Guyana Times - Thursday, August 1, 2024.pdf

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Contributions of AfricanGuyanese cannot be erased by "passage of time" – President Ali

Govt seeking over $40B in supplementary funding for GPL, GuySuCo, other sectors

Maduro says ready to release all Venezuela vote tallies as pressure mounts

Over 3000 firearm licences issued from 2017-2023 – Minister Benn

6-year-old girl shot in head discharged from GPHC after 2 life-saving surgeries

Government signals zero tolerance for illegal mining

GDF Coast Guards find 135lbs cannabis in abandoned boat in Berbice River


The Demerara Harbour Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on:

Thursday, August 1 –01:30h-03:00h and Friday, August 2 – 02:30h-04:00h.

The Berbice Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on:

Thursday, August 1 –14:45h-16:15h and Friday, August 2 – 15:30h-17:00h.


Parika and Supenaam departure times – 05:00h, 10:00h-12:00h, 16:00h, 18:30h daily.


Thundery showers are expected during the day, interrupted by sunshine in the mid-morning and mid-to-late-afternoon hours. Partly cloudy skies and thundery showers are expected at night. Temperatures should range between 23 degrees Celsius and 32 degrees Celsius.

Winds: North-Easterly to East South-Easterly between 1.78 metres and 4.02 metres.

High Tide: 14:27h reaching a maximum height of 2.18 metres.

Low Tide: 07:54h and 20:12h reaching minimum heights of 0.90 metre and 1.04 metres.

Contributions of African-Guyanese cannot be erased by "passage

of time" – Pres Ali ...warns against exploiting ethnic

In his 2024 Emancipation Day Message, President Dr. Irfaan Ali paid tribute to the many contributions of African-Guyanese who he said helped to advance Guyana's social, political, and economic development.

According to President Ali, African Guyanese were pioneers in various fields, including education, the Village Movement, local government, trade unionism, politics, the local economy, and the professions.

“Emancipation ignited aspirations for greater opportunities and economic independence. AfricanGuyanese carved out opportunities to advance social, political, and economic progress. In so doing, African-Guyanese have made significant contributions to the development of our country, contributions which cannot be erased by the passage of time.”

“The Village Movement, in particular, was a manifestation of their determination to build communities that could provide greater economic and personal security for themselves and their progeny,” the Head of State said.

President Ali noted the long history of AfricanGuyanese struggle and resilience, noting that their fight for freedom was not only a fight for themselves but for the dignity and honor of future generations.

“In the One Guyana that we are now establishing, African-Guyanese, like all other groups, will have no reason to fear economic emasculation or political marginalisation,” the Head of State said in his message.

“We are committed to ensuring that everyone benefits from the progress and development of our nation. All will have greater opportunities for social, political, and economic advancement, and no one will be left behind.”

According to President Ali, the government remains unfazed in its determination to build a Guyana where all can benefit, regardless of color or creed. That being said, the President urged continued vigilance. He warned of those who seek to “prey on and manipulate ethnic suspicions to promote their interests.”

According to Ali, these “purveyors of fear and insecurity” have the sole aim of sowing division and discord, undermining the unity and harmony that the government is striving to build. He urged Guyanese to reject all those who seek

suspicions for personal gain

to deploy racism and discrimination to divide the people and stymie national development.

“As we celebrate Emancipation Day, let us remember the sacrifices of our forebears and honor their legacy by continuing to strive for a just and equitable society. Let us work together to build a nation where all can prosper,” he said.

When it comes to the international community, President Ali noted that they have long condemned the Transatlantic trade in captive Africans as one of the darkest chapters in human history. He pointed out that the United Nations

and other global bodies have already recognised the immense suffering inflicted upon millions of Africans who were forcibly taken from their homeland, stripped of their humanity, and subjected to unimaginable hardships.

“The system of slavery was not only a crime against humanity but also a profound injustice that left a stain on the course of history. The lesson of that horrific experience is that no system as heinous as enslavement can endure when people are willing to fight and sacrifice themselves for freedom and human dignity.”

The President noted

that while Emancipation brought an end to the horrific institution of African enslavement, it did not completely eradicate oppression. On the part of the People's Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Government, he said that his party would remain resolute in the fight.

“In the spirit of our African-Guyanese ancestors, we shall remain resolute in our pursuit of a One Guyana where every individual is valued and respected. Happy Emancipation Day to all! May we continue to draw strength from our history and work towards a brighter and more inclusive future for all Guyanese!”

President Dr Irfaan Ali and Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh during a visit to one of the booths on display along Main Street, Georgetown to celebrate African culture

Editor: Tusika Martin

News Hotline: 231-8063 Editorial: 231-0544, 223-7230, 223-7231, 225-7761

Marketing: 231-8064 Accounts: 225-6707

Mailing address: Queens Atlantic Industrial Estate Industrial Site, Ruimveldt, Georgetown


Emancipation Day

Today is a historic day for all Guyanese but more so for Guyanese of African descent. It was on this day, 186 years ago that their enslaved forbears could finally cry –as Martin Luther King Jr would do in 1963 – “Free at last; free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!” While slavery was a feature of all older civilisations – the Bible, for instance, is replete with references to the practice – and in Africa from where they were bought, the form it took in the various European Empires established following Columbus’s stumbling over the Americas in 1492 was “Chattel Slavery”.

Here, the slave was the personal property of the slave owner – as, say, cattle or a piece of furniture – and could be treated as such by the master or mistress.

The Spanish and Portuguese pioneered the “use” of enslaved Africans in Europe in the mid-fifteenth century in an innovation that created a new conception of what it meant to be “human” and invented the notion of “race”. Before then, it was obvious that various peoples had different physical characteristics, but for the first time these characteristics were linked with social evaluations of inferiority and superiority and indeed, a conclusion that Africans were not “fully” human. One line of thought, pioneered by a Spanish monk, Bartholomew de Las Casas, suggested they were not even possessed of souls as were the Indigenous Peoples. Much of this was to justify African enslavement, which otherwise violated aspects of Christian egalitarianism. These early justifications of “race” spilled over into a notion of “purity of blood” which frowned on “miscegenation”. In the US, their “one drop” rule declared that even one drop of African “blood” made the person African and “impure”.

This pernicious notion spread across the world with the European conquests and became the normative ideal of westernisation in the minds of populations as diverse as Mongolians and Hungarians. Last week, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban proudly declared that in contrast to Western Europe’s “mixed-race world” – where people mixed with arriving nonEuropeans – Hungary was not a mixed-race country. While this has created a furore and has been denounced by several European leaders, the invidious perception of “mixing” with “lower races” remains firmly entrenched. We saw this exhibited during the evacuation of African students from Ukraine when their war with Russia started.

These incidents also illustrate the European belief called the “grand chain of being” where the universe is organised hierarchically – with God (a white grey-bearded man) on top, followed, in descending order, by his angels, the white race then the yellow, brown, red and finally black ones, with the latter just above the apes and other animals. What is ironic is that for a long while, and even today, many non-white persons accept their “place” in the order, once there are others “below” them, not realising that they are accepting their subordinate status, which is decided by Whites. In Guyana during times of political conflict, these racial comparisons are routinely dragged out and hurled at each other evidently without any awareness that we are using categories invented by Europeans to rule all of us.

The British “made” slavery illegal in their colonies on August 1, 1838 – after a four-year “apprenticeship” during which earned wages were saved by some and used to purchase abandoned plantations. But the planters never reconciled themselves to accepting “free” labour. Their response to Emancipation took several forms, all designed to force the newly-freed Africans to work under conditions totally favourable to themselves. This was unacceptable to the Africans who then mostly left the plantations to create their own free lives.

The planters brought in indentured labourers – Portuguese, freed West Indian Africans, “liberated” Africans, Indians and Chinese – who were contractually “bound” to work under specified conditions. As such, Emancipation Day should be a day of reflection for all Guyanese who should commit to creating a One Guyana, in which all of us can share equitably in our national patrimony.

Contributions of slaves, descendants to every facet of life in Guyana immeasurable – PPP/C

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) wishes to extend the warmest greetings to all Guyanese, especially our Afro-Guyanese brothers and sisters, on the occasion of the 186th Anniversary of Emancipation.

Slavery remains the cruellest system of subjugation and discrimination known in human history.

The celebration of its abolition is a duty for every human being.

This occasion provides an opportunity to reflect on the tremendous sacrifices made by our AfroGuyanese ancestors, who were brought inhumanely to this land in chains to provide free labour for the sugar plantations. They were stripped of their humanity and dignity, forced to toil long hours, and many were tortured and brutally killed for simply standing up for their rights.

In their long and unyielding march for free-

dom, many battles were fought, including the Berbice Slave Rebellion led by our nation’s National Hero, Cuffy.

When freedom finally came, the freed slaves and their descendants demonstrated exceptional industry, thrift, and financial acumen, acquiring large portions of land that today remain the foundation of our village movement.

The contributions of slaves and their descendants to every facet of life

in this nation are immeasurable.

As we celebrate this important historic and national occasion, we urge every Guyanese to reflect upon the struggles, sacrifices, and remarkable achievements of the slaves and their descendants. Let these serve as a source of inspiration and guidance as we continue to work together to build a united and democratic nation. Happy Emancipation Day to all.

Let's allow the spirit and message of liberation to light our path – GAWU

t has been 186 years since the descendants of enslaved Africans, who endured generations of brutality on the plantation, finally attained their freedom as proclaimed by the Emancipation Proclamation. The colonialists recognised the need to end slavery as a system of social and economic organisation in their colonies due to various compelling reasons. The tireless efforts of the abolitionist movement and the increasing awareness of the inhumane nature of slavery undoubtplayed significant roles in this monumental change.

