Habitat for Humanity China - Annual Report 2013

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FY2013 July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report



1000000 1 Million Toward

and So Much More

Our Vision 我們的理念 A world where everyone has a decent place to live 世上人人得以安居

Our Mission 我們的使命 Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. 仁人家園貫徹神愛於生活中, 以行動凝聚眾人, 攜手建設家園、 社區及希望。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


Table of Content 目錄 Page 03 -

Letter from the Honorary Chairman 榮譽主席致辭

05 -

Board Chairman's Review 主席回顧

06 -

Managing Director's Review 行政總裁回顧

07 -

We are Habitat for Humanity 我們是仁人家園

09 -

We are Habitat for Humanity China 我們是中華仁人家園

11 -

We build in China 我們在中國的建設

13 -

We build Homes 我們共建家園

17 -

We build Communities 我們共建社區

21 -

We build Hope 我們共建希望

27 -

We build Fun: Our Events 我們共建歡欣:我們的活動

31 -

We build Trust: Our Financial Review 我們共建誠信:我們的財務概況

33 -

We build Stewardships: Our Board 我們共建監管團隊:我們的董事會

34 -

We build Partnerships: Our Donors and Supporters 我們共建伙伴關係: 我們的資助方和支持者

38 -

We build Network: Our Contacts 我們共建互動網絡:我們的聯絡方法

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



BUILDING TOWARD 1 MILLION: Behind all the numbers are the people we serve 以人為本 以家為重 攜手共建 100 萬個家


013 was a crucial milestone for Habitat for

All the numbers above show our belief that “people and

Humanity. Striving for “A World Where Everyone

families are first and foremost”, based on which we are

Has A Decent Place To Live”, we have organized

committed to uniting people of different backgrounds,

numerous home constructions and maintenance projects

races and religions to partner with families in need by

in different parts of the world over the years. In 2013,

providing appropriate aid that suits their needs. With love

we constructed, renovated and repaired a total of

and care, we build homes and hope for people without a

over 100,000 houses globally. We improved the living

roof over their heads or those living in old and damaged

environment for one family every four minutes on average.

houses, enabling them to lead their lives with confidence

Since our establishment in 1976, we have lent a helping

and dignity. We love families in need as ourselves, with

hand to over 750,000 families worldwide. This year, there

a mission to give partner families a new lease of life by

were a total of one million volunteers all around the globe

breaking the cycle of poverty in close collaboration with

supporting us in our efforts to build homes for families in

volunteers, donors and supporters, such vision can be


summed up in a single commandment, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Galatians 5:14)

Thanks to tremendous support from different sectors in the community, Habitat marked its 30th year of service in

Looking ahead, we will strive to unite more supporters

the Asia-Pacific region in 2013, as we began working in

to reach out a hand to more people who are in need of

the region in 1983 with the pilot program in Khammam,

appropriate homes, in the hope of extending our help to

India. One of our biggest and most significant initiatives

one million families globally to enable more people to

was the “Habitat Youth BUILD” Project, an annual event

enjoy safe, affordable and decent housing.

in which 14,000 youth volunteers successfully built houses with their own hands over seven countries in Asia-Pacific.

On behalf of HFH China and our home partners, I would

It not only offered a valuable opportunity for youth

like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who

volunteers to realize their full potential and broaden their

has participated in our events for helping us create the

horizons, but also helped equip them as future leaders

resounding success we have witnessed today through the

and contribute to society.

completion of one project after another.

What is more encouraging is that HFH China received its first-ever grant of HKD1.595 million from the Disaster Relief Fund of the Hong Kong SAR Government for our delivery of emergency relief supplies to the postearthquake areas in Sichuan Province, affirming our contributions to the building of homes in China.


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


Letter from the Honorary Chairman 榮譽主席致辭


013 年是仁人家園的重要里程碑 。一直以來 ,仁人 家園本著「世上人人得以安居」的理念 ,在世界各地 組織不同規模的房屋建造及維修工程 ,將服務及理

念推廣到更多地區 。仁人家園繼續積極組織各項籌款 、建 屋 、房屋改造及災後重建等服務 。這一年 ,仁人家園在全 球新建 、改造 、修葺房屋的總數突破100,000家 ; 平均每4 分鐘為1個家庭改善居住環境 ; 自1976年成立以來 ,在全 球援助累計超過75萬個家庭。這一年 ,全球共有100萬名 志願者加入仁人家園的行列 ,與有需要的家庭攜手建設家 園。 全賴社會各界四方八面的力量支持 ,仁人家園於 1983 年 在印度坎曼開展試點計劃以來 ,在亞太區的服務於 2013 年昂然踏進30週年 。我們其中一項最大型及最矚目的年度 志願者建屋活動「青年領袖建屋之旅」,便成功跨地區動員 14,000位志願者身體力行 ,在亞太區7個國家建屋 ,讓青 少年發揮潛能及擴闊視野 ,助他們成為明日領袖 ,貢獻社 會。 2013 年 ,我們倍感鼓舞的是中華仁人家園首次獲香港特區 政府賑災基金撥款1,​​595,000港元,向四川地震災區派發緊 急救援物資 ,肯定了仁人家園過去在中國的工作。 這些數字印證仁人家園一直「以人為本 以家為重」,致力 凝聚不同背景 、種族 、信仰的人士 ,與有需要的家庭結成 伙伴 ,了解他們的需要 ,提供適切援助 ,送上愛與關懷, 鼓勵他們出走陰霾 ,有自信和尊嚴地活下去 ; 為「無瓦遮 頭」、流離失所、棲身於破舊危房的貧困家庭 ,建家園, 築希望 ; 我們的使命,就是愛人如己,與志願者、捐款 人士及支持者同心協力 ,改寫伙伴家庭的人生,脫離貧 窮的宿命,「因為全律法都包在『愛人如己』這一句話之內

了。 」(加拉太書5章14節) 展望未來,我們將竭力結集更多支持者的力量 ,繼續援助 更多有需要的人士 ,向在全球援助100萬個家庭的目標奮 力進發 ,讓更多人擁有安全穩固 、可負擔的體面家園。 在此,本人謹代表中華仁人家園及受助家庭 ,感謝曾經參 與中華仁人家園活動的所有支持者 ,協助我們完成一個又 一個項目 。

Dr. Darwin Chen, SBS


Honorary Chairman Habitat for Humanity China 中華仁人家園榮譽主席

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



Board Chairman’s Review



abitat for Humanity China is grateful for the significant contributions of our supporters in 2013. Last year, through our office network of six cities in Mainland China and Hong Kong, we increased support for our mission to help eliminate poverty housing. Our “Age-friendly Housing Project” in Shanghai was a successful example of one of our many home construction and maintenance activities. The threeyear scheme, run by HFH China in collaboration with Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau and Shanghai Senior Citizens Foundation, improved the living environments of 150 elderly families. After the success of the initial scheme, the Bureau has decided to earmark money from its annual budget to extend the work to help even more elderly citizens. HFH China has been invited to share its experiences in order to encourage other groups to organize and participate in implementing such schemes. In addition, during 2013, we started an “Age-friendly Housing Project” in Guangzhou thereby bringing better housing to more elderly people and spreading the message about the importance of dealing with the scourge bad housing conditions. Overcrowding is a major problem in Hong Kong. There are an estimated 171,300 tenants living subdivided apartments. Other inappropriate housing includes “cage” homes, partitioned flats and apartments in disrepair. Sadly, the chance of such people having a proper home remains a dream for the foreseeable future. In the coming year, HFH China will be mobilizing its resources to raise awareness of the problem of crowded housing in Hong Kong and to seek practical solutions.


去一年,是中華仁人家園滿有感恩、喜樂的一 年。我們透過在中國內地及香港六個地區辦事處 的網絡,成功吸引更多人,透過慷慨捐款 、參與

志願工作或傳播消除貧窮住屋的訊息 ,攜手支持更多家庭 建立安全穩固、可負擔的體面居所。 我們在中國內地和香港參與房屋建造及維修工程,其中一 個成功例子,是在上海推行的「適老性」住房改造計劃 ︰ 中 華仁人家園與上海市民政局及上海市老年基金會等合作,3 年內為150戶老年人家庭改善居住環境。該項目獲上海市 民政局認可,透過政府年度預算援助更多老人家庭; 中華仁 人家園受邀作為項目顧問, 協助培訓組識參與和實施項目。 其後我們更再下一城 ,將計劃推展到廣州,為更多老人家 庭改善居住環境 ,送上關懷 ,讓仁人家園助人安居的種子 散播到更遠 ,發揮更積極的力量 ,喚起大眾關注貧窮住屋 問題。 在香港,房屋問題亦十分嚴峻,尤其是居住環境過於擠 迫。根據統計,香港共有 171,300 劏房住戶。除了劏房 外 ,香港的不適切房屋還有籠屋 、木板隔間房及日久失修 的舊樓等 ,住戶被困在狹窄擠迫 、衛生環境欠佳的蝸居之 中,仍需應付昂貴的租金。他們祈求早日安居脫離困境 , 可惜實現日子遙遙無期 。我們未來一年的焦點之一,將會 集結更多力量 ,讓公眾關注香港擠迫居住問題 ,以及尋求 可行的解決方法。 同時 ,中華仁人家園將繼往開來 ,竭力凝聚更多中國內地 及香港的支持者 ,組織更多房屋建造及維修工程,將我們 助人安居的種子散播得更廣更遠 ,合力打造「世上人人得 以安居」的世界!

HFH China will also be looking beyond our own borders. In the coming year, we will seek to replicate past success in encouraging the always-generous people of Mainland China and Hong Kong to support Habitat for Humanity’s work in helping families in need elsewhere in the world. Join us to deliver the Habitat vision of A World Where Everyone Has A Decent Place To Live!

Mr. Peter Charles Witton 魏德恩先生

Chairman of the Board of Directors Habitat for Humanity China 中華仁人家園董事會主席


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report




n 2013, my colleagues in HFH China and I had the opportunity to join hands with people in need to build homes, communities and hope in accordance with HFH China’s belief and vision. As usual, we kept a close eye on all existing projects to ensure that every penny was spent appropriately and all the houses were built in compliance with stringent standards.


Managing Director’s Review 行政總裁回顧

013年,中華仁人家園仝人依照仁人家園的理念和 目標,與有需要人士攜手建設家園、社區及希望。 我們一如既往,嚴謹監察現有項目,確保一分一毫

均用得其所,所有建屋項目符合行業建設標準。 我們深信,「家」,是家庭建立溫暖的安樂窩,讓世上人人 平等地過有尊嚴的生活。

Under our belief that “H.O.M.E.” means “a House which provides Opportunities for all Mankind to pursue Equal rights to lead their lives in dignity”, we made concerted efforts to build safe, affordable and decent housing for more families in need, with the ultimate goal of creating “A World Where Everyone Has A Decent Place To Live.”

