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grabbed my sist er 's putz so I' ve a Iazy l i ke o f fe e l i n g and ti re d s ic k I,m issue put i n thi s to w e have stuff of the i o tn " to d e n t t y pew ri te r e l e ctric plans f or grandi ose of I4l e had l ots know . y o u m u st trn ro , i f o f g !9I , num b e r i nterviews i gent i nte11 is ) , ( a t l east one page p ri n t ing la s e r ' is s ue, th i s Well D IY feel ' the captured sti 1l that l a y o u ts c l e a n ' a n d im aginat iv ely and I ^I e any of these w i th bri l l i antfy too we succeeded Seem like d oes n' t it lf ] L' as l ate as N ot l ate' super rea11y to m a k e t hi s fe e t our dr agged e ve n (a int er o1d real 1y 12 Inspector is on deck So ... n o n e th e l e s s . ov er due but inl am est (tne shortest' N othi ng Judge to), q u e s ti o n s th e I lo s t t hat vi e * (amazi ng), G om er s The H ersch Mi ke w ri tten), much less re a d ever I,ve te rvi e w Ve8ever!)' i ntervi ew w ord spoken fi rst H (o ur Local (w h o way c o o l ), ar e D i me (a self and 0ne Thi n n i s u nderstandi ng) ( r o r" y ,b o u t th e S pit i a tre t her e course 0f i t a s I^re are. . . ) and that' s ' as ,rrri r" g i n a ti v e i n te rv iew, up us pi cki ng for Thanks stuff' fanzi ne a n d o th e r re v i e w s bas ic is the
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J f rll {. was answered a long This inter view At the time ago through the mail. t irne , wâ‚Ź weren I t in the hab i t of we keeping a copy of the questions and I-12 the copy we had sent lost grailed, appears so the interview just the anssty1e... in Jeopardy ster s .
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Voivod, Pink Floyd Brian Blun - drums, 2 1 , Bad Brains, Chili's Kurt Soundgarden, Johnson 20 , Jane ' s Addict ion, - bass, Cul t Dave Barber Ministry, Nitvana, 20, SLayer, - guitar, Mar L ey Brian 2I, RKL, C0C, Slayer, Cro-Mags . Jansen - vocals April1986 We wanted to be in a band. gui tari st duri ng we had a second None (except '87 - Ji-n) He didn't work out. gotten ft ! s always and fast. f t's been straight forward years. a bit heavier over the when intense, fntense fun when fun and understandable lyrics. - personalpo1 it ics . pro blems, Lyri cs not into going It's to he11 in a bucket. Good for weekends. Actual1y, We'd sti11 the band do e sn' t change much . have the same lifestyle T-LZ. we weren't if Same lineup a1ways... 0ct. cassette Surprise" '86 "Surprise, Dec. Your Mind" cassette "Speak '87 Jan. Ins ide" 7" record "Look '89 ?? ?? 7" with Lib ido Boyz split "Procrastination" (tropeful Feb. 0n You" cassette 12") '90 "Sti11
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DEAD MILKMEN, OCTOBER 4, BARRYMORE, MADISON The Barrynore is a great place for a concert. ft was full of Milkmen fans tonight. The opening band wasn't too bad, but f wouldn,t go see them alone. Fhen the Milkmen started, everyone was pushed and shoved around the slam pit, rhich great. They played for about. 1 and Il2-washours. The lest part rras the st.uff before "Bitchin' Camaro',, which was about Michael Hutchins and Sinead 0,Connor talking about rainforests. When f first got there., f wasn't rea11y expecting much, but it turned out to be a really great show.
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:'1* bo vold5. a Ne.d +a <\4q9e /.c P3.1 a\t *\e ((tq <oplrr <hr-t ^Or _-j.?" ^{or 1.:.C o:n. 1!l <or!*X.b,rce: eie G,ccorrjJ 5:ol Al\ st.{l gpnir.r\ffi1!qq:cf\. (/o FlaQkO.cR-t tr.ts irg,rl to *31, (a.is61t RFrirt.l(, ui6N5+
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park, SKINNY PUPPY, Central Halloween The show started about 4S minutes late but not many people real1y noticed because they were stilI trying to figure out how the opening band could call what they were doing rnus ic . When Skinny Puppy finally came out, ev_ eryone started pushing to get as close to the front as possible. . . which wasn't very close because of the heavy security that held everybody back. So, the only way to really see was to get passed. The stage set up was perfect with four video screens that flashed some gruesome pictures of animal (vivisection) tortures and other surreal things to the sounds of most of their older stuff . A1so, 0gre had some real1y st,range makeup_s1ime stuff on him that made hin look like somet hing from or'.the "A1ien" B1ob,'. Although it r.ras a pretty short show ( an hour, possibLy), it was definitely the best
. E. l{,'Fl Iri=oh*:'*3, Thaf',:-r.l l th i a .l "h,:,m*ma.dF F i ece Ea. thinl'l t,ut I dtrn't '-rf Ehit" than thp g.l-r.ple=. can hald, Thicl,ler. th i =. ha:. .ir.t ic I e.= ,:,n the pn'.rir.arrmpRt and u*garri=.m. a.ll Ot'Pr' '=.fene r'Pp'=rt'=., r'' =L:i*r..'.t=cf I I =tr'r't=' -1 end inter\riEr.,.r=. r.,.rith the LiEid'-r Ec,i':, f.leu=-.*.a, Er-'nfr',lntEt i c,n r *l I .ii''=.tenr'=.tlione . B-=,.ro,:[';a f"ir-, "IBF . ,:* r--rf I Fr au d , f'l4.r i mumi -ic l':.n i Cr'amped ts m,:ir'8. and I r-1 HiEnt'c,:r'e I.r.i',:ut'=., .1lm'=:-t tno mutrh tcr rPad thi=. a. .and gr'ps.t Fer's'f,naliti'm.r[':* l,,Jendf, and Bal e. 373ir mu=t h-eue. f,A r]r-e.tlrlil en Eir.i r.re, f'ler.,ihurt' Fark, t I n.g.u t F .â&#x201A;Ź , , . ''
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t' : E ,e , * ..f . The,:ther. punl ,: tri ' i gi e =uF, F, , r =. *d ,i e.3..= t -e.nC r.i r.r.:.1 ,:,f l ...l Fj Fji ..= .t the r . , r hini, I e t t* r' :. E ..11' = .r--rj. L' :t.:.,:,+ I e t t Fr . . : . t gr,,r.=.r.r.r f.er,, i er.,.t=. i n tr.',,' i i fl-i H;.i-.rr -i.nd F-t.r' nr, E ul i mi -< E l .rn,l uet i ' rl rl r-, li, 'i, aut h tl i ' :ne l ' l i .d, tl ur.i ,:,r.:= G *, t r 1. , t r gr E d H -r.l l , HC'l*, i ..ri l ._:,1 . r . F,:' ptU ' :., H el met, t-:i r.C U i t i .1r_rdh,:,i i E .: . . ,: iiint ' . l ;.L' el = .J, t..J i tu= .r E r.* t t Fj :.t tr. :.;' , T,:,i . i , ; F;e-e.= ,fnE , J-r.rr,rhrea.l .;* r., i ;.i t i n . . . r . . 1lr : r t . r j n. Int* i r..rr.i t i n,_ l t , i, i. lr . i, : I i ,l FB t -r.g-e.i a.n,l = .tf , etcet* r..:.. Ft:tE :J,i =. rl A Ftl ,j tl E . l ,Jh i tt i er.,
t-l r' u : . t t ' F a n zin * #1 , 'S , lt, 9.511 t h ro u g h m a.i l . G rEa t { i r '= t i=- :.u*. Lot= c,+ E and n Br r r - =a n d i nten vie ws with l"la.tur'al Cs . u - = . e ,Eter ,r * f4a r. (5acto P unx), and , T u s t 5 a r l ''l 'r , tl etrl cluttered I . * . " o ut E a n d a ctr,ver' I w i -=h I had dnne . T im Eu r 'tcn, 504= Ficcadillr', r_rr-r, i"la.,li E t,JI 5:17I 4 . 5, b,i g th i cl,; Fa.c t.ih** t F i r,re 's 3l+tl0r =,3r ta nprArEFr'int thingr'93. t"lflt,Jl f'1i'f ir'=.t exF,'lEune and I -:.m r,,Br!' imprBs=.ed. t"like EUr'E t.rlt*= a hu1-i* hit* cut a* the under'graund. c':ntact addr'egs'FE f1i I 1 i,:n=.,:,f .and rec,=r'd f,f,lk;. Dur thr',:u'gh zines r.et,ipr,.J i.=. Bn F a'_fe of f3?'.= F,agp dl l If '/ou/uF ner,,sr eeen thi'=t *u*n!). l,^Jr.ite n'=W. l'1ike .r,'-1UmuEt. tl;under I al', .5 Ar izsna AUB . r Rengee l aer'r l'.|'f l ?1{4-d1502.
Lr-rtg.,rf n*at {l f'*r..,...i i np th i n,_1.=. pu t r:u t bI Ecl I *en a.rrd Lir.-r.n t in tL,.r,: di ++arFnt =.ts.te.3. 1...J*.:rt pe* 1,;=. i ntc, tha 70'e and thE r.+r.itEr= lir,,p=.. l..ia 'mu'-i.ic but lot= ,=f tr,,ri-=.te,J p*r..=.anal insight. I l ikb l t .i l,:t. tJr.i t* f,tl I een ;,.t FflE !4, Er.i.=.tul , t,JI r
53r [4.
