Our values
Our brand values are what we hold dear as a school, the core beliefs that we stand for. They should drive all decisions and actions.
Ambition Curiosity Courage Community
We set our sights high in terms of what we want to achieve as individuals and as a community, in and outside the classroom, aspiring to achieve our full potential in whatever we put our minds to.
In a diverse world, we believe that growth comes from not standing still. We are driven by an unending desire to learn and improve, not standing still and having an open and inquiring mind to anything we face.
We believe in the courage to face challenge, embrace opportunity and step out of our comfort zones to grow and become our best selves, whilst also having courage in our conviction, remaining true to our moral compass and what we believe is the right thing to do.
Since we were founded, we have had an inherent responsibility to our diverse internal and wider community and continue to dedicate ourselves to nurturing it and supporting each other to be our best selves.
Welcome to the Sixth Form School
It is a great pleasure to welcome you into the Sixth Form. Your time in the Sixth Form is hugely exciting. In th classroom you will push yourself academically and we set high expectations around this. However, we also expect the Sixth Form to embrace the opportunities outside the classroom, frequently taking on leadership roles for the numerous clubs and societies on offer.
You will choose either three or four A Levels on discussion with the Head of Sixth Form or a senior member of staff, who will guide you in this important decision.
You will have at least one subject taught in a co-educational group. This means that for that subject there will be students from both the Boys’ School and Girls’ School in your lessons. The lessons for this subject could be based at either school. For example, you may have Maths in a co-educational group at the Girls’ School which means that all your Maths lessons would be taught at the Girls’ School but your other subjects are in single sex groups and are taught at the Boys’ School.
The Habs Diploma
In addition to your core A Level subjects, you will undertake activities that will contribute towards your Habs Diploma. The aim of this project is to ensure you leave Habs not only with outstanding qualifications, but also a sense of intellectual curiosity, a love of learning, a wide range of skills and a deep understanding of other cultures and perspectives.
The components of the diploma include:
Extended research project
A 3,000 to 4,000 word essay completed over the course of your Lower Sixth year. You will choose an academic area to research and be guided by an academic advisor during one timetabled period per week. You will gain skills in managing time, referencing, discussion and presentation.
Subject enhancement
You will gain a deeper insight into one of your chosen A Level subjects, or an area that you are considering for university. You will think deeply and critically about that subject, preparing for undergraduate study and supporting your university application. These sessions take place once a week running from January of Lower Sixth to December of Upper Sixth.
Elective courses
You will have the chance to pursue all of your academic interests through Elective Courses. You can choose six eight-week courses throughout your Sixth Form study. These may have elements in common with your A Levels or be completely new areas. Examples of courses are: Introduction to Feminism, Theory of Knowledge, Ab Initio Russian, Italian or Japanese, Electronics and Microchip Programming.
Speaker programme
There will be weekly talks from a range of speakers to fuel a global perspective, sense of scholarship and intellectual discussion. The speakers will be arranged by academic societies and will be experts in their field.
Community service
Service is a core Habs’ value and all students are expected to play an active part in their community. We recommend that you undertake at least 20 hours’ of community service per year. Whilst you are free to initiate your own projects, we have partnerships with many organisations such as Watford General Hospital, the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Sunrise Senior Living, Penniwells Riding for the Disabled, English teaching at the Islington Migrant Centre.
Personal devices
One of the privileges of Sixth Form study is that students bring their own device to school so that they have ownership of their learning and can continue to refine their independent study habits ahead of university. To support this important transition and provide access the full benefits of our learning enviornment, we expect all Sixth Form students to bring personal devices to all their lessons.
As with lower down the school there is a very full co-curricular programme on offer in the Sixth Form and we expect everyone to be getting involved in a variety of activities outside of their lessons. This may be academic societies, cultural societies, debating, sports, music, drama, the list goes on and on.
The difference in the Sixth Form is that we expect you to take the lead in running these co-curricular activities. Additionally, if you find there is a society you would like to run but does not yet exist the opportunity is there for you to set it up.
There are opportunities to do outreach through a variety of different programmes that run throughout the year and with CCF, Outdoor Leadership and SCS on a Friday afternoon you will not be short of things to keep you busy in addition to your lessons.
Dress code
The school is very proud of the smart appearance of its Sixth Form students and request that they adhere to the detail outlined in this code. Sixth Formers at Habs Boys are distinctive and distinguished by the wearing of formal, smart and business-like suits as follows:
• A suit of traditional formal style and cut. No loud stripes or checks. Suitable colours include black, grey or blue. A skirt suit may be worn in consultation with the Head of Sixth Form
• A pale-coloured shirt, plain or with discreet stripes or checks. Top buttons are to be done up. Black or strong colours are inappropriate.