過去一年 ,我有幸親身參與不同的建屋項目及籌款活動 ;

I was lucky enough to participate in a number of projects in person, which allowed me to learn more about the needs of our partner families. Each and every brick and tile we use in the construction of homes signifies HFH China and our supporters’ love and care for the people in need.

些片段至今仍歷歷在目。最令我難忘的,是痛失家人 、家

Among all our projects last year, I was particularly impressed by our relief initiatives for the 4.20 Sichuan Earthquake. In response to the devastating earthquake, our colleagues stationed in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province immediately paid visits to severely affected areas, only five km from the epicenter, to assess the needs of the victims. One week after the earthquake, I visited to many areas in Qionglai City. I remember vividly that what I saw in the City were collapsed mountains, broken earth and destroyed buildings. However, what was most unforgettable was that the victims who had lost their families and homes were so brave and strong in face of plight. Up until now, they have lived their lives in fear and trepidation, longing for stable and safe shelters that can protect them against earthquakes. To make their dreams come true, HFH China has already launched long-term post-disaster reconstruction projects to help build homes and hope for the victims. I am so blessed to be able to help those in need build their safe homes. In the coming year, HFH China will continue to support more partner families in response to the housing problems in different regions. I hope that more people will join us to make concerted efforts to eradicate poverty housing in collaboration with supporters, creating “A World Where Everyone Has A Decent Place To Live”!

我們搭建的一磚一瓦 ,盛載仁人家園及支持者的愛與關 懷。當中,我印象較深刻的是四川4.20地震發生後,駐成 都的員工深入距離震央只有5公里的重災區視察,探訪災 民 。一星期後,我抵達重災區邛崍市受災最嚴重的鄉鎮及 村落,舉目所見盡是山體滑坡、頹垣敗瓦、樓房坍塌,這 園盡毀的災民,仍然十分堅強,勇敢面對困境。他們亟需 安穩的棲身之所 ,擺脫地震的陰霾 ; 然而 ,災民多為農 民,收入有限,無力重建家園。我們已啟動長遠的災後重 建項目,協助災民早日修建家園,重現希望! 能夠援助有需要人士獲得安居之所 ,是我們最大的福氣。 在新的一年 ,中華仁人家園將會繼續針對不同地區的住屋 問題 ,與更多家庭結成伙伴 ,希望來年更多支持者加入我 們的行列 ,同心協力消除貧窮住屋問題 ,讓「世上人人得 以安居」!

Mr. Kester Yim 嚴啟泉先生

Managing Director Habitat for Humanity China 中華仁人家園行政總裁

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



We are

Habitat for 我們是 Humanity 仁人家園 T he vision of Habitat for Humanity is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Anchored

by the conviction that housing provides a critical

foundation for breaking the cycle of poverty, Habitat

has helped more than three million people construct, rehabilitate or preserve homes since 1976. Habitat also advocates to improve access to decent and affordable shelter and supports a variety of funding models that enable families with limited resources to make needed

力消除貧窮住屋問題。我們深信 : 安全穩固、 可負擔的家園是擺脫跨代貧窮的重要一環 。仁人

家園自 1976 年成立以來,全力援助超過 300 萬人興建或修

improvements on their homes as their time and resources

葺家園 ; 同時積極倡議公平 、平等的住屋政策,提供不同

allow. As a nonprofit Christian housing organization,


Habitat works in more than 70 countries and welcomes

今在全球70多個國家推展工作,歡迎不同背景、種族 、信

people of all races, religions and nationalities to partner


in its mission. Habitat has supported an estimated 1.5


million individuals in the Asia-Pacific region, where it has


been active since 1983.



Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


Every Four minutes, Habitat for Humanity helps One family in need of better housing 每 4 分鐘, 仁人家園為 1 個家庭 改善居住環境

750,000 Total no. of families served around the world since 1976 自1976年, 仁人家園在全球援助的家庭總數

Over 超過


Total no. of people served around the world since 1976 自 1976 年,仁人家園在全球援助的總人數


1,500,000 Total no. of people served in the Asia-Pacific region since 1983 自1983年 , 仁人家園在亞太區援助的總人數

Total no. of families served in the Asia-Pacific region since 1983 自1983年, 仁人家園在亞太區援助的家庭總數

136,164 Total no. of homes completed (built, rehabilitated or repaired) in the Asia-Pacific region since 1983 自1983年, 仁人家園在亞太區完成的家園總數 (包括新建、改建、修葺的房屋)

(as of June 30, 2013 截至2013年6月30日) 中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



We are

Habitat for Humanity China 我們是 中華仁人家園 H

abitat for Humanity China (HFH China) was established in 2000 and merged its operations in Mainland China and Hong Kong into a single entity in 2006. HFH China currently works in Guangdong, Guangxi,

Shanghai, Sichuan and Yunnan, as well as in Hong Kong to eliminate poverty housing problem in rural districts and disaster-prone areas.

華仁人家園成立於2000年,並於2006年將中國內地及香港的運作融 合,在廣東、廣西、上海、四川、雲南和香港設立分支,致力於消除 不同地區貧窮住屋問題,並參與災後重建工作。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report




Financial Year 財政年度

(256 houses 房屋 + 9 schools 校園 )

No. of Homes Completed (built, rehabilitated and repaired) in Mainland China and Hong Kong 中國內地及香港完成的家園總數 ( 包括新建、改建、修葺的房屋 )


No. of Families Helped in Mainland China and Hong Kong 中國內地及香港受助家庭總數


No. of Volunteers Joined in Mainland China and Hong Kong 中國內地及香港志願者參與總人數


No. of Volunteering Hours in Mainland China and Hong Kong 中國內地及香港志願者服務總時數

Since 自



Total no. of Homes Completed by HFH China 中華仁人家園完成的家園總數


Total no. of Families served by HFH China 中華仁人家園援助的家庭總數

12,900 Total no. of People Served by HFH China 中華仁人家園援助的總人數

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



We build in

我們在 China

Sichuan 四川

中國的建設 FY2013

Yunnan 雲南 No. of Homes Completed 完成的家園數量


No. of People Helped 受助人數


No. of Volunteers Involved 志願者參與人數


No. of Homes Completed 完成的家園數量


No. of People Helped 受助人數


No. of Volunteers Involved 志願者參與人數


Building Projects 建屋項目 1. Mayan Village, Qionglai City 邛崍市馬岩村 2. Wuzhi Township, Jianyang City 簡陽市五指鄉

8,160 hours 小時

Building Projects 建屋項目 1. Chahe Village, Ning'er County 寧洱縣岔河村 2. Ganhaizi Village, Wuding County 武定縣干海子村

Guangxi 廣西 No. of Homes Completed 完成的家園數量


No. of People Helped 受助人數


No. of Volunteers Involved 志願者參與人數


7 Houses 房屋 1 School 校園

4,744 hours 小時

Building Projects 建屋項目 1. Panrong Village, Rongshui Miao Autonomous County 融水縣盤榮村 2. Siying Village, Rongshui Miao Autonomous County 融水縣思英屯 3.“World Habitat”Campus Beautification Program 「世界家園」校園美化計劃


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


8,288 hours 小時

Shanghai 上海 No. of Homes Completed 完成的家園數量


No. of People Helped 受助人數


No. of Volunteers Involved 志願者參與人數


69 Houses 房屋 1 School 校園

37,368 hours 小時

Building Projects 建屋項目 1.“Age-friendly”Housing Project 「適老性」住房改造項目

Hong Kong 香港

2.“Happy Move Build”in Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province 浙江省平湖市「起亞家園」建屋項目

No. of Homes Completed 完成的家園數量


3.“World Habitat”Campus Beautification Program 「世界家園」校園美化計劃

No. of People Helped 受助人數


4. Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province 江蘇省張家港市

No. of Volunteers Involved 志願者參與人數


53 Houses 房屋 7 Schools 校園

3,386 hours 小時

Building Projects 建屋項目 1.“Green Joyful Home for Disabled”Program 「綠色樂居無障礙」計劃 2.“World Habitat”Campus Beautification Program 「世界家園」校園美化計劃

Guangdong 廣東 No. of Homes Completed 完成的家園數量


No. of People Helped 受助人數


No. of Volunteers Involved 志願者參與人數


22,280 hours 小時

Building Projects 建屋項目 1.“Age-friendly”Housing Project 「適老性」住房改造項目 2. Shuiweidong Village, Liangkou Town, Conghua City 從化市良口鎮水尾洞村 3. Yangwei, Liangkou Town, Conghua City 從化市良口鎮楊圍

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



We Build

Homes 家园 我們共建

A world where everyone has a decent place to Live 共建家园:世上人人得以安居


‘home’ is not only a roof over our heads, but also the critical foundation of our livelihood – a home provides shelter against storms and rain, where families can share happy moments together and plan for a bright future.

Therefore, Habitat for Humanity China is committed to building safe, decent and affordable homes to create a world where everyone has a chance to create a better tomorrow.

「        ,不僅是容身之所,更是一切的基石 : 可以遮風擋 雨 、與家人共敘天倫 、計劃將來 ,讓每個人活得快

」樂 。因此 ,中華仁人家園致力興建安全穩固 ,可負擔 的體面居所 ,讓有需要家庭擁有一個「家」,創造美好的明天 。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


A world where everyone has a decent place to Dream 共建家園:編織夢想 同築安樂窩


iving in safe and secure homes was once an impossible dream for the villagers in Siying Village and Panrong Village in Rongshui Miao Autonomous

County, Guangxi. These two remote mountainous villages are prone to geological disasters. Families there mainly live in 30-50-year-old hillside houses, which have become structurally unstable and vulnerable to heavy rain, landslides and lightning strikes. The villagers are also facing a number of other problems such as unstable electricity supply, poor sanitation and sharing their house with livestock. All these factors put the villagers’ lives at risk, yet they were unable to improve their living environment with limited incomes from rice and woodgrowing.

wood and mud. Built in the 1960s, his house has been

seriously damaged by thunderstorms. They are obliged to

400公里,位於深山雷雨區,山多平地少。當地天氣極端 ,

stay in their damaged house in discomfort because they

極易發生暴雨 、塌方及雷擊 。村內的房屋多是依山而建的古

are unable to spare a penny for its renovation with limited

舊木屋 ,未能抵擋歷年的風吹雨打 ,不少家園已成危房 ; 加

incomes from farming, not to mention that the aging Wei

上電力設施欠完善、衛生條件差、與牲畜同住一屋等問題 。

couple are suffering from rheumatism.