Fanzine 52+;1 . 5t ','':.r'$'.-;=.''' Tiny = t amp'; . tinr U*r'y... t,ut -r.ttuai li' qui t* l'lal.;*-q uF f,-1r l* n,ith impr'*==iue. rrlith csntent. #2 h.r.=. th,:r-i,_thtr,'i,:l Pnce Fr'Br/gk i n'_l edi t,:r' i al';':,n .3nd E-rrth [iat', a Tr'ed*m-i.r'1.; phnto':. :-..frd;;r1.rig1.rr i+':: inter'uiet^t, -=. more page'=. arr d 't'trlt'r.in'=. ha=. fcur Lt En-q.rii' f,r i Edeath, Earbl ecrat, punk hauu-to and t,:n:. o$ r'*1,'iPq4E. f.tr'.. 5un=*t l.,Jrite f"latt at 3831f tJcrtrnurmsurr,trtr tJI FSCl C,.4. r
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R s . t t I e=n - tl te Fr 'c,duct i ons $1 -1tl . 9.5 ' + 1 1" r ,1 ir =.ta.mp=. Tr , ' . l aL,EFr ' l otal f'li lr,"r*ul':*e': i n*' a i Sn a t ; e E i te - 1 n d Fi.itt l *='n.al':* Fr'*:': . i p*aple 'trn t',-rt h dr : n * E,t'di++e r 'ent pi*cE n{ F3.pP r' . =anrt th e =. i d r = . n { tnpic=. =u rh =.c*ne B e - r l E u r ith la cal p.r .r'tic B tcstera , ip.*t innr t s = . E . e:'{i=m , the intc' a.n d i = ue r 'i' i n':.ilrhtful i al r . , . ri rt s t - s.' m i n d s. mater' fl I c't of t^lrite sf paper. f , l r ' f n e pie r * Fi el l ; v Esssa ( S nakeE i tE ) at 4d5tr S . l'1ilr,''raukee, LJI =3|2? 1. 3 8 t h Str ee t, *5, Sr ){r +1 . Fatali.t:v Liuing I'r.rB r.uatch*d thi=. Fr''fgrE:-e fr'om #1 'l urns tr-t'i . rr'ms qu i t* a i t'g -+nd ts in resFonse letters Features tYt i p i ece Gn hamasexual #4's Chr ie' reqr iFLrfE! an inter'u ieu.r with (Reuol CocLi'=r'Ylini='trr) ting Etrnnel Iy on raP a.nd cBnEorsh iP t a p iere u e 'le t.rr' i .*n i -=m an,J a t"l it e r Ebb and toell laycr-lts Elean int*rviet.J. LJ. 4111 H*nd;rr t+c,rth the bucl{. . I'larehal I , El l{hs?n r t^lI 53121
I.U. Le a g u e * 1, H, ){,'+..75. f irst A n a b =u lu telr '- e stounding i s. ' = u e . I g u e s= it tsol.l lnnl-ler t h a n iS reat DU n * 1 an d d':es i't ehotr! nf' n - s d i tar i - r 1=, interu i et^ ts wi th I n d e c i s i on ( fnom Fl or i da) r Henrr and I an f'lackaye Rs l I i n s ( tha n ks) ( re a h | ) r Bom e reu ietars and E ome q r e a t a r tu .r or l(. Oma n Uenf cool . FL Ang u l o , 11 5 2 5 9l^, 124 Ct.r Miami' 33 1 S d . I"la.:'i imr:mRocknRol I #?1 r 5, P, *?. r'ead i ng BLELJ and dtr'rr't I + yBU're somethinll 14nf,r..rr.h'out f'1RR, there"E r,'Jr-i-'ngrari th :r.EU. f,cnE i dered bl. man.". t,3 he the "punk thi'=. iE j*m biElF". pached r,.rith tsnE .end tcns crf gtrene r.eu i er.tr--repor ta, trL-il umn.ar r .-rrnd interuier,^l-=. lettpF-=s S?1 has interuier.,.rs rrrith the Jc'hn Sr'ou',rn Hecesja, *nti -Fil.en Cammi ttee, Ll*u.-rtic l-Jutlo,:'1,::,:'n Li$*, H*ad i ng, tJ.;.1pur' g i =. r..1,:'1 tr., Bl a.,:li EE I t -ipr Sicl'il', ,-IRnp=.. rfut L':,ud. t:nctar Oefe':t'=. l-lltr.:. Uir-.,]*t E.,'er Eirth Pni =.nn Idp'e. l.'1.3.ri':'rk. Fi ncher':., ,Jar,'.tt"=:'l . the Ti.i uana. in Elue, th* Ei;-r Tl-rinlr r3-iine=.tril'l e Liir'l=., th+t':' and,--J-+EF, -1,:k; wh**z* -r.ll. ,:,rnt:rctE. '-<,=dr'c* Fll Eo:"l tJr,*+t i':r ':gg, ll:F, 114:fi1. Eer'H*l*r,
'?;inotsefifetrd Futt
Ug lr, # 3 ,
F, .+.1.
Gr'sa.t rtrrrrJpF.E.=.nd the in=i,i*.= l-.., E,*rl,. Fer.eunal , in=ightiul i-:i:. editc,rial= frcm a. bunch of pe,=ple, iI-ir; in teru ieu+.=.u,.r i th E,:r_,nuchr.i .=.t, 1..1*,J i+ i','i Ehildr-en, the B*hcning f"let h,=,J, i:,_, :] De=.t[r-r,*!, f,hr.ist an .3. t]:r.utcl-r =.n,1 Lat^tren':e Lir,,*r.merBr .1 neat l,:,ri.; ).., -r.t *d1te tpr.r.i{: -=traigrht .:}.: ::i: -i.nd ,';,_-.. '. :jh,:r,.1=.th-r.t t'ein,l =ectinnE. isn't r:1,:r.t. illli rlir..=n,J ,i ugt mu-=.ic. Av * . , lalaul( e sh , t4ll 5:11 E,J . i,,.;i -r Earl{ingr Spid*r' S*1+5. Hr .;tr '+..5t:t. *3...uueind tr'fuEr' tha.t m.=.;rc,ffend judtre but rJan't a E,r':,1.rkl' it'=. t:,:,,.,,pp (eic). poetr'l'r piece Inaide: ':'n CFnErlr. :.h ip r t-Er.'ipt'.tg +nd E':'mF H,I* Eacl',u.rsrd'-e =.tr'ip':.. #5. . .*di i,=i-.i.-:.i .r.nd the "d*-i.th columns c'n abc'rti,ln crf punk", a l*tter rlr:pl.:.inirrg *3'=. troupr {u.rish I reuld''u8 #4'.=. =.Ferr rF=-.pgnsp I etter.a), *,_fn,:s.t i c Fr.,:nt, more poe tr;", r *u i pH.-.r .=.d=..-e.ndm,=r. Ttaristed Image etr'ip=. tluite r.,:,u'th 'lEl:Ll E'ut c'h EB tiIT! .T,lhnnl, 5F,ider.. Loclterb i e ., E] Pa=n, T;c. i1?11:5. F!'*.1. *d, i, 0ptophcbia I"ue EBen in 'i The E,est fanzine U*r't' time. hecl{ of s long pr'esented in :r. wr'iting intelligent pu t'=. u'=' t,= prof ess ii:'nal I t tha.t -rrau ,lur mas:. media InEide: ehame. poetrS', neuiEL,JE, -ind ;-yeteml Fulfar i , Hel I ':':'=.u=.t, inter'u ier,,lE t'tith l''lar'i Fi'=.,:fr*r' Bl gr-rd:r l"1arl'! Fi + te*n, llanr*r'ni and l'=t=. ,'-i ne-r.t tPr'imar.r phurtn=.. t-e.l,iin,f !i. t,r'*etl-r *r' Eric''=. E'ut t,.rni te 5e I I eri' il. Fr'i =.h.i' 47!. . l4ad i =.rln r l.^J I 53il:1.4 E Frlr'r.d'3..r' L:rumF, Eomics #5, H, F, $.75 r-1r-'i':,. Fif..=.t h':,m*m.ad* ':*mi': lrre''I.re r_1,:'tt+i-r . .i.r.e i Lih,irt'=.t'rr *e th.i.t di i+er'ent and r'.*th*r' EUr'r*;rl . t''l;.n.:. ,..,.i.r'i c'u =. etl'l e=. and .i.n i n t*r'1,, i er..'rr..r i th ihe ri Fl,:,cl,;* t :. He r n.3.nde = Er n'=.. 'li LRL.,p .-e.rr ,:trmic f-r.me. :iam* p1.=.ce .3.=.Efrr'imp*r t E ., PI-JB I 837 , Up I en 'J , f,* :;'1f EF . -3.Frp
Itr aNE EVEw, wRtnEil nt
A q!
