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Alternative Construction method for an external wall using a timber frame technique.

External wall construction Materials +Dry-jointed units of timber, metal or concrete

Dry-jointed units of timber, metal or concrete

Example Of Examination Question

Examination Question [July-November 2007] Describe the FIVE (5) BUILDING ELEMENTS and FIVE (5) of its COMPONENTS in order to complete a frame construction building? 5 Building Elements : Foundation Column Beam Floor Roof 5 Building Components: Wall Door Window Finishes M & E installation

Building Materials and components that makeup the wall construction

i. Brick

Typical Perforated wire cut brick

Clay brick is widely used in load-bearing wall construction due to; [1]. Light weight unit and easy to handle [2]. Widely available in local market [3]. Utilizing traditional building trade skill [4]. Economical to construct wall and structure

Three (3) types of bricks usage in the construction. [1]. Common brick – suitable for general bldg work, not for its appearance. Usually covered with plaster. [2]. Facing brick – intended to provide attractive appearance by texture, color etc. [3]. Engineering – a very dense brick used for structural purpose with minimum compressive strength and minimum water absorption.

5 [FIVE] advantages on the usage of bricks in load bearing wall construction. [1]. The use of materials such as brick can increase the themal mass ofa building, giving increased comfort in the heat of tropic weather. [2]. Brick typically will not require painting and so can provide a structure with reduced life-cycle costs. [3]. The appearance, especially when well crafted, can impart an impression of solidity and permanence. [4]. Masonry is very heat resistant and thus provides good fire protection. [5]. Masonry walls are more resistant to projectiles, such as debris from hurricanes than walls of wood or other softer, less dense materials.

Typical brick and brickwork settingout

A relative coordinating dimension of course heights of brickwork and blockwork.

Standard brick Dimension

Brick : characteristics and properties Brickwork has the following general properties: [a]. A heavy and durable materials [b]. High compressive strength [c]. Very low tensile strength [d].High resistance to weathering. [e]. High thermal mass [f]. High acoustic mass [g]. High impact resistance [i]. High fire resistance

Benefits of facial bricks. Strong and Durable An incredibly hard wearing building material, clay brick is able to take the knocks of everyday life as well as the weather extremes sometimes experienced. They won’t fade, twist or warp, rot or decay, erode or dent and termites can’t eat them. For hundreds of years, no material shows so few signs of ageing. Low Maintenance Brick houses have negligible routine maintenance, maybe a clean every so often, but they do not require any finish to maintain performance like render does. In most constructions they do not need re-sealing, re-painting or the like. This is an important factor to consider when looking at the “whole-of-life” cost of a building and wall cladding. The costs incurred don’t just stop once your home is complete so don’t forget to take a long term view when choosing materials. Thermal Performance Brick buildings, particularly double brick, have excellent thermal mass. The University of Newcastle research1 established that thermal mass, the ability of a material to retain heat energy when subjected to a temperature differential, plays a key role in stabilising temperature swings, keeping the internal temperature in the comfort zone longer. This means it is cooler in summer and warmer in winter.

Acoustic Performance The density of brick makes for a quieter building compared to lighter weight materials, reducing external sound such as aircraft and road noise. When building in cavity brick, adding insulation helps further by absorbing resonating sound. Internal partition walls made of brick can reduce noise transfer further when used between rooms of the house. When assessing acoustic performance, it’s important to look at the properties of the finished wall, not just the raw materials, and making sure they are sealed correctly and gaps filled in properly. Fire Resistance There are many components to consider when designing and constructing for bushfire prone areas that can improve the survival chances of a home exposed to bushfire. Design Flexibility Clay brick has a classic, timeless quality, while still being contemporary, innovative and versatile. Today’s generation of bricks mean the variety is now vast, and so are the uses. Their compact size, colours, textures and shapes provide infinite design options. Made from natural clay and shale, no two clay bricks are identical, giving each building its own distinct personality

ysical characteristic of facial brick. Easy Handling Brick Most face brick have holes to help the units fire properly, promote bonding with mortar, reduce overall weight, and make them easier to handle. Solid brick are used where holes may be unsightly, for example, in steps or window sills. Texture The surface texture of brick is very important to its overall appearance. Identically colored brick can look dramatically different simply by adding texture. There are a variety of textures available including wirecut and torn face (rough texture). Texture can also be created by applying coatings, machine made impressions, or other mechanical treatments. Color The color of brick is determined by the raw materials it contains and the method used to fire it. Additives blended into the clay mixture can create color completely through the brick body. Sand coatings, ceramic slurries and other additives can be applied to the face of the brick to create different surface colors. Changing the firing temperature will also produce different shades of color from the same raw materials. Mortar Mortar represents approximately 20 percent of the total surface of a wall, so picking the right mortar color is very important to the overall look of your home. Different mortar types and specifications are required for various applications and climates.