As we commemorate Emancipation Day, it's important to acknowledge the vital role and bravery of those who fought against the inhumane system of slavery. Despite the oppressors' efforts to maintain control, our ancestors never lost their determination to resist the brutal planta-

tion life. They refused to be mere possessions and actively sought freedom. Our history is marked by numerous struggles, often with devastating human costs, as our predecessors fought for liberation from the chains of enslavement. Today, as we celebrate Emancipation Day 2024, we extend our warmest wishes to all Guyanese. Let's take this opportunity to honour the selfless and courageous indi viduals who tirelessly fought for freedom. Emancipation Day allows us to reflect on our complicated past and the incred ible bravery of those who paved the way for our freedom. We have inherited a legacy of resilience and determination in the quest to end oppression and inequal ity, striving for a fair and equi table future for all.

Let's allow the spirit and message of liberation to light our path as we confront new ob stacles and further our efforts for equality, fairness, and social jus tice.

The staff of MACORP embraced Guyana’s rich diversity and the vibrant spirit of being Guyanese in observance of Emancipation 2024


Emancipation Day Messages

Emancipation not final marker/ finishing post for freedom – GTUC

The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) extends Emancipation greetings to all Guyanese, particularly our African brothers and sisters whose ancestors were enslaved for centuries as property, or cargo, of another race (Europeans).

One hundred and eightysix years ago, the valiant struggle by Africans for human dignity and respect was advanced a step further with the Emancipation Proclamation, which ended the brutish system of man’s injustice towards another.

Freedom from chattel

slavery not only set in train a series of events proving to the world the indomitable spirit of the newly freed, and the capacity of human fellowship across racial diversity, but that of self-determination in charting a course for further upliftment and development.

The achievements must not only be testimony of the ability to self-determine but also the determination not to be enslaved or constrained by past unpleasantries. Heirs and beneficiaries of these struggles, sacrifices, and gains must engage in redoubling of efforts, vig-

ilance, and insistence to be allowed to continue the forebears’ work.

Zealously defending, protecting, strengthening, and deepening what was bequeathed and leaving a firmer foundation for future generations must become the mantra and solemn pledge.

With determination and commitment, anything is possible, and descendants of the enslaved must continue the unfinished journey to freedom. Emancipation merely marks an attainment, significant though it is, it is not the final marker/ finishing post for freedom.

A day of reflection, remembrance, and reverence – AFC

On this 1st of August, as we celebrate Emancipation Day in Guyana, we commemorate a pivotal moment in our history when the chains of enslavement were broken and our ancestors were given their freedom. This day in 1834 marked the end of a brutal era of chattel slavery in the West Indies.

However, it was not until 1838, after a period of "apprenticeship" intended to transition enslaved Africans to free 'paid' labourers, that true freedom was realised.

Emancipation Day holds profound significance for Guyanese of African descent. It is a day of reflection, remembrance, and reverence for the immense sacrifices our forebears made. We hon-

our their resilience and unwavering spirit, which found its first powerful expression in the Western Hemisphere's first successful slave rebellion in 1763.

This monumental uprising, led by our national hero Cuffy, predated the American Revolution of 1774 and the Haitian Revolution of 1799, underscoring the indomitable will of Africans to fight for their freedom.

The long and valiant history of African ancestors' contributions to modern Guyana's making can never be understated. The struggles of the African people in Guyana, which began in the early 1600s and continue today, are a testament to their ongoing commitment to establishing a

free, fair, just, and equitable Guyana. Emancipation Day holds profound significance for Guyanese of African descent. It is a day of reflection, remembrance, and reverence for the immense sacrifices our forebears made.

Emancipation is a celebration of our African ancestors’ rich cultural heritage – ERC

The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) joins with all Guyanese in commemorating the 186th anniversary of Emancipation. Emancipation Day, August 1, marks the abolition of slavery in Guyana and serves as a reminder of the enduring strength, resilience, and contributions of Guyanese of African descent.

The abolition of slavery on August 1, 1834, marked a significant turning point in history, symbolising the triumph of justice, humanity, and freedom over oppression.

Emancipation Day is not only a time to honour the struggles and sacrifices of our ancestors but also to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and achievements of our brothers and sisters of African

descent who have excelled in the critical sectors of the Judiciary, education, health, national security, politics, sport, arts, and culture, among others, and whose contributions con tinue to make an indel ible impact on Guyana’s advancement.

On this Emancipation Day, the ERC joins with the rest of Guyana as we celebrate the sac rifices and invaluable contributions of our African ers and sisters. We be lieve that the les sons of the past must guide our ef

forts to build on the significant achievements and strides we have made as a multi - cultural nation in fostering re



You already know most of the units of time. They are seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Sometimes, people also talk about decades and centuries.

1 minute = 60 seconds

1 hour = 60 minutes

1 day = 24 hours

1 week = 7 days

1 month = 28 or 29 or 30 or 31 days. (Months can vary in length. Some have 30 days, while others have 31. February has only 28 days, except in a leap year when it has 29.)

1 year = 12 months = 52 weeks = 365 days. (A leap year has 366 days. The extra day is added to February.)

A decade = 10 years

A century = 100 years

How many days are in a four-year span of time that has a leap year?

Add 3 times 365 + 366 = 1461 days

1) 24 hours = __________ seconds

2) 7 days = __________ minutes

3) 52 weeks = __________ days

What you need:

Exercises: Convert

4) 30 days = __________ weeks

5) 1000 years = __________ centuries

Kente Cloth Strips

Items for demonstration (Kente strips and fabrics, caps and key rings, etc using Kente symbolism, pictures, great resource website: Smithsonian Museum of African Art)

18 x 4 inch strips of good quality white paper

pencils rulers red, green, blue, black and yellow tempera paint paintbrushes water cups and paper towels

What you do:

Kente Cloth in brief: What: Kente Cloth, strips of fabric woven by hand in the colours that represent Africa.

Red – Life and Blood Blue – Innocence

Green -Mother Africa, Mother Earth Black – People and Unity Gold – Strength and Fortune Strips are sewn together to make cloth. Always woven from cotton threads.

When: celebrations: weddings, births, graduations, ceremonies to bring in new leaders; whenever you want to respectfully show your African heritage.

Why: To symbolise African culture

Where: Most examples from Ghana, worn in Africa, America, and wherever people show African heritage.

Discuss the difference between geometric and organic shapes and lines.

Design geometric patterns of stripes, squares, diamonds, triangles, etc, on the paper strips.

Colours are very important in Kente cloth, so you should do your best to keep the colours clean and not muddied.

When the strips are dry, it is sometimes very effective to use a black marker to outline the shapes and stripes. It gives the paper an embroidered look. This is your choice.

You can weave or sew the strips together or display them individually.

(Amy Shapley,

Electoral fraud case Prosecution wins battle to re-examine witness

– as case adjourned to August 5

On Day Three of the trial concerning the individuals accused of electoral fraud, tensions flared between the prosecution and defense. The court, however, made clear decisions about which evidence would be permitted from witnesses, addressing the prosecution's concerns that the witnesses were being obstructed in their testimony.

On Wednesday, the trial into the 2020 electoral fraud continued before Senior Magistrate Leron Daly at the Georgetown Magistrates Court but instead of witnesses being called to testify, matters of concern were discussed between the prosecution, defense and the court. For some time the prosecution, led by Special Prosecutor and King’s Counsel Darshan Ramdhani has been complaining that witnesses are not being allowed to freely testify as they should. While Ramdhani has contended that witnesses should be allowed to expand on their previous statements, the defense has countered that information not previously disclosed to

them should not be admitted on record.

Magistrate Daly acknowledged on Wednesday that not allowing certain testimony that concerned one of the defendants, former Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) staff Michelle Miller, was indeed an error. As such, the Magistrate permitted the reopening of the examination of the witness, in this case, Local Government Minister Sonia Parag. Parag testified from Monday to Tuesday on the misconduct she witnessed from GECOM staff during

the 2020 General and Regional elections. Her testimony had included witnessing efforts by GECOM staff, to alter the results by deducting People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) votes and adding votes to the then-ruling A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC).

She had also testified that despite a Court Order from acting Chief Justice Roxanne George, which compelled GECOM to use only the Statements of Poll (SOPs) to tabulate the numbers for the Region Four (Demerara/Mahaica) votes, Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo, one of those now on trial, continued to conduct the tabulation using a projector and bedsheet.

Meanwhile, during Wednesday’s proceedings, there was also a fiery exchange between Ramdhani and defense Counsel Eusi Anderson, after he accused the defense of personal attacks, prompting the court’s intervention.

A decision was eventually taken for the court to be adjourned until August 5, 2024. The trial is set to last

from July 29 to September 13, some four years after the 2020 General and Regional Elections. Outside the courtroom, Ramdhani reiterated the importance of witnesses being allowed to give their testimony unhindered and, if necessary, to implicate other persons.

“We made some submissions about the admissibility of evidence; you would have heard us speak about that. Questions about hearsay evidence, how it is to be used, a man, who says something, whether he is charged, whether that evidence can be used against

another defendant, whether that defendant is in his presence or not,” Ramdhani explained to the media.

In addition to Mingo and Miller, former Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield, his former Deputy Roxanne Myers, former People’s National Congress/Reform (PNCR) Chairperson Volda Lawrence, PNCR activist Carol Smith-Joseph, and GECOM employees Sheffern February, Enrique Livan and Denise BabbCummings, are facing twenty-eight charges relating to electoral fraud.

Among the offences these defendants are accused of committing are: misconduct while holding public office; presenting falsified documentation; and planning to manipulate Guyana’s voters by presenting an inaccurate vote total.

