HiClass Manual

Page 1

User Manual (For Version 5.0)

Computer Classroom Management System

Version 5.0 (July. 2010) P/N: 4G0-04UM-TS4000 Printed in Shanghai


Copyright Š 2010 Ikonnet Technologies

INDEX 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 1 1.1

PACKAGE CONTENTS ..............................................................................1

2 INSTALL HICLASS SOFTWARE................................ 2 2.1

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................2


NETWORK REQUIREMENTS .....................................................................3


SET UP IP ADDRESSES ............................................................................4


INSTALL HICLASS TEACHER PROGRAM ....................................................4


INSTALL HICLASS DONGLE DRIVER ........................................................5


INSTALL HICLASS STUDENT PROGRAM ....................................................5


Student Computers with Diskless Workstation................................6


HICLASS REGISTRATION .........................................................................6


UNINSTALL HICLASS ..............................................................................7


Uninstall Teacher Program............................................................7


Uninstall Student Program ............................................................7

3 HICLASS TEACHER CONSOLE ................................ 8 3.1

SUPPORT TEACHERS USING 2 MONITORS .................................................8


TEACHER LOGIN ....................................................................................8


MULTI CHANNEL LOGIN OPTIONS ...........................................................9


HICLASS TEACHER CONSOL E ...............................................................10


STUDENT ICONS ON TEACHER CONSOLE ................................................12


Student Icon Status ......................................................................13


Aligning Student Icons .................................................................14


Select Student ..............................................................................14


MESSAGE CHAT ...................................................................................15


STOP STUDENT USE MESSAGE CHAT ......................................................15


HOW TO START HICLASS FUNCTIONS ....................................................15


Floating Menu Bar ......................................................................16


Right Click Menu.........................................................................17

3.9 3.10

CHECK STUDENT PC ATTRIBUTE ...........................................................17 CLEAR STUDENTS RAISE HAND .........................................................19


MANAGE SEATING PLAN .......................................................................19


Create a Seating Plan ..................................................................21


Activate a Seating Plan ...............................................................21


Save Seating Plan as a File .........................................................22

4 HICLASS TEACHER FUNCTIONS .......................... 23 4.1

BROADCAST .........................................................................................23


To Start Broadcast .......................................................................23


To Stop Broadcast ........................................................................24


Floating Menu Bar in Broadcast..................................................24


Broadcast Teacher Audio Only.....................................................25


Talk to a Selected Student in Broadcast........................................26


Use Electronic Pen ......................................................................26


Adjust Broadcast Quality .............................................................26


Broadcast in Full Screen or Window ............................................27


Zoom Broadcast...........................................................................27


Record Screen..............................................................................28


Record Screen Quality .................................................................29


Broadcast Movie..........................................................................29


AUDIO BROADCAST ..............................................................................30


Start Audio Broadcast..................................................................30


Talk to Selected Student in Audio Broadcast ................................31


STUDENT DEMO ...................................................................................31


Control Master Student in Stu Demo ............................................33


Add or Remove Student in Stu Demo ............................................33


OBSERVE STUDENT PC .........................................................................33


Floating Menu Bar for Observe ...................................................34


Three Observe Window Mode ......................................................35


Remote Control in Observe ..........................................................35


Student Demo in Observer ...........................................................37


Take Snapshot in Observe ............................................................38


INTERCOM ...........................................................................................39


BLACK SCREEN ....................................................................................39


Start and Stop Black Screen .........................................................39


Change the Message of Black Screen ...........................................40


NET MOVIE ..........................................................................................40


Net Movie Player.........................................................................41


Suspend .......................................................................................41


Student Watch Net Movie in Different Modes ...............................42


LIVE ....................................................................................................43


Start Live Camera........................................................................43


Live Camera Setting ....................................................................44


RECORD SCREEN ..................................................................................45


Start Record Screen .....................................................................46


Mark Screen in Record Screen .....................................................47


Playback Record Screen Files......................................................47


VIRTUAL RECORDER .........................................................................48


Teacher prepare a Project for VR.................................................52


Manage Segment .........................................................................53


Manage Tag .................................................................................55


Manage Caption ..........................................................................56


Online Practice Modes in VR.......................................................59


To start Online Practice...............................................................60


Project File .................................................................................60


Options in VR ..............................................................................60


Auto Skip Segment in Online Practice..........................................61


Student Export and Save VR Project file .....................................62


Student Use VR after online Practice Mode ................................62


Student and Teacher Use VR at Home .........................................62


VIRTUAL RECORDER FOR STUDENT .......................................................63


Student Use VR in Online Practice ..............................................64


Student use VR after Online Practice ...........................................65


Student Use VR at Home ..............................................................65

4.12 4.12.1

QUIZ ................................................................................................65 Prepare a Quiz ............................................................................66


Add Section and Question............................................................68


Add Multiple Choice Question .....................................................69


Start Quiz ....................................................................................70


Suspend, Resume and Pause Quiz ................................................72


Grade ..........................................................................................73


Check Quiz Result .......................................................................75


Send Quiz Result to Students........................................................75


Quick Quiz and Survey ................................................................76




Create Groups .............................................................................79


Add/Delete Group Member ..........................................................81


Assign a Group Leader ................................................................82

4.14 4.14.1 4.15

GROUP TALK ....................................................................................83 Teacher Join Group Talk..............................................................85 SMALL GROUP ..................................................................................85


Functions Available in Small Group ............................................88


Free Out a Group from Small Group............................................88


Observe Small Group ..................................................................88

4.16 4.16.1 4.16.2 4.17

APPLICATION CONTROL ....................................................................89 Use Application Control ..............................................................90 Edit Application Control Policy ...................................................91 SURF CONTROL ................................................................................95


Surf Control Policy......................................................................96


Use Surf Control..........................................................................96


Edit Surf Control Policy ..............................................................96


FILE TRANSFER ..............................................................................100


Start File Transfer .....................................................................101


File Transfer Options ................................................................102


Setup Destination Folder ...........................................................103


Student Send Files to Teacher ....................................................104


Manage Files Sent by Student ....................................................104


MANAGE STUDENT HELP REQUESTS ................................................106


SIGN IN ..........................................................................................107


Start Sign In ..............................................................................107


Export Sign In result..................................................................108


SETTING .........................................................................................108


Screen Broadcast .......................................................................108


Audio Broadcast ........................................................................ 110


Net Movie .................................................................................. 112


Observe & Snapshot .................................................................. 113


Record Screen............................................................................ 114


Black Screen .............................................................................. 115


File Transfer.............................................................................. 116


Network ..................................................................................... 117


Hot Key ..................................................................................... 118


Teacher Password .................................................................... 119


Teacher Console Display ..........................................................120


Hand & Messenger...................................................................121


REMOTE COMMAND ........................................................................121


Close Applications.....................................................................123


Login Windows ..........................................................................123


Create a Remote Command........................................................124


STU SETTINGS ................................................................................126


Advance Setting .........................................................................128


Security .....................................................................................129


LOCK TEACHER CONSOLE ...............................................................131


REMOVE RAISE HAND .....................................................................131


REMOVE OFFLINE STUDENTS ..........................................................131


STUDENT PC PROPERTY ..................................................................132


VIDEO ACCELERATION PROGRAM ....................................................132

5 USE HICLASS STUDENT PROGRAM................... 136 5.1

STUDENT MENU .................................................................................136


FLOATING MENU BAR ........................................................................136


HICLASS ICON IN SYSTEM TRAY .........................................................137


Display Menu Bar .....................................................................138


Sign In .......................................................................................138


Raise Hand ................................................................................139


Instant Message.........................................................................139


Post Help Request .....................................................................141


Record Screen............................................................................141


File Transfer..............................................................................142


SETTING FOR HICLASS STUDENT .........................................................143


Network Setting .........................................................................144


Process Protection.....................................................................144


Lock Student PC ........................................................................145


Student Password ......................................................................145


Uninstall Student Program ........................................................146




STUDENT VIRTUAL RECORDER ............................................................147


Use VR in Online Practice .........................................................147


After Online Practice.................................................................148


Bring VR Home for Practice ......................................................148

Copyright Statement

Ikonnet Technologies Co., Ltd. Reserves has all the intellectual property right of this manual. This manual has been written with utmost carefulness, but we can not guarantee all the contents are 100% correct. We reserve the right to modify this manual without any further notification, as the product is being regularly updated.


1 Introduction What can attract students' attention in classes? How to involve them in learning? An interactive and collaboration classroom based on multimedia and networking technologies is no doubt able to make all these happen! HiClass Software provides a rich set of classroom management tools that make the teaching and learning a whole new experience! No matter what kind of subjects, or different labs in colleges, universities, training centers or corporations, HiClass software will be the prefect solution for computer classroom management!

1.1 Package Contents HiClass SW 5.0 standard package will content the following items: 1. HiClass Installation CD


2. Registration Card


3. USB Dongle with keychain


4. User Manual


Note: HiClass USB dongle can not be reproduced!

If you lost the

dongle, it means your HiClass Software is lost. Please make sure you have fastened the HiClass USB dongle to the teacher PC to prevent lost.


2 Install HiClass Software Please follow steps in this chapter to install HiClass.

2.1 System Requirements Software requirement: HiClass SW support the following OS

Windows XP, SP1/SP2/SP3. Windows Server 2003, SP1/SP2. Windows Vista, SP1.(32bit) Windows Server 2008. Windows 7 (32bit)

Note: HiClass does not support 64bit Windows OS at present. Hardware Requirements Teacher PC

Minimum: CPU Pentium III 800, 512M memory, 128M VGA card, full duplex audio card. Recommended: z

For Windows XP and Server 2003: CPU P4 2.6, 512M memory, 128M separated VGA card, duplex audio card.


For Windows Vista, Server 2008 and


Windows 7: CPU Core 2 E4300, 3G memory, 256M individual VGA card, duplex audio card. Student PC

Minimum: CPU Celeron 1G, 256M memory, 64M VGA card, duplex audio card. Recommended: z

For XP, Windows Server 2003: CPU Celeron 1.7, 512M memory, 64M VGA card, full duplex audio card.


For Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7: CPU Core 2 E4300, 3G memory, 256M individual VGA card, duplex audio card.

Note: For DVD broadcast in Net Movie, VGA card should support Hardware overlay. Uses VGA card with bigger memory produces better broadcast quality.

