Hackerbiotic’s Open Source E-book Series
Obstetrics and Gynecology orders
Version [1] | Sep 2017
Preface I find it highly confusing/annoying that all the ‘normal’ pregnancy symptoms are also symptoms of pregnancy ‘problems’ ! so it is better to be safe than sorry. It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions. Copyright © Sep 2017 hackerbiotic.com All written content licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Contents Section 1 Septic Abortion D & C IUFD Postpartum APR C/S LP Out of Bed ROM V/B Mild Pre-eclampsia Severe Pre-eclampsia GDM Hysteroscopy PLP
Section 2 OPD Patients
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Section 1 Hospitalized Patients
Septic Abortion
D & C
Imp : Septic Abortion Cond : fair to good Diet : surgical V/S : q4h Please 1/ CBC, BUN, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ IVF 1000 cc ringer / 24 h 3/ BGRH, Cross match 4/ prep 1 bag p.c 5/ PT, PTT, INR 6/ TVS 7/ Abd Pelvic Sono 8/ Abd pelvic X-ray 9/ ECG 10/ CXR 11/ U/A, U/C 12/ Blood Culture 13/ inj ranitidine 1 amp stat 14/ inj ceftriaxone 1gr IV q12h 15/ transfer to ward
Imp : D&C Cond: fair to good Diet : NPO V/S : q4h Please 1/ CBC, BUN, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ IVF ringer 1000 cc / 24 h 3/ BGRH, Cross match 4/ prep 1 bag p.c 5/ inj keflin 2 gr before OR 6/ B-HCG 7/ anesthesiologist consult 8/ Consent letter
Imp : IUFD Cond : fair to good Diet : surgical v/s : q2h Please 1/ CBC, BUN, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ IVF ringer 1000 cc / 24 h 3/ BGRH, Cross match 4/ prep 1 bag p.c 5/ PT, PTT, INR, FL 6/ misoprostol 800 mg [3 vaginal & 1 sublingual] q3h x 2 dose 7/ transfer to labor
Imp : Postpartum Cond : fair to good Diet : regular V/S : routine Please 1/ cap hematinic acid po qd 2/ cap Ca-D Po qd 3/ cap mefenamic acid 250 po prn 4/ synto 40 unit / 1000 ringer 5/ check V/B & V/S 6/ transfer to ward 7/ if episiotomy has been done : Cap cefalexin 500 q6h If it is deep : ampicillin If allergy to penicillin : clindamycin
APR & Posterior Repair
Imp : APR Cond: fair to good Diet : NPO 8 hour before OR V/S : q4h please 1/ CBC, BUN, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ IVF ringer 1000 cc / 24 h 3/ BGRH, Cross match 4/ prep 1 bag p.c 5/ check B-HCG 6/ inj Keflin 2 gr before OR 7/ consent letter for surgery & her husband 8/ int foley [ in OR] 9/ anesthesiologist consult 10/ prep for OR 11/ [sometimes] prepare TOT
Imp : C/S Cond : good Diet : NPO 8 hour before OR v/s : q4h Please 1/ CBC, BUN, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ IVF ringer 1000 cc / 24 h 3/ BGRH, Cross match 4/ prep 2 bag p.c 5/ inj Keflin 2 gr IV before OR [if allergy to penicillin : clindamycin] 6/ consent letter for surgery & her husband 7/ int foley & fix 8/ anesthesiologist consult 9/ prep for OR 10/ transfer to OR
Out of Bed
Imp : LP Diet : surgical v/s q4h Please 1/ CBC, BUN, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ IVF ringer 1000 cc / 24 h or [IV H.L] 3/ BGRH, Cross match 4/ prep 1 bag p.c 5/ NST, FHR 6/ CST [labor day] OCT or NST [if pt doesn’t feel pain] 7/synto in 1000 cc ringer : nullipara : [Augmentation : 10] [induction :5] multipara : [Augmentation : 5] [induction 2 .5] 8/ check contraction 9/ caster oil [if needed] 10/ OB Sono 11/ BPP, AFI 12/ Transfer to labor