These charges stemmed from attempts to rig the 2020 General and Regional Elections in favour of the then-ruling APNU/AFC. The election report of former CEO Lowenfield claimed that the APNU/AFC coalition garnered 171,825 votes, while the PPP/C gained 166,343 votes. How he arrived at those figures is still unknown, since the certified results from the recount exercise supervised by GECOM and a high-level team from the Caribbean Community (Caricom) pellucidly showed that the PPP/C won with 233,336 votes, while the coalition garnered 217,920. Following the recount PPP’s Irfaan Ali was declared President of Guyana on August 2, 2020 – some five months after the March 2, 2020, General and Regional Elections. (G-3)

Recent drug busts involving GDF ranks demonstrate that institutions are working – VP Jagdeo

...says illegalities by public officials under

APNU/AFC were covered up

The recent cases of members of the disciplined forces being busted with large quantities of drugs and charged are indications not only of the government’s determination to root out criminality where it may be but also that the institutions work.

This is according to Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo during his weekly press briefing on Wednesday.

Only recently, several ranks of Guyana Defense Force (GDF) ranks were busted with various quantities of narcotics. They have already been placed before the courts, charged, and remanded to prison.

On Wednesday, Jagdeo dismissed claims of a systemic meltdown, noting that the real test of a working investigative and prosecutorial system, is showing that no one is above the law.

“So, it doesn’t matter if we catch the soldiers. If they commit an illegal act, whether they are soldiers, citizens or policemen, they have to face the law. And the leadership of the army, they’ve made it clear in a public statement that its intelligence-led operations, they’re taking it seriously.

This is not by chance, the police and the army are doing this by intelligence-led operations, to apprehend these people.”

“We should be applaud-

ed for not covering this up. This is not a meltdown. This shows that the institutions of the state can work and are working … if they catch a soldier or a policeman, who might be involved in a corrupt act and they’re charged and placed before the court… That is the institution working.”

The Vice President pointed out that corruption within the armed services exists all around the world. That being said, he also paid tribute to the hard-working members of the armed services, who do not commit illegal acts.

“This is not a meltdown. This is the institution working. We can’t promise that every soldier or every policeman will act professionally. But thousands of them act professionally, thousands of soldiers and policemen who would give their

lives for this country and act professionally.”

“So, we must not disparage all of them. We must not do that. And the ones who are acting illegally, they are being caught by the institutions, through their own efforts to ensure that these bodies meet the professional standard.”

Jagdeo also pointed out that illegalities by disciplined service members and public officials also occurred under the former A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government - they were just covered up. One example the Vice President gave was the $1 billion fuel racket that officials in the Guyana Oil Company (GuyOil) and the GDF had engaged in.

“You think in the United States, this doesn’t happen? You don’t have corrupt peo-

ple in those agencies? Or many parts of the world? Or under APNU, oh everyone was pristine? We just saw an example of it, a $1 billion fuel coverup. And it’s a pity that they charged only the small people,” the Vice President said.

“You remember how some members of the Police Service Commission, were paid tens of millions of dollars, to draft standing orders for the police, whilst they were members of the commission, orders that were already drafted, they were then paid large sums of money to draft these orders. That was a clear conflict of interest. That should have never happened but it took place under APNU. And it went unnoticed un-

til we got into office and exposed it.”

Less than two weeks after two Sergeants attached to the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) were intercepted at Coverden, East Bank Demerara (EBD) with 154lbs of ganja, another two ranks were busted on Saturday last while transporting 316 pounds of the illicit plant.

Based on reports received, the two ranks –Edward McCalmont,40, a Corporal attached to Camp Ayanganna who resides at Kaneville, EBD, and John Johnson, 24, a Lance Corporal attached to Base Camp Stephenson and of Timehri, EBD, were travelling in a Route 42 minibus when it was intercept-

ed in the vicinity of Space Gym, Mandela Avenue, Georgetown.

Police stated that acting on information received, ranks from the Special Branch and other ranks went to Mandela Avenue, where they intercepted the minibus bearing registration number, BTT 27 owned by McCalmont who was in the driver’s seat. Johnson was reportedly in the front passenger’s seat.

Less than a week before, Sergeants Clovis Sam, 31, of Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, and 42-yearold Adisa Higgins from Wismar Housing Scheme, Linden were charged and remanded to prison for having 154lbs of ganja in their possession. (G-3)

Special Prosecutor Darshan Ramdhani, KC
Senior Magistrate Leron Daly
Attorney-at-Law Eusi Anderson
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo
The most recent drug bust involving GDF ranks

Govt seeking over $40B in supplementary funding for GPL, GuySuCo, other sectors

The Government is requesting more than $40 billion in additional funding to bolster crucial sectors of the nation's economy, including the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) and the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh presented Financial Papers Numbers 1 and 2 to the National Assembly on Wednesday during the 84th sitting of the 12th Parliament.

Some $16 billion is being sought by the Government for the Guyana Power and Light (GPL), specifically $4 billion from Financial Paper 1 and a $12 billion Supplementary request in Financial Paper 2.

In addition, the administration is requesting $1.1 billion for additional resources to support electricity companies in Linden, Lethem, Mabaruma and Matthew’s Ridge.

It was explained that the funds for the electricity sector will go towards absorbing the impact of rising fuel prices on the cost of services being provided by electricity companies to ensure that it does not translate to higher electricity prices for consumers.

The finance ministry stated that the government has implemented several measures to mitigate the rising fuel costs – one of which is the removal of the excise tax since March 2022 thus resulting in over $80 billion in savings to

citizens annually.

To bring greater reliability to the power provided by GPL, some 36 MW of power were added to the national grid through an agreement with the Turkish Company Karpowership.

Further, the sum of 9.5 billion was requested for GuySuCo as part of the government’s continued efforts to revitalise the industry in line with its commitment to the country and to re-energise local communities.

Meanwhile, under Financial Paper 2 the sum of $1.6 billion is being sought for Sea and River Defence works to be conducted by the Public Works, $297.4 million to support the operations of the Transport and Harbours Department, $159.2 million for the completion of the Bartica Stelling and $680.5 million to facilitate critical upgrades to Ferry Vessels.

Moreover, as the govern-

ment continues to improve connectivity across the country, especially in the infrastructure sector, an additional $904 million for the construction and rehabilitation of hinterland roads and $600 million for the completion of infrastructure for the critical supply of water to these farflung communities were also requested.

Additionally, the government has requested the sum of $2.3 billion to settle outstanding payments owed to numerous suppliers of goods and services over the years.


The sum of $95.7 billion was allocated in the 2024 budget for the energy sector, of which $1.3 billion went towards energy expansion and diversification,

The sum of $80 billion was also budgeted separately to advance the flagship 300 MW gas-to-energy (GtE) project

with an additional $4.8 billion was provided to finance several solar power projects across the country.


GuySuCo received $6 billion to bolster its production and operational efficiency this year.

During the presentation of budget 2024, Dr. Singh highlighted plans to convert an additional 7, 100 hectares of land for mechanised harvesting. This is in addition to works to be completed on the Albion and Blairmont Packaging Plants such as the installation of a sugar dryer at the Blairmont Estate.

Public Works

Furthermore, the government allocated $221.4 billion to the Ministry of Public Works in the 2024 budget with $204.1billion being allocated to roads and bridges, $2.3billion to air transport, $8.1billion for river transport, and $6.9billion for sea and river defence.

In 2023, the government expended $134.3 billion to improve road connectivity across, of which over $65.9 billion was expended under the miscellaneous, urban and hinterland roads programme to upgrade, construct and rehabilitate roads in communities across the country. A further $8.5 billion was expended to construct, rehabilitate, and maintain our bridges.

Digging in…

…as dictators do

What just went down in Venezuela had all the inevitability of a Greek Tragedy…but some were hoping against hope that Mad Maduro would listen to Spike Lee’s admonition and “Do the Right Thing”. The peaceful conduct of the elections on Sunday boosted their optimism, but it wasn’t to be. It only flattered to deceive ‘cause Mad Maduro – in control of the electoral institutions in Venezuela for over a decade – already had the fix in. And so the tragedy continues unfolding – with massive protests in the streets of Caracas and other cities, with at least a dozen persons killed up to now.

Your Eyewitness had said he was waiting for the pronouncement of the Carter Center – which had fielded an observation team. Back in September 2012, former US President Jimmy Carter had said – after his team observed the elections that returned Hugo Chávez to power: “The election process in Venezuela is the best in the world”. That’s right – “best in the world”!! So, folks can’t very well say the Carter Center’s biased in favour of the US Government!! He’d praised Hugo Chávez – an implacable enemy of the US Govt.

But this is what the Carter Center just said: “Venezuela’s 2024 presidential election did not meet international standards of electoral integrity and cannot be considered democratic. The Carter Center cannot verify or corroborate the results of the election declared by the National Electoral Council (CNE), and the electoral authority’s failure to announce disaggregated results by polling station constitutes a serious breach of electoral principles.

“Venezuela’s electoral process did not meet international standards of electoral integrity at any of its stages and violated numerous provisions of its own national laws. The election took place in an environment of restricted freedoms for political actors, civil society organisations, and the media. Throughout the electoral process, the CNE demonstrated a clear bias in favour of the incumbent.” So there you have it…Mad Maduro meddled with the elections!!

legitimate miners

Government signals zero tolerance for illegal mining – says numerous measures rolled out to support

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government has signaled that it has no tolerance for illegal miners, who face the risk of being prosecuted by the state, noting that there are more than enough existing policy measures for miners to make a legitimate, honest living.

The Ministry of Natural Resources in a statement on Wednesday, warned illegal miners to desist from such activities and follow the process to get their claims legitimised.

The Natural Resources Ministry reiterated that illegal mining activities will not be tolerated and is calling on all miners to follow the prescribed process to legitimise their operations.”