For 3D graphics broadcast, user better PC

configuration will get better broadcasting quality.

2.2 Network Requirements Wired: 10/100M share or switch network. Wireless: 802.11 b/g/n.

Note: When use wireless LAN, please go to ‘setting’ in Chapter 3 for detail setting of LAN. 3

2.3 Set Up IP Addresses HiClass 5.0 support TCP/IP protocol. If the network supports DHCP service, then the IP address of the computers in the lab should be set as ‘acquiring IP address automatically’. If the network doesn’t have DHCP service, the IP address of all the computers in the lab have to be set at a fixed IP address. For the detail IP address arrangement, please consult your network manager.

2.4 Install HiClass Teacher Program 1.

After inserting the HiClass installation CD to Teacher PC, find HiClass teacher program – teacher.exe, double click on it and the installation will start automatically.


Select language in the popup window and click ‘OK’ to proceed to the installation page, and then click ‘Next’.


Select ‘Accept’ the EULA after read it, click ‘Next’ to continue.


You may choose the installation path or use the default path, then click ‘Next’


Follow the steps and, click ‘Next’, then installer will begin to copy files to the designated directory.


Click ‘Finish’ to finish the installation.


Select OK to restart the PC or select No to exit the installation.

Note: If you do not restart the PC, some HiClass functions will not work normally.


2.5 Install HiClass Dongle Driver 1.

After inserting the HiClass installation CD on teacher PC, find HiClass Dongle driver – instdrv.exe, double click on it and the installation will start automatically.


After the installation, insert the HiClass dongle and fasten the dongle to the teacher PC.

Note: HiClass USB dongle can not be reproduced! dongle, it means your HiClass Software is lost.

If you lost the

Please make sure you

have fastened the HiClass USB dongle to the teacher PC to prevent lost.

2.6 Install HiClass Student Program 1.

After inserting the HiClass installation CD to student PC, find HiClass student program – student.exe, double click on it and the installation will start automatically.


Follow the steps to finish the installation.


During the installation, a popup window for ‘Student Password’ will show.

Enter a password you want and write down the


This password is necessary for HiClass student setting

and uninstall HiClass student.

By default the student password is

blank, if you do not provide one. 4.

During the installation, a popup window for ‘Channel ID’ will show. Select a channel ID (from 1 to 32) that this student will log into. By default the channel ID is ‘1’.

Please do not enter other

channel if you are not sure about this setting! Note: Student password and Channel are very important!

Users can

change the password and channel ID by teacher console later.


Note: Channel ID is used in case there are more than one HiClass software installed in the same network/campus. So students can login the correct HiClass lab by the channel ID.

2.6.1 Student Computers with Diskless Workstation For students using PXE diskless workstations, just follow the standard installation procedure to install the HiClass software to a workstation with CD ROM or hard disk then use the data transmission tools provided by the diskless workstation to send the HiClass software to the server of the diskless system.

Then when the diskless workstations start up, the

HiClass student program will run from the server automatically. Note: The teacher program must be installed on the PC which has hard disk.

2.7 HiClass Registration You need to register HiClass software after installation or it will be a demo version only. You need the HiClass dongle and Registration Card to register. 1.

Please make sure the HiClass dongle is plugged in properly.


Start the HiClass Teacher Program,


On teacher computer desktop, you will see a HiClass teacher icon in the system tray.


Right click the HiClass teacher icon and select ‘About’.


Type in the registration number that come with the HiClass Software package when you purchase.

Then you have successfully

registered. Note: If you do not plug in HiClass dongle (a hardware dongle inserted in computer’s USB or LPT port) or you did not register HiClass, HiClass 6

will only be a demo version.

2.8 Uninstall HiClass 2.8.1 Uninstall Teacher Program 1.

Select uninstall from teacher’s start menu : ‘Start|Program| HiClass|Uninstall’.


Follow the steps to begin the uninstall


Restart the PC to finish the uninstallation as prompted.

2.8.2 Uninstall Student Program There are two methods to uninstall Student Program.

You will need

student password to do the uninstallation. Method 1: 1.

Right-click the HiClass Student icon in sys tray of the window.


You will see a popup menu, please select Settings.


Then input the student password, click OK to enter.


Follow the pop-up window to complete the uninstallation.

Method 2: 1.

In Student PC’s Control Panel, click Add or Delete Program.


Follow the prompt steps to uninstall HiClass student.


You will need student password to uninstall.


After uninstallation, click OK to restart the PC to finish the uninstallation.


3 HiClass Teacher Console 3.1 Support Teachers Using 2 Monitors Teacher can use two monitors, if the VGA card in teacher PC supports dual monitor. When starting the teacher software, teacher can select one of the two monitors to display HiClass console and another one for operations. After the teacher logged-in, right-click on the ‘HiClass’ title bar to get this menu, then choose ‘Show Window in Another Monitor’:

Note: HiClass only supports dual heads VGA card.

3.2 Teacher Login Teacher has to login the HiClass as teacher before using HiClass software functions.



Type in the teacher name. You can select any teacher name you like, but it will be the login name for next login.


Type in a password, and there is no password by default.

Note: When teacher log in on the first time, please leave the password blank, then click login. You will be able to set the password in the system setting. Then it will be applied for your next log-in. 3.

Type in the Channel ID, it is 1 by default. You can also select another channel ID (from 1 to 32), but you need to set up the channel ID for student computer accordingly.


Or you can click Advance and select one channel ID there, and you also need to set up the channel ID for student computer accordingly.


HiClass 5.0 version R2 support multi channel, it means this teacher will accept students in different channel ID to login this teacher’s lab!

3.3 Multi Channel Login Options HiClass SW 5.0R2 supports multi channel login option. 9

Teacher can

give students different channel ID and teacher can login different channel to teach different set of students by login different channel. Teacher can even login more than one channel by select more than one channel ID to teach different sets of students at the same time!

Students will have channel ID 1 by default. Note: Multi-channel login option is only available on 5.0 R2 version.

3.4 HiClass Teacher Consol e After teacher login, the following teacher console will pop up:









6 7


Minimize Button Click this button to minimize the teacher console into task bar or system tray.


HiClass icon in system tray To show the console again, double click the icon above on sys tray or click ‘display interface’ by right-clicking on the menu.


Student Area

This area will show student icons, seating. Some HiClass functions can also be accessed by right clicking on the student area or using floating menu bar.


Student Icons

This area will show student icons, seating. IF you use HiClass 5.0 version R2, you will also see thumbnail of student PC screen. Some HiClass functions can also be 11

accessed by right clicking on the student icons. 5.

System Log

When students do login/logout, request for connection, file transfer, raise hand, insufficient memory of student PC, etc. There will be a log in this area.


Audio Setting

teacher/user may adjust the record and


Class Info.

playback setting using this option. Seating plan name and number of students have login.


HiClass Messenger

Instant messaging for teacher and students


HiClass Function Buttons

Main functions of HiClass.

Logo Area

Teachers may access right-click menu by right-clicking mouse on this area!


Additionally, HiClass functions can also be accessed by clicking on the black area or using floating menu bar.

3.5 Student Icons on Teacher Console There are 3 types of student view available on teacher console: Thumbnail, Icon and Details. Thumbnail is only available in HiClass 5.0 version R2.

Note: Thumbnail is only available in HiClass 5.0 version R2. To select or change the view: Right-click on the black area of teacher console > Select ‘view’ > and select one of the student icon types. Thumbnail

Show thumbnail of student PC screens. ※ This feature is only available in R2 version 12


Show an illustrated student icon


Show the status of the student PC, applications it’s running, and etc.

Note: The thumbnails are updated periodically; teacher can change the update interval in system setting of HiClass teacher.

3.5.1 Student Icon Status The icons of all logged-in students will be displayed on teacher console. Teacher may check student’s status, run system functions, edit the student PC attribute, etc.

Student icons will have different status as below: Status






This student


raised hand.

broadcast now.

Receiving audio

Being observed by

broadcast now.


Black Screen

Chatting with the teacher.

Receiving net

Receiving live

movie now.


Receiving files.

In group discussion mode.



In group teaching mode

Using virtual

Insufficient PC



3.5.2 Aligning Student Icons To align student icons: 1.

Right-lick the selected student icons (more than one)


Select ‘align’ in the popup menu and select a type of alignment you need in the sub-menu.


Or teacher can arrange the icons manually by dragging the icons.

Note: When selecting more than 2 icons, level alignment and vertical alignment are available; when select more than 3 icons, level isometric and vertical isometric will be available.

3.5.3 Select Student To select students to run the functions: 1.

To select one student, click the student icon.


To select more than one student, click and hold left mouse and select more than one student, or press and hold ‘Ctrl’ key and click the student icons one by one.


To select all the students, click black area and press ‘Ctrl+A’.

Note: If none of students were selected, then functions will be implemented to the whole class.


3.6 Message Chat

To send a message: To send message to students, you just need to input the message in the dialog box and click the ‘Send� icon above; or you can click the arrow to select a message from pre-input messages.

3.7 Stop Student use Message Chat Student can send messages to teacher.

To stop student use messenger: Teacher can click the button on the above to prevent student sending messages. If you click it again, then it will allow student to send messages again. Note; Students can not send message to students unless students are in small group function!

3.8 How to Start HiClass Functions There are several ways to operate the functions of HiClass SW, which are: 15


Use the function’s buttons in the teacher’s console.


Through right-click menu on the Student area. This is the area where student icons located.


Through floating menu bar. After the teacher minimize the main console, and then this floating menu bar will pop up.


Through assigned Hot Key. Please refer to the Hot Key setting in the System setting.

3.8.1 Floating Menu Bar Minimize the main teacher console, then the following menu bar will popup:

This menu bar will allow the teacher to access the functions of HiClass SW without going to the main teacher console. Click this button to hide the floating menu bar.

Click the ‘window’ button to return to the teacher console. Click ‘settings’ to popup the system settings dialog. This is the same as you click on ‘setting’ on teacher console. Click ‘Cancel’ to cancel the current operations.

Other function buttons are related to the HiClass function and they will be discussed in related section. 16

3.8.2 Right Click Menu To show or operate the right-click menu: y

Right-click on blank area of the Student area


Select one or more student icon, then right-click them

While running some functions, the right-click menus will be different for different function. When the teacher right-clicks on the Student area, some menus might not be available. This is because the students might have been assigned different learning activities; therefore the menu will contain the available functions only. When right-clicking on a student icon, the right-click menu may contain different functions for different students depends on the student status.

