Early Years and childminders training programme 2016–17

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early years and childminders training programme

Hackney Learning Trust’s Continuing learning and development courses Professional Development programme for 2016–2017 takes place at The Tomlinson Centre and various centres. Opened in April 2009, this £4.5m purpose-built centre has eleven rooms over two floors and a cutting edge IT Centre.

For more information contact: Traded Services Team Hackney Learning Trust 1 Reading Lane, E81GQ T. 020 8820 7378 / 7566 s4s@learningtrust.co.uk 2

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017

DEAR COLLEAGUE We are delighted to introduce our Early Years training programme for the academic year 2016–17. This brochure provides fee paying and free courses to all Hackney Early Years settings, Childminders, Stay and Play Workers and Early Years Teams in schools. They are delivered by the Early Years Quality Improvement Team, Children Centre Teachers, Early Support Team, Business Support Service, Safeguarding in Education Team, Educational Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy Service and by external training providers on behalf of Hackney Learning Trust. The training programme reflects the training needs identified through evaluation of courses, analysis of data, issues raised at forums and Professional Development Network (PDN) meetings, visits to settings and schools, and feedback from practitioners. It is also based on the statutory requirements and guidance received from the Department for Education. The central training programme will take place at either Ann Tayler Children’s Centre, Linden Children’s Centre, Woodberry Down Children’s Centre or The Tomlinson Centre covers a wide range of pertinent subjects. Each course will involve active listening; group discussion; practical activities; sharing of practice and experience; reading, reflecting and recording. For multi-day courses, there will be opportunities to engage in ‘between session’ tasks, designed to enable practitioners to reflect upon their own practice. It is important that we are able to evaluate the impact of training when carrying out support and challenge visits to settings. In this way, we make sure that our children receive the best possible start to their learning and development. I hope that schools, settings and practitioners will find the training offer relevant and useful and that it will continue to contribute to the improvements in Early Years provision across the sector, resulting in improved outcomes for all children and families in Hackney. Best wishes, Sian Davies Interim Director of Education, Hackney Learning Trust Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


This brochure provides fee paying and free courses to all Hackney Early Years settings and Childminders for the academic year 2016–17. A different charging policy applies to settings those outside the Borough of Hackney. Please contact us on 020 3076 1514 or at earlyyearsadmin@ learningtrust.co.uk for further information on pricing.

CONTENTS 08 Why we provide training 09 How to order/book Early Years and Childminding CPD training 11 Hackney Learning Trust Early Years CPD training costs 12 Cluster based professional development network (PDN) meetings 13 Early Years coordinators’ forum 13 Forest school coordinators’ forum 14 Early Years senco forum 15 Health and Early Years cluster meeting CHILDMINDING WORKSHOPS AND FORUMS 16 Childminders’ forum meetings 16 Childminding team professional development workshops 17 Hackney Early Years and Childminders’ conferences TRAINING COURSES FOR MANAGERS IN SETTINGS 18 Recruitment and selection 18 Safer recruitment 19 Managing the disciplinary process 20 Performance management and supervision for managers 20 Preparing for an ofsted Early Years (childcare) inspection 22 Investigating allegations against members of staff and promoting good practice 23 Valuing diversity and promoting equality: practice and policy development HEALTH AND SAFETY COURSES 24 Health and safety in the workplace 24 Manual handling 25 Allergies, anaphylaxis and ‘epi-pens’ 26 Paediatric first aid for babies and children 27 Risk assessment 28 Fire safety awareness 28 Food hygiene 30 Emergency first aid at work

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


CONTENTS (continued) SAFEGUARDING COURSES 32 Introduction to safeguarding and child protection for Early Years practitioners 33 Early Years designated safeguarding leads refresher 34 Refresher safeguarding and child protection for Early Years practitioners 35 Early Years designated safeguarding leads introduction LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT COURSES 36 Core training for sencos in Early Years 37 Supporting the development of babies 38 Making stories come alive 39 Working with young children with down syndrome 40 ‘Boogie mites minis’ music (crawlers – 3 years) 41 ‘Boogie mites school ready’ music course (3–5 years) 42 Heuristic play and treasure baskets 42 Makaton foundation for beginners 44 Makaton enhancement 45 Observation, assessment and planning including the two year old check 46 Parents, Early Years and learning – developing effective key person practice 47 Understanding and supporting children with autism 48 Life at two 48 Expressive arts and design: using open ended materials 49 Planning for continuous provision to support children’s independent learning 50 Practical strategies to support children with speech, language and communication difficulties 51 When children need help: identifying children who may have special educational needs 51 Supporting parents of children with additional needs 52 Understanding children’s behaviour 53 Early movers and explorers 54 Creative maths and problem solving 6

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017

54 Playing with sounds: developing children’s early phonological awareness 56 Adult child interaction: maximising children’s communication potential 57 Getting ready for school – early literacy 58 Block play – the value of open ended play 59 Early Years room leads and senior children’s centre officers course 60 Early Years room leads and senior children’s centre officers forums 61 Working with children developing english as an additional language (EAL) 62 Special educational needs and disability (send) code of practice: 0 to 25 years (2014), setting outcomes in the Early Years 63 Practical strategies for inclusion 64 Why do we find boys so challenging? 65 How do children learn? Stay and play courses 66 Stay and play framework induction 66 Stay and play – promoting healthy lifestyles. 67 Stay and play – effective planning observation and assessment 67 Stay and play – ‘speech and language development; ages and stages and identifying children who need help’ 68 Stay and play – 2 part adult child interaction: maximising children’s communication potential and role modelling for parents 69 Making stories come alive Childminders’ only courses 70 Childminder refresher safeguarding and child protection 71 Demystifying the EYFS 71 Completing your self evaluation form 72 Ofsted readiness, preparing for inspection Further information 74 Training venues 77 CPD order and booking form 2016 – 2017 79 Hackney Learning Trust terms and conditions for provision of goods and services Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


WHY WE PROVIDE TRAINING High quality Early Years provision makes a difference to children’s life chances and the higher the quality of this provision, the longer its impact can be seen. Effective leadership, staff qualifications and training are the key drivers of quality. The Early Years training programme is intended to inform, refresh and update practitioners’ knowledge and understanding of child development, pedagogy and practice. Whereas some of the courses do give practical advice and ideas, the emphasis is on providing challenge and discussion, enabling practitioners to reflect and evaluate their current provision, and to plan improvements and developments needed to raise standards. Children are entitled to learn in an environment which is underpinned by the highest regard for their safety and welfare, and which allows parents to be confident that their child is well cared for. With this in mind, we provide a comprehensive range of training around meeting the welfare standards. Settings should complete risk assessments to identify their training needs in this area. The Hackney Learning Trust training programme includes • Cluster Based Professional Development Networks (PDNs) • Early Years Coordinators Forums • Early Years SENCO Forums • Health and Early Years cluster meetings • Childminder Forums and professional development workshops These forums and cluster meetings are available without charge to all Hackney settings and Childminders. All other Early Years Foundation Stage courses will be charged at a rate of £15 per delegate per course. This is to contribute towards room hire and administration costs. Details of how to order and book a course can be found on page 9. Health and Safety courses will continue to be charged at the full cost of facilitating.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017

HOW TO ORDER/BOOK EARLY YEARS AND CHILDMINDING CPD TRAINING Early Years settings and childminders must purchase in advance the relevant CPD training package or specific course before booking a place on a course. Orders can be placed via the following methods: EARLY YEARS SETTINGS


Website To order our Early Years CPD training packages, please visit our Services for Schools website www.hackneyservicesforschools.co.uk and click on the Professional Training tab, selecting the Early Years’ section.

Paper booking/order form Please complete an order form indicating the relevant package you wish to purchase. Please ensure you state the delegate’s name, course description/code and date of course you wish to attend. The order form can be obtained from the childminding team. This can be scanned and emailed to childminders@learningtrust.co.uk or sent by post to: The Childminding Team, Hackney Learning Trust 1 Reading Lane, Hackney, London E8 1GQ

Paper booking/order form If you prefer not to order online, you can complete an order form which can be downloaded from the website, scanned and emailed to earlyyearsadmin@learningtrust.co.uk or send by post to: Angela Chigbo, Early Years Training Support Officer, The Tomlinson Centre, Queensbridge Road, London E8 3ND Booking Courses Once your order for a CPD training package has been placed, you will need to book delegates onto specific courses and submit to earlyyearsadmin@learningtrust.co.uk at least three weeks before the course is due to run. This can be done at the time of purchasing the training package or alternatively a booking form can be downloaded from the services for schools website www.hackneyservicesforschools.co.uk Please ensure you state the delegate’s name, course description/code and date of course. Early Years and Childminders Training Programme

Please note: We cannot take bookings over the phone. Please remember to retain a copy of the booking form for your own records. This brochure provides fee paying and free courses to all Hackney Early Years settings and Childminders for the academic year 2016–17. A different charging policy applies to settings those outside the Borough of Hackney. Please contact us on 020 3076 1514 or at earlyyearsadmin@ learningtrust.co.uk for further information on pricing.


OTHER INFORMATION How will I know if my place on a course is confirmed? Confirmation of places will be sent approximately 2–3 weeks prior to the course start date. Delegates and setting managers will receive confirmation by post and in addition, where we hold an email address, by e-mail. Staff at Early Years settings should check with their manager that a booking confirmation has been received. Settings are responsible for checking whether places have been confirmed. If you are unclear, please contact the Early Years or Childminding Training Support Officer directly. Please do not attend a course without confirmation of your place, as it may be necessary to refuse admittance to any delegate who is not booked on to a course. We will do our best to run repeat courses to meet demand. Application forms received early Please note that places are not offered on a first come, first served basis. All applications received prior to the closing date will be considered at the same time. Places will be allocated and bookings confirmed accordingly. If any course is oversubscribed, the Early Years team will allocate the places based upon objective service criteria and, as stated above, every attempt will be made to run repeat courses. Course queries Early Years Please telephone 020 3076 1514 or send an email to earlyyearsadmin@learningtrust.co.uk

New customers If you are placing an order with us for the first time, you will need to register for an account. This can be done by clicking on the login button on our website www.hackneyservicesforschoolsco.uk (Early Years settings only) or alternatively complete a paper order form and send to the Early Years or Childminding team. Forgotten your password If you have forgotten your password for the services for schools website, you can reset this online by clicking on the login button. Alternatively you can contact the Services for Schools Team on 020 8820 7378/7566/7706 or email s4s@learningtrust.co.uk. Prices All prices listed are correct at the time of publishing. However, Hackney Learning Trust, reserves the right to amend prices from time to time. Up-to-date prices will be posted on the Services for Schools website or available on application. Full instructions on the ordering process can be found on the Services for Schools website and the teams are available for further guidance and support. Payments All courses must be paid in full prior to the commencement of the course. Terms and conditions can be viewed on our website.

