyana is still in the early stages of recognising and honouring their ambassadors. I urge people to express this in a diplomatic way, as it’s crucial for our nation to wake up and appreciate the achievements of our representatives.” (G2)
Arian Dahlia Richmond – Miss Global International 2024
By Dr Tariq Jagnarine Fam meDicine/ enDocrinology anD DiaBeTes
October is Breast Cancer Awareness
Month, an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease.
In Guyana, breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of death due to cancer in women. (WHO 2020 Report)
• Research indicates that 50 per cent of newly-di-
senting along with the following:
• A change in the size or shape of one or both breasts
• Discharge from either of the nipples, which may be streaked with blood A lump or swelling in either of the armpits
• Dimpling on the skin of the breasts
• A rash on or around the nipples
• A change in the appearance of the nipple, such as becoming inverted
Breast pain is not usually a symptom of breast cancer.
The exact causes of breast cancer are not fully understood. However, there are certain factors known to increase the risk of breast cancer. These include:
Age – the risk increases as persons become older
• A direct family history of breast cancer
• A previous diagno-
agnosed breast cancers are explained by known risk factors.
1 in 10 women with new breast lumps have cancer while 85 per cent of these cases occur in women with no family history of breast cancer.
• 98 per cent of breast cancer patients survive when diagnosed early with timely interventions.
About 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime.
For this reason, it is vital that women check their breasts regularly for any changes and always have any changes examined by a doctor. In rare cases, men can also be diagnosed with breast cancer.
Breast cancer can have several symptoms, but the first noticeable symptom is usually a lump or area of thickened breast tissue. Most breast lumps are not cancerous, but it is always best to have them checked by a doctor especially if pre-
sis of breast cancer
• A previous non-cancerous (benign) breast lump
• Being tall, overweight or obese
Drinking alcohol
• Smoking Night-shift workers
• Previous radiation therapy
Early menstruation or late menopause
Giving birth at an older age
Women who choose hormone therapy
And genetics may also play a role
A thorough clinical history, along with a physical exam, helps doctors to assess patients for breast cancer, after examining the breasts; patients may be referred to breast screening by ultrasound, mammography, or taking a small sample of breast tissue to be examined under a microscope (a biopsy).
Types of breast cancer
There are several different types of breast cancer,
which develop in different parts of the breast.
Breast cancer is often divided into either:
BREAST CANCER (carcinoma in situ) – found in the ducts of the breast (ductal carcinoma in situ, or DCIS) which has not spread into the breast tissue surrounding the ducts. Non-invasive breast cancer is usually found during a mammogram and rarely shows as a breast lump.
BREAST CANCER – where the cancer cells have spread through the lining of the ducts into the surrounding breast tissue. This is the most common type of breast cancer.
Other, less common types of breast cancer include: INVASIVE (AND PRE-INVASIVE) LOBULAR BREAST CANCER
It is possible for breast cancer to spread to other parts of the body, usually through the blood or the axillary lymph nodes. These are small lymphatic glands that filter bacteria and cells from the mammary gland. If this happens, it is known as secondary, or metastatic, breast cancer.
Mammographic screening, where X-ray images of the breast are taken, is the most commonly available way of finding a change in the breast tissue (lesion) at an early stage. However, in some cases a mammogram might fail to detect some breast cancers increasing the chances of having extra tests and interventions, including surgery, even if a person is not affected by breast cancer.
Women with a higher-than-average risk of developing breast cancer may be offered screening and genetic testing for the condition.
• Women less than 30 years should have diag-
nostic ultrasound as initial investigation followed by a mammography if the ultrasound is questionable.
• For women above 30 years old diagnostic mammography and ultrasound are indicated for initial investigation.
• For women of any age who are pregnant/lactating, ultrasound is recommended as the initial investigation.
• As the risk of breast cancer increases with age, all women who are 50 to 70 years old are invited for breast cancer screening every three years.
Women over the age of 70 are also entitled to screening and can arrange an appointment through a health facility.
If cancer is detected at an early stage, it can be treated before it spreads to other parts of the body. Breast cancer is treated us-
ing a combination of: Surgery
• Chemotherapy Radiotherapy
Surgery is usually the first type of treatment, followed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy or, in some cases, hormone or targeted treatments. The type of surgery and the treatment will depend on the type of breast cancer patients present.
In a small proportion of women, breast cancer is discovered after it is spread to other parts of the body (metastatic breast cancer). Secondary cancer is not curable, so treatment aims to relieve symptoms.
Being diagnosed with breast cancer can affect daily life in many ways, depending on what stage it is at and the treatment options available. Coping with the diagnosis and treatment varies from person to person. There are
several forms of support available including:
• Family and friends, who can be a powerful support system
• Communicating with other people in the same situation
Finding out as much as possible about breast cancer
Not trying to do too much or overexerting
As the causes of breast cancer are not fully understood, now it's not possible to know if it can be prevented. In persons with an increased risk of developing the condition, some treatments are available to reduce the risk. Studies have looked at the link between breast cancer and diet. Although there are no definite conclusions, there are benefits for women who:
• Maintain a healthy weight
• Exercise regularly
• Have a low intake of saturated fat
• Avoid drinking alcohol
• Avoid/quit smoking
Breastfeeding It's been suggested that regular exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer by almost as much as a third. Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can also improve the outlook for people affected by breast cancer.