“Those who are engaging in such activities should desist, or risk being prosecuted by the state. The MNR remains eager to foster greater collaboration with small and medium-scale miners to ensure the sector remains a viable one,” the Ministry said.

In the statement, the Ministry outlined the measures to help miners, implemented between 2020 to 2024. They include the removal of Value Added Tax (VAT) on machinery and equipment, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), new haulers and trucks, hinterland travel, and lubricating oils.

They also spoke of efforts

to improve the ease of doing business for miners, as well as the removal of the excise tax on fuel and the removal of the 10 per cent tributors tax. Another way the government has supported miners is by selling of medium-scale properties through lotteries.

“Notwithstanding, miners are still able to acquire mineral properties through the formal application process at the GGMC. Just recently, in April, the MNR/GGMC hosted a lottery in Bartica which saw the distribution of 150 mining blocks.”

“And again, in June, 200 Blocks were distributed in Mahdia. Back in 2021, approximately 200 blocks were awarded through a similar lottery process and 65 blocks through an auction. Also in 2021, the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission’s (GGMC) Mines Division was tasked with a Plan of Action to reduce the backlogs of

claim verification and processing of mining claims.”

The Ministry noted that at the time, there were over 15,000 unverified mining claims which resulted in persons having to wait extended periods for their claim licences. Since then, they said, the division has prioritised this exercise and there has been a 70% reduction in unverified mining claims.

“The recent withdrawal by the large-scale operator in Karouni saw action by the Ali-led administration which resulted in the re-allocation of at least 100 mineral properties to small-scale miners who were able to access approximately 1,500 acres of land.”

“Moreover, this PPP/C Government was able to restart mining in the Marudi area in Region Nine upon assuming office which benefited several small-scale miners and indigenous communi-

ties. These miners and communities were neglected by the former administration with the closure of mining at Marudi.”

Another achievement cited by the Ministry, was the GGMC granting a Special Mining Permit (SMP) encompassing 1,000 acres to the Rupununi Miners Association Co-operative Society Limited, which 40 small-scale miners are representing. There are also the government’s plans to conduct mineral mapping exercises.

“To reduce investment costs and enable more targeted investments from both small and medium-scale miners, the government will undertake a Mineral Mapping exercise. The government will initiate this multi-year project which will contribute to low-impact mining and improve planning in mineral areas which are objectives outlined in the LCDS 2030.”

“The GGMC continues to re-focus its attention on hinterland road development through its Special Projects Unit. This ensures that miners continue to have access to their concessions with their equipment and supplies, thus, reducing operational costs. In total, this approach has maintained at least 1200 km of hinterland road in 2024 with an approximate cost of GY$2.5 billion on an annual basis,” the Ministry said.

US President Biden and Brazilian President Lula also spoke by phone and agreed that Venezuela gotta release the disaggregated data, saying the election’s outcome “represents a critical moment for democracy in the hemisphere”. They “agreed on the need for immediate release of full, transparent, and detailed voting data at the polling station level by the Venezuelan electoral authorities.”

In the meantime, the Opposition said they’ve obtained more than 84% of the tally sheets from the 30,000 voting machines – which show González garnered more than twice as many votes as Maduro. The Opposition protests show no sign of letting up since most Venezuelans realise this opportunity to remove Mad Machado’s dictatorship –which has driven out one-quarter of the population – must be seized.

La luta continua!!

…for exclusionary Emancipation Day

Imagine that a historic occasion like Emancipation Day is being used by a bunch of bigots as a political football. Seems that last year, a Buxton group – which had been observing the occasion for decades and had been given the cold shoulder by Burnham because the organisers hadn’t seen eye to eye with him –received a subvention from the PPP Government. But they rejected the latter’s request that the AFRICAN GUYANESE Prime Minister speak!! Can you believe this??

Is this what Emancipation’s all about?? That one group of African Guyanese can now treat the others like chattel and tell them they have no right to listen to other opinions than their own!! Isn’t this the imposition of a new form of slavery?? Mental Slavery? Well, this year, the Government spread their subventions far and wide and the new slave masters aren’t happy at all!!

At last, African Guyanese can sample Emancipation Day offerings at their discretion. Your Eyewitness says, “Let a thousand tulips blossom”!!

…on chicken

A US Court just ruled that “Boneless chicken can have bones” – after a suit was filed by someone who had a bone stick in his throat from a “boneless chicken” purchase!! Seems we should “reasonably expect bones in chicken!!

Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and Public Service, Dr Ashni Singh
Natural Resources Minister Vickram Bharrat

out of touch with reality" – VP Jagdeo dismisses party's calls to reinstate 2 am curfew

Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo has dismissed calls from the Alliance For Change (AFC) for the re-introduction of the 2 am curfew as a measure to end road fatalities.

Noting that the AFC has clearly shown that it has no new ideas, Jagdeo told a press conference on Thursday that “the 2 am curfew never worked.”

“Nobody goes out on a Friday night or a Saturday night before midnight,” he added. “This is our culture. You know how much business is done (during those hours),” the Vice President explained.

Referring to the AFC politicians, Jagdeo contended that “these people are worn, out of touch with reality”.

Nevertheless, the Vice President admitted that more needs to be done to address road accidents and fatalities on the roadways.

During a press conference

on Friday last, AFC’s past leader and former Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan called for the 2 am curfew to be reinstated.

“The AFC advises that the 2 am curfew which was in place under the coalition government be reinstituted. It would have avoided so many deaths on our roads,” Ramjattan said.

troduction of the 2 am curfew was not supported by its parliamentary partner in Opposition, the Peoples National Congress (PNC).

“The PNCR has noted media reports that quote the AFC, in the person of its former Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, as saying that the 2 AM curfew should be reinstated as a measure to reduce road acci-

The 2 am curfew was often relaxed during the holiday periods when there would be higher-than-usual alcohol consumption among persons –thereby defeating the intended purpose of the curfew – to curb road fatalities, especially those caused by drunk driving.

Moreover, the curfew was widely criticised as being anti-business.

AFC’s call for the rein-

dents and fatalities. Without any empirical data or statistical analysis, the PNCR cannot support the AFC’s proposal,” the PNC said in a statement on Tuesday.

“Moreover, the PNCR is convinced that the road accident crisis cannot be resolved by merely one measure. It requires a holistic and data-driven approach, with continuous monitoring,” the party added.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo
AFC's current and former leaders: Nigel Hughes and Khemraj Ramjattan

US company to develop Guyana’s LNG infrastructure – considers engaging Guyanese investors

Fulcrum LNG was selected by the Guyanese Government to design, finance, construct, and operate the required gas infrastructure to provide gas monetisation solutions and support the acceleration of upstream gas developments in Guyana.

This is part of the Government’s plans to safely and timely develop its gas resources and create an open-access infrastructure system, providing additional monetisation alternatives to upstream developers.

Fulcrum LNG in a release stated that its selection underscores the company’s commitment to advancing energy infrastructure solutions and represents a critical step in bolstering Guyana’s energy sector. The project will play a pivotal role in transforming Guyana’s natural gas sector, enhancing energy security, and boosting the country’s economic growth.

“We are honored to be selected to undertake this strategic energy infrastructure project,” Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Fulcrum LNG Jesus Bronchalo stated while adding, “This opportunity aligns perfectly with our mission to deliver innovative, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions to develop gas resources. We look forward to working closely with the Government of Guyana and other key stakeholders to ensure the success of this endeavor.”

The release added that the main feature of Fulcrum LNG’s solution will involve the development of state-of-the-art gas processing and modular, scalable facilities to produce Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and NGLs/ LPGs for Guyana as well as regional and global markets.

Fulcrum LNG has partnered with some of the in -

dustry’s leading global firms leveraging advanced technology and industry expertise to deploy the most robust, efficient, and sustainable infrastructure solutions.

The company on Wednesday further related that this undertaking will provide all upstream developers, in Guyana and regionally, with additional optionality beyond their current contractual arrangements by investing in the development of the necessary open-access infrastructure to monetise their gas resources and thus incentivise the development of those resources.

“Fulcrum’s proposed infrastructure solutions, in close collaboration with upstream developers, aim to increase the economic viability of current and future upstream gas discoveries, increasing the overall value proposition for the entire basin,” the release added.

“Additionally, substantial economic benefits, including job creation, significant foreign investment, and enhanced energy trade relationships are expected from this venture. In keeping with our project proposal, Fulcrum LNG is considering Guyanese investors in various components of the project.”

Fulcrum LNG stated that its comprehensive approach to the project will include environmental stewardship, community engagement, and adherence to the highest safety standards.

“Additionally, the company is committed to ensuring that the development of this strategic infrastructure proceeds in a manner that is both sustainable and aligns with national priorities, delivering tangible benefits to the Guyanese people.”

Meanwhile, last June, the Natural Resources Ministry reported that Fulcrum LNG’s proposal was considered by the

evaluators as the most comprehensive and technically sound proposal from the 17 bids that were received.

The ministry further added that Fulcrum LNG’s submission was very detailed and comprehensive, and outlined a structured approach to gas development; hence the evaluators were satisfied based on the submission of its competency which resulted in the company being ranked No. 1.

“The evaluation report was then submitted to the Cabinet with no objection. The Cabinet deliberated and examined the report and granted it no objection for Fulcrum LNG to be engaged. Following the Cabinet’s consideration of the matter, the Ministry of Natural Resources has en -

gaged the company along with ExxonMobil to begin the process. These discussions are at a preliminary stage and are ongoing,” the ministry had stated.

The ministry has further dispelled recent ques -

tions surrounding the Chief Executive Officer of Fulcrum LNG’s Jesus Bronchalo, who is indeed a former senior employee of ExxonMobil.

