Diversity in Art/ Diversity in Life Lesson plan First teaching session Monday 12th March 2012 Class: C (a mixed ability class of mainly advanced level students) Lesson length: 40 min Number of students: 27 Course book series: Think Teen – 3rd grade Teacher: Eleni Xanthakou Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=tRlzmyveDHE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HlRa2w_Wxo&feature=player_detailpage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq2PPFUhfpo&feature=player_detailpage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjay5vgIwt4&feature=player_detailpage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homer_Scissorhands
Books: EAT PRAY LOVE by Elizabeth Gilbert
Group formation Objectives: Set groups of students to process the material in class and work together on tasks initiated by the teacher. Create a good emotional atmosphere. Activate content schemata on teaching subject. Time: 3 min Interaction: Whole class Skills: Speaking Procedure: Teacher invites students to enter the class and hands out shuffled UNO cards of various PIXAR movie car characters. Students are told to sit according to their character in order to form groups of 4-5 people. The groups of 4- 5 students sit together forming groups. Topic initiation ( a PPT presentation is projected acting as a focal point) Objective: Topic initiation
Time: 3 min Interaction: Whole class Skills: Speaking Procedure: Teacher discusses the PPT title with the class setting the session theme and hands out Worksheets. (Note: Worksheets are to be given gradually in order to surprise the students and keep them motivated.) Diversity through movies (Tasks 1-4 in the Worksheets) Objectives: Activation of content schemata. Setting of scene for students to understand the concept of diversity (in physical appearance) through a movie trailer. Stirring of emotions to attract attention. Creating a positive working environment. Time: 7 min
Interaction: Group work
Skills: Listening, Speaking
Procedure: Teacher asks students to watch ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ movie trailer and discuss how diversity is expressed through the film as well as the movie plot.
Objectives: Activation of content schemata. Setting of scene for students to understand the concept of diversity (based on beauty) through a movie trailer. Stirring of emotions to attract attention. Creating a positive working environment. Time: 6 min
Interaction: Group work
Skills: Listening, Speaking, Writing
Procedure: Teacher asks students to watch ‘The Beauty and the Beast’ movie trailer and fill in the song lyrics based on the listening input. After that, they are invited to discuss how diversity is expressed through the film as well as the movie plot.
Objectives: Activation of content schemata. Setting of scene for students to understand the concept of diversity through a fictitious character. Stirring of emotions to attract attention. Creating a positive working environment. Time: 7 min
Interaction: Group work
Skills: Integration of skills
Procedure: Teacher asks students to watch ‘The Scissorhands’ movie trailer and discuss how diversity is expressed through the film. The movie plot is highlighted through a fill-in task based on the storyline.
Objectives: Activation of content schemata. Setting of scene for students to understand the concept of diversity (race, nationality, tradition and way of life) through a movie trailer. Stirring of emotions to attract attention. Creating a positive working environment. Time: 6 min
Interaction: Group work
Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading
Procedure: Teacher asks students to watch ‘The Eat Pray Love’ movie trailer and discuss how diversity is expressed through the film as well as the movie plot. Students check their answers through the relevant book blurb.
Objectives: Train students at top down reading. Set the scene for the Crosscurriculum session to follow on translation. Time: 8 min Interaction: Group work Skills: Reading, Speaking Procedure: Teacher sets a jigsaw reading tasks inviting students to reconstruct a chapter based on extracts. Teacher hands out the complete Chapter for the students to correct themselves. Follow-up activity Objective: Develop critical thinking Time: Homework to be Interaction: Either in Skills: Reading, Speaking, discussed and/or handed groups or individually Writing out for the next time Procedure: Teacher asks students to elaborate on the two women relationship based on the Chapter. The material is to be used for translation in collaboration with a Greek Literature Teacher next time training students in both languages while discussing novel writing techniques.