村民都渴望能改善惡劣的居住環境 ,但只靠種植樹木及稻

Wei Zhengjie from Panrong Village lives with his wife and four other family members in a house made of dilapidated

經常遭受自然災害威脅的廣西融水苗族自治縣思英 屯及盤榮村的村民而言 ,擁有安全穩固的家 ,只 是夢寐以求的念頭。思英屯及盤榮村距離廣西南寧

米 ,收入微薄 ,難以圓夢 。

In China, the construction cost of a house for a threemember family is approximately RMB100,000 (around USD


16,400). Although government subsidies are available, the


villagers have to settle the huge remaining balance which


is often beyond their financial capacity. Therefore, HFH

受風濕困擾,難有余錢修葺房屋。韋家只好重返危房 ,過著

China joins hands with home partners to improve their

擔驚受怕的日子 。

living environment by providing them no profit loans for home repairs. Loan repayments from the partner families


will be used to help other families in need – maximizing

況 ,難以承擔修建房子的費用 。每座3人家庭新房子的建造

effectiveness of this initiative.

成本約人民幣100,000元(約16,400美元),雖然政府有給予補 助,但其余資金則需由農戶自行籌集。因此,中華仁人家園

Under the local government’s “Eliminating Old and

與伙伴家庭合作 ,向他們提供非盈利小額援助貸款 。伙伴家

Endangered Farmhouse“Program, HFH China initiated

庭所償還的款項 ,將會用作援助更多有需要的家庭 ,助人自

its building projects in Siying Village from May 2012 to


January 2013 to join hands with seven partner families to build safe, secure homes with proper sanitary facilities.

中華仁人家園結合當地政府的「農村危舊房屋改造」項目 ,於

These families have already moved from their dilapidated

2012年5月至2013年1月在思英屯開展建屋項目 ,為7戶農戶

houses to new places that cast out their fear of natural

興建安全穩固 、衛生設施齊備的新居 ,大大改善他們的居住

disasters. HFH China also launched a project in January

環境及衛生情況,讓他們不再懼怕風雨 ; 另於2013年1月開

2013 to help Wei and other villagers in Panrong Village

始 ,援助韋正傑及其他盤榮村居民 ,在山下安全的居住點上

build safe houses at the bottom of the hill. The project


is expected to be completed by early 2014, when 20

編織安居樂業之夢 。

families, including Wei’s, will move to new homes to make a good living.

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



A world where everyone has a decent place to


共建家园:發揮想像 打造無障礙空間


n Hong Kong, the wealth disparity has been widening and many families with disabled members are living in inappropriate housing. To improve their health and

living standards, HFH China launched the “Green Joyful Home for Disabled” Program in October 2012 to provide basic home renovation and enhancement services for 120 low-income families with disabled members who rent and live in public housing. Thanks to the creative work by HFH China’s volunteers, families can now enjoy their lives in a safe, comfortable, green and barrier-free environment.

with a donation of HKD2.6 million to subsidize 800 student

volunteers to join the Program to learn renovation skills

低收入傷健家庭 ,提供基本室內維修服務及綠化家居。志願者

and contribute to the community.


HFH China has successfully enlisted the support of Lee Hysan Foundation as the Strategic Partner and Sponsor

香港,很多傷健家庭缺乏合適的居住環境和設施 。 中華仁人家園於2012年10月啟動「綠色樂居無障礙」 計劃,定期安排志願者參加,為120戶租住在公屋的


The Program has also won tremendous support from the community, including Premier Green Partner: Hysan

中華仁人家園成功與利希慎基金結成策略伙伴 ,獲基金捐贈

Development Co. Ltd., Gold Sponsors: Bank of America

2,600,000港元資助800名學生志願者參與計劃 ,學習綠化和維

Merrill Lynch, QBE Mortgage Insurance (Asia) Limited,

修家居的技巧 ,助己助人 ,回饋社會 。

Chun Wo Development Holdings Limited and Green Partner: Supermoon Holdings Limited. As of June 2013,

「綠色樂居無障礙」計劃同時得到社會各界積極參與 ,包括綠色

a total of 533 volunteers had joined the Program to build

樂居傑出伙伴 : 希慎興業有限公司,金贊助商 : 美林(亞太)

and renovate homes for 45 families.

有限公司、昆士蘭按揭保險(亞洲)有限公司 、俊和發展集團 及綠色樂居伙伴 : 超滿控股有限公司 。自計劃推出至2013年6 月以來 ,共533名志願者熱心參與 ,為45伙伴家庭修建「安樂 窩」。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


A world where everyone has a decent place to Flourish 共建家园:老有所依 共享豐盛人生


iming to help 150 elderly families, HFH China launched the “Age-friendly” Housing Project in Shanghai in 2011 to help renovate the homes of

low-income seniors so as to provide them a safe living environment. Besides necessary maintenance, the Project includes the installation of grab bars and anti-slip flooring in the bathrooms as well as retrofitting of barrier-free access. The Project was extended to Guangdong Province in November 2012 to provide renovation services for more elderly people so that they could live a colorful life. In the financial year of 2012-2013, this initiative benefited a total of 57 low-income families with elderly members in Shanghai and Guangzhou.


011年,中華仁人家園在上海開展「適老性」住房改造項 目,計劃援助150戶老年人家庭,為老人修葺房屋,改 善居所安全,除了必要的維修,項目還包括在浴室安裝

扶手、防滑地板 ,安裝無障礙通道等工程,通過改善貧困老人 的家居安全和住所環境,讓老年人安享晚年。「適老性」項目 更於2012年11月擴展至廣東,為更多有需要的老人提供室內翻

Grandpa Zhu is suffering from heart diseases while his wife is diagnosed with p  poliomyelitis and cancer. They have lived in a dilapidated and old house with their daughter, and she has not had a good relationship with them. With the support of HFH China and other corporate donors, their house has been repaired, including the construction of a wedding room for their daughter, who has been deeply moved by her parents’ love and care. HFH China has not only brought the Zhu family a decent house, but also a warm and sweet home.

修服務 ,讓他們獲得圓滿豐盛的人生 。單單是2012至2013年


度,中華仁人家園在上海及廣州共援助了57戶老年人家庭 。


係一直很差。在中華仁人家園及企業的援助下,不但改善他們殘破不堪的居住 係。除修建體面居所,仁人家園更修補了一個樂也融融的溫暖家庭。

A world where everyone has a decent place to Grow 共建家园:孕育幼苗 茁壯成長


chools are the cradles to nurture future leaders. To build a better learning environment for pupils, volunteers are invited to join HFH China’s “World

Habitat” Campus Beautification Program. Under the Program, pupils are led by volunteers to help make their schools green and beautiful, laying the solid foundations for their happy and healthy growth. Following on from its huge success, the Project has been extended to Shanghai and Guangxi. A total of nine schools were beautified in the financial year of 2012-2013.

園,是培育明日領袖的搖籃。中華仁人家園舉辦「世 界家園」校園美化計劃,邀請志願者帶領學生 ,以學 習工作坊形式 ,美化及綠化校園 ,建造良好的學習環

境 ,讓學童快樂健康地成長。計劃獲得多家企業積極贊助及派 員參與 ,更由香港擴展至上海及廣西,2012至2013年度,為 三地合共9間學校美化校園。

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



We Build


Communities 社區

A world where everyone has a decent place to


共建社區:凝聚力量 構建未來


abitat for Humanity is determined to connect

General Cable (China) has cooperated with HFH China for

volunteers from all over the world to build homes in

two years, going to Conghua City in Guangzhou Province

different regions. In 2013, 14,000 youth took part in

for “Youth Build” activities, “this year, we have brought

a cross-country activity, namely “Habitat for Humanity Youth

70 volunteers to help local people build new houses or

BUILD (Habitat Youth BUILD)” on April 27 to build houses

renew facilities. ‘Habitat Youth BUILD’ is in line with our

in seven Asian countries, including Cambodia, China, India,

corporate core value, ‘Corporate Citizen Responsibility

Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines and Thailand, realizing the

and Sustainability Development’. We highly appreciate

dreams of families in need of decent homes.

Habitat providing such a great platform for us so that we could participate in public-spirited activities to reward the

“Habitat Youth BUILD” has been one of the biggest annual

community we work and live in, while we are offering safe,

volunteer building activities of Habitat for Humanity since

high-quality and environmental-friendly products.”

2012. Under the slogan “Today’s Builders, Tomorrow’s Leaders”, the activity gives the youths from different cultures

The Dow Chemical Company has been Habitat’s first

a chance to develop their full potential and broaden their

corporate partner since 1983. Over its 30-year partnership,

horizons preparing them to become future leaders who

the company has supported the construction of more

contribute to society. From April 26-28, 2013, around

than 39,000 homes in more than 24 countries and areas

200 volunteers participating in the activity, led by HFH

worldwide, “Habitat for Humanity is one of the most valued

China, built homes in Shuiweidong Village and Yangwei in

NGO partners that Dow is collaborating with. Under a

Guangdong Province in collaboration with home partners.

holistic approach in its cooperation with HFH China, Dow has not only donated funds that make building possible and

The success of “Habitat Youth BUILD 2013” was based on

products that deliver reductions in energy consumption and

tremendous support from multinational corporations and

CO2 emissions, but also encouraged our staff to support that

local enterprises, including Platinum Sponsors: General

is needed to bring projects and the homeowners’ dreams to

Cable (China) and The Dow Chemical Company; Bronze


Sponsors: Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Chun Wo Development Holdings Limited and Ageas; Illustration designed by Dreamergo.


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


From left: Habitat Love t Ambassador Kelly Fu, Habitat Youth BUILD Ambassador Jade Kwan, Vice President of Operations and Public Affairs & Government Affairs for Asia Pacific of The Dow Chemical Company Patrick Ho, Managing Director of HFH China Kester Yim, President of General Cable (China) Alex Tham, Habitat Youth BUILD Ambassador Fai Au and HFH Asia-Pacific representative Eric Arndt. 左起:愛心大使傅嘉莉、建屋 大使關心妍、陶氏化學公司亞 太區副總裁何百川、中華仁人 家園行政總裁嚴啟泉、美國通 用電纜(中國)總裁譚炳文、建 屋大使歐暉、國際仁人家園亞 太區代表Eric Arndt。

“It is unimaginably rewarding to have given other p people a new lease of life with my own hands. I will never forget the touching moment when an elderly villager thanked me sincerely holding my hands! ” Habitat Love Ambassador Kelly Fu, Hong Kong uprising model and artiste, recalls. 「仁人家園愛心大使」名模演藝新星傅嘉莉: 「我實在

“As an architect, I have never built a brick wall with my p own hands before I joined HFH China. I am so glad to help families in poverty to build homes. The construction process took a great deal of hard work. It's worth it because the project was so meaningful, ” Habitat Youth BUILD Ambassador Fai Au, a renowned youth architect in Hong Kong, says.

