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Rotary Round-up

At our meeting in early August, we were privileged to welcome Blake Leonard, a young carer who spoke about his role looking after his mother. We were delighted that his Mother also joined us at our meeting. Some readers may remember the youngster who appealed for Easter eggs so that these could be distributed to the young careers in this area, and that the response was overwhelming with hundreds being given. He has continued these appeals for Easter and for Christmas chocolate but storage has become quite a challenge!

Blake spoke about his responsibilities, how these impact on his school studies and his social life but, as he said, he does not resent his caring role. His talk was inspirational and humbling and members were moved to hear about the amazing work which he does and to learn that there are many hundreds of young people taking the full-time responsibility of caring for a parent.


Sudbury Rotary meets at Newton Green Golf Club on the first three Mondays of each month - with an optional lunch for those who wish to eat there. The fourth Monday is set aside for social events, maybe joining a ramble, visiting places of interest, or just getting together for tea and cake! On the 15 August we heard from new member Geoff Bell with the topic of “See you in a field somewhere”: a highly entertaining talk about travels in his motor home. On 22 August, members were welcomed to lunch in the garden of Judith and Malcolm Offord. It’s always a pleasure to visit their beautiful garden and to spend time in their company.

Rotary members and guests enjoying home made cakes and tea at a recent social event (Photo: Tony Platt)

With ‘Swimming for the Disabled’ the topic of another new member (Susan Ayres) on 5 September, we then have a ‘mystery’ speaker for the 19 September when Foster Jones is organizing this.

Looking forward to October, new member Dorothy Slatter will tell us that “Quilting is my Superpower” - intriguing! Under new arrangements for Sudbury Rotary, each speaker is booked by an individual member, so that topics can range across a wide area of interests. Tim McNeill is organizing the speaker for 17 October. If you are a member of a group which would like to know more about Sudbury Rotary Club, our intention as part of the international Rotary organisation to offer service above self, and how we support our communities, locally and worldwide, please do ask us to provide a speaker. You will be amazed at just how much Rotarians do, not just in our local communitybut across the world.

If you’d be interested in joining us for lunch and to meet our members at Newton Green, then please do contact us via the web site www.sudburyrotary. com or by telephone: 07341 290415. Rotarian Lesley Ford-Platt.

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