Bf tttUS, lF W D tC & c
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to... hello Say B LOW - When d iC the Gomers f orrn? Gomers - When the crust of the earth cooled. B LOI{ Why did the Gomers forn? 3omers There rsas already Buffalo Springfield. B LoW Ilow did the band get together? S o,Bers Implosion. BLO,W - Names /ages /instruments? Go,mers Dave, Steve, Gregg = guitar, keys, drums . Biff, 26 = guitar, 28 = bass. Gord, BLOW How long has each player been playing? Gomers (G, hereafter) - Playing rhat ? BL,OW (8, hereafter) - What other bands have they been in? G Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Oceans of BiLe, Journey, Green Eggs and San, Styx, Montro s e , Emerald Choir, Bonham, Moonsz Band, The Nazz, Hawkwind, Stareas.tle, Ange1, Moxy Roxx, Yes, 'Doobies (now), M-80 , PLaza 9, T,he G'roove, Grey Starr, Phuckstyx, Milkshake, Bo "500", 'DonalCson and the Hey'4eods, Co.rssillsr â&#x201A;Źtcetera. . . B. - How often gigs? do you play G - Very. R - How'd the "theme night" idea eo'me about? G - Poppy Wallman. you? B - I{ho influences G - Completely ruled by the *Whee1 of Misfortune". A1so, Pat Boone, Lyndon Larusch, the horoscope, and (gasp!) the occult ! B - What music do you listen to? G Anything satanic, Lou Reed Metal Machine Music real 1oud, patterns, protest test march slogans, Gregorian chants sLowed down to sixteen. and Snakefinger. B - What are some of the better bands you've played with and have en j oyed playing wittr? G - Mo11y Iiatchet, the Bears, 'Santa Claus, Damey and Dave, , Cattle, Poop, Buffalo China, '-Booze Pig, Booty Fruit, Tar tsabies,
Mo j o liixon. - Who r{rites the songs that make the young girls ery? - Gordon Ranney. the rr.ords ? - Who h'rites The Dark One. playing - Has the motive for changed? - Playing what?? part-les - Do you Co graduation and bar mitzvahs? yes. - Yes, Ies, - l'lhat is your impression of the Madison scene? a Si1ly - Much like Putty impression; not too tart, not too s!'reet. B - Do you break even, lose money or what? strings - We break and drum heads picks lose and cords. - Do you read comic books? If what? Iâ&#x201A;Źs, Yummy Fur , - NY Tirne s , Cherry, Anerican Splend'or. Spidey. any message you try - fs there to give in your musie? message. - Swedish B - How do you pronounce Blumfumgagne ? - ZZYYZXPOOKSSMMSSHHAAHGH. B - What's the name of the oiranha face fish man guy? Face Guy. - Mr. Piranha B - hlho's his babe?
C R l l D l Ti
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the band Rude Awaking H have PlaYed with A11 the guYs in Local moved from also have They and on' off of time, a Period over H was Local when That's of 1990' February band to band until began. all when it Thatrs put together. rea11y BLOW - Names? age 2Q, guit at lvocal-s Scott, 20, bass a8â&#x201A;Ź Matt, drums 2Q, age Joe, When did the band forn? BLOW in Scott - The band forned DaY in Earth for February Whitewater. I BLOI^l - What s in the future you guYs? for and have Matt - To make music it what s ' s a1lThat f un. ' .,..:t!: about. to as . .rf;.l Scott - To get the music ,; l x! and as Possible many peoPle l'::tl also -i*: a;t are We to P1aY. continue of to PlaY in a battle hoping 4':..;-:t We in December. the bands a 7" be making also might somet ime soon. H? BLOW - WhY the name Local name a needed wâ&#x201A;Ź Wel1, Scott just fit. and it mean? BLOW - What does it Scott - The name means nothing the H thought rea11y, PeoPle or heteromeant homosexual lte anYthinB if but sexual, ' of historY' chose the H because
e n a me me a n s f f i ever. ft's I ike the mus ic , a song may mean one thing to me but another to someone e1se. BL0W - Some histoty? Joe Started to play the d.rums at age three. My dad was in_ volved with blues and jazz so that's how I started to p1ay.
each other then went on to play with other bands. A1l of us have played at some tine with the group Rude Awaking. llow Local H i s more or less based in the Chicago area.
more infornationr wEite: Local H 920 Cornelia Apt. 1E Chicdgo, IL 60657
June 13 Madison, LUTHER ALLISON / CHARTIE MUSSELWHITE, Barrymore, just the occasional of blues to a lot listened rea11y I've never of bluesliazz. to be a sort this expected WORT blues show and actually late to performers and arrived of these of either heard never f had also song. or fourth third group playing their Musselwhite's hear C harlie he while and sang of minutes joined a couple in threesome the Charlie overan guy I{ore and o1d a He's playing harmonica. the wasn't Pretty The Suitarist back. slicked had his hair He also shirt. bowling sized The numbers. earlier of the a couple was pretty d,ecent and sang for od battle alright!" is the blues in a "Hey hey... drummer 1ed the crowd a half and hour julnped entire the for around The bass player the sexes. Defand his band came on. Allison Luther a short break, After set. young' pretty all were they of the bLues, the "New Generation" initely was unnecessbut the keyboard used, to see the saxophone I was pleased job. Allison loud mixing due to the extremely as unheard ary as well this earIy, but I had to leave unfortunately, is an awesome guitarist. Did f spe1l oddysey. blues a sDontaneous for exDerience was a sreat
m P
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BY?,rrfr nFenuns'f+R'lEDt^llTHote *:ftfi R THregpE^rrru6hcTT,,
EvrF€il$r THe TeNltgrs WfS 6For^rrN6.tr fHe NeN TlfY\g, lr wAS YeRY -on SEcortF, 7H€ 51716E Rf6Hf Tlf{ir SecDAF, noetl X.IDB DIDN'T'CeMe Rl6ltf Tl+ffi TENsDil ,000rD THere^)sor.r
vnB€iuter)A cua)ABte,we -vO'MvbT6tve
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ppr9eary16..THeNiey.luDs_+Reftor ou s.?x6€A..roTtl*fs4 7pv.ug, oF MnilY ffihtosrrr Dts'EeueeBur STDP Krtow Yo_v&ft g,lf*aN6You,?
y,ffi, IPH'J .€fLr?,H 5i$,f. fF J i, SnA'#AE W ^n uvlxe PbDF)Trtae-F4ai4*Z N-DTPnoor (orB,,,
Ffda.l'ARe tu?frT,.
oNe9F nte_68*T ?fu16j Abur
sila/r ,S Tilef rtRETtf,f,'eA
uew *,brt*D e*<n "tzR F rilen' f,'fl?d ffilf,Lt e'ifqfa W#*P r--$ee Ai fx!,vtDuA6. Aetttqlr€e^5Jff_-ffi't,l{tg,grE'ftI2?'I, gaQcv?,
-r-ll',. nnuteBouSqrfiAvt*;t vet, ExCtr.?'ytghlr Wr^ raDNlpclN(.
-oiAV, IFAY', E;',€
,F 1>'1d r,AC LlP Slnc+ttu6, Rtc*r?-alo 1Ha
o,.r Dreenp nrcr*r l !,[IK,FTE? gSS.StRl;JrrBa].r ',r)ey ND-T'f tb- co^r
tT,fil l?,#ffi,,F'igw,Lw w6*8ffi,i;IrT;m. wh*T'3 NOT. 6'eOtPS lxFt'€*tt Neu{lc,Ds TZ
fffi.?w ll^t-
}hnrNTHstb*cnttw 6qrgw,rst6 ?tfi,{c,
ffu9fcnobfebs ,ocal H demo This is six o1d or so now, months rnd there's another tape out, sup)osed1y. A whole mess of tunes, live rnd otherwise that somehow fail to capture their live shows' intensity. (at Cool REM-ish tines) music. "Ralph" is a great song as is "0i1 on Water". Hrite the address in.the interview. I Bean it ! Now !
0ne Thin fncludes
Dine the
older o,,"":';n:;""ti";; :l: l ; , l t ; ; r . i l : produced and there,s rnoi"
;:.::' :^o:::",. dress as befo rH T h e F ix t u re s
check ii- o,,r . r €am e ad_ , 'u L ' s Y ou
P eoP l e
o . a o ,,,t r ike the D ead Ke .l;ll;," n n e" d ys,I::^ in i" o : is ,,r ... ;;l : :l :"3"", piece " band cuts away,o"i of
and give you a life: t Roots of punk at its "".y uesi. Encino, CA gL4L6_62g3.
the good porox
shit demo. 162g3, fV
iPitt 7tl Flagtt )ie Kreuzen the Germs ' At bY one tunes, Tno cover it to play sure whether I wasn't first 45, 33"'? at it at 33 or 45. I like awhil'e than the LP I heard $ah. Dif f erent a It's so what. but Blue vinYl back. IL 60625' ChicaEor P0B 25520, IouchnG0, To Staytt 7tl 3 More Minutes "A Place guys when I had seen these Geez I wish music, ! Great here!Geez.,. hey played of energy' great tons vocals, words, reat miss out' Don't great sound! a eat songs' pobox 8223' small, very to hree bueks CA 94662. Eeryville,
Youth "Goo" Lp people Some say that the band sold out when they moved t o a maj or 1abe1, but f say what they S€TI, "Who cares!" - they sure don l+ The albun is al.ready a classic in my srind. David Gef f en again. IV The Shrub s deno lf 2 Who bushes? Why a group named after works it but - even the music knows, They have grow6 in a green wonderland. just bunch of a they're sound, a sweet Nate of care guys having f un ! I{rite ' NY T2771, Port Jervis, St, 84 0range fVr .t'.
sPlit EP Monsters :inger / Hopeful is Cringer band. lwo songs from each Berkeley rross the bay from my favorite Fish show. the Cringer I Citizen rnds ! Missed t'?1ay" great are Away" and rat. . . "Waste Monsters. the Hopeful f can do without cngs. An like that. if I sang would hurt throat F system. at our prison looking ;,resome booklet with thoughtrecord great thene Hippycore Mesa, AZ P0B0X 195' substance. rovoking
Toad the Wet Sprocket "Rock 'n, Ro11 Party A11 Night" promo tape Good, nice, simple, sweet and refreshing. Don,t look for it in the for I stores it won't be there ! Write B Lake and Bradford, 3rd Suit e 407 , S anta Monica, CA 90 403 for info. Re 1 e ased by Colurnbia. IV
521 1 . 7" Memories" Boyz "Childhood bido with lyrics positive with hardcore uneful track is a live The flip message. ;portant Bi1ly's live energy of their some ' ,ptures Red charactetistic' ,ca1s are definitely S' Av' Nicollet 254L Records, rcibel but hurt' My fingers MN 55404. .nneapolis, ! ! YaY! now! done tYPing m all
tr I
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I,ii11ard demo of time Now here's a band who put a lot you into music The their and can te11! with music It almost makes sings melody. Write 4814 Brookhaven Dr, my heart skip. Raleigh, IV NC
A., l,]-
*Sf :;'i l E Ffr-lI I
[;i :s . : ; ;= ;-t I :!