• A tie of choice. Students must avoid garish designs and colours
• If a pullover is worn, it must be v-neck, plain, fitted in style and of dark colour. It must not have zips, buttons, logos or a hood
• Black or brown formal shoes. No casual shoes, trainers or boots
• One small stud earring may be worn in each earlobe. Discreet rings, bracelets and necklaces are permitted. Other facial or bodily piercings and tattoos are forbidden. All jewellery must be removed for Games lessons and sports matches
• Hairstyles are required to be business-like and of a natural colour. It should look smart at all times, which may mean tying up longer hair
• Students are allowed to have facial hair but this must be of even length and kept smart. Business-like should be the guiding factor on what is appropriate.
You are expected to be in school every morning in time for registration at 8:35 and must remain in school until the end of the school day at 4pm. We are not a Sixth Form College and therefore do not allow students to come and go as they please.
All Sixth Formers are required to wear lanyards with ID cards on them at all times when on the school site. This will help with identification as you moved between the Boys’ and Girls’ Schools.
For sickness, your parents must email your form tutor and absences@habsboys.org.uk.
If you have an appointment which means you need to miss part of a day of school, your parents must email your form tutor and absences@habsboys.org.uk.
If you need to miss a whole day of school for a particular reason, the request must go to the Head of Sixth From, Miss Georgie Noble: noble_g@habsboys.org.uk.
For absences of over one day, your parents must request this from the Headmaster in advance.
You are not allowed to have driving lessons during the school day. When it comes to taking your theory test, it must be arranged outside of school time. As we know it is difficult to arrange practical driving tests, you are allowed to miss school for this. However, permission must be sought from your tutor in advance and your parents must confirm the arrangements.
As Sixth Formers, you should take responsibility for the work missed if you are absent. You should be reaching out to your teachers to find out the work you miss and factor in time to catch up the work.
The Sixth Form Common Room is your main space to spend time with your friends during the school day. Here there is a more relaxed space with sofas and comfy chairs if you are taking a short break from your work. There are quiet study spaces in the Sixth Form area for you to use in addition to the Library which should only be used for silent work.
You are allowed to use Joe’s Café throughout the school day as a study space as well as a more relaxed area during break and lunch.
You are allowed to use the Fitness Room during study periods but you must follow the rules as set out by the PE Department and must allow sufficient time to change before and after your training session to ensure you arrive at your next lesson on time.
Leadership opportunities
There are multiple leadership opportunities that you can undertake during your time in the Sixth Form, furthering your skills and giving you examples for those all important job interviews and personal statements.
There are leadership opportunities through whole school initiatives such as the Student Council, which is made up of Lower Sixth students, or the School Prefect team, who are selected towards the end of the Lower Sixth year.
In addition to the whole school roles there are numerous other opportunities to take on the responsibilities of leadership through the broad range of co-curricular activities on offer.
University and careers support
When it comes to thinking about life after Habs there is a wealth of support on offer. From early on in the Sixth Form, you will be encouraged to think about the myriad of options open to you after school. As Head of University Applications, Mrs Turbett will take the lead on guiding you through the UCAS process while Mrs Wheeler will be there to support those looking to apply to US and other overseas universities. If you are thinking about a degree apprenticeship or want to get advice about caeers, please reach out to the Head of Careers, Mrs Nash.
Transport to and from school
We encourage you to take the school coach, as this is a more reliable option. If you have passed your driving test, you may drive to school and park at Aldenham Country Park. However, this is strictly at your own liability. There is no parking available for the Sixth Form on school grounds at any time.
Alumni network
Once a Haberdasher, always a Haberdasher. As such, you will benefit from our vast network of alumni. This is the same Old Haberdasher network you will join when you leave Habs at the end of Upper Sixth. Mr Llewellyn can assist in putting you in touch with former students from a range of universities and professions.
Can I study at either school during my free periods?
No. If you have a piece of work that requires you to work in a group with students from both schools you need to arrange a time to meet and use the designated spaces for this. At the Girls’ School this is the Sixth Form Study Area while at the Boys’ School you need to arrange a space within the department area.
Can I have lunch or break at either school?
No. You are unable to use the catering facilities at the Girls’ School and must return to the Boys’ School during break and lunch. The only exception to this is if you have a lesson at the Girls’ School before and after break when you stay on their site.
If I have an academic or pastoral issue, who should I go to?
You have a fantastic support group around you to assist with any issues you may encounter. In the first instance you are encouraged to speak to your form tutor who will then pass on the concerns as necessary. However, please remember you also have a Head of House who you can reach out to if you have any worries. Finally, we hope that you enjoy your time in our Sixth Form, making the most of all opportunities available to you and leaving with a love of learning and lifelong relationship with Habs.