Programming Can Give Your Kid an Extra Edge over Competition

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Programming Can Give Your Kid an Extra Edge over Competition It should come as no surprise that students these days are leaps and bounds ahead of their predecessors. While our generation focused purely on getting good grades, kids these days have a lot to prove beyond mere academics. As a result, parents often worry that they aren't doing the best they can when it comes to harnessing their child's fullest potential. We live in an age where entrepreneurs are so young that you also have the concept of student entrepreneurs, in such a scenario, old-school teaching methods need to be thrown out the window. There is a need for something more challenging. Let's take a look at some of the options you now have on hand. One of the most important ways you could engage your child is by enrolling them in a class that teaches computer coding for kids. The biggest advantage of a course like this is that it leverages technology in a constructive way and engages children by giving them something they love. Kids, these days, are already hooked to gadgets and devices causing great concern to parents. Computer coding for children makes good use of this by teaching kids a very important skill. What's truly amazing about coding is that it engages both hemispheres of the brain. It challenges kids to think analytically while at the same time encourages them to explore the limits of their creativity. The end result is that children get a real-world taste of what it's like to work as a coder and build programmes from scratch. On the other hand, if you feel your child would love something more mechanical, you could always encourage them to pursue robotics for kids. These classes help children build small robots out of simple materials. While it may seem simple on the face of it, children learn the process of creating something out of scratch which also encourages their sense of curiosity and craftsmanship. On the other hand, if you feel your child has a more entrepreneurial bent of mind, you could always get them to pursue a student entrepreneurs course. These classes give young children a platform to create and grow their own business while learning the key skills of the practical world. The business itself could be something as basic as running a lemonade stand but kids are encouraged to figure things out all on their own. If you are not sure about what would work best for your kids, most institutions give you the option of taking a trial class too. For instance, your child could attend a one-day workshop on robotics for kids. For many students studying in STEM enabled schools, coding is usually part of the curriculum and they often even have a student entrepreneur programme in-house. If not, you could always approach one of the many institutes that offer such courses. They usually take up just a few hours of the week but could add immense value to your child's growth. Most academics believe that a simple school education is no longer enough and as a parent, it's about time you gifted your child with that extra edge in life.

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