Promoting Student Engagement

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El Mida Secondary School Academic Year 200920092010


Supervised by : Mr Mahmoud El Melki

Submitted by: Ibtissem Guelbi

Pedagogical research



Implementing Effective, Responsive Instruction and Assessment

Standard III


The teacher designs instruction appropriate for all students that reflects an understanding of relevant content and is based on continuous and appropriate assessment . The teacher promotes student learning by providing responsive instruction that makes use of effective communication techniques, instructional strategies that actively engage students in the learning process, and timely, high-quality feedback 4

E) Student learning and engagement

D ) The teacher monitors student performance and achievement; provides students with timely, high-quality feedback; and responds flexibly to promote learning for all students

C)The teacher incorporates the effective use of technology to plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate instruction for all students


B)The teacher provides appropriate instruction that actively engages students in the learning process

A)The teacher understands and applies principles and strategies for communicating effectively in varied teaching and learning contexts

Table of contents


A)The teacher understands and applies principles and strategies for communicating effectively in varied teaching and learning contexts


2)Engages in skilled questioning and leads effective student discussions, including using questioning and discussion to engage all students in exploring content; extends students' knowledge; and fosters active student inquiry, higher-order thinking, problem solving, and productive, supportive interactions, including appropriate wait time.

1)Demonstrates clear, accurate communication in the teaching and learning process and uses language that is appropriate to students' ages, interests, and backgrounds.

The teacher :

4) Practices effective communication techniques and interpersonal skills (including both verbal and nonverbal skills and electronic communication) for meeting specified goals in various contexts.

3)Communicates directions, explanations, and procedures effectively and uses strategies for adjusting communication to enhance student understanding (e.g., by providing examples, simplifying complex ideas, using appropriate communication tools).



2-A second important benefit it affords the opportunities for cooperation and collaboration with one’s peers.

1- it provides language learners with the opportunity to use the language that they are learning in meaningful ways in authentic contexts.

Benefits of ICT-enhanced foreign language teaching and learning


B)The teacher provides appropriate instruction that actively engages students in the learning process.


3) Presents content to students in ways that are relevant and meaningful and that link with students' prior knowledge and experience.

2)Applies various strategies to promote student engagement and learning (e.g., by structuring lessons effectively, using flexible instructional groupings, pacing lessons flexibly in response to student needs, including wait time).

1) Employs various instructional techniques (e.g., discussion, inquiry, problem solving, in-depth study and research) and varies teacher and student roles in the instructional process, and provides instruction that promotes intellectual involvement and active student engagement and learning.

The teacher :






7) Employs effective motivational strategies and encourages students' self motivation.

6) Applies knowledge of different types of motivation (i.e., internal, external) and factors affecting student motivation.

5) Engages in effectiveness.

4) Applies criteria for evaluating the appropriateness of instructional activities, materials, resources, and technologies for students with varied characteristics and needs.


C)The teacher incorporates the effective use of technology to plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate instruction for all students


3) Applies procedures for acquiring, analyzing, and evaluating electronic information (e.g., locating information on networks, accessing and manipulating information from secondary storage and remote devices, using online help and other documentation, evaluating electronic information for accuracy and validity).

2)Understands issues related to the appropriate use of technology in society and follows guidelines for the legal and ethical use of technology and digital information (e.g., privacy guidelines, copyright laws, acceptable use policies).

1) Demonstrates knowledge of basic terms and concepts of current technology (e.g., hardware, software applications and functions, input/output devices, networks).

The teacher :


5) Knows how to use productivity tools to communicate information in various formats (e.g., slide show, multimedia presentation, newsletter) and applies procedures for publishing information in various ways (e.g., printed copy, monitor display, Internet document, video).

4) Knows how to use task-appropriate tools and procedures to synthesize knowledge, create and modify solutions, and evaluate results to support the work of individuals and groups in problem-solving situations and project-based learning activities (e.g., planning, creating, and editing word processing documents, spreadsheet documents, and databases; using graphic tools; participating in electronic communities as learner, initiator, and contributor; sharing information through online communication).


8) Identifies and addresses equity issues related to the use of technology.

7) Knows how to evaluate students' technologically produced products and projects using established criteria related to design, content delivery, audience, and relevance to assignment.

6) Knows how to incorporate the effective use of current technology; use technology applications in problem-solving and decision-making situations; implement activities that emphasize collaboration and teamwork; and use developmentally appropriate instructional practices, activities, and materials to integrate the Technology Applications into the curriculum.


D ) The teacher monitors student performance and achievement; provides students with timely, high-quality feedback; and responds flexibly to promote learning for all students.