“'Habitat Youth BUILD' has given me a totally new p volunteering experience. Together with a team of 200 volunteers pouring every effort into building homes for the villagers, I saw selfless unconditional love. It is more blessed to give than to receive! ” Habitat Youth BUILD Ambassador Jade Kwan, 2012 Hong Kong Outstanding Young Person, says.


「青年領袖建屋大使」香港傑出青年建築師歐暉: 「身

「青年領袖建屋大使」2012香港傑出青年關心妍 :




我,令我畢生難忘! 」



然付出汗水和努力,卻很有意義和值得。 」

建屋建家,我看見無私的付出和仁愛的善心! 」



為目標,到不同地區修建家園。 2013年 ,仁人家園

攜手合作 ,全力支持在廣州省從化市舉行的「青年領袖建屋之



位志願者身體力行,於4月27日分別在柬埔寨、中國 、印度 、


印度尼西亞 、尼泊爾、菲律賓及泰國建屋,既籌捐 ,又親身參



謝仁人家園提供一個優質的平台,讓我們在提供安全、高質和 環保產品的同時,更能夠身體力行地參與有意義的社會公益活


動,回饋社區,為建設更美好的家園貢獻一份力量。 」

建屋活動之一,以「明日領袖 ,由我建造」為口號 ,自 2012年 起,分別於亞太區多個國家建屋 ,讓青年發揮潛能及擴闊視


野,成為明日領袖,貢獻社會。 2013年,中華仁人家園率領

園的企業合作伙伴之一 ,並與仁人家園在逾24個國家和地區 ,


援助超過 39,000 戶低收入家庭重建或修繕房屋,改善居住條


件 :「仁人家園是陶氏最珍視的非政府組織合作伙伴之一,為

了達成陶氏與所在社區共同成長的承諾,我們在大中華區幾乎 「青年領袖建屋之旅 2013」更得到來自全球的跨國集團及本地


企業的支持和讚助,同時派出員工義務參與建屋工地勞動 ,包


括白金贊助商 : 美國通用電纜(中國)、陶氏化學公司 ,銅贊


助商 : 美林(亞太)有限公司、俊和發展集團、富通 ,插畫設

現居者有其屋的夢想。 」


中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



A world where everyone has a decent place to


共建社區:成就他人 消除貧窮住屋問題


need, but also we unites people and communities for a

就自己及他人的未來 。

verything begins with a safe and decent home. HFH China brings volunteers, donors, corporations, supporters and families together in a distinctive,

life-changing way. Not only building homes for people in

全穩固的家是一切的根源。仁人家園積極以行動凝 聚世界各地的志願者 、捐助人士 、企業 、支持者及 伙伴家庭 ,共同經歷不一樣的體驗 ,改寫人生 。當

中,不僅只為了建房子,更是建立人際關係 、社區 ,同時成

brighter tomorrow. 起亞汽車及東風悅達起亞 ,同樣關切並積極參與公益事業,

Fully committed to supporting charitable causes, KIA

以「共享幸福的社會」為主題,由2009年開始 ,與中華仁人家

Motor and Dongfeng Yueda KIA Motor Company Limited

園在內地組織「起亞家園」建屋活動 ,企業和志願者攜手為貧

launched the “Happy Move Build” Project in collaboration

困居民興建房屋 ,助他們重拾信心 ,開展美好生活。2012至

with HFH China in Mainland China in 2009 under the

2013年度 ,「起亞家園」建屋活動凝聚逾350名中韓大學生的力

theme of “A society where happiness is shared”. In the

量 ,貢獻21,184小時 ,為9戶浙江平湖的家庭修建家園。同時

financial year of 2012-2013, over 350 Chinese and Korean

與同伴們建立友誼,讓中韓兩國的青年加深認識中國現況 ,助

university students contributed a total of 21,184 hours to

他們確定未來的事業方向 。

building homes for nine families in Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province. These student volunteers have not only helped

2012年10月,陶氏化學公司派出員工當志願者 ,聯同中華仁

realize the dreams of families in need, but also built solid


friendship with their teammates and gained a deeper


understanding of China, which will facilitate their career


development in future.

協助 :「有你們的援助,才能有我的新房,使我不用在雨天擔


In October 2012, staff from The Dow Chemical Company joined hands with skilled workers from HFH China to rebuild houses for three low-income families in Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province. After two months of hard work, the families finally moved into their new homes. He Guanyu from one of the home partners expressed her happiness and gratitude for HFH China’s help, “Without your help, I could not have a new home protecting my family against worrisome weather. Words cannot express my families’ appreciation for all your help!”


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


了我們全家對你們的感激之情! 」

A world where everyone has a decent place to


共建社區:盡情玩樂  同享健康生活


From 2012-2014, Millward t

ocated in a mountainous area which is around 3.5

Brown ACSR earmarks funding and sends its staff to support HFH China building homes for 12 families in Ganhaizi Village.

hours from the north of Kunming City, Ganhaizi Village is one of the poorest villages in Wuding

County, Yunnan Province, with over 200 Miao ethnic


villagers. The villagers live in damaged, dangerous,


primitive mud-made houses with poor sanitary conditions.

2012年至2014年,在干海子村 援助12個家庭興建房屋,並派

To lend a helping hand to the villagers, HFH China has worked with the local government and home partners in a life-changing disaster mitigation and rural housing project in Ganhaizi Village since 2004, under which four houses were built in the financial year of 2012-2013. Public sports and leisure areas were also set up by HFH China and Nike


海子村坐落於雲南省昆明市以北 ,約三個半小時路程 的山上 ,是武定縣最貧困的村莊之一 。全村有62戶

家庭 、逾200名村民 ,全部是苗族人 。長期以來 ,居

民住在土瓦結構的房屋 ,年久失修 ,沒有相應衛生設施 ,村內 欠缺康樂設施 。

Sports to serve as a playground where children in the village can relax and have fun, while adult villagers can

中華仁人家園與當地政府部門及村民合作 ,自2004 年起於干

play basketball during their leisure time, enjoying better

海子村啟動農村住房建設項目。 2012 至 2013 年度完成了 4 間

standard of living and stronger community connections.

房屋 ,配合早前與耐克運動修建的休閒及康體公共空間 ,村內 的孩子終於擁有安全舒適的環境盡情嬉戲,同享健康快樂的童 年 ; 村民可以聚首一堂使用休閒設施 ,凝聚社區關係 。

A world where everyone has a decent place to


共建社區:同慶歡欣  洋溢感恩的喜悅


n addition to the local government’s efforts to teach the villagers to plant high-profit crops, HFH China initiated a building project in Chahe Village, a disaster-

prone mountain village in Pu’er City, Yunnan Province in

華仁人家園於2011年年初在雲南普洱市寧洱縣岔河 村啟動建屋計劃,為這條經常受天災威脅小山村重 建危房,配合當地政府引導村民種植更具經濟效益

的農作物 ,讓村民能打破貧窮的宿命 。

early 2011, in the hope of helping the villagers to break the cycle of poverty.

來自世界各地的志願者云集這片土地,與伙伴家庭合力,以歡 樂及感恩的心,滿懷希望,一磚一瓦,聚沙成塔,建成一個又

Volunteers from around the world joined hands with the


home partners in Chahe Village to help build a better


tomorrow. The volunteers and the home partners worked


together with joy, gratitude and hope to build homes with


their own hands. Last year, HFH China successfully built 25 new homes, gradually transforming the village into a safe community with decent housing, water supply and proper sanitation. The partner families can now celebrate a new chapter in their lives for their new disaster-resistant homes. In January 2013, Build Ambassador Kandy joins 30 volunteers from Mainland China, Hong u Kong and Singapore to build homes and hope in Chahe Village. Kandy and the volunteers also work on the farm and chat with the villagers to learn about the culture of the Hani race. 仁人家園建屋大使糖妹聯同來自中國內地、香港及新加坡30名志願者,於2013年1 月前往岔河村,建屋建希望之外,又到農地耕種及與村民互動交流,了解哈尼族文 化。

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



We Build


Hope 希望

A world where everyone has a decent place to Heal 共建希望:走出陰霾  重燃希望


isasters create a significant number of substandard

the north-east of the epicenter, under which permanent

housing worldwide as well as massive deaths and

homes will be built for the affected families.

dislocation among the less fortunate. Responding

to disasters, Habitat for Humanity has contributed its

In May 2013, HFH China received its first-ever grant

technical expertise in home building and sustainable shelter

from the Disaster Relief Fund of the Hong Kong SAR

construction to serving disaster-affected families all over the

Government, becoming one of the eight local and

world and building hope for the affected families through

international organizations received grants for 4.20

long journey to recovery.

Sichuan Earthquake Reconstruction Projects. The HKD1.595 million grant from the Government has been

A 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Ya'an City, Sichuan

allocated in full for HFH China’s “Deliver Relief Kits and

Province of China on April 20, 2013, causing serious

Love in Sichuan” Project in Qionglai City.

damage with more than two million people being affected. In response to the devastating earthquake, HFH China’s

Like other affected families, Grandma Han Congzhen lost

staff stationed in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province went

her home and beloved one in the earthquake. Grandma

to affected areas immediately to assess the need of the

Han lived in Maping Village in Tiantaishan Town, Qionglai

victims and liaise with the local government to formulate

City. Her husband was buried by bricks and stones as the

disaster response plans. Afterwards, HFH China set up

earthquake struck Sichuan Province on April 20, 2013. She

a dedicated fund, namely “Sichuan Post-Earthquake

ran home from work right after the earthquake and tried her

Rebuilding Fund”, to help the affected families rebuild

very best to save her husband, during which a huge stone

safe, decent and affordable homes that can withstand

from their roof fell onto her waist, trapping them both under

earthquakes. The families will be provided directly with

rubble. The couple were later rescued and sent to hospital.

grants, with regular monitoring conducted by HFH China’s

Unfortunately, Grandma Han’s husband passed away, while

staff and financial transactions inspected by an external

she was discharged after eight days of treatment and was

Hong Kong auditor with international qualifications.

transferred to a temporary shelter built with odd pieces of wood and plastic sheets. HFH China has committed to

HFH China is planning to put forward a long-term post-

rebuilding new homes for Grandma Han and other affected

disaster rebuilding strategy in Qionglai City, located to

families, ultimately followed by the building of hope and happiness in the wake of the disaster.