Childminders Please telephone 020 8820 7502 or send an email to childminders@learningtrust.co.uk 10

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017





Paediatric First Aid



Health & Safety in the Workplace



Manual Handling



Fire Safety Awareness



Emergency First Aid at Work



Food Hygiene



Risk Assessment



Allergies, Anaphylaxis and Epi-Pens






Package of 5 Early Years courses



Package of 10 Early Years courses



Early Years course



Makaton courses




Package of 3 Childminding courses


Package of 5 Childminding courses


PLEASE NOTE: All prices include VAT. For Early Years settings and Childminders based outside the borough of Hackney please contact us for course prices (Contact details can be found on page 10). Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


CLUSTER BASED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (PDN) MEETINGS Professional Development Network (PDN) meetings are run by a range of Local Authority professionals with the principal aim of ensuring that Early Years practice across Hackney is of the highest quality. PDN meetings offer a unique opportunity to discuss local and national developments in the Early Years sector. The meetings also provide setting leaders and managers with a forum to network and share good practice, build local area relationships and to support sustainable improvements in practice. They are also be used to consult with providers upon any proposed changes to policy and practice. PDN meetings are organised in three geographical clusters based on the Children’s Centre areas (North A/B, Central C/D and South E/F) which enable practitioners to develop closer, more effective partnerships with colleagues and other professionals. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years managers and senior leaders from the Private, Voluntary and Independent sector (playgroups and nurseries). Cluster A AND B PDN MEETINGS 1pm – 4pm

Cluster E AND F PDN MEETINGS 1pm – 4.40pm

Woodberry Down Children’s Centre Thursday 17 November 2016 (EY 3116) Thursday 23 March 2017 (EY 3216) Thursday 15 June 2017 (EY 3316)

The Tomlinson Centre Wednesday 9 November 2016 Wednesday 8 March 2017 Wednesday 21 June 2017

Cluster C AND D PDN MEETINGS 10am – 1pm

COST: FREE to all Hackney Early Years Settings

Linden Children’s Centre Thursday 10 November 2016 (EY 3416) Thursday 9 March 2017 (EY 3516) Thursday 22 June 2017 (EY 3616) For more information contact: Cynthia David Early Years Training Coordinator T. 020 8820 7568 cynthia.david@learningtrust.co.uk


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017



This termly forum provides the opportunity for Early Years Coordinators and members of Senior Leadership Teams in schools to share effective practice, develop leadership skills and keep upto-date with current Early Years issues. The forum provides an opportunity to build local area relationships and to support sustainable improvements in practice.

This forum will take place termly and will be an opportunity for all cluster-based Forest School Coordinators to come together to share good practice, celebrate successes, discuss challenges and concerns and new research and developments within the Forest School field.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years Co-ordinators and members of Senior Leadership Teams in schools. ½ DAY FORUM 9am – 12.30pm The Tomlinson Centre Thursday 13 October 2016 (EY 3716) Thursday 9 February 2017 (EY 3816)

The focus will be on development of Forest School sites and how local neighbouring settings have engaged with the programme. We will also explore the impact on children’s wellbeing and attainment, and impact on parents’ attitudes. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? The forum is open to Forest School Lead Practitioners based in schools and settings.

Thursday 18 May 2017 (EY 3916)

½ DAY FORUM 1.30pm – 4pm

COST: FREE to all Hackney Early Years Settings

The Tomlinson Centre Thursday 13 October 2016 (EY 4016) Thursday 9 February 2017 (EY 4116) Thursday 18 May 2017 (EY 4216) COST: FREE to all Hackney Early Years Settings

For more information contact:

For more information contact:

Ivor Kallin Early Years Consultant

Ivor Kallin Early Years Consultant



Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


EARLY YEARS SENCO FORUM This termly forum is used to share good practice between settings and to discuss issues relating to SEN. The forum is used to update practitioners on local and national policy initiatives and aims to support settings with any concerns or queries. The forum provides practical tips for supporting children with SEN in Early Years settings. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years SENCOs and Early Years workers in Private, Voluntary and Independent Sector nurseries and playgroups or those who have attended the core training on the Code of Practice and IEP target setting. ½ DAY FORUM 2pm – 3.30pm The Tomlinson Centre Tuesday 8 November 2016 (EY 4316) Tuesday 14 March 2017 (EY 4416) Tuesday 13 June 2017 (EY 4516) COST: FREE to all Hackney Early Years Settings

For more information contact: Dianne Sandler Specialist Teacher – Early Support dianne.sandler@learningtrust.co.uk Michael Annan Educational Psychologist michael.annan@learningtrust.co.uk


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017

HEALTH AND EARLY YEARS CLUSTER MEETING These meetings will help you to gain useful information about local activities and services for families with young children in your area. They will serve as an opportunity for you to meet with a range of health, Early Years and children’s centre professionals in order to shape and deliver relevant services leading to better outcomes for your families based on identified local needs. The meeting will provide information about the integrated 27 month reviews and will enable you to share ideas, progress and any challenges encountered working with partners in Health to reach solutions. Attendees will include; Local cluster extended services managers; Health Visitor cluster leads; Early Years Consultants and representatives from Children’s Centres, Early Support Teams and Speech and the Language Therapy Service. TARGET AUDIENCE: Healthy Child Lead Practitioner/setting SENCO

Area D & Area F: 9.30am – 11am 10am – 11.30am

Area A: 2.30pm – 4.30pm

Dates: TBC

Dates: TBC Venue: Lilliput Building, Woodberry Down Children’s Centre Area B: 9.30am – 11am Dates: TBC

Venue : TBC Area E: Dates: TBC Venue: TBC Area F: 2pm – 3.30pm

Venue: Family Learning Room at Tyssen School and Children’s Centre

Dates: TBC

Area C: 10am – 12pm

COST: FREE to all Hackney Early Years Settings

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Venue: Ann Tayler Children Centre

Venue: Linden Children’s Centre For more information contact: Caroline Hart Early Years Strategy Manager Caroline.Hart@learningtrust.co.uk

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


childminding workshops and forums CHILDMINDERS’ FORUM MEETINGS Childminding Team ONE EVENING FORUM 7pm – 9pm


Tuesday 18 October 2016 (CM 4616)


Tuesday 04 July 2017 (CM 4716)

Tuesday 11 October 2016 (CM 4816)

Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre WHO SHOULD ATTEND The forum aims to improve the effectiveness of Hackney Learning Trust in supporting existing childminders and those who wish to become childminders in the future. You can forward to us any agenda items two weeks before each forum meeting. FORUM OBJECTIVES • To contribute and share your views. • To keep up-to-date with current Early Years issues. • To share best practice and meet with other childminders from across the borough. COST: FREE to all Childminders in Hackney

Tuesday 13 June 2017 (CM 4916) Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre These workshops will focus on different aspects of childminders’ professional development. Using hands on exciting approaches and practical activities, we will explore ideas around implementing quality practice of the EYFS. The workshops offer informed practical insight and a chance to share new ideas. The sessions are topical and will explore current issues in Early Years. Previous subjects have included safer sleeping, breast feeding, immunisations, dealing with allegations, how to have crucial conversations and the Montessori approach. Decisions about the sessions will be made approximately one month before the date. Suggestions on topics are welcomed. COST: FREE to all Childminders in Hackney

For more information contact: Pippa Williams Childminding Development Coordinator Pippa.Williams@learningtrust.co.uk


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


HACKNEY EARLY YEARS AND CHILDMINDERS’ CONFERENCES Early Years and Childminding Team EARLY YEARS ONE DAY CONFERENCE 8.45am – 4pm Tuesday 21 February 2017 (EY 5116) Venue TBC CHILDMINDER’S ONE DAY CONFERENCE 9.30am – 3.30pm Saturday 25 February 2017 (CM 5116) Venue TBC These annual conferences include key note speakers, practical workshops, lunch stalls and much more. Sessions are led by recognised experts and are great occasions where Hackney’s Early Years practitioners and registered childminders can share their views and best practice, meet with other childminders and practitioners from across the borough and keep up-todate with current Early Years issues. COST: £40 per person (Not available as part of the Packages for Early Years and Childminders)

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


training courses for managers in settings RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Corporate Learning and Development

SAFER RECRUITMENT Corporate Learning and Development

1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm

1 DAY COURSE 9.30 am – 4pm

Thursday 12 January 2017 (EY 5216)

Thursday 19 January 2017 (EY 5316)

Venue The Tomlinson Centre

Venue The Tomlinson Centre

This course enables participants to explore the performance management cycle and gain the practical skills required for implementing robust supervision and monitoring staff performance and development.

This course provides training to help PVI Early Years settings fulfil their responsibility to have in place, a safer recruitment and selection practice within the wider context of safeguarding children.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Managers, owners and committee members of existing pre-school or full day care provision who are responsible for recruiting staff to work within an Early Years setting.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Managers, senior leaders, owners, trustees and management committee members who have responsibility for recruiting people to PVI settings.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To understand the importance of planning for recruitment. • To gain specific knowledge and understanding of the following; advertising, writing employee specifications, short listing, candidate interviews and techniques, Retaining staff through effective inductions, probation and appraisals and employee benefits. • To gain practical skills that can be implemented and which should be used in conjunction with safer recruitment and safeguarding principles. COST:

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To understand the importance of planning a recruitment exercise, making the right decisions and using structured interviews. • To look at pre-employment checks on candidates selected for interview. • To examine the need for ongoing awareness and vigilance and consider how PVI settings can develop and maintain an environment that deters and prevents abuse and challenges inappropriate behaviour. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages 18

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


MANAGING THE DISCIPLINARY PROCESS Corporate Learning and Development ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Thursday 11 May 2017 (EY 5416) Venue The Tomlinson Centre

• An understanding of what happens at a hearing. • An understanding of what happens at the appeals stage. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

This course provides managers working in the PVI Early Years settings, the skills to handle disciplinary issues in the workplace effectively. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Managers, senior leaders, owners, trustees and management committee members who have responsibility for recruiting people to PVI settings. COURSE OBJECTIVES • A clearer understanding of what the procedure should look like. • Understand how to have difficult conversations with staff members who are under-performing. • Be able to investigate disciplinary issues. • Increased knowledge of the law – the importance of following the procedure. • Identify the issue and how to deal with it – i.e. informally or formally. • Understand the two stages within the formal process. • An understanding of the use of warnings if necessary.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


training courses for managers in settings PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION FOR MANAGERS Early Years Team 2 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm Wednesday 1 February 2017 and Wednesday 8 February 2017 (EY 5516) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course enables participants to explore the performance management cycle and gain the practical skills required to implement robust supervision for monitoring staff performance and development. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Managers, committee members and owners of existing pre-school or full day care provision as well as anyone responsible for monitoring staff performance and development. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To understand why managing performance is important. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