With our support, we can show every woman that her life is important. By working together, we can inspire hope and become a force for good “to get her” access to the care she needs.
Regional Cuba grid collapses again as hurricane looms
Cuba's electrical grid collapsed again on Sunday, the fourth such failure in 48 hours as a looming hurricane threatened to wreak further havoc on the island's decrepit infrastructure.
Cuba earlier on Sunday had said it was making headway restoring service after multiple false starts, though millions of people remained without electricity more than two days after the grid's initial collapse.
"Restoration work began immediately," the country's Energy and Mines Ministry said on X.
The clock was ticking as Hurricane Oscar bore down on the Caribbean island on Sunday, bringing strong winds and rain to northeastern Cuba and threatening to further complicate the Government's efforts to reestablish service.
Cuba's meteorological survey warned of "an extremely dangerous situation" in eastern Cuba. The entire region was largely without electricity or communication ahead of the storm, which packed winds as high as 161 kilometres per hour (100 mph).
The Communist-run Government cancelled school through Wednesday – a near unprecedented move in Cuba –- citing both the hurricane and the ongoing energy crisis. Officials said only essential workers should report to work today.
The repeated grid collapses marked a major setback in the Government's efforts to quickly restore power to exhausted residents already suffering from severe shortages of food, medicine, and fuel.
The multiple setbacks in the first 48 hours also underscored the complexity of the work and the still precarious state of the country's grid.
Cuba had restored power to 160,000 clients in Havana just prior to the grid's Sunday collapse, giving some residents a glimmer of hope.
But housewife Anabel Gonzalez, of old Havana, a neighbourhood popular with tourists, said she was growing desperate after three days without power.
"My cell phone is dead and look at my refrigerator. The little that I had has all gone to waste," she said,
pointing to bare shelves in her two-room home.
Energy and Mines
Minister Vicente de la O Levy told reporters earlier on Sunday that he expected the grid to be fully functional by today or Tuesday but warned residents not to expect dramatic improvements.
It was not immediately clear how much the latest setback would delay the Government's efforts.
Cuba's national electrical grid first crashed around midday on Friday after the island's largest power plant shut down, sowing chaos. The grid collapsed again on Saturday morning, Staterun media reported.
By early evening on Saturday, authorities reported some progress restoring power before announcing another partial grid collapse. (Excerpt from Reuters)
Mexican Indigenous riest killed leaving Sunday mass
AMexican Catholic priest was killed on Sunday in the southern state of Chiapas after officiating a mass, his religious order and authorities said, marking the latest death in a recent wave of violence in the area.
Marcelo Perez – who was Tzotzil, an Indigenous Maya group native to the area –was leaving the neighbourhood of Cuxtitali in San Cristobal de las Casas, one of the state's largest cities, and returning to his home church nearby when he was killed, the Jesuits in Mexico said in a statement.
Two people on a motorcycle came up to his car, a white Ford, and shot him, according to state prosecutors.
Mexico has seen a streak of murders in the past few weeks, including the beheading of the Mayor of the state capital of Guerrero and an intra-cartel war in Sinaloa, which has left hundreds dead or missing, bringing calls for newly-inaugurated President
Claudia Sheinbaum to take swift action to stamp out crime.
Sheinbaum earlier this month rolled out a fourpronged approach that will also focus on treating the economic and social causes of crime and improving coordination between crime-fighting institutions.
"Father Marcelo has been a symbol of resistance and has stood alongside the communities of Chiapas for decades, defending the dig-
nity and rights of the people and working toward true peace," the Jesuits said.
His death comes as violence has ratcheted up in Chiapas in recent years.
From January to August, the state logged around 500 murders, up from 309 in the same period last year, according to official data.
Perez's community said that he had actively spoken out against organised crime in the area. (Excerpt from Reuters)
CBU condemns attacks on Journalists
The Barbadosbased Caribbean Broadcasting Union ( CBU) on Friday said it was “deeply concerned” at what it termed the “unfounded mis and disinformation attacks on media professionals at member organisations” in Jamaica.
Last week, the Press Association of Jamaica (PAJ) called on Jamaicans to join it “in condemning this attack on press freedom” after expressing concern about claims by supporters of the two main political parties against media houses and Journalists.
The PAJ said its concern surrounded claims made in a video circulating online that falsely accuse the chairman of the RJRGLEANER Group of directing editorial policy and links Journalists at the Jamaica Gleaner to the People’s National Party (PNP).
“While we acknowledge the importance of free speech, we cannot tolerate misinformation that undermines the integrity of our profession. The PAJ reaffirms its commitment to promoting ethical journalism, media independence, and transparency,” it added.
Despite the PAJ’s statement, Everald Warmington, a legislator with the ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), accused the RJRGLEANER Communications Group of having an agenda to tarnish the reputation of Prime Minister Andrew Holness.
CBU President Anthony Greene said his organisation, with membership in the Dutch, English, French and Spanish Caribbean, had taken note of the recent reports of public attacks on Journalists and media managers in Jamaica.
He said the CBU, “which believes in and engages tirelessly in advocacy for freedom of information and freedom of the press”, had, therefore, found it necessary to issue a public statement on the matter.