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-1F, t'riz i.r.r'li':e. tba:.=, h-+cliin,_:r u'l':s. 1=ir f'lemt'er':. are l..l*a=l* t,r 1?87. Th* j in* El. {dr'um':. j . tamh,=ur ine, har'nrc'n ira) , Ed F;iemer' i-eu i tar,t r *ndr inf o iE bur'ied somer,,.ther'e in ml' r'alm. i I e bacl,i but the uF chang*d -+r,,rh uegtahl th* :.t+te a{ Lrli=.r':n'=.in and ar'B *'5p i t ha'= pl a:ved al l auer '=. ummer' d.*te'3 and .rn e:.itpnEit,8 ':ur.r.er.rt'l ;r l,=oFiing tr hcol{ a {Eurr midtrr*st Indi.:.i-i.-e. I I I inc'i=.. Thei. h-tue pl ared s f el,r d.rte'=. in l'1inne=.ut.r, ttrur.. E':th the ir' Anr hel p wi th =.hsr.{s i'=. gr'*a.tl r s.F,pr'*c i-r.t*d, and l.1ich iga.n. beEn thei'h.f,,"'e in l'l-rilimumrc,cl,inr,:, Il tap'g.=. h-er.re heen r'eui*t.l*d -r.nd the ir' Ther' {unded a.nd di:-tr'ihutsd in the nEfr band '=*ct i'=n. f *atur.ed fer.,.r th*i"L,,'? had.3. tir'=.t tap'e indir,'idu.ilIf'althcrulh 'li=trit,uti'ri-r g':in1-r t': Th*f''a.F* int*r'*et=-. tape laE*l and c'lmFile,ti,fn cf{*r=., (h*ue .apFB.i.r F:.rgman, Flaul lli*r'z-e. and .1 Froduction=, on Flush alread'l?) t,:, lalest German comp il at ic,n I abel . They arp d*al ing rarith tha.t l.Et,*l t+pe in Europe. rele-r=.* their *E,nut It r..Jas.rectr'rded .lun* ,:f lFE!? ,r.t Fr'emi*r'* L*t f,'l* Thinh {.*IEl'iFiAFT} .:..I'=,,:, *t b,r F1i tch triegut and mixed Studic,= Ey 5c,rtt Baginder lalauEa.u, pl.rns i,:n *i incl ud* di=.tr'it'ut HI . Future Fremiere Studic,e in pr*s'=. i n,-l ,:+ [.,JE'rP f".l,ft r,:i t,:,u , trlriJt-"31 the i r. ner*tg*t ta.pe , .l geccnd =.ign ing .3, l -ehel -rnd a'= ma.ny Ehsw=. aE pL-i=s'iEI e. mu=.ic ie descn iEred by the band aE pa=i t iue Uegtabl e 3p i t'g Their' str'nga deal trtith per':.':n;tl ' , herdcoFe. midtempo, frc,m the'gut The ir main and r+here tlil I r^rF be =ubi ect-=. arrt i-nac ial , skat*s
i n * l u an ca E aFp pu=.it iue hardcrrre b a n d s . s u c h a = . Us rE a . l A = -. = . a ut l r g l" . l F u . * Ea uI A';;* l ur n , Adol eâ&#x201A;Ź-cants, Rep I a c F mB nt s , Hu s . k E r' Du -t ' ; r. * *I ' l a . = . h a n d= I ilqe Jane'E
Liu ina
Llal oun.
V/ER,E Nr 0R rt V The fol louring questir: n s wE F e a nswered aften three h n u n s e f g nuel inr3 prect ice rr rhic h e n t a il s d r inking mega-0ld i" li lwa u k e e b e e rs . . Uiz r*las nbther upE et a h , o u t t h e cemments I made i n t h e n e r, rie u . r I * s t i- ..-=ue. I f ound the n * rn I in e u p i n{o. Ueg S p i t now ie : L J e . * = .e1 ib ass, baclting LrB cale . r. F h il id r. u ms + !] r E l-rn "tlir.i E i,'',' i1 : u i t -: . r. . : . ] , E , J R i *m*r' {gu i ta.r.=.,r r U i r (r. ' r-ri, : e . h- =,.rmcrr i c.t r t*mt,'lur. i n * , r . BLB I..JtJhy did :/,fu rh,f c , = . e t h * tr eqt.=.hle 5pit? Ed It r.qaE eithsr.tregta.t,l* tj* r.m-rn F': t t,= Ea I .ed . -e. .=.tr,und=. Ft'ril It atir.:rrtir,r*. El-r.lrt,itilh::,' ,Jid '.,' PqPt;ble?
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Wffi'/ilry*ffiHj a.nr'thing ELI:lt'J I= ther'e tri'i n'1 tc' '=.-a.l'thr'ough
i',fu'l'P l'our' mu= i c?
tJii {uil.:, f ighting Fucl.. r'a.ci=m, {ucl.l l,:rL.'* *m*r.icE. 'lr" '_fpt th*
-c.nd outl
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tJiz Snuth c,i tilhittl+.=.*i,. Ed l'.larth ,=f l"liltr.raul.;ee.
Fnil E .r .=.t n f l'lirrrrs-e.polis. o l I];r'een B a;r. Gri i = i ' l i . l* =t :i'o l . , JE. = . = .1 e m e t,r h ere in the middl e.
ffi ry
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l"le,lfsr'd to
Funk wRE the '?0'=.. next the best ecener
ELlltl.,.l l.*Jl-r :r. da
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tr-' dr'ink l,.le-r.'=. 1e It"=. s.n nutlet tngether, LdF ThP ga.ng get= t,*er. mal';* r,=up I e *+ dr'iL,,Es. .and Ehr-rr-rt a -1 f*t,.1 Eeer'=.. ELt:tlAlf'Jhat the Eand?
d,: y':ru do
parrnd Epit f'l.a.He larr*, t\rrench*s ! gew, c I e.ln t na i I =., turn dr inll b**r r gB to echsol and of . . . magturbate . ':LlurEE
ELfrl,'.JHr'r."t a,r.E the uF'? di ui d e d
t "r e q t . *t 'l e 5 p i t l ,.Je etart
jamming, 9f,mE L1ne dtr'e -.. elme th i ng cool , end... adde. g':-'me:.hit P U Brr'Bne r..r* think: t i fr '1r-1| .g .=.-Jng {.at le.e=t =,r_r
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* dge ?
f'lr-r {un, r'*.=.llt'dr'r'I .:.trmEthin,J I il.:e ._r.
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On You"
o r e int en se th a n pas t efforts ,
""''gU .
-.. 7"
f l: : ? :
: : 1 t ; , ; . : ll:
li: t : " i:u ":n :
'TI: ;:: ;:li:"io';i:.:ll";'::;,1'.i-n""lt ::;":i::"":"; i:i: ;:;l:,Slorllll{'; stuff\ Great lyrics. personal yeah yeh...Bovine c hc with You" is Records,
hanlc vin e 701.
Bye Kurt ! Dist 2L34. Iladison,
great. P0Box
r:\ I'!'f;fl -$,fl-Surptize" "Lonesome
Coo1. ;;";r;;;"i"o: by i rn/--1 trlf l^ hffnterstellar "The Destroyed 7
li irrrr Music Mai
no idea where this came from! Nature sounds, real life industrial clankitg, wind and indescribable weirdness has been recorded, manipulated and mangled beyond recognition. Put out by the^Haters P0B0X 48L84, Vancouver, Canada andthe SJ Organisation, Y]*in8, paris, 11 Rue Fenelon FeneLonl 816, 816 Paris | , , France 11 ae.1^ 75610. weird strangeness!
rf rigerator ; tape by this adorn covers tandcolored I poppy weirdraw of songs 16 | :- B uxmen. More tuneful vocals. bizarre lss with guys ,,Burnt are writi"g these Fat,', ran I a Prince destroy They also songs. :tter I to do. Shrini thing is a !ooa )nB,- whcih I I .lready! alreadY rrl ]rr r -. ,,--. I ; r ) t o ) t JQlGf2l Froqr - l: le)ii/ l r I --J Pastrr the from "Blasts Seconds Seven - The Fixtures LP "Defect" fron relics 7,, Ep has four This Fu11 length neatness! Fourteen songs J ,g3. of "These cover Their early with most from the deno. To"r survive is great. walking" are made for Boots day", "Ameriqagatethon" and others rea11y | resec. 7 these but of energy, Lots nove' Vocals are great' kinda Biafraish A tiresome! a bit are getting issues just but mostly cool. From singing pazzafist to is band but ,n.yue great growling crooning to yelling to neat! move Kev Let past. in o" the cashing Neat dark hardcore. P0Box r6283, Encino, Sacramento, onr eh? 23L4 J st ittzz, cA 914L6-6283. cA 95816. ilM
VIA "Capgun" comp with A shrimper compilation fourteen playing pop, punk, bands fo1k, industrial Standouts and other neato stuff. include Refrigerator, Nothing Painted Blue and Franklin Bruno. A great sampler of this great people offerings, labe1s and its 1837, only two bucks!.P0B0X Upland, CA 91785.
:arvation Army "Execution Sty1e" Lp lhey s ound a 1ot l ike the Cul t at .mes but doesn't waste any time rpying any particular sty1e. The fngs that leap to my head are "Lip: ick and Razorblades" and "f, fn. nerator". grit Decent bluesy rock your r at holds attention. Good. 139 W. 16 Place, Cleveland, 0H 4411_3 1
r pliances-SFB guys lhese 3 : seems! bit harsh 0nce )rta.
t r I r---fr
7" "More Than Enough" have been around forever one instrumental. tunes, for me. A mel1ow Killdoze again, on Bovine.