“At the time of the evaluation, Bronchalo’s involvement in Fulcrum LNG was known, and his previous relationship with ExxonMobil was not seen as presenting a conflict of interest, since he had severed all ties with the company.”

6-year-old girl shot in head discharged from GPHC after 2 life-saving surgeries

The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation

(GPHC) has successfully removed a warhead from the right temporal-parietal region of the brain of a six-year-old female patient.

She was admitted to the medical institution on June 16, 2024, with a gunshot wound to the head. Following her admission, immediate surgical intervention was required, and an initial surgery to stop the bleeding was performed, a crucial step in stabilising the child's condition.

support of his neurosurgery team, along with the nurses, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), High Dependency Unit (HDU), and the Pediatrics Unit.

The complexity of these surgeries and the initial prognosis highlighted the grave nature of the situation.

The surgery was performed by Chief Neurosurgeon, Dr. Amarnauth Dukhi, with the

However, three days later, Dr. Dukhi and his team successfully performed a second surgery to remove the warhead lodged in her brain.

“Despite the seemingly low chances of survival associated with gunshot injuries to the head, the meticulous care and expertise of Dr. Dukhi and his team ensured the successful

outcome of both procedures.

The child was eventually discharged by the neurosurgery team on July 18, 2024, and continued to receive care in our Pediatrics High Dependency Unit (HDU) and Pediatric Ward for further optimisation of her condition,” the GPHC stated in a media release.

On July 30, 2024, the patient was discharged and is on the path to a full recovery.

This outcome underscores the critical role of advanced medical care in our Neurosurgery Department and the unwavering commitment of GPHC’s staff to saving lives, even in the most challenging circumstances.

“The GPCH remains dedicated to advancing medical care and providing exceptional services to the people of Guyana. We extend our heartfelt thanks and commendation to the Neurosurgery team for their excellent work and dedication to neurosurgical care nationally, and to the medical staff, the patient’s family, and all those who supported this incredible journey to recovery for this six-year-old child.”

The bullet that was removed from the child’s head
The operating team

Conversation Tree Road Project No liquidated damages, penalties imposed on Kalco for incomplete work – Edghill confirms

... says Govt seized $150M in assets

Trinidadian company, Kalco Guyana Inc. which had failed to complete its section of the Conversation Tree Road Expansion Project, was not required to pay any liquidated damages nor did it face any other penalties.

This was revealed by Public Works Minister Juan Edghill in response to questions posed by Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) David Patterson regarding the project.

“It must be noted that no liquidated damages were deducted, and no other penalties were administered for the prolonged delays since there was an amicable settlement between the Ministry and the contractor,” the Minister outlined.

However, he noted, “The Ministry would have taken possession of the contractor’s vehicles and equipment to the value of $153,600,000 to cover the recovery of outstanding monies owed on the Advance Payment.”

The Minister clarified that the contract was “amicably settled” and not ter-

minated. Initially pegged at $1.8 billion, the Conversation Tree to Dennis Street Project was split into two lots, with the first lot awarded to S Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies Inc., which completed its portion in a timely manner.

The second phase was awarded to Kalco to the tune of $830,293,458 and the contract period was September 5, 2022, to November 5, 2023. However, the company failed to make any significant progress with the project.

According to the Public Works Minister, the Trinidadian company was already paid a total of $465,223,474, inclusive of advance works done on the project.

After pulling the contract from Kalco in April 2024, the government handed over the contract to complete the project to S Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies Inc. to the tune of $844,027,988.

Public Works Minister, Bishop Juan Edghill

Over 3000 firearm licences issued from 2017-2023 – Min Benn

Over 3000 firearm licences were issued by the Government of Guyana from 2017 to 2023, Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn has confirmed. He was responding to questions posed by Opposition Member of Parliament (MP) David Patterson via written replies in the National Assembly on Wednesday.

In the response to Patterson, Benn stated that a total of 449 licences were approved - 266 for pistols/ revolvers, 150 for shotguns and 33 for rifles – for 2017.

In 2018, some 604 licences were granted - 286 for pistols/revolvers, 279 for shotguns, and 39 for rifles while 254 licences - 170

for pistols/revolvers, 59 for shotguns, and 25 for rifles were issued in 2019.

For 2020, 428 licences were approved of which 253 were for pistols/revolvers, 109 for shotguns, and 66 for rifles. In 2021, the government issued 1011 licences - 663 for shotguns/revolvers, 201 shotguns, and 147 rifles.

A further 96 licences were issued for 2022 including 72 for pistols/revolvers and 24 for shotguns. In addition, for 2023, 178 licences were approved - 131 for pistols/revolvers, 37 shotguns and 10 rifles.

However, last year, Minister Benn had accused his predecessor, Khemraj Ramjattan of issuing fire -

Venezuelan sex worker was strangled,


to head – autopsy confirms

An autopsy performed on the body of Miracarmen Rodrigues Serrano who was found dead in her apartment at Quartzstone Landing, Region Seven (CuyuniMazaruni) confirmed that she was strangled and struck to the head.

Government pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh gave the cause of death as manual strangulation and blunt trauma to the head. However, the suspect was transported to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Headquarters where he is being interrogated. He is expected to make his court appearance on Friday. The 26-year-old Serrano was killed by the suspect after she reportedly requested additional fees for her services.

It was reported that the victim along with the suspect and others were seen partying at a shop in the area at about 2:00h. After some time, the woman and the suspect left but returned shortly after and continued drinking.

However, at about 03:00h, the shop owner related that he saw the suspect and Miracarmen leaving the shop, and went to her room. Soon after he heard loud noises and assumed that

they were having sex and as such, he retired to bed.

Shortly after, the shop owner stated that he heard the door to the woman’s room opened and someone left. He later got up and upon enquiring, he saw the woman lying on the floor with her underwear on her left foot. He recalled locking the door and going back to bed.

At about 07:30h, he again went to check on the woman and found her in the same position that he had left her and was in an unconscious state. At that time, he alerted several persons and reported the matter to the police. The woman reportedly died while being transported to Quartzstone Waterfront. Meanwhile, the suspect was later arrested and during interrogation, he related that that after he and the victim had sex, he requested to have sex again.

The woman, however, told him he had to pay another sum of cash but he attempted to forcefully have sex with her. She reportedly put up a fight thus biting him a few times about his body.

He retaliated by ‘choking’ her, forcefully had sex with her, and then left her lying unconscious on the floor.

arm licences without engaging the Firearm Licencing Approval Board. In light of this, Benn had stated that he would review all firearm licences issued by the former Public Security Minister.

However, the process from application to final approval or rejection for a firearm licence starts with the applicant completing the required application form

which has to be submitted along with the obligatory documents to the Police or Home Affairs Ministry.

The applicant will then be issued an acknowledgement letter by the Police Commissioner who will then forward the application to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Special Branch, and the relevant Divisional Commander, as the case may be, for pro -

cessing to commence.

During the processing of the application, Police officers will visit the residence of the applicant, who will be required to give a statement, and have his/her fingerprints taken.

The Divisional Commander will verify the information contained in the application, and submit a report to the Commissioner of Police with a recommendation. The CID and Special Branch will communicate the findings of their investigations to the Commissioner of Police.

On receipt of the required reports, the Police Commissioner forwards his findings and recommendation to the Home Affairs Minister for review by the Firearms Licensing Approval Board which will then review the recommendation of the Commissioner of Police, and make a recommendation to the Minister

of Home Affairs. The Home Affairs Minister will grant or withhold his “no objection” to the recommendation of the Firearms Licencing Approval Board. The Commissioner of Police will then be notified of the outcome of the application and the applicant will be notified, in writing, by the Commissioner of Police of the outcome of his/her application.

Successful applicants are required to pay a processing fee at the respective Divisional Firearm Registry, following which they will commence the process of purchasing, licencing, and uplifting a firearm and ammunition.

Unsuccessful applicants have the right to appeal the refusal of their applications for firearm licences under the Firearms Act to the President of Guyana.

Dead: Miracarmen Rodrigues Serrano

Linden man arrested after disposing of 50lbs of ganja in the Demerara River

– Police on the hunt for 2 others

Twenty-three-yearold Keron Layne of One Mile Extension, Wismar Linden was on Monday arrested following the discovery of over 50 pounds of cannabis.

Police stated that on the day in question, police ranks were on mobile patrol duties in the vicinity of Wismar Bridge in Linden when they observed three males on two unmarked XR motorcycles heading west on the Wismar Bridge.

As such, the patrol Ranks stopped their vehicle and attempted to intercept the motorists but on seeing the police, the two motorcycles came to a halt.

The three men then disembarked the motorcycles and disposed of two large plastic bags in the river after which they attempted to

motorcycles that were abandoned by

In so doing, one of them who was later identified as Keron Layne of One Mile Extension, Wismar was arrested. However, the police retrieved the bags from the river and upon inspection found a quantity of ganja.

The cannabis along with Layne was escorted to the Wismar Police Station where the illicit plant was weighed and amounted to 25.2 kg (55.556 lbs). Layne remains in custody pending charges.

The police are on the hunt for the two others.

Arrested: Keron Layne and the ganja that was retrieved from the river
The XR
the traffickers escape.

Guyanese, Trinidadian Ambassadors to Belgium discuss strengthening Caribbean ties within EU

Guyana’s Ambassador to Belgium

Sasenarine Singh recently met with the Ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago Colin Connelly during which discussions were had on several key issues of mutual interest for cooperation within the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) and the European Union (EU) in Brussels.

During the meeting, Ambassador Connelly, as Dean of the Caribbean Ambassadors in Brussels, formally welcomed Ambassador Singh to Belgium, wished him a successful tour of duty, and expressed support for his work programme priorities.

