1 minute read
Risk and Contamination Zones
from Academic Portfolio
by H.DavidGilG
"Memories of El Arenal": Participants engaged in a memory collection activity, where they placed postit notes on a timeline, categorizing their memories of the town in general and specifically focusing on the river.
"El Arenal Today": In this activity, participants were asked to describe what they like about the town and the river. They also marked different points on a map, including areas of contamination, insecurity, their residential and work locations, gathering points, etc. The map generated during the workshop was digitized, highlighting areas where residents believe there is higher contamination. These points are concentrated along the river axis and in areas connected to residential and commercial settlements that contribute to river pollution.
"Dreaming of El Arenal": Participants were invited to envision their ideal future for the town and the river, allowing for open and creative ideas. Their input was considered crucial for the development of a master plan.
Finally, a closing activity was conducted, illustrating to the participants the interdependence they have on each other to achieve their goals.