PREPARING FOR AN OFSTED EARLY YEARS (CHILDCARE) INSPECTION Early Years Team ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Wednesday 12 October 2016 (EY 5616) Thursday 15 June 2017 (EY 5716) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course is designed to focus on managers of registered EY childcare settings on what to expect from an inspection, covering statutory requirements, policies and documentation, staffing (suitable people) and evaluation. This course will provide managers with the tools to lead an inspection in order to show the provision at its best and enable their staff to feel empowered and confident to manage the inspection process. The course will focus on Welfare. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Managers of any registered Early Years setting due an inspection. Recommended for any setting with an Ofsted judgement of requires improvement or inadequate. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To have an understanding of the regulatory/inspection process. • To develop skills to manage an inspection and support staff with the inspection process. • To review key evidence required to support inspection findings.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


• To have a consistent approach to quality improvement. • To develop an action plan based on the recommendations in order to maintain ‘capacity to improve’. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


training courses for managers in settings INVESTIGATING ALLEGATIONS AGAINST MEMBERS OF STAFF AND PROMOTING GOOD PRACTICE Safeguarding in Education Team and Local Authority Designated Officer ½ DAY COURSE 9.00am – 1.00pm Wednesday 23 November 2016 (EY 5816)

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To be aware of what an allegation is and the actions to be taken when an allegation is made against a member of staff, including how to carry out the investigation and the employment, child protection and criminal processes that may need to be pursued.

Tuesday 16 May 2017 (EY 5916)

• To be aware of the role of the Local Authority Designated Officer.

Venue The Tomlinson Centre

• To be aware of what makes an organisation safe and best practice to avoid allegations.

This course provides an overview of what an allegation is and the process that needs to be followed when an allegation is made against a member of staff. It also looks at what makes a setting safe and best practice to avoid allegations.

COST: FREE to all Hackney Early Years settings

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Senior managers, owners, chair of management committee or other named person for dealing with allegations against staff.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


VALUING EQUALITY AND PROMOTING DIVERSITY: PRACTICE AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT Early Years Team ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Wednesday 9 November 2016 (EY 6016) Venue The Tomlinson Centre The course enables participants to explore diversity issues and to gain practical skills for effective team working with children in a nondiscriminatory way, whilst considering the promotion of ‘British values’. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Managers and senior practitioners. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To provide a framework for settings to evaluate their current policy. • To look at legal guidance and practice around diversity and equal opportunities, with reference to the promotion of ‘British values’. • To look at how settings will promote and value diversity. • To consider what is meant by ‘anti-discriminatory practice’. • To consider what is meant by cultural diversity and cultural conflict. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


health and safety courses HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE External Provider 1 DAY COURSE 9am – 4pm Wednesday 2 November 2016 (EY 0116) Tuesday 20 April 2017 (EY 0216) Venue The Tomlinson Centre Delegates per course: 15 This course is tailored to settings and individual needs to make the working and learning experience relevant and fit for purpose. It ensures that Early Years managers, practitioners and employees are aware of their own safety and the safety of customers, contractors and the general public. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVI, maintained settings and Childminders with children aged 0–5.

MANUAL HANDLING External Provider ½ DAY COURSE 9am – 12.30pm Thursday 9 February 2017 (EY 0316) Venue The Tomlinson Centre Delegates per course: 15 This course teaches learners techniques to lift, carry, push and pull objects safely within their individual capabilities. Under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, employers are required to take appropriate steps to reduce the risk of injury to employees – this includes suitable training. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years, childcare practitioners and Childminders who carry out manual handling at work, or who provide essential information about manual handling hazards and their control.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To provide participants with an understanding of their health and safety responsibilities and how to manage and work in a safe manner.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To enable participants to undertake manual tasks safely.

QUALIFICATION GAINED Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Award.

QUALIFICATION GAINED Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Certificate in Principles of Manual Handling.

COST: £70 including VAT (Not available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages)


• To enable participants to assist in manual handling risk assessments.

COST: £55 including VAT (Not available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages) Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


ALLERGIES, ANAPHYLAXIS AND ‘EPI-PENS’ External Provider ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 1.30pm Thursday 16 March 2017 (EY 0416) Venue The Tomlinson Centre Delegates per course: 18 This course will provide participants with an awareness of the dangers faced by allergy sufferers who may go into anaphylactic shock following exposure to food or substances to which they are allergic. The course will prepare attendees with how to plan for and support children with allergies. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years childcare staff and Childminders working in the PVI and maintained sectors. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To raise awareness of the dangers faced by allergy sufferers who may go into anaphylactic shock following exposure to food or substances to which they are allergic. COST: £35 including VAT (Not available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages)

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


health and safety courses PAEDIATRIC FIRST AID FOR BABIES AND CHILDREN External Provider

Venue The Tomlinson Centre

2 DAY COURSE 9am – 4pm

This course covers a full first aid syllabus adapted to the particular needs presented by the education/childcare environment. It conforms to the standards required by law and includes both theory and practical sessions.

Saturday 1 October and Saturday 8 October 2016 (EY 1016) Wednesday 12 October and Wednesday 19 October 2016 (EY 1116) Wednesday 9 November and Wednesday 16 November 2016 (EY 1216) Wednesday 23 November and Wednesday 30 November 2016 (EY 1316) Wednesday 7 December and Wednesday 14 December 2016 (EY 1416) Wednesday 11 January and Wednesday 18 January 2017 (EY 1516) Saturday 21 January and Saturday 28 January 2017 (EY 1616) Wednesday 1 February and Wednesday 8 February 2017 (EY 1716) Wednesday 8 March and Wednesday 15 March 2017 (EY 1816) Wednesday 12 April and Wednesday 19 April 2017 (EY 1916) Saturday 6 May and Saturday 13 May 2017 (EY 2016) Wednesday 10 May and Wednesday 17 May 2017 (EY 2116b) Wednesday 24 May and Wednesday 7 June 2017 (EY 2216b) Wednesday 14 June and Wednesday 21 June 2017 (EY 2316b) Wednesday 5 July and Wednesday 12 July 2017 (EY 2416b) 26

Delegates per course: 18

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Staff in PVIs, maintained settings and Childminders who are responsible for emergency First Aid. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To manage First Aid priorities such as incidents, asthma, basic life support for adults, child and baby choking, casualty examination, unconsciousness, anaphylaxis, fractures, control of bleeding and shock, asthma, eye and ear injuries, burns and scalds, childhood illnesses including meningitis and febrile convulsions, First Aid kits, regulations, recording and reporting. QUALIFICATION GAINED Certification is dependent on successful continuous assessment of the participant. Those participants who successfully complete the course and are deemed to have reached the required standard are issued with a certificate valid for three years. COST: £75 including VAT (Not available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages) Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


RISK ASSESSMENT External Provider 1 DAY COURSE 9am – 4pm

QUALIFICATION GAINED Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment.

Tuesday 8 February 2017 (EY 0516)


Venue The Tomlinson Centre

£70 including VAT (Not available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages)

Delegates per course: 14 This course helps to improve the workplace culture for occupational health and safety by enabling learners to understand the basic principles of risk assessment. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners responsible for the management of health and safety in the workplace, Early Years managers, practitioners and Childminders. Especially relevant to those carrying out risk assessments in settings. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To provide participants with the ability to contribute both to the maintenance of a safe work environment and to the process of formal risk assessment. COURSE PRE-REQUISITES Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (recommended).

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


health and safety courses FIRE SAFETY AWARENESS External Provider

FOOD HYGIENE Environmental Health Team

½ DAY COURSE 9.00am – 12.30pm

1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4.30pm

Tuesday 22 November 2016 (EY 2116)

Tuesday 18 October 2016 (EY 2216)

Venue The Tomlinson Centre

Tuesday 15 November 2016 (EY 2316)

Delegates per course: 15

Thursday 19 January 2017 (EY 2516)

This course helps an organisation to meet its duties under current fire safety legislation by providing employees with essential knowledge about fire safety, helping them to understand how to prevent a fire from starting as well as what actions to take if a fire does break out.

Saturday 11 March 2017 (EY 2616)

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years managers and practitioners and Childminders. Especially relevant to those with specified responsibilities regarding fire, including fire marshals/ wardens in nurseries, playgroups, childcare and Childminder settings.

Delegates per course: 20

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To provide participants with sufficient knowledge to prevent fires starting and to assist in fire emergency situations. QUALIFICATION GAINED CIEH Level 1 Award in Fire Safety Awareness. COST: £55 including VAT (Not available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages) 28

Thursday 8 December 2016 (EY 2416)

Tuesday 16 May 2017 (EY 2716) Thursday 6 July 2017 (EY 2816) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course addresses the food safety and hygiene needs within Early Years settings. It focuses on identifying the ‘critical points’ in a process where food safety problems (or ‘hazards’) could arise and putting steps in place to prevent things going wrong. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Anyone who prepares, handles or cooks food e.g. kitchen, nursery, childminders and playgroup staff. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To underline employee’s responsibility for safeguarding the health of consumers. • To ensure that the food served or sold is perfectly safe to eat. • To enable participants to handle food safely.

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


QUALIFICATION GAINED Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering. COST: £70 including VAT (Not available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages)

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


health and safety courses EMERGENCY FIRST AID AT WORK External Provider


1 DAY COURSE 9am – 4pm

£55 including VAT (Not available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages)

Thursday 3 November 2016 (EY 2916) Thursday 18 May 2017 (EY 3016) Venue The Tomlinson Centre Delegates per course: 14 This course covers a full First Aid syllabus adapted to the particular needs presented by the childcare environment. It conforms to the standards required by law and includes both theory and practical sessions. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Staff in maintained settings, PVIs and Childminders who are responsible for emergency First Aid. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To manage incidents such as asthma, basic life support, casualty examination, anaphylaxis, unconsciousness, control of bleeding, burns and scalds, regulations, First Aid kits and recording and reporting. QUALIFICATION GAINED Certification is dependent on successful continuous assessment of the participant. Those participants who successfully complete the course and are deemed to have reached the required standard are issued with a certificate valid for three years.


THE EARLY YEARS CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TEAM Angela Chigbo Early Years Training Support Officer T. 020 3076 1514 Angela.Chigbo@learningtrust.co.uk Cynthia David Early Years Training Coordinator T. 020 8820 7568 Cynthia.David@learningtrust.co.uk Pippa Williams Childminding Development Coordinator T. 020 8820 7632 Pippa.Williams@learningtrust.co.uk Ebiere Ogan Early Years Admin (Childminding) T. 020 8820 7502 Ebiere.Ogan@learningtrust.co.uk

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development safeguarding courses courses INTRODUCTION TO SAFEGUARDING AND CHILD PROTECTION FOR EARLY YEARS PRACTITIONERS Safeguarding in Education Team

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop an awareness of and an ability to act on concerns about the safety and welfare of children in line with current legislation.

