CPD secondary training programme 2016–17

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CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2016 – 2017 hackneyservicesforschools.co.uk

secondary training programme

Hackney Learningmanagement Trust’s Continuing behaviour Professional Development programme for 2016 – 2017 takes place at The Tomlinson Centre.

Opened in April 2009, this £4.5m purpose-built centre has eleven rooms over two floors and a cutting edge IT Centre.

Future Stars TSA

Hackney Learningmanagement Trust’s Continuing behaviour Professional Development programme for 2016 – 2017 takes place at The Tomlinson Centre.

Opened in April 2009, this £4.5m purpose-built centre has eleven rooms over two floors and a cutting edge IT Centre. For more information contact: Services for Schools Team Hackney Learning Trust 1 Reading Lane, E81GQ T. 020 8820 7378 / 7643 E. s4s@learningtrust.co.uk

KEY for course suppliers Hackney Learning Trust (HLT) Hackney Teaching Schools Alliance Future Stars TSA 4

The New Wave Schools Alliance Continuing Professional Development 2012–2013

DEAR HEADTEACHER We are delighted to present Hackney Learning Trust’s secondary CPD brochure for 2016 –17. The brochure contains details of our comprehensive professional development sessions tailored for all phases. This offer complements the wide range of educational and pupil support we provide and also captures the professional development offered by the teaching school alliances within Hackney. Our professional development programmes draw on best practice from both local and national initiatives and are delivered centrally by our school improvement team and external providers. We draw on our outstanding record of achievement in Hackney and beyond to share best practice to support the growth of schools, teachers and leaders. We support and encourage schools from outside Hackney to participate in our courses. We offer an extensive range of leadership training to support school leaders at all stages of their careers. Our courses for teachers and support staff focus on enhancing aspects of quality first teaching (QFT) and developing innovative practice. Other courses give pedagogical, curriculum and behaviour guidance. Separate brochures are available for Early Years and Primary CPD on request. Prices for individual courses follow each course description. You will also find our CPD packages offer fantastic value and include many courses at a discounted rate. Please take time to browse through the list of courses in the brochure or alternatively, you can view our brochure on line at www.Hackneyservicesforschools.co.uk To book a Hackney Learning Trust course, please contact the CPD Team on 0203 076 1516/1515 or email cpdadmin@learningtrust.co.uk. For courses offered by the teaching school alliances, please refer to the booking information on page 14 to15. We offer high quality courses for staff at every level in your setting. We look forward to welcoming you and your colleagues. Best wishes Sian Davies Interim Director of Education, Hackney Learning Trust Secondary Training Programme


KEY for course suppliers Hackney Learning Trust (HLT) Hackney Teaching Schools Alliance The New Wave Schools Alliance

CONTENTS 10 Hackney Learning Trust (HLT) CPD Prices 11 How to order and book a HLT course

26 New To Senior Leadership 27 New To Middle Leadership

12 HLT Secondary CPD Packages


13 HLT Post-16 Package

28 The Role of the NQT Induction Tutor and Mentor

TEACHING SCHOOLS INFORMATION 14 Hackney Teaching Schools Alliance 15 The New Wave Schools Alliance

SECONDARY SUBJECT LEADERS 30 Subject Leader CPD 31 Subject Leader Network Meetings


32 Level 1 Subject Workshops

16 Annual Headteacher Residential Conference

33 Developing Outstanding Science Leadership

16 Secondary Deputy Headteacher Conference

34 Secondary Subject Leader Forum: Music

17 Secondary Leadership Forum – Breakfast Briefing Updates


18 Secondary Deputy Headteacher Forum

36 Computing Curriculum Support

19 CPD Coordinators Forum

37 Curriculum Support for PHSE and Citizenship

19 Ofsted Preparation for Schools Due to be Inspected in 2016–17

38 Cross Phase Moderation of English for Year 6 and 7

20 SEF in a day

38 Literacy across the Curriculum – Literacy Coordinators

21 Leading a Whole School Approach to Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare

39 Mathematics Cross Phase Training for Teachers

22 NPQML Programme for Primary and Secondary Teachers

40 New to Maths


41 Science Cross Phase Training for Teachers

24 Becoming a Deputy Headteacher: A Leading on Programme for Senior Leaders

42 The LIT Programme

25 Developing Your Talent for Leadership (Secondary)

44 Induction for new Designated Teachers for Looked After Children

Secondary Training Programme

40 New to Science



CONTENTS (continued) SAFEGUARDING AND CHILD PROTECTION 46 A Refresher in Safeguarding and Child Protection 47 An Introduction to Safeguarding and Child Protection

60 Identifying and Supporting Children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs in Secondary Schools 61 Induction for New SENCOs

48 Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Training

62 Learning to Listen: Developing Attention and Listening in the Classroom

49 Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) Training - Refresher

63 Lego Therapy for Communication and Social Independence

50 Managing Allegations against Members of Staff and Promoting Safe Practice

64 Makaton Foundation for Beginners

51 Online Safety in Education Settings SPEAKING AND LISTENING & SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND DISABILITIES (SEND) AND INCLUSION 52 Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Understanding and Intervention 53 Bilingualism and Speech, Language and Communication Needs 54 Colourful Semantics: In the Classroom 55 Colourful Semantics: The Basics 56 Communication and Language Activities 57 Differentiation for Children with Speech, Language & Communication Needs

65 Makaton Enhancement 66 National Award for SENCOs 67 Obtaining Pupil Voice for Children with SEN and Communication Difficulties 68 SENCO Conference 69 SENCO Forum 70 Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs in Secondary Schools 71 Understanding Autism 72 Using Pictures and Symbols to Support Communication 73 Word Aware TRAVELLERS 74 Induction of Gypsy Roma traveller Pupils at Your School

58 English and Math for Pupils with SEND (Secondary) 59 How to Support Children with Language and Behaviour Difficulties

KEY for course suppliers Hackney Learning Trust (HLT) Hackney Teaching Schools Alliance The New Wave Schools Alliance


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017

HEALTH AND SAFETY 76 Emergency First Aid at Work 77 Fire Safety Awareness 78 Food Hygiene 79 Health and Safety in the Workplace 80 Manual Handling 81 Risk Assessment

Secondary Training Programme






Comprehensive Secondary CPD Package



Limited Secondary CPD Package


Individual Secondary HLT COURSES ORDER CODE




Twilight course – up to 2 hours



½ day course – up to 3 hours



1 day course



Secondary Bespoke CPD Support


Secondary HLT CPD Packages ORDER CODE




Post-16 Support Package



Post-16 Network Meetings and A-Level Subject Meetings



Post-16 Bespoke CPD Support


PLEASE NOTE The support and courses in the comprehensive and limited CPD packages are only delivered by Hackney Learning Trust. Where a course is included within a package, this will be stated underneath the course with the relevant course price. Where a HLT course is stated as not being included in the CPD packages, this will need to be purchased separately using the Secondary Bespoke CPD support product code (24/CPD/016). Please note that Health and Safety and Makaton courses are not included. 10

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017

HOW TO ORDER/BOOK A HLT CPD COURSE Schools must purchase a HLT CPD training package, individual day, half day or twilight sessions to cover the training courses they wish to attend. Orders can be placed via the folllowing methods. Website


To order our HLT CPD training packages, please visit our Services for Schools website www. hackneyservicesforschools.co.uk and click on the Professional Training tab.

Course Queries For Secondary HLT course queries, please contact the CPD team on 020 3076 1515/1516 or send an email to cpdadmin@learningtrust.co.uk

Once your order for a CPD training package has been placed, you will need to download an order form to be able to book delegates onto specific courses and submit to cpdadmin@learningtrust.co.uk

New Customers If you are placing an order for the first time, you will need to register for an account with us. This can be done by clicking on the login button on our website www.hackneyservicesforschools. co.uk or alternatively by completing a paper order form which can be downloaded from our website and submitting it to the CPD team at cpdadmin@learningtrust.co.uk

Should you prefer to purchase day, half day and twilight sessions as you require them, please ensure you state the course code, date and delegate name before submitting your order online or alternatively use the downloadable order form. Paper Booking/Order Form If you prefer not to order online, you can complete an order form which can be downloaded from the website, scanned and emailed to cpdadmin@learningtrust.co.uk or alternatively posted to: CPD Team Hackney Learning Trust The Tomlinson Centre Queensbridge Road, London E8 3ND Hackney Learning Trust welcomes orders and bookings from all schools within and outside the London Borough of Hackney.