Key objectives for Ambassador Singh’s tenure include promoting democracy and the rule of law; preservation of sovereignty and territorial integrity and maintaining the Caribbean region as a ‘zone of peace’; collaborating on food security initiatives, addressing climate security, and fostering energy security, including renewable energy collaboration were highlighted.

Guyana’s Ambassador to Belgium, Sasenarine Singh and his Trinidadian counterpart Colin Connelly

Singh, however, emphasised the importance of engaging in frameworks such as OACPS-EU, CELAC-EU, and the Caribbean Group of Ambassadors in Brussels for regional progress.

GDF Corporals busted with 316lbs ganja charged, remanded to prison

The two Corporals attached to the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) who were busted with 316 lbs of ganja on Saturday last were charged and remanded to prison.

Edward McCalmont, 40, from Kaneville, East Bank Demerara (EBD), and John Johnson,24, from Timehri Docks, EBD appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates Court and pleaded not guilty to the charge when it was read to them.

Police stated that on Saturday, July 27, at Mandela Avenue, Georgetown, they had 316lbs of cannabis for trafficking. They were however, remanded to prison until August 19, 2024.

It was reported that police acting on information received, ranks from Special Branch and other ranks went to Mandela Avenue, where they intercepted a route 42 minibus bearing registration number, BTT 27 owned by McCalmont who was in the driver’s seat. Johnson was reportedly in the front passenger’s seat.

The two GDF ranks were informed that they were stopped based on intelligence received that they were trafficking narcotics. As such, the Police searched the vehicle during which 49 wellwrapped parcels containing cannabis were found on the seats.

The two ranks were arrested and escorted to the East La Penitence Police Station, where the ganja was weighed and amounted to 316 lbs.

Two Tuesdays ago, Sergeants Clovis Sam, 31, of Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, and 42-year-

old Adisa Higgins from Wismar Housing Scheme, Linden were charged and remanded to prison for having 154 lbs of ganja in their possession.

It was reported that the two Sergeants were busted during a joint intelligence-led operation involving the Special Branch and Regional Division 4B. It was reported that on July 18 at Coverden, EBD, the two ranks were travelling in a vehicle belonging to the Defence Force when it was discovered that they were transporting 22 parcels of cannabis.

They were subsequently arrested, charged and remanded to prison until August 12, 2024.

Harris Paints receives quality recognition from Global Architects, ISO

Ambassador Singh nevertheless expressed confidence in a stronger partnership between Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago.

He congratulated Trinidad and Tobago on its recent signing of the OACPSEU Samoa Agreement and looked forward to leveraging the agreement’s Caribbean Regional Protocol for enhanced cooperation.

Harris Paints is the first paint manufacturer in the Eastern Caribbean to have its products tested and included on the Approved Products List (APL) by the Master Painters Institute (MPI). This achievement ensures that Harris Paints' products are on par with global competitors and leading international brands.

Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, MPI is an Institute dedicated to the establishment of quality standards and quality assurance programmes, training, and publications for the architectural paint and coatings sector in the USA and Canada.

Senior Vice President for Sales and Marketing of Harris Paints, Luke Ticknor stated that the results validated the company’s long-standing commitment to provide top quality products that are second to none and pointed out that the products approved were not just in one product line but were across five different product categories, demonstrating the bench strength across the Harris Paints range.

“We have done our own third-party testing for years, and constantly come out on top, but there are limits to how much of that data we can publish and share, and limits to how that test data has been accepted by the local and international architectural community,” Ticknor stated.

“By having MPI test and approve our products, architects, and engineers can now objectively and confidently specify our products for their projects, knowing they will perform very well or even better than the others that are available in the market.”

Expanding on the achievement Ticknor explained, “The certification process is quite costly from our perspective, and within a line, products are broadly similar so we took a

strategic approach and focused on key products that are staples for professionals. These included the main finishes in our premium Ulttima line, the professional-grade products in our Pro Speed Cover range, concrete and drywall primer, and our environmentally-friendly zero VOC Ulttima Pure products which are important for projects with sustainable building goals – and we will add more in the future”

As the leading independent resource for the paint and coatings sector in the USA and Canada, the MPI also provides training and certification programmes for members of the industry.

Beyond product certification, Harris Paints enrolled over 15 key sales and staff across the region, who have now passed the robust training programme and have been awarded an Architectural Coatings Technologist designation by the MPI.

Senior Manager for HighPerformance Coatings and Trade at Harris Paints, Simon Cabral said, “We have always had a good reputation in terms of providing strong technical support to customers and having very well-trained staff with lots of experience. Now having

passed the intense and technical MPI programme, our staff are even more equipped to service their customers and help them achieve the best results possible on their projects. We are proud to have the largest team of independently trained and certified staff in the Region.”

Harris Paints also holds ISO 9001 2015 certification which guides its quality management. ISO is a globally recognised standard for quality management headquartered in Geneva Switzerland.

In May 2024 it also received an outstanding result for its ISO quality management audit, in maintaining the highest quality management standards across the region, for the 3rd consecutive year during the 30plus years of a member of ISO.

Although Harris Paints is well known for decorative finishes, the company provides many specialty solutions including high-performance architectural finishes; seamless resin and cementitious floor coatings; anti-corrosion protective products; fireproofing paints, and more.

Across this broad range of product offering, Harris Paints strives to be the number one coatings resource for architects, hotels, developers and other property owners in the region.

Senior Manager for HighPerformance Coatings and Trade at Harris Paints, Simon Cabral
Carl Ageday, Sales Executive, Harris Paints Guyana
Edward McCalmont and John Johnson with the ganja that was found in the minibus

GDF Coast Guards find 135lbs cannabis in abandoned boat in Berbice River

The ganja that was found in the abandoned boat

Ranks of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Coast Guard Unit in Berbice intercepted a boat with 135 lbs of ganja on Tuesday.

The boat that was transporting the drugs

of the boat and escaped.

No liquidated damages, penalties imposed...

Based on reports received, the GDF ranks were conducting patrol duties in the Berbice River when they observed a boat approaching but suddenly changing direction.


Responding to questions from MP Patterson on what method of procurement was used to give S Jagmohan

Construction and General Supplies Inc. the contract, Minister Edghill replied, “The Sole Source Method was used to procure the services of S. Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies Inc. owing to the fact the contractor had recently substantially completed the eastern section

in a fairly timely manner.”

He added, “The contractor was acquainted with the site conditions and works are similar, in addition to not fully demobilised from the site.”

Minister Edghill further revealed that S. Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies Inc. is expected to complete the works within a period of six months from April 30, 2024, to October 29, 2024.

The patrols pursued the boat which ran aground onto the shore. The identifiable occupants jumped out

The boat was later towed to the Coast Guard base, where, on inspection, the ranks observed found 10 parcels wrapped in black garbage bags and clear transparent plastic marked with the label B20.

The Coast Guards reportedly returned to lo -

cation to look for the suspects but it proved futile. The narcotics were later handed over to the police. The boat and engine are presently at the Coast Guard Base. Investigations are ongoing.

The impounded outboard engine that was affixed to the boat

The paving of Conversation Tree Roadway by S Jagmohan Construction and General Supplies in January

Berbice duo nabbed with gun, ammo at Police roadblock

Ataxi driver and one passenger were taken into custody following the discovery of one .38 revolver and seven live rounds of ammunition at Albion Public Road, Corentyne Berbice on Tuesday.

Based on reports received, at about 06:28h on the day in question, a Toyota Premio motorcar

discovery of the gun and ammunition contained in a black plastic bag in the driver’s side door.

At the time of the interception, the driver, Selwyne Gray from Leeds Village, Corentyne Berbice, and Otis Victor, a farmer from Nurney Village were the only occupants of the vehicle.

bearing registration number HD 2128 was stopped and searched during a police roadblock at Albion thus leading to the

The two men were taken to the Albion Police Station and placed in custody pending investigations.

The car that was intercepted
The gun and ammunition found in the car

House passes Bill to enhance matrimonial ‘gender equality’

ABill aimed at ensur-

ing fair and equitable treatment for persons seeking divorce was on Wednesday passed in the National Assembly, with the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Government receiving bipartisan support.

The Matrimonial Causes (Amendment) Bill No. 10 of 2024 was presented for the second time by AttorneyGeneral and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall.

The amendment will enable former husbands to apply for maintenance or spousal support following divorce proceedings, which are traditionally exclusive to women under the nation’s longstanding alimony laws.

The pertinent piece of legislation also reforms the existing act by removing existing discriminatory provisions to bring the law into conformity with certain fundamental rights guaranteed

under the Constitution.

In fact, Section 14 of the Principal Act previously stated that on the dissolution or nullity of marriage, the court may order that a husband must pay maintenance or alimony to a wife. However, both partners are now eligible for alimony based on evidence presented to the court.

Nandlall explained that this reform underscores the nation’s commitment to gender neutrality in legal rights and responsibilities, mirroring the evolving societal values and the vital importance of upholding individual rights without gender bias.

“What societal values were 90 years ago, what family values were 90 years ago, what social…and legal realities were 90 years ago, are radically different from what they are today. By the sheer passage of time, this law requires reform,” he told the National Assembly.

He added “We tried years ago to do it but there was some resistance from some segments of our population but this time around consultations were held and I believe that those segments of the population that felt strongly about this matter have now changed their view”.

Further, Nandlall emphasised that the act has also incorporated significant provisions outlining the factors that the court

must consider in deciding whether to award maintenance, as well as the amount of maintenance applicable to both husbands and wives.

According to him, the amendments are expected to significantly influence future divorce proceedings in Guyana, promoting a fair approach to post-marital financial support.