1 DAY COURSE 9.15am – 4.30pm

• To develop an awareness of national and local procedures to be followed, including the ways in which information is shared across professional boundaries and recorded appropriately.

Tuesday 20 September 2016 (EY 6116) Tuesday 15 November 2016 (EY 6216) Wednesday 25 January 2017 (EY 6316) Thursday 2 March 2017 (EY 6416) Tuesday 25 April 2017 (EY 6516)

• To be aware of safe practice and the procedures for dealing with allegations against staff.

Wednesday 14 June 2017 (EY 6616)


Venue The Tomlinson Centre

FREE to all Early Years practitioners in Hackney

This course provides participants with an overview of safeguarding and child protection, including the categories of abuse and how to recognise signs and symptoms of abuse. It will cover relevant legislation and guidance and the role of Hackney Children’s Social Care. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVIs and maintained settings with children aged 0–5 regardless of their role in the setting.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017



COURSE OBJECTIVES • To refresh awareness of the role and responsibilities of a DSL.

Safeguarding in Education Team

• To refresh awareness of how to respond to concerns about the safety and welfare of children in line with current legislation.

½ DAY COURSE 9am – 1pm Wednesday 9 November 2016 (EY 6716) Tuesday 21 March 2017 (EY 6816) Tuesday 6 June 2017 (EY 6916) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course provides a refresher in terms of safeguarding and child protection for DSLs, including relevant legislation and guidance and the role of Hackney Children’s Social Care. Participants will revisit safe working practice, preparing for Ofsted and the procedures for dealing with allegations against staff.

• To refresh awareness of national and local procedures to be followed, including the referral process and the ways in which information is shared across professional boundaries and recorded appropriately. COST: FREE to all Early Years practitioners in Hackney

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) or Deputy DSLs, who have attended previous DSL training. This refresher training must be undertaken every two years.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development safeguarding courses courses REFRESHER SAFEGUARDING AND CHILD PROTECTION FOR EARLY YEARS PRACTITIONERS Safeguarding in Education Team

• To have an increased awareness of and an ability to act on concerns about the safety and welfare of children in line with current legislation.

½ DAY COURSE 9am – 1pm

• To have an increased awareness of national and local procedures to be followed, including the ways in which information is shared across professional boundaries and recorded appropriately.

Wednesday 19 October 2016 (EY 7016) Tuesday 21 February 2017 (EY 7116) Tuesday 23 May 2017 (EY 7216) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course provides a refresher in terms of safeguarding and child protection, including relevant legislation, guidance and the role of Hackney Children’s Social Care. Participants will revisit safe working practice and the procedures for dealing with allegations.

• To have an increased awareness regarding safe practice and the procedures for dealing with allegations against staff. COST: FREE to all Early Years practitioners in Hackney

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVI and maintained settings with children aged 0–5, who have previously undertaken safeguarding and child protection training. It is recommended that this refresher training is done every two years. COURSE OBJECTIVES


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017



COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the DSL.

Safeguarding in Education Team

• To develop an awareness of and an ability to act on concerns about the safety and welfare of children in line with current legislation.

1 DAY COURSE 9.15am – 4.30pm Wednesday 5 October 2016 (EY 7316) Tuesday 7 March 2017 (EY 7416) Tuesday 9 May 2017 (EY 7516) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course looks at the role and responsibilities of the Designated Professional Lead for Safeguarding (DSL) and provides in depth knowledge of safeguarding and child protection issues, including how to respond when the signs and symptoms of abuse are recognised or a disclosure is made. It will cover relevant legislation and guidance and the role of Hackney Children’s Social Care. Participants will consider what makes a setting safe and the procedures for dealing with allegations against staff. Participants will need to have completed an Introduction to Safeguarding & Child Protection course. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) or Deputy DSLs. Those practitioners intending to become their setting’s DSL.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme

• To develop an awareness of national and local procedures to be followed, including the referral process including the ways in which information is shared across professional. COST: FREE to all Early Years practitioners in Hackney

This brochure provides fee paying and free courses to all Hackney Early Years settings and Childminders for the academic year 2016–17. A different charging policy applies to settings those outside the Borough of Hackney. Please contact us on 020 3076 1514 or at earlyyearsadmin@ learningtrust.co.uk for further information on pricing.


learning and development courses CORE TRAINING FOR SENCOs IN EARLY YEARS Early Support Team 3 x ½ DAY COURSE (Participants to attend all 3 Sessions) 9.30am – 12.30pm Day 1 Wednesday 23 November 2016 (EY 7616) Day 2 Wednesday 29 March 2017 (EY 7716) Day 3 Wednesday 21 June 2017 (EY 7816) Venue The Tomlinson Centre

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? SENCOs in Hackney’s PVI settings. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To meet professionals from the Hackney Learning Trust SEN Services. • To understand the role of SENCO in the context of working in Hackney. • To familiarise SENCOs with the National Framework for children with SEN and Disability and Hackney SEND and Inclusion Policy. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

This course enables all SENCOs to have a greater understanding of their role and responsibilities. These three half day sessions each cover different aspects of the SENCO’s role. At the end of the three sessions, SENCOs will have a greater understanding of how to manage and organise their work, how to identify children, make referrals and organise groups. SENCOs will be expected to attend all three sessions, will be visited in their setting and will receive an information pack. SENCOs will be presented with a certificate at the end of the three sessions.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF BABIES Early Years Consultants and Children Centre Teachers

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years practitioners in PVI settings working with babies and their families.

½ DAY COURSE 9am – 12.30pm

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To identify key stages in the development of babies.

Friday 7 October 2016 (EY 7916) Tuesday 7 March 2017 (EY 8016) Venue Linden Children’s Centre 6.30pm – 9pm Tuesday 7 February 2017 (EY 8116) Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre

• To understand the importance of secure attachments and quality interactions. • To support children‘s transitions and practitioner partnership with parents. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

This course includes information and resources about how early development unfolds and what you can do to support young children’s healthy growth and learning. The first three years of life are a period of incredible growth in all areas of a baby’s development. A newborn’s brain is about 25 percent of its approximate adult weight, but by age 3 it has grown dramatically producing billions of cells and hundreds of trillions of connections. Between birth and age 3, babies learn to give and receive love; to roll, crawl, stand, walk and run; to talk, joke, rhyme and sing. Each child develops at their own pace and in their own way.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development courses MAKING STORIES COME ALIVE Children’s Centre Teachers ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30 Friday 13 January 2017 (EY 8216) Venue Linden Children’s Centre 6.30pm – 9pm Tuesday 25 April 2017 (EY 8316) Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre This course provides participants with ideas about how to bring children’s story books to life. It enables participants to explore how stories can be shared in creative and interactive ways to support children’s language skills and to encourage their enjoyment of books. The use of core books in Early Years practice will also be explored.

• To learn new ideas about how to use different multi-sensory approaches to reading stories in order to make story time fun and engaging experience for young children. • To understand how stories promote young children’s language skills and overall development. • To provide practitioners with skills to use story props and other resources effectively to tell stories. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVI, maintained settings and childminders with children aged 0–5. COURSE OBJECTIVES


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


WORKING WITH YOUNG CHILDREN WITH DOWN SYNDROME Early Support Team/Speech and Language Therapy Team ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Monday 13 March 2017 (EY 8416) Venue Tomlinson Centre This course aims to help build capacity within settings by providing practical strategies for staff working with children with Down syndrome. It looks at how to support, motivate and enable these children to engage and make progress in their settings. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVI, maintained settings and childminders with children aged 0–5 COURSE OBJECTIVES • To look at current research and practice in relation to supporting children with Down syndrome. • To understand the key factors affecting the learning and development of children with Down syndrome. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development courses ‘BOOGIE MITES MINIS’ MUSIC (CRAWLERS – 3 YEARS) External provider

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To engage children with original and inspiring songs.

½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm

• To bring music into everyday learning and play using home-made props and instruments.

Tuesday 4 July 2017 (EY 8516) Venue Tomlinson Centre The ‘Boogie Mites Minis’ music and movement course provides practical tips and strategies for practitioners to implement high quality music activities in their setting. The course is designed to allow crawlers to 3yrs to develop across the three prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage, through participation in active music making, craft and percussion playing.

• To discover the power of music to encourage listening and language development. • To develop practitioners’ confidence in leading music based activities. • To determine strategies for parentchild shared learning. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVIs, maintained settings and childminders working with babies to 3 years old.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


‘BOOGIE MITES SCHOOL READY’ MUSIC COURSE (3–5 years) External provider

COURSE OBJECTIVES: • To support Letters and Sounds, Phase One with music activities.

½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm

• To lay strong foundations for language and literacy development.

Thursday 1 December 2016 (EY 8616)

• To bring music into everyday learning and play.

Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre

• To develop practitioners confidence in leading music based activities.

The Boogie Mites ‘School Ready’ music and movement course breathes life into Phase One of the Letters and Sounds programme with a collection of original songs and music activities to support listening and speaking skills and develop confidence and social skills. The course provides practical tips and strategies for practitioners to implement high quality music activities in their setting.

• To learn how to recycle everyday objects to make props and instruments. • To determine strategies for parent-child shared learning. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVIs, maintained settings and childminders working with children between 3 and 5 year olds.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development courses HEURISTIC PLAY AND TREASURE BASKETS Children’s Centre Teachers


½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm

2 DAY COURSE 9am – 4pm

Thursday 16 March 17 (EY 8716)

Wednesday 12 October and Wednesday 19 October 2016 (EY 0616)

Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course provides information about babies’ and infants’ early development and how practitioners can use treasure baskets and heuristic play resources to support this. It explores the cognitive development of babies and infants and how the brain’s neural connections are formed through quality interactions and an environment that supports sensory play and exploration. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners in PVIs, maintained settings and childminders working with babies and under threes. COURSE OBJECTIVES: • To explore the benefits of using treasure baskets with babies to promote sensory development • To understand what heuristic play is and how it supports infants’ exploratory play, cognitive development and motor skills • To support practitioners to introduce quality treasure baskets and heuristic play resources into their setting COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages 42

Tuesday 17 January and Tuesday 24 January 2017 (EY 0716) Tuesday 20 April and Tuesday 27 April 2017 (EY 0816) Venue The Tomlinson Centre Makaton signs and symbols can be used to support a range of learners. This course provides a detailed introduction to the Makaton vocabulary combining a practical approach with theory and technical information. It covers research into sign use, symbol design themes, the use and purpose of Makaton, and an overview of alternative systems of communication. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Teachers, Learning Support and Teaching Assistants and professionals responsible for using and teaching Makaton. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To learn signs and symbols of the Makaton language programme (stages 1–4). • To increase the ability of pupils with communication difficulties to access learning and social interaction at school.