3.9 Check Student PC Attribute Teacher could check the student’s PC attributes such as computer name, IP address, MAC address, CPU, memory and the running applications and processes.


To check the student PC attribute: 1.

Right click on the student icon and select ‘check attribute’ in the menu.


Click different tabs to check details.

To terminate the running applications and processes on student PC: 1.

Right click on the student icon and select ‘check attribute’ in the menu.


Click to select Application or Process tab.


Select an item and click ‘Close’ button to close it.



Clear Students Raise Hand Student Raise hand

The student icon will turn to the above icon, when the student click ‘Raise hand’ button. To eliminate the hand raising: Select and right-click on the student icon > then select ‘Remove Raise Hand’


Manage Seating Plan

Teacher can manage a seating plan that show on the main teacher console and save it as a file. This file will contain not only the student seating layout, 19

but also student name under student icons and group information. By default, student icons will be arranged according to the login time after student’s first login. Teacher can re-arrange the icon position and even assign different name to the student. To change the seating plan:

Click the button on the right to start Seating Plan function You will see popup window as follows:


Delete Seating Plan


Activate selected Seating Plan 20


Export selected Seating Plan as a tax file

Save As

Save changed Seating Plan as a new one


Import a file includes Seating Plan.

3.11.1 Create a Seating Plan To create a Seating Plan: 1.

Click ‘Seating’ button, as seen on the above, to open seating plan dialog box.


Select an existed plan and click ‘Save as’


Input the name of the new seating plan and click ‘OK’


This new seating plan will store the seating layout, student name and group information in the following class.

To delete a Seating Plan 1.

Click ‘Seating’ to open seating plan dialog box.


Select the targeted seating plan and click ‘delete’


Click ‘OK’ to confirm.

Note: Teacher can not delete the active/running class seating plan.

3.11.2 Activate a Seating Plan 1.

Click ‘Seating’ to open seating plan dialog box.


Select the target and click ‘activate’


Click ‘OK’ to confirm.

Note: When teacher changed the active seating plan, all the running functions will be closed and all the students not on the new active seating 21

plan will be deleted.

3.11.3 Save Seating Plan as a File 1.

Click ‘Seating’ to open seating plan dialog box.


Select target from the list, and click ‘export’


The seating plan will be export and save as a text file.


4 HiClass Teacher Functions 4.1 Broadcast Broadcast is one of the key functions in learning activity. Broadcast will send teacher’s PC screen and studio to one, selected or all students. While broadcasting, teacher will also be able communicate to the students through microphone, headset or loudspeaker.

4.1.1 To Start Broadcast 1.

Select the students to receive broadcast.


Click ‘Broadcast’ button on the teacher console, or press {Ctrl + Alt + F6}

Note: {Ctrl + Alt + F6} is the default hotkey. It could be changed in ‘Setting’.


When running this function on the first time, a notice will popup. Teacher may select ‘Do not prompt again’ to stop this popup notice in the future.


Teacher Console will minimize itself and display a floating menu bar on the top of the teacher PC’s desktop as shown below.

4.1.2 To Stop Broadcast Stop All Stop broadcast In order to stop broadcasting, you may click the above button on the menu bar or press {Break} on the keyboard. Note: {Break} is the default hotkey to stop the running function.

4.1.3 Floating Menu Bar in Broadcast As stated above, when broadcast is in progress, the program will be minimized automatically and a toolbar will popup on the top of the desktop. Here are the functions of the buttons in the floating menu bar: 1.

to display/hide the main console of the teacher program



to start or stop audio broadcast


to open ‘electronic pen’ to add notes/draw to the desktop


to record the screen operations


To adjust the resolution of broadcast picture. Starting from the left, the four buttons above represent: best, better, normal, low


to switch between full screen and window modes during broadcast


to start ‘zoom- broadcast’ function


to change the performance and speed of the Record Screen


to stop broadcast

4.1.4 Broadcast Teacher Audio Only Start audio broadcast

Teacher can click on the above button on the menu bar to broadcast his/her voice to the students during broadcasting. And click this button again to stop broadcasting voice to students.


4.1.5 Talk to a Selected Student in Broadcast During broadcast mode, teacher can select a student to talk with, which can be heard by other students who are receiving the broadcast. To talk with a selected student in Broadcast:



on the floating menu bar.



to popup the main teacher console.


Select one student you want to talk to. And right click on the student then the right click menu will show up.


Click ‘Talk to student’ in the right click menu.


The teacher can talk to the selected student and the convert

4.1.6 Use Electronic Pen This electronic pen is the teacher’s assistant in broadcasting or recording screen. Teacher can use it to highlight the important part of the lesson, to add notes, etc.

electronic pen

Click the button above to start the electronic pen.

4.1.7 Adjust Broadcast Quality Broadcast in lower image quality will reduce the bandwidth requirement, so it is useful while broadcasting 3D game, full screen video or courseware. HiClass provide 4 levels of broadcast qualities: y

Best: Same image quality with the picture on teacher desktop. 26


Better: 75% of the quality of the image on the desktop of teacher computer


Normal: 50% of the quality of the image on the desktop of teacher computer


Low: 25% of the quality of the image on the desktop of teacher computer

To change the quality setting, please click the buttons on the floating menu bar.

Note: No need to stop or restart the broadcast for the changes to take effect.

4.1.8 Broadcast in Full Screen or Window Teacher can broadcast the PC screen in full screen or in window to students. Note: In full screen mode, student mouse and keyboard will be locked; but in window mode, the student mouse and keyboard will not be locked. switch between full screen and window mode

To Change the Broadcast mode: Click the above button to broadcast in full screen. Click it again to switch back to window mode.

4.1.9 Zoom Broadcast By ‘zoom Broadcast’, teacher can broadcast a part of his/her screen to students. Zoom Broadcast


Note: Teacher PC must set up in higher screen resolution then students or the zoom broadcast function will not be available! After start Zoom Broadcast, teacher can drag the Red window on teacher PC to select a portion to broadcast. After the selection, the new selected ‘Red window’ will be broadcast to students immediately.

There are 3 window sizes available in zoom broadcast: 800*600, 1024*768 and 1280*1024, Teacher can change the window size in teacher console’s ‘setting’.


click on the zoom broadcast window and you can select the different size you need as well. Note: Zoom broadcast can be used in ‘full screen’ broadcast only.


Record Screen

Teacher can record teacher PC’s screen operating with audio. recorded file as teaching material or courseware.


And use this

Record Screen

To record during Broadcast, please click the above button on the floating menu bar. To stop the recording, click the button again. Note: Teacher can either allow or forbid the student to record screen while receiving the broadcasting. Please refer to the Broadcast Settings in the setting of teacher console.

4.1.11 Record Screen Quality Record Screen Quality setting

HiClass provides 3 levels: 1.

Record in best quality


Record in normal quality ( Default)


Record in low quality

Note: Default setting will record at the best result, which is applicable to almost broadcast situation except broadcasting video courseware or Flash. To change the record quality:

on the broadcast floating menu bar.




Select the setting in the pull-down menu.


Broadcast Movie

To broadcast a movie from teacher PC to students using Broadcast function, please start the ‘Video accelerating program’ first:



Click Start|Program|HiClass, then select ‘Video accelerating program’.


Select ‘Stop the video overlay’, and click OK to finish.

Note: Please restart teacher computer for the changes to take effect. 3.

Then you can try ‘Broadcast’ function and broadcast the movie from teacher PC to students.

Note: Teachers can also use ‘Net Movie” to broadcast movie files.

4.2 Audio Broadcast Teacher can also broadcast the audio only to students.

4.2.1 Start Audio Broadcast 1.

Right-click the black area in the main console.


Select ‘Voice broadcast’ in the popup menu.


A picture wills popup to prompt the student to wear the headset.


4.2.2 Talk to Selected Student in Audio Broadcast In audio broadcast, the conversation with a student will be broadcasted to the whole class. Please follow these steps to start audio conversation: 1.

Right-click the student icon.


Select ‘Begin to chat with student’ in the popup menu.

4.3 Student Demo This function allow teacher to appoint a ‘master’ student and broadcast this master student’s PC screen to other selected students or all other students. During the Student Demo, the teacher can control this master student’s PC, also talks with this student, all above operations and conversation will be sent to the selected students. To operate this function, you may follow the steps below: student demo


Select a master student by clicking on student icon.


Click on ‘Stu Demo’ button to start this function.


You will see a popup window as follow; select the students that the master student will be broadcast to.



After you select the students to receive the demo and click OK.


The master students screen will be shown in a windows on teacher PC as follows:


Then the selected students will receive the broadcast.

The master student screen is the same window as you can see in ‘Observe’ function. Right click on this master student screen on teacher PC, teacher can select auto focus, click and drag or zoom display. auto focus

Screen focus will follow mouse move automatically.

click and drag

User can click and drag the screen to the portion they need.


zoom display

The observed window will be zoom in.

4.3.1 Control Master Student in Stu Demo Teacher can select remote control to take over the master student keyboard and mouse. The operation will also broadcast to previous selected students.

4.3.2 Add or Remove Student in Stu Demo To add in or move out student: Teacher can right click on a student to add the student into Demo or move the students out of the demo.

To terminate this function, you may click the ‘stu demo’ button again or right click on the demonstrating student and select ‘stop student demo’ to terminate.

4.4 Observe Student PC Observer function allow teacher to observe one, or more than one students. 33

So teacher do not have to go around the students and watch students. Observe student

To operate this function, please follow the steps below: 1.

Click one student icon or select more than one student on Student area.


Then click the ‘Observe’ button to start the function.


The observed student windows will displayed on teacher screen.

Note: If teacher Click ‘Observe’ without selecting any students, it will add all students PCs into observe.

4.4.1 Floating Menu Bar for Observe While observing student PC, there is a floating menu bar on the top of teacher’s desktop.