Secondary Training Programme

Forgotten your Password If you have forgotten your password for the Services for Schools website, you can reset this online by clicking on the login button. Alternatively you can contact the Services for Schools Team on 020 8820 7378/7566/7706 or email s4s@learningtrust.co.uk. Prices All prices listed are correct at the time of publishing. However, Hackney Learning Trust, reserves the right to amend prices from time to time. Up-to-date prices will be posted on the Services for Schools website or available on application. Full instructions on the ordering process can be found on the Services for Schools website and the team are available for further guidance and support. Terms and conditions can be viewed on our website www.hackneyservicesforschools.co.uk 11

HLT SECONDARY AND POST-16 PACKAGES COMPREHENSIVE SECONDARY CPD PACKAGE All secondary schools who buy in to the Comprehensive Package will have access to the following: • 6 Breakfast Briefing Updates for secondary schools (Secondary Leadership Forum) • Secondary Deputy Heads’ Conference (two places) • Deputy Heads Forum • CPD Coordinators Forum • Ofsted preparation training • Leading a whole school approach to personal development, behaviour and welfare • Updated SEF training • Three places on the Leadership Development Programmes (Middle or Senior Leadership) • Termly meetings for leaders of Art, Drama, English, Geography, History, ICT, Media Maths, MFL, Music, RE, Science and, PSHCE subject leaders • One day’s Subject Leader Training for specific subjects in Art, Drama, English, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, MFL, Music, RE, Science and PSHCE. COST: £5,500 LIMITED SECONDARY CPD PACKAGE All secondary schools who buy in to the Limited Secondary Training Offer Package will have access to the following: • 6 Breakfast Briefing Updates for secondary schools (Secondary Leadership Forum) • Deputy Heads Forum • Termly Subject Leader Network meetings for Art, Drama, English, Geography, History, ICT, Media Maths, MFL, Music, RE, Science and PSHCE subject leaders • One day’s Subject Leader Training for specific subjects in Art, Drama, English, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, MFL, Music, RE, Science and PSHCE. COST: £2,000 12

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017

POST-16 SUPPORT PACKAGE COMPREHENSIVE POST-16 CPD PACKAGE All secondary schools and sixth form colleges who buy in to the Post-16 Support Package will have access to the following: • Three days bespoke leadership and management training • Four days bespoke support for teaching and learning • Termly Post 16 network meetings • A-level Subject meetings for Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Design and Technology, Drama, Economics, English Literature, Government and Politics, Health and Social Care, History, Computing, Maths, Media Studies, Modern Foreign Languages, PE, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, RE and Sociology • Fifty places per school at revision classes • Three subject moderations (4 units sample of 3 scripts from range per unit with examiners report per unit). COST: £9,000 POST-16 NETWORK MEETINGS AND A LEVEL SUBJECT NETWORK MEETINGS PACKAGE All schools and colleges who buy in to this package will have access to the following: • Network meetings (twice per year) for Heads of Sixth Form to discuss KS5 issues and receive important Post-16 updates • A free place at the annual Post 16 Conference • Attendance at A-Level/BTEC Network Meetings to give A Level/BTEC teachers the opportunity to share ideas, teaching techniques and class resources. They are provided in: Geography, History, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, Religious Education, BTEC, EPQ, Art and Design, Drama, Economics, Physical Education, Government and Politics, English Literature, English Lang Lit, Languages and Media Studies COST: £3,000

Secondary Training Programme


HACKNEY TEACHING SCHOOLS’ ALLIANCE 2016 –17 Hackney Teaching Schools’ Alliance is an outstanding partnership that works to improve the quality of teaching and leadership through effective collaboration and personalised support. The alliance is steered by three outstanding schools – Clapton Girls’ Academy, Kingsmead Primary School, Stormont House Special School. Millfields Primary School is also a lead school in the alliance. Our strategic partners are Hackney Learning Trust, Cumbria University, Institute of Education and Osiris Educational. School partners in the HTSA this year are Gayhurst, Mandeville, Harrington Hill, Rushmore, Southwold, Nightingale, Wentworth, Sir Thomas Abney, Benthal, Baden Powell, William Patten, St Pauls with St Michaels and Jubilee. We have experienced and skilled leaders at all levels within the alliance, including two National Leaders of Education. Specialist Leaders of Education are also on hand to provide direct coaching and support with particular areas of school improvement relating to Early Years, Science, CPD and Initial Teacher Training, Art, Business Management, Behaviour, primary English and Maths.

The HTSA offers: • A range of high quality professional learning and conferences • Bespoke school improvement work delivered by experienced and skilled leaders • Induction of NQTs through bespoke training programmes, school based placements, tailored support and access to our courses • Recruitment of high quality trainees through the School Direct Programme. WHERE? The HTSA Portico Centre and schools/ venues within the alliance. We look forward to working with you in 2016 – 2017 Collaborate Lead Support Develop

HOW TO BOOK To attend courses, collaborate with us on school improvement or request bespoke support, please contact HTSA on: 020 89856641 ext.265, email us at htsa@clapton.hackney.sch.uk or visit www.hackneytsa.org.uk and complete an online booking form. 14

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017

NEW WAVE TEACHING SCHOOL ALLIANCE The New Wave Teaching School Alliance is an innovative and collaborative group of schools working together to improve education both within the alliance and beyond. There are four schools within the alliance ranging from Primary to an all through Special School. Grazebrook Primary School, Shacklewell Primary School, Woodberry Down Community Primary School and The Garden Special School all make up the New Wave Teaching School Alliance and are graded by Ofsted as Outstanding or Good.

needs of schools. We have a strong commitment to succession planning and talent management through our leadership development programmes.

We work in close partnership with the Institute of Education and the Hackney Learning Trust to develop bespoke professional training and Initial Teacher Training programmes to meet the HOW TO BOOK For course bookings please email bookings@newwaveeducation.co.uk For further details about the Alliance and the services we can offer please check out our website www.newwaveteachingschoolalliance.co.uk or call 0208 802 4051.

Secondary Training Programme


leadership and management ANNUAL HEADTEACHER RESIDENTIAL CONFERENCE National and international contributors 2 DAY RESIDENTIAL CONFERENCE Thursday 24 and Friday 25 November 2016 (LM 104)

SECONDARY DEPUTY HEADTEACHER CONFERENCE External Provider 1 DAY CONFERENCE 9am – 4pm Thursday 23 February 2017 (SLM 201)



Sopwell House Hotel, St Albans

The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney

This year’s annual conference gives Headteachers the opportunity to hear nationally renowned experts speak on key issues related to leadership and learning.

The conference will provide Deputy Headteachers in secondary schools the opportunity to hear a nationally renowned speaker explore current thinking on leadership and learning.



Headteachers and Heads of School of nursery, primary, special and secondary schools.

Deputy Headteachers from secondary schools or academies. COST:

CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES • To provide a forum for exploring expert thinking. • To facilitate dialogue with other leaders of learning.

£220 per delegate or two places included as part of the Comprehensive Secondary CPD Package.

COST: The conference is priced separately from the HLT CPD packages. Booking information will be sent out separately.

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Hackney Learning Trust course Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017



COURSE OBJECTIVES • To keep senior leaders informed of current developments and research. • To explore implications of emerging policy and legislation on school leadership.

Thursday 22 September 2016 (SBBU 101)

• To share good practice.

Tuesday 8 November 2016 (SBBU 10)


Wednesday 25 January 2017 (SBBU 201)

£80 per session per delegate or included as part of the Comprehensive or Limited Secondary CPD packages.

Thursday 16 March 2017 (SBBU 202) Tuesday 9 May 2017 (SBBU 301) Wednesday 28 June 2017 (SBBU 302) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This forum provides leaders with access to cutting edge thinking, research and guidance on developing their school. It includes updates on national and local developments. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? One secondary Deputy Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher per school.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


leadership and management SECONDARY DEPUTY HEADTEACHERS’ FORUM Leadership and Management Adviser



• To support Deputy Headteachers in developing their professional thinking and practice.

4pm – 5.30pm Thursday 13 October 2016 (SDHF 101) Thursday 15 December 2016 (SDHF 102)

• To keep Deputy Headteachers informed of local and national initiatives affecting their work.

• To provide an opportunity for Deputy Headteachers to share best practice and innovation.

Thursday 9 February 2017 (SDHF 201)


Thursday 30 March 2017 (SDHF 301)

£90 per session per delegate, £500 per delegate for all 6 sessions or included as part of the Comprehensive or Limited CPD packages.