“The bill also amplifies the grounds that a court must take into account when examining the issue

of maintenance and when to grant maintenance when treating will alimony. So, the bill as I said in that overview has some very wide-ranging changes with deep and far-reaching ramifications,” he added.

While Guyana’s current divorce law requires proving fault, leading to separation and hardship, Nandlall added that the newly amended divorce law will allow couples to agree on divorce terms without publicly airing their disputes.

“They are a series of provisions in the principal act that confer protection upon a wife but does not reciprocally confer such protection on the husband. So, in those provisions we have brought equality and equilibrium,” Nandlall said.

This legislative revision follows a pivotal ruling by Chief Justice (AG) Roxane George-Wiltshire, who recently deemed Section 14 of the Matrimonial Causes

Act, Chapter 45:02 discriminatory based on sex and gender, as it exclusively permitted wives to obtain maintenance post-divorce. The case emerged when a divorced man, represented by attorney Tamara EvelynKhan, contested the prevailing legal structure after being barred from seeking maintenance from his exwife.

The Chief Justice highlighted at the time that the current stipulations of the Matrimonial Causes Act unjustly discriminated against men, contravening constitutional mandates against sex and genderbased discrimination. In response, the Attorney General, a respondent in the case, acknowledged the act’s inconsistency with Article 149 of the Constitution, which safeguards against discrimination on various grounds, including sex and gender.

Maduro says ready to release all Venezuela vote tallies as pressure mounts

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has promised to release all the vote tallies from a disputed weekend election, as international pressure mounts on the South American leader to be “transparent” with the vote results.

Maduro told reporters on Wednesday that the ruling party was ready to show the totality of the electoral tally sheets, a top demand of opposition politicians who have disputed Maduro’s claim to have won Sunday’s vote.

Maduro also said he asked the country’s Supreme Court to conduct

spread protests over the election results, and foreign leaders have called on him to provide a full accounting of the vote.

Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro, who has worked to improve Colombia-Venezuela ties since taking office in 2022, said the Venezuelan Government should “allow the elections to end in peace, allowing a transparent vote count … and professional international supervision”.

Such a process would appease protesters “and stop the violence that leads to death”, Petro wrote in a social media post.

while the elections conclude peacefully and the transparent result, whatever it may be, is accepted”.

Venezuela’s National

an audit of the election.

The Venezuelan president, who first came to power in 2013 after the death of his mentor Hugo Chavez, has faced wide-

He also said Maduro held a “great responsibility” amid the turmoil “to honour Chavez’s spirit and to allow the Venezuelan people to return to tranquility

Electoral Council (CNE) on Monday formally declared Maduro the winner of the vote. The CNE said Maduro had secured 51 percent support to win another six-

year term, compared with Gonzalez’s 44 percent.

But the Venezuelan opposition has decried the official results as fraudulent, saying it has evidence that Gonzalez trounced Maduro.

“We Venezuelans want peace and respect for the popular will,” Gonzalez said on Tuesday as thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets of the capital Caracas and other parts of the country to protest the results.

The protesters, many of whom chanted anti-Maduro slogans, were met with tear gas and rubber bullets fired by police.

At least 11 people have been killed in incidents related to the election count or the protests, the rights group Foro Penal said on Tuesday, and international observers have raised serious concerns about a worsening crackdown on the demonstrations.

Maduro had largely struck a defiant tone, saying earlier this week without any evidence that Venezuela was the tar-

get of an attempted “coup d’etat” of a “fascist and counter-revolutionary” nature. His government has called the protesters violent agitators and Maduro directly blamed Gonzalez “for everything that is happening in Venezuela”, including “criminal violence … the wounded, the dead, the destruction”.

Opposition leaders say they have access to around 90 per cent of vote tallies – which by law are supposed to be given to witnesses at vote counts – and the printouts of those tallies show Gonzalez won more than twice as many votes as Maduro.

But Oswaldo Ramirez of the Caracas-based firm ORC Consultores said the opposition faces “significant” challenges. “The opposition must show it has the tallies and send them to other countries as proof,” he told the Reuters news agency.

Carmen Beatriz Fernandez, CEO of the Datastrategia firm, said “there is still a small chance” that Maduro’s government could consent to negotiations to hash out a transition of power.

However, given that the government had not yet shared the tallies, it “seems to be taking the worst path for themselves and for the country”, she said.

Earlier on Wednesday, the foreign ministers of Group of Seven (G7) countries urged the Venezuelan authorities to publish “detailed electoral results in full transparency”.

“And we ask electoral representatives to immediately share all information with the opposition and independent observers,” they said in a statement.

The US-based Carter Center, which sent electoral observers to Venezuela for the vote, said late on Tuesday that the election “did not meet international standards of electoral integrity and cannot be considered democratic”.

“The Carter Center cannot verify or corroborate the results of the election declared by the National Electoral Council (CNE), and the electoral authority’s failure to announce disaggregated results by polling station constitutes a serious breach of electoral principles,” it said in a statement.

The group listed a range of problems with the electoral process, including short voter registration deadlines, unequal campaign conditions, restrictions on the opposition, and what it said was a “clear bias” on the part of the CNE in favour of Maduro.

“In the limited number of polling centers they visited, Carter Center observer teams noted the desire of the Venezuelan people to participate in a democratic election process, as demonstrated through their active participation as polling staff, party witnesses, and citizen observers,” it said.

“However, their efforts were undermined by the CNE’s complete lack of transparency in announcing the results.” (Al Jazeera)

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro speaks at the Supreme Court of Justice in Caracas, Venezuela on July 31, 2024 [Leonardo Fernandez Viloria/Reuters]
Protesters on Wednesday
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall

GCB salutes Clive Lloyd on his conferral with OCC

Days after the Guyanese cricket legend, Sir Clive Lloyd was presented with the Order of the Caribbean Community (OCC) at the 47th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of Caricom in Grenada, the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) has hailed the achievements of the Guyanese pioneer in the sport.

The GCB’s complete statement read, “The quintessential statesman who continues to receive outstanding awards and accolades from around the world 39 years after the curtain fell on his illustrious playing career”. Those were the words of President of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB), Mr Bissoondyal Singh, in an invited comment on son of the soil, Sir Clive Hubert Lloyd’s conferral with the Order of the Caribbean Community (OCC), the Region’s exclusive award.

“The Order of the Caribbean Community award has been described as a “celebration of excellence among the peoples of the Region. Honourees represent the interest of their Nation States and the Region in the

wider international arena and by their service craft a niche for the Caribbean in the international community. Sir Clive is the second Guyanese after Sir Shridath Ramphal (1992) to be awarded the OCC and also the fourth cricketer after Sir Garfield Sobers (1998), Mr Brian Charles Lara (2008) and Sir Viv Richards (2022). Sir Clive has added his name to a select group of

distinguished West Indians who have contributed outstandingly to regional development.

“The President, Executives and Members of the GCB join the nation in congratulating Sir Clive Lloyd on being the recipient of this prestigious accord at the recently-held 47th Regular Meeting of the Heads of Government of Caricom. Our modest and

Hoosein’s Security, KFC...

– Lusignan at 11:30h; Soesdyke XI v Airport XI – QC Pitch 1 at 11:30h; Renegades Cricket Club v Tarmac Titans – PSC at 11:30h; Eccles AllStars v Eastsyde – QC Pitch 3 at 11:30h; Titans All-Stars v Stripling Warriors – PSC at 13:30h; Premier Insurance

v Min. Housing – QC Pitch 1 at 13:30h; Moruca Super Giants v Lil Rams – QC Pitch 3 at 13:30h; The Guards v Mahaica Super Strikers –13:30h at Lusignan; Green Scorpions v Avinash AllStars – QC Pitch 1 at 15:30h; Brooklyn Youth Strikers v

Cotton Tree Die Hard – PSC at 15:30h; Diamond Gunners v TG Titans – Lusignan at 15:30h; The United Crew v Bartica Bulls – QC Pitch 3 at 15:30h.

The Kares One Guyana T10 Blast also enjoys the support of Kares Engineering; Banks DIH Limited; Star Rentals; Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport; Montra Restaurant and Lounge; SuperBet; Demerara Mutual; ETS; Metro Office and Computer Supplies; Jacobs’ Jewellery; Digital Technology; First Change Builders Inc; KFC Guyana; Building Expo 2024; Giftland OfficeMax; Sankar’s Auto Works; ENet; Avinash Contracting and Scrap Metal Inc; Trophy Stall; ANSA McAL Distribution; Camille’s Academy; Ministry of Human Services and Social Security; RS53 RestoBar and Lounge; General Marine; Samaroo Investments and Coel’s Boutique.

Den Amstel maintain hot ...

Den Amstel got ahead first in the 10th minute, thanks Gideon Payne’s alertness following a defensive stumble on Western’s part, resulting in an easy chip over the keeper’s head for the goal. Then, mere minutes before the first half expired, in the 41st minute, Michal Oie found the back of the net to level the scores for Western Tigers. Although there were chances, the final 45 minutes were a stalemate, resulting in the 1-1 draw.

The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) FC still lead the league with 40 points from 14 games, while Slingerz FC are second with 39 points in 15 games. Occupying third place are GPF FC with 34 points in 15 games, while Santos FC have played an equal number of games for 27 points, moving up to fourth place. Dropping one spot are Western Tigers with 25 points,

who have been dented by Tuesday night’s draw. Just behind them are Den Amstel FC, who now have 20 points from

17 games. The KFC Elite League continues on Saturday, August 3 at the same venue.

soft-spoken national hero has once again added to his expanding honour roll which includes his Knighthood in January 2022 from the Duke of Cambridge Prince William at Windsor Castle and his induction into the ICC Hall of Fame in 2019.

