Better Ways to Keep Kids Busy and Productive

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Better Ways to Keep Kids Busy and Productive In order to raise children to be successful when they grow up, teaching them to be productive from a young age is very important because the values they learn in their childhood stick with them. This is definitely not an easy task, especially when they are glued to TV and phone screens and playing video games throughout their free time. Apart from keeping them physically active, it is important to keep their minds active through unique education, especially during the holiday seasons or summer vacations. Volunteering - Pushing your children towards volunteer work from an early age basically teaches them how to be better citizens from a very early age. It is a great way to teach children good values like humility, empathy and skills like time management, team work and social skills. It also teaches them about the lives of the less privileged. You can start by getting them engaged with a cause that would interest them, for instance, most kids would love to work with an animal shelter or with pets. In addition to teaching them values, volunteer work boosts their self confidence as kids realize the difference they can make in the world through their efforts. Coding - Kids nowadays are addicted to gadgets, if they love spending time using tablets and phones then a good way to make turn that time they spend productive is by teaching them how to code. Don’t worry if you or your partner do not know how to code yourselves, there are a few really good coding classes for kids around. You can make coding for kids fun through books and games as well. One of the biggest benefits of coding is that it offers instant, tangible gratification. Unlike an artistic pursuit, a well piece of code does not have subjective value, it is either good or not. What this does is lets your kid immediately see the results of their hard work. Board games and puzzles - Gone are the days when parents felt that board games were the reasons their kids are so distracted. These days, a typical parent would do anything to get their child to spend time off-screen. With the growing proliferation of video games and streaming channels, more and more parents are looking for ways to get their children offscreen for some time every day. While reading definitely offers maximum potential in this area, a lot of parents are turning to good old fashioned board games to engage their children. Classic boardgames teach children to think strategically and also how to play well with others. It keeps them away from the distracting influence of computers and cell phones and helps them focus on one task at a time. To successfully engage your child, you need to pick something that not only distracts them but is also constructive and beneficial to your child’s development. In order to facilitate you child’s productivity, you as a parent need to figure out which are the areas that your child’s interests lie in. Leverage activities that fit into those interest areas.

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