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


QUALIFICATION GAINED Certified attendance COST: £30 including VAT (Not available as part of the Package of 5 or 10 Early Years Courses)

This brochure provides fee paying and free courses to all Hackney Early Years settings and Childminders for the academic year 2016–17. A different charging policy applies to settings those outside the Borough of Hackney. Please contact us on 020 3076 1514 or at earlyyearsadmin@ learningtrust.co.uk for further information on pricing.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development courses MAKATON ENHANCEMENT Speech and Language Therapy Team 3 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm

QUALIFICATION GAINED Participants must attend all three sessions to gain an attendance certificate from The Makaton Charity.

Thursday 15 June, Thursday 22 June


& Thursday 29 June 2017 (EY 0916)

£45 including VAT (Not available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages)

Venue The Tomlinson Centre This enhancement workshop concentrates on improving and developing participants’ own signing and translation skills using signs and symbols. Practical sessions look at users’ needs in depth, and the following aspects are explored: how to adapt communication to suit them, how to identify and create opportunities for the user to develop their communication skills, and how they can participate more in their community, using Makaton. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? School staff who have completed the two day Makaton Foundation Workshop and are confident and regular users of stages 1–4 of Makaton. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To learn signs and symbols of the Makaton language programme (stages 5–8). • To develop an advanced understanding of ways to use Makaton to support children with communication difficulties.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


OBSERVATION, ASSESSMENT PLANNING AND THE TWO YEAR OLD CHECK Early Years Consultant and Children’s Centre Teacher Team ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Thursday 13 October 2016 (EY 8816) Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre Saturday 8 October 2016 (EY 8916) Venue The Tomlinson Centre Saturday 13 May 2017 (EY 9016) Venue The Tomlinson Centre

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years practitioners in PVI settings. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To consider the role of observation and assessment for learning. • To practise making observations linked to the EYFS. • To consider how to make assessments manageable and how to involve parents and children. • To understand the requirement within the EYFS for completing progress reviews at around two years of age COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Thursday 25 May 2017 (EY 9116) Venue Linden Children’s Centre This course will focus on the importance of observations and how to record and use the information to plan the next steps in learning particularly in relation to the ‘Progress Check at Two’. It will support practitioners to gain a sound knowledge of child development and to make appropriate judgements of children’s progress. It will provide practitioners with the confidence to the distinction between developmental concerns and behaviours typical of a developing child

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme



COURSE OBJECTIVES • To understand how a key person approach improves communication with parents.

½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm

• To consider ways practitioners can support children to participate fully.

Thursday 10 November 2016 (EY 9216)

• To consider ways of involving parents.

Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre Monday 15 May 2017 (EY 9316)

COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre This course aims to establish the importance of a key person approach and of family inclusion in Early Years’ settings. It will explore ways of working in partnership with parents to help support children’s ‘joy of learning’, self-esteem, identity and culture. Building effective relationships can be challenging. Participants will look at some barriers to communication and will be introduced to strategies and a model of communication to help them overcome these. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVIs and maintained settings with children aged 0–5.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


UNDERSTANDING AND SUPPORTING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM Early Support Team/Education Psychology Service/Speech and Language Therapy Team 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm Tuesday 6 December 2016 (EY 9416) Tuesday 6 June 2017 (EY 9516) Venue The Tomlinson Centre

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop an understanding of autism and the needs of young autistic children. • To consider what is needed to make an environment autism friendly • To explore how to develop play skills in children with autism. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

2 x EVENING COURSE Tuesday 17 and 24 January 2017 (EY 9616) 6.30pm – 9pm Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre This course provides practical tips and strategies for supporting children with autism in the Early Years setting. Participants will be helped to understand how a child with autism experiences the world. It will be `informative as well as interactive with audio-visual clips, group discussions and case examples. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years and Childcare staff working in PVIs and maintained settings.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development courses LIFE AT TWO Early Years Consultant / Early Support Team 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm Thursday 20 October 2016 (EY 9716) Thursday 9 February 2017 (EY 9816) Thursday 20 April 2017 (EY 9916) Saturday 20 May 2017 (EY 10016) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course aims to focus on improving quality in toddler rooms. It includes elements of self-evaluation, action planning and improvement strategies. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners who are working with toddlers COURSE OBJECTIVES • To promote an understanding of how toddlers develop. • To enhance understanding of the appropriate environment and resources. • To promote planned appropriate adult directed and child initiated experiences.

EXPRESSIVE ARTS AND DESIGN: USING OPEN ENDED MATERIALS Early Years Consultant and Children Centre Teachers ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Friday 7 October 2016 (EY10116) Venue The Tomlinson Centre Thursday 23 March 2017 (EY 10216) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course explores the range of experiences which support children’s developing minds to think imaginatively. Creativity is more than ‘banging a tambourine or painting a picture!’ Practitioners will develop their understanding of the key strands within children’s creative development and how they can make links to other core curriculum areas when planning activities. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVIs and maintained settings with children aged 0–5.

COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


COURSE OBJECTIVES • To gain ideas for further developing children’s access to, and exploration of a variety of media and materials • To gain practical ideas for creating sound makers with children • To learn how to value and extend children’s ideas, imagination, language and thinking. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

PLANNING FOR CONTINUOUS PROVISION TO SUPPORT CHILDREN’S INDEPENDENT LEARNING Early Years Consultant and Children’s Centre Teachers ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Tuesday 15 November 2016 (EY 10316) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course clarifies what good continuous provision looks like and how to develop practice further. Exciting and interesting child-initiated activities that can be accessed independently throughout the day are an essential part of good Early Years provision. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years practitioners working in PVIs and maintained settings with children aged 0–5. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To share ideas for effective room layout and resourcing. • To consider how the physical environment can support childinitiated learning. • To explore the role the adult plays in planning and evaluating environments for learning. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme



COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm Friday 3 February 2017 (EY 10416) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course looks in some detail at early language development and how to identify children who may have additional speech and language needs. Participants will learn how communication opportunities can be embedded into the nursery setting, as well as some very practical, useful ways of supporting children’s language development. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years Practitioners, Nursery Teachers in maintained settings and PVIs. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop awareness of pre-verbal and early language development. • To identify children with speech, language and communication needs and the factors which may impact upon communication. • To provide very practical strategies to manage children in settings and nursery classrooms to maximise communication skills and opportunities.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


WHEN CHILDREN NEED HELP: IDENTIFYING CHILDREN WHO MAY HAVE SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Early Support Team/Speech and Language Therapy Team 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4pm Thursday 2 March 2017 (EY10516) Venue The Tomlinson Centre

SUPPORTING PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH ADDITIONAL NEEDS Early Support Team / Parent Partnership ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Tuesday 21 March 2017 (EY 10616) Venue The Tomlinson Centre

This course helps participants to use their knowledge and understanding of typical development to identify children who may have Special Educational Needs (SEN). Participants will learn about the different agencies that can provide support, and how to access them, as well as look at some common useful strategies.

This course helps practitioners to think about how they can best support parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs, in the context of the Statutory Framework. The course looks at the skills practitioners need to sensitively raise their concerns with parents, to listen to parents views and take them on board, and to link parents in to other agencies and wider support networks.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners and SENCOs working in the PVIs and maintained settings.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners in maintained schools, children centres and PVI settings.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To learn how to identify developmental difficulties in young children.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To give practitioners the opportunity to think about ways of supporting parents of children who may have special educational needs, including:

• To look at some practical ideas around how to address difficulties, plan for progress and monitor children’s development.

––Having the initial conversation and listening to parents concerns.


––Putting parents in touch with other agencies.

Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development courses UNDERSTANDING CHILDREN’S BEHAVIOUR Early Years Consultant and Children’s Centre Teachers ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Friday 2 December 2016 (EY 10716) Tuesday 20 June 2017 (EY 10816) Venue Linden Children’s Centre

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To investigate implications for delivery of EYFS. • To highlight key areas, e.g. observation, key person, quality interactions with children and working with parents and what is meant by ‘a play-based approach to learning’. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

This practical and highly interactive course shows delegates how to use everyday activities and situations to develop children’s social skills. Children learn about behaviour all the time. During a typical day there are endless opportunities for practitioners to support the development of children’s social skills and support positive behaviour. This course will support practitioners to understand behaviour as communication and a means by which children show us what they need. We will also look at High/Scope Conflict Resolution to help children in their daily interaction. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVIs and maintained settings with children aged 0–5.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


EARLY MOVERS AND EXPLORERS (0–5) Early Years Consultant and Children Centre’s Teachers ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Thursday 3 November 2016 (EY 10916) Venue The Tomlinson Centre

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To plan and provide for high quality physically active play at your setting. • To understand progression in physical development skills. • To better understand the connection between physical development and wellbeing. • To learn new strategies for promoting family physical activity.

Thursday 8 June 2017 (EY 11016)


Venue The Tomlinson Centre

Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

This course aims to raise awareness and understanding of how physical activity and outdoor exploration impacts on health, wellbeing and learning. On this training practitioners will explore theoretical and practical strategies to plan indoor and outdoor learning environments to improve children’s access to high quality physically active play. Practitioners will learn about physical activity guidelines and how to promote the delivery of these in your setting and also at home. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This course is for Early Years practitioners and Stay and Play lead practitioners working in PVIs and maintained settings.