The characteristics of good bricks are: [1]. The bricks are true in shape and size i.e. 215 mm x 105 mm x 65 mm; there should not be any kind of deformation. [2].All arises (edges of the brick) are straight, and at right angle to opposite sides. [3].The colors of good bricks shall be flame red in colors representing even burning throughout. A pale colored brick indicates under burnt and can easily be broken and porous. [4].It shall produce a metal ringing tone when the bricks are knocked against each other. This shows that the bricks are well burnt in the kiln that produces hard and durable quality. [5].There shall be no impurities, such as loose stones or other alien objects present in the brick.

Three (3) common manufacturing processes in clay brick production. [1]. Hand made or soft mud moulded brick Hand made entirely using mould of bottomless box fixed on stock board. Excess clay is cut using wooden striker or length of wire. [2]. Wire cut or extruded brick Partially machine made, clay in plastic state pushed into rectangular opening in one continuous length. A frame wire cutter cut the clay to brick length. [3]. Machine moulded or pressed brick The wire cut brick followed by machine pressing. Brick conveyed to metal mould, sides and top simultaneously compressed by mechanical means. Good sound brick with very regular size and shape.

Standard Concrete Block

Block Generally blocks can be defined as units having at least one dimension larger than bricks. Block have six unique characteristic: + They light in weight, enabling their greater bulk to be handled easily when constructing a wall. + They sized to correspond to multiple bricks, enabling bonding in and work requiring corresponding course levels to be undertaken. + They are comparatively cheap to produce and lay, giving economical wall construction in comparison with brickwork. + They generally have better thermal resistance values than bricks. + They accept nail or screw fixings more readily than brickwork. + They have a keyed surface for the application of plastered or rendered finishes.

Case Study: Concrete block [blockwork construction]

Cavity wall construction : Internal block construction

215x100x440mm Case Study: Concrete block [blockwork construction]

Natural stones

Case Study: Natural stones [size: varies]

Artificial [Natural] stones

Case Study: Wall construction [artificial natural stones] – stretcher bond to a half-brick wall

Case Study: Wall construction [artificial natural stones] – stretcher bond to a halfbrick wall.

Brick Bonding

The bonding of brick wall necessary because: [1]. To create a cohesive strength by bonding the bricks together which otherwise if not bonded, part of the walls will collapse under lateral loading.

[2].To achieve a strong wall that can resists against lateral and vertical forces acting upon it. [3].It enables to transfer a vertical load to a greater area of the wall below so as the load is distributed evenly to the base.

[4].For non-plastered brick wall, various methods of brick bonding can display a uniform and beautiful faรงade that gives character to an architectural design. [5].The bonded brick wall also provides maintenance free surface i.e. without the needs of periodical painting.

Commons brick bonding

i. English bond

ii. Flemish bond

ONE BRICK WALL [Solid Wall Construction] Non cavity loadbearing wall construction. [Flemish bonding type]

Commons brick bonding

iii. Stretcher bonds [ Common for Cavity Wall Construction]

iii. Stretcher bonds

Stretcher bonds Single outer layer wall for cavity wall.

Stretcher bonds Single outer layer wall for cavity wall.

Stretcher bonds Single outer layer wall for cavity wall.

Stretcher bonds.

Single outer layer wall for cavity wall.

Stretcher bonds.

Single outer layer wall for cavity wall.


Function of a mortar The bricks and concrete blocks are held together by a MORTAR, thereby completing the structural and environmental enclosure. The mortar also serves the function of taking up any dimensional variations in the brick and blocks, so that they can be laid in more or less horizontal and vertical. Bonding of bricks and blocks The bricks and concrete blocks are held together by an adhesive mixture known as mortar, thereby completing the structural and environmental enclosure. Mortar consist : 1. Water activated binding mediums cement and lime.