2) Creates assessments that are congruent with instructional goals and objectives and communicates assessment criteria and standards to students based on high expectations for learning. Uses appropriate language and formats to provide students with timely, effective feedback that is accurate, constructive, substantive, and specific.

1) Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics, uses, advantages, and limitations of various assessment methods and strategies, including technological methods and methods that reflect real-world applications.

The teacher :


4) Responds flexibly to various situations (e.g., lack of student engagement in an activity, the occurrence of an unanticipated learning opportunity) and adjusts instructional approaches based on ongoing assessment of student performance.

3) Knows how to promote students' ability to use feedback and self-assessment to guide and enhance their own learning.

E) Student learning and engagement:


6 Tools to Promote Student Engagement and Learning

Principal and Teacher “Toolbox”


Eliminate inappropriate classroom activities and use classroom instructional time properly.

Establishing school and classroom procedures and routines to support student learning and safety.

Establishing classroom and school standards for appropriate student behavior.


Establish a climate of respect and support between teacher/student and student/student.

Establish a climate that promotes fairness, respect, and responsibility.

Establish an engaging physical environment to promote student learning.

1. Maintain an Effective Environment

Provide student access to a wide variety of relevant technology and instructional tools and resources to extend student understanding using instructional diversity.

Organize subject matter clearly, coordinating core content standards across various content areas to support learning.

Guide students to glean the “big idea� or enduring understandings from each lesson over time.


Utilize appropriate materials and activities to support instructional objectives, understanding that textbooks are a support to instruction, not the instructional program.

State and use instructional objectives to guide student learning outcomes and establish the purpose for instruction.

Provide differentiated, small and large group instruction to meet the needs of all students?

Develop and demonstrate a deep understanding of subject matter and core curriculum content/s.

2. Organizing Instruction

Pace each lesson appropriately.

Eliminate irrelevant topics.

Engage students productively.

Minimize time spent on noninstructional activities (i.e., taking roll, distributing papers, collecting work, lining up, and etc.).

Sequence instruction appropriately.

Provide effective classroom procedures and routines for smooth transitions.

Organized instruction to foster student independence and competency. Be appropriately responsive to verbal and non-verbal signals of student confusion and frustration.


Provide learning extensions and differentiation for advanced learners, as well as for students and struggling learners.

Use Instructional Time Effectively


Provide learning experiences that promote autonomy, cooperative learning, and freedom of choice.

Connect learning to student interests and needs.

Engage students in critical thinking activities with freedom from worksheets, redundancy and meaningless activities.

Provide appropriate practice and homework that supports instructional objectives.

Utilize a repertoire of appropriate research-based instructional strategies to support student learning.


Provides explicit instruction, modeling, guided practice, independent practice and opportunities for students to determine evidence of learning through evaluation, assessment, and feedback. Provide student interventions as needed.

Provide opportunities for students to experience the intrinsic reward of learning.

Provide opportunities for students to articulate instructional learning goals and progress towards attainment of these goals.

Help students to develop both short and long term achievement goals.

Provide Effective Instruction



Provide opportunities for students to self-evaluate their learning based on classroom and student goals.

Provide multiple sources and methods for students to assess their learning.

Evaluate and communicate student learning through appropriate, on-going, and multiple sources.

Involve the home and community to support student needs as identified.


Provide a data communication system to communicate regularly with the home.

Maintain a teacher data support process to assist in informing instruction and providing additional resources to meet the needs of atrisk students.

Use assessment results to inform and guide instruction.

Use Assessment Data to Increase Learning

Engage in teacher and principal professional learning communities to promote student learning.

Establish a climate where teachers and principals work collaborative to promote learning.

Model professional integrity and on-going learning throughout your career.

Actively pursue on-going opportunities to grow professionally.

Reflect daily on instruction and assessment to increase student engagement and learning. Work collaboratively with school and community groups to benefit student learning.


Fosters opportunities for professional growth based on student and teacher need.

Be a Professional Educator



Student engagement is the continuous involvement of students in learning. It is a cyclical process, planned, and facilitated by the teacher, in which all students constantly move between periods of action and periods of reflection. Learning requires engagement in tasks that are structured and are sufficiently similar to allow for effective transfer of knowledge. (Marzano, 2004)

Student Engagement‌

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Maintain an effective environment Organize instruction Use instructional time effectively Provide effective instruction Use assessment data to increase learning Be a professional educator 29

The 6 factors addressed for improving student engagement and learning in the elementary school were:

In Summary


Remember teacher delivery determines student engagement and student engagement determines student learning.

The 6 factors have the potential to mitigate many of the adverse influences on learning, (i.e., inefficient classroom and behavior management, ineffective instructional techniques, inappropriate curriculum, lack of student attention, and student absenteeism.)

Practical Activities


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