2 minute read
192 miles Achieved!
Coast to Coast Walk by Janet and Andy Welsh in aid of Sudbury Hive
Janet and Andy Welsh have completed their 192 mile walk on the Coast to Coast Path from St Bees on the Atlantic Ocean in Cumbria, to Robin Hood's Bay on the North Sea in Yorkshire.
After 17 days of continuous walking, they threw the pebbles they had collected at St Bees into the water at Robin Hood's Bay while, as tradition dictates, dipping their toes in the sea. The most challenging day was the 17 mile stretch from Patterdale to Shap which included over 3,500ft of ascent, but Andy and Janet arrived at their final destination tired but elated. Having never undertaken such a long, demanding walk, they took on this challenge to raise money for the refurbishment of the Hive Community Hub in School Street.
Donations in support of their amazing trek can still be made via the link at gofund. me/545d3c75. All donations, small or large, will be greatly appreciated and make their sore feet and tired limbs worth all their effort!
The Hive Community Hub provides facilities for local voluntary and charitable groups, who undertake a host of activities, including support for some of the most vulnerable people in our community. Hive has ambitious plans to develop its premises into a modern facility, by renovating this historic former Church to create a much more versatile space for use by local people. The next phase, costing around £70,000, includes remodelling the kitchen to create an office, and completely gutting the existing kitchen so that modern units and equipment can be installed, as well as adding insulation to the roof space above Friars Hall and redecorating.