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INTRODUCTION TO BUILDING INDUSTRY [1] Building Team and Trades • The process of building has become more complicated. From interception to final completion, through site acquisition (gaining possession), design, contract and construction, each stage has become more time consuming, and thus more expensive.

• The need to optimise this process is therefore of paramount important, and the best base from which to achieve this, is proper and efficient team working.

• It is therefore vital that all members of building team are fully conversant (exprerienced), not only with their own role, but also with the roles of others and with the interrelationships at each stage of the project. • Then each can pay their part fully and effectively, contributing their particular expertise whenever required.


The make-up of any particular building team will depend on scope and complexity of the works and contractual arrangement selected. There are already many different method of managing a project and, no doubt, others will be developed in the future.


The parties to a building contract are the employer and the contractor. Those appointed by these two will complete the ‘building team’ which can include:

• a. The design team i. Employer (Client) ii. Architect iii. Quantity surveyor iv. Structural engineer (Civil and structural) C+S Engineer • v. Building services engineer (mechanical and electrical) M+E Engineer • vi. Nominated sub-contractor • • • •

[b]. The construction team • i. Contractor (or principal contractor) • ii. Site agent (or foreman, described in the contract as the person-in-charge). • iii. Nominated sub-contractor • iv. Domestic sub-contractor [c]. And in addition the employer may appoint a • i. Cleark of works


• i. Employer (Client) • The client, or prospective building owner, has the responsibilty for defining the building to suit needs, establishing and providing the necessary finances, agreeing the design and construction phase, timetabling and of course, fulfilling the management and running of the complete project. • Producing a clear and accurate brief (or list of requirements) for a building and maintaining a strategic knowledge throughout the building process, the client should be able to make prompt decisions when requested. (a client usually resolves many of them hepled by professional advisers).


• ii. Architect

• The works undertaken by professionals Architect in the building industry: • [1]. Architect whose formal training is centred around the activity of designing to meet clients’ requirements, and are therefore best suited to lead and coordinate the team’s activities/project. • [2]. Architects design and prepare the production information for most building projects, and small general purpose building their expertice permit the architects to be the sole designer. • [3] Architects also will inspect the construction work on site and may function as planning supervisor. • [4]. The title ‘ architect’ is protected under the Architects’ Registration Board (Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia – LAM) and only person appropriately qualified and registered can use it.

Architect : Jean Nouvel

Architect : Jean Nouvel

Site Discussion

Architect : Bernard Tschumi

Le Parc De La Villette, Paris Bernard Tschumi [1993]

• Architectural Consultancy Services – Under Architects [Scale Of Minimum Fees] Rules 2010 • The basic Services that may be provided by the architectural consultancy practice shall be for any or all of the followings phases; [1] Schematic Design Phase [2]. Design Development Phase [3]. Contract documentation Phase [4]. Contract Implementation and management Phase • [5]. Final Completion Phase. • • • •

Basic services

Stage 1 Basic Services


Schematic Design Phase [Status Of Work] [1]. Taking the client's instructions and analyzing the project brief. [2]. Prepare preliminary conceptual sketch proposals to interpret the project brief. [3]. Developing the preliminary conceptual sketch proposals into sketch designs to a stage sufficient as to enable an application to be made for planning approval or approval in principle to comply with the relevant by-laws; [4]. Preparing preliminary estimates of the probable construction cost based on current area, volume or other unit costs; and [5]. Where applicable, to prepare and submit the drawings and other necessary documents to relevant approving authorities for either town planning approval or approval in principle.

Stage 2 Basic Services

Design Development Phase [Status Of Work] [1]. Upon the approval of the proposals by either the relevant authority or the client, develop the schematic design drawings to a stage to enable other consultants to commence their detailed design work; [2]. Prepare working drawings and to submit the same together with all necessary particulars to the relevant approving authorities to obtain statutory building approval; [3]. Update the preliminary estimates of construction costs and to submit the same to the client for his approval; and [4]. Update the project planning and implementation schedule and to submit the same to the client for his approval.

Design team SCOPE OF WORK during Design Development Phase. a. Architect [1]. Draw to scale all necessary plans, sections and elevations. [2]. Annotate the production drawings with specifications and materials conventions. [3]. Prepare schedule [4]. Submit the production drawings for planning and building control approval. b. Quantity Surveyor [1]. Agree contract precurement method and contract conditions.

Design team SCOPE OF WORK during Design Development Phase. c. Structural Engineer [1].Draw to scale all the necessary structural plans, sections and elevations. [2]. Annotate the production drawings with specifications and materials conventions. [3]. Prepare schedule; such as foundation schedule, bending schedule, etc. [4]. Submit the production drawings to enable the architect to obtained planning and building control. [5]. Advice the quantity surveyor on nominations.

Design team SCOPE OF WORK during Design Development Phase. d. Services Engineer [1]. Draw to scale all the necessary mechanical and electrical plans, sections, elevations and diagrammatical layout. [2]. Annotate the production drawings with specifications and materials conventions. [3]. Prepare schedules for plumbing fittings, lighting, etc. [4]. Submit the production drawings to enable the architect to prepare builder’s work drawings and obtain planning and building control.

Stage 3 Basic Services

Contract Documentation Phase [Status Of Work] [1]. Upon the approval by the client of the updated estimates of construction cost and the planning and implementation schedule, to prepare and finalize the detailed drawings and other particulars necessary to the stage of completion adequate for bills of quantities to be prepared by an independent quantity surveyor; [2]. To prepare all documents, in collaboration with other independent consultants appointed by the client, necessary for obtaining competitive tenders for the work; [3]. Invite, on behalf of the client, tenders for the work or collaborate with the independent quantity surveyor engaged by the client to do so; [4]. Evaluate the results of the tenders and submit a report and recommendation to the client; [5]. Award the contract on behalf of the client; and [6]. Prepare the contract documents, in collaboration with other independent consultants appointed by the client, for signature by the client and the contractor.

Stage 4 Basic Services

Contract Implementation and Management Phase [Status Of Work] [Architect’s Duties - Offsite and On Construction Site] [1]. To perform all the functions and duties of the architect under the terms and conditions of the building contract; [Archtect’s Duties at Construction Site] + Offsite [2]. Advising the client on the site staff required for the project and estimating the cost and duration for their employment; [Archtect’s Duties at Construction Site] + Offsite [3]. Provide information and issue instructions to the contractor as required under the terms and conditions of the building contract to enable the contractor to proceed with the works; [Archtect’s Duties at Construction Site] + Offsite [5]. To examine the works programme submitted by the contractor to be satisfied that the works can reasonably be completed within the contract period; [Archtect’s Duties at Construction Site] + Offsite [6]. To inspect the works at periodic intervals so as to ensure that the works are being executed in general accordance with the building contract and to issue certificate of practical completion; [Archtect’s Duties at Construction Site] + Offsite

Stage 5 Basic Services

Final Completion Phase [Status Of Work] [Architect’s Duties - Offsite and On Construction Site] [1]. Issuing a certificate of completion and compliance for the building after being satisfied that the building is fit and safe for occupancy; [Archtect’s Duties at Construction Site] – Final Inspection Stage [2]. Certifying as- built drawings and submitting maintenance manuals together with all warranties to the client; [3]. Issuing a certificate of making good defects after being satisfied that all defects to the building have been rectified; [Archtect’s Duties at Construction Site] – Final Inspection Stage [4]. Preparing final accounts for the contract and issuing a final certificate of payment to the contractor.

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