“The CBU is deeply concerned at these unfounded mis and disinformation attacks on media professionals at member organisation the RJRGLEANER Communications Group, as well as other media houses, apparently for political ends.”
Greene said that the CBU regards “this as a troubling development and notes the significant effect the incident has had on news professionals in Jamaica, as they seek to perform their public duties, including covering the leadup to national elections constitutionally due in 2025.
(Excerpt from CMC)
BHP faces US$47B UK lawsuit over Brazilian dam collapse
Ahearing in a lawsuit against BHP over Brazil's worst environmental disaster, the 2015 collapse of the Mariana dam, will begin at London's High Court today, with claimants seeking up to 36 billion pounds (US$47 billion) in damages.
More than 600,000 Brazilians, 46 local governments, and around 2000 businesses are suing BHP over the collapse of the dam in southeastern Brazil, which was owned and operated by BHP and Vale's Samarco joint venture.
The collapse of the dam, which held mining
waste known as tailings, unleashed a toxic wave that killed 19 persons, left thousands homeless, flooded forests, and polluted the length of the Doce River –which is considered to be sacred by the Krenak indigenous tribe.
BHP, the world's biggest miner by market value, is contesting liability and says the London lawsuit, one of the largest in English legal history, duplicates legal proceedings and reparation and repair programmes in Brazil.
It says nearly US$8 billion has already been paid to those affected by the disaster through the Renova Foundation, which was es -
tablished in 2016.
The Brazilian government is discussing a nearly US$30 billion compensation deal with BHP, Vale and Samarco, the miners said on Friday.
Pogust Goodhead, the law firm representing the claimants, said in a statement the English lawsuit is "the only way to truly hold BHP accountable".
"The English claim has pushed BHP into finally accepting they needed to do more in Brazil, but this proposed deal only goes half way at best," Pogust Goodhead Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tom Goodhead said. (Excerpt from Reuters)
Brazil's Lula cancels BRICS trip after minor brain haemorrhage from fall
Brazilian President Luiz inácio Lula da Silva on Sunday cancelled his trip to Russia for the BRICS summit, following medical advice to temporarily avoid long-haul flights after a head injury at home that caused a minor brain haemorrhage.
In a statement, the presidential office said Lula, 78, will now participate in the BRICS meeting via videoconference. He was initially scheduled to depart at 17:00h on Sunday.
Lula's doctor, Roberto Kalil, said in an interview with GloboNews TV channel that the President suffered a fall that caused "great"
trauma to the back of his head, requiring stitches for the injury and resulting in a "small brain haemorrhage" in the temporal-frontal region.
"It's a condition that will require repeat tests throughout the week. Any brain haemorrhage, theoretically, can worsen in the following days, so observation is important," he said.
Kalil added that Lula is doing well and can engage in normal activities.
According to a medical report issued earlier on Sunday by the Sirio Libanes Hospital in Brasilia, Lula suffered a laceration to the "occipital region" in the back
of his head on Saturday. The report said Lula "was advised to avoid long-distance air travel, but is otherwise able to carry out his regular duties."
The Government said in a post on X that Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira has been designated to lead the Brazilian delegation in the BRICS summit, departing later on Sunday.
Congresswoman Gleisi Hoffmann, President of Lula's Workers Party, posted on social media that she had spoken with the President and that "he is doing very well, just avoiding a long trip." (Excerpt from Reuters)
The repeated grid collapses marked a major setback in the Government's efforts to quickly restore power to exhausted residents (Reuters/Norlys Perez photo)
People gather at the location where Catholic priest Marcelo Perez was fatally shot after attending mass at a church in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas state, Mexico, October 20 [Isabel Mateos/ AP Photo]
Around the World
Iran readies new oil outlet to bypass the Strait of Hormuz
Iran is closer to finding a way to circumvent the crucial Strait of Hormuz when it comes to oil exports. The Jask oil terminal, officially opened a few years ago, has seen but limited activity so far. However, recent satellite imagery reveals Iran has partially filled the facility with crude oil in what is being construed as a significant development in Tehran's oil export strategy.
The importance of Jask has increased as of late as tensions with Israel grow. During periods of unrest, Iran has routinely threatened to shut down the Strait of Hormuz, a vital artery for oil shipments for several Middle Eastern producers. Unfortunately for Iran, it also relies on the Strait for its oil exports—but perhaps its dependence on the Strait is about to lighten up.
Jask could enable Iran to reduce its reliance on this narrow waterway, freeing up options for the country.
Jask has been filled to about half capacity, imagery shows, but the facility's challenges remain. The terminal was designed to load up to one million barrels per day and store 20 million barrels. However, only one of the three planned loading buoys has been installed, limiting its operational capacity. Kharg Island, Iran's primary oil export hub, has in the past handled three times that volume, maintaining its status as the dominant outlet since the 1960s.
The most recent loading activity at Jask occurred from September 9 to 19, 2024, when the Iranian supertanker Dune loaded approximately two million barrels of crude. This marks the first significant loading at Jask since its initial trial runs in 2021, according to TankerTrackers.com, a firm specialising in monitoring Iran's oil shipments.
The Jask terminal's partial activity may signal a shift in Iran's export strategies, aiming to bolster oil flows while mitigating the risks associated with the Strait of Hormuz. (Oilprice.com)
US, Canadian navies sail through Taiwan Strait week
after war games
AUS and a Canadian warship sailed through the sensitive Taiwan Strait together on Sunday less than a week after China conducted a new round of war games around the island, with Beijing denouncing the mission as "disruptive".
