H2 Conference & Exhibition Insurance Brochure

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conference & exhibition insurance solutions

conference & exhibition insurance reduced public event liability cancellation money property attendance

non appearance

adverse weather


H2 Insurance Solutions

cover is critical

is an Australian market leading Insurance Adviser that specialises in providing insurance for events in the sports, entertainment, conference and exhibition industries.

A natural catastrophe, a man-made event, a freak accident or just an unfortunate set of circumstances can easily lead to:

Conference & Exhibition Insurance obtained through H2 Insurance Solutions is underwritten by some of the largest insurers in the world including Beazley Underwriting, a worldwide contingency lines insurer that has been underwriting conference and exhibition insurance for 20 years, and Able Underwriting, a local speciality lines underwriting agency that is backed by Liberty International Underwriters, the speciality lines division of global giant Liberty Mutual.


This market knowledge and expertise is reflected in a new Conference & Exhibition Insurance package for the Australian & New Zealand market and available exclusively through H2 Insurance Solutions.

designed for PCO's H2’s exclusive package offers an enhanced level of cover not otherwise available in the Australian market. The key features of the Cancellation Insurance policy have evolved from Beazley’s extensive experience in this class and directly address the needs of Professional Conference Organisers and Event Managers. This insurance package protects the organiser’s event budget and addresses any uncertainty that can arise when, despite the best efforts of the organiser, it becomes apparent that an event is going to be cancelled.

t B WFOVF CFJOH EBNBHFE t B SFEVDUJPO JO BUUFOEBODF t UIF OPO BQQFBSBODF PG B LFZ QFSTPO TVDI BT B speaker or performer Late 2010 and 2011 witnessed several major events causing widespread disruption including severe flooding in Queensland and Victoria, ash clouds in Europe and Australia and labour union disputes. These are just a few examples of the types of events that can cause disruption or cancellation of even the most well planned conferences, exhibitions and events. H2 Conference & Exhibition Insurance Solutions is the only Insurance Adviser endorsed and recommended by the PCO Association.

General Advice Warning: The information provided in this brochure is to be regarded as general advice only. Your personal objectives, needs or financial situations were not taken into account when preparing this information. We recommend that you consider the suitability of this general advice, in respect of your objectives, financial situation and needs before acting on it. Please consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before making any decision to purchase this financial product.

product features and enhancements In addition to the standard product features such as non-appearance of guest speakers and enforced reduced attendance, H2’s Conference & Exhibition package includes a number of valued product enhancements that complement the standard features: t OP TVC MJNJU GPS GBJMVSF UP WBDBUF UIF WFOVF t terrorism options on a broader basis than provided under the Terrorism Insurance Act, including sublimited free cover and cover for the threat of terrorism t SFUurn of contracted fees or contracted charges irrespective of whether the Insured is contractually obliged to return the fees t BVUPNBUJD SFJOTUBUFNFOU PG UIF MJNJU t SFRVJTJUJPO PG UIF WFOVF t DBODFMlation due to a declared state of national mourning t TUBUVUPSZ MJBCJMJUZ FYUFOTJPO UP DPWFS ÜOFT BOE penalties t claims handling service with no additional fee

free limit increases H2’s Conference & Exhibition insurance package includes a number of innovative free limit increases as standard. When costs and charges are in excess of the original limit insured we will increase the limit insured by up to 20%. Examples of how this can occur include: t XIen expenses are incurred by the organiser to reschedule their event, and despite the organisers best efforts, the event is still cancelled. t the additional costs incurred by the organiser in advising those who need to know that their event is cancelled, and the extra expenses incurred by the organiser to market the date and location of their rescheduled event. t PSHaniser’s financial commitments such as a block booking of hotel rooms for delegates, which become the responsibility of the organisers when the event is cancelled.

experience = value for money

easy access

This comprehensive level of cover is available at a price which is significantly less than you might expect. Beazley has been insuring conferences and exhibitions for 20 years in the UK America Europe and Asia.

Arranging cover for conferences and events through H2 Insurance Solutions is quick and easy. Simply request a quote by submitting the quote form through our web site at www.h2is.com.au/conference and one of our Insurance Advisers will provide a quote by return email.

During this time Beazley has paid many hundreds of DMBJNT SFTVMUJOH GSPN FBSUIRVBLFT BTI DMPVET terrorist BUUBDLT UTVOBNJT øPPET QPXFS PVUBHFT EBNBHFE venues and industrial action. This experience enables a thorough understanding of the risks faced by conference and exhibition organisers.