Slaughterhouse Rd "Salamander" 7,, f thought they were from Madison ! 3 songs including the title track, piece a nifty '1 based . on Bradbury,s 451', "Fahrenheit i(Great stuff. 0n Bovine!
Graphit i" ead Milkmen "Metaphysical release newest The Dead Milkmen's t 1: or so came out a few months hich b quite gor is from their different It seems to be a albums. revious an d a department tep up in the music departmen tep down in the lyricala Little man ome songs like "There's signs n my head" and"Dollar in he r rt yes" o1d charm, sti1l have their others hile seem du11 and lifeles I you're f not a bit If monotonous. tl great fan of DM, this is recomme ndjust doesn't comDa-re to the d but it Bob Jenkins 1d stuff. Sincerely, f
ffiFgit&fTilrssK,,' -3
*l1r6_f fEr_tplB.e-ist'Sj*eo ugy, ; LD.h-L-il i 4 ?,Eilly,reaitEi?t ARur.r> I MYEDrif ryilnFni4re* eAFfif-Dty. lxftu Hwns6ft/6!, :
rEsri..f?.|5PE4TaF D, i" fl |qâ&#x201A;ŹDt^roBBâ&#x201A;Ź
7rTn -ffi-l-)DTT\
trdKFffiffirh "
D=FTGTS ? 9 5 14 'R u e
Lrurl.Qudbec.Canada H7N 2A6
The gxoup officially forned in Laval, in November 1987. (guitar) and Patrice Boileau (druns) to do some practice Afterwords, met Pierre they he was looking for a gtoup.
in the suburbs of Montreal, more precisely this, Some time before Sonny Jalbert (bass) had contacted Patrick Fournier to decide sessions in order to form a group (vocals) Desautels at a show and "Stony" The group has remained the same since then
pLace }tarch The first concert took L9,1988 in Montreal. To this date the Birth Defects have done 13 shows in the Montreal region and three shows in Quebec. They have played with the fnfanous Bastards, S. C. U. M. M. D. C. (of San Francisco), Northern Vultures, Groovy Aardvark , Hazy (of Azure, Fail-Safe, Soothsayer Alternative Inuit, 7 Seconds Quebec), (ot Reno) and several others
Their first appearance on cassette was on the }lontreal compilation put together "Kitsh'en Sguatt" which about ten 1oca1 groups. The project consisted of using a studio for free for several hours in order to tape four to five minutes of music. 0ne will find songs two of their on this tape, Fear" The compilation and "The Birth Defects". "Unwanted brought a certain amount of success by selling 1500 copies.
f t is dif f icult to 1abe1 the Birth Defects' music since the conpositions vary enormously from one another because the band is always looking to evolve. At f irst they were especially inf luenced by punk rock and hard core but since then their influences a!e mueh more diversified, which obviously affects the product offered The base of their to the publ-ic. given mus ic is the energy out . For the nembers of the band , the word s are just as irnportant as the music. The lyrics positive wittr deal their mentality and their emotions, vibrations and ambitions they live that and feel vrith all a touch of humor frorn tine to time The idea behind Defects" as "The Birth as some night tional think. f t's more rather than being taken in its literal describe the fact of being marginal by on life without taking so-ca11ed their
-i.l:*Fr i.ti]*: ::Il,'..r< Lhli* P*".i; .ii!'i n,l;,.ti tfifl4 t.:!t" i. ,: ,.:
the band's name is not undireca concept name sub j ect to evolve sense. It's a humorous r{ay to adopting own philosophy their situation seriously.
i.*d ,...i' ': l,ji ,triiF
-i-':' 't
r translated the above from its original french French II teacher. f re airize most of this has butwehadourinterviewreturnedwaybeforetheprofi1eappearecin just MRR' so we didn't copy it out of there.
with the help of my already appeared in MRR,
t,,.tl1 ,:i:4.:
)t:1';; .r .i /
f,r..!..,ii{ . . ,:'i r,'.'t;lii..z,.{;'Joii :{ii,.fi';* ;ifl:;c,-., ,tJi, fffirlli1![tt.iffili:-,:xtr,;it:..i.,:I-.o;I.-]i,t,:.:'; i;;.: . r.l l,i
i +he hif? h ala* E F +C :}, + tr\ bl rth do{esfs .
' ,t I
t:u j
,*ry'i . ;l; $i;,m'
. l s r, o w why did th e b a n d 1 " : : i
iti t:::1 ..o ;:::t" . r e a rly 2O's. band
De fLcts - We f ormea tn" " . E i rt h w e saw f riends of ours be c a u s e ; wanted a n d we to do d o i n g sho ws ; " + ; ; ;- ; . ; ; : Ar e the r e any messages you ,.. B L O W ;D ar e t r yin g to get across?
;^ P a::= t ric:: e
:1o1ile. au 1n .".,:': B h . rg } l.,i;:i p la y s i. " it : P ie rre De s a u t e l s s i n g-s , ; i . ; . . : , : . ?"9", ;4r,irr' S o n n y J a lb e rt p la y s g u it a r a n d *aW P a t ric k F o u rn ie r p la y s d ru m s j'i-{ f lr. ',i.ot;' - Do e s t h e b a n d c h a n g e t h e , 3 ' i. 1 . ' , t B L O W ' ii' Itetl l uel D 1 rrre if e s['yIes s t y le s a t aIIt aE j...;?,,; :Efii" a ll? :a.. 1enb"1"'
i;',1 J* L :::.,. Inucn noney li",3o_iffi '::::ri"::"::",.*i;"l"l,ll ' ' r ve 1r 1..fl to go out. i a ti o n . t{ ffi ;-;;;;;), h$t BLow - what would you be do i ns i f you wer en' t in a band ? y w e , re Itr d Defects - Pr obably som ethi ng o b e 1 i " .r "$ffiBir th rea11y
peace :i il
ii t i oi i =-';; " changed eh anged
r r ev s
r ! ! g'
ssince inc e
g 6vo v uo L
beginning? b eginningI
tthe he
:I' gi r t t r D efects - The motive hasn't ch a n g e d a n d o u r attitude hasn't t our c h a n g e d e ithe r . ObviousLy, il g o a l s ch a n g e after meeting the I
o n e' t- Bi:l o: t""01"' break r{ Do Sl fi -1 o n e r ItBi rt h
even or
{ot b y do in g this? D efects - we obviously
lose don't
a n d w e try ::'_:o^..H T : : : T::" :, s o r gues s w e c a n f 1::_" :" :_ T" " n ' even say we break $
{' sLo w - L i s t
n a me , a se s, ertu a n d irrroL!u n stt"-
hfF'Al else
wr iting a book or something . ffiB! ?t4fr nr.n"t t l *- *- ; : .,:.-. ;:-:-^' ffilBlOI,I
,BlS th e u ." JiLu +}'_iBirth i }..:c,,rr
Defects I,erests
do you r --
Let's Lei l s
now besides v usrusr see. see... . .
,.,',1.!,^..ti ,
.,t- - l , 7 'i ''r
schoo1,"1j school r : 'i . , , -.
out... that's pr e t t y f f il :mu : i: ,c, h 9 o it it .g i. ii. l' i yo u t h e i. --i' : ; B L 0 w - Wh a t mu s ic in s p ire s mo s t n o w? Wh a t y o u d o lis t en to? t . it : . i
1;;_.':" ,1g,..1 i:1":-;
f lt E ! ! t o a wid e ra n g e o f Hc t o c la s s ic a l to $!h iu n t a i-" ra " rn a t iv e W
.i';'-i., :-.-1" {&$dd
" i i v r i rr" n ffi " i .rn i r{ " " r, - w ere mu s ic f r o m
6 0 , s ro c k t o t o re r egsga s aee rt oo
;i :::,
i ;J:.,z ;;;..... etc. r# s L o i^ r y o u - Ho w o f t e n d o p r a y si ss ? :l ;...., R' lT . i i:+:i] girth
Def ects a year. ;=;:"r .
we do about ten Hoper ulr y we'11 Hopefully we,11
. " "' " : i$Hsifijfi$*ffii'sffi-.-?'..i..jiilii;...:"i..9.iq',...,-''(t<{:tF:!!;=n'a.G.cl.l..-'i{t\.. ftss*mH#sti,i,est;-lsi:ti#,ti.i*s#il i lil .;i; : : :.,:'i:: : l*-*""a"
i.n?shows iilt;;;;; iltitlithows tt' 9' :'-
tt,jiJ+:lhiir. lili_ I . \ : t p ra y
n o re
a s we g e t
mo re o u t- o f -
:.,ji; .,.,. .,... r' t'
BLOW - Who do you enjoy playing with most? Birth Defects don't - We rea11y mind as long as the atmosphere is open and the attitude is good. BL0W - How is the Laval/Quebec scene? Birth Defects better than - ft's it used to be, but there's stil1 a severe lack of underage shows because there are no steady places gigs. to do those BLOW Any up and coming bands 1oca11y r{e shoul d watch for? Birth Defects There are a lot of good bands 1oca11y in almost any kind of music so it would be hard to name just a few. BLOW How do you see US/Canada (person relations to person, not governmental ) ? Birth Defects cool - We11, it's for generally, us... people U.S. are kind of open with us and that's cooL.
BLOW - What do you think of want ing to secede Quebec's from Canada ? Birth Defects - We all have our own opinion about that, so it would be hard to give a "band" opinion while we don't have the same "point de vue',. Prrn!.t - H6r.r rto vOU See the wOrld situation generally? Birth Defects - There seems to be a good trend like what happened in the USSR and Germany, which is kind of coo1. BLOW - Anything you think else I nissed or you just want to say? Birth Defects - A trad it ional but
Itli toobadcomicbookshave
nll tltesuperhe while'thg LX&".s To tWF-I
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h/ELP, \4FxA + AfA
comrcs Wllaf lnt r rqE"lAf,roNS/
cll.l.'14 AnJ)f'nn TeX,5\^Qâ&#x201A;Ź E\n46$.