The US Navy, occasionally accompanied by ships from allied countries, transits the strait around once a month. China, which claims Taiwan as its own territory, also says the strategic waterway belongs to it.
The US Navy's 7th Fleet said on Monday that the destroyer USS Higginsand the Canadian frigate HMCS Vancouver made a "routine" transit on Sunday "through waters where high-seas freedom of navigation and overflight apply in accordance with international law".
The transit demonstrated the United States' and Canada's commitment to upholding freedom of navigation for all countries, it said in a statement.
"The international com-
Lebanese flee as blasts hit Beirut, Israel warns of strikes on Hezbollah finance arm
Hundreds of Beirut residents fled their homes late on Sunday with multiple explosions heard across the Lebanese capital, as Israel prepared to attack sites linked to the financial operations of Lebanon's Hezbollah group and told people to leave those areas immediately.
Reuters witnesses saw dense plumes of black smoke billowing in the air after at least 10 blasts. Eyewitnesses, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said a building located in the Chiyah neighbourhood in the southern suburbs of Beirut was reduced to rubble and the few people in the area had fled ahead of the explosion, resulting in no casualties.
There was no immediate information on what
caused the blasts, or further details of any casualties. Panicked crowds clogged the streets and caused traffic jams in some parts of Beirut as they tried to get to neighbourhoods thought to be safer, witnesses said.
An Israeli military spokesperson said earlier in a statement posted on social media platform X that it "will begin attacking infrastructure belonging to the Hezbollah Al-Qard AlHassan Association - get away from it immediately".
Al-Qard al-Hassan –which the US has said is used by Iran-backed Hezbollah to manage its finances – has more than 30 branches across Lebanon including 15 in densely-populated parts of central Beirut and its suburbs.
There was no immedi-
Ukraine's Zelenskiy
ate statement from the organisation, Hezbollah or the Lebanese Government.
Cross-border fighting between Israel and Hezbollah erupted a year ago when the group began launching rockets in support of Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza. At the start of October, Israel launched a ground assault inside Lebanon in an attempt to stabilise the border region for its citizens who had fled rocket attacks in northern Israel.
(Excerpt from Reuters)
seeks strong reaction to North Korean involvement in war
krainian President
UVolodymyr Zelenskiy said on Sunday he was seeking a strong reaction from countries who have acknowledged that North Korea is becoming more involved in Russia's more than two-and-a-half-year-old war against Ukraine.
Speaking in his nightly video address, Zelenskiy said there was ample satel-
munity's navigational rights and freedoms in the Taiwan Strait should not be limited. The United States rejects any assertion of sovereignty or jurisdiction that is inconsistent with freedoms of navigations, overflight, and other lawful uses of the sea and air," it said.
China's Eastern Theatre Command said its forces monitored and warned the ships.
"The actions of the United States and Canada caused trouble and are disruptive to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait," it added.
China staged the war games last Monday it said in a warning to "separatist acts" and they drew condemnation from the Taiwanese and US Governments.
China says it alone has jurisdiction over the nearly 180 kilometres (110 miles) wide waterway that is a major passageway for international trade. Taiwan and the United States dispute that, saying the Taiwan Strait is an international waterway.
(Excerpt from Reuters)
lite and video evidence that North Korea was sending not only equipment to Russia, but also soldiers to be prepared for deployment.
"I am grateful to those leaders and representatives of States who do not close their eyes and speak frankly about this cooperation for the sake of a larger war," he said. "We expect a normal, honest, strong reaction from
Trump hands out
french fries, Harris visits Georgia churches
With the US presidential election little more than two weeks away, Democrat Kamala Harris visited two churches on Sunday while her Republican rival, Donald Trump, visited another kind of American temple: a McDonald's.
Both candidates were scrambling for votes in the most competitive states, with Harris, the US Vice President, appealing to early voters in Georgia and Trump campaigning in Pennsylvania ahead of the November 5 election.
At a McDonald's in suburban Philadelphia, Trump removed his suit jacket, put on a black and yellow apron and proceeded to cook batches of french fries, something he said he had wanted to do "all my life".
The former president
dipped wire baskets of potatoes in sizzling oil before salting them and handing them out to customers through the restaurant's drive-through window. Thousands of people lined the street opposite the restaurant to watch.
"I like this job," said Trump, whose adoration for fast food has been well chronicled. "I'm having a lot of fun here."
Trump has said the McDonald's visit was intended in part as a jab at Harris, who says she worked at the fast-food chain during her college years in California. Trump claims Harris never worked there, but has not provided evidence to back that up.
Harris spokesperson Ian Sams said the stunt was a sign of the real estate mogul's desperation. (Excerpt from Reuters)
our partners on this."
Zelenskiy said greater North Korean involvement could only be harmful to everyone.
"Unfortunately, instability and threats can significantly increase after North Korea becomes trained for modern warfare," he said.
"If the world remains silent now and we have to engage soldiers from North Korea on the front line in the same way we have to defend ourselves from (Iranian) Shahed drones, this will certainly benefit no one in the
world and only prolong the war."