Thursday 25 May 2017 (SDHF 302) Thursday 6 July 2017 (SDHF 303) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This forum provides Deputy Head teachers in secondary schools the opportunity to discuss key updates in policy and practice. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Secondary Deputy Headteachers.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


CPD COORDINATORS FORUM Leadership and Management Adviser TWILIGHT fORUM 4pm – 5.30pm Thursday 10 November 2016 (SCCF 101)

OFSTED PREPARATION FOR SCHOOLS DUE TO BE INSPECTED IN 2016–17 Leadership and Management Advisers ½ DAY COURSE 1.30pm – 4.30pm

Thursday 2 March 2017 (SCCF 201)

Monday 10 October 2016 (LM 101) Monday 16 January 2017 (LM 201)

Thursday 15 June 2017 (SCCF 301)


VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This forum provides CPD Coordinators with an opportunity to gather information on CPD initiatives and share good practice. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? CPD Coordinators. COURSE OBJECTIVES

The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney These workshops help leaders to be ‘Ofsted ready’ so that they have clear and robust evidence to share with inspectors. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Headteachers and senior leaders in schools who are within four terms from an inspection. COURSE OBJECTIVES

• To be made aware of initiatives and innovations in CPD.

• To provide up-to-date information on the most recent guidance from Ofsted.

• To share good practice with practitioners across schools.

• To provide practical information about the inspection process.

• To engage in dialogue with the Hackney Learning Trust on CPD needs.

• To support leaders to decide how they can best prepare in the short, medium and long-term for an Ofsted inspection.

COST: The session is free to all CPD Coordinators.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme

COST: £140 per delegate per session, or included in the Comprehensive Secondary CPD package. Hackney Learning Trust course 19

leadership and management SEF IN A DAY Leadership and Management Advisers



• To present a convincing and compelling evaluation of the school’s achievements against the current Ofsted grade descriptors.

9.30am – 4pm Monday 7 November 2016 (LM 103) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney

As a result of this workshop, school leaders will be able:

• To construct a concise selfevaluation report with a clear evidence trail.

This workshop will give Headteachers and senior leaders the opportunity to write an effective SEF that provides accurate evidence for an Ofsted inspection.

• To identify whether there are any gaps in the evidence or where some further evidence gathering and evaluation is needed.



Headteachers and senior leaders.

£220 per delegate, or included in the Comprehensive Secondary CPD package.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


LEADING A WHOLE SCHOOL APPROACH TO PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, BEHAVIOUR AND WELFARE Leadership and Management Advisers 2 HALF DAY COURSES 1.30pm – 4.30pm Tuesday 4 October 2016 and Tuesday 15 November 2016 (SLM 102) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney A series of two sessions which will focus on how to ensure a coherent approach to student wellbeing and personal development, and its impact on achievement and progress. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Senior leaders with responsibility for: • Personal development, behaviour and welfare; • Promoting children and young people’s mental and emotional health; • The Prevent Duty; • Reducing Exclusions.

COURSE OBJECTIVES The course will aim to support leaders in addressing student wellbeing in a meaningful way, which is congruent with the values and ethos of your school. As a result of these workshops school leaders will be able: • To further develop leadership that supports and champions efforts to promote emotional wellbeing and health. • To explore what it means to fulfill the Prevent Duty and promote British values and provide an environment that values diversity. • To explore and identify ways to promote resiliance in communities and individuals. • To develop curriculum teaching and learning that promotes resliance and supports social and emotional learning. • To explore and understand better the targeted support and approriate referral routes for young people in need of further support. COST: £140 per delegate per session or included in the Comprehensive Secondary CPD package.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


leadership and management NPQML PROGRAMME FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TEACHERS Hackney Teaching Schools’ Alliance 2 FULL DAY SESSIONS AND SIX TWILIGHT SESSIONS October 2016 – October 2017 VENUE The Portico Centre, Clapton Girls’ Academy, Hackney NPQML is a qualification that gives national recognition of leadership development and professional achievement as a middle leader. Participants put their learning into practice during the course by completing a school based initiative to raise achievement in an area they lead. This course is delivered in partnership with the Institute of Education.

QUALIFICATION GAINED • Session 1: What makes an outstanding middle leader? • Session 2: Leadership styles and professional characteristics • Session 3: Self-evaluation: using data to drive improvement • Session 4: From good to outstanding – using lesson observation to raise achievement • Session 5: How to have the conversations that you dread • Session 6: Improving teaching and learning • Session 7: Managing others • Session 8: Motivating others • Session 9: Developing others WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Primary and secondary middle leaders or aspiring middle leaders. COST: £1,000 per delegate (reduced rates for HTSA members). This COURSE is not included in the HLT Secondary CPD packages.

Hackney Teaching Schools’ Alliance course 22

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


Secondary Primary Training Training Programme Programme


leadership development programmes A series of programmes giving your staff the skills and confidence to become strong leaders. Up to three places in total on any of these leadership courses are included in the Comprehensive Secondary CPD package. BECOMING A DEPUTY HEADTEACHER: A LEADING ON PROGRAMME FOR SENIOR LEADERS Secondary School Improvement Team

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To understand the importance of Vision and Values outcomes (21st century) as a senior leader in an urban context. • To be able to develop curriculum models (Year 7 – 13) to ensure student entitlement. • To explore and develop curriculum pathways pre and post 16. • To explore timetable and curriculum models that support attainment and progress.



9am – 12noon: am session

£360 per delegate or included in the Comprehensive Secondary CPD package.

12noon – 4pm: pm session Wednesday 1 March 2017 (am); Tuesday 9 May 2017 (pm) and Monday 3 July 2017 (am) (SLM 202) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This programme has been created to support senior staff aspiring to move to a Deputy Headteacher role. The programme is tailored to support the needs and focus of the participants. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Participants must be senior members of staff in schools and should have a lead responsibility in one or more of the areas identified in the objectives.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


DEVELOPNG YOUR TALENT FOR LEADERSHIP (SECONDARY) Leadership and Management Advisers 5 HALF DAY AND 2 FULL DAY COURSE 1.30pm – 5pm Thursday 20 October 2016, Tuesday 8 November 2016, Tuesday 6 December 2016, Monday 9 January 2017 and Tuesday 7 March 2017 (SLM 103)

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop your understanding of your role in leading learning. • To increase your ability to manage and develop people in your team. • To consider how to lead beyond your team. COST: £950 per delegate or included in the Comprehensive Secondary CPD package.

9am – 4pm W/b Monday 6 February 2017 (school based shadowing day) Tuesday 21 March 2017 VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course will focus on key components of effective leadership. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This programme is ideal for anyone who is leading a team within a school such as a subject, phase or faculty leader. It is suitable for any school leader who aspires to move into senior leadership but who is at least two or three years away from the NPQH programme.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


leadership development programmes NEW TO SENIOR LEADERSHIP Secondary School Improvement Team 4 HALF DAY COURSE 9am – 12noon: am session 12noon – 4pm: pm session Tuesday 4 October 2016 (am), Monday 5 December 2016 (pm) and Wednesday 11 January 2017 (am) (SLM 101) School based half-day during November 2016 VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course is targeted at Assistant Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers, who are new to the Senior Management role. Participants will be supported to ‘step up’ to senior leadership in terms of behaviour, knowledge, skills, understanding through ‘a bespoke’ focus for each participant.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To enable participants to identify the most effective leadership style for the setting. • To explore the challenges of boundary management that come with senior leadership. • To understand team accountabilities and clarity of roles within the team. • To develop the skills required in line management with a focus on both generic and subject specific, taking account of the challenges required working outside of subject expertise. • To practice and reflect on crucial conversations. • To provide the opportunity for a practice visit to another school, including observation of a line management activity; a learning walk and feedback; and a linemanagement meeting. • To provide coaching to support development.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Participants must be senior members of staff who have recently taken up, or are about to take up, a role in senior leadership.

COST: £440 per delegate or included in the Comprehensive Secondary CPD package.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


NEW TO MIDDLE LEADERSHIP Secondary School Improvement Team 6 HALF DAY COURSE 9am – 12.30pm: am session 1pm – 4pm: pm session Tuesday 18 October 2016 (am); Wednesday 30 November 2016 (pm); Thursday 19 January 2017 (am); Thursday 9 March 2017 (pm); Friday 26 May 2017 (am) (SLM 104) School based half-day during November 2016 VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This programme has been created for aspiring or new middle leaders who already have some leadership responsibility. This programme will strengthen middle leadership behaviours, skills and understanding and help participants to share practice with peers beyond their own school through a structured programme. WHO SHOULD ATTEND?