Lt?h(o }TAID
FboLD rT-(
-p'r cr4at1y.=."
H4Reo swâ&#x201A;Ź
lS(Ket Ar-t-=rJJ
DE 20, 7z3O PM Sept. OCEANS - Hyer HaL1, Whitewater' jazz/rock quintet fusion based Milwaukee this Their l-ast show ever, the to notes first Fron the seemed so happy together. has never heard f've better. sounded Oceans has never encore, utterly fantastic egos' and infLated relations inter-band about rumors nasty some pretty Wiegratz's Warren from ny enjoyment. to subtract failed but even this (keyUoards), Mike Nelson and Brian ftawless $ras almost sax pl aying (bass) played (drums) Robinson (guitar), and Terry Mark Torre Standal and the !{as coo1, banter The onstage and ski11. with energy unequaled a Pity It's of "-music to f ix your home by". a bit band even played exare two newer bands with is their last show, but there this that good players. A 0caens show.
3--.' 6s g 7 -o ')e)
Jz -2 {6
EP "Bonafide" one Orchard Van between cross a They say they're voicel the with and the Sex Pistols alen bunch a Come on! ft's Biafra. f Je1lo but if buY it, You I saY don't f shit. The I didn't. it. ot f hope you enjoY at 'oiee Biafra sound like Cid sorta Carrion saY. I can all That's imes. NY' NY 10025 ' llat, 792 Columbus .ecord.s, IV ed.) it... liked of Gee, I sort r!-t:11
lii.i,:jISl ii.r.\\.\{ IANN
La Jolla'
My Head lf 4 ' H ' P ' Lurks ]elow My windfr-i.io,..iry the Pixies ' with dealing the Throwing includes also :overage inFeatures {rhses and the Breeders ' long KIM' with an interview :lude letters'ashowreview'sni ppingsfr-om of and a transctiption sources ather on videos music revi ewing Sl.ack Francis A and interesting ' TV. Very inf orrnative io*
St l t ? ".
to ..1 1 l :*.S a tve r'
M0 6 3 1 6 3 . -6r
War ltT 7 " Order: MRR New World deal ing .Two songs f rom Bad Rel igion excetpt War and a speech with the'Gulf to the same by Noam Chonsky pertaining and the is verY moving Music topic. printed is exbooklet speech and hefty on the bit Great enlightening. trernely Berlteley Box 288, P0 MRR, role. media's CALIFORNIA ! 947OL. -'l ,* EA :-Gi:::i:::':J::ilj:.:ibG
sr"".-u a n a .
/180, NT, $l2lyear.-hlsf,t Spotlight St. The February issue of this Louis paper music and entertainment features Widows. 0ther Pat Coil and 3 Merry includes club calenders, stuff loca1 a review nusic nerIs, of a St. local records and Louis comp. and some other PO Box 63423, St. some classifieds.
ttd -? s i Yri n g s ' w o rd s ca nnot
Po ntx
Maledicta Monitor llL, p,3-, ?, Not nusic at aL1, but a quarterly update to Dr. Aman's Maleproject dicta - the collection and study of colorful lanBuage, name-calling and euphimisyic similes. Some rea1ly interesting real-1ife gems frorn t.he press etcetera. Even though Aman's "up to his clavicles" in zines, write Dr. Re inhol d Aman, p0 Box 1,4L23 , Santa Rosa, CA 95402-6L23. Used to Live in Waukesha too. Definitely more cerebral than BLOW. 't:::i']i
hc' fr rg " r i -^i st h :::: t .". ' - "o "s " Great ."":11:: t1 1 :::^ t::::l e n o ug h .
:,r -::.:: :;'J..,,i01!!dliElEE96iiiili"3s:('$L
demo l t3 Eel -i.p"sicoPter or Three are rare' this like aePas movements songs (count f;;; (81ood)' instrumental an with erate?) to describe"' is difficult ifr" music moodY Progressive tight, poii"n.a, more ttro) (not lame ' Actually *"a.1
; ;"; ; ;i ; ; d 7 ; ; i* , r "
L o u is ,
' \' I
P, H, $1 ll6' -'Crunp Conics from the comics Hore obscure of Head", c1an. Shrirnper "Loaf Addictions"r "Fan Boysi', -Carnal stand and Nubber" "Quarter" -Li1' interview fnsightful out as nifty. His too. Wi11ians, sith Robert From the ShrinPer swe11. ow' stuff oLurr is ae
a d d r e ss I fef las, ttTl l rai t -J-;, u nti l ;.r, l;
'ho ught fndustry tape you come In the very depths of thrash ,cross f ndustry. a band ca11ed Thought ihis four man band is a del.ightful 'ha nge f rom ordinary thrash by us ing and extraordinary ntelleetual lyrics :if f s ,and time changes . They al so cover 'Red Barchetta", a songs by one of the f.S.'s coolest bands, Rush. It is very and welL-coordinated. I suggest 'recise :his album to anyone lrith an open mind. print will lost the address, later-ed. BT
The Commonwealth "Nomavatt 7tl one bad thing about 7". this $ There's too short! but most are. You want N It's to hear more and more, get can't Iou guys. I enough of these wait unf can't l til the next record. Iiopef u11y there will be more to it. ft's a must! Get it from I4226 Greenview Drive, Laurel, MD 207 07 . IV
LP Distortion Social of out, them of selling accuse People cares ! The of...who s1ick, appearing voice is and Ness' cool is sti11 music SD heard you've never way hip. If still punk. root thern blues call f guess you'd Records. 0n Epic sgfWCB:::.f.i.jiii:'.T.lRiXFE
.som e coor bands ! Pop
hi;;..";;";";;;;" i;:il:::.0..:l-":.1 Be h in d M e ,,.' i"'i "":::i . ::::l"jn*:::",.1::
J:"1 ::^ t"- r _ ' ." t
sons "you Make M e Feer Lik;- H ;;;;" i r ,i r " ,, dittv that ha s r ^'on ]"::"::I- 11:lt" o - v e r t h e r e . c lo o .n i "i s om e " : i: : " : " i: lf !u11, 22Ls tl. M ontr o""- ;;"j' i," oYE' 1r r ,'" ';::1^^ u n r ca g o ,
1L L
6 o51R 60518.
l'Jitie Her':.ch i:. Bn *xtr'emeli. th.et I ta 'l ented:r.':run'_:t '_fuitar'iEt f ir:.t r'ea.d s.bc,r.rt in Thra:.her plac*=.. m-a.'_l-i.zirrF, ,:f all After' tn hi'3 tt*t': I is.t*ning 1-r*ttinlr -e.nd i.=. the L-e.mt aua.ilat,le t.r.pe=. {L.J*rthr .=.nd H+t'=. .3.m ta l'l.rr'chi, I f 'rf utt*r'1r" -e.ma=gd th-rrt he iEn"t ' =i'_lned. l'lc,t af terr drJe'=. r:'np En':'funter' E'fffrEan* tr'f thi'= *gp -e.nd '=.!iil l pl*ring thi-a strle nf mu'3ir r.r* in'3 c,f E.etr ian i ipr im-+r il r in th* arrd Ua i ) s.a we I I . _ic, I ,f of ahal d af l'4ike to a=l{ him =.'=mE quB=.ti,rn=..
ELI:ll,-JHa.r.re l.':'U p'.,'Fr. ta[.:.err f ,:r.ma I 'l eg=.on'-r af cla.'-i.eir.3.l mu=ir liter'a.ture or.h-r.s. it E,een a.ll =.elf taur_-lht hunt and pecl.l? E:.:F,l.r.in. l"1Ifl:E "'i*':., I a.m'=.*l{ tau,fht br:t in r.ter,".3triCt =.en=s. I h-r.i.'p gain*d ml' l,lnnr,,rle,J'_fe thr'':uqfr 1 i =.t*n i n,_f. 'T*=., mc'=tlt'cle==i':,i. I , E=F*, :i:. li;, nul .,J.
il t
ELt:ltd Htrr..l Ion1-.r ha',rp l":'u 9t.ti tEr'?
yp+r-E. t"lIHE Almc'=.t six I'm'1?nBr,,J, plaring I st-arted when I u.raE 13 and t,e,1a.n g iv ing I e=.=.ong. tc qu i te a f etal p*ople -+t 14.
Li .m
f i n i ' = .h i ni -.t kl ' :,r.i ,; ,:,n m r .
f ir':.t Ei'mph':nl'f':r orch*=.tr'4. ;tnd -:trrl nc't\r =tud;ri n,1,:,r',:he=.tr'at i':rn . I h.3.i,,e l*g'rn*d m,=r* th-<n I ce.n =.-q.i'tr.,:'ril .=.i.mFhani*.=.. l;te th* l-rte Eeeth,:'uen .=, .=.l1 Tchaih: nUs.k.r, r,,J'fr. l.:: t,-e..=ir.illi. ':* l'lend*ll=.cn'E. r"r,-rr. l.:.=.and th* i *r .ii p -=Ttrrphani e:. nf Liu=.ter,, l"l-e.h .:.tr. a=.trfn i :.h i ng. A=. {i:r. i ct .-_-jri i t-l.r I tr;v t,r *mulate th* pi.i.n': F,lal'ing, tlhc'Fin. tJnrl.is Li=.2t, Eeeth,:'u*n 'tr+ Scriabin t'f, n-1me a fer..r. Eut it -rnd uvauld be r"dr'ang nat te mentirn c,th*r.