North Korea's actions, he said, meant "in effect yet another country entering the war against Ukraine".
Zelenskiy last week accused North Korea of deploying officers alongside Russia and preparing to send thousands of troops to help Moscow's war effort. South Korea's spy agency said on Friday North Korea had dispatched 1500 special forces troops to Russia's Far East for training. (Excerpt from Reuters)
“Historic”: Egypt declared malaria free by World Health Organisation
Forty-four countries have been declared malaria free, but there were still 249 million cases in 2022.
Egypt has been certified as malaria free, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) calling the achievement “truly historic” and the culmination of nearly a century of work to stamp out the disease.
“Malaria is as old as Egyptian civilisation itself, but the disease that plagued pharaohs now belongs to its history and not its future,” WHO chief, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement on Sunday.
“This certification of Egypt as malaria-free is
truly historic, and a testament to the commitment of the people and Government of Egypt to rid themselves of this ancient scourge.”
Globally, 44 countries and one territory have now been certified as malaria free.
Certification is granted by the WHO when a country has proven that the chain of indigenous malaria transmission by Anopheles mosquitoes has been interrupted nationwide for at least the previous three consecutive years.
A country must also demonstrate the ability to prevent the re-establishment of transmission.
(Excerpt from Al Jazeera)
Beirut's southern suburbs, October 20, 2024 (Reuters/Mohammed Yassin photo)
Stick to the truth, fulfill promises to yourself and others, and use your energy productively. Choose a healthy fitness and diet routine and stick to it.
Check your emotions at the door when decisions are necessary. Do research, verify information and don’t rely on others for answers. Take charge, invest in yourself and be direct in all things.
Look for the good in everyone and everything and start a trend that leads to positivity and production. Partnerships look promising, and change appears enticing. Embrace life, love and happiness.
Be true to your word and kind to those who need your help or guidance. A change you make that represents what’s important to you will make a big impact. Base your actions on your beliefs.
Check out what’s available and determine the groups or experts that can help you. A friendly demeanor and good intentions will make your quest for knowledge, assistance and physical attributes entertaining and worthwhile.
Simplify your life. Don’t oversell your contribution to a cause. A shift at home or work will have underlying advantages you won’t initially see or understand.
Let your instincts take you in a direction that makes you feel comfortable, offers diversity and has plenty of room for growth. Distance yourself from negative people. An optimistic attitude will carry weight.
Changing your surroundings will spark your imagination and offer insight into what motivates you. Put your energy where it counts; the results will stimulate you to test the possibilities.
Put your energy to work. Get physical, participate and keep going until you feel satisfied with your achievements. Consider how you can improve your lifestyle by making your space user-friendly.
Stop worrying about what you don’t know, and use your attributes and expertise properly. How you direct your energy will determine your success. Stick to your budget and do the work yourself.
Declutter and make room for your next move. Starting with a blank canvas will promote new beginnings. Follow your heart’s desires and make the most of every moment.
Simplify your life. Sell what you no longer need. Having your finances in order and fewer things to worry about will free your soul. Protect your health and emotional well-being.
October 20 can be written in big, bold letters, as one of New Zealand cricket's unforgettable dates.
Hours after the men's team recorded a famous Test win, their first in India in 36 years, the women's team delivered the country's maiden T20I World Cup in style in Dubai.
As a nation of four million clocked in to work this morning, Sophie Devine and Suzie Bates – "grandmas of the team" as Bates laughingly jested – had just about finished theirs, getting their hands on the Women's T20 World Cup trophy, the cup that had agonisingly got away from them 14 years ago at Kensington Oval.
It was fitting that the two legends, who have carried the country's cricket ecosystem for so long, through issues with depth and limited financial resources, could enjoy the night of their lives in the twi-
light of their storied careers. Amelia Kerr, who had hoped to dedicate the win to the golden oldies, couldn't have stepped up with a more impactful effort – top scoring with 43, while also picking up three wickets, all with a slight limp due to cramps.
Kerr, Halliday deliver World Cup glory on dream day for NZ cricket
For added context, New Zealand had come into the tournament on a streak of 10 T20I losses, the longest losing streak any team has turned around to win a cricket World Cup. On this night, all of that didn't matter though.
Bates and New Zealand come out swinging New Zealand came out punching knowing 134 and 141 by Australia and England respectively had been razed at this venue over the past few days. They lost Georgia Plimmer – who'd struck a couple of fours – in the second over, but Bates quickly took over. She had been striking at 90.77 in five innings coming into the final; here she showed intent right from the get go, getting a boundary –
Tazmin Brits c Green b Jonas 17 Anneke Bosch c †Gaze b Kerr 9
Marizanne Kapp c Plimmer b Carson 8
Nadine de Klerk c Kerr b Mair 6
Chloe Tryon c Green b Mair 14
Sune Luus c Bates b Halliday 8 Annerie Dercksen c Bates b Kerr 10
Sinalo Jafta † b Mair 6
Total 20 Ov (RR: 7.90) 158/5
Did not bat: Rosemary Mair, Lea Tahuhu, Eden Carson, Fran Jonas Fall of wickets: 1-16 (Georgia Plimmer, 1.5 ov), 2-53 (Suzie Bates, 7.4 ov), 3-70 (Sophie Devine, 10.2 ov), 4-127 (Brooke Halliday, 17.2 ov), 5-141 (Amelia Kerr, 18.5 ov)
Mair 4-0-25-3 Eden Carson 4-0-22-1 Fran Jonas 4-0-28-1
Lea Tahuhu 3-0-21-0
Amelia Kerr 4-0-24-3 Brooke Halliday 1-0-4-1
walloped over midwicket –off her second ball. But from 17 off 13, she slowed down as the introduction of spin made stroke-making a challenge.