The buttons’ functions: 1.

to display/hide main console


to display the last viewed students’ screen


to display the next students’ screen


Auto loop when there are more than one students in observe



to realign the observed student windows


to adjust ‘Observe window mode’


to exit the Observe

4.4.2 Three Observe Window Mode In order to provide a suitable observe view for teacher, there are three different observe mode to observe student screen: Auto Focus Screen focus will follow the mouse move automatically, so you can see mouse operating and change made by student. Click and drag Teacher can click and drag the observed student screen to the portion they need. The observed

student screen is zoom in to fit the observe


To change the observe window mode: You can either right click the observe window or use the menu in the floating toolbar.

4.4.3 Remote Control in Observe While observing a student’s screen, teacher can tutor the student by controlling the student keyboard and mouse. 35

To start remote control: 1.

Right click the observed student window.


Select remote control in the right-click menu. Then the desktop of selected student PC will be displayed in full screen.


And the following popup toolbar will be displayed:

Lock keyboard mouse Press this button; the student keyboard mouse will be locked. Press the button again to unlock. Electronic pen Teacher can use electronic pen during remote control


Note:When ‘Loop’ button is activated during ‘observe’, teacher can not do remote control to the students.

4.4.4 Student Demo in Observer During Observe function, teacher can also use the ‘Student Demo’ to broadcast a student’s screen to others. 1.

Select students.


Then click ‘Observe’ button to start observe.


Select the student as the ‘master’ student for student demo and right-click the student window, select ‘Stu Demo’ in the popup menu.



On the pop-up window, please select one, a part of, or the whole class to receive the broadcast of the master student.


Then the student demo will start.

4.4.5 Take Snapshot in Observe During Observe, teacher may take snapshots of the Observed student screen, please follow these steps: 1.

Right-click the observed student window.


Select ‘Snapshot’ in the popup menu.

Note: The snapshot photo is in .jpg format. By default, it will be saved in My Documents->HiClass->Screen Snapshot\Seating Plan name. You can change the saving path in Setting of teacher console. 38

4.5 Intercom Intercom allow teacher to talk to one selected student. Only teacher and the selected student can hear the conversation. Please follow one of these steps to operate: Intercom


Select one student in Student’s area. Click the above button to start ‘Intercom’ and teacher can talk to the student.


Or right-click the student icon and then select ‘Intercom’ in the right click menu.

4.6 Black Screen Black screen function allows teacher send a black screen to students, so students can focus on the teaching. The default message on student screen is ‘Keep silent’. Note: Teacher can change the message on setting of teacher console.

4.6.1 Start and Stop Black Screen Black Screen

To start Black Screen, please follow steps below: 1.

Select students you want to send the black screen to.


Click ‘Black Scr’ button.


The black screen will be send to students and students’ keyboards and mice are locked. 39

End Black Screen

To stop Black Screen, please follow steps below: 4.

Click ‘End Black Scr’ to stop black screen.

4.6.2 Change the Message of Black Screen Please refer to the Black Screen settings in the Setting of teacher console.

4.7 Net Movie Teacher can use Net Movie to send a movie to students. A special design Net Movie player will popup on teacher and all students PC and the playback will be controlled by the teacher.

Net Movie is specially design for

broadcast movie file and it will take less bandwidth than screen broadcast. Net movie supports: 1.

Windows Media file:*.ASF.


Windows video file:*.AVI,*.WMV.


VCD file:*.DAT,*.MPG,*. MPEG.


DVD file:*.VOB.


Real file:*.RM,*.RMVB.


AVI file:MPEG-4, DIVX.


Audio file:*.MP3, *.WAV.


4.7.1 Net Movie Player Net Movie player


Click ‘Net Movie’ button and the following Net Movie player will popup.


To play the file in CD-ROM, click ‘VCD’. It will automatically add all the files in the CD-ROM to the playlist.

Note: In wireless LAN, the bit rate can not exceed the maximal transmission speed in the ‘System setting’. Default maximal speed of wireless network is 8192 kbps. You can improve the speed if the net broadcast performance can cope with it.

4.7.2 Suspend Teacher can click ‘suspend’ to stop Net Movie playing and system will memorize this stop point. Teacher can click ‘resume’ continue the playback from last suspend point. How to create a suspend point: 1

Click ‘Pause’ during the movie playback, then click ‘Suspend’.


Exit Net Movie. 41

How to resume playback from a suspend point: 1

Start Net Movie, and then click ‘Resume’ to continue playback from the last suspend point.


Click ‘Clear’ to remove the suspend point.

4.7.3 Student Watch Net Movie in Different Modes Teacher can set up Net Movie and decide how the student watches Net Movie broadcast.

During Net Movie: Students receive net movie in

If this option is ticked, then Net

window mode

Movie will be shown on Window mode. If it is not, then it will be shown in full-screen mode


Please go to Net Movie settings in the ‘Setting’ of teacher console for detail setting.

4.8 Live Live or Live Cam function is good for teacher who want to broadcast a live camera to students. Note: Teacher needs USB Camera, Webcam, microphone, headset and loudspeaker for live function.

4.8.1 Start Live Camera Live camera


Select the students who will receive the live cam from teacher.


Click ‘Live’ button and you will see the window as follows:



Select the device you will use in the Live Camera.


Click ‘Broadcast’ button to start the broadcast.

4.8.2 Live Camera Setting Click ‘Options’ in the Live Camera menu to enter the following window:


Note: You can only broadcast the live cam video if you did not select the audio device in above option.

4.9 Record Screen Hitless provide record Screen function that allow teacher to record teacher’s operation on his/her PC as a video file. And these files can be used as teaching material in the learning process.


4.9.1 Start Record Screen

Click ‘Rec Screen’ and select the path to save the video file, then click save to start the recording. Following is the recording toolbar on the top of the screen:

The buttons’ functions: Display/hide teacher console.


Use ‘Electronic pen’

Show USB camera/webcam


Continue recording.

Stop recording

Recording is going on Illustrate recording is in process and showing the recording time

4.9.2 Mark Screen in Record Screen Teacher can use electronic pen to mark screen during record screen: 1.

Start Record Screen.


Click ‘Electronic Pen’ on the toolbar.


Then teacher can mark screen and the all the operations will be recorded as well.

4.9.3 Playback Record Screen Files Follow the steps below to playback the recorded Record Screen file: 1.

Click ‘Net Movie’ button on the main teacher console on teacher PC. 47


The Net Movie player will be popup.


Select the recorded file in the ‘Open files’ dialog box, then click ‘OK’

Note: In order to play the recorded files, you need HiClass program. Also, the Windows Media Player version9.0 or later must be installed to playback the recorded file.


Virtual Recorder

Virtual Recorder is design for language learning. With Virtual Recorder, the teacher not only can select an existing audio file and convert into a courseware, but also can record his/her voice as the teaching material directly. With Virtual Recorder, the students can do different practices that either lead by teacher or by themselves. Here we call the material teachers prepare for Virtual Recorder a ‘Project’. After teachers prepare a project, teacher can use Virtual Recorder to distribute the project to students and lead an online practice by this project.

Note: HiClass VR supports audio files in WAV and MP3 format. Function buttons of Virtual Recorder:






Open a Project or audio file


Start record audio


Close Project or file


Save Project or file


Playback Project


Pause playback


Stop playback


Fast Backward 2 Sec

Backward Fast Forward

Forward 2 sec. 49

or file

Start online

Start online practice and VR will


send project to students and let teachers lead the online practice


Listen to the audio file of the


teacher’s Project first then record

Mode 1

students’ voice


Playback the audio file of the


teacher’s Project first, and then

Mode 2

playback student's recording


Listen to t the audio file of the


teacher’s Project and record student

Mode 3

voice at the same time


Playback the audio file of the


teacher’s Project and playback

Mode 4

student recording at the same time


Select multi segments for practice


and VR will skip to next segment


automatically when previous segment ends


Setup caption, Record format, and Pause time


Mark a segment Click & drag on wave table to select a tag/segment then click here to mark


Move to previous segment



Next segment

Move to next segment


Delete current segment

segment Delete All

Delete all segments

segments Insert

Insert a caption


Delete a caption


Switch between caption


view/caption edit view

Next Screen

Show waveform of next screen

Prev Screen

Show waveform of previous screen

Tag /

Select Tag mode or Segment mode

Segment Record

Adjust record volume

Volume Playback

Mute or adjust playback volume

Shortcut-keys list: Shortcut keys

Relevant functions

Ctrl + O

Open program or file.

Ctrl + S

Save program or file.

Space Bar

Play or pause. Stop playback 51

Ctrl + I

Insert caption


Delete a caption

Ctrl + Å

Move to previous segment.

Ctrl + Æ

Move to next segment.




Move to previous segment.


Move to next segment.

Page Up

Show waveform of previous screen.

Page Down

Show waveform of next screen.


Show the waveform of the first screen.


Show the waveform of the last screen.

4.10.1 Teacher prepare a Project for VR Here we call the material teachers prepare for Virtual Recorder a ‘Project’. After teachers prepare a project, teacher can use Virtual Recorder to distribute the project to students and lead an online practice by this project. It recommended that teacher prepare a project based on an existing audio file or record a new audio file by VR.

And use the audio file as the basic

material to create the project for VR. Then HiClass VR will distribute the project to students and let Teacher lead students to practice according to the project in different mode. 52

The project for VR can be from one of the three sources: 1.

An existing audio file in MP3 or Wave format.


A new recording audio file from teacher VR.


An existing VR program.

For item 1 and 2 teachers usually have to do some preparation such as add caption, add tag and mark the audio file of the project into different segments, so student can use the project to practice. In following section, we will discuss the preparation of this VR project.

Note: Project file is a special file created by HiClass Virtual Recorder. The project file can be used to save the captions, segments, and tags, with the corresponding audio. When users create a new project based on an existing audio file or record a new file, a corresponding new project file will be automatically created. This new created project file will bestrode in the same folder as the original audio file. The new project file has the same filename but different extension: ‘.tprj’. When the project is opened, its corresponding audio file will be also opened automatically.

4.10.2 Manage Segment In order to lead student practice, teachers need to divide the whole audio file into several segments for language learning purposes. The length of a segment can be flexible. To add a segment: 1.

Open a project or audio file, then click ‘Tag/Segment’ button and VR will switch to the segment mode.



Click the wave graph to set the beginning point of a segment. And hold the left mouse button; drag the yellow line to the end of the segment. The segment will be selected and highlighted.


Click the ‘Mark’ button or press short-cut key F7 or right click the highlighted wave graph and select ‘Set segment’ in the popup menu to mark on this segment.