“In his international playing days, Sir Clive Lloyd blazed a trail of outstanding achievements from 1966 to 1985 during which time he played 110 Test matches, was Captain in 74 of the matches, winning 36 of those matches making him the most successful captain in West Indies cricket; this included a sequence of 26

Tests without a loss including 11 consecutive victories. His highest score of 242 not out was among his 19 Test centuries. Sir Clive’s crowning moment was on June 21, 1975 when as Captain he held aloft the Presidential Trophy presented to him by Prince Phillip of England after West Indies had defeated Australia by 17 runs at Lord’s to win the inaugural One-Day World Cup (60 overs) in what was described as the longest day in cricket.

“Sir Clive also played and made an indelible mark for 20 seasons with Lancashire in English County Cricket and was Captain for five of those seasons. He was also outstanding for Guyana in Regional First-Class Cricket and was Captain when Guyana in 1983 became the first territory to win both the four-day and the oneday titles in a regional season. After his playing days, Sir Clive served as an ICC Match Referee and in 2008 was appointed Chairman of the ICC Cricket Committee.

“The GCB is once again proud of yet another achievement by our legendary cricket hero on his conferral of the OCC and takes the opportunity to congratulate him and wish him the very best.”

Seales, Hodge achieve career-best positions in Test rankings

West Indies seamer Jayden Seales and batsman Kavem Hodge have been rewarded for their standout performances in the recently-concluded Test series against England, as both achieved career-best moves up the latest International Cricket Council (ICC) Men’s Test bowling and batting rankings on Wednesday.

Though West Indies suffered a 3-0 whitewash in that ICC World Test Championship series, Seales emerged as a standout performer, as he earned the Player of the Series award for his 13 wickets snared across all three games.

That performance saw the 22-year-old Trinidadian move seven places up to a career-best 26th position, joining teammate Jason Holder, who held firm in that position.

Veteran seamer Kemar Roach remains the top-ranked West Indies bowler at 17th, with Alzarri Joseph following Seales and Holder as the next best-ranked player at 31st. Kyle Mayers (37th); Shannon Gabriel (43rd); Gudakesh Motie (52nd); Roston Chase (59th); Shamar Joseph (64th); Jomel Warrican (66th), and Rahkeem Cornwall (82nd) are the other Caribbean bowlers in the top 100.

On the batting chart, Hodge inched up three places to 72nd, following a credible display in the threematch series. The 31-year-old Dominican tallied 216 runs, including a maiden Test century.

Captain Kraigg Brathwaite

remains the highest-ranked West Indies batsman at 41st, with out-of-favour Jermaine Blackwood slipping to 52nd.


Joshua Da Silva (62nd); Holder (70th); Mayer (76th); Tagenarine Chanderpaul (86th) and Roston Chase (92nd) are also in the top 100.

Meanwhile, England batter Joe Root reclaimed the number one Test batting position after scoring 87 in the first innings of the third and final match against West Indies in Birmingham, which his side won by 10 wickets.

This is Root’s ninth stint as number one. His first tenure at the top of the rankings commenced in August 2015, and he was last at the top in June last year after a fine performance in the opening match of the Ashes series, also in Birmingham.

While Root overtook Kane Williamson to take the top spot, Babar Azam, Daryl Mitchell, Steve Smith, and Rohit Sharma have all gained a spot each as Harry Brook slipped to seventh position after attaining a career-best third position last week.

In the weekly update to the rankings that also takes into consideration performances in the Ireland versus Zimbabwe Test in Belfast, England Captain Ben Stokes, who struck 54 in the first innings in Birmingham and a quickfire 57 not out off 28 balls in the second, has moved up four positions to 30th in the batting rankings.

Zimbabwe’s Sean Williams has re-entered the rankings in

33rd position after scores of 35 and 40, while England wicketkeeper Jamie Smith’s knock of 95 has lifted him 31 places to 64th position.

England fast bowler Mark Wood’s Player-of-the-Match performance of two for 52 and five for 40 has lifted him into the top 20 of the bowling rankings for the first time in his career.

Gus Atkinson of England (up four places to 46th); Blessing Muzarabani of Zimbabwe (re-entered in 50th position) and Mark Adair of Ireland (up three places to 63rd) are other notable gainers in the bowling rankings. (Sportsmax)

Flashback! Clive Lloyd lifts the World Cup trophy, to which he led the West Indies team
Jayden Seales and Kavem Hodge
A look at the action between Den Amstel (Green) and Western Tigers
Marketing Assistant for KFC Guyana, Charmaine Farnum (left) and John Ramsingh of FL Sport

Jockey Paul Delph eyeing 4th win at Guyana Cup

Paul Delph was the first jockey to win a Guyana Cup back in the inaugural edition in 2007. Delph piloted Ice Follies of the Jagdeo Racing Stables. He also recorded wins in 2012 and 2014, with Ellies

Vision and C.P Got Even respectively. The 16th running of the Guyana Cup, which is set for August 11 will be one where Delph will want to script history, becoming the second jockey to win the feature race at four Guyana


Currently, Colin Ross is the only jockey with four wins of the feature race in the prestigious Guyana Cup. According to Delph, who is known among his peers as Lil’ Paul, he is looking forward

Den Amstel maintain hot streak, GPF thump Ann’s Grove

to a good day where he will be eyeing his fourth Guyana Cup feature race win.

“You need some luck on the day. All the horses are working well ahead of the Guyana Cup. As a jockey, you have to exercise a lot. That is the main thing, fitness is important,” Paul said.

He disclosed that he weighs 110 pounds and he eats the right food.

The Guyana Cup will be the biggest event ever in the history of local horse racing, and Paul is excited to win big.

Meanwhile, Jockey Ross, who won his first Guyana Cup in 2008, also recorded wins in 2017, 2018 and 2022. With his current form and

Den Amstel FC continued their impressive recent form, holding another ‘big team’ in the KFC Elite League to a draw on Tuesday night, and the Guyana Police Force (GPF) Football Club whipped Ann’s Grove at the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) National Training Center (NTC), at Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD).

First on the cards for Tuesday’s double-header was a clash between the GPF FC and Ann’s Grove FC, which ended in the law officers’ favour, 7-0.

Neron Barrow opened the scoring for the Policemen in just the sixth minute, and Nicholas McArthur pushed the score to 2-0 in the 20th minute. While the first half would expire with Ann’s Grove refusing to concede any more goals, the floodgates opened in the second segment. Barrow was the first to find the back of the net again in the 47th minute, followed by an Adrian Aaron strike in the 54th. Dorwin George, Chai Williams, and Keswin Fraser later got past the keeper in the 79th, 88th and 90th+1 min-

utes to push Police’s tally to 7. The second match resulted in a nail-biting draw between Western Tigers and Den Amstel FC, marking the second draw the West Coast Demerara (WCD) outfit has been able to pull off against a top-five team in the league in a matter of two weeks.

knowledge, Ross is tipped to become the first jockey to five Guyana Cup wins.

The 16th running of the Guyana Cup is organised by the Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing, with more than 40 million Guyana dollars in cash for prize money. Last year’s Guyana Cup saw a total purse of $24 million.

According to organisers, the 2024 Guyana Cup will certainly be the biggest, and the day will be packed with side attractions. The first-ever fun park is set to ignite the Rising Sun Turf Club, where kids will witness a parading bar on spot, and multiple stages will be set up across the venue. The biggest DJ compe-

tition will also ignite Rising Sun Turf Club, where top DJs will battle for supremacy. Ten races are listed on the provisional programme, and registration closes on August 3. No late entries will be accepted at this year’s Guyana Cup.

In addition to the feature event, which will run at approximately 1800 metres, other races on the provisional card include: the 1600-metre derby, 1000-metre Sprint Classic, the 1000-metre twoyear-old, 1000-metre F1 Class, the 1600-metre H1 Class, the 1400-metre J & Lower, 1400-metre K Class, 1400-metre L Class and 1400-metre non-earners.

Hoosein’s Security, KFC and

NEW GPC pledge support

Hoosein’s Security Service Inc, KFC Guyana, and NEW GPC INC have signalled their interest in being on board the second edition of the Kares One Guyana T10 Tapeball Blast.

On Wednesday, Hoosein’s Security Service Inc and KFC Guyana supported the tournament, while NEW GPC committed to being a partner.

In an invited comment, John Ramsingh of FL Sport thanked the companies for their commitment, which plays a significant role in producing a high-quality tournament.

Ramsingh elaborated that a lot of behind-the-scenes work goes into the output, and

the much-needed support aids those endeavours in becoming successful.

All of the matches will be scored live, and from the quarter-finals onwards, they will be streamed on social media and other platforms.

The tournament commences on August 3 with matches at the Queen’s College Ground, Police Sports Club (PSC), and Lusignan Community Centre Ground.

Other match days will be the Round of 16 on August 4 at the Police Sports Club and Lusignan Community Centre Ground, while the quarter-finals return to the Enmore Community Centre Ground on August 11.

The finals and Cricket

for Charity match will be on August 25 at the National Stadium, Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD). The competition promises to be fierce, and a larger prize pool will entice the 32 participating teams. The champions will receive $1.5 million, while the runners-up will receive $500,000.

The losing semi-finalists will each get $250,000.

Matches on August 3: MS-13 All-Stars v Team Corruption – QC Pitch 1 at 09:30h; Upsetters v

From left: John Ramsingh; Shivanie Mohamed of Hoosein’s Security Services Inc; the company’s Chief Executive Officer, Assaf Hoosein and another company representative
A glimpse of the onesided clash featuring GPF FC and Ann’s Grove
Gideon Payne (green) opened the scoring for Den Amstel FC
Jockey Paul Delph won the first-ever Guyana Cup in 2007

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