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To provide the opportunity to practice and reflect on crucial conversations. • To explore the concept of what it means to lead learning. • To enable participants to identify the most effective leadership style for the setting. • To enable participants to develop the skills required for effective planning of systems to support other staff. • To support the development of the skills required in team building and developing individuals including coaching and mentoring and giving feedback. • To develop an understanding of using data effectively to enhance improvement. • To provide the opportunity for a practice visit to another school. COST: £660 per delegate or included in the Comprehensive Secondary CPD package.

Participants must be members of staff who have recently taken up, or are about to take up, a role in middle leadership.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


NQT induction training THE ROLE OF THE NQT INDUCTION TUTOR AND MENTOR HLT NQT Coordinator TWILIGHT COURSE 4pm – 5.15pm Thursday 22 September 2016 (NQT 101) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This session addresses the role of the induction tutor. Participants will have an opportunity to look at policy guidelines, online management and share good practice on the process and supporting NQTs. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? All NQT induction tutors, new mentors and existing mentors. COST: FREE to schools using HLT as their Appropriate Body.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


Secondary Training Programme


secondary training for subject leaders SUBJECT LEADER SPECIFIC TRAINING Secondary Teaching and Learning Consultants 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm These CPD days will be tailored to support the needs of subject leaders and designed around the themes identified at the subject leader network meetings. Arts: TBA (ART 300) English: Thursday 13 July 2017 (ENG 302) Geography: Tuesday 13 June 2017 (GEO 302) History: Wednesday 21 June 2017 (HIS 302) Computing: Thursday 25 May 2017 (8.30am – 5pm) (COM 302) Maths: Friday 7 July 2017 (9am – 3pm) (MATH 302) MFL: Thursday 22nd June 2017 (SMFL 302) PSHCE: TBA (PSHCE 300) RE: Wednesday 5 July 2017 (RE 302) Science: Thursday 29 June 2017 (SSCI 302) COST: Included as part of the Secondary Comprehensive and Limited CPD packages

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Hackney Learning Trust course Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


SUBJECT LEADER NETWORK MEETINGS Secondary Teaching and Learning Consultants

Geography: Tuesday 11 October 2016 (GEO 101) Tuesday 17 January 2017 (GEO 201) Tuesday 16 May 2017 (GEO 301)


History: Thursday 3 November 2016 (HIS 101) Thursday 26 January 2017 (HIS 201) Thursday 25 May 2017 (HIS301)

4pm – 6pm These network meetings give subject leaders access to the latest thinking and research and guidance on developing and managing their subject within national and local context. Subject leaders will be given an opportunity to network and share best practice. The programme for the meetings and the whole day CPD session will be designed by Hackney Learning Trust facilitators and subject leaders at the first meeting of the year.

Maths: Tuesday 15 November 2016 (MATH 101) Tuesday 7 March 2017 (MATH 201) Tuesday 20 June 2017 (MATH 301) Media: TBA (MED 100) MFL: Thursday 6 October 2016 (SMFL 101) Thursday 9 February 2017 (SMFL 201) Thursday 18 May 2017 (SMFL 301)

Art & Design: Wednesday 2 November 2016 (ART 101) Tuesday 14 March 2017 (ART 201) Thursday 29 June 2017 (ART 301)

Music: Thursday 15 September 2016 (MUS 102) Wednesday 25 January 2017 (MUS 202) Tuesday 25 April 2017 (MUS 302)

Computing: Thursday 15 September 2016 (COM 101) Thursday 9 March 2017 (COM 201) Thursday 4 May 2017 (COM 301)


Drama: TBA (DRAMA 100)

Science: Thursday 10 November 2016 (SSCI 101) Thursday 2 March 2017 (SSCI 201) Thursday 8 June 2017 (SSCI 301)

English: Thursday 3 November 2016 (ENG 101) Thursday 13 April 2017 (ENG 201) Thursday 15 June 2017 (ENG 301)

RE: Tuesday 18 October 2016 (RE 101) Tuesday 7 March 2017 (RE 201) Wednesday 7 June 2017 (RE 301)

COST: Included in the Comprehensive and Limited Secondary CPD packages.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


secondary training for subject leaders LEVEL 1 SUBJECT WORKSHOPS 14 –19 Team TWILIGHT WORKSHOPS THROUGHOUT 2016 –17 3.30pm – 5.30pm Various Dates – Schedule To Be Confirmed This schedule of subject workshops has been designed to support teachers and support staff delivering core and vocational subjects at Level 1 across Key Stage 4 and 5. The schedule of workshops will include, Maths and English, Science, ICT and Introductory BTECs. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Teachers and support staff delivering EL3 and Level 1 courses to students across Key Stage 4 and 5 in mainstream secondary, special school, college and alternative provision who wish to develop their delivery skills, access new resources and share best practice with colleagues.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To improve lesson and resource planning, delivery and assessment of entry and Level 1 core and vocational subjects across Key stage 4 and 5. • To develop skills and techniques for managing the delivery, assessment and moderation of BTEC qualifications. • To provide opportunities to share and reflect on practice, and ways to support and develop the practice of colleagues both within and outside of individual settings. COST: £90 per session per delegate. These courses are not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017



COURSE OBJECTIVES Develop the knowledge and skills to: • Lead the improvement of teaching and learning. • Address how to manage change and develop with colleagues.

Date: TBC

• Understand and plan for curriculum changes.


• Use data effectively.

This is a support programme to enable new or other interested leaders of Science to develop greater levels of confidence and expertise in leading their department.

• Embed effective assessment.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Heads of Science, Key Stage Coordinators, Heads of Biology, Chemistry and Physics or any teacher with a leading role in science.

• Ensure compliance with Health and Safety requirements. • Review the departments’ strengths and weaknesses. • Plan for Assessment without Levels. • Improve Assessment for Learning. COST: £850 per participant. To order, please visit www. hackneyservicesforschools.co.uk and click on the School Improvement tab to view our Teaching and Learning section where you can place an order online or download an order form.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


secondary training for subject leaders SECONDARY SUBJECT LEADER FORUM: MUSIC Hackney Music Service TWILIGHT FORUM 4.30pm – 6pm Thursday 15 September 2016 (MUS 102) Wednesday 25 January 2017 (MUS 202) Tuesday 25 April 2017 (MUS 302) VENUE Hackney Schools This forum offers all Music Coordinators and subject leaders the opportunity to join a network of supportive colleagues. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Secondary new and experienced Music Coordinators and subject leaders. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To create a network of expertise. • To share new developments and enrichment opportunities. • To share best practice and have a professional dialogue. COST: Free to all Hackney Schools – funded by the Music Hub grant.

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teaching and learning COMPUTING CURRICULUM SUPPORT Secondary Teaching and Learning Consultant

Three workshops, three secondary cluster meetings, training, support and standardisation meetings. VENUE Various venues and on school site visits. This is a support programme focused on boosting skills and subject knowledge, delivered by experienced teachers and industry professionals. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Heads of ICT. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop the skills to deliver outstanding computing pedagogy at all levels by providing targeted staff training, up to date guidance and outstanding hands on support. COST: £1,000 per participant. To order, please visit www. hackneyservicesforschools.co.uk and click on the School Improvement tab to view our Teaching and Learning section where you can place an order online or download an order form. Hackney Learning Trust course 36

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


CURRICULUM SUPPORT FOR PHSE AND CITIZENSHIP Teaching and Learning Consultant for PHSE and Citizenship 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm Wednesday 12 October 2016 (STL 101) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney The INSET day will have a curriculum focus. It is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to explore up-to-date guidance on changes within the areas of PHSE and citizenship and the enhanced responsibility for children’s personal development in the Ofsted framework and how to fulfil these through curriculum work. It will include opportunities to explore the DfE guidance on promoting British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain and the responsibilities included in the Prevent strategy.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To support coordinators in planning high quality learning opportunities for PHSCE within and outside of the classroom. • To share and develop opportunities for children to think critically and participate actively in learning to enable them to engage as active citizens. • To address curriculum approaches to the Wellbeing agenda as identified in new guidance from Ofsted, Public Health England and DfE. • To ensure schools understand the requirements of, and curriculum approaches to, teaching British values and the Prevent agenda, and how this fits within the context of a whole school approach to values. COST: £220 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Secondary PHSCE Coordinators and Citizenship teachers.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


teaching and learning CROSS PHASE MODERATION OF ENGLISH FOR YEARS 6 & 7 Primary and Secondary Teaching & Learning Consultants

LITERACY ACROSS THE CURRICULUM Senior Secondary Teaching & Learning Consultant (English)



4.15pm – 5.30pm

1.30pm – 4pm

Thursday 16 March 2017 (PRIM 205)

Thursday 3 November 2016 (STL 102)



The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney

The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney

This course is an opportunity for primary and secondary colleagues to moderate work in English.

