Celebrating Great Dads Michael T. Dudley Father Husband Apostle Business Consultant .
A Word from the Editor and Publisher.... Thank you for viewing Habakkuk Publishing’s “Happy Father’s Day” online magazine. In it you will find pictures of our “Featured Fathers”. Being a great dad takes dedication, commitment and hard work. We salute you and your efforts to elevate the position of fathers everywhere. In our magazine you will find all kinds of fathers, from all walks of life. Dustin Felders is an acting coach who works with Hollywood actors, Dr. Lewis Walker is an educator and has taught at Western Michigan University for many years and Pastor Wade Hooks became a first-time published authors just a few years ago. The common thread that flows between each of them is the love that they have for their child(ren). You may be aware of President Obama’s Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative program. Their office was soliciting articles from wives on the subject of what having a husband and father in the home meant to them. I submitted an article. To my surprise I received a call from the White House, expressing their appreciation for what I had written. While I did not speak to President Obama (I am going to meet he and first lady Michelle soon) I was pleased, nevertheless, to receive such a wonderful call. You will find the article further along in the magazine. I am committed to helping fathers to realize the tremendous need that this world has of them. That being said, Enjoy! Happy Father’s Day.
Pastor Chris Jones
Melvin Robinson
Pastor Tony Weatherly
Andrea L. Dudley
Pastor Wade Hooks
Honor Less Beard
Lessley Beard
Ralph Dudley
I talk and talk and talk, and I haven't taught people in 50 years what my father taught by example in one week. Mario Cuomo Apostle Richard Brown III Japan
Pastor Warren Curry Jr & Family
Bishop H. Eugene Bellinger
I wanted to say Happy Father’s Day to Willie M. Jones. He is my second brother out of four siblings. Willie has been a part in the success of each one of his children. In a time when fathers’ being home is applauded, Willie has been home and involved. He sets a standard of godly principles, high expectations, and love for his kids. In doing so, 3 of his kids have degrees, one working on it, and another pursuing a music career. I wanted to let him know that his brother is just as proud as his children!
Kenyon Hall
Tommie Lee Bedford Sr.
I wanted to take the opportunity to say Happy Father’s Day to my friend, Kenyon Hall. Ken has shown a true love for his son since I’ve known him. Ken has made the transition from Detroit to Charlotte, NC and has managed to deal with the adjustment of a new life while consistently keeping his son at the top of his list. Ken takes his son to school on a regular and finds many activities for both to enjoy. I wanted to let him know that it does not go unnoticed!
Daddy will be celebrating 80 years of life this December, but you would never know it to see him. You know how people say that they have a 12 year old going on 30 years old; my Daddy is a 79 year old going on 35 years old. He has always had a foreword thinking mind and philosophy regarding life, which shows in his physique and attitude. Despite all that has happened in his life, he has a resilience that is admired by all who come into contact with him. I Thank and Praise My Heavenly Father for my Daddy, and I pray continued life, health and strength! Happy Father’s Day Daddy! I Love You, Cal
The greatest gift I ever had came from God, and I call him Dad! Anonymous
Willie M. Jones
The Cooks Men Jessie Cooks, Lil David, David Cooks, Wil Cooks
When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. Mark Twain
Tyrone Bedford What can I say about my brother Tyrone? I remember when we were young growing up (high school years), and his having to go with me places (where he didn’t want to go, but Mama made him!:-), and being thankful that although I was older (by 1 year), he was bigger and taller and could look out for us! Just like he was there for me, he is there for many others, and has grown up to be a “fine man!” As a husband, father and son, he has exhibited stability and dedication. May God continue to shape and mold him, as he continues to set an example. Happy Father’s Day Ty, and I Love you! Your Sister Cal
Pastor Robb Stancer and Family
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America’s First Father
Dustin Felder
President Barack Obama
Dr. Lewis Walker
"My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother; for they will be a graceful ornament on your head, and chains about your neck" (Proverbs 1:8-9).
Pastor Solo Kgasoe South Africa
Dr. Larry Mack
I want to appreciate Solo Kgasoe as my husband, my pastor, my best friend ,the father of my children and the father of congregation. Happy Father's Day! I thank the Lord for your leadership and example. You provide for others, insuring they have the resources they need. You keep us from harm's way and make sure we are safe and secure and you are always praying for us to reach our potential and become all God intends us to be. Pastor Aggy Kgasoe
Isaiah Johnson Jr. & Daughter Ikalean
"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society." -- Billy Graham, Christian Evangelist
Jimmie Barnett
Michael, Solomon and Princeton Dudley
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Pasto r Ger ald O v
In a world of hero worship, my dad has been my only hero. As a young man establishing my own family I realized that the person I wanted to be like most was my dad. The way he related to family, his laugh, his depth of discernment, and his love for all people showed me what manhood was all about. If I could be half the man...you know the rest! Kwameh Barnett
Dr. Jeffrey Chapman
My thoughts on President Obama’s Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts about our President's fatherhood and mentoring initiative. I am thoroughly convinced of the necessity of this program. According to two national surveys by the National Fatherhood Initiative, nine out of ten parents believe that there is a “father absence crises” here in America. In order to combat this crises we must proactively re image the role of fathers in the home and in the lives of their children. We must lift up the image of fathers in our world and help fathers to understand the value, stability and well-being that they bring to the family. I cannot imagine life without my husband, the father of our 3 children. He is our protector, our strength and leads of our family with me closely by his side. We can always count on him to do what's best for us and to provide support, comfort and encouragement. He is always there to cheer us on, speaking words of life. No child should have to grow up without the sense of security that a loving, kind and caring father provides. My heart weeps for the child who has never experienced such love.
