Understanding Our Flawed Education System Any system of education needs to be in a state of flux. The nature of jobs and careers is so dynamic that education needs to be able to match step with it on every turn. However this is easier said than done. In a country like India, most schools are still stuck with age old curriculum and education boards that do nothing to prepare kids for the challenges of tomorrow. Which is why ideas like coding for kids are all the more essential. Let's understand and explore this issue in greater detail. For starters, consider this. A large part of the country still prescribes to the age old systems of education. As a country we still rely on old curriculum to prepare kids for a future that is far removed from anything that they study. This essentially makes education redundant and one can even go so far as to say it hampers their progress. The problem however doesn't just stop with the coursework being taught to kids. It also has to do with the way we view education and teaching methods. We continue to believe in just purely theoretical approach to learning. In fact, studies have proven that kids learn concepts much better when they see and experience a practical demonstration and yet we continue to have this resistance to change. A very small percentage of the children out there actually have the luxury of learning STEM concepts like coding for children. These courses in particular rely heavily on practical learning as opposed to theoretical rote learning. The growing popularity of such courses seems to indicate that even parents and educators are realizing the value of more practical courses. STEM goes even beyond the nature of courses and actually revamps the why kids are taught. Besides the emphasis on practical learning, the entire classroom environment has been reimagined from scratch forcing schools to truly up their game. So what can you as a parent do to ensure the healthy and holistic education of your children? For starters you need to revaluate their current school and education syllabus. You could visit a guidance counsellor if needed and get a sense of what it is that your kids could possibly be missing out on. Then, if needed you might choose to opt for a better school. However, in case you don't want to take such a drastic step, you always have the option of figuring out other additional courses your child can sign up for. Even courses like coding and the kidpreneurs programme are available as extra curricular courses. If you live in a city like Mumbai, you will surely have no trouble finding institutions that offer these courses for your kids. In case you are not sure which course will be right for your kids, you should be able to sign up for a few trial classes. Then you can consult with your kids and teachers and figure out what is right for them. The aim is to engage them in a meaningful way even beyond the classroom and this can only be achieved if you put in some efforts. Take the time to understand where your child's strengths truly lie and it will help you figure out the right path for them as well.