This brochure provides fee paying and free courses to all Hackney Early Years settings and Childminders for the academic year 2016–17. A different charging policy applies to settings those outside the Borough of Hackney. Please contact us on 020 3076 1514 or at earlyyearsadmin@ learningtrust.co.uk for further information on pricing.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development courses CREATIVE MATHS AND PROBLEM SOLVING Early Years Consultant and Children’s Centre Teachers ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Thursday 27 April 2017 (EY 11116) Venue Linden Children’s Centre This course focuses on how to embed mathematics throughout Early Years practice. It demonstrates the importance of an effective mathematical environment and the ways this impacts on learning. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVIs settings. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To explore play, games and activities that support mathematical talking and learning. • To consider how to place mathematical learning in a play based curriculum. • To develop practical ways of mathematical outdoors learning. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages


PLAYING WITH SOUNDS: DEVELOPING CHILDREN’S EARLY PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS Early Years Consultant and Children’s Centre Teachers ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Thursday 24 November 2016 (EY 11216) Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre Friday 12 May 2017 (EY 11316) Venue The Tomlinson Centre EVENING COURSE 6.30pm – 9pm Tuesday 13 June 2017 (EY 11416) Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre This course aims to show how young children can develop their phonological awareness through everyday nursery rhymes, tongue twisters and games. It looks at how young children learn to listen, are able to distinguish the sounds around them, recognise the sounds in speech and accurately pick out the features in it. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVIs settings and nursery practitioners in schools

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


COURSE OBJECTIVES • To explore the key elements of a good programme for developing children’s phonological awareness. • To raise expectations of achievement of pupils in Early Years through developing phonological awareness and its links to successful literacy outcomes. • To provide practical examples of good practice in aspects of Communication, Language and Literacy. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development courses ADULT CHILD INTERACTION: MAXIMISING CHILDREN’S COMMUNICATION POTENTIAL Early Support Team/Speech and Language Therapy Team

COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

½ DAY COURSE 9.00am – 12.30pm Thursday 17 November and Thursday 8 December 2016 (EY 11516) Thursday 18 May and Thursday 8 June 2017 (EY 11616) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course enables practitioners to reflect on their own skills and interaction style. We discuss how practitioners can use these skills to support the communication development of all the children in their nursery. NB Every participant will need to bring a 5 minute recording of themselves playing with a child from their setting to each of the training sessions.

THE EARLY YEARS CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TEAM Angela Chigbo Early Years Training Support Officer T. 020 3076 1514 Angela.Chigbo@learningtrust.co.uk

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years and Childcare Staff working in PVIs and maintained settings.

Cynthia David Early Years Training Coordinator

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To identify the skills you currently use to facilitate children’s communication development and explore how to maximise them.

Pippa Williams Childminding Development Coordinator

• To introduce other skills that have been proven to promote communication in young children.

T. 020 8820 7568 Cynthia.David@learningtrust.co.uk

T. 020 8820 7632 Pippa.Williams@learningtrust.co.uk Ebiere Ogan Early Years Admin (Childminding) T. 020 8820 7502 Ebiere.Ogan@learningtrust.co.uk


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


GETTING READY FOR SCHOOL – EARLY LITERACY Children’s Centre Teachers ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30m

COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Thursday 20 April 2017 (EY 11716) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course focuses on children’s early literacy development. Based on the REAL programme (Raising Early Achievement in Literacy) the course will provide practitioners with an understanding of children’s early reading and writing development and how 3-4 year old children can be supported to develop their literacy skills. It will also provide practitioners with some simple literacy ideas that can be used to create home learning links with parents / carers. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working with 3–4 year old children in PVIs and maintained settings COURSE OBJECTIVES: • To explore the stages of children’s early reading and writing development. • To understand the background of the REAL programme and its four literacy strands. • To gain some practical activity ideas around early literacy that can be used to support home learning.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development courses BLOCK PLAY – THE VALUE OF OPEN ENDED PLAY Children’s Centre Teachers

COURSE OBJECTIVES: • To understand the difference between ‘open ended’ and ‘closed’ resources.

½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm

• To explore the different stages of block play.

Thursday 11 May 2017 (EY 11816)

• To understand the many learning outcomes offered in a block play session.

Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre This course focuses on the value of using blocks and other open ended resources to support children’s learning across the Early Years curriculum. Practitioners will learn how high quality block play can offer a range of rich experiences for children such as exploration of shapes and space, construction, problem solving, language and communication skills, social interaction as well as fine and large muscle control. There will also be an opportunity for practitioners to explore a block play resource for themselves.

• To understand the adults role in supporting children’s use of blocks. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working with 1–4 year old children in private, voluntary, independent and maintained settings.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


EARLY YEARS ROOM LEADS AND SENIOR CHILDREN’S CENTRE OFFICERS COURSE Children’s Centre Teachers 1 DAY COURSE 9.30am – 4.30pm Monday 3 October 2016 (EY 11916) Venue Linden Children’s Centre This course is for new or aspiring leaders in Early Years settings. This course provides an opportunity to begin to understand and reflect on our role as leaders, and the implications of different leadership styles. It looks at leading teams, challenges and ways forward. This course will aim to address through activity and discussions better ways forward with issues such as staff deployment, maintaining stimulating environments, implementing planning and effective management of conflict. It will also allow time to think about next steps and actions.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To understand ourselves as leaders • To understand the differences between leadership and management • To understand how motivation affects leadership • To understand strategies to overcome barriers to change and challenge behaviours • To network with other Early Years leaders • To better understand different leadership strategies to improve current practice COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years and child care room leads and Senior Children’s Centre Officers in voluntary, private, independent and maintained settings.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development courses EARLY YEARS ROOM LEADS AND SENIOR CHILDREN’S CENTRE OFFICERS FORUMS ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Tuesday 1 November 2016 (EY 12016) Thursday 25 May 2017 (EY 12116) Venue The Tomlinson Centre

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years and child care room leads and Senior Children’s Centre Officers in voluntary, private, independent and maintained settings. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To discuss different areas and issues of leadership. • To network with other Early Years Leaders.

This half yearly forum provides an opportunity for Room Leads in Early Years Settings and Senior Children’s Centre Officers to share effective practice, develop leadership skills and keep up to date with current Early Years issues. It provides opportunities to network and support improvements in voluntary, private, independent and maintained settings.

• To better understand different leadership strategies to improve current practice.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017

• To share good practice and keep abreast of current Early Years issues. COST: FREE to all Hackney Early Years Settings


WORKING WITH CHILDREN DEVELOPING ENGLISH AS AN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE (EAL) Early Years Consultant/Speech and Language Therapy Team ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Tuesday 3 February 2017 (EY 12216) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course explores the fascinating developmental stages children go through when acquiring an additional language and provides practical ways that practitioners can support them. Many children in Early Years settings have a home language other than English. Curriculum guidance is clear that practitioners should value linguistic diversity and provide opportunities for children to develop and use home language in their play and learning. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVIs and maintained settings with children aged 0–5. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To understand the process of developing English as an Additional Language (EAL). COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme



COURSE OBJECTIVES • To present an overview of the Code of Practice and its guidance in relation to meeting the needs of children with special educational needs.

1 DAY COU.00RSE 9.30am – 4pm

• To discuss the Early Years Profiling System and its use in planning and recording the support required for children with special educational needs.

Thursday 6 October 2016 (EY 12316) Wednesday 10 May 2017 (EY 12416) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course provides an overview of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice (2014). Participants will be provided with information about the statutory guidance for working with children in the Early Years with SEND. The afternoon session will cover activities on Person Centred Planning and setting SMART outcomes to help practitioners provide SEN support.

• To increase the participants’ skills in writing Individual Educational Plans. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years SENCOs and practitioners working in PVIs and maintained settings.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


PRACTICAL STRATEGIES FOR INCLUSION Educational Psychology Service ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Wednesday 7 December 2016 (EY 12516) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This interactive course encourages participants to identify how activities can be modified and children with SEN supported so that they are included. Practitioners are invited to reflect on what inclusion means and the importance of inclusion in Early Years settings. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Early Years SENCOs and practitioners working in PVIs and maintained settings. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To understand what inclusion means and why it is important to be inclusive in an Early Years setting. • To reflect on own attitudes to inclusion. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


learning and development courses WHY DO WE FIND BOYS SO CHALLENGING? Early Years Consultant

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To understand some of the research on how boys learn.

½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm

• To consider ways practitioners can support boys to participate fully and access the curriculum.

Friday 11 November 2016 (EY 12616a) Venue Linden Children’s Centre 6.30pm – 9pm Tuesday 16 May 2017 (EY 12616b)

• To consider ways of involving parents, so as to boost boys’ self esteem. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre This course explores how we meet the needs of boys in Early Years provision, looking at the environmental, social and neurological factors which might affect the learning styles of boys. If we are committed to following children’s interests, how do we deal with boys who don’t want to sit still, and charge about pretending to be superheroes? How do we acknowledge that there might be a difference between how boys and girls function, whilst retaining an anti-stereotyping, anti-sexist perspective? WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVIs and maintained settings with children aged 0–5.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


HOW DO CHILDREN LEARN? Early Years Consultant and Children’s Centre Teachers ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Thursday 12 January 2017 (EY 12716) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course will unpick what is meant by the Characteristics of Effective Learning, and examine how young children learn, and how we create the conditions to promote children’s learning. The focus will be on how we encourage children to play and explore, to get involved, to concentrate and persevere, whilst being creative and thinking critically. The Characteristics impact on all aspects of children’s learning showing ‘how children learn’ is as important, as ‘what children learn’. We will look at the Leuwen scales as a measure of children’s engagement and involvement, and the impact of sensitive adult interactions.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To enable practitioners to devise intervention strategies to promote critical thinking. • To consider ways practitioners can support children to engage, persist and concentrate through effective interventions. • To enable practitioners to observe and measure children’s involvement and engagement, and monitor progress over time. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVIs and maintained settings with children aged 0–5.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


Stay and play courses STAY AND PLAY FRAMEWORK INDUCTION Children’s Centre Team


½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 11.30pm

½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm

Monday 26 September 2016 (EY 12816)

Tuesday 13 September 2016 (EY 12916)

Venue Linden Children’s Centre

Venue The Tomlinson Centre

This session is to introduce the Hackney Learning Trust Stay and Play Framework for Stay and Play sessions being delivered in Hackney.

½ DAY COURSE 1.30pm – 4.30pm

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Children’s Centres’ staff responsible for delivering Stay and Play sessions who have not previously attended the induction.

Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To gain understanding of the core elements of the Stay and Play Framework. • To support staff to plan and evaluate the service delivery. • To learn how to monitor the effectiveness of sessions. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Tuesday 14 March 2017

This session is to support Stay and Play practitioners delivering the Hackney Learning Trust Stay and Play Framework to promote the healthy child programme and encourage families to live healthy lifestyles. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Children’s Centre staff responsible for delivering Stay and Play sessions. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To gain an understanding of the Healthy Child Programme and how to make meaningful referrals. • To have an awareness of other services available. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


STAY AND PLAY – EFFECTIVE PLANNING OBSERVATION AND ASSESSMENT Children’s Centre Team ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Tuesday 4 October 2016 (EY 13116) Venue The Tomlinson Centre ½ DAY COURSE 1.30pm – 4.30pm Thursday 23 February 2017 Venue The Tomlinson Centre This session is to support Stay and Play practitioners delivering the Hackney Learning Trust Stay and Play Framework to plan effectively promoting the Home Learning Environment. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Children’s Centre staff responsible for delivering Stay and Play sessions. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To effectively plan for Stay and Play sessions. • To support parents to make observations of their child and think about the home learning environment through My Journey books.

