Here is Why Your Child’s School Won’t Offer Coding Classes The system of education, that is the system of learning and teaching is constantly in a state of flux. What this means is that people are continuously trying to innovate and find new teaching methods, better study courses and stronger ways of ensuring children learn well and effectively. However, at any given time, a certain school can standardise only one system of learning. So even if your child is attending the top school in the country in the hope of receiving a unique education, there is a high probability that they will miss out on important learning opportunities. In this case, external teaching institutions come in handy as they provide a truly unique and cutting-edge education experience in the form of coding classes for kids, student entrepreneurs courses and more. Let’s try to understand these in greater detail. Coding classes for kids basically leverages a specialized kids programming language to teach children how to code. Using this programming language, children can then write code and create their own games, apps and softwares from scratch. However, many schools shy away from such courses since it requires significant investment. The tech involved is fairly extensive and providing the computers and softwares for so many students may be a task. On the other hand, it also requires specialized teachers who understand this space and are willing to work with students on it as well. On the other hand, something like a student entrepreneurs course can be much more dynamic, making it.a bigger problem for schools. While coding for kids still has a structure to it, student entrepreneurs is all about teaching children the basics of entrepreneurship and then encouraging them to start their own business from scratch. It involves a lot of project work and extra-school activity as well so you need teachers who can truly engage with the children and sustain that engagement over a period of time. Long story short, most schools find it difficult to manage and serve such courses. Which is why you thankfully have a number of independent institutions that can take care of this for you with ease. If you live in a metropolitan city like Mumbai, you should easily find a number of institutions that offer courses like student entrepreneurs programme, coding classes for kids, robotics for kids and much more. The aim here is to try and supplement your child’s education in a way where your child ends up making the most of their learning years. It also seeks to engage children in a way that is not boring and doesn’t feel like more studies. On the other hand, these classes are also fairly flexible and structured in a way where they don’t interfere with your child’s regular schoolwork or home work. If you are not sure about which course is right for your child or whether your child should opt for something like this, you can always sign them up for a trial class and see where it goes from there.