By then, the pressure of a final had by then begun to gnaw at both teams. Marizanne Kapp missed a potential run-out opportunity against Bates in the fifth over when she couldn't cleanly pick up a nudge at square leg. Sinalo Jafta missed a stumping opportunity in the sixth, failing to collect the ball as Bates was dragged out. It cost South Africa just 12 more though, as Bates fell for a 31ball 32 attempting a ramp off Nonkululeko Mlaba in the eighth over.
Halliday injects momentum with her career-best
The dismissals of Bates and Devine – due to the slowness of the surface – left New Zealand needing a massive effort from their middle order.
They went through 48 deliveries without a boundary in the middle overs. Kerr struggled, and didn't find her hit-
ting range until the last few deliveries of her 38-ball vigil that brought 43. It wasn't until the arrival of Brooke Halliday, the left-hander, did New Zealand break out of a rut.
Halliday brought out a slog sweep in the 14th off Sune Luus to break the boundary drought, and once the shackles were broken, New Zealand had another boundary off the very next ball. By jumping around the crease and opening scoring areas behind square on the leg side through sweeps and slogs, Halliday's presence breathed life into an innings that had been struggling to get out of second gear.
Internationals, in 32 previous innings, had been 33 while striking at 82. Here, under the pressure of a final, Halliday's career-best 38 had come off 28.
A cameo from Maddy Green provided New Zealand a late lift: 48 off the last five, as they finished with 158, two less than the score they comfortably defended against India in their tournament opener.
Woolvardt counter-punches for South Africa
New Zealand took a cue from their batting innings and introduced spin in the second over with Eden Carson and Fran Jonas trying to ap-
Halliday's enterprise helped raise a half-century stand off just 37 balls with Kerr playing a support role. Halliday's highest in T20
ply the squeeze. For the first three overs, South Africa managed just two boundaries, but kept hitting the ball into gaps to keep up with the
asking rate. In last year's final, Laura Wolvaardt held the chase together, trying to get into a position from where she could tee off amid a collapse. Here, she decided to punch away as the enforcer, picking lengths early and pummelling with her strong forearms, showing a side of her game that is in stark opposition to her artistry.
With Tazmin Brits solid, it was the first time in the tournament that New Zealand failed to pick up a wicket in the powerplay. At 47 for 0, South Africa were on course.
South Africa in free fall after Wolvaardt's dismissal Jonas broke through to dismiss Brits in the seventh, but it was Wolvaardt's dismissal, attempting to hit Kerr inside-out only to find Bates at extra cover, that had a deflating effect on South Africa. That was Bates' first of three catches in the innings. Five balls later, Kerr had her second when Anneke Bosch, who had knocked Australia out two nights ago with a sensational 74, tickled an attempted sweep to Izzy Gaze. Originally unsure if there was an edge, Kerr convinced Devine to review and was proven correct. Carson then dealt the blow that arguably ended South Africa's hopes when she had Kapp mistiming a slog to deep midwicket in the 12th over. Kapp's agonising walk back and Kerr's ecstasy provided two contrasting emotions in one frame. A telling picture of who would have their hands on the trophy before the night was out.
ICC Women's T20 World Cup
Chloe Tryon and co were dejected after the defeat
Brooke Halliday injected momentum into New Zealand's innings
Amelia Kerr sped up at the death
Laura Wolvaardt got off to a flying start
1st ODI, West Indies tour of Sri Lanka
Asalanka, Madushka help Sri Lanka take 1-0 lead
A137-run stand between
Charith Asalanka and debutant Nishan
Madushka provided the base as Sri Lanka comfortably chased down a DLS-adjusted target of 232 in Pallekele, to take a 1-0 lead in the series.
Asalanka top-scored with a 71-ball 77, while Madushka finished with 69 off 54. Both departed unable to see the chase through, but consider-
Rutherford's counterattack had been cut short by rain to bring to a premature close the West Indies innings on 185 for 4 after 38.3 overs.
But even with that caveat, the way Sri Lanka approached their chase made them well worth their victory. Madushka, making his debut in place of the injured Pathum Nissanka, opened the innings alongside Avishka Fernando,
ing the precarious position at which they had come together – 45 for 3 in the seventh over – they had done more than enough to ensure the win.
Kamindu Mendis was there at the end to see the win through, with an unbeaten 30 off 21, and alongside him was Janith Liyanage on a run-a-ball 18.
Left-arm spinner
Gudakesh Motie was the pick of the bowlers for the visitors, with figures of 3 for 47, while Alzarri Joseph grabbed two. Despite having reinforced their spin reserves in preparation for a dry Pallekele surface, none were able to offer as much penetration as Motie.
While Motie too went at over six an over, he at least posed a wicket-taking threat. This was not something the pair of Roston Chase and Hayden Walsh Jr could boast of, as they gave up 80 runs in the 10 overs between them.