Taylor Hegan Eddie Metcalf Elder Roger E. Moore Sr.
Children need the blessing of their fathers. Fathers bless their children through touch, words, affirmations, and by spending time with them. Everyday when my husband walks in the door, after getting home from work, he greets our children with a strong manly hug and tells them that he loves them. The words that a father speaks to a child will produce either life or death. “Baby Girl, I'm proud of you” he'd say to our daughter who is now married and a parent herself. My husband also loves spending time with our children. He actively participants in school activities such as field trips, band concerts and dances. Finally, my children receive daily “life lessons from their father.” He gives them instruction, correction and guidance and teaches them right from wrong. His life is a living epistle and speaks loudly. He's a praying man. Often our children hear their father praying as he walks on the treadmill. They see the need for having a relationship with Jesus Christ. He takes good care of his body. They watch how careful he is about what he puts in it. He models for them positive behavior of which he hopes will influence them. The President's fatherhood and mentoring initiative is of dire necessity and I support it wholeheartedly. If we are to see father back in their rightful places in our homes we must support this initiative. © 2011 Andrea L. Dudley
Your loving wife Terri
Roger E. Moore Jr. You mom Terri
Robert McClelland
Derwin McKinney Bob Gross
Byron K. Odem-Shabazz Kwameh A. Barnett
The Word To Live By! Malachi 4:6 He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse. (NIV)
Pastor Marvin Miles
Psalm 103:13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him; (NIV) Proverbs 3:11-12 My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in. (NIV) Dr. Clavon Byrd
Proverbs 3:32 For the LORD detests a perverse man but takes the upright into his confidence. (NIV) Proverbs 10:9 The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out. (NIV) Proverbs 17:24 A discerning man keeps wisdom in view, but a fool's eyes wander to the ends of the earth. (NIV)
Rennie Kaufmann
A fathers shoes are hard to fill -Andrea L. Dudley
A Father's Blessing www.torahbytes.org All these are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is
opportunity to do so. The popularity of such a film
of Dreams" are only for books and movies.
reveals how many people there are who never
Maybe your father is alive, but the nature of your
received their father's blessing.
relationship is such that you believe he will never bless you. Maybe so.
what their father said to them when he blessed them, giving each the blessing appropriate to him.
Our fathers have a special role to play in our
(Bereshit / Genesis 49:28)
discovery of who we are in life. That is why a
Thankfully whatever your relationship is to your
father telling his child statements like "You'll
biological father, there is another Father, who
Shortly before Jacob, who was also called Israel,
never amount to anything" has such a
longs to bless you. God, the Heavenly Father,
passed away he took the time to formally bless
devastating effect. On the other hand, a father
has the ability to heal the father wound in you.
his twelve sons. The giving of a father's blessing
who lovingly affirms his child is giving him a solid
What was only fantasy in "Field of Dreams" can
is not something that most people are familiar
foundation towards developping into a healthy,
become reality – not that you will be able to
with in our own day. I am aware that this has
well-adjusted adult.
satisfactory address every unresolved issue you have with your earthly father, but the greater
become more popular in some circles, but my guess is that most people wouldn't understand
But if current trends continue, more and more
why something like this is important.
people will grow up without a father's blessing.
Father can mend every broken part of your heart.
Not only that, many will grow up with no
This is not to say that we should not hope for
There are some people who think that our lack of
relationship to a father at all. Some will not even
resolution with our early fathers. In fact allowing
receiving blessing from our fathers is the cause of
have a biological father as science paves the way
the Heavenly Father to heal us will most likely be
many problems in our lives. Concepts like "the
to make fatherhood obsolete. The result will be a
the beginning of healing with our natural dads.
father wound" attest that there is a great need in
level of lost-ness in the hearts of people that has
God's desire is for us to have good, healthy
our hearts for good relationships with our fathers.
never before seen in history.
relationships with our natural parents. It is true that due to our broken state, we will not see every
The movie "Field of Dreams" has had a profound effect on many people, especially men. "Field of
You might be someone who fully understands all
relationship flourish the way they were meant to.
Dreams" is the fanciful story of a middle-aged
this. You long for your father's blessing, but have
Still, if we would receive God's blessing, we will
man who, having never reconciled with his father
no hope of ever receiving it. Maybe your father is
begin to see even our broken relationships in a
while his father was still alive, is given an
no longer alive. You know that stories like "Field
new light.
Order a copy of Game On; Becoming a Man Who Pleases God on our web site. Watch our television show online at www.globalempact.org. It may be viewed on demand 24 hours a day.
P.O. Box 871074 • Canton, Michigan 48187 734.772.2079 •
Andrea L. Dudley CEO/Habakkuk Publishing
habakkukstories@yahoo.com www.globalempact.org/habakkuk_publishing