PRODUCT COMPARISON Benefits Sub-limited Property extension Sub-limited Money extension Free limit increases to cover unforeseen costs & charges Broad Terrorism options including a free sub-limit and threat of terrorism No sub-limit for failure to vacate Enforced Reduced attendance without an Excess Statutory Liability cover to protect against fines and penalties

H2 Conference & Exhibition

Next best product

The following pages provide an overview of the types of cover our Conference & Exhibition Insurance package provides.

policy 1 - liability insurance - includes the following sub-sections public liability What does it cover? Personal injury and property damage claims made against the event owner or promoter by a third party where they are found responsible for that injury or property damage. Why is it important? Despite your best efforts to maintain a safe environment, accidents can happen - and the costs can be very damaging to your business. A personal injury claim can run into the millions of dollars. Even if you are not found to be responsible for the injury or property damage being claimed against you, the legal cost of defending a Liability claim can run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you insured, those costs will likely be covered by your Liability Insurer acting on your behalf. But only if you're insured! Who should have it: All parties involved in running the conference or event should have liability insurance. This includes the Owner or Promoter of the event, the Venue, the Exhibitors, the Conference Organiser/Event Manager, and all Contractors and Service Providers (such as Sound and Lighting contractors and Security contractors). Why do all parties need their own Liability Insurance? If there is an injury or property damage whilst at the event, a number of parties are likely to be dragged into the claim. If a guest trips over an audio cable and hits their head on an exhibitor’s booth, their claim will probably involve the conference owner or organiser first, even though the negligent party was probably the Audio Contractor.

If you’re insured, your Liability Insurer would defend this claim and subrogate (act on your behalf) against the negligent party to recover claim costs. Without insurance you could face a costly legal fight – either defending the claim against your organisation, claiming against the negligent party – or both. You could face all these costs – even though you were not responsible. But don’t we already have Liability cover for our business? It’s crucial you know what you are covered for. If a PCO or Event Manager has Liability Insurance it typically covers Event Management and Organising activities only. It would not normally cover them as an Event Owner or Promoter. This is a different type of risk. Similarly, the Event Owner or Promoter’s Liability Insurance covers their normal business activities i.e. making soft drink, building cars, selling clothing, or whatever their business entails. It would not normally extend to cover running conferences and events. That’s why separate Liability Insurance is required to cover an event.

statutory liability What does it cover? Fines and Penalties levied against you by a government or statutory body. Today, large Fines and Penalties can be imposed for breaches of an ever wider range of regulations ranging from Environmental Law to OH&S and Employment Law. Why is it important? These costs can destroy a business as fines for breaching OH&S regulations can reach as high as $550,000. Liability insurance arranged through H2 Insurance Solutions automatically includes Statutory Liability cover up to a $1,000,000 limit. Higher limits are available for a small additional premium. The ability to purchase quality Conference & Exhibition Insurance means there is need to put yourself, your business or your client’s business at risk.

policy 2 - cancellation insurance - standard inclusions / sub-sections cancellation & abandonment What it covers: Reimbursement of the event’s Gross Revenue (the Budgeted Costs and Expenses plus Net Profit that would have been earned by the event) if the event cannot proceed. Our policy also provides an additional 20% increase in cover above the Limit Insured to cover additional expenditure that may be required to ensure the event can proceed if it is postponed or rescheduled in order to avoid cancellation. Why it’s important: Despite careful planning there are always unexpected circumstances beyond your control that can force the cancellation, abandonment or postponement of your event. A natural disaster, fire or workplace accident could force the closure of your venue months or days before your event. Our Cancellation Insurance policy covers a wide range of possible disruptions to ensure that neither you or your client are left out of pocket in event of the unexpected occurring.

guest speaker non appearance - cover for additional costs What it covers: Costs associated with the non appearance of a Guest Speaker, such as lost airline tickets and hotel bookings, plus the costs of replacing the original Guest Speaker with another speaker such as appearance fees, airline tickets and more. Why it’s important: If your planned Guest Speaker cannot attend due to illness, injury, unavoidable travel delay or another emergency, replacing them with another speaker at short notice can be very costly. Our Cancellation insurance includes cover for these additional costs, even if they exceed the original budget, so your event can still be a great success.

enforced reduced attendance What it covers: Cancellation of the event or financial loss suffered by the event which is caused by the enforced inability of participants or delegates to travel to attend the event due to a common cause. Why it’s important: If a large number of delegates cannot travel to attend your conference due to an airline strike or volcanic ash cloud, you may be forced to postpone or cancel the conference. Similarly, if your trade show or exhibition suffers attendance below that which was expected by exhibitors, you may be contractually required to provide a refund of exhibitor’s registration fees. H2’s Cancellation Policy includes Enforced Reduced Attendance cover as a standard inclusion with no sub limit and no excess, meaning you are automatically covered up to your full Limit Insured amount at no additional cost.

property & equipment What it covers: Loss or damage to property that is owned, borrowed or rented by the Insured for use at the event, such as computers, signs, and AV Equipment. Property cover up to $150,000 is included in our Cancellation policy at no additional cost. Why it’s important: Even if equipment in use at your event isn’t owned by you, any damage or theft of equipment may be your responsibility if the equipment was in your care.

money / cash What it covers: Money that is physically lost or stolen at the venue or en route to a bank nearby. Money cover up to $150,000 is included in our Cancellation policy at no additional cost. Why it’s important: Cash is an easy target for opportunistic thieves and even a single day’s worth of door receipts or petty cash at a your event can add up to large amount.