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


禍往往造成無數死傷 ,導致大量家庭流離失所,


家園盡毀 ,衍生林林種種的貧窮住屋問題。仁人

金撥款 ,成為該基金撥款支持4.20地震災後重建的8家本地

家園為全球飽受災禍蹂躪的災民 ,提供專業的支


援,為他們興建安全穩固的永久住房 ,儘早遷離環境惡劣

中華仁人家園「送暖到四川」物資援助項目 ,到邛崍市災區

及危機四伏的臨時帳篷 ,走出災禍陰霾 ,重燃希望!







地震發生當日 ,她正在屋外幹活 ,地震後立即跑回家,雙


手連挖帶刨解救壓在磚石下的老伴 ,其後屋頂卻突然掉下


大磚石 ,砸到韓婆婆的腰部 ,兩位老人被困瓦礫中。他們


獲救送往邛崍市醫院 ,韓伯伯因搶救無效離世 ,韓婆婆住


院8天后出院 ,只能以倒塌房屋的木板和塑料彩條布,搭


建臨時住所棲息 。中華仁人家園已承諾為韓婆婆與其他受


影響的家庭重建家園 ,修補地震帶來的創傷 ,助他們走出 地震的陰霾,重燃希望,再現燦爛的笑靨。 中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



A world where everyone has a decent place to


共建希望:重拾信心  迎接新生活


n collaboration with the families affected by devastating

Grandma Yang lived on the hilltop of Mayan Village in

disasters, local communities and volunteers, HFH

Qionglai City. Her dilapidated century-old house was

China restores stability in affected areas through the

situated along the “Ancient Tea-Horse Trail”, an ancient

construction of new homes, which helps the victims

transportation route for tea. Grandma Yang seldom

restore their belief in a better tomorrow.

left her house since she suffered a stroke that left her paralyzed four years ago. To save money for her regular

The Sichuan Earthquake on May 12, 2008, also known as

medication, her sons were obliged to carry her on a dark

the Wenchuan Earthquake, killed over 69,000 people and

and damp downhill path every day to catch a local bus for

left 4.8 million people homeless. Since then, HFH China

hospital outpatient treatment, instead of hospitalization.

has launched its Post-Earthquake Rebuilding Projects in Sichuan Province to build over 1,500 new homes with

In 2010, the government of Qionglai City supported

strong red bricks in strict compliance with HFH China’s

the national “New Rural Construction Policy”, which

building standards in more than ten villages in the towns

subsidized residents to build new homes with strong red

of Xiaoyudong and Bailu Town in Pengzhou City, Jiexing

bricks in compliance with the standard for earthquake–

Town in Zhongjiang County, Deyang City, Zhuyuan Town

resistant housing. Under the Project, HFH China partnered

of Qingchuan County, Guangyuan City, Wuzhi Township in

with Grandma Yang to build a safe home with sanitary

Jianyang City and Mayan Village in Qionglai City.

facilities at the bottom of the hill. With HFH China’s help, Grandma Yang has been given a new lease of life with her family in a more decent house enjoying easier access to other parts of the City.

Grandma Yang has moved from an old house made t p  of mud and wood, with neither adequate sanitation nor proper electricity and water supply on the hilltop to a safe, decent and affordable home in a community at the bottom of the hill. 楊婆婆過去住在夯土木材搭建的百年老房,衛生條 件惡劣,既沒有穩定電源,也沒有潔淨食水。現時 已經遷進位於山下小社區的安全穩固、又能負擔的 體面家園。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


Led by Build Ambassador Karen Mok, 47 volunteers t join a six-day building trip, namely “Sichuan New Hope Build”, to Mayan Village in September 2012 to build homes for people in need. During the trip, the team also experiences rural living by joining home partners to do farm work. 建屋大使莫文蔚率領47位志願者參與為期6天的 「四川『危房改造之旅』」,於2012年9月,前往馬 岩村建屋,一嚐築牆、搬運材料、攪拌水泥等工 序,又聯同伙伴家庭一起耕種,體驗農村生活。






之一)。自4年前楊婆婆中風導致半身不遂 ,她甚少離開居


所 。當時 ,她的兒子們為了省下住院費為母親買藥,兩個 兒子每天都要輪替地背著母親到山下 ,走過踏水橋 ,等候

2008年5月12日四川汶川發生大地震 ,造成逾69,000人死


亡,4,800,000 人無家可歸 。中華仁人家園其後在四川啟


動地震災後重建計劃 ,分別於彭州市小魚洞鎮及白鹿鎮 、

固的紅磚興建新房子 。中華仁人家園與楊婆婆結成伙伴,

德陽市中江縣傑興鎮 、廣元巿青川縣竹園鎮 、簡陽市五指

為她在山下興建新的居所 ,建立一間既穩固又擁有基本衛

鄉、邛崍市馬岩村等10多個地區 ,按照抗地震房屋標准設

生設施的房子 。今天 ,楊婆婆與家人已經在新居安享天倫

計 ,以堅固的紅磚援助建造超過1,500間房屋,大大提高安


全性 。

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



A world where everyone has a decent place to


共建希望:欣欣向榮 同創美好的未來


uzhi Township, located in Jianyang City of Sichuan Province and 50 km south-east of Chengdu City, is a farming community in

a mountainous and drought-stricken area. Families are living in poverty because of infertile land generating poor harvest, combined with a ban on industrial development due to its location in a restricted area around drinking water sources. In 2011, the average annual per capita income for the Township was merely RMB6,200. Most of the families suffering from poverty have members who are disabled, deprived of earning capacity by accidents, or even with chronic diseases.

with them to build homes according to the community’s

traditional culture and also based on the number of family


members. In phase one, HFH China partnered with three

2011年,五指鄉農民人均年收入僅為人民幣6,200元 。五指

families to build houses of 60-square-meter in size. Two of

鄉的貧困家庭之中 ,大部分家庭都有殘疾成員,或因意外

these families now own their new homes which can protect

受傷喪失勞動力 ,或慢性疾病長期治療等原因導致貧窮,

them from hardship instead of living in disrepair, enabling


川簡陽市五指鄉位於成都市東南的山區 ,距離成

In order to help these families, HFH China joined hands

都50公里。由於五指鄉地處乾旱少雨丘陵山區, 土地貧瘠 ,農作物產量低 ; 加上該鄉位於飲用水

them to build a thriving life and future. 中華仁人家園與當地村民結為伙伴 ,選擇符合當地傳統民 Chen Youzuo, who is now 69-year-old, lives in Jianshe

居建築風格的房屋設計方案 ,根據家庭人口,為他們新建

Village of Wuzhi Township with his 44-year-old son. Over

平房 ,建築面積達60平方米 ,首階段援助3戶貧困家庭,

a decade ago, a fire destroyed their house, after which


his son was diagnosed with mental illness, posing a large


burden on Chen. Not long after, Chen became unable


to do any hard work because of lumbar hyperosteogeny,

五指鄉建設村村民陳有作今年69歲 ,與44歲的兒子相依為

adding to the plight of this father and son. Without money

命 。十多年前 ,他們的房子失火燒毀 ,緊接著兒子突發精

to rebuild their destroyed house, Chen and his son were

神病失去勞動能力 ,經常發病住院治療 ,沉重的醫藥費拖

obliged to live in a food factory. Thanks to the huge efforts

垮了這個家 。其後 ,陳有作患上腰椎骨質增生,無法再做

by HFH China and its volunteers in over six months, Chen

重體力活 ,收入銳減 ,使這個已經陷入困境的家從此無法

and his son are now living their lives in a comfortable and

解脫 。中華仁人家園聯同志願者經過半年的努力,陳有作

warm home which truly belongs to them.


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


A world where everyone has a decent place to


共建希望:發熱發亮 改寫人生


FH China's “Global Village” Volunteer Program recruits and mobilizes volunteers for a lifetransforming experience, benefiting both

the volunteers and the families in need of decent homes. It offers the volunteers a unique opportunity to travel to locations all around the world to experience different cultures and interact with people from various backgrounds. Volunteers in groups of 10 or above are welcome to help build homes and create a “Global Village” of “Love, Homes, Communities and Hope” in partnership with families in poverty.

volunteer teams to build in Asia-Pacific countries. A total of

1,732 volunteers lent their caring hands to families in need in


different regions and gave the families a new lease of life.

生經歷 。仁人家園歡迎10人或以上的志願者組隊前往世界

In the financial year of 2012-2013, HFH China organized 52 “Global Village” trips in Mainland China and gathered 33

人家園的「地球村」志願者計劃招募及動員志願 者,與世界不同文化背景的人士交流,體驗異國 文化 ,為有需要有的家庭興建體面的居所。「地

各地 ,聯袂伙伴家庭攜手建設「地球村」,創造一個充滿希 Volunteers participating in the “Global Village” short-haul


trips gained valuable experience for self-enrichment and life-enhancement. Students from Lycee French School, for


example, were deeply inspired by a “Global Village” trip

「地球村」建屋之旅 ,同時組織 33 支志願團隊前往亞太地

to Guangdong Province in October 2012.

區建屋 ,總動員1,732人 ,為不同地區的家庭伸出關愛之 手,參與改寫他人生命的旅程。

“The trip was really interesting! We learned a lot and enjoyed helping and communicating with other people.

參與「地球村」的志願者 ,透過短暫的建屋之旅 ,取得珍貴

Everybody was so excited during the trip. All of us

的學習體驗 ,自我增值 ,提升人生歷練 ,當中包括法國國

volunteers and the local villagers were so happy, always

際學校的同學 ,親身興建房屋 ,從中有所領悟 ,當中,11

wearing big smiles on our faces,” said Kelly Comiskey, a

年級生Kelly Comiskey非常享受這次旅程 :「這次旅程真是


11 -grade student of Lycee French School.

樂趣無窮,讓我體會『助人為快樂之本』! 旅程中,我們 學會怎樣與別人溝通和合作建屋。無論是志願者,或是當 地村民,臉上總是掛著開心的笑容。 」

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



We Build

Fun: Our Events


歡欣: 我們的活動


ver the past year, HFH China initiated a series of creative fundraising events and educational campaigns to engage more volunteers, donors and

supporters to explore poverty housing problems and ultimately make concerted efforts to bring joy to families in need through building homes, communities and hope.