The common mixing ration for cement mortar. + 1: 3 . + 1 [Cement] : 3 [Fine sand aggregate]. A fine aggregate filler such as sand. [Proportion : of one part binder (cement) to three parts aggregate]. Mortar is also the material which binds the bricks and blocks together. It helps to distribute the load through a wall and seal the brick or block joints against water ingress. Four [4] common important characteristic of cement mortar. + Good workability +Sufficient resilience to accommodate long term thermal movement of the masonary. + Adequate bond strength +Good resistance to water penetration.

Mortar : 10mm

Types of mortar joint

Building Materials and components that makeup the wall construction

Damp proof membrance [dpm] + Damp proof course [dpc]

Damp proof Membrane [Dpm] + Damp proof Course Ground water may enter the wall at or near its base and creep up the wall by capillary action to enter the building above ground level. This rising damp could affect the wall for height of up to 1m above ground level. The problem may be overcome by the use of damp proof course [dpc] + dpm. The dpc and dpm must be: + impermeable to moisture + continuous throughout the wall + floor + durable + strong enough to support the loads carried by the wall without extruding + unobtrusive when placed in position + flexible enough to allow movement within the wall without being damaged + comparatively simple to install.

Solid floor construction . [Dpm + Dpc]

Internal wall construction

Function [Internal Wall] Internal wall or partitions, provide the physical space separation within a building which is necessary to isolate certain activities in order to provide privacy and security. They may be required to provide fire protection between the spaces they enclose as well as between the spaces and general circulation routes. A sufficient amount of thermal insulation and sound control may be necessary to permit some check on overall performances.

Typical Internal wall construction using timber framing

Typical Internal wall construction using blockworks

Upper floor construction using timber







Exam Question [Sem. X/X-20XX]

Certain design characteristics can be observed in a load bearing brick wall building. There are FIVE (5) of these characteristics and why it is so. Characteristics of a load bearing brick wall building: [1]. Being load bearing, the wall is thick and in certain cases looks massive. [2]. Since the brick used in a load bearing wall constructions requires quality bricks, the faรงade of this building is normally left unplastered, expressing the beauty of its bonding. [3]. Since the loads are carried by the wall, opening for windows are normally small and isolated. [5]. To reduce the load acting onto the wall, the floors of upper level are normally made of timber. [6]. In order to spread the roof load evenly on to the four walls, the roof is normally constructed in hip form of construction.

Case Study: Wall construction – stretcher bond to a half-brick wall

Wall Construction Using Artificial Stones

Case Study: Wall construction – stretcher bond to a half-brick wall

Case Study: Wall construction – stretcher bond to a half-brick wall

Staircase construction

Opening in walls

Opening in walls

Opening in walls [Windows]

Basic Functions of a Glass Window Serve to let light (natural light) into the building. It could allow air (natural ventilation) into a dwelling space. They also tend to open up the space and make it feel less confining or closed-in. Provide views to surrounding area.

A Typical window sill details in Load Bearing [Single Wall] Construction

A Typical window sill details in Reinforced Concrete [RC] Frame Construction

Opening in walls [Lintels]


Opening in walls [Doors]

Opening in walls [Doors]


Opening in walls [Doors]

Arch Construction

Rough Arch

Axed Arch

Flat or Chamber Arch

Flat or Chamber Arch

Gauged Arch

Axed Arch

Rough Arch

Rough Arch ?

Internal Finishes [Plastering]

Material for Plastering Used in Building Construction. [1]. Materials used to produce plaster. cement, lime and sand  [2]. The common mixing ratio for plaster 1 cement: 1 lime : 56 sand (for general use)

Internal Finishes [Painting]

Roof Construction [Pitched Roof]

Felt + timber roof battens

Pitched roof construction

Case Study [2]

Building [Construction Drawing] Loadbearing Single Wall Construction

A Typical PLAN LAYOUT in Load Bearing [Single Wall] Construction

Section A-A Load Bearing [Single Wall] Construction


Key To Details Load Bearing [Single Wall] Construction

A Typical DETAILS [at ‘F’] in Load Bearing [Single Wall] Construction

A Typical DETAILS [at ‘E’] in Load Bearing [Single Wall] Construction

Key To Details Load Bearing [Single Wall] Construction

A Typical WALL DETAILS [at ‘C’] in Load Bearing [Single Wall] Construction

A Typical WINDOW DETAILS [at ‘B’] in Load Bearing [Single Wall] Construction


Key To Details Load Bearing [Single Wall] Construction

A Typical WINDOW DETAILS [at ‘G’] in Load Bearing [Single Wall] Construction

A Typical DOOR DETAILS [at ‘C’] in Load Bearing [Single Wall] Construction

The End

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