hin this traor inary fly fishing a ntur in taly is a icat t am of assionat rof ssionals com ining ca s of ri nc in oth th fly fishing an tra l in ustri s. ur t am is ac y on of taly s l a ing tra l ag nci s with o r offic s across th country nsuring s aml ss lanning un arall l rtis an rsonali att ntion to ry tail of your tri .
ta gr at ri in off ring you th st fly fishing ri nc s taly has to off r. rom ristin al in str ams to crystal cl ar ri rs in untouch natural s ttings ach stination has n car fully s l ct to ro i not only worl class fishing ut also an unforg tta l ourn y into taly s rich cultur r athta ing lan sca s an hi n g ms.
hough taly has long n c l rat for its art history an culinary won rs it is now m rging as a r mi r stination for fly fishing. h th r you r a s ason angl r or
n w to th s ort taly ro i s th rf ct l n of a ntur r la ation an isco ry.
ith us you ll ri nc th ry st of oth worl s un arall l fishing in som of taly s most sc nic wat rs an th charm of a stination that off rs so much mor than what m ts th y . t us gui you on this uni u a ntur with th r lia ility car an rtis that only our t am can ro i .
Organizzazione tecnica lab travel srl – Cuneo – autorizzazione nr21 del 26/7/2004 - lab travel è assicurata in conformità alla prescrizione del codice del turismo con polizza di Responsabilità Civile nr 340037530 assicurazioni Generali –garanzia per i viaggiatori fondo vacanze felici s.c.a.r.l. nr 238
"Discover the beauty of Italy through its waters with Italian Fly Fishing Tours, where adventure, nature, and culture come together in one exceptional experience ."
t talian ly ishing ours w wor clusi ly with highly ri nc an car fully s l ct local fishing gui s nsuring that ach tri is oth rof ssional an auth ntic. h th r you r a s ason angl r or n w to th s ort our gui s will tailor th ri nc to your s ill l l an r f r nc s ro i ing insi r nowl g of th st fishing s ots an t chni u s for ach r gion.
also off r fully customi a l ac ag s from a singl ay of gui fishing to multi ay holi ays. h th r you r s ing a short sca into natur uring your holi ay in taly with your famly or a long r mor imm rsi fishing ri nc w can sign th rf ct itin rary to m t your n s. rom solo tra l rs to igg r grou s w nsur that ry tail is arrang to off r a s aml ss an unforg tta l fishing ourn y.
Fly fishing, food and wine, hospitality, excellences
talian ly ishing ours in it s you to isco r th un arall l auty an i rsity of taly through its fin st fly fishing s ots. rom th ma stic a s of th olomit s to th rolling hills of c ntral taly w off r car fully curat fishing ri nc s in a ari ty of r gions ach with its own uni u charm an charact r.
i mont
fishing ut also a r conn ction to taly s rural h artlan .
r ntino h olomit s
stl in th h art of north rn taly th r ntino r gion off rs som of th most r athta ing al in lan sca s in uro . h olomit s a orl ritag it ro i a ramatic ac ro for crystal cl ar mountain str ams an ri rs t ming with wil trout inclu ing th famous mar l trout. r you can fish in ristin r mot wat rs surroun y tow ring a s an lush for sts rf ct for thos s ing an imm rsi wil rn ss ri nc com in with c ll nt fly fishing.
n mor ...
nown for its l gant lan sca s of rolling in yar s an ictur s u all ys i mont also oasts som of taly s st t fly fishing s cr ts. h r gion is hom to a ari ty of ri rs an str ams i al for catching rown trout an grayling. ly fishing in i mont com in s th s r nity of natur with th r gion s rich cultural off rings from uisit win s to historic towns ma ing it a rf ct l n of r la ation an
n c ntral taly th r gion of arch off rs a mor tran uil an un isco r s tting for fly fishing. ith its g ntly flowing ri rs an uns oil countrysi arch is an m rging stination for angl rs loo ing to n oy a ui t r mor intimat ri nc . h r gion s ri rs ar surroun y rolling hills anci nt illag s an a s ns of tim l ss auty off ring not only gr at
ur t am is always on th loo out for n w wat rs car fully r s arching an t sting ot ntial fishing o ortuniti s in iff r nt r gions. arch
hil w rou ly off r fly fishing ri nc s in r nown r gions li r ntino i mont an arch our ication to ro i ing th st ossi l fishing a ntur s o sn t sto th r . also wor in oth r l ss r nown ar as across taly continually an ing our rang of stinations to inclu hi n g ms an untouch fishing s ots.
Region: Piedmont
Fly fishing, food and wine, hospitality, excellences
We offer additional services, including support and the organization of deep-sea fishing trips.
Whether you're interested in trolling, vertical jigging for tuna, dentex, mahi mahi, or targeting other Mediterranean species, we can arrange the perfect adventure.
We also provide guided experiences to fish for giant wels catfish in Italy's largest river, the Po, as well as other rivers.
Let us help you make the most of Italy’s diverse fishing opportunities!
Fly fishing, food and wine, hospitality, excellences
h accommo ations w ro i at talian ly ishing ours ar car fully s l ct to clos to th st fishing wat rs an of th high st uality. off r a rang of o tions at ach stination from charming rustic lo g s an tra itional hot ls to lu urious accommo ations
with to ti r w lln ss faciliti s an th rmal s as. h th r you r f r a sim l auth ntic stay or a mor r fin ri nc w ha th rf ct solution to m t your n s an nsur a comforta l m mora l tri .
www. italian fly fishing tours. com
Fly fishing, food and wine, hospitality, excellences
t talian ly ishing ours w un rstan that your ourn y is a out mor than ust fly fishing it s a out ri ncing all that taly has to off r. hat s why w ro i th o ortunity to nhanc your fishing a ntur with c tional culinary an cultural ri nc s in ry r gion.
n a ition to gr at fishing w can arrang isits to local win ri s artisanal foo ro uc rs an farms wh r you ll ha th chanc to tast taly s fin st win s ch s s oils an cur m ats. ach r gion off rs a uni u o ortunity to sa or taly s gastronomic h ritag .
or thos int r st in taly s rich cultural lan sca w can organi tours to mus ums historical sit s an art gall ri s allowing you to l r into th country s artistic an historical tr asur s. h r s som thing to isco r in ry corn r of taly.
h th r you r loo ing to a a ay of win tasting or in ulg in a multi ay cultural imm rsion talian ly ishing ours nsur s that your ourn y com in s th thrill of fishing with unforg tta l ri nc s in taly s rich foo an cultural sc n .
also off r th o tion to t n your tri with a ay ac ag in milia omagna in th ar a of o na on of taly s most r nown culinary an cultural hu s so call th motor all y . his s cial ri nc inclu s isits to th rrari or am orghini mus ums wh r you can lor th l gacy of taly s l g n ary s orts cars. ou ll also ha th o ortunity to tour armigiano ggiano ch s airi s wh r you can s th tra itional ch s ma ing roc ss an n oy tastings of this worl famous licacy. alsamic in gar is also from o na
an th alsamic in gar mus um is ossi l to isit .
or thos assionat a out talian cuisin w can arrang a han ma asta ma ing class wh r you ll l arn to craft auth ntic talian asta from scratch. o na was also hom town of uciano a arotti an a isit to his hous an th mus um will organi to c l rat th lif of on of taly s most lo o ra sing rs.