去一年,中華仁人家園創辦一系列的籌款計劃及教育活動 ,凝聚更多志願者 、捐款人及支持者參與其中 ; 懷著歡 欣喜悅的心情 ,共同加入仁人家園的行列;認識貧窮住屋問題,攜手為有需要的家庭建設家園、社區及希望。

Sing and Build Charity Cocktail《童聲.樂建.知音夜》慈善雞尾酒會 On August 28, 2012, around 100 guests and donors


enjoyed a harmonious evening at the “Sing and Build

舉辦「童聲.樂建.知音夜」慈善籌款雞尾酒會 ; 以悅耳的

Charity Cocktail”, jointly organized by HFH China and

童聲樂韻及舞蹈 ,為參加者帶來歡樂 ,同時凝聚知音者,

Mission Hills Golf Club to spread Habitat for Humanity’s

分享仁人家園的理念 。香港置業(地產代理)有限公司及權威

mission by uniting people with music. During the Cocktail,

豪宅于酒會送贈20,000港元支票予中華仁人家園 。酒會共

Hong Kong Property Services (Agency) Limited. and


Superior Home donated a cheque of HKD20,000 to HFH


China. A total of HKD40,000 was raised from the event for HFH China’s building projects in Mainland China and Hong Kong.

Beloved Clothing Charity Sale 愛心二手衫慈善義賣

To arouse public awareness of the home conditions of families with disabled members, HFH China held the “Beloved Clothing Charity Sale” from September 7 to October 15, 2012. The initiative was warmly received by celebrities from Hong Kong and Taiwan, who generously 2012年9月7日至10月15日,中華仁人家園發起「愛心二手

donated their clothes for sale.

衫慈善義賣」,旨在喚起社會關注傷健家庭缺乏安全適切的 Upholding the shared value of “Building Homes With


Heart”, Global International Credit Limited (GIC Ltd.) fully supported HFH China by making a matching donation


towards the charity sale. A total of around HKD150,000 was

價值 ,全力支持這次義賣 ,捐出與義賣籌款額同等金額款

raised from the event for HFH China’s “Green Joyful Home

項 。這項活動共籌得約150,000港元 ,全數撥入「綠色樂居

for Disabled” Program to build safe, comfortable and

無障礙」計劃 ,為低收入傷健家庭創建舒適、安全、無障礙

barrier-free green joyful homes for low-income families


with disabled members.


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


World Habitat Day 2012 Build Marathon cum “Green Joyful Home for Disabled” Commencement Ceremony 世界人居日2012.中華建屋馬拉松暨「綠色樂居無障礙」啟動禮 To echo with the 27th World Habitat Day, HFH China joined hands with its charity partner 1789.com.hk to organize the “World Habitat Day 2012 Build Marathon cum Green Joyful Home for Disabled Commencement Ceremony” in October, 2012 to kick off several building projects in Mainland China and Hong Kong with the recruitment of 400 volunteers. A workshop with the theme of “Many Homes, One Community” was also held to arouse public awareness of poverty housing problems in China. Representatives from Gold Sponsors of the “Green Joyful Home for Disabled” Program, including QBE Mortgage Insurance (Asia) Limited, Chun Wo Development Holdings Limited and GIC Ltd., joined Paralympics Gold Medalist


So Wa Wai, Build Ambassador William Chan and actress

界人居日 ,於 2012 年 10 月合辦《世界人居日 2012.中華

Michelle Wai to show their support in the Ceremony.

建屋馬拉松暨「綠色樂居無障礙」啟動禮》,先後啟動多個 建屋計劃,包括「綠色樂居無障礙」計劃,招募400名志願 者 ,舉辦「萬家彙聚成社區」工作坊 ,喚起各界對中國貧窮 住屋問題的關注。「綠色樂居無障礙」金贊助商:昆士蘭按 揭保險(亞洲)有限公司 、俊和發展集團有限公司、環球信 貸有限公司 ,聯同殘奧金牌運動員蘇樺偉 、建屋大使陳偉 霆及藝人詩雅出席支持啟動禮。

Lan Kwai Fong Carnival 2012 蘭桂坊嘉年華 2012

Sugar Club is officially appointed as “Habitat Build Ambassador” during the opening p

It was the second year in a row for HFH China to be invited

ceremony of the Carnival.

by Lan Kwai Fong Association as a charity partner in the

嘉年華開幕典禮上 ,中華仁人家園委任人氣組合糖兄妹成為「仁人家園建屋

“Lan Kwai Fong Carnival 2012”. On November 17 and 18,


2012, HFH China ran charity booths in the Carnival to raise

中華仁人家園連續第 2 年成為「蘭桂坊嘉年華」的慈善伙

funds and arouse people’s awareness of poverty housing


problems through interactive games. Around HKD50,000

坊嘉年華2012」; 設立互動遊戲攤位籌募善款 ,讓更多人

was raised from the event to build homes for families in

認識貧窮住屋問題 ,同時籌得約50,000港元 ,為中國內地

need in Mainland China and Hong Kong.


中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



Habitat Challenge Day 2012 仁人家園慈善大步走 2012

“Habitat Challenge Day 2012”, organized by HFH China


and co-organized by Sportsoho, successfully took place


on December 9, 2012. With the aims of raising funds for

名愛心人士積極參與活動 ,為中華仁人家園的建屋項目籌

HFH China’s building projects and witnessing the success

募經費 。步行以東湧為起點 ,沿東澳古道至大澳為終點,

of its first building project in Hong Kong, namely the “Tai


O Stilt House Restoration and Community Development

及仁人家園背景的問題 。參加者一邊欣賞東澳古道的迷人

Project”, the event attracted over 500 caring participants

景色,享受郊遊的樂趣 ; 一邊加深瞭解大澳棚屋的歷史價

to walk 14 km from Tung Chung to Tai O. Along the route,


the participants were required to pass through check-


points which challenged their understanding of Tai O’s history and HFH China’s background, enabling them to learn about the historical value of Tai O stilt houses while enjoying the beautiful scenery along Tung O Ancient Trail.

MW Habitat Fly for Hope MW 仁人空中展希望

Since February 2013, HFH China and Charity Partner MW

2013 年 2 月 起, 中 華 仁 人 家 園 與 慈 善 合 作 伙 伴「MW

Michael Wong have been running the “Fly for Hope”

Michael Wong」創辦人王敏德合辦「MW仁人空中展希望」

Charity Flying Program that aimed at improving the living

慈善飛行計劃 ,改善貧困家庭的住屋問題。團體及機構只

conditions for the families in need. Supporters donating

要捐贈50,000港元或以上的善款 ,便有機會與Michael乘直

HKD50,000 or above have a chance to enjoy a helicopter

升機翱翔天際 ,同時協助貧困家庭改善生活環境。捐款者

tour with Michael, founder of MW Michael Wong. Donors

更可贊助其公司員工 、親友或弱勢社群成為乘客,讓他們

are welcome to sponsor their staff, families and friends or

有機會體驗飛行滋味 。首次慈善飛行在2013年2月27日假

the underprivileged for journeys to the sky. The first charity


flight took off at Hong Kong Aviation Club on February 27,


2013, thanks to a donation of HKD100,000 from “The First Launching Partner” Ricacorp Charity Foundation.


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


“Go Bag Home” Charity Campaign「Go Bag Home以袋.建家」行動

Lisa S. and her husband Daniel Wu are long-term supporters of HFH China. Lisa is very p excited about being appointed as “Go Bag Home” Love Ambassador. “To me, a home means warmth, security, love and infinite hopes for a bright future. Having a warm family, I keep thinking about what I can do for the less fortunate who are striving for their homes. I also want to be a good role model for my daughter, showing her how to care about other people unselfishly, ” says Lisa. Lisa S. 與丈夫吳彥祖都是仁人家園的長期支持者。這次有機會獲委任為「以袋.建 家」愛心大使,Lisa感到相當興奮: 「 『家』蘊含溫暖、安穩、愛、對未來懷有無限

的可能與希望的意義。雖然我很幸運擁有美滿的家,但卻沒有忘記世上仍有很多 人需要幫助,才能有一個家。透過親身參與仁人家園的活動,我希望為女兒立下 榜樣,教導她不能自私,懂得關懷別人。 」

In February 2013, HFH China launched the “Go Bag Home” Charity Campaign soliciting public donations of luxury handbags to online charity auction managed by professionals. The participants will donate half or all of the proceeds to HFH China. The event gained huge support from Charity Partner

2013年2月,中華仁人家園啟動「Go Bag Home以袋.建家」

ICONLady and well known photographer Eric Wong.


“Go Bag Home” Love Ambassadors Alvin Goh, Cara G.,


Irene Wang, Jesper M., Kelly Fu and Lisa S., together with celebrities such as Angela Au, Ann Ho, Didi Tsang, Eydie


Veronique Tai, Reayon Sanchez and Venus Cheung, not only

Wong全力支持 ;「以袋.建家」愛心大使Alvin Goh、Cara

generously donated their luxury handbags to the auction,

G.、 汪 圓 圓、Jesper M.、 傅 嘉 莉 及 Lisa S. , 聯 同 區 文

but also encouraged the public to participate in the event.

詩 、何紫綸 、Didi Tsang、戴妮廷 、珊翠絲及張苡澂等名

With their tremendous support, HFH China managed to turn


handbags into forces to help eliminate poverty housing.

參與。公眾除了割愛獻出手袋,亦可到慈善義賣拍賣網 , 認購由其他善長捐出的手袋 ,齊心為消除貧窮住屋問題出 一份力,與仁人家園同心協力,以袋.建家!