STAY AND PLAY – ‘SPEECH AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT; AGES AND STAGES AND IDENTIFYING CHILDREN WHO NEED HELP’ ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Friday 23 September 2016 (EY 13316) Venue The Tomlinson Centre This course looks in some detail at early language development and how to identify children who may need additional help. Participants will learn how communication opportunities can be embedded into the Stay and Play setting. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Children’s Centre staff and volunteers delivering stay and play sessions in children’s centres. Course Objectives • To support parents to develop their child’s language and communication. • To support parents to identify if their child needs further language and communication support. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


Stay and play courses STAY AND PLAY – 2 PART ADULT CHILD INTERACTION: MAXIMISING CHILDREN’S COMMUNICATION POTENTIAL AND ROLE MODELLING FOR PARENTS Part 1 ½ DAY COURSE 1.30pm – 4.30pm Wednesday 11 January 2017 (EY 13416) Venue The Tomlinson Centre Part 2 ½ DAY COURSE 1pm – 4pm Thursday 2 February 2017 Venue The Tomlinson Centre

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Children’s Centre staff responsible for delivering Stay and Play sessions who have previously attended Role Modelling High Quality Interactions or Speech and Language ages and stages training. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To role model high quality interactions to parents. • Support communication development of children in Stay and Play. • To support the home learning environment. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

This 2 part course enables practitioners to reflect on their own skills and interaction style. We discuss how practitioners can use these skills to support the communication development of all the children in their Stay and Play setting and to support parents with the home learning environment. NB Every participant will need to bring a 5 minute recording of themselves playing with a child from their setting to part 2 of the course. Please ensure the video clip is either on an IPAD or USB stick. Participants attending this course will be expected to have attended the course on ‘speech and language development’.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


MAKING STORIES COME ALIVE Children’s Centre Teachers ½ DAY COURSE 9.30am – 12.30pm Friday 13 January 2017 (EY 8216) Venue Linden Children’s Centre 6.30pm – 9pm

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To learn new ideas about how to use different multi-sensory approaches to reading stories in order to make story time fun and engaging experience for young children. COST: Available as part of the Early Years and Childminders Packages

Tuesday 25 April 2017 (EY 8316) Venue Ann Tayler Children’s Centre This course provides participants with ideas about how to bring children’s story books to life. It enables participants to explore how stories can be shared in creative and interactive ways to support children’s language skills and to encourage their enjoyment of books. The use of core books in Early Years practice will also be explored. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Practitioners working in PVIs, maintained settings and childminders with children aged 0–5

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


childminder only courses CHILDMINDER REFRESHER SAFEGUARDING AND CHILD PROTECTION Safeguarding in Education Team TWO EVENING COURSE 7pm – 9.30pm Wednesday 2 and Tuesday 8 November 2016 (CM 14216) Venue Linden Children’s Centre 7pm – 9.30pm Wednesday 1 and Wednesday 8 February 2017 (CM 14316) Venue Linden Children’s Centre 7pm – 9.30pm Wednesday 17 and Wednesday 24 May 2017 (CM 14416) Venue Linden Children’s Centre This course provides participants with an overview of safeguarding and child protection, including the role of Hackney Children’s Social Care and relevant legislation and guidance.

COURSE OBJECTIVES • To develop an awareness of and an ability to act on concerns about the safety and welfare of young children in line with national and local guidance and procedures. • To develop awareness of protocols and procedures to be followed including ways in which information is shared across professional boundaries and recorded appropriately. • To review the procedures for dealing with allegations, child protection and other safeguarding concerns. QUALIFICATION GAINED This is a refresher course. Childminders must attend both evening sessions and will be awarded with a certificate that is valid for two years. COST: FREE to all Childminders in Hackney

Hackney Learning Trust fully supports childminders who wish to charge parents/carers childcare fees when attending training for up to three days per year. If you plan to do this, you must ensure it is written into the contract you have with each parent or carer. This is in line with Hackney Learning Trust’s policy on INSET training in Children’s Centres.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


DEMYSTIFYING THE EYFS Early Years Consultant and Childminding Team


7 FULL DAY COURSE 9.30am – 3.00pm


Course 1 (CM 14516A) Thursday 29 September 2016 Thursday 6, 13 and 20 October 2016 Thursday 3, 10 and 17 November2016 Course 2 (CM 14516B) Thursday 2, 9, 23 February 2017 Thursday 2, 9, 16, 23 March 2017 Course 3 (CM 14516C) Thursday 4, 11, 18, 25 May 2017 Thursday 8, 18, 22 June 2017 Venue Linden Children’s Centre This bespoke course is designed for new childminders, or childminders returning to work after a break. The course will cover all aspects of delivering the EYFS, including health and safety, risk assessing, creating an enabling environment, how to provide activities that meet children’s needs/interests across the seven areas of learning, observing and assessing children’s progress, working in partnership with parents and professionals and inclusive practice. COST:

Wednesday 23 & 30 November 2016 (CM 14616) Venue Linden Children’s Centre 7pm – 9.30pm Wednesday 26 April and 3 May 2017 (CM 14716) Venue Linden Children’s Centre This course provides a framework to self-evaluate your current childminding practice gives the opportunity to identify areas of improvement and complete an Ofsted Self Evaluation form. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To understand and be able to demonstrate how you are meeting the EYFS requirements. • To understand how to complete all sections of the Self Evaluation Form, and review and submit to Ofsted. COST: Available as part of the Package of 3 or 5 Childminders Courses

£105 including VAT (Not available as part of the Package of 3 or 5 Childminders Courses) Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


childminder only courses OFSTED READINESS, PREPARING FOR INSPECTION COURSE Childminding Team EVENING COURSE 7pm – 9.30pm Wednesday 16 November 2016 (CM 14816) Wednesday 19 April 2017 (CM 14916) Venue Linden Children’s Centre This course aims to prepare childminders for an Ofsted Inspection. It provides processes to demonstrate to an inspection how well childminders are implementing the EYFS requirements. COURSE OBJECTIVES • To understand and be able to demonstrate how you are meeting the EYFS requirements. • To know how to demonstrate good practice during your inspection. • To be able to put in place an action plan to meet the EYFS requirements and be prepared for your Ofsted inspection. COST: Available as part of the Package of 3 or 5 Childminders courses


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017


If any wish to attend the demystifying the EYFS training please contact: Pippa Williams Childminding Development Coordinator Pippa.Williams@learningtrust.co.uk Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


TRAINING VENUES All our training courses for 2016 –17 take place at the venues below. LAMB LN



























Ann Tayler Children’s Centre 1–13 Triangle Road Westgate Street London E8 3RP 020 7275 6020

Linden Children's Centre 86–92 Rectory Road London N16 7SH 020 7254 9939 NOTE: It is not always possible to offer course refreshments free of charge on training courses, in which case we do our best to make sure that facilities are available where you can purchase them.


Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017

TRAINING VENUES All our training courses for 2016 –17 take place at the venues below.

The Tomlinson Centre Queensbridge Road London E8 3ND 020 3076 1500 thetomlinsoncentre.co.uk




Woodberry Down Children’s Centre Spring Park Drive Hackney N4 2NP 020 8815 3250

NOTE: It is not always possible to offer course refreshments free of charge on training courses, in which case we do our best to make sure that facilities are available where you can purchase them.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme



All training courses will take place at Ann Tayler Children’s Centre, Linden Children’s Centre, The Tomlinson Centre or Woodberry Down Children’s Centre. Please check your confirmation notification. Course timings 9.15am – 4.30pm

The Early Years Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Training Team:

9.30am – 12.30pm 9.30am – 1pm 9.30am – 4pm Please check your course time and venue. COURSE REFRESHMENTS It is not always possible to offer all refreshments free of charge on training courses, in which case we do our best to make sure that facilities are available where you can purchase them. PLEASE NOTE: There are no childcare facilities or parking spaces at any of the training centres.


Angela Chigbo Early Years Training Support Officer T. 020 3076 1514 E. angela.chigbo@ learningtrust.co.uk Cynthia David Early Years Training Co-ordinator T. 020 8820 7568 E. cynthia.david@ learningtrust.co.uk

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017

CPD DEAR ORDER HEADTEACHER AND BOOKING FORM 2016 – 2017 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sed risus HACKNEY EARLY YEARS SETTINGS ante, imperdiet tincidunt massa. luctus, odio ac iaculis. An order form needs to be completedInteger before Hackney Learning Trust can confirm any CPD course bookings. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing Please submit theblandit signed,accumsan scanned form by email to: elit. Pellentesque adipiscing. Cras earlyyearsadmin@learningtrust.co.uk send to: Angela Chigbo, pulvinar lacinia orci, sit amet accumsanorvelit congue EarlyNam YearseuTraining Support Officer,diam. The Tomlinson Centre, Queensbridge Road, sed. lectus felis, at egestas Quisque leo London E8 3ND.vel venenatis non, euismod ac risus. turpis, imperdiet Setting name Address Name

Name for invoice


Tel. on invoice


Invoice on email

PO/Internal ref: (Optional) PO/Internal ref indicated here will appear on invoice.

Settings are required to order one of the options below before booking courses (excludes health & safety courses) CODE




Package of 5 Early Years courses



Package of 10 Early Years courses



Bespoke Early Years CPD Training



Early Years Course (excludes H&S and Makaton courses)



Makaton Courses (2 days = £35 and 3 days = £45)




Paediatric First Aid



Health & Safety in the Workplace



Manual Handling



Fire Safety Awareness



Emergency First Aid at Work



Food Hygiene



Risk Assessment



Allergies, Anaphylaxis and Epi-Pens


Please continue on next page. Early Years and Childminders Training Programme







Continued from previous page.

COURSE INFORMATION All Early Years Settings are required to complete the following information. CODE




Terms and conditions for this programme By signing this Order Form, you agree to the Terms and Conditions overleaf and any Special Conditions that may apply to the Goods and/or Services ordered. Special conditions Clauses 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4 of the Terms and Conditions overleaf shall not apply. Signed by a duly authorised signatory:

Position: Print name: Date:


2. Products and Services

1.1 ‘Agreement’ means these terms and conditions.

2.1 The Trust agrees to supply and the Customer agrees to purchase the Products and Services on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.

‘Annual Subscription Products’ means products supplied by the Trust over one financial year 1st April to 31st March or one academic year 1st September to 31st August. ‘CPD Course’ means any continuing professional development training course offered by the Trust and ordered by the customer. ‘Customer’ means the Customer stated within the Order, Quotation or Proposal as having ordered the Products or Services. ‘Invoices’ means invoices from the Trust to the Customer for the Price of the Products or Services. ‘Order’ means a request for Products or Services received by the Trust from the customer. ‘Price’ means the amount charged by the Trust for the Products or Services specified in the Order, Quotation or Proposal. ‘Products or Services’ means any products or services ordered by the Customer as contained in any Order, Quotation or Proposal. ‘Proposal’ means any proposal attached to this Agreement. ‘Quotation’ means an offer by the Trust for the provision of Products or Services to the Customer and refers to Quotations attached to this Agreement. ‘Schedule’ means agreed delivery patterns and times for a product. ‘Trust’ means the Hackney Learning Trust, part of the London Borough of Hackney, Town Hall, Hackney, London, E8 1EA.