! -lrc n , _ f in f lu e n ' : E E
= u rh
a = . t nF , n * t , : i r
$ {A 3
s \ E E
HI $c
P /( anl Y;{frL\-o ,*-^ 5-Etr ing han.in t l uegr'aEE and the crftrrE---f r',=m thra'ah
na.r.'JEnerg;:." that P. -r.nd har'dcaF
ELtll.,Ji:rr'e :"i-ru F,r'PE-.Pntly in .i r:'; t =.,:'1 ,l-,'
a band
q I a
l"1If,iE Lr.m
=.ol n,
a a
ELt:ll.,JL.lhi, dn '=o?
c h,l,:,.=e t a r'ema i n
I ocel
I ivx?
- -l | J d,i
r- _J- Lr-uu
- : i l EU -ui l =.tH
- t . : . ; ;-; 1 p
I've heard, -18 {-rr' as technique rJr-,pâ&#x201A;Ź.wh i Ch i = n':t BF Fn tc' op i n i ':n (it"s lil,ie wh,:,'g the quirl.i* -e.t runn*r') I fe*l th*t EuF,Fnr t.=. tl-r*
I t " = . t h e mu ' = . ir t h a . t r ' e . r . l l c l-+ im= . . 5p*ed i '=.u =e I E== ma . tt s r' E ! t h , : u g h , g e o d mu = . ic . wit h n u t
l''lIfiE I '=r-.rF,FL-lr't th* l':ca.l sf,en* and t h * r'E ar'a { ew h,in d:. I F,er E'ln *e.ll y -l re-+ll;r like 1ex. Aua.il) and af ,:U r =.F E.ed Er'a. i n s r..Jh .lr'e i c 0 anigin-rllr'{r'':m Erl:: E,ut I r's-rllr s d'ln't ,:,ut g*t ta the cluhs tha.t f much. I dc, h,f[{euer lte*p uF 'trn the curr*n t gB i ngs En . 9Ltlil.,,lBr-, i'au p l az l.tith rarhom'?
it i'=. p*r'fectly B:r:pcut*d ncte conrt'ina.tir-,nE r.ripll c pl I at*enth n,:,tp-=. o, ':anEtr'uct*di -r;r'=.i .3.t a. m*tr'':'nBms =.etting ) ':'{ lnl:l ju'=.t e.'=.v cleanll. Fut ther'? mEi'bE, t,Jell, ma.l'he.3.=. I t.'rr'it* thi= .irr'':rg.3.nt E,ul I =.Frit, pi a::,'er' -r.n,:ther' r.,.rhsrr-ruld ta.l.:,e mi'head aff . Eut, :..r i d a.'=.f i qne'J I a.'a ai I th* =. -:{.=. -r.r' .- .t -pta.;r-1'1'=
f'li l"iE I chELa=.e to rema i n Esl o bec.Euse at the pnesen t t ime , I am '-apprrding 3 huge &Fri--,urrtaf time .Symphon;v tr.thiCh t*tonHin,3 'f,n the rPqu i r'ee ,iu'3t m:" i nd iu idual a ttenti,rn. I ds *njo;,r uer'Z much plai'in1r with urthen musician=. Eut f sr the t ime be ing I *ni sy r,.ror'king .rl cne. BLtltt.JHc'r,.rie Descr i be.
rtrrirD\l t I I ulzfl
c,nl:' i+ and th*
al * =
r$ \L -,
lE" o
Hsw sf ten?
P ' l IH E I ' l c,, be ca u se , f rrr frF r at the pre s e n t m om e n t, I really don"t csneiden th e ti me and energf r,.ror. t h it . Eut n':t to B ay I t,lcrn't in the Bu t i n case:. u.rhene peeple lf ut uFt e zwan - . t ' : h* ar m e plar, which iE p r' *t t e i r 'eq u e n t, I''m gl:rd to plar in { r ' n n t ,:f p e ,:ple u..rhich c.r.n E ,* qr l i t * , rf te n . r :tnd en.ic,l, f **dhacl.i c f r -rt h e r ' m ueicia n E- . I
L J no * :r s,ctly ei.l,-=.l,ou .xre the g u itar ist al ir.r* and tha t -"{. 3, .= t e ' a t" d r th i n lr = i "Frpr.r c'u=.1i' thnul-lht :.: r L -i u !aLt ' t t I
t,* 'f .to t'*=i'=.
( fl I F.tE I .f= .
l,*Jhat hum.i.n1y impo=.-=ible"? .3.r'* th*.:.e claim.=. m-<dE '=n? l.:n,:r..,.rt h i .= =.,=un d=. i-i.r'
.3.E.1 Fr r ' r : r Fr F I ' ug
t -a.r.r.oqan pUpr -
-t' r:t . r ' , J ' = i ,- fn e r J 5hxi a.n,J I ':1r un=igne,J i ma l , : e e n eii,= r .t tn heir. them.:rll I
.l I ''.,8 i.s t 'r:':'Uldrr 't =ge*d l^_=-_
t'= h*i.r. ani,th i n,l that I irr .=.t-r.ntl.r. F,iB.i.r .i.RrJ .1.=.f ar' gDB'=. i.rlhiih i:- imponta.nt
I \
\?z ^al ttrl r\
l'l :.',su =.tand uF t,: EL0LJ Hcw rArL-rr.I tJ.ii? E.a:.r'Jae 5-rtri-eni ':'r' llt*ue
. . =
l'1IFiE l'1u=.ic i'=. '=p in ic,n. I th inl,. thei' i. I tFr inF. ti-r*r=' .3.i-P pl-ii'er=. ar'a'-la,:d ':.ign*d pl.i1'er=. rr.rhu dEEpr',.r8 .-r.h*lI th-e.n tl-r*i"r'* '-rf a lc,t mar'p cr'edit ge t t i.n1r natl '=.urh ?.'=-.'-l.3.=,:'n g+cl,::Bt- , u.rh,=at the ':.ir_ln*d hrtn;l'r i tir inl.: i': Eut all-r.inr ,:'n .r. th* be=_.ti. thg thinl-r'=. I am le,"'Bl. t*rhniial d,: i nq -r.f'B hl -r.l.in t l,?' m':.r'e .3.,:r..'.3.1-r,tpd i l l l rttf r t r
i l i =.tEn ta H.r.t.:. -,1ff tc, l.l-r.rrh. r t , , it h t * c h n i c- + l i i .r.nd,:trmF,:=.i t i r_,n-1 1 I Eu t I r * .:r llr . en_ia:,, r"rh-rt thc=.* ; r, . t r, + o d,:in g a n d con,Jr.a.tul.-r.te th*m il* on t h * i r Fh * nr ,m *n,:,1 !.ucce=.E ..
.i u=.t racFn t I i, rlr-r[ l-rc ted h:. .1n tr ':'mp _1.n -trrrF, .3.3.=. i+ 1' E r:, i t l':":1,:l I'll t,e F l a.i'i ng rtrUt *{ .=.et uE, def inite -1 =.r:rtf n .
ELtlt'l tJhi' dc ;yBU F,I ai, t h e mu.; i c r " J u ' up d * r i de d tn pl_rf-r, I''UliE I EL&l
p l- '..1 ,.wh.rt
[re -..cr. i h*
ELtt![ Hau,i ,Jc,e':. I .rr. i n,] F, * I t * r. i,,:,ur. I if * . = . t i' l* ?
I.,IIFiE I t
=.sun d "
BLDTJLrlh;rt e I .i*
l"lI i{:E I tr.r t,f, lCeep m:./:-aund s.i. d i u *r .= .e .x.:. I. c-rn and hope{r.il lr" t. t i l I lr * r a:r E trE grur,,,ring and - e. m . r t u r .i ng , ELBlal L.Jhat equ iF,mBn t general I y use?
rjo ,./ou
d,: ..,,:,u ,J*.,-,
f ' l. I|-iE t ir. ' f , c * r. i, , = h , : p F ,i ng a.t -r . r . n u n , J: l A l" 1 i= { u ri . : , . n , Jt j' i p . * ' ' t c , r. ri . t c h F r a p h s t e -= . . : .E r. , : u , . rn a n d h * r hu E t , . r . n , J B r. r: , t r. rFrj, rr : , , : , , T J im* i. I*tOh -o . n , f ru F ' 3 r' ma r' [ . ; *t S r, , t e * p. A l. = . , :r, tr r i . .f r . i * n , J c u t a ll B + h i= . h . s . ir. c + + , ' F { e F,ut it in e b * g E n t h e r, : , u n t*r , I t :.r-ir.p,J mE ,
l"1Il{E l'lf ma i n gu i t-+n i s an , g4 ! ius '1 i 1 F l v i n g v a n d a s fa r *= ar /ps ,-fGr I"m
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CHICK C0REA ELEKTRIC BAND, Mil1er June 28 0asis, Milwaukee, during Summerfest happens in Milwaukee is one of the cooler things that get people, the summer. be obnox' For most drunk and it's an excuse to ious, but the real reason to go is the music and people. Sunmerfest never For those fails nusical styles. to bring in big names from all jazz piano; piano. He has some of you who don't'know, Corea plays Chick playing Marienthal of the better with him: Eric musicians in jazz today on sax, Frank Gambdle on guitar, on bass and Dave trleck1 John Paticiucci jazzrock on percussion. with the usual The Elektric fusion Band plays Corea flair. The music was infectious was dancing on the and everyone picnic tables even in the pouring for Steve. rain as I looked
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Lemonhe ad s "Lovey r r T Sound in g a tad c ommerc ia1 for t hoca Boston guy swhor eco rde d "H ate Y ^,,:q Friends" a ges ago ome tun es th ::' capture th at clas s ic ergy but whole the album f all hort of m ', expectat io ns. Gue ss IN ave to ge more of th eir o1d er stu f f . Relea I.n by Atlanti c, a ma i nr 1a be1. AN
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--E iS. Nitzer Ebb "showtime LP Total Age" a 1o t ;,;i We11, f liked',That I don't reme)mber the vo ice $''j U"tt er. ;a ppointing indus r1 e songs. I fI t,
": " mi:i:i*ii;;::;;.il; f f i rry t o o f f i . ro u b le . , f t ?t o o . ri-H,.