Then you can see the new segment from the pull down menu. And the segment no. on top of the wave graph.


Repeat above steps till all the segments you need are created.

Note: You can also use ‘Play’ or ‘Play circularly’ to check if the segment is set as you wanted. To select one or more segments: 1.

You can click the pull down list under the wave graph where states ‘Click here to select segment’ to select a segment. 54


Or you can click on the no. of the segment that on the top of wave graph to select one segment directly. Or hold the ‘ctrl’ key and click on the no. of the segment to select more than one segments.

Note: To unselect a segment, you can left click on outside of the wave graph of the segment. To Skip to the neighbor segment: 1.

When one segment is chosen, keep pressing the ‘Ctrl’ key, and press the arrow key ‘Æ‘ or ‘Å‘, then you will switch to the previous or next segment quickly.


Or click the button ‘Previous’ or ‘Next’, you will also switch to previous or next segment.

To delete a segment: 1.

Choose one or several segments.


Click the ‘Delete’ button to delete. Or right click on the selected wave graph, and click on the ‘Delete segment’ in the popup menu to delete the segment.

4.10.3 Manage Tag The time tags help you locate a certain point in the project. So you can jump to that point you want quickly. The time tag show in hr-min-sec.000 format. To add a tag: 1.

Set the Tags when project in Pause or Stop. In the wave graph area, double click the place straightly you want to set a Tag in, and you will get it. y

Or move the pointer to where you want to set a Tag in the 55

wave graph and then press ‘F7’. y

Or move the pointer to where you want to set a Tag in the wave graph area, then press ‘Mark’ button.


Set Tag when a project is playing. When a project is playing, the user can press ‘F7’ or ‘Mark’ button at any time.

When user presses

‘F7’ or ‘Mark’ button, the

system will insert a Tag in the current position.

To select a tag: 1.

Choose a single Tag. Click the drop down list under the wave graph ‘Click here to select tag’ to choose a tag. After you choose a tag, the playback pointer will move to the tag.


Switch to the neighbor tag. When one tag is chosen, keep pressing the ‘Ctrl’ key, and press the arrow key ‘Æ‘ or ‘Æ‘, then you will switch to the previous or next tag quickly. Or click the button ‘Previous’ or ‘Next’, you will also switch to the next or previous tag.

To delete tag: Choose a Tag, click ‘Delete’ button to delete it.

4.10.4 Manage Caption Caption is the text that will show in VR caption window when the audio file of the project is playing. Teacher can add captions for the audio file of the project that teacher send 56

to students and the caption can help students understand the audio file more. To add a caption: 1.

Open an audio file or a project file, if the project has segment in it. Just select a segment.


Click ‘Insert’ caption button and type in the caption.


Or you can just click on the wave graph as the starting position for the caption and click ‘Insert’ caption to add the caption


Repeat the above steps to add more captions.

Note: During the caption editing, please press the ‘save’ button or use the shortcut key ‘Ctrl + S’ from time to time to save the project file, to prevent the lose of your editing. 57

To delete caption: Open the project file, and click the ‘Caption Mode’ button to switch to the caption edit mode. Then select the caption and click ‘Delete’ caption button to delete the caption. To modify caption: 1.

Open the project file, click ‘Caption Mode’ button to switch to the caption edit.


Double click the selected caption and modify the caption. Press ‘enter’ key when finish modifying.

To playback project with caption: 1.

Open the project file; click the ‘Caption Mode’ button to switch to the caption view. 58


Click the ‘Playback’ button to start playing. During the playback, the captions will appear in the caption bar according to the arrangement.

Note: During project playback with caption, teachers can pause the playback and edit the caption if necessary!

4.10.5 Online Practice Modes in VR HiClass VR provide 4 different online practice modes. In the online practice, all the students practice will be led by the teacher. Teacher can playback and broadcast the selected program to all or selected students; teachers will also be able to control the progress of the practice. There are four online practice modes available in VR. Mode


Function Description


Listen to the audio file of the Online Practice

project prepared by teacher

Mode 1

first then record students’ voice Playback the audio file of

Online Practice

the project prepared by

Mode 2

teacher first, and then student's recording Listen to the audio file of the

Online Practice

project prepared by teacher

Mode 3

and record student at the same time Playback the audio file of

Online Practice

the project prepared by

Mode 4

teacher and student recording at the same time 59

4.10.6 To start Online Practice Please follow the steps below to Start Online Practice: 1.

Teachers open a project file.


Click the ‘Start Online Practice’ button on VR; then a dialog box appears on teacher’s screen, showing the status of sending the project file to students.


System will send the project file to student PC and VR program will popup and open the project file sent by teacher on student PC automatically


The teacher can use different online practice mode to lead the practice.

Please see the table above

Note: VR will send the project file includes captions, segments, and tags, from teacher pc to the student. This project can be used for self-learning at home. The project can be found in the directory of ‘My Document/Audio File’ in the student PC.

4.10.7 Project File VR will send the project file includes captions, segments, and tags, from teacher pc to the student. This project can be used for self-learning at home. The project can be found in the directory of ‘My Document/Audio File’ in the student PC.

4.10.8 Options in VR There are couple options in VR program that teacher can select. To set pause time before recording or playback: Teacher can set the pause time before record or playback the program in 60

online practice mode. Click ‘Setting’ button on teacher VR to set.

4.10.9 Auto Skip Segment in Online Practice Click the button ‘Practice multi segments’, then when teachers lead an online practice with many segments, VR will skip to next segment automatically during online practice.


4.10.10 Student Export and Save VR Project file When teacher start ‘Online Practice’ and before teacher close VR program.

Students can click ‘Export’ button on student VR to export

the project and save the project for self-study.

4.10.11 Student Use VR after online Practice Mode In VR’s online practice mode, students can only follow teachers’ lead for the practice. When teacher click on ‘Online Practice’ button again to stop the online practice more, then students can use VR for self study.

Student can

open audio files or project file and use different practice modes for self practice.

4.10.12 Student and Teacher Use VR at Home Teacher or students can bring HiClass VR program to prepare the 62

program or use the VR at home for self-study. You can find the VR programs in the HiClass Installation CD. Just copy the directory and double click on the exe file to start the VR program.

File Name


VRecorder.exe and

VR for teacher.

related files

Teacher can use this VR program to create project files as courseware.

VRecorderS.exe and

VR for students.

related file

Students can use this program to playback audio file, or use the project file to do the practice even teacher is not on line.


Virtual Recorder for Student

This section will explain how to use VR on student PC.

When teacher

start VR and online practice function, students can follow teacher’s lead for the online practice.

After the online practice, student can also use

VR for self study! Students will use the virtual recorder to participate in the practice lead by the teacher. Student may also export the project file send by teacher and bring it home for self-learning.


4.11.1 Student Use VR in Online Practice When teacher start ‘Online Practice Mode’, the students VR will open and receive the project from teacher VR

Then student PC are locked in

VR and students can not open other application so student will focus on practice lead by teacher. There are four online practice modes available in VR. Mode


Function Description


Listen to the audio file of the Online Practice

project prepared by teacher

Mode 1

first then record students’ voice

Online Practice Mode 2

Playback the audio file of the project prepared by teacher first, and then 64

student's recording Listen to the audio file of the Online Practice

project prepared by teacher

Mode 3

and record student at the same time Playback the audio file of

Online Practice

the project prepared by

Mode 4

teacher and student recording at the same time

4.11.2 Student use VR after Online Practice After teacher stop online practice mode, then student can control the VR program for self-learning. Then the function buttons on student VR will be unlocked, and students may start their own self-learning. In the self-learning mode, the student can use the VR to playback project file from teacher also other audio files on student PC. Note: When teacher close the VR, all VR on student PC will be closed too.

4.11.3 Student Use VR at Home Students may export the project file and bring the file back home for practice.

But student will need the student VR to playback the project

file. Note: The student must have the VR student program.



Quiz allows the teacher to create quiz, manage quiz, and quiz students. HiClass provides some quiz templates that teacher can use. 65

There are four buttons on teacher console are for quiz: 1.

Prepare Quiz


Start Quiz




Quick Quiz.

4.12.1 Prepare a Quiz ※ This feature is available in (R2/R1.1) version Teacher need to prepare a quiz paper before quiz.


Press ‘Prepare Quiz’ on teacher console. 66

The following ‘Quiz

Maker’ window will popup:


Follow the column in the window and type in the quiz name and other information needed.


The quiz paper can contain many different sections. to add the section before you add the questions.


Click ‘Add section’ and give the new section a name.

New Open a new quiz Open Open an existing quiz Save Save current quiz Add Add a section or question Delete Delete a section or question 67

So you have

Quiz Name

Name of the quiz.


Class name

Teacher Name

Name of teacher


Quiz time

You can save the quiz and use it later.

How long this quiz will last Total score

Total score of this quiz. Usually are 100.

Click the button below

to change. There are four type of question can be added into a quiz. One Answer,

Multiple choice questions with only one

Multi Choice

correct answer.

Question Multi Answer,

Multiple choice question with one or more

Multi Choice

correct answers.

Question True/False

The question’s answer must be YES or NO.

Question Essay question

Student to enter one or more sentences to answer.

Note: One exam paper can only have up to 128 questions. One question can only contains no more than 1024 characters. The essay question’s answer can not over 512 characters. Multiple choice questions can have no more than 8 choices. Each choice is no more than 512 characters. The score for each question is between 0 and 100, the default value is 10.

4.12.2 Add Section and Question 1.

Create a new quiz paper or open an existing quiz paper.


Click ‘Add’ on the toolbar, select ‘New Section’ in the popup menu. 68


Then click ‘Add’ to add in the questions.


Repeat the above steps to add all the sections and questions.


To delete a section, select the target section and click ‘Delete’


Click ‘Save’ to save the paper.

4.12.3 Add Multiple Choice Question 1.

Create a new quiz paper or open an existing quiz paper.


There must be one section available in the quiz paper before you adding questions.

Please create a section if necessary.


Click ‘Add’ on the toolbar, select ‘Multiple choice question’.


Type in the question and then type in the choices.


Tick the dot before the correct answer. answer to grade the quiz. 69

HiClass quiz needs the correct


Assign the score that this question will take.


To add an optional picture, click ‘Picture’ icon on the right.


Repeat step 3-7 to add more multiple choices questions.


