Press Release - Haddonstone's lion on the prowl in Northamptonshire

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PRESS RELEASE The Lion, the Obelisk and the Landscape…on the prowl in East Haddon Haddonstone – t he UK’ s leading manufacturer of fine cast stone garden ornaments – has used its skills to decorate a lion for the forthcoming ‘ Pr i deof Nor t hampt on’festival organised by Northampton Borough Council. The lion is now prowling Haddonstone’ s East Haddon show gardens! Northampton Borough Council provided a large lion for Haddonstone to decorate. Haddonst one’ s desi gn, which hasbeennamed‘ The Lion, the Obelisk and the Landscape’ , was created by Simon Helm. Formerly a freelance trompe The lion has just arrived saf el yatHaddonst one’ s l ’ oei l ar t i st wi t h commer ci al show gardens –its new den in East Haddon! commissions in Istanbul, London and Paris, Simon joined Haddonstone in 1988 and is Studio Manager,basedatHaddonst one’ smanuf act or yi n Brixworth. He is responsible for the design and sculpting of many contemporary fountains and other ornaments for Haddonstone. Haddonst one’ sl i on has been inspired by the architecture and landscape of Northampton and the surrounding countryside. The mane shows colours oft hecount y ’ s stone which reaches out into the green landscape. Northamptonshire is renowned for its spires and squires whose stately gardens are represented by the obelisk which was once a prominent feature of the t own’ sMarket Square. Haddonst one’ sl i onwi l lj oi nt hef ul lpr i deofl i onsi nNor t hampt ont owncent r ei nJ une– each being pl acedonapedest als peci f i cal l ycr eat edbyHaddons t one.Haddonst one’ s lion can currently be seen exclusively i nHaddonst one’ sshow gar densi nEastHaddon. Open Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm (except Christmas and Bank Holidays) the show gardens will also have a rare weekend opening on the 15th and 16th May from 11am5pm to coincide with the Holdenby Garden & Home Show sponsored by Haddonstone. [Ends / words 254]

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