This course provides Literacy Coordinators with practical and sustainable approaches to literacy across the curriculum.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Year 6 teachers, Year 7 English teachers and Key Stage 2 and 3 English Leaders. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To moderate pupils’ work in reading and writing, supporting consistency in assessing work against national standards. • To give colleagues an opportunity to share practice cross-phase. • To improve students’ transition by giving colleagues a shared understanding of what happens at primary and secondary leve. COST: £90 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages. Hackney Learning Trust course 38

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Secondary Literacy Coordinators. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To support Literacy Coordinators in starting, refreshing or updating their strategic plans. • To draw on up to date and evidence-based research on literacy provision. • To deepen understanding on best practice and effective classroom tools. COST: £220 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

Hackney Learning Trust course Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


MATHEMATICS CROSS PHASE TRAINING FOR TEACHERS Primary and Secondary Mathematics Consultants



• To share systems being used across schools to assess students’ understanding and progression.

4.15pm – 5:30pm Wednesday 7 December 2016 (NUM 102) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course will provide a forum for Year 6 and Year 7 teachers to collaborate on the delivery of the mathematics curriculum and develop a shared understanding of assessment methodology.

• To develop an understanding of the approach to teaching maths across phases.

• To provide opportunities to reflect upon own practice, best practice and ways to support and develop the practice of colleagues. COST: £90 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Year 6 teachers and Key Stage 3 mathematics teachers.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


teaching and learning NEW TO MATHS Secondary Mathematics Consultants

NEW TO SCIENCE Secondary Science Consultant







The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney

Hackney schools and The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney

This programme of support helps new or inexperienced mathematics teachers develop greater confidence and expertise in the classroom. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? New or inexperienced secondary maths teachers. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop confident, reflective practitioners. • To deliver bespoke coaching to support the development of new teachers. • To provide access to shared resources. COST: £1,000 per participant. To order, please visit www.hackneyservicesfor schools.co.uk and click on the School Improvement tab to view our Teaching and Learning section where you can place an order online or download an order form.

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This programme of support helps new or inexperienced science teachers boost professional expertise, inspire the teaching of science with confidence and develop networks for support. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? NQTs, Teach First, Schools’ Direct and existing science teachers who might benefit from looking at the basics of science teaching again. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To improve science teaching, leading to greater pupil engagement. • To provide practical support for NQTs, Teach First, Schools’ Direct and existing science teachers. COST: £850 per participant. To order, please visit www.hackneyservicesfor schools.co.uk and click on the School Improvement tab to view our Teaching and Learning section where you can place an order online or download an order form. Hackney Learning Trust course Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


SCIENCE CROSS PHASE TRAINING FOR TEACHERS Primary and Secondary Science Consultants



• To share systems being used across schools to assess students’ understanding and progression.

4.15pm – 5.30pm Thursday 20 October 2017 (SCI 101) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course will provide a forum for Year 6 and Year 7 teachers to collaborate on the delivery of the science curriculum and develop a shared understanding of assessment methodology.

• To develop an understanding of the approach to teaching science across phases.

• To provide opportunities to reflect upon own practice, best practice and ways to support and develop the practice of colleagues. COST: £90 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Year 6 teachers and Key Stage 3 science teachers.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


teaching and learning THE LIT PROGRAMME Secondary Literacy Consultant 1 DAY CPD COURSE VENUE School venues One day CPD for Literacy teachers/ tutors, English teachers, post training support, planning and pupil resources. This cutting edge literacy programme is proven to boost attainment at Key Stage 3. It delivers small group intervention to improve the reading and writing of struggling year 7 pupils. It is currently being used in over 200 secondary schools in the UK. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Literacy teachers/tutors and English teachers.

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Secondary Training Programme

looked after children INDUCTION FOR NEW DESIGNATED TEACHERS FOR LOOKED AFTER CHILDREN Virtual School for Looked After Children ½ DAY COURSE 9am – 12.30pm Friday 4 November 2016 (LAC 101) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course is to support colleagues new to coordinating the provision for Looked After Children, and understand the work of the Virtual School. WHO SHOULD ATTEND?

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To understand the legislative framework around Looked After Children. • To understand the role of Designated Teacher and their statutory responsibilities. • To develop a better understanding of how to support Looked After Children and promote their educational achievement. • To understand the role of the Virtual School. COST: £140 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

Primary and secondary staff who hold the role of Designated Teacher, SENCOs, Learning Mentors, Senior and Middle Managers.

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Secondary Primary Training and Training Secondary Programme Programme Training Programme


safeguarding and child protection A REFRESHER IN SAFEGUARDING AND CHILD PROTECTION Safeguarding in Education Team ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 1.30pm Thursday 13 October 2016 (SET 104) Thursday 23 March 2017 (SET 208) Thursday 18 May 2017 (SET 304) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course provides a refresher for safeguarding and child protection, including the categories of abuse and how to recognise the signs and indicators of abuse. It will cover the relevant legislation and guidance and the role of Hackney Children Social Care. WHO SHOULD ATTEND?

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To refresh an awareness of and an ability to act on concerns about the safety and welfare of children and young people in line with current legislation. • To refresh an awareness of national and local procedures to be followed in safeguarding children, including the ways in which information is shared across professional boundaries and recorded appropriately. • To revisit guidelines for good and safe practice, keeping professional boundaries, dealing with allegations against staff and whistle blowing. COST: £140 per delegate per session. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

All school staff working with children and young people.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


AN INTRODUCTION TO SAFEGUARDING AND CHILD PROTECTION Safeguarding in Education Team 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4.30pm Thursday 6 October 2016 (SET 103) Thursday 2 February 2017 (SET 205) Thursday 11 May 2017 (SET 303) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course provides participants with an overview of safeguarding and child protection, including the categories of abuse and how to recognise the signs and indicators of abuse. It will cover the relevant legislation and guidance and the role of Hackney Children Social Care. WHO SHOULD ATTEND?

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop an awareness of and an ability to act on concerns about the safety and welfare of children and young people in line with current legislation. • To develop an awareness of national and local procedures to be followed in safeguarding children, including the ways in which information is shared across professional boundaries and recorded appropriately. • To be aware of guidelines for good and safe practice, keeping professional boundaries, dealing with allegations against staff and whistle blowing. COST: £220 per delegate per session. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

All school staff working with children and young people.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


safeguarding and child protection DESIGNATED SAFEGUARDING LEAD (DSL) TRAINING Safeguarding in Education Team



• To develop an awareness of and an ability to act on concerns about the safety and welfare of children and young people in line with current legislation.

9.30am – 4.30pm Thursday 22 September 2016 (SET 101) Thursday 24 November 2016 (SET 105) Thursday 19 January 2017 (SET 202) Thursday 9 March 2017 (SET 206) Thursday 27 April 2017 (SET 301) Thursday 15 June 2017 (SET 305) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course looks at the role and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead and provides in depth knowledge of safeguarding and child protection. It will cover the relevant legislation and guidance and the role of Hackney Children Social Care. Participants will be aware of how to handle a disclosure, making a referral, how to prepare for Ofsted and procedures for dealing with allegations against staff. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Newly appointed Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) or DSL deputies in schools.

• To develop an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a DSL.

• To develop an awareness of national and local procedures to be followed in safeguarding children, including the ways in which information is shared across professional boundaries and recorded appropriately. • To be aware of the importance of ensuring that the school’s policies are known by all staff and used appropriately, and to identify concerns early and provide help for children to prevent concerns from escalating. • To be aware of guidelines for good and safe practice, keeping professional boundaries, dealing with allegations against staff and whistle blowing. COURSE PRE-REQUISITES Participants should be in the role, or intending to undertake the role, of the Designated Safeguarding Lead for the school (or Deputy). Participants should have previously attended the introduction to safeguarding training or equivalent. COST: Free to all Hackney Schools.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