Click ‘Save’ to save the paper.

10. To delete a question, select it in the edit dialog and press ‘Delete’

4.12.4 Start Quiz ※ This feature is available in (R2/R1.1) version 1.

Select the students who will attend the quiz on teacher console.


Click ‘Start Quiz’ button, and the following ‘Start Quiz’ window will pop up.


Press ‘Open’ button to open a quiz paper which is prepared by the teacher. 70


Click ‘Send’ and system will send the quiz to students PC. And the Quiz window will open on student PC automatically and student can only answer the quiz, they can not use their PC for other applications.


Click ‘Start’ to start the quiz. The quiz will be open automatically on student PC and students have to answer the quiz only.


The quiz will last till the quiz time up. Student may submit the answers if they want before the time up.

Note: After the quiz, student answers will be save in the quiz file as well. Function button in tool bar: Open

Open an quiz that prepare by teacher or a finished quiz for grading


Resume a suspended quiz


Send the quiz paper to students


Start the quiz and countdown.


Teacher can pause the quiz


Teacher can suspend the quiz.

The quiz

program will be closed and student can use the PC fro other purpose. Stop

Stop the quiz and collect the answers from students


Grade student quiz

Countdown clock

Quiz time count down. system



When time up the students


automatically and stop the quiz.

Note: When student PC is disconnected with teacher PC, the quit will be stopped. Students can continue the quiz after re-connect with teacher PC.


4.12.5 Suspend, Resume and Pause Quiz Teacher can suspend the quiz if necessary.

Suspend function will close

the quiz on student pc and student can not answer the quiz.

But teacher

can resume the quiz later and students can continue the quiz from the unfinished part. To suspend quiz: Click ‘Suspend’ to stop the quiz. And system will stop students from answer the quiz as well.

Also the stopping point will be stored and

teacher can resume the quiz from the last suspend point. To resume quiz: Click ‘Resume’ and select the quiz you want to continue.


suspended quiz will be continued from the last suspend point!

To pause a quiz: Teacher can click ‘Pause’ to stop the quiz temporary.

Students can still see

the quiz, but can not answer it. Teacher can click ‘Pause’ again to continue. Note: When the quiz time is up, system will collect student answers automatically. 72

4.12.6 Grade ※ This feature is available in (R2/R1.1) version ‘Grade’ function can help teacher to grade the quiz. student’s answer with the correct answers.

System will compare

Teacher must provide the

correct answers when the quiz was created. Note: After the quiz, student answers will be save in the quiz file as well. Also teacher can send the quiz result with score and teacher comments to students Note: For essay question, teachers have to review and give score manually. To start grade:



Click ‘Grade’ button on the teacher console and then click ‘open’ to select and open a quiz to grade. The following window will popup:


System will check student’s answers automatically.


Teacher may click on the screen on the right to edit, to give score or to add comment. Student will see the comments when the quiz results were sent to students.


Repeat the steps above to complete the work. Click ‘Save’ to save the grading into quiz file. Open

Open a quiz file for grade


Save the quiz file


Export the grad result as an excel file.


Previous question


Next question


Allow teacher make comments to selected question


See quiz Statistics 74


Send quiz result to students

4.12.7 Check Quiz Result 1.

Click ‘Grade’ on the teacher console and open a quiz file.


Click ‘statistics’ button on the top toolbar.


Teacher could check the scores, students’ answers, and etc.

4.12.8 Send Quiz Result to Students After finishing the grading, click ‘Send’ on the Grade window, and then and 75

system will send the result to the students. Students may see their quiz result, grade and teacher comments in an HTML format page. 1.

Click ‘Grade’ on the teacher console and open a quiz file.


Click ‘send’ button on the top toolbar.


Select the students who you want to send the quiz results to.


Click ‘Send’ to send the results to selected students.


Students will see their quiz result, grade and teacher comments in an HTML format page

4.12.9 Quick Quiz and Survey Teacher can use Quiz maker to create a quick quiz or survey. A quick quiz is that teacher can just type in questions and get students’ response immediately.


Note: A survey does not need correct answer, but teacher can see student’s spine immediately. To start a quick quiz or survey: 1.

Select the students who will attend the Quick Quiz on the teacher console.


Click ‘Quick Quiz’ button and you will see following window:


After teacher type in the question and choices, then click ’Start’ to send the question to students.


Teacher can see student’s reply immediately


If teacher click on the ‘Survey’, then teacher do not have to specify the correct answer.

The student answers and the statistics will be updated LIVE in the window above. 77



Teacher may use ‘Grouping’ function to divide students to different group. Functions based on grouping are: y

Group talk,


Small group

In ‘small group’ function, teacher can assign a leader and assignment for each group. So student can do different activities in group and the group leader will lead the activities in group. Note: Grouping status will be saving in the seating plan. And teacher can apply some other functions such as Broadcast, Observer to group.


4.13.1 Create Groups


Click ‘Grouping’ and you will see the following window:



Click ‘New’ to create a new group and the follow window will popup:



Input the group name.


Click ‘Add’ to select the group member.


Click ‘OK’ to finish

4.13.2 Add/Delete Group Member 1.

Select a group and click ‘Edit’.


Click ‘Add’ to select students, or click ‘Remove’ to delete student from the group.


And click ‘OK’ to finish.


Note: Keep pressing Ctrl or Shift to select more students.

4.13.3 Assign a Group Leader In ‘Small group’, teacher needs a group leader to assist other students in the group. Teacher can assign the group leader here are you can assign the group leader in small group function. Only one leader in each group and group leader will the default student for function like Student Demo, Broadcast, audio Broadcast and Net Movie. The default student screen will be broadcast to others. 1.

Click ‘Grouping’ button.


Select a group and click ‘edit’.


Select a student and click ‘set as leader’. 82


Click ‘OK’ to finish.

Note: If teacher did not assign a group leader here, teacher needs to assign a group leader in small group function.

4.14 Group Talk Group Talk allows students talk to each other in a small group.

Teacher can

also joint any group if necessary. To start group talk:


Click ‘Group Talk’ button on the teacher console. You will see window as below:



Click ‘Start’ or ‘Start All’ to start group talk.


Start current group’s group talk


Stop current group’s group talk


Remove a group from the group talk

Start All

Start all groups’ group talk

Stop All

Stop all groups’ group talk

Note: When teacher remove a group from group talk, it only remove that group from current group talk activity. It will not delete the group.


4.14.1 Teacher Join Group Talk Teacher may join in students’ Group Talk by click on the tab of group name in group talk window. Then teacher can talk to students in that group or send message to the students in the group.


Small Group

‘Small Group” allows teacher to assign different activities to different groups according different student need. To start a small group:



Click ‘Small Group’ and you will see the ‘Group teaching’ window as below:



Click n the tab to select a group you want to modify.


Assign a student as the group leader.


Assign an activity for the group.

Teacher can assign following activities for small group: y



Audio Broadcast






Remote Control


Student Setting


File Transfer


Remote Command


Net Movie


You may change the group member by uncheck the box before 87

student name. 6.

Then teacher can click ‘start’ to start small grouping teaching for the group.

Teacher can repeat above steps for other groups.

4.15.1 Functions Available in Small Group Teacher can assign following activities for Small Group: y



Audio Broadcast






Remote Control


Student Setting


File Transfer


Remote Command


Net Movie

4.15.2 Free Out a Group from Small Group In Small Group mode, teacher can click ‘Free’ button in ‘Small Group’ window to fee out the selected group. Students in that group can use PC freely.

4.15.3 Observe Small Group In Small Group, teacher may observe each group through the observation window of the group teaching window. Teacher can also decide how soon the Observe screen will be updated.



Application Control

Teacher can limit student use certain application by this function. HiClass implement Black list and Whit list for this function. 1.

All Open: the students can use any applications on their PCs without limitation.


White List: All applications are blocked, except programs that are on the white list.


Black List: All applications are open; expect the programs that are on the black list.


Custom policy: Teacher creates the control policy by himself/herself.


4.16.1 Use Application Control

Click ‘Apps Ctrl’ on teacher consol and Select control policy from the pull down menu. y

Advance – Teacher creates the control policy by himself/herself.


All Open – no limitation


White List – All placation are blocked expect the application in the White list


Black List – All placation are open expect the application in the Black list


Also the custom policies that created by teacher


Form the popup menu.

4.16.2 Edit Application Control Policy To edit control policy: Click ‘Apps Ctrl’ button on the main console. 1.

Select ‘Advance’ and you will see windows as below:



Click on White List or Black List to edit:

To edit white list 1.

Student can use the applications listed in the white list only.


the box before the item to select the item.


Or click ‘Add application’ and the Add Application window will appear as follows:



Type in application name or click ‘browse’ to select the applications.


Teacher can also type in a path than all the application in the directory will be add into the white list.


Teacher must select the appropriate ‘match type’.

If teacher type in

an application name, then the match type is ‘match name’. 6.

Repeat above steps to add more applications; and then click ‘Apply’.

To edit black list: 1.

Student can use all applications, but not the applications listed in the black list.

Tick the box before the item to select the item.



Or click ‘Add application’ and the Add Application window will appear as follows:



Type in application name or click ‘browse’ to select the applications.


Teacher can also type in a path than all the application in the directory will be add into the black list.


Teacher must select the appropriate ‘match type’.

If teacher type in

an application name, then the match type is ‘match name’. 6.

Repeat the steps above to add more applications; and then click ‘Apply’.


Surf Control

Teacher can limit the web sites that students can visit. HiClass implements white list and black list for this function. Teacher can also edit the white list and black list for surf control.


4.17.1 Surf Control Policy Click ‘Surf Ctrl’ on teacher consol and Select control policy from the pull down menu.


Advance – Teacher creates the control policy by himself/herself.


All Open – students can visit any website.


White List – all web sites are blocked except the web sites in the white list.


Black List – all web sites are open, except the web sites in the black list.


Also customer policies that teacher create.

4.17.2 Use Surf Control Click ‘Surf Control’ on the main console and select control policy from the pull down menu. y

All Open


Apply White List


Apply Black List

4.17.3 Edit Surf Control Policy Click ‘Surf Control’ button and select ‘Advance’ then you will see the popup window as follows:


To edit White List policy 1.

Click on White List and you will see the popup window as below:



Tick the box before the item to select the item.


Teacher can click ‘Add URL’ to add in more web sites that you allow students to visit.