While this was down to a combination of errant bowling and ruthless batting, the West Indian spinners were also impacted by a wet ball as a result of a wet outfield. The rain also meant that the pitch had become easier to bat on by the time Sri Lanka took lease of the wicket.
Earlier, Sherfane
but by the time he faced his
the covers an over later. Madushka, who up until this point was content to turn over the strike to his more aggressive partners, finally notched his first boundary in the 10th over.
And this partnership scarcely took the foot off the gas as the West Indies struggled to maintain tight lines and lengths. Between the 10th and 20th over, only two overs didn't contain a boundary, as Sri Lanka racked up 72 runs in that period. And the scoring only accelerated from that point on, with a further 41 runs scored between overs 20-25.
ally edged to slip, with Asalanka following shortly after trapped leg before – both off -
not long after.
Despite a promising opening stand, it wasn't long before West Indies had stumbled to 54 for 3, with Rutherford joining Keacy Carty in the middle, and the scoring rate now hovering at around four an over. It was during this period that Sri Lanka's spinners took total control, as West Indies were content to play it safe, racking up numerous dot deliveries, and picking up the odd ones and twos.
A Rutherford cut for four in the 17th over was the first West Indies boundary in 47 deliveries; by the traditional halfway point of 25 overs,
quired run rate had dropped to nearly four an over by that point, and any peril was long since neutralised.
West Indies' best period of the game had occurred much earlier. Prior to the rain intervention, they had been in the process of regaining some lost momentum with Rutherford and Chase in the middle of an 85-run fifth-wicket stand off 78 deliveries.
Wanindu Hasaranga had taken two wickets, while Jeffrey Vandersay and Asalanka had one apiece. But on a dry Pallekele surface, West Indies knew a trial by spin was always on the cards after they had won the toss and elected to bat.
Dunith Wellalage was into the attack as early as the fifth over – and even before that medium pacer Liyanage had resorted to off-cutters on a hard length – while spin was in effect from both ends
West Indies (38.3 ovs maximum)
Alick Athanaze st †BKG Mendis
b Hasaranga 10 Brandon King b Hasaranga 14
Keacy Carty c Wellalage b Asalanka 37 Shai Hope (c)† lbw
b Vandersay 5 Sherfane Rutherford not out 74 Roston Chase not out 33
(RR: 4.80) 185/4 Did not bat: Romario Shepherd,
Walsh, Gudakesh Motie, Jayden Seales, Alzarri Joseph
It was here that a frustrated Carty unleashed a pow-
Sri Lanka (T: 232 runs from 37 ovs)
Nishan Madushka c King b Motie 69
Avishka Fernando c Chase b Joseph 5
Kusal Mendis † c †Hope b Joseph 13
Sadeera Samarawickrama b Motie 18
Charith Asalanka (c) lbw b Motie 77
Janith Liyanage not out 18
Kamindu Mendis not out 30
Extras (lb 2, w 2) 4
Total 31.5 Ov (RR: 7.35) 234/5
Did not bat: Wanindu Hasaranga, Dunith Wellalage, Jeffrey Vandersay, Asitha Fernando Fall of wickets: 1-6 (Avishka Fernando, 1.3 ov), 2-22 (Kusal Mendis, 3.2 ov), 3-45 (Sadeera Samarawickrama, 6.3 ov), 4-182 (Nishan Madushka, 24.4 ov), 5-187 (Charith Asalanka, 26.1 ov)
Bowling O-M-R-W
Jayden Seales 4.5-0-43-0
Alzarri Joseph 6-0-39-2
Gudakesh Motie 8-0-47-3
Roston Chase 6-0-42-0
Hayden Walsh 4-0-37-0
Romario Shepherd 3-0-24-0
erful one-handed loft over long-on for six to break the shackles somewhat, but that relief was short-lived as he fell going for a repeat performance the very next delivery. That brought to an end a 46-run partnership – the West Indies' best of the innings until that point. But with the dependable Chase alongside him, Rutherford continued as before, picking off singles and attempting to pounce on any rare loose deliveries. But as their confidence grew and a persistent drizzle greased the surface, the pair struck 43 in the last five overs they faced. With the death overs still to come, a total in the region of 275 was on the cards. But then the rains came. (ESPNcricinfo)
Caption: Evin Lewis and Rashid Khan were teammates at St Kitts & Nevis Patriots last season
Nishan Madushka celebrates his maiden ODI fifty, which came on debut
Wanindu Hasaranga celebrates after knocking Brandon King over with a wrong'un
Charith Asalanka celebrates his fifty
The covers were on under the angry Pallekele sky
Sherfane Rutherford played his shots when he got the chance
Gudakesh Motie picked up three wickets
GCB names 14-member Super50 squad
The Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) has announced a 14-member squad that will represent the Golden Arrowhead, beginning next week at the Cricket West Indies (CWI) CG United Regional Super50 tournament.
The team was unveiled shortly after the conclusion of the GCB’s Senior InterCounty Super 50 tournament, which Demerara won on Saturday by defeating Essequibo by seven wickets.
The Senior Inter-County winning Captain, Tevin Imlach will steer Guyana in the regional tournament, with Keemo Paul acting as his deputy.