1/ OOB 2/ Diet surgical if tolerate : regular NPO till gas passing then surgical [for Alborzi M.D.] 3/ ivf 1000 cc ⅓ ⅔ in 24 hour Ivf 3000 ⅓ ⅔ till gas passing in 24 hour then 1000 cc ⅓ ⅔ in 24 hour [for Alborzi M.D.] 4/ syrup MOM 30 cc TID 5/ tab dimethicone 1 tab PRN 6/ supp bisacodyl 10 PRN 7/ cap hematinic qd 8/ D/C int foley [for C/S] 8/ clamp int foley [for AP repair]
Imp : ROM Cond : fair to good V/S : q4h Please 1/ CBC, BUN, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ IVF ringer 1000 cc / 24 h + [ if needed 10 unit synto] 3/ if synto administered : OCT 4/ BGRH, Cross match 5/ prep 2 bag p.c 6/ FHR, FAD 7/ fern test [ if needed] 8/ poud 9/ Amp Ampicillin 2gr Q6h 10/ pad count 11/ if > 18 h : CBC,diff Amp Ampicillin 2gr Q6h If allergy : Gentamicin 80 mg q8h Clindamycin 300 mg q8h Or Clindamycin 900 mg stat then 300 mg q8h
Imp : V/B 1/ CBC, BUN, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ BG,RH, Cross match 3/ PT, PTT, INR, FL 4/ prep 2 bag p.c 5/ IVF 1000 cc ringer in 24 hour 6/ TVS 7/ βHCG (if not pregnant) 8/ FHR & NST (if pregnant)
Mild Preeclampsia
Imp : Pre-eclampsia Cond : fair to good Diet : regular V/S : q4h 1/ CBC, BUN, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ IVF ringer 1000 cc / 24 h 3/ BGRH, Cross match 4/ prep 2 bag p.c 5/ U/A, urine pro 24 hour 6/ LFT 7/ LDH, Uric Acid 8/ PT, PTT, INR, FL 9/ urine volume 24h + urine pro. 24h
Imp:GDM Cond : fair to good Diet : Diabetic V/S : q4h Please 1/ CBC, Bun, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ check FBS, 2hpp 3/ … 2hpp < 120 FBS < 95
Severe Pre-eclampsia
Imp : Severe Pre-eclampsia Cond : fair Diet : NPO V/S : q 20 min Activity : CBR 1/ CBC, BUN, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ IVF ringer 2000 cc / 24 h 3/ heart monitoring 4/ U/A 5/ LFT 6/ Hydralazine 5 mg IV stat in 2 min 7/ OB-GYN specialist consult 8/ MgSO4 4 gr in 100 cc ringer in 15-20 min IV 9/ MgSO4 10 gr IM ( 1/2 , ½ in each buttock) 10/ MgSO4 5 gr IM q4h 11/ MgSO4 Check (DTR & RR & urine Output) [Urine output should be > 30 cc/hour] 12/ int Foley 13/ FHR Monitoring 14/ OB Sono 15/ BPP 16/ if GA <= 34 wk : inj betamethasone 17/ NST 18/ Bedside elevation 19/ if plt < 100 : D/C MgSO4 IM and start IV 20/ MgSO4 20 gr in 1000 cc ringer [max rate : 2 gr/hour] 21/ if Cr= 1-1.5 : MgSO4 ½ | if Cr > 1.5 : D/C MgSO4 22/ Bedside CPR Set
a/ BGRH, Cross match b/ prep 2 bag p.c c/ U/A, urine pro 24 hour d/ LDH, Uric Acid e/ PT, PTT, INR, FL f/ urine volume 24h + urine pro. 24h
Hysteroscopy PLP
Imp : Hysteroscopy Cond : good Diet : NPO 8 hour before OR V/S : as routines
1/ CBC, BUN, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ IVF ringer 1000 cc / 24 h 3/ BGRH, Cross match 4/ B-HCG 5/ prep 2 bag p.c 6/ Syrup MOM 30 cc at 21 & 24 7/ supp bisacodyl stat 8/ tab dimethicone 1tab stat 9/ amp ranitidine 150 mg IV BID 10/ inj keflin 2 gr before OR 11/ int foley & fix 12/ consent letter for surgery & her husband 13/ anesthesiologist consult 14/ prep for OR 15/ transfer to OR
