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Discover Freemasonry in Sudbury
Open Evening at Sudbury Masonic Hall Friday 7th October at 6 pm
Do you know what Freemasonry is or what Freemasons do? Do you know that Freemasonry has been thriving in Sudbury for over 250 years. Currently there are 8 Lodges within Sudbury and the surrounding areas.
What is it all about? Our key values are Integrity, Friendship, Respect & Charity. With so much uncertainty in our world today these guiding principles ring as true now as they have at any point in the organisation’s history. It is one of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world.
With 69 Lodges and well over 2500 members in Suffolk there is the opportunity to meet many like-minded individuals. Suffolk and our local area in particular has a close-knit community of Freemasons who are very enthusiastic about what we do. However, it has never been exclusive to any rank or race. Those that have embraced the Craft from Lords, farmers, innkeepers, clergy, councillors, solicitors, and indeed all trades and professions have practised their Freemasonry here in Sudbury and other local masonic centres in nearby Clare and Boxford and throughout our rural community. Nationally there are 8,000 Lodges with over 170,000 freemasons. Above all Freemasonry is to be enjoyed, whilst supporting Charity but also making good men even better.
Freemasonry itself fulfils many purposes, for example we are, after the National Lottery, by far the biggest charity organisation in Britain, supporting (with little publicity) virtually every worthwhile campaign in our society and as a body donating annually £millions to worthwhile causes. Local charities also benefit with £thousands also quietly donated. Many embrace our ritual, fulfilling their theatrical ambitions. Some love, embrace and study our immense history and the difference masons have made to our society. But above all, the one common thread is the desire of the company and comradeship of those of a like mind.
Interested to find out more? Sudbury & District Freemasons are holding an open evening on Friday October 7th at 6pm where there will be the opportunity to discover more about the history of our organisation, our Historic Masonic Hall and observe our beautiful old temple, built in 1886 and virtually unchanged since. And of course, the people that have been involved over the years, listen to an account of our pastime and most importantly to just dine and socialise with us.
If you would like to join us on the evening and discover more about freemasonry please contact Andy via email: grp5rep@suffolkfreemason.org.uk