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zfrf,'nrynfuo qal7 tryrotryt 14€Z.puo tZ'fZ'nurug uoyflb fiffngFaf, /tm/ aos'nLto$a6
Things "Making Mr. T Experience LP With Light" new songs from mY Thirteen Nice to band. Berkeley favorite ! 0bvious see them on Lookout the Ramones include influences but theY imProve and the Dickies Fresh' the sound immensel y. songs powerfuL. young, Coolest SciNo Rocket include "She's in the Cuckoo entist", "What's and the other C ilock" , " Zero" Records Write cl o Lookout! ten. CA 94707 BerkeLeY, PO Box LL374, at 48 or the band directlY Box 48, BerkeSquare, Shattuck CA 94704. 1ey, "Send Me a PostGosh. too. is cool card" ' taPe Fat" The Bux "Sunburned of earlY recordings bedroom Weird PuPPets Meat Femmes-ish, Violent punk whatever foLk type minimal II one guy that 1a a Whiny vocals with Wilburys the Traveling from like sound that Drums the hat. temand varYing boxes cardboard is enouBh,-this StrangelY pos. know don't I and listenable lasilY ?o T1P:: ShrimPeI arhy . i^lrite 91785-tt' CA UPland, 1837, Sox Month Jellyfish "Six S.ouffant .She1f Life" tape They have a newer taPe out now I guess it heard I haven't but Yet. which singer, their replaced they've funk band meshes This is too bad. No Faith to get an almost and metal Inte11sound. Firehose Uore meets mus ic with and great lyrics i.gent 0f the seven songs' of power. tons "Coach", "Go and Te11 Your Mother", (with great its and "Whatever" out most. interl-ude te lephone ) stand best things of the one Defihitel-y 'rEe've gotten. Box 1-64252 P0 Write ' for info. TX 78716-4252 Austin,
Mike Hersch is the Lamb" and "Worthy off to March" "Hats tapes Young guitar virtuoso flies through popular metal to hardcore to classical in these self-composed instrupieces. mental Despite the samples, some of this is reminiscent of the work of Satriani and Vai. Lots of energy and a promising future,.,,Hats 0ff to March" is a 1ittle more class ica1.1y inf luenced. guJr, too. Nice Mike Mike Medlâ&#x201A;ŹIS, P0 Box 362, Herndon
vA 22070 .
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones LP Jazz may not be your cup of tea, but once you hear Sinister Minister" "the you'1,1 be converted , Jazz, f o1k and funk mix in an untraditional instruj ew's mentation of banj o, harmonica, harp, bass, keyboards and percussion. Great stuff. Released by Warner Bros. in overpriced record stores across America. Denise Will "Apathy Get You Nowhere" d emo Refreshing early 80's hardcore that makes the nold appear siIly. Not stale at all. Personal, Political lyrics that address 1oca1 problerns. The band fits together nicely, something a lot of bands lack - tightness The guys in the band are cool people too. Write Duwayne, 240L W. Layton Ave. , Milwaukee, WI S3Z2I.
Citizen Fish Souls in a "Free Trapped Environment" Lp Very, very happy to see this at the Exclusive Conpany in Madison. f was going to write England to get this but nope ! Great tape ! 0bvious comparisons to the Subhumans, which lir is :,.+ why f got (Trot sky ! ) but this it d{ stands on its olrn with ease. Lyrics give insight into British politics through punk eyes - not our Brit newspapers'. Vegetarianism, No t reatNo Clowns Bliss "No Saints, ' ment of e1der1y, commercialism, demo Targets" environment - it's all here. Awesone. screamed the Pig" While "Off Write Bluurg at 2 Victoria more TerT., demo sounds this F1ag, Black Melkshaiti, Wilts. SN126NA, England anything than by Fugazi influenced you i f can VerY :.t:* it elsewhere. Do sir! 't find Not a coPY bandr e1se. stylings vocal guitar and original in mY toP five ' Another this rank s ingdroPPed s ince has band that have to seems Montreal Ack. ers. Six songs scene. quite the groovY Succ ' 9I Box P0 great. Bliss, all ' Montreal, QC, Canada ' St . Henri, Get it. H4C3J7.
rft'MiFfiE*w WW,wg,f',I w(0Aa$ttr716ttuV etacrorr? t t{0W nvFF=
Something Therers The Wholes "Hey, Around on Screwy Going Awfully tape IIere" about got to be something There's This taPe is down there. the desert the Butthole between cross a loose Meat PupPets and the second Surfers influences cut any clear album but rather are The songs evade me. humming nyself f found but tuneless Shakin"' Baby UP A11 Night "Crack the riPht wasnrt it to realize only
t """-
" Cucin a r e
B ambino" .i.".--t- : lg
and "Evi1 is cool which Spani sh i" the based.on is obviouslY O..ai' and demo VerY interesting ro.ri". Write of room to develoP' lots Lo$t South' Circle 3120 Liberty NV 89I2L' Vesas,
the Pain" Back and Feel Fit th "Stand demo punk at it t ape 1 s truLy This drast ic, o 1 itically bas ic Sop referenc es of s are f u 11 lyric powerf gg1 U1t a s s. Very bre ak t- n A growl e voc a 1 s and an '!f do n't not ap u d e (i n d ividual- ity attit an di rnak e t h is v e r y enjoyable Berkele Y, ati v e POB o x 2322, I ha 947 0 2 A si d e of Berkeley are s que Mvd i s k drives hea r d I I ; I r:r I T o-ne T h i n Dim e t'Qu at t r ot t 7t l Gue s s h owm a n y songs, kids! Su ]. ng1 v e n j oya b L e, this record is h umma b 1 e .Di s t urbed at tines by v a8u e 1 v acce p t ing drug stanc eb i s nt t t o opr e v alent. is "Candi" p ret t v c oo1 s o ng and the ban dt s a 11 s o u n d is p retty hefty. Good B ox 6 1 5 t San P edro, CA 9O733 ;fl 24"7 Spy z "Gumbo Millenium" LP You'd think a band incorporating th e musical sensibilities of Fishbone and the Bad Brains wi"h the social consciousness of Public Enemy would avoid Larne songs like (sexist? Posse" "Culo ) and "Spyz (Biz pure on Piano" Markie eheese) Sometimes I like I sometimes 'em, Weird don't. aftertaste. In-Effect Dread Zeppelin "Un-Led-Ed" Lp A cool idea. Elvis sings Zeppel in to regBae. Sone parts of this a1 bum real1y ahine but f'm afraid it's merely a ginnick. We'11 see nexr album. Most of it is a tad mains t.ream for me. Released by IRS.
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tape Nation Eskino of Two Faced has Parts A band that quote me. Five Don't I think. Judy, doing Better than songs 1ong. Buzzy static physiology worksheets. and a cool guitars, druns spastic Orange to nnind. Agent bring voice The sound! this like Gad I reaLLy througltottt cons istent band remai.rs t and I hope to hear more
video llyers.Postering' ' t-shirts PhotograPhy
a U) 0, G
n o
fr 6
GHOSTRIDE(Specify LPor Cassette).......... $7.30 1989release, features "We'reNotSo Smart,"'Just Kidding,,,"Dog Show,', "CastYourFateto theWind,""SceneReport,'...... plusmanymore!! GHOSTRIDE TOURT.SHIRT BossLP artwork!Please specity Largeor X-Large
-] ......... .............$10.00
THEDAYTHEMUSTC DIED(Lponty)............. $7.30 Includes"WelllGo ThroughtheWindshield Together,', MobileHome," "TheBeastis Unteashed,'plus manymore! M O D EL S( EP )........... $s.40 ROCKWITHYOURSOCKON(Cassetre Onty).... ............:.$6.50
All pricesincludeUnitedStatesPostageand aresubiectto changewithoutnotice. Sendcheck or moneyorderto : -
It's Only A RecordRecords,8640North ServiteDrive, Milwaukee,WI 53223
ijustgottheweirdestphonecall.theguysaidhi snamewaslonely tom.soundedprettydownsoitriedabitofactive1istenin'':::: i asked him what was wronc class ' in psychology i learned back that a paYse't'h'et said ' af ter he said ' it", "naile everything. and he said so i asked in the background ,'conpanionship i heard music r tlost1y r " i heard nusic"' "thought to. "nothingr" hirn what he was listening a pause drew out put some oor though".'' probably i should "nope,
prettylongandihungup'idon'tknowiftheguywasreachingout i did or not' 8od, i hope not' suicide he was contemplating because weirdo',' been a real the guy night've too long because not want to tatk i ter af raid' af was i ptroni nuruUer ' i have no idea how he even got tlly hungupandcheckedabitlater-to.seeifhehadhungup.thissiton state nan i Saw near wendy's me of the homeless reminded uation girls' teenage of a table he had come in and was disturbing street. the as outside bicycle hin and t,i" ushered one of the manager tyPes sexual the manaSers : detailinS and expressions invectives Itan hurled i that guilty feel almost i interested sadly ' i watched preferences. want i didn't ca11ed but to the 8uy who just to talk 10nger take didn't suiand no wonder we have so many homeless it's any chances. to take to someone we to talk even take the time when most of us don't cides of ny fear over the phone' like situation know in a harmless don,t it's i have done? what could over and i hunS up. the unknourn took evenweirderbecauseit'sthedayafterthanksgivinE.
l-'# I i-lJj! ar-.: .$4 ai *t ';'a,