Under No Roof Camp「築得到的天空」體驗營 On June 22 and 23, 2013, HFH China organized the “Under No Roof” Camp in Ma On Shan YMCA Wu Kai Sha Youth Village for participants to experience homelessness and living under the threat of natural disasters. Nearly 100 supporters joined the Camp to raise funds for families in need of decent housing. 2013 年 6 月 22 及 23 日,中華仁人家園于馬鞍山烏溪沙 青年新村舉行「築得到的天空」體驗營,獲近百名支持者 體驗無家可歸、面對天災的生活,同時為貧困地區居民籌 款。

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



我們共建誠信 : 我們的財務概覽 共建家园:凝

We build Trust: Our Financial Overview 我們共建誠信 : 我們的財務概覽 Habitat for Humanity China Limited Financial Overview FY2013 中華仁人家園協會有限公司 FY2013 年度財政概覽 2013 ( HKD)

2012 ( HKD)

Corporations 公司捐款



Individuals 一般捐款



Internationally Raised Income 海外捐款



Global Village 地球村



Other Income 其他收入




Program 項目經費



Fundraising, Education & Public Awareness 籌款,公共意識及教育經費



General Administration 行政經費





2013 ( HKD)

2012 ( HKD)















Net Current Assets 非流動資產



Net Assets 淨資產





INCOME 收入 Locally Raised Income 本地捐款

Total Income 總收入 EXPENDITURE 支出

Total Expenditure 總支出 Balance Sheet as at June 30, 2013 截至二零一三年六月三十日止年度的資產負債表 Non-Current Assets 非流動資產 Current Assets 流動資產 Accounts and other receivables 應收帳款 Amount due from headquarter 應收仁人家園國際總部 Cash and bank balance 現金及銀行結余 Current Liabilities 流動負債 Accounts and other payables 應付帳款

Reserve 儲備 General Fund 基金余額

The financial statements of HFH China Ltd for the year ended June 30, 2013 were audited by Fan, Chan & Co. and approved by the Board of HFH China Ltd. The full financial statements can be made available upon request. 中華仁人家園協會有限公司於二零一三年六月三十日止年度之財務報告,經范陳會計師事務所核數師審核及中華仁人家園協會有限公司董 事會認可。歡迎索閱有關報告全文。


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


概覽 建家园:凝聚力量 構建未來

Revenue Stream FY2013 經費來源

Locally Raised Income - Corporations 本地公司捐款

Other Income 其他收入



Locally Raised Income - Individuals 本地一般捐款 Global Village 地球村




Total Revenue 總收入:

HK$ 26,278,077 Internationally Raised Income 海外捐款

21.9% Funding Allocation FY2013 經費分配

Fundraising, Education & Public Awareness 籌款,公共意識及教育經費 Program 項目經費




Funding Allocation 經費分配:

HK$ 23,768,979

General Administration 行政經費


中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



We Build Stewardships: Our Board 我們共建監管團隊:我們的董事會 Habitat for Humanity China Board of Directors 中華仁人家園董事會

Habitat for Humanity China Board of Advisors 中華仁人家園顧問委員會

Chairman 主席

Peter Charles Witton 魏德恩

Chairman 主席

Dr. Darwin Chen, SBS 陳達文博士,銀紫荊星章

Vice-Chairman 副主席

Lai Kam Cheung, Michael 賴錦璋

Members 成員

Chan Chung Ming, Jonathan 陳忠銘

Hon. Treasurer 榮譽司庫

Yam Tak Fai, Ronald 任德

Choi Wing Kum, Janice 蔡關穎琴

Members 成員

To Yung Sing, Herman 杜勇聲

Leung Kai Hung, Michael 梁啟雄

Richard Kevin Hathaway

Ng, Winnie 伍穎梅

Dr. Anugerah Pekerti 白興良博士 Dr. Darwin Chen, SBS 陳達文博士,銀紫荊星章 Denis Green


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


We Build Partnerships: Our Donors and Supporters 我們共建伙伴關係:我們的資助方和支持者 Major Partners of Habitat for Humanity China 中華仁人家園主要伙伴 Diamond Sponsor 金鑽贊助商 The Dow Chemical Company 陶氏化學公司

Bloomberg 彭博

Platinum Sponsors 白金贊助商 General Cable (China) 美國通用電纜(中國) Gold Sponsors 金贊助商 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 美林(亞太)有限公司

QBE Mortage Insurace (Asia) Limited 昆士蘭按揭保險(亞洲)有限公司

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort 香港迪士尼樂園度假區

Chun Wo Development Holdings Limited 俊和發展集團有限公司

Global International Credit Limited 環球信貸有限公司

New World China Land Limited 新世界中國地產有限公司

Swire Properties Limited 太古地產有限公司 Charity Partners 慈善伙伴(In Alphabetical Order 排名不分先後) Lan Kwai Fong Association & member restaurants 蘭桂坊協會及旗下成員餐廳 MW Michael Wong Holdings Limited ICONLady

Total Loyalty Company Limited

Partners (Donors and Supporters) of Habitat for Humanity China 中華仁人家園伙伴 ( 資助方和支持者 ) (In Alphabetical Order 排名不分先後) 1789.com.hk 壹柒捌玖

Corporations/Professional Bodies/Associations/Individuals 企業╱專業機構╱組織╱個人 Coca-Cola 可口可樂

759 Store 759阿信屋

Colliers International 高力國際

Ageas 富通

Community Builders Limited 社建師集有限公司

Agricultural Bank of China, Conghua Branch 中國農業銀行從化市支行

Credit Suisse Group 瑞信

Albert Kam & Rita Lam 甘寶強及甘林麗達


Bank of New York Mellon 紐約梅隆銀行

Direct Supply Dongfeng Yueda KIA Motor Company Limited 東風悅達起亞


Eaton (China) Investment Company Limited 伊頓(中國)投資有限公司

Cargill 嘉吉公司


Cathay Pacific Airways Limited 國泰航空有限公司

Educational Excursion

CapitaLand Hope Foundation (China) 凱德中國希望基金 Chan Tsang Wong Chu & Mee 陳曾黃朱梅 Chu Yuen Wah Joanne CIGNA & CMC Life Insurance Company Limited 招商信諾人壽保險有限公司 Cisco Systems (Beijing) Limited 思科系統(北京)有限公司 Cisco Systems (Hong Kong) Limited 思科系統(香港)有限公司 Citrix Systems Information Technology Limited (Guangdong office) 思傑系統(廣州辦事處)

EC Harris (Hong Kong) Limited Fengshun Rural Credit Cooperatives 豐順縣信用合作聯社 Fullerton Credit 富登信貸 Fung (1906) Foundation Limited 馮氏(1906)慈善基金有限公司 Gemay Shek Gensler Hip Shing Hong Group of Companies 協成行集團 Hong Kong Property Services (Agency) Limited and Superior Home 香港置業(地產代理)有限公司及權威豪宅 Hong Sum Yee

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



Hullet House

Corporations/Professional Bodies/Associations/Individuals 企業 / 專業機構 / 組織 / 個人 Phoebe Hon

Hung Fook Tong 鴻福堂

PizzaExpress Qujiang Rural Credits Cooperatives 曲江區農村信用合作聯社

Hysan Development Company Limited 希慎興業有限公司

Rebecca Yiu

Hyundai Motor Group 現代汽車集團

Ricacorp Properties Limited 利嘉閣地產有限公司

J. P. Morgan

Samuel Li & Co.

KIA Motor 起亞汽車

Samuel Li 李偉才

KCT Global (Holdings) Limited

Simon Wun

Kohler 科勒

Smith Sportsoho 運動版圖

Lam Kwok Wing, Cora 藍幗穎 Leo Kwok

Supermoon Holdings Limited 超滿控股有限公司

Millward Brown ACSR 北京華通明略信息咨詢有限公司

SVB Capital The Home Depot 家得寶

Mission Hills Golf Club 觀瀾湖高爾夫球會 Mitchell

The Royal Bank of Scotland 蘇格蘭皇家銀行

M Moser Associates Limited 穆氏設計規劃有限公司

Techtronic Industries Company Limited 創科實業有限公司

Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利

UL-CCIC Company Limited UL 美華認證有限公司

Motor Image (HK) Limited 意美汽車(香港)有限公司

Univar China 尤尼威爾(中國)

Newell Rubbermaid 紐威爾集團

Whirlpool 惠而浦

PASM Workshop

Government/Public Organizations 政府 / 公營機構 Civil Engineering and Development Department, Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau HKSAR Government 上海市民政局 香港土木工程拓展署 The Civil Affairs of Yunnan Conghua Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Administration 從化市國土資源和房屋管理局


Disaster Relief Fund, HKSAR Government 香港特區政府賑災基金

The Red Cross of Ning'er County 寧洱縣紅十字會

Gaoqiao Town Government 高橋鎮人民政府

The Red Cross of Rongshui County 融水縣紅十字會

Huaibao Town Government 懷寶鎮人民政府

Tianhe Bureau of Civil Affairs 天河區民政部

Liangkou Town Government 良口鎮人民政府

Western Sichuan Poverty Resource Development Centre 四川西部扶貧資源開發中心

Meizhou Bureau of Civil Affairs 梅州市民政局

Wuzhi Township Government 五指鄉人民政府

Mohei Town Government 磨黑鎮人民政府

Xincheng Bureau of Civil Affairs 忻城縣民政局

Pinghu Lindai Township Government 平湖市林埭鎮政府

Youzha Township Government 油榨鄉人民政府

Qujiang Communist Youth League 曲江區共青團

Yunnan Association for NGO Cooperation 雲南省民間組織合作促進會

Media Support 媒體支持 Guangzhou TV Station 廣州電視台

City Weekend Magazine 城市週報 Edelman Guangzhou office 愛德曼國際公關(中國)有限公司廣州辦事處


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report

The Red Cross of Guangxi 廣西紅十字會


Schools/Tertiary Institution 學校 / 專業教育學 Lycée Français de Shanghai American International School of Guangzhou 上海法國學校 廣州美國人國際學校 British School of Guangzhou 廣州英國人學校

Nanjing Foreign Language School 南京外國語學校

Canadian International School of Hong Kong 香港加拿大國際學校

Ningbo Foreign Language School 寧波外國語學校

Caritas Yuen Long Chan Chun Ha Secondary School 明愛元朗陳震夏中學

Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School 保良局蔡繼有學校

C.C.C. Kung Lee College 中華基督教會公理高中書院

Precious Blood Primary School 寶血小學

C.C.C. Rotary Secondary School 中華基督教會扶輪中學

QSI International School of Dongguan 東莞QSI國際學校

Chengdu Foreign Language School 成都外國語學校

S.K.H. Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School 聖公會莫壽增會督中學

Chengyin Private Academy 承蔭學會

S.K.H. Chu Oi Primary School (Lei Muk Shue) 聖公會主愛小學(梨木樹)

Chinese International School 漢基國際學校

S.K.H. Chu Oi Primary School (Shek Yam) 聖公會主愛小學(石蔭)

Chinese Y.M.C.A. Primary School 中華基督教青年會小學

S.K.H. Lam Kau Mow Secondary School 聖公會林裘謀中學

City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學

S.K.H. Yuen Chen Maun Chen Jubilee Primary School 聖公會阮鄭夢芹銀禧小學

Concordia International School Shanghai 上海協和國際學校

S.K.H. Yuen Chen Maun Chen Primary School 聖公會阮鄭夢芹小學

Confucius International School Qingdao 青島孔裔(牛津)國際公學

San Wui Commercial Society School 新會商會學校

Council on International Educational Exchange Study Center 美國國際教育交流協會

Seoul International School 首爾國際學校

Dulwich College Suzhou 蘇州德威英國國際學校

Shanghai American School (Pudong) 上海美國學校(浦東)