- standard inclusions [continued] terrorism What it covers: An act of terrorism or threat of terrorism anywhere in Australia or New Zealand (for Australian or New Zealand events), or within 80km of the venue (for overseas events), within 50 days of your event commencing, that causes the event to be cancelled, postponed, relocated or interrupted, or to suffer a financial loss (such as that caused by reduced attendance). Why it’s important: Although other cancellation policies include the standard government mandated “ATIA” cover (which only covers acts of terrorism that occur at your event’s venue), only our policy provides broad terrorism cover up to 50% of your Limit Insured as a standard inclusion, at no additional cost.

policy 2 - optional extensions - available for additional premium key person non appearance - cover for cancellation of the event What it covers: Cancellation of all or part of the event due to Non Appearance of a Key Person (such as a headline speaker) due to illness, injury, death or travel delay. Why it’s important: The success of some events relies solely on the appearance of a particular person or speaker and yet their health prior to the event is out your hands, as is any accident or travel delay that may prevent them from appearing. If your event falls into this category, it is vitally important you consider the risk the event faces and obtain a quote to cover such a scenario.

adverse weather What it covers: Our Cancellation policy automatically covers cancellation of events that are held indoors, but if you need cover for cancellation of functions held outside or under marquees or other temporary structures due to adverse weather then this extension is required. Why it’s important: A storm before your outdoor event may leave you with no time to move the function indoors. This Adverse Weather extension is available for a small additional premium based only on the portion of the event at risk.

extended terrorism cover What it covers: Extends the complimentary terrorism cover from 50% to 100% of your Limit Insured. Why it’s important: If your conference or event is of a politically sensitive nature or is being held near to or at the same time as an event that is politically sensitive, it may be prudent to take additional precautions against terrorism, or threat of terrorism impacting your event.

communicable diseases cover What it covers: Enforced Reduced Attendance at your event caused by travel restrictions or quarantine conditions being enforced by a government body due to an outbreak of a communicable disease. Why it’s important: If your event is to be held in a location with a historical risk of communicable disease outbreaks, or if a large number of delegates will be travelling from or via such a location, it may be wise to consider this optional extension of cover.

how H2 Conference & Exhibition Insurance can protect you... Liability


After the audio visual contractor has left for the day, the PCO, Bruno, ran an extension cord across the stage to an additional laptop he needed.

Joelene runs a small PCO business. She is contracted to organise a health and fitness industry conference in February.

The next day the first speaker at the conference tripped on the extension cord and fell off the stage into the first row of delegates. While the speaker escaped with cuts and bruises the young lady who broke his fall, suffered a broken neck, three broken ribs, and a collapsed lung.

She books a venue in Cairns and as soon as she has paid the venue deposit she arranges with H2 Insurance Solutions to take out a Conference & Exhibition Cancellation & Abandonment Insurance policy.

Both the speaker and the injured delegate took legal action against Bruno. He was found to be responsible by law as he failed to provide a safe working environment. Fortunately for Bruno and his employer, the Liability Insurance policy arranged by H2 Insurance Solutions paid out the major sums of money he was liable for including: · Over $2.7 million to the injured delegate for medical costs and ongoing treatment, loss of employment and future earnings. · $2,718 to the delegate for damage to her clothing and a broken iPad.

One week before the conference Cairns is hit by a category 5 cyclone and the venue is badly damaged. Joelene is forced to cancel the conference. Joelene’s Conference & Exhibition Insurance policy pays: · $13,434 to caterers who had already purchased food for the gala dinner. · The $5,000 appearance fee paid to the celebrity speaker booked to appear at the conference. · $150,000 for registration fees returned to delegates With these expenses covered by insurance, Joelene is saved from financial disaster and able to continue growing her PCO business.

· $7,250 to the injured speaker for medical treatment and damaged clothing. · Nearly $57,000 to Bruno to cover a fine from the Workplace Safety Dept.

In addition to meeting all your conference and exhibition insurance needs, through the H2 Insurance Solutions family we can arrange all other types of insurance as well.

for more information and to obtain a quote visit or contact us at

07 3123 6919 insurance@h2is.com.au facebook.com/h2ins @h2ins

Business Insurance Packages Professional Indemnity Public & Products Liability Management Liability Director’s & Officer’s Liability

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Prize Indemnity Hole In One Indemnity Custom & Niche Insurance Event Cancellation ...and all other insurance types

Aisle Six Pty Ltd T/As H2 Insurance Solutions is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Ltd. AR No. 266613. AFSL No. 240549.

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