2.2 The Trust will provide the Products and Services to the Customer in accordance with the Order, Quotation or Proposal. 3. Payment 3.1 The Customer agrees to pay the London Borough of Hackney the Price for the Products and Services. 3.2 Invoices shall be payable by the Customer within 30 days of date of issue. All payments should be made via BACS transfer. Where the Customer wishes to pay by cheque, this should be made payable to the ‘London Borough of Hackney’ and sent to the address on any Invoice. 3.3 The Trust reserves the right to charge interest at a rate of 2% per month calculated on a daily basis from the date payment is due until payment is received. 3.4 If a Customer has paid for Products and Services that the Trust cannot provide, other than in situations where the Products cannot be provided because of some act, failure to act, delay or negligence on the part of the Customer, the delivery of the product will either be delayed, to such time that the Trust can deliver it or the Customer will be refunded or not charged for the Products. 3.5 If a Product or Service has been requested by the Customer without a written order and the customer accepts delivery of the requested Product or Service, this will constitute an Order and the Customer will be subject to these terms and conditions and charged for that Product or Service, 4. Quotations and Proposals 4.1 The Customer, by signing the Quotation or Proposal, accepts the Price proposed by the Trust for the Products and Services and shall be bound to pay the Trust that Price.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme


5. Trust’s Obligations 5.1 The Trust will make every endeavour to provide the Products and Services in accordance with the Order, Quotation, Proposal and any other specific requirements that have been agreed between the parties in writing. 5.2 Should any revisions to the quotation be required, for example because of a necessary change of specification or price the Trust will advise the customer of these revisions and agree the details of the final order before it is placed. 5.3 Although the Trust cannot be responsible for price changes from equipment and other third party suppliers, the Trust will make every endeavour to advise the customer of these changes and the potential impact on their order. 6. Delivery 6.1 The Trust shall endeavour to deliver the Products at the time and date and in the manner specified by the Trust or as otherwise agreed with the Customer. 6.2 The Trust shall not be liable for any delay in the delivery of the Products howsoever caused. 6.3 The Products may, by mutual agreement, be delivered in advance of the delivery date quoted on the Order, Quotation or Proposal. 6.4 Annual Subscription Products delivered by The Trust on a financial year basis shall run from 1st April ending 31st March. Annual Subscription Products delivered on an academic year basis shall run from 1st September ending 31st August. Orders for more than one year shall be for multiples of full academic or financial years. 7. Customer’s Obligations 7.1 The Customer shall provide the Trust, in good time, with all necessary information required to perform or provide the Products or Services. 7.2 The Customer will provide the Trust with access to its premises if the Trust reasonably requires it for delivery of the Products or Services. 8. Modifications and Variations 8.1 In exceptional circumstances, the Trust may need to vary the schedule, content or delivery of the Products or Services and will advise the Customer of its intention to do so.


8.2 In some instances, individual Products or Services may have discreet terms and conditions applicable to their particular Product or Service. These shall be in addition to the terms and conditions outlined herein. Should there be any conflict between these terms and conditions and the other terms and conditions then the order of precedence will be as stated in the additional terms and conditions. 9. Termination/Cancellations 9.1 Either party may cancel any or all of the Products or Services contained in the Order, Quotation or Proposal by giving the other 12 week’s written notice. (This Clause 9.1, however, does not apply to Annual I.T. Support Contracts. Such contracts can only be terminated by the Customer for material breach after the Customer has given the Trust a reasonable opportunity to rectify any alleged material breaches). 9.2 If the Customer gives the Trust less than 12 weeks’ notice or cancels part way through delivery of the Products or Services, it may be liable for the full cost of the Product or Service ordered or charged any costs that the Trust incurs as a result of the cancellation, up to the full cost of the Product or Service. 9.3 In the event that the Trust is unable to supply all or any part of the Products, it shall refund the Customer for that part of the Products it cannot deliver. 9.4 If the Trust has scheduled Products or Services to take place on the Customer’s site, and the Customer fails to advise the Trust of any change in the schedule of those who will be receiving the Products or Services within 48 hours before the Service is due to be carried out or the Products been due to be delivered, then those Services or Products shall be deemed to have been delivered and will be charged for by the Trust. 9.5 If delays are caused by the Customer not responding to the Trust with suitable delivery times to enable a delivery to be made, the Trust may either extend the time in which delivery of the order can be fulfilled, and if no further action is taken after an extension of time is granted, the Trust may deem the products to have been delivered and charge accordingly.

Continuing Professional Development 2016–2017

9.6 If a Party is in breach of a material term of this Agreement and despite written notice from the other Party, fails to remedy such breach within 30 days, then the other Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect. 9.7 The Trust may cancel all or part of the Products or Services (and refund a reasonably apportioned percentage of the Price on a quantum meruit basis) if it considers that the usage of the Product or Services exceeds what the Trust considers to be fair use in all the circumstances. 9.8 Where individual CPD Courses are purchased, clauses 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4 shall not apply. 9.9 If the Customer cannot attend a Course, they shall give no less than 5 days written notice and have the right to defer to another date, subject to availability. 9.10 If the customer does not attend a CPD Course or does not give notice as required by clause 9.9, then the Customer will be liable for the full cost of the course. 10. Non-Solicitation of Employees 10.1 The Customer shall not, for a period of 12 months from the date of delivery of the Products or end date of the Services, (except with the prior written consent of the Trust) directly or indirectly solicit or entice away (or attempt to solicit or entice away) from the employment of the Trust any employee, worker, consultant, associate or other person involved in the delivery of any Products or Services ordered under this Agreement. 10.2 The Customer shall not solicit similar Products or Services, as it has in the past received from the Trust, from an employee of the Trust via a private arrangement with that employee. 10.3 If the Customer breaches clauses 10.1 or 10.2 above, it shall, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Trust, on demand, pay to the Trust a sum equal to either three months’ basic salary payable by the Trust to that employee or worker, or five times the Price for the Product or Services in the case of a consultant or associate plus the recruitment costs incurred by the Trust in replacing such person.

Early Years and Childminders Training Programme

10.4 To help the Trust safeguard its intellectual property, we ask the Customer to inform us immediately, should they be approached by former Trust employees to provide Products or Services which the Trust can provide. 11. Confidentiality 11.1 The Parties shall keep confidential all information pertaining to the Products and Services and this Agreement, unless otherwise agreed. 11.2 All information processed under this Agreement shall be dealt with in accordance with the Trust’s information sharing guidance, the common law duty of confidentiality, any guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office on information sharing, the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 12. Health and Safety 12.1 The Trust and any of its personnel shall, when using the Customer’s premises or facilities, comply with the Customer’s policies and procedures relating to security and workplace health and safety. 13. Copyright and Intellectual Property 13.1 Copyright in all reports, documents and the like produced by the Trust in the performance or provision of the Products or Services shall remain vested with the Trust, but the Trust shall grant an irrevocable, royalty free license to the Customer to use such Goods, reports, documents and the like for the specific purpose of the Products or Services. 13.2 Any Products or Services you purchase may only be reproduced for non-commercial or training purposes on condition that the Product or Service has been purchased by the school, organisation or individual using it or because that school, organisation or individual has been authorised to use this material by Hackney Learning Trust, under special agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, Products or Services may not be passed-on, resold, amended or delivered to third parties (either for commercial or non-commercial purposes) who have neither purchased the Product or Service from the Trust or had the Trust’s permission to use it.


14. Dispute Resolution

16. General

14.1 Concerns relating to the Products or Services provided under this Agreement should be raised in writing in the first instance with the service contact person at the Trust, whose details can be found in the services for schools brochure or on our website www. hackneyservicesforschools.co.uk

16.1 This Agreement constitutes the whole understanding between the parties and supersedes any prior discussions, negotiations, arrangements or agreements between the parties in relation to the Products or Services.

14.2 If the Customer’s concern is not resolved it shall be escalated to the Traded Services Team at s4s@learningtrust.co.uk. The Traded Services team will work with colleagues including the trust’s senior leadership team to resolve the concern as soon as possible. 14.3 Where disputes arise that cannot be settled within the above resolution process, an option for referral to the Centre for Dispute Resolution may be considered. In this case, the decision shall be final and binding on the parties. 15. Limitation of liability 15.1 The Trust will provide and/or perform the Products and Services for the Customer with reasonable skill and care and acknowledges that it may be liable to the Customer for any losses, damages, costs or expenses (“Losses”) if a breach of the duty of care, wilful default or dishonesty is established. 15.2 The Trust will maintain insurance coverage at a level commensurate with an organisation of the Trust’s size and risk profile, and include cover for employer’s liability and professional indemnity. 15.3 The aggregate liability of the Trust, whether to the Customer or to any third party, in contract, tort or otherwise, for any Losses arising from or in any way connected with the Products shall be limited to ten (10) times the contract value, or £100,000, whichever is lesser. 15.4 However, the Trust will not be liable if such Losses are due to the Customer providing false, misleading or incomplete information or documentation or due to the acts or omissions of any person other than an employee of the Trust. 15.5 The Trust’s liability, whether to the Customer or any third party, in contract, tort, under statute or otherwise shall exclude any indirect or consequential loss or damage (including loss of profits) suffered by the Customer or any third party arising from or in connection with the Products or Services being provided. 82

16.2 The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the continuation in force of the remainder of this Agreement. 16.3 The rights granted to either party under this Agreement shall not be waived except in writing. Any waiver of any of such rights or of any breach of this Agreement by either party shall not be construed as a waiver of any other rights or of any other or further breach. 16.4 Failure by either party to exercise or enforce any rights conferred upon it by this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any such rights or operate so as to bar the exercise or enforcement thereof at any subsequent time or times. 16.5 The section headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience purposes only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. 16.6 Nothing in this Agreement confers or purports to confer any right pursuant to the Contracts (Right of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise to enforce any of its terms on any person who is not a party to it. 16.7 This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. 16.8 All prices listed are correct at the time of publishing, however the Trust reserves the right to amend prices from time to time. Up to date prices are available on the services for schools website www.hackneyservicesforschools.co.uk

If there is an inconsistency between any of the provisions of this agreement and the provisions of the agreement published on the Services for Schools website, then the provisions of the agreement on the website shall prevail.

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