E.L.C.H.K. Kwai Shing Lutheran Primary School 基督教香港信義會葵盛信義學校

Shanghai American School (Puxi) 上海美國學校(浦西)

Hangzhou Foreign Language School 杭州外國語學校

Shatin College 沙田學院

HKU Space Community College 香港大學附屬學院

Sias International University 鄭州大學西亞斯國際學院

HKUST Connect 香港科技大學侍學行

St Paul's Co-Educational College 聖保羅男女中學

Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學

The High School Affiliated to Renmin University 中國人民大學附屬中學

Hong Kong International School 香港國際學校

The Independent Schools Foundation Academy 弘立書院

International Christian School 基督教國際學校

The Nesbitt Centre 思拔中心

International School of Beijing 北京順義國際學校

Tonbridge School Parents Society

International School of Dongguan 東莞文盛國際學校

United Christian College (Kowloon East) 匯基書院(東九龍)

Jinling High School 金陵中學

Wei Lun Hall Students' Association, the Hong Kong University Students' Union 香港大學學生會偉倫堂學生會

Kwong Ming School 光明學校

West Island School 西島中學

Lee Kau Yan Memorial School 李求恩紀念中學

Wuxi No.1 Senior High School 無錫市第一中學

Lei Muk Shue Catholic Primary School 梨木樹天主教小學

Y.M.C.A of Hong Kong Christian College 港青基信書院

Lingnan University 嶺南大學

Yuk Yin School 育賢學校

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



Celebrities 名人 Adason Lo Jade Kwan 羅力威 關心妍 Alex Fong Jesper M. 方力申 Joanne Chan All Star Basketball Team 陳美思 傳奇星籃球隊 Joycelyn LukoAlvin Goh Sandstrom Angela Au Kandy Wong 區文詩 糖妹 Ann Ho Karen Mok 何紫綸 莫文蔚 Kay Tse Annie Liu 謝安琪 劉心悠 Kelly Fu Anthony Sandstrom 傅嘉莉 Cara G. Kenny Kwan Casey Tse 關智斌 謝文雅 Lisa S. Catherine Chan Louis Cheung 陳心怡 張繼聰 Charlene Choi Michael Wai 蔡卓妍 衛志豪 Ching Li Michael Wong 李靜 王敏德 Christie Wo Michelle Wai 胡敏珊 衛詩雅 Cindy Lee Niki Chow 李思雅 周麗淇 C.K. Hon, JP Nuts Basketball Team 韓志強太平紳士 Nuts 籃球隊 Dash Tam Reayon Sanchez 譚健文 珊翠絲 Didi Tsang Ronan Pak Dreamergo 白健恩 芝麻羔 Shino Lin Eric Kwok 林曉培 郭偉亮 So Wa Wai Eric Wong 蘇樺偉 Eunix Lee Stephy Tang 李卓庭 鄧麗欣 Eydie Veronique Tai Sugar Club 戴妮廷 糖兄妹 Fai Au Theresa Fu 歐暉 傅穎 Francis Lo Vangie Tang 羅善行 鄧穎芝 Grace Yip Venus Cheung 葉佩雯 張苡澂 Hiromi Wada Vincci Cheuk 裕美 卓韻芝 Hon. Cheung Kwok Che William Chan 張國柱議員 陳偉霆 Irene Wang Yumiko Cheng 汪圓圓 鄭希怡 Foundations 慈善基金組織 Guangdong Harmony Foundation 廣東省千禾社區公益基金會 Lee Hysan Foundation 利希慎基金 Shanghai Senior Citizens Foundation 上海市老年基金會 The Amity Foundation 愛德基金會 United Way Worldwide 國際聯合之路慈善總會


Habitat for Humanity China Annual Report


Community Groups 社會團體 Binhai Grace Church China Youth Center for International Exchange 中國國際青年交流中心 Diocesan Pastoral Centre for the Disabled 教區傷殘人士牧民中心 Guangzhou Women's International Club 廣州國際婦女會 H.K.S.K.H. Lady MacLehose Centre 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心鄰舍層面社區發展部 H.K.Y.W.C.A. Tai O Community Work Office 香港基督教女青年會大澳社區工作辦事處 H.K Y.W.C.A. Tai O Cultural and Ecological Integrated Resource Center 香港基督教女青年會大澳文化生態綜合資源中心 Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Association 柏金遜症會 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui 香港聖公會 Jiangnan Zhong Street Integrated Families Service Center 江南中街家庭綜合服務中心 The Rotary Club of The Peak 山頂扶輪社 Regeneration Society 再生會 Tai O Rural Committee 大澳鄉事委員會 Xincheng Rural Credit Cooperatives 忻城縣農村信用合作聯社 Yan Oi Tong Love Elderly Card 仁愛堂長者愛心卡計劃 Yan Oi Tong Ng Kam Yuk Memorial Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 仁愛堂吳金玉紀念長者鄰舍中心 Yan Oi Tong Pang Hung Cheung Yuen Long Integrated Home Care Service Centre 仁愛堂彭鴻樟元朗綜合家居照顧服務中心 Yan Oi Tong Rainbow Community Integrated Development Centre 仁愛堂彩虹社區綜合發展中心 Yan Oi Tong Siu Cheng Shuk Ching Community Support Centre 仁愛堂蕭鄭淑貞「仁間有愛」社區支援中心 Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 仁愛堂田家炳長者鄰舍中心 Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Tuen Mun Integrated Home Care Services Centre 仁愛堂田家炳屯門綜合家居照顧服務中心 Yan Oi Tong Tuen Mun Lions Club Integrated Home Care Services Centre 仁愛堂屯門獅子會綜合家居照顧服務中心 Yan Oi Tong Woo Chung District Elderly Community Centre 仁愛堂胡忠長者地區中心 Yuancun Street Integrated Families Service Center 員村街家庭綜合服務中心 Zonta Club of Hong Kong 香港崇德社

We build Network : Our Contacts 我們共建互動網絡:我們的聯絡方法 Habitat for Humanity China 中華仁人家園 Hong Kong 香港

Shanghai 上海

Sichuan 四川

香港上環德輔道中 181 號大新行 17 樓

上海市思南路 107 號 1003 室 郵編:200025

四川省成都市人民南路四段 1 號 時代數碼大廈 B 座 25 層 B10 室 郵編:610041

17th Floor, Sun House, 181 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel 電話 : (852) 2520 4000 Fax 傳真 : (852) 2520 4020 Enquiry 查詢 :   enquiry@habitatchina.org

Room 1003, No.107 Si Nan Road, Shanghai, China PRC Zip code: 200025 Tel 電話 : (86) 21 6136 9195 (86) 21 6136 9196

Room B10, 25th Floor, Block B, Times Digital Building, No.1, Section 4, South Renmin Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China PRC Zip code: 610041 Tel 電話 : (86) 28 8631 7192 (86) 28 8631 7193

Guangdong 廣東

Guangxi 廣西

Yunnan 雲南

廣東省廣州市越秀區 明月一路 20 號明月閣 2212 室 郵編:510600

廣西省南寧市星光大道 34 號 江南香格里拉景灣 1604 號房 郵編:530031

雲南省昆明市長青路 96 號 翡翠灣 2 幢 1006 室 郵編:650051

Room 2212, Ming Yue Ge, No. 20 Ming Yue Yi Lu, Yue Xiu District, Guangzhou, China PRC Zip code: 510600

Room 1604, Jiang Nan Xiang Ge Li La Jing Wan, No. 34 Xing Guang Da Dao, Nanning, Guangxi, China PRC Zip code: 530031

Room 1006, Block 2, Fei Cui Wan, No. 96 Chang Qing Road, Kunming, Yunnan, China PRC Zip code: 650051

Tel 電話 : (86) 20 8735 8926

Tel 電話 : (86) 771 480 4214

Tel 電話 : (86) 871 6563 2881

Donation Details 捐款方式 Online Donation 網上捐款 www.habitatchina.org *Hong Kong 香港 PPS 繳費靈服務

Merchant Code 商戶編號 : 6057

Crossed Cheque 劃線支票捐款 Cheque payable to “Habitat for Humanity China Limited”. Please send it with your contact information to us. 抬頭請寫「中華仁人家園協會有限公司」,並連同個人 / 公司聯絡資料寄往本會。

Direct Bank-in/ATM Transfer 直接銀行存款 / 自動櫃員機轉帳 HSBC 香港上海滙豐銀行: 502-476591-002 〔HKD 港元〕 502-476591-274 〔USD or others 美元或其他貨幣〕 Please send us the bank-in slip with your contact information. 請將收條副本及聯絡方法交回本會。 *Donations of HKD100 or above are tax deductible. Donation receipts are available upon request. 捐款 100 港元或以上,可索取捐款收據作退稅用途。

**Mainland China 中國內地 Telegraphic Transfer 電匯 Bank 銀行: Bank of China 中國銀行股份有限公司 Branch 分行: Nanjing City Branch 南京城中支行 Title/Account 戶口及賬號:Amity Foundation 愛德基金會 5430-5819-1301〔RMB account〕 Note 注: Amity Foundation is the authorized financial partner of HFH China to receive donation for projects in China. 愛德基金會為仁人家園於國內接收捐款之合法伙伴機構。 Please send us the TT advice with your contact information. 請將入數紙及聯絡方法交回本會。

Telegraphic Transfer 電匯 Bank 銀行: China Construction Bank 中國建設銀行 Branch 分行: 廣州中山大學支行 Title/Account 戶口及賬號:Guangdong Harmony Foundation 廣東省千禾社區公益基金會   4400 1430 0460 5250 0228 〔RMB account〕 Note 注 :

Guangdong Harmony Foundation is the authorized financial partner of HFH China to receive donation for projects in China. 廣東省千禾社區公益基金會為中華仁人家園於國內接收捐款之合法伙伴機構。 Please send us the TT advice with your contact information. 請將入數紙及聯絡方法交回本會。 **Donation receipt can be provided with a minimum donation of RMB200. 捐款人民幣 200 元或以上,可獲發捐款收據。

中 華仁 人 家 園 年 報



1 This annual report is printed with environmentally friendly paper and soyoil 本年報以環保紙及大豆油墨印製

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