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Creative Process

Creative Process

Types of soil

The origin of the soils in the municipality dates back to the Tertiary Period. The soil units identified in the study area correspond to Chromic Cambisol Bc, Eutric Regosol Re, Eutric Fluvisol Je, Haplic Phaeozem Hh, Luvic Phaeozem Hl, Chromic Luvisol Lc, and Ferric Luvisol Lf. Due to their extent, the predominant soil units are Haplic Phaeozem, Chromic Luvisol, and Eutric Regosol.


Haplic Phaeozem: Dark-colored soil (rich in organic matter)

Lithosol: Soil with a depth of less than 10 cm Regosol: Sandy soil with no clay accumulations, no evidence of cambic or oxic horizons, and never albic horizons

Luvisol: Soils with argic B horizon

Eutric Regosol and Eutric Fluvisol belong to the group of loose granular soils. Due to their lack of stability, these soils pose constraints for urban development as they can cause damage to buildings constructed on them.

Railway line

Lázaro Cárdenas Avenue, Guadalajara-Tepic Highway, Phaeozem




Body of water

El Arenal River

Municipal boundary

SOURCE: Self elaborated with INEGI information 0

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