The squad reads: Tevin Imlach (Captain); Keemo Paul (Vice Captain); Tagenarine Chanderpaul; Matthew Nandu; Rampertab Ramnauth; Kevlon Anderson; Kemol Savory;
Kevin Sinclair; Veerasammy Permaul; Ashmead Nedd; Ronaldo Ali Mohamed; Sylus Tyndall; Isai Thorne and Ronsford Beaton.
The standby players include: Devon Lord, Antony Adams, Junior Sinclair, Richie Looknauth, Sachin Singh and Kanhaiya Ramkarran.
The Guyana Harpy Eagles team are expected to be encamped this week ahead of the tournament bowling off on Tuesday, October 29 in Trinidad and Tobago, with a fitness test scheduled for today.
The tournament will run from October 29 to November 23. The Harpy Eagles will begin their quest for glory on the opening day, taking on the Windward Islands Volcanoes at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy. In 2023, the Harpy Eagles were stopped in the semi-finals of the tournament by the Trinidad and Tobago Red Force, who went on to win the tournament.
Courts Optical Pee-Wee tournament… Rosignol oust defending champions as final 4 decided
The final four teams in the Courts Optical Under-11 Pee-Wee school football tournament
nals, contested on Saturday at the Ministry of Education (MoE) Ground, Carifesta Avenue.
have been decided following a day of nail-biting encounters in the quarter-fi-
SLOC President congratulates Alfred on CANOC awards triumph
St Lucia Olympic Committee (SLOC)
President Alfred Emmanuel has extended heartfelt congratulations to Julien Alfred after her stunning achievements at the inaugural CANOC Sports Awards held in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands on Saturday night.
Alfred was honoured with the Female Sports Personality of the Year and Caribbean Breakthrough Awards, adding to her growing list of accolades during an exceptional 2024 season.
On behalf of the entire Olympic family in St Lucia, Emmanuel praised Alfred’s dedication and hard work, which have propelled her to the pinnacle of world athletics.
“On behalf of the executive board of the St Lucia Olympic Committee and the entire Olympic family in St Lucia, I want to extend sincere congratulations to Julien for attaining yet two more awards during her outstanding 2024 season,” Emmanuel said. “She has shown that dedication and hard work pays off. We have no doubt that before
2024 is over, there are many other awards that she will receive for her outstanding season. Congratulations Julien and remain focused and healthy, and we look forward to the 2025 season.”
Alfred’s Caribbean Breakthrough Award celebrated her remarkable rise in track and field, where she delivered electrifying performances throughout the year. She shared the honour with Thea LaFond
of Dominica, who has also shone on the international stage, particularly in the triple jump.
The prestigious Female Sports Personality of the Year award solidified Alfred’s standing as one of the Caribbean’s brightest stars in athletics. In 2024, she won the World Indoor 60m title in Glasgow, followed by a historic victory in the Olympic 100m final, setting a new national record of 10.72 seconds, the
second-fastest time in the world this year. She capped her season by claiming the 100m Diamond League title in Brussels.
Alfred’s triumphs have not only brought immense pride to St Lucia, but have also inspired countless young athletes across the Caribbean. As she continues her journey, both on and off the track, the nation eagerly anticipates more success from her in the future. (Sportsmax)
Adding to the excitement, a new champion is set to be crowned this year following the unceremonious ousting of the defending champions, St Pius Primary.
In what was probably the most shocking upset of the day, Rosignol Primary whipped St Pius 4-0 in the second quarter-final matchup. Timothy Rouse sent a strong message to the defending champions early, as
Ancient County to book their spot in the final four as Belladrum Primary had earlier needled Region 7’s St John the Baptist Primary 1-0.
Jadon Sampson netted the late game winner, beating the keeper in the 32nd minute to help his team advance. The third quarter-final was a thrilling one as Marian Academy and Enterprise Primary went toe-to-toe. Joshua Johnson stunned Enterprise Primary with an early goal in the first minute to put his team ahead and then, the temperature flared when Dontay Kowlessar finally found the reply in the 20th minute.
With the score locked at 1-1, a Cristiano LaRose assist fed Johnson a perfect ball which he buried to net his second and the decisive goal in the 29th minute.
As the quarter-final action wound down, another slim victory was enjoyed, this time by Santa Rosa Primary against West Ruimveldt Primary.
Deon Henry was the lone
he found the back of the net in just the first minute of the game. Then Abdul Kadir netted the first of his brace in the eighth minute, to put St Pius in further trouble.
Kadir completed his brace in the 18th minute, while Jeremiah Mc Donald netted in the 39th to seal the emphatic win for the Berbice-based team.
However, Rosignol were not the first team from the
marksman, finding the back of the net in the 23rd minute for the victory. The Courts Optical semi-finals will go down at the same venue this Saturday, October 26. The tournament, while supported by the Education Ministry and the Culture, Youth and Sport Ministry, is also sponsored by Stenna Drilling and Sterling Products Limited.
Julien Alfred (Inset: SLOC President Alfred Emmanuel)
A look at the clash between Belladrum (blue) and St John the Baptist
Inter-County Super50 Most Valuable Player (MVP) Tagenarine Chanderpaul has found a place in the squad
Sylus Tyndall
Rampertab Ramnauth
Rosignol Primary (green) pulled off a major upset against the defending champions
Santa Rosa Primary (pink) grabbed the final semi-final spot