Ryan McIntosh Director of Sport
Dear Parents and Guardians, It has been a hugely successful term of summer sport, on so many fronts, and yet our attention already begins to drift towards the autumn term. This document shares some detail regarding pre-season training for rugby, football and aquatic activities. This will include sessions based on specific sporting skill development, athletic development, strength and conditioning and recovery. We have aimed to reduce any potential impact on plans for family holidays or events surrounding the final bank holiday of the summer. The training sessions all fall in the lead up to the start of term, with the first return occurring on Saturday 3 September. It is hoped that boys will follow training guidance between now and this point of return in order that we might ‘hit the ground running’ and focus less on basic conditioning and more on skill development. I would urge all pupils to stay active where they can and hopefully find the right balance between some much-needed rest yet still getting off the sofa over the next few weeks!
Whilst football is not yet an option for years 7 and 8 we very much hope to see large numbers attending the rugby sessions during the week. Elsewhere, it is worth noting that we have structured the playing seasons for years 9 and above in such a way that we will be asking many more students to play both football and rugby.
There will be very few clashes between training schedules and fixtures as we have balanced this evenly across the term. Pre-season training will focus on the physical preparation of individual athletes, some work on the development of team dynamics, an element of talent identification as the coaches get an early look at what each player can offer but, perhaps most importantly, a chance for our students to socialise together before being back into normal school routines. The sessions are very much open to anyone who wishes to take part and we will cater for all levels of ability within the sessions, although do please note the comment below regarding minimum swim capability in order to take part in some of the pool based sessions. In the meantime, I hope that you all enjoy a very well-earned rest with your families and friends and I look forward to welcoming you back in large numbers across all of the age ranges and activities in September.
requirementsKit •RUGBYFOOTBALLHabsGames/PE kit or plain navy kit if unavailable • Football boots • Mouthguard • Habs Games/PE kit or plain navy kit if unavailable • Football boots • Shin pads
Drop off at Coach Park and walk to pitches One way system and pick up at North Drive car park or temporary car park
Meeting points and drop off
Students should be dropped off/collected from the Coach Park (entrance on Aldenham Road). Students should then make their way down to the Sports Pitches past the Prep School and through the Forest School entrance.
At the end of their sessions, students can be collected from the North Drive car park or the temporary car park behind the Astro pitches. Please follow the one-way system to meet your child at one of these locations.
Rugby club day takes place on Saturday 10 September. Rugby squads from Years 7 to 10 will train from 9.30am to 11.30am. There will be a BBQ lunch for all of these students following their training. From 1pm the senior and U16s squads will train until 3pm Further details to follow. any further detail
Saturday 10 September 2022 Rugby Club Day Pre-season events Saturday 3 September, Monday 5 September and Tuesday 6 SeptemberSaturday3SeptemberTimeSportAge group 9am 11.30amto Rugby U12 to U15 Football U16 to U18 12.30pm to 2.30pm Rugby U16 to U18 Football U14 to U15 Monday 5 September Time Sport Age group 4.30pm to 6pm Rugby U14 to U15 Football U16 to U18 Tuesday 6 September Time Sport Age group 4.30pm to 6pm Rugby U12 to U13 Rugby U16 to U18 Football U14 to U15