DESIGNATED SAFEGUARDING LEADS (DSL) TRAINING – REFRESHER Safeguarding in Education Team ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 1.30pm Thursday 29 September 2016 (SET 102) Thursday 1 December 2016 (SET 106) Thursday 26 January 2017 (SET 204) Thursday 16 March 2017 (SET 207) Thursday 4 May 2017 (SET 302) Thursday 22 June 2017 (SET 306) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course provides a refresher in terms of safeguarding and child protection and the role of the DSL. Participants will revisit safe working practice and the importance of record keeping, how to prepare for Ofsted and a reminder of the procedures for dealing with allegations against staff. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) or DSL deputies in schools who have attended previous DSL training. This refresher training should be undertaken every two years.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To refresh an awareness of the roles and responsibilities of a DSL. • To refresh an awareness of and improve ability to act on concerns about the safety and welfare of children and young people in line with current legislation. • To refresh an awareness of the importance of ensuring that the school’s policies are known by all staff and used appropriately, and to identify concerns early and provide help for children to prevent concerns from escalating. • To refresh an awareness of national and local procedures to be followed in safeguarding children, including the ways in which information is shared across professional boundaries and recorded appropriately. • To revisit guidelines for good and safe practice, keeping professional boundaries, dealing with allegations against staff and whistle blowing. COURSE PRE-REQUISITES Participants should have previously attended the Designated Safeguarding Lead Training or equivalent. COST: Free to all Hackney Schools.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


safeguarding and child protection MANAGING ALLEGATIONS AGAINST MEMBERS OF STAFF AND PROMOTING SAFE PRACTICE Safeguarding in Education Team ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 1.30pm Thursday 12 January 2017 (SET 201) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course provides an overview of what an allegation is and the process that needs to be followed when an allegation is made against a member of staff. It also looks at what makes a setting safe and best practice to avoid allegations against staff. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Head Teachers, Principals, Chair of Governors and Senior Managers.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To be aware of what an allegation is and the actions to take when an allegation is made against a member of staff, including statutory time frames. • To be aware of the role of the Local Authority Designated Officer in investigating allegations against staff. • To be aware of the criminal, child protection and employment processes that may need to be pursued, including your role at Management Planning Meetings. • To be aware of what makes an organisation safe and best practice to avoid allegations. COURSE PRE-REQUISITES Participants will need to be the named person for dealing with allegations within their organisation i.e. Head Teacher, Principal, Chair of Governors (when an allegation is against the Head teacher) or Senior Manager. COST: £140 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


ONLINE SAFETY IN EDUCATION SETTINGS Safeguarding in Education Team ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 1.30pm Tuesday 24 January 2017 (SET 203) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course provides participants with an overview of online risks and how we can teach children and young people to stay safe in the digital world. WHO SHOULD ATTEND?

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To be aware of our duty to safeguard children in the digital world at school and beyond. • To have an awareness of the risks children face while they are online or using mobile devices, including; cyber bullying, sexting, online grooming and digital footprints. • To be aware of resources available to teach children and young people how to stay safe online. COST: £140 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

All school staff and colleagues working with children and young people.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


speaking and listening/SEND AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDERS (ASDs): UNDERSTANDING AND INTERVENTION Inclusion and Specialist Support Team with Speech and Language Therapy Team 2 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm Thursday 13 October and Thursday 10 November 2016 (SEN 102) Wednesday 10 May and Wednesday 7 June 2017 (SEN 301) VENUE

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop an understanding of the Autism Spectrum. • To understand the different ways that children and young people with ASD experience the world. • To introduce strategies for working with children and young people with ASD. COST: £220 per session per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This two day course supports participants to better understand ASD and to develop their skills working with this client group. Separate workshops will address the needs of both primary and secondary pupils. All participants must attend both days. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Primary school, secondary school and college staff who have young people with ASD under their care. Learning Support Assistants, Teaching Assistants, Class Teachers and SENCOs.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


BILINGUALISM AND SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION NEEDS Speech and Language Therapy Team 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 3.30pm Tuesday 25 April 2017 (SLT 301) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course is designed to support schools and settings in being able to better manage the language and communication needs of children with additional languages. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? SENCOs, Class Teachers, EMA coordinators and Head Teachers.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To provide information about types of Bilinguals. • To provide information about how language develops in bilingual speakers. • To provide information to help differentiate between EAL and SLCN. • To provide best practice guidance in supporting bilingual children with speech, language and communication needs. COST: £140 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


speaking and listening/SEND COLOURFUL SEMANTICS: IN THE CLASSROOM Speech and Language Therapy Team TWILIGHT COURSE 3pm – 5pm Wednesday 15 March 2017 (SLT 206) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney The course will summarise how colour coding can support language development and show you how to use the approach inclusively in the classroom to build all children’s literacy and language skills. Colourful semantics is a visual strategy that supports children’s ability to build sentences, narratives and understanding of questions.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To introduce the basic grammatical concepts and theory behind the colourful semantics approach. • To learn how to introduce and generalise colourful semantics into your classroom to support all children with their literacy skills and language development. COST: £90 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Class Teachers and SENCOs. Teaching Assistants/Learning Support Assistants may attend with their class teacher.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


COLOURFUL SEMANTICS: THE BASICS Speech and Language Therapy Team ½ DAY COURSE 1.30pm – 3.30pm Thursday 9 March 2017 (SLT 204) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney The course will teach you about using colour coding to support language development. Colourful semantics is a visual strategy that supports children’s ability to build sentences, narratives and understanding of questions. It can be used individually and in small groups.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To introduce the basic grammatical concepts behind the colourful semantics approach. • To learn how to introduce colourful semantics to a key child with Special Educational Needs. • To generalise these skills to support a child individually with their literacy work. COST: £140 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This course is aimed at Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants who work with children with language needs individually and in small groups.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


speaking and listening/SEND COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGE ACTIVITIES Speech and Language Therapy Team 1 AND A HALF DAY COURSE (Full day and half day booked as one course) 9.30am – 3.30pm: Full day 1.30pm – 3.30pm: Half day Thursday 3 November 2016 with half day on Thursday 1 December 2016 (SLT 103) Tuesday 7 February 2017 with half day on Tuesday 7 March 2017 (SLT 203)

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To gain an understanding of the purpose and structure of language groups. • To learn how to set up language groups, set targets, choose appropriate activities and monitor and evaluate pupils’ progress. • To learn practical strategies to support pupils with communication difficulties in school. COURSE PRE-REQUISITES Experience of working with children in school or nursery.



The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney

Attendees must purchase the ‘Communication and Language Activities’ book in order to attend this course.

This course provides practitioners with practical tools and strategies for independently running stimulating and successful language groups in their school. Language groups can be used to work with a range of children who need extra support to develop their language and communication skills.

COST: £140 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? SENCOs (in order to oversee implementation) and Teaching Assistants in mainstream schools working with children who have language and communication difficulties.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


DIFFERENTIATION FOR CHILDREN WITH SPEECH, LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION NEEDS Speech and Language Therapy Team with Inclusion and Specialist Support Team 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 3.15pm Thursday 6 October 2016 (SLT 101)

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To learn why it is important that teachers differentiate lessons. • To learn skills in planning for differentiation. • To learn skills in delivering differentiated lessons. • To provide strategies, ideas and resources



The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney

£220 per delegate. This course is not part of the HLT Secondary CPD packages.

This course will develop knowledge and skills around how to make high quality learning accessible for all pupils, whatever their communication needs. Participants will develop their understanding of how to include children with speech, language and communication needs in accessing the curriculum. Practical ideas and core strategies for differentiation will be covered, including literacy activities and the language of maths. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Class teachers, SENCOs and senior management.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


speaking and listening/SEND ENGLISH AND MATHS FOR PUPILS WITH SEND (SECONDARY) Inclusion and Specialist Support Team 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm Tuesday 27 September 2016 (SEN 108)

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To extend participants’ skills in supporting children at early stages of Maths and English development. • To explore a range of practical strategies, programmes and interventions to help children develop literacy and numeracy skills.



The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney

£220 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

Many children with SEND may struggle to make progress in the core curriculum subjects of English and Maths. This course will look at some of the reasons for this, and explore a range of successful strategies and approaches. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Curriculum leaders, classroom teachers, support staff.

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HOW TO SUPPORT CHILDREN WITH LANGUAGE AND BEHAVIOUR DIFFICULTIES Speech and Language Therapy Team with Inclusion and Specialist Support Team



• To develop a range of strategies to use to support language difficulties and in turn reduce behaviour needs.

9.30am – 12.30pm Tuesday 24 January 2017 (SLT 201) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course will explore the link between language and behaviour difficulties. This will include identifying tactics young people may use to mask their difficulties. The course will also focus on strategies staff can use to support young people with language and behaviour difficulties, to help reduce behaviour needs.

• To understand the link between language and behaviour difficulties, including tactics young people may use to mask their language difficulties.

COST: £140 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Teachers, SENCOs, Teaching Assistants and Learning Mentors

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme



COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop an awareness of the indicators a secondary age child may have with a Speech, Language and Communication Need. • To develop a range of strategies that can be used in the classroom and school environment to support secondary age children with SLCN.