Click ‘Apply’ to make the change and ‘OK’ to exit.

Note: The key words will be created automatically after inputting the URL. Only when the student input the URL contains those keywords, the Website Control policy will validate. At present only IE explorer is supported by HiClass. To edit Black List Policy: 1.

Click on Black List and you will see the popup window as below:



Tick the box before the item to select the item.


Teacher can click ‘Add URL’ to add in more web sites that you do not allow students to visit.



HiClass will also check the ‘keywords’ as well.


Click ‘Apply’ to make the change and ‘OK’ to exit.


File Transfer

Teacher can send selected files or documents to student. And students can also send file to teacher. Note: The file transfer will be canceled if the destination PCs’ hard disk space is not enough. Also if there are existing file/donate, they will be replaced by the new one. To transfer files to students: Click the button ‘File Transfer’ in main console, the following dialog box appears:


Option File Transfer options include the folder and others. Add Add selected file into the file transfer list Delete Delete the file from the transfer list Send Start File Transfer Stop Cancel or stop file transfer

4.18.1 Start File Transfer 1.

Browse the directory in the dialog box above. 101


Click ‘Add’ to add selected files to the transfer list.


And then click ‘Send’ to start the file transfer.

Note: The destination’s folder to store the transferred file can be setup in File Transfer’s ‘Option’.

4.18.2 File Transfer Options 1.

Choose Tools > Options, Or click


Click ‘Replace’ tab.


Please select either ‘Replace’ or ‘Don’t Transfer’ from the options. y

, you will see

Replace: replace the file if there is a file with the same name already.


Do not transfer: Stop transfer the file.



Click OK to finish.

4.18.3 Setup Destination Folder On the File transfer dialog box, please choose Tools > Options, or click

. The following menu will appear:

There are 10 default paths and you can select one. To add new destination path: Click ‘Add’ in the menu shown above to add new path. To edit the existing default path: Click ‘Edit’ in the menu shown above to edit the existing path. To delete the existing default path:


Choose a target > Click ‘Remove’ to delete the existing path.


Student Send Files to Teacher

Students can send files or assignment to teacher also.

4.18.5 Manage Files Sent by Student Teacher can allow or stop students send files to teacher. 1.

Teacher right-click on the black area of teacher console and select ‘Manage File Transfer’ in the popup menu.


Select ‘Allow Student Send Files’ or ‘Stop Student Send Files’ in the submenu.

Note: The default policy is all students send files to teacher. After students sent files, teacher can check the files sent by students. To check the files sent by students: 3.

Right-click the black area of teacher console.


Select ‘Manage File Transfer’, and select ‘Files Sent by Student’ in the submenu. You will see the popup window as follows:


To accept files send by students: 1.

Select a student name in the dialog above, and click Accept.


Click ‘accept all’ to accept all the files.

To reject files sent by students: 1.

Select a student name in the dialog above, and click Reject.


Click ‘Reject all’ to reject all the files.

To change the path where to store the files sent by students: 1.

Right-click the black area on the main console.


Select ‘Manage File Transfer’, and select ‘Folder to Save Student Files’ in the submenu.


Input the new path in the popup dialog and click ‘OK’ to finish.



Manage Student Help Requests

Students can post Help Request from the student program. When student post Help request, the dialog box below will popup:

To check students’ help request: Teacher clicks on black area on teacher console and select ‘View Help Request’. To remove students’ help request: Click ‘Remove’ in the help request window above to delete the student Help. To talk to selected student: Select the student in the list and click ‘Group Talk’ to talk to the student. To remote control selected student:


Teacher can control student keyboard and mouse that send a help request. Select the student who sent the request from list and Click ‘Remote control’.


Sign In

Teacher can use ‘Sign in’ to ask student fill in their name and update the student name show on teacher console. Please click ‘Sign in’ and you will see the popup window as follows:

4.20.1 Start Sign In To start student sign in: Click Start button in sign in window as shown above. System will popup a window on student PC and Student need to provide information as requested on the window. Teacher can also click ‘Stop’ button in the sign in window to stop the Sign In. 107

4.20.2 Export Sign In result After all of the students have signed in, teacher may export the sign in results to a TXT format file. Please click ‘Export’ in the sign in window to export the sign in result as a file.



Click ‘Setting’ button on the teacher console and you can setup HiClass. Please refer to the following sections for more detailed

4.21.1 Screen Broadcast

Options Broadcast or Record Screen

The Broadcast, Playback, Recording

with audio

will include voice as well 108

Student receive broadcast in

Student will receive the broadcast


screen in a window mode not in a full-screen mode

Open student Mic. in Student

Student’s Mic will be enabled when

Demo or Remote Control

Student Demo or Remote Control

Open Camera during Screen

HiClass will automatically enable

Broadcast and Record Screen

camera ※ This feature is only available in R2 version

Record Screen: When this option is ticked, the recorded file will be stored in the assigned directory. Teacher may also select ‘Auto record teacher Broadcast on Student’ to automatically record whenever the teacher uses broadcast function. ※ ’Auto record teacher Broadcast on Student’ this feature is only available in R2 version. Broadcast and Record Screen performance: Teacher can select from 3 levels of output quality

y ‘High’ is the best broadcast performance and it will use more CPU (Suitable for Author ware or Flash courseware) y ‘Normal’ is




(Suitable for Photoshop demo) y ‘Low’ use less CPU (Suitable for MS Office demo) Screen size of Zoom Broadcast mode: There are 3 different screen sizes for Zoom Broadcast function.


4.21.2 Audio Broadcast

Audio Broadcast: Black student screen

while on audio broadcasting, student side will show a black screen

Lock student keyboard and

lock student keyboard and mouse


during audio broadcasting

Audio setting: Teacher may change the sound quality by clicking ‘Change’. Note: better audio quality will require more bandwidth. Notice canceling

Enable noise canceling If the microphone is sensitive to the environment, teacher can move the 110

bar closer to the right ‘H’ side. sound buffer

The sound buffer is also adjustable (250ms-1000ms). Smaller value will have lower delays of sound transmission, but will need more network bandwidth

Settings of audio input MIC

Choose current Sound card




Choose current Sound card


Mono mix

Line In

Choose current Sound card


Line In

When HiClass was installed in Windows 7, the “Input” is Unavailable. There you only need to choose Sound options.


Choose Windows 7 default MIC


Choose Windows 7 default Stereo

Line In

Choose Windows 7 default Line In

If you want to change the “Settings of audio input”, first you should to change the Windows 7’s sound options.

Note: If you do not use the Line In, please let it Default.


4.21.3 Net Movie

During Net Movie: Students receive net movie in

If this option is ticked, then Net

window mode

Movie will be shown on Window mode. If it is not, then it will be shown in full-screen mode

Lock student keyboard and

This option will be ticked by default.


Network Buffering: HiClass will automatically set the buffering. If you wish to set it manually, then please unpick the ‘Use default buffering’, and specify it manually on the input box below it.


4.21.4 Observe & Snapshot

Observe Setting: 1

No. of student screens show in a window when teacher observer.


can be 1, 4, 9, 16. 2

When observe 4 or more students in a screen, the time to switch screen focus from one student to next


Time for stay on one students screen

Notify Student: These options are not ticked by default; please tick them if you would like to notify the students before Observe or Remote Control.


Snapshot Setting The path is set by default, you can change he path here.

4.21.5 Record Screen

Record Screen quality: There are 3 quality options here: Normal, Good and Best. Advance: It will be best to leave it to default settings. Optionsďźš These options are ticked by default, please change when it is necessary. y

Record audio when record screen


Record screen with the flashing red record button


4.21.6 Black Screen

You may specify the message that will be shown on student PC during Black Screen mode. Text color and background color may also be adjusted.


4.21.7 File Transfer

General: Teacher may change the path for saving files send by students. Teacher may decide whether the files send by students will be saving under the folder name by the seating plan. Show notification when receive file sent by student. Limitation: Limitation about the files that students can send by file transfer.


4.21.8 Network

Advance: Set Teacher PC’s IP address and time interval for polling students’ PC. LAN type and speed: HiClass supports a LAN network with 10 Mbps or higher and wireless connectivity (802.11 b/g/n). Max transmission rate:

Set this as per network multicast speed

Max package size:

Set this as per network multicast speed

When data loss happen:

Set this as per network multicast speed. If connection is good, please select High; if connection is not good, then please select Low

Screen Broadcast frame rate:

Set this as per network multicast speed. If the network multicast speed is high, 117

teacher can set higher frame rate. Screen Broadcast quality:

Set screen broadcast quality according to broadcast content: To broadcast regular Windows operations or Word/Excel, select ‘Normal’. To broadcast program like DirectDraw, Direct3D, OpenGL or full screen movie, please select ‘Low’ to reduce the bandwidth needed. Select ‘Best’ when LAN speed is very good.

4.21.9 Hot Key

Teacher may use the default Hot Key or modify them according to preferences. 118

Note: The hotkey for student exit HiClass student program is {Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F10}. You will also need the student password. Note: HiClass will lock the student PC when LAN is disconnected. You can click ‘Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9’ and enter ‘Student password to unlock.

4.21.10 Teacher Password

Set up teacher’s login password and teacher console password. Note: Teacher can lock teacher console by right click in black area and select ‘Lock console’ in the menu. If teacher lost the password, please ask your system manager for help. Note: The hotkey for student exit HiClass student program is {Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F10}. You will also need the student password. Note: HiClass will lock the student PC when LAN is disconnected. You can 119

click ‘Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9’ and enter ‘Student password to unlock.

4.21.11 Teacher Console Display

Name below Student Icon Show Student Windows

Student Icon on teacher console will

login name

show window login name

Show student PC name

Student Icon on teacher console will show student PC name

Show Student Sign-in name

Student Icon on teacher console will show student signing name ( when ‘Signing’ function is used)

The default one is ‘Show Student Sign-in name’. on the student icon and change student name.

Teacher cal also clicks

Seating plan will store

students’ names Student Thumbnail Update If your have HiClass 5.0 version R2, it supports student thumbnail view, 120

user can select the refresh time for the thumbnail. The default is 5 seconds.

4.21.12 Hand & Messenger

Teacher can setup options for Raise Hand, Messenger and student login.


Remote Command

HiClass provide ‘Remote Command’ function that allow teacher latch application for students remotely or power on/ power off student PC remotely. To shutdown student PC: 1.

Select the student icon on teacher console.


Right click on the student icon. Then, select Remote Command > Shutdown,



And then the window below will pop up


Tick the option and enter the message and click ‘OK’ to start the function.

Note:You may select ‘Close without prompt’ to shutdown student computer without any warning. Teacher can perform similar operation for y

Remote power on student PC


Remote reboot student PC


Remote close topmost application on student PC 122


Remote log out students window


Remote close HiClass Student program.

Note: When use Remote power on, the student computer’s network adapters and main board must support remoter wakeup function and this function has been activated. Please refer to student PC’s BIOS setting for detail.

4.22.1 Close Applications Teacher can close student PC’s topmost application by this function. 1.

Select a student right click on its icon.


Select Remote Command > Close application, and click OK.

4.22.2 Login Windows Teacher can help student log in window remotely. 1.

Select a student right click on its icon.


Select Remote Command > Close application, and click OK.


Select a student’s computer and right click on its icon. Then, select Remote Command > Login Windows. Please type in the username and password when applicable, and then click OK.

4.22.3 Create a Remote Command Teacher can also start different applications for students on student PCs. Note: If there are more than one student are selected for remote command, the applications on those selected students PC must be installed on the same directory! 1.

Select a student’s computer and right click on its icon.


Then, select Remote Command > Advance. The following dialog box will appear:



Click this button to create a new command.


Click this button to delete a command in the list.


Click this button to save your settings of the command.

Remote command:

Select a command from the list and click this button to execute it on a student computer.

Local command:

Select a command and click this button to execute it on teacher’s PC.



Stu Settings

Teacher may remotely change the settings of the student PCs from the teacher PC:


Select one or more student on teacher console.


Then, click ‘Stu setting’ on teacher console, you will see a popup window as follows:


These are the settings that can be changed remotely by ‘Student Setting’. 1.



Proxy server




Wall paper.


Screen Saver


Advance setting.



Teacher can also save the settings as a file for future use. Note: The settings displayed in the ’Stu setting’ window are not the late setting on student PCs. 127

4.23.1 Advance Setting Allow the teacher to adjust the network efficiency setting and audio setting. Network Efficiency setting Tick the box to start the setting. When data loss



Fix it – this option will take more PC resources


Normal – this is the setting by default


Ignore – this option will use less PC resources

Poll teacher every

How long the student program will poll teacher program.

Please do not change this if

you are not sure Student’s channel

Teacher can change channel for students here

Audio Setting This setting is for the Recording and Playback. You may manually set different sound level for each of them or even mute.


4.23.2 Security This setting will allow the teacher to customize the HiClass uninstallation password, prevent students from closing HiClass by Task Manager, and etc.


Note: The hotkey for student exit HiClass student program is {Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F10}. You will also need the student password. Note: HiClass will lock the student PC when LAN is disconnected. You can click ‘Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9’ and enter ‘Student password to unlock. Change Student Password

Teacher can change student password remotely here.

In case teacher

forget student password, teacher can also reset student password here. Student password: 1.

To set the uninstallation password, please tick the ‘Click to reset Student Password’ box.



Then enter the password in the space under it.


Then click ‘Apply’.

Other setting These settings are enabled by default, please modify when necessary 1.

Prevent student from closing HiClass program by Task messenger


Block student screen when LAN is disconnected


Allow student exit HiClass by Hotkey

Note: The hotkey for student exit HiClass student program is {Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F10}.


Lock Teacher Console

To lock the main console, right-click on the black area and choose ‘Lock Console’, and then a menu will popup. To unlock the console, please enter the Teacher Console password. Note: The default will be ‘no password’. Teacher can set teacher console password at’ Setting’ on the teacher console.


Remove Raise Hand

To delete the signs of students’ raise hand: 1.

Right click the targeted student’s icon.


Select ‘Delete Raise Hand’.


Remove Offline Students

Teacher can remove the not login student icon on teacher console 131


Right click the black area of teacher console.


Select ‘Remove Offline Students’ to delete all students who are not login student


Student PC Property

Select a student icon ion the teacher console and right-click it, then select ‘Student PC Property’. The following window wills popup:

Teacher can check the Information, Application and Processes of the student computer.


Video Acceleration Program

In case teacher need to broadcast video by ‘Broadcast’ function instead of ‘Net Movie’.

Teacher can use this Video acceleration program to 132

improve the broadcast efficiency. 1.

Click Start Menu > Program Files > HiClass> Video Acceleration Setting Program (or run TDOvrSet.exe program under the directory where the HiClass Installed), the following dialog box will appear:


Please tick ‘Enable video overlay’ to solve the problem when playing VCD/DVD that is not compatible with Direct Draw full-screen mode.


Teacher can launch this program for student by ‘Remote Command’ as follows:


[Drive:] [Path] TDOvrSet.exe [Disable Overlay | Enable Overlay] y

Disable Overlay: Disable the DCI/ Overlay video acceleration function;


Enable Overlay: Enable DCI/ Overlay video acceleration function;



5 Use HiClass Student Program 5.1 Student Menu Students can access the HiClass functions by: •

Floating menu bar


Click HiClass Sys tray icon.

5.2 Floating Menu Bar After HiClass student program start, then the menu bar will be displayed at top of the screen.

Please pay attention to the following list for the functions of the buttons in the toolbar: Button

Funtion Display or hide the menu bar

Sign In


Raise hand for help

Send message to teacher or check message from teacher File Transfer

Display Help

5.3 HiClass Icon in System Tray After HiClass student’s program start and then Sys tray Icon will appear in the sys tray. There are 3 different status of this icon: Icon

Description Not connected to network Connected to network, but not to Teacher Connected to network and Teacher

To access the functions from this menu, please right-click the icon, and then the following menu will popup:


5.3.1 Display Menu Bar Click on this item to hide or show the floating menu bar on student PC.

5.3.2 Sign In When teacher start ‘Sign In’ function, the students will be asked to input their details. Teacher may also force students to do Sign-in. Then, the student’s desktop will become black and the Sign-in window will pop up. Students will need to complete the sign in or student PC will be locking in the sign in window. To complete the Sign in procedure, please follow these steps below: 1.

Input name.


Input class name.


Input student ID.


Click ‘OK’. 138

5.3.3 Raise Hand

During the class, student can click ‘Raise Hand’ button in the floating menu bar or press [Scroll Lock] to ‘Raise Hand’.

Teacher will see the

student icons on teacher console change to raise hand at the same time!

5.3.4 Instant Message Student can communicate with teacher by sending text messages. To send message to teacher:



Click button ‘Message’ button in the menu bar.


Type in the Message


Or click/\’Template’ to select a template.


Click ‘Send’.

Note: Click ‘Template’ to select a preset template there.


5.3.5 Post Help Request Students can use ‘Help Request’ function to ask for teacher’s help. 1.

Select ‘Help Request’ in the right-click menu on the Sys tray Icon.


Input the question and click OK.

5.3.6 Record Screen Follow these steps to perform Record Screen operation: 1.

Select ‘Record Screen’ in the right-click menu on the Sys tray Icon.


Set files name and path, click save button.


The recording will starts and you will see a flashing red dot on the menu bar.


Press the Stop button to finish the recording.

Note: Student can use Windows media player to play the files (asf) only if the HiClass client was installed in this PC. Note: The default saving path of the recording files is ‘My documents\HiClass\Screen’


5.3.7 File Transfer

Students can send files to teacher.

To send files to teacher:


Click the button ‘File Transfer’ on the menu bar and you will see the window as follows. Add file Add files to File Transfer list Add folder Add a folder to File Transfer list Send Start File Transfer 142

Stop Cancel file transfer 2.

Click ‘add files’ to add a file into the transfer list.


Click ‘Send’ to start the file transfer to teacher.


The files will be sent automatically when teacher accept the file. But teacher may also reject the files transfer.

Note: Teacher can set some limitation on the quantity and size of the files that student can send to teacher. .

5.4 Setting for HiClass Student Students can also change the setting of HiClass program on student PC. Student will need student password to enter the setting menu. 1.

Right click HiClass icon in the Sys tray


And select Settings

See following section for detail.


5.4.1 Network Setting

5.4.2 Process Protection

This setting is to prevent student from exit HiClass software by Windows Task Manager.


5.4.3 Lock Student PC

This option will allow HiClass to automatically lock the student PC when LAN is disconnected. You can click ‘Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9’ and enter ‘Student password to unlock.

5.4.4 Student Password

You may change the student password here. Note: If you forget student password you can go the HiClass teacher 145

program and use ‘Setting” on teacher console to reset the student password there.

5.4.5 Uninstall Student Program

Click Uninstall to uninstall the student software.

5.5 Receive Teacher Broadcast in Different Modes If teacher chose to broadcast in Windows mode to students, then student will be able to view the broadcast in different styles. The student can watch the Teacher’s demonstration while continuing the operation himself. To view broadcast in different styles, students may right-click the ‘Screen while receiving broadcast’. Then, a menu will popup consisting smart scroll, free scroll and zoom display. auto focus (Smart Scroll)

Screen focus will follow mouse move automatically.


click and drag (Free Scroll) zoom display

User can click and drag the screen to the portion they need to see. The observed window will be zoom in.

5.6 Student Virtual Recorder

5.6.1 Use VR in Online Practice When teacher start ‘Online Practice Mode’, the students VR will open and receive the program from teacher VR

Then student PC are locked

in VR and students can not open other application so student will focus on practice lead by teacher.


There are four online practice modes that teacher may use: Mode


Function Description

Online Practice

Listen to teacher program first

Mode 1

then record student

Online Practice

Playback teacher program first,

Mode 2

and then student's recording

Online Practice

Listen to teacher program and

Mode 3

record student at the same time Playback teacher program and

Online Practice

student recording at the same

Mode 4


5.6.2 After Online Practice The teachers stop the online practice, but not closing the VR program on teacher PC.

Then student can use VR for self learning. The function

buttons of VR will be unlocked.

And students can use VR to playback

the program sent by teacher, or the audio file on their PCs. Student can open a new file to study or save the student’s recording file and program sent by teacher.

5.6.3 Bring VR Home for Practice The student may export the program and bring them home. Then students may continue their practice at home with Virtual Recorder. Note: The student must have Virtual Recorder program from the teacher.


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