3 minute read
Above the Parapet
Cllr Mick Fraser - Suffolk County Council Report Coronation of HRH King Charles III

Cllr Mick Fraser
On Sunday 7th May 2023, I had the great privilege of being invited by His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant, Countess of Euston, to a Commemoration Service to mark the Coronation of their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla. This celebration was held in the prestigious setting of St Edmundsbury Cathedral and was wonderfully delivered with beautiful choral recitals including that most moving Anthem, ‘Zadoc the Priest’. Fortunately, I had the time to return to Hadleigh to attend the Town Council arranged, Coronation Big Lunch held in the Deanery Gardens.

St Edmundsbury with Deputy Lord Lieutenant Mark and Pam Brennan, and Tracy Fraser
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Council staff who put in the effort to make this day such a great success. I’m sure it will be etched into the memories of all those who attended. Also, may I take this opportunity to congratulate those town councillors who have shown the courage and commitment in standing again for their re-election onto the council. As has always been my practice, I remain committed in maintaining strong connections and to collaborate with them to resolve issues or make improvements to services for the benefit of the town and residents.
(Lower) 30 mph Speed Restriction for Stone Street
Last summer I received a petition from residents and businesses located on Stone Street (A1141), requesting that the speed limit along their stretch of road be reduced from its current 40mph to 30mph. If granted, this would in effect bring this ½ mile section of road in-line with the rest of Hadleigh. The houses there front directly onto the roadway as there are no footpaths, making this stretch particularly hazardous for pedestrians. The current speed of the road is also hazardous for vehicles exiting homes, businesses, The Bowls Club, and for slow moving farm machinery exiting Peyton Hall.
Currently, Stone Street doesn’t quite meet the highways criteria for a change in speed restriction to be automatically considered. Therefore, I have commissioned Suffolk Highways to produce a report for the Cabinet Member for Highways to consider whether the change is needed. This report will have the input from various stakeholders including the police, town council, and Kersey PC. I have funded this initial stage of the project from my local highways budget.
I would be very interested to know your thoughts on this important safety issue and would be grateful to hear your comments.
Councillor Surgery
I hold my surgery on the third Saturday of the month with the next being at 11:00 on Saturday 17th June 2023 in the anti-room of the Royal British Legion Club, George Street.
Should you need to speak to me concerning an issue that affects you, then please contact me at - email: mick.fraser@suffolk.gov.uk; Tel: 0793 551 2591; or Facebook: @mickfraser4hadleigh, Twitter: @mick_fraser. Highways faults can be reported at: https://highwaysreporting.suffolk.gov.uk/ or by telephone: 0345 606 6171.