Imp : PLP Cond : fair to good v/s : as routine Please 1/ CBC, BUN, Cr, Na, K, Bs 2/ IVF ringer 1000 cc / 24 h 3/ BGRH, Cross match 4/ prep 1 bag p.c 5/ NST 6/ inj ampicillin 2gr q6h 7/ inj betamethasone 1 amp q12 x2 8/ prematurity consent letter 9/ MgSO4 4gr stat then 2 gr/hour 10/ inj phenobarbital 1 amp stat
Section 2 OPD Patients
First Visit
3rd Trimester Tests ( 7 month)
CBC GTT U/A, U/C If a pt can not tolerate GTT : FBS, 2hpp
CBC, BGRH BUN, Cr FBS TSH ICT VDRL U/A , U/C HBS Ag, HCV Ab, HIV Ab Vit 25 OH D3 level TG Chol HDL LDL AST, ALT alk p , bili t & d
OB sono NT 11-13 wk OB sono for anomaly ﻧﺎﻫﻨﺠﺎری ﺟﻨﯿﻦ 18-22 wk OB sono ﺑﺮرﺳﯽ رﺷﺪ ﺟﻨﯿﻦ AFI
FSH LH TSH PRL AMH Testosterone DHEAS 17 OH progesterone
Rx: 1. Conjugated estrogen 0.625 mg vag. Cream #1,2
Hx: 55 y/o menopause woman with severe itching and burning P/E: pale mucous membrane without any discharge
ﻫﻔﺘﻪ اول ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮏ ﺑﺎر داﺧﻠﯽ از ﻫﻔﺘﻪ دوم ﻫﻔﺘﻪ ای دو ﺷﺐ 2. Lactovag vag tab #7,14 ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮑﯽ داﺧﻠﯽ 2. Camilin vag cream #1 ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮏ ﺑﺎر داﺧﻠﯽ
2. Vagisan moisturising vaginal cream #1
ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮏ ﺑﺎر داﺧﻠﯽ
Hx: itching, burning PE: Caseous discharge without malodor
Hx & PE: Previous case with malodor Dx: B.V. or Trichomonas
2. Clotrimazole vag tab #7 If recurrent or for treatment of partner 3. Fluconazole cap 150mg #6 (3 for each one of them)
Rx: 1.Clotrimazole vag cream 1% #1
ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮏ ﺑﺎر داﺧﻠﯽ ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮑﯽ داﺧﻠﯽ
ﺳﺎﻋﺖ ﯾﮑﯽ٧٢ ﻫﺮ
Rx If recurrent or for partner treatment: 1.Metronidazole tab 250mg #60 (30 for each one of them) ﺳﺎﻋﺖ دو ﻋﺪد١٢ ﻫﺮ If lactating or pregnant: 1.Metronidazole vag tab 500 mg #7 ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮑﯽ داﺧﻠﯽ 1.Clindamycin vag cream #1 ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮏ ﺑﺎر داﺧﻠﯽ 1.Clindamycin tab 150mg #20 ﺳﺎﻋﺖ ﯾﮑﯽ٨ ﻫﺮ
Hx and PE: OCD woman with Destruction of normal flora
2. Vagisan moisturising vaginal cream #1
2. Lactovag vag tab #7,14
Rx 1. Acyclovir tab 400mg #30
Hx and PE: External burning sensation with small vesicular rashes 2. Acyclovir cream #1 Dx: Herpes 3. Zinc Oxide cream #1
3. Camilin Solution #1
Rx 1. Vagisan Lactic Acid vag tab #7
ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮑﯽ داﺧﻠﯽ ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮏ ﺑﺎر داﺧﻞ و ﺧﺎرج ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮑﯽ داﺧﻠﯽ
ﺳﺎﻋﺖ ﯾﮑﯽ٨ ﺗﺎ۶ ﻫﺮ ﺑﺎر ﻣﻮﺿﻌﯽ٢ روزی ﺑﺎر ﻣﻮﺿﻌﯽ٢ روزی ﺑﺎر ﺷﺴﺘﺸﻮ٢ ﯾﺎ١ روزی
Dx: Wart
The only acceptable treatment for wart in pregnancy is S.A.
New water base POP Smear with HPV typing
PAP Smear each 6 Month
Dx: Fungal infx
Rx 1.Lactovag Vag Cream #1 ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮏ ﺑﺎر داﺧﻠﯽ 1.Leukorex Vag Cream #1
ﻫﺮ ﺷﺐ ﯾﮏ ﺑﺎر داﺧﻠﯽ
Hx And P/E: Redness and dyspareunia
1.Cefixime cap 400 mg #20 2.Azithromycin cap 250mg #6 3.Doxycycline cap 150mg #20 4.pop smear
ﺳﺎﻋﺖ ﯾﮑﯽ١٢ ﻫﺮ ﺗﺎ از روز دوم ﺑﻪ ﺑﻌﺪ ﯾﮑﯽ٢ روز اول ﺳﺎﻋﺖ ﯾﮑﯽ١٢ ﻫﺮ