9.30am – 4pm Tuesday 1 November 2016 (SLT 106)



£220 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney The course will explore identifying how a secondary age child may be experiencing a speech, language and communication difficulty. It will explore a range of strategies that can be used by teachers and teaching assistants in the classroom and throughout the school to support these children to access the lesson and develop their communication skills. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Teachers, SENCOs and Teaching Assistants.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


INDUCTION FOR NEW SENCOs Inclusion and Specialist Support Team and Educational Psychology Service ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am –12.30pm Wednesday 5 October 2016 (SEN 101) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course welcomes new SENCOs to Hackney. You will gain insight into the range of services and support available in the borough, as well as an understanding of Hackney’s approach to SEND and the processes we follow. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? SENCOs new to Hackney schools and settings. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To meet service leaders, hear about a wide range of services in Hackney, and understand how to access them for the pupils in your school. • To meet other SENCOs new to Hackney. COST: £140 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages. Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme





• To teach how to introduce four key listening skills into the classroom through a range of practical activities.

1pm – 4.30pm Thursday 26 January 2017 (SLT 202) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course teaches practitioners about the development of listening skills in early childhood, strategies to support listening skills in the classroom, and how to teach children/young people listening skills and develop their ability to monitor their own listening.

• To share/discuss the relevant research/evidence around listening skills.

• To introduce the concept of developing young people’s ability to monitor their own listening. COST: £210 per delegate, or free as part of a pre-paid HLT CPD package

This is a whole-school/whole-class approach to teaching listening skills, but the ideas can also be used in smaller group work to support key children. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? SENCOs, Class Teachers and Senior Teaching Assistants.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


LEGO THERAPY FOR COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL INDEPENDENCE Speech and Language Therapy Team with Inclusion and Specialist Support Team




1pm – 3.30pm

• To understand the concepts behind Lego therapy and which children this motivating approach could support.

Thursday 8 December 2016 (SLT 105) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney

SENCOs, Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants who work with children with language and social communication needs.

• To learn how to set up and run a Lego Therapy group.

This practical course will support practitioners to understand and implement Lego Therapy groups. Lego Therapy is a motivating approach designed to develop language and social interaction skills.

• To develop skills in evaluating pupils’ progress in Lego Therapy groups.

Children work together, with the support of an adult, to build Lego models, learning negotiation, clarification, language and social skills along the way. The approach can be broadened to varied practical tasks such as craft and cooking.

£140 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.


Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


speaking and listening/SEND MAKATON FOUNDATION FOR BEGINNERS Speech and Language Therapy Team 2 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4.30pm Wednesday 12 October and Wednesday 19 October 2016 (EY 0616) Tuesday 17 January and Tuesday 24 January 2017 (EY 0716) Thursday 20 April and Thursday 27 April 2017 (SLT 0816) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney Makaton sign language can be used to support a range of learners. This course provides a detailed introduction to the Makaton vocabulary combining a practical approach with theory and technical information. It covers research into sign use, symbol design themes, the use and purpose of Makaton, and an overview of alternative systems of communication.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To learn signs and symbols of the Makaton language programme (stages 1–4) • To increase the ability of pupils with communication difficulties to access learning and social interaction at school. QUALIFICATION GAINED Certified attendance by The Makaton Charity. COST: £40 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Teachers, SENCOs, Learning Support and Teaching Assistants and all professionals responsible for using and teaching Makaton.

Hackney Learning Trust course 64

To book, please complete an Early Years order form which can be downloaded from our website or contact Angela Chigbo on 020 3076 1514 or email earlyyearsadmin@learningtrust.co.uk Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


MAKATON ENHANCEMENT Speech and Language Therapy Team 3 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4.30pm Thursday 15 June, Thursday 22 June and Thursday 29 June 2017 (EY 0916) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This enhancement workshop concentrates on improving and developing participants’ own signing and translation skills using signs and symbols. Practical sessions look in-depth at users’ needs, how to adapt communication to suit them, and how to identify and create opportunities for the user to develop their communication skills and participate more in their community using Makaton.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To learn signs and symbols of the Makaton language programme (stages 5–8) • To develop an advanced understanding of ways to use Makaton to support children with communication difficulties. QUALIFICATION GAINED Participants must attend all three sessions to gain an attendance certificate from The Makaton Charity. COST: £60 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? School staff and other professionals who have already completed the two-day Makaton Foundation Workshop and are confident and regular users of stages 1–4 of Makaton.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme

To book, please complete an Early Years order form which can be downloaded from our website or contact Angela Chigbo on 020 3076 1514 or email earlyyearsadmin@learningtrust.co.uk 65


Please confirm fees for 2016–17 with Amanda Seller, Course Administrator Email: a.seller@ioe.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0) 20 7612 6305 Office location: 24-26 Woburn Square, London WC1H OAA

Venue The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney WHO SHOULD ATTEND? All new SENCOs are required to undertake the NASENCO training within three years of taking on the role. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop knowledge and understanding of a range of key concepts in the field of Special and Inclusive Education. COURSE PRE-REQUISITES Participants must hold Qualified Teaching Status (QTS). COST: Fees for this course are charged by UCL Institute of Education.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


OBTAINING PUPIL VOICE FOR CHILDREN WITH SEN AND COMMUNICATION DIFFICULTIES Speech and Language Therapy Team with Educational Psychology Service ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Tuesday 18 October 2016 (SLT 102) Monday 16 March 2017 (SLT 207) Venue

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop an understanding of how to listen and respond to the views of children and young people with SEN and/or communication difficulties. • To understand the importance of person centred planning in the EHCP framework. • To understand how Talking Mats, pupil drawings and other approaches can help pupils express their views.

The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney The new EHC Plans put the child or young person at the forefront of their planning. Ensuring that all pupils, including those with communication difficulties, can have a voice in their EHCP is more important than ever. This course provides practitioners with the tools to elicit the views of children and young people with a range of needs, including communication difficulties.

COST: £140 per delegate per session, or free as part of the HLT CPD Package.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Primary school, secondary school and college staff who have children and young people with SEN and/ or communication difficulties under their care. Class Teachers, SENCOs, Learning Support Assistants and Teaching Assistants.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


speaking and listening/SEND SENCO CONFERENCE Inclusion and Specialist Support Team and Educational Psychology Service 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm Thursday 17 November 2016 (SEN 104) Venue The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This annual conference will give information to support the inclusion of children and young people with SEN and disabilities. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? SENCOs, Inclusion Managers and Senior Leaders in primary, secondary and special schools and in Early Years settings. CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES • To be announced. COST: These conference is FREE for Hackney schools to attend.

Hackney Learning Trust course 68

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


SENCO FORUM Inclusion and Specialist Support Team and Educational Psychology Service ½ DAY AND TWILIGHT FORUM 1.30pm – 4pm Wednesday 30 November 2016 (SEN 105) 4pm – 5.15pm Wednesday 7 December 2016 (SEN 106)

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? SENCOs in Hackney schools. FORUM OBJECTIVES • To set up a network of expertise. • To develop the role of SENCOs in Hackney. COST: These forums are FREE for Hackney schools to attend.

1.30pm – 4pm Wednesday 25 January 2017 (SEN 202) 4pm – 5.15pm Wednesday 8 March 2017 (SEN 204) 1.30pm – 4pm Wednesday 7 June 2017 (SEN 302) Venue The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney The forum provides an opportunity to exchange information with other SENCOs in the borough, and discuss national and Hackney Learning Trust policies and initiatives.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


speaking and listening/SEND SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS Inclusion and Specialist Support Team; Educational Psychology Service and Primary SEAL and Behaviour Team 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm Wednesday 19 October 2016 (SEN 103) Venue The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney Focussing on primary aged pupils, this course will give participants the opportunity to reflect on and discuss strategies, approaches and interventions to support the wellbeing of pupils who may have social, emotional and mental health needs.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To look at issues surrounding the inclusion of pupils who may have social, emotional and mental health needs. • To explore a range of evidencebased interventions, strategies and approaches within the context of a whole class framework and a whole school policy. • To offer support through solution focussed discussion. COST: £220 per delegate, or free as part of the HLT CPD Package.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Curriculum leaders, classroom teachers and support staff.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


UNDERSTANDING AUTISM The Garden Outreach Service, New Wave Teaching School



Teachers, Teaching Assistants and SENCOs. Maximum number of delegates: 6

9am – 12.30pm


Tuesday 8 November 2016 Tuesday 31 January 2017 Wednesday 15 March 2017 Wednesday 17 May 2017 Wednesday 5 July 2017

• To develop an understanding of autism and how pupils with autism learn.

vENUE The Garden School The Garden School provides both a specialist environment and education for pupils with autism aged 4 – 16 years. Research based practice underpins everything we do. Delegates will have the opportunity to learn about autism, understand how pupils with autism learn and learn about strategies and interventions that can be effective in teaching pupils with autism. Delegates will then have the opportunity to spend time in different classes throughout the school to see the research based approaches and strategies in action, as well as observe outstanding practice. This course is bound to provide delegates with a range of ideas as to how to provide effective support for pupils with autism within their own school setting.

• To learn about research based interventions and strategies that are used at The Garden to support pupils with their learning. • To see theory put into practice by visiting different classes throughout the school. COST: £130 per delegate. This course is not included as part of the HLT CPD Package.

New Wave Teaching School course Secondary Training Programme


speaking and listening/SEND USING PICTURES AND SYMBOLS TO SUPPORT COMMUNICATION Speech and Language Therapy Team with Inclusion and Specialist Support Team



• To understand how the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) helps children initiate communication.

9.30am – 12.30pm Thursday 19 January 2017 (SEN 201) Venue The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course is recommended for anyone who has participated in the two day ASD course. WHO SHOULD ATTEND?

• To develop an understanding of what it means to initiate communication and why it is important.

• To understand where in the curriculum children with ASD can initiate communication. COST: £140 per delegate, or free as part of the HLT CPD Package.

Learning Support Assistants, Teaching Assistants, class teachers and SENCOs.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


WORD AWARE Speech and Language Therapy Team 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 3.30pm Tuesday 14 March 2017 (SLT 205) Venue The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course is a vocabulary teaching approach that emphasises whole class and whole school learning. It is suitable for all children including those with speech, language and communication needs. ‘Word Aware’ is based on extensive reading as well as classroom experience. It is currently being used successfully in a number of schools. This is a fastpaced, fun and interactive workshop style day, which will leave participants well equipped to start ‘Word Aware’ in their schools or with individuals.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To build on good practice already occurring in schools, review the evidence about the importance of spoken and written vocabulary and explore word learning theory. • To learn a structured approach to teaching vocabulary in the classroom and plan the implementation of your preferred techniques. COST: £220 per delegate, or free as part of the HLT CPD Package.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Class Teachers, curriculum coordinators, specialist teachers, Head teachers, SENCOs. Participants should be able to have control over selecting and teaching vocabulary to really implement the strategies learnt on the course.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme


travellers INDUCTION OF GYPSY ROMA TRAVELLER PUPILS AT YOUR SCHOOL Traveller Education Service ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12noon Thursday 16 June 2017 (TRAV 301) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course will develop participant’s knowledge of Gypsy Roma Traveller communities and explores effective strategies to promote their successful induction into secondary school. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Staff with responsibility for Inclusion, EMA, Admissions and working with parents.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To provide an overview of the Gypsy Roma Traveller communities and develop an understanding of their history and cultures. • To provide an overview of the work of the Traveller Education Service in improving the educational outcomes of Gypsy Roma Traveller pupils. • To share good practice in the successful induction of Gypsy Roma Traveller pupils at secondary school, including engaging with parents effectively. COST: £140 per delegate. This course is not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

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Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


Secondary Training Programme


health and safety EMERGENCY FIRST AID AT WORK External Provider


Thursday 18 May 2017 (EY 3016)

Certification is dependent on successful continuous assessment of the participant. Those participants who successfully complete the course and are deemed to have reached the required standard are issued with a certificate valid for three years.



The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney

£55 per delegate. This course in not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

1 DAY COURSE 9am – 4pm Thursday 3 November 2016 (EY 2916)

This course covers a full first aid syllabus adapted to the particular needs presented by the childcare environment. It conforms to the standards required by law and includes both theory and practical sessions. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Staff who are responsible for emergency First Aid. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To manage First Aid priorities such as incidents, asthma, basic life support, casualty examination, anaphylaxis, unconsciousness, control of bleeding, burns and scalds, regulations, First Aid kits and recording and reporting.

Hackney Learning Trust course 76

To book, please complete an Early Years order form which can be downloaded from our website or contact Angela Chigbo on 020 3076 1514 or email earlyyearsadmin@learningtrust.co.uk Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017



QUALIFICATION GAINED CIEH Level 1 Award in Fire Safety Awareness.

½ DAY COURSE 9am – 12.30pm


Tuesday 22 November 2016 (EY 2116)

£55 per delegate. This course in not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course helps an organisation to meet its duties under current fire safety legislation by providing employees with essential knowledge about fire safety, helping them to understand how to prevent a fire from starting as well as what actions to take if a fire does break out. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? All school staff. Especially relevant to those with specified responsibilities regarding fire, including fire marshals/wardens. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To provide participants with sufficient knowledge to prevent fires starting and to assist in fire emergency situations.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme

To book, please complete an Early Years order form which can be downloaded from our website or contact Angela Chigbo on 020 3076 1514 or email earlyyearsadmin@learningtrust.co.uk 77

health and safety FOOD HYGIENE External Provider 1 DAY COURSE 9am – 4pm Tuesday 18 October 2016 (EY 2216) Tuesday 15 November 2016 (EY 2316) Thursday 8 December 2016 (EY 2416) Thursday 19 January 2017 (EY 2516)

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To underline employee’s responsibility for safeguarding the health of consumers. • To ensure that the food served or sold is perfectly safe to eat. • To enable participants to handle food safely. QUALIFICATION GAINED

Thursday 13 July 2017 (EY 2816)

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering Welfare.




£70 per delegate. This course in not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

Tuesday 16 May 2017 (EY 2716)

This course addresses food safety and hygiene needs. It focuses on identifying the ‘critical points’ in a process where food safety problems or hazards could arise and putting steps in place to prevent things going wrong. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Anyone who prepares, handles or cooks food.

Hackney Learning Trust course 78

To book, please complete an Early Years order form which can be downloaded from our website or contact Angela Chigbo on 020 3076 1514 or email earlyyearsadmin@learningtrust.co.uk Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017



QUALIFICATION GAINED Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Award.

1 DAY COURSE 9am – 4pm


Wednesday 2 November 2016 (EY 0116)

£70 per delegate. This course in not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

Thursday 20 April 2017 (EY 0216) VENUE The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course is tailored to settings and individual needs to make the learning experience relevant and fit for purpose. It ensures that staff are aware of their own safety and the safety of customers, contractors and the general public. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? All school staff. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To provide participants with an understanding of their health and safety responsibilities and how to manage food and work in a safe manner.

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme

To book, please complete an Early Years order form which can be downloaded from our website or contact Angela Chigbo on 020 3076 1514 or email earlyyearsadmin@learningtrust.co.uk 79

health and safety MANUAL HANDLING External Provider ½ DAY COURSE 9am – 12.30pm Thursday 9 February 2017 (EY 0316) VENUE

QUALIFICATION GAINED Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Certificate in Principles of Manual Handling. COST: £55 per delegate. This course in not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course teaches learners techniques to lift, carry, push and pull objects safely within their individual capabilities. Under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, employers are required to take appropriate steps to reduce the risk of injury to employees – this includes suitable training. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? All school staff who carry out manual handling, or who provide essential information about manual handling hazards and their control. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To enable participants to undertake manual tasks safely. • To enable participants to assist in manual handling risk assessments.

Hackney Learning Trust course 80

To book, please complete an Early Years order form which can be downloaded from our website or contact Angela Chigbo on 020 3076 1514 or email earlyyearsadmin@learningtrust.co.uk Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


RISK ASSESSMENT External Provider 1 DAY COURSE 9am – 4pm Wednesday 8 February 2017 (EY 0516) VENUE

QUALIFICATION GAINED Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment. COST: £70 per delegate. This course in not included in the Secondary CPD packages.

The Tomlinson Centre, Hackney This course helps to improve the workplace culture for occupational health and safety by enabling learners to understand the basic principles of risk assessment. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Staff responsible for the management of health and safety in the workplace. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To provide participants with the ability to contribute both to the maintenance of a safe work environment and to the process of formal risk assessment. COURSE PRE-REQUISITES Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (recommended).

Hackney Learning Trust course Secondary Training Programme

To book, please complete an Early Years order form which can be downloaded from our website or contact Angela Chigbo on 020 3076 1514 or email earlyyearsadmin@learningtrust.co.uk 81

Future Stars TSA course 82

Continuing Professional Development 2015–20156

A modern, flexible and affordable conference venue based in the heart of vibrant East London.

Part of Hackney Learning Trust Queensbridge Road, London E8 3ND Phone 020 3076 1500 www.thetomlinsoncentre.co.uk

Hackney Learning Trust 1 Reading Lane London E8 1GQ T. 020 8820 7000 learningtrust.co.uk hackneyservicesforschools.co.uk

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