Decoding Generation Alpha Students The age of millennial students has passed, the time of Gen X students too is coming to an end. As we approach the third decade of the millennium, there is a strong need to understand the students of Generation Alpha - the current batch of students who will be shaping the future. The wants, needs and interests of Generation Alpha is very different and there is a strong need for an education that reflects these demands. As a result, innovators came up with unique concepts like coding for children and kidpreneur programmes. Let's deep-dive a bit into the psyche of these students and understand their motivations. Gen Alpha students don't just love technology and the Internet, they were born into it. They learnt the language of smartphones and gadgets even before they properly learnt their tables. And this is because technology is hard-wired into them. In such a scenario, it should come as no surprise if a regular school syllabus does not interest them anymore. They need something that will fire up those parts of their brains that needs to be gratified with technology. STEM powered classrooms are solving some of these problems. Educational systems that focus on tech-tools to teach children is proving to be more and more effective when compared to the old-school chalk and board method of learning. On the other hand, these children will grow up to take on jobs that may not even exist right now. And chances our, those jobs will have a strong root in technology. Coding classes for kids, should in fact be made mandatory for kids these days. These coding classes for kids are a very attractive option for these kids since they are already so attracted to technology. These classes give them a chance to look under the hood of their favourite apps and games and understand what makes it all tick. And if you thought that these coding classes focused on just theory, you need to think again. These courses teach children how to code from a very young age by leveraging simple coding programmes. Students of these classes actually learn how to build applications from scratch by writing code and creating their own programmes. This also gives them a massive leg-up in the future when they get into the tech space. On the other hand, they are also a great way for these kids to spend their free time and focus their time and energy on something powerfully constructive, as opposed to just playing video games and surfing the world wide web. Let's talk about entrepreneurship for a bit. The concept of starting your own business has now become the bread and butter for a number of millennials these days, just imagine the importance it will have in the lives of these Generation Alpha children. And going by the pace of technological developments, most companies of the future will be powered by technology. In such a scenario, a Kidpreneurs course is extremely relevant. More and more parents are now opening up to the idea of their kids learning how to run their own business at an early age. Our